tub british whig ami bubett wybitisktt mb esmmvkt printkd t uhflsiibd semiweekly kftrj i u i y i i i v byedivakdjohn barker md jit the jlthexkvm llllxtso t fivc sfcufisf terms oi rww rive aivrw with amiiluwinccof if paidinmlvjnic nopiperduimncd nuinwimpiiwpm iftnilnrbtdttwikfl frtc publisher advearuskmentasihnc nd under an j im each snhscqtkl icriktt lino4dpruc forilw fim niiuiir ud hi advertise vu riowi ipcific i7ps5 tohwrftwatfiwl ettlsa at the urnce the british whtr bcint a imil canadian circulation no wilt he aunved dvcmiscuenl ot mj pretext wi orject f ku cvfia wii- il he reenvrd r pmm ft the p vl en the llmied j aodmnfiwphitcdtolw will bo said to the publisher alltalrrttfftm aelto ncposlnatf ml of the p13count ie finite and general advertiser for canada west vol- xvi kingston canada friday february 26 1847- no 17 t new fall and winter goods eisht hundred thousand acres qv land ross dodd military tailor and ladies habit maker princess street j four good journeirntn taijotl miitti wn n d e n tailor c opposite mft william wiwomj wellington street all work i ml line executed with nearness mil dwpatcb in the new building adjoining the glasgow warehouse second and third doors btloiv wellington street he subsriuers the public generally they ro ihe above lifetimes where respectful that intimate to ihe inhabitants of ivingsmn ami veu ths largest and most varied ess 3035 messhs stdart strasee barristers attorneys at law 8otichntil chancery a bankmplcy conwyanrett land agrnl amd wttttab r court house kingston charles stoart maxwell w strange have remv ihey novr offer for sale assortment of tliey have yet iiivpm ted cottplmn ewy flwfripuoo of woollen cotton and silk manufacturks adapted to the present and approaching seasons which having hcjen purchased bvthem in the london manchester and glasgow markets end receiver by thi different regular fall ship arrived at montreal in course of tost month will le found on inspection replete with the newest and most fashionable goods that have yet been imported and from the facilities they possess as a regulak importing mouse every inducement is presented to purchaser thnt a new and fresh stock laid in under the many advantages that buyer in briiish markets can command they feel warranted in stating it will be found second to no house in the trade in price variety and quality in thr qeuron tract em t superior japan ink powders m attif ctu red a x it sold b v robert barker kingston canada west i irish diamonds notice to old setiers grants and tthers he canada cmpanyhav aaain thrown nre land in the huron tftat for lutpomt lvwavnf lease fr ten years no money beind required j down the kent pvahle on the 1st i frebnmry in each jrti nuc innrn than the interest p the upset ptice of tue land the tight to pur chase the freehold at any timo within jlft leave to rrnirn his sincere ihank the ten years at a fixed price named in m hi friend and the public generally for lease is secured to ilc settler who ihe support he has received in kington would thus save all furter payment ofiud bet icate to inform them that he has r i lately removed to the premise recently the huron district known 1r btj occupied by john mcphfoiieq nppo- one of the most htutltliv fertile tracb f sue the martelln tower ontario street trade p shaw october 186 matthew duummond firocer win 6 k spirit mtrchanl wbllikoton nilli next o mr w ililsonm f b kaylbr- coach builders asd carriage uakgtts nuteni ttacur icivcsros itobditt mccormlck sotaiui ictut i wises spirits tns chockrlts ie princeh rtr6bt- ktsgston i mnum sturkt xikst0k ithutl jambs mcmillan teacher of music piano fortes tusbd adouwm wwhj thompson cauet general importing and commission merchants 5 1 1 ft boa stlteet nbw vonu a card canadian n ii a w n c k a w orlando ware commission mercifjvt and general agent so 105 wmlvt 8i new yokk wa1 smith wvtch rksn wd rflpairrn nitteim st orrirr niotcl cmcmh piano fwie ainl tunc i- 1 repaired kiiigfltoin ap accordions macdonalds hotel catc s tosesj opposite the city baths klu toronto mil j p r a w i n m perkins a c a d e g at tiir british american hotel kingston m y wm- a- thomson comm axo nnnih mrchht 51 droad srcei pfcr york will continu towc aitcntionto canadian imports cnnsirned to him at new york for forwarding to canada and alo to te shipment or sale of such canadian product as may seek this port for export or sale merchant who may ho pleased lo avail ihcnselvc of his services in new york should in ordering their goods send his address to their european ship- pftrs instructing mem to fend a duplicate invoice and hill of lading to him and it should he observed thai the invoices of goods intended for the new york route ought tnsliow thfl charges on same until on shipboard at the port of expor tation in invoices tuck case should bn added up separately and extended lo hie outside column- the mixing op in 1ivoicts of the contents of moro than one package the packiug of a whole invoiceindiscrimiitately orofmorethun one invoice in ihe same case are all points to be carefully avoided the recent changes in the custom tamof ihelnited stlteftt while rc- jiirnt nrw fur ttiit ave much tinplitivcl the ayatcm of rcfitrwardtng goods in canada no cash advance is now re- iutred a bond of import and export fnm the consignee being the stibsli- tuttfl nor utidoi tho ndvalorem duties of the new tariff will packages have to beopenojfor measuring or weighing as formerly under the specific duties which chaxactciized the taiiff of ls42 to the improvement in tho customs department may he added the ex perience of the past season as further i ranee to canadian importers that hoy may rely on the new york route being one by which they can hereafter receive their goods with certain rapidity and economy- new york 83d nov- is46 fall importations- fresh groceries wholesale isdjletail mm kmssfm corner 0 king an4 brock strttt market sqvartf kingston c- wf begs t return hi lhankf m friend and the pubtic tat the rery lilicrnl pairvnige ex- tended ti him during the past tw venm anil nvmflmt rcpeeifuy jomn ilcm thai ho tu juit rereid a large and vum tfc rf groceries wines and liquors comprising as follow hunt v and sandimanv pt madcin sherric martctlm cltrctt tiumpwni jamais spirit mifci v cgnc brandy cognac do fate brandy gmrinc sralch vvjalfj lfolundgin behfmn peppermint itom canadian vhmwja wj m jolieilt parncutar ftttmln incumkakable black olapan tnu mvvraqtvrkv wiiolesafx asl rcamltj dv robert barker kingston canada west oregon isaloon opposite the wafttello tuwer the stibscnber respectfully beg o o taery a ifhh wit flftrf ik ft ttf mm u fiatlhnf 0 rti lttrpl of land in canada it ha more tbm doubled its population mbhn fnor yeas the huron tract in tbnjfw islocm- tained 7 10 1 souls in jme laryear e huron district numberrd 149s3 soils according to the officialetums- thoabovo landareft blocks thre fimaffmllng facility fr the undivded setilemcnt if families of old seleia and their frirnd maps printed panicilars am ivery requisite information mon the htirott and tlie canada i nmpaiya oihcrdands in the province will be turnifhci tntz orcifttcr by vppltcotitn jtf by letter pot paid to the ctodfl conpanys offico at toronto ano goderih and straffird in the huron stttict- canada comp4nvsotjcj frederick st toronto lithny 1s7- 6m where he has fined out and opened the oregon saloon for liinciiesoyaicr slippers- andmher ro frcshments and where he hopos to be fur ther rnennroged by the continued kind support of the public james elder kingston janc2 is4 mtrey fac letitrr nn elvitmn end grvepbieal xrtnft fy inm illustration ly pah cxrtptihin f hull tfc telw whfh enml ftil 1eat t mito the ptvfl hjet r n tieiny l raviw u14i grtiinc imii wiruvntnrlhiniftvif than a namr and r ptu8 hi rvitmn whwi w ihink ur tn imip tffefilkln lihpnhirl k lisilc bwk cif tftc mrrtt mtrrratini- ccriptinn hnvit with itiueh innoiiy tlmrnonjt on hetlhr uiiitibtrd m utainmtmv irf iili kc- hlanh srolrli aiid ihe wftflf ill nlin we 4mii make hec vtlxh it pace t riiiru iit eol orttttf thl hlmridf i fmm ilie 7rh chopt rrtn oinr tit ihnt ileriptvin nr wii far which ihe lnh rc rwrcroiniit we hll ftill fid that etnuat uddn revcraat antiptdcan flight will bel i1itiartia it waf pat midnight in rarh cntd mmfot ic avin vkco o kbilc lil nft repealed knek ivi heard at lh drtnr of huf r boitdin the do- mieertf a upmi known mclmfwju ihe inmmn nt which had atl tetrcd to eit the knock iittivever wnperevcrinlv rrpettid at inlerval until ihe matron put hrrhrjtd nut at the window and en qiircd vfn wt h thrrc ht ti onpa4nnbfe an lir 1 an am mm ir wttttlf it k replied the plaintive vica of an irishman it ninitf thnt van tin thellrr i rwirntn for im confd and hungry and lhc ita darol chrlaiiaa jjkeyou mini l be nfier teltin me in get awiv tct away t aiirl the emforrvcd you hjhh yofl ran lrt en ye nft and st 11 ah rrplkd judtlh ht youre early mi taken nelly anyruw nd i five yoataeriovr proof mine the tre rdaw- oh thin said etkn if itowevi gve for it thit anothrr tum- lt 1 why nelly mv dttr and jodth ynupita bible t h troth i hae aaid ellen exoltinty i kriw a good drat that in it tr wrl thin inqofre jdith h iberi paul kpiatlelo llie iirfitn tu te sure there ir anawcred ellen and whnt of ihalt why aid judith wllh an av of confident iriumph phtftvlbfl piajclotv pndcaiamat poflr eiln feaw no incn of jrliin t and rhe debate tr potpicd ttw dt wr mm ck ru txlaeuhy ih f rary hit froio a thjpter on ihe the wit of all nmfn wit in an influential favm w rirrltjed by the quaker t rk fjinn rubcripiiona w a doircetl wr4ow for wlwin tverj h t m ttte jreatevt vmptthy well ji1 he everybody dmircthc i nrry furhrr i am trty mrry i am aonry f pounds ii much art ihou wwry iricno aod iikiu and i1thi lie wa very uecetfi1 as my he topoaed onr of thitae lo wrfm th c wa deribed sjid he ml vrf pntmh iced for th prtf widow u but hat lhau um in hy pocket h inquired ibe fiiend and paddy vreodrd by wit not quite to die inicrrmed lie w a twj dinner paaain up behind ihe jcwclwv iidmr ercn prrreiecd ihe rawiry mii from the kitchen ltcnw ibe fnt window it a irreitibe and ik wnttrd ijnwrl n mater whaihe uuld affrd in ive fiw a piree of pure god afcol the me of a ll aluaaaos todi meiifwms inatcad of nunceaand gram convinced thetrndraman that there ww a food barrio to ha hid of one uninitiated it the lomne birt his dinner i r iniirnated tv ready he h r tha irenoeman would favor him with bt company ih y mold talk mora t irisure on to important a fobjeet orcr a rjla- ef cencroir pinr and ao psrtb paddy modrhly anltd to the prtipotal enjoyed x dinner mich i he ha not latted for monih kept piee with the host in givi jodg- ment on the wine and then bcrcd to retire but about the pic of old air the ptceo about the size rf a biek jmal namrd in ihe ahopt oh btv id paddy that iruc id atmoit fnrpmten h t i n know air how much you coo id give for it auppoaing i ahoutd am bo after 6odig aueh lrwt c two heifers ame inlo the possesainn of the subscriber in octlr lasf two heifers ftuppokftd 10 be two years od next spring the owners are re quested toprovo property pay expenses and take the animals nwav john mcmichael waterloo feb 2nd 1847 103m- tfn cd away 1 m fa ahtnaj nf corning nerc t iht i the lyin in hospital indeed thin rcptied thr poor fellow trie vety pluce for me for ire been lyinout ob if lbre three niphl tomv thr bill fllckrr vk areoved of htjne ptit a fine ure valuable bill upaide down on tho ipaili lie hwtcff far a miment centempialed the turning of ibe hill the rthei wav up jco uml 1a what an rizmiman would have ibnnhl nf fkesh provisions to the editor f e erottomiit hamlt0k4fft f6rutry 117- sia- having observed in a lit published a few months incr of lnporl into liritiin the item of fresh beef from russia and alio noting in a newspaper paragraph that the quantity of that article jtt arrived was con siderable the quality very good and that it thin the peopte their hrnd me theyll aee it ell edwin ckown mwttacttrittu or twa sheet irdx 4sii ppb wares and dami m cooking atfd other stoves princes street kington npjaojte the mill- jry hoipitii g3 to return thna to tho in- habitants of kfitgtltn and ii vicinity iftil tho publt their very liheral pun has commenced buwitu an hoptt that hy unremitting caru auenlinn b ir general muqe at i uce fair hr- n it the e w bo atiiexeum oks book store sir franria bmd lted emipr jamrvnrw nrel heidcher p dirkrna dotnbev a sv pat s livera lrnd brad stotietof ireloml khmtrw jan s 134 a foirsale handsome bay mare perfectly found and iiigooj condition for paiticiiur apply at this office fcbruarv 2d 1817 received at atiiexeum wj m aolieiit particular ft m the niai ny uromutmgcaru uffntkiq i e v e abfe stock ofllrv am liquor nt nf ifimi together with thosorvicenjf competent 3 kohbbl ft sonj having been imported dirertfrvm britain he ha workmen to secure lt con tin ounce i the picturi francis v carey m d surged y acc3uchjdr c c edward stagey from london merchant tailor oppoiitt j d bryce co king street kingston john blackiston sailmaker and rigger n o 4 ii a it u v ontario kinslon feb s 116 rouge i dlilulg street- m t hunter ship chandler no 1 hardys buildings kingston feb 5 187 z notice tub businsss heretofore carried on unjer the name and firm of hcndrtf blackfoeks will in future bt continued as the firm of thomas uendry 4 co james blacklock o bftuviut thomas hendry james black lock kingttoa 23rd novemher 1s6 london annuals almanacs t for 1847 rca c chalmers reapcetfolly intimate ibattbeyhuvr txvr ot lhatidtlbe follnw inspteodid annuals and other new 1l utfltrated works vrt the keepuke book of beauty fiahera draw i- scrapb jovemlrscrap bok ackonnannv frcctmennl london an inn iriit annual oriental album part 14 flutol tabkaoi i n ar li ii for 184i al40 punch pocket bkanda variety of pocket duuluand almanac for 184 asc a vervr2tnuro arwtrtment of juvenile nd illustrated books amtable fne pre- aettaalnf wliieh will be aoid at rooderato price 6 great si jamc street montreal december 3 nku books tqst received at the atheneum book store crmhiiint in part of the fnrtufwinv popular new wirkavrx lpi paul by alexander domaa tiencvieve or the clicraher of aiaiaon by dn frwnl nf monte cbnato by do hie three gundmcn by do lrtawda and shfiea n ireland by s- lover mnameor anininr by geesuad heildelborbyg p r jaunt the squire by alias pckcnng scmr in the rocky muunuiua orejoocah oiin m cce dnrobey andonbyc dickena sari re4it04 by tbnmaa carlyfe pnerry wit and llutaor by leigh hunt ivhhcn or trace of travel totrther with an aawiftincnt of annuata tad ifrka auitable for now- years and chrutmae pre- knta ato a eeat variety or enjliab wriling paper or thr heat quality kinatio nov 34 barkers black varnish 0v that winter is set in the time t to use thts eelehrated vatnish for betttti shoes jfec iaenme its use pre vents wet feet thereby preserving bath the health and the pocket suldj wholesale and retail at the athcncum book stobe baot street kingston- nov 2 confidence m rerininienihnj thni aa hein free rrum adulteration the giiccai iv fnurr ac having been earefutly rlwtttj by ht ih th v vvt riiitt mii mmiril iribirkeu eu be fecuniuieuduj j btm of the beat quali i tea teas trasi extra imperial old hym yon hyann cunnnwdre twunkay phielin f irm ii pelie iiti cottfou and other ttaa oir mi tnn roiated and rtround crfltan wota- loaf crushed and muscovado treacle fruits rmhn- curranta kilberu fijt almond weet and bitter camlied orange laamfl and citron sperm olive and lard oil spieeaof every fteacriptton pick saiieea m n- rnni vermicelli anrhvtw liqwrice sardinea scented caatife and brown soap siardi iltoe indigo browia serumone hnjaliea paiu sponc wahintrsnl phving carda pua blacking blaektvad ac ate fish sea sammi lorjirtno herring- north share hcrrinira digby mq hucci hernoga whiiemi and r i i cjc4tt fmo principca hovaaaa k i- chcrnn paimiclas puntatnp sieamoal woodville la normns eve in 14 and ls ixixe tobaccos cavendish niitnd hnncydc got rflftf j- tfti and awmhlia che wins pttijf and laduv twint scarfarltti and canaater turkiah and ccrmaii tobeena faccabny rappee and scotch stmr wilh a variety or other gauds arj nomcfou tnmentinn all of which will be wild wholrmilrnr qeud at the lowett femuiwrattf price bit ooto bcine light profits and fit ul rtlamsj tavern kerperaeuppcdnngood to kinaton december je46t this the cook no 3 al almanac day store for thereof e c keeps comtinl on vnihwal nmiuim i ni ikii i in jar 17a eave trqiurhpp stove farapre fa bund n jt 18 17 6 istl bill ltrtnjt iheoppgiie view when rcbgkedj was put in metallic caseoaiaintnraeh from 9 lo 14 lbs of meat 1 would stk from yoa tht favor of proctirin me in orderthat i may rommitnieate the fame lo those interested in the provision trade in this part of the province the evact method in which such meat is pre pared and put up i would also ask the favor of vonr procuring stteb information for me from great britain in the event of your notbeintj able to obtain the same in canada i am aware tbt provlsioris of all descrip tions have for a long period back been pack ed in metallic case by persons having a patent in london and elsewhere the contents being preserved by lite vessel containing the same having been exhausted cd air prior to solder inxdownby means of hcatcomrniiiicated by a water bath cmvejting the fluid in the case inlo steam and ihti exlung the atmciphere i am alw aware that beef steaks have been preserved in beef fitet melted so as to fill op ihe cask in which thfy were sent and thus exchrde the air of pork sent last year from ihe united slates to liverpool preserved in its own lard in a frch tate i am aware of sauwges so packed heiny sent to the west foe the ei renin i a nor j it n infeed inquired h will mtly jrtl have to ataaai n darlin while they mda it and riht a conceitrd eenmb with a very patronising air railed out co an irtfli laborer heteyu bojlmtter i en re and tell me the srrealcst lie yoa eon and ttl ircat you to a ju of whiykry pnock m by my word aaid pt an your botturs a itttuma p sume would have fried to gain the pmrtitcd treat by uieijn- an iibtunhty nf exaeeratron on aomc indtheeni ptmeeti other would havr taken of j frnee at the fihraiedcy nf lle arclalion and i the inference as to their taxilr with regard to lrutb and would protably irive ajtplird ome carc epi thet ia ihe prrly but pat n if by irlmtncf tuk ihe ajmsiflte eurve h rpokr enuimtmlr btit at the ame time he odroitly uvivd himtelfrif the term a of the prnposi1n nidy in ennrcv a ineanin- at nnafltal with wbat he said but to win the orii too 1 rdy wit a well dressed piaencr r in a ftearnbiaiatiddenlr ttti4in hi hjodannr villc tall4kceollm ooi only made a vcty buhn ararrh afier tt about in poajketf the bench in- tjt nnhlir hut ard a it a ccneeotratioji of genuine o tin marking plates rphe puw i or every descriiin neatest maimer work nf every kin pj to order with pimcuamy nov ii i81g tip r- o hereby nntittedthat i otn the nnw ktjrtlly appointed rrwranti in receive all ratn anil aa-cn- mint other unica jue to the mid- executed in the i uistrict and cnlleefnrs and other are ciutiinel nniiisl paying the same to any other person as 1 am the only peium who cuti give them a legal quittance d t rtv v f h u hiint- kc for many months j m lowtr candanot to shortly ibe question wa rrpeatd in oijiwli f rrw ace line itltttl 133 it ac- winter artlxgement the rovw mail vs tlhh lee hf general stnre orficekintatri next door u the rritifh americaiihofjl every morning at 7 oclock foe belleville ixdur toronto and every evenn six ocwk for brockville pjgsoott montreal extras fitmffed edlj times for any cart of the cnmvi terms chasgklnwool agtnl general stage offic i kington dei- 1st t6 i tttwtareri david john smith tveoswrer mlttttm district oltice midland dtstrt forwarding notice a j 18 4 7 in theopenincofihe vaviaalun tho undcnutfned will ejiarvf t neit spring jrve thr- f iii-wftii- rile of freight het ween montreal and kingston upwards plf tmn ir i salted fiah pilch tar and baatab w per cwt bar iron t heavy ii urdware groceries crockery rad hnp and sheet iron and soilrv pfalc dry guds glaaa and powder sail in btfe or bstfall bw baj etc barrel la fid j od ta3d a fid sod n soda biscuit c boxbs fresh new york soda j biscuit very superior f sale by thomas hendby co nov9tb l8it5 dr t is i i 2 3d ifk od oa 94 0 64- down wards ftrtir per barret pork and bcf per barrel tobicco pei hhd bolter and lard per key whc4t and other grain per 60 jba other properly in proportion insurance extra macpheron craned co hooker holtonco h jontsocco montreal december it ts46 143 1 he 8itiah whig and britiah cotoniat will copy received by the latest arrivals from new york and forale hy ihe sub scriber at lis store princess street the folhiwiig articles viz 800 sides spanishle leather 200 bttfilo robes bics assnrwl teas da tohacci dzen mans h broonw 60 50 20 100 100 40 patent tfails di rjo cord with numerous ithu articles not men tioned matthew flourk- kinmn deo iscia 1316 tf rrctj kingston 2nd january 1817 all city pniirn will copy the above no t 1 0 e bs hereby given that the committee appointed hy trie district council to re ceive the bond from mr wimjam feacusov the newly elected treasure rhave this any lod ged said bond amongst the record of the dis trict and directed mr fergoson lo open the treasurer ojlice in the district clerks boom in the court house on 1st january lo whom alone all persons will hereafter pay the dis trict rates and with whom stl other district business connected with the treasurer will be transacted i signed jbmarks ivcrdin district council office kingston i iff 31st december j46 c pa to cory fiuor6tf mr j m perkins in the lare room over ma- cawmj aoction mart near the town rail will b opened every thursday anrl satur day eveningsal 8 oclock for the reception of pupils onlv kington december 81846 orders for books c- rdtc chalmers rcspectfauy intimatca to profeastonat gentlemen and others deail iroua of injuring books etc from england bv the firal spring sbipv tbal they will make up thcirrtrat ordoraon ihe24tb inatanfj logo bj tic january mail steamer orders ah received for all the london newspapers which will be dlicrcd to job aenbtra in montreal poatage free on the anij of each mail no 8 great st jamea street montreal 17th dec 1846 holidayprsents and new ye lira gifts- just recf1ved at the atheneum soort sore avirteiv uf aaamdonirly uiund hoolta suitable foe reaenia dec coosistiug io part of the rollowiii ackermuis annnal for 1847 friendahps olferinj do the git do the qrriatiana annual do religkaa suiivarnir do forge me not tc pum pocket book ho ner forget me nut orludica pocketbook for ti47 tne library for lbs pci tonaiatingof co- lertiioing tales qu and a large variety of juvenile and other took dtc22 14g to lete a small frame cot tage in prlnccit street with grarxien aod ouil-m- apply to wm au1strong jluelioneer king street kingston dec 29 1s46 tf oorans ho bytowx- this hotef if ivw open tor printers ink the trade supplied with inkofvarifu qoallties srotch and the united staff atheneum book store dec 17 1846 j sleighs fn sale a secondhand s for one or two horen chioned a secondhand cutt in eo order apply t the alhencui g slqf dtc 18 camphiive oil constantlyohsby s bourne september isc tel jshqt ihe reception t travellers fitrniiura anj bedding all new good subline f tr horses c james uoiian bytown january 12 1s47 53m commercial mart i near him if he hod aero n 1 luv- wj ahjj4ija r briio i moftirn mi reirvntni ot frmo m kcrrh- v butter hy thr doleh and of sardines in oil an curncat i hy he french what i aim at t to know j exactly what the process i mram of which the rjiiani can prrparc poviions to keep in j afreahaute for the paragraph i teferred to states that it was readily told at a very moderate rate ami perfectly for it was slated to be excellent the imtiorlanccnfaome such proce must be evident when it is considered how rapidly provision deteriorate tfben preaerved by meant nf salt how unhealthy the constant use of saltfood is when continued for any length ot time how very areeithle the cheap supply of fresh animal food would be to those having to pass the ocean or ot amaritim profmion how reluctantly the people of great britain contuse sailed fad except in a very limited and nttlaer a rnifiotn j had ii qid thv inqiiirnr onlv ininutf iio and ive not stirred from tlie and iry dmt ititk tn nw srtr amid the hibernian onrptr i wh ye m accn nolhirr of it whl do vnu ininr bv lilinj ie htmot it on leavin- ihe vestel someiifoe nflrrward the prron intnted ihe oftended paiiy that h hul found thr hundkmriief it wjj a hiabot all ihe lime ho heprd patovtn ic oh dont be ftei inakmjr an arrloy air it wan mere mutdke and on both aides tuoyou tovikmrftra thief and i took von for a gentleman tjiafu all v vhtt antithetic rpiril ehnc tn our hibernian bnther cvm when he ia in wbm he call foreign pjilsahrrid v excein n a very a fine exemphr1e nf the fact quantity and the vast market that would be ahtr aide f theallnatic nan 1 j hass taissst a rb farmers in canada both east meannl aeflaen as well fciwwn hot which tstoo i r li k jiw w deservedly ormorlde to be omitted from any 2 j jj i v t 1 vmtety of iriwi wrt j coualij our beef mutton lamb pok and veal lud two very 100 for sale bbls heavy mess pork new york inspection william ware mrtqflj illh dec 1s46 almanacs at the atheneum book store starkea pocket almanac the church almanac a variety of comic almanacs dec- 2d j 846 for 11546 dopes journal of trade st a fcwcopiraaliunn hand pncc three dollara rcc cchalmers montreal oct 26 junathdn ond his friend piddj were enwvin a delitrul ride when they came in aicht of what ia unuanal in anv civilized stale aowadaya an old jrallowa or cibbet tbi suggested to the ameriein the idea of bcin witty at die expense of jim irish cnmpiniiin yiu ace imf i calculate said he nasally pninhnj to the object juat inentined and now where would yav be if the ahnws had ita due ridinj im tfou replied poddy t know of no instance of greater wii conveyed in two quiet wnrds than we meet with here and certainly the wlea from which it rprtma was very nppastit to anything jonathan would have pressed at dedfnrd row the atrret in which the celebrated abrrnethy resided ia a very broad thorough fare and of course the repaventem of such a spnc of ground wmdd be a work nf lime heady bid before tlw worthy urgc4v door daya when mi tlte third morning in a nrre leoipcr a those who knew him may reaody suppoae abernrthy came nut to the slepa of his bouse and imperiously called out to the pa viora taatl away ibeals ttonrs you men take tlicm away from there my patient cannot drive up to tle door and a i have borne this fur two morn ina frumaj i insist on their being removed inmmt ly f tlw leodrr nr the workmen was and irishman and he culled nut ob sor pive ua a iii tie rnore time fcw that same sure na a broad place this we eant enmotiic the work a quickly as in a narrow place qui inmormw weli be pjtf you sure enou take then awav i say indeed aor only luk at ihe sand there and the hrap othina there and ihr load we must kevp open be van i and where will we lake em tot tkelhem lo- if you like sn aa tliey are oui of avy wuv said ahemchv pointing down wards ajampinr jos foot and naming a warm place oh see replied thr hibernian as if shocked at what h- heard but with a laugh in hi eyes- oh or i thiirlif weluk em tothimitherplaceand he poinrcd upwards they would be more out of yer hmmr way it could nnt for a moment be supposed by those who were acquainted with judith and ellen two humble rreitfhbora in a village in ireland that ihey wcjc remarkably profound in polemics but it p pevra that like many other ijinrent people ihey were eonlrovcrsiattsla nevertheless judith was sn irish rumon catholic ellen was an lriih prot estant and each was of course confident of being ia the ripht way sure said judith mioea the thruo faith and nothing else nelly laol ibe pope a rftman and the cardinals and the pricaie i and isnt it lamed men they aret and would they be such fouls aa in bo wrong all the lime r no no nelly not i hoy ah and indeed but youn is act the rijfht faith judy not a bit of it ill bo no roman but a thruc prodcstant for its the rale thiua rch- cion isnt tbequecn aprodelanl andthesreal arehbuhopsand bishops and clarpv and all ttvem and arnt iliev tarred in the colleges and knows be langicc 7 to be tore and tbey knows whats right depend upon it judy otirtutkeys fowls ducks and eerie in x i state nay we miiit also send them our game and fish and for ea use even fuuts and vegetables i have every reason to believe that the russian beef is prtservctl in the way that is commonly adopted elsewhere the exclusion of the air by means of heal still before any extensive operations could be undertaken here some further knowledge would be very desirable it occurs to me that packages a hold 28 lbs could be constructed of galvanised plates to cost less than the ordinary casks do ia jwo portion to their content n then the saving in salt and labor would mply cover the extra expense of boiling the contents of the canister a hcapof stones such canisters miht be square the collaps ing of sides being of no moment after being iittdtbey might be sepmied and employea for other purposes i should also imagine the meat to be free from bontf as takitg ess room and raw excepting the ligbt cooking it would receive in bein prepared 1 observe by a recent british paper ibat extracts of mat hops suitable for making beer are forsale in london and it is stated in the advertisement aunounchg the same that no utensils aie requisite to prepare such beerbul that any family ean use the extract and have excellent beer at any time it seems tome that such preparations could ha very readily undertaken in canada for sale in britain affording a ready mode of convert ing our barley feimll loo bulky lo pay to ship as well as liable to heat into a prepara tion occupying but small hulk compared with its value ofcoursethe matt extract would answer fur making vinegar also i sir am your ofredient servant j t buoxdguit o a vilrtix psi urn sucr the rcchester dauv democrat expisea tn public abhor rence a rascal by the name of den set g untbsnk who within some fourteen years haa married and successfully abandoned at least hire and t is said five wivcav hia lm victim was miss lydia bush of rochester he ims lived in ohio dermic canada and cjaoque county ha waa last sees in canada too detaocrat says he b 38 yean raf ajo light eornparjton rather bald about 5 feet 9 inches in height thick set weigha 160 pounds black eyes had ont of bia artna ma iked with a square tod compass and flower on one or bntb and also a rinc round ooo of hiafinaers al wilh iryha ink is a blacksmith tiy trade an excellent slave mountar and ia luppoaod lo bo around soma furnace rn canada ho laok away a paliern lo make irona for revolvms cothes lioea which he may ha peddtmt editnra of dewapapers wilt aohaervr the interval nf homani ty by pubhfhsng the above facts bmh ia the vt ited stale and canada and tbrixhnot the world ct a gang rf ien of aw4fft enan terfail have been tc antra- arrealcd aid convicied at naihrilre