Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), November 11, 1845, p. 2

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airs caudies curtain lectimkt funnls by lc quuoma wr h vou titer wflst mm 7 i tl i i u9s cmjm will h to ruv oruyonve very late tonijlhoear ift no lafe well ihrt it inl lliat all w course a woman cm never tell when il late you wf re hid ntmdyt m laie on the friday before on the wedursday be fore ihei bow jou neednt iwisi about in that i tier ittmlftgdinxtowy aiyihine no foi i sea inn use oiiclnwftjiiud to fret me when you ataid nut youve broogtu me to that stale ihl i rfftvl whether van ever feme home or not i never thought f could be brought to think s liide oi you tail youve donr it you been tread ing on ihe worm for ibosc twenty years and il turned it last now prn not jroin- lo rjuarel thai nit over i dont feel enough for you to quarrel with i dont caudle as true as im in this bed all 1 want of tou i any oilier man would sneak lo hi wife ami nil lie there like a iojc 1t 1 want if this jutl tell me where you were oa tuesday t you wee not at deal mothers though you know shes not well mod you know aha thinks of leafing ihe deal children her money 5 but yoo never had an teajline for any body belonging to me and 00 were not at your club no 1 know that and you were not at any theatre ho do i knew ha mr caudle i only wih i didnt know no you were not si any nt these places hot i know well enough where you were- tarn ichgdn i ask iflknm thais it i to prove what a hypocrite yon ore julto show you that you cant deceive me so my caudle youve turned billiard nlayersir fjnjyoneet thais qqila enough yon might m well play a ihousaud times for nre a lost man caude only once indeed miller if i was to y only once whii would yoti say to me but of course a nian cant do wrong in anything u and youre a lord of caudle and jou can u many of them to be sure wrote to me apolo gizing for taking the part they did and attri buting their nitalebment to the voluntary milohwnnkx on am principle senrrwd that tftntft i aid to imcan and kbpfcat ihem publicly how can you say it is the vohm- atlhc tegular meeting of the hpeal a- tary 1 you ore gok upon the ociatinn sepiemeri1ihdmiki presbyterians receive x860u0 a year hy made a very able speech finn which wo make annual voles yon never opposed the ptcshy- in extract in teplv in charge ruoiight against lerian ranl it is equally obnoxious to ihe htm foe hi cmise toward litis commy voluntary principle but when a jiiantispro- t i s imi that w are learning our cause hy iefuinf lheyrnplliy of iprvijp oatim it 11 quite irti that wc hive refusal french sym nlhy because their officer of sympathy was accompanied hy a declaration of opinions in which we rtiil not concur il is quite true that from many parts of america we refused tympathy hecaose the evidence of the sym- palhy was aecnmpned hy prthclpfvf that we j of them enlightened men j hu could not aiopt we could lake nocymnatliy of ihern bigoted no pojer no aw mance luute nt wiih our alkn jucd lo be given to the catholics you opjiose it yoo dont act upon the volunteer principle with rean to the presbyterians but yon use it to act honestly against the catholics but i am not the less the antislavery man myjclf i dont abhorvlavery myself ihe lesa because men who are opposed in it in england have atteil as htave described there ate many hut there are many icn who hale the creation mr y away from the comforts of your blewed fireside and the wi dely of your own wife and children though lobo fur0 you aever thoufht anylhin 01 tbtai topuih ieory bolls about wilh a lon stiak ou a gracn lableclolh what a pleasure aay man can lake in such stuff murl astonish lay sensible woman 1 pity you caudle and you can go and do nothin hut make cannons for thats the gibberish they talk al billiards when there the manly and athutie game of ciihbage as my poor grand mother wad to call it a your own hcatlh youean o into a billiardroom yoo a re spectable tradesman or as you set yourself up for one for if the world vaew all thrrcs little respect ability in you- you can and plav at hilhards wilh a ael of creatures in mustathios when yoo miht take a nice quiet hamt with cni at homr ir no anytliii butenhbage with jour own wifel caadleiosajloeer nowj youve gone to elesteactton 1 never know a man enter a billiard room that he wasnt lost for eeee- there was my uncle wardle a better mati eievtr heoke the brrd of life he took lo bil liards and be didnt live with my aunt a month afterwards a fucay fctfow and ihat what jou call a man who leaves his wife a 1 lucky fellow t but tobeaure what can j eaptci t we shall not be tugelher lont mw its been some time eomm but at lai we viuti separate and the wife ive been jo yoo but 1 know who tilt ilsthaifii4d prrlly- maa i r u him abend and pn by no meant a foolish woman youd no more bate thought of billiards ibaa a goose if it hinl bean for him now its no ue caudle ynui telling me that youve only ben once and ihr you cant hit a ball anyhow youll ooo jit over all that and then youll nrecr be honve youll ha a marked man cuidlr ves markrd irjenscfce unt lilios aiaswt yoo utbtsl dreadful for if i couldnt tell a billiardplayer y raa looks ive no cyea at all they all of em look as yellow a pirchmcnl d wear ertutjcbois i suppose youll let your emw siow though theyll he a gooh real of trou ble to come i know lhat vei thryve all a i allow and sly look jusl foe all the world as f they were nt coaswis so peojde that picked rketa and thai will be onrcase caudle ii months the dear children wont know t hew own falhee wefl it i know myself at all 1 oolim have borne anything but mffiaivfs tlie com comas youll find i the captains that will atwayi borrowing fifty pounds of you i tell v ji caudle a billiard rooms a place where rai of all sorts is made eay 1 mav sav to the lowest understanding so you cant miss it its a chapel of ease for ihe drvit to reach in ont tell me not to he rtoquenl dont know what yiu mean mr- caudle and lahall be just as eloquent as t like hut i never caw opeo toy lips and it isnt often goodness knows ibat im not insulted no i wont be quiet on this mater i wont caudle on any other i wouldnt say word awd yu know it if you didnt tike il but on this matter i trie speak i know co cwi i at billiards and never coum am i dan saynoi but cm makes st all tfea averse for look at the money youll lose see the ruin youll he brought to 1s no u four telling me youll nol play now you cint lielp it and nicely youll be eaten up dont talk to me dear aunt told me all about it- the 1os of fellows that go every day to get isjeir dninec jusl is a fox sneaks into a farm yard to look about him for a fal 00r and theyll eat you up caudle i know they will i iid balls indeed i well in my time ive been over woolwicn arsenal you wee something tike a man then for it rym jusl he- font we were married and then i saw all i aorlsot balls mountains of em to be shot 1 away at churches and into the peoples peace- 1 able habitation breaking the china and no- tiody knows what i say ive seen these balls well i know le said that before but i choose to say it again and theres not one of v- 1 as they are hat could do half the mischief of a billiardball thais a ball caudu thats gone clean through many a wifes heart to say nothing of her children aod thats a ball that rajot andday youll destroying your family with doot tell we youll nol play when a mans once given toil as my pooranl used tosay the devil always templing him wilh a ball as he tempted eva with an apple i anall never think of bernj happy any vnore no that cuilc out of ihe question youll be tbereceery aihi know you will batttrthan you so dont deny it rvery nilil over that wicked reen cloth green indeed ita red crimson red if you couvd noly pro- ptrtyseeit with the hearts uwsa tolls have broken dont ml me not lo be pathetic i ball as pathetic as suits me 1 suppose i may apeak however pee done its all ti tled now youre a billiard player and im wretched woman i did nol deny either position writes caudle u tnd for llus rrason i wanted leep it ticwat ti h ti a it n in rfce prr hit ti2cofntittiicrilncnt kimleoln mya when fir winu u4 11 try in tftfemfk4 nny wised winch tij iliehyi- ur bi liieal 4bd we cvot inn it- f 1 4vn ar of titighmh enent wr atnwijud loss lbcuuln i wlnrd iv4o4 avnwjrlluiux atvaujil be nkjn2 lire ik- snpduv rpjotlimllyi rrflu anlum fr itnlway ltwlk wt ll ih- rnly whtb mrni r m exmlrr 1 1 fr aurvety wtw ftlirv4 r iih ft ah 4bssty turfy d vr awrvauafliy retnrtn m n equina i mah m iwwiasiliirj sw4lmuv uw wl t- wruy n t w4j wrjj 41 ibjssvetu4wf ffuhtti a inn atfit fl- and nnasshtance iconmtent with aor a ance to theaveroigrsand unworthy of our duty to our native land i have been as ailed for atiarkinjf ihe amciican instilulionas it is call ed fv staverf i ir ot asharneil of lhat attack i do not shrink from if i am ihe advocate of civil and religious liberty all over the gtov and wherever tyranny exists i am the foe of ihe tyrant whcever oppression ahows itself i am lh foe of the oppressor wherever slavery r ha head i am the eue- mo of the system or rhe inslitujionj cll il hy what name ynn wh i at1 irlc iriem of liber tyin every clime fiassl and enfoimy smy palhy with ditrr is not ennfinvd within lie narrow hound af my own fflttn uutnl no ii rtemu itself loeeery coiner of ihe earth my heart walk abroad and wboicver the mber- ame is to he suceond and ihe slave lo he el free there my sprnt is al home and i delight to dwell in iidiu il has faen sai what biisrnesa has octnell in interfering with american slavery why do not the ameri- cansshow osiheirsympaihy foi our singles and why should wo not show a symtathy in rftortsfor liberly smonesi thems ives uut i confess that i have another strong reason for desiring to abolish slavery in america in no monarchy on ihe ace of the earth is there such a thingas domestic slavery lis true in some colonies belongimr to monarchies slavery exists hut in 110 furopean country ii then slavery at all for the hussion serf is far dif ferent from the slave of america and there- i fore i do not wish lhat any tover of kbeily shoold he ame lo diaw a ooftlrait between the democratic republics of america and the ilea potic states of fn i am in favor of irn- j democratic spirit and 1 win to relieve ilfrnin ihe horror of slavery i do not wish lo visit america with fori and violence i would be i the last aau in tb woild to consent to it i would nor he for matin war 10 fiee she no groes at jeat rnw for ihe war of ife and mash and swoni hut i would he lor the moral i warfare i would c fn- the armj of argument and humanity t procure the extnctim of 1 tyranny and lo hurt contempt and iufin iion on those who calmnemsrlvc fiermen and yet keeplheis in slavery i would bring de ments of ihat kindjohtm aajpo the system until ihe very name ol slavery should he re tarded with lioreoesm ihe republic of america i was ranch amd to see a north american uiview ami titi tin to me motives on i his head j ilia ifroa4sons tuarurbj tciieir and ra iublishel at tiomon i quote from an extract in the tttlrt of the i6ih inftani 41 fur otuselvcias american citizens and pal riots we mav fiave had our feellms wouid- ed our crjulitv around nd even our judg ments warped by ftl ocounrlls unprovoked attacks on our counry i ner attacked tnerr country- i whmly deny il hut f attacked slavery in america ami i attacked it eojaatly incvetyolher country fn the lace nf the enith tht atticle guei in sneak of me 111 a m tafj favorable manner arul then adds mivrirwrcs llhntf ah tahfo has in his speechesi maro remarks with regard to this country which are heard lo jniiify or even palliate now i will aievr be driven from my course by insinuations i ivever asserted nny thinner american slavey thai 1 had nol documents within my reach to prove and benrc issl down with ihe consent of the association j wilt read a dicwnrnl quit conclusive as re gards ihe matters od ihins which i have just staled now for the insinuation of ihis writer t we have strong reason tot helievingihal these remark do nol accord wilh hiri own private views and feeling and lhat they arc made mainly for the purpose of coociliatinx fneuis or silencing enemies in england and scotland there never was a man yet so incapihe of concealing bis tfaoiighis i have made more speeches than any human being three to one and the american reviewer has on right to say that while i speak one ititng t think another il is a fmil insinuation mind what he says m fo be psirpose of conciliating friendsnrsileuciugnmies in holland or scot land whalanolion ttsey haveol me agaio we have a mr oconnel is belter informed as to ihe state of things here than his public speeches would indicate cut bo appears to jodgo tt important for his success lo conciliate and as far as possible ton1iai1hc abolitionists in great nrilainon his side and to have it clearly and distinctly understood by ihe british gov ernment and thetxopte that however ardently he may desire repeat be ia not prepared to caryilby courting or accepting any foreign alliance or sympathy thus ho repelled the prolteredsympathyoflhe fiench liberals and thus hers replied it soma measure the prof- ferred sympathy ol american citizens now thai is ao accusation ol being a base hypocrite an accusation of etircting to be the friend of negro emancipation merely to con- 1 citiate the abotilionists m england la ihe year 25 when 1 left my profession and weal over lo england there wai an antislaveiy mee j ting at which ittroum and spoke anl afterwards when i wrni lo parliament another meeting was appointed greater in magnitude the west india inter est was carried through tho house by a mijonty of 19 therefore the ernanciapatinn bill was in the power of the wrst india interest but when ihey sent a respected ineod of mine th knight of kerrv to me to ask why i did ceiiaiu course wiih regard toil what was my answer 1 1 represent ihe irish peopfe here and 1 will aci at the itiso people would sanction come liherly come lvrry to inysrlf will never cnunteoance slaver at home or abroad i jid i cawie here on principle ita irish people acul me bere to carry out 1 1 iiiutiput their prin- ciplca aioahhorencenf slavery and therefore i will lakr my part at the antislavery meeting and ihouh it ahnum be a blow against ireland il is a blow in fvr of human lineity end i 11ll strike that blow so far was i from cultivating the ilaveiy interest lhat i adodcl that coirse ihoah t legteited to imc theii votes bui i mus lo ihvm ihe credit lo say thai i did not lose them tlieyaclinl noldy anl said they wiotd not revirnge upon ireland my attack upon the m- hut 1 hclice no person can say that i was courting the anlilavery i hi v lei o remind iu i- 1 that ai i i it the u 1 1 tcrru ho moai reckleai oud insane world ever wil ownoffcoion is thai lory would be one oxbiutiomthat tbc and yet the fact ay h hc f mhcr both tvore m in fi 11 ie trcaidrnl miji irh aro in a inic poftiiion jmaoawad for luiuaciotisneea de cue co ihe rrwaiiati red uuj conununa the l of pro the proximate ftusrthl in tho i j of purenuurnu sund nretlv mucbiotha praulahn of the varlels who reprcswt tho rival house n rj ti0 montague in the play do you hfe vluf ihumh ttl nil m r u the law on our aid if t ny yea f if buh parties eivc and take a ftij t w wd if on the contrary neither fpvr hi pohlm the wore n is nol lahamo any it i more than likely mil be dra wc luipe for tho best ff w fejingeof tdcmsal the cannonn mouth some one jfc we bad much rather see an aide and cava headed diosomaust like mr mlane eichanj id w qukland by oomeenaciaet foreicn menasttt lxjak erdecn to aomo pacific one we mean 1 than to sec enguwi britttn- wnh tmjuoeta and mantty are nol sufficient to restrain those of duel disposition and evil mind we some limes see a drayman beat in the most cruel manner an animal on whoso labor his family depends for support so it is wilh the master and hia slave so that the slave is beaten as the drayman heals his horse bui it will ha said if we admit and guarantee the right of the master to chasiie his stave in order to secure his labor and roped what a mode of making him rrspect him how will you prevent cruelly in ihe exercise of uch a power which from the nature of ihe case must be purely discretionary this cannot always he done such cast as sylvesters however may br guarded against this boy was whipped by ih officers of the people those ftoggcrsaro called officers of the people now it would eei clear that as a public officer is the servant or the whole people lo do ihe public bidding us eprrsaed in written laws and to do nothing more hehonld not and cannot safely be ihe servant of an in hvidual also and use live powers of his public trust to execute the man dale ofprivale judgment or caprice as the custom now is my maler tny without cause thorvn send a slave to the jail and have him flogged by the public whipper yrunj- or old greatnr small male or female il matter nol and aa in the case now commented on he may without the certainty ot any fault but only lo extort confession of a suspected crime have the punishment hiouht so ncr to killing thai surgeons consider icco very a doubtful am i to blame if i atiack a system of lhat kind male ot female young or old whip ped at ihe discretion of a man whmw nuly lm it lip the dog of wae wny rfw y well for the ai veniuroua and the ovwefalc for those who hve oincthiog lo gaw vi nothin to lite in the 41 bkwdy exchange but every trwndof ins spe cies in both counlrat cvesy lover nf bia und whe ther ttrilieh or augean will kirc a ieuewc terminaurti of the ampule wifwee time ocf 10 catholicity mere intensely than hey love the liberty of any potfion of the human race rut ban 1 tiaduced ihe americans when i talked of the horrois of domestic slavery i hap pened to receive a neworleans paper publish ed in ihe centre of domestic slavery it is call- 1 america rampant aiih fury cry fury und let edthe jeersonron keyuwicon and i shall tidoraorwae wl dw rcfy wdno read an extract from it by that i perceive that in connection with ihe institution of sla very in neworleans for 1 find lhat in america they call il au inslitulionthere are public whipping places men are licensee lo keep una moles ol torture ihe masters sends histave 10 thoe shambles there to get one hundicf lashrsior whatever degree of punts hmrtw his master desires there are actually shambles kept for the torture of slaves and there are peisons who earn a livelihood what a hideou livelihood by gorging human beings at the instance ol those who are called their rnaslers i find lhat a writer in this paper wishes lo gel rid of lhatsysiom and mind the man who pumiflu- this is resident in new- orleans lie must therefore he as mild in hi language on the subject aa possible or he might mow what ibevalue isofa bowe knife this wriler says we find unfortunately lhat even ihe strong promptings of self- in iciest in addition lo hu- british whig h qfhaf psr ortosm dteor kingston thesnay novr ii 1815 cjsuwvwf urttfar pl london and r muiiucu i foronio- urcivip siscr oua ist j s emcstow n v mcc- fiorrrsponbence of tlc britislj iuljig alv nol actueitly kdling the indiviiual ey h a stale is would i a i- the slave ileclare whether h is uilty of a theft or nm are they i k ujhjittnan wni v ensure tn are hnue cem going on around them 8c collect lhat this is nol the statement of a calumniator tibeler oca foreign emissary but it rtent published in the darkest hole of slavers- neworleans itself l them blame me let me be execrated by ihem let their support be taken from irebnd slavery i denounce you wherever you are come freedom come op pression to ireland let ireland he as ahe may 1 have my conscience clear before my god tahhor the tyranny of man and its demoralix- inj bruralizing torturing practices it is nol 1 who ralrjmniate the american if hey be calumniated but the american who writes thrs document and pubhmic il i speak only ihe wonts of that writer and come good nr evil 1 am the enemy of slavery in every form oh men ol ireland tally with me js it nol de lightful to be engaged in such a slroggle i do solemnly declare that even hough my ef forts wore not to he crowned with success i had rather be engaged in this struggle ftr the welfare and happiness of my native land than enjoy all the wealth and resplendence and magnificence that the treasures of ihe congre gated worlds could bestow upon me the pleasures the honor the privilege of strug gling for my country i wouldnot surrender to be monarch of the universe rally then wilh me one and all rally with me young and old high and low rich and poor rally ilh me for ihe repeal and your country m green erin of thesireams will soon be ihe happiest and mosl prosperous as she b avowedly the loveliest and most fertile of the nations of the earth fwl eacnawie j london october 19 uj45 y dea si thrjic is very hitlc ncwalo oowmunicntc by ibo lrrnrnt puekcv the ntlrct of the hwntffl returns for he rata dnd aajdtwta ending 18 ii vi isj5 shows a dccrric on iho ycar jfl and on the quarter of 1703 the railway rwr con linnet and nil other business coiopara lively iiigtecled fur this one spreulalion lontnenrnl lines arc complilrly stifhtnl ad home rnilnmdt are thomyhlv overdone one iasuo of nci work ovorlayiu the onuntry wliicli the willy punch well bow it aye a degression ia however fell in the railroad rjure mrkcl parttcutarly as reganbcnp in coooeshnko of tin isvuo of notice from the bank of england on the igth raising ibe nlc of interest on ihr diicount of bilu from j lo 3 per ccol tjiis annouhceoirnt ha given aaluxacliin to ihe monicd interest end it will have an immedi nto elfcct on ihe money inrkti and clicck in some rsiaure the ecckicas apecuhtwns going on flic cuinmisioncrs for hie llwfoctinn or the jv4tron1l debt hve given noijco of tlieir inicniafn to apply onethird of uw surptis revenue lowrdt irtc reduction of the debt aa follow jcj6 tm 7l in theptirciraso of stock x6u0wl in ibe purchase of eicbxuer bills that u of the un- foumled debt tho foreign intdlirrcnoc received siocc my bti ismorc lhan usually interesting a- j k i 1 again annoving ihe french fvcesin algeria und the paris papers arc filled wilh details offrcsh di alters ile arab leader it appear hu been avenging hit unhappy eounlrymc thai tvere mat ed in their caves of refuge at daharn by aurprising aod destroying a considerable body of french troops reinforcement of coune ore lo be iiu- mediately cnl off and ctary meant no drubt ot tned but probably in vain to subdue tho hiihcrto inviociblc knur an insoncctton of u10 native triu on the frontier of morucc hcauvd by abd hkjder haa occurred who had surprised and attacked a body of ihe enemy to ihe number of 450 who were cut to piece the emperor of muriscci i placed in the nnhnppf pftition of being suspected by the french of aiding lite arabs and diarrumcd by hit own nubjcctt for bis rocent treaty with the french ith- rutrimony of st pctsr hsbeen much dis turbed of lie nnd a acriuus conflict is wid to have taken place btltvccn llio sobjecla and iho swiss 1iurdfof the popeat ravenna- i no account urire ortir in orubjbly csaggcrated ssrcdtn od denmark have ratified their treaty with morocco the latler having rclinquiahod ii rnikftt preunmimia to iribufo frail the former tin is all wrj well hut vre llnnk ihe demand for a ciscdttitffi of tribute would have prvcccdcd more gracefully from denmark hd the king of that owilry hioixsf set ihe eaample by relinquishing liia own eanerifnuj al lienor in vmic of uostilc tariffs more mod more stein gctit u the cujlinenl of kurope the greater hlhatity exercised toward uic producr nf ihoe countries heic kaa lud the nfla cl of sficniin ojr cxorl ii ijii further be observed that tho gofatral ioereaac nf our export haa taken pwcc to itnmii prussia rjcrminy belgium and frairte whuh rc jul lbc countries uijt rwvc miued be higtnl dmirv in order to delude neo eouds ll n aiaud by the new orleans tropic lhat a steam packet line was about to bo osutbhalicd lo jaansuea from thai eiiy a tontim ny whone ripiul will be dn j ben fniiod to build a mlnctfit class of ateam- alni to ply rrgiimrty mwccn llaiitry itahix and nctv vurka 11 fim rp toward making bnntry aptokcl jlimi no htd depot in aid of the propel the lord of ihe sot hat granted lo the t m- asuay a ahe fr wharvea quaya raera orlicc dec nl a nominal rent ii i proppised perform ue voypgsj irnm flaplftf ittuux in 7 issjuj the ateam bhip tlrftit hiitm has again l uril mlicr scciaid voyage acroailtie wctim ocean jslw aiibil imni livcrrad for nca york on salur- day llir au wilh 4v1ui 100 ruscncra a licavv i oinl i jnt imrjfii ol gotfu lic iritir 011 ihiard f wlndi aurh a deadly fst h-jrn- u thocreclion of rnrrjirki vvr h nl ubccnovkd rootidfroui 4 the work it to moree1 t umte crc- k wt shcrrn ere there is a conume heltji and ipiunnii tiling very delicately through mr ilatlind tbc liilorjan the mad for uombay i111 brought the quickest return of answers lo icllura sent from london lo lhat presidency since tho comnvencc- nacni of the overland and steam com muni ration with indie the mad from lndun of ihhth july having reached jkmbay on thclmth aogutt the retom mail which left bombay on the 28ih augmt bavin urrivcd in london on lie 3d inaf ihua ihe transit of letters from and back lo ixmdon wescclcd in 71 days j a li mj hrf ii appointed snliolinv tofthe pnin province of cjnadj to s c a o a vi- m scaurua must excuse tbo non oppcamncc of hia kltcr tho publication would inevitaldy hong dnvn opon innma ffni a peiacrnlion fur label and ph ihe tvdilvrin a very awkward predicament to ouft su8scriiikrs in ounsequorvee of tbo uncevtmn holding of the session of parliarnei uic tri weekly puuicatinn of ihe bartaval win swill ioo ia tbo flm week of january i m letters fom muntheal rr aim- 1545 t if aikud r 1 cttmtir ujl ar ktta rrrtivj w jiuiif ol lb a later jxriod iu itc yeer jrj or 3 mr puw ell uiixtfm and lbc mtiahvciy paty called a meeting in exeter hall fur the civiligalion ot iheiiiicimr of africa j atlendcd but ihey determined that i jhould nut lake a put imhv reeling they arranged that i should nol ih hard the people lhat attemled the meeting were kind drouth lo be impniierii to hear me hut tbty votes the chairroan out ofllm chair ind gol up a tone en ihe oran iiti i almnhl jteak to hko piod that w4v the way ui eaiirouiltorl the aatlstafery p-ny- and uhm is imivl was raid m kiland agiit ile mayuurdh ml vuu wtiu the unail a live in jauuu tbc howl f 1hu ajiti slavtrv juiy exeumi paevawjoxs rvn wai- the dock yards and naval aracnala of en grand ex lubit ex traordinary activity at llio prevent moment in many of ihe outpurls dram frigates of the largest claathsve been ordered hy the government to be rvady by a fixed period according to iho con tract and lbc builders have been bound down in heavy penalties lo liaic lliem tbc utd commo dore in ihe song fit for tea at the required rime iv contractor have recently been inform ed by the adraimuy thai the penaltira will be ri- k idly enforced in the event of failure as to time- in addition turveys are bring made of ihe coast and of uvunlpnrt and preiamlions arc aiso being made for placing the whole in a poailion of the greatest srrngth and impregnibiltly but ihe natural inmiify is mlietee ibis warlike aclivrty ivian teihenccnavonljial demandait wo arc at tcarc with the wofu our thipa ride nnielty on every ajw the foreign rculiuoa of the country veer a uaeifie apffcarancc illi all tlc great power of europe wo arc apparently on tin moat friendly terms noli ripple dbdurb the calmnonr of tiro ocean wuve hat llen can bo in uic wind uhieli ikiiil this slraugc and unnaioral presci ence of uic- storm y wiih tho eareplion of the inrtundenuaiatiuf iu lw raj do ja ltata to which rvmce eou illy wilh ouraelvcs as a parly i he re is nothing plpnhfe to vulgar ken in this galvanic innvement in the nrcmuv and on iho attioard hhisc uih prolita to ace farther into mdutooe chan their nrigjitiora point lo the m i wcst to larrgon for a solution of the mystery iveav lk nt rtihk riy lhey isdrtcrmiitcd to haw uic dta puled territory inftjp relive of iho conafnience tin- tpirit id ujc inaugural nddrei llio m nn upariuca asmsi actuates tho vremdenl tul hu dc- luneralte loare the com jtira live weakrusa of ihe wlnga in uto howtc oa well a in the snal mild the kitung ivfsflsgm ivjte mflueo a large ifrlhn ofijwcilircnvnf the tainted state oread ilrl oa potent nasosm for i and tho prri rataai cur oithiuil of nhich the doknrda of 1titftu il ll prem nl trviriient giro indubttahlu tf ine on4rttuin hi wlucti wv aijudv are nmiraiiiilily phaltem of fact whrihcr the tn feriticc ckclurt therefrom bo correct is a not iter rpachlion iiiji tbc rjoidnunca who aro never at a hoa fr renifcina on whirh to build a speculation imiwever nbvird inhilnuee il act of mr everett having rferlinrd nn invitntinn to u puldio deimni- nmmn in ihtrni on liia return homo inrauw he oould nut akauj rxeeptnf vaguu gincrahtica willi 0 viuuluig hlieiul emir aa a proof timl lint klatnoia ttfiln- livociairilriuv ariamg ifujtof ihe i i fftto nra ttklciji ami likely lo luvulvcj ui hl itrinatwo vir wc lueninw i brae rirjijalnjtnji rmv iteromra thvy hat ort lb asarloov al tdiiie musj rvuurrnmlimaaiy gip wiinmt at uii i brian jc thiui with uuf uan luvntuy or nproval tnjt loaravr oiausaa tb dean vtaiair nothing has arvw h the city during tbo week pishg the boallh exctjtefiey tho cotr cnoral bul froan pri vate aourcea 1 leanf ht hu latfdihipwa much better said able to bv every fioe day for cvrrl hour iu bia carriaev kiua he waa in axcdknl spirila and llcnduv to iho daily routine of pumic burineu aa usual not a r i lm touching the afrpeasich mg mceriag of rarlimeoi hoi it nti pfdnbly take ptaco early ui nt it is thought lhat the oaaon witl be one and tint ihe ana vrrnoi ccnrral wilu bumti imuiluiu1j after ibo promgnlioci tha toyetimerii hove punhind a uam of ground in iho burr p the cly uv jaland o and military with lltev4 masiu delay mas this nrehie i and budding any onnection wilh ihii iormuumr warlike peeparariona lhat are peocectling nt huenc wilh auch aelivity t a tcmnc goto a eiprinnced a and bovm quebec on sunday hi but wn haal no arnvuranee of il up here mueh rumige ansa dnfjtlo ilia hip ping and several homeward hound vratrrt wf compelled to turn back to port in drtre it thoueht that when iho full relurm eoma to hand the lilt of disasters ia the golf will ho very larc-e- thc ateamcr jjifreaf eneoumcred the tlirm on he downward trip at sorvl bul hi proceeded ran to quebec without diiiuge tho tunver on this end of tho 8t wsrwf are but ill adapted to face llieae aulumn galev a llarce laden ndh flonr waa ot on friday in deacendin the lacluno itpida and tho i and all hands are ea to be tnu l ne oiue of the ilarge i did not v- pari of urn flour win picked up flnanng tlw atream but of coiirac so much damaged a- lo bo acorcely wotui uic trouble or galhering tlw arason oiilinvessmgnbily mild and open and we have nol aj tel had any vraruing of the approach of winter ihc bl1 d lhcrj haa been rain almost constantly and lbc prrayecl for auolhcr rainy ovtf lolcrblv ffa jack front and bia ulteri sauw wawualy rooked for by iho mrrmp tux maaxtt f awwftj cflfejenwr haa effected uacfloee again and price arc riairiff graduallj m of become more aeasoff b llw the packet ajatltafflvwpljfc cd since ihcn 34sh obuncd and in one or lwmuncca31- v l bry35ra dernmlet tow x no bocouldraeireclr w ett ft 1 gcnrrt for ti 1 part formerly lower canada jferroa wrwiwr the death of mr rms- botham hai cmvd a vacancy in ihis borough n- cardldates in the field arc sir atym do beau- voir col rciddnd lifcguarih mr mm waller of beard wood captain flalke v i lafcdmrda mr jeremiah pitcher souiliwark me ivl cuyron one of tlw son of lord fjelowar vmd j l anson ivivalc stcrelary to prince albert the coturu i however cxpcetcil lobe between sic john dc heauvoir mr walter and colonel reid it t autcd thai cat reid will have the government and cattle intercrd and that under rho circuin stance captain hatkx icy will not ultcr dinaarlf tvcwroej tt id rumored that tlio ttiotnhilt ev wilt oppoclho oukeof larlrjoruttgh in iereal in that ouruugh at lbc forthcoming election lord a spencer churchill second on of the duke of rmarlbomogh wilt it ia understood be the oiher candidaie lvorircaaire 1 ncrc it no candidate to op poae lord brovk wlw t on tbc conlineul- wiff a writ haattecnirauedfoe a mernber to ptrfa for this bomoh in ihe place of ibe uie picr grenafl ej the canduuic arc uic hon capt i jmttay and mr v- thicbneaac a soppnfler of ihe covcrnmenl of sir robert peel and an ad vocate of free trade attd liberal opinion the contest as fal aa ii hn el gone haa appeared to indicate rather conflict otmimi prcddccliuna and cf pecjudicc lhan o political pripciplea and there have been rumors of corropiion which jiow ever reqmro authentication flic liberal candi date i hear ha intimated that ho will not pur chare a eeau but if returned will go aa the repre sentative of iho honest opinions and not of the degradation of ihe conlilucnr y crk dtymf sergeant murphy yielding lo lbc repeal pf enure ba formerly onnounced hi resignation the coaling house of commons may continue in being liu the ouluum of 187 and fmm actual appearjrces ihcrt n no reason lo conclude lhat it will be dtnrdmj mnrli before that lime the english french iwrnl force have ta ken possesion of ihe argeniinc squadron off nmunte vnrw fliey had jo landed irooaailofv nod marines ihcrc and hlockjldcd the port nf flucei in consequence ofclribe refusing to relrc from fmte video conaeqneni upon ihe hie meerinif at pnn- pdao ii ia eufmnily behoved m madod tkii ihe marriogo of the queen nfspitn haa been de- ciuedim ud im1 lincc lcnpiui f sjxc cobnrg nt tone the fur art ernoi and llc ihikn de mnnl- denver of the infanta ler uter ne hon and kcvc royreyoungisonnfthe kah t cork and oasory haa nrranl mi i i union rounel daughter of mr cordon uf kllov sr knrtlefiek bailljiitet bart to huat rwar daugmev nsir richard rrtakc bjn nf norton pnoey clvmhtrc and the hon nf rajfe to jjas curr nf trrai ceorgc street eatiuiiiatcr n obituary of the hat fwtnlijla included sir w w pepva hie trow acr m ii 1 ii tadalbanc mori speikcr jfnl ingley muthrrnfibc imiof kipon tttr john mndjtini and tin unnumof klv al kly lyidge finaigh from nhobra ilia lawdnp ts aocrretlral y ins oldnt am 1 frd lflus i find by lday uavelle ihit ii appdfmonr f thouean of wetniu4tev in iho iminnrir of ralh and well whieh i formeriy rtted ur hirc taken dee kvasujlnv ihr tjoeen hiving reeom meuleil mr krhard haeni imrup nf oxford tor ihat see omeca ilhi chant pi aim nand as jet fully keep pace ues werv mtlicr ivikcr tlun aellt slowly at 33a x fi at sew winut ba t ln jrmafld out uic week and at fmding ri- on th jiriccofffeur uip per 60lbond thod with tbo receipt a- or the week liul lttevly the irm are oit j 23 for peoria frtettimt are bik bf ibe few veasclii 1 have thetr cargoe caia etions were 7a 3 l to 7 cd and uscclyilcond 7a 9j usual 10 lbc beinn they are dull a uiut 3d to 32 for pots an a a matter of eore iu purl most of wbirj oct llielaleatirana for monr to laverpoof ie vlnmuhimnt ntmvr iu- lata l u i h w atauva iliav uiu average number nf wreck of uriliah merchant vrsmla i rftslj the verajfe um kwl abvc 2noo- 00 und m half atertif urn average oflivealosi tle uuienlnhle numher of jrjo ihc wrrcka of i 1 out ol 2 iiia are altributarue in ome incemr- pctency mother on the part of the rnter hc cjvdc mail alearn uckel rrived at south rftfilofl ri uiclrd inlantlirinini lbc usut miita ngeraand the fujaiwmg ficiaht li 1 mr gavm iiuvammenl accoiiol 8til nier acemmt vpq m uf tkl dwaw 980 it rllri oa ofsilver 6uwot uf pearl and n nii or nimneal koeirnmtrit ha cmferrcd psw riband of lle nfuer of i patrick vacant by ihe dvrnie of the a1iriu nf my upon led rarnhaiiy the v cncy in ihe riuioprrc of lslb nd wdl would it war oil umliy expected be wed h an oxford mm ihclwiuo llcrefordand dy hating asjrat to ambridge amng tlmc rpc names were nirirl iniuuiirnlly put forward were lite dean of wrmnunier and the rev dr jelf head uiaater of kina couige lodon the forirkr lua been apriinteil llic morning pot gives tlct following secct- n iron 1 llic anglican church- the member of the tnivrrsily of osfrtd who have been re ceived intu the catholic church in the core of the um low day are tho rev j h newman b d bellow of lrvt4 cottage the rev stanton l a of brnieooae iikt rev isnwloi m a of ksctcrcnllege llic rev arnbroao st john duovnt of chriai thurrh mr j- d dalgaun al a of eutc college and mr albany diruuic m a fclluw of oriel colrrge it r stated con fldently lhat otlior crcrgrrncn lo membent of uic uriiversiiy or oxford are preparing to take a si- mi ir alep we undcniund iqc reception of mr ncwnviii into llio roman catliolic church took uuc at lit c more the rev john cutord ward i appoinlcd ibe nrw th m of ljmdn llero re3ttjodgea to i ibo united kiogdim whoue mutic amount to imir gtaod ih 145 ireland iw and ajeoil 100 91 the sajarie in cnclund are iiain ireland fllgm and in scotland 797fx ifis highnea saccd rlsafl ebeo saccd the clditl wn ot the f maun of muscat and heir appa- rreni l li rinweuor of mutcal haa arrived wilh hi uic the objret of the prtnec voal to eng land n aid lo be lint nf obtaining information in re ptet in our gpvemnvrnt and inttittiliorr and to benefit by a ictaonaf tntpectioq of llfosc veorks of ail anil actcncc for winch crcni iritain ia now celebrated io all purl a uic weffd mr lliirrf arrived in lamunon friday from liabou lie p hia rraidencc al mitarf hotcl madame vonra hakim cr nuarlor for wheal mr- ftwifl to london and 14 f j iver and the mm4 ihtounuih- as i have not yet to uiat indefatigable cjftv pflajltm raditical ing whatever 10 wril the bobof of belongu liavc llio milcrirtl m and lit 14 will bovij i fmihkm uu wfcnbt fcaba 1dfaowimak n imtc k fl u lur the prcarnt odiru d 1 wdl cleoe for 1 r r 1 it blier until the meeting o i- raaosiu ignorn nee which evm ihe idii t of 1 in 1 i ng from the mobsf did any of the mnuy 1 nvcr road an tpiwi i- a an 1 i in- 1 of canada wo my nun nndcrlnfcingcauvd w nf ainailu il m l aitiy for lnicr eannnuitetilfm li of auiioirn lo vallry pre unrd f iho rl nl 1 end v 1 1 u 1 r e to idiow 1 the ii i- m pret woeful 1 ha of 0 liivecatrnried ihe aiw iirjooflhotioia oct 7ih dilocjof that famuua print nadnewapaner tho pfin- ndroidsin urns the apptirncnf ihn tlrcirt wekfirn iuily grred to tifm i moo da aod ji hnw m up n ihi noruiwcat rn stuif a ol lr mijtaaiptn i lu die fte eliief 1 4 uieeoopny tt 1 jjfl i ban h k lii 1 a aeeomjhimed by mac n jc doone arrived b few dif previously jrmo lalle tin pper are making hay while the sun hinc unrlerrtand lhat the time f iceald and chrontrac are each al present m iking from j1oj0 lo 4110 a week by radeay udvertiacment day aflrr day aoioe pnpr devded to itailway alfjir atarta ioio ejisrxnee nnd lite ilhicnh ia to rind an unappro- 1 1 1 f iy j j lr i a liat of thoae 1 1 1 1 l kidiviy times world crirjc jirttrnal chronicle herald king oxmuard eaprcav telegraph re iriivlii advertivcr lion time lcam tnne it ra eatmuted thai a railroad rcejuire ubout ml lonof iron per mde in ihe last krjaaaftj htllf autlioriamg uie eonitrirciton of ell milr ofrail- vy were naaaed whiefi will require j tuna of fgg inaot t liyasoroob umoftlcnnufac lured article il iv suppused iho fumacea now in llii jihd atnit ollljloo er onnuni 10 unit on jibme will give 3 years emprnyrnail j rt- 35u0 mi lea of railway lo lw aanctioneit in llic urt stsuh nnd jvllo in the fvnowing mil araum nearly lisjuaio mfis of pig iron for railiodaunty amianthy o vaatt that al iho fin4 vight il cm alirmai nmajftpilde for the tfriliafi lorn maniern to aupply it abve a million of itrieu iiiasud have been recently at lo ceylon n bajlaat for llio erection of iicotlye mill there tlw price ue metropolis ia naing a few weeks ago 0 brjcb maker in the ii ol man moulded fr a waeef ti 1 ih brick in 1 1 homa uing at llio rut of nj 1 oonutc uhiie we are iiuporling labjafw aa a manure lv in jfr 1 1 ir to lbc weal indies aa mamito fw ihe sunrcane a f iriri- m tri in f rii ii l u i ji i for rehnine suifar at thil pfal mr ahrd lvoiiji ih author nf fkekfby lhh tin mny i in t le ejtt 0 fxe rtfrt ip sia the refusal of the cnvernment to romvr the nnpoiotuient of rstnrvjinmt of ctmtmn upu mr f nsflca uiiver w been antmndirlel ujion in 4l4tjpi uunkbtoaj cuqdi rnluitli t tit ail trcaa of kingatoo ivth the ciception j believe of lhat petty time erver ihe chronitu j onstue apart from every consideration of a pnhimjil n- ture ibe governrnent wdl bave been unttrtunate in the selection no milter ujyin ehom the honor of ihe appcintinrnc may fall for mr onver i nvtat peculiarly fitted for the siiutkm and taking into emastdoraiion tlic bih mlimatino iu which he ra lield by adl rttaaev witrvut regard in potilicd uiaa rt appear a direct intuit m the tovn and dva trict to cnd a perfect lmnger itcre to all no office wheo ihe moat poiulrand betritiried rtfitirrtt acctodeo talk of responsible ftnvcrn n rent t 1 go vernment being adniiniuicdincoiionnec with the wishes nf the penpre the thing io per feci farce- after uir elect inn hie wslea nrthe people arc mnde in yield lo the caprice or ih ei gencie rfrhc rutin ewer nic rand labjabi is rieofvmeariy rwrrvrfy and mr dfattatt has uuvrad tint he would obi tin and maintain out at all harirds well ita he fcept hit worj out sir whn nre the people of kinjlton to bold rcsponaihlo fr thi grow dwavd of public opinion t the governor jrncraj 11 not upwed to know mr ohvrr mr anybodyclac and of coun ba thnuld apdy lo hi legitimate adviscrr for iuformotron nn the anhjcci very well lit bacrji cost umii has couueil rt f titncss fo oibec i live criterion lobe owrtcd in appoint- mtnts has ihii jiriociplc governed tlie council iu lite present case t no it ia edmruod on al handa tlut it hac nut inert ba ilia xccljcncy had a rigger in the pic or have hi advicrs di poacd of the 1 r willmnr hit neouiecencc or lw hi vcallency oa he did with hi former od vier pnonisc us ail ua lion wilkaut tmr coocurrcnee 1 which of ihcac k llic fact am on ahom abaft ac throw tho ajrnja of the deed il waa a aeriousj charge iniidc by his excel lency himself against nit hio minister that they wished to dilputo of office to piwchaao pariiamrn tary supiori und this allegation waa used to gvd crtect at the last election now sir cao sir charles metcalfe and his immaculate council hold themsetvo guihlim of ihii aitne charge in the caao before u 7 will sir draper rfte from in eat in parliament and olcuin1y affirm lhat tht appointment of mr lo the officr of sur- vryorof cuslnms for tlw port of kiugstoo wa made in conwrjuoocc of fan superior queiffcatifnj over mr oliver and all oilier applicant i i 1 not out uf their own mouth ahall tlioy bo cam- deiuned ciflw for wlmm f hsvc entertained the actually did and that hwerrrueacovjldlromp op no more real nsevancc tbji wore made public the cause of llic defect of the jql- rninuitry at 1 the last gencal clcclron was notilie opuotoonenlt whvcbthey cortrcrred upon tiieirdpaeetrtro were cveacasturoaaaina wlueh v- li lu- 1 a qjiial than porhapo the cbtef waa the defection of saint egcrtori who led die picas brcabcrtocaj h rjio rtoric into tlio most dcirading labyrinth of pnvitfcal incnnsitterrty and wrckedncsk jwnala miitahr the ecmtnutry committed in not arxurinf ibis beautiful bird in time tbey might iravo known that the wlvery voice of m sweet williem would seduce the cjoaturc iho very tirat orpea1uoiiy that oucred since hn lrt stornp oration at co- burg in the days of bi uevataicy ho bo rjoca 0 every thing by turn and nothing ntl tho mjority of hi chtrcfa ararji roinurpnn they have never ycl otabtitheaj foe uiestuwavea aft high toned nrl or raatjlical characlor tor wore other catrsot which lerrdr j to brrng ajttt the fall of warsaw but it ia twcrsa to refer lo ihem here wdl where nm i now i cmrrmctd wilh mr olivor and have praerealtd far into tho ineitricabk maze of provincial polemic as lhat inhofpojprkty egerton ryerwjvvioartftt example of modcratiim the rtif-ljmejcliim- ptonof thupinawutt 1 aaas9jl vaho rsccordm to the asatverauon or our oua mr counter at lbe great meeting in tho court tlouae h at amaae wbaltljjrifcjroofccorsfito doen old souaretoe aw ya pmdestly called him it outside aod drive hi own coach now or doeaheconf ruwcevnlo do it by whoa e abxif ba mr ouver heco laidnsidc r jf and if iid llus farmer die case ia allogcthor dirtetcnl ihco ho had radical servants oow ho has good conservative one ye and to cora fjeteuac aramtrophe iracir mamiaaolor mr oliver worthcirownrurtyafkvten year of un scrrices ntj jualinc their aprjhhbraon von will have perccivod sir by tho forgo ing lhat i am nmclhing of a radical i do not deny it we luduu generally emiy our own opinion and ive ire pcoeroti enough to allow ether 10 do jhe najm wo do hi force mar dogma down iho tlatwa of our neighbor by the potency of tbo wluphondtc wc would not ba so bad a ct jej fellowa after nit if the lorit knew how to manage us ttaqi iniglil obtain one caopemlion in evoav concern in iff our ircarty aunportand aiitarco in a thouiaod amy in troth we wogfd rcafaoct them act with ihemcven hghl fbr lham if tbey would 1 1 away of uieir tahc spint and tnml ua with that r i in which baceoea oiatolevjj of onegre ramify ik ihcn treat o rrrtlrvry civuy and ml bo bound to any theylt eaaraan benefit in retom al all efton esceal at up poha and there wo cwm lo bo indepaol t w atderatioii of a privatoor i chavaetor 4iah nllurc i frm our cnnittent rrnfirely wo oeo nol hypoeritieat we have peinefpre and wo rrcaar iho protectm nf iheliw for ihn enjnymont if cline priiieipte bat 1 ifiicje deri lbe nrhimcht f h la principles iu n ho a neither radical nor tory fvay vefral oan rw bo t ban il f a iip tppo itrd noveaecker we havo many hke him ihry nro thick aa autumnal teave well they m ike the moat femciou tad laalst ller wwd iho inoatmroenrent gatwawj havo nieeey vmaa ufun erw otuarje rrnler nltv undo ivn cannor precaivu that tho liirilnflhetiuk has changed lhat n old thing havohir-wawar- and n now nrilnf jmlbbslh imcr jkaalk not kov int mr draper will have his mayeity and 00 that mairily caapend tlie tennnre of in pitiric il lbc 7 i it nof greater mi for mr draper 10 oil checkbrwf with me vigor wlw nol tongdnec waa in the ncn fallen jng for the galviwa than it waa o jr mtau and the whore tor acrty to ajaw iho aaas meaureaof thepeeaent iuimtry why uncle ren you are behind lie age y fmriy banro tfuden a march upon you yoo mort rrav ukvii long ii fhght with rrnuter fan in caw- ninhim twihoon win if routd bnglaml be ntw in if wellioatonand ihe vrar pasty riled and how would canada feel if yovr high spry prejudice werv- f acted opon mi r kiffk fitruag frrend to settle down upon tfc tc fleclionai yoo can do no hotter and wy mnho it matter of neetsilythal7vajarww tor mo aaajfosftajr in atrnn aititi attrrrm pattern mr editor is joat motto and miaf none of your inlcfligrat rvaidev will bcsouunaliinncda lohojd you individutaffyre- tpnrunblc for the ojnnion cooiiiood m tbo forgo ing tlicsc ofhonions arc mines not younv and by granting me the favor of letting my banttirifv ee uic light you will only be doing what every independent fmiior can ofnsrd lo 5o snying f must lay aside my gofrsequilu i ml a luthi 1 pyuhnetnllumtwv7 l i tv regard il aa sj ti4hia n and aautcoivw hraunfui lim niaif ihe m i lore lite laaibu j ba rr jh flat wdn feaiewwol xjuo per fry 1 rhu i jh n su k teil did iho novcrnr tutkt editor 0 the briim waig t r 11 i- i 1 t 1 jj i- 1 tmi e r- not do too cojjuoo tho late ministry were ntiuthematiacd for appoint ing leoelv to oflice nnd an ncvuionul erun hie emild bo heard from ihcif friend foe their con arrvntivo ajipoinimculb and between ihe two urc cnoogh tttftffril hut ifier alt they erred on ihe right aide a vtrong undercurrent of which the public knew nothing wa constantly inijicding their emirte and aa ihe rioet bp proved they wire obliged lo steer ihe tnmrrl rrf open vitiipera lion audtlauder nnd to mri te deadly ihrust of lueccrelaaasitv auaajaae in twiar- who wac nntinulilly hovering about ttcin mr itildwiu ia a tnnti of tnoro mvrol courago than ho retcive crcrlil tor but he is hevidies a nrodenl nia for huving lo ctauih and e4 hdo practical oraliun a new principle of nn important cbnac ler with whteaj iucipienl alagos to great rimjority of iho people weru imouy unacquainted and knowing loo llul in every movotnrnt was wntrh id willi lyna cyv hy n mutlitiijmvnii lurlo nf 1 iiiihtim ad meramnitly hrnring if full iiiliol h y id uu hlpila pnk lh wnai ujiu 1 iimi hu luaduki liy 4llkoj milinlr a i undcraland a number or inji in town arc willing nnd aruiou to unite in the lorvnauon nfa honk ladder cunrpany but thai an n- superaloo barrier ooatruc i the oonsiiiornatpin of ilwir wtariea tlic nkmberaof fircounpany no i have memorialised the corporation to request the resignation of the engineer me altkroian tknaon and the apoirnnienl of mc iliibodo nliotn tliey conceive to bo bettee rrtted tar tba ofuco and the corporation havo rsdused lo accede to their reliant a hook ot ladder company dj ready to be fcfmod the momcat mr baasftsaj njako way which am informed ho resluecty sfcfua todo tuoeeawcomwcuwmulwhne the breaking up of tbo fire cccopaay card the prevention nf a hook tladdcr coenpaay radnw formed t for aoinc titno to ceerrc rrhopa befoe the winter s out aomo of tiieao very jajaawlat jnm- tfernrri may havo cause to rcpei thorr cmlnnvk- iljj i aru told uo npcroieitof acr vldcnnan benson 10 lb peat of fogiooct waa e cao of the diaaolution of bbo late h tik v i ladder oxmpany if o il i to no a rnattev of urpeisc that hi coroner benson had not rutficrant manly spirit lo i llimw up ot oareo and not di lurb tlbo harrnonyof no useful a body the hook dc todflee company irad proved incnwejva lo be but taking into oceount tho comma riding op pcaranco the fair round belly with good cpori lined the rpvcronliaj aod digruhed rafostrof ihe worthy alncrmanit may not porfinp bo 0 rnmihubki a thing after all thai ho would like in figure engineer to tho firo company jo mow ainccrcly leg huwocr tn remind mr r of llic fate of many of the old roman lpaeorft- uimae hwtory of course ho kuowa nil bont- cvknin our own lima of poor npoleurj vrlarn ainbtlioo led to graap ao many cnipllft by tbtit fate mr jcnon ltould tako wamlrag vox ropop kingston nov- 10 1645 13tbo iuka of wilto7mnlv7 a genoral order t ilia afloy vubibiling tho irn lm itf lornnnranoo aooietira in llr mjy regimonta or in fnot mw aoelvlio ftlfftsv a ia n 1 aitoietie of tota kirrdraay hivo i olivet nf inducing daigninir man lo ua pit id dinatfrclian and aouitmhi aiufli tiw i them 10 1 rnslllthsp

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