itioe b forct1 u of a hakirln ilriimu mak i dlitr button of brtlfl j and- hioifqntnty the tiotr nreceai- wl lorl pnttnlirior n torrv merchant which hitv nreirasfd plundering but were prevented hj thi military anj fue private letlera tilt ihlt lbr hat txn rioi in konmni t rl alee in erer tut lcitmcrilr dirrclcl aeinl fwljrn earn deilar the rioier were btlftawlfthtof ejttrwuh home of t1ones tr u wamtaaieeu and in leitmeriu 4 ar-e- otthlor in corn had both his a cut ojt s- yanjt houc murt shops teen plunjrrej at iv on on ihakhii nil and many cat laden wtn torn nd flour cunriderame cxcit- sit prevail in nottiaiham in enjrjanil ire luoie coilributiorn hove been levied off wrl baker and provision dealers tbe jpenl lion of enropo it the pope he aa rnakin more convert to liberation than hiayrcdeceatot hate maje to the fw ah iter centnrie back he ha established a kind of seprtmnutive body composed of drletates from the dirtrrenl provinces who are m ewedin rome at tated neriodiiand ditcu with hii holiness artiti of stole the ats r has jriven iinhnnnded hope to the people who raped lo find in ihemtre of st peter another and better rirnxia tn tnbune of the ptord auttrta fonnwon hi proceeding but mm yet darn not interfere i perioral affair are aenint a roetej deeded and lrnonil aspect bnlih media- lion hu affected n arranernvnl hrtwrmi li- lufenand tit ty w wwtftll after abalue had been fanchu in which the litter had brtn fvoftjtd the forthcf liave no very strong point for fihij r and 1 aalitfied with a very moderate quantity ol rnililary glory- fooqorenof spain and herhnsbandrenn tiakimf term cain anj even persuade tnamselvc to ride ont togethera they were ftbuning from the prado a few evening nce todelouoiis took place in the vicinity of the ciwton hoiu whether they po- crded from wouldv ittim of rovallyoe fratn bovf with powder- cracker vra gnaer- iained the minbursftrr proper inveuita- lie concloded in faeoe of the utter auimiie which ieew the aool reasonable a bomherof pfieateibnderencorpnralrhj flewrrrj from thr eofflijh gnart fot the r- jxajr of tjoinn lo mexico and taking a1iarin rth pahlkcinortw there we doubt ifslr- polk will fotimh them a pw to kht fcity of mexico nr tin to hi friend and eo worker antonio lopcde snu anna y prom imlan9 thf aeconnt are onfonn imdly no better the mortality frnm aick- nvti pmducrd by famirif awful smlffllpf hih iflbrded x partial atteviation we t fiction fotlown- frofti one of oxret change t tt aecoil fron ireland are eery awful a dabhncoptpondnlof the momln-chrom- cj tt there hi e been farther lumultija ry in-reejin- am j protection of the peaaniryi in earmi rats of the coonlry and the fnili- smd police have been in requisition to ihbafftrit of infwisnaiion in rheck itie rennrt of th- pro of ptilenee ae miteduherieninr and notwithstanding ll tje imporbaorfoodam ht immense eatent of itlief in ooj and money erirat destitution jli nrevaitt ard tbe markets are adeancini ali accoontaconeur in showing that ihemor- tirry iaatllt very cntmtnmti aceordine to oe itantrtonf the ppnlaiion ha already 1 diminished to th extent of nearly one mtjipon from deaths and emigration rit i ahould stippoe that thts rtimaie tr which them canoe nothing like certain or accurate uau b neatly eiiayeratrd the ketey emin ay the catho lic clerr oflhi annuity have been obliged 1o stipend tbtr ojual monthly cnt fere nee in conaeqoenctof their inability to attend o w 1 tn he heavy dotie that devolve on them in wteir reapecfiee parishes in there timet of tajcin and dfblv tht pestilfnr nearly 4 are tmtii to iooic nartf of uter at in p of the toulurn n wrslcm dmrieb in the onrlbet co- of fermanagh the mortali ty it fiiariletijl thr cork etatnifter contain lblt of the rmvicesof pestilence in vjrion prts of hm wm4 county in the famed itriotof schnlliheexienjivererief aftofjftj hacaocd aome aueviation and the mortality riadrcreatina it the tnrk wotkhoue the death hit week were 95 an increase of 12 wf the peweding week t trie iriib innndalron upoi liveipool ii ex- cttlnr no tittle aajtation in that city is the that great apostle of reform fftthur mai thewt ia likely lo bo appointed buhop of cork a portion demanded by hi atenu i r- aervicea mark gts llvtr my 19 the imrnr ib i m rf grin li twr rmv ami ihrniivrfitrloaf neat f fwwmm beoom nwe d tno fe and high prert wro poriiy a ultaf and iteftrum odvftie hit lkm paev in lb vatijanf boulvftf n- well in r- rtify uat mmnyof ihenrrciitftefil fri wlln hittfafcfiht thefttriha iero im ll j r- rur i f p- j n hlv kn4nin ioeirw 3 lo ifjt htfrit nnd tho dotjlii fenetauv tmeiuiiard trhciue enntifhwli mch iib fin fitroin c4iitfkh to mk op frf the hnr tftcifney kwn wn the rav- if tin lk ad vance and we mit adroit that the ewlvm ftf theitplr fnvillieiruirra rapid diminntittn nf llteetvckt in tho rimie at lied jtttnl mtri imcpand hit prneral tfrtc f the p4esl frrtm qbrnad hft0 allrdcd atiipl c peehcnei avwal uml hnwat aava reaehrd a hth a nl i- pt it bevnu lite c4h if lha pfr cnm- a r tcj ittuii ttoa niuk ifcafcfcae ftfrm iuit tliiamayprhinf be the litre of tlfiytftf any rtfllml ihomi le 1 1 id the vle on ihe 4h itl we qrd c i i wbr4it ii oj wnt k llf3jjlti 11 lnlot siu ml iu 3 li iu 64 white an iltvfcd 3 1 3d vaeler dr ti wld rn4iw cir tilwit i3t fjfj i4et whieoe mv9 1hi cmld claire rj 13 j j 3 4 wtike ov u 3d 4 ni 4j injun i uf n waa wfvtth 50a ft l on the 4th mt vterdy it bfuocht k v lcr duller of 40 lb on the dih inw we r ir i i vv tweet klkr m a st 41a in buojtmlciifearflat 3 0 alt u our q llay ahow a te nf gj 3 o fie n on die frirnnar and 6 d s cil vi the iiit- the vcm aeranni frm ilia omit- fiental j tht much teaieily pevail innecral part imi at ltk nbvteation wanpenrd mpi urfo iff were expected m cwne dnro tlie rivmiwi veryaltirt time wtirrrbe ttc wania f poyif of ibnaaj eetaniriea wvutd nnt wy b iff t ihii am nunterrtya nrj mtld hr tttn iheai kin- arpnet fnii 8myhw daim 30ilt oil inentee tkal gn nj ftitlkf deetiued in ftfhi od aitat the ace ulit fem ise adjivt laealitia on the ljici tlkervowrredeeidelly of a nature sre-iilt- alljy fa anaieey wile the eittet nijc of te ajuaniiir nvatlaua f pteaenl oeeetaitea t r i rl peetiuuc tctuvna birth ot saiiri mra vvwhht tseatrb royai- rl i i ivtea 3- jd pcrteket wl ilkj jc hon roffkices pi i i4 ptivata school books just hrrfivkd at the athemeuu book store j ebculim caledonia spring u caaia house f mnee ha tl elraarenf thai irf m latmei an tfemfni r ne nlilt etly wtli the ceewjifd tragedian mr a a adams vttn will iiiva th baww nf tnakin hi- nl ap- uoaneii in kinfatmi rliie keenin a kiriaive a ehntirr in wlvcli lr aueji mmeaami and if ittch he lina dmwn fmwkj hif- hi uieprinet el tvtifj of crral llfiiaiii end tno untied static ro lefwea f iha parv tnnediaa mr w jones whi trill prffiifmi hit f ieittr litrln vveivt injive tiuo hmirlf n 1 nh krtvfit tin pnntyi wnl afectivr en ihao ever rlgtmvd itiktimt this rvrnitiffi june s wjj hr lrf j s kktr dy n tre ae etit1rl virg i n i us or the homan father walk- 1 iiiv pi liowtinitti knifland i- to ito jit ilo liiccce may all r h17 a card thi thb sulwritier in hei ntriaimii fikthr vtrv iitl armti- ae ho prmitvl ijnein itic pri erlui airi ptver bftfa i loloein hie ptihic thai the canada houeunn opened by mm for tho fcrcptmn ol vititora anj ho nnit icapccifiilly xohtia a cnnhnuarco of their it1niwiga me ttaauiei iktn that he ivill up a re no pain auction of unds flute mkafimk viliiahle property in tle western district wn be wteied jot 3ile hy t i aneiion at chatham canada west on tiaturduy 2fia une township of romncy wmmet arfaobhfrtt tn ajj to their rvinfort licuuh anj urea lion since tho clc of r c mi a a a lilma ljciiii leilkua bfftmert ike otvrfw ay far orcarjfa malle atbeutine w til ini aprf in rr rrtrwirfl m john cxeer co mil reiteetfnlly bee tn teiuler llieir heihfeli ih n tl sir richard arm troti i m dnlttn iitl uarrall cant kooellan i- vnrinn orgcerand men under their ro- f tftr mvaliiole terrier remenj n i heir j w an j unnunt a by ffr it em liriae a t4ai or j- ntlh tetefaiai laereul colt datton utru major sintoaia who wre oi he m liizfi mna vjloibly for neaily f sour i1h irati maion ihn hou ond vrountlt hnvo unjeritrinc m prove lot t it 4 if tl ii ri 13 m 13 in 11 it 44 tt u caaii ii ic ii tt tt it at 900 2w tfifl sod 2on aeret fto dv do do virhl gos canada express p0fl ik- ifaiapotfniott of steof r ftatf kotos 1 smau packatm vviih i j uripauh m ke traaaatob of urttflll 1i lipnart jufari uostrhalt kjsgstjs toaoxto hamilton and buffalo larinjf 51ottieal evry frifmy hqh- kiac ami ihrtn at the utr unfortunate fir tmiit aotj vrithoail vvhoie poeer- iieain exrli an immense riferiy uvultftuve been oetroyej he anot hnirwihlc to tnrlien- wfe inkt ji rltect the tnieiie yet inev ctnolhul think uolutirtaha comoct can never jirncl 1w7 a card the late fifte the mwffiftj it a liatf the quigtiiva of r dc dcmrnjh jnnf the f t kinfhian with tho naiirenf the ujii- thuac marco tbua rreeeintnreh jmti fnu ft bnrreli rnhir ifnchanhop harm orlll diiin renchapnjanat c7s4 ditn riim miietoil a cn 5i0 ditto 0 ek d tlwurracssetliwa a atxker70eflmta i v hfttkaaa goo diitn gillcpc utatl cosm dilk j ileanter js dtt cefca mntfunnlsdiuo j piahe 30oniiin gm 0 379 ditto j rtaman i71 ditto smih a uenno05 dtlo it d y bttriuw 2 ditto- bmnreit v co 500 ditto w pte sl c m0 djltn w p hwtand 700 diut j r4tero 3 ditln purk nd beef j l r i k cv 1 4 ditto srhet lajibeaathari rnoth oti iliti men mtlk hi ii ii ca04 kiri peat koftnnty rtker a- n t- s r teit leae- eabeeta a martaon luohuthela wheat krxt40bmeteonrtt 6ucbani jc on 100 ditto r vh kvenin rnelnpnt li the knaairaal ftree rerc kihraa aaehala will mano war5m4n ashore l or jacks t1is 411- jievs mr wgjinea w fl in tendur oali nnst hearty sanki j ie variant fire coinjianies of in cily fir fc powerful service rclrrt h ftrhjaim clanntaiif fire wriiel occurred 4 otir pemies on moujay 31l fcdl icfwartji ecruonv prided by tie inaancitt- ainoom of pfoferty haj rinafrom wihinar eismilh drraontratei interne of the entfish wv near the iriah cotut fever is mowinf down iu rieliim ri liverpool nowth- grealctt port trttj world it unhappily from ih forotr the principal ncintent of imh destitution and dis eaje aaloundinj aa tbc numbera fxr aaaeo the commtocernent of the present year tiearly 200000 hnman sob have been thrown ihtotut to wo lheiyiiof theaiatercoticitry bt local ujua which cnuit provitle for this ftaornocra amount of wretehednevs have been welled loan ettentthat stocks the nerves rtiiatdanniokyselwebipeel the oldest iahabtunt tho presnyre thos created ojjhi upf obn looal but a national burthen yet the eiceutittv w0 thinv that the liverpool public 005m to pay 1 kid for the advantage of their poaltion decline to interfere the people hvt 4tlen5lbsfined to prevent the maviuwe eoovnptn that most accrae irotn this inmirraton or the poor the oiseisel and the hetolese from ac far west they have intoted ihat the wretched irish panner in stale of disease shall cot be pcmilted to lftd hrinns such are treated veaoeai arriving from foreiiryt ports without a ettan bill of healthy and are subject tt the fluaranline uuv li hut lopp lio nui- aancefora time whether permanently re- fdaina to be aeen- in the meantime fever tmcj eiolentlv- teoiiorary hed have to be srcted indifferent parl of the town in addi tion to the arcommodatioq aftorcted hv the iefulaz fccspitais and aa in all soch eases the eojavdrar and better claes are octaven ail j tho eictims of the disease as well aj the poor ud the expatiated- 1 froral france there is scarcelv anytbinti of importance the president of the court of cassatjon m teste baa been awd and with much appearajice of iruth or havini been briwd while minister of the public worto we eouau the rouowin items of inrclli- neaj 4 it witutel in the chanbera of peera on the 10th inst hy the minister of commerce asd apiculture that the prospects of the next harvest were eiircmrjy promttinc notwithstanding ihvt pnwpeet however ihe marheb continue to rise io different parts of yo the acwuot of an investment hv the em peror of rjistia in the english funds baa pro- doctd a arreal aedsation io plris it has deprived the recent investment in the french funds of ita character of exclusive friendship to the french government the taaam of marseilles of the 8th tutei that the sphinx which arrived vi that port on the precedine day had brought up let fevifrom malaga anroncinsthat the french couaij there rud received intelligence from the spaiuib governor of melliu that abd elkadorbad asain through bulntrrrnedia- eion written to the frcicb covermncnt tn- derioc bia aubmvatien the ehief eeem ef the fortnifht tte celebration of the kinss feledaj which happened on the jal avt the weather beina favorable the emwoor enjoymetls of ilium nations and fireworlcs broabt content to the crowds in thechanps eiyseea and ihe garden at the taulwrka- the x05 was very warmly received on his appearance in the bakooy withqie roya familv frj- 7ht kixostoy buildic soctcryp te first loan meetiue of this admirable in stitution took place last evening at tbe court hoote which was crowded lclcacss five shares of one hundred pounds eah were put np twl the hi jo ui s off hy written battat were severally no 1 45 10 no 2 4gno 3 47 10 no 4 47and no fur tbe money borrowed this first sale hat been unprecedently hifh and show not only tho extreme scarcity of money hut also the total impossibility of borrowing money on real estate excpl at most usurious interest nearly 400 shares in this society have bean subscribe d for juuticn sales commercial mart sale of teas uquobs tobaccos cut gusnvure c on friday 11th june at one oclock will be sold young hrson and twankay teas cavendish and honcydcw tobacco cognac urawly cut decanters tumblers winet cutard and jelly and 1 cates beaver aod silk matt wllxtam ware kingslcn 7th june im7 auction sale of valuable kbai bstatba the subscriber has been author tied to offer the fouowin- valuable properly at auction on tbe premises belonging 10 g brown r architect on thursday 94th june af li oclock tn- pnperly consists of tvro elegant and subftantiat srokc houses sitvatvd in the vicinity of the new cathedral great attention has been paid lo make them bolh cornfoeuble and convenient filled up with leaded rain and well water cisterns hydraulic pitops patent water closets offices in rear all stmie built with cellars they are ar present rented to thr queens culece ntil may lts the properly rs without 1 ill n and ttiie indism table it is seljom so ptood an opjsoruinity occurs of rurcbasig such comfortable hoset cheap- 5 x48 per centum premium or bonutuo houses will besolj separately with their ecavave omee montrevl 3w mav islt ilia eicelkoe the governor oetactal hot been ptaed in i r die hnnntbte peter mecim sprwer of ihe leit1dtive ooneil of the provioee cm 1 1 v ia ihe ninea lfon r r oron nnd alto e membce of her mnjaatys eaccotivc j in and foi the aid protmco- orrtqt or vara cow h ciuncear haemal m june 1647 hit eicehvar the coveenvr general haa heen o4eed to call to uta leflttaueo cwaeil vflbia provinee rooerick maijicton of perth ciqiift stcecvttr ornec montreal itt junelwt htt eicruen the goecrnnr gne4t hat hem pn i nwr 1 1 1 r r chrfetjovcah cliot4rc delar eaqtane to bt clefh of the hnnoemwu i mm f the pmvinocrcariadainfhc place ol junta fnajjit y- 1 aftintt at the briiiih amrntan hotel june sthp l- lyehmf ond daetaer riek eilto a piv benreilloj jwjivhartiii by loieo mrs auchinvotc ttct yeik lohnchattao frauka ganannojue j r- hoadtcrp levi fowler stanley sj budde mvntrenl j s oilman fmhoii mr doacnn mpnirevl h svoevv hamilion rev mr flood cedoni jee lfcnint minuenl s snod toneito jea rtmn mr findur bctatlle iirsn roekvirlo stephen riched tenant tbm milter pwlon mr freeland p rdpaih me iflflsca wetlerkificetnn mr lanetjoebce mr ttrnbvtu belle t ilte at t gen orrt if y- r eji cwbett j e d- bytown 6th mr thoitnv toino j mr pekenbam mr biitkeioy whinftoi mr ke rui more acilnvr montreal m mr bdateatvi bmoktand n y mr howard turooto i campheli mr rbenaua t jhn crown hamilton mr rehnvh mottrvt k t bueih haioilimi t wm kirkland conkten 7th d u sierervtro picton mr vtraer mnif 4 1 j i kurr kneia n ji- mooj bviown j umheit mtteal rev a- madmwsx aaaems johnmiiler jim flare escotuvj geo davidan it jf l 8eely tocoaio rejectwc premises afier which will be ojfcred the adjoining vacant iots wilhiheriijht to use the preent cable adjoin ing this lot is of ihe same limkaenif thai on which the h are situate tbe terrrn and further particulars can be obtained on application to the subscriber aod at the il william ware a wrioiiecn kingston 6lh june is17 arrivals til d 1 silli xoliuil dole i june jv mbbard whito half vt tlwojaa fidq new york t writon duftek slh capt j boater behtille jsmee jhe- rtno cvcteund obto robert brcl brllelu jomea jhnt roehotr mr ainsworiu o mrs- pcrtvn ptentanl bay 6th d firficld patinoce samoel youic hillier p e mr sehermerrwrn albany w fdd new yrk strayed about 10 days sinee a lose sited reojish brown mullev cow wiui wuitc face lesaid tail in ood con dition andhavinga blrmisb on the pupil of hee rijht eye any person bringing her to the subscriber uriu be snitahly rewardetl geo houghton m4 m fopo rfaur strut si s 8tb june j8i7 ci freehold property for sale will be solo by auction on the pre mies on thursday the 17th inst all those tuaee dwelling houses 4 lot sitnaterl al the upper ed and north side oi cottorne sfreef adjoining the residence of mr hue hok the phierty eomprites three dwejiinjs novr 10 full rent with garden to each t and to one house tbare is a o- brick oven and now in full operation and jeuod con dition and brinipnt the annual reat of thirty pounds each bouse containing four jjood sited rooms and to be disposed of on most reason able terns a follows one tjuarler down and the balance 1116 12 and 18 mouths wilb interest for further rsarticularsvipply to the proprie tor mr john harvey princes strerlorto james linton the prvpvrty i now instired for w and the purchaser will have the beneit thereof an indisputable title will he rjivrn sale al 12 oclock precisely kingston june s lfc47 valuable lands for sale belonging lotlw bsstatc rf the late artciiimlt mcnbill eacjgire latal no 40 and tliu eaat haif n lri no 39 corcctiik a ur broken vuril of tlnj township uif tyendintieit- the victoria district contuunn 40 acroa land tlie aitunuori of the above perm on which there- is a laric improve mentia iruvt jeiinbtcaiiuaovanlaserijs being on the main ro lemlinq frun kiiigmun tit toronto on ilio slniro uf the bay of quinte svhiimi 0 mi its of ifcf chureb on the miihaivk tiiet a few yarja from the steamboat laniling icniwn as culbcrteeir uharf nntl wahin six miles of tu flutifisliirij vil lage if napnnci t there ta on ihe cmi a valuable mill site 70 acres of the went pan nf let no l4ln the utri cinceastim f kun gerfurd victoria dnttnct- tho weel half nf lest kofie in ihe 9ih concession nf the townip of ma- doc victoria district cuniairiin 100 acres the east half of u1n0 7 in the 3ih conteasinn of the township of lofoorr in tho midland district containing 100 acre apply fif bv letter posinatl to samuel cjark thomas downby or esecuton john ap macd0nald napaoee june 7 is 463m hy wliojc luary been av ve mi a jutliee in ih victoria company and therr elaine say ihatbeiir ervices mjfl tliein it was iuiosiible to ivnder srj d old no 1 was not behind wtj al- l j coinnany who wocked lfc i hlwra t the ntlemenand inhabitanlsxcnerally whose rrv crilons loincr o muchao we tenor u rtf1fc ldfnnnd thanks john if greer o co kisuara4th june 1s17- notice notkitiistandinc tbe partial dej- i f our fnrwardinjc rrernise by ate we 1 announce lo our numerous correspovuti that ro interruption to our business u l plate our craft are all in aclifeifatiui aij vc have made stih hrrantjens- in the port as will euabe us to receive t depatch to our up and down frefcht- we hov already commrnccd tbe erection of aspaeov block of fire proof building which veil be indyfor the fall busmen these wiii j increased number of firslcja baree iviv huildini when added lo our powerful ic line will enable us to do bus te in 4te exjadilious manner john h greer co kinjswa tth june 1847 irr rnanv importnnt alicratnn an merit- whirh it j hoped tjrill adj cmnfurt and convenience f vilira the dining room lias been cnnonjerabiy enlarged and the bar removed frjra the hiuc the subscriber ia happy u ute thai mis imcnrtay whme ttrtciftiifi 10 vlmiunc is u well known will atill remain it tho springs the calclmiin spnhgs preeettt ibe jei ajvaaiaia f a variety of mouiemnl waierj acbftuiv1jgil hy ihe jiwi emi nent if the parutty 10 lc each flhtnr kind unrivalled u their tfisacj lor ihe cure o iheaet invintinr qvaitiet the salt and sulphur baths oraj in full njf ration from the ue f which tljc omki exrraordmary bonefih hove been derived the btayei svill loave montreal every morning iinday excepted nnd arrive at tte spring in tlit nventni the uharst nf the canaih houeewill he the aamo as ut war namely kt ihe mnih 6 q n by the week 1 ii 0 by la ujy 0 g h clifton may 27 1s7 auction sales commercial sale rooms ox thuruav ihe 10ih jie taiunt nt use 0coek m iho alweiilwea wllttf at auriioii the fwlsrui ftu gi 4 u mutcvvjdu sopr id birrfls dittv ditto 75 itaif chet f aoifte t olf and ywuotj lttn tjaike soucbn anj coiuu 10 btcttirienfrtee 5 itals fresh 8mtcrt 4iitn 140 bfiea mlaca heh lumna c3 baeaund tff von fine umtjm aod coverdih twaairaj ta 5 o ud 1c- 10 jr meeibovnurt iippxcs irincine and invaa cier 20 becca loodon starch 13 t av9ftci piektes and oyttcraod tepper rtaeeci 40 muiie cturi 100 doa fluked ltd pui tembieta 1m0 luims wroppihj paper rlrtctenl kinds and aixei 20 hf ulfea7iacoinan3lreetgits uemy o tvtiin mamui bed cords own bootnt allipiec aa tuodrj otlier articles rum gin om drtndie in llbd and qr i p tetim libeml oijphavt t watt- 4th june im 45 township op harwich lots nov 14 15 16 17 fc ift ht cnn e b line lake erie poiul aut pint 1000 aeies- lounos i41imt- isintheodcon of do do do 10u0 acres the above property inoit advanlarcuslv sitnated ant well timbered the irt n koanney at wtrictl there are very rat pitta jfnve ar- bordenn the ihore of lake kne tne lu in harwich te on it iwnd au lake erie cloe totbe orl llatborand rotd to chiiiham tlie land is nl the fi quality bna mnter very supeiinr cnsiuinf bacv walnul maple fa- steam milb are ahnl to be elected on or war tbe property tertn mjtji which will bo mitfc klown at sale- james walus feteiboio c w 31st uy islt toronto eery tuebim v virgil co 13 ft potj strut jonrtf k- beexman mm wreef zwotilos w ware unds for sale tii e follnwine land sitnatad in the moil hon ri vine and fertile parts of canada west are offered for ale vu very advanta geous terrfts ionhon district 1 township of yarmouth south la st 3j cn 100 acres south lorchestkr s i lot 14 iu 1st concession n- l 13 id l 21 m 2d mfcls 3d 15 4th 19 6th talbot wst1uct f two huinired agfies df land for sale near poil sarnia olt sa le in the tcnvnthipof plymp wn wsiern distri l hundred aeao m lanil fontinj on the lake shore he- lou nkc3 4 u so a ere of which are tinder a state of culli- vaiiun there it an excellent mill sue on said lod and letng nell watered would ue a great jutefocot iu any persvo wtsiftg in buy frr furtir particulara aprdv at tbu office or 10 the suliaeriljer on hc premiaea george cairns- pympioo v p may 28 1817- tlie biptiili coaitf ud lntn tunc lo give thenhitjehireoinerinri attdchrfe isiolu- at napanee ft h it it tt ft ft lol ft lot li 19 20 18 windham n7th concession 7ih 13tb harwich in 4th concession warwick- 13 in 1st con s road 14 54h con s road niagaiiv district calfttor lois 20 21 and 2 in the 4ui con ukantham lot no 4 in the 1st conenicm colboknk district fbnblok uis s i3 14 5 1 in 4lh corcco 13lr isfc 3tb ii l2lsk266th 17 15 24 i5 25 7th 13 h 2131 ftatwtt verulam- i lott 19 3fi 29 ii iu 2d concetf 3 rrv n is 1 u u ft si ft sic ft 2s ii i2 c 3t 3 4th 6th 9b as ft n l si li h r a i 1 a 111 in till i si gcnernmgxt notice 8 eale reived bytown cw nti the 13th dayof jun i tknuuus will ht 10 ulfico nonnon sacurday for the uiirl-jr- alihe 1 i mentioned orka agreeahly to the peciscntiorrs c to bt hmv at i rnyal engioei officoa at bytuvn a kingston x taking dout the masonry of rhc sill and brtttttpb of four iacus and ttainz tlwm wi cut slqw ptut- fmm jttl adtafefajd in snwaiij ft kingston wma and brewers upper mitts rifcuu canul the tondrr to ataro the aum in cm- rencvi for tfo w at nach gf tho staitoos two rspnaible peraoun will ho re quired aastitt f- the due fulfifrviic of tho oortfact whnsjti real signaturca dtust ba artvpoerl to tho tetnlir paymentw made by ordnanco draft on thrcomrnuanriat cheat at by- town n sftscie dollar at s irl our- rncyeacrv f ratile noiea at 2 4d currency x sierkne al the option of the comnsaariit occer penooaiaiatroupiuf tendeiins for the above snrsupo- will apply at the cnm- miaaariat ofice at bytown or kingston fir a form rt tender nn the gnvnlopo f vrhich ntiit be written tender for ntho ae may le commiaiofiat rijtrau canal gyurwncw2d j 1s47 c government sale- on thursday the 10th june next at 1 1 oclock will fvsotfi hy puhhc auction at the ordnance sard poial henry pthitirejy eithuut any reserve a lare quantity of settlers tools consist m i as follows s33 carpenierv broad axes uuhvej 500 piiehfoeks do garden hoe do gfl brush hook do 76 reaping jo 500 carpenters draw knives 1486 maitoclta or pick aaes 20u ganlm rakes iron 500 hand saw 400 scythes with sneads 350 rat stone 300 litih do m c a samptt- of each ailiclrcii he seen at tbe citysaje rooms market building lime pievioui to the sttr james linton iecajjf tone r may 2slh 1s47 large rooms to let fo exhibition lectures ba- ittara or any other purposca the rooms are opposite tftcwarla taveio ontario street apply to walter ealbs kinraton atlt june 1847 45lt u i dourh- lot i in 9th cenceoon broken lof 0 10th do dummer uftse half lot 149th co 28 loth j itj5 town plot wlvdsor fowmiiiro wkitbv if esse draraicr paitorlvisinbhkk i uts 7 10 6c 12 3 lh 15691013 161704 l 17 oj r for further particulars apply if by letter post paid to jame wallfs t peterboro c v govkrness wanted tanted in a reapccame english family in the cijnl a young iaf h inotruct unci takv charge nf futir nr five young children an j iu asaiat eitli the needle work respecuhje references wilt txi required apply to the editor of ibia paper fur further partlcutara w e trustee of the mill re serve at the village of napa- nee midfoot dftrictere now prepared to receive application for lea mn iho watkr power and tho mill sitss in lo canal rpntbtlf ronmroctcd m iho keaerre ibr any peiiixl not to exceed ivcnyune year the uwer to ha afrded hy tho canal which is hoc fcct hnij 3v feet wide anj to contain 4 feet watarj inesliroalecla equal tc itrrljj runs of atone of 1500 iiiebes of vtfatrr winch will be dividej into 1st and liir ctaa privilege tli height of fall fron the aurfsco of the canal to the kivftritj 3l fret and tho teneab of the lube iveeti tho canal end tho river t average about 150 fettft the napanct river ia navigable from the bay nf quime for vesaol drawing aix feet vetcr op to the lower end of tho canal end iho distance of tbe village bona kingaton mieia tmavelled over the beat maoadarntatid ya io upper c- uad application will also 10 toceiaed from pertun willing to loaeo tl4 boildtna of the new mill and ktor houee oow eteting at the foot of tho canal end put 11 tho machiuery tbe building ui of the mnt anhjuntitl deactipiiori and arc together 45 x 30 feot and utnriea 1ngi veasels can load their cargo a aiungsido tne storehouao the building ore lobe buuhed hy the 1tth f sepomoor next ready for the coai chinory for further partieolais apply if by letter poatpidio the undoralgned ai fbarci m uicu kingaton may 15 j3j7 valuabix mill muvilbge aattj steam saw mlll for sale will ho anld at mr liatoov auction rooto kingaton 01 saturday the 19tbday of june near i not meviooaly disposed of at pnau lc that valuable saw mil- 100 x 30 pret with e very tvptnur steam in 0 30 aor fewer f and about thirteen acre of lend at tached or which a dwuluxc houtei erected irelng pi re of lot no 5 in the 1 at comceeaion of the towaahip of fos the eogtno u in excellent order gangof aawa in one galc may 26 ls7 43tf a ll penont ordnance notice sealffr tenders in triplicate ad dreacd vi tlie itapcctivc olficrr of ord nance will i rrceiveil at tlm office until tuesday rhe 15th instant from iicrsofti dc tiroi of einrin into contracts for rmptrms the barrack privies and ash pits in this garttmn or tbe period from 11 tune 1s47 to 31c may the ratr 4r taa privy and ah pit in halifax ctorency tmtst lie prcn in riures and in wot 4s al cniftb two re vih- sureties for the due per formance nf the tcrnu of the contract will be recrfj turthcr particular mav he obtained on ap plication at the barrack alalei 3c 1onl uaerackt orrirr oaonscr ktnftinn nth june 1ai7 the ftnelf ry 4rgv to copy for sale or to let a arab pram6 house situated st inihe eicinityef thetown near the i artiiifiy barracks on the montreal road tfte lloute i a very cooeeiitent one evutaininx eight rooms possession giveo immedialrff apuy at triuoffite to mrs korxall wetibtgto sfrcef kinplon j s 1s17 4tf notice indebted to the estate of the late akcieirat d mcnelt eftl- tf nanance will please settle their accounts im mediately cither with one of the undersigned or mr michael mccabe of nananee and all thoc haein claims ajtauut ibe estate will vrestnt them with proper voucherstothe same parties orone one of tbem samuel clarrl thomas downey j rxeculors john a macdonald dale 29th may 1bi7 3m notice riiilp subscriber having taken ool liceiue u an auctioneer take una method f informing ht pltmll and the public that ha will be rnott happy to aitmd all call io that line and they may be assured of strict attention to all ooters and utnctualitv in handing orer the proceeds of iiale- entrusted to him all orders left at the oucc cf mr hugh t caldrr enrnar of ontario and brock slreeti will be th4nv1ully received and ponctaally attended to john p- clute tiefrortorr kington 1st june 1847 if m notice tobentporatefutop yedrs a farm of 200 acres of arable land with an island in the river st lawrence und oy reasona ble qnoouty of wood land at tached the land iajn good callitatiw and tlie bnildins in gootlorder the farm join the tuwn of ganno- que and is knoyn a the gananoque cheese farm also for sale ob to rent a fara op m0 aoftee op land situated on the st lavrrence one and a half mieeatof ganannejiae 100 acre eleans and in jnnd cnltivation veith good farm bondnp t posacmvun of both given lt march ises foe further particntar apply if bv letter riot paid j to tho atibacrtcer on the apol u lewis macoonald gannnoque mey24 1847 ira wanted vyqung m an a clerk to a retail grtsery store unoxceptianahle referencca ivill be required apply at thia oqco may h i87 house to let li to be let with immediate jifflp ln n pami- p y keidtnce in queen strunt with expensive garden and orchard now oceupiej by d macintosh r a also to be let that large and comrootlioue siooe ilouae in queen street ncr the nttw church lawly occupied by the sub ecriber apply to kington t a corbett june k 1917 babberreotype portraits upont large or shall plate rpaken at all nours of the day wbicr l accuracy of delineation and her finish cannot he surpassed prattr lockets u order f jttfutfon coitrry of or cornet ofprinceu and soger vf reef n- b the most apfrtoesrii appara with instractions fomisbed upon t reason h le terma- fc callenr prr may 19 1847 n o t 1 c e the undereigned be hi friend and the p brother mr john gauar iwl nf april last admi in the business earriet it i that the e bricdnuouexl under cif jsgnorfiir lc svnka miu ma12 1w7 unti will drive and a single aaw in tbe otter torilfttp- bing a i ha aufloiedt eatr pflwor for one ivn rf sloriea fur a grifi si all and for a carding machine it iuirrj lumber it easily procured in the imme diate vicinity and tho ailtfatttin ia nnly 12 oileafrom the city of kingaton in a well set i led part of the coajturj a esnal title will bo furnished and rtaaonable term o saje otwej tbt ft enporiy offer strong inducer en hs fwrr lovesrtneot lo arrchmlt nod cipiiyiaii evnrj infornnuin will lo givouful tlie premisca bown by mr 1jiwtuvcu kkchhu on tho premise panic- lar wit alao bofuraiahed by fcakct m ktxu f barrister sale at 12 oclock noon kingaton m l8j7 to let amd immediate posses the shop and ins one of tbe h nes in kaant- mr henry r lambton tvr m