the british whig atu hu1ui tdrlllltwkoft canada wkht rrlulrd 4 piibluhrd scmlryerklj k v kit y tukiv aflmiuy hdlvaup johk uarkeit at tub atiikxrhm up- j f attar iimi iii i i ivmlklohm- i h ow- ii rmiiwm 4ivrilnh ahii ww fwkuttklltl i 11 w tin i ilwt klaiikaliih she orihsh rp y htiklmilino pktt anm e lnrikii ititill nrinrnc ar tth m1 101 eafc ti lil prr hiir ri llmmpriillr l helftrein ihtwffy and general advertiser for canada west iretlihttif tlulite nrkfl kb r4- ilftawlbl m tfcjhllnufrcf iiniiikilnnlvrtrl tteoktttchi wllfc hrta toimlftllwi iiikcl rvl ihk oun rihb i inkran i tlfli ww vkll n- reiro iy uin flh paaimawrvliiiw unne lyexi i t i fiifiliiiftfir pnvxrecelyiman pvaicat ubttrrrartt8 puintino orrtmralcijiilic iv iyi as ffnmf irmr- omok dtcds pflmuw dhhiltciittf i vol xiv kingston canada tuesday november 4 1845 no 88 mmscaublk3 curtain lectures wwl luwcctlpio tmt qsmu iuvc jlh mu w ulv w j 4 ft kww it fttawm there j always laid youi yo liked caudla mil put been doing prove it some nak a will at lhaj fnrj maw rij scrlhrriy frwwf mcr ft m1y linn lot a mi o say i atroflg midd what yoovo wodt beesu they thinb iniynaj hiectiy afterward now youre ibora tovnatvtyoaf noflaaatoj yotj know wrtl what j mean i know four wills lo i ktmw talk full ok c tro so what lire thats to bit wife inch a man of business l wciim the royal cir stk lu icckt mic taper i w robert mcconsnck w rr o i e i k akdhctail aba leu wises spirits teas groceries 4c princess street kingston j- a mcdowall furrier ajvd batter brock street v toronto ill commence their eailp a c k ets i regular kingston trips on friday ncx the jsih iwuqt downwards ntotf tokonto to hummmti sovereign carfaifiniiinlaitd rcry wiiaiy and taurjffy 4ffoon city of toronto cmi dick eery 7vjdy friday at tfm princess royalcrtair culcltvoo every wcdnttdar and stturdvy at lfmi vpwaros- fxkw mm- tv tofcoxto princess royal cirraix colcltch every turfjtu krwtn sovereign gatau st t huh am- tliy tuesday td fritfui icrtfttnp aistcnoeterk city of toronto cai-ta- dick fiber wednnddy and saturday rrttjz a 9mm qtc rnodc to kingston ort on tht shorut furs wo iter furs description bought an j sold acuri itiiiw ik a cahttbuk barristers i attorneys at law pmrcrh itrtkt k i k c t o h john a macdonald alexander campbell john c davy attorney at law vonveyancer and land agent napanck c h new coos 3 11j fur si freight- tlo above sloamtr will call icgubriy l cvbvrff and port ifapt wcaiher ptrnetftaf monjavi wc4nodaf a and fridayaon their dwoward up ai wlmwm mrtnt dulitgi bmt nj hmkudlmu 11e pfopricioi will not hoi l tlitmaulc ftporktblo touuioa wiiholbci voswta in ddiiiiii totho ordinate uiu rihw-rt- jomn h greer aokbt royal hail stcampackat oflico kmgaion lat may 1645 a o on an r 1 1- 1 ilia nefi utic boolrd and or damaza w grwlt by acidontiil fire or exemption from liability moicy paicvla ai 1 845 montreal and kingston sands 8absaparilla mh tiir hbmavai lwtlttl all dlkraho ll- w taic or tin ftlll tim r rtmsui aeso envy n if tborr immgl cnooi e on- whwh miry lilauo cvy f4 1ho ron of 1 iii power of mlwir rr of fmcu wnla ifoiti miiiry lollio who mfmitlb wlioi ao amotim mi tfifaimlat tfc hilary dtataikka with vllati kanj ootiiritigd inwond linrt iiiv av bocn ta- lortl to health anr xr- jo mwokku inttqal covrd wth oitmmo eo tniii tilfaril 10 lira utn4ft fcwii nllfcwiwtt lluiilrw vf pfn wliohailgioaiincd fcbpth la for ah ufidtk huftowua alaoltila dlforifm chronic ri and man olhcr orniilanea riiix t a d ikeretiveorana j olajll havo eiwifaiedaartvw r difaaae cvnmiiuiiogi tliia iikaiima- i prospectus op a new topographical pictorial in of the art of motinteal 01 111 1i1c tmi f2 icjkclfwlly 0 ha nudi 10 tic to me iltit lii cams james richardson merchant tmloit begs to inform his friends anj llie public that has juat nriivcd unit of his spring goods anil ia ditily rneiving an extensive assortment of isroadcloths tweeds cas- simeres vesting fcc ofttl oiloia anil nukliliea and of the lateai tyla vlnili he will make up to order on short notice in lhi most fashionable ninnoranj on reasonable terms brock street kingston mey 20th 1s46 mail line steamboats and stages the public are informed thai the following are ihe arrangements for m season the ccmmwlloui and fail low frmorc slctuucrs engravings ash 10y5 new fro acetftkul ano graves losdjn jdsttitirad irom moatrwl ihe follow ing new anj elant enhih engrarins by the hi maatcrsi ir chwlily kae gwjfvoo drrby pet flailera siaaih conirtaftdiu smutslera qiirrellnvt bandit dnpiitiiix bfadlt of fariah wwli and lam sic piny nmpl kreiwrtfoneyklilaila hppy akiiff tationi tinhouruia iuiirovidcal hey t toil rmiliwy si albana mri tlt clia in stli ltiecmerahiie do 1i ujipoiirailof john urcvo colore v till iiiuhtander captaim stxarks canada captain lawlkks giloeksleeve caftaik boww downwards ply daily from kingston to coteau du lac miles from monlreal leavinr kingston every morning- at 7 oc1ock arriving at coleau du lie early the fiom mch place pafffitra aie conrryed to the cascades in stages on a slerp on board iba sieamer 4t chieftain and anire in montreal the next latn cvcninj planked road 1 l iil al7 o upwards from coteau du lac the boats leave every evening on the arrival of the mail ami pawners froi montreal and reach kinglon the following afternoon in tunc or vas- tenzcis lo lake the steamers lor any port on lake ontario the boat pass through the splendid lon ssult canal the na fictnt rapids of the st lawrence ami th lake of the thousand islands by daylight avoiding paasvugcis the moj dci it able safe and expeditiotis route heiween kingston and montreal the above steamers call at the following places gananqiie brockville mailland prcs- cotovlensbiirgh n y matilda williamsburgh and cotnwall packages and luggage as well as money parcels at the risk of the owners unless booked a freight steam boat office commercial wharf kingston 28ib april 1845 t and new will rnt iladly tcatif to rjt4bmi lie preparation tberollowinjcertww fsccntly raeoivimt wh addrciacd to vf wwlioilga thepaiivnt waarniy aliltd willi scroma and 1rcurialsoiesji varivoi remedies without anj benefit t tha alfhcted are now invitodio read wbai heaaya in reteronco lo sand saimparinat malmff ga awgoit 0 16 0 f hormafi f dear sir aa i have dmimdaomuch beoeh tom thauaa ofsnd saraoperilla i foal m oty that i owe totho community to make ta h y caia public i wtitfflicted fikrfuiiryeara wnh ronnin ores ani foiled ulcers oh irff lower eitremirtea nnd alfioiolfcied aeverolyom otercu rial sorts on other part of my limy fiom the cttecta of bhts pll and mim ptrrials i triad remedy rtr ntmodyi bjl b ii availvd nolnnp until i imamc1 a btitlf nf sand sarapartua whirh i found brnilmad mo very mch i continued hi ur until i had ukrn eijjin tmiilcs wjien i wn perfecitv irvd jujpm itm my own cae i hao rean lo betiavo anv tfur- uparilla ia iho voij beat remedy for aciofuln and mercurial oraa tltice 1- it entirely oradi aur rnr t will pablisharnifius foposrapliirnl and ritturiil ritui nf lie 1 ih und likrlirx of jliilmil for the fiifaction of ihosc who arc desir ous ihtit so uacful and crwitaldaa nncaion ihoutd aiiiv at maturity he begs to submit a dmail or what it witi couiprehnii lstly 1lkc survey u conmrncted upon trionomp trie al principles ihe same as adopted by itie coeps oj royal en necta upon ihe pit- ent survey ol ihe briiih ile 2ndl that the details of rachrtock havr been accurately filled in from actual measure mcnfsottkat the plan ha irtcn rendered a complete loumt model ol every budding c that exists in the city 3tdiy thai alt projected divisions and sub divisions of properly and rhc new streets and avenues which have been or aioul to be laid out on the same have been carefully obtained from the proprietors and will 0 reptescoitd on the plan 4th1ytbat the oroper topographical characteristics of each division and suhdi vision will be carfully delineated luch as ornamental grounds orchards gardeos plantations te fcti 6ihly that the measurement ol all pro- perliesareoarelully plotted and dvktibed that they can be made available for ihe sale or transfer of properly and will therefore be of crest utility to both disposer and puichaseisof the same 6lbly thsl ihe plan will be hcaclifuily ornamented with a panoramic view of the city extending nearly its whole length and the sides of it will be enriched by splendid uoidvr interwoven with vignettes wbtcb will embrace the principal public huildingt in ihe cily and l re render it not alone a useful ljiao an ornamental publication snimi hi circular select exousn it cussiftl for yqug gentlemks ihe sjuhscribor begs imvm most re spectfullv to announce lo the in habitants of kingston and its vicinity that he proinscs opening 5 schrud of lite above duscripiion 00 yvedne laylhe 1st clay of october roxt the building hehmjjin ro william wil sm btji corner of wellington and uioclt siredt kutrance no j t c n at s per quarter spelling readin writing mid arithmetic x0 15 0 eugliali g rarnmar gcogra- pnyantl english history and the efcrncnta of as tronomy 00 ancient and mrnlerit history natural philosophy and ogic 1 ft 0 latin nnd gruck and the ma thematics 9 tho design of the subscriber make the school 0 u tale thepoon lronhc aytrem after tourf 7th i v the fize of the plan will be three yearxifolroott coi l nffiinlaf 1 now find p g inches by four feel three inches is 5 ride au canal mnthn fthls iflrsl f ai r hi tun ciiidortii julian heads quern mar v allltmhjm kianjr1m june ltiib isis to w5t two story stons iioltsfc j in wolliiteftoii street ndjuining thr st gaorcs hotel having s rooms with li- yxce iii each a good cellar on j attic ftityfl capable of being callvaitm into ktfl kimwtfi if tiitnr arrow in tho urge yard in rear from ineen stnct apply ti thus aahcvr clawnccsi kindlon june 20th 1316 otf notice tj 1113 k duly amlioiizcil mb moktos lvilor anitaleam poitna l collect all ohiaundinu debts iliu by book or otherwise oiol also t rocoivc all clai ms him for adjustment presented un arthur kingston may 1s45 foster 3si x retuoi h e subscriber thank to the civil and his sincere military in- iruhitants in kingston and it vicinity for llie patronage be has received since bis commencement in business and iiega to slate that bo hn rerigaed his tiustneaio favor of mr benjamin vvat- aon who ha been foreman in his esta- hlishment for the last tun years and alsi recommends his ucccsor as being lolly competent to give satisfaction to those who may favor him with their supporl ross dodd wellington bnildinp kingston 5th scptcmher 1815 the steamers aid prince albert and heaver rll ply oa ihebiocao ouult beiweecbytowtf wj xincsronn daring the season as follows 1815 d vice versa njnalf a well man ktitirel rouovercd yourt repectfulu william banks leave kingston tiir aid euriv monday at 7 j at tim p albkkrery wednesday ati a m thk beaver every friday ail a jw the above boatn mti in connection with brtvvml llylown ant montreal new wholesale importing warehouse kingston o vf at the extensive and commodious premises of w simpson otitario street hpile snhehhera leg to notify the mer cantile commiinoy of canada west lluii their large and newly luiporled slock of grocotllfv win licjuor and dry finotu will he opened about the 20th inst which they pledge themselves to sell at montreal priced rilut will aljto ho prepared lo rceetve cv11 giiincni ofmereliaikilizeand produce lor lissn1 i tjivaie nr puhlicsale with j view to vfhirbi rtne of the fmn will act n in anctiemvr cash fir wheal at their mill i hillicr princ edward dirtnel and at kingston simpson mathewsun w siatpson kingston h mathewson montreal kington jieptemher 9th 184a leave iiytown the aincevtv ivednetdau at ft a m the p albrht evett friday nt a m the lteavefiercr 9 jm a regular daily line ol suanbtmls anj iacs the f jiuj in intemiin eae m presented knil the radr inviirriok m c4rcful peiuhol cvmmunt on uh virunces unneeettary ntvikar mi gtli tmsi 18 n a b rxhisin eteini1 friend ai- ihimifr jti eiiiiif ir7ii jr t yai i do not ferl 4tlihtmv buylonyrr 1 defer the arkftftwledtf- meni of a reat imb idocaalo v r ynr mvaluabhi sirasmrllfa which ho uen uv meant tmdr a hind providence of my inri- btwbla refief t aw no ured to this ac icnowladtrncnf fry pjaciinp ihaity my horn hie letiuofinrhuiiklrcj 0 liuiternra mitiuiame a- i hive been may 1 induced tn try this re- j milyand eipvncoc cure a speedy amiss happy aa mine rru year i hav ben tuf- mt onderayrrril a iho bnnav in my head nod rfurutj n treat part of this lime my nam aod euffen w to severe that w v j ipflsj5f lhesfinu niitor of mtfltf tahoulj haah iwod ond much pre rvrrcd death inelf m dibbrcm pvnoda during my urbneaa ewenty mt0aawlit hno been taken from my heart mi varitiga ways hcidea all mv upper leh w on lp j renitennziu inartir vf fomf itte nnpo ktutt hundred dt- i had rcatirmt l your rpaeulra witlnmlte rev and the pric handsomely mounifd and var nished will he ihe very mojeratt sam of six d0maf payable on delivery it was in cnnlemplalion to giee the names of 1 every owner uropetly in ibe city upon that which belonged to each but it was found on 1 calculation that so doing would augment the cwt of publication lo such a degrrr a to rn k it nirxiedieiil those rentlemen how ever who dvire to have iheir name appear in the plan 11 pan ihe property which ihey own can have them iicitcd by payiiijij 0 advance 5 lor each jlot upon which the name has to be engrave your patronage and support is most rrspectfuliy solicilvd orders and communications addressed to ibe undersigned will be promptly attended to robert w mackay at i91 avrrr owe strtrt montreal april isi5 tt n 9 iie sutwcriler begs to inform the public genenliy thai he has liken tho tailoring eatablishmeut lately car- cied oq by mr kiss 1odd and hope by unremitting attention to ensure that support which his prejeesor has been rfavoved with benjamin watox 71 3m wellington roilkjine kingstoo 5lh september 1s45 w an apprentice wantku wanted immediately at the sj- dury and harites iptfdmjg of the subscriber a respectable boy a feo will be required john harvey ktogston sept 9lh is45 favorable opportunity for sale on mugftal terms of credit tfen yearns lease of a house shop situated in the flourishing viuale of peterboro together with the stock in trado of a person retiring from business constating of drj goods titoeerics cfqekerjfliauvrs apply at tho atheneum kingston august isth i15 dr sutton surg ko d entist ojjtfe m oleotts buming princtss street peautiful artificial teith in serted on gold plate or pivots and all tho duties of his profession per loi med in tho most perfect manner and warranted to give satisfaction ladies attended at their own places 0f residence if required a student wanted a medical stu dent preferred kingston august 6tb is46 63iwlf to coopers tanted by the subscriber be tween this date and the 15th no vember next 1200 new bbls to contain 10 jallons each propared from wall- seasoned oak and warranted to contain high wines tho delivery of the above will be required at the rate of 100 bbls weekly james morton kingston browryand distillery 15lh august 1845 s 65 private boarding house 4 few young men can be acconv a modated witji board and lodging at mra hiltons in wellington street ehird house above tho methodist church where she hopes to make all comfortable and to meet a share of public favor kingston june 12th 1s45 7tf just arrived from new york and for sale at the camphine depot king street at mr staceys shop opposite j i brycva drygood store a complete assortment of caoiphine lamps classed and wicks jas re1d kingston sept 3 ism 606w id hr fi laaily el aanf aent r nwrffaii aih notick city brewery fphe subscriber begs to inform the customers of the city brewery and the public generally that he has be come th sole proprietor of that well and favorably known establishment that he has secured the services of mr jamks livingston as brewer whose beer has invariably met with the merited approbation of the public and that ho will be prepared at an earlv day jjjjt to supply thoac who may favor inm wiiri theii custom joseph p hall kingston 16th august is4 go if puosfectus or a new geographical map of canada and tttb adietccnl pro vinces rw by joseph couchette dsg having unuertaken lo publrsh the ahove map of baivisii noarri amkiuca the riir htnltne ptviucm ivunilcrrinetfbeirt 10 submit tlic following pros m rapidly aitrmr1iirt perht to the pobtie exttflmlv aiitinih uerply imprcwed wilh ihe expjienay anj imrhi 0 t mm mipef ihe rrovmeeof g the marnlold and extensive iltil have rnailccd the ad- conntrv within the last lirav al ilrre iikoiitltt 11v jv uivclvo hoitloa hn wtlfc hirkno- bened ieattu rnmplcioly j f my xporioen i speed the plough take notice iriri hi- 1 1 14 4iny mfmtl nl 1 h a iicrfccl run ibue nihera lahorinx u nay have the alvftis vtrall b rnnt happy a hm rt camiauoicalo allien rtr ioyntk anj no mluuto pareieubn a- may h jd iv arri jnncci qfmv fire lisa nnj ijinl dkvlamin u hussky ktfvtt wthfc3 ic44 a d a i bum i frkmst amk tltinoy peruw if imrftl rsn- prcrakkhty hi iii nenl in rcljlion to lh wonderful fitct if t sjwapjrilla upon him imy be impfciih relied upon hiaesaa litrr h enntki jied iji v oxrraordmftry nuo and lie fell lliu vhe subscriber will nut be prepared to receive induce of any duscrip 1 lion whatever at his estnblishmenr nij a kingston before the i st day of oiokr y wij when and after that date he will j ifud continue topurchaso ihe following quali- nho united siae lies ofgrain that is rye baelbyjbottte fnrss buckwheat and oats of good tha- public clean samples to the amount of 200000 bushels for which the highest rates in cash will be paid on delivery zz the article of indian corn will not be i received earlier uri afrarfhrr tnaeft ontilk the pmui r rar a a iwm bluin- to luiman fimilv aj wc aemmet it a such ykkurnwiih rvarl vwum urrciirix rihierrkfelic rificllanli nmiucket tr farther pirtirt and eonkvliinive evi rtrnru if fa mmifw valuo and odirary co uiadilalm wliilin he omninrtj etraiia wv itl i in w and rvtail by u d sasti piurjtto kuhnai i ciiar1 vtrc 1 illy per ra1 tli run u liuiil au tctha public ar repaeefnlty rrquchrdtn rametnborthat it i sands 3rsaparijlj that ha and it cor utinj aucli lemirknblq oolwof iho alom diflcult clasn of diai to which tha humati fraaie ia auhjvct thoofnrn k for smdrsamattiillat and tako no other a cans exhibttii lorl improvements vanccment of ihe fifteen years the author hi 1 n fince ihe union of the provinces ol upcr ami lower cans laboriously engaged in th reconstruc tion revision and amelioration of hif m j of the hiitkn north american colonic publish ed in london in 1630 the map thus improved contains not only an accurate exhibit of united canada but cm braces a correct geographical delineation of ihcsiutr provinces of mm hruntxci jftrja sroiia aetaburtdtand and prince edwards lytand together wilh n large section or the contenninous state anil the boundary as settled hy the treaty of wasbinon in 1812 it also embraces on a detacivil scale that section of the british dominions lyii between iheahanlic and iacinc oceans and extending norihwar tolhe polar sea showing he moil recent rtiseovrriit and cj loraiinni that have taken plare in thai potiii of the arctic ve- pion and eemprising likvwse the oregon ter ritory in il detail the map caaiains a faithfnt delineation of ihe existing divisions and suh divisiois of canada ioto dimricm counties stennrtes and townships iti muoiclpt and judical organization the nanes and locality of parihs the towns and villages canals and ral roads pjank sad mjcadanozod roads permanent and noox- pense nor exertion will be spared to render it in every way worthy of tho patronage of the public references by rermlsslon- hts worship thk mavoa he yy h hcacifmca joiik a m v cm m p h smith jt emi m p j a hkkhciho st a ciinl esc r mccormick- esq rv c vaxvvskh pieton t- spahham emi m d fiatfl r s henderson kinrtoo sept 18 1845 5tf to all whom it mayconcern 4greeaglv totho power vested in the president and djrectorsof tho catararjui biidgc company bythe act of incotf oration section 16 nutice is hereby given that by a bye law of the said president and director having boeo paated on the 8th inst for the pur pose of preventing damage totho bridge io the following form any porson or persons tiding or driving upon the cataraqui bridge at a faster rate than a walk will be subject to a fine on conviction thereof often shil lings thomas classup act 4 tvrosr catawaqim itrioct oprrci kingston sept 27 145 than tho month of january following james morton kingston brewery and distillery 12h august ls55 p s j- m having last season pledged hicnaelf to bis very numerous frienda the farmers of the midland dts trict nd county of prince fitrwff that during the years of 1344 1s45 and 184 ho would pay for the article of rye deliverej at his establishment 3s currency per bushel of 5g lbs weight he would now take this opportunity of reminding his friends that as he has faithfully redeemed his p spason of 1344 he is ireil tq renr no most advantage lamrton house to let n ilmmlll oe unfurnished j his first clftss commodious fc spa ciou hotel oie of the vory best in 1 the upper province is olfered leafe 01 othorwi otis terms i mine j topoessiti given for paniculars aly on the premises or at the athenetiti honk sore kingston july 23 i8i5 the peiikidical wakes for til e fa ll sb a a o y attiibsrrorehof john patterson rorniae fr lhe r sttturr kinofttov the second week dis tinrntshing the past reates and post offices hotel rot only in canada but in he sister pravinees do likewise for the season of iswj arm trust he will be equally prepared mac knowledge tho season of 1s4c when it comes to hand in a similar manner at the close of which hesincerely hopes to see the extensive joint interest which willthen be formed between himself and his agricultural friends bo again re newed for a term of much longer du ration j m prepared trij mvill take p wo 30 dozen hay wingv6enl n b any quantity advertiser en short notice rakes handles jas may he sperrv fit for safe by watt bwr the kinslotij lslbjuly 1845 each mntli in the fallowing oider 1 no 10 thumiijy and fridays tho 1 1 ih and isuirif december when u large and general qssoltmctit ol vvrrv suznrs ivtnr hffuors fruits spicrx iwtfratf earticmcarc etttd dry goods will ho sold on tl usual liberal terms of credit ut for particulars sc handbills johft patterson kingston 7th ahgm 1s45 63lf mess powt por sale bjfuljj subscribers maciminsoncv 1th klqgsloqf oct crane 3361 the whole forming a map of seven feet by fonr 7x4 laid down upon a geographical projector and on a scale of 14 statute miles to one inch in the construction of the map the author has devoted the greatest care and attention and in its comprlaliin has appealed to documents of unquestionable accuracy and nuthoiity a very considerable proportion of which were collected by him at reat personal reearch and labor and were in general possessed of official authority tht author humbly tihieves that in the im proved state of the province and after the re cent union the publication of such a mjp wil he or high public interest and utility anl aware of the magnitude and exptnsiveness ol the undertaking lis bs now to solicit the jtbtiat support and the patronage of the public without which he can scarcely hope ta he able to accomplish the task he has assumed the map h now in the course of engraving by those excellent artists mstr stthma sjtii of new york the price to sub ffiribtij will he 2 in in ihtdu or 3 mounted on canvass anj rolleis k bklliasuteeiilief will he in kindlon 111 the couise of a few day fur the purpose of receiving orders for the work which i ex pected lo b ready for publication about april or may ncxt- robert w s mackav bookseller and pulirher 115 aofrc dame stmt montwecl flloiirrcal3rd oclohcr 1845 commercial mart for sale v- and prime mess pork yv11imjam wark kingston 30lh sept 1815 6t to lease npliose eligible premises at the imqmhtjfinbitrwntetrfttnts occupied by messrs koben bubert- ann sc co as a mercantile esta- blinhmenr conaiating of a merchant shop a warehousing storehoue with a granary a large convenient wharf which any craft navigating the hay ran approach andloy at in safety during the navigation a good stable and a large yard adjoining upon which with the wharf a tltousand cords of wood cm be piled in the winter an article which commands a ready market in the summer for rh use nf steamers tho scire for business eanol be sur passed by any place from kingston to cohourg possession to be given about the first of november next at earlier of the storehouse if required for further particulars apply to hohus forsyth nidlardson fc co mantrtat john a macdonald eiq kug or to mr robertson on the pre mises river trent 5ept id 1s45- all iff a buaititt8 photographic rimjms of colored miniatures at sifti olcotts pciloic8 raivckss rratct 7ou can have a beautiful photo graphic likeness tnken will the ctdors of life as well as bein perfect copy of nature pur up in splen did morrocco cases fur fifteen shil liugt and also taken and fitted into lockets broaches pins etc and per feet satisfaction given or no charge ladies and gentlemen are respect fully invited to call and examine speci mens cameras chemicals dec furnished and instruction given in the art t operating hours from nine oclock am until 4 pm kingston sept 25 1s45 i supptic there a tvy of telling s tvithnul sjkstfnj them and when i jnii lbaiatroa to him lawyer aa ha ia be tirit the face tudvuy il l le ftftphcan e of no conicouence te mc a hiher your will is made or uok i shall not be alive mr cdl to want any thinj i oiall he pnviiltd tor a long time before your witps of any ue no mr caudk j i shant lurvreyoo and though a womans wrong afftctio1 for a man ike known fo always taken advantage of ihouh foolish and wak to say w stall i to survive you how should i i an nol good for a hundred 1 shant see you oat and another husband too f what a gross idea caudle i b imagine im ever think of marrying agaia what hers wftof ra all say 1 quite the reverse to me the to ut livr i hen shes t know it dont want n no dont siy thai to no n ver not at all vry hm of such a inj ii horrible and al- ivajf was tc5l know very well that some made of mury afaia but what theyre pa skits 1 cant tell uh t there ae mrn i know who leave theif property in such a wy that their widows to hold il must keep widows now if thers ie anything in the iorld that is mean aod smalj it is that dont you think so ioo caudtst why docil you apeak love t thai i 1 ka voul i never want a little quiet rational talk but you want to goto sleep but you aevei were like anv other man 1 what 7 how do i know there now thats so like yen aggravating way 1 never open my lips upea the subject but you try to put me alfi ive no doubt when mips lrettyman speak yo tan answer arr properly enough there ou are again upon my life it u odd but never can in the most innocent way menlreo that persons name that ifayrenf betvver done im sure with all my heart who wants to talk about her i dont always will y aomelhing thats bring up her name what was i siyinr caudle oh ihe way somo men hind their widows to my mind there is nothing w little when a man forbids hrs wife to matry again without losing what he leaves its what 1 call selfish ness after death mean to a degree it like taking his wife into the grave with him fh t you never scent to do that t no ioa sura of tkat love j yoart not the man to tie only yon certain to a woman np in that wbod do that would mean m inner hava bis wuair jkn bome with him if he could just as those wmrurtatv that cat themselves meo do ia the imlias however its no matter lo ma bow youve made your will but il may be to your second wife what iw meter give you t chance ha yon dont mow my coosti- luiion after al womae 1 war ver as caudle pa not st si lha i say nothing shout em y often yon dont know my feelings j but and ere on the subject nearest i have only ne favor to ask when you marry again now its no use your saying that after the comforts youve known of marriage what a re you sighing al dear t after the comforts you must marry again now dont fouwear vounell in tbat violent way 1 taking m oath ibat yon know you must break yoa couldnt help it im sure of it and i know better than you koow yourself well ill task is love because its only for your sake and it woum mke no datlctenee to mc then how shonm l wrt all t out marry l done i wont say mother woid aboot it but all i ahk in donl- atter the way youve beeii thought of nd afiei the comforts youve been used to caudle ihe wouldnt he ihe wife of you of course 1 could then have no interest in the matter you might marry ihe queen of england for what il would be toinv ttieo im only anaioos about you mind caudle im notftayinganyrhinjf against her aot u all but theres a fiightinen in her minoer i dare say poor thing she means no harm and it may be as tbe saying i only her maivatr after all atitl there u a flightine aboat bar that after what youic baen ued to would make yog vrry wretched no for u 1 may boast of anything caudle it has been my pro priety of manner all my life 1 koow that wives wfaore vety particular arnl thought as well of as lhoa whore aot still it b very tittu to he virtuous if people doot seem w and virtue caudle- no im not going lo preach aout virtue for i never do no and i dont jr0 about with my virtu like a child with adiutn making all mtu of noises slh it butt know your ptinoples i shall never forget what t oncacard you say lo prttiyaisitf and its no excuse ibat youd taken so much wine yon didnt know what yon were saying at tbo time for wine brings oot mens wicked out spots of grease why you sari tmv- women whan about it hi 77tf new boarding house princts strati opposite j wttkirm ca ilesabscriber respectfully informs tho public that he intends opening his boarding house on monday october 13th where gentlemen will be furnished with the vory best of board lodging on tho most reasonable terms s bourne kingston oct- 7 1s43 80- 1 m not1 ce r subsctiber respectfully informs tho inhabitants uf kingston and its vicinity that ho receives on eon lignuonl from the new nopanco mill a weekly supply of fresh oat indian and buritwutat mual all of which he is authorised to sell low far caih he is also commissioned to pay the highest prlco in cash for wheat oats and pot ashes allan macpiiesson kingston ocl7 ls5 venetian oft 0akkels for salt book store kingston july 29 1813- red at the atheneum new jast as 6rc brio what did you say f virtue is a beautiful thing in they uont make so much notat there soie women who think virtue was p em as claws were givaa to cats yes tatf wa5 the word lo do nothing but acrmlch wilh thats what you said km donvraj- coferf asytatte of it no thats when yoar in ibat dreadful state you recollect aoskng but its a good thing i do but we wont talk of thai lore- thapjmt over i dare say ion meant nothing bat im glad you agree with me that the man whod tie up his widow not to marry again is mean man it make m- happy to think ibat yoova thai cou6dence in me to uy that kou never saidit that nothing to do with it youva just as od as said it n when a tais leaves all his properly to his wife without bail ing her luns from marrying again he srrw what a dependence he hat upon her love ha proves to all the wodd what a wife sbes beeci to him and how after his death ho knovaf shell irieve for him and then of tome a second matriae never eolers her feedrat when she only keeps bis money to lonrai ibf keeps a widow whv shes aggravsledrotakf another husband im sure ot many a poor woman t driven into wvdlork again ooly bt cause aha was spited into it by her hqtbaada will lia only nstors to suppose it if 1 thought ciodleyou could do such a tbing ihorigh it v oaid break my heart to do h t i 1 you were dead and gootid ahovyav thai pd a mpiril and marry again dirctjy- not but what its ridiculous my taikiag tn such i way as i shall go tanjc before yen mill mark my wordf and dont provoke ma wiut tyy will of that sortor id do it is im si iv- in woman in lhisbetl id do it 1 diiknot contradict bar says caudl u to sleep in such ajsaraaeo faorttau lajovuiics it is said io aa 0- i mcdct pertodicaj work tbat a loctunrr on anatomy in london wbo bos a daaa of ft50 pvpil receive 25g0 pjuiocaa aontully tor dthaw ine s keture which occupiea 000 hour diiv fee half a year the cipcnaaa oi which lm him sdv ditd bodies ftm dnea oot eaoaed sm pw mo dwaevtin- roomheaborcceiveanapruioaaa melba kjw from each pupil about majuo 90d guimas ho receives five uiocaa for twa courk of mirpral lecture about 150 pupil making t50 cuinn fliaaliaroo uw rccopta from pupiln tor ultendlag um hmptlala m about imju asakiag ii ih wbofc uot quite xcom par aaautfti