chains canvass c for sale by the subscriber x 7 to6- oaatiio- aae bolts f canvas irnm no jtj pntnirhitat ay ship mk so an coal tar kid soap rem flnliahrl qvu soil i mfc heck vanwfc duntla klir- mac i wm raft sail smuic jindhw ojkr imported manrlb undtiiffcd kvyc 12 to 40 1 2 moor cvt ftg anchors from francis mumins ilon frrol montreaolareh w is 10m lrft irillt mew k banvs co kintuin bo pttficinaliy mended v dorans hotel bytown a this hotel i nw open for the reception travellers furniture nnl boitiling all ew gool subhog for horses fee james doras bytmvn january 1 2 1s47 53m for sale a handsome bay mare perfectly sound an j in ood eomlilion for pailiculhr apply al thisolfice chihuv a im- t e trade supplied tvilh ink huhlr srotch printers ink f variom mo ihe united state plkmva ifctot vrc dec 17 1846 printing establishment for sale the subscriber offers for trie ihe esiawishmcnt oftho pnirc vuw oulie nmv in nuctettful nperation ir the uuuict town of pieion and in the centre r ihc mri loyal flnptttatfaa in hie province tli patronage of the concern is extensive nnil increasing the material consists nf two printing presses oregon saloon i opposite thbmartbllo tower mthe subscriber respeciftilly beg leave io return his sincere ihanksi to hi friend and the public generally for the aupport he hm received io ivingrton and ltc leave io inruno them ihnihe has lately itcmovcj to the premises recently occupied by john mcpheoneiq oppo site the mftrtello tower ontario street where lie has fitted mil nnd opened the oregon saloon fr lunches oyster supper nudothr re freshments find where lie lltikai 14 be tor her encouraged by ihe continued kind support of the public james elder- ktntimjan22 stf valuable jltfd highly cultivated farm buildings for sale situated cm the bank of the st lawrenw at llie village of maitund canada w in the rwigtiwhofid tt brnckvillc prctl and o the faluicrmilf 175 ac tfnu 140 ivii are bid oul in fields varyinc from j to 12 and 14 acrtri each well enclosed with srsmc arid gvd fence the remainin 35 acres arc comosed f excellent wood land the kkldixrcau in good conation brio regularly worked nnd nianurctj the crop of wheat barley rye oat nd hay f thetaat aearon for quality and tjuanlity cinld not be exceeded from the ainrt complementer land there i alto n very productive arrn oacui kucltcn garden ie the stone dwelling house i1fre and uibunlii duildtn j sinrie hieli 46 feet bjr 5c feel witje tm nllcl nd with every cm- veojence aumblite h the rcilence of rcaocclabtc fimtty thccarecilmi twnlnrec bstnw im sheds hotwc put the wmkinf men besides stew woh iiotik nnd eie client spring well thi neighboihoodj euoemcd the mot hcnlthy td the fwtltti fwvuiy of iiil- connut l- r pitted in canada wel tliit pmpetty tfjl be sold moch lower than it poflioo simmonds colonial magazine and foreign miscellany poblisfacil monthly price 2 61 funuiho ihe lite ujtctof arfvicc frnen ety bfiliah colony nnd poeion ever y icadin- colonlil and frcicn ncwpnpcr ond periodi cal ma 1l pft of ihe world bcin eguiarly received and filed 1tconlainirtiprtiildeteriptire trticil tnicle reuttnv to th cnwuiio dic of the inom hnnmtunt lneal lnfmtion in each of nur depcndncie nod b rentier of birth tkaihs inl imrrisra branill w indiapenbu work ftfrcrercnce on the trade cnnnccc ww apricultnrc rmfamlfi ifcwmteet popnlur nd aelqfti condilhn rj the briluh and forci colnnica and an inmoietivo and enicruininjpub- tiration in bo ciit liy uieir home friend to set tlers in the rcppeciivc c1nic ornc 6 lwic yaril duiklcrabory london notice t he public are bet i am the only notifiedthat ally appouiied person io receive nil ij and aitom menisaml other 1oni j to the mid land district and collmtorg and others are cautioned against jutyiiig ilto same to any orhcr person iu am the only pwsdd who can givr them a legal ac- nulttancc- david john smith trtasnrtr sffnutvd dktkct treasurers office midland district kingslun 2nd jannaij 1817 all city papofs will copy rhe above lmd mater ill consuls ni fro rnnttn mrccr c i jn f t xir a undisputed cihe wh uo ivrn rr and an exteunvo variety of new type fomaflt u by irucfprpmuut suitable rtr any kind of book or job 1 wm b wbu es eal roluc it aried fur ion nnd only f the nurcham money required down -also- a large clock fcautr lethcr with athreihinir machine and firming implement ot every des cription for further work to any pcnilman desimos of entering into a lucrative bumnes in an thia oltersa inteieminj neiahborhood rare opportuutty- any ingirnttion niay l obtained by addressing the subscriber in ficton post paid j o dornan ricton fatk 2s i87i is received this mormno at the atiiexecm hook store lucre li a by jnlwer dombty san no i hj dickens nell fiyune ky aitwaitll sl olei onj st jaiarh uy d jcirold vrirtee uy j s ki4 i ilana oi mornddf uy dmua woman v reward y mr nftmon the merchant daughter- by mb picketing the midnight bell by von ilokuin arror ano mjnaecr bv f weinvw the rawomed bride by e il wfd kuiirrt sinclair by the auusoi oi ten thou sand a year the comic wandering jw hyc phsuipottj the church almaoac by loveli gibson feb 9 1817 awifrkr pi tmiu canuda freacotr march oih i8t7- the mawreail ttmtb te copy onco a l 111 forbid ea wet 4itr wcciit simmonds colonial magazine ajfp foreign m1scb lttant aaaon1m price 2a iu wiltebq found ti be llie inly kcfiater and chroniee of recent occofrencea in brilnh forth amrrifn ihc weat indiea cape tf good llojc ftd mauriutif new cjoolh wal south nd wratcn aurali a van new zcalaod mlu and gibraltar th lodica and china e- ote- alt prratmi hvin frienda abroad or interested in the nriliatj litanies iruy rely upon rcccivinf through iliia medium the in test and rnon nulhen- lie aceonnt from each on the lrt rf every month offtciej 6 barc yard i5uckkrbury jyndon a fti tipltt set cttn ttitt 6e atfrf in 10 fottute iaopkan 12a pe kolirmf invaluable family com panion six lectures on the uses of the lungs causes prevention and core of consumption ailhmaand dueasetof the heart on the law of longitr and mocleef praserving male and female healthy symmetry and beauty expoiing cause and cure of thite dtsease that produce con sumption or shorten ltfc as afteelious of ihe svinj spine bowels kidneys lirer scrofula pile gravel and female com plaint it rules eay practical and pure form a guide to perfect itcalth and long life- s engravings 32 pages 50 cents pcxtace 9lcts ily samuel sheldon fitch a m m d al 707 broadway nw york j any jterron remitting fitly cen free will receive one copy by mail to any part the trade supplied s notice s hereby givenftat the committee aupointed bv the diatrict council to re ceive the bond from mr iv uxor fcavsov the newly elected trcafurtrattc m day lod ged said bond amontl the rcords of the dis trict and directed mr feuvm to orn the treamfers olfice in the uitrict cterk room in the court house on l january lo whom alone all perjonswill hejafter pay lb djs- tricl rates and with whmall olcr dulrlct business connected with tie treasurer will be transacted signed j b marks dbtrict council office rtitlon llf 31stdccmber i8w j r papers o c079 tilt forbid fall importations fresh groceries wholhsilt isd retail martin marks wmj certxer of king ani brxk s soyorc ffingitrih c- f bkgbi the pumic 11 ti idem that i iflickof u robert barker chemist dragist orock stitcet kings ion r b reanecifully bftfermi hi cimomer and iho public in deawtv hat ho liaa urwiveo bia drug storblo tikock street n utc prcmwrufiimerlyoccnjncdby mr i mcvrao nhrrc thrymny dcnctid noh uific aupplicd milt enine tlruaaid mdirnc ptysivians prcscrifrtiotis and family recipes carefully prepared horse and cattle medicines english amd french f8rfuneky books and stationery kiastteb maxell w7 3m to the reading public of canada the advertiser if pnaared to transmit the fd lawins vuluibtc and imcreatinc bnika by matl to toy pirt of uicr ur lower canada at uk nricea aftiacd compornd pectoral balsam of horehoundand honey a e sprrdii and rjecarmtf rmerfy for au disorders of the chtst end lungs ris i asthma ifhtmiiug cough cous ctitorrhy count mat ion fyilvnczof ptinimthi ce difficulty of jryrfl4trttf httsktntss ana tteklin in the throat hoarseness 4c thta biram h composed of the moat ritoaua mmcdies for the above complaint it operate by dinowin iho concjlrd mucus or phtam in the thorax thereby cathin a free 1 1 pec tors lion and olicving th miil obuinatc conba prepared end sold rohlat barkck datccft kingston frk 2s 6 and is 3d per bottle mill creek cloth factory returns and the for tbe support he t ihe subscriber respectfully thanks to his fritmis a public generally lias received since ins polling mill and carding machine have been in operation and beg icavg to inform llietit that encouraged by the bustite lie has transacted i the above line he is now prepared to commence tlur manufacture of all kinds of country cloths sattinets blankets and hopes by the puins he intends tr take to ensure the continued patronage of iho public joshua booth- purchased or 1 3 ken in exchange fi cloth mill creek january 1 1 1847 4if manufacture all kinda nnd color if printing ink nelps job and hook near the globe nnd troj miui troj n i hoba troefcbrua 1 3m x7 thoaborelnk book store kincalonfeb2 1s4 1847 fur talc at tfc atheneura to let a small frame cot tace in pringess street with garden and outhrmaed apply to wmakmrtkox3 rfurliortetr king stritt kingston doc 29 1sc tf city hall saloon a 3m buddingsf opposite tht jfttj floury by george gane refreahmcnl snacka e u bo had at the short cat notice soyters at all hours kington feb l is47 lotf distillery to let for a term of years and irnntediate possession given that wau known establishment in thi town h he to fore- carried on by iho hite firm ot ga1nford mene1lley it it wrought by an engine of 12 bora powrr which grind rac ortdpjmp and ieipble of ron niftf 6c bofihdf a day- pur convenienca iitatot urpiwed by ii ihthmcnt or ita fivo in the province the builckna arc all of alone except the hogpen which iiof wood and creeled on a water lot belonging to the premise the grana rj ea capable of alorine sflqq huaheu of uram- also a stone dwelling hooao on the said ptcnitc for the anie period it would be pre erred for ihe dwelling hotaao lo he taken br iho parlf rcnlinr the ditltuery for terrnapply to the subscriber who i now the sole poorietorj at the steam boat office com mercial whajkjrtgaton or to john holdbn r freaeott march 15 wm mcneilley superior japan ink powders manufactured axu sold robert barker kingston canada west 0 o 0 0 1 0 views and reviews in american ilialory lictjlufe and fietiim hy vv t qlrlini it mi tiiriifif bv the people from ihc french or m miohcki m wilnacfcnius ut dnfna iibia artcolinfjil ticinijry comtic a pbyamiuy ilhitrud 30 i uanflakk of the uauf core childttiih withjtrt pain mystericafif ffndon d of ufttin iu steel ptalra dnof utc bickvids hy t d tinrpo n tlio lliatocyund pluloaophy of muuad 0 life of geo tfajpbai 0 farnhama mexico 0 fctsforihc prtple in which every lhitif ianf pruelicil e to every body 0 a treatise on milch cows whereby the qnaltiy and euafllily of imlv which any oow will give may br accurately aaccr mined numerous enravinjc green on garobhn varman in the ninefentl ccntory- ccbsacitrirnof a republic fliehvsix lectufent consumption ordera for any of ihe the cwh awd pnt pel 9 eta 50 37j 50 00 75 5u 50 25 05 1sj 50 50 50 so 51 cneloain to t c ratavii hb thanta aia fhafid for the verv hbeml pairvncci tended to hot during the a woold mst respectfully infw ust received lurc and vnw groceries wines and liquors coiiiwuinjiuiy nontvnnd sandiiniv poit midrirlntrriea majav clifrt cumpijjoc jfivtici spirits 1irtcuvfic dfanwi ourjv criao de ptc rraitdy genuine scot eh whikcyi hta mds fiin cmdim peppajminl un ctnitm whiskey wj kl solicit parih alicnl 1ic in imiev hha hetim taui lei hy wmircti the xbir stck of iwavw aw a5 i nnvtn- been ininrted dtfoel mtaitl rmmkiieo in rmiminentl nf ihen m frco fmtii adiihamtmifi i trtoctrtw paviira elvio- hcn pmfci tiintarlf m ihc new york pf anrliha ran bo reeimme sa beinj of beaiooililies teas fflasi eftra tinperiul it y younj yn gunpnwilcr twunkay kwwij f mjiffiiil mifw sojrtasg creeca green ilwtcd j qmmd cubata svcaaa loaf ouajied tn muscovado i reak fruitft itriiins cnrranla kilbct p almond sweet nd hiltcu candied ommsv lroum and gsafmi every above boaa addressed caltrcotf new york will be prmnplly 1tnded lo reccrenee in kiocsion dr ej barker new york feb 6 1847 if wm armstrong auctionttr c0mmisior merchant t land and general agent klng street kingston xspectfully intimales to the puhllc hat he has taken the premises lately occupied hy t moran co removed next door where has entered upon the above bttaamavs anrl hopes by punctuality and ailen- lion to merit a ahare of public support the subscriber intends to devote particular attention to the purehase and sale of real estate and with hi vital he hat made ar rangements with several influential legal and r uy 100 tin for s a i e ac res oft and iiasthalf if lnt2 in iho 4lli ciin- ii pittsburgh 10 initfslvom kinqs apply t jamcs mccahtht vovincial luiiiteii incomparable black japan ink mamjractttrkd wholesale ano beiall at ttteathbjfeum book store kingston canada west f i- ll w ii in scotland and k land through whom he will hrin nnder the notice of capitalists intending emigrant and the public generally improved firim wild lands household and other real estate property in canada submitted to him for sale and through whom he will transact other le gal and commercial business in any part of great britain or ireland via collecling claims taking out letters of administration purchase and sale of proncrtv c etc wm armstrong kinguodecsgjjsie- keceived y the latest arrivals from new york and for sale by the sub acnhflr at his rilore in princess streec the fallowing articles viz 800 sidea spanish solo leather 200 buffalo robes 2f0 boxea assorted teas 50 jo tobacco 20 dozen malts 100 do brooms 100 do patent pails 40 do cords with numerous other articles not men tioned matthew rouftk kincrflon dec- 18th 1816 if b master blacksmith liary portsmouth feb 31317 j jit ritchies r ate nt copying presses a supply f all mi them lanofaciorf aatm i- t 4it rrcivn and tvt siileat frrn atic- poh sale by the subscriber al ijakukls jhimti mess 4aa pork 0irprf rjuallty and three bvreh imk milks fbilousdn mi sir astley coopers antibilious fifllso for bitt indigestion sift wcojorac and alt dieascs cmc stomach and digestive organs these pills have in allcftespfvcd aupo- riiff to every other mcilieinc in the cure f mirnach and liver en rn plain la i of opjaslil in- diecriion fooi acnimliun of rallnem nnd ojt- prcaiiba aficf meat ahaflncasof utatbt unit an eaccltcot ictfortive alter any cacdjii at iheldhtc tliey gently clcnao ihc hnil alrenjihcn lie alomnch ami invieraie ihceonvtilation lcrrnaor a awotawie hahit whu are aubjcci athjftdacbi kaaviacaaa dimaim of ainlo drovrff ncpa aliended with npojctic aymptoma ahoutd lake llmtm freqocotly vr frvin an original recrlpt hy rgavav fli urutit itruw stcil kiaaloa price la3jandlrflui kuwaon march l jhi7 npenn olive and oil 8iiocof ijeaenplioa pickto oce macca- roni vermicelli atiejtiviea lriouriea sardiooa scented caaiilti aid brvas4p sirch rli ludio llrotma scrubbier brmhes vjiti tono waahinsd pi cjrdr pica ulackinff utick lead fr l fish sea salmon lrtcufitie ilmn norlh rhire lurunfw difbyno lofeteh hemnpa and t vidtioy ica fine princinei hvanan rejnltns dhcrnrtx pitmlc1i il ri stc woudvdfe la normn 6tc t 14 and ltibuxea tobaccos cavcndiati nailmtl hnioydett cat ifonrf- dowi and aromatic chawitif phj and ladir twiat scarurljtli and oonater i and 0 en nan tobacco alaeeihoy r a puce and svaith snbft with a varietof ilwr rjnhlt tnn numerogt 14 mention alio which will ho aold whuleajle or retail at ttelltatfjt rtaaflltliifj pricevhit motto being u lajpu profits andyutfk tavern kecperupplicdf0 20od terma kiiiaton december 184 important new books ivwf mrceivru raox looo popes yearly journal of trdc for 1816 comprijnir m immeow fond rf vnloiblc information on trade commerce nviirn lion cve with the new tanrtand a mp of the world drhrella pceracc for 11g ueureltv duronelae ucrpjleheaar lordi jlardino and goujh and sir h smith during the late war in india with mp nnd plana field rajoniaa and bvotolionaor the army with 37putj gwilfencycbirkndioof archilcctorc duinearncyclnpaduof rural spnta lnudfina hitcyolopotdia if gardcnine i of agftcutlnr macutlochon taaatto and the funding sttem macullnch piincijitca nt pnttttcat fcnnorny supptement srtond eawbs bt urea dictionary of aft mnnurncliireajinii mine bar field mop of lkcsupcrior jrw above together with a numerous collection of otlieraimilir vv porstcby montrealsrpt 19 r i c chalmers- win er arcansun extract 1his medicine ha acquired an extended ami eatanlished cercririly thru ihe country uhtch hat been ajriiiirj by ita viiuie andibcacy alone as a remedy lor scrofdlaor kinu fevil ulcehated sore throat tunsmnrlifl rheumatic affection diaeacesoi the skin white swelling diseases o tc uues all ijlceraitd cases affection of the liver dyspepsia costlvenrss all chronic and nekviou3 cum plaint occurring mdebi- liuiexl ami catheticcoistitmions dirim cauaed by an ulpulte state of the blood the arcanum extract is a com- pfete imldota lo iho serious etila nroduced ny ihe injadicattlu ne ot mercurv as a sprlni and fall purifier it vi not b- 5iiriaael working its way tomuh tire fystem with ailent andelfeclire force clenvmthe blood removing dyspeptic influences soothing the nerves removing internal oaskuctions and msrac that would fttfifwbl cause injury to he liver and lungs petidus whoe con1itnlion9 arr hrnven fownhv the live of mercury arsenic wquiinej atid any wii who are surterms iron diseased liver or an injuliciotis i real in oil nf anv nl ii ihovn s- iwni mt ihe arcanum extract without delay in numerous inlaneca lt wherenlcera- lion hail lnj iiare tintli litfmenl and hone atilwefcto atlapie naiwo no iniman mjti ut anpjiuom cnnll havraav gtl life pihent imvethtwn matched homihe m4 ih lored lohallh itie dcthmifillk diase hrin- cnmiletly eradicated hy the use of ini ines- tunable extract the propiielnra of the arcanum ex tract hav had this miiicine uied in till the utaptu iliiasn with the inattt smttlyiii rnlts tn htljtlle medicine tiethcr bui- kiaaa nr nlrioki nrd hi inter rniifi r- p illti oiiy ui imlfiiijultllothmnnitoih in diet anj n equally apnlicahle and erftca rioua lo the infant as well as the adult paiinhlria rmlt description foi what ihe aucandm extract is applica ble with irmervanorson lihenilc 1erspira- iinaud a treatiie on d in gtieral accompany each nnllle agents are supplied wiulltif above lamphlets for gratuiious cir culation price si per hnttle prepared and sold hy j vinor hnnilion canada wesl xaia john winercost maiden une h- y for salt at the aihenoni rook store n palmer and c hiths ktnon and by auction and commission market buildings thesubscriberrespectfiiuyinform the mercantile community and public generally thathe ia prepared to sell on commission dry goods groceries furniture houses lands dpc on the moat rcaonableerms days ofsale every tuesday thurs day and saturday at loomock a m- each day wm momlllan auctioneer appraiser n b cash advanced rn goo left co be sold without reserve impltovisd saleratus ilhe dobscriber would beg leave to announce to those who deal in the article ofsaleratus that lie is now readv lo furnuh orders on the shortest notice tote extent of 200alb daily of a choice prep cash or approved pape irfllionjow fo james morton kingston breweryand diijillery 12th august 1845 phyinfi and printers cards i ust received at tha atheneom biik store m large aacrlidol of car d including plavin carda gold uaeka uaiiciandcov viailin carda plain october 2frh nd plain frintera carda of ra atid ladica and gcnllcmen ivorv surface enamelled bv g e neral agency and commission office 6 barge yard bucklesbury london near the mormon house to merchant commercial new room pcblie librarie aericotiural koeietiea offieen of the army and navy printrm publisheja of nevr- papcra and culonial generally simmonds fc ward general agents and commission merchonis return heir grateful thank fur pat favor u their friend and the colonial public io mtawali nd beg to acquaint thfm that hey are ready lo execute ordera for supplies f any kind nd cjiwnlity of and goods of every dr cripiron of firatrmte quality at the very fcweat market price f the day and uantacl boainea upon the moat liberal term prormrd ihey are pre viooaty furnished with fund or draft at cither tone or ahort dale or a rcrerencc to aome lonjori or livcrpflot lioute for payment simmonds ward wilt receive oni mrtii of an deacripiion of rilercrfandize tobv aold or commiaaion and accept bill at ninety day for two thirds uf iho amount on re ceipt of the bill of lading conaig amenta ea iroatcd to iheir care will meet with every pocjibja- drtvateh in their dirpo and sale be conducted with the greatest attention to the rntcrratof the conaigner an eaten aire knowledge of general commiaion buaineaa acquired during long re sidence in jamaica and the other wcl india i r ri i c i ik n extenaivo couratf of boai ncaa with all the iwiliah cotonie the eiperienca of several yrara in london ai colonial agent coupled with otempliliide attention and jirdgmenl will they in- enable them lo giro satisfaction to those who may honor ikesa with tlitir mand o a c a rd rflhe subscriber in nhjrrttngliia thanks to the travelling community for the patronage he hareced at ilicir iinda while keeping the briiisi american uoiet begs leave to introduce rnd recommend as his bucommf jmkja6s pattshsos who will be fmnid in every resnect worthy of public supnurt i josbfh h- daley kingston april 20 istf- 7 bkitxshahktcan late daley hotel 14 the subscberhe liiill farm c pthlfi anil llie travel ling oomniimily that l bas leased the above well known fttamihrnent and hopes hy flrict atlenliohto ihe comfort of hugwata to rfacrit a rsplinoitiftn of the very liberal patronnp vhich ihi hotel ha received the last iu vcaraawhler the able management of ihfewmtr proprietor mrj ii daley jamby patterson fr pastnzert and fozzage conveyed to and from tht ihtcljreetfthargt kington june isifr for bilious complaints pains the head jgtddiness sickness jjaun- diciftatutency obstructions habitual confinement of the bowets ob barkers laxative pills p the numerousdiseases to which the human fiamia liable there is scarcely one the ayrrtptms of which are j nut seriously iig i avutud hy a cutihtiod i state of the uotvaauj ruttiia alonk rriaiiy owe their origin nnd continuance the preaorving tho atimentaiy canal frottfroid obstruction a point ofatok primary impjrtancc that every degree of noglcct ia followed by mote or less of inconvenience or suffering when halmtualcii4tiveii vtgorof healili ia aton impared tiuifs by slow jegrjeai and at otbei time tnorc iipidly lieeases make thoii inroads on ihc constitution and in riumberlusahistucrs particularly where the habits are aedentutyor where free living s iujulujod permanent ill health lobservateur francais a french journal or tuc roune coneacuu ano atumrte kw or ma welt of philosophy literature and generalinfofr matumftom france germany spai and alt othv countries ilagh number rontaina artiolca on enrhr and french puhlic puhlical new frofl varioeaothcrcounlric judicial report li terury dcparlmeni cempoaed ofaclect and original work a review ofparia a review nf iodop gaaipine and anecdote uf tho faahionabla world report of lira weekly meeting uf iticr prcneh and other scientific cademir a com mercial report review of enliah and french theatre a musical review miacellaniea dte loajkavatkta faaacai t poltvrd weekly in lundon7subcrijitioii soa per annum lomkin oilice gj sound kmattavtut darker briiish whig offica lsuveinvcr ljr istlu pa i hi i all the respectable nada dtuggisu throut-hontca- l236n which tun through 1000 9t wtk ap aaawt i i tajk if i delivery hivhh lfr rr y at ihr irrvifi ll i pid in mint b commercial mart v private saib iakr tnlilc oillisti half bbh no i weil mckeiel ioj kmwii ind jonjtuia nirlli khun llrrrihgi kinokrd llrilinji in hoxex the last supptr by leonardo da vinci from tltecl8hatfd ksoaving by raphael m o r g ii e n this masterpiece in it very ruin ha been revived and acems destined to enjoy a wide uotlliujiiotm eii tenets io the vellkuovn admiiahlc enuviii of raphael morarlieit long after the wall apon wblchjl vu painted has crumbled into dim- sir david wilkie t few copies of mr dick beautiful eugravidof lite above celebrated pir- lurcsjuil received and for aalc price five dollars wu ux sale at the athtneum buok store march 101817 blank deeds fojl sale at rm atheneum bfok store dekdsof nrgain ft sta tute 1p4 uocdof uanjaln anil savj wwofdltni moieagp ueoda without paof dower do do wilhllaf memmauwilhbirof l lo without lurnf l ahjckirt of ftaawljft diftnct coajftnnd livkmi court warmafj mircli9i 1847 c uamrkks mlscpllnyfuaefulana erticftaiiuui traela vf viul till vol 13 al iddi jii of literalurc 2 n barkers black varnish tow thai winter ia net in tlio time to ulothil cfllohrattjtl vaiitiai fui bbotfj siloh fccti icomo ita naa mo ventawol feci thereby proaoiving both the health ami lln nncltet il w l- and kottil at the atiiknftuat hjcir stuuki hat sticoi kiuuatun ojn- ciiamlter ynlilt rvlinbnrtf vor 1 to 5 inutentwf f e people j vak kjuoii ahm of modern and ancient cootrirt il v a chalmers oaamnr l v r n 3 h ii ntth aihcimhim hook pal vak- j winers pectoral yrnp ot horehound and elecampane ijioh ihc pedv and eftelnal cure of cvnlicolja of blood whfvininjr coah croni or hive con- u upturn plemtay hoarnest paiuaand soreneoltrtajkreait aud lon bronchitis a disease that is ttfcepm hn tlrda to a pre mature firave under the fictitious name of consumption can he cured by this medicine the uual aymniomsof uiis diseaae- bron chitis art cough soreness of the luns or throat hoaraenert difficulty of bieathin a4hma hectic fever spitting up phlegm or mailer and sometime trrooil it ii nulhinx more than an ioltamaiion of ihe une skin whichlipj the inside of the whle of lb afiod iiihejj or air vessel every part of 1h lung toe peculiar virtue of ihu compound have for a ion irai atlractai the attention tf the medical profession and public j and a lively interest has recently been directed in llie development of theiractive povrers and milmonaric qualities which the propnetor are now i -n- lo r if and prsnt this medicine to the puhlic with lull confidence of it hein the mot safe and vatuame remedy ever dis covered anil adapted in all diseases of the lung when any of the- functions do nol perform their naniral or healthy action it ia univeraaily believed that goj in hi providence ha not afflicted his children willi pain and disease without at the same tunc giving them something in the garden of nature that will not only medicate hut in many case entirely relieve them witn ihee views simngly imprewdon our minds everyone should feel a threat desire lo investigate o the utmost of his power the jrcat arena of utture and lo draw ftorri cht instruction which ihc vrtsdoin failed to attain in presenting thisarlicle to ihe public the proprietors were influenced by the hope that a medicine prepared with much care and strict regard in jj chemical properties ol its several mgrcdietitsshuuld takethe place ol thoxsamls of irtuonihle nostrums ol the day with vrnieh thr country is deluded ctne wr of one hottlc of the syrup wf le mitficient to convince the oioal scepti cal of it beneficial effect piapattd and oi by j whier hamilton canada west- and john wnner co 83 mattea lnrsn y lot sale at ihe athc- iieuo book sttwan- lhictaiid c heaihs kington and by a uuothout canada culte foit worms wlsbrfs canadian vermifuge arkanibd m all case the best re uivdy ever yet discovered for worms only destroy them but inviorate the source that of man has ill respectable druggists irttloby monttra c o p a ijtou aai j kinra minnriiv nlsil in ini- iuii uh iiy the imu or tttgln u- y mcr- eliiiitahiiiuiliiirrtwfaiajw- it not afhole ytjm and carries olf the superabun dant alimjj or mucus o prevalent in the tomaeh and howels especially oj those in nadheallh it if harmless in ils e fleets on ihe yslrmnd the health of the patient il always iiaproviflfr by sin use even wlten no worm arc discovered the medicine being mlalahlr no child will relne to take il not avail ihe rnot delicate plain and prac itcalolervatona upoudiaeai resulting from worms accompany each tmltlr i epar il ll sold hy j a john wmer hamilton wnnvf co m maiden laneny for ale amhe athineirm flooksuoen palmar r heath kgs- lun an hy all ihf reapectable ijfuitji wca wult il imiat uoobviut1 to the moat buierfical ubsci vcv that ivheti tliu functions nf nutnro now al itiiled to ute not performed with duo ic- uurity u9sitnnie mutt ho nbtatfttd frionuit a ivrieit medicines then bn ivune ilulihlthhrltly wilhihtltvj fxiijtl where tlie uac of truiifl or a change in the mode of liviny may suffice for re moviutlic ovil ami muat br had re course to until the necessity for such aid ccaaos isulit isaquestion ofconsiderablcim- poriaiicc wliai laxative shall be em- iloyed the lit of apciieui medi cines i numerous but tlieir eltecta mi the system vary conoiiletabl some ex- ertihetr influence chiefly on the ttxlia- lant vessels or on aome part of the bow els iiy whilst theaction of others ex tends more or leasto the whole of the inteattnalcanal thelattercloanf ape rienta ia evidently the beat adapted to obviate the habitual confinement of the uuwtilaas they pply that additional excitement which nature then requires lo assist borln the performance of her accustomed functions ltis precisely on thislatter principle that tho ills now olterer to the public aictoimed and as their activity can be increased or ipasened merely by taking a larger or sfnalter quantity they not only furnish an aperient medicine pro per for general use in a family but arc also well calculated to answer most o the purposes for which purgative reme dies are necessary the pills are not however recom mended as a specific for the cure of a ll diseases auch preposterous state ments ara worse than ridiculous and are only put forth for deception jut they will prove a valuable kemedy for that confined state of the bowels which lays the foundation of much suffering forthoseoccasiona obstructionsto which all are liable and for all those disorders which p rise from an overloaded state ot the stomach and alimentary ciual con sequenily decided benefit will be deriv ed from iheir use in giddiness and paine in the head accompanied with nausea or sickness in all headaches where coativeneaa prevails in flatulencies bilious attacks the commencement ot cholic the early stages of jaundice and in promoting the expulsion of worms they require no confinement or change in tlio diet moderate oxercise will as sist heir operation and experience has proved that as an aperient tl ey are safe and efficacious may be taken by adults and children and also irt every stage of pregnancy to children of five years of age and upwards they may be readily given in pulp of apple orange or jolly and thus disguised they are much more easy of exhibition thatipvw ders or other disagreeable medicines directions koit taking thr pills n cac of bilious complaintsffoul stomach ac three pillsto be taken at bedtime and repeated next night if necessary ilendnchesickehho the stomach two pituto be taxen atiiiehtand one in the morning- obetinulecsltvtness three pills to be taken at any time needed and re peatede very six hours lift til relief ob- ainedi the usuahloacforordinary personsia threu pilliibut fourpills may be taken hy a person o fat rong habit of body ond two pillamuy bogivou to delicate wo men and children pkkparkd and sold by dr barker attho athenoum book store kingston sold in boxes at 7jd is 3d and ia d each sauces and pickles itarftk aasortmrnl of london pitkle ami sauco new railway nphb sulitrroers would intimala tt forwarders ond owner of propel- f barges z t thai they have leaded ih railway nl portsmouth from the marin roi1wiy company and ore now ready for hauling out and repairing gorges stx and hy mudornte cliargei and strifjl al- tention loiiuaineas hope lo merit q shafc of public patronage p k il tieaupre pnrumonlh c- w may c8lh 1m6 eight hundred thousand in the bsuron tract emi- notice to old settlers grants and others the canada company have thrown open all their lands in the hukon tkactfw -linnnaai- hy wav of lease for ten years- no money being required down the kent payable on the 1st frebruary in each year is hot much mom than the interest upon the tipfet pi ice nf tlio land ihc right lo pur- chafe tjie freehold at any time withir the ten years at a fiaed price named in lease is secured to the settler whr would thus save all further payments of rtnts the huron disirict known to b one ofthe most heuhhy atid fertile tracia of land in canada it has more than doubled its populoilou within four years the huron tract in tht year 843 con tained 7 jo i souls in june last year thtr i huron disirict numbered 14983 souls acconlinjjto the official returns thf- above land are in blocks there fore aflordinc facility for the undivided settlement of families of old settler an their friends maps printed particulars and every requisite information upon the huron and the canada company other land in the province will be furnished tee of ciiaros by application if by iflter postpaid to ihe canada companvs officii at toronto and goderich and straffurd in iho huron district captaoa coranvornct fredcriclt st toronto 1st jany 1847 6m whters celebrated medicines nphbfolliifinif mctlicine are kcptoonatanlly alhcorom book stora e for aaln at hirot street tha athtnsum book store on siii at the bapot strcl kintoi via i winery arcanum extract forth atorn andfw mancoi curaof all diaeaaraariaiop froin an impurr illo of the blond winery pecrixralsyrupof more hound 6t elecampanefor ikt cure of con- ha cold aatfima conauioption ste winbks canadian vermifuge- tho brl itvdcdy ever ct dircovxred for wormi winers tooth ache drops a r lain cure for tho tonth ache winers camphorated nerve an hone linimenta certain euro for the law hammatory sciatic and chmnic rhumatm- wineiis family ointment for tha cureofsoixiuifs while swollinga rhotaatirrn i n cancer itch c winerscheallcalpileolntment a apeedy afc and effectual roincdy for lb tile together with an cxtonaivo varioty uf rgardaa enrich and american patcol mtdicinai nov 6 146 lundon steel pens just received at the atheneum book store a large assortment of steel pea by various makers including cilbts cele- hrated magnum bnmiins the new vork ladies pens and several other new article a liberal allowance to the trade oclaber 26 2000itt m whiikiy fer dkummonq whiskey i lloiis le by 6 i84c tobaccos oh ox kpw aiomilic chwiiii to- l nil hv bate did juno 6 1846 by m dltummuno camphinb oil constantly on sol hy s dournj sopumbar 18lfl