Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), February 9, 1847, p. 4

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uksirable farm for sale vst ill br tfm on alvmlagcoih terms v 100 acres op land being iio north hill f lot nn 16 1st con cession of the tmvnsli kindlon the fnnn lis voiv covonienl in the city u ltw bth roalfaijmiihcihrtlandorthe aic john s caruvrht esq ihe ii- tanre fmrt town iiotckcceilina two miles nd uaro of which are well fencetl well waiccj oml under good motivation il rtn ivsvsv an cicdlenl qui within hairamile from haiiera bay where voiel can lorn for further particular apply to mr alderman nou ie kingston 12if the colqniax tmm and genbsai asorance company for fire life and marine ktclltebco 1xd fkcorpoflatcd ustdir 7 vic cap cx fcti notice quebec fr assurance company tub itndersinfd hvinr rosignei the anikj if tho quebec fir jtvtrtnc qfffa a his place bee to notify tlii finhlte that iho bovmcssof thr asfitution bnre will henceforth bn conducted by hi successor thoxa bsrmf junior esquire to whom ap plications fr a9iinncci or other busi n connected with the office will in future be addressed thomas greer kingston r ocibor isig with rofrrcnv t the above advcr tiiument the subscriber havinij ar copied the affmcy f the quebec fir ixsunm compftfitftuthii pin ii now ready to receive applications from pinto dtsiron f effrain airance ifyilmiliiirtriliimeby fire at moder ate rare of premium at bii office ptincas street thomas rttinos jus j4v qufvc fire jfiuranec company kiniwm 12th otfnher 1si6 120tf important to connoifr seulls in wink just itorivd tm suip ectipte fro mijin tta lionduia 1 iim tavw rxlf om ivkhvi particular mtvhm it s l vinuc itj1 1 hiu t tors twtm india market j do ffi tiriar iiui in wn1 jc ftoule 1m tld i ate ta rjt fc rjoirijt fylijlil tuur in l tllmjvs hendry co avstxtt hih wis capital 100000010 40000 shores ofxis each with a reserve for shareholder in the several colonic- of e for passu choceries 7l e 5utcfwwwi ftr onw fcivinft il ftwa nflv vark and from mon- inal llieir futjtply of frera twijii sgar cojfec ivinf which ibey will rciwiirablj tcrmt iatb thomas m i j iell oh ibeir omtl wholcaie or re ililndrv cc- new 300k3 justrecelvgb at the atheseust nso4 uolrtmalifl hocllrtfagaai ennnilil ihe new wdrtd lln viltom sytr letter u iiorl pilhcaft viiiiioc meclotch m it 1irii am- tlrf fltmiraf the btik tha rnii tjirtterly rericw btaakvtjad maptmr br tftifi at hmliiikltt of nc mtcicl wrapping paper wrappinc paper trior fjoality for sal at ilitf atheneum hook siore suprember sbui 1346 london steel pens just receive at the atheneum book store a large awrtment of steel pcn by patrons str howard douglass bait m sir allan m f toe hoop sir robert h sciiomburgk k r j- p mayers c cdocilal amt rjthtlci henry bliss eiacolortui atntfornew rronick w- burog e qdcotalal acot ut jamaiea hon f h f berkeley member fyr bnitol board of directors pinuf p- bltntc rtq maonliw hctcbsnt niyihc jt greene amtin frfafi wjujt patca etq eirt india merchant manelea pric co new broad st feci jacob fttotirmkp esjiiny merchanimc-jr- iraieireet jlmm cwtuu eq wml india mechant cwkanj lthfi aw rowlimi ekj a rortbnj a- som kattun gardro thomas nfwte em linjmi nod pant mier dovrtw ii- e- i c s sectary bcoj1 military fund curnhill atcttiaoo cuhiciue eaq coloninl acnl for port phfflp thea cfjmhuw gibson e norcallo on 1w p iv simiod eq- minagina dirccuf sim i a uot with power to ajd to their number auditors w 1iolwn e medical officer wamttltaxfiwatjttjt eq fhygmafftla unieeritv ii ml to ih hoa- pial for c vim mpl tun and dimat of l cliet 47 uppei cshaitow sueei ftuny soiiirc f la gtui ctt etq- 7 fimbory nec surgeon to y- i n 1 1- secretary- gotta t chfbelt esq- rahkbr maart paeacorr gdotr cayk amk a catc 6 thrcadneedto 8wt solicitors meai horre oorlk sun coun conhib temporary offices- bafjft tard bueklrrthury wnionaetinon the london and local barj and the benefit tjf die feaolia of all the etlio olkr- i america intliet colo niea and on the m which hai been adfant of withnr fully appwriatod hy r11 wlio irivefttcate the t firl chantrr if tfn office- a companion of tlio ratci adrjicil by tltia com pany for eao cyvt vrilh lhe of exiaurt lon don and cnlifttii otfi t vfticiied the a7uord are bj lo no refponsibttity arhttctr av m mhvi offieea liaaa will be aduted aad made pat able either in london or the ctoniea at the otion of tlio aaoed titecompint tnvinc the adrantijtocf rei dent dirceura in och cotiny will he enbted to diatinuih iflf by iia pncpneaa in the aettu ment of cliimmnie opn il the clnut ravitaxvill have tull ptiwer to examine and rrpofl ujnn ut anrf faro ao- ance and rcecivcrr rfti ihcm at once without eoinmunieaim with he home boird the wlawinff arc nnw ihendtinujea offered by ilie corotut 1 the cturantce of an ample capital aal ox- omplitin of the assured fm the lability of partnerfhtp laaaawd neither iiatintf t depend on nn iiocortainfnnd nnrbeinj in any wy accinnvt fat the payment of cuim 9 very mideraie premium hooded noon the moat recent nod antlicnlio jau carcfnlly cal- cul1lbyan actnavr 3- prompt seiikment of claim 4- the repnnibitny and confidence afforded by n local direction in caeh ciflnny- 5 rrei device in kny part of ths world at pro- noriionfiio 1te 6- s kirr for manaemeiu anpltcaliona fvr allnlmeni of share miy h maie in the mlowinn forn aod addrcatcd lo p u tlwwawfi lq maoafinj dirlor at ihe cwnpany tetprary oilicea 6 baro yard bikkterrhurv iondoi form of appicatios for shared totlie pwnraf thocotoqial forcicjr and bare 0 yard hcorral amnrnc corflpailj rntklonhory luncon tsrntiemen i reotitai ynti iril allot mo shiffl rf fu each anil nndertako in pa q per share on allotment and in iho deed of seldcmcnton delivery of thentoca nama addreta our f at and widely extended colonial pawa- fidna diy becoming norc and cnoa itenfcly peopled by emigmnt arc fr iba nil pauahni out from iho benrfil of awrrancc where oeb n provision ia eacnhnlly reqoiaite for tbe afrty ihe stock and the protection f famthea frcknlly led unriiovided fr in a auanjo land by the doadi rariws maker mcludinar gilloia colc- braled magnum bonum the new ork ladiea peij d veral other new articles a llheial allowance to the trade ociobtr 26 important new rooks jrar m cr vrn fao ldo fops yearly jonrnal of trade for islg comipriin an imnmnso fund of viluibte information on trade com me wa naviga tion with the new tarittond a map of tha vyoo j nehrell rrc for 1816 itebrcu bionelbje dpachof lvd- hamlnge and gough and sir ii sftfitn alrini the lata war in india with mvund plana held fxrcietmjevfilultooaof the army with 27pat gatila eneytitjia of achitecturo hum rncoia of rural spta lgion ilnvciptiii of gardening of arrtuuum maailltlebca tiratwi nndih funding sy m4eulvei jvinianf plnjr eoimtrnv uoomnl ffih etithi in vrea deiicmary of arkmjrntuind mince flvfitlt main laamnprririf the aborr umcfjifl tt itlt a rmmfaol couociion fskby monficolsot 19 gf ffienda or rcjaiivea the cotoflif have fromtimto lime enjnyed thehcncfilof rink railmad jmpanea incnr purpled church sueiciica eniirnlion coloniain steam naviijaivin and other aaciared bidie but aayct have joaewrlna very limited and i mpcrfectdree iny provident fnttitolion adapted to 1nirance for firoand life it cannot bo de- nied that tbe pcrnxl hoi now arrived when their wcatlli eaietn ainl rnwinij inttrtajr ilrmand nat inny bhuftnl pasai tpwm njtnjavtlaiii oltieofor thei pn4cclnn and benefit deemed l the now duly nppreciated objcel of atnancr havingilaoutlyma branches in all nor pnneipat sclttemenl inlliofour qnartem of the worlil some few of mrnmeyaeltleil c-olon- have ihflir licul anrancc orticca eondacic tat the nvwt part ml the motaal principle bnl from their bein eotabliahed oa very limilcd tiatitf with circimi- aeribed capital and amnll expenence any ajrtl calamity such aa anextenivo fire of a sickly c aoo tiauitw entail ruin on the office and fall heavily on the inaurera moreover htc ittiiied nmnreof the buaineaa traniactcd in each cnlony demandfthatahiehcr rate of premium ahoidd tc expend than ilw riak afrtolutely require which would sadly impair the uwjuj and proa perily of many valuawc lealoltice itmld have little effect on the cofanial laarare ctfvijmav from lb extent of iti capital the number of it shareholder and iho ciicumatanco of iu ritka betn ao widely apread oocortwn mndon office wtthamall capital and very little of lhat amount aiiucnbcd have re cenily calthliahcd a few acncca in canada india nd australia but llwv have founded their ratca of premium bpnft tile rettifoaof mortality wnon inomdia bfiiah and indian tloobfl on foreign rvicca vefy nnsalrifactry source of com iuu- tion as regard civilians and colonial penerally whose habits and necopat ions are eeniially dif ferent tlrfae office resorted deumleat to such impctfoct and defective ooeccof calculation he- cause no other were within their reach bnt from aearefol investigation at the colonial office of voluminoua return of the prjgrc of population and other procurod with creat labor from local aceuta of the deaths in each colony fr a scrip of bttpham or pmfftinn ihloef appiiaiion reference prnpccluc- fvm of appficaliin for shires or fif pfoaocat f inkurance nnd everv incrna tinn mav baiuincd nt isc company tempo rary olkcc bet worn the hour of 10 and 4 agent fin- ktnjfaton cit as stuart eiq mills iflrx3ikara3i sancea fljlhb proiricior from the repeater halmus of iii5 fricntu has been tiulticed tooftcrtbi rlejicious sauce to lliu notice of the pnhtin u in adapted for fiah game powtry clmpa sicalca com meats mule dishes of rvcry doncrijuion and en tiching tjravioa and soap too proprietor it confident thai the jao of one bmtlft of hia ve ill cuii inco tbe man of tav of i aupqiiority to nny jiithcito ohttod lo the public to he had wholesale uf iho proprietor colurg canada west price a currency por bottle h mills ijunbury cobnr otober 1s43 1253m f- si prfff tiitetnu uijijrv market sptarir and irincess street arcanum extract rphls medicine l acqilirc an extended andeslamifhe thnmirheatlhal country which u heen sosmiicd by iu virtue anhfficaey m a remedy ur scrofula or fc f ulceuated af throat lenjaiinilmj rheumatic nffeclions diieaieiof the laj whie swelling diseates of the gones all ulecratad cue affect laru of tmfuwr dyspepsia costivewesfci til chronic and nervious coinpint ncurring in debl- litafcil and catheliccoiisiittiiiona diaet eaused w aft 1a1pure stale of the blood- the arcanum extract is a com plete antidote 10 tit ifllvihl rvils nroduced ny b injudiciouiae o mercury- as a spring nnd fall purifier it can not ba surpassed vaarking its way lurnutfh ida rytcm with anient ind cirectie force cleannitlh- bu30d remvrnjt dysmtiptic influences soolhmihenfctves remofi intkimal ohairtiction and ijiieasc tht wouli itltervrise cause injury to he livehand lungs persona wboac oonstitntion are broken downhv the use nrmercuuy arsenic nrqumnk aajftraam wfto are sufferin- from diseased uver or an injudicious treatment of any f the above disasri ihoold ne the arcanqt extract vithout delay in ntimeroh inrsnces also whcnulcara- tion had ui bar ntlti ligament and bone and whereto allnppmrance no human mean bnt amputation conl have fated life patients have bejn inaiehm irom the rave and res tored to health lh devouring disease hem- completely r a- jc o by the tiac of ttts inea timble extract the prnpiiototaf the arcanum ex tract havv had if medicine uaed ha all the above iliaaseifith the most gratifying result in using fi medicine neither busi ness nor pie asnrc h ialcnapled r- nuiringonly the ushl restraint of moderation in diet and is erajajly applicable and efflca- ciousto tbi infants well as the adult iamphlel in a deteription for what the ahcansjm extracti applica ble withohwrvatiaonlnsensihli perapira lioanlatreiiiac n daae in general virgil gos canada express leaves kiritptoti for montreal wbcre it conncctt with the new york and boston expresses every friday leaves kingston for toronto hamilton and buffalo every tuesday office commercial marl ontariost william ware agent kingston sept 1846 iqpmf a 10 cheese few rskels fine old english cheese barrels puusdo hendry blacklock aug2l 1 art bo scd nel hekjtlnrs aut 2i bae filhertsfrebh 3 dn walnuts do hendky blacklock auction and commission market buildings the snhscribcrienpectfnlly informs the mercantile coinmunily and public geucrally that he is prepared to sell on comrmsnion dry goorj groenricsi furniture homes lttwk fyc on thernofltre3onableorma- days of sale evry tuesday thurs day and saturday at 10 oclock a m each day wm ucmlllan auctioneer appiaiser n b caah advanced on gooda left to be sold without reserve lard oil a i rarrelslardoil ofaauperior j qultlvforale hy ilendry t blacklock kiflgtton 15lh july diseaaes iq accompany each tkrtvo- a events are sapplied wiltithe above parfipmets for gratuuoua cir price si pr bnt- prepared and k h j winer hamilii canada west and john wintrft cop maiden laaa n- y for ale at the x fpt n 1 palmer nd c- tit kmgalon and by ctablo prugjisl ihrouhotn ca- all the resp iida l6m tml vt hncxl at thr i at r s wf y mr it mcconniek j wineit pectoral tyrup ot horehound and eljampane ihor the ipeeijr j 4m cure of wboopinx cghi si ww c lumpnon plonriai hjmiwi sorencsol the hiea aild lor bronchitis a diseaae thatia aipiaj hundred to a pre mature fe unov h fictitious name of general agency and commission office 6 barge yard bucklcabtiry london near the mansion house to merchant commercial news rooms public libraries agricultural societies- officers of the army and navj printer publishers uf new- paper and oivmiai generally simmonds fe wabd central agents and commission mtrchntsy return their frateful thank for pmt favors to their friend and tno cosonial public in general and beg to acquaint tfirm that titcy arc ready to eaceutt orders for supplies of any kind and quantity nf and goods of every des cription of firstrate quality at the verj lowest market price uf the da j and transact rutin upon the mot liberal terms provided they are pre vionaly furnialied wiifi drafta at eilher lonf or short datea or a rcferanc to aame london or liverponl house for pivment simmofus dt ward will reecitt conwvjn- meit of aoy description of merchandize tuba anld on comcnusion and accept bilta at day for twojhirdsof the amount on re eeipt of the lill of lvding coosiffmnentb en trusted to tbeir care will moot with tttff possible dispnlch in their disposal j sal be conducted with the kraatevl attention to i be interests uf lha consigner an ciieniv knowledge of general commission fijinea acquired during a lona re- sidenea in jairaaiaa and the other west india island and antmoquent exlentiva roume of biwi- m the british coauni the etporianco of several vaar in lyndon as cdonial agent wah promptitude altntioo and jo dement will itiav trust enable thcro to eo aaliafaciion may honor iliiin with lhir com improved salbratus ffllhe subscriber would beg leave to announce to those who deal in the articlebfrialeratus that lie is now ready in furnish orders on the shortest notice to te extern of 2000 lbs daily of a choice preparation low for cash or approved papers james morton kingston breweryand distillery i2th august 1s45 t notice he stock book of the calvrg per jdufivfaclurinff co frosty notv lying at the office of ine undersigned the capital required lo be inkers up ik 12000 the site i- purchased and trail situated upon the stream which iup- plica the woollen factory of s e mac kechnie of cofrurg the advantage coa- ferred by the charter afford great projec tion lo the stockholders any perons desirous of embarking their capital in manufacturing would do well loloofcal the charter and viiitihe site of the pro posed factory every information respeciing which can be obtained of the undersigned boulton cockburn solicitors to the company cobiiffrlulysl 1346 8m stoves stoves plough castings ac the subsxriber reapcctfiilly inti mates to his friends and the pub lly fhfct he conducts the buau 40 for sale bushels marrowfat seed thomas br1ggs jun kingston may 4 1s46 lie genera n63 as an kountditr haadofpain 10 cod oil bblscod oil for aale by the subscriber april 6th 1sj6 mdrutmmond toihoia man ja who r gchaimirs d new envelopes orri patcst palxrclot1i kx- f rna aurlc bmoj ihc iiiirn f l aasilt tttt tjmf f paocr ivtcsl wiiim ii liiscfii tu sewtj lawatcj lbuied aohesivr rnveipb lsray the mo of wiaxor aviiiyr i friml nmrtcaary a stiffly of ih nwve accij aitl ii jc by moaircal 0t of ali iic jos ic cvalmrk the last supper bx ij0ai0 da vinci rn me crti ity r a ill a k ftitrn ckavimo i m n it a h sn 11m matt rplitin if very rum has tcca revived ail at4iaritiiiw if enjoy a ip it ii hi laiown vsti lltmr ajifiim jvrav i- jjihaaj mrxfaan jin iltr c ii n ii it vis unutl ita irtwat i ivj di vv aausi ivtttnt a rewl pies mr ijtvt lirraultful i li 1 rfratil pfc lll- 111 t ate ir jt- ihcc five j vliij vi r u c cliakmlfa mv i0 iiui i- salt 100 j srohkt salt for pi iiittv t biackiock ycats a firrnislicj b the parish fcj- bv conwltine tlio bct aatlmiiica a to climalc anil makio due allowance for ih pfffrensive tmpmvc tncnl effected by drainage eatcorfej cultivation hy a complete and perfect analysis of casoalitic from namcrouanllicial and cirlnrive rtturna ij taioed frnm the various lcal clvrsty board of health ac tabjosof mortality hava boco framed nr each of oor dependencies arl the dccrcncil d ip i i precisely oeertinrd that much frwer ral can be taken with nfely than have hercttrfarc been oharert return ffcm every cduny of llc fire that have taken place for a senca of years the stylo v twld njra and the heal means fw the otvcotion nf fire have oeen obtained from hiefi more tqiilihtn rate have been computed than have heretofore been adopted thoealibliimertof a general asauraaee of ficc fir the cnnie in fymdon on a biuad am comprehensive taak with an mnply wribod capiial uodcr the hiuiness rnnaeiiint of direc inr ufgdv ticniircd aod luhly oontfraatlt wiihcatnniat aflairs fuuncd upfw opptoved ami satisfactory daia witli reviacd aj muh reslticeil rates of premium having nvwnver the advantage of an active influential and efficient fic rtatrd nf mtrilirmcntin each of oursctitcinenuahronl int neceisrdy rolt in benerit ti fw ajrrf whether in un winches of fire li or marine the dtvtuini warchuse and lloildint aaatllv erected in the 0jnic are for the inot part constructed of ksifmiantial material hi in uaaao in tdcr etiatittic and the stores arc crnefolly alocked with valuable oahs and yet numcaiuuf indemnification rue at present aitirdetl to ownera nf prooeiiy of tin ktnd aaint the i ra vajed of fire the present diificuliy and sipami of elfcctiag insurance undnuucdiy deter many from availing tliemclva of the incn uf piotcciuki wh would otherwise gladly do lhc advantage of uch an inaicltiuon a the cotoniat will it i believed it tell and acknow ieded by all biinin a it wilt rf tbe benefil if fir i i auunce on the nnst cennrinii- cict and entailable iprtnciidcs himi tn the 0poftu niiie of all tbi i a matter of serious moment and nno which concern in a f cater or lesv drgrer every individual memir of ciely thn nnny leccnt calarnitiwia firos m the oohmic particularly in new fuondlaurv bftanvwick canada aniteua ujrhd ic nual loudly call opurt hi unpruleclcil bv 1 ir i give allen lino to the pnpwtunilwi aitofded to indemnify tlirmtcttra aainrt tlkc capital of ibo cnmpaay is one million which wdl bo continually augmenting a its busi ness procreates thus canal iiuti off a large pcrma djcitt him for the benefit and aecuniy of all parties interfiled tad affording iho mot uaexccminname ndtmrnfiruion totbuo wtomty transact huincm with the jipny the number m i tf its ijircclnr aad rmpnaiar at home and abroad place l on a lovct with tfc nvot tf iglhic oitieea in the k wth renev to tho ndvaniftftaoltrr cd lo i i polmic and ataord n i guarantee for if foil and complete euccc j iia of llic character end rtponibitity of tha inalrtutiott ihe groat toe j and geaaral espa rienec together ii r iho u a card iic snhacrilkr in returning hi thanks lo the travelling community fortius patronage he liii received u their liitnu while keeping the brtlith jlmmcn iioul jljcj leave to imrodtieo and rernmnicml as his tifccsnr mn james patteksov wiiovth lcfinihl in very rcsoect vvorltiy nf public sttuport joseph if daley kingston april 20 is is bmtissmierican late daleys hotel the subscpjber ncsni in form the public onj tdc travel ling community iiim lie has leaded the alwvc well known establishment and lioprs hy airici atlcnlion l tho comfort of hta mct3 to meril a continuation of the very libsral patronage whirl litis hold ha receive the ini five ym under the nhlo manatrementof the funncr proprietor mrjh daley james patterson ftv pasiatsert and ifajrgagt conveyed to and from the linut free of charge kindlon june isi6 i lambt0n house the subscriber returns hfari it eert thank to the travelling onmmti- niiy who an longuppnricd him acjcalof itt fcf iwflrtil j ml hope frwnmrtm7trai h by thismenieine iliewstlm ayinpto disease bron chitis ara cough soreness of the lnnsor tbroai lnarscoca difficulty of breathing asthma hcclic fvtcr spitting up fhlegm or matter and sointlirrtas blond it is nothing more than an infltnution of llio fine skin which line the inside of the whole of lb vind tube or air vls which run through every part of the liung tne peculiar viilue of this compound have for a ion timn attracted the attention nl tha medical nrouasion and public and a lively tuterest has recently been directed to the devdopement of their active powers and oulmoiaric qualities which the proprietor are now aide lo gratify and present this medicine to the puhlic with lull confidence of its being the mot safe and valuable remedy ever dis covered and adapted to all diseases of the lung when any of th functions o not perform their natural or healthy action it is universally believed that god in his providence has not afflicted hi children with pain and disease without at the same time sivin them somettwog in ihe garden nf nature that will nnl only medicate hot in many cases entirely relieve thrn with these views sttongly impressed en onr minds every on shouu feel a reat j lo investigate to the uimosi of rm pe the great arena of mturc and to ra from tht source that instruction which the wisdom of man ha failed oalaiu in presenting thvmicle lo the puhticthe proprietors were intenced by the hope that a medicine prepas with mach care and strict regard in the comical properties at its several ingredients takethe place of thonsand of ineafpflhlc nostrums of the day with which ihemlry is deluged fvth5 ne fwi bottle of the syrup will ha aoocittttto flssca the most scepti- f do fresh importations of groceries at the stores op john carruthers a 200 cheutea 51 itat coffee 5 tierces hice 200 i v ti t do 80 kc do 25 hblsnuiifilbau vvalnulffstc 100 boxes kaisws llxr drutns pig 50 uoxn soda biscniu 150 do scaled herring 10 casks sperm oil pepper ground and whole cinnamon ground and whole pepper sauce and slomon kittert strawberry raspberry sariaparille and lemon syrups kingston maybtti 1845 new railway he subscribers would intimate to forwarders anj owner of prnpeu era barges c thai they have leased ilie for bilious complaints patm the head giddiness sickness oun- rfirepmuiencj obstructions habitual confinement of the uoxeets vc ln bark ers laxative pills f the iimnorouadiaeases tu tvliich the human frame is liable there is scarcely one the symptoms of which are not aeriouslyaggravattj by a confined state of the bowels and totjtia auqn many owe their origin and continuant the preserving the ajimeutary canal freefrom obstruetion is a point of such primary importance that every degree ot neglect ia followed by more orlaiis of inconvenience or suffering when habit ualcoativeneti prevails the cheer lol vigor hoalth is soon tmpated some ic the eaclb pua street a few yarda north of the macadamized road where he ia pre pared to cm every article in hi line the subscriber bas recently obtained the mnslapproved patterns for premium cooking andothkk srnvbs and is enabled to furnish wholesale or re- ail a superior ariicle and on mare reasonable term than en be procured from lha ffattii the sumriber woold recommend the premium cookiyo stoves above all others as the recent improve menl in this tffove render it better adapted for use in canada than aoy other yel introduced the metal ia slron and durable and lha management sosimale thai any person may cook on n iii economy and dispatch hot air stoves notices made lo order on the shortest for eest and at other aeoscs malic their it times by slow deji times more rapidly d inroads on the constitution and nuinberleasinatances particularly where tlii habits arc sedentary or where free living is imlutgori permanent ill health iis the painful result it must be obvious to the moat superficial observer that when the functions of nature now al luded to are not performed with due re gularity assistance must be obtained fromart aprieat medicines tbeab come indispensably necessary except where the use of fruits or achaneain ng may v v vlt tilt allvllcst dwelling houses bank stores c por on wishing lo purchase this article n next season can sec sieves in operation by eall najc on ihe hon mr dckljqtiitre mr jas powell or mr charles heath alao a aupply of the best plough castings and every variety of fjonsh point eon- siantlvon hand at low prices whousal and retail the subscriber is also prepared la vasl to order mtlt ma vatic count rcquii c on ihe shortest the 6ay metal merctwits farmers and often m thiny in the above tine will wn interests by giving the under- serve t signed stcal john kingston feb 3 1s6 owens t anil e 1 aej for the hailing howl p leavo to inform them that he lius a term nf veara those well built nnd ca pacious prcroica in kington snfavnra bly known us the fnihton hoatfi ho tel where he hopes its bo ftvrrci with a cotitinunnce of the public patronage- the limbton houh js situated in tho very centre of the city and within five minutes walk of nil tho ivttartto ami strnm boat uiriflttgj it is fur nished with every tvimflatt anl care hna hecn takn to ronderthi bctu nnd btfd knnrrr inferior to none nn this conti nent tho two iphnto mid bar will be furnished with the best that muney can procure t w hastings- kinton 27 lm excclhiit stnbli ti k porters in attendance at the steam boat landinc 15aeage carried free of expotiso prenyl and tertjj j- wfaws hamdlon canada west anrvlm wimr co 83 maiden lnv fur alh neum ipin4ry kington and by tluoijriinul canada a palmer aaid c heathn ii respectable drjisu railway at part tmoum from the marine railway company and are now ready for hauling out and repairing barges c and by moderate charges and strict at tention lo business hope to merit a share of public patronage p r b beaupre portsmouth c w may 23th lmfi notice the subscriber has removed hia of- ricefron the commercial wharf la the brick building laltly occupied by thomas fireita eq corner nf broc ana ontario streets and directly opposite the premise of mr richard tscodtirt sen where he is prepared to receive cnnsin- mnisofany lescriptn of goois furmfure lv which he will dispone of ai iuvic or by private ssle as he may he directed and tothe befit advantage that the marketcan afford hufsh calder vintrston 19lhmav t86 j music music music ustrjceivedatlhe atheneum book store a ura variety ol cheap piano port f and violin music consisting flute or violin cuke ir worms irxbps caxmtav vermifuge m all cases ihe hvsl re lltakkanted f t ulvever y inn playins and punters cards iust rcoaived at the athcum boafc stro a lirc asvimiiiit of cirrfa inelgdm plariuj cards gombiev a id cvlat i discovered forvorrrs vhnl svtem and the snperibon dam alina or mn p stomach and bowefr or those in had healllk it is mlrn it effects on ihe system and th b iu patient is always imprnvinc tf even when no worm arcdiscovr the medicine bnn- palatahle no chm wl11 rer j aai even the most plun and prae vocal ktsit of thfl fnllnwin viz 60 popular air tor the price 3s 91 4 favorite gleesconsiating of the followin myneer van dunk bishop the red cms knight cook i 7 qa the winds whistle cnld llishop j5 n ye sbephenls tel m mazainehit i moic irom the opera ot the enchantrest cs licalohrvalous astcls m worms accnnpanj prepared an canada west each botue witt hamilton nt john winter co s3 01 i visit iiifr riam october qcih mta plain pnnlriv tardt of ad i jidira inl tcnilemrn a card lvrv surface enamelled by chambers misceluanvnfuacfil and rntcrtainintt tmcla vyl 12 an addi on mrftv if vda i n i f 4 cffambeks cyelpedia vufcjijw kduibiirtfh journal l lnfrnmtkj for tho p m vubpsvaa imhjiaiiiria1ceorc varntuli jaeia attaa of modern and ancient geography of litcralnre 1 to for sale by ft montreal oct 1w ot c chalmeria oeidlitz powders in boxes soda powders do glncrr rkeil dn do wkehvesinu lemonade do sale at he atheneum dujwnsary do dpmsatyn palrf heathkmzs 1 1 ut respcctawe too am by ihronhoul canada ii 05 6m batfe6 son sonj of erfft3 sons set of popular waltzes a collection ot sacred me iodiea6 n set of new quadrilles 4 of lover son selection frnm tho opera of leonoro firms from lucrezix lfnria 6 pieces eight new and fashionable pothaf iu is 0 10j 0 0 new imty goods establishment william kennedy co resplscrf iiiiimaic tothe inlmturt5 ty that they hav commeoeod busines in tho l occupioj i j w ult m street omit ppwmejm j- d llryc tc ooa l nt hve ta well stfaud sw gf f most pcakm atich livo horp purchwej with the ratteatckta uti utusr i bj vfttjrou uirrvnuanceir they ate thorepuo lrrrnv mallnat roinuihif prfor kudl mnnbv mans p- kingitni xnrtp and also a zreal variety of sns and pieces by variona cnmpnsers al7aeach may 221816 new books at th ataeneum count moniholonsnpojeanins pari tocmytrimof the htah bysonlie the history of ihe bulilc hy davenport theluoatated historyofpdeslineby kitlo the female minislerhy lerl and plunketl my shnntin rnx bv fnrrester the french coofc count julian by ihe authorof oay k m- i of vriloii dumas tlie odsnohne by c lever i vers jb wet feet and colds prevented y using jjvrktr famish for boots and shoes which nvn them the appearand of japaned loathot an wilt not crick with the frost prepared aol sold atthe atukneum dnuu sroua 8agot street price la 3d and 2s lid per bottle commercial mart catfc bbis hiavt mass poitk 9j for sale by ware bbls him for sale by william 1 aliogiton isth sept 1846 g the mode of living may suffice for re moving t tic evil and must be had re course to until the necessity for such aid coaaes butte isaquestion ofconnidjrableim- porlance what laxative shall bo em ployed j the list of aperient medi cines is numerous but their effects nn the system vary cnnsiderablj some ex ert their influence chiefly on the exha tant vessels or on some part of the how els only whilst thoaction oforhers ex tends more or lees to the whole of the intostinalcanal the latter clasaofnpe rienta is evidently the best adapted to obviate the habitual confinement of the bowels as they apply that additional excitement which nature then requires to assist her ii the performance of her accustomed functions itis precisely on thislatcr principle that the pills now offered to the public are formed and as their activity can be increased or lessened merely by taking a larger or smaller quantity they not nuly furnish rii aperient medicine pro per for general use in a family but ure also well calculated to answer most o the purposes for which purgative reme dies are necessary the pills are not however recom mended as a specific fort lie cure of all diseases such prcposterouastate- 1 a monts are worse than ridiculous and are only put forth fof deception but they will prove a valuable remeuy for that confined state of the bowels which i lays the foundation of much suffering forthoseoccasinnalnbstructiunsto which j all are liable and for all those disorders which arise from an overloaded state ot the stomach and alimentary canal con sequently decided benefit will be deriv ed from their use in giddiness and pains in the head accompanied with nausea or sickness in all hoadaches where costiveness prevails in flatulencies bilious attacks the commencement or cholic the early stages of jaundice and iu promoting the expulsion of worms they requite no confinement or change in the diet moderate exercise will as sist their operation and experience has proved that asan aperient tl ey are safe and otiicarious may be taken by adults and children and also in every stage of pregnancy to children of five years of age and upwards they may be readily given in pulp of apple orange or jelly and thus disguised they arc muchmorecasy ofexhibitioiithan pow ders or other disagreeable medicines niitrxtiohs roil taking thr tills in case of bilious complaints foul stomach three pillsto betaken at bedtime and repeated next night if necessary headache t the stomach- two pillsto be taken at night and one in the morning obstinate costxveness three pills to bo taken at any time needed and re peateduvery six hours until i olief is ob- lined the usualdoseforordinarypersonsis three pills but four pills may be taken by a person ofstrong habit of body and two pillsmay be gieri to delicate wo men and children pavparrd and sold by dr barkoratthe athenoum dis pensary kingston soldinttoxe it7jd fid each winers celebrated medicines- rimie miowinjr mctlicititt are kept cinatanlly d j on ulc at uir atjcnrom dftaff strc pajiol street kmtor vri winery arcanum bxtkac r for tha speedy and permanent cure of all dtsra mi i irom mn impure utc of the bioa wivkapextoralsvkupofhore- uoundi elecampane for tha cure of lttehs coldi ailhm canasta the bet rtrnedv ocr vc winery touti1 rjjhs culd albma coo so nipt inn ait winers canadian vermifuge cl discircred for wonna i achfi osopis a aer tarn euro fnr the i t h ache winlrscamphoratednerveand bone liniment a ceitam cvn m the in- aj minatory ii r and chronic i imiirr winers family ointment foe lha corcfjf scrofula hitc swcllmi rhuinatisfd kingwtrm confrr lich kc winery chemical file ointment a specdv jfr and clfciiml r i f f ibv tujclhcv vrith n cxtcnaivc vaikty of ganoino eniliii b amcan patent mtdicnei kmcajm indigo a superior quality of spanish float itidijo for sale at the atheneum dispensary tf drug store bagol street dye woods c madder nacaragna wood fustic lowreip ac for sale at ihe athentum dispensary and drug store bagol mret sauces and pickles large assortment of london pi an mncc for nit at lha fnctcum drug store ffaot street klai dispensary and waswcnjs saifcsa2 ir wild cherry rpfte fuhlic can he fully assured of a pnrrhasin this celebrated mcilicme genuine atthe alhcneum drugstore july 31 1846 copal for sale at store superi nish in pints l varnish the athcneurn drug enor coral valc and quarts by tbe single boitle country mes chanrs supplied on reasonable tertna kingston april l3 1s16 dozen or just printed iiisueattiieatheiseum800llto8b a variety of law blanks compjiaing cognovits and affidavit moticennfcompucatton assessments queens benches district couricari do do precii demand of plea common baila affidavits of service of decli ation notices c together with various others all in accordance with theai act also magistrates summons kingston oct 28 185 ps cigars cigars cigars i ro0o principe do la cruz brand 5000 havana lanonnado 50ou manilla chorooli for sale by m dromond june 5 1846 r whiskey vvv ia d jrvfi juno 6 1846 15 3- and il tobacoau t boxes superior arou lac to for tale by moe 20 iim a we

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