Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), April 23, 1847, p. 2

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jtmpfrial parliamni titmykstimat the how wta homit of coram um i- committee of supply to consider ibe anqr abmh mmjtw end mr wihtawi makm mc piflimmasy rrjeeiions lo lite continually increasnatj cjtpe jaiitc- mr fo m avlk slated tbe amount svhich would he required for ili tnililaiy service of the year the aggregate riimscr of men la be roled in the eiuning year was tts15 the c charee for which wasc515rsi5 tie ew noneffective charge wa m175fl37 hie total m ehare wa 7331075 fron this mint be deducted he col of 30197 men defrayed hy the east india coinpaiiyamnimt ins to 9910- the ipmilrtuilill m aid nr effective service were 53375 thera was a balance of 17031 from the royal military college a small aprropjialien iia aid cf hie military asylum avjis d an rnmjmbilnn in aid of the noneffective charge nf 7137 nuking altogether a ilduclomef 1o3t00 whicbieft 6273075 ac lh wliau eliarcc of the present year and 109333 the number of men lo be voted mr manic entered irtli ttmil details which do nut however aftvcl tier iutrai chidnimri in ihe wnwe nf hi p eh hr mentioned thai in the cape f gw httpc ilie attempt lo deal with the little war id 4 ht- tlc w ji v a 1 practically led to 4 c ir ijeuole ex pense but that the more vijnrou action which had subsequently been adopted had at last completely paralyzed the native he explained that the vote for the present year svere nearly identical with those or lal vcar making allowance for a difference in ibl cir cumstances the voles of last year were only taken for three quarter of the year while he voir for the present year weic estimated fur four quar ter it was thought advisahtc hit year in order to effect a pnmer audit of these account to pljce them in the same pnciiiou a the ac- c0m1i of thr navy and fir thai purpose irostnf tin- voles for this branch or the army estimates were only taken fur three quarters of a yw he explained the vole of 6000 far oqgaaii- aiftea my of chelsea pensioners to proceed lo nev zealand i3co 2- that it appears by returns laid hefc pailiamcnt that there ha already been paid from the british treasury towards the princi pal and for th interest uf the debt called the ruwduleh loan between the year 1516 and 1916 both inclusive the wo of 40193- 750 florin equal in x3 merln mo ney and that hqimlailoii of the juindpal and intcrrst of the reutaininj pari of ihe inan aa alipuuted hy the act staff and 3rd of uilliara the rvrhbcp- fll wntliw lurhter an nual poymntafroin the briiwi lreiirv ntihl he year 1915 amoinlincto4706w florins 1 1 t at3 ttrilinjj money making then the agereate payment x7l 66 and the avrrage for each of the hundred year 3 that the convention of the inn day of november 1831 between hi majesty the kin of great britian and ireland and the emperor of all the ruias w made to ex plain i he ripnlationiof the tie1r beiween greal britaio rusaia and the ncuttriam niffoeu at london on ihe 19th day of may ibis and included in ihe treaty nf vienna and by the convention it wai agreed hy great britain lo seeore to rihia a foriion of her old dutch debt in consideration of ihe senrral arrangement of the conre of vienna lo which she had given r adhesion arrange ment trhich retrain in full force 4 that lb houeu therefore of opinion that ruiia having wilhitrawn that adhesion and thoe arrangements bein through her act ao longer in force the parments foin this country nn account of that debt should be henceforlh npended he reminded the home thai he bad done so at the close of laf session when the freefrutc of cracow wa occupied hy riiiian and austrian troops lord pamrrytoti then assured the home that the occupation wa id he nnty temporary and be ed them not in believe any statements to ihe contrary in the honse of lards ihe dake of wellington ex pressed equal conadence in hid ownalheaacd fnendc at thr opening of thi aesaion the quern ma a declaration that the treaty or vienna bad been violated hy thr extinction nf cracow mr hume quoted the diplomatic correspondence on the suhwl criticizing it as be went and showing lite fjkehond of the aomrian share in ii lord palmerton y russell pleaded for goremment hn tin ess on the government ni and sir robert peel tookhiaparl then tuesday was pmt but as the paper for that day wa very ml it sra ultimately airraiijeefl lhal the adjournment should aland art thurrday nexl- estivatbrt ucnf cflnifn bnita btfttco quo flltiica- latkb trom mextco tested j but what would men who could so violate their sacred honor and cntracemenn care for a protest t england it pledged not lu ranciion those unholy rohberiet n one hail made such sacrifices a thirohitlry topromnlo f l made such sacnhcesaihieoniiuy mpromnic it was lalttwjcd in send a body of render qbitcu rf xh hc xg00 mrlimirt ournser lo five hihdrh qoootjo the three pnwer had violated ii amount with their families in the colony which he had tpentionej and the ohieel winch ihe nt em inent had in view wa iwo fold in ihe firl iut ihe men were in h- located iarlti cte i3iiv veil ik wmhl tale more cilicnlatly hereafter certain duiies verp lo required of them fnr srven year alter svhch they were to be put in ikriiu of ihe localities in which thy ind seen dfctri- htilrd and they would became setllet attd valuable settler ton in the lohny in the man time howevv they would ohlinl lo aflnrd defence lit the cnlorit whenever they irnhl be called tton by llie governor holdinf the upre 1 n command in lhj colory llmi the two fold object f defence and c4oisiaafloit would ik effected al a inwleraf thflf tvlr milr niitr torn inlurmiion on the social imrffcemfni which were ing forward in the army- tv arnir lh i ljta vreas fa sratlyni siniemrni that xkolu uj be n ap propriated in rewards to meiilorimi rmienirr- misslonrd oticrr in annuities of x 10 si q a year and the ifiileiencc bclsveeu trial unmini and the sum of x3000 rotcd hil year far this purpose still remained lo he dulrilmled he had fiamed a vote for 20011 for thf es- tahtihment of normal school at the ftyal military asylum it wa intended to enhliah there a school far the irainin of schoolmasters a model school on the principle of which icgimenial school were lu he eiahlihed and an infant school the scholar at hich a hal hitherto hem the cue would consist of the orphans and children el british sotdiens admit ted under certain eircumsunce tlii was a olan which he fmind left as a legacy by ihe ribt honor ahle eotleman who precewd him in ofnee jl wm a plai which relleeuj rnfi- flite credit njon the rihl honumhle srntjeman and for being ihe auiho o which the army wvuld in a veiy few years look upon him wiles gratitude libraries were gridually an4 poressirely ntreasinin number jn ihe course the pat year the number of hook had in- rtrased hy 10 vmume and he pro- pnsed a rote of ltooo in the present eti- roau for ttiichainjr more hookt llie heat proof he cond give of the improved discipline of the army un the hate statement nf the fact and he wa sure it would be received with satiifacliimi by thecammittee lh from the monlh of jtjfy up to the clute of the last year only rive insmncrs of corporal punish tlenl had occurred in the army the nine mililsry now eitn fonr in enland four in ireland nne inseolund are working a well at could be wished the reports from ihe ijovenmr of prisons ar can- tains were moil satiiaciory a lo ihe effect produced or the morals of ihe omirx who were subjected lo punishment samtru were recjnenily punished for once which in volved uu moral guilt and bvin now free from the contamination of a m a iail thev returned at once to their iuty when th pe riod of connneinent wa over wherea under the former wlcm werkt and orieliines ion1hs wotiu elapse before ihey coulj enter upon ibe discharge nf their dutif thic had keen no instance of a soldier having hi t let decree injured by this imfrisvmrni their feelings however violent when ihey en tered had ben aoftiuco and in many case reformed whereas frmn the civil juinns un der the otd regime thry never cam out better always worse the labor in the military nritoi were severe and corupumtv bad brerj made against it hit he was not drvnvted in attend to them protidril no injury reflullfnl o the health i hr falunir wo so severe iscipline so strict that there wi no temptation to the sohher to cnmpxit uttenees for ihe imrpe of huuuii duty the clirk nr ih- chihsance would a a vote of iakttt fa the esumitiment vt waib- honses in barracks he should that evening fay mi ihe tmt a bill to limit the soldier tein lor the future thissulement was recivl with general approbation mr klbsihl llstmenv in f irti- cular rciprncated eantditiveiu witb mr three reieaiedly and now it is destroyed and with it the arrangements of ihe peace the parti tion of poland is no longer lral the pailie to it having violated ihe stiptofations cvtry slate is free from iisubliatinns he ind no liesiiatum in sayme that ihn peoole even of austria prossia and unsiia are absolved from their jillegiancr one stipnlaiionof ihe treaty svas ihe payment by holland of the ritsso dutch loan that slii1aiion wa continued in ihe convention in 1811 in consideration of the general airanenents at the congress of vienna hmi has v olaled one arli cle of the treats- jet kntand refuse to eve- cute another oti that 131111 mr hume read the following pasae ftum valtet wilh which mr ivtuoi hid furnished him the ary iherelnre wha is offended or injureil in iin r panicliars which cnntilule the baits of j the tiratv is at hheilv to ferttt im rvsmf f t illti rlrf faithless ally lo fulfil his agreements or or declaring ibe treaty diuolvert by hi violation of it we cannot consider the seve ral article nf ihe same irraiy a so many dis tinct and independent treaties for though wc do not ee any immediate connexion between some of ihme articles they are all connected by hi common relation namely thai the crrs- liaclin powers have agreed tonm of thn in consideration of lite others and by wy of compensation by refusing payment of ihe interest on the riisuoneh loan england woum fin an earnett that she did not remain quiescent under tbe infraction of ihe trealy ford saloon secouded ihe motion he quoted further correspondence tn show thai ihe three powers and especially proia had distinctly recognized the necessity of referring lo england before disturbing the arraneinenl ofcracuvv he proved from the rmlnrv of ihe congress of vienna thai so far from brine a separate arrangement between the three powers the settlement of poland formed 1 be most critical point 11 ihe discuiou between the rrpreseutalive of all ihe power lord sandoo intimated that hwas not quite con fident in the jrro mds which made hith dis posed lo concur 10 the fourth resolution lird johk risliioppned ihe motion l a linj his general view on ihe susjecl ho did not admit that the arranges en i respecting poland svas anyihinr but a enmtituent and im portant pari of the ireaty the mere ie of the independent state wa of no momenk at ihe object was to retain for some part of the polish nation a separate existence a to ihe j allegation that cracow was a focus of con- i siraey f ilia of no force because ihe three j powers perfectly surrounded the teniiorv and could easilv prevent any danger ife coi1d not navy nie of ctmmnns march x a vn wtneaijnpoed on l1 navy estimate upm inch si it dmt eped bis rerct that a vueliad not hero pmfwsed hy the cttuty tn the afjmrrjtiy fr il nuprc f rlrrtrayeai the ciprf a number of cftcicm reserve acumen wtoe kivices mim h nvilwo in ctsea nr eneeenee he rnmved sf endnct nt france wilh rrpect in le mrie in aerinin all nnthint or etnnmy in her dnennt v j make fhnt irliiur biucll of hrt pnffer pcrf rl ane effixlivr h stm nf very consiiicrowe impor laneeihut tbe defence nf thteennnirv ahlt alw l ksl m e in ihtujih we had no uuesspto a eninf to war sir c nmra mm he geitefltly rnnenrred in offory thin- which hrl fuller fnm irs turn and eallant ffend near him sie h- dnnf laoftsa ihere wu nm nnly a oeessity hrtiavinfr a rrvrvc ir eamen but lhal nur eat defrne nacbl l bi rrrreied a he difereed with every trnrd hint had fatvn tr ihe ho mrmher for rovenlrv hr and lnthier sh hd ezuan litem nf w peine laflf nnrim in ihe earvudnre nf ihevinlry bmi if thre was rmt a nniper fivre kept op in lh comtrj he ahail4 hke kwiltrlwi inrmvra natn nf eenwnr wnuhl lallv vlh an event as fhal or frunec endin s0ivt or 60000 mm inio th cnoorv laufhleo he ood ml help exprejnjf u f rat- fixation at irn- vcre ahle mbur in whioh the secretary to irafl admiralty had btntfltt forward lha nsey esiimrr for thr present yrar the huv and eatlsnt ntrrer here referrd in a kamntilet which he held in ms hnd and which staled iht a crct nnnsl evp vat ineurred hy thrt ennnlry hoildinc ahlpv that 0 cieful reviainn fit the dh yarit vvatem wa nhrirv and aome frftirni linn wisandnlrit eatlrd fnr in ehanffinj a vtem hy which so itttsth enfirioii wa rnrtc4 s much lime rsl and n moeli i- rnaa inenrrerl lie oit1d divide ihe hnirs- if lie did nnt el ihe axonncr hut a ayvem dterrt 1 fmn thai wnh ws now pnrnri waih k- ndttfttcl lie nw wtlhbfe a numhrr nf vch i ihl see- nm apeeirr were fined as veel nfwrt j tlef hd hecii ntd lhal imn verrl mm he preferrt tn timher yfwl wlten the facl era lhal it wasdittvu to ttfttrr twrt vpilf ae vi t 33 f rrre hin wu hnilt her he wtahh to knn wm iherean nintnn i rerie ihe mli elea f svir amt mike hem ramiwtcl nm humane ihsn ihej wee l prrnt he nun lhufht that rmf carjiirfiirr nofihr in ho heller ivitd thsn they wet he fftn ak were ifno yrih fit fnr wm when mdtel went ihmojh ibm a ifihry wem a h nf hmven paver cipiiio israttlatt srfd that ht pste civin- iheien of t c baud rlher thn ofn individo il it w4aiitthm hiey did nnl miftml in hoi id no nvre n veasefj everf fr peket eeine he a id ihe eirmml made pmvd tvil irm reetf wee oh fit par w- it navien ht eier ti- msstmi ihe cieiier ih iiaiiaa espied by reini shma did nvorc dam lo iron than lsastai ml 1 en wd mr coaat rmbttdm ihe inpwritmenia of lle lair 0ord nf adinirtiv in trie itahyaril it a- hippmed lit nil llc hhcr aoprvi1iirenta theee hsil iken isen hf tht ud io ainirrieea f ihe ptei rowriment tle jrn ami titlial ad miral ihe nvtnli for heeyrevasw baaaital iihi the latvd had rally emhrked in the rfohelin of ino leatiie uiilmit tiavae made any cefl inenta 10 iel tker valia now he mr v- rry feod lht inn retoter had heo prvel leleae itdawaw 1- up a nio drarabdilv- h n h hnd a ivttvf fnm freul llsken the i r roiimtntrr of il crejl llrititn llinj ih 1 he lud uo isnuht th it vrtmld have biken no hn siace il ahe lud hecn hmt nf wikod instead ofinabf the iliimhiliie iion veatetahtd aln jen r 1 i oui fiat iron ueim vrl jil aa it lapicueil hen hh l i and cronarerd hy ir c napier in ihe sjr 121 and he vn anil at eimer eimditrii thdurbihiy of ivi iimcrs h nf been ptoved m a vnriety f mher initiaec nt ihe cal of lh rcpiranf anal v aela wt boiicy iminiftc ml ai tmjmf4 wilh the ei iif ript f wtfrt verta li aportred lhal ihe avetae cal nf re- iinri a wnnuvn vecl na iifi uhilr the atenje eoat r repsirin at ion veel a ny x3 a yea 1- eifnknt to lert im eilicieneynf irifi veia-t- in time uf irar hid bssrrl ittsl ar tvnouirhi anil the nbl tern and llnt nflieet tle mernvr fa ld sir j liulnirn whi had had m men 1 h any mm a id whi hid vrilnctcd lhre ean- fimenia wa of pinin thai irna vee were drenledlyfii frr wr lie itr the rsrinirni nnr under ihe late llnud f admirjlfv poved frioi them itul waad tai nil alsvajr ahle in reatai the mtl f ahot any in arc ihn iron tic cancrmicui made aninl ihe rnhv were hfinqy fair becuk hc wa nno of ihe xnnnent ad lthtrt veaiela in ihe service af v the ee f ihe vird in ihe pniltiel apr p i advices from t g iq lnf 2nd instant have heeii receis hy m affifa at js orleans ft ia reported ttt the advance of genera ntw had ovi tliat pnrtinn of general uirea ihe iht mexican army canalea near 1il a fieht look pla hours at the expiraliou nr w lime ctrl taylor came up and a ncral riicaeinent ensued the imcaicans sv defeated with tt loss one report sla t both ihe generals urrca and canalei wert u pnsoncrs british whig orfr ear ortaan dieae kingston friday april 23 137 c n o x tt v l k rcc montreal p ha iclfrvdlct r t r n t t brkvilk p l irsauao april 27 1817 tlic paier wliitfa have reached hi today from sl lonii ai f f nesvs fiom kew mexico general elllcu je whose death sea recorded al ihe ftiqacte of tan is we are mol happy 1o siair yet alive he was taken by ihe insiuivctiutiitt and aubjecled to indin- jnlies but his utf was spared ihronjcb the intercession of a priest who had endeavored al aliftagejr to arrat the atrociiira of the as sassin governor bent hefore he was pot to ilea ivas tortured in th most cruel manner the mexican seem to have acted like incarnate firnri we are happy 1 announce lhat ihe prinei pal leader of the im tin eel ion pahlo montoyo h been rap tired and tiled by acourtrnartial coojemnedj ajid btinr thr nklvfi from mkxico itschnracterjand importance ftcm thr xvcio k htrotd we yeslerday received iirurlanl inlelli- gence irom ihe ihree o visions of our army service in me vice the advice frn santa fe are to february 10th they contain details of the horrible maacre at taos and subsequent battle the date from el ian are in january 2lh major civile had arrived wilh ihe af tillerv col- liidiaa was hastening preps- juration to advance on cbihuahua lie had laid f general wools leaving for naltillo- cspt mitchell cmjiany had pnhrtl2t i advance on ihe main line which svas expected to imtf 01 ihe 61 nf fehioary capt doni- phui was eonlidriit of taking chihuahua he pepoilrd wl nlexieans uirr but ihts was iloiihtlvsanxaeralioua no mexican tlplieor reinficemrnls could he expected nearer than dura we eive this because it confirms ihe intelligence received by way of ihe cilv ol meicn nd tampco ftsom the complexiorj of the montreal parvcrsadminiitratirrii and oirnilion il woum appear lhat the lat the uxrs attempt at a coalition with the ktancocanndian parly on the part of ihe government has a no failed the not ays explicitly enlcrlainin- the views that we do we are of course wrll pleased that the negotiation have terminated unsuccessfully from ihe commencement we seamed our french canadian friends of the duplicity and falsehood of ihe administration the sole ohject of the negotiations was o ctituwc iht porf y and the tht rrrujr we are ha py to slate has wen tn render it more united thanil ha been for ihe last twelve years the htwtld not lo he behind hand in the self congratulatory line appears equally well ijeaxfd wliiic it tiller we have also ureal pleasure to inen belief that the judi cial and ministerial vacancies wilt be filled up iua very short time and thatltie appcutmenl will be of a nature lo prt satisfaction 0 all true conservative if the completion of the eft cabinet he such aa see have reamn to expeel we shall have rrat cause loeoft-jtalu- late oor readers that the attempt at coalition has turned out a failure the rritish inhabi tants of lower canada might have accepted such a minraty for the sake of peace anil ood ifovemment but it ia clear lhat their feeling- must have keen against it i i could have cnnmaniw none of their sympathies so far from believing lhal either of the above pi tuts hare expressed the opinion of tbe majority of its reader tve ate fully satisfied lhat if an amicahle arrangement could be come t between the adminirratiosi parly and ihe france- canadians il would he attended wilh ihe happiest result since it woud allay all political animosity lor some years lo come lewlatiitoi adequate funds will he placed at the disposal of ihe executive government to provide employment and otherwise serute nd promote the comfort of emigrants on thrir rival amonjf rtft it is u be hame in mind however lhat the chicl fnirant acnl for canada west has hi headquarter at kintxs ion and 1ho grand jury have no reason 10 doubl but lhat he will be fully prepared at th proper lime with ample means to provide for any exigency thai may arise in ihe course of ihe envtiintr summer in the discharge of the important dulie of hi office in cmnmnn with the object of tmiralinn thr grand lruel wnoiil reteclflhy present in the court lhat eeal advantage we ittu lnterustinc to odd fellows we lake pleasure in uliin the folbtv- ne interesting 1 vmlsi of the livcrponl lot pncr with three hundred men and rv a i rt four hotvilre had advanced to puehla in 0lc copied from the ojdfrlhws llecnrd new mexico wbe re ihe mexicans hid fnrti- montreal having fnr lis object the urnon nf ttesl iwo strong hte house and a church ibe manchester unity with that of british onthe3lu january he aitackej ibem at north america thereby enabling memticr ui i mm f us f mm united stales orcnler aiatf ine ditferent lodges this if as il should be for at pretierit ihe mlinchcstvr unity and that of brilih north america are identical save a few formalilie in their working and should the iieonoscd plan beeitectrd ivr hve no doubt but that the older in rncril will he hcuefitlri iherehy we hope the jwn- per aqthiriilira will lose nn time in bikltv abonl ihi desirahle clunr thereby more fiimly uniliut ihem in the bonds of friend ship love and truth uahhbftm uvrrv wc have received ihe quarterly report of ihe montreal distnet and have much pleasure in copyin csrirjt wilh the nliis ihe lirsl chare nl the orannn seven ameticam were killed wounded capl fluruin wa fatally hol in ihe hinaihea gallantly leading the com pany to the attack the church and houses were stormed p mexieaus retired and ihe aifcttnf purmrd kilted iv or jfo and a toidelr vietorv arhieeed total american bus 1 killed ami 30 wounded tlie steamship ncsv ovleatas anived al ala hoina vera cm 101 ihe 2nd jen quitmin ssatttw gevtk x jvvjrnir nf alvarado coi p sppi uvo vlonp uf afti 1c my i rt w iii pnii moi- cpn tvifw i 3m oil for piiente na- i r wu was actinjr governor of t vera cruz he u m ou tbe sih iust fir the deslinalioiv the arcnunls f hen taylnr state that he had returned to hilloafir a fwilrsa pur- i suit uf brrea llm he was at one lime near l him in the vicsnna f marin gen tavlnr waa pwhim fursnl uree rupnlie lowanls an lih 1otrim advance of hi own march it appear by t advices from the city of mexico thil snui anna reached lhat cily yesterday a matt named 0kcefe seas ar rested on suspicion of hcinc concerned in ihe highway robberirs xebich have lately taken place in the neighborhood of montreal- our clever and indcfalijablc subchief jeretnir had beets for several davenesdinporiuiiof this man and had nearly succeeded in catch- in- him the preeedinr night but ihe object of hi pursuit was loo sharp mhied for him and having een him ttl some dilance contrived lo slip thronu hi fineers- however be was aain upon the track in ihe mnrninat a very early hour accompanied by ihrea stoiil men heloneinx lo ihe fore and 0keefe svas at lat made prisoner at lachine whence he was about in cros the river on his vry lo the lines thehnnnrof hi actual capture isdue tn the chief of the lachine police who took him al the hotitc where he was passing the nifcht preparatory to crossing ibe nvec in the morning he svas brought up lo the police court and underwent a private examination so thai we arc unable to give any particulars we saw however a very considerable arma- under its immediate proteclion from ment which was brought by ihe police from i is at the prisoner reiide nee there svu a fotvl- inevpiece a pair of pistols a most formidable looking brass machine about tiro feel lone which partook pretty equally of ihe qualities or a carbine and a pistol a awordatick and a knife wc believe lhat okeeft waa re rnanded for re exam in a lion uwtrtat htrou aojuraar gcxraio ornce monircjl mb april 1647 ftkxtcaal oaoea no i his exerflencr the gtvemnv general iaplearaid t rmkc ihe fahwinf appointmenti mod forma ion in the mditu farce vn 1 ftr avittmn iulrprntfll artiutr cvmpany city i kimg- earf lrt 24 fira cea restiaa treejan oj kitm to be captain clnafkl stuart put city 0 atlffasi aal jm tye 24 firt cerreearma tiieata rviafaraav tube captain james j duirame eaquire flturtttlt drp4riif atttury finjvjfly it nd 2nd btitiu jasfrajf tu bccptinwimm j rontcr eicoire arise from placini tic hospital silnaled in the vicinity of kinmonon a tnnre mlfltcient fnol- in- than it is al present to accomplish ihi object it would be highly desirable lhat th uisjatore should dnnne ihe approaching session crant a charier of incorporation es tablishing it as a provincial institution and further that the executive government should take the position of kindlon situated as 1 the head nf the navigation of the st lawrence and the ftidcao canal and al the fool nf the ereat svaters of ontario and the bay of quint an influx of stranger of all classes and coun tries to ihe city u incviume and thai at sea sons of the year when ihey are peculiarly liable to sickness and disease- and as the coming summer will in all prnhahilily bring with it lo onr shorn an nnuenal number of stranger ihe grand jury do hope lhat the government will see the necessity of carrying these sug gestion into effect before elosin lii ttepoh the grand jury vroild neg to draw ihe attention of ihe coutl to the necessity of upeniue roacts lo the rear townships of ibis district circumstances hav ing come to their kmiwledic during the pre sent assize which call toudly for serious in vestigation the mo lawlessaeltof viulrnee arc of frequent occurrence in these remote settlements wilhoul any chance of brinfirtg the offender lo justice ovriu to ihe isolated pckilinn of the inhabitants the openiujc of the communication throustt this district to ihe ottawa river was stiouely reroinmendrd by the late lord metcalfvvtlie leulalure in hia speech from th throne al the opemnr f ibe ftrt sovtion nf ihe present pailiamcnl and were the ubjel hmuht proprrly tinder the notice of h exeelleury the kail of eljift there ia very little dnnhu it thai hi lasrimiip would second the view io this respect of hi lameulame prvdereor james mchahlaineforfnioii grand jury room linitoo20ih april is17- lvrorerh- iceakinc up f ihecomi milii1 ij mr juuee jiotcs proinameed the ftdtihin eolencca ifcrm turner araaoti vith intent t mumn 2 srara emniooo liaolj was in tr aci llil excelleney theci kdt uulic ho tfill tf yew on the 2 tilt it bjajd ih il he tnok side wilh ihe church sari v in ihe revolution and 1 was immediately uauorated proidem- the archluthopof mvico had agreed to let him have tire milliiai of dollars vrilh which lo drive the baibari meaning the americans from mencq- iximnlelligncc had reached the capital of the npiuuiou of vera cntx and san juan de if iua and every effort was making to ptoseenethe war aainsl ihe uni led stales ac coding to santa annas de- tailed nlhciat desrvich of ihe lal of suena parana it wai m he reirmu rd pjutt there vbtt be still adfrrrd lo tbe declaration pre- niny wirtjn elip in thai ffor winch veere rre r made iht nesatiatiori would not he lumiecd thin lha ltd tin nocti an water tm liad heeo built cfpremly as vesrel f arir and trerv epiit vu in the favm to thai ihie wea reprirla in fivor nf two and a rrpoit eaint one irn viac luiei entered ttnlil evert american soldier was w ilh- drawn fiom the rrsican territory it may he that be surrender of vera cruz and tflua will cbjiee the miud of the m- crlo primorir and ibe 1 mautr he rormat jcuij however that ihe iwle carried til f n ol tlier and usied rthelher xiii syrdem uf raxt- mination jf mficerfc toine fron tit wer jank might not he iifiioueij tvth idsa-a- upe the several vou luird by mi maule were addled uuf wilhoul dliaiuii fjnl uijou the whvle with jea cyst thart usual cracow hut suspect lhal the disorganization im puiedtoctacow was m unwelcome all the reasons for the courc taken h the three power seemed lo him to he inaiferinalo wilh respect however lo mr home resotu lioftj the house would remember that it is ihe premative of the crntvn lo manarre foreign relation and to make treaties i treaty of commerce or of tumidy is sineit requiring ihe inlervenlion of parliament itisiifual lo avk the concurrence of parliament hut for ihe house to affirm a resolution merely de claring an opinion on a matter which i not thus hmujht by necessity hefore the llour i not the correct nr rcktlarcoure of procredin it is not necessu y in the ordinary course of foreign affairs that the house should at all interfere or deefarc il opinion on ihesc suh ecis it would not do lo declare an opinion wilhoul following up the rsin 11 hv somr action on ihe patt of the executive govern menl and fur that reavm he had never admired ihe annual declaration in ihe french chambers wills regard in poland in mpect of the loan lord john itussell said il is not suite clear that ihe violation in repcrl nf racow relasc ihi country froti the pay ment ihe lawoltitcrs of the crown think that according to ihe spirit nl th arrange ment under the convention of 1631 ihe sum ojlit in be paid accoidiu lo ihe letter of the agreement perhaps in a cnirt of lav ftraeaivr pa is notttii aitrarca after a pleiiat 1 u i eati al nsl iii me vn drm where 1 h id im insod to abfmi and mud beaidea th r wll ilhr ivi tnelli j mcthodiae rni niters there qui of thei 11 had in eo anwinl ihe indians n the m iaonti and unit aeyn enaoli n life in other i to iii nj in iroike him a practical the in 1 nf a to avail hise piy retj 4 uettion re tutu stfjpimik fjp the rus sian strllv jjuse tif f vfrtta l mr domi railed meitm tn tfie of cracax and mived hi tillrvoi lion a u i that tan house ritthrfti1- ful mihn of lire vaiirral vetiil r nr ireaty of vtma of he hh y of i 1415 ai lhuvo1 llisreare and rfajfarv kufpe vie- aiili atitri and iih tiiiim le iiimifrahon l the lr e eity f iy t arel 4f it teiriloy into hi- rrihiirt h o hy faith n feai erte or a r entered intn on ihe mh ol xovknln h hy vufria and aatstfiaj ill imamlaaj vir u aid luraly 1 rh vienna itiiaaru im at such a plea mtht be nred lo ptel contiact but knaud was not ue herself of such advantages to irf menl as a revrnje for ihe violation of treaties lo reijnce it in a mere question of money vat 11 would lower tli poittrwi of thiseouit try aid he exhorted ihe i louse to continue its acrpircreuce in lord palntt protest let us be nbh in y thit we him vmm no uitervt uf tingunil in ihis mutter we have it hmkrij to nny intrnst either larce r pvlly in ttarl to onexelvea we hit re ianled hie ereal inlercmsof ivtrrs desired lhat the teltleinriu which ul an end lraeenlniynf bloodshed iktruld rensaiil in full force and vitr we uve declared tht sentiment to ihe world and tee imd lint the cmmlioi wilh width ihi tianaclinu has been met will in future lead all ivveit who ever lliry may hi wha nay be indueed to viutak ucati- n to consider lhal ibef will inret wito ihe dial ol r reeled protect of knlaoj so umi her character hill lind leftir lie woild nitarnihr clnering srtfiie dispute nroie x ihi ilrtolr mr ilmiir pirsfinr foi the neat and iatinl prrv llie other a jte rt of cujutr preacher wilh maunera npifpiie fv jit fur a hek actlmenl iii his coo versiiion waevrrif iliehop an ohierv imo ciom espu imtn any nf in hut ho intaiulj avriatfhv us hack llc nrcmiir of fvrifyo loj ho a vcul trthtnol and rmtke very freely eonatrfrrmtr a were in a rjveviie but i hehcrehe wi rteaafe tw iho whadofani tty eutrriaioed hianpitohna it i ihe fjirtice of ihesc iimerani prcnenersv durinrr hec yiuiiwys in tty nu with luoc fnmln whn irve wilh them in rtifvn anil pdnicft lr maoy uf i hem areaotivi aeoiin eovaio the vt uf hick seillerp od cireullilii pirlj npiprr rnrfhcr me dmall tr so llic eillerl ihi nin exorrrel atwisl other ihioi do npiii uurf the hlafca wiidbave laxu jnl a- svhiic a niraeleea sail fur the ertnv of their hoeeitur jti nd thai the prnil mark cl toan hioi was hit htick cn plcaui fnr a he fcmy ehervc llir aini at mark uufr jfln iuil to iiki mack fire or a nufcrr 10111 winch t fdd him llw rhiwmf siorv i beard of mick afca when liaimf fortlt t ha eingreii ni he aiiji it mts berry kneiia hie pethl wid dc evue paient oald im rxiir h dent 11 uud ine oh dm while a a tmfup nw dc sripluroiv lelren aav da lad w iv dit it nueatiul when cain kill lint hmdvr am laltvtuiur meet kins roe iay oid iil mjio wht lu herine nf yoor hruildrf 1 si paid din aluiri il aint nnf0 of nay kb4fiei iti arur him and den tii meet hi 11 fcoihljer lioie and he ty jul do hho lic well iln i irfl tai im it em lmhr hnry land raid i ko olut vnu havr bain atrwt n i ivefl a ufsr a ltd i ail s mirk upi ynt dl fin uu ort wiey oeutin 21 fiiliterted m hive ite rpm eiil1 aol ali de ever uud ucy lcflluihhirae wi4mi babul raormori aft i he wis lb fint nlore in in me bfaylmll wh h ever hvc0 hiee allloihrd iuiai iveoiityut tfi and linulirf melhnjnl liahk his anlei ve mid rer niin auer ihi wo h i prayer and a hymn ait1 t wind op hrillhel ae14litl flsvrj lit ii fefiketti- u- priff 111 ivhieh he pii ly hvhiimi1 eeiiv irtivilmalif ihn fnotly eompli ioeiid eah s f ioielinr cm we have lteilia pvij by any act ftf her uwh rrvat ihnradjoummiritnf and his arippnrlrr eve 11 ilia firal jnlim ui m a nil to la il e eeilotjly well nvftinei h wilh the mirf m4utr ivea li lui reeefii niseuwn and myo11 tecin dtwti if lin htr whrc l bed ifill tie40vk were niif cad unihrlhr it ir i luck f hlusa mil n atfruw a eoom in t ewl not lliti lf y mhe ll ino il and htisttliem font instil tit a loo i itinke ihnn enm limi i ih oi lu ut h oiyir hi i h o raviou tr iiiivvleiii any iaitftienee r 1 riy radr mih u d itmio noil i ittid ptipbltjm villi vuoil ihiio to tllo unoiioitf ivlto we wf nil norti hya niiilttiiiivii mr van siaiia and viin tnd vet 1ii4i hail ivail- into the yard mi i it mtm hare laen a uinipnae tie nr txmil 10 ihi routiiiiif lhal ihe y a i m iar hd laeu eviinj evben 00 py p nijmdcr ik shot tftltowx taklnt vera cruz fr0a le cvrtttfjenit ftl4e k odftu tom prsty hn ltd in a claim for the cxptured prnprriv n a ite h the nvy tlic army as leh entilhsiln piecmerr they have tfoieaij ue htbuf in inndiutf tirarmy and their prnviavm mt jo tm en 1 and citcr matters ttora hive i liinrrl imidirmsly 0 poad and bad weather to pofonn their fmil a ihe service ihey dare hatl n ample h ir nt i fihtin iheir thiiirry haa done a much a ia ihcr in hrioe the meaiena lo renna and fnvi nt lanm 0 the iroojra llleaorenler h h tsemsetve in the dichire f vi rjitlicv aaioed to ihnrn w1ihiin i heir co aytiun ia my tmmik omum wc uniiutl not liavi hsrn ahle to vpcrate aejintt veri tnas ii a1 lliaruii hi- uitardotmt of vera ceui oor array litre throwoe mlurame number uf ohcji 4od thfit ar a treat- 3uto tea inch t m lha eaeh jm rtfiwl slsoi i ii ceh l ii eijhl aavrti nttiit rjiellsud l i ona eartjo- aareeav ifwo paixban at- w lao caeh rjotl rooud avn 3j tbp each raumrjiito caet vraix ioo lioianls neraiojr fitka each llnaninalf ts tlsal and ricm webm 4m10c itx tin- ileiriirtiiai r ih p m nwitonc hair of it is demroy llnjsraarc bhwu m pieer id fumisun- aerf vcy dinerifiu tke inreetavvrn up ari letc aineeet bitdo otidy damage j the tol lowing the following proposition from the liver- pool district to the next a m c- having been read hy the pro c s rsz 11 that from the inconvenience experienced bv members of the unity yutissej ihe united stair of america and the same fmm mem ber of that country not bein- ahle lo viil the lodges io this lhal he next a m c do lake into consideration the propriety of aimointine a committee for ihe nrpoe of negntiatina with the aotboniiea of the united states lo make ihe working of ihe order ihe same in both countries thus render ine the benefit of one iirdifulinu of ihe same effect in england and america jtwrrcu ttial this dislricl beiiift trfaeerl in a jeisilion to testify to the great inconveni ence spoken of in the above proposition do most cordially concur in the above resolution and earnestly recornrnend it to the serious and immediate ccaiji deration of the net a m c rt3olccd- that the prov c s he inlrncl- rd lo forward a copy of ihe above resolution to the rnard of oitectors andalao lo lha c s dihr ltverpoof oistricl nurd uhr v wfo memahonnnd jame paaatefi t tempi m reli use lluik and bauu ic year coinotim u fiard i- hot jnor hiinlan fcildirr atfndt hind nbrry j rcr provii penieoinrr itiehard ijraily l astrllra rmmr in jimea milttcr umnloilulep h otej i moollis erfnniti tino nl hard masti j ho foley pcity lnrecoy 2 inuitthi craeauman gimo jiproh dirryai home and wugtf lraliiir 3 ycmn itwoctal ieajiieoliiv an ivoi lreemrteouiot llujh lltiwicy eoticinj anldicra lo derer rvi bill jiorph ray in lreeny dichareed hy proclama mtoo crxuu ef fivtrite the assizes r rrtori toe vawsmeasi ha itua itnmunl wehivetireup leunaof 4k veerh en wnlt o he p ifijtly nm wli tliee rfaleo tt to u atnwia lr pe tm i hi vie men relioo l sola i irausld im iho rrfeti orarlurva lb0 ndriee i thr nmh and m ltttifiilrt linn v of llo irihn pr ere lilile oif- i aav d nil iii io r of pbacei jmniffn time vf the rih rsrjii hi i let i sate of il lvprraerrritlpiivlc fmnt hi iyot mxi it- hih ccs of mtaritmu a nr pttliv c rmwrsari um tr aviciiitl ti wm wa la fur the commndiium i rrpci i n areanifve etminty tint unuej suit and ih i ili ii ly rvprcol portoftiiegrandjuryontne state of the gaol c fitc- c as at a j the jurors forcnr lady midland ditit the quem het leave tc to wit j report that aeceahlv to the recommendalinn nf ihe court they have visited ihe oistricl flaol thai ihey found ihe prisoners as comfortable under the circumstan ce a could ire expected they expressed themselves perfectly satiifiri with their treat ment from the sheriff gaoler ann other officer of ihe establishment sterne snldiere uniler sentence of transportation complained of beinz entirely destitute of dolhin the condt lion of ihe huildjn has been in sarnie ehrce improved lately by the district council but the grand jutv regret to say that the want uf proper ventilation in the cells s still very evident as well a the means of the proper classification of prisoner the yard in rear ol the gaol mieit he ued lorrat advan tage in afrvdin air ande terrisc in thr prison er but for the reason lhal the wall is isot sntticicnt lo ensure their safe- kr pin tin fince aronnil he yard on the snnthwe1 side of ihe building where priihiers are jreuernltv employ eel at hard labor is represented by the gaoler a altogether inadennnle for llie security nf the piioiiet anluuljl mm consequence found necessary lo put them in irons while at work the ftrkmaj of a house of industry ha lvei inn and severely fell in this ennmnnily the subject has been o repeatedly heoiht before the court hy successive grand juries ihjl ruhthint can now eihap lie added fur iher ban an expression of re ami that the dnt fouoeil n not appear in re the neces sity ol an entdcthrnoni lhat muhl alouee af ford iiieler to the aed anid he imlirnt a stell a n satutnv check in ihe idle ami vi- cinu by compelling thva in bbuur for their dai y heeail the grand jury fully appreciated ihe sue- fiar f hn sunday mormnt last a fire broke nut on the premise in the occupation ol mr hiram piper in ihe rear of hi store en vonje street which cjuickly extended to all the oufhuildinjs of th store on king street east of iht store in lha occupation of the messrs ridout amonr the surterers i mr green gun- mkcr who lost a valuable horse and burjr uniiuuied mr hiram piper ha suffered to a jneal extent his factory consulint of tin shop i brass foundry and japan hop svat enlrraly consumed we lelicvfl he isfully injured in the mutual mr cwgcsa- back prcrnase inctudiri workshop were entirely consumed the ennrts hosvever were saved without exjie iinirm much clamace mr thomas glasseo hatter work short entirely destroved with a laree qiiitlliy of furs and furriers tools eve no insurance messrs nordhrimer have iv i their out- huimin comprising iheir orkhip in which were many valuable piano cast in the store ielf several valoame inliumrntsu- ained what may be estimated lo be irreparable damage while the music was completely saturated wilh the water ihiown into the remise- their furniture also mi amae probably x300 will not more than cover their in insurances have been ef fected hy the firm in the montreal andtnionto mutual insurance companies lo the amount 0facr200orl400 mr maltteseii cjolhier loses nothnis but his ou lb ui id is and fences although the stoods have sulferrd damage in reinoval the extent of which cannot at present be deter mind he is fully insured ia the ylna mr lisvsons lco we cannot ascertain the fire rarced with fury irom about three oclock until five threatening the hitidini on king stieel in the occupation of the parlies above named but hy the extraordinary ixfcjr- tionsof the fire brigade ihey were preserved i ever were appearance m re lhreatenin never did men work more untiringly neter was rxerlion more markedly crowned setrh ucccss than on thii occasion tororifo cljjt rarnir general ha sen wuitf appainttnciiia rii sviltikitii duminer piiwcll if hainnlon eaq lobajadfto the dinci and cnarraf ale gaawm io rlw 0trirl of uellinim hi place of adam j frrjuoft eooife irijneit geoe w vvliiiclniol f jlsirrofd anire aid jafiie red of charham gcmlenad to re jume notoiis in thai pit of she rrorince iv- inrrfv tiasr v araa4i hm taeetleoey ihe corcma general has been tevd to emai a liccoe to d jmrnea salmon of sinteoe to prniice lysae surgery and mid wifery in the lovioce of canida iiulsand scnuats ovigiual ant stiff tjtirrc aizc the court of queen flench somewhat unexpectedly hntibed its hitfiucss on tuesday and rose lhat evenine ifer a session of seven day a somewhat viuutar piocednre distinguished ihe last day nf is silling thr two councillor for ihe township of kindlon afeur bramuh anil harjser weic indicted fnr nhtaiuin money fv 0 j smirb kifl the blf tieasnrer t luoi ik j stnijh uicj the late jteaauier of the district in an imprnprr manner the transaction arose out of ihe far of mr smith tiji bulding post r lion of ihe cash and office of the treaaurersliip in despite of the repealed action lo ihe contrary nf ihe durlnct coon c if it won i i appear thai both treasurers iht real and the lale pay onl and receive money when called upon to do so a small sum of money waa due lo ihe townliinof kiojecton fnr toad appropriation which monry was drawn in due form by ihe councillors from ivm ferguson erj ihe lately appointed treasurer after ibe money waste drawn the two councillor considered thry had done imajf in drawing the money from mr frren- son inasmuch as ihatenileman did not come into office until 137 whereat the money was due for 1846 and onhl iherefoc lo havfr been paid by mr smith who ha hitherto paid all the claims asraiust the diitrict tip to thr end of lhal year they therefore drew ihe same sum of money from mr smith and re funded lo mr ferguson the money in their opinion improperly drawn fiom him for this alleged illegal action the coantillorv were indicted but whatever pou u itiujed much cr jur hai for lbi dictmenl nothing ap peared hefore lha pelil jury to warrant a coo- viction and ihe two renllemcn were imme diately and honorably accurlled there wa something very singular in the whole of this ulfair somrlhin like a nrede termination on the part of some people in power to sustain mr 5miih in the continued illej possession of his office against ihe unanimous votceoftha district counci jf n ihey may depend lin hey will be itm ominously rrnatratei in lhal intention for the district council will not be played with tike a child a rvreiiaoe uoui yclrdaf ihe ttlf inin a mule vf irinirtidnir eacilcaet n 1 ifirna hv the at mm arim fte lht tautaau itfe men uarit from he ifrrfclliin sadly 1 jmelifncc wlticb spread hke duel had lecn toojhl hy itra and that we ol itieoi iwd wft liufd inn nlte of iioenvihil and irnktnrr verr inuh like f atatvxl or tbe stiamuthr to ronto steamer brought down tbe fiewa ihr morning thai the lvcrool steamer of lbe m hit bad arrived at boston on tuesday laa no new has transpired iunjr ra iltoo- leeiirrd at iicri eril nf ihe r nt in o puhdcitr totuiiini on hn miltjcct weir h a ertrjeeirr ilut opinion- dmbk lufofmatkui lrii i ifi faii f totr ar fare ia tr v u ws eereareaiial tva plee rtfu1trv ji sr roti aireel n- ly lot la r i hi hi v autual femh w it 11 nf hn emli iu1 ufiivi llinvnslaaiihii k aliipfuiuraaid m litia ui le nio ma 1 ni i a ill vi i era il- tffi tinpii f hie aral lelje io jliilihi am i iiimt toioifvr of tin luiltren f iviii a iviirol lor lla- h vo rni il he ihi- k iof knelini i ltd waal a v i wne- aiol lite er re ft grans kk einn nr the court in re the rrrak lhe eteaion and iinpnivemenc nfiiur liih way wtsiild un4neltnnahly confer dead min h r pmred ihe fact the fci aa c ahter oifrt f rn ihe tonaand rantidftoij if in rw f m ihe vaci and lnunir which iht evm t h tt ceoleil nru these on fudav nihi in ihe tn moio ainicoiaamoithedihc ntilveshy atanmtj e1pcfcfolinrr theio a m taritfktig iumn ill acioa and in the iniditli of cimety mm of ilcin c4tiouieneed an ziwful irurjcdv th ld to turihe dikelty mi of dor one otn 0i of wooodedteiioui ifti another vf a re hi p u lji wrrc aefrrlptr tfice a chj1kiee n tent anj iefod the pin deejinnt waeadaia t- 1 1 1 lure shown rfierd scaee but i ao nat4 11 i he had nn awoawr ior eiraw4 in fact eowr i in i iitrovn sioiwof hi paitieuui fiirihlv ld liiirti andcmw to e1 alti lime i ilnj lo hmnkir od eoirrec he lurnt rmmj rinil ekal faroea w fravtasv who tid nnvi bmlra kid bemrr w- irl nesday i contirn mtiricr ivoli and powder ii wsaabln to ppc uhon 11 ii illr aeie nnob ird pioeiicit und il is the creilrf hmfilsmi ih a mailer a refrel that the reluctance lo imy leannablc mil hy w hieh alnnesieh smprnw menu ran v ejtciujtly accomplished so gen erally prevails the wand lontipit have learned with mihi pleasure from his lrhtip ihe preidin j title the hihlv alifartov reat af bl re i nl vimi to lie pioritiejiil ivuiteotiary tv uriinoity nf the roer manjeinent nf itnl moi iinjerttaul itlitusion ciminr fojin mich luh nthiilv i inot cralifyinigp the ullenlion of the croud jury having hpri called hy ihe court to the prumectof an uuimnnlly entenvvn inimiitration during ihe aiiiroarlunr sasu i lioy indulge airouly in thr hoi chal al the enoiinjc scssinit o ilr eel lolhe state of weificlenllwiaiilieamiioo ihe nhc oe k diieaiafaweti hi lieiuinieo t iioj up the w4umr ntid i lie uiolirtikcr wi hnticipiiiu o call vuf pivtiu aire pi eral in itie hndnf ie antaniiaat ihe ful minuent hd arivrd ile atial wat tf two il m tlotnnnot j pij nut hoil elnd hi fitrnd 4 putlmrattt r pifoirnle r i 7 ihv hm r to avitionn b a eoa im ton eoaie tacri he iie tuf dinere thil the hem larjrd p ui 4 awwm tlsvv iirili1 hint n n j to a iid ai ill jtrohihv itfiil l likeo m t whn it einnpkled n n itiit inw 1 aooiiie aayhim gy w hums hukbp bss- wa j h1nl lo oolif roil leailri lhal lln jearued ltenlleinan who ba ultvrel a very tryin attack of iilne audi it to rsjellf ihe ajinre- hensimia of hi relatives nnd uiimrtoiinfrieuuv is aaiu criamtil lu lake naw eaernte charmino wsaracsi on wm- t be fan in tain beavily which has ed ever since occasionally relieved with storm of thunder and 1 r ii early this morning it snowed hard wilh the wind from thr nartbrsl blowing half a tale such a backward cold disagrveahlc and unto ward spring haa never yet been experienced in llteu rlifglaut so says lhal rccondita pet- sonae ihe oldet inhabitant ccistruixomr extaaordtsfaat a few ttayssiace a worthy koiritot ihe order of st cmriin residing io ibis town trndertcfeok for a waiter to devour 3 dozen egjs 2 raw a herring half a dozen crackers and a pint of wine within a quarter of an hour which jett he iiccrsfully accomplished wholl beat this we should recommetd him a box of barkcra laxative pills fr a raoeinu cask yesterday a com plaint wa made before mr alderman gurnetl iittl aleatinilrr di and thomas j prrstoni requires matjiorales for the llnmc district aiaiiut unc william vliijtill of the lownahip nf york for ihe murder of on infanl child sea far back as icuft the child was a feanale the irnny of llu in ihe criminal niter- tourxe wilh the complainant who is hs map daushlcr beinx ibn daughter of ifojth wile ly a former inorriarr- trie wholo eir- cuinslauceof the caeaienr tlie mm l atto- ejntts chaneler and the evidence adduoed waa tiitiirieullv stiniiitrveu after tlif lit or po lime a jtrrsod sinco the coiiimitajon tlw cilme lo cause lha mnahtraln io liaua thrir warmnl nailiat milth f i p niuwer to use thntar preferred akuinit him arnw ccavmwi

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