iuumtfr onupj urumal ffla bdu v ntf itimuiwi we burr i hi jhj rimfwhl ike wmii filie m umiai uiij jh rnll mi llir i mmj pmiitr1im tw rwl ftpfettfmfr- tlw pvl lwl1 kirtrtmur in mttftf 11 in mtn f luanrrvli iinrieu ii nty wiiih- l wj4 till im lailm hrltfumcwill entertain ik p w bw wr not believ i wii j w hir lul im burl calhnkclfwrtur- nf five yi icidvure in laitj f ll a kindly mbw i d lir r achem wm enrfhhww wmiu like i h 1hc woikbouw of hi native land emptied tad iheir pinori inwmlwm i cmi what scotchman would lc willur in ail n the imparl of none hut th ooresl f hfe mlew countrymen and what ifuvm i there wlm in lib er mlttn i w jport of icmgsion autrved aratr 1w k1r ifarrafvtfl balapbuijlftukei ilcoavr- tity ftf im lnfcf suntrt wfcmi- khar jne a j a v srirf a j browne walker ee f i mtftlwht 500 bbk famtf a co my i ivlir iili rksojcm muclvri tckftm l j ii ilti tvcee- ltyih 0113 khlf bf b73 mm rirtw jn u klk kkmnmba i2lw bbu kjour jonej tvltcr uttwa oijuu piter jj8 bun iw j a vlkct mikellov 113 mil rnfb mi pnir jti moeolm t4 btf fwr jtujsun- ifitt llivlvr at itctivm hjww aibblnof sir liyf ihc ltkfi sutijiic d wik suw ft luji cnwiii cqk a c comilurclal mart mi s hifimi 300 bbk roar immt brtjw- niii ok aca 192 to flour jlouvct hindtfit ar cu itiabclli l mil fluur iso 3o tork j ii uwi a cik tlbaart sundries a wl a ck iidda sundnr flour loinlrorfutfc into col4 ihil mlry fi which ht hiamdfi all ftfhmlhy llccj k ont ttit prouioft of och a liim elsvll butaffdt 10 ihu province al vfhiiiii coninltttdjhritrlhtrirslnovcllyhwofiimr ul irishmen llirif wive ml rllif all conditiori aail ttcei ncwwjftrt their own ff will and ihtj will ht kintlly wticomtbal o whoitalc mflipins1ikr this tbrcilentd hmlirflm wt dmu wl w sir mrpmtd lo ht alt fal arci vaahonj mr djihjlyfciwfc 1473 bbui daij ftillioii wakifficw fcl ihj a hand mi theconcoctinrtoflliithrmc ttit mnnorul i wtll wfillcr with i knowledge of canada unlikely to be pomfrtl ny eirliti of iht atrt enlleiotft whwt names aiv a llie fool of til circular 10 uu pfcm ubliked in our ltl- mr wakcfieldjbyihutiiiicinaitosaility hasapent the money he cunrd by he btmhar- h0b tand company joband if ioumlem ptjiuilfi and able lo embjik in iome oiher ttomjr making projtcl cakraf vlirhe ihiueltold fnnlurt f i j o1hr rirel j at tin ommkrchii rimir friday wkhfl lilt hval uwvtnlhu buaum with re nra f 2 kent jahojany snfitt i matmetoncvnirtftabk 1 black walnnl rtrt do jllark walmil bureau bieakfju tauei iant stal and other chair tameadf hair mntrjes nrriuidrt an iron itedurad two blaek watomlhuiral kay chair 1 cftrptu sl9lr cmipetiii rdv aran fender do flit iroin t cokiiiij stove cmtlllrhfi 1 mall d and dtimi sfotc life of sir walter scolt in 7vola a chiljv caffiac aunuiur a china bmilktmshf a lot of caiihcn ware and kiiehcn ulfwuh william ware kindlon 30lh april mn auction sali2 rrv thfc simkcri the cnuiummcnl adverlicd to ufcr jace at lu thejtre royal n siturday ia5 duly look place- tlew- danc wav scanty but thouxh in a ptcuriiary r umir j doreltck get miehtnt miner 503 bbla havt nr heancruicfloaodttj a wikee 4ck sr r pt200 bbl fw p f mftcuil tffiow 50u d te maepbenoo vane sir i i i i i uti4rteaj ii greet ft co lbri kuorotrt 340pcoak timw e g mnnck mr cdimd suntrtco ttdir m conk ho pec 0k timber clrio ka r sir inlyof i he lik soodrica niars sondriea selir le wuntta se tm flour ji 6y b point of view hit affair ms a failure j yeiat an exhibition it waaexcain and iniere-lin- in the highest drree t1nt ivho know any- lhirof that itftjchltf woman ann lee are nitorally drvironsof seeing j beaijcmiwie- thin of the praetiets of her delmlril follnw erf in the present tnjiihtencd ase and to ihtm the leclnres of sli brrkkellunfc and the sonjr and djnee of the ux btttuletf aud sister wtit highly acceptable while twe who attended the theatre for the parpfet of wins aived in the ordinary way wie rf cmhct in a w dbiipilrtijt we nave neither lime nor inclination to enter largely into the lite and mvkiiof that e- traordinary penv tfci sluket ttry are lb aobjrct of aneay not of a scrap lul wr cannot rtfalfl from orrvtn thai auowin the leprcenlalionaf last sohifdov tnbi faiilt- ill of which we uofet no lonm the trli- ejou son and dancr vf ihe mafcrr a tcl prtftrfflf u be christians are more grouly aereliosand mntc ahiinlly iidiculnlhan irr f can pmalybtull reliioii praclice of mjj hindoo and chinetr whom it h fla mm j for the foitatr lo term healhint and it itej one pecutiariiy foreimy struck the sa f weie un in uuin nt in chord auhflnh the singer vrit i in uumlwr and ihe irel wa prculur ami nunewiial injitmi- hit mcledic were all old knfiwi inne n rhiejly in tlic iinnnr inood and tmly te- aetnble in characlcr hrmtf lfc mjp uay mtimmew ilinvi hmh mni daf w and ckritttna cacou ol tlit tiorlh knaud there bfjtf nothing yankee m tuol huil ihttn ihiiuh extremely niwioionihi but we dwell loo km nn llm ulgret swllicc it the brethren finding tluir elfotts lo pkaae ittiau preeiated by iht canada tiimic would not tiy lha effect of anotlier coucrri but forihwiw relumed to the uniceilstale selit ctvdt imihl flow p f mcui2 0 ivi svndiic j a- wlker cc co sir ft wndrira scte snim to bblf plur ijtxbee p co jtio vicifni 112 pea while oak tim it calvin cook co rjmabctb u3dbbla fiokir mm ot ainhtrrfburgb i030fcbk flnr ico do hooxcr fleodetron 6 l lit fisbbu floor j a walker ot co jmibll ttl lilt brillall vniii 11 anh 23 mr ii hutchirio mr iwtiutnin rnd lf vhwlftafi lvi ur d brric i i rborxbi mr fe cuf be sactei harbw mr woi wtlkr o r mr uiyiiil mr ii- irj tunlo mr uiltoor mootrtal v- jhtfoqocbte jrni tr idoev jnc bcockviltr mr hook preiu m ilwlrw anj ur a- mtt i fitriruoi4 mrt bfockhitnk vlroovti mr svciv mr vurke nd mr jtin curke lttvs mr joir milkr piclon mr t u wm muni real mv 11 mr w pouo qniec thoma vm motrcil mrmo p fio and mr uwi goebce mr r mdny believitlo mr archbthl maefall and mtjovhy wfllinebm k purer ktncuqo cjpi cm il c il lk anoix ftirl- irury ranj mr r l wjiu oir mr jotepht4rnm mrwnlbco mr wrote mins i mr h n mr jtfliia afamrvella enurd j kcanfwi mr fr ride moi i mr s t- ftmnto wm jf v albkt wilhim dork en kottoa mr p mor rthiolirt an mr grrno afiherat lt itr r il i t jnctm iivkc k ith mr j luiv prccit mr j l tmith rrcnwt a alomfoal p tiicatmicau wr enpirj ofe time eince a rftp from the rwraf jvcrjh itatinj that mr george jonr had been drowned on the miitfiipl jcnw forlliein fontation of the pomie we woilj late that 1bat lady is neither ded nor hepm oul watlopuy in cincinnati on lie colh ult in company wilh mr andrron the tragedian mr skerrelt i lo be in ilomlten nil the loih intl and we may expect him in 1 theft dij gin about the lit of june fv nfoarar the adminutrauon afler vwmg ahool two year in asonive itkapil 10 strengthen iticlf i weaker than evrr mr solicitor general tarlieteai ha temntd of fice and wilt takt hi ieat in lfte oiipoiition tochc neat aion i at in end iht canon apiro tatchereaun conduclanl ihr whole di- trict of quebec will do ihe wmr it tot jrenerally rumored yelcrday ihal hi papi nejo is about to reiu iinmrdiaiely and thai htib be and mr vier will withdraw all fur fber eoqnlpnance from the enemies of their countrymen thi r fcnlifyin ami imior- uii- should mr bjvgtey h defeated i- jnni a neeaitocm expected the time b up pilot vti t kingston market prices satuad iv mai i st7 pretreayarjuauf cu1 ae jfcrtel ii o- o nmr f hq lb 14 u 0 o uvaia jlurjtrj s 3 ft n i kulrjr niio l 0 0 a 0 0 ttve ilo g ci m ii t jul v jforhel 3 0 fl 1 2 rviudu 3 so 0 ii till meed a hundreov 15 ia o o imuivi it okj 3 i i 4 o tlvrboodiod 23 dili 0 0 poc lb 0 a o 0 pvk r hundred m4i 6 ft 30 0 ik lb 0 5 0 0 c vriri 0 4 0 mutunt 4 lb 0 i a o o unite m ml 0 ri ii iu ifi ut 0 71 0 0 cirr v 0 5 0 6 etvefl 7 0 0 c3 in turfcute cojjtc v 7 irervjci 9 0 4 2 3 pulj- none 0 0 9 0 0 dwki ar eemplo s 0i 2 1 luwkri w 9 3 0 2 6 uiyaf tt 4s 0 9 37 6 6 3 20 0 mfiwho- it wip vooed 1u g a it 0 oh wednesday 12olmr at tiii store of a dickson kijig btrrct wmtltl io snij an extensive aa- china crockery gliks st9e cdivi bibthpuvue toys household furniture c compiiaing dinner tea desert cnanibor scua decanters tumblers and wiueglittca ctu and imain unom paper and a vartctj of ilher atticles in the crockery tiitc salt at q oclock a jv terms cash william mcmillan autfincer the store and dwelling of the above may he rented nenaratelr or together on atinlicotionto ma dick lore un the tremtsca kingiion 3rj may 137 auction sale op freehold property situated opposite the british uv- y 11 methodist chape mon treal uoad will be som t public atietiin on tuesday the 25ih mavif imt pre- vioily rlifrpoed of two frame houses wittistablg shei auj a never failing wblluf water lc im petty ii in good con jiiinn and ivill kent foe a hont t40 jer annnm p po tutthcr particultn ipy to the owner on the premise or t james linton term at slej sale at 12 oclock kioiron may i81t- goveiuiit noi- tendbtts l be tvecivcil ut ihfi commiaiini ohkr kindlon urilil noon on tukspay tin iftii june enuinj fr tupjiljltig the ohlttto de- p3rmct with siimo fctt tf cerfttr timftr in picric nf a frtea wvinw and vnrymg lensfh ffomin to 20ivei hut none miller 10 feet tlnmim by ihi contracior 31 b ow epoe iviihoi twomy rbw faun l1 rotaiiro 4f iw tender heidi ma- kwmmllni cither it ii m- drk yni r nt ilk oalnbmv vard m poititlw iwlmmwdi ird in k hihjeit ul iwtttw 1- provnl sccuritv fi pwmw the nervirc will ivimvtl antl a form of tender nttfaimj tliuoiure commkaktat kintteihyililw7 the steamer captain johnson will leave flit lnrliiue to mtjrhuwwe inu may fitfc t 7oacil for freight or idiu hvirjc ex- reiurn accionmodatiimj apply q the captain on buatdorio h s jones kiiicmon may 4 1317 ii beos leatetprftilljf lotwwra hi mrw irrtftffol lllhlilw i i is awnim prwitla i ciifiomefii v w wpport he hmwto fiincloiff mtabliamrnt in buiiir and iak ibis opportunity toloim thirn ihat he hasrecontly enird at new vw a conftctmner patissieri jr cftarfej fwft co4vr whibear wrihnim the must batreriiitj leiiimoniakforjtill n hifl iiwsbhi from lita totamt herr swam faxe ivejimoo w wlmmlw wived eiii apprentiecshay j it therefore if ift n cnnditioii lo execute order ftf cveiy kind of con fecti one ry pyramid icefmaws fruit ccs and vlatfih icks fhmftn punch charlottes jittsts r together with ewry other article in hi line in general ie on the continent or europe ladievtea tomea opplied wilh a vaiicty of rcw and excellent tka cakbs- every hi mode in ihe bet style and twnwhed it the fthotltfm hioicc on rearioibletetms may 4h isi7 3w removal likgtu uk f j1iib mitro of law klnflloii mc- jl rltajiiej lhtiiutin ii v niu h pleas ure in loriotno 5 tn the menler and lh- pjitlic bhnilij that ken erili i1nf kcfhiie icfc nai im0mtpii lo tfiiv a lfrture ii whieh the potirir aiv invilcd in lif cnurt lloue on tucday evening iln m may next i 7ve neri utiw frc mak the lecture to commcrtvc at half pad 1 seven ovioek pbtkr lamond cc sit kinplon april 07 isn fsttt rijjv summlik cools a skaw fj ix to iniimnihai in advance oftheir 9 iiim iiiiioiaiiotitf by the si lav- remvilit ha ibi djy rcceivcj their lirt hpii ol new goods fir 1i114 season enporfed per ftaejttl ihlp ynrkltire to new york and hod down here under ihe new american drawback act cnmnrimfcjra latje aofinient of british am fukncil gooijs diinsinhlr tihran cv fancy straw bonnet shaffls dresses ribbons fl0wers1c kingston 2slh april ist7 kingston building society the member of the society are here by notified that the stcornt monthly instflmtnt on the stock becomes payable on monday next ihe 3rd of may irl 1 hereby required 1 be pard lo llic treasurer at hi onw kmcr street george baxter sttrctanand trcarurcr kington 27th april 1s7 3n farm for sale weth1n pniih mfwi ofkirtt- fott themacml cllifl ihiiiiltdl acrw of laml hmm no s toll jale with a stone ic tvamo itirn frame urvae liejmril tmd cairiagn ifuum 40 or so acres efeaird term ooclliird cah- apply un the iimvj i 1 wm w april 20 h7 3m victoria sltton copartnership the trnderrorfned have rmered rnu coparinrrahip ftrt ihe piirpora erf eaiyihgofiihe fokwardino busl nkss ill the kivee si uarrrmc lake ontario krir 1- t under the nam arid ntyle of f t jcat ka urmiml loin h iucri co at kiiifchthi avnl v culclcucjii ac r ut inoiltuii john h crfkr iv m colclefjgh hamilton march s 1m7 saddlery eaarness war ehq use the subscribers bee leave o leunii ilnni to the inhabitunt of kiofainn uod u vieiniiy for the ahart of publir natronae lhy have ie- ceivcd during their rcmdenve to hroci street and ivoild inform tjicir friends ef their rttnwl lo princess street in the shop a1 of ivifhim martini tjrocery lately rojticd a tinship where by mriet ntteritron to buntnqnfi they hope to nreinw a continuance uf ihal auppiii hitheiirr auaidid ibtm english made saddles urillrs iptrtinn rau ihrnrxs tntnt schooner for sale- the ubacri tier nlfer bruit the schooner mohawk chief capable of carrjinp 7j0 barrel a of flour and welt tofapfed for the lake or bay trade ihe above veael if ni previously diapned of by povatc aatewill be a4d by a uct1 on on the 20th may next at porbmouth near hinton fr further panicolare apply to roaent fisiltift pitamouth thos downey frederickborh april 23 is7 spuing of 18 4 7 rfi tf wiubeconmarit nn j tkive ihishpi mad to artic in the i the pntchdnt reaction j- laarlin ankove nf mr rlle kingston philharmonic society will give tlivir list concert ibi sean in the cnnrt iiouie on trniiv evening the 13ih irul it htfpat etffl aclack a pioramme of the prfornce will ip- i ptar aerllj each subscriber card will i himself and one lady nanjuhscritvre j may ubtiin tickets of a oisimi i 6th ach mile cbmlif mcam ratnsay armeur ftftv atheneum bowk store n palmer arrivals il d a miliy aalional lllrb apnl27 mr w r atlcn cooecon urb ixcti ailphutioun mr 1uj sdurh limn j4 y mr wm rily smfwy mr k ronb caawi mr- thi ihwit irrcftti ml mr jw brvwb odvmwih n mr peur ekjc relaieaei 3ir hiwcj balkf mrl jjiae uurd sjeey ojib mr ehr44 ttrkr llimilfn ctf j pirrsue kingtvin mr s ufttktn nj ucje wa erion uf j caaw htjaay w y a fr um holiocs airxndoa n v mr j jtknvw jl kttcr n y w c alten 0mcci mr skick utwi n- y mr waj ru siiwj mr b btbrrorlli hklicrf s y uf tiiowin utmrtt prevctu mr j ur- auburn ty pbjdle bclhiville mr j uarhn sydory mr srttmrr blh mr ilukv ltritih ainertcaa lamb ion m hotel and athaitinga kingston phxharhoniq society lh person having any claims cainu fc society ill vleae od an 1h the mnie 0 ih same lo the undcrtiened on or ei before tuesday ibe ulb iast ast f w oakes stcretary notice to pensioners edi rphe deduction of 2 j and 5 per eml which x h een made from cfaelaca pensioners paid at kiiirston for the mtml quarter end ed kowfc i3pin jew will uirhaliaoee wiihrecent t i iwirociieihi be tefended ta the parties oa an- mhchpt j p kmciton mr lime at this olkce imam awraeatari n s uiwn srnkivj ys mr j conwr unci itc iv w halrner alenndcr ijy k v mr slewed hdy r i schildrrc precoc kaylalf mritnuclyoa ilihati mr 15 oaajofi kncacier cpi s uavjr pnvroii mi- jamea 014 amiiijji mr o w but- sdj k hartvra cnbrkkcilte s m llybtircckticd mr janin jnaunn pcic lbmtftjj mr il tl jonet ijavbfo mr s i colby xcw vut j mr lraeuflj a ckh 3td mr jmjio l taltet picli mr v punn do mr a tfrmwafliwnwlj mr jhn m r auburn 1 mr j cameron wttof mr pave brikydcj mr u v lwtcr d pawt bcikriue commiyahat kingion way 18w t3 chroojck and newr two insertion each v jforwardersa r0 let from the first may next jl ilnwell known it ed stoke at pieln ore o pied by mear rmcpjtchaox cnvm ft co with all the convenience yarj slied anil rail ca annlt to jos levy jety hoti montr montreal april 25 187 353 removal kingston tin ware manufactory e t a chown illuhctciees p ti sheet ikw 9 fuppes wikmm dealers in coukinnd other slovc beg leave raual repeetfully to re- ninithaiiwtu their iuoteniua tcntn and country iutnrnerai for nam faenrs and infrm them ilm thoy have nmriwd their establishment 10 uiise eligihln premises in princess street ijfry in tfu occvpotfan of mr jcaa benner ncrttf opposite ae taeeaertd howe where chey hope byieady attention in tiuatnes 10 ciniiuue t meril a ahare of jtuhlic patronage and from the cap a fiouuieas and many conveniences of 1 heir neve premise feel confident ot giving satisfaction to those who roaj favor ihem with their oidera e et a chown keep conatantly on hand a full aanttroeni uf tiw dhcct iropi tc cihtffm vamfii cooking parlor and box stoves which they offer for i ai pricea 10 auit ihe limes and respectfully solicit an inspection of their block before pur chasing elsewhere 05 the highest price paid in cash or good forolj brass copper pewter an j ijaj rag taktn in exchange prince street kin may i 1s47 edud1tidn at mostreal mrs hamilton who some years since had a scltovl in to nmto and afterwards tn kindlon iur- posea again to open a boakoing and day school on the 9iht may ensuing for a limited number of young ladies terms may he known on application at her reidence in t urban street near st catharine street letters post paid montreal 23th april 117 if whiskey 1ff barkbls canadian jij whiskey will bo sold low for cash only hv william j martin mortal square kingston iih may 187 order with bmiiw and deiprteh r lanfear 1 carr trimwiing- mat rarsmatoto notice the underf firllij a11 vot creatine arfv one on their aecmmt ci written nplle albion by far the most apt- j rlwf ald cnnhnodinu ho i el in quebec ix unjergomf extensive rcpir uilii adilitiun of much new furniture anil will lonlmne its rank among lhic of the firmcbsn hotels 111 bnlih north ameiira lis management am general airangenieiii lor the pkasurahle accomodation of itsoc- cupania are open to the iwpediuo of ai discerning nuhhe the undersigned in mating this an mnjiicemeiii to ins paimn is not umnuid fill of the ditinuid anj very hawfttl pfttmiaap extended to km for the past four veir hv irvtler mnyof ihee wf the iiidul rnk 4ind upfvt4ohty uod wood mjk- ii who 1 iv contmu the same ilia i every exertion nf himtclf and uiom in n employ will be devoted to their comfort willis russell albion hotl quehee april 14- 1s17 33 in aiexandek cicolari n rcjpectfiihy lenilering hi lha aha in hi cimmncr for ihe liberal aupnri tttey have hiiheno ekletdcd lo him bfea uiarqaaial them and niher that he ha recently much i his eiablihin m ptof inrrcit luilldinff maftkct sqlarf whtrc alltindof rvfreshmenh in sea- iii iasitv wines lioorur jellies ice crcarris vaierlee hainan poneh tt jc c will iwual le provided ant uul by hhellorn to picamv to secure a continuance uf public patronage launches always ready a ci beir a practical workman i prepared in accommodate families wilh pastkynliclhoiit noticeathlona- reasonawe term as any other in the trade charlotte rflttpi meringue and other dclhnrier prepared lo oeiler kington floiii april 1s17 32lm notxoe the suhrileni hereby give notice ihal from and after thin date they wit carry on the imsincw of xva k eholse- 1rn apart from thitnf forwarders md will not receive into iheir warehouses here aay pioduce uumf than that already rnntrarted fr excepting in the firmer capacity for which the fijiowing ware house dues attall be charged for even- ten dav ihtl such produce may remain here they further give nmice that should the owner of uch property be mbw a rnvermg ihe same hr insurance again fire while warehoused bek the subacrihcrs will on lieint requested in writing act as their agenu for such purpose 40 far as it 0m ue cflvcted plaof per hitter id jtrw rfii pik lid atf 3d jrht irt kthrik andullicr pmprtr in pcriio hooker ihdbawiki tco muphgron at tranrx jambs 4 walkcit at cu itaiajones a co p april iwt- ix tim mwhaj iwper ritl pleie cpj the arfa thffrittrtilw mmtrrt uiiiir 1 iriteitigmetr coaerf tr taieer cotoni- h- 1 i j iii hi keprr ltni timer 4 signed by one of llefrm or by bt ii jt jones 33if kidghftb april go -so- ju8t itecelvbo at the 4the b00k s tffdbvb i lh nwm ui atlwm d my 4ih 1917 bay ofquinte sl 1847 ihe ld op c0mio steme queen victoria capt jh n berry s now perwning her daily rnnie setiveen ktiaw and the head of ine bay of qumto s u day and rettirningrheaext snd leave ihe vvharve kirifitoa tjfwards every tuesday thursday and satur day at 8 oclock a i precisely downwards will leave jberfwe fnr kingston and intermcdiaw plaef every monday wftr nesday and fvid 7 uvlock a m the proprtmrr desirous of olterintj to ihe puolic every accommodation within ihetr po be it to inftom ihe pulilic generally thai they will at the suggestion of p bnainrw men if the uay of quinte wn their boat lo oiwe- uon her arrivl at kindlon every kkniat night she will return on saturday so a not to interfere with her regular liijn orncc or rut cirv liitmat kinston april 70 1847 the suharri her will for the future receive all order and transact nil btmtmi connected with the distillery at hiioince entering on ftlr brown wharf john rose n b a supply of whiskct always on hand and cash paid for coarce grain during ihe entire season j k if the above teamtifwi is fitter with excellent aecorniiiklanoti for p and every alientiei will he paid to the re ception and delivry of freight kingston apfloo j8i7 notice j hereby frhidany person or er- l sons from krbofing or trtlslbrg my rplww jeremiih feliier on my ac count as i willtioi le responsible for any debts of hmffntr4ciiii and any person empliyiniim will beproieiuted accurdiiijc tu lutv jihn belangett kingston apfl 30 3i sale of keal property ttill br sold by public vt auction on tuesday the i5ih day of june nexl on the premi the following valuable water and building lots situate in the vile laog of poutsmijuth belonging to ihe bstste uf tue late john meler iluildcr viz two water lots rteing no 1 1 14 in the plan of the premises cjn rwr of ihcc is a sub rtantial wharf h0x 60 feci havinea depth of water on ihrce of its tide suffi cient fr lot jin vreln of a tarce draught the other which points lo the river con tains about an acre of ground and is well lotted fr any wurks requiring a uneriur water privilege sixteen village lots tieingnn 15 i7 19212333341 42 44 45 49 52 53 57 ami 58 of the oid plan on two of the lots are lime kilns at all times in profitable operation ths others contain ihe bcl limelone qoorres in the province from whence stone s taken and extensively shipped tnall the upward iorts the premises ai abound in good 1 n of ater the above properties are most eligibly mtuated being within aboul a mile of ihe city uf kingston and command a fine view of the itay and river the harbor i known as the safest on the lakes and a large and increasing business is done in the village where several yard for ship building two marine railway a bieam saw 1 planing mill a brewery and other work are in succtu operation a fnfwei phm of ttic premises maybe fteen ntthc lurf mdasyl xiiiicfatkick lcritovfs to whom rcfereococan lo made or to either of ihe undersigned who will point out the premises and furnish intending purtlnrrs with all other ucces sary information terms published at the opening of the sale thos mmnuuafc quliens college school mr w a ross wiil reopen quttns cotttgf ayw on aoniav23rd may and it is earnestly requested ihal parent and guardians will loose no time in en rolling pu pi ik in thi nlilulmi although originally iavmuu mwlvl wrifthonseofidtf tiatthg crkhdiics fur aduii4ion into queenv cidlego limnetiorl will be given to all who do ore il in the usual branche nf an krgfih commerrial and malhemaii tal as well as clascal uijuralum a claw will i fnfmed kl ttie opening uf the session for the kudimeols nf lite latin language terms may he learned frffl the revd mr machar principal rf the college or from the itcvd prof komanes or the revd prof williamson mr r05s has leen employed in the work ol teavhmk for some years and ome of the most duiinguihed btudenu ai queens college owe o him that previous training which has enabled them to prose ruie their studies at the university with urh success both from our knowledge nf hi talents and rhoaihp and rum ihe proof wc have had of his eminent abilities at a teacher in the young men whom he has sent to college we are enabled wilh the fullest confidence lore- commend him to such parent as dei re to tilturc the advantage of a thorough edu cation fur their children john machar a m george romanes a m j williahson a m kingtnn apnl iftlh 1847 1 84 jq 18 fokw aroinc1 between montreal and kingston and vice versa tta the oluwi rirrr sod bidrao ciu1 ud liver iu v angus mcleoo kingeton 13th april 1w7 the underatned wilh an increased stock of banoaa and rirnamrrs t their command will tranapoit with safety and deaatchj all property riorittded to their care pasio custom hcoiie rsntries of goods from gugtand and scotland brill be promptly attended to and ftee of charge thanking iheir cuatumora for tho pa tmimge they have hitherto extended to them they solicit a continuance nf public uimuit beinv determined to di busi tiesn at ai reaimahle rates as any others in the trade j s mccuaig ft ccv montreal p f mccuaig co pflgalnai kinpton 6th april 1847 29tf lot barley oat meau bran fil shorts for sale apply to james hebvey maitland 20th apiil 187 33st ship bread the very bet quality of snir tiucad f warranted bake j and kept cnttut- irouhaod for nuc bv gariiet comkrford aroc slrcef kiagiln april 23 ltu7 32- j lake an riv line forwarding for 1847a with reference to the nbore an nouncement the undersigned will bo prepared on the opening uf the navigation to carry un the furwarding buiiueti between mnnireal kingston trwonlai harnillon and other porit on ustit 0tamio and alaom laaic eaia and vice vera f r the transit of fro- dgc and merchandize their slock rf firrcla borges pro ptlhr shorn frtight bool and schoo- ner is such as will enable them lo do justice in nuch parties as may confide isumuos to their care produce c in titore oefore the open int of the lachine canal to be at the riaa of the owners thereof colcleugh areervmrw juhn h queer co kingston wmcoixleugh 3c cc hamilton ft u 1nnes managing jlgtnt at vinita hingstonsih april 1847 28 im forwarding for the undersigned having entered iota ca- partrership for the purpose ol carrying on iha fokwandixg business between kingston montreau aao tsotj vtsa via the rhttan canal and luirr st lawrence will he prepared 011 the opt ning of tbc ff avi- new stock of steamers 8t barges capable of carrying 20 oiki barrel of flnr pmr neahbi to send forward any property tthich cut be consigned to them fro n their experieece and knowledge of the i- i they trust lobe able to eva general salif and solicit a share of public rationale the butincs teill be carried oa in afodtresl at the store occapied last season y hi- liard v a ri aoder ihe name and fires of smith glawfobd and at kineslonj under the name and firm of cttifend it smith james a classford george smith- kinpton 8th march 1847 20if notice the pumic aro informed ihat lh montreal and kingston mail line op steamers l port to uicensona landing until further 1 until 19iii notice on monday the leaving kingston at 7 a m ojftce of toe montreal and kinplon mail cotipary commercial wharf kingston fob april 1817 inatant in the court of bankruptcy for the midland district in the matter of hknv uoaoa gtt- lcane a banhvpl noticea1i peranri indebted to the above bankrupt eaatof are requested lo settle their reapeciivededta with thr- undersigned on or hefore tm 30fth april as after that period aoch a may remain outiiaudiog will be put in aoit fur collection william craig attignt kingston 3rd april 1847 presb garden seeds moi t08 bucuestbbubaert and warranted good a spa rous boao beeta brocoli ctuliflnwer elarly york and other cabbage carrot celeiy creaa cucunv ber egg plant kil lettico melon of nil ktnda naaturtium onion pnnujt paienif peaft cayeuue pepper pump- kin radish rhubarb or pie pusae caraway vegetable oyaur spioacb squash tobacco lare red and lare yellow tomato turnip dec rlcc with a variety of other aeeda for sale by william j martin markti stftart kiogaton iih april i8i7 31 chains canvass ta for sale by the subscriber oqx bolts of canfamt from kallol ship spikes pine r d cot tr piteb okara sopw retia pvjiahrd brtto sltiac lok v 1 pin mi z irnaea to oreer knt i s irtifj nl rvicn caffaaj jmponed manella ad tarred bpe bcjt ruoeioic 12 mooring ancbora froto 12 to id catl fflancls nullins monireal march 14 147 n borojtkft lh meawa e bwwaa 4 co kintal wlu bepanetoftlly attcnew to an apprentice wanted an apprentice to the confec- tionaby and pastry cook basiuen vvanled apply lo the suucober kingston march 30th 117 for sale lot no 41 10 ihe tb contowa chip of kingalon 160 acre on liberal irraa apljo astuart kington mth jouarj 1s7