till- british whig ami hr1hu vdvkitriskit vn billn wbst- ricintkll a lu ii 111 ttd semiweekly r v t rv r u i y a r r id r by co v at u jdhv barker m 0 fr rfi 1 rut v hum ljc firitislj ttmjig and general advertiser for canada west t vhhm wrltl an illiwincifif rfcliittin- j re ii ml if piiiiui adyaued no p tpcr tiae iilruted until irrtr4c up iiihm ihemptiin oftlrt puhlhhcf dvr3fidbuftvr4 xfitnta and under j fi l first intrrtinit und 7taeh aum nueji inirtton aiihne lneu line idvinl iikcuhj an i 1 i j oach aniaeqnent iuveriinn above ten lw fiwlfaa fit itiaertinn and id per line fill eawh auwqwnt incrtum adverltae moit vitbnut aprcitic dimeveut whieh onhl ti bo n writing are inserted until fmhtl mid eh irtscd a03ir4idiv order for liccnjviinninic advrmna imiiuthrn totlicpubtniltcf orlcfr in writing ft tlto thfao tllcnrltuii wfhg win- iijwniltflhe lariat canadian ctcntriwrt n discount wiljhc lhkwrad irt qtrccliciictll on ny prcl t wruicver ordor for tlm ff ivfr will in received by mem of the pim stem in ihe untied pmvincc and itiuichindcd ti them will bo credited ua if paid to tho puhlishcr all letter crieoi from aeni in he post paid vol xvi kingston canada tuesday april 13 1817 no 30 j a- mcdowall furrier hatter dhock stnect kingston furs made up to rdrr on the shortest notice furs of eery description bonglil aid som uoss dodi military tailor laoikv iimut maker princ8hs street four good jourtittfrntn tailors iranted l w nodkn ailor c ipprtitr ml vlllm wiivss wellington street am work irt his line executed with neatnes and dispatch iiimuond ril mr rchnn itiinift matthew d firocer w hit i sp vrrf to mfc if h rttoa 2lrjq -v- qcla e l b kyler coach bu1logr and carriage makers hutcttf fttkcvr wjmrtw to the rbvdimr public of canada ttaathwflarr ii pttp im tfuwffwil uip b- inwiiif tjlmltttj anil intcrctic hrkt by mi in finr pim of uipcr or wcr cntla nl ihc uiie iflbta vn ii rpfftinmitt amcricnn iiislv i- iw iji fiction bf w u- siiiinu 0 m ti rvtlo fmin the ffnch of m- whem 0 34 wilvnvgcniiia of burn 0 5q lithfs agricultural cheinimry 0 si cmwpj phyvitilajiy illimimttil 320 p icutfft 0 t5 hnnrfwikorihc wnirrcim 0 51 rhilduirih willhiot pain 0 so lljvlirim urrfnn 1 00 k nf brlv 1 s i ilt 0 5 taoihebckdvhyt b nfrw 0 ill vr h lor v adri philvfopuj uf m jni j otc 0 ifef i- 0 35 firnhnm mico h 0 35 rirt fr ihtf pritplt in whifih rfry thing uif pfuclictf iim tery body 0 a tv- mifrh whrrrhy ibo i i 1 i i i 1 1 i v ff 111 ilk v lirl r y cw will tfi inn j hi ar cilmtrttf mccf- iiiil ni- ensravinfr 0 q rttftn gmminff 0 l ivoniftn in the nineiwitl tnlufj 0 f fkia ctiiviir a blfmio 0 50 filrlitfftii lr 0 ortlfra r ny nf ihr nlmve rvmk cnelin tlie cah rwi pnt pnh imwl l t c i ucvt nw vfk- wiltbcniniltyallrndcdln ri ti rrfire in kinctnn of j darker ne york fvb 6 1847 tf printing establishment fo r sale ihe suhcrthrr fiffew frr he ihr kialilifimitiofthe print edward giztfu now in tfiicclitl rr petal ti lit- 1c tobeut mucoitmumv ii 0 i ilill u itil iiura ffimis siiuirs tjuk bkocnuts c kinsthn tii7 i ffottittoti 4flornfyi ji low john a mctinaln alexanoeh ca millhli jamks mcmillan teacher of music piano fortrs tuned 00tvl hhilmt kocniibhb thompson cauky general importing and commission mkuchaxts si drod tki nw voitk et a card canadian i it w ii c k law or1vvoo waur commission meiiciuxt and enerl afient mm lol wmcr s i new york vm armstrong auctwmtr commission ultrchantj lond and gmrai agent king street kingston wespectfllly iniimalf to fa pumie lht he ha bktfl ihf pfemis btely mfiipi by t moran cn rroivfl n xi rfnnr whfrp hu miffed opon the above kihitif5 and hone hy nun tiietlly in4 attcn- limi to mrrit a share f puwic support the snfocribtr iflttwb t dwli pilticotw hmtp0h to ine purfhos and sou of real estote au1 with this view hv haft mne ar- aiimfnh with mvcnltnflnmlrtlf ltjil iwl cflrnmfcial geiiibme 11 in scolunri and en- uiulf thfnu h whom lie will hrin mifler u notice of cptalih int 1 j emifnl and ilie imnlic inrallv hnprovri fnns wihl lluhv hoiiteliom and otlifr rl eiatr ivfljit 1 y io tanada 5nbritlrf to him for fait and through whom hf will iransact olhrt u it and coinmr rcial ritttrirc tn any iari of fat britain or irrland vix collecting culw lakineftnt l ttf m of arnintmtion putbttn nd s of pfnmy kc c wm armstrong- kington de 29 186 okkuon slo n oproilte the maklellu tower the snh4cnlir wpettfullj hfg icovf in fiiini liift ninren ihiihk- lfiyrifu fthil hrfiifi1ic itfhr ff the noppod lie in tvv in j i mill ihs irtte tt inform llicm iiidi lie hw i lately llcnwvtj to ihe proiinsh rwrnlty itrciinvil hy jtiui mcphtut i i stit lie milhn tower omrio street wiutp he 1n filled ni anil npneit the oregon saloon fr ltinriufiojtcf support 9mlithr rn- ivcdhmeitrt ami utiere lie lioja thv fur lhr mionrigi hy hie coiittnued kind iummtotutff public james eiper iingim 187 llic ditiiiict town of piclfin ttnj rehire nl the nvt loyal pupulnihui i ilit province the imi majtf of ihe clnrem is extensive anj increasing the material cni of two printing presses anil an extensive utriftly f new tvp suitable uv any kind of book or jul wirk to any eeoilman ilnismu uf enteiing intoa lucrative imsincs in an inieiciing nmtr i 1 i i this orvra a rare uppnrtonlvy any in formal ion may be obtained by niii lmi5 the ijin t1- in picton pust paid j o dornan picton feb 25 1847 18 simmonos colonial magazine and foreign miscellany publish monthly priee 60 fonidva tb luteal p wif advice fnin errry bmiah cotny nd fwtnn tyct cnial cak ffm frceivavl a it cmlaina stopariial de lihjcktl article retail nc nd rion ivttj iradine mt fhii nrwupapcr anrl peridi ii pt 4 ihc wwtd bcintregurif id file nipliyp trncoil andaia to ihf cntiitiev a iirt of thf nvl impriinl lyieul itifttrinalinn in prh if iur drcfid mid a rciirr of bilh doll anj moriacc frininp an inrfi wnrk f rrfermcc on the trrfe ooafrl and afficohuf ponjuriivc ruef ppnuiin aitil artoi cnviftliti nf im briltah and fnrrin clifii n an anil m hiunf pub- tiaii n i i rnl jv 1icir home fiicndit to set item in thcrrtfpeciivc cl orncv t- yard bukterahiirv l m simmonds colonial magazine and f o r e 1 fl n miscellany lonmilyltlt j it1 will fhiiid h he ihf imtj reirr and cfiffhihe t rrrn offunenm in britiali ntlh ai0 mlc wol i tiipc if tratd um noh mnintm nrw snoih wiln swiuth nd wfucn aiirlia vtn pkw i mh nrw zmua mrtua and ciuralur ilie bat luilinand cumn 6c ah fym uivinf iaallu a iff infirmftl ip ihc h tiih rliir wnj irlyoftan fcitifia lhriifh i hi wnjtim iikj liel and imiat aaqhcti- up nriinlt r nri in ihr m t wf ti lh- f rnev rirje yad ruckt hi-ttty- ndft m fw4rpui st cat h hd in i i nvaluabie family com- paxion si ix lectures on the uses of i the lungs cmnttti prrvwtion and eire nf con5timition asthma and diseases of valuable j1jvd mgv cultivated farm buildings prtk sale cltuatko 0 rnka of ih si fjmiaiire o nl um vna tl mil- aonda wffti in ihc nriijhhrhid brwfcvibe tfrnn imri utjdwnljfirh tjic afinja nf which 140 ac r 7tn l and ajwl aid t rlw wmhstnneand ftifd fnpra llrfiiinfnwffa arftarc ttimboaanl eaccllcol wimtl lanif thr prhrlaarcall in cnnhlon nll roly worked and mamj th cr of ttlwai baftcy byeoaltytd hay tf hi it f 0uliiy and oniy ciuld r wocurf ffoni ihu aantr wopi lh 1 nt a vrry r a oaciuao avumtt tiistonf dbllikg housbbalarn and suliataniial do ffi sswt inh 46 frtl hy 3swl idr welt ihcl and whi cvrfy n- venimec tttfeafcla l rf wgaia family tlefraralc bifn ano sfirfl- ifioae iw ilie ohirnr men lirama slam cmch hmiaandenl spfwij wcha tni neiihbnfhivdia mh hcaltliy anil ik knrm cif branvf tolion cannot be ur pnpeil in canada wi thia prttficilr wilit w murli lwer than iia ittj tataail ifrl4l hftrf onl tt p uf ihc porcliaic inv rmjirrd down a une tock f crfflf tinker wilh atfiffhin marlm and vmtmt hmmimu r cry dt cfiplhmt a oidiapnifd litfr will ueivfn fr fufuicr if ju r- apply ifty irmrr pnt paid iff wm b welia ea slfff r r fc pieabdu canada wh prewnll march 0 ib47- 41 ir the mitrrt qtrtttuui mff onot a week till for hid srrerjor japan ink powders manufactvurd amp old ov robettt barker kincstok canada west 3octvy sclctlcd j l j summer days or um ooo om ih i vimnkr arc awerl incomparable m m u japan ik makuracrtrarf miolcfalilb akd mtall th thiyeum book store kinu4tos uastaua wissti sir t a ii i bilious pills for bjc migsttwi sitk hcodarht and all dittitts ofthtstmwl ondiigttic organs tubs bse pillslun l rvciy thi an rrin njh liw nf lninimim mode nf priwrvifijc mali- and female health rl in all eae pffffcd ojie- nhrr meaeina hi iha euief v hi nf hphllt iii riirtitn r mifln o tnlnrm and i nreo after nifala ihnrinrof healll ami an excellent mftimtv n any exert nl ihciahle u they neoily ttcmifc the laiirrla atfenthen ihc ilninc and nvit rjomflalinei perannaofa phkjit hii vlpi fflvtjhilr 1lilhilt wm smith wtci1 hkk1l d rrpatrrr rtsckss st 6fp3ltk tm scofcii cliubcll piann fuitei md accirlini timei rcpoirwj tciirtton april 6th is46 irn macdonalds hotel ut stomas opposite the city baths klnkri lormiio francis v carey m d sdhgeov acgobchua c c edward stagey from london merc ant ailor opposite d brya sf coi ring street kingston john blackiston sa1lmakeh and rigger symmetry and heanly eure of thoe dicit ma mill creek cloth factory f nhb sahfwiwf rpectrully retufrift m thank tn hi- h r aiki the upi he j0 4 uardv ontario h bui l d street so m t h ship c h u n t e a n d l r i hardy baudiiiip feb 5 1847 dor a ii j hotel bytown ftk this htltel is now npejn for jliillthe rccnpiium fl travellera furniture ami rcdjtng all new gooj stabling fr horses ac james uouam bytown january i2 jsj7 5 3m barkers black varnish tto v that av me r 0 v that wlnmruiiatifl the- to qmthulehnuft vamihf uimu shoes c iacotno iiaunj pre vent wet fret thereby pnarving hull tha health anl ihe pftefrti sim w ii i an- atiikneum qoua druae nov 2 thanks tu puhlic geueinliy fur the ha receivil pitirn lita fulling mill and carding machine miv- hwh in nfieralimit and lietjh leave ii iit ii in them that enrnuragrd hy i hiuiiielit hoa iranaartetl in ihe nhnve line he m now reiared m commencn the maniif ictnn nf nil kinda nf country cloths satt1nets blankeis c c and hope hy the puios lie intend to dike to ensure he continued patronage of the public joshua booth purchased ortaken in excliange fur cloth mill creek january 1 1 1 s47 4tf ea that inolnre cuo mnntinn ot shorten luv as ahvctions of ilie skin siine stomach ilott el ktdoeyaflsvefi scmttb pile5 gtavvti i prmui coio- faint it rule eay practical and pine utro a guide to ierfect heillh and long life- 38 engrvmea324 row 5 fenla poae 9icts by samuel sheloon fitck a m m d at 707 broadway new york t any person remitting fitly cenu free are u nr a1kudid u oh tvf tiktwn fnotcfillv b prwred fmm o ofi- reeipf btaaka hhifwt iwk kin prtca la 31 indvfrf kin manh 13 k i-i- 1 ahiuld lir rbiar mr 1 kinjndun aiicmui society tub joimniitce of ihe nhove si civ hrrrrhy nlftt ami i tb tr havr uirro coming how my fhile win lviw 1 lorel stijfjriwa in the hrtiihir teal alld dance tu tirar the boflttl ihrommiaj oh the nitimei lav fc tt and e lmc own ihe power or the am in flvjtle ray km enflliaa jvc ill r tuy did i ivewjh friljcn aliiwer os thn tumrnvr i i are luif afd i lam in tfm ihrlhirkit wlien ihr ffrav4ftphf air tltrre and roer fluij il evy dy caale wall ornl cotue vtichct oh the ummrr hjjaar 1tntil and i une i mk their fiwy wlm ihe lafk utka t the liht till ihc gleeaonic wri of night coon vilh ihe fjey ty syomer dura will stifiri he near and i lnjj i hc lhm nrrrf j krr with nfhirte icji a clear and fruit and fliiwt and all ihmt denr they will hriiijr tut kimcihi dearer ticr will bfinj oe in mv ide wltfiar loved wntd eve maker me foder of manny aj und aiore lide qt all gnv hriutitf fir nnd vrile and clu crs ihe paih whereer we wander the will binit tn me again 0ffl wlniar p wannly bcaoiin cima my yiy tjur my pain and chnre niy doll earthwrrmjlil eh ift with ffirndhip9 rure ekloe dreaming titry will htinz lo mea heart that an beir ny fiulta and fjilmg nl weiifli my briier put no find ir t deeoijji alart fnun mortal fljet wiih rui quailing summer day afe life willi hnpr of all ilvil fil mr aonl with peauft ttr alf lint cfuvv my linjncnpe witt lead v many balmy 1f and time wilt neive lo faali f meatgre oh i the hhvhft daya will find one hfiridr me lit t i eheriah one whoaa tiiili ni badly kmd fhne a rainbw nr my mind in ciiwra far m dcrp lo perifh summer day hnw fair tome cnmii yor fniwdfrtp herald peepino wi1i iin eyi 1hil e- in lo he jt p jll lid ta0 the dtiraj wirhl aiiavfioiii ateeptn sominrr tuya will on he maf and i am j in hate lhh nearer frtf hiihnohiiic rieh and clw and fturta and fltwef iid i tliey will li we erharts from ltlr ifriuls hpr s ie uajmii arfceee ran raada milled inn ihr rnrfh rhnr h he rrv nrrverl aenal iv aiirnd t ah in om4fi twa ftllnwv pf dnuht rdtnw rperdily ilpo ii thing dear eihinjr dearer vrrreevivvon prcmid tr punis the irade rtipplied 3m curraiicv fnrllm l hoke sleighs for sale 4 seconohvnd family sleigh for 0ie nr to hnrr en ioe a scon lhand cu rter n no order aoliiy ai the atbeneain bookstor dc 18- y th iceceived latest arrivalu from new khail at ihr street by tno york and fur sate hy the siih- irimr a liia store in princess street the folhiwing articles viz 800 silea spauiah sole leather 200 buffilo rnhes 20 bnxes aaanrud teas so tohacco 20 dzen malta 100 ihi- brnnms 100 du patent pails 40 do cords willi numeroua other artictea not men tioned matthew rourk kingaton dec 18th i8l6 if p1u n ters in k the trade snpplifd with ink of variant orniiii srnteh and the united slate athenevm bock 8tore dc it 1946 received this morniag at the athbnevm book store locretia hy dnlwer domhry son no 4 hy dickens nell gynne hy aiimvoith st gile and st- jame hy d jerrold forteseoe hy j s knowles diana of mrrridor hy dnmai woman rewanl by mra norton tlie merchant imwllfrbj mii pickering tlie mitlnill bell hv von hotaein actor and manager by f c wernyst the ransomed bride hy e h wild rupert inelair by the author of ten thou sand a year the comic wandering jew hyc phillipon the church almauac hy lovh gibion feb 9 1847 ritchies patent copying presses a supply of all ire h rweived fnwn the maiiufuctory and fur saleat ihe t- y boo stork ret- so compound psctorll balsam of horehound and honey a aoe sperrfv and ejfkafwu remedy for all disorders of the chest and lungs viz asthma whooping cough colls catarrh consumption fnflaneza pains in the chest difficulty of rnathingi huskiness and tickling in the throat hoarseness oc fur acriculiural pitl 1 wot 1 least fnunuyh in eaii wfc within the couftly duiintr ie enuing mamr hotvm caittiminv tl le l he rxhihired at granm- finji wrtllct- day in may at nnilo on h nieit a lommiueq will h- tflomas pafjg secret nry oiilwrg 5th marelj 2l6w robkbt bakkkr chemists druggisu brock street kintion r b reapeetfolle iofm hi ciwlmnem and iho p io eenerah ht f iumhtko hisdrut store to hrock streei in the premiae fiinner i y or pj h l- mcvean vrhrre they my drpend n hemg auppltcd ttiu iccouinc drug and medic physicittns prescriptions and family rrcipe carpfuthj prepared horse avd cattle medicines english and french fkicfuuery books and stationery kinjraiun m arch 1847 fdr sale by the subscriber ic battttglti imtimb mttod qcj pokk superior qialiiy and three banela kakd milks fercuson kingaton 15th january 187 fl thia bauam ia en pftcd nf th moat ratmble ramedwa fr ihe above eninplainti rie hy dtatvinr the eoiijcalcd mueui j phlaem in ihr therui thereby eatipinif a ffee e a peel oral inn and wine thi nii ntwtin tc contflia prepared and sold by robert baaaua dacgoit kingston prire 8a 6 ondla 3d per bottle to let a small frame cot tage in prince street with jiinlen and outhouse apply to wmamtkomo auctioneers king street kinptnn dec 29 186 tf for sale- i acitksof land east half uvf lntl iihrt 4h cn- ceislh iuirjl 10 r i v kinta inn a ti jamcs mccarthy eler rlackirnith piuvincial penitcii liary portsm uth feb the american flret in thegulf at ihe time when ihe admini had conclndej unon atnrrnin vera urn and ihe foitrrssnl st juan de ulna mh were en- aged in making nrenarnliont fur the purpose live eomjiiletl am nnhlihrd a jjst nf ihe several teirlsof war that it was proposed i w mi hi lake part in ihe attack together with 1 theii clarfifiealion and aimameiit since the pnhlieation of that ijhte we hare dineovered that several olhrr veneu hive tnen deliiitrd for the gulf rvir we now nuhhsti it complete nffitko sratk kvl roece tti thc cutr or mexico lmr shi frijcatc oho catilain sliinjrhanig bloaaiofwt maaufactueea all kinds and colon f printing ink news job and book near the glnhe and tfy mill troyn y troy february j p dti aboye ink floik smre knmon fh i i47 1w7 3m fur aala at lh atheneum i air a 1847 sale bay mare perfectly for handsome sound and in good condition for particulars apidy at this office february 9d 1847 wanted i afla i vw 500 bushels pease for which the market prioe cahj on delivery liary thomas hendryc kington feb sttv is will be pain in the provincial petiiten- ptlnuc napt anhrk railian coi fifrei 52 e joint admicai mcchincyso st- mayacnpl 8mdm w jennintwnf mgicli3 i atbaaycan drrem 30 dtfiatiir cvrut psaafcnry ic 4nirta cajvi fampil9fl brfa nf war rvipwc tcni cnn hum 10 perry ural bmnn jo schrif waf bonn uaut beahjm i reefrr i pettel lictit mtviti i i tmpinn d pery i swmcf m pirry pu- hnn 10 princrtoa capl engle 9 5piifife capt ivbwh 3 vtaeicatsanf 3 mln p hnard- 3 tjn mi apt rudd 4 aheghanv cat hunter id llunief liut mrl iiiiin s pdlbcapt tfden 6 peirita j seorpimncninbitfeiiiw64pr 1 seurpe lei hunter relief licotcim onhua 6 snpply 2 flmafia licwl coinoiindtr channcy 2 rfefflfakeidistmiihdi com walker wo i etna cmntvan bmnt 1 vcuivi cpt megrider 9 a hecla leul faifai i ekelra i maiintr j gnna store ahip ecclesiastical cnvrar tn prar tle cnrch ami si naflte tavati rnnler nir hl rnni lhw nd ptiy prnitnim n whi hr iltlallrated itir naiiirr and niryilhv tendlene ienf tiiietiimn v tw inff ilrfnt- wrr rj m ircl 1v it fom ki intiy m pprrv wo anluind i irrfil ilie fnunw- mj nnii tkp rr c tm r a eier cl ic orvrrl try h h walker it a oiel oitd f a h a fa jhhv cn vidpr and h rff t liwe m a cmliil the rre ii ivnlaee b a uleftroflelcnlaee oaftfd anl rilntre rf hrdenhiiifji wilin w il iliird nf hia nrne vch ha pnrd hnm oxford in y ennih he a ad wo hear thai the reifinin f pueyithrhinch al oxnnl ihe work htt pruio2 hitnaelf thr i i fiff nrdn w uwn a ihe 1ranuiir tit iho anihrf wiirli vtit have retired in aiiher rain with fenrd m mv i a- p r rtur wr may wro lhat the rlrr aflhl m eae it itriif etin uve apuin at oaf rd in ihiinf ihp rridet mlnw nf a enllec wl tftke lie clitiu cbnrrh andermdtiale ni a gt etnrt whild rtn it rptiwoh vvv havo alihetirdnraetitlefilnat raname cn neeifri a i u mtuit ia prepared if he ha n4 1iedf dune it to hticktenn pnehnfinnur a lhal f ptj wc have receiid nnrc if rrrfal nilif aeeraaini to firnapect and nny ahidinf iprrtriunilv arw we rerel in ey thai ti i rnnfttentlf attied in eoitoin eiela ihl a dtltof tied eeclrrintenl jel nf ihe velteh anilmihitur pifiy iannt ia fdlnw the ex amne f hr neveniio the 11 report it qu aihreleel in ti n inaan ver ihe thun yoitr we imre ji otnimeneed arcnnnu fmrn ieed alae thai nr frjdai ihe eifrmriiti ihfr m i men aho had een hillirfin meniliera of tle chelin retflawd were fitflmflf reeivrd inl tin rmmn 111 hdie cttnrrh hy ihe prtatal si anta rnm m calfevre ehiel the new e vtl are ii to be ihe rev mr mmnum b d fehfwfccooifrdnenf ihe eriic- nf st stvemr rhnreh teeds hnt wht ia under- fjfol ii hvr hrtn itndf piipettin hr tle h ii f ritn fcrr anme limr m1 vi u r h mti lilely a w4lrn rnetehani in txd ad wlm a maied in have givn lite ante nfl0 i ihe i e irl a etioreh in lerd ulneh pm j tmp a enntmenrrd hy lite vier nf feo vrhn i laid the fniiinitiinji and mr t w wih kinrn ba tna abarnrrks30s tie nnhapiiii itire a rnni rjllia ab4h ihc yea 1510 s h nl fueli an rxhemc dil ihee caify lmif 4y ht ihev appnitd a king wltmn iliey fvaxiuratrr n itnorelt f ilie jiilr world tni u rwi ia bel er knntn n m reader nf hitoy n jnn nr lrvnew tin yndha viinnir rtnn aaa enlifly per annded hut tjie vehnle hnnre dmv nf tt vmfld relied on lliin hr called ielf j1m ihc lltm fnl km a in tltc ite irmfiplrf m hia eiltci tie y iht in hun lh kifed m aeennaeed hy hrii pi ifirnlhty eanethal he at upnt the ihrnnc f ivd lie irr round die iiek n ehain nf igtdd in whipl hnnf ihe yntilii jhdmt wn a edilen cailae iranariae i wiut lw awnla ihc nne nffld and the ntherrtf ilver abore lw hatitlleanf teliieh wm 4 cma h tllendanfa wre ttte halc no llicir fern ieevra ftir creen waa hia rrdnf like all aaatafl he wed m jjnirvence illiuec a erk he iijipead with lncrr and ifnlovtieh m in ite iii irkrinie pealed limeir in in ilitmh- irfi ttiljtiiiitrri mliee kmipcf dinrf rtatrtimj r i le willi hi pwnrrl i w heft he tfde thtrjtll ihe iwn itv- iwa wri uaidekun lpph0 uvryiitf ihe om ti 1 1 ii r a hk i ah flliti mi i him f it no their ktieea liere wfc mfh irha rjcd diul at in reiiip and at iii tumiltcr f hi wire in whirl he vt milnmwy mf1tiiir oot iip ynn etimrtl lrf hl i iiu ride over y o id nfef upa wleav irlit ia tpile or yj keen kntiedjhn f eitd noi hlp mniirr hiitflwinrry nilh ha lernfale di he i- eanaed hlmar u l ite anprehd nver tlie ii rj the ernwded mulinottc in ihe marhelpl co lhi hi initrhi hreaihe ihe pri into llieie a he danced ud rent datfeorll tejhfb ihc kf jiidaent ed liimilf ia in ihnne thre men wr re like nindinen a aecret and iircivme emc of ihe ontruih all iheit tviurvn n fnrted itaetf ofaan litem kiinidli g imlexd lud nnc a artimi qiiarret u uh ihe km hoi it vtnw n lotte npi knntierhilhn did penmce and all thine rrlufiied iii the iraek f erednhtni nhedience in oeinbcr 134 ihc vrttnk rity celebrated the vrnt snprf in ttic fullnuinrr mwimri the lnhle were ad f r all ihe aduh vmncn wtn were fpt rwnc mimrru than ihc menj and for thoae nf ihr men wtm did not hold waleh mi the wi 4200 peraona fcha nf yden and hia wife dvira appeared wiih all their eoonier and avrrcd et hirtitdf n iraa a rerfuur nicl after ifai ihey lo whmten eakea ute m them fan and vc of ihem in tlie mheta ihe kin thetrcid ihe queen ihe ie aaym bmlher ne auler take nnd i aa lh win- nf ivheit are baked together ami lite era pea jrc prerd peiher i are vre nlao oie- tliti ihey nanf the palm auin a iff rier hdv aey ear io und amc in mte hidi- el fan hn tj sn ff thii efeinny mihl apiar rciijino and mnov bui mark the aequo trie king ihntjht he perei ived at ihc feai who had nyi nn a wredieij rrmrnenl lie hineied fhii una man tvi jou nrilenrd him h be hd nut went run himtclf and cut 4t liia iiad he believed he had fill hinvelf ommander hy god in di thirand reiored cheerful and detihted in lite feat of all lh plavnninena which atiended lh a iniattrmia djolnn the mitiuua tf pv i a r and wd iwatlnm i lle mi revnli iuc luive tftuclanlty rve in net purine nor obaer fltm f it nmewht further tliero w- a vmnan io mnnmer wlnnhnaajed ihil on nan cnrjld eontml he this imam had irritated tlie dea ire nf jjnlmi nl leyihn tnhavc herainnnj hiavrivev she lived willi hito ff aime time but pruning urrd tti bint rfi- eve him brk lite preaenu he liad reecived ttsmm him and lefl him tho ij i kin regarded lh aa tho errmctt nf a crime lead her lev tho maket fdace behead itfr himetf end kicked away tbornrpc with hia fnnt hereorem hhianther wivea yioed m aioginp to god aunc ih tlie highct be iimm canrofjc cmarh urarirmac ia fn tlvjwrnr vi p-f- pnmrthea tu uakmtm klkr llrlu i klhwbj tha loib ut 4t faltiday avi um pimte ar i if ff prratab mtfr lipnbrra vixicd ihr covent nl the dfmlm r- nf merey nof eiy trlrftm p0 ripil iiii iiiui r kj itcifjifjy io ihe pidl in ilie vl bataial erd to ir- o i theita pund lint ilea nvnika ear fma nl tiidnv in lite a lataalilinap nf ihtir order hved al tlnir er u m tuay iiiurdn farhin- ltmjj a ill ly nmgtuni i uh a viuikfa nf role ih archl i1i allrewd n aevero tn lira fnara ami mnmed ihem vt rtara tfitiy t ihe maim a 4 their ed ji the ujrrm of com wee in ijwcvnvefrt ueh dninfjuariri ii fiirt in nli ftlnttimlima adl c e in f jilrr tlieifiirnr fil m luiury uhir cvlieli e cifp l rirlim tlpfra lo ui tr truth ill d hy aociiit fr iirtuhi of ilc fnnda f eunvcuti tito a me d iy de 0 ihnk pti4cd in chapuin iti prtnf of ihe nirry ml ettjuneo innt v watch tltat ihe mle o ihc nrder ahmitd tc lfict1f oha in cerpjeue of hee mranr r verl of ihr nvnk have rjuined the ornvcnt and have rented rfrlrf in ihc mwn and nso principal pjivaieian nl lh hiptul of the cioveoi itaa teo- dcrcdh irjbwatlaa ivrta at leeu one nf it1mn iimiluted hy tho trie rnmu nftnt ihe reiil nf ihe mve jn bhpnl ride tiilt ihe prnriej m s hjut t fukcei lred h it laeu ihe acitaiiiirir utata ui ihe tity eve nf me al mull n and hi ctnfdefile tumaily ajufin- pttaiaatrmllwavi they 4ilainid the ket of iimi duith arid iherein cele hralcd acmnple kunan catholic tervice in anli- eipiim nr the perind when the chueeh amipd he liiilv in the h iiida of lhat emnmouinn thia iuiheou erndu i irrainoal aa ii my apieaf uevcrthew nikiiily iltutirilct the nhjecr nf ih oi d i i i i i i kim jmfj if thne of ine erry who are dully dropping rf horn hu eanmuinmn in i apendinff nxciey on church drcorlin and ievrjjium ihat erelnnf lhie rtvtnranioawtll tuuerve ihe ihc piupre f n i i i i medieval farma and hxtien ihe d iy of onion wjtl fuimcicirfca state gat mna hittarft mr roben snrnvirl lita peninnerf st peiera cillre tamnndje haa j i- 1 the i- ji i vhjic cliurch aod h ea- iend nr at all event ia at prevent tiyiof at thw c3ouefe si cuilitertvner i cairrea and stale caaeffe the enrma nf mr haijchnf ierdt 11us rnrnan calimlic uuh- ha ikh n otllna rd 1v lhat nf hw brulher who made hia ajiiaii nf je piuiettant relimn in lha laivaiv chapel of the bjhp hnue at bituing hum htl week on sunday mr waller rokte f eeicr lnbay llafad a received at 0crt imrr inlnthe rntmahchnrchhy dr wiseman accurdirif tn hie furina of ihc rnman pontiscal miscellaneous the fnllnwin iaafe exhibtte a ainjridur phiao inlh ejiaraeieeof tlie indian wtuian and mnu feaia her d- diedkence inwardi her rinhrid cinuliirf hia deaifil ctoq to the prcjtjjico of hox nn kilarcata 51op cutter fi ward copt- nonrt ewinr capt moure 6 city hall saloon a 9 market builainest opposite the avw agf batttery by george gane refresh mcria snaekv c in be had tuirnvat notice soyters at all hurso kinrjton pm i 1347 co mmercli al for sale 100 jew mess al uv yora pork inspection william ware kington tlih dr js total number of junf with he exception of perhap half a doaen every vessel in ihe nhove list has without doqumid her respect to the mexican hy howenngmiilesof jealh into the forir and city and reducing hoth with the as- aiuance of the land force undergeneral seoll we hate no dotibl lhat the cijehtyl1rc pound homh he1h and paihanhot have many rjayiucc reduced the fortress while gen scott and hiscallaol soldier are enjoying ihemselve in the city of vera cntx ami reeling after the rtuenea of doubtteas the wufft victory that ba tvet been achieved hy american arms the number of vewla chartered hy the o vernmcnl lo convey iraop ftwuwiw wftrto ihe island ol lobo 168- ordera have beei or are abwl to wahinpon iar naiivial aalutca at slattonainrrorhr of the victory of he imurd in id ihe navnt jacna viata tun saw bimre ti acem lhat ihc eccleaiaa- licataothorilicaarid ihe minitry have beco at iueon iheurmanf an inereaaanf the eptaenpaie tim alurnalieeortrfcd hy iho rnvermneat was on aeati in hr hmwcnf lrfl or rm ow bifbp treaeieiaticalaaihirttieahawthiittahl mm riehl ufim maecajrtan inrrrasenf tneepi eupaic pillr an inrreaae in ilie number f pintu1 perra a co quenca nf the crnces inn ihc piiilmenl of four new bihpa i nrtoei- atnodlohavc been decided upon bouliahiin vrjjt be made not immediately and l nnca but ai pcrinda dependml opnn the am of the apiheal fgnd in the han 1 of ihc ecc1tiaucl comoiiaai erfmitnf whieh ihe revenue nf lha new eea will be derived doubtlrrellicdeiil of ihe pmpnaed ritrwahl wiih reierd in the new hirfiopik an vm rl iirrancrd hut inlnruiamn ha uapireil nmi wttleh wo irim ihc wwkahilily that ihe new area wij be a mliwi t i- 4lhanv at preaent n ibv dic f ruehetw tn endraen a patl f un- bknvnyrk nf lndon 2 snuihwclt leeda rt ni4iiniharn 3 cornwall blh natnrd 4 v1nchelrr the arratemet qw lite sohjeri of aearji in le hofm mt idi will be that the ncaent nmdkm f lmy i nw t ednd nil inrread but any member nf ihe prr in rfbrnpal lf if disabled hy rim f iiianaity uiy frra h njehi l a et ir a waappromnd ifw miller of lha occupant tome oncof the mv wom ckwicu an laotm mafftuca it tflft made a hcaity repeat we proceeded wiih a hriifhl cherfo1 mn my mare nnw jo inina capiat hum hcknewhc wanrar hune and with her fnnl wcul an r qoirk nn j irot aa if purpnaty inah w me wtiat te rold do when pie elme al 3 p m i reaehed renville foil avii and w find tn mjurn lhat tjie aitwlff part nf i he nv aiv ice were jouc itm vaimuaeape- ditatna havinf cfrexheil mye1f wiih a complete chun c 1 m de all tlw orra for deacend inalhest rercv ta neat day hivutg done which i nent in reordva ia lite vrninj mpl mad my i diriy iiumi there whiut we were at lable i w i auprimd l hear o atif fmaninf nut nmt einiielea i n if lii wa evidently nteant fnr our ntitnnt aiilhrm jf gd rave ihr kicii a tune whieji ha been idphd at ihe old feneh muniainr tin prenvd from a port rf kileheri lakmm- in lite hnuae huu a it u not eiiqueila hi appear cnrmi aliit lite domoiic innierof inoiaa wkcn v are mmeil ltern i made no ribcrvulo afur ihe meal however nn giof hi the iajiide of the fml i hraid a mwl appjuing and jnnenlahlchiwho iuini from tllc wmdn thr rvtder nf the htat and ciuio in miw hr tnfrmcl meitmt ihed atriu4uniu eama fmni n equaw wlawtc dauuiuvr w i jffnnt i bi married i i thai it i uitn uch rcaiona for iho uimhcr 10 eipreaa iter mirrnw for ihe la nf her child i never heard a mnrc woeful lamentation ii teemed in arise frfh ihc very iumeat mul nf tha rovrtaaj and ihe i fleet wa fumminely iucrraaed a iubmicu4iil i run a kauai m ihfm hi aa i ilie night ailn cijld m imvc wuhrd a a fier brr nie hi amfnbf roe f hi vivid canfn irptfl hflnl further informed in ilial ihedautt tv iho i him ntcd wjaat uir inorncnt in renvihra linnieaniiihailhrhipy hrideenfm waarenvillea mlipid bcvy sm whs had iratfajiied willi il n milliter m hef duhh r i hve wiih hint a one ti his wive trn crvfiufip j ft ftlow had alreadv ne wile a cvhi ikmj ynn woman wli hid afiawlhl iiimi aevemt liddrrn t ha turc n tiitnlde of lh kind could noty be mri with m aueh a laie f ici j tvi briniht up hy ftneh mwviiuiatijt cintirlrain the 96th drvfca nf w kaiilcu in nulh aoiniea lo iho lene nf tjid aavc tbb kinf a retiiu pfeua raiio fu n hirfamy and a miher aer crewdw dlt atic enrd get nut of him fir lir d l- r guinz tn ihe wiaaj in awniin m the dark aa if her t wa hrirn i remembered a tk rahly ad wk l i r winan i r r- h latala uur evening incur who appeuird tu think ahajt nnlhinff hut her potloe hut i n tearol lhat alic aa this man firai wic nd rlut atie h d ah been lo lha irebre where lit giit hved who waainiir to be mrned t condoim her in her nan htr4unrf and lhat hc tud kit her silting in iho kilciicn lihtrniiaj l filfhinil eaniicus tin couum- rnainm it appeared wi rvrt tn tke plaec until atvr a wreka hnwlmjf mtd rinein ihe firat wifo liavinf ihe benefit nf httband md aoctety in ihe no wonder t c f ingmmi called thern piutiea ano alt i inird nuioea for certainly oolhrnf mrt rr euaw ahaurd can ba imagined aafaerrfoaatfmaa tratu a murrrtr ttna beinrr lite tat town net lha indurt frmilier and ihe nnly place where i vaa likrlv to find any mehoi i direeicd a com folahk lent 1 he lma4a nd peoeured a variety of itbjeet l tut were llwely to be uacful to me io my prnjeried eacurraiin inio the indian emioirf il ia n bcl or to timvioe lhre thing al lire frontier 1w0 lite iraijctmen iherrare nnl rimilur with the want or aflh wvi ia altuut to travel tn lha indian cotmliicu and ueinni ta a ptaec full of namrcea and roueh freuenied by iriin 3nirsiil i ealcd lb ac wmc direction ona tifrniue at a iwt nicker r found an elderly ojitnvay indmn there in company with what 1 trik to he a yuiir lucking eouaw of a 6na eharacver f cuntenance site wmm trying a pair of time on whieh i was father aurnriaed at aa the c4jwalwy wrwr nccaint i aaked tho trdcmn if lc wat the indian daughter or liia wife and gndcrhad him in y that aha waa ha wife and that he had aonthcr who wa older tha indian undcrstod eie1iah a liille ind havinc been a evai deal among tha canadiana rpoko french inferably well tho tradcatitan tnld me i ihcrefnrc spifca to him in french and aaked him if hc had brnohi bin any children bul ha would i v- me no anavr r laying hmethinc in indian to hi tnmianin opnn whirh itiey jravo a mortal fiftint uf diralifiction 1 aaw thai they wero off odcrj at virnelfcin but could n- i imngtno what it wm whim l wa drawing on one of lha hoe he mhe et a little atide and tier naked thighs were ralhtr in plaialy seen upnn which a hytanrlcr remarked lhat nravnunc equate kha w rvt very mndcai jm at thia lime a parton haprettert in enmo in who knew ihcm and aaid wa wera all under a roittaka that il waa a ynynjj man of i ijhicn and not a aauaw wa were all ex crcdinclf arpriaed and had a very anorj laush tin- miuih chin feminine face and peculiar dreaa of thia handwama youth hating completely dc crivtd a feinala indiana however of the com nin da arc an uty lhat a yrtnihdrcaacd aathra noc iraaiaemdy nnai tr a female indeed have often taind it p difficult in conjeeluc what pci individual uf tlna race were by boffelv ipafcwc ai their tare i plvnutd be nn lookm at lha faccaiif animal fea tracts mvxa uf exoutft kiilt since l81s obacrvra lha dunk quota many einlih faniitica hava re filled ni duihcrqne but at no former pemd waa their number arealce ihan al preacnl ther ir no rarfneralinn jn estiinkiiinrr uiat amalt colony at lumil looo petanna t the 13iriijrerflaaw praally peaiaea thru huoianitva which uiani6tt it c i at this moment by amplo dinhbulions of proviraooa io the indigent