Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), November 11, 1845, p. 4

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ritchies patent copying presses the sutanribera bavin been ap x pointtd agents by mr rumlttof einurgh far lite aalu of hia patt coitt pttcssk urglo inlimat that they haves just received a supply of lhce useful articles direct from the ullwjtt- tory wich every improvement and at prtcca considerably reduced from ihofti of last yoat alan the requisite copying lok and paper od paper and bi ushes r ate c lr0 pml quarto o filkiji puli ur post fob 4 olber in proportion sarsaparilla comctock cos concentrated compound fluid extbactot sar- safarllla for the cure 0 scrofula chronic rheumatism ueosrral debility cuianeoue diaeaica scaty n j rf ft fclo tetters pitpleon the face mcihmi and tfiphiloid diiews bmc fiom impure habits of the body ulcerations he throl fim mn iwelling of the dotvtl liver a1rciion end ill dtei arising from in impure lee ol the blood etoaure and imprudence of life exceive oieot crerrury c this sarsiiafi11a cn bedeprnded upon by every one nin a eod as ay ohrr in this rj 01 eirnue pcnpte can avail llinv trlves or njt just a they please in ulng sac- apahua tnta pne extract rt put iipinaa 1tze or 1r hoitlea as any sold for one dollar at the unpiceedenltd low of 2 6d per boiile sold bycculockrow istremonl row ftovoa 0 10 it flortttal 10th sep r c- chalmers ffiftfi fall importations blessig to atankld coamfuifj magic at raw extractor this icat healing salte is ack novel by all who have used il lo the mot ilerfiil article ever known it expels juties hy tire extracts all pan mortiflc4lion in every ease it of ibe following hr iu seoa i in ami prevent will cure any complaint or pay u related ao d shaw jmpor ters of br tisb g 0ods princess street respectfully acquaint the in habitants of kingston and vicinity and rheir customers generally that the first of their fall importations u now at hand aud ready for inspection thoir assonmeiit of fancy and staple dry goods will bo found replete with very de acription of vw f7ea art faihivmbh goods suited for tho fall and trade in addition to a very extensive stock now receiving of plain printed and figured orleans cloths mcrinoea al dlaines lams coburg cashmere cloths c they would particularly direct attention to their stuck of victoria crape cloths aa being a style of uood ontirely new and beautifully adapted fr ladies fall dresses together withalar genera stuck nf hosiery blankets flannel tartanoialiaplaidauwklcjuakngs linens cuttnns tiinfhama hoylos fast color prints and cambrics beaver cloths broad cloths cassimeres tweeds and doeskins caahmer filled salin indian and itouli1luvvje mualina nota lace and neodlo work goods in groat variety- also an excellent assortment of fun and fur trimmings in martin squirrel tiabjo pitch lynxc c princess street kingston 10th sept 1s15 in the queens bench midland distmct r y viitue of a to wit writ of at tachment issued out of the court nf queens bench and to me directed gainst tho estate real and personal of john burleyan absconding or cnncealed debtor at the auit of silas fields and anne fields his wife for the um of one hundred and twenty six pounds ce ft il ins esala slt kbewn eruption cltilbtaifll ou sorei evipeljs b raises ctnlffffc scrofnu wounds sore ejen pilrs colj in wounds tcnjer fatt it ctirei sore eyes es cancers frequenlly tmmti them withool pin or sicny ijieediiy iim upt j jrrri jiii reduces swellinn and s salve none ihould be witlioat tbe fol biaj reoiatkshle case was tarnished osqaite recemly and hundreds at others equally won rfu1 msny even more so mieht be added hut tor want of room tvt lese tbem out a cuu a neuhew of a friend of mine step nei int a vessel of boiling water and seameu kiiujcao to ihe knee when connelps pam curator from cenistockn was applied which almost iusuntly jjate relief to the little iuf- feter and n entirely carrd it also a child 11 lor my own burned its hand severely and i ned ibis salve vhich tare instant relief and cttitd it entirely and 1 for cne could not be mihicd lo be without it i think every family sjioetd keep it on hand to use in cate ol such accidents h- adams paslor of trimlv church saertie n y sold hy cotnstrkk re no 9 tremont kove boston for bilious complaints pains afaweodlwnfi5kfcninun- di4 flolufcrwr ofrrrrfionj ffemml confiatrntnt of faa bowrjr v dr barkers laxative pills of the numerous diseases to which the human frame is liable there is scarcely one the symptoms of which are not seriously aijrjravatcd by a confined state of the bowela and to tina alonii nanyowe their origin and continuance the preserving the alimentary canal free from obstruction is a point of such primary importance that evey degree of neglect is followed by more or less of inconvenience or auffering when habitual costiveneaa prevails the cheerful vigor of health is aoin impared some timers by alow degrees and at other times more rapidly diseases make their inroad on the constitution and in numberless instances particularly where the habits are sedentary or where free living is indulged permanent ill health ia thei painful result it must be obvious totfb most superficial obsetver that when the functions of nature now al luded to are not performed with due re ffiilaiity assistance mini be obtained fnmart aperient medicines then be come indispensably necessary except where the use of fruits or a change in ihe mode of living may suffice for re moving the evil and mut bo had re course to until the oeccssity for such aid ceades bui it is a question of considerable im portance what laxative shall bo em ployed i tin list of apeiicnt medi cines is numerous but thetr effects on the system vary considerabt some ex ert their influence chiefly on the exha- lant vessels or on some part of the bow els only whilst tho action of others ex tends mono lee to the whole of the intestinal canal the latter clasaof ape rients ia evidently the best adapted to obviate the habitual confinement of the bowels as they apply that additional excitement which rature then requires to assist her in the performance of her accustomed functions it ia precisely nn this latter principle that the pills now offeree to tho public are formed and as thoir activity can be increased nr lessened merely by taxing a larger or smaller quantity they not only furnish an aperient medicine pro f but arc eight shillings and sevonpence i have cued and taken all the state of the said john burley and unless the said joho burley return within the jurisdic tion of tbe said court and puts in bail to the action or caahc the said claim to br discharged within three calendar months all the estate f the said john burley or sjo much thereof as may be neceary will be held liable for the payment and aatufr ttion of tbe said claim t a corbett filirtt j ft sheriff office kingston r icthocwber 1845 sheriffs sale of lands on saturday the 5ib day or november next will be sold al tbe court house in the town of kings- ton at the hour of 12 oclock noon the worms worms worms coustck3 vcrmifugc this remedy for worms is one ol the most exuaorjtuaty rver meil it ifltathllj era- ftcaies worms of all sjrla irom children end 4 lulu thousand periih bv worms without the realciwfte beinx known some other reason if aahtnej for their sickness unit too lata to cure the tree cause whttimnwaje resnonsihiliiy then rests upon fhpretit who cws noi know and the 4mt vkiw itoes not uruimunj the cthiipuiqt winch destroying thwa precious flowers of life c fail jf en what should be doner the answer ia pain give thie vermi fuge which will be ture to do good if tbey hnve no worms and if ihey have it will dp- troy and eradicate with a ccitaioty and pre- eitien tru atttntsniog it cannot harm the smallest infant or ihe i adult there r nomercory or mineral in it mercury ts up basts of most worm reme and the rrenedy w somelimei uorte than the disease so never use lozenges hat rely iih this every person will be convinced on one trial that it is the most perfect cure ever ia vented we call on all good citizens to make known lbs effects of this wonderful remedy price is 3d sold by comstock rosa no 19 treraont row fcke ion im kk rul- cukl of deafness iem rtr v i spirit of tk 7w mr i n lyman 53 commerce street war cured of a total deafnetsof fifteen yean stan inz by n few flaiktof dr mcnaifs aceoulie i he had a short time before returned from kotton where be had spent 75 had the tonsils of his eats taken ant and many other ryperiments tried with the facelty bat with out secccss ha had also spent over sjofl in ihe city to tbe faculty but he wa left in the same state when they were through hr then in detpsir thought ha would try on mora thin before he gave it ep and pro cured a flask of dr mcnairi acee istic oil and he is cured sold by couistock roil no row boston p re n- the naples hair dye for some uniceonnlahlr reason lor the last following lands seized by virtue of an loneor two years many yonn people boih lands 15th day execution issued out of her majestys court of queens bench and to me di rected namely james alexander henderson fusmtiff v joseph knight fffittdanl west half of lot number twelve in tbe second concession of the township of kinga ton t a corbett shtriff m d sheriff office kingston loth august is15 sheriffs sale of srn saturday the november next will he sold at tase court house in the town of kings ton at the hour of 12 oclock noon hie following lands seized by virtue of an execution issued out of the district court of tbe midland district and to mc directed namely k- j cuowo fbbtitfi alpred carter thomas bently stbhhbn b mekkill drftndanti east half of lot number 39a in the town of kiogston ta corbett sherirta office jg aueuhi 15 is44 william mcmillan luctiuneelt and broker seuorfo ff iv ortta mabkjvt buildings kingston fwlhe advnetmtr teapectfully ooufiofi the public that he attends salc- in the country buy and iu by com iiitasiori an 1 executes alt buiinea in hi line with drieh and prompt pay v daily sawi m urn market nriuarr atwiich tbu fjllvluiifll deacriptionfc f ffjhrtv ean h reahaad lemtftw jhto malt and femalr hftve had the mijforlime to have their hair turn pertninrnlly flrav we have frequently been apflird to for 0fnethin to torn the hair hack to us natural color which hat induced us lo ro lo much troume and ex ene in order to forntah our cuitomers and the puhhc f v with a near and im proved hair dye one that ia nearly effeclualj jmlnotthe least injuiinus to the head or hair tor the moderate pure of j 6d per bottle we have succeeded beyond our rapectationv this article weojtetto ihe pumic with reat con fid rflce we hvp had jt thoroughly tested tineaftr time before we could offer it tor rair the pnee is such thai all can afford to mr it and ita cjujlily we btbfa to beaupe- nor to any ever befeie made sold hy comftock ex rorvno 19 tremont iv boston balm of columbia ladies and gentlemen will you he without the genuine oldbtirfges blro of columbia for your haii t yna may depend untmi it it is the only article that is sure to pre vent haldnee sod keeps the head free from dandruff we have known it to restore hair on tbe oam hedt of persons seventy years nf age comatnck d roas will tve refe renee toaay that wish to those ihat have oeen perfectly bald foi years ami have hau their hair remoied within tbe uiiinmrnti seaure nd eet the genuine with ihe inalnre or comatock ot co on it or get none shl by comatock and rm no 19 tremont row iteston french depilatory this article used for takingoltfuperfluoua hair from the face nd neck told ar2a c tr bottle ty comatock rose no 19 rrrmont row boston sold at ihe aitfjewm dattc sroaa sad at cjiaa hsatiis beint tho only amenta for kmpton just booi to printers receired at the atiietvedh cyronc an aaaonment of printing canlspiuio ivury surfaced and etnboaaed cheap for caah klngilcn junottth i per for general use in also well calculated to fa mi anamr most o the purposes for which purgative reme dies are necessary nfcffsi hnportidt inaounh to ihe inbabilaoliof iinion and aurrounding ceoulrj nevfck were ll tgc advantaea of fered lo the khlic at the present lime in purchasing tm goods at the manchester warehouse lontofon bvawawa pnnccsr strttl j r hut10s co have now re- eeiaed by various rtjaa fiooi great britain their extensive 8tokcf svmmhk goods which tiey are drrermined lo kell si txry isow prktmj comiaiia of a large and varied assortment of lxliee shawli bstxarrne mus lin and ortandi vm9 printed plain and figured lamas 3 4 and 64 black ami colored satin turcsgro rf nap and french nilkv striped and fancy ewnct silkv nlih and french bonnet and cap kimvands r rice and dntabfe straw bonnets raretols in every variety 1 complete and extensive atsotlmnt nf hositav haataeashmy taj small wares j0vrhutt0n co would especially beg to draw attcnimi 10 theit immense stock of taplk goods conistinof cottnnsiiiilincs linens tieke canteohi while and rolorcd drilla mobktb plain and figured gimhtoons fancy checks doeskins cassimer and trowsenn of l every drrplitsn vemol enland and votk- hie broad clothv london made 8owtetj caotoon tweed am chmercl palto coats tlso 12 caaei uaava nd paris hals compria- in silk velvet and raver 10 trunks of lnritn made ladies pruncllo bnota and shoes 15 cafes kom pnet containiftf upwaios of 10000 pieces of i at newest pattern j it r hni ton si c- tkt rrai pfeasure ininlorminj their oslomers that they have now on hand the ctpt d most complete slock of goods that ly have ever imported ami feel confident rjftwav njt wtmv ona aa rerd lo prie end uoiy coodf call and eainine fcr yonnelvea kihbjatm june i j for sale the stores of 200 mended aa a specific for the cure o all diseases such preposterous stale monts are wnnn than ridiculoua and are only put forth fur deception hut they will prove a valuable itemody hit that confined atate of the bowels which inyo tho foundation of much suffering ivuju t hat itkt uiia 4 h ill all are liable and fur all those disorders which arise from an overloaded slate o the stomach and alimentary canal con sequently decided benefit will be dcriv ed fromtheii use in giddiness and pains in the head accompanied with nausea or sickness in all headaches where cosiivencs prevaila in flatulencies bilious attacks the commencement oi cholic the early stages of jaundice and in promoting the expulsion of wnrrna they require no confinement or change in the diet moderate exercise will aa sist their operation and experience has proved that as an aperient v ey are safe and efficacious may be taken by adults and children ana also in every stage of pregnancy to children nf five- years of age and upwards they may be readily given in pulp of apple orange or jelly and thus disguised they are much more easy ofexhibition than pow ders or other disagreeable medicines oietecrrofis roa tauino ms pills in case of bilious complaints foul stomaca sec three pill to be taken at bed time and repeated next niht if necessary headache t sickness of the stomach two pills to be taken at night and one in the morning ofljfinofc cojfteenett three pills to be taken at any time needed and re peaiedevery six hours until relicfia ob tained the usualdoae for ordinary persons ia three pills but four pills may be taken by a person of strong habit of body ami two pilla miy bo given to delicate wo men and children prepared and sold by dr barker at the atheneum drug store kingston sold in boxes at 7jd la 3d and 2s fid each summer almtanoemem the royal mail stage will leave this office every morn ing at 9 oclock for belleville nd toronto fare from kingston to napnnce do do do belteville 7s od jas patterson general stage office kingston may 135 f just received at the athenrum book store n aduitten lo the larjre portfolio recently advertiieilp the following choice now en- kiavin via portrait of wellington al waterloo do do napoleon sad generals do do queen aad children do net napoleo jullianft heala colored sullys queea l a moor kinpton july 4th 1815 improved saleratus r 1 j i subscriber would bee loavc to arinouncn lo thuse who deal in the article ocs a leratus that ho la now ready to furnish ordcre on the ahorteat notice to tro extent of 2qoo ibn i doily of a choice preparation low for cosh or approved paper james mo kinhfsion brewery end diiliwery 12th august 1845 for sale gallons superior lard oil hendry blacklock kingston 16th august 1910 300 a ims f lo u r j k fk barren half batttb amri- eiej can stuwfvmi from ohio wheat 150 do ale hfftmmglp 20q co ca nfttlrterf brandf for sal hy j as watt jam pitch 1 a and rosin 4 few barrefsof each jui received and fat sil- bv 7 ja watt juno 30 jas watt maccaov snuff aamttatft haatfaw koe scented of ike hett qualiiya k wtjaajl receved and for salehy kingston june3lv fmlxratsts p1ttlnsmanit ami forsal at mannfiriuteis price the wpertor nualiu m 1h ailicl ia well known lo ihe trade msi ivvatn at john caaruthers cheats of tea all qualities uk bxe aad kre tobacco 60 bar coffee o the very best qualities muscovado and loaf sugars liquors wirier ac t lnmlon porler and falkirk ale 100000 cigars justosanz suam boats and havanabs 100 boxes sda tiikait 200 dot corn um- 100 do best scaled and lwfjhj herrings 200 reams wrappine paper oj peim01iv0 lire and cod lamia pennycaue and tin blacking 50 kaadi pol barley 300 barrel wblceyfrom tbe best drttil- r in ihe country fiom is 2d lo la 4j per galloa 1cw0 barrel coarse salt 50o bivt do 3x baneb pork 500 do flour tarou brands cananoqoe cheeae always on bana xnr every ailtcle connected wilh the wholesale giocery buiiness lower than ever was oftettit o ihe trade john carruthers orsceon gaacits wuxaf kingston augiil 6th 1815 j 671 for sale the leasehold preiliaea on brock street in the town of kings- ton now occupied by mr j oiiphant for terms apply to mr james russell hamilton or to thos kirkpatrjck kingston i61i1 june 1345 britannia life assurance company no 1 princes street bank london empowered by special act of parliament iv victcap ix capitalone million sterling thomas greer quebec fire office acekt william hallowell eio mdmkdical rcrcut table i eoc a l aaria 0 e r a tutcm taste oe paimeats roquired for the oaaorauce of 100 fttr the wbote term of a injle life in annual halt yearly or quarteil asartv table il annual premium 14 17 s ii 0 ii 6 6 m 11 9 i 11 s 0 9 j 9 4 fwjrfff prm a 0 17 x a 9 irem taweor annual premmrnarcqairej fortbeaa urence of 100 for whole term of aaintr life the rvtebeinfrincrettcdf or the a om a a reduced at tho end of every fifth year until the twentieth incloaitc afttr which pe riod a fixed annual premium wilt be payablcand fiicdsum ajaurcddurinrtberrmausderoriijc table of premiima required for the bb ranoeof c100 00 o single life tor th rrapective trrma of one eod k jtii 0 0 60 so nil 18 bv ul 6 iso 73i 4m0 soa 6ss3 w rsm pm yeore yare 4 6 e ii 5 4 1 f 7 6 vee nam plaster manure water and coofta chalk for sale hy june 30 cemeat rhy ias vvatt for rale or to be leased os advanta geous terms severalhgnjred acres of land in tho township of wotre island opposite kingston a steam isoat plies between this is laml anrl kingston thfco times a day also to to sold in whole r in parts about 3000 acres nf lani howe israren near kingaton a pplicatiim lo he made 10 kihkpatrick t burrows kingston 23j may 1345 music establishment 122 kino streft toftoffto 4 s nortdhlmer agents in cajiada for the ctjlcbioied riawo fouru of storlilart sc co new yort and cltickoiirig in fioston dcilcn jd riaoos in gtnrral of all frira aiao ihey have on hand a large stock of wind and stringed instruments and a larqo assortment of tho heat eu ropean music titfeanto ma 30th 4 12m notice scnberbeit to return their sincere kington tor hie erry itueral rlroitag rxirmled o ibe k nfwve h n n iwtha iin to intoim theao lliat ihrir huiniu will be con- llftawd hy mr gcoaoc srrrn- whom they coiirvtrnily reeommenl to the public a on r able lo give every satisfaction in his line ol b a i i ess koss1n l brotheks 4 fi05 4 6 6 3 4 6 g 9 j enajtjrlja- a imay ercur xltt ipayment of 15 13 4 until a 1 13 i j5 i 19 4 10 jd 19 10 j6 is xa 18 1 19 0 12 8 ii 3 6j1 11 s i j 4 5 m ax 9 i 4 4 9 t ii lift 4 9 s 13 ib 0 11 19 bxaaana a peawn agcd30 neat birth day may accuie 1000 at hu deavtb by payment of a pervoit aped 30 cneat birth day 1000 at liia death by ihe anm 2 l68d 11 ids 19d halfyear1yr s j5i 10dquartery ounrif the wltole ocriod oflifc the expiration of fieeiwri fter5 years until ibe capirmtioo of loycara 22 0 loaftcrloyoarauouj theexpiratiocior cttnbinflo at hie 26 31 15 years 3 4 after 16 years until the cap ration 20 yean and 5 0 aftr 21 r a during tit nmaindat ofufe ami rue ortiox or rihiiim of coalinuing eilher of the pymeirie throoehout the whole itim uf life and having the sum a hired periodically dimi nidied aceordtn to the anncacd ttaknf reduction ta1l iii oat ranwf ifi 23 30 35 lteor pfcmcm p go mm 5 t 7 t 9 13 0 ii 9 16 17 42 83 5 s 10 8 4 o 6 8 n 17 6 1 3 it 9 9 0 10 7 i 9 ezajfru i a ptraoo aged neat birth day a r 7 afie mitxtm alearva olyr hy ilioboy- tnenlor13 1q 10 a a arm ol the same ire nay ecure ihe tibe eeni artpsed 4e du arul by the annual my j mrntri3 u 10 v- rttluctm fmr atvrant txiotc of 00 agr according fe the allrmmlixr ffdft 0 t 7 lahr rrttbccj 1 d no lie vmr eerid4 fimc ibe 1 1 ke ci m 1 1 mill n do fcnl sir fourth il r r ii ie tfo l0 a fur s leora pt aur 10 rre iso 7j afttr mflwr is rr tti urr an tsa 71 m rphk 3 lhanks to hie ihiihiunls of onon0aga salt 200 for j me 30 bale hy jas watt cordaue n f coils while tarred hmp rone o fiom yx tiirear to inch war ranted fresh and sound for sale hy ja watt june w j martin corner of king ami brock streets mar ket square kingston dealer ia tns nitttii liquors st 4c respectfully tfcrnt the pomic lial he ha now on ha lx- ami sioenor toekofcoohinilns hi among which are by companng llic ratca of tble i and 2 it will be seen that accnnjint tn ah altortiative lj n nmewhat less than two thirds nf the wholo life pirmium ts in general required in the first instance the difference beino altorwsnu made up eilher by a gradualinci case of proniium during a given or period hyftcorfos poinding gradual reduchnn nf tho sum assured the option in every eaaer baino given to the pulicr holder of selecting the mode which may boat suit his object or convenience the necessary forms- and every renoistte information aa to the mode of effecting assurances may be obtained eitheiby letter or personal appliea- tion to thomas cbeer aoaait via these rates sterling irim premium of kxeavn oe added kiwnujiitok rf new juweuery store ts kokfje spanuenberg begs lo in- f form the ladies and gentlemen of kings- iouanil vicinity that he has opened store in prince street neat to mr r mecor- niickafjroeery storr where he has a laree and many other ofeeery desctiption sugars do tobaccos arrlef port shcrrte all prie- madeiras cliampaieie genuine scoleh wmafj jamaica spirit pale brandy very firfo conac da hollands j de k i sam schiedam do liquor c c peterndaie sperm ole ami la fmrontcd ctoan or all atqfmi faocy sinokins d awk chewing tobacco mocaa and other foffnfrtih grourta every 300 dor corn broj 100 do patent fa vr- a variety of picur r mitf spices sperm v lard ami tjiio lamhe cawufi and fancy soipa playing c saioait comprising a eery eow aasoitmeni o g0rt in this trade all of wh wil1 ld at the lowest pikes familiea hotel an ajfatu on liberal terms kintm 30th jul edwin vown tin and co ith mikceas iwrf wloati begti leave to i nv tia ameudl and the pulilic that v has commenced business upimaitwivrf watkina pi co where ne miiis and good workman of publte pairnriqce n utho strict atlejiiion to metita share highv price paid for old bratw ciapiart p lad kiiimtonmiy27- 8 tngston nay mcguirk and mkrchani vell1n mccafferty tailors ton si ki beus leave to ff heir fnenda end the public lll l h com- monced busirieamnii h bw whore they tniet by nc attenttmi to bu sinoas lo merit a iw v p f age thoir stock e insists of a choice ftmortmttl l of brmd clo1h and varied cairaerwsteeda clotha together with 1 beiafl meni ol rih ratlin andsumt kington lilih jnll is4 pit ikunfor s ft ij 1- y h hy oao j0nrs 6tj f asiortment or cold m dltei jewelry plated goods fus articles too nomerocs in mention am descnptioia of jewrlrv leanufctmed to r and neatly repaired silver spoons c ace made to order kiugtnn7th may isis notice r undersigned will not pay for any goods hereafter delivered on iheir account unless entered in their office nr vessel pass books at ihe time or to thewriirenrderaoftltcmsetvesorelerka huoker henderson 6 co kingston april 15th 1s45 foksalh bvtlltstj88cbidebh cjj- l cadis fine and coarse liver pool in bags arid barrels flouk american superfine iaril piimc prime mesa otmeaa pin rom no 1 scotch macpiieuson crane kingston june 25th 1344 llousbs to let 10 rent in colborne street and possession given immediately 2 new houses both inexeellenvor derand having a firstrate well of water rent moderate apply to thtj pro prietor ec his saddlery end harness warehouse princes street conlotj john harvy kings 20ih jan ls4fi fiif lumbkr por sale v th aicanti princess and queen stroota en- trance either way anooon fect op rrnnur consisting of 1 inch inch and 1 qbirtcr inch and a half and 2 inch alaoajlotof oak plank from one inch to four 1000 feet of square pine lumhe and pine 4caxtlinq ofdifferenr dt- mrtnstiina the whole of the lumber ia of su perior quality and well seasoned and will bo eoldlow for cash or approved credit george tett kingston may 7 is45 3c33tf new grocery and provision store inhe subscriber respectfully informs nie friends and the public that he has commenced business in the a hove line on the west iieef the pioneer steam boat companfs wharf where he ia pro- pared to aupply private families fteam boats end hotels nn moderate terms tho following comprises pan of hia stock fa mi ly jayfcs medici nes j awes thi- invaluahle nmr of ifcc mt a ikihavcr been kvw alma ttoifbf htuh 1 i h expectorant modicmi ii daily rftretinc u all whs rwcfr 41 ftr p itetf h 1lai llll- cash for plouit thb higheoiptic in cuh piid fluur by v ispobbll jcr for to let itr kib n trre of lw nreh piraceni aa rxih y iht rwi uu ir itmtpn m temmwmiofmuhlvsv i mmy klckh0u5efc6h0p mkanaaaameoiase4uaiiaaawatve hkoni wtry drruaird ay jomg smate kr itnnili rw ttauffil ifciivelml tl mihi ayiaptania frfrr ittihr i v 1 a i ia t pa unu i f tthf imt i brrwih wtt r thri has iweatai hnlk krtrf t lip f mi f funtvf f hriil ii irn lilona it t an rpnmauiif ihr flnvheih whkh linre ihe jwffh piron air fwmh runhrhicli rrr frtirha tfottf n tiin kpofinunmiir iv errairc owhand ri j n imo vr remot ir olrdruhj ol tlrrniine ty poswif 0cb4 i 1 1 r rnn trq ihil ur n im ufitclwiarchy pofmnwry dcb aa p4j- rin s- trwaoko i r or bore otiure nitlbllffft a remedy wwlrsorrr au if ma arainl ai nlrh errry 1 miy iruvm vim typ blmr hm carminativk balsam i aaartlwiant teny fat drwiurfr n ttwrnrrr thalttp aiof1tfl mmmrr street poisejooajivenanth ifmastamri applj to kin 21 1815 bogoi street ssif rg a jaynes taceribla 9 arrht ptwi nk t7 4 arriau- iffofnc pnjn pt khe m hie if pkarni apr ebiif ikopfji iiiii prtiijii nc ad lnlthmr bowel- hjatr aaf nun tmfwkl aaif an wk ntnid raalnf rp afia p1a r ll p b alk oli miir r uc m lln mami ad i diiirmnfa and njrtm i lnrtlad tavfa4pofl of lnhtns apd rtf all hd nkrvuud rra montreal type foundry tihe undersinrd hvrn pjirehastdmha above tabjmeniaejrsroaoliitacor- nenaece of thr patronaxe whfeh has taraq aeretofor so irkerallv bestaued qpoo him aa arnl to the foim ry haeinx reviej vml mlcllll he itaj tkas biheam ctffk bprh ricktes tatilk c e roraiu rmuuy ncrrinnti cigar tthaccos lrattin syrtjp iatmeal four pork tahlk salt 8p4ffi olive and lard oilo tallow do candle sperm do castile and lrown snaps variety of othor artilna titos maxwell kingston apiil 22d 184o ac kapk9 tmuanr orrw niai rklim pruri a4 jf rotopniikir rer aftonrd v1hr im fr ikf cnmt ihe vpf drtnf atca or iw mvwirfc pd 1 rttl rarilrrrie ac maintee fcr rniiii a r a u v i i nri ct- platti nd i anijtfl phovf 4eiatl rrctj ada like a chprta all pfro re rrdfaird if ire lr av wiiafi i rtaiomii ji v- r ifkttf a- rr yr hkaairrd i ir i iy mmural fcrrrisfmr kavf ihta rvrfim tram ni i if n a i i s nftyjirw ffrnv my tamnov tupai lapitomy infh prno i acooa ia fabllali american hair dye warmiiipit w urirtty aoplih liofaftlhaj iirii i flaii- lliff lihif otfl pf fhllcr ci m olnfrtl ahlirp pf a i- 1 1 ji ilnl rtiutthlaiiierirr4akijprilkcllalilrikcr hiurl r pffj m h j- td83dt phm frtrp so f rnu fayns hair tosicy pat the vrtrrariaa ftuaff orawla aoj j if ot ivo k all tknir ivflic ntrfrvr lairfulnkw hau etittifhrtilrrfti frrr- tint ti w ti n flir yoin tl lionria a ftj rm hiifljjit carrahfaaaf af iha orate- prcaarii iin aalr frma foiiiip od orw- dinkff iremuury i ray freaairctl ovl bjur u jy- no sqv h 1 eueel rsaaaearffliau worms worms worms ofall llaaataa to whiek r aieeipotftd aaa tf h imwffl pwdfin l l rr ciltarraar rum oct rm n f n i i r llf aymffiar liotlcryn4hcfii4p tbaln tnvlm i1rmr1rl v1 fteiasrifd wcrri urr hm onu a cabac of dlafaao imokaclvfio imi by ierlffitiatjraha h4clrr jlet wd4rrifl kiplaiotars bnwaottaiefactiafiike bowf p d f tiafly ibr iproei cahn cfpuuipp- and 6 aaru death t t jaynes tonic vrmifuge wfrkh hpafrihlyafraftrio rdfambiai cblurrnvvtll afhf fli lotnko m it rjrillydcmrfvr virmi ftfuimtji r aodforvaar ifc ifnnf nlrr- p trii moif 6 iir i- pprfliancai vtsaxi ad ihotflw filcaofully bacttcul ilcfflhlp jcreamj jdjej to ihe tan onfienlly rrcomcnerf the c now manuracloiej hy s as eqoal lo fiymanonc lured on tbii contment- thr series of in eaperitaceil eractieal man from new york hare 6entner4 h he mechanical jepirinienl and the prinlers in thti cite are confident ijmippcafed toes to fotis ftj q typc cmt in lh a specimen will be thortlj issoed when the proprietor w lr do himshrihe pleasure nfwait in tipou the trade ia the meaiitttoea he wiu nappj to see or hear from those inclined to fjfvr rum herl sjinrf pinters materib anj anv avtla tol new york at 20 per cot in advance chas t ealsorave mnitrealjune 12 1845 6m dhenkin id wssaa afh aal iiwe ltf im tl aicuejbf fflvth 1cieff woetttaaa it iljaikepnlaerit ipcptalef rj md aguk alcaflfal pem3 tvnala imiflv itihr with n tbcit afajji e rnorh popffnirpi in tbe i mr aiorl af rmureo tfr ntvpjiy otbaaaia uadlitnhj tbla mnbf- lhaawia ar in wbkb worgia aaj indr yoif i ad hy remuw uii ls twmslbklbr warmlibaln ia lr body i it n jf n flbphlt lltfqjmimiiliulcrjnfrr rtirmefe tlfivrecf or d jaynes sanative pills fat ltter v ili aaaltawravar cmf aflbp fclb iviiiny flvr wfd llmkltiaa l4ncloty prtk lp ulq hd r- bora nd bndm auaoa tdtrflleaw ftntv a javmke ltrkphkisknvativr a alieemlaanl r in ni- n -r- r ofibak ptfkre ioiwai prfkro biik arovol ia pnpp ia pih mfe nrj ec bhlf ftilfff rtrplifjel p jf r arfpii il i rll ablvt aivrjiipia g f acfaj fearaj fonceaaondiafialeupifmh iswawmalmsllml uruio e ucflaloarcaa ancer iotf r w ea alpe ofi bonri j i j fir idatajirf pi ofle votettt ppa 4c a i isa nelaaa 4liiff of lb akb ilvmfi haalao pummm ac elfi uih w- rwlfiihnj aa ifmi ak flf wonj oil l hr bodf ii j- asom nerbeaajaorr n i tawa la h faumed yv aeoraeat ofmrl lwtli abda atadiflnr it the subscriber n tenrjortng thanks to hia frionja and tho public geoorolk for tho liberal support ha haatonfcrinly re cetvrd amco he comrrthnecd buaioeoa would tag lave to i ri 8 bw has on hand an extensive and mil aelectea stoes of wrniis sftnita gutfcniu c cittd iaoamving made ar rangemouta forhu futurw4ppha to o fiirniohyd of the qpotcjst doacripilon uiltunboobuismcl in uwmonirwl and nther markoca he fu conbdont ia aaymg tbat howim at all nin stand pre pnrod to sell aras ro1scd rates aa aov nthor i i a t i in the atako line of bosi ntaa hothnreforwmrxwfullyaoliciu aconttnuarjco of past favctrir abraham fostsb cwtfpriawandwmnfunslkiaxtt kingston mayth 1su commission agenct rjihe subscriber haeing made arranmtnu to continue on his own accouol the ouiinew ol tho late 6im of caaig fc watr aa a cornmiaaion aient for lha sale of mer- handizt l produre i ihia marktt upoa ne premises formerly occupied by them examine tha grocery eatabluhment of wil ham diropson eaq onlariu slieef m ta tender his aerrlcts to the connarcial gaaa munlty ofthe proeinca and nitghbojioabttataea in the abova capacity pftdftng himaalfto da- vote hia unremitlma attention lo the jrtiraici ofanchaamay fseor him wilh corvilnmslaioe commit anyj otbar kiod of btafnaaa to hia agency ms watt klntstoojun26 lalo 614 school cjuch people ooks who am wtat sad wish lo obtain ijood and aheap anjcja be fruwp v re i jiaaing olaawhoro rauiilora auppliad

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