Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), May 25, 1847, p. 1

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the british whig ami mm mil uvrttkkb 1im h1um whst rrintkll u hi is ii id semiweekly ivt thdi a irliluy by edward john barker m d in itatsireetuextdrtotne limit ihuu terms imps ftasmn pim nmtum a i aliuwils an allowance uf five shilling i if ptid to advance i no ppsr dikmlllhwtfl uutilerrcaragcs ao ii j ipunle at the option of ihc publisher advertisements si lines and under s so fd first insertion misj t cucli sutanujeni insertion aixlincatnon iinreu4dnrt insertion nd lud each anuscquciil insertion ahovc ten lines 4duertino for the first iftottlfml aid id or ins or each tnhscniinl tnacrimn advertise minis widiont spuciftc dirnlinris which ought in km in writing a inserted until forbid and eh ired c i- lj ordcra for discontinuing advcriise- twoftlttobc given to the publisher n left in writing 1 itieulficc the british wi1k bcinr a journal f the largest canadian cucultion no discount v- 1 j i j on advertisements on an pretext and general advertiser for canada west vol- xvi kingston canada tuesday may 25 1847 no 42 to let and possession given be 1st ilny of may next two mwsstory sionc dwelling ejffl siluolcd corner of rarrie and wel- ull ijnrtofl sired and immediiiey adjoining quoenn college tlir i n- are eacli nf alike dimensions well fminhed wilh spacious aparlmenln arranged fur ciiinfurl and convenience the kitchens i whatsoever mamj in fear of each taitldin with servnnu qrttursforlie drifts vht will be received by roostof the pimieriuihc linked province chambers on top distinct from tbcdwel and mnnioahnrfcdlotbcii will be credited aa ifjing in the interior isa pid loiho publisher well of choice spring water all letters ekojt from a genial to bo postpaid j a mcdowall furri e r ov hatter brock street kingston ur made iff to order on the shortest notice fun of every description bought and sold- ross dodd military tailor at ft iadies habit maker princes street tfour good journeymen tailor iranfed wtnoden tailor c orrojitr mk william wilsons wellington street au work in fail line executed with ntatnew and dispatch matthew dttinnioxd grocer winesc spirit merchaul iteltlmoton nriidirvus nexl to mr if rriffonf f b kaylero coach builders vfl carriage makers rjls-i- itiicct sxnfcston i which fnrrmhcs an abundant supply throughout he ilrtm season and oar jrangedaslo accommodate each tenement separately the outer buildings are of stone and furnish eat h dwelling with stabling for one pair of hones carriage house hoy loft c etc the yard to each u properly enclosed n as to form a distinct privilege term made known on application to the proorietor jamrs morton kingston brewer and distillery 3rd april 1847 34 queens college school mr w a ross wiil re open queens college school on monday 23rd may and it it earnestly requested that parent and guard iand will loose no lime in cn nupilfl in thij inmilution although originally founded chiefly for the purpose of pre paring candidate for admission into queens college instruction will be given to all who desire it in the usual branches ofan englitfh commercial and malheaiati cal as well as classical education a cteu will be formed at the opening of the scfon for the rudiments of the latin lap gu age teejii may be learned from the revd mr m i ii pfjiiripal of the collrg or frmnihe uevd prof romanes or the sard prof vii itobcitt mccokmlck wines shuts tusi bbocebies ie phincksh atftkgt kinosttln naara jfacdovalu a tanpbill fltrrittti if 4hmejj a law rmnceh jt1cet una iton john a mcd alexnieu campbell j j amks mcm illan teacher of music piano fortes tuned 490rcji w4 mmiuan aucrmeer thompson cauky general importingand commission mbrgflants 5 1 iqan st nc ct nkw york a card canadian drawback lav orlando wake commission merchant and tgneral agent ioi water sif i new york owen vanduseni attorney at law solicitor 1kiukeby and bwkblttlyt bzfot strett bttwen british ifhip office end iambton kingston fland scrip bought and sold macdonalds hotel lath itosteji opposite the city baths kingvircct toronto mr ross has been employed in the tvoffc of teaching for some years and some of the most diatinguidhed ludenu at queens college owe to him that previous rraining which has enabled ihem to prose rule their studies at the university with uhi success both from our knowledge of his talents nnil scholarship and fmen the proof we have hod of his eminent ahihlic3 aa a teacher in the young men uiioiti he ha sent to college wc are enabled with the fullest confidence lore rumnmtd him to such pitcau wiferfee hritru thti ailvantogt ul a thoiuugh kju- cation for their children john machar a- m ceouge romanes a m j williamson a m ft kingston april liith 1847 tjie splendid and commodious stfiamer queen victoria c a pt john b e r ry is now performing her daily koine between kingston and the head of the bay of quinte going up one dw and returning ihe next and leaves the wharves kingston upwards every tuesday thursday and satur day n3 oclock a h precisely downwards- will leave belleville for kingston and intermediate places evrrv monday wed nesday and friday at7oclock am the proprietors desirous of offering to the public every accommodation within their power bee to inform the public generally that thry will at the suggestion of the business men of thu bay of quintc run their boat to oswe go on hor arrival at kingston every fittoav mgfit she will return on saturday so as not to inteifore with her regular trips v the above steamboat is fitted with excellent accommodation for passengers and every attention will lie paid to the re ception and delivery of freight kingston april 30 jstt removal saddlery harness warehouse i t in e subters lies leave to return t lurt uhahiiani of kingston a ll vicinity fur tin share of public viironage they have re ceiveiiduritri i residence in brocl street end wiffw infurni their friends of their komov princess street in the shop kiii r wilham ma grocery lately copied as a tin shop where by mrjc mltnllm w business they hope to tiftei a outinuance of that support hi awarded ihem english made saddles bridles morthtis harness trunks will be constainly kept on hand any articles in the business made to order with navw 0l despatch lewis lanpear pj b cae trimming mat- trassei made maiden kinsstnn miy l 1847 manufactures all hmdi and color f printing ink news job and book urns ihr gtnbe and tr milu troy n y trtjfi fcbfoaiy 1 1847 3m et thoabovr ink fur aala mj atttcncum tvk store- ktafirton frb 2 187 for sale i handsome bay mare perfeatly sound and in good condition for particulurt aitply at thiiolgce february 2d 1817 the credilinn rowlands unique preparations patftonag of tl uvocn tiir cprcmi jli majesty h the qubctf ills ft ii pkincc afpbritt thg itoval famjly and noflllitv op great dritaipi at wltl as tilt scvenat sovereigns asd courts of europe attd uluyeasalxy fafipaarp ako cstmkp rowlands macassar oil is celcbuw ihvnibihit the irfd mf iii fenial and nihirrfhin cutdf if for lbc tfumvn hair it i and rxticf air atp il tom lllin ff or tymtbff wht rtttort grtf lfr i neiglml c6r fovs it from imf unh tinidujf nn rcnijra it wft titty turltg uod gtvifj fk cmlnait it t rapciaw room mc a ffinssj ii ii hi- of a httiurirul uciu nr if sia and rnidcfuijj ihc itm or ihc fioornb mettofi hfir1 f a fttrntty baltlmj ajuaj id 4 aaiillj it tj nd diubrc that aizt t sla pcrbmllo to mcara ifrwtanrl and son 10 1 union tffo fjondun gwtnism 1 ndrriij government notice lendersill 1 received at the com mi hah i at office kingston until noon on tuesday the fth june enduing for auti lhc ordnance de- partttam vith 23s0 fed of cedar timlter in pieces of a im square and varying in length fromuo k 20 teel hut none under 10 feet o be delivered by the cunlractor at s own expense within l twenty days frnn he accoptauce f hisl tender being nude known to him either at h m dock yard or at the ordnance yard at point hnry as may be required and id be subject lo inspection and ap proval secuny for the perforuianrc of the service wt be retjuired and a turin of tender obuned at ulifofic note tie above timber to hp supplied in tin rouh so as to square not le than ewveu inches commlsaaatr kingston hay 1 1s47 notick undesigned forbid all person ny one on their account without written orders signed by one of the firm or by mcjawkb j n black h s jones kingston april 20th 1817 33 if whiskey- iff barrels canadian ul whiskey will be sold low for cash only bv wflllam j martin movktt sjuorc kingston 4th may 1817 to be soli a atrong serviceable lower country poney warranted quiet to drive and would be lly useful on a farm price and further particulars gl gen for apply at thi office may 6th is7 37if an apprentice wanted an apprentice to the confec tionary and pastry cook business wanted apply tu ibe subscriber emigration copy of a despatch no 3 from eort grey to the earl of elgin dnwfitngaucet 25lh jnn 1817 my id sine i addrratl to yur lirdlip nur drpatch or docmbor 3tvt i hvc mtlwl mfofioaiton which kad it to anticipate that jn will nol find i prclioftbte lo cirrjr into cffrcl the irtin if ntrnjp jo witljge in the oiinnac i hive lllrro dicfibod l or cmiafiinli i4trcdinc frm ihietuoiy nod ali out hie adnption of any uch mcaiuft whicb 1 ntvef expected m havt anv citpnivo opcrnun j and will prova to be eten leu required than i had iu i for i- r r i- of cmblitig hr jvieatty increawu number of cmi jtantt tjrtt will umbattir artit in lbc diiiuh north american ctorjic in lh eutuing acaton to main tain lhem1cs by their own tododrr from eomnmoicalona wiiich 1hc bmipallae cnniinb- fionera had uy my dircctajn with tome f lbc pob- he rnriicinir poiaciung land in northamcncail appears hal uierxticnceot thoa who conduct the affaira of th v cwnpanict in ihe coloniea it to unfavrablc to the cipcclatiun that etllemerua i crtmpid of eminnis of the poorer claaa rtcntlj arrived from europe ran twaoccccsfultfeauutiahcd in any pirt ot lite bntiah rrotincri that none of i the companies are prrjmfcd to undertake lo carrr any tmrax drtign into ffvct and alt concur in cn- iciatoirij avert decided opinion that the only tiide ay which emigrant libuurere arrifinr in canada cn advantaffouiu be provided for jj by enablmir tlctn toduncrte tbcoraelvee over ihe onan iry wfttrc a demand can be found for their relxir under lheec cireunvitancei at ihe ineaauica which 1 had in contempbtiun deendcd for miccesa upon the coopcraiion of the owner of wild land in the north ahierican provinre and ee it ia not in be dpected thai private ownett will be found to roage in an undertaking which tl cunaidcrcd too luiardoua lay grct public cnmpinte i fear that fiirthe preteni at 1eat luc dein mult le auin- drrned i confeae ihal it ia with exlronte reluetanec i flutmta thi enncluaion at i continue tobaof npinion that very rel advantage woutd mutt from cnablirtf crmranu tn proceed from thie oftajllrj in n ii aawctated lmcllier fk ihe per- poae of ecttling in north america under hie guid ance of rclitfiou teacher if the pratlical difficult lira of donir o could be turmnontrd- much of ihe pi i which mml caer attend the brrokinp nf the lice that bind men t their native coy ni re would piretl to lhoe who coum emufrie m eooi h duhble kinpwn march 30th 1s47 if 1847 jmm 1 847 bay of quinte the steamboat ljrwjbja whl commence hn refitlar tilia on mondy may 10 ivtweep k1031- lon and the hd uf tht bty of quinlo upwards will imtp bmiwops whaif kencttan tray clifwmlc anj k m to opj 1 84 7 new summiilt goods b shaw oftt an imprratwe francis v carey m d suhce3v acc3iich jur g c nbwjiuroiicamoen b9t edward stagey fbom londox merchant tailor oppotitt j d brytt fr coi ping street kingston john blackiston iailmaker and rigger 4 hardys ouildinos ontario street t no m t hunter ship chandler no i hifdyi building kinplon feb 5 1847 i walter balks painter glazier and paper hanger i r i trlet h 1 n c f t o h incomparable black japan ink kahvfactuakd wholes jd hbtai at the athescum book store kingston canada west- for sale lot no 41 in thc4ih con town- ahip of kingston 1c0 acres on hbertl terms- apply to c- stuart kingston 9th jduar 1347 iresh ostrjen seeds ptiol the itucilestbil uuht and warranted good vsraucius roan becu urcoli cauliflower early ymk airj nlher cnbbaret carrol cetory cica cuctim- lei eq plain kail iifne melon of all kinds naklunium onion pursley f d i lio parsnip pofts cayenne popper pomp- kin radish rhubarb or pie plant sate caraway vegetable oyoter spinach snoash tobacco laro ret and lore vcllnw tnrnato turnip itc with a vorietv of mhrr seeds for sale by william j martin marktt square kingston li april 1847 31 sale of real property will br sold by public auction on tuesday ihe 15ilt day cf june next on the premise ihe buowrng valuable yater and bu1ldino lots aitoatelnuse vil lage of portsmouth belonging in the estate of ihe late john mcleotl guilder viz two water lots being no ii 14 in the plan of ihe premises on one nf these is a sub siantial wharf i40x 60 feet hafinga dtfpih of water on three of lis side suffi cient fur inajing vessels ofa large draught the olher which points to the river con tains about an acre of ground and ta well suited fur any works requiring a superior water privilege sixteen village lots fteing n 15 17 192123333841 42 4 45 49 52 53 57 and 58 of the gaul plan on two of the lots are lime kilns at all limes in profitable operation the others contain ihe besl limestone quarries in the province from whence islone is laken and expensively shipped mall the upward ports the premises also abound in good prmgs of water the above properties are most eligibly situated being within about a mile of ihe city of kingston and command a fine view of the hay and river the harbnr is known as the safest on the lakes and a larpr and increasing business is done in ihc village where several yards for ship building two marine railways a steam saw st planing mill a brewery and other works are in successful nperauon a 60r6gt plan of the premises may be een at the office of messrs kikkpatuick buitftowts in whom reference can be made or to either of the undersigned who will point out the premises and furnish intending purchasers with all other neces sary information terms published at the opening of the sale thos masson fea angus mcleod kingston i2lh april 1847 rlity to mto ti effietciof p i eg to iniimiiidiat in advance of their imsmu uil tvthu lot ftftwn ffoaja lhvc jj usual miouiaiions by the st law- km n biw acc4ncri br n jrcfol feve wtout in reneo they have wi day received orl rowlkds- macassakoil 1idib i luve urd mtm v crcry oicahs in pen enrr m hd of hut njain bjt all my chu ffctn4 rinttlaast ontit cvidmftlt a frinid artvirj ihe uv of yell valuahsc hir rrvtrtr 1 cin giwc oo better ntttir ani after utinf a 3 6l book every avrnpton of new head f hair bcfan to alow itrll ip the surprise htith of mi i vid fivv i iji om hdvin another and obtain ttc bcfir ihe whta of which aa lw and bfmbew hmofttimc iwlrai cter man enjoyed and i tfwncailv e commend ihal all whu hve not trkd thitmoat eieejient oil will out fail to do ao j am sua rout nvnt oheovnt kfraot j walker celancl whultj i ire near taunton on the wrapper of oach bottle of ihe oouink article are iheae words io tro linca alt other are sptirfous imitations ftl rowlands kalydor tn oriental balsamic prcpyation ra of unfjtlins rffieacv in ihoeouhty thoifylnp tle ki from oil pmrtce srora rcovcm rtorcftas faefklea t and dicou4tto healing subiiu stwh or itthteo and produeine a httilpfithe9 and tiuprtncy tfcourlttt and an admired faeav and drltauy of ihe hrn- and ncck price 4a 6d and 6s fid pctntlk rowlands ooonto or pearl dentifrice a wiore powasa ron tf ththi enpnundcd of the rlyreai nd inyt ttrhrrehi llfrmnml o tht oriental nerm it eradicate tartar from ihc teeth removes tpia of incipient decay poliahea m f prcaeifra the eaomei impart lie rfiost pure and p9rltikt whitentt and tie twee jrjt andpervmt to the brtath price 2s- 9d per bus important information unprincipled innividti u fin the ake of jpaio- ine a trifie tntrt profit vend the mott spurious compounds under ihc namea of macas- saroil kalynorndodoto aome under the implied aanclton nf royally and the gorernment departtncoli with tioiilar at tempt at deception thrj cipy he fabets arfrcr- f rem eu and frtim9niau tjvbtt it tiling jitttiottt hii pment nf new goods fir this season imported per packet ahip i yorkshire 4 new york and laid down here under the new american drawback i act cfmnnriiihi large anmcnt of fjbritisu and french goods la dunsnble tuscan sc fancy straw boxnpts shawls dresses ribbons plqwers4c kipglon 2slh april st7 prtpiraono arc thai ihc f iheorimali kc monday wednemuyaod fiiday sovixli a m touching at all the oileimejiau port on bet way tip downwards will leave belleville evuy tuesday thurs day ami riauiouj at t vblri al for kinctor toucloni at all the intermediate peril on her way down she will also call ia at platts wharf hay bay every tuesday on her way down and every wednesday on her way up joseph ptatt fit sons may 1m7 kemnalt kingston tin ware manufactory e a chown ukmctbibis of w sheet ibm axil cupper hmres dealers in cuokingand other stovcy bhg leave most respectfully to re- tunilhankntu their numernufi town and country cmtomer f past favors and inform ihem that ihoy bavo removed their establishment to those eligible frcmiftes in princess street lately in the occupation cf mr john bennett neatly opposite the chequered house where they hope by steady attention to bioooeaa io continue tomotii a share of puhlic patronage anil from the capa- crouttoas and many conveniences of their new premises feel confident of giving satisfaction to those who may fdvr them with ibeir oirjvrft from hia late master the here swartz a chown keep constantly nfsasce weiraer with whom he served hand a foil assortment of tin sheet htsappreniicesbip iron i coppku uaua cooking parlor and box stoves which they offer for sale at prices to aim ihe times j and respectfully solicit an pyramids ke creams fruit ices inspection of their stock beforo pur- t and water ices chisinft elsewhere roman punclt chwlotles llussejyc t the highest prico paid in cash together with every other article in hir goods for old brass copper pewter lino in general ue on the continent of curopo ladies ten tables supplied wilh a vdiiety of new and excellent tt john belangbb begs leave respecifolly to return his most srateftjl thanks to his no meioos friends and customers for the support he ha rcnived since bis re- esablishmcnt in bummvt and takes ibis opportunity m inlirm them that he has recently engnged at new york a confectioner patissier mr charles fritz from saxc ccburg who beavi with birn the most flattering testimonials for skill in his profession ihe herr swanz j u therefore is now in a condition to executo ordftrn for every kind of confectionary pirccrf to is uq tire namei and addreak for the rea it i uierertoe iriffclf ord rowlands wrapper of each nroetc the fmvlm aictea are arllh rowlands fuua perfumery soaps buush- fs ate vvc imported nfy by mewa rossln brothers tv toontn cnnadi swill caara suitable fr cnemiaia and pcrfumera on pnrchaan elsewlkre oewore of fraudulent imi tation hi sld seiail by respectable cheraisu and per fumers for sale 100000 asikh dulivercd in jute next evory thiny mado in the best style and funnsned at the shortest noice cm reasonable tetms- may tb 1su 3w lady huftltingdo ns female pills are eatrerncd lha crt fimijy medicine ever obnbtled f public niui- ir and doiof olft ifltvaota five vws thai they 1m vc been in rtily and lead alm laken in exchange princess sireet kingston may i 1 347 notice the public are inlwmetl thai ihe montreal ahd kingston mail line op steamers will commence plying daily from ibis port to dicensnns landiu ni apply to william kingston 1mb may win be f raeaof uenerjt dihtr of ihc ionititulam crcalirij appetite bv airrnthcmnirthe aya j martin market squcre is7 to let the house at present oceir pied by ihe subscriber poses siun given on the first day of may nrxl thomas a corbett kingston march 19 187 23tf uae are veil k- tetkncd many lhu fund of yunj pcc frtn an early rave and never fa ihd materially inlenjtlifl the jileoforery one wlvt occaviinaly fryk u medicine- they wit be ftmrtl policularty effieacioua in in em re- mif einf otwtrueiwuh v rrlwfio thw troubled with urtlbc ftfi rwcus piddincaa paim in ihr head jw and pecu beneficial in eases of uehe and short ea breath by atrcnethening llrcorana nf the i and corrtninjf im pirrd digesiioni cii 0 hy eomplextnn lu lha mort pale and sir cxjnlcnance aad reato nnz il natural u lhal neeulis appear- nc6 so inhmalrly with the eonatiiu tionwifarsof ihe tttfu sf sinldoatybv roietx barker prrjut drock street kmgmi c y p mi u 3d per doi notice on monday the leaving kingston al 7 a m office nt the montreal and kingston maiicompanycrmmerctalwhar kinstun i6th april 1847 until further l9th inatant farm for sale 111hin fom man of kims j ton on tho macadamized road one hnndred acres of land near no 2 toll gate with a stone cottage frame barn frame house orchard and carri 50 acres cleared terms onethird cash the premises to april 20 187 house 40 or apply on wm- ross 3m pany wilh a conuderabte number of their frtenda and relatijna fn the purc4e of founding tn the other ilde of ihe aluntri new tocirtiea competed in irreat pri of the time atcmrnla na thoae to which tbey had prcviwaly rdoncd rvlh pnloi calls and umfelfji eeat benertl would i think rovlt from the ftqin of audi evcieliea aod from llie ubtlitulion of m nxds of ciilemcnl in vilurt for that usually adopted by which lha nnt ncuprert nf ihe wildcrneif are scattered over the turfifc f ihe country removed pbm umm cit ili linj mlmml and deprived of ibtfji foritrliev be ofcukninf ichxtua inrtfuciinn ind ihe meant of education w their ctuldrcn of winch men can nnly live the advantage when cnltec led lojj ether in anewhai enderahta numhera i will rui undiiti tho ik thalherceflrr the j radical diti culiica which hand in ihe wy of carryirif iheae newt mti cttect may be ofcrcomr and that i mena may l diacifvcred nf accamlihiinp tbit nv e tvitetnatre nfouinlitrfi f ihe alill unoccu pied territorrnf h r n 1 olh amerrea it which i nm jrrnidcd tual tlic welfare nf eniiriiitta wnld he bin uttiirrd and tlie proapcritv ol iheae fine pnivmcra wutd bj carried to a far higher point than il can otherwise attain iiti hlwivrfthn enninntlvi u nr kiynakdc lhal i am unahtc lj iwel any inethoil of etteettn what j cniitdcr be ki i luiva therefore ti inform yu hut i d not eipcel yon to act upm the luthucihhh ou info received for the preparation or vitffcif for lite rectptinn erf cnnrana unle4 the fiicihtrce for dtinjr tt afvold hi h v pmvo in be much ireaier lim liny bit- pear m le from he inqutrica which 1 hvahrehod ihe oppnriimiiv nf njfcinj- much a ihit ia to be regretted 1 raajdoi tl in be ira an lhan it other- l wir royld liv been in cflnwqoenre of mv find inc that lha annml krpoilof lha chief affjbl fnr kmicratiofi m qxlec fanrmilted me by itd cathcart in hit daapabaef december 39 which i liavewobin trieac few riiy received joalifieaa very confident hpe tha t numcron a the amiranl of lha approach eaon wilt prrbiblr bo ftp acinut ditlicithy will nfitc in crubliij them in find cnipwiinnil aofticciil for their aupjnrh jt apperi frjrn thia report that allbiwh the ami ftanato thecinada feicfuiveof eafajaj paaen- gea ainjtuntcd in ihe lavt aeaann to 32133 und that the aeceaion 14 the ppuhlion of the pro vince by ihc vcar m igratmn ia ealimited at no i- i lhan 2sxk iicaorir there wai at ihc cham of ihe year biile if any ditirctt amon ttiecmi- eramauntctethc cniequanceof their own fatuity lhat employment waa generally to be prncarettal rriuturierativc waea on prnvitkona and ncceatanei were petoifuu mr hawke the chief agent for canda wtai aiatea that during hit visit in the hratein agencies late in september tam he wji agreeably aurprlcd to find very few cmirnu unemployed nnr does ho apprehend any difficulty in finding weak for a much urealcf number nen yr if the means in caller them are placed al the dipnt4i nf tire amenta for the province ii tleaddy advancirtf in wealth and papulation and it capa ble of auelainmf in comfort slmott any number of laborera provided they can be transported to the plarj where their tervtcet era required- thi minion if confirmed hy mr buchanan the chief agent at quebec and it il a moil material fact in corroboration of it lhal it it well knnvn that very mmy nf tuoie who have emigrated in the btl and aome preceding years tiave been enabled in dn o by tcrrntttricei received from friendanr rttalinnswho hvo sottih beforelhim and who on their arrival in america were aa cnmpwtely detntuie of menns i ihoae whom ihcy are no enabled lo aaaial wilh he stvinge ihcy havemide from their earnings thut allowing how irnat mum be ihe dtmnd and jww ample ihe remuneration tor labur in america upon ihe whole tlc ittformaiion before me leaves upon mj mind a decided cotiviciien tbat all tbul is necesiary u do in order to provide ilic uauatly large cn rraliftfi which may be expected in the prcacnt year it in pcrtetcrc in the yietn which hat now iif r years been acted upon with an much ad vanisce and lo ataitt the rmirants by uoordm ihem infrmainn asm the placet where they may hope to find work furntihln ihem afeo when m i ir v with mcani of rjivcyance in this manncrat entnparativclf email expentetbc whnle of the emieranta who have hitherto reached ihe province have been rrlisfactofily provided for nudby rztcouing the means employed in propnr linn tn the number of emigrants i see no rctaoo j whatever lo doubt ihul a ailmiac retutl may be i hoped fue in ihe rustiinrj season her majralyt gorernmcnl will accordingly i atibmit lo pariismcnl an mcreskd calimate frf thia iervice i need however acarcely remind i yur loidslop thai ihe proposed increaao of the vote by no mcana supercedes ihe ncceaity of lhc nme strict caution which has hitherto been obierted inexledmj aajatihco to emigrants nnd in confining lhal aseisunc to ihc res in which il it really required the agenla for emigration who have up lo this time en efficiently performed the duties trtlgned lolhcmwill i hare nn dnuhl eon i in ue to uan ano will under your lordthipa superinlrndence lae care that white all ncccaary 4hur ia given lo emigranta who tcqie il thai rigid economy of tha public money which is so indispensable ia not ncrtecied yuu wip convey to mr buchanan and to mr ffewlec the eiprcn of my entire appiuoatin of ihe manner in which tboy have carried on this service your lordship will observe th4l in what i have now said i bavo proceeded on the aeaumpbm ibst the emigration of ihe present year will be of lha swot csaraetsr as lhal of former ytars that ij that il will i i rt orperstrfie pfecrfof i t wioioul any dirael asaiatanee frocn her haijsiya covarnmsnt but provided with lha ssaaaw ef emigrating eillfor flora thtr own peaostrcaw ee w lha conintiutiona of ihtir friend nf iheif usset lords or m aome few instances a rjtrrstsaa at mlomi ii ia noi pmpoaod by hev mewre uuvcrnmcnt to attem give mcreaaed acuviiy lo ihe flow of emigration i north ansevica by underlakiijg to provide lor emigrania the naasji of conveyance either graiuilooaly or at a tower rot than that at which they can obtain il ue themwlvea and as 1 am awre that a coolrarj eipceutnin hss been very general entertain both in thia country and in the coloniea and ifcel emigration h the pubhc rott has been rrcoformnd ed aa unc of the moat tfleetlial mearwihateoafd ba made use of for if relief of the dwireaa of ireland 1 think il will be convenient that 1 should startly stale ii your lordship aome of the grounds upon which lho deteiminstion coeoe lo by her majcatys guvernmenl it i iuadcd the first quf ii i which naturallyroae ia corn dering whether it would be advwabla to undertaka ihe cvnveysnce of emigmnis to bnttah korth america at hie public charge was aa lo lbs jt- lont of the task which would tbua havs been thrown upot ihc executive govrrnmenl ii is obvious inn if free passages to cansda were of- frrcd to emiranlt il would noi nnly be difficult but impoaatbk lo confine the boon to those who wunld otherwise be unable to obtain frvm other sources the mesntof emigfjlion a largo propor tion of the wlmlt numbsr of emigiaots coasista of persona nf the laboring slasa who raise law money required for their passage with great drfj- culiy and often by the assistance asorded tbeoi by otlfcrs such assistance aa 1 have already ob served is very frequently given by persons wbo having ihcmcclvc emigrated in firmer yeara remit money which they have earned in america to their friends and relations who are thus coerblcd to hs litem ilia calcuukd that tie uui taneesthus received and cipended in emigration at liverprml alone amounted laetyrar to no itsa a sum than 37000 jf pxtvgca were pmvided a tlic public expense fox alt who desired to emigrate these remittanrs and the sacfifieea now mada r so many person for the purpose of doing ao would cease and a very large portionof thoee who now hy sjri means or ofhrr find thrir own way icroaa the atlantic would have to be conveyed al ibe public cipenft even iliose who now proceed directly to tho united sutes would aeck tb aarrra ultimata dcsiinatton by the route of canada h order to avail themselves of the gratuitous pasmn pfotrded for cmigranis to lha dnyssb coscwie tlcnce a the object of the measure would ba tii st emigration should pmcocd much raster than k now does tl is a very low estimate ef ihe ehixgs which would be thrown upon tlte public to asanora lliat llvo cjoat of conveyaoes fmm this country to america would havetu ba provided far at isaslaa rnatiy persona as now emigrate al their own ex pense but in the laal ten yean nn lessa number than 087000 pcrwns have to smigratcd thw emigration of laat jsar alone having been upwarda of 10000 al prevent ihe emigration itcoct- conductedata very cheap rate the desire so reach america being exceedingly alrnnarrruiny of lho emigrants in order to do an submit to tory great harrlshipe during the voyage indeed an powerful is this feeling lhal were il not for lha requirements of he i a thousandi of emigrsnu would crov lho atlantic in shipstu ofsr cruwdad and insufficiently pruvissoned that a fcarfnl aruounl of discato and death must inevitably acepr if however this ssrvioc wcra ondoruksa by tha giccutise government tha sort of accommoda tiun which is now aubmitled to without a ipurmor would not w endured and a very eupciur and therefore a much more costly conveyance would have to be provided i fiod that if ondartaksn by ihe public the conveyjneoof emigrants 10 que bec could not be catcutsted to cost less than xi for each adult while little more than half lhal sum is neir to lho average charge a n om defnysd by ihe emigrant thonietret nor is ihit alt it to obvious that her llajsjstffw government coum noi convey emigrant tu nuith america without becoming responsible for ihctr not being left rjesli tute when they arrived there under lho existing system of poolaneoui emigration emigrant are owart ihl on their arrival in canada ihcy have onlf ihcmselves lo trust to and that except retivf in the hospital when sick and conveysnes from lha port of debarkation to plaorf where their labor may ho ia ilemand they have no ataistaace to took for from government hrnco thev are lid in make every pottible exertion to maintain ihcro sctveaand the result is lhat a my lrge number of amtgrann annually find ihe mean m do an ftot for irofwripvrtv utev4u rtetifaorxfrfjt partis nccraaary s tl reoannablc to ropvaass thiiauehelforis would he mads by lhatn if uwy wt lhal the government by carrying them to the colony hid incurred a virtual retponibnty tar ihir m jrt a alritjing exsmplr of the inenn vcnkitee arising is nttirdcd by the difficulty which at one lime waa experienced in prevailing upon ctnigroniawhohad hecn conveyed lo new south talea to leave sydney where there waanotsulb ciani demaad tut their bbnr for uie purpose at proceeding lu ihe interior of the colony where cirplok i ii lt i u hve been m in lho simc manner it might be eipectcd thai aw stnstl proportion of those who might bo ablate emigrate to british north america hy basing frre patsage provided foe ihem would for the first winter at ell events have to be maintain al tba puhlic co si this would bs lho more probable u providing for emigrant free pextges to conods would it is to be feared make a great cliangs in lha cbaraa terof ihe emigrant at present it is in generally wilh tne eiccptinn cf thwe aent out by parisaa and unions ihe strong nd lha eqierpriring that emtgrata since these avone will make lha ettorta neeersary for the purpose but if the snoaoa of emigrating were supplied ky lho puklic very ditterant class of emigrants ouuld moke its ap peamnce the most infirm or ihe toast induivrtfoi are those whom their neighbort at home would ba the moat anxious lo put forward to emigrate and of course auch emigrants would bo far tnneo liksfy than thuao who now gnlo canada lo become da ptndml upon chiriir and at lha burthen cosset not possibly be thrown upoi the protiaeul rnnstaa it must fall upon the britian treaaory lo atl thcac charges and to that of tlio lar lishment which wuld be neceaaary to car vast a aysusm nr cmigratum it ii not no o 1 of the czpenoe dirael atrctwu i- an ii z- conducted by tho atata 1 lake it at 10 a head on the wliola emigrants sent out but il is not unwkrly without any asewtance being soixal frorn pubha purse nearly double tho ijurnr ofrtsir- grant of list year will in the approajehing i proceed to north america and as in tha state of ireland lbs offer of free pasaag would increase that number to the very utmost limit car which accomodation could be provided of court greatly enhancing ihe price lhal would havt to bsa paid for iy ihe prohabihly is dial a charge of two millmns or more rniht be thrown upon tba treasury and what ia worse tha system of voluntary emigration which is now working so ntjsfsclurily and upon so largo a scale would be entirely do ranged and mieht not again without gcat diffi culty be restored sudi art ooroo of lho resworn which have induced her majestys ftovetarnaqt to come lo the dctermirjation not to afford any pa cuntsry assistsahae towards lho cunreyancw of emigrants from nit country to the american con tinent i hsve been anxioue to explain ibcsw viawu u your i in order tbal yog might be fully tiware tlml itiey hava not been adopted from ajij doubt uf tha great importance for tho safes of tjnlh lho colonies and ihe mother country of giving every possible encouragement to emigra tion on thecoutrary you will perceive that it it mainly their fear thai emigration might really ba checked and discouraged by an abortive atirmpt to promote ill which hss weighed with her ms jcstvo fvrrnmeni in lho deciebn they havti ooena lo conclusion 1 have only to add that lha reasons i have stated for refuting lo provide frets passacet from this country for emigrants to canada are of no force in considering the qusolioo of giv ing assistance and encouragement to the ulmoat possible extent is the mnst anxious wish of hss mijcstya government lo aft ud and bars to direct attention lu the subject as ope of lha very highet importance 1 have ac grey 1 bight horrorabja lho arl of klgiq eke asva posttsiorjto april 26 her majrwty theltaaailed ycsierdsy wrvjoia view admimj so wilham parker g c r io tho tsgixt twat took nul stores guns u for the uadrocj aaa vjo second clssa boys for tho yico aalniirsj bo distribute ainung tha ahipa her majesty a ateamer geyser want to lbs oeftk coast of scotland yesterday with 800 sarjbj fff teed botjey to bo loudod at obmn

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