Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), January 22, 1847, p. 2

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rip 10 m j the gruirfntl aektiowl in unrfrerftlind erihrrenre n the jul liberal prinnpfrh which ihe gtivrrnmeol ot jntavrti hd hrcn doiio rd jiulj be novpud in th ndminirjiin rtf sen ctr- rtnwhw xhiftljf firr irrl mrfilfc mim from jimir ntufufmpi andiftnwfiii mv hff4e4 ift ifrc niher evouire pnnd bun wills an tjijmp estreating ihr rvoiimetrt f veaii tud rid dnnrilin will ivlirr rwy tpntwiiieti lh hj vv m impuhdlitr und lhe neo hta mmi1lfiiunii r fh tttvetnmetil i jarttair they frmfoliy nrfcmtfrifdgrd his imdviiti d hmct i itr jmm bimi liberal piwrfptai he tvfceji al uvr rdalim hftwfh iu pvimm mils ilitifirrt ittint wfl iviih the fd- tn rwilini i iwf utatltal iwnonr ami tvrlf ie i p4qd ihft jtrrvl lhrtrrmeiiiifin tfrl lit ftfanicfmml mtth b hie iiuertinf ttlde fr l nf rvrtt 4hff iv stlltl hrrfii will rflertd 11 in tvlttc rnwi empire nf irpf d lin tlttt h bis ndniiiimtiti4i if ihapivrtiihval irf ne rvfrrtf dunn itiy hr ftbttfl pa1 nf itrrv lift hi bjld li fptnhh ftif lhl pprminflt hftrj nf lli and ij hmiutt eilwr lrllll he 4eril 5ltr wims ii ittm rcnrr j nrre nd lmifnnr4 of ih inllin in n ln ihv are mhhht same month no- 24 and i have laid before the queen the memorial from mr joseph pope which accompanies he last of lliosr despatches il has iv r bnwl vet been in my power to submit to hr majesty any advice as in the derision which it may le proper lha itr majcilv dlmld ullimiujv amli hic ts- jl of mr popes ftimipuintti for ihe firwent ih sirtlc ouhfidft is whether mr pone mptkt to have wen inmrattt fmi his m in the rx cotincil wilhoit an vacl observance o all the form ufmlthed in vonr iiitnitioiw as nectsry to precej idv uchiipnlon tlie cromnrt yti jiae nvr for dipn- siojf tthh tirf for mi w tht ynu tai urnl from cowl piieale wiine thai thr coiineil f wunlu4t would have 41tni4fd fte wipoam of mr pne ni onll luvt rcomn1rj you to cflnmrnn yoir mcfdinjc tpfinm mm hv referring the iri to her majeswy gotrnmen whether oflvire if svovjfefit ai tino wmim really liavf been had advi il a potnl d and dd iii- rtrphftb ihv ioariandjilcijon which 1 do not thtnk it convenient totvuch dtiir nf h ltiii enpirf sirlt i n fiir irpif f nnly tn rf nf ihi d1 il fi iitiif tifi- nf lli fit iaiil ik iipiw frw muff amm imrr ty fumiwf1 mmfttalc jif nr 7 whjl ffifktr jrtl v ilr ftiteit fr hjrcimirr linn ti tt ri- i mrlrlfc nil ntnnnlrthn f j fiiitir t nnv over n- eli a iuidfpt und lidfiiirl w if rtjnci1v fr iir orrioinrn ul nil tljiji iitd fiy err ircie i rttniinnt tnfln if lc i l a l- li nli ittm t edward island jvah iifl rafk recired prince the prinrr e imr the litt mail fafrtaiimi jctler trom the kor jotrpli joe n iis ec1lnry sir h- v huntley mr loje n steakprof the aemhly nd a mmher wjjtk of the efthwlvf council inrl hi iteciency 5us- pnilfh liirn crnm li inlter imity oi tlie ul nf apr ivliich mr- pope elt inw and contemptible jile lhe public ami allpnerl i ft elated in lie leur in the pfftfeitl state of the qnritton i confine myself to the remark lit th an- ticiption of hid or unwetenm arlvicc it not ftmiflifient rrw for xmunt anitle the jmvfal intniction ih removal nf any in m tier n itir htecuiirc cnnei ihthild fit h made the tuhject of a rferenc lo the boarn and of eiiheritioh hy the other tnemlirs nf it in the lenn of the royal irifttnielinm it coim not h jumly said that ihe c5e of mr- pop of a nature unfit tn he made known to she council a that fcmiii h biawtf ohierred it u imtnt of fart already kniwm la erery ottifr member of the colonial iceiely tktn any interest in the puhlic affiii of prince edward iland under the rlrcnmslanem it leconifi inv ditty to desire that in obrdieuc to the royal inslructinn the ca of mr pope be now thought hrch- the exeentiee council thai he h rtitimam in hi nffice tlltnt afld if they iiotim advi bit fpenviou then hnt not 0lhrttfitt he he iiitpendri fiom hit office a from mexico prom tht ntw york 2jhfm the teamhip alihamahaiarrivcd at new orleans she left drazoj on the 3d jnt no rhmitl mtfl of llerel from siltiho fiom which it i in jnfcrtetl that the danger of at tack iv i tiotas imminent aa at first suppoiriu when gen worths eipreas wai ditpalthed for reinforcement the remains of valon ridly and other bjllimnran arrieed at new orlean in the aiahama lieut boytef waabiugtonjdied on the pasta dates from mntamoras to the 1st inst- have come to hand since last advicr thre have been rumors of htthf marches and counter- nmtchrs that gt wvll column was citt off cn worthy division driven hack to arrival of tfr rochester- two da utfet fnoh naore the followinjltlteipprtra in tbc cork eramtner of ihsad clchrf wcdnedjiy ait upward or iw wrelc heine were thrown out of tmpioyineut ymnhtaa of tenr enn- irqiience ou he itowinjf friday they poured into our httlr oirrif af rohrd indis criminately into all oj krad ho hreakina windows and in oto instance reidnint to other cmnodilifl wnlvy uncounrrled with food the house of a m j rerpecteif lowm- man mr jamrs atkt wat entered amon ftlioat ho advanced 3d to 3d per 70lbs- and in difln com it 1 per qoarltr a mot eirbitant price and entirely oocanwmttl by ibe tempnrary abmram nf thia avlirle 1c iv fiwrmed in bruna irirk streei ttni ihoaalea made irish deto fo rmmedritiy i oni- wliila olhci believe tut tlnry mrrely lend rn rill llw aicrn nrf ahnps in lrlaml mateac of ihe fnrrnouie in lirponf a lre r i mi ul mm hvfn m at wtt jruf ih eiirrro io the li ien in cmitroneuce nf ne rtfh rxir theie rorinv mnirein who bclterc 1iit many f ihe purhhrj ikhh nilr fa jiehnd ic on rrtmnl if ipernulij- 3nd riu remain on thai aavi ihe channel tmc fcmm nrre oficrirnrrhl in hie lireroi eoiu lrtr haff th itaal cvfidirc w prnnt price boina maititamcd for any tcngih uf timet as follows had your excellency slated iba theyj m executive councilor until her majesty orinm in my having rued a a mutbrr pleasure is known and thai all the pfoceed- rr the rom tf aarmmv intake h per annnm fom the pockets m the ueopi of this lliid fpr yur private advantage yoti would have stated tin tue cftnlf but vour eject lleiicy with ytf rliaricleiittc 4ffp diipuyed too mucti rnnrin to make this the lrouiid of your accusation to her majestys fovemmenlite experience nf ihe pat liavine doolrtlrjs taught your excellency that llieiusjecl wat rmlpjl toi rm remits id npro up and has iheretore relieved r fm an impulariom p1aimht in ikrlf and ennterjnrl- lt eieditert ny nme nt aecitaint with he jmhtie affairs of thi colony hut with a ahoft ficstefiss tqnapy crelerist of your exoelltncv ye liav attributed my pj04iiiun lofaim whicii ace o jij iiie f asilv refuled yi ute the injpof the council oa tlfi nirjjrct whatever may be the issue f those pmceedins he transmitted to me for the iufonnalion of iter majesty i liaef honor to he sir vour most hjt humble ser siid w e gladstone lieut governor sir h v iiuntley c sic etatninei t i unu5d secretary xo is i sir ajowiinjc street 16th june 1846 jjofjnram vi fuppom foni mi rtw 1 that iu all lis of my irvu lectitij 1 hchi aston il as hir any aui rjuite dtislied iriyate nrinnfi since itt time reatinr hiirh is- fvl aetji y thq in l i npenine cf th stftta o la he hashetn in my despatch of the 10th ultimo on th uhject of hr sunension of mr- ioi- from h rat in the keeutt cotcti of prince e1vl hland i omilted to stale wiat j wni fully my mlntion n have mentiod nsmety thst although the restoration or that cenlleman to th cnuiirii is the inevitable ronsequeiitt of a tricionervance of the royal instruction y thai her maely nprctl i that until her final derision shail be made 1i ilitf ma lil mr i- eomn pie jeisale t iafeio a relef fnnnih alve riirl uerre ihe itf il ifirlne in ij im uj ihtf aid v ifi iaer4l e a wiii hey hmv 1 1 ior her hh a rrtcy kejtfeeiui rsmi- efl ttrafy mh umet art in tlirte iakct fivohu uha cnuched in bad lisle ihe wftfito pprarm to he dictated itoder tli inftnraee of fjvlis nf exfmo nithlny the mlwiitj- tslrael iarnrioillj embarraso tonard each olhr hut fiom a tfilata oliirp tii ihe urcsfu co uluet f the augurs committed to vou repeciivelv hy the qwii i havf the honor in h sir your moat obml hunfite stvt v k- gladstone lctvrnir sir ii v ilnulley t fee i t ii uaviind sacrimiy the resignation of mr pnjtas ill ihmffl hy the following answer rf ilia escellency humanely in eonjunon with mr j orrieti kept open his elabljttmut fill mornimr to accomodate k starving mulilude notwtthatanjinz ur wrilei gloomy pre dictions for the fnt iit it ii satisfactory to know lha at present natteri are if not better at least no worse lnutther were faur month hack and before theintato crop bad hftfl u- tslly exhauatrd a i arlicte of human food the last auvirea fron ameriea loo have hi a beneficial effect her tnd 4 further reduc tion in the prices of aft bind of proriion is confidently anlicipii frvxce tuc conv qursnjnis f r rtf oiwd r the rest though he crtft the oecaslon of the previoua week paynnthentfiven atnipht n ij sjr tt i monterey from salfilln and uiat tfeo taylor i 0 io the lit how the pay clerk arrived i uivijliojx vvjiltf rrtts shut up at monwry jrn scott and atalf left two day previous in haste for camargo gon itn the rieer they met a steamer with ih mait bringing intelligence tht part of i corps of o-sserva- tion betoueiiit to suta anna army had been seen near parras wbeffl gen- wool army wa eneamped and that gen wool had joined gen worth at saliilln as lud general twgs and quitman as per pre v inn account fe raltersntiv diviston bad crossed the rlter t san frnandn five hay previous and would soon reach victoria its daatinafinn gen taylor il wai lhoucbt woufd no tfannt return home a soon as scott took com mand when gen pattron reaches vietorit all th passes to san luis will be ssut up advices from tamnico to ihe 30ih tilt re port every thin jr quiet and orderly the haik ivanona from new york had aniveif nttam- pico with the ruin pa ny of artillry under capt marndcr lliey were at once marched in camp mr chase former united states con sul has been appointed cnttccfor of the cus toms at tampion unmors of a meditated iltack nn tampico were circulated hut were considered mere me tic lale trade ami commerce were verrbnsk fleet competition esils amhtiaj tha pilots whuse rate arc now five duuarvpcr font in and four dollars mil there ftreo association of piloi one ame rican and the other mettran a slip from norfolk of ycteidava datf received here hf stamhoat osceola reports that ihe ateamstup missiisippi had just arrived from anton lzardo 29th co the ioth dec commodore perry wish several vessel look possesion f lacuna td otmved all ihe kingston friuav jan 22 jw7 our kind coiitrthiitpri have detain sparetl ns ihe labor nf willing for today whiq onr friend the ifihman lakes bis leave nf the public until a froth occasion some new pro scription of his ccnnyrnrn smi draw for ih 1h p01terfi enerii of his ijnill a letter from trtrtfttrifcr defftlfb mr henry c cohm uukvim l faakc the i smith ihe men her fo- frnnienae fom the mmtouro hamilton assailant one of in letter dated oite 12th ult u i have he tntisfactinn fnilvi enfinn that which i havfj already annnuifed jeverat times that ihe fnrct nf produclhii and the estnt and fertilily of ihe land vjiicti supply the odenai are surh that it amfh averted ihat il is m- pnmbte to exhaiut uw injj lhat the jrreiier lha hemansf ihe grf will he the auppiy from ihero of wheatvol other desrription of icrtin kotwilliatatiungthe enormous ship ments made in aujptt september nd orto hrr tat there alill evm in the stores rf odessa from 2jc0oo0o to moo000 hectolitres of wheat and ahout ltto0o or barley the price of wheat varihnx tn the quality 1 ignorance their impudence their love o finery all but their tairrje have been raked np from the dregs of irish society to excite ridicule or provoke riirth and if you mr editor by any misfortune lwud fall into the likeerror yoo would not besnrprised fo find an irish newspaper started in kindlon nndrr the tntelage of ome terence oshaarh- ncay onr who if he coold not sin his name -i- be able to leave his mark and fire department to tfu editor of the britiih whig dear sin i perceive io one of ihe tuwn print a i communication from mr w j martin captain of no f fire company in wfiich he appears to make ont an j by wfiiclv way i do not know that onr fate asal engineer mr win gonn has not darrrhr hts lime of bcinjt in office pwn his duly the case to the answer impertinent nations by exhibiting besl lf m taww tanda thu no 1 f lacuna enemy guns ami munitions of war found in the forts a ml m the town gom sands with two vessels was left in charge nff avarado the misissinn captured a mexican schoon er called the amelia and sent her to new orleans far sale gen santa anna i declared hy the new cnnrem duly circled president of the repub lic of mtxro from an etamiuaiion of farther files of mrt1ft papers no direct action appears to have bren bad upon the subject of the warsy the meiicau congress the mexican papers mnvy the jmnreaaion that san l n is to be the freat hatile kouiiii of the war oflieial meiicau account have been received of event at loi aneelo on the pacific in the action of ihe 21th sept at that place 37 amef icam were mi4f prionrrs and 3 wunnd- ed one mexican was billed hot no american the rnnquerea then laid iee to tbe city of teelei and mi te 3ih sptemhr ihe town capiln4tet to floret th termi of lurrrn- der are drvvn up with a much deliseratino a uime of monlerej anil are detailed at length m the new ortean papeea getnd jaatin iitd stuff and 0 sick and dscaareij auhtirr cane i-m- i in the alabama from six u eijcht sihf riiplea the chetwcrl which at the brvavrl rtt n tchane ii eqnal in from 12r fc 16f lj hectolitre i id nre already od mlhaatore the p of rye is fiom 7jf to ef ihe hrtlnlifc- twrthird of the wheat anil rye in n are in the bands of export merruant bnt we receive of ihesunerabu gwalitv of tlie lavi ly w ibe llir polish provinces we e wheat fiom th dr the northeast wind still prevails tfptnm iii sea is not froxen and trie rold moderate but the ships nnh a difficulty in v numher wailin at onstantiaopje to titmrfd to the black sea want of means uf convevanre felt rt he h there ihe i biongin tothatjuvcnile fire company the great wesiern jrenerously tri manfully steps in to the rescue of mr gunn from ome unmerited censure in his capacity as assistant engineer of the fire department and lal though perhaps not least a mechanic expatiates at length upon the advantage of encoaravjinr ship building in jhisgood cily of kindlon thcc four letters make the vvhif c ity elections no v to the firjtfor of th british whig draft ivtjfo on returning from the country yesterday evening i wa j r fi 0 my table several daiuwnlm lwwtttmient ih whip puhlihcd drtriita my ndaotanlilyd magnificent absence some of which j am happy to oh yvet in the lhre polish vr 300000 hectolitres nf serve contain intelligence that cannot fail to gift uriivrusati faction in all parties while oibera are not free from certain allusions hy no means calculated lo flatter my own vanly in ihe first place all lover of peace and good order must derive comfort from the reflec tion tht the grel tfoem whfri frowned omi are from 800000 t- 900000 hectolitres of nously for some time on nnr peaceful cilvjus wheat at calst iw t brail s quietly pasr imalleniw bywyofthe zttjxfrpttsl t quf on tb- 25th 28 ilml lll llbl dutu wfcoconw perce4vcnot ihvr arrived intha 16 hi r w tv arson end wholesale murder in 53400 hrclolitrvi th wilh anyaltcnpl to ha the irish were kind- united sssl hljrher p of hl hoiiajilly than to the avrrfeiftcuin the extras wievt that they fcvl the slightest inortifica- dmarycredii a fmip fo io lippoint because tbiif charila- fs ss5 h sem fmm th noithern mlmuy fulfilled itsc clumsy eud of hi mack thorn jesting apart the idea of starting an irish paper in kingston is not quite so visionary z- may be imapned and i now throw out this hint possibly to take up the ubject at some future period another n town tjcci informs it readers that ten of he irish members of ihe preterit council owe their election to scotch and enrishmen i rejoice to hear this a it proves to that that those honest men nr pnsscsrd cf more sterling good sense ihtn mary of their mis leaders toey will find that the u irish do not deserve the r we icpnatiohlnwed upon them by rreans of printed placards in the streets of kingston and that on some future occasion the inde pendence of those men if wc can believe tha source from which ihe information pro ceeds will be requital by the irish vtift more than corn poo nd interest the election which nnwt oon take place for the representation nf the town of kings ton in frovincial parliament will ve that irishmen are the last people on the earth to dream of nationality if not absolutely forced upon them and lhat they will be found ready to support an honest scotchman of acknowledged lalenl character and worth who would disdain to treat them with oclnquy or contempt whu has it in his power to confer a benefit on this city as well as on the sur rounding country at larrr that man trill bu home to his sat in the heme nn the shouljers of irishmen in preference lo one of thtr own folly competent in their opinio for th im- pomnttrust he hay to fnlfil bnt let even him insult the irish which of course they well know h i incapable of doin and he tr would soon fin out his mistake the editor of the paper jnt relerre i to in heating of this subject has indulg ti cplthet vhieh with great pjnprieiy i miil have fvoitieu low abusive lanuae ives no strength lo argument confers no dimity on tlie pflrty mln it in my ponr country a scnhiiiifl wsxiiui iesfjssl throughout liie villas in mhici she resiies and 1 cnunt roncrive vh the em tor nf n newspaper a man eminently entitled to repctahili1y rt eharacl- pvovilfd he make no bad use of the engine has been lyin in mr collars yard fra considerable length or lime in an almost useless state the corporation al that lime were exceedingly apathetic and dm nothing towards remedying it dilahdatet state and to do which by the way they were never askej until lou after capt martin had tha honor to command no 1 company taat eonu mr gunn do in th- matter he ctflli report it to the chief eigineer of tvwc the chief engineer might report it to he corporation ihe corporation would an- wtt ttt have po fnnf end thus tbe wllm would have rested r i winter coming nn ovhich tbniifcs to a il rcridenee ha not 6eeu a laborious on in til hr otinn finding lhat bo had moci mcr wsflc to do than he expected petitioner th corporation for tn increase of salary mhf i thiik with goort reason some one of no 1 corrjany ihinkine to gel ihe office induccp capt martin to wriie a letter to tbc corpora tion lulrmf that lunn had not done his du ty toward no 1 company anf at ihe same time put in a good word for ihe wwldbe ass engineer this he jm as has ben shewn and in a very nice shipshopc tyle indeed on the other hand mr gunn went to the tuo other companies and from them received certificates as to m cajiabiiity and although o of them should consist or btit bop i wodij beg leave to remind capl martin that it is not lonaince he exchanged the thinly and sitclel ortht joofcueck ud apeaiing- irnmpet the certificates cf the hook and ladder company ihnt of bis former 1st lieutenant of th goohaivrt3 fi chief engincnr ad last though perhaps not least of the great western ivoyi vtbm he apars to despise or why italicise ihe word should weigh as well in tin balsic as ibat of cki resolution of capt fttcrfffr cijmpiny as to the eiltribilily of cant gunn lo bftvt eommandof n fire cumpany from his holding the office of aiiitiani 12rincr i think lha capt martin if h aindlo tne duties of lii ufbce as acnt to an irsnranc- company ir in quite a bad a predicament the remaiks of martin relative toat tciviiii lo one company mirc than asoiher i pmerful engine placed in his hands j scftllcii il public opiniiin as evpiened by ihe repteseniatives nf ice rvnple in the last house rf assemhjy b y reran eritr ef your excellencys nphriy a want of conrence in your arifflmbmtion ha already veio fret nunced it i lid that rrany new membets have been relumed to the present jlome of assembly bit none have been tlurucd ph ed touppoji you vcincys fownvrent if i may rkyl mr whjan t tnrv piiil by j our excellency a an edi tor ihe voe of the country has hen pro- ununcer in favor of a kcsponsih govern ment as the only medns of destroying that synem of colonial misrule wliirh now happily lis fonnd almost its lstlurkiny place in 1rince edward islano not thai undefined hugbear which in some of ihe colonies ha hr ii time tended i rmlpr iftst the anurc nf olsca of ttwv public aers ant above ihe grade of constable fcerp rilive petty fend and enenilered personal aui imi lies lul a just ami consjifuinnjl rejnibiity mich as hia hn laid down by the late governor general lord mecalfe by sir juhn harvey and other enlnfhienjed gover- nor and has been approved of by her u 1 h minit rs a the bsi of good go vernment and which eirry loyal british sub ject hn a hht to demand and enjoy such a measure ws hat unanimously prayed for 4iy the lair house of useithly attempts st stateil have been made by your ecel- leocy tn pruarle svne of the new member that your ikxctpfrcy is lavorably dipoed towardi such a rea5urt ds such fvjnce would he exortcd tension to thi colony and that your in to procure its ea- tbosa who know mnr- of your evrrlleney would as son wltrve lliat thr ethiopian would change his in o th leopard his spots as that sir ftvnry v huoitcy would eir he the advo cate of a iftmr th would eonlinc within vnnsitutorhjund the exercise of u tlelc jaied hutbarily lel those f m- new ukiuj her who have 4bvfe1 ihenselves lobbied into such iii eimr jltend to the felbuvin statements maie by yimr pxcellerr in vonr dpjtteli to the mtht honorable vy e rlmlstune of hie 7ti april u oi the subject uf my nspesinn von lare lhat sixntaavs ofntsci chaloueown drcemser 15 isw sin 1 am directed by hi faciic ncy ihe llral goveroor to acknowledge the receipt of your cumrnnuication of the 1 4h imant temler- in your et in the evtruiive council of this island i am further hirecrej to acquaint you that ris excellency ha bn pleased to accept uch resignation and tt your cimmunica tion rcialiv thneto will c forwarded witli ihe leaat delay lo the rsfhl honoable eai grty her majesty a principal secretary of stale for the colonial drpmiment i have the honorlo b sir your most obml immhtt servt t h- baviland to joseph pope esq secretary i u m a t tfc nrr yr ftom v thai an roirinl h p srivel l thil if vliteb wniifivf many m tte i iv slaya f attviviavvtria filial atjtaee ws n peefh iliej hul r the intefi tr enhin pashilv rt fcaaftl ltitlvc win ua la i a kf diit ine rt is- gajsuin ertl ihh u ik ii nw di domacy has not foreseen which il ij h courage rp rpti wi s hef 4 20 conrufou r f ml piwnirjt on ur r rjuii trsii 4 nlutw wat l bo rfn fm ihe a fr ih piesnser t mi un uirnit with i when a pail wnm dnwn u be uhnl the oneoe lnal mil it irnh m iop- ii araa iaauiattdlv inrlietinc bkiw whhamltvm h1 or ma fist trtatojarfbt setrm numlwmnjj vr hundreil ond thiiv dared tt eshfrf nn dwel the aench vji fiornu the senrvf pavaw 40 were atuckad nd asany died wilii it- a dpc innnotnreo in gej tili tnk fr me vnste lha jf in i him kieketl t wi of enlaui jbiiwei whn and amini to prntel vnu antrirft mijniclemlhe tea- rifr frinroi that if mrtirtenal cries i tu fa5k3ift wh aceotviai to the oinrr the choice wa anlybtwees m tivm an count mtl hpwn wso lhie isi anv pvttrj- hle iliffereivre f i b mu j m feeding osj ntj tuc nh c c lh armemtinn cbasninesl to lear hat i have been harkin- sstrrt tt arts r rr vm s o e be hs nolputee an does not itlend to w conepomlent rory doo wtt having no bad fvfiiag to gratify a ptrlesl trnmst ls innvation from ihe j in repelling the unprovoked altacfc of lhat v mar the result of hi furious assault be assured l for ihe lite nftnice 6a exempted from llie- like punishment i have been as lonff in can ad i as thiayonu uiin that i miht say wint ai r c i icates before mentioned shaw that there has been ret little partialis h ihecise and i wot ii man and i do not know that very many in fc icvc to rnntion for ihe innnna- ih town of kijsihi cm fnouire hv vl it is not my intention to mtmt ihi aalltct enii l iiwiwrfuiji nffldmttoniui ihi luw icute lorf- h ch3rr p kfw s ll djhimiii r ciarvvttei l vin h of j ho c 1 will t 4m hnlno utttt wnult hr8 been iti existrucc relntn this foul i attentat hent i lhr i iltiotben fertile erlionsof cao cuitn iprviheti- ny rid knew me atnl i wru lwciih to riscrsj esmusl rxptci lo arnve at crroneousj fw bf prcice pf evf brtmu irishman were i to lake en unfair advaneaej bc aj wc lnfc for capt martin to state pleased thin ijw m e whcn bvn own in wl parlof im doiy mr gunn has faiud few days thai i abould acin hav aconim ior r nn o address the h n this threadbar siih je i 0c op vrn eaovi ject arealdea toomuch has already bri 1st aid ami written anil now that the election i 0 fa editor cj the bfuitli whig are over and no blood shed no house- desk winn crntnt polish comn of kftnif t bv court de laileyne j presndenl and by m vavsl lhvecielary v m he or repulses published in the courier i endure no manner of uneasiness or plin i to take n f 1 from the unsuccessful isne at the same lime him siw4v fnm it wdhout ii died m ln hor vfter tth ih isnea r wrpieh ere iqm i m to risited destructive flood the stale of ohio has recently brrn by one of tha most dest perienced ih that seeliou o lon seriea of yciw the destruction of propeitf iaveryreat the city of dayton has suffered exceedingly the miama river nvcrllowed tj hanks rising at ihe rat nf eighteen inches lo ihe hour until it had l- tainnl a height of two feet above the memora ble flood of 1832 it earned awav eighty rod of the cmharknitnt ihe aqueduct and bisjrw112 u psc in f vncji nrovinee r- difttscmfik3fni on a ne scarcity of fom becoauu general and b v of he canuistic m many of lh de i driving ihe yro have traced my atept ihntjfjh aderse eolhip ihe bndy itt bsf ml latch it nver rt j peopio io desneration at ctiateaurenanli and forest and discovered me barkiii bo any rvinx miaamta aw wjjm tuk or foo peram took p lrm in joiltil of iu desih iv rtavnafd wa hnlnky stmnk bj the i furcihle mseston of the market place not- 1 knt55 iimandvkenapabaeaj thr peienc of a brigade of whcre 0liml wwi to grnipe my way j ua sapiw h toaajrtcsl uva jj j wildarnlerto mi fvccd the farmers to uji jon ihi part of the subject i have only to ob ihelr corn at invjastta a bivhel and in mnn serve that if you can find a head within a to i wttrhaud but f th pti wrrtch iba a iene prraeotin ptiot hem kilted h ta cues frisik i fteskas an h 2bstfawaiaa s- ifhaiftbr bf poetical aojias of priitis openly better band at csing than j pretend f ihe vipint it brotslcjrtainahumr known uted that iui paillippe and m guizot lo be ui f ri ohet rmumeni ii indicia no the i were butt i perfectly caojudl of the intentioit m j mean mi j ftih m wrctab itir wnole cofnumnily may hive ur aatii- to annex cracow tlttt in fact cracow was fc f bcttan aj knwmj ww the r i- i a part of lie priro arvef by louis phifippr i m to i lh nol over to be pid lo austria to purchase her support w peased with the note ap- to the moolpcnjicr rtirriuge hnt that it wa ptitded to my last letler yom editor aamv aeefiaunovmtlir uhln vaall the u geile published an nhsinict f i lie smitjv fr prnriaiin rr bnrnine perpetrated nf c murders com lied the best thin lhat all parties can do last chrmicts ii gastttt but one read il attentively pull amicahtyio- either a iool nrhbos ouhl to do talk no more llwlt arepfulhcrs abon bjd accountants ahmt corporation reform no wort of drunken councillor of milk mens accounts unpaid no more of mabh lights or driving the city in harness but lei every man endeavor to reform utomi conduct and life in harmony and pood tvi with hia fellow townsmen without duunclimi of country or erred tlif i be toasuie you will bs the endeavor l january 21st 1s kow that the wtu ars over and pec pioclaimed after the rec- nl tstf election- permit ma lo call attention lo the stats of onr shifting trade and ruriictttariy to that of ship biilcin while every obscure vlnc and lo lxo fronlinx oir inland srs are rwily ei- caed ii builii eraft of varions tins ami uneijor5 kinplon remsiiis nt a soameftil itand-stii- where is the town or city in lha province lhat has btutf facililies fir shi tmilrliot tnn kintoi and where is the an irishman tn a former a jdresnthibjcci u retpsn- wjimvf government it will b seen thst ihr lluseof asensiy requite alu an alteration in the executive cuuticil wluch wheu more elevated portion of tbe town th damage is eatimated from 100u00to 1000- 003 hut ifcfj extent was not ufciently under stood at the last dates to ejtimale the amount correctly the public works in the miami valley suffered much the flood in the scioto valley was also very great the ohio sfofrsmon uie an account ot the detraction of eveial pork packing establishment armed to then arc mills bifees fences cropf c loan unpre cedented etent it say the dam that supplied ihe columbus feeder ol the main i canal has been in great daner and till pibl ivxemiou ht been ued lorfay to avc the ahutnient cm the west sciulw- 0w perron has estimated ihe amount of fencing mi pimvtthxvi ihwu carnrd cameo mm eitrct wouw irave lb entire iwa of xh sc m thousand miltt ina island ootetkuftaat m un we have heard the protabfe the bane the asemld altouicr fo amount of co nst if the tooj wa severe the power o lb evwm other kdncbes won m be iiomuimiedj 4tnl then i think your excellency p rd those uiio may haie the latdilioem to altrtrtjrt fircry on your llxy vall w on uppried by u- ilieetiutmfc uf the pole in the jrenl xmise of asjmhlv mr pope cgmiftfjr ms lenjthv epiil of 1xo hroad cotarvnis an a half by llptf futlowin tender rfresliiatiofi i rt a v reffl tbis j the mer ctrr od in e pahlic lluictrs rrcsftluuteil m telefnci wnat i cmknrr io be t ijle tf ttn island j jnlj yaf esceitmcys avtmiu tution of your guvenment i fel it my duty to tender lo oii keeteuey mv icmnatiim ol my seal j a nrtfiir of her iajeyj exccuiive 4aiid a uifiiei unciluf this ir noon wo as below asaorr estimated at from one tv three million of bulien dy a mirk injde by mr ri4i4 tf av in th i warehouse at th west oj the bnde at the great fl md of 1832 llie prestl and was jjal 19 iechrs lumber thao that and perbiik the hiht known since the eltleinul of tbe countiy the cincinnati paper rive an account of the liili n the waters in ltr- eat mumi vbicb rtnxjn murii tlamajp ntaojt itt valley the vernon kiver car ieil away mill dan bridges it one far 11 ei in ih valley lol a lane nutnhrr of aheejt otimalcil al from 3w0loi4000 the stream in northern ohio were also much swelled hy the proitatlrd rains thai winch wilt mo ikey hwme irtrf toe iinnmui iel ir ihe rrrju lr amy is frf vjunieeoi r ilericienciva in fofinei anpnipnulvusim pv of vohli- leer trinpirlahnn tf uppbei c the drain for pnllijtl on f ink of france 1732331 03 47m0m m t4ilair army f ihe navl earvic kor the indian department ftrrutd toulttt f 321 shjnt ts h2tit4 lr l179324 ra 83963fi01i 7i i vhieh fchv otfl lire lapbkhes nir rand mr po in his nte to the ktitvof ajii-sriitibetnute- jhai jiinbyi r m4v nkril in lit jvc f imj eil tej i fhg- ih- p aajmf i i r iii- devalci t4 the 0th jfftra wh supre hy un he rtiei as el et t n ftrmlie4 u both tttal whn rinfiruees all ic ilopateh exc4 tae jat dwniiuj strett 30h iuj js16 mh flooiled that portion of the earth uain but the damage is incojisiitetahlr rompared with that saf the more southern portion nf lhe slaw l ynui drp4ieli ihe apin- v uj lie ifflhat ih fj3htha cilinna tf new orleans have open id a uhvciipiion for iwurd lo be presented tn the french 1 y- olhcen whoso nobly exerted themselves in lhe face vf most nninenl danger lo save the crsw of the l s brig somefs cjed in a iden sqiull oir tbe city of vei4 cru tbe iuoic of tlie oiberarn mr wood fiist lieutenant of ibr rriiiih friite icrdymiou and mi ijhtpiih stlrlj of thefreiiln biigtyhdvi pf tin- tel duwrtlw i tir present r r t uouxul imidy iatue cturaeterli uc auiry in llahia ihriitk llw elie of the pcont yosr rite apeie1img fi will open virh r niwi1u sflirit of lciulive weloni will im nvjwft ipff pmawtat fh 1lwanry dwmiin of inwi eul puhtreati tbi more maai inttf ehsrenf kind lewjaon jilml ritafiisi in irw airmhluo atiun ijl ii mjil bl 1p ibe arfrfmai si jff2c and u pitrifilt nd the ihn i wl hnlc tlirpinn temple when ui eia of uae tui llieir bn- lmjr on ltc taffe nijxl teeiliublc u will im n eln 4tmii nttltj if llnse irtopui li x ilflmvxk ahiill mmhna owo the niwfily if im siint ami infusg norc uorfuaily kvlin 111i our sfiuaia lutl beetle ific ebanaeh of aiivimrneri we hive nteniitineti the unial winter jiiaiiu vtr eoitiu- iiv rsstrfcd 100 we hie nl fctehm nd ktmc altrouciv ui 110 uat ifcefq week ifiret or fur tanoeni icight h- ajafaaiied but lhenllirrif ihetnuoo io rno iha t hwva fmthd a club ua in the fij n yiarei jlw riii4rielsioiloubi amnatd t nhaflll i their jnenihin bat iba aaoiwn will no rj uht p the why forpriira to full bfke too wiatav n ut over od lhe ernj whereof we pretoofl nh lo ffrteloihcttiothnbraerniminjllil haiu- ir ov wio am vtaita ij lha alia rinkniiuaroond ut cuy iaonty intarable oh mtynnro like clct4ic laue id too first ealca ai urim4h are boih roi ri mavnanfa afjiaeotv aiwnnon 10 shming phiim in still rontiniif t it aa statetl on monday that there has only riv eft in theircor the withdrawal of tjs deposii from the siv- iny rank nf parva also contrnne ihe amount of withdrawal dnring last week ex ceeded lie amnunt oi depoitss by ii7x0 sfaln aeeiont io kliet from marri- puwiihra in ikr emmziptttfi x tueiv a tno of irtq unrlkii u iidef iv j aiaaaad nt k of the eelebrted rvxtnti wwsl nvimtaaaii ito 0iq iiuriiinpfhrlyenoeond wlihpleoivof nwmey they pitd forefylhiw ibey cooanniil mtdrd pprrof in 3j ntt crkm ihe ioiel iqreoea nf rfefrii rti dm flaaalffaa by onxol oejr hves vey at pubiiph a isllae frajso i- h wlorb aiatttlhaacsj wyld bud fnc tn ufjietii o tnediato bcvel the juou nod lhe queen a oil lht iliese tfvy rvpt ot hi sjfrii itinj erowil elb neeac tne okaftav fsarfv poblisliet e letter frsm mantetja ihe i3h lto4 ibt o carliat hand if fttt inafl hnl aaivaitvsl in cutstrtotv their vrircrvi- cmlirtvi thccnnmiwimnof 131 tvmliin rlw irihilpiv wl0lfllp iw t frr v n mikinj rapid poeres lhoivhmt aecorilm etaaiasttf n fee iede ipswnari al nft piirn05e 0o dorfatg the ppv m- 11 itntciiy mr tihlr wvaal malta mtftliailli a iniffci mvebeou ifpcted the anfmncetdo mlu mer haasj ilimns 1h wlpc who djred to eivrrtriwne bcoo in hisatttir vib th tttmp ii raiwihvdin m have ukeo mother and frence il ia tauf h 0 teeoncibatioa will tri in ham tal eio difrerrcieea educated men all i aim at is lo muke myself the jnreo and brt 1 f ii sw i r- unir lul lf w ii ummta thai a recoil e 1141100 win hotsc to be so carciess as lo mistake me for hnttly ishc puco boiwr qeo islbelu and lhe iroroiiifllu uly via lie bvwm c 7 h lhat has ribibircd ifvsih in ihe mereantil ran l in sdvanre in ihr price nf lr omrkel wuirh eja th nmt trikioj iiarlfduiof lha fas nciiotwof liverpoo holheorn mid ootla i inlv eiacl 7ta icoon to si atti irelvfl in tail animal- d gne of d v pieshnd n eeeno i flint rinrli eerne woli f if idtmilvvcr wtb akftuii diiy hidfurtobeeimry ci ko iuoi imprttanf- wfluenco on iho pruaiity nf ihervidniry in regod incoimo mppbov of all kind tnmliavn ismo hebl z iboweek in pat whlf i the pnwlroa of esleilv orl rnj pireluu fin lidaiiih ifati prcliy frd chosive to be o careirs a to mistake me for some great scholar have lhe kindness to leave tbem in the clouds by pointing out the error you put their vanily no leu than minci since in mantis of judgement no one ever like 10 be reminded of hli ignorance i know full well how extremely iliflicult it 11 for an engliahma to peafc favorably of lhe irish books and other publication to be rrudered aleable at one time omit contain om deradin notice nf hhmon in many invlati our wa wcpv not ipared theii the member for frontetfac to the editor of th entizh jwij so- i owrve in your lal paper an article coed from the hamtuun 5oecfofur remarking nori the recent apoinlmenla of queens couni which so far as mr kirkpatnck and mr mc donald are concerned is perfectly correct but which seem directed by a strange spirit of prejudice towards the member for frontcncc that pftutmtn i accused of grasping at everything it2 cojld he made tocjniributeto 4 his own advantage or thai of his friends if during the nrfi frfr ma tueiriotu fjonnd of i-npii- iuoseently the hijt c i atrl rjre i wih stsnd at leas as fair in the eyes of the public other member of the house would a either io the jfmue 0 onl ol it who is not cvry day yuiliy of ihe same off n if it be a cnmo in a member loc his moitatknueusexerlion to contribute 10 the advantage ol bis friens kr smith may well be proud of il and glory in it so far from his having derived any pecuniary emolument from government i can assert without fear of contradiction tht the appoint ment of queens counsel was ihe reward ca bom and nncorn prom i ne support of a govern ment which has not distinguished itself sn the way of remunerating ilv friends and that i iheunly nuri of execotire favor which he has received and that he ia entitled hy his standing jt the bnr lo thi professional ad vancement uulesa the speclotor can bring more grave and serious charge against that gentlemans character the elector nf frontr nac are not likely o lose that confidence which they have hitherto reposed ii him one which he ha net betrayed i am sir your obedient servant truthteller kingston 20ih jan 1817 i ems to me might have exonerated whom he pleased from all connexion with lhoe letters without directing public attention to the palpa ble difference between tbe easy quietness of le doctors writing melanhnrical lyle of an i ih man h from the dayaoi oliver cromwell until very recently the british nation took liltle interest either in the moral or intellectual improvement of he irish peo ple and considering the mcouroeraenf jpven to education in ireland that cruel usurryr an wonder ought to be not o much that irish men cannot write we as that they should bel v i abte lo write at ut of conr i am unjer- rt stood to speak of the peasantry the mere irish as they were designated in ancient acts of the british parliament those who possessed means of providing for the education of ihetr sons anej were interdicted by just laws from sending ihem lo school either al home- or in foreign countries gavio the pub lic service some very fair writers eafeem and actor loo men upon whom uependance vm placed and betrayed no irott to enu merate a lithe of these would ukr up innre 10 iho space than yoit pouibly can aflbrd and answer seeing that the names are familiar to many of your readeu for myself i do not pretend to be anything but a plain com mon irishman incapable of smoothing down my style of writing to suit the refined lasle of l promct of a niw eloto lthe ooltxiooi col cuy hna been up tbe ollan ai far hi hutl and aylio eanvsina tbo bbami of lha count if ollwi vv have nnl learntil 1- 1 1 1 liekri titnorl gtlf v come out upon but it i ruotorori lhe he ia ioviied forward by it vvrighi kaj of hull and mr sjitinivt of ajlmer- bylssra ptktt town or city lat ha in its power 10 buiid bat is brforebiod with kingston and hovr happens tait i it because tbey cannot be biiu at kindlon tht question is a very simple one it require no profound calcula tions 110 remote abstractions but a small degree of patient reflection and sober thought s required to measure the evil of the present system anj the benefit such aa it might be attended on it destruction it i a well known fact thai aeveral of our merchant and for warder ara having built at other piece ves sels intended tor the trade of kingston and have fora number of years practiced the same from whence then arise litis evil a serious evil tu the experienced mechanic b it because they cannot be built 0 cheap no there i some other reason best known to those person from which at present i shall abstain siirely while we have such a ship yard aa the marine railway and throe most excellent ones at portsmouth ive cannot lack of competency to build any class of lake or river craft take for instance the lib built at the shipyard of messrs collin and power last winter there is not in fact a betlersailing or fwlbutttvttcl on our lake but instances of such are useless 1 merely mention ihe above fdct as a feeler for these wliie interest it is to fathom the cause of li evil and come out boldly with their view respecting it and i have nu doub but that hero can be some light thrown onthis much lob regretted drawback lo the me chanic nd the public in general when we shall hear the sotind of the maul and the axe echoing from our shlpyardi then and not till then shall kington ba on the road to pros perity truly your a mechanic kingston 17th jan 1847 the capital of great britain iiudon ftandt on 30 square mile of land population 2000000 streets 0000 squares 60 markers 24 houses vftm waterdaily consumed 200000 ipillnna hiifhest land above ibe thames 116 feel wells in depth 30 lo 300 feet opeia mouse will contain 12000 persons bridget churches rw tunnel under lhe thames cost x4160w police 3600 individuals lonteru of st haul weih70n ton st paul dihedral is 370 feel high and cost 750000 custom house ent xt000t0 toi office cost 500000

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