Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), March 9, 1847, p. 4

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iev books tust received atthe atheneum j book store owrttina io lt of tho miming popotarnfwivorklvit- capt paul by atfuwhf dumaa gencrier or the chevalier of maiaon rouge by do poutilif tfantcchriita by do- the three guardsmen- hv d- lncndi and stnrlcs of ireland br s- iver mameor antoiae by gsnswl heilddburg by g p rjant the squire br miaa pickcrinf scene in the roesty mvuntaii orconcilii ferula meico fcc dimber and son h c dime sartor rectus bi ttomaa cryle poeir wit and humor by leijh hunt ethen or umtnl of travel tatihct iriih an umtmcfit otannwh d dooitwiube for newyear nd chrhtnias m- mlfc aw ffreaf varithy of eajrliah wnuaf paper rr tho beat quality kingaiiiai sot- 34- th e colonial f0rkbn afflj general assurance company for eire life and marine rcgtstercd an inxohporated cvder 7 8 ric- cap ex london annuals almanacs sic for is 47 r a chalmers ttapotfluty hrttart that the ie nuw c t lto jjntjw irspcndid annua lsatid other new il lustrkted works vii tho kcrptake book of beauty pwlw draw tncscmpboifl juvenile scrap baafc ackerm imj forget mcnat loadnn art uiw annual oriental allium part i mi floral tableaux t atioion ffolsw 1645 add punch poekfl bunk and a variety of poekel boukaand at rna rue a far 1847- and a rtt f extanive aanurtiacnt of juvenile and illustrated books suiuwafor ivc- aotftallofarhieb will be told at roodctalc pneca 8tireat si jamc street montreal december 3 wita- thomson commission 4sd importing xerciast 51 iiitii 8rect tortc ill continue to give attention to canadian import consigned to t new york for forwarding to m ami al to tho shipment ur tsalcof sich canadian prmlucia as may feek this port for export or sale merchant who may be pleasml in avail themehe 1 liis services in new york should in imlirin their omuls send his address mthcic european hip- jers iiisiructtnltem to send a duplicate iviicc anl hilt of jadntj m him and it should bv observed that invoices ftf goods intended for lh new mk route ought show tlicciiar3gonsatrio until on aliipboard at the pnft fexpur- titton in invoice cacnslwij1u in fttlded up separately and extendd to the nutftide c the riiixin up in 1ivotcca of the content of more titan on package the packing ot a whole invoiceindiscriminalely orufmoietlmii one invoice the aamc case are all prjiouto bearrf tlly avoided the ffioilit cliaocft in the cuatntn fawsof llic unild stan wltilu r- juirmgnew fiirmhavir inutfh mpiiid ihc syacm of reforwurdni mnu to canada x cli ndirmtcu i mw i- quiml j a ijnd of linpiitaut tsxuuri fr m tin cnirco bcin tho sulfiti turc- noryndirtbo advajttnn duties f the nca tarih will package havu t bfi mmj sir ranwrme wcirtlii r a liiinrly imiici tlc m iitcs whicticliaractctizcd tlm taiifl f isis to the imjr in llo department may be added the eg penence of th paat aeaun as further assurance to canadian imonrtera that ihcy may ivly a the new york route bcintjoneby whicli they can howaftor reccivo their goods with certain rapidity utl economy- new york 23d nov 1s4g capital 1000000 in 40000 shares of25 each with a reserve for sharchtfwers in the cclcnies patrons- sir howard douglas bt it p- sir allan mnab speaker of ihohauwof ai- i iv i sir robert h- sciiomburgk khe j- p mayers bail coknial a for bi rhailnei henry bussecoloniil agent for new bmniwiek w burgk eaa- q c colonial agent for hon f h f berkeleyt jhrotar for bfiatol board of directors pinur p bimitf esq mauritiui merchant eyi ii auvtin friar- wiixitti price eq eiat india merchant minea pric co new bfnn4 street m- s l l y-1- iy mcrebantmoor xate slret l jta gawnrut bv west india merchant cnrk anil london a w rowland eaq a rowland sooa llatf m garden tiomw nkwte esq lofldonand patia major dovero h e i c secretary bonjal nslwj fond cornhill a o cunmsmlmc eu colonill ajfnt for putt pli-i-p- tho cmabrm ciaau esq ncffcialto on tvoc- 1 i- iv n oirfciot st 01 monda vv v 1 with power to add to their number auditors- ik ifotaoax eq medical officers ivatrca iulc wauuk eq m d physician to unitemtr college ilotfiilal and to the roa piui lor cojawubmiun and ursr nf ilic cnest 47 uper charlotic stteet kitzroy square f lr gaa cdta eq 27 fiosbury place surgeon to st thocnuaa i t a secretary colw t- ctutttuu eo bankers mcaarsfaeseorr gkotr cavie avm t cavc 62 th read needle til rect- solicitors- ufaati tlorre i boylk sgn court temporary offices- bjckecoury co bjfgo ahhl yard iobservateur fbakcais a french journal or titc rauticii coujuftciai au eclcjmno sew or tilc wp 0 philosophy titttgtute and cfntral infor matiunfrom franco gr spaifi onf ntlotha country each number cwmih artiele rn enflirh and french partita pulrtieal newt frnm arooi other coortlric jitdieiil rrpwta a li- larary depirtincit cnmpncd of tevel and oriittal wofkn a review of pan u iterirw f inilin 4ibioinca and aiedntea bt the fahnnahle world report of ita wccuf meeting f the french and other seienlific amdcmttz a cow mcreial rpwt a review of bnsnah and ftcneh theauca a htaasoal rcvxw lif llaiii a lvoajhffatcqb fscw i pu minted weekly in london suwiption sgt per annum loooa olnce s strand kixoro dr busier bnuih wig oilier november it46- notice quebec fire assurance company the undorsignej having roatgticil the agency tif the qucur fin jissuranct office at this placet begs to notify th ullic thai the business nf tho lntitaticm licrc will licncefonh hv conjucteil by nil successor thomas jiicicgs junior enquire to wham an plications for assurance r nther luisi 4ieis cotinecled with the oflic will tit future be adilrtfsacil thomas greer kingston 12th october islg- with reference to the above ailvtt ciaement the subscriber having nr cepted the agency of the qucbtc firt assurance compting itln iucois now ready o receive npplicatinns finm parties desirous of offtfctlflff aurnticc against loss or damage by fire at moder ate ratea of premiums at his office frinceaa street thomas bricgsj jm agot qttctm rc amtrantr company kingston 12t october sjc 120lf new booxi jus trecel ved a t the a tueneum rro movtriuli hociinlgaorkhndinl1enewvnrril hon vjllmn svae litr in lrd athcirl valentine iec1utclir r the irub ajent- ih llbtefyaf the binv the fnn qivtfly review mh wajtmiimar riview tl fnreicn quaiterty review thn bdtnlurffli rcmw 0lackwd mau-uinc- fitflsjs an ffifnrnr nf nw mine kiiuinoeibr i lui 1igl l j n f on st r f l pb n s tsr necsirei at the atheneum book store a lak amtfant a stj aeaw h rwml inakfi includirtg cillvta lk- frali maltum etonumj hit pitw virk ibei wii and weal othr nivanicvi a lo allvviim r t the tm4v our tit anh tcirfely extended falitie1 pie tioni ifjily iteeominjj more ntl nwwi aawvlf pfpled by emigrant arc fur iho mod pan jlmi otit ifofli the- benefit of twurance wlicro audi a povition it evrniifllly requioile for thoaimy of thetock and the prelection uf lmiiie frcoucnily left unprovided ut in a itranc land b the dejijj if friendtor rclnlive the colonic hivc from tioi a lime enjoyed the benefit of rink rcilimd cooinanicx inror lrated fthurch tjielka kmipralion c4oniaintt siejm nvijj4lio nd nlhcr aavicinfrd rxjics fot ayeihve ioepd in n very htnilrh and tnperfccl dreeny proridem fniitaliniakidapied in itanranao far fiw and fife ti eamvni ho de- tijcd that the pvrlfml lw now arrived iiptj llicir wfutth etlcn and grvwmg unpuluu- donnnd ihi itk altid pnroa a apeiil frv iffiecfor llwi orir inn bad baaed nwotrd to i he now dulr uptneriilrd ohjrta njf aarnc naviaeiia kittyfii2 brnctitti all kir prmriual srulcukmid in ita fur ajimnera nf ihi world ifrte irv f for rf r rattltj crinnnwm liavo ihe riciii axtjmnce oibct conducted fir tho motl portna ihcmutml principle bn fimn their bcjng rmabtiihed on a very jimiicd bnn wall circum scribed capital and araatl experience fy rct nihmiiy ueji a an cxicntlve fire a sicltty c iwn uiujli the office und fela heavily nn the inaanra moreover ihr liunled mturcor tlhsbiitiacv tranaactcd in ceh colony ifrnuindrf thai a hirhet rote of premium afiould he exacted than the na abdutely require lftfm ivhich wotilj ifiy impair ijir hiijllv nd prn peril of many vuli u uasalofiqni would have liulo effect on llio cclflnm atrnnre cmptny frurn the extent nf its capitt ll numhee or iu shareholder and tho circumtlanco of ill riaka biiag to widely rtcmi oneorlwi londun ojcet vrithmall ctpitali find very little of that amount aubicibcd ho re ccatly catahlialied a few afancie in canada india and auittalu hot the have founded their ratea of premium upon the fclurnfof inurlality amnn i h- tii and indian troops on frein f vce a vcrynnlmcaclmrv source of eamnifav uonasrerardn civdiaaa and cftoilftl gfneealty whok habit and ocpatona ire cfaentjally dif frrent these offices resorted iloulleas w such imhffectand defective wnrcrs or cateulilion h r juo no othrra were within their reach hut from aeareful invchitiin at the ccitonial oatt of vduuiioohk return of he prireasof pinutifin and others procured will great bhnr fnjin tocl agents of the deaths in each ortony foe a aciiea of vars an furnished b ihe pariah reincrt by consulting the bet iiutiuriitca ab to elimtc and rnjiiio due allowance f lhepfn2rvajvttipmvc ncnt effected he drainage extended j i v h m hv a complete 411i pevrcct onalvais of c4mtslittcs if mi numerous irkciai and exefutira returns os- tiiiifd from the variouf loeil clergy didsf health ac tabteaor oionality have been fumed for each of our dependencies and tho decrement ol human life sas precisely aaccrtainrd m much lower rates can bo lxo with safely llun have ficfrtpfuc been charged rcturna from every colony nf the tire tht have taken place for a scries of years the siyte v bold- n rind the local mcim for the prevention of lire hire been obtained frm wfitefi more euilibc raushavc been computed than have heretofore brvn adopted tho establishment of a general assurance of fice f if the colonics jn esondoa on broad and eomnrchensite bai with an amply auberibcd tairitali under the buintat management of dirco lor lacely identified mid ihoruugbly cnnvorstnl wnh colonial alldira fiundod upon approved and ailmfactory daia with revised and much rvduocd rates if premium having iikifco w theadvantesjo of an active iouucnlij nd efficient cyicainoird f manacmrot in each ot or setilementi auoiu nimt ncertanlr renutl ij hrnejji to tlset assurer upjiiltcr in tho bmnc i or marino tho dwellings lvarcluucs and dwdings niihy erected in ihe uoloniei arc br he moat p ifl eoaatriieted of lc substantial miicrum than lhov in older counlrir and the stores are generally stocked with valuable goods and yet dhi mcansof indemnificalionareat present afforded lo osrfmffl nf propeily of this kind against the r4vntmoriirc rhcpreaont diflieutiyandapcnsc oi circeiing irmjmncc un doubled ly deter niany frirn availing iheinwlvesrtlie means of protection who would otherwise gladly do pa tisf advantacaof ui an imtitution as ihe colovml will it is believed be felt and ackoow- lrlril by all bringing rs it wih do ttie bcocfils of km and life assurance no the most ceonomi- cil and cuitabo principles home to llio opoortu stlltsj nf all this is a miller of serious moment and one which cnricrni to a grenter or ices deleft every individuaf member of soeiety- tne mny recent elsmitouj arcs io the collies fnriiciiiurly in now foundund sow brunswick 1 in nli antigua oarbad acc most loudly call urmn ihae unprotected by insurance to give alien lion tff the upportoniuc ntrorded toindcmnity tbr roahvca against aosa tlie cjpilal of the company in one million wloeh ill be eoalinuilly numeniing nm busi- tittvi proreses thm ronatituting jnfrc perma- ttttatb acting on tho london and local boards and the benefit of tfio reoatis of all the rximing offices in great britain in america in tho coo- nies and on tha onlinnt which has been taken advantage of will bo fully appreciated by all who tnvertiatc ihcta ndt character of thi office a conipirim of the ratea idopted by thiacnm paoy for eacn colony iilh those of existing lon don and colonial office is sdieited- tie assured are suujct to no responsibility whalcrer as m imotaal officea iiv witl be adjusted aad made payable either in london or the colonics ai the option of the assured the company luring tho advantage ef resi dent directors in cacit colony will be enabled to distinguish itnclf by its promptness in tho settle ment of claims made upon it tha colonial boards will liaro full poer to examine and report opn firo asaur ancaaand receive or rcojse them at once without communicating with the home board trio following arc among the edvsnuir offered by the cormui j 1 the guarantee nf an ample capital and oz- anptkrn nf the assured from tho liability of partnerahlp ihoawed neither hafing to depend on an uncertain fund nor hcin in any way accountable for tho payment of cjsim 2 very mdcraia premiums founded upon the moat recent and authentic data carefully cal- cujnud by rx actuary 3 prompt settlement of claims 4 the rponsibi lily and confidence artofdcd by a iycal uircctionin each oivany 5 residence in any part uf tho world at pro portionate ratea 6 small charge for management apt for allotuicnte of slisroa may le made in the following fnrm and addressed to p l hisfsaswoa managing director at ihe companys temporary offices 6 bare yard ruckrerahury london form op appication for shared to the direct ir- jf the colonial foreign and gcnrral aesurencn company 6 barge vard bucklcnbury london gentlemen i request ymt will allot mo share of 33 etch and i undertake m pay 10a pat share on aimmenl and visin the deed of settlement on delivery of ihcslock jatnc addreat donneas or pnfession date nf application- reference pmpectusea form of application or shares or fu proposats of invurnce nnd every inform lion niiy be obtained at iho companys tempo rary offices between tho houio of 10 and 4 agent for kingston cams stuart en important ew uouks just aecrivtru kkom jwooff poles yearly journal of trndo for icmow ifotnprlsinc an immense fund of valuable informutien on trade commerce novitra- twm ac with ihe new tafittand a map nf ihe world dbreu perrjjo fur 18 id dcbroti a bironetazn despjihenof lurdine and gmigh n sir h smitti iii tho taio war in indie with mtpnd plans field cxcreuo and evolutkons of tho army with 37 gwill encyclptrhii of architecture fllaine bncyciiexiii nf rural sparta lnuuwe fincycjopeodm of iardnnini m asrrieaillnm micultochon tvimlaal jitidlhr funding system al4coljvha princuifoof politienl economy sapplonenlnnd ettitiinv lire dictionary nf ariw iftmifaetiircand mmca bayfihda mao of likespcrior llie ahove tootlier with a numerous col lev ton of ulhcaimilir works forslcby matra id r sc rcha wrapping paper winftrs arcannm xtracsu npills medicine ha fcniiired ah xtendd hrity throughout inc country which has inert auslained by its virtue and efficacy alon as a remedy far scrofula or kin- evil ulcerated sohu throat long landing rhboivlatic affections diseasesof the skt white swelling diseases of the boes all ulcerated cie afteetionsof ihe livn- dyspepsia costivfness m chronic and nerviofs complaiita occurring indebi lilaied and calheticconrtinnions disease caused by m impure jttsl f the blood the arcanum e5tra0t is a com plete antidote to the smous evil nroduced by the injudicious user mercury as a spring nd fall purifier it can not be surpassed worbin its way tnrough the ryslen with a silnrt and effective force cleaminsth rloois removing dyspeptic influences soolhin the nerves removing interna ohstrtictions and disease that would othnrwi cause injury to he liver and lungs person whose conitiitnni broiren down hv iht use of melcuky arsenic orquune amlanvnrfl who are sofferinff trom diseased liv0tf or injudicious treatment or any nl the ve dlsmku should use the arcanum tfittract withool delay in numerous intancea where ulcera tion had uw hare hothw bone and where to allappearatf no human means but ampulhlion could hfttf fi llf pltent bavebeninatclied lrom tored to health the jfw mm mfttsj completely eradicated by ut of bi nc timable extract the pmpiielor nf the arcanum ex tract hive had this ir 0i in h ihe alcove diseases with the most ratifying itnttf in iiaistsf chc m cietlherbtwi- aes nor pleasure need m nttrrupted re niiriiiconly the usual re moderation in dirt and is equally t ious tn the infant aa wel hc w pamphleta rivtrif 5 d for what the arcanum ex applica ble withrhrvationorii perspira tion and a treatise on d in gral accompany each bottle a 4re pped wilhthc above pamphlets f g cir culation price si ho pr b a card tjlhe subwribcr in returniftghi thanks lo the travelling commonity far the patronage he hoa received at their hands while keeping the british mtrican ifoict beg leave to introduce and recommend aa his successor mr james patterson who will be found in every respect worthy of public support joseph h- daley kingston april 20 1816 bkitishambrica late dalefs hotel the subscriber itegtlo in form the public and the travel ling community that he has leaned the above well known establishment and hope by strict attention tn the comfort or his guests to merit a continuation of the very liberal patronago whifh this hotel haa received he last five years under the able manogeoiemof the former proprietor mr j hdaley james patterson passengers and baggs torwtyod to atidfrorn the hotd kingston jane 1846 j winer hjmilion cv wos ca m nf w rapping papri nuirrinf quality for ac at the aihonounr book store sqntlrriber 25ih 1846 new envelopes daubs patent paper cloth rw- vel0pe9 an cnlirj nrnv artirrlc tfltih hininr ifti naaliiet nf ihr rtrwal writing piwr with thstrcneth of fi linen the nwlv invented repitrh adhesive envkixpe svherehs iba una of wax wafers i ur a supply of im axive of alt eiies jul ivr ui fir sale bv r t c chalmers mimical oct 50 nf rc- aja west and john wmcri co 83 mah mn n y for satr at thf aihenrniw n patmaf nil a hihsi ksdon and by all the respectable drt hroughont ca- naja isbboi tft disease bron- lotenessl of the lusji oi ihriiriy of breathing l ninii fur inc briiuii security of allpartrcs ititritejund aftinlinj llio rot unciccpt ion able iili iinificititn tuilipe wlioniqy irannact busmcnni uh tlass cmjwny the number and influence of tta ixrmtoni nd prtvprietore home and toed 11 trr it on a level with hie mul chible oltita in ihe kiiavft withfrapl tntlie ndvaupjeactter 1 4 to ihe public nd afllrd a auflidcnt juarantee utt j i tut and iukukplttc jcm h cf the charaattr nd rrrionaibjhty of uh loalilutiun 1it jrct i ud earaleape rtsrverotf ether 4iij it rtpiitalibn and rttatir litv irf the uen- the last supper by leonardo da vinci- fa0m tlfccclcaaatcd fgavixg by raphael morghen this masterpiece in its very ruin has been revived and seems destined to enjoy a wide posthumous existence in the wellknovn admirable engravint of raphael alorghtft inn after the wall upon which it was painted has crumbled into dust sir david wilkti a few copies of mr- dicks heaaliful engraving of the abftf celebrated pic- luresjust receicd and for sale price fire dollars each by r c- chalmers mimtrcal oct 9th 1846 j vijfers ppctoral iyrup ot horehonnd axd elecampane 11011 the apeedi- ami 3 ctte of ciulhcrj whnopint couh croojr or hires con unptinri pkraty hnai sareniof hie itieast and fj bronchitis i tlilfum tlutis iwetpitlf tot p mature w under the fi na of cnsiimphon uh u thim v trie usual aymplam of chili are cnujh til rru t li oi ft n e a athma isiafia pn or inailer hcm itisnoihin more than an inmamalifon of ihe fine skin ivhch lines the inside ol- ihe whole of the ivimf tubes nrair vessela which tun through every part tf the ltmgs trie peculiar virtues f hi compound im ve for a longtime attract the atleniion t tfte meitifl prote5siou tnd public and a lively itiierest hs recently leen directed to the develop m en l of their acive powers and unlmoiant rjualitic which tfie proprietors are now abte to gratify anil pr5nt thin medicine in the public with full confidence of its beine the mnt safe and valuable- remefy ever dis covered ui i adapted to all diseases of the lung when my of thr functtons do not pnforrntheif nrural or haallhy action it is univesy believer that god in his providence hss not afflicted i children with pain and disease without at he same time jjivins them something in the garden of nature hat will not only medicate bil in many cases entirety relieve them with ihese views chambers miscellanrnf useful and entortainine tracta vol 12 an addi vo supply of vols 1 to ii chambers cvclopodia vols tiro of literature 2 forsalobj bi montreal oct 20 edinburfb journal vohu 1 to s v fnformatiun for th3 people 2 volasfo ed ucationa coo rso various su b- jocta allaa of modem and ancient geography c chalmers cheese 4 few basketa fine 0l0 english cheese 10 barrets pijtto hendry t 8lacklock aflffrol- 1 aa box scalcd no 1 hektlnns xlu 5 bas filherts fresh au at 3 do walnuts lo hendrv ac blackl0ck plyinfi and printebs garbs just received attbe athcneum bookstoraa i bfajs assort nsant of ctfsfa meladms ptayins cartfs gom backs and puin printers cards r alt aiies and co4o and ladies and gentlemen visiting cardt ivoev surface pnamellcd bv puin october 26th trnilv nni too salt bags stoked salt ftr hendry sl blacklock ktnirslcin 15th july 1846 mills mandarin ance ihe prnpriotrjr from the reaatoj solicitations of iiis frienda haa been induced to offer this detcious sauce to thfl noiicc of the puhlic it i adapted forfiah game poultry chops steaks cold meats made dishes rf every description and en- lichifig gravies and soaps- the proprietor is confident that the is of one bottle of ins aoce will coo- rittcc the oiart of taste of its superiority to any liilheno offered to the public to be had wholesale of the proprie or cohurg canada west price 2s currency per bottle h mills bunbury cobura october i34fi- 125jm for sale price 2 6d per tattle at ihe aihcneum book store at mr n latmeri market square and by mr r mccormiclc princess street vlttull co canada exp ress leaves kingston for montreal where if connects with the new vork and 8osto re55ed on our mindf every one houhifiel great desire to inveliate to the utmost ot his pnwer the peat arena of uiture ami o draw fom lhl wurce that inttntttion vhich the wisdom of man has atlj to attain in msefttiak ihhttiica to the pumicthe pronrietois were influenced by ine hope that a medicine prepared with much care and strict reard t hie chemical properties ot its several inreiientsfthimld ukelhe place of m-i-ivi- uf irresponsible nnlrums of the day with whirh the counlrv is lelued f the c f one bolile of the syrup will he iiirieionttoerineince the most scepti cal of its heneficial effect prtparlid and old hy j wijer hamilton canada west atirf john lfitw co 83 miiiiieti lanen y fur tieom boak store v kington and lay throtitnui ca- ne at the athe- r heaih is nil refipctjwe drugg w cuke foit worms wmap3 canadian vermifuge akkaiyted in allca- h re medy cer yet discove f worms it notoiiljr itesrnya them friil ineiorare the whole system cairies ort superahun danl slime or mucus o pl in the alomicli and nnwh especially hose in had health it is harmless effects on the system and the health pf lh patient is always impioving by its uie een when no rvorjns are discovered xwt bem palatasle no child will w to jle s not even the moil delicate pln d prac tical observation upon ilisraim ltingicom worms accompany each nol prepared and sold hyj canada west and john r expresses every fridty- leaves kingston for toronto hamilton and buffalo every tuesday office commercial mart ontanosl william ware agent kingston sept i84c i0ftf sauces anoplckles a large assortment of london pickles and saocsnu for sale at tht frwnfum book store bagol street lard oil barrels lard oil ofi quality il- hy jpcnof 10 ilendry k hlacklock kiogalor i5th july i81 vyioer hamilton ivioktra co si maiden linetfy for t iheaihenanim uook siore n palmeis heaihs kings ton and hy all ihe reapef dsi throughout canada 256mi new dry goods establishment william kennrpyco respectfully innate to the inliabitiitits of kiorf and vici ty that they have commrh buainesa in the above itne irt the pc ately occupiud by l w bmht w kin street and nearly opp j d uryco i co whci o thntf iave laid l writ bdtctol slock aftltp fewest and most fashiomhtc stytr ofgoh which uvo leon purdititftftl with the reaieatciio and unjor thc rnoat tw- vacioooua uicumatoncel ney are thcrnforo tlcrormiiiud tiv iie siaaljeat remutierntinu pri read ufvwi vo second prict kingston jum3stf iai general agency and commission office 8 barge yard bucklcsbury london mar the mansion house to merchant commercnl new rooma public ilurica afrifulturt societies jlrieersot uie anny and navy prtntera publishers of nanra paocre and cjlouiatt fonerally simmonds i ward general agenti and commission merchants d eturn thajr eraleful thanks for fnat favors l lo icr tricna aoj the colonial public in central and ben to acquaint i hern ihut ihcy ero ready to execute ordcra fir upplics u ny fcintl aitd quantity nf and cool of ecry dea caption of firstrate quality ml iho very luwtnt imfva yrtmii llfi lrsihifsa upon the mwt liberal tcrrm pruridrnt ihey are prt- viounly furnished with kundaor drafu at either tone cm jlmrt dale or a reference to some londvrt or liverpool house for payment simuonus fc ward will receive consign ments of any doenption of merchandize to ha potd on eotnmiavion and accept bills at ninety days far tvolhirds uf the amount on re eipt of iha bill i of lading consignments en trusted to their eac will meet vriih fvcry possible dispatch in their disposal and sale be conducted with the created attention the intercusof the conaijrner an extensive knowledge of tencral coonnisfion uusieat acquired durjn a jon re iidcncc in jainaiea and the oihr wcat india islands inn subsequent eitermre rtfurac of bus nn wah all hjc pituh colonies the experience of several years in london aa ciwiial agents cmjpefo wjiii prompt tlude attention and judgment will they trust mbjir them io give sntisfaciiun to hose who ruy honor them with their com manda fresh importations of gkoc ekles at the stores of john c arruthehs la hhos spoab 200 chests tea all qualities j so bags coffee do 5 tierces rice 200 rosea tobaccos rlo 30 k do 25 bmsniisfilbaru valnotsc 100 boxes rimifttj 100 drums fig so boxes lsa biscuits 150 do scaled herrings 10 casks sprrm oil pepper ground ami whole cinnampngfouni and wnle pepper sauce and stoihton bitters strawberry eaifthrny i iparilli and lemon syrups kingston my 8th 1846 new railway rph subscriber would intimate to a forwarders and owners of propel ers barges c that they have leaacj the railwayat portsmouth from ihe marine railway company and are now ready for hauling out and repairing barges c and hy moderate charges and strict at tention to buvmess hope to merit a aharo of public patronage- p r h reaupke portsmouth c- may 28th 1846 auction and commission market buildings the subscriberrespectfullyinforma the mercantile community and public generally that he is prepared to aell on commission dry goods groceries furniture houses lands c on the mo5t reasonable terma days of saloevery tuesday thurs day and saturday at 10 oclock a m each day wm mcmillan auctioneer appraiser n b- cash advanced on goods left to be sold without reserve improved saleratus tfhe subscriber would in- leave to announce to thus who deal in the articieofsaleratusthatheismiw ready to furnish orders on the shortest notice tottt extent of 2000 lbs- daily of a choice preparation low for cma or approved papers james morton kingston breweryand distillery 12th aug 1345 c for sale bushels marrowfat seed peas thomas briggsjun kingston may 4 1346 notice the stock book of the cofoirf cop- per manufacturing company tr now lying at the office of the undesigned the capital required lo be taken up is 12000 the stic j purchaaed and well situated upon the stream which sup plies the woollen factory of s e- mac kechnie of coburg the advantages con ferred by the charter afford great protec tion to the stockholders any persona desirous 0 embarking their capital io manufacturing would do well to look at the charter and visit the site of the pro posed factor every information respecting which can lie obtained of the undersigned boulton cockbubn solicitors to the omvsm coburg july 21 1s6 87t 40 cod oil ffbblscod oil for sale by the avsuucriber mdrumhond april 6th 1346 for bilious complaints fain mththead giddmessiejtnesjaun- dicfteiitdcncy obstructions habitual confinement of the bowetstfcf dr barkers laxa tive pills g f tho numefousdiaeases to which the human frame is liable thereis scarcelyone the aymptoms of which are not seriously aggravated by a confined state of the bowosand to tins alone many owe thoir origin and continuance the preserving the alimentary canal frtfefrom obstruction is a point of such primary importance that every degree of neglect is followed by more or teat of inconvenience rir suffering when habiiualcostiveneaaprevniiiat he cheerful vigor of health ta 30in tmparcdisome- tiiiies by alow degrees arid at other times more rapidly diae5es make their inroads on the constitution arid in numberless instances particularly where tht habits are sedentary or wfirefree living is indulged permanent ill health is the painful result- it must beobvious to the moat superficial observer that when the unctions of nature now al luded to are not performed with duo re gularity assistance mnat be obtained from art aperient medicines then bo come indispensably necessary except where the uee of frutra or a change in ifttlillrj lirviirfcmfuj dfiteteiurri- movingthe evil and must bo had re course to until the necessity fur such aid ceases gutit isaquestion ofconsidorableim- portancc what laxative shall bo em ployed the list of aperient medi cines is numerous but their effects on the system vary conaiderabl aotne ex- en their influence chiefly on the exha- lant vessels or on some part of the low- els only whilat theaction of others ex tends more or lemto the whole of the intestinalcanal the latter clasnfpe rienta 15 evidently the best adapted to obviate the habitual confinement of the bowels as they apply that additional excitement which nature then rtfqutrea to assist heria the performance of her accustomed functions itis precisely on thislatter principle that the pills now ottered to the public are formed i and as their activity can be increased or lessened merely by taking a larger r smaller quantity ihey not only furnish an aperient medicine pro per for general use in a family butarc also well calculated to answer most o- the purposes for which purgative reme dies are necessary the pills are nrt however recom monded as aspecipic for the cure of a ll diseases jauch preposterous state than stoves stoves plough castings ac- the subscriber respectfullj inti mates to his friends and the pub lic generally thht he conducts the buai- inth eaolc foukoity beadofpkm- ccss street a few yards north of the macadamized road where he ia pre pared to cast every article in bis line the bobscriber has recently obtained the rooit approved patternffor premium cooking and0thek stoves an is enabled tn furnish wholesale er re tail a superior article and on nore reasonable terms than can be p gcuretl iroaj the oailad statcit th sahscriber would recommend ihe premium coosino stoves above all others as the recent improve ment in this stove renders it better adapted for uae tn canada thin any other yet introduced i the metal is strong and durable and tht management so simple that any perton mir cook on it with economy and dispatch hot air stoves made to order on the shortest notice foi dwelling houses bank stores ftc per sons wishing to purchase this article far neas season can see stoves in operation by aall- m on ihe hon mr pehqoiere mr jaa fovellor mr darles heath atso a supply ol the best plough castings and every variey of plough points con stantly on hand at tow prices wfaoaaale an i retail the subscriber is also prepared to cast tn order r mill machinery c on the shortest notice and of tb bts metol country merehants farmers and othtnl requiring anything in the above km will lerve their nwfl inlerestfl ky giving the under signed a call john owens- kingston feb 3 isc celebrated medicines nplie fullowinu mediciaea ro kept coiudllr 4 wwfc ii ta ufaasas vssfml uflcl street kinkton yjs winers arcanum extractrrlhe apecdy and permanent cure ol alldimm trisor riom ar impure tic of ijie blood winers pectoral5yrupof hose- iiouufclecampanerf the euro of liimva trfda aathma cnsutnption ar winers canadian vermifugp i 1 cm diwotered he w winery tootii achedropsxcer tain cuc nr e imh ache winers camphorated nerve ami bonk linimenta main curt fc i winers family ointmbntsdhi cureof scaafwa while tfwelliawrhoaaauwi krnirwrm cancer irch ac- winery cheuical pile ointment a peedy afe uod effectual rcmcdt far iho rilca togethee with an ritensive aarraty of genoinar nd american pjtfnt mftfirrirp copal v a rnish for sale at the atheneuro root store superior copal vah nish in pints and quarts by the dozen or single bottle country mer chants supplied on reasonable lermi kingston april 131846 just printed asdporsueattnbaflfbilellhbomstflk a variety of law blanks eompriaing cognoviia and affidavita notice of computation ik asaeasment ments are worse hq ruliculou and ore only puc ford for deception but quecn encldstnccobtcre tliey will prove s valuable remejy for r p do n j r j rl i if i da man il of p eacodnon ba u hal confined stale of the howe s winch tx tr i foundation of much affidavuofervieeof dedaalon t bkick notice hesrhseriuer h removed his of fice fro the cewmercial i7ujrte ihe building lately occapjea hy tumrjfl e1 corner nf brofk ond qfitarw streets and uirecuy oppoiile the premiea of mr iuchard scoastr sen where he is prepared o raetlfi consin- mtfntsofany lescripiin of goods furniture ptoviuqnst which he will diftpete of at puhic or hy private sale as he rray he jircciedanltothabesl ajvantage that the marketcan affortt hugh 19th mtjt st6 calder winston new books at the atlieneuma count monlholon napoltanii 3 parlt the mvsterief ofthc heatha bysonlie the history of the buttle hy davenport thellhmiralerfhistoryofhetuinehykiito the female miriterhy cresanririunwclt my shooting bo hy forrester the french cook count julian hy lie authorofgoy hirer mararhof vatoiby dutnaa the oddnogrwe hy c lever commercial m a rt i bbls hkav mk pork forsaluby william ware kingaion isth sept isic lays the fourusation of much sufferings firthoaerccwionainbatructionsto which all are liable and for all those disorders which arise from an overloaded state of the stomah and alimentary caial con sequently decided benefit will be deriv ed fromibeir use in giddiness and pains in the head accompanied with nausea or sicfciu in all headaches where costfreness prevails in flatulencies bilious attacks the commencement oi cholic the early etagesof jaundciand in promoting the expulsion of worms they requite no confinement or change in tht diet moderate exercise will as- aisttheir operation and oxperiencehas proved that asan aperient v ey are safe and ooicaoiou may be take by adult and children and also in every stage of pregnancy to children of live years of age and upwards they may be readily given in pulp of apple orange or jelly and thus disguised they are much more easy of exhibit ion than pow ders or other disagreeable medicines- dirictions pou taking thr jmlts in eaeof bilious complaints foul stomaca 5c three pillsto betaken at bedtime and repeated next night if necessary headache sickiesso the stomach two pillsto be taken at night and one in the morning obstinatecosttveness three pills to be taken at any time needed and r- peatedevery six hours until reiiefiob- aincd tin- usualdoaeforordinary personal three pills but four pills may be taker by a person ofatrong habit of imdy and two pillamay be given to delicate wo men and children pitrpajird and sold by dr barker atthe atheneum book stoic kingston sold in tioxes at 7id la 3d and 2s fid each i affida notices c together with various others all in accordance with tntlso act alsomagistrates summons kingston oct 28 1845 cigars cigars cigars r000 principe de la crua brand 50o0 havanii lnorrna do- 5000 manilla cheroou far sale by m drummond june 5 1846 whiskey q aaa imons sydenham whiskey f wvw s hy m drummonb june 5 1846 a tobaccos 2 boxes superior aronjitic chewing tth bacco cor sale hv m ohummund june 5 1846 music music i usc justreceiveif at the atheneum book store a urjjs variety ol cheap piano forl vocal fiat end violin music consisting olthafollowinn vij 60 popular air for the flute or violin price 3s w 4 favorite gleesiconiistingonhafollowin j j myneer van dunk bichop the reacroflikuightcoo the winjf whistle coj it 1 ook v i bithop f 3i 9d ve sh eplie tda t e i m r m ii i i i i oltno enchinlrsii muaic tropt the opera balfr 6 soni snnof erih9 songa set of nojiulbr waltzes a collection ot sacred me lodieib pci set of new qudrilltf 4 of lover sangi select i l i from the o r r of laoaare tirmi f ltierrtis llnrfia 6 r tii eijrht new n faihtonihla nh aridilw agrealfarielyobaniaadplse hy tariopi eompoian 1 7 j stf it may 32 1846 1 1 i i 1 1 1 1 1 0 10 3 q 7

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