Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), October 28, 1845, p. 4

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sarsaiauiua romstotk u tonckntratfh romkhnu ruvtu vrthacror ik- almriuv wiuthkltrhtll- smtuli li clirotti kirnirifn tirnrral debility cnlmtwtt iawa sraly ciujti0ik ol the kn pimples en hie fafr mctcuriil rii ftfmmiknmi ftile from immi hahto hit mi ulceration ol llw tlnot ftina aid mkng f liu- lone liver altocloi and all diev iririiw li m impure t ol uicwoojcxpocamliinpmivnconifc- xctivc useol inekuty thit abrtapaiilla cari bcdpmtd nwlta every ooc hinj a rood aa way tfji w tins country or etruie people cad avail thm- trim or not jl a thtf plftw in utn sar aaparill tins iuic txlncl if put up in a bin o tanfi iwwh w v oft mir it the unprecedented low price ol ila gd pet boltlt sold by cooulock i row ldticmonl row boston s blessing to f mll mac1cai thrt a healiu- salve by all who lure use j it to derful article itii known at extractor juries by fife rxiuch mortihctfn in every of 1h following eotn far it u hit most won- it expel all in- all tu mi ami prevent raw it will fue mijr taint or pij is refused rntm scald salt rheum eruptions chilblains tub subscriber tendering thanks to hie friends and the public generally for the literal support lio has so uniformly re ceived a i rice ik commenced buainca would bej leave to intimate that as 1 has on hum aft extemtvt and uv telecteu stuck of winks srmrrs uiiocfiitifm ivc and also having made ar rangements for his future supplies to be it nished if the choicest doacripiton that can lie obtained in tlio montreal and other markets he feels confident in aaying that he will at all times stand pro- pared to sell at as reduced rates as any other unpaged in tho same lino of busi ness he therefore respectfully solicits a continuance of past favors abraham poster corner of pfioeettond wtlliogton 67l kingston kingston may 6th 135 old sfj etympeles hruur chafe ektertltj wound soit eye puti cold in wounds tender feet it cures sore eye rases cancers freqnenil ie moves tbcm without pain or sjiny jedily atlay inflimation anj reduces swellings jlm btsalre nonehoulil be wtihaui the m lowing remarkame caso was tuinlshcd us quite neenityt hundret other eqntlly won- ji f j f many even mo soj miht be added but for waal of room w lease them out a b4 s nephew of a ftimd or mine step ped into a vessel of boiling water and seamco lukcup to the knee when con nells paid extractor from comstuck was applied which almost instant rive relief to the utile snf- fercr and soon entirely cured it also a chim of my own burned its hand severely and i vsedihis salve which save instant relief and cured it entirely and i for one could not be induced to be without it 1 think every iiiv should keep it on band to ue in case of auth aeciitcnls adams pastor of trinity chuteh saujprites n y sold by comstock host no 19 tremonl mow boston sheriffs sale of lands gn saturday the 15th day of novemucr next will he scild at he court house i the town of kings ton at the hour of 12 oclock noon the following land seized by virtue of an execution issued out of hor majestys court of queens bench and to mc di rected namely james alexander henderson ptamttff vs joseph knight ikfindmt west half of lot number twelve in the second concession of tho township of kinniim t a corbett sheriffs al d sheriffs office kingston 15th august 1345- sheriffs sale of lands saturday th 15th day of the 15th day iovember next will tw sold at era children ami worms worms worms comstick vbjuhfufit this ri i i- v r worms is vne ol the mo aalraordinary ever iimnj it cctumiy dicates worm of all srts irom adults thousands peiuh by warn without the real cause einj known some thei icaimi ra assigned lor ihetr tcknc until tuo ulc tw care the irue hfltti whatimmrfmt rrsnnnviiliiy ihentrsh 9pon the patent who dor oot know and the duetor who duel not umtcroaml the romptaml which ia dertrnying iboe recous lluwcrs of lite chiloren what should ha ionet the answer i jtuin- tiv th vrrm luge which tvihw nre tu u k bava no worm and if ihey have it will da atroy and eradicate aj iih a certainty and pre ciion truly astonishing u cannot hrm the smallest infant or the imvmht adult there is no mercury or minef in it mercury is the basis of mnst worm reme dies and the remedy is sometimes worse than the diataae so never use lozenge but rely upon this every person will be convinced on one iriaj that it b lite most perfect cure ever invented we call on all good citizens to make known ill effect of this wonjerlul icmeily price is 3d oold by comtlock t ross no l tremont ba boaiap o the court hooae in the tow of kings ton at the hour of 12 oclock noon the following lands seized by virtue of an execution issued out of the district court of the midland district and to me directed namely n j coons plaintiff pa alfreo carter thomas bently stephen b merrill dtfmimts eaat half of lot number 395 in the towo of kingaton ta corbett skeriffi jtf d sheriffa office kincfiton august 15 185 montreal type foundry- rotheprintersano proprietors opnewspaper6incanadan0va scotia ac remarkable cuue of deapnr4s ffm tk phtfadrtflbt spirit tk tiuxr mr p n lyman 53 commerce street was eared of a total lcfne of fifteen year stand- m by a lew flasks of dr mcnairs accoulic oil re had a short time heforv rriiwicd from inini where ha had spent 75 had the tonsils of his ears taken out and many other experiments tried with the faculiy hut with out success he had also spear ovr 100 m the city to the faculty but he wv tell in the same slate when they were thrvugh it tato in desnair though i he would try one more thin before he ejavc it ut and pio- corad a flsk of or mcnaiia accoustic oil aad ha is cured s by comstock ross no 1 9 tremont row jfaloiu the naples hair dye for some unaccountable teasai lor the last one or two years many youn naoplc both i avile and female have had the mitluftuuc to have their hair turn permanently sar we have frequently been apgdied tofor wnelhin to turn the hair back i its natural color which ka induced us to go to much tmuhse and ox- mom tn order to furnish our customer and ttu pohlic generally with a flew and im proved hair dye one thl u neatly virctu and not the least injuiious to iu head or hair for the moderate put of 2s 64- per bottle we have succeeded beyond our expectations this article wcolrrto the puhhc with real confidence we have had it thoroughly tetei aime after time before we cum offer it for aae the price h such thai all can affljid to ae it anditsqudily we relieve to be supe rior to any ever before madr sold by couiitockkoisnv 19 tremont row boston ihe undrrsintd having purchased tht ahove establishment tex to solicit a con tinnance of the patronao which has been heretofore so tiherdlly bestowed upon bim as agent to the fountry haeinx revise4 and greatly added to lot material be can confidently recommend the rtfposaowifaadu4ariwd- jmn a vval tij any manufactured on this continent the services of an cxneiiancad practical man from new york ruve been enagrl in the mechanical department and the printers in this city are confidently appealed toas to the beauty and quality of the type cast in this foundry a specimen will be shortly issued when the proprietor will do himself the pleasure of wsit- lilg upon the trade in the meantime he will 10 happy to or hear from those inclined lo rve him their support old type lakcd in exchange at 6if pe r pound printers materials and aoy article not manufactory in montreal bcotight in from now york at 20 per cent in advance chas t palstirave montreal june 12 ims 486m for sale at the stores op john carruthers hw cbesuof tea all qualities vv 1 roxe and kegs tobacco 50 fcgs coffee o the very best qualifies muscovado and loaf liquors wines c london porter and falkirk ale 100010 cigars j ustosanz stearn boalsand havana hs 100 boxes soda biwuif 200 doj corn brooms 100 do best scaled and dighy herrings 200 red wrapping paper oil speimjojive lard and cod lamb pennycakc and tin blacking 60 barrels pol badey j2qq liiiiel wbvskeyfrom the best distil lers in the country fsom u 2jto is 4d per galloa i0o0 barrels course salt 500 ba do 30u barrels pork sou do flour various brands oananoqne cheese always on hano ad every article connected with the wholesale business lower than ever was offered o the trade john carruthers oftjceon gncras whart kingston august sth is 15 62 if ugars- balm of columbia ladies and gentlemen will you he without the genuine oljbfit- balm of columbia lor your hair you may depend upon 1 1 it is the ooly arliele that is ure to pre ant baujness and keeps the head free from dandruff we have known it to restore hair on the ball beaiu or prsuru seventy years of age ontock koss wilt ive refc rcncciuay thai wish lo those lhat have seen perfectly bald for years and have had then hair restored within the last two months beture and rci xhr jfnuinc with the signature ol coosrtock cnn it or yd none isll by comstock and ross- no 19 tivmoril row boston pr bncu uvaila tott p this article uitd lor taking nil upiltaoiu tuir from the ut wlj n k t- old at bl fret bortte by coiulck 6t hoj xu fr tremont row bton soual hv9 atitowm uitic sriiuttuajail out i asamlton commission agenc1t r sulcriber having made arrangements lo continue on hit own account the business it watt as sale of mer market upon formerly occupied by them grocery establishment of wij ol the late firm of craig a commission acnt for the rhandixc produce in thi it premises a ijoimn j the ham stmtron esq outaiio streel bexs to tender his services to the commercial com munity ofthe province and neighboring slates in the above capacity pledging himself to de vote his unremitting attention to the interests of such as may favor him with consignments or commit any other kind of business to bis agency jas watt kingston june26 1815 filfim william mcmillan auctioneer and broker surcessor n tf a todrw market buildings kingston htiftilvflrtisor lospcctfully nutrfics fok bilious complaints pam avfac cnrfejivtnncssrcarnessjjitu-n- diecpflttnlrntf jpcfrucfions hchitval confinement of tht jfriccfs oc dr oakkers laxative pills lf tho tiumcnms jiaeases to which the human frame is liable thorc is scarcely ono ihc symptoms of which arc not seriously aggravated by a confined state of tho bowels and to this alonk nianyowo their origin and continuance the preserving the alimentary canal free from obstruction is a point of such primary importance hat every degree of neglect ia followed by more or less of inconvenience or sufferine when habitual coattveness prcvailstne cheerful vigor of health is soon impared aome limes by slow degrees aod at other times mora rapidly diseases make thetr inroads on the constitution and in numberless instances particularly where the habits are sedentary or whert free living is indulged permanent ill health is the painful result it must be obvious to the most superficial observer that whan the functions of nature now al luded to are not performed with due re gularity assistance must be obtained fmm art aperient medicines then be come indispensably necessary except where tho use of fruits or a change in the mode of living may suffice for re moving the evil and mut be had re course to until the necessity for such aid ccaaes but it ia a question of considerable im portance vfhat laxative shall bo em ployed 1 the list of aperient medi cines is numerous but their elects on the system vary considerablj eorae ex ert their influence chiefly on ihe exha- lant vcsaclaoronsomc part of the how els only whilst tho action of others ex tends morn or leas to the whole of the intestinal canal the latter classof ape rients is evidently the best adapted to obviate the habitual confinement of the oowols as they apply that additional excitement which nature then requires to assist her in the performance of her accustomed functions it is precisely on this latter principle that the tills now offered to the public are formed and an their activity cd be increased or lessened merely by tking a larger or smaller quantity thoy not only furnish an aperient modieino pro per for general use in a family but are also well calculated to answer most o the purposes for which purgativo reme dies are necessary the pills are not however rocom mended as a specific for the aire o alldiscancs such preposterous uatc- monts aro worse than ridiculous and aro onlj put forth for deception but they will prove a valuable remedy fur that confined state ofthe bowolo which lays the foundation of much suffering for ih os a occasional obstructions to which all ttre liable and for all those disorders which arises from an overloaded state o the stornoch and alimentary cdhtt con sequently tvcided benefit will be rloriv- ijd from lltoii unu in otuuhiq8b o niw in the head accompanied with nausea nrsickneasj in all headaches whero costiveness prevails in flatulencies bilious attack tho commencement oi cholic the early stages of jaundice and in promoting the expulsion of worms they require no confinement or change in the diet moderate exercise will as sist their operation and experience has proved that as an aperient v ey are safo and chicacious may bo taken by adults and children and also in very stage of pregnancy to children of fivo years of age aud upwards tbey may be readily given in pulp of apple orange or jelly and thus disguised they are much more easy of exhibition than pow ders or other disagreeable medicines dihectfohs roft taking taw rats in cae of biliou cbtajplrimfci ftfiv and headatfrt of tht stomach two pills to be taken at night and one in the morning obstinate costtvtness three pill to be lakon at any lime needed and re peated every six hours until rolicf is ob tained the usual dose fur ordinary persons is three pills but four pills may bo taken by a person of strong habit of body and two pills may bo given to delicate wo men and children pltepantd and solo by dr barker at the aihenoum drug store kingston sold in boxes at 7d- is 6d each foul stomach three pills to be token at bed time repeated next night if necessary 3u and2s 8uuuer akitangkuent the royal mail stage vvrlllj leave this office every morn- ing at 9 oclock fur bellovillc and toronto fare from kingston to napanoe 5s do do do belleville 7s gd jas patterson tfgenf oenoral stag office kingston may 1s3 j received i t the public that ho attends sal ir wiuj the only aiii f to pklntklts wtjijt kosniveij ui tlm aim 4tohc rum in uw country buys uttl sella by corn- mibaicn and oxecutes alt buiines in his line with despatch and prompt pay daily tlu m tho market square twhich tlic full value of all descriptions rf pniperty can be roalized juno itnd 1846 anaavnrnefi fl rirdini fnd iw tin ivory 4 lit utyd un 1 kijihi jvl r chakap- kn rt wh klftmsu j rn- wui js bc1iool avch peppie books who are wise and wish to obtain afroodandchcap article will pay a visit to the athcneuni bookstorc io font purchasing clncivhcrc ilcliilcra supplied 7157 the atheneum book store n addition to the laie potlfolio recently tulverlaseil the jollowing choice new en- tavin- vix portrait of wellington at waterloo do do napoleon and gneri do do queen and iji do do npoleorj jullian hcadt colored sully queen lamour jtinptonjjulyjl i 18 45 improved salekatus rwihe subscritjor would beg leove to announce to thiso who deal in the articloofsalekatus that he is now ready to furuuh ordors on tho ahoiteat notice to tto extent of 2000 his daily of a choice preparation low for cusa or apprcjvud poh3rs james morton kingston broweryand distillory 12th august 1 i- for sale gallons superior lord oil hkndky u blacklock kingston 18th august 1s4 300 n news imporiodi lumvnpajt to ih tmifntsd rlnplon dr siirroitndiii- founlrf ever wejp fort mr i atvnlaites or trred lo l pnmir a at the picsern lime it pwrchjjfn du v cjctohs at the manciiefcrhlt warehouse lcmbtoa ttvjfyp mum wf j r- hufton c- have now re ceived by varit vc5cl5 from uteat uriuin tbcir excniivc stock of summer 100fs which tiey art tcrmined lo sell at perv iov prkcs constin of a w snd varied assortment of ut ab balxarinr mus lin and urgandi drewcj rtinted plain and fiored lamas v tni g4 mack ami colored satin turwgivdf nap and french silks striped and fancy jfonnct silks engliih and french bonnet and can k- i hulhru rice and duostmlc sttaw bonnet parasol in every variehv a complete and extensive js50ttmnt of hjtiifiry s rdasiikkv an i small wires jk huhonc would epccwlly heg to draw atlenion to their immeie stock 0t7 staplk coods consisting of couin shriii linens tick cantoons whitemd colored onlb monkifi plain and figured cambtoons fancy clteck doeskins cassmerea and tmwavflft0 of every drenpdorh west of england and york shire ftroad ciiibs london made 81ower cauloon tweed and casbmercl palto coits also 12 cases lemlo and paris jlals compris in silk velvet aid beaver 0 trunks of lndoa made ladies prnncllo hoots and sboes 15 caes roon papers eontainingupwaids of 10000 pieces rf the newem patterns j r huttnni co- lake great pleasure in informing imi custooien that thej have now on hand the and mnst complete stock of goods that they have ever imported aod feel confident pleating the most batut- oik as regards 1n prices end quaff vj goodt call and examine fcr yourselves kingston junrls 16hs- ritchiey patent copying presses he sobscriben having hen ap- pointed agents by mi ritchie of kifinguigh fortltc titfa of his patent corviko pnsmsv leg to intimate that l hey havavjqtt received a anpply of these useful articles direct from llie manufac tory with every improvement and at prices considerably reduced from tliom of last yeat altto the requisite copying ink and paper oil paper and brushed rrtjc bt lircpcat quarto 3 0 0 foolscap folio 3 10 0 larc post folk 4 0 0 other sizes in proportion k c chalmers montreal 10th srpl 1i5- llour ophi baristnd half barrels ameri- ovjj can saw uh wheat 150 do o middling qoo do wda ftnv selected braods for sale by jas watt judc 30 a few balwelsof each just received jas watt pitch taft and kosin ew baie and tor salt v june 30 macfaboy snuff a american rvlel ron scented of tae best quality i kegs jars juii received jas watf and for sale hy kingston juried 1845 slkratus plttinsmrrclureonstantlyonliand ami for aalr ll manufacturer pticv the superior iw ol ih ltlc s well knou to the tr jas watt- plaster ftamirei wairt cemenl and cootalk for sale by fou sale oil to be leased oh advanta geous terms several hundred acre of land in the townahipof wolfc island opposite kingston a steam tout phes becrn tliis is land and kingston throo times a day also to be sold in whole or in parts about 3000 acres of land on howe island near kingston application to be mndtf to kihkpatr1ck fc burrows kingston 23d may 1s45 music establishment i22 kino stntct toronto s nordhelmeit agents in canada for the celebrated piano fortes of stoddart it co new yotk and chickering in boaton dealer iu pianris ia tflerl of all pfitrt also they hnvo on hand o large atock of wind and slringdd instrument and a large assortment of the best eu- ropran music tsimato may goih 1s45 43i2m notice iscrihers tr to rrnttn their sinccr intiitmi4itvl kingston for ratronatfi xttnded lo thrt since opening butinos in hi placr am tier to tnfotm them that inejr huines will tic con tinued by mr gcoftcit sr whom thvy coufiriiiu recomtncnl lo the public as onr adv to ive ovtiy aatitfactiou in his line of tiuiljich rossis k brothers- flmiesi 9 thanks to ih the very liticral juno 30 jas wait 0n0s salt 200 june 30 jas wait go oitrdage coils wit tbiim uem n from u h a iieh wai lantcd fresti and iu june 30 for hy jas watt w j martin corner of king hnf b streets mag hi sijmqrtt kingston dealer in tra wiart uiiori ie if pkspectftly informs ihepumic v it 4iicrior stock of goods in lltfj hne aruon which ip he ha now i nl a hfe an ofevery descrioson snait ib tofaccos asohvl port sherries j all prices madeiras champainc genuine bcolch whikv jamaica spirit pale btandy very fine cognac ilo hollands j de kuyoer st n schiedam do liiuor c c portnndaltj sperm olive and lard oil impoktro clgrs of a ll kivuk fancy smokinjt and aromatic clttrwm tobacco vocaa and other coffee afresh grourtv erery if 300 iloz cora brooms 100 do patent pails a variety of pickle saucw fruit ankvf sjcrm lmi and tjllmv cauilks crvtije intt fancy soap playing unrdt spnvxq su comprising a very complete assurlqienl ol goods in this trade all of which will be sold at the lowest prices families hotel and alettes supplied on liberal terms kingston 30th july 1815 edwin ciiown tin and topper smith raikctss afackt uftrcsroitf begd leave 0 inform his friend and the public that he has commenced business ojirnisila mosara j wmktm k co where he turns hy atrict attention and good vvotktttwwhlp to meiita share of public palroiiugo n b tho highest cash piico hd for old brass citppcr pewterand lead kingston may 37th 1s5 mcguire avd mccafferty merchant tailors wellington ctree kinrjstov begs km to inform heir fiicnds and tho public that they have com menced husiae h dumhiott hoi they tntaf by strict attention lu bu siness to mciit aslmroof public patron age their itnftk oowsiatt of a choice and varied assairneit of uroadclotha caasimctostweda fcsummcr c togother with beautiful amortmcnt ol rich ratlin ondymmcr vuntinght kingston uth juno ittttf 47 tf new jeweller y store 1 kokue pangenbkku be to at lorm tie ladies and geutlvmen rf kints vvti vkir ntifiall a ttasrf ta- i 1- mret next to mr britannia life assurance company no i princes street bank london empowerkd by special act of parliament iv vict cap ix capitalone million sterling thomas greer quebec firt office acert william hallowell esq mdmiciical refiiii table i i equilator raemium table ii ltfcr v- iw v i i i kayci or thzulvu tadle hi llqrt telkl taslr or parv- required table or annual prcmirmiircquircd fortbeaa c of 10q for whole term of ft jonglr life jwratcocinjincrfdmd orfte um a- iuirl reduced at the end of every fifth year unlit ifee twentieth inclutivc atter which pe riod nfiird annual premium will be poyabicaud afixedftumacaujcdduring tho remainder of life far lha ituranec of xioo for the whole term of a jingle life in annual halt yeuriy or quarterly pay men ta table of premiuma rccjuircd for the aaau muceof 100 on a single life for lha rtapeelive lerraa of one aud leven yearn exutru a pcron gcd30 acat birth jay may xeeurc 1000 at bi i dreth by payment of 33 lca8d it 10 19d hiilf ycarlyor 5 15a 0i quarterly tnuaj may accuioxtoob at him death payment of 15 13 4 until the expiration of rlre yeara id ii 8 after 5 ycarv until tl exptxation of loyara 27 0 10 after 10 yean until the eapiralton of 15 yeara 26 3 4 after j 5 ytart untl the expiration of so ycara and 31 5 0 after 20 ycora during tha remainder ofla with tif avnpajob iltcaxatttk etjmrlff i a pcrvon acd 30 neit birth day may eeuro 1000 al bra i n ctqvldts f 4ie 1 1 h n fa ictma tflytar by lha f a ncniorii3 10 10 jo a peraoa f ttlo iid1c iitt nteeuic the like imi ofeoatnuin- either of the payments irirojlioul rideirfc i a dirth the wjiote term oflife- and batioy the lum aaltnfaereraia7wra uurtd period icaily dimtniahed ceordiii to thelby the annual pay during t who perio ofl lealr o re jmtfitufj3 13 lo scott of reduction for on aeetmtnct oxlotjo dj ny aet flctforrfifli- to cie alumottre iftfit of tvbt ih pnyiblf nfiifibc firfi a yrrs be coiulptunj itihe pvmi ibfafftullha w hnjc jed flhlff retlfrcetho do do sreonh dcyrarp do tfcul flvtiear he oo- forui ftve mra itr mi iluretl vi u be do es ajttt 5 yrurj w after 10 yrr 7 era after 15 year a after 9u yean an iff na ry comparing the rate of table 1 and 2 it will be icon that according to iho alternative ilausnmewhatles3 than tieo thirds of the whole life premium ia in general required in the drat instance the difference being aflerwarda made ui either by a gradual incrcaseof premium during a given or period hy a corres ponding gradual reduction of the aum asuurcd the option in every caac being tvtu to the policy bidder vf acluctiny the mode which may beat auit lira oliiect or con ve ui k me the noceaaary fnrma and every requiaite information as to tho mode of effecting assurances may be oblaiocd oilheiby totter or peiaonol applica- tiott to thomas cheek acrnt 1i then rttes stirling wm premium of exehnnoe added 11 a 111p kidtujt m ihid 35tf fa dii jayinkvs mi ly medicines r mccor in uirkv irocery stoic where he has a targe itfflrlmeirl ot tulu and silver bltfdil jewelry llatcii gooda c and many other articlec too numerous to mention ah dearnptiofis of jewelry manufrttuicd to rlrr atitl neatly repaired silver spoor 3ce 4tr made to order kiutnn7ih may 18-15- notice c 1 1 1 undeisignrd will not pay fur any cjoihis hereafter delivered un their account uti c3 entered in ilicir office ir veael la look at the time orlt the written orders of themselves or clerks hookebj henderson co kinstin april i5th 1sj5 i tiv titi8uucfiiuk7c mxpvuwkivrva tndieine ia daily altrtetin city s t o k e iiver 3 alt cudiz fine and coarse 9 pod in magsaud harrcls firu akkticjo supeimto ork piime prime mos mess pn lnonni iscotch ftultherson ft crane iing5tui june 84lh 1sj4 o ifousks to let hunt in colbornc street and nthtfjiiii ijiven immediatew 2 new houslsbuli in excellent or- dei and having a iintt rate well of water kent mojttntlcl apply to the pro- prtotor at hi saddlfiy and harness wa rvltoumh priuceh street kingston john harvey kingston 20ih jan 1s45 cif lumbkk qor sate v tiik rnscuinck piinre and queen stieeta cn- ttance either way i00000 ffxt of mjmocr consisting fif 1 inch inch aud a quartet incharuihfif aiid2itich also a lot of oak plank frm one inch lo four iooofectof ynaro pine lunihcrand pine sgantlingj ofdiffeient di- rnmisiiuia the whole of the lumber is of au- pftrior ruality and woll seasoned and will he 6oldlow for cash or approved credit kingston important to faostf wvu rrd if difieuu to moderote prices t ttbcriber rcpaetfuhy ifitimala in tlieu friend and thi pumic trooeially that mr i i ri from the hontrejlaad wew yhii lrk ajtll a well aoleetedaa r i mi t hi vr tas coffee t so vavy frmiu ryinesamd liquors dtc dec m r 1 1 jfc blacklocie fael conttdeat orhoin ahlo ro aupptjr tho flnwl and mort genuine teaa eee on the vrt cbeapeat l rcilvcdlo iiati no paint to peui ttiocumomorall who may fivaua atrial hubert the inhabitant ofkinnion and iei nity fltifcr nnt in jkiim of ehcapnu reaped lha 4jvaraia n tln clltite smcea fiuo wine ad liajuofa titer nujfhl ft hnvo dre wo uf ef ro conti jar ihera la arrple aeoa her a fur a unt buinc if conducted under thoav a- lem urll rnoutt and qoiex vitoait tot readr amner and a naving of at leaat so per cant tiaa been vttecied to laniiho in htrf utwcliurkr i nt tiovflutiititivr mmi tnttclh- j itiri fretliwe efsin or nitit inl frr abi itiuii artirilu and ftmivuu oi- tbion of uc int tilitii r iaflai snj fc ri- hrtij itiw tiuttlie rr tin cirrna ito viritn eiieebai of te iaiaclt irvtl lljitvilp nltr i nrlrl hfiv niri frnfrtritce tf mruir ciukkiia imvmi hsi iiili com plaint aoo to fttlilte nbovo lrtcc ii raur ucm lik q rtami ail wfaaji ft ffnaxalfij k iry ir fr wattoot e ilicftl lliialrn nv ttmi4tl- tf ctrtiftfntr1 mtrltcea ceiiol lium ihy-ie- eicfpyincn nid unlit cf ii- fim r l r i v beivmi llv mirottivt lc4ltony il foror george may 7 1345 tett 3g33tf p1u iu0 k lt hy h- 01 s jonftk ifinaalon july 21 ww- b3 if new grocery and provision store nphe subscriber rcapectfuuy informs hi im lends and the public that he hu commenced iiuine in the above iiic oti the tvtoisule ofthe pionrer sttaxi itoit compmi wanrfi where hu is pro- pared to supply private families steam floats and huicla on moderate terroa tho lullowing comprisea part of hia stock teas sifiits ritkiis ac tauik roitnsu iipihy llllltltlmjh rirsars titjuccoa i i mo svrui oatmeal flour t ioiik taulb sa sihirm olive ami lord oiu tauow do candles i ve- fpcrrn do castile and prawn snaps with a variety of ftthor nrticlcj thos maxwel kingakin apiil 23d 1s4s- 500 ms cmbese rnmfltui cujimm utiil hairy hknuky t iilackluck kitijjatoii aotli juno 186 thi irivaluattlil itr if h- nw atoiuihue au vroalerfut ttt iliai hurecvc lieen ah wti hvruco ii lor an fin lrtgv aaail f oiovl nh cftofc crprtf ht wm nneiifape- aaai ma nftj q of ie urrat r- 1 lirifr onocrtey olfcer dltwi orfci buaus ano uhateaq 0nllo niieitn iu hnil4rtf uflwl iiutlrt lfm1tftat ift prenalwnruve iifcjcrihe uitiiikrp iiliqc rconsualltloj ahviy c nil or il- th4 0inl aynplom oftli -ii-j-n- ji are thksnnca nfibc t5 r tlirnxl lloir-fnp- ii rv nritrrnlhlntt amlttna iiik fevrrpuliiit uo ofpllf ne mull r nihl tiiici mootl it 1- mm frnni itaiftii vrul lic luvijehlr mltitu ttotrwnjiitihorir wak wlfwb ramiifwb r rml 1- i 5 tkin kp iiiiml l i uprrtflhr imimrd pinfcnlief lc ioch 4ion tvrr p4cnlr ct uriutt by pnmnrr tnf n i riiwfliioit t tlut o cure hiiluxieil afhl ralmciiiary iffmaaaib an mnii cine aewobwed- ttiflter or more deteivcdrc a remedy janeb carmmativb balaam ii n in n b j- 9taimt enue rtrftm pfltn aoir monnra mik auwaihpc mu liave contrqucnily namom il atcrnai leaiarar heartburn wmcfttri llii pi e til all our pood more liarltnuhrly or jhtkac or uc j vaiinx- rimi rcaatlof which aie tkia svtitnpnrulmq lilic iiauf fitml after ftilthe ftrtl il winf il niivrf ii n j j lhfrthllcloa 1 o- fciyi pan ol rho guinla wo fitt nil iaitiflly to trrp utnd tti uir mnmiclt nma 1 irdjily receivi vt voun liyo tea do 00 superior dti dt fiuj dii lavoe twaiiknv teo otu iyoo kind ilytun twaukay hyaon skin superior piuuflntltrcd old llvaon lu do in caddie tr om 2 to 12r stronif rich flavored linoarbl tea tn ua4dw do do fine h unpotvdtr iva fioeat do very clnsely twined leer fine l i ijr iihv rich fine fluvor fineti rich puknr flavored cmoi iafa4a nnf poiierum very superior fioem old jtliiehacolleo kittrmtii i j m ligmyra anl cults do uartetrvcruac oiandy pale do verj superior borfriiix do doutilc bttiried le kitrpcrgin do do s j i i l uves root jamaica soil ita 1 r 1 r ii do do and ruin scotch whiskey canxdiad do pcpiwrmiur strawbarry ratpborry aod lemon strap hum void port in wood and butt to blackburnv madeira in do do tronte madaira hrowoshorry patado chmri i im1 f i london portor in pinra aort duaila leuh and falkirk ala in do do fioa hooeydow naihoj cavoodiahgladibk twin and plug tubeccot piiocipe aud cheruot cigar aluacovadocruitiedard refined 3ufan bunch mutcatol ratinfin bovoa hairboaoa and quanorboxea freah fta and prnot 0 range and lemon p currant and cooking raiarni spicea of ovary deacrinion rico barley dtareb dluo tndiio droorna ganatvkiuo patom paili chuinjtuba a i- cec auo a quantity of cauanoquo aod amarieaa choee ploton crakor easltah cuiad llama tabio cod fuh ac c ae hbndry c blacklock corner hi kiug ami prime sit kir j11- jcu ash for flour rphe highest price in ciab paid far flour by r scobelii juim krngaton novlsd thiaiaauwinblw haik liifed been imm for ycurr ihnjrud catea lutlr rrocrjjlevll h r imterooa o pumii american haik dye warranted ir atitlly anfdicd acerrdinjr lrt ihrel0 tnn ihr btir rrm 4ny othet eonm tinlirl anin i atwrawtt lt nick witbjftofclfliartrilheuiehitliurff hair una rrcrnidoal ly mr tkjiyi- luuocl- oaui prer iw aeauk jaynps hair toxic fvr te evaaaraayftaji firaarfi cra aad htnrxiom octho haik tin hw roie haivrm oa m momitpti i liaiwwaaj jtim il alaowwv tto aawifcaai or lire 3cloraere ibe worms 1 worms worms gfallditaeeto which eliildroii aicoapoiad none arc aftftal imhe aa woraau- uapnuatcly alliftpaji mwomfree rmibcm aotl aa iheyirtiliie ihyirtpioaeoratmoaievrymhreoirtiinii the y odea prodfialaftnlart v an aol oalr cdw jtrn laaaa uui ry ibrwiiiauooneervirteoiiie jwe wnjeiii r npiaiftlareefcauaanilbatfaeink ijtebarte ead or aatjlty latoal ratojt convtitwlaa and loo oliio t i tfcrkif itewaia drjaynes tonic vermifuge lich ipcreclyaafraaao habtutal ibl urea will mmeraieutaketi h eoktah tlcatraia wukaiet neair poiifnwwof ii u t t- nptue aajocia om a rfflfm praooeni toaie a mitcm lkuei u cvriala netkifntei itcre cftjuiirtti i ami i n rcrminraicvre tor fkvbuoaj ague it ii r ni jpilfiw vorirk tnvi4orarralhwkdte nvcih ixi it jimolveaana arrrflaticupertumliir mum or ltiea i f n hi ujo otur anj itoivcla of rluljren mvnrrrnoctuuy ortbnar in bajbeaha tata mprnaiotw ihelwor not in whicb wore prnlw ibetryauar nl ly reaaovwuj itn la hojkhitil ftr hvaraaioi rcaiajn laiht ihiy ltlahiiruiki inliaeftvrufta ifceiyatom aad ihc 1 of die j -ltn- pn aivaviai4 byuaecaeabe oo dh u javnes sanative pills fat htet naplilt- aanlaimhlice tltepla tbeu mmlaaifrlws rrntiir erjlieua uil tticnea f hr fcl nihtnrrty rilr loool liiaaiiiaitflv iac- i in iho bunj brraxava back aiij limli uiou aitixiwaa artnuk aeaaca if aleataa4 jwnud lipkwtksrrvatlvp an iilcrrnallvr aittl avawntlltc prriora4lftrt eaihunf nil ibf maoal viro ot ihraao anlite wurti ion ei prrwr ba ro veil io pan am i o tirmtbcafluve hl ikoliiueniirothikp fltr 0 mrv ntcrofau bintia rvu wbip w inn okere acrofa vrn caerftwiaaj i kui ihmhra rbeuaiatiiin oui iiurv aevraliltt ar ikvtubmriii c ij ir ttm ttottl lawelkitnnck cttlarcontrli ofllio bann 4tibtr iifiirtnir oi ibe nvnrio apkea bm itrvr e fce alt tba varlatm dlvaaea ot io vkln utbaltariweinrpiaa r mju rartittmlaa ac ac uropmeal awvlung e n iitjn frfllaiilra rrtn rful or impvro alata thr lv4 n 0vr ntllunntuia bmly ihipiil atfnnt mi i vaiu ufi o lumva ilvml lh town la nialmkr ill ljh kuiaattt jijjl to let rprieltirteaiory brick house shop 1 ulely ocouplad lij joint suaw hmk strtot aff roiituioa ivan tvi tti aral of avtflt samuel shawt y to klpfatunfjulyid ih1a tit wot strut

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