Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), May 18, 1847, p. 1

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the british whig amd 08mil idteiltier for canada west- riuntkls publish bd semiweekly ktiri say r r i a a r by en wake john barker m 0 in bogot stret tothf lombten house terms ow pooi fit smuimi f a with anailowaneoof fivcsliilliiigi if paid in idi n nc o nftpupoi discontinued vmhtmmih art paid up uowmi ibo option of the publisher advbrtisfuetfts si line and under be 61 tot httrtini and tjdcach suwwni i ntartion ail lines totcn hoes 3s4dfirat insertion and hid cacti aohacquenl inacrlion above ten inn mi i no for the first insertion and id par lino for each ubequent insertion advertise menu without specific directions which ought in bo in writing arc inserted until kwhid and charged ftmtrdinglft ordcre f rliscominuine advenit mcntfitbeivcnlulhcpubhhcrnrftm writing tithe office thcdlutisl whig bcinc fesfhh largest canadian circulation no discount wiube iwed on advertiaeiucuu on any pretext wbatsoevcr- ordcrslorlh brifria tva willbc received by most of the pi lilimtrt united pioimce snd monies lianitcdlothcui will be credited as if paid to the publisher all letters cscept from agents to be postpaid- j a- mcdowall furrier i hatte r brock stueet kiwgstoh furs made up to order on the shortest notice fur of every description bought a sold ross do db military tailor and ladies habit maker princess street frv foir good uuemjmen tailors xtanted wtnoden tailor c orrositr in wihimi wilsons wellington street all work in his line executed with neatness and dispatch firitisi ttllfo and general advertiser for canada west vol- xvi kingston canada tuesday may 18 1847 no 40 victoria saloon alexander c1colari in respectfully tendering hi thanks 1 hi customers fur the liberal support they have hitherto extended lo him beg to acquaint them iind others that he ha recently muchimproved his establishment ho 2 dirrmci buildlrp market squarc where all kinfi nf refreshment in sea- fctqj pastry wines liqueurs jellies ice creanib water ice rinnan punch c 6ec ii will aj usual be provided ami trusts by his efforts lo please to secure a continuance of public patronage tcr hunches always ready a c being a practical workman is prepared to accommodate families with pastry at the shortest notice and on a- reasonable terms as any other in the trade charlotte russes meringues and oilier delicacies pre pnrcd to order- kington 20th april 1847 32lm matthew drumuoxd croeer viicfc spirit ncreiiai wefmnfiton nrinninoe cwatf to mr w ltum f b- kayler oach builder ad carmagb makers nixcsfl itrbet kixcttos robert mccormick iioliiui nrril i e l e iw tuht 8huw te1s grqcebies if frincr4 stheet kingston nardomabd a cimpwilu nistetstf attorneys ut lt frtnctm strtrt r1k sto hi john a macdhnald alfaanorit camprria james mcmillan teacher of music piano fortes tuned addmcm w httuti accrmkrcit queens college school mr w a ross wiil re open quetns college school on monday 23rd may and it is earnestly requested that parents and guardians will loose no lime in en rolling pupils in this institution although originally founded chiefly for the nurpose of pre paring candidates for admission into queens college instruction will be given to all who desire it in the usual branches of an english cominercml and mathemati cal as well as classical education a class will be formed at the opening of the session for the rudiments of the latin language- terms may be learned from the revd mr machar principal of the college or from the revd prof romanes or the kcvd prof williamson bay 0fquinte 1847 lady huh female pills i an mtromrrf ht h fimi j n g d o n3 further extracts per steamer caledonia the ipipndid ano commodious sieamek queen victoria c a pt john be rry is now performing her daily rome between kingston and the head of the bay of quinte going tip one day and returning the next and leaves the wharves kingston upwards every tuesday thursday and satur day a 8 oclock a m precisely downwards will leave beltivilu for kingston and intermediate places every monday wed nesday and friday at 7 oclock a hi the propritora desiroua of offering to the public every accommodation within their power beto inform the public generally that ihey will at the suggestion of the business men of the bay of quintet run their boat to u w e0on her arrival at kingston every friday night she will return on saturday so as not to interfere with her regular trips ubmiiled w pttwic pt wj dariaf ihf five vtr ok xh ll have retcued many thiu l from on aatty erave in1 lo lengthr ihr life of ery ok ibis mrdieine mlieilarly rffiiaeioii in i- ivc vcrt in ne ire well knivo i imrarbimamceudk or who aaaaama they will be eases of gmcra dva crralin apeiiie by miveiij fibtiror lin with rinlin fits wt rvad ote nrl pecu wie sod shnrtrfrt m v the above steamboat is 6tted with excellent accommodation for passeiigers aird every aitention will be paid to the re ception and delivery of freight kingston april 30 1sv7 j flbe rowlands unique preparations litv of the cftiiiiulmn hi vrnjthiinu ike syvlrm re iviftff relief lo lloe troubled mi ftdcfinr fuiiiiainthe i v i ii in ente uf brfftlh by itrentrieoina in of f the sfl m wiioe in- paired din k ll conpuxn to the mo1 palend cwleea nee and nm rine in iu vilval i nce to intimately c led with tho comlitu- tfioat welfare of the s sold anil br robfe mmi bmfcstrwkioalrt la 3d per hn thompson cakky general importingand commission merchants 5 1 d r o u street nrw vniuu a card canadian d at a w r c k l a w or1ando ware commission merchant ano usneral agent e 105 vatffl 8treet new york owiin vandosen att orney at law solicito ix cu1xcert asd bmsbeptcia crvtyaxccii a 5agot vrr rk british iphig office and lcrnbton house y kingston fyland scrip hougbt and sold macoonalds hotel late stoke opposite the city baths k la taroa t francis v carey m d- suacedm aggqvch2vr c r newbdrgllcamdrn cast edward stacey merchant tailor opposite j d brpe tf coi zing street kingston john blackiston sailmaker ano rigger jo 4 ii a r d v ovtario 6 biiiluings stb bet m t hunter ship chandler no 1 hardys buildings hindoo feb 5 i847 t notice the public are informed itiat he moxtreal and kingston mail lixe of steamers will commence plying daily from ihi port to dickcnsong landing until further noiiiv on monday the 19th lutuf eaving kingston at 7 a kt lfficc of the monitl and kington mailcornpany cdnnifrcltl wharf i kindlon 16th april 1847 h for salk ot no- a i in the 4th con town ship of kingston 160 acres on ral terms apply to c stuart kjgttt29tb jpnoarv mi7 mr- ross h3 been employed in the work of teaching for some years anj jtnmecifihe most diiingiiiled studenu ai queens college owe lo him lhat previous iraihing which h enabled ihem lo prose cute their sludreaal he universily with uch 8iiccei both from our knowledge of hn- talents and scholsihip and from the proof we have had of his eminent abilities as a teacher in ihe young men whm he haw ent in college we are enabled with ihe fullest confidence tore krurc tho advantage of a thorough edu cation for their children john machar a m- georce romanes a if j williamson a m kingston april lfuh 1847 rresh garden seeds mix tub bucuestbrswneuy and warranted good aspaugus beanj beeta brocoli cauliflower early york and other cabbage carroty celery cresvcucum btsr egg plant kail lattice melon of 11 kiiidn nasiurtium onion parsley paranip peas cayenne popper pump kin radish rhubarb ir pic plant sft0 carawayi vegetable oyster spinach snuashi tobacco lare ked and lare yellow tnmaio turnip ic sic with a variety of other seeds for sale by willlamj martin market seuare kingston 14th april 187 3 sale op real property wilt rb sold by public auction oo tuesday ihe 15th day cf june next on ihe premise the following valuable water and building lots aituate in the vil lage of portsmouth belorging bi ihe esiste of the late john mcleod huilder viz two water lots 8cig nos 11 14 in ihe plan of tho premise on one of thee ia a ubi twlh tdnttsl wharf 140x60 feet having a mu4m aj prwe ovoen the esr i i pathong of unit majesty tiik queek hm ft h pjtlxct alrprt ttlk hoval familv ano nomlltv op great nitltain a wru as tt several sovereigns and couflts op ftnopc and cwi rctl ally fftcpared ad cstcrmcd rowlands macassar oil is i thmtibnut live world its rental r6 iviiri4hmr qutiliti for lite if htir i it podurra nrtd raham tfr 0m it tfom frme iff or ivrninff ffreft reetore cry rm ifa mfiitntt ftr itct it from tear anri dandfwff nd render it turb and suq put dm it ia rfprriatly reborn mcdrd forminjr the bnaia of i- 1jcu nriklti nod rwndoiio th wf tkf llv rwflomli i r r incfl ii d 7a tnmly i u n1 mu rj and dovul ifcal aite su per bcuki to mrwe rowland and son20 lljtton iinnicn lnodtn gvittxttx 1 ttrfterilnlno an impenttive duty in aut the rrfficacy nf your cirellcfit macamhr on- fni the laal fifirvn yia i htc hrnbjm nrcftwncil by a dreofol frrr whilalin jndiu i llttvi ucd lnil every memi in pro core a hrd nf hnir strain but all my rrtirta aeetned fruiilcav until aceideniatly a frtcod advird ihe o of jaw valuable m hair reatorcr t ran fife no belicr nmne and arer utne a 3 6i totoci every avmptnn of a new lirod uf hair becan tn atiow itrlf in the urpnao both of mytrlf end ftrnitf i rlcd i haitof anolber and nblairt- cd 7 bnlc bcffc lite wrwle of which waa uaed i bd and have now aa hiiodaome nead nf ihirnctcr i iii enjiicd and 1 crnctly re eoinmend that 4l wbn h yc not tried lb cictllcnl oil will tt fail in do go i am sim jounutnhrdirnt ernnt j walker colonel whittly l oear tjuiiioo on tbe wrapper of each 6dtlc of the dotfm atlmv are ihear in tteo linri all othcra aro spuriite jmitittiojta rowlands kalyoor ttfa oriental bamahic prrpatinn ia of unfailing rltjeney in ibomtihly purifying the skik from all pijfte sror reoxsaa rtotcnei faecklu ta and dtccoloftanont healina 11 1 sn ci or imicti and pfndueinp a whhit hrt tridrfirrtpjrrnrvfcoilthxllt n6 an admired eaftte and owjcoey of the nalidbi aaaia and nee price 4a 1 and 8a- 6d per bjttle rowlands odonto or pearl dentifrice a white powoa woi tmc tcmt cuoiponnded uf the rtioiccat and irjust recherche tngrtdtfnuef the ortfttaf hrthcl it eradicatca tartar from i jri rowlands macassar oil to let and possess gven the is lay of may next two new story ston dwelling ailualed corf barrio d w- linglon str immedialely adjoining queen college the koimfl are each of alike iwnenaiona well finritheil with kpaciuus apnnncnta arranged fir comfort and convenience the kitchens are in rear of each hutdinfc with servants chambers on lrp itinct from the dwel lings in the interior iaa well of choice sprtng water which furnishes n abundant supply ihronghout the fafta seaoo and o ar ranged u to accommodate each tenement separately the outer building are of stone and furnish earh dwelling with stabling for one pair of hows carnage house hay lofi c c the yard to each is properly enclosed 10 35 to form a dialict privilege term mndc known on applicaii to the proprietor jaukr morton kingttnn brewery and distillery c3nl april lstf 34 1 87 new summer goods a mhwt beg to ioiiinaiethat in advance of their usua imhriauons bv the st law renco ihey have llita day received their firt nhipment of new goods cnnuntton inrtrwttml i w imufchtih from the montreal gazette a friend of ours ha jut rercived from one of the tfcutlfmen who held thecurrciondence with kir grey copies of the following papers which it may he interesting lo ihn puolic u have an opportunity of reading it it gratify ing to find thfc ererltl of the province io prompt ly and fully vindicated con 12 craventlreet strand i3lh april 1847 my lord we heg leave mosl respectfully to submit to ratf lonishipn oolice the sub joined extract from a memorial lately jrrc sentpd to the rtht hon lord john rnssell as first lord of the treasury towhieh several nomemen and kenlumcn of great eminence a peer and members of ihe imperial parliament have their names attached we do it under a conviction that the state ments therein contained emanating from such parties and addressed lo the head of her ma jestys government are calculated to have a moat pernicious effect on the welfare and ad vancement of ihe province of canada and on the relations of that colony with great britain we solicit in particular your lordships attention to ihe statement hat ihe former province of upper canada was once in default with its public credit we were not aware when this statement attracted our notice of any circumstance which could justify it and we miscellaneous items- re too death nf mr plants a mtinc rf xis00 a year a hcen effected in ihe pension lipj on easter monday ite brsliat museum was fibred br no fewer than 36j36peron the builder etlimalca hcflpfti the ullrrahon hi ibaltatianoiica lloui t upwardanrx40 000 a hfijf niw loading ml prcrtm for new yrt ia tho first vessel ccnj from that oorl for america anoiher peeaent of illitm rated tks visa been fonvhrdcl tho queen of england br a pubhahcr ofnewyurk a decree has hmt been inoed in lbs cily f corurc which orders that tl future sittings of tho municipal council ar to be public profcasor scllonbein tli invmtof 00 cotton has discovered a new anmnsitmii which is said to produce too same effects si ihs inlialallon of other vapor tho import duly imposed upon rico by the slates of ihe zlvercin has been abolished in eonsiocralion of the prenl high price of pro visions the suhce haa been whm in lha noam a dominions beina tho sccood instance of this pmeroasive imprnveuenl in a nslivo indisn slate te application 01 ooal ur which haa in some pfscre been used as a remedy for tho potato wight is said to have frequently destroyed the vegelthvo power of lbs eod thckin and queen of naples bsve received from tho bfvtpsac uf ru a pressing inritsiion to pay him a visit ai st peiershugh could jini y it and we applied for information an officer in ihs indiao army is aaid to have j and explanation lo the hon john henry dunn parity succeeded in emnuuling gun cotton so as mr dunn wat for twentyfour years and up lo produce a siciesof white gunpowder n union of upper and lower canada the mdle rachel ia ssid 10 hav- ngow n engage rcc r general of upper canada and after hf union he became ihe receiver general yorbabire in noev york and laid down hero under the neve american drawback act comprising a large aasorimcnl of british and french goods in dunstable inscan fancy straw bonnets shawls dresses ftlbbons flowers 4c kjnjttm 28ih a pi 1517 b depth of water 00 three of its aide suffi cient iw loaiing vessels of a large draught the other which points to the river con tains shout an acre of grnund and is well suited fur any worka requiring a superior water privilege sixteen village lots being no 5 17 192123 333841 42 45 49 52 53 57 and 58 of tho saij plan oo two of ihe lota are lime kilns at all umes in profitable operation the oibers contain the beat limestone quarrie in the province from whence dtune ia taken and extensively shipped to all the upward ports- the premises also abound in good springs of water the above properties are most eligibly mtuaied being within about a mile of ihe city of kingston and command a fine view of the hay and river the harbor is known aa the safest on the lakes and a large and increasing businea is done in ihe village where several yards fur ship luilding two marine railways a steam saw planing mill a brewery and other works are in successful operation a correct plan of the premises may be seen at the office of mesars kihiepatrick burrowea to whom reference can be made or loeilherof ihe undersigned who will point out the premises and furnish intending purchasers with all other neces sary information terma published at the opening of the sale angus mcleod kingston 12th april 1847 john flpxanger egs leave rptfuhy ir return his most rpilrhtil thanks to his nu- tnerviua friends at customers fortht support he has icoivcd since his re establishment in buinos and takes this opnoi in r v li infurm them that he haa recently engaged at new york a confectioner patissier 3r charles frits saxe co6urg who beara with ilirn the most flattering testimonials for anill n his profession from his late mast he herr swartz of saxe weimer with whom he served his apprenticeship j it therefore i now in a condition lo execute orders t every kind of co n f eoti onary pyramids ice creams fruit ices and water ices roman punch charlottes ruxes c together with every other article in his line in general ui on the continent of i mrftojbmopa ladies tea tables supplied fern ibe eswlimfwu j wllil a ut ofnew and excellent ika cakcs every thinr made in the best stylo and furnished at the shortest noiicc on reasonable terms may fth 1s17 3w siees of rachel ia ssid lo hv sijtnsd en etji rncnt for lwdon at 5kk frsnes a nthl for prriwi af her mf rois bids 250ot rancs for ih same term two vesselshnre arrived in ihe st cslhennea dkilts indin itan china with 61x21 twps of aifr ssveml lieeccs efst vnoiia other article ihegroarlh r minufalorc uf chioa some tea wfckh lias lately been erown m iho indisn district of kunsir iasaid t be fully equal in quality 10 ihe rw i chinese less and lis culti ration inexieefed li proirtf prontabic pic paeha of damascus jalely ticd a prcl malson enjoininf t1 wonrn of the city to be mor strictly veiled wlicn they wt abroad and declatinr that lie would col wtt the noses uf ail wnn duptbcycd hi ntect toe eperf r of rua baa recstlcd one hundred and fiftv sludeols from the university of kahs- ef inprui for the future frui icccivnr tneir cducatiwi in ffrrn un wibil i uuprct uip mice elewl tenor has com nletrly ii hla voice h appearand at the ii imhtirji theatre on the 23th ull ai etf r ia lucia di lammornnu a miaerable failure the works on ihe trent villcy uitway ate nnw conipleled with ihe execplton if some iual works of minor imporunec tn and after lite lut of july the roriiey fmia lmdoq to lmrhjl will he performed to five lemurs miss caroline iicrsrhem sutur and for a lonjt time asialant to the iiiium arlrooomer eek toated her97lh bith day t ttaonvar on the 1mb ulf site still frirnctiines phases a whole night in her hervlory toe avpiburg cutt mates that a chemist si vtenna haspuduced mtdfam oileakc the ret of the cnh al esraeiui which ia utth sircolilc ad auiouvci ui a halfpenny per iuiid pff ihe i lid cvvta of the united province we enclose the nply of that kentleman completely refuting thia iirjiist and unfounded assertion we also transmit to your lordship a com munication from two eminent firm largely connected wltil the financial transactions of the canada messrs cjyn halifax mills co and messrs baring brothers co corroborates mr dunns statement and ex- lresej their confidence in the jorj faith and integrity ot the people of canada and in their ability and disposition to maintain the credit of their public and private securities we need net point out o your lordship the ill effects that musl result on the one hand from an tapmrion in this country that there are ground to doubt the faith and obligation of ihe people of cenada to meet their engage meou in a niri of the strictest integrity and honor and on the other hand from belief on the part of the inhabitants of canada they are viewed with siheion and rlistrut and are clawed by their fellow counlfymen in great britain with the people uf the repudia ting stalrof the american unicn it will b obvious to your lordship that ihe value and negotiability of all canadian securities must be roost injuriously affected and that a feeling of humiliation mystification and estrange ment muvt be engendered in canada upon these grounds we trust that your lordfhip will concur in ihe necessity of meeting soch hate- ments with a prompt and effectual counterac- ditor in fact never vu drbyed su hoef h toe receipt of bis intersil upoo the union of the psoriecavj of umst and lower csdada the frtatast anfetj via minifestadp and every ears taken bj tfce iso- vincial ad tain isl ration that the debt inenrrad by the upper province for public worfcs sbo14 be provicfed for and secared befsra aoy povtiasi or the public revenue vrms pfedgad or apcim toorards the farther debt of lfo0fio0 wtua was created at tbe union for tbt cctcodetiosj and extension of these works sod io tot aaa nifesution ol that anxiety i have no batta lion to ssying that the provincial forma did no more than represent and carry iats rfjtot tbe utiadiootts pabjic tcebdf of tiaa province i have the honor ta be gentleman your most obedt seiet stmed j h dtrair late receiver general of tbe provioce of upper canada aod of tba united pro vince francis a harper esq and peter bncha nan esq loifdom 12tb aiii 1847 gttttumxn with reference to your ap plication respecting the allegation in the me morial lately presented lo lord j russell oct imh colonization that the former provioca of upper canada was one in default with its public creditor we readily bear testimony to ihe fact that all dividends on be debt of that province have been punctually paid and to ihe good failb wilh which that pruviacc haa invariably met its engagements nothing has ever occurred to induce as to doobl the integrity and cood faith of ibe peo ple of canada or their disposition and tbe suf ficieney of their means to sustain tba ralosj of their public and private securities our confidence in tbem is consequently aadiauar lsbed wo are gentlemen yodrnrostobcdlservts signed gi hatneax mills it co baaihq baotufjts co to messrs t a harper and peter bacbaua cow downinq srnirr april 19 1s47 gektlrmgh i am tfiraeted by earl grey to acknowledge tbe receipt of your letlar of the 13th tost in whiebyoa call his lordihjp attention to several statements contained io lh memorial litely presented tolvmt j rosaell on the subject of a scheme of colonization for ihe relief of ireland and eipeciallr to the alle gatiott that the former prevjnca of v canada was once in default with it- public creditor and i am to inform you that it ha given hia lordship much concern to read tbe passages io question as they are certainly calculated to raise impressions unfavorable tothejpod faith j j and solvency of tbe people and iefedatore of canada lord grey directs me to thank yoti for calling bin attention to these passags which had they not escaped bis notisc ha would haye fell it bis duty lo have contradicted at once his lordship however now avails himself of the opportunity you have afforded bim of staling dial he can from the sources of know ledge at his own command confirm your as sertion that there is no incident in tho history o the unitod province or of either of tho piovinces when separate which would justify ihe charge that any default had ever ocanrrect in the payment of any debts due to any parsxmj in respect of any money lent in the punlto faith of either of tho canadian provinces on the contrary he believes that faith haa seen invariably kept by the canadian legis latures with all such ibe most scrupulous exactness signed messrs harper and bikbajun- m lu bringing this subject lo ynnr lordships fl0 mwrjl ytfnuuiai ita uual we io l atdaioji orierlvaiaierncot of ihe ska of copper orcein wjv extoomve project willi which it corasmll which compared with il revhiia htcn connerted w porpasciy abstain return estauisltfa an iinirencnt of 3x132 on doing but we shall be pardoned we a dmiiniahc1 quantity of t7 toos ru the expression of a repel that it was tricturkuhamussiidorchrhibeffondiitely deemed necessary in attempting i visttndinivalia his uolinesas native townoo that project to rely upon assertions unfounded his wj in vienna- ha wa receved with crrat in fact and caicuuted to produce mischief n distnciioa by tba ppe family whu cave him a the gieatest extent anil of the gravest charac- grand rjinocr ttt a eunnus sgo of ihe tls is policed a i the j j wh evinced br your lordship for isaidrawmg he4 pwllha advancement of the important inteieus lume the pinee in the drsa of bicuyatry consideration which your lord auviriiiiiowofikiwsaoilio9tlihuiedaod i has given to prcrioos applications on round guilimf asati1iin4 mr- uuhail tlwuucr fleets connected with the welfare of canada iiavinc called lorn a kutaian spy at a meeting j assure n that the appeal which wt feel com- tely held ut tho freemasons tavcro uo tlic y pelled to make fur ynnr lordships interposi tion wifl be received with indulgence and that a hope may without preemption be en- teruitid of the adoption of adequate measures to obviate the ill effects we have ventured to point out and lo a5ure the people of canada most pure and porlttht whittfiet and give noeeaei andptrfuuie to the oeeera price 2a bi per box important information unpriociplrd i i- id j for lha ahe vain a trifle mrtc profit vend the moat spurious compounds under the names of macas sar oil n kalydor and odonto some- under tho implied sanetioo of royalty and lb government departments with similar at i spring of 1847 11he albion by far the most spa- cioosand commodiou hotel in rweotand feiaioaiwstaostirijfliirm quebec is undergoingexicnsive rcpnirs with addttinn of much new furniture and will continue its rank among ihoso of the firslclass hotels in british north america its management and general arrangements for the plcasurahtc accomodation of its oc cupants arc open to the inspection of a discerning public the undersigned io making this an- nouncement to ins pairn is not unmind ful of ihe distinguished and very liberal patronage extended to him forlhe past four years by traveller many of these of ihe highest rank and rejteetabilily and would aaaure those who tuay continue ihe same ihat every exertion of himself and ihose in bis employ wit be devoted to their comfort willis russell albion hotel quebec april t 8t7 331m names and addresses frr the reav2 of the oriy mal prephrations it is uierefi ire highly necessary to see lhat the word rowlands is uo the wrapper of each article the genuine article arc with rowlands j- hnabl rerfum bry soaps bltush- k otc dec imported only by messrs rossln brothers co toronto canada in hsah cases sniubtc uf cnemisis and perfumers on purchasing elsewhere 6eflcsre of fraudulent imi tation sold retail by respectable chemists and per fumers schooner for sale the subscriber offer foraale the schooner mohawk chief capable of carrying 750 barrels of flour and well adapted for ihe lake or bay trade the above vessel it not previously disposed of by private aale will be sold by auction on the 20th may next at portsmouth near kingston for further particulars apply to robert fisher portsmouth thos downey fredcrickaburgh april 23 1847 to let mthb hotfse atprrant occu pied by tbv subscribor pomes- oiongivedoothe bj d 0 mn next jwas a corbett kinpton march ig 1547 j 4 o eqwrtatioo from st mn gb autijct of cracow the condition of the manufacturers io vcona is deptorabte mm of ihs ea4unsptnner work at a loas and liavo beon ohlicd to rfiminili the number of thrir hands th untmplojed oinncra are now about 1 300 in number they hat o neither bread nor work scnor moo tho lata gpawa minister of fi nanee waa about four years ago a kmd of clerk lo count tomeo and lived i p hdginz bouie in madrid at the rate of jfaltlmiwn or ihtco shilinkv a day bat he i no aupposed ui tc wonti 5uuij00r there am in fnnec 9319 w orhcntpenacee dependant on tbe govcommtof whom 3764s7 arc paid recci fine 3l47m0o3 franca xi31 13- 583 stsrlinf l3smonernployrdofliccrarccetvina annuitiea ace to ihe lamftt of 9638000 francs and 104400 penooers c receiving 729671h franes ccrialn london merchants have entered into the following srranjfemcoi vrilh several fanners in perthahire vii ihe merchant furnishea the aeed and the farmer the ground manure taboe ac ihr crop if any to be squally divided between both when ripened letters from rome anntwnce tbftt m only rtaohlerof curran the cekoraied irrfi barristar wnowaliteinilrs eternal city the oister of whom moore hasso beanlitully aid 44 she is far from the und where her yoonf hero sleeps ac m allouon lo the brave hut unfortunate emmcll mr gale cscooaul new to this country but known in ames ica and on ihe continent ascended ina balloon from peeknamon wednoeoay the machine bad lateral new appunecs connected wilh it mr tialc when at an immense heieni kiwerrd a second oar which descended about tarefliyflvft feat and iw mate his way into it by meant of a rope ladder the adrmniliyhave aftorded mr munla h p an opportunity of tcsiintf hs puieot metal in aheathin a manof war with it the champmio at purtmouih lasetecud for the trial and why notaffiird lo mr- prkhurt tha like advamafe whuac itivcolinn far transcends that of mr mumt lyitd dundonatd lias had a tisl captain warner a trial smiles acrew prnpcilrt a trial and we ask am why noi mr rarfchurst t letters from scotland adeic of a moal rxlrsor dinary event the lord licoinnant i a scoltrali county and a member of ihe scotch peerage has suddenly abteonded leaving behind him a mass of bills and securities bearing ifee forged name or his own son and other rcutues the signatures have been renudialtd by ihe respective parties it m rcpfirted hat urfe amounts of charity funds arc involved in the wreck of the party in question the king of denmark has issued an mdonnance declaring that durinf the excessive dcarnes ol the first necessaries of life and in defcreoco to the wishes nf the sales the territories of which arc waahed by lha elbe articles f jrain iceu poia- tatafloiir eftcal andjiherslimenlsrj producu of the mill ascending the elbe wbsievcr may ne the deajioation shall be free of eustnma rjuliea to which such articles hsvc been subject in pawing before lauenburg unlit tbe cod of september eifoarsortimbta raoai rosa a despatch has been received from lha board of trsde enclosinf aa crtrast from tbe journal do si petersburg dated jan 24tb ust aanoencing the abolition of tba cdgcia inrpactiao of timber public crediloc vftlb b h vl 1 tion tinct that no counlenaree is given by her majestys decks wilh corft anu m rjovernmeni io statements injurious to their in terests and calculated deeply to wound their feeling and to diminish their confidence in thesyrnnathy and generous consideration of tbe parent stale we have the honor to be my lord with tbe icrealcsl respect your lordships most obdt serrts signed f a hapch petes bucukav tbe right hon the earl grey c corn lokdoji 10tb april 1m7 gemtieairfct 1 have received your com munication directing my attention to the para graph in a memorial lately presented to lord jihn it i w on the subject of irish coloniza n which it is asserted in plain and dis terms that ihe former province of upper canada waa once in default with its public creditor to that statement i am enabled to give a most direct and unequivocal deuial tbe province of upper canada never was in de fault with its public creditor for one hour i was for twentyfour years and op to tbe untcn of the provinces of upper and lower canada the receiver general nf be upper province and the only circumstance on which this statement can as i conceive be fouuded so far from shewing lhat the province of up per canada ever was io default with iu public creditor will prove that on the only occasion on which such a misfortune was apprehended il arose not from a want of good faith or power on the part of the province to meet its en gagement but from the sudden failure of the agents in loudon of the provincial govern ment upon the receiptor the intelligence of that event i came to england with the hope that as receiver general of the province and from the influence of my connection here an adc- quale arrangement would be effected for pre venting any discredit to the province or in- convenience lo the public creditor frum the loss of the large sums in the hands of tbe london agents tn that hope i bad the satis faction nol to be disappointed rht hume of baring brothers co lo who i applied in the ftrst instance with great kindness and readiness offered to entertain the application but sir george grey who was then the under secretary of state for the colonies having previouily seen mr glynn and settlej the lenns of ao arrangement with lhat gentleman ihe intervention of messrs barings was not required and the nrcssstry itaps were taken ay tba banking frrm of which mr glynn was a member and the interest on tbe upper canada debentures wo punctually and duly pjid tbe public ere arrival op the v ssftip james town at cork ireland with from the cork constitution jpritls tbe conjecture in lha m mertot5aao fool of our cove nolo on tuesday was ear reel the large american ship was lbs frigate the fixate freighted wito food far our people and blessings be on the heads aad hearts of those who sent and those wbo brought it it ia ihe nofttetl offering that nation ever made to nation it is ibe spoota- neous outpouring of a generous charity and the manner is as grailifyiag as the munifi cence ot the gift when first alluding to tho intention of send ing it we observed lhat though gratef for the con i deration of our american friends wa regarded it with some ihame and why because it was a reproach to tbe insensibility which sealed our sympathies at home that one act put to the blush the peddling which seemed to be the highest achievement of our jttliticatreonomical government then were a celerity and a liberality about it which were at once an exaaplc and a rebuke hers is gnifjernt vessel despatched crammed wavs and floqjrlte mission of mercy accomplished aqtv bar anchor droppod within our harbor in usai time than it would take to get an ntdlibls answer from the board of works to cov prebend the provisions of one of oar bewilder ing acts of parliament or to lake tba ioitiavt lory steps towards carrying tbem into rela tion shame shame shame a tberc is some talk of a complimentary sx knowledgment lo mr forbes aad his office all we can sy is that oo compliment cao bf too high for tbera no demonstration of public gratitude can escevd tbe senie of the public obligation not for the gift that is iood and for it we are thankful but for tba feeling the kindliness in a it originated feeling and a kindliness which pervaded lha whole population and which was responded to with such liberal alacrity by ths jxfcu tire individually aod nationally they an entitled to tie most temible expression of ad- miration and esteem what will be tbongbt of thii magnificent offering when we stata that tbe rery laborers who loaded tho vessel labored without pay i they prayed pemai- sioo to earry the eargo on board tbs prayer was granted and about 360 of then gar their time and toil until the work wis dons they were irishmen poor irishmen who had i in ibe country of their adoption forgotten the country ol their birth and it was affecting to see numbers of others troopiog down with tbe sack or half sack of flour or ths bag of poialoes entreating ihe crew or tbe captain to let them be put on board had not captain forbes reslriined tbe liber ality of his countrymen and of ours not ona but four vessels would bare been filled for the sake of despatch however be was obliged to refuse everything that did not corns through tbe relief committees but if after bis cargo was complete three other rcssels had been ready for their reception individual benevolence would bare loaded them with froewill freights this isgralify jag intelligence and great is ibe gratification with which wa write l the following is a memorandum with whisb we have been favored from lbs vessel c the jamestown united states ship of war sailrd from tbe navy vard boston on sunday morning the ssth march at 9 oclock and anchored at ihe outer harbor of cork on monday the 12th april at halfpast 3 p m alter a somewhat boisterous passage of 1 days and 24 hours ajluwing for lb difference in the longitude crossing tbe banks sba was seveial times in the viciuily of tceduriuj dense fog u indicated by lha ibermocatirr but saw oothtog tba ship though laden si feet deeper than is a maarf war parfarmr admirably sjiduasaasjascan be andswri like a jnlot boat all weu oo board i the vby

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