Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), January 22, 1847, p. 1

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tub british whig and umtlskit for cavu1a wbst fc iu m l i mil hi weekly pklntki semi k v i r f k ip- in rldnt by edward john barker m d f tub atnbjfruau in b4gl sii4ut49rui l rvshu iiuajbwaiicsof iflwjttliwfaj f pftijillndvaitcc i no iviior diacnnlimicd unlit strcamco arc paid up niitca at llto nptfftn of the publisher aotbrtwbmests siilirci and under 9ftmmlinwtin and 7u each byaflilt iapfliomiilinolflriotajmiriliemimi and ihjoach tantaqaeni insertion slw um hue 4d purlin fur tho fitot ittmftlhr stye finite and general advertiser forcanada west vol xvi kingston canada friday january 22 1847- pr line fnr each swnienlinilion uid 14 tiw wwmi i advertise intnl without pot ih- directions which ought lo bom writing arc inverted until forbid and chirgad aevirdmgly urtlf fnr discontinuing mlwfilt mom tnbfivon toihc publisher qt left in writing at the office tfir brrnsli whig brine ijtanuriruifl urges ra cieultion no ditfcount wityhc alluwod on adrcrttstiucnts oh my pretext whattoever orders for the urifita ivajir will be received by won of llis lm1 m it in the united province i and ffwiin hnndtd to them will be credited as if paid to the publisher all letters oi fruni agents lo be pest ai new fall and winter goods ross do do military tailor and ladies habit maker princess street t four good jjlhfmjhmii tailor l tailor c opposite mr wiluam wilson weu1xgtos street au work io his line executed with neatness jiritl dispatch messrs stdakt strn8s barristers attqrnfys at law ollcltoto in clfckticory a bankruptcy conveyancers land agzntt s d mitahlrs r i it l 1 i court house kingston chaftles stuart maxwell t the largest i- most variej bbt 00b in the new building adjoining the glasgow warehouse second aso third doors llfcmvf wellington street he subsribers respectfully intimate in the inhabitants of kingm ami the public generally that they have remv to tha abovo premises when ihey dftff offer fur sale assortment nf soakis jlskb lusotf they have yet imported comprising every description of wollen cotton and silk manufactures adapted to the present and approaching seasons which having been purchased bv them in the limlon manchester and giugaw markets and received y tt different regular fall ships arrived at montreal in courso of last oumtb will be found no inspection replete with the newest and most fashionable goods that have yet been imported and from he facilitiea they possess ai a regular importing house i every inducenent is presented to purchasers thnt a new and r 1 j stock laid in under the many advanlacea that nbnyer in british markets can commanjthey foel warranted in baling it will be found second to no house in the trade in price variety and quality- edwin ciiown mayrfactflter tin sheet ico add ctffm wares and deajpcr cookisg and qthe stoves princess street kindlon f milt taiy hospiut bos to return thailw 10 the in- b be trajc a d shaw october ibw v strange matthew dftummond rieir wisti spirit lierthanl welmnoton nritnik nrl lo mr w irawni f- b kayler coach bu1lde asd carriage makers pukcih itsr klhcilos rs robert mccobmick dkliiili 0 1itil iu wixes spirits tws sbocrries kft nilnvbm stiieet- eingstok nt mdfi ciarwrkft hcrrutti allomtyi i inw flimtii it i i john a hagdunald alrxanoer ca s tam is mcmtll an teacher of music piano fortes tuned dlii wm mniluki otikrn taompson cakky general import1ngand commission merchants 5 1 ftnom street nbw votlk a card canadian niuwmck law orlando ware cojfflsiojy merchjtyt and general agent 105 wmier 8leel nbw york wm smith wxtcii mker and repairer- tiihccil t opfpiltr tiiccoichrullch- piant foies and accorjimis tnneil and repaireil kingston april 6th 1846 im- macdonalds hotel late itoiill opposite the city baths klwg ireel tw m perkins academy mr j r a w i n g at the british americas hotel kingston francis v carey md anexm accquchsub b io rewbttrghcamdk est edward stacey from lorbfth merchant tailor oppositt d bryttlt cq k i ng street king chambers miscellany just deceived ol the athcneym ftoftv shiiti iy of mb nd bturtaium tftcm f whtdi 2 volumei fc nu pvblttbcd price li 6d per vnlurtw 4 mvt uternl and pletinjj work hy id he in evety ptonft htndt llil mb 4trd ly iy ool ihillmk iandoii rie october s6ih notice ftlhe business heretofore carried oo uiwlor the nsimo ud firm of hendry fr blacktock will in fotore bts c4intiimcj aa the firmfl of thomas hendry a- ca jamss blacklock cv imbvihf thomas hendry jamcs rlacklocic kington 23rd noremlrtr 1846 wm a- thomson nunssioj m wportwo mkrcwstj 5t broad sire sew york will continue to ive qltention to canadian imports consigned to him tt new york for forwarding fo canada and alio to tho shipment ir sal nf such canadian pioducia as may tek the port for export nrfale mrcfat4 who may he pleased to avail themselves of hisaervicea in new york nhtwmi in ordeving their uoids send his address to their european ship- pei inatructin tnem to send a duplicate invoice and hill of lading to him it ahmilil bu ol5crved that the invoices of roods intended for the new yurk route oui toshow thn charges on aame until on shipboard at the port of expor tation in invoices eoca caae should ln added tin arparately and exiended to theuiiraide column the mixing up in iivmce of he contents of more than ono packaisf tke packing of a whole invniciiidihcnminately orofmorethun one lovtdre in the 5amc cas are all pirint to lie carefully avoided the rewttl changes in the custom lnwdof the united slates while re- puuiiy mnliavomtich ainiplifiefi he mawmnf reforwarding goods to canada no cash advance is now re- ijiiinm n bund of import and export frnmilifl consignee behng the aubsti- lute nik- under tho advalorem duties vf the new tariff will packages have to ho opened for moasuring or weighing afinnerly under the specific duties which characiciized tho tariff of 1s42 to ho improvement in the customs department may ho added the ex- penencoof the past aon as further auancc to canadian importers that they may rely on the ncv york fmim hcing one hy which they can hereafter receive their goods with certain rapidity and economy- new york 23d nov is4g e lobskrvateur fuancais a french journal of tki foutlcal commkacuu affd ackntthc kiwm or tilt wkik of philosophy literature and gmrctinfor motiunfrom froncf gtrmany spovt and cllotui countries ach rnmhrr ivtnuini artlct on engtth mid fnfh mmaai pnhhf ncw from vnriouifulter ciuntricf judkul ftrprt a li iefiy dprtmnt mapmd al a nriinsl work review atnftai a rcticw af tjqmmis gfipinff nn6 aoatjftlrt f h fjinhionibtc world rert of ile weekly menn2if lb frrndtmntftilifr scientific atnitimifti oun rr-r- i report litrw of enciiih und vttntu ami thaiiwi n tfad rve nirrifanwi ar lomxvtrua ftcw i pw- i weekly in london sutvcripttoo sgipet dnum ivwdoh officr 67 mrani khimh dfc daaet critiah vymf oftea november isj patent selpactinb bate r subscribw having securrd a x parent for his invtntim of a selfacting gate which re ceived the first premium at the late provincial exhibition is now prepared to execute such n as he may be favored with on reasonable terms this gate may bo constructed in the simplest style or may be rendered ornamental to suit the wishes of parlies the subscriber will dispose of his entire interest in his inven tion or will dispone of rights for dis tricts only a working model of hia gate may be seen at hia residence where he may also be addressed frederick hutt drumnondyille canada west nov 12 1816 j i353m important to connois seurs in wine just rtctirtd pet ship ecu from madeira via london i hhtl tuyw exlfa old lwdon particulir madcin oth side vintage 1838 1 hhd taylors old wot lodia market do do hniiasqpcriorpcitiii wood bolile kvnb j- ih ale in piota dt u i tendon porter ir do d- thomas hendry it co amrt i3ih 1346 j richardson merchant tailor aolivs sn i biiimsos brock street kingston begs to acquaint his cuitotncrj an4 he iohibilmi of kiitgmoii gtnenllj uui lir i rrccivtil diifd from monlical and new york hit mi m mm mm compiimi a larc assortment of broadcloths carsimeres tweeus doeskins vesting i is grkat var1ctt naval and military cloths or all dccfiptions blue black 8c brown beavers of different qualities all of which he is prepared to makeup to order in the very best manner as regardi style fit and workmanship and at unusually low prices j r would also bee to intimate that he is always in receipt of ihe latent fsshioiis and j he employs only firstrat workmen is confident of giving satisfaction lo a those who may fivor him with their patronage a larc tsmrtment of fcaioncbli buttons trimminfit frc fir always on hand ocloher 13 1s46 i234m princess royal saloont wholesale retail confectionary corner of prinuis and wtuington strtttt the subscriber grateful for past fftvnns beqs to intimate to h friend and tho public that he las it- ceived hia fall supply of confectionary c which he offers wholesale and retail at the most icasonable prices for ready money- also a lot of pitestrveo loutamj hermeti cally sealed and picklid salt watkr saiimon o superirr quality n b oysters luncus fic on tho hortet notice thomas willing kingston nov 16 is4c 136 3m habitants of kington and its vicinity anil the public i general for their very liberal potrnne rfltw he has commeocud buninc and hopc that by unremitting cure a attcmnm together with ihejusrrleeavf competent workmen to secure a cotitiriuanco thereof e c- keeps constintlj on band a general assortment of m wif jih makei to nnler tin eavr trough gtottfiy and tin stove furniturci c marking plates of every description ecuad in the nearest manner work f every kind in hrt line mauo to order with runcioaliry nov ii 1s40 133tr h mathison- merchant tailor woum rerpectrully announce to his customers an i the public in general that he ha received a very superior astnrtmcnr of westofenblad beafer cloths black blue green and browns alio a very choice asorfmeti of superfine broad cloths cassimorrs aftfl fancy trtmsfiinr with a variety nf wiirer vesrings all of which will bfl made by htm avcordinc to the newest tylc m fashion and ort rhe mom reasonableteims kingston nov 27lh iblc 138 6w fall importations fresh grocbriess wholesale isd retail wm martin corner of king and brorfc strtctt mcrktt square kmgiton c w becs in lite put tik l no 7 rfml rirtdflr nl lnvn tit wr imw bm fm nl ftflo hiw0 why nf ftlic fur ih vtri tiliffnl ixtrintvt in llkp t ifctn ta hbw book just recfivku at the atiienrum j book stdrb tfttmlni fmutwtnz ifopor net vilct cpi pmil tiy alttnmle nm ia prt u uh mlon l f iy 3 ottbi chrvaliei u by dft cnwt it mottle cliriiti w d tjiclhreo iuntmen iy iifpcndi and sir rirt f irum mmijcio antaieef y fiavgr i3 heildhbovf hy g 1 k j-ine- th squire uy mm pickennj sceuck m the iwlty mnmuii q fitnl mexrt a r liomliey naitwi r keu httmr kmflu by tlin rl tmtf it ami lluwr by lott jhhen nr mevi f tmtefc tnfrtker wlilt i avarlmat if aonotf iwiki luiubts for newywe ftj chrmm also ft pest ttritiy of cih ntmj rr w nnil ifwled to hm aurinz ihc jvasr two rtr nnil wuuld mml ropetrn1ty inform ihern ifut he l il rvr cited m lart and varied itnek f gnuceriks wines and liquors cofnnfihir follow bontvaad toimfidwav ivfc msdeirn sirrnr mtujlap niflnlt cnii jniitnie spirtts frtclvtne dianiljr ourdv cannae do pitr rnndy gntfinti srmcli whlfcfpi hmundagliii sabfhairt- pepptrminl rini cnnmlian wliukey wj t soufm aivivc simk af lvjws nil liour ntni hpvirij1fcren imposed dire turn llmtujn rnnfiitcne ii rae lti n frce fntiii r1jlterliin the finnckstf fftuiti ac 1tjtr rwrn rfirrfiilly ev4 hy hitiuvlf in the yk wion nd mntrehl mrletts rn be recommenced as lnnjf of the teas i tkas ksrt tmperol old hrn yeuna myioo gunpowder t poc i h4vj i i fi prkie sirhonij injpny 9nd othtr trnv r reel svcjis lof trtacb fruits rnifint irn filbert p fif almond et anj bintr nrhed oianye leinrn nnd ciimr ffffn olive tid oils vktl f every iu ptckw m rwi vffifiifll sooted csftil lodifo hnvnitt srrobltm bfihr snec vvprtmr fwa pluylng ctrds bucking duck ll ir ac fish sea ailmaf ielifiite hereinft nnerh sbre llernnfi dbv 00 lukeck lie t w v sad hndfiph cruaaprn priaalfe mvtnte rejuliat nharitnfe pjinteli punulini ktenntbm wcdvitle ls nftont a in 14 snd be tobaccos roimrd sod gmund cqfltfh crmhed and m ov0p ti urf mrf theki pfrp bmtiit i a- mi r tmrnintr i be f it- iie ititeilv t wnrth f ntrr t inird rf fiveriif giw id mettrtlfr nf until it iiirnifirv aifinn tb iov rrrtit nf bi ftiir in ttjii stinraptrt ehmil4fm in m fftvine thtf n jtttirf4 i tlhekve mrnoc from winch hmmafcatfct fjiwtn ejlrjfu fotni am eirinifl rfeeptml rpnblienl eiifiemn in pofly frfm ific nitruurtn tht iitd uitenep w emtihnl1v ititienthhetl ty tr ii yrd jiln un i rdt ferl in hlo lr iivvrnritfit nf jiiiiten hf iii return etl fri n bwt itlllii whefif hiitlijyeif llie cnoei nbilvi and mrt wttli vmrii ounn pkif wl he 111 tetverlv ihrrti uir wt tf irfdm wbieli he fiirj pr itetj bimeff jji i lb o r pegs i h bib rate of rltfiy and li h hfihf ti mireof rendering lrt plaba serviee o i hi e-nnntrr- jini ii iule jitki vanld piieh s cbnrprfr invr eef peveld and tn bill poiwe iold t jmyi riiittctturd r rierftine a more ie ml rittemt polkf wdrtpie liy ihr flrvwcfhfl lirl meireifc m with lha full fiee onm- lered pnrer f nretmpuhiif in hie in itinner 9ml ttrmtant tn fjs nwfk dwreiinn the ijret tbject iif his itiiiiimlmmi of the ppiiii f ht rtvloktiin nnt1 nf rb diefliin and iivrr enfl- fided tii linn b- eiven his nwn rescrrlnn in bis answer n en irideu hirh n iu i n i flind it m prerilei1 hint bv ibe jpi r prnpri- reidrnl in ivwvmv i wn ebaied br pt majrjiiv tvrnorveiil wlh a niitxinn of peuco and rcrorir ihstlwia it it saeelr noeiwe to oattorita n pobfic tatfl m hill nf jitlteiltkt anit requiring th votesna und eiircic nf ifbsqv hiph and fre nnilltre for im nifcvfjl rfiehrce a tlta gnvcnment itnniaica at the lime it w undernkn by lord metcalfo some aceaiinl bt br en given of the difficulties vhieli attended tho government ft every wrt lhin cnlnnf nd of lhrre wlitcll wete iiccuimt p lbs i nf jamsica it tiwd t na j1t iho nttotof gnremor independently iiir ocrnlnfttd bv snv pnriioour anebviee irfqntftff ftanhnefw i apk he bsmhl coitertilv rid drnwn ht sarch rhr i usages nf li mftcv nr lit i l i fbisv pre- lhe halt k r t quabiv ptiuli nov m phinteits i the trsde npplied virb jtl qushlies srotch and lh uoilt athensum book store dec 17 1846 vennui f slat revendidt ila knney eir cut mnney w and a enm lie chewing j and ladr tkt beatairlatll sod canaslm torkitli anil l ttmpoe maeentmy rtrnee ami j rcntfth niift tviih a variiiy nf hhtf golt i numernnt in mvntinit all of which will it wlvileafitenr ri at the inwett remttrterauvp riera hit motlo bting lifar aveanjoaict tavern iceenpeianrp1ndn rivx ttfen forwarding notice 18 4 7 on itaopenincnflbanaviealimt iht undermined will cfiare addd that of tho diffir event ia ittrlf f an pcenlitr n cltsrarter ai tn re quire rwinenssderahle alinrc nf tentper and addret 1 well as jndirmrnr he is the refirtentitt of ira safssswii mvmtad with moy nf tlie ajteetitive tnwrranf hie anvereintr- ho rnuet ennmanlly be it enduel maintain the ffinitv nf husove with cither the afnciely detach himfatf frnni lb emnmiifiily rer whieh i ho pre sides billm fenreacntatitanf fata snverrn it ra necessary fur um t irirl acninm a pnililityof in frequent and familiar inrrtcourec witli indivi- dtinu impairing thtr reprct fnr bim and his atifhniir rinj at ibe same pjh rt i o deprive hmbsriflf iho friendly dippiaitinrj and canfitenee nnthrir iil wbirh that iniereniirso miy cntbk bim uiit bepeinlly mul he prriminnr knnwnvfr iwinnlivcsand vtwanf individuil with whieh this intafcourss mny ftjpply him frnm eirrcivint teet reo ne indeed niy ifijtnnbnt inflnenee nn it pnliie rmidoet it will le cen hiw welt qualified 1ird mtenlfe was in aumionnt and haw aucccstftdty ha dtf eurmnt all thrse tlftenltien tthaabeefl stated lliat the hilleven willi the amednient it received in ihr i1ce nf iwl wa u merftfi1citt with the itihonsiilotjnnal rihlnf jamiif that it waa apprehendetl ibore would le jjraat rcbieiane ntt the part nf the assrmmy i feiiiiim ihe eierrio i ii legislative mcoiip lat4r itt- ikfelt rtnlhiti a in t it rurtf nf that hruly in jut l iiia mernbara in ovcnn i rlp 4 tl on lr miiatcd l t they ahutd nm bo knnwnv tn linia whinandlbaoierit in which aoeb intinaeton hmild bo gi- wre oiwata ihe rui ffaia ptavisth ikhhtfvui jodfmcnu bot ihia raesree wn aecrjtnpanij w an muh kinincaa ontf craiknsmaf maanevt llnl il attencad t jm- tntmrnl nr rnnrtifiratnn in i oilirinc frst invijbt bttobi vrrwa whieh wtaavuarbt aetwet inierciarw wlb lyvd mdcala wuld not iv it to ailify iup lira any auiilpt lettcit ami him njnnktna whirl be rttd ant dca- woejd ufwwly fruiilcm annoier c nt ei injjriona tn h fntrmtiont lb m rly ninny vea the lutjy an4 oati ihsfs wbirh ivarunrt fiinned of the mntittt ond cmiluet rf coimiinl wirltur it ha lieo baea lai fr if lent tn reprcwni tjwpe bridiea a tnfltirioed bv r hnvtil laslinci where nniurh fuin f nl inexeiic tlir tblticuhi in i i m iir their fnvcrnnint wd uetenlfeiadmii irali fl wa clrarterie1 hv the fiiidmir wiiu which ho 0t4hy4ital tlie mrsly with winch in ilia ennimo nkmrpimt ii uft alcy ijvernmrit he rfpre- knterf nndilkimfiinioiliiehnnraftmnd fam iff wiih wbih ite viitiedtrflriir nmiiveavnd acta nf um j imic irgiplturr nnj rrpcllrd tw prrju nieaa hi mticertatrna ami etu r ty wihrh it hid itvrit eaiw lfc ltnfht id bio idimmiiriiirtn and neve failed in evince a enn- l rey cl f r 4p iaitil j tho cejkiy tnd tne shietvaa enqmtlialiiff in muntainin iso jvi rijht nf ell clume of lb cmnmnnitv ilvr liiilv jtvernienl rontimird tn hinithat tia limirdioanitfricc he o well dvetved end kt litl ti etry not h wr nnrt hen cfsir ibnl ittinciplea trf invcrnincni ti cherr l m his noht u-ndcr- lakiiy tn heatnw on the alssiamjf iht moot efmfitytaf mrard for their aaadact od tn tiro them il hiihcm ianrine of rhe cnfijeno nf the e tho rnyol apccoh on the ntnra lina nf ptrliamciil rotainel bof hajtfltkl era riniia jiptmibnto tf lf chssoritlfq oid proved musotthfl letfitalore xnsmjad wtjre tjio principle n which bo ad- minveret the nvrrnmcotht fitn and i r wtnieritifiibnc frud in him if i armibly ihit r ii vl i l i thci waa dit the stihiral inteiiuplinnnf ihr mvt perfeet btrmon bhirfen him and the dilfaem vraonhea nf the rfiutnrr fe bid the mtuotlop nf wilncinp a iiinti hcorfirieot change in ihe mfinner thcons andtjurit in whielt tle ada of ni leria- intnie wereeominerl ebjecuonatn theio irojted nod amendment required by llto pnvcnirocnt the acta laoto not at hefre at nnco dpaoivd inii the pmnnsvd aoenjfnnia were made the uk- jeetnf recomm bv commnnicelinnel ihe fegist t t ure fmm llieiremnr the aatetnbl fell thia rhnfe nnd met it in a cnrrevpoortinf rjl which totthty dippnscd tem mjdopi tho tcom- tnrndatinna nf lirt tnvetnmeot havinff fnllv snd efteelndlty aecomphahed ihoj anufl nod christian pwpoar with which he ufldw tk the nnbjntip duiiea of the fntermneot w reigned it in jmr 1843 the ai stem wiieh h left jan nnlresicd w hh that in which bo fnvind the eikoy on th rummoneeoient nf hio adminstraijfi l n mi r- reward hccsipto jamiaat s lma wlteo her iciialalion wna out- nenrfed mutua feelioa nf dotrutl and jealousy rfiafurninx ivit only ilrf retaiinn hotweeo im trnvevtvw and be irfialalnre but all the aofciat retatinna in the colony when laws tvera reqmnid fnr the altered ft a to of aoeietr snd when iho tranquillity nd rviatenco of tjieenlnnt weropccd io the f renleal jenpirdf when he reeifnod lho ffnvcrninant there jid been rffetod a perfect ra- ennciiialinnnf tho cohmy and tha ii- enontry r riir and harnmy and j j feelintrn srn r api elates hod been restored jefilatir had born roomed lawa had been passed adtpted to the chaun whicli bin taken place iu the tfatial rojo i if ma of the inhabitants and tho cardial and nrive eoopetaiia nf the ibj had jwil afforded itniwithiiandinr tho naneial difllculiie nf tbecdnnv la cxlfndiqr at a jreal cott tfca meant nf rclif im and nvwsl inolruetion nnd in makinf the mt vntnnhlo impcnvemenlt in tha jndirial oyttein he quitteri the hvpoaof jamie beloved rrrperte1 and icvcred with a ffraiiloo atil real atuchoot whiei few public tncit cvoe eijietienccd i i nfjammica raied in him a monument which iniht mark their grvte hil bailmfl tu hi nwanwi bui ihcro io onraven nn ihe hbirtf f ibe nohiej nf jamaico aaattppr mcmnnal in llvtanratamia rtitnde and eetecm wiii wbtcb thpy will feol tb enhhin bwains nfhis iivcmmeni and recall hi chrnaianehariiv ever tirv ireisnd in nuvrjtine individ04t ditrcsa nia kiuihiea n i i v i in privalo life and hit munifineiit smmrt of oil their reli ctons and chaolablo inritiluiranf- ind nf everf tfiilian t which iwitlscvit- r ir v that rcbicinee ren bents ihov hd prsrlie fj amealfa ftilnny i atrivftl r london annuals almanacs e- km 1847 cchalmrrsrcpp ialimata thai ihcy liave asm jot l band the follow mi sptcndid annuals and new il lustrated works vir ttto keepsake itnnk of beutv fiohcrs draw int srr juvenile scrap b acko nminno f- r fiitu art uni ps annua oriental alburn part i f tableau 1 j jr ait union vol fr ld43 also- painch peckel ibk and a vriolyof pnckol bookf and almanac for i7 ah0 a eerv extenaiva oatnrtment of juvenile and illustrated books btff pre- ocntt all of which will be oid k moderate pricce screm st james street mftntcnl decembers fresh gr0ce1ues the subscriera are now recoiving from naw york and from mtm- ivesl their fallsupply of fresh teas sugars coffees wines liquors je c vwa they will sell on their ustial reasonable terms wholasale or re tail thomas hendry 4 co nov 9th 1846 popes journal of trade t 184ft a fcwcopiesstilton band- price three dollars r- 4 c chalmers mnntrca1oet20 soda biscuit cjf boxes fresh new york soda biscuit very superior fur sale by thomas hendry co novtraj 1846 n timber island otice is hereby given that in future all persons nutid cuttiiiij wood or otherwise trespassing i 1 1 will b prosecuted as the law directs j swetman light house fslse dacks dec 1st 1s46 1402m barkers black varnish now that winter i- set in the time to use thia celebrated varnish for boots shoes c iscome its use pre vents wet feet thereby preserving both the health and the pocket sold wholesale and retail at the atuckrum disrvnsafty bagot street kingston nov 2 orders for books c hc chalmers respectful intimate lo v i- gemlemen and othera i i irmj nf piotunnp books frtim enlind bv the 6rti sp4inf stnpa that ihey will mhc up their firat order on tho24lh inatant by tho january mart steamer orders its received for all tho london newspapers which will ho detitored to sub- acribere in montreal putiefe froe n the arrival of each mnil no- 8 great st james street moinr new goods thomas little merchant tailor begs to announce in lift friendo and the customers who have favured lam wiih their pairoti3e that he has re iprnedhis estahlishmeit in princess strrkt where he hopes 1 meet with a continuance of their patrsnae hia ritctk comprises a- that is new and desirable in his line sid otters great iimltcemciits to gentlemen wishing to obtain dress articles of citthing being cut and mado up under his own im mediate inspection and at such prices as cannot fail to injure him a continuance of that support which he has hiuiertu received youths clothing made up in a aupe- rior style ladits hiding habits naval ard military unironws livus c ice made up to order in the onh fishiorahlo manner and on the nvt reaaenablc terms cx7itbein necessary ibt a account incurred previous id the 2th october last should be iromdiate- cloied all those indebted to him at ili period will pleae settle their smosiiftj before the 1st day or january enstfjng s after that date they wtll pass iti ul hand for cohenion n r four or five stv workmen wanted to whom gonstanf employment will be given kingston isth dec ijfj u6t i i ir of freight hetween slnnlroat upwards rif iron rriek ciai sailed fish pitch tar and retin- m bar iron j 3d mearv hardware i n cmcbert rhi hjop and sheet imn nod roller plato lo 6d dryciids tilatt sjvd powdr 2a od sell in boss nr i vtlijar bf or jii la fid downwards perbarral nexl sfmg lh fnllfiwine nd kiuvitn per cwt it ja 2 10a d ld ilrataf fk and bef per barrel tbccit oei htul hirter and lard par keg wlcm end other grant per co iu 0 oa- oihtr pnteov tn proportion inpuiance oitro macphersoy crane at co lluoker holton ea co h jonksjgck- mnnlrea december ii 1ig 143 bo oritiab wbif and british colonist will cop v a card the sutj5crirer in rettirninc his mrt grateful thanks in llto inhabitants of kiogstob nnd the public eenerally for the very liberal patronage e has received from his commence ment in business to the present would also lnp leave to state tha he his in ad dition to his former stock received a lorc and well selected assortment of almom every article in the grocery lino and also state that from his ixjirience for many years in sotuc of the fnrenmst mercantile houses io the old country feels confident that all teas sugars cofpees spices wines liquors ttt o purchased under bis own inspection will by comparison prove tbtj necessity of giving bim a cll before pnrchaitif elsewhere in concluition nil bu ashs which be does most rcapttcifutly is a fair and candid trial of ins various camphine nil constantly on s by w t- o s bourse epiemner 154 the result he cannot doubt will promote mutual confidence and be his successful advocate for future patronage robert allen brock street kingston 1st de 11 u 2m to let a laoje itvd story bruk building situate in queen street next door in mr cellars house- rent 21 per annum apply fnr particulars to cspt hornby prince street or at the athenenn print injr office m kinjoton dec 2 1846 tf piano forte for sale a splendid tone grand action piano forte fur sate cheap applyat place dearms opposite the royal engi neer department kingtm june 5th 1846 rsiietirneoiif itto jndictona and eoecllatot rnn- hart nf 1d mrtftlfe enrl nf the sm in which ho intended to adtnmivlc m c- ff thevr wae a patv nf nnmemen nnd eaileitieo rrtine cnokidcabfe prnficrtj in jamaiea ami nf treat inflnenrc in england at the head of whnnt wa that riertlent man tha into ji i tif htrewivitf wbn isid iirn itvslf mnul cnrditf min in and aclnf p4rl to the svnt nf enlnny in llweepswlsm in the nieatiiee fnr saaspfrvrltfrl the tcifrletlvo iho ataemhlv vhcy had ihut r cuitns im ihe grateful attcn ivm nf the lef uolwi of jasmom in an ornrt antlafrerttnmaieapoeal ti il h a ami r rhv weed that body lo reaiime ilslceutuiiuo the aonttlblf aoii ua cnatiuicnta with ihe eenrmily wlnvh has evrr ditinfjnibrd them ant wiih a crtcful avnae of the j they bad received fmin ibis party fvlt ttir fill force of their appeal lard metcalfe by mo judirmaeafiddel in rpiium ta the bill by ilia cwnailiatory apirit which his whole conduct nn hi arrival el januitca and firat meeting tho aaaeinhlv evinced and by hia oc ea in inipriaini the inrnther uilh llie leliff thai ler mjeit gnverinnrnt w3i inflorned be uioamrenirflinppifeilthrm with mcb eon 5doce in the princjffle nn which hi c ornment would bo ndnnnittered tnal ther did not inaisf nn their okjreiinnf a ihe bill but iesrved nn retnmine their leialalinei tho did return it they fcivc bim to ion bis own language their hearty mnpnf i and active rnnpertn in adopting and carryinij tnln twfi t the viewo nf her mrlvo jnveriiment and in paitinr lawa adapted to the ehiinj which had i plere in the anciel rela tion nf ihe inhahilatits of jamaica flefnre ve mate the rvfmcidr on which he an u and eaovator to roprraent the value of thnr aervi cc which by it administration he rendered to his enunirv wo would orient oume of thoae qaalitieo estcntial in constitute a great ttalraman with whteh he wa mou richly cndnwtd he wm entojpted with nohlic duties nf great ratponpibilltv be felt thai iho fncnltieo nt bis mind ought tn bo iwiinnly dedicated to the diacbargenf those duties but thnt be ougbl in bestow nn thrm that ctlliva i i and inipnivcment which could enable his country to derive tho grcitctt benefit fmm them tic acquired the power nf lahine an enlarged and rnrnpfclmnfive view nf all the hearing nf every qticminn which engaged his attention and he r ercircd that owcr with great pmmptitudc he r1tincihed and afparated with great facility and wiih great accuracy what was material from whit stm nnt in formine bit jodginem da kept he mini alway oo well regotaicf and it i riiifi- v under bio cnlmlhe pre aervorl hi temtf an ratm and onmffled he resih rrl an piicccohihy the appmach nf prrjudice that jic waa cnabcil tu penetrate inbi tho receea of bumn rndict and mntivra and to accora tho flmai mtifnttr annwledgc and the miat practical espmicnre f ntsnltind tvrd mriealfa mhrwevi thedictnlcanf bia natu ral 1iencvuknc nn ira than ihowof his excellent jitttnent in upilyin t lhnporpnev and in tbia manner itio gtent kiowledgc arid cxpei kneo of munkutd tje rcv upon which tw noen a gnvrmor baa made phjiwrca nf k dininisloitioo hi been llie hni ipi nf iudivdmi1 tr fflmilies upon whom he wiurcd his ejrrhimvo eanfidnncc tic jea- hnv and invy which thia preference eicitcd in r i i r 1 ia eitnstitiile the unly or even ihe gnrvirai pari of the evil tlie elccted few were derueuf making theuie1vcs of importance and inducing bim in value their suitport a etfentui in the oucecaa of his government with llnavicw they attributed in others unfriendly feeling inward tho governor which ihcy never entcttained and endcavoeed to peraoadc him that ihay wore ihe only pcrwmton whom ho could rely- their pro fatiions seiroyed him into tho great error uf too wion and loo freely making them acquainted with ihe lism and designs of hi govaromenl lord mctcako wa loo wie and too luit to have any fiviftrei u ard all hcoeled wilb a frankoe aicccrity and kindncaa which made alt couthi bia fnend lrd metcalfe united with lingular eouanimity of temper an extraordinary debtee of tejfpnpacaioni he never wia betrayed intn an imimatn of htsopinionsor intention if prudence england a nu merous mtitjf of the jiirmc v nd mrrche4p waahchl d nn addrea preaenled in turn iu ibtnch they nrtred him the tribute of ikeir warmeat and irttneyrtt graiiiiwla ffe iht benefiia whtrh ha bajtriaarrrfd nuihceiny hyihe oniineat talenta the wc and jntt and liberal princirleai which made hiendnymialrajknnnf the jnvarnmeil n mev in the vstonj aod had aeured bui tha artoeliim of shejaaoreaf ii- n hf- welt as the high approbation of hia aavpreign hie onawer in the addrea waaa brauttfiit i i t- irniinn nf lie imattcicd mndetty of the kicrfnoao and henerolenrc ivftips ibaqsaimii and nf tho nrinciplta which influenced hia adrainretr alton cimrced by her majttya gnvernment wih a mitnoa nf pree and recncijiiinn watrtrr in janwca with rajhta nn tho doiiea whieh i had topertwin were oh t tout my fil pmecedinga were watched with aninmv bot aa they indicated goritlwill and a fair ppiril rdnained hearty eitp- pnrl and en msattqik my 1ak in acting along wiih iho ijunt which tnun ied the cosny was ey internal oirtrcncra were tnjoitrd either by heme iffy to llie natural pmgreat nf aflir during which the respective parties were enibed in apprehend their real interest n by mild en deavor tn uuvte harmony nd j j o dis senaiin the loyally tho gnid aenae and food feeling of th enlony did every thing fhe hencheial rfteeia of bia ad minnx raton dm not eeaae nn lua reignatirn tlie principle nn which ho bid conducted it were ouch that an adherence them cuuld not fail to oeeuro oiniilar ertects in every succeeding government it teas his great object to cultivate och mutual confidence and good feeling between her mctya joyoen- mont and the lcgwdalors and all eutstt of iho fully conducted the covernmcnl nf jamaieo wf- aa would influence and lo apoarent in loo view ana meatuncs or th government nd ao would occure the cordial t e r i nf tho i lalttrc in adopting ibem in promoiing lbt oljrct ho was ever anxioira to ouppty tlie gotornmenl with thnte meana v bt uical inrmation and experience contd alnno furnth or tuj onoor alandiog sad jostly appreciaiin tho views and rneapureanf the asocmbly he wo aenibly atlva to whlver mighl impair the confidence tha government in that hndy k was hts deaira iaj convey tho mnat faithful represent a i inn a himself twa to correct any nvareprvaentatmo conveyed by others in o word it waa hia constant object lo keep llie government fully and faithfully informed of all which would enable it to justice to tho colony uirtil ijrd metcalfe adminariralion hsr majstya gnvernment never understood and never rightly appreciated ihe moiiveo and conduct of live b of jamaica and never did ihey know the coundence whieh mifbt hetlnwed oa that kiislaturo ond tho allpowerful influence which by moana of that confidence could bo ex crciecd nn it icgioletion the oundatinn fnr the mnat r i ul because tbc mavt beneficial gn vernment vraa thus perfnanentfy laid by lird metcalfe in elgin succeeded lrd metostfe ao gn vemor o jaoioica hr had uie u to ibltoy tbo exauipte of hia prcdcccspor and adopt his principle nf government and pursue ihe path which ho hod opened lit administration was uninterrupted by any rnoundcrelanding between ihe ftji government and tha assembly it merited and rteeieorl tho npprobotinn of hissovcf iijrn and ihe rratitudo of live colony more than six yeorsj have ejapacd sines lsird metcalfe entered m the gnvenmentnf jamaica during that space of lime in ihe former history nf the c atony uiec wero frequent disanlutiooo or prnrnjution canned hy sumo dispute itetween tbo government and uc assembly or between lbs difjcrent brauclkco of the tegbletare since iho nppointnicnt of vd metcalfe nn misundervtand- ing ini arisen but perfect hirtuonf boo prevailed amnngit thcin bui oa tho beneficent cffcete of hia fovernment arc not limited in their duration to the lime an neither are they confined io tho colony ro whirh it wet administered tbc same experience of ito success and the same crnisidcnitioos no lass of interest than of duly recommend and otcuro uo adoption of ila principle in iho adminieiratinn nf the government of every other colony ea well aa of jsouiic stkh wais ihe impressiun with which the othsr briliah colonies regarded bis adminnllra

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