Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), January 19, 1847, p. 2

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laltvvsn sympathy in canada from lird dorhmm9 nrl viih reprt tn the mhrr nnrth american f tea i aritl riot peak such evils u immi- aibtcatit i r t ilne ihftt whlf hi dia- ent 1ha mt he rin itiililinfl wwiti w tii env ftif natkrn the itrinx feelint nf timel tn ih rriiuh tiw and inpir ltd thnnjphnut h- trmt the north am ft fiovirre i i nvevit 4ino the ilrilitli lxii i 11 v ion faf lh mother cunlry i pffeanre ttt it iniltiutinr wh m aiiti pliy m the ptjt f ihr imperii govern- ntmav tnv lb fninidlin of if huinraw nmniint r hot von lhi linf ime impaired and i murl warn iht n whnt i i f itttir avstfirje retia that i blrrlitnee tn tit nlurndurinir inytvy of nor fvinen may i earrird ton f ii nni pi- tn tiend camp lhfr tf and to tha bimralvm nf the ivuh provinces rwhrrc in jffl mebihrh1y rrwlratl m iri pnmpentr nf the suited state kif hmit be roiv f the pfc naifrs i tcaflifaltlh hud ftoeaainn n refer v ihia on 1l i hive nn hnltatctj i d thuigh no hjil pfiuv in ii eoiintv aih firm attach 1 0 lit jiiitnlir cn be vf dfelv soek ahl tte nvthifvinr ndm ui i f jiifcriitil ivtiptim til ile1irt m duty l your ms c 1 shnrdd jive bii n imperfect view nf the tcoahtini f three priiviiirr t in delad ttmtlir fifli wilnnrit h6 tla fl i mhi tlir qrirrt in hvit wlo abf d fliilr aji tin xpcrictc thtr lufiucitca it i n trie viynltj in btdt irm ynt mijt 4fkwifl ihcxifuri i f f i rhtiui it i yiui mftivi porftr it i in yur mitjoi- fn it fnyi be reollcifh hl llic niltiml titt wmmhf rviwfn tba j ju ppiibunn f 1 x vt vii th iounbitnm uf il ttttuur ff lh htftq r prciitlj almn- nil lo thay vpik ihr fnc nnu iwmc on lf litf tlir mint origin nd pfcsefyv tit t curiam and bhkui bimheie i a pmilit niiin if l mrt j tt re it if the pffpllt 11 llli two rumnuiff white ufife trtcn nf driluh territory profkleft by anwtein eiti- who fjlitl fcrett ijl a r v t coonlion with r lunrimliiiil fundt llie n state t1uh wa etnizrafi foo grat bfiuin wne thorn tuc qrtfo1 oaiuvm aftf umvilnc 1i to ri- i- fmri for lit ir m and nrvitjr nd imov if whom iiatc et iii iwjy akh slravs nithrttimmvtirf wem itn thojt aboie on the tbfr kicfe of the tier 1 hnd fa meani rj fiunrtiot tli rri ee or tfiih in hpfm hatctnetiti whil i have d ttrrun the nnmber f fifth emlled in ihe e of new york but it i mnmoulr aaaerted um i m t jhin 40000 lh m the itiihii iatstie the intercom taiwcn itiree lwi aima of wti ii in fcl an identical ptpunivm itieunt nrf utrimtpil tc kirjf towltip mnnr fri iii united ee by an tmciotr 1m a it prt of ihe jwr of ltpp- caoiilji hy liver which are w m t mmntea antl ita tt hr uka elimteriktirjlv rt kraftf pawt be en th mliahilanitfif erh j eeff mine j c0pmion lrio khll in eoalftvu wilh hoi atim i the rf mda f tha hoe fia rfaiiy ma f ire country ate iiife hy ihe firudue rtl4tm4miail lh hale if irde and the iirtftaafii othtn hwfo cimnitin wnitiht rfiumt i um iit nf rdl etfiinu xtnnr catena f ihe her thi ncaiakta rir-tt- 10 v pceriotqiiton the ikamtl a rat the t wl- atxtti thai ihcr iveh f na h htvrffctl m ihe tti- eiciiio 0 tjm rghh m ft i ttm otrmen haee eerpl them ill ay had they been en board the poor man wej perfectly irenm but the iiinal rcitxratirea keinf apphed in ai tv houra lw retired and ta doinjr vml many nf the aurei- or ha been much injured hut ell their wanta hare been moot kindly attended to by the cftaat guard at danny core when ihe unfortunate eiaol airgk oh the mck lietwen fiv ami aii nclnrk nn fridj mnrninf her bowerit fe aod main maati and rnundhiit er alrnntt imme- dtuiely awepl nruy and with them ait uf the c mtl one ni fc mr keina in aftf the iii wife ehn wj only a l 1 1 mirriedi re wavkad uterlvard tha captain nw c- nf the erriv aacd ihemehrre by jumping ffim the vee no lh rock hoi how thav fit op the cliff 150 fel hich and aimed prprodietllt lite aatonhhinvnt of ill the ehip had been a hrtutifid it and wa rnite new wsa hrr hire trip in the timber trade- she wet if 604 tont rrjutar aid hid on board about 1uo0 torn of unawi sine ihe ahir wafl wrilttn il ha hetn fully aoccrtaincd that two ectteu har foundered it duncen poini not one anut eaecd out of either your obedient ecrranl onfrrtpottiij of f bn id with rii it llin mtelmfn a pnlan4l nej tiri i efib unf feel eoime o whi pi utrrt u n in e nf rolhrml if rem l intom n infhty rmopiir em the fflnnee ut hary i utim tfot of itt prpiant yirr ihe eithlielta nf it pfav re ealenliud m a bni irritify hit ttatmal pride hut li frek iwl ti ii thirmjhr ir one f remote tmierjev l crchc hm pafny and inanv itr jlniriref in nowrr n pmepiiiy hi that in ha nvrnntit he hit own irtlryiiitji tmv nn rice lvmlt hia neifs n ifte ot nf thr ftimoff auma im lan- fnii ii nntin that in te eiermea e ifttjiltttr nn ihe couitcit tnd that he hintftlf e me tlmr m ihe onward pm rta nf a mhly n hecotintat fcela lh 4pdenint- inflneiie ji narrow ami u vnlm lie cmnniniiy to which hni in hiinwnend m the turroundmr onict wofiolli ptty object ocrnpymj petty lavy nnd divided thffttiitt ami it i only en tie chance nf ttiiincerininandurilr cun mrclifi hnnge intnience nf trut ha paatrd nnoth before on the iiitef tiff nf iht atuntie ii lit it reminded nf hi enipir with vrhieji ha cmnccled hut ihe mrrlafttet nf the unit itea atlmtinif him nn evj uri and ia fnr tee tent it citenda itlf at pjhiutivn titmnta b inlcrtirac increeiei i penexatet eeery iimr or hi mntinenl int frl ah the realleoa irtnt aiherm ieitti ittteb theoeiilrt trader u nbu in th ihe iriniactmn of mtk rcermmthe important npci of tha mwi v tytltm 6iwn tn the miur drlafrnf ordinary tac il attmpt am all ihe habit and pinion of e aarnitiortiof fountrret the enrmuvn chtrtrtcr ieeof ihe ibouhit reeling ttrt ciutimttofihe mtiicin wjeple suh it n the mnv et which rreil nalinn eiercitt on the email 4tirptfnlir which jrrnund it a ihoufhu td ajtmnbjbctla them ertn when immmauy drptodentof lit tuilajfily readful shipwrecks and loss of litg to tae editor of tit ctvk cmtitvti dwiiftttui u morraikwi 3 ims important from mexico from tht arw york ifcrqu washington jan 13 tv u s sleamer edilh h orrited at n orleinv she left braxo 30th ult and hrjnjji a con firmation of the reported advtnce of sjnu ann with a urge force upon saltillo the mxicri army wi reported nearly 3f000 tuony i centaylor wa only six or eithl milcion hit march to victoria when gen worth exurem reached monterey the tronps under tv quitman were hul 12 miles in advance onlert were immediately tsiticd to hit diri- tion to retrace their ew and proceed imme diately to saltillo fien butler hd already marchet with all the troops he could coiled to join general worth gen lane iated for saltillo with hit com mand on the 20ih marshall t out the next morning with the remainder of the force except hunter ind swartwotiln command the troopt from camarjo are riiihin on by forced marches to reach saltillo iti time for the battle report had prevailed before positive ad- rtcti were receited of the movementt of santa anna ceo wool wa only 90 milet from saltillo at itit advieet it wat uppoed he would join worth in leason to asttt in repelling the enemy a tumor that santa anna had thrown 17- 000 men between worth and taylor to pre vent a junction of the american forces wat not credited an iitprestioh prevailed among the pa- tengert in the i that a battu wat fourlit about the 25th b it was thought howertr that the american forces above mentioned had rvached saltillo before that time ft gtuerali taylor and worth had about 7000 men to oppose sanla annas army which was believed to have been overrated the whole valley of the rio grange was in a mate of rrat ferment apprehension of at tack having been entertained at camargoma lamnra and other points from the raitchero under canates at matamoras col clark had called on the eitiens to enrol themtttves for service and at brazot funeral jcsum had done the same thing both point were mdly deficient in anna and men u a rvato iai jtum zt general scolt arrived at the brazn nn the 20th tilt and proceeded to the month ni the rio grande on the following day where he was wailing th arrival of horses belonging to the regiment of mounted riflemen when the edilh left it wa understood he would then proceed immediately to camargo it was bclievrd that an express hid heen sent to general patterson countermanding hit march in the direction of victoria the steamship alabama was at the month of the brazos when the edith tailed and will probably bring n more definite intelligence in a few days a letter in the picayune nf th 5th dated camargo lihh dec vi oclock at night puu to rest all rjnuhh as to the facts in the ad vices expressed by gen worth at saltillo an nouncing the march of a large mexican force the letter give in detail all the fad above stated a letter in the picayune dated tampieo 23rd dec from a reliable otirco confirms the rport that the mexican congress have deci ded that the war shall not ceaae nor trill they receire cammisiioners in treat for peace until every hostile foot has left the soil of mexico and every thip that line tht coast is withdrawn they have further resolved hat they will accept no foreign intervention whatever to bring about a peace thit confirm previous statement of the truth of which doubts have been expressed in certain quart nt our internal exchangee our ranoey market will be much relieved by the appearance of a large amount of theae notes and take the aystam at a whole it it the hest under exist ing circumstances that could be adopted it is the best because it will neutralixe the independent treasury act doing away com pletely with the demand for specie the enforce ment of ihat act would otherwise create by the lime these treasury notes become absorbed we trust the war will bo terminated when this act will have no particular influence upon ihe operatiohf of the commercial dasjs olher than that contemplated hy its framers when the government can move along in ils ordinary course when iu expenditures arc ito more than of an ordinary character when the tariff is ohly required to producca revenue sufficient to meet the usual expense of the government the beauties of the independent treasury act will be fully demonstrated and its advantages will he fully realized suspension bridge from tht toronto colonist vc observe her majesty hat sanctioned the suspension bridge a n ttlt for the erection of orertht niagara river near the falls arid have hetn informed that the bookt for sub scription to ihe stock will be shortly opened by ihe commissioners the work will he nn a stupendous scale 800 feel lont and 200 feet above the river and willnnilonbl be the means of drawing an immense increase of visitors tn this most attractive spot j combining on the completion of the bridge the noblest work nf nature and art the commissfonersare exconsul bucha nan thomas c street esq- james cum- mingt esq m p p w h meniu esq the promoter of the undertaking entertain the higiiest notions of its ultimate success will he seen by the following extract from the letter recently addressed ly lie exconsul to lord elgin it e lelcct nom mr buchanans letter at well u account of his beine ihe chief commissioner for the erection of the bridge as from ihr practical knowledge be has acquired during a long official residence in new york hut we musl at the tame lime bear in mind that the great british american railroad fimn halifax through her majestys provinces is looked forward to hv the govern ments and people ol the united kingdom and ihe colonics a that which must claim their national and individual primary support but that probably will not affect materially the argument of the eacunsul in reference to mr whitneys proposed continental line the following are the extracts m not only my lord may a large portion of tht eitensive product of the west he drawn lo montreal by a liberal policy butthe vast number nf the citizens passing from the states of michigan indiana illinois the wisconsin missouri and oregon territories from the lines of communication partly in operation and determined upon all may be drawn to reach the atlantic bv the proposed great western railroad of this province in connexion with th suspension bridge near ihe falli of niagara when it it eonsidered that the number of passenger who at present pats from the west- ii stales to buffalo- during the lake naviga tion net six months exceed one hundred thousand and the time required by their tuvndid aleamers i from thirtysit to forty- iht hours suhjret to the violent fogs and galea of tha lakes jnd that hy tht great western railroad and bridge n f multi tude will he conveyed in from ten to twelve bona while from the peculiar nature of tht country to the south of take erir nn line nf nm i os j fi ivr may i nut with confidence stale that this route ihould be regarded as embracing advantages eqml if not superior to any line in exis tence my lord at my yearstnthusiasm generally subsides hut i hav no hesitation m record ing ihat ihe greal western railway and chain bridge will prove a most important link in mr whitneys great line of communication from england by the allanlic and pacific oceans to china extending from michigan hy the alley of the columbia river which has met o favorable a reception in congress on looking at the map there it nrvolher favorable line for passing the jir er by a bridge but near ibi fall and there alone can a continuous and straight line from the atlantic lo the pacific be effected this m indeed proud ti i manifestly dangero to contract for the sale of our gram and flour iri bfiu ullt lt known whether the restrictions on foreign pipping on our water lrt o he com lt is dangerous to etinft either with our for warder the british hipo freiphl- mo ed by john longlh esq seconded by botl bell esq of kersmjtb krsotcwi b- i tlnhabttants of the wellington and home iicta together with those of ihe city of ttto be requested to join ihe inhabitants of thisliiet in bringing in everv direction that we turn oureyes doubts this matter strenuously ur the notice of th and difficulties heet path 0n tr9iy hand the prospect is equall cheerless and gloomy he know that it itiihe said in answer to this rcpresentatin teal the government are not culpable on accost or ihitourailnatton that il has hern occatnpd hy circumstances over which they b1 n control hy the change nf ministry n great britain by the removal of lord catteart and the apoinl- ment of lord elin- now this we hold lo be no vindication at all if our ministry whose duty plainly is in waui oer the interiof the people or this proince and to see that those interests are lot injuriously affected even dicing that inlnregnnm which maybe supposed to occur hftveon the recall of one governor and the innalution of hit ucceor for thi duly our gtverument is responsible to ihe provincial leislatrire and we know no grounds on xvhict they can fairly evade that responsibility we are sensible tial in assuming the posi tion we do resprctiit the duty ol nur go vernment in the present trying conjuncture we shall probably no please anv of the potiti- cal parties in this cnintry we know there is little disposition onany hand o precipitate the new governor hi are alike deposed to wait the chapter nf incident for some lucky occasion to seat iherrfelves firmly in power hul we are actuated olher comidenitichis our object it tnnhtainlhe triumph not of any parly or of any act of mn but of ttmind com mercial principles d bis if are convinced can only be achiever by vigour and prompti tude on the part of uifrgovernment and legis lature every del ppears to us fraught with the most iinininvrt danger to our future commercial iroiperilvd we cannot paaaively siibmil at least wiltiw raising our warning voice lo thedilatorysiid tardy course of action apparently about to hl we hold that ou ministry if iheh n not remonstrated with sc biitith gtknmcnt on account of the suspension of tlftbiuiness of the country in to inportart an njochif it has been oc casioned as we pej it ha by the delay in ihe arrival of elginhave been wanting in the perfo l duly we have no idea of important intercuts of the province being er out cf com pliment either to br statesmen or british governors the iot i gone by for auch servile doctrines lo rc jiphehl and wo coii- sider it but right that british government should be made a wire that if they hava not sufficient confidence e nobleman who at present holds the reirf government in this feature in the valuable portion of her majta art dominions and i hesitate ant to aay it will prove one of he moil important lines of communication on tha globe government in order lozure the favorablo reception of the proposeuvasnre moved by ross robeu e sccondej by j rattenbury ej rtotvcd that thlistrict council of this district ba rerjuesteo contribute such sum towards the cxpensof the survey as they may consider necesr and jqaj on the part of this district audit the councillors of the township of godei be requested by the chairman of this mug to btinj the matter tinder tha notice the council it its first meeting moved by georg browcq seconded by george fox lysler eq raolvtdh that the setayae request ed to forward a copy of theicerdings ol litis meeling to richmanq member foe the county of saginaw te of michigan npposite anr to invite ihafenthman to fur mh such information rcgi the saginaw and grand river canal a other statistics connected with the thorn route from the shore of lake huron lo migan moved by dixon watswjq- seconded by david clark esq of colhe and fiewttw 9 that the ah resolutions be forwarded to the toronto 2 and that por tion of the provincial presto arc desirous to advocate public proviikiimprovementt be invited to give insertion tie same the meeting was numerov attended and consisted of parties from all aeons of the dis trict and a strong feeling aid in every manner within their powerr gwynnea project was manifestly the evading sttiti- rxent province to imparl him their views it nothing let than an r lo ihe people of thit province thai kp aoonld have delayed so long in sending fj his auccfsior the latt official apjntments from tht hamilton sfofor the gboe in noticing the nner in which the four silk gowns were refcly conferred expresses surprise and disappnent that not a single conservative journal noticed the insult passed upon several mentj of the pro- feasion ol hiaabaganding heging to tbe party we jomrfthat our ntemporaries generatlv have been backwain lakine m this subject but the stricturef the gioae are rather too sweeping a into contem porary whose journal we catmnow turn to and ounelvct noticed the aintments in terms any thing hut complimeny to at least one of the recipients of undttea honors in tht remarks we then madefic onlv dis- tatisfaction we expressed wai aae elevation of the member for fronlenae it the globe pickings of which we have taken no notice will brand mr smith as the most rapacious politician and least mstworthy spresenta- lisr that ever supported a minister or aoliciled the suffrages of an independent constituency we both grieve and feel mortified that our old wvqrile county of frnntenac should have fallen into hands m unworthy alas for the constituency that wax represented by a dalton a thompson a mathewson and a marks i notsj bv thc editor or tjje british wtriu wc bavc published the above well vrritien article from a rising newspaper in the wftrtj chiefly for the purpose of giving the lie to an unfounded calumny going the private rounds in kingston viz that the above and olher illnatnred reflections upon mr henry smiths public character and conduct have been written in kingston by tuf or at our instigation and dictation and sent on lo hamilton for publication the charge is ia as false a it is infamous having at no period of the britiih ifatg existence conde scended lo ihe pitiful act of gelling another lo bear the brunt of our own offences we shall not silently put up with the imputation now and tc call upon the hamilton sptrtatot lo pak out il is a humiliating confession to make nevertheless it is a fact that could we write such excellent potilicaj articles as appear in the young newspaper alluded to we should keep them lo grace the columns of our own journal and not send them to a contemporary toiy in t lntt7tr lakea no trouble condemning ihe whole bald to mince matt in coolly monday evening jan 18 a very full council was present and much business transacted shewing a disposition on the part of ihe members new and old to go to work the various standing committees were appointed for the year a vote of thanks was unanimously piuid lo the late mayor j- counter esq for hit past services a great many petitions and applications were read and most of them were referred lo the various committees the following course to be pursued with respect lo all petitions against tha return of members of the council was adopted 1- that no petition be received by tha council complaining of an undue return or want of qualification of the person returned unless presented within seven daytaftenha mmber is sworn into office 2 that when a petition it presented and read no action to be lakn on it until tha next silling of the council 3 that if the council are of opinion after hearing counsel onbolh sides if required that the matters allegad in the petition if proved would be sufficient lo annul ihe return a day- be named for the trial at the bar of ihe coun cil not less than two days distant of which notice be given to lha petitioner and the silting member by the city clerk 4 that the trial be conducted in the usual manner of trials in courts of law 5 that after the ctse is closed on both sides the question he taken at to whether the allegations in ihe petition be proved or not 6 that if any o them are found proved the course to be pursued ia relation to tht re turn he decide by the council on motion of a member duly seconded 7 that the member whoe teat is conteslt is not to vole on any question arising thttt- from 8 that no member vote unless ht ha lean present and has heard the evidence tb consideration of tbe contested elections was postponed until saturday neat a rill was brought in to repeal tha lawi ion set on foot in montreal lo affecting forestalling in the public market a tcsolntion was pasted prohibiting tht erection of any mora sign posts tlie council adjourned at a late hour british whig opllr pit lt diar kingston tuesday jan 19 1s47 the time is rapidly drawing night when we iay expect to bear of newt from home the mail steamer which sailed on the 4th insu should all have gone well wilh her inust be nrar boston by this time and intelligence of her arrival may therefore tonfidemly be tx- ptctcd towards the close of the present week though scarcely in time for our nest publica tion in addition to the months ordinary news also expect lo hear of the arrival of elgin for are he finds fault with iht appoi 0 mr mj m ktikpainck on the ground thihis position in ihe profession dofs nol eriti him lo so something of i h flallermg a dislinetinn the itleman al luded lo ts if we are not very n mistaken theoldetl member of ihe kings bar and a lawyer of considerable attaints hit reputation stands high amongst abilh whom he is acquainted and the gov en cot could not with a shadow of justice tyaie even mr mcdonald to say nothing ollr smith requeitedt 0nit tlt nmt mr kirktrlck in addition t this mr k was my years collector of customs at king which office he was compelled to give tty a recent parlitinentarv enactment wr nuit wit rouu iiiyine eompliih the construct m7 v r tz o toiltoad com- mu icmlion from lake n tolake huroi on lliepui and pfmiij lei rt forth in hit letter the 9th nil him an expres r a 814- re jfci tn inf inform tlutthiapirt wt hrt been vtsittl aii hj rhttdefan tab in of life and pnpcity whicji hat oecurre4 jine the roentfeciiiin of the ofdet person tlornuy ftjght it biew a fmijovlr runcnt whe tv- nsa inbr laden and a i generally asm rmedatljfdcreii hi fwahlfliaw on 4ta neat of y w fr n unan vnr nd ounny c nft boarrj 1 uther jettio imrnc from gbc tsmcsj on isioamlvfll paitnr dinovaai adril of titntythr jn ml bnrd nny four ua rv mtta a ntw jj may ioniif i arnved a the tttol whtrr tin utrdst r inri tkm lip yajtr b is w lugfi and netrl perndttlar tocrc wn m bra umunat ctninm on the wrek bieh iobfwltden aavil inch a fearful h eaaiiigoer ustsj u tl aeemj utterly impotai e in mikr iy attempt m mlbeiu- i tlieh nuiid wib rwnoi bluipt co a hcer ant tajawiiy i nr th esptlirne l by imim f tentittt w l lhr m lf xhf m w g ihei d tor a iwmttt lo uyik totfdvea fail t th nicy wiatl be wehl nit cnr f ihe ovi mttnediamj after w mrfnaji id ptnihej bnr our err tl st c iuj riljmt part of thcrgine bui eah ajindtd war ill brcka u evidently lef uitn nthtf m jail lie vao s tahataated x4vc n i4 mh have beea rpi tttl j u iat hactfkraaincriyarrled hvimlof reck which uy amg a ck tin z n ml ahe 1 ti iiwb disirf jnt tfsari lo rafmtjqi itrtemryac e rask aenrtd tci c h the rra7ribu d and lh aidl uok feaultyovcr lb farts kt hq bairi airv- and srrth hi rjcud t haitl m iop rakm meytmrhrtefj i kt pntdb bairitre 031 r nnto years or gf wtot 1 4 with fci fatltaf and in il feattttoj hrm xjvu u leda eudatarmbm wjl ttp ut k n ihm lo make an mnt w mir j ttstv kua a i by iwv rfii isit cmrynrt j j ntiwfrtntb ficatdiil 4 ahiig u h ru ii i u9 nana ly tn iwd kloi oaurini i8 a ire ijett i ivd ili n anif aarli i thj baaji i- t n t t v 9 tj arjj ipi r r mttnolly fil- fd malinnrit rtc li m ly ajc dad o wt th pvr iiiimty i us y lull in hi trmj4t nvltit1 i wli avji l ijrvvflri financial policy of thegovfirx- ment finally devkloped from the new york hfrottt an issue of twentythree millions of dollars in treasury notes has been finally determined upon the committee of way and means having a bill to that effect ready for presenta tion in the houc of representatives this is the amount required with the ordinary revenue from customs lauds flec by the sec retary of the treasury to carry on the govern ment and the war until the close of the fiscal year in 1848 should ihe war be closed before that time the w hole amount authorized lb he issued under ihe new act will not he wanted whereat were direct loan made for the whole amount for a long period the government would be compelled to pay inrervst for a larger sum than it actually wanted the proposed treasury note bill provides for fiimjn thest notes at the option of ihe holders into a atock scaring iutrrcsts at the rale of si per cent the same rate thevbear upon their lace they will be isned as the wants of the government call fo them and a large amount of interest will therefor he saved the uw will without doubl be to framed that the issue must be made at par but they will range heutw par in the market as it becomes supplied by increased issues this depreciation may rule from ihree to fvt tier cent hut we doinl believe they will go below the highest of them rates the government may not lot- anything by this depreciation directly hul it will indirectly as all contract for supplies to ih anny or navy and everything furnished to carry on the war will be charged in proportion to the jit count upon the paper received inpayment and in this way the secretary will be able to gel out the not at par allhoijch ther may he at the time telling at ninetyuc or ninety- eight cents on th dollar il iurimnrouiou hat tins is mch belter than making a direct loan as capitalists would lake every advan tage of the embarrassment of the treasury and a loan cnulj not be made r any fart ot the amount short of several per cent discount even at a high rale of interest than thvie rreasry notes bear should ibeoovernmeut rote anything directly or indirectly by mv depreciation it the treasury nn jt w not wry much finm the lo il would from a dinomit on a direct t wm wjdmii it the currency of the country they will add o much to our circuiting t jium and t tongln afler fr mvipnh to th- gormnrnentforrnitlaee vn any pnrl m ihr r lo h ow- ti experience will become a valua commercml apathy and execu- tlve inaction from tht canadian economist if profound tranqniliiy be a symptom of na- tmnal prosperity then is this colony most iiro- porom political mrifc apcart lo have died away all those exciting question which but a short time since occupied our press hei ponsihle tiovernment right of appointment to office militia laws differentia i dulies- navigalionlawa mines and mining com- mnifftote c are quietly consigned to darkness during the dreary winter months there lo languish until roused to existence by ihe foslenng rays of that approaching sun of the colonial hemisphere the new governor general it must certainly he very gratifyipg to those who preside over the destinies of this country lo contemplate such a state 0 affairs and we doubt it will be pointed out as the result of iheir government we will not stop lo inquire whether justly or unjustly since uch a question fall within the rang of obser vation of the party politician and to him we leave it but we shall in pursuance of our duty address a few remarks on the commer- cial condition nf the rnontry and set how far that it jeopardised by the present apparent apathy bolh of our rulers and of the public mind and first we woold ask was there ever an occasion in the history of this province- or can there indeed eer be one calling for greater energy capacity and judgment on the part of our rulers than the present since our provincial parliament was prorogued what evenh fraught with the deepest interest i lo us have occurred the imperial govern ment has virtually annihilated all the exclu sive privileges which we at colonist enjoyed in her markets sue has invited us to tread in her steps and in lilce manner lo withdraw ihe preference which ihe obtains for he product in our markets ihis mutual removal of pro lection necessitates 3 total change in our fiscal yilema change which require to be grave ly considered and deeply digested m all ils details and yet si month have elapsed iiree the passing of ihe riitishcom law the month w january has atrired and still there is no sign of the approaching convocation nf our legislature nor it it likely even out it will fa convened until march the season has now arrived when every mercantile man pre pares for th business of the ensuing season t and yet such it the uncertainty not only as lo the time when parliament will assemble hut astolhe measure which oa unassembling will he adopted that it is utterly impossible lo embark wilh safely in any commercial under taking ami thus the whole commerce of the country is left in a hate of auspenae until it he known whether the dilterenlijil duties art to he repealed or merely modifted t is manifestly unsafe t eendorderscithe- to ureal britain r ihr united states fri goods f any description until it be aumwn whether ihe duties imposed upon the agmullurl act are id he continued il it manilcally unsafe either lu pack provisions en thit country vf the unitod suir tot rhii market until it be kinwii whtlhri wheat and flour from lh united dim nro in be imported free into camnfa it on pubiithed in the torou and would hereby cou l lion nf fcctrftlt aiiiifo gs al and peracverance in 1h accom z taking with l noumiedhleinnoi n lhlj kifln qf the i rovmce of canaj btt w lht unilcd ptc of great unlaw notwithstanding he tecuriiary losses and discouraging opposition be ha been subject to movd by tliomaa rydd esq seconded hy ihomas lamb ft councillor fo us- borne ijoired 2 that ft adoption nf a direct line of luilway from toronto tucoderich would at once open up 5llc in immense field for emigration w cannot fail lo secure j y cooperatnn 0 both the imperial and provincial i having ai heart as they have ihe tylfare of ihe hundreds of thousands in the nled kirgdom ai this momenl suffering all ti horrors of a genera famine moved hy john stewart eq seconded by j- williamson pjq rotvd 3 thatih tdditon to the nume rous and unanswerabbarguraenb in favor of ihe proposed line so ably set forth by mr gwynne it may he mmiioned ihathn 1841 the legislature of miction panted a sum of money for the conjlnutioit of a ship canal 16 miles in length to connect the river saginaw on lake tfhtron nearly ophite goderich with the rand river on lake mentary enactment wore nuite aware that this cannot be cowed any excuse for conferring legal disliiions but at the tame timo it amounta to aouhin in a qrrestiou ntequiry goderich and ou0nto railroad from me r csobe a public meeting the inhabitant of tht huron district waak hathurst hotel codeiieh on wednevv the 6lh inst called ly ihe sheriff in eomf with a requisition received hy hi to i cffccl the sheriffhvine b l0 ihe chair and richard neville rater esq to act as secrctajy following revojution were put and unanin carried moved bv daniel h eaqicondedby john couille hmj hwrjitfi l th meeting mrlrin- plalee with mufh ibi endavors km i n we pronto rfc- in apealcing ot mr mcdonahfhe gfooe is particularly a we think uicesarily severe he says mr mcdotd stands aome degrees below mr kirkpatk in etpresting such anopinion we rdy think ihat our radical contemporary iot well acquainted wilh either of the geemtn of whom ha speaks in seitiorily oank or rather ol years at ihe bar mr fckpatrick hat the advantage in no olhr respect whatever doet mr mcdonald alar second in legal attainments industry oatut talents and those sterling qualities that mariht mam in evtry walk of life mr mcdold will contrast favorably with any hani of his age in canada aye and fctr beyond his principles with which tht glebe fts fault should boi no bar lo his recti ting a s gown any more than that of mr sullivaowho i included in the same list that r mc donald has ever maintained and nnorted political sentiments which do not eel the approbation of the globe nor in allespects our own i a mallerof nntoriely tell who have observed hia public life tha he has given a faibful support to the present inislry cannot be denied and ihat every ttlbftr of the party in the house pursued similar course is also well known mr m in so aciing met his own convictions irishes of bis constituents and the views f the conservative parly the shame id in- dignation scenesof indignity orac on the country which are exctanglv ww expressions for a radical journ are neither known nor susceptible ol exhition among an impartial people the galest michigan and lhaiajthoujh only onenfle i i 9t ever conferred uon nen of thj work had ken completed w l m the government which ihtvkbe the momentary affah saf the state became p to on more in power the embarrassed so as to cause the work tobe l0 portion ol the delayed for a lime yt it is not too much to presutne that if the proposed railway were carried into effect the completion nf the said canal would be unteilaken with renewed vigor in consideralim of the facl that it wuld be a connecting link in the direct line of stem and railwv communcation from ihe atlantic by oswe and toronto to chi- cvt cencrau lord wfose reception due civic preparation being made in montreal the subacript treel some testimonial of respect lo the memo ry of thelale lordmelcalfe gets on famously haac buchallin fji teller writing notoriety hat subscribed towards it and many other gentlemen have been almost equally metcalfe destrvea a statue or hat kind and we are pleased to see the motitrealtrs o grateful his late lordship made iheir city and one good turn deserves another all we hope it that no montrealer or other pctson will ak a single kingslonese or western canadian o contribute one copper towards the said lealimoitial lord metcalfe was a great and good man but he ruined kingston and injured western canada generally by removing the seat of govern ment lo lower canada il it all very well to aay thai the removal whs the act of iho 1 loinc government but we happen to know heller it was done here in canada to conciliate th fraoco canadian party for which purple n was nol successful for the parly is not con- conciliated jth never will be and never dt- aerves lobe the speech which lord met calfe made at ihr dinner given to him by the kingston corporation after hying ihe foun dation stone of the new market building deceived a great many people and induced them lo overbuild themselves this speech to say the least of il was injudicious and did a world of mischief let the montrcalers as wc tatd before erect iheir testimonial of res pect to the mernory of his late lordship but let them nol ask ihr kingttoncse to contribute toil cago and the wester stales and an addi tional aving of upwards of 200 miles of ledlnus navigation byc straits of mackinaw moved by jqikj aii esq seconded by james gordon esq hay rtitvcd 4that a the proposition initled to the public mr gwynne has for its object the settlement of the line of country ihrnuh which the prvrhwed road is projected to run it ii hoped imt the government will not act in a less libtlv manner wilh reference lo a work that will rifcr upon the province genery an important wad lasting benefit than that which has wtherio actuated ihemon all occasions in whir hie settlement of the province is concerned a stronger instance of this naiure cannot beddueed than that of the garrafiaaa road or m lengtli which ihe governmrr expended the sum of 7500 and gave w order 0d encourage ael- tleincnt free grants r 50 res or equal to onehalf of the land fl the road to any m9m ti parties who were wi lq occome actllera politiral parti fondly hope to see once more attempt to disfranchise on people by another was an insult which on signed rvlcasrs baldwin and his cacr flmiifr lafontaine to the lowest steps of polcal degradation and teattered the parly thttup- ported them lo the winds mr mcduld baa labored strenuously and honorabl to prevent the reinalatement of that sesh ultra and intolerant though professedly lilral party and his services will be rememtred with gratitude both by his constituent t ihe sturdy yeomanry of the province 1r mcdonamn conduct has been perfectlyn- dependent and disinterested he suppoed hit party either because he agreed in trir measures or lo keep out a set of limigry ir- monnls who look with envy nn those mo hae succeeded to the places which their vn folly and presumption caused them to ift with either object in view his conduct ws worthy of imitation that he ha siiven s support without fee or reward the glebe knos full well and in this respect mr mcdona contrast oobly with hi owntman the repr- senlative of lot 24 spaking ot th gentleman the globe says and wo wish endorse ttxj word of it but if we must so regard theappoinlmet of mr mcdonald how can we find term strong enough to express our indignation a thai or mr- henry smith the unscrupulou member tor frontenacl if notoriety as i s ts n til t i- fc vmcn claim lo such an honor- th utr ixtma j w in mr mcdouaft c l 5 a the sale of le at which the crow x icsjiii 4r nafiniui ac hp ir ol iai of thi district bind lbemclvct to support hy peilioii the railroad company in any appli- cation ttjoy rnay wmttt 0 government for tbe acquisition of ihe larfff morcd by morgau hamilton esq seconded by david jon esq friofwif fc thai be honwmcayley member for ihe wllffjjs required to give any meaauret having h i object the further- of mr gtvynri i pwiswsiitio hi in nrirurtipl v be anee htrt phiu u nl only im nd ivuultnane ii j him i by mr v importance lo hia hiali cht w the provir r nf vi ii yarded by i ihe country ai diuh parties asditgracefut ing to ihe profession mr smitht object since he managed to wheedle the atcn of prontenac into sending him to parliament lias been one incessant effort to grasp at everything ibat could b made to contribute lo his own advanlage or that of hit fjieads tbe shrievalty of the mid land dtrict 4e increase after inctease nf salary to his father as warden of the peniten- liarv the mission morrtbsloner lo loudon the ceueha employment a frnwn counsel the last and mnu unworthv of al f tfrf ft lli a i i flitii- v rtiiiri the war in mexico still drags ils weary length along intelligence has hen received from the capital of that dcvoled country that the mexican congress have refused to nego tiate with the enemy for a peace while a single armed united state soldier is fonnd on mexi can soil or while a tingle united states man- ofwar hovers on itt coast magnanimous resolution hut one whiclva weak nation can not maintain successfully against a powerful foe information has also been received at new orleans arid which teems to be general ly credited that santa anna with 20000 some say 30000 men well disciplined wat preparing to attack gen worlh at saltillo at the latest dales the americans were con centrating their force to resist this threatened attack from the quiet way the mexican commanderinchief his treated this invasion of the americans one would imagine that he is sanguine as to tbe actual result or why refuse to negotiate when tbe enemy is to eager t our own opinioa remains uuajtercd nevertheless lhe mexicans cannot reisi the americana and must be subjugated sooner or later the city council at two oclock on saturday the whott of the members of the new city council bring assembled in the city hall the clerk mr flanagan look the chair when mr alder man baker proposed tlioa kirkpatrick esq lo he mayor seconded by mr alderman brcdeu there being no other proposition the clerk took tbe yeas and nay and sixteen voices were for ihe motion and three against it mr alderman kirkpatrick declining vot ing the clerk then declared mr kirkpat rick duly elected aud thai gentleman took tbe chair he addressed the council and after lhauking them for the honor lliey bad conferred on him said that it would be his aludy during the time he remained in office by strict atten tive best interests of iheir young city lo aeir good opinion the new mayor tccompanted by the council then proceeded to he court ilouc where the city functionary as duly sworn into office by the jodajq of e district court s kirkpatrick foq- vhen this business was over the mayor and guncil returned to ihe city hal where ihe oth of office was severally administered i th newly mad aldermen and councillors y th mayor the court being constituted soma little buincv- was transacted consisting chiefly of tht receipt of sundry protests against the valdity uf certain elections and amongolher tha against the return o mr amraiuui monti adjoiinimi uilil ibn regular nitflit of llvll ri for of british whig mta editoa pleait give inttrtion tothf following to the gentlemen tcather or commoo schools in this ctly tht following problems are tnosi respectfully proposed to bt toltod wxstrox 1st suppose a pole lu stand on a horizontal plan ii feet in height above the turfaceat what height from the ground mitsl il bt cut olt so as that the lop of it may fall on a point p x feet from the bottom of the pole lha end whert il was cut olf resting on tht rt- mainiug or upright past 1 b- the height of the pole is 100 limes iht difference of the products of a avian nnri- iavr totrtfmrt irrn cfit hbu kfric tn into itself but this difference must ev er bt greater lhan ihe difference between ihe pro duct of any other number multiplied into itaelf and twice multiplied into itself in the same class of number wilh tha abova mentioned certain number the distance from the point p 10 ihe bottom of the pole to the length of the perpendicular let fall froia ihe point where tht diagonals cut in atrapa- zoid to the base the parallel sidea of thit trape2oid being 60 and 40 feel and th per pendicnlar dittanca between ihem being 10 xm- 10 xv mandv being al the same lime any two unequal humbert whatever qvtstion 2nd paid for a bale of cloth paid charges on aaid bale 2 told aaie bait for 2 and on balancing m bookav 1 find a real gain appearing in this account show demoo- atratitely how tan this be aoiatiosird required the product of 2t 6d hy i fld the integer bring rnimis minut x ttrlinr and demonstrate the trulh of it michael cah11l quern street kingston 5tbjan 1847 p s tlte public are most respectfully in- forrntd that the above problems are proposed wholly and solely ell consequence of obstinacy and misrepresentation and nol from pedanltck anotives or motives of avtentalion q tut scovriiii ron at in liitl mora than twelve naonrlit il will he poeaibb to trait rnm tba metrnptib ikfaa and hainf ifiivalted ihf immentc diatance of 500 mite reach aberdeen in lima for aoppcr the variout seotttihrajlffav which received the aanction nf legislature in tht aaioi of 1845 will be opened in th niuinr pring and altin itltle ninre thn twtu month lho opening of lite scottish railway will make a ry greal additum m railway ooinniuoicaiion in nevly ever iutancc the railway issaw co atrnciingonihasidottf ihe tweed will taiand tha cmnmunicalinn in a nnrtherly direction and may indeed be considered an many ajtenliooi of lb great trunk lines of communication frocn 1mdon to lha n i i iu kngtand tn flr which will be upward of 100 mihrt in length it in eftcct a continuation of the 3 s 4 qar- titl ui1way which it sgnin a virtual eiuoofan of uic great north- weal wlitralluicijedonian end at that part of u- rdinbiirgh and tatrof line which pattt along catlebury tha scoiliah central niijim and eaiendintf to perdi adialanco nf 16 initei it it joined by iho scottiah midland which proceeded mdea in m rwruierfy direohnn ilia scotliih midland will effect a junction with tha aberdeen itoem frnektietm and iho abrdai lint being abnut go mile in length are ahall thut bftta an uimnternjpled railway cornmonicatioti from carliito to aberdeen a d ilanco of neorly uo milaa which with the great korlh- w i w ntko a coutinonui lint of oonrnuoitatirn all the way from loidnn to abefdeen c01w urnoi trstjnn rn8j jtt wetroatthat mil rrotinciat lritutor which matt t 35th instant trill not fil to renew thejr apicllon lo the authoiiljoa in uit mother gtunirj fur a rw duttotntn thapretantexhorbitant rat of colonial nonage and or other reform in tha atiblihinni m their pplicnlin if referred lo hlr hitl woold onuulraaly b faourablo received in natjiflh aujeci it enervating pilbtia attenlioa and itt impitfianco imprratitrly demands that otm ltepreeniativthoumlah ii up wjuhhii iota of tii no ir iurvaic tiluijfll vo hamuaat tht meeting nf tha stockholder nf th magnttlt tt itgrnph company held yealerday artarnooo lha folwmg fentbiinan were tlacltrl dihklora i laoglntt jun hmi k k taron if j nnd t- womcta tal i- ii tbit ilm w walker jiihii liiltnmtr w tuidtrtlaan hil titarhlaiiein jnwn from tlirtt hatvainor r t vlinl whli i ujltii tl aalimh ibi 1ma i m 1 s r

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