the british whig m iviulnl ft pnhluhrj nr inlvvcrkly bv kry tu ksjia v fill l a v v iowaad john babkdr m d at tilk athknrvm tru it nu insinii ik antr- jlmil itit tmnl iff nrr pitltf up hmwwiuii r im rwlrfiir itsem i ullrl tflh m loj rirli 11 i- n- 4mprt wwprj 4e2 vot vi v frtffsfsa lnonmwlrlfl ul al v w1klitmiilin wmimrjnriril mil rrmi amifrftrwjll ljrh rf lw4minm a1 tritaaniii iaiit hitnee a left lit wri and general advertiser for canada west kingston canada friday october 17 1845 no 83 vvj- hnrttvmrcuniw the royal mail steam- packets t tlli1nia e t the lttihtl willi hrln ft munlftrihelare cifuj ci eomi mrvfiiwr mbf illowe j flrdrmfarlhe hrlts wm wilt rertve l hjc fru frtrlvtii favnifin- ahuetirnfpiftn afabilobe l pb lktrrit rius wiintims orjeraeulntw he n rtm rmi rl lel hfmrmjmflltf lhiipvcrtf hr- 0efimlicrv nlvr lriaiej iiprr- if fii if s lc robert mccormick fnolcur asd ft rr a ii heai ki is wises sprits teh krirres it piujcg8h htrelt kingston j a mcdowall furrier and hatter brock stiikkt kinctnn furs made up to order on the shortest siofiee fgtsj ofee ery description bought and sold henn acdonll i campbixt barristers tf attorneys at ou rftlmctls stkkrt 1 w g s t o w john a macdonald mpuell alexander ca john c paw attorney at i- aw cosvuyasceh and land acknt new goods james richardson merchant tailor begs to inform ins lyifjitils and lhc puhtic that he ha just received part of his spring goods and is daily rejeeieine an extensive assortment of broadcloths tweeds cas- simsrbs vestinos fce of all colon and qualities and f t lie latrsr styles whieh he mil make up tn orltts on short notice in the must fishiotuuiu manner and ou reasonable term brock street kington my 20tli isi5 new engravings htom acktftman amd glblvtts and sjvs justsrreed from mmlreal ihe follow- in new ami elegant english engnnng ty the heat misters viz ckmlihy kces gojool dftbf pi i i sunub cttrabafllista smutflri qoarralltiic bndiii dnjhutngi b4hle of pirith wjf aatl lms spin nymnh ttvftvf pftpvl rrtlmftfftri ii wv ft kif ii rimiiiiuriiiii n hey ftot rhtiy st- alfaan smai cjupin selt lrtceaurihire 4n d u giixx potlmitof jnhn itrcvp irolorcil m- 1- i- jmlff kru of aii1 iktatioii c ts jiilimi llr ttwcfl mac atiikmii hook stuiik kt june 10tu 1815 bbfallj dcakn supplied withan 1 i m lit v japan whiting ink culm supplied to warranted ai liclcat the follnwin rtfoi pinti fivfl iblllin per uzen 1 i i even aliillinf- and iixpenee per ditto the atnonenni hook tore kinitou april ifiilt ww- i to uet two story stone housfcl j in wellington street nljiiningllic slgoorjjes hoiuljiaviug snmms with rrjijco in oich a prod collar ami attic story cap we of mlfltb convened into lied kilqim if rtltlirvil access to tho lare yard in rear from qoccif strc apply bithnt akow claencet kitlgaltltt june aotli 1345 50h notice rjlhb subscrihe has july autlioiizcd jame moktox eqor avuaham fostcn to collect all ouutauding dehi due by book or otherwise mid also to receire all clai rm presented against him for adjustment abthur foster kingston may 1s15 36 t aa lb5 cheese from puua pw celrtbrated dairy hendry ulacklock kinsston 20th june is45 20 venetian red barrels far sale at the alheneuat ftook store id on july 291815 for balk nphe leasehold precises on brock street in the town of kings- con now occupied by mr j oliphant for terms apply to mr james russell aasttlfmf or o thos kirkpatrick kingston 16th june i tf an apprentice wanted wanted tmmodiately ht it sat tilery tmj harness ivti eftouse of the subscriber a respectable boy a foe wilt be required- john harvey kingston sept 9th 1sj5 just received atheneum hook store dird from lointou a large assuilment af ii lica and gtnis k jv dai5sikc cscs kulil cornets lajics rpskwooo waait itoxcs h ii cornrr various shkej inj ldiei ifw gcnti whitijcc dcsas tocktukr with a superb portfolio oi new london en gravings ty the best mailer kingston july hi 1845 trips imnff toronto will commence tlwir regular downwards rftou toftoto to kiscatrow- fitabrgign cftffaii sawwiuiw firvjy and thordf ala qui arttj ngston the 19th instant cttv of touonto crti dtca ettrf txedf end friday princess royal- ewy wtdntdi y and satin dtty at iyn cthclhmh at aoe 1pffardn mo xikcflrom to tojloto prlncesfl royal- cmii 0wttwi etfry mttrtttay and ttwrdy ettnttt atrrf owofl sovereign gaftats amviiuh every tunttay and friday firming at sertn teturl jcity of toronto orrm djcic ertty wedttttdvv and satarty erming at bete tpdoik ct rs ii nftll rcevurlf at cvlr and port ifapt vrnther permiilinr ad i um v t 22 ss od p miimm wbimbh hijam r i mnf john if greer acit kirjtton uimftyjjj id ftr ftrrciln a gooh by fteauanhl fire or tien from liability money parcels at tltcnk of ihcwrierihereor- royftl m gteanipeekctofficg 1845 mo ntreal and kingston mail line steamboats and stages tae phw e informed that ihe following are the arrangements for the season the commodions ad fail low prruurt sltamm highlander captaik stuilftv canada caftai lawless gildeksleeve cattaw bowkh downwards will ply daily tram kingston tn coteau du lac4s mi leaving kindlon every morning ftmi eeemng uom which plice ijanked toi ftlero tord the mwfa upwards from coteau du lac the boait leive every evenin- on the arrlvil of the mail ami rentri from maitnal end reach kiiirw l fallowing alietnoon in time for pas- cnr ta take ihe steamer 1or any jor i on lake onuiio the boat- pass thioiigli the tplenid lon sinlt canal the ma iieent rapmaif lftwtettcfilm es from montreal at 7 oclock arriving at coteaa du lae early the pamengers ait conveyed 10 the cikadca in sujpi on sieamcr chieftain and arrive in montreal the oexl the lake of the thousand islands by dayligtil affoiding pawrnei the moi dcmiahleftaiideipeiiios route kclween kmjston anil montreal th above leaner call at the fallawntic pttfh- ctananqne 8 eall qriijtafcairgh n y- miihimi pfea and jxv pacfcftge m firiht steam bot office commercial w kinsion 28ib april 1845- matima willi mhtifgh and cmdwatl as well as money parcels at the risk of the owners imls booked e845 rideau canal 1s45 vlfk ply on the ridtair canai the stanfflttt at rfnve nnbt fiit acfpkr between kytown md kingston and vke terra tine the season ai fottows leave kingston the aircottj h jf thr p albevieiry fnvoir at a at the heaver eret luij of 9 j m a rcjilar daily line ol iicmbou and slaves the aid every monday ol 7 j m tl i k p a lbertencrij wvrfncsiov af 7 j 3t the beaver ewrry friday all a 3u the above boats run in coonexlion with leave iiytown eteri hednrfiday at 9 wttvm dylawn and montreal la dozen hay rakessperry u winav bent handle pot sftfthl j as- watt n b any quantity may be had of the advertiser en short notice kingston i8ih jly 1845 nutate boarding house 1few yminc men can be accom moilatet wiitj uoard and lfkliir at mrb hittonatn wrllmginnsuwt tliird hotise above tlie metliodiat chtircliwbcrcfthe hopes to make all comfortable and to n a ritore of ullic favor kingsimi june 12ih tb4fi 47lf i1attle of waterloo just cpceivcd tom london 24 onie of the pictorial vmes f june ikili cacii cony accompanied hy a i4ti- and brmti- liful rnxravlnjc of ihe tultlv of wteiloo by j gilbert from the crleralrd paiiilinj hy g jonea ba puce 2 6d atio a few copiea of the london puscii each atheneom book siore kington july 251815 just arrived from new york and fur sale at the camphine depot king strvtfi at mr stacya shop opposite j u brycev dry good store a complete assortment of camphine lamps gisi4 and wicka jas reid kinptoa sept 8 185 606w notice the oderainei respectfully inlimatea that he has thiay laaven hit broiber mr charles chalmers into parlner- ship and th4t the barincsawill henceforth he carried oa in the tame prcmties oacer the firm of roberta charles chal- sleks to which firm a continuance of past uvoitit humbly ioicited robert chalmers 8 tire at st james slrecl montreal september 1 ifcms with reference to the above notice 16 subscribers heg respectfully to intimate that they will continue the business of book sellers station fks book bind ern as heretofore earned on in the ame premises and ihrir stock now on biad aod lo arrive havintr been purchased on the besl term they art enabled to sell at the most moderate prices r fit cchalmers montreal september 1845 bookbinding nflljb surwcribera having enfrajed a lirsl- a rate stationery binder who has been ivelve years in one of the first eaiabltsh- in edinburgh they are enabled to exe cute orders for ledgers journals and terrykind of blank books which avllj be ruled to any pattern and round in ihe bcii maoner and at ihe moil moderate prices- r at cchalmers montreal september 4 1845 pmb kllow am bub at the athkmeua1 ust received hi vcm fohlscap book store ctse of english paper inchnlinx 50 reams of fine yrllow ird blue wove foolscap kiftjmonjjutrltlftls jusi wti general aoriment atehitinei ll speed the plough takktotice tphe subacrilj will nnc io prepared lo rocoiva noilucn nf nny descrip tion whatever at his eainltliarirnciil at kingston before the itftfrjf nf october neji when nnl afterlliat join he will continun to purchoso ih foltowtnc qoati- tifioftirtin ikm kve hakley hunkwheat ftiid oats of goo eltvtn sttmtles tn the amount of 200000 bushels fur which the highest rataa in cash will be paid on imlwry the article of ujian corn will not be received earlier than tho month of january followini james morton kingston brewery am distillery i2h august 1s15 s p s- j m hivltlg last season pledged himself lo liia vrv friends the farmers of the sands barsaparuxa rm the rcmoffat an frtwamatf cm or am mlttaajtl aaiscxn tmom ah rxpvftr statu or the auor on jjabit or rue svsrrt iori r4 a pfvautv oo juti vhti li aupvrioi ni cjhiifti imj iy iiid on wliklt r if ihc h lt envy puwer of relit tfatawitilla h1tc1i1ks path t copying presses i tl i submr ilrrrr having hof n op- poitipd agent by mi ritchie rf kingntgh fir tho anlif of his 1arrnt curvtno inkr iirg to intimate i tint they have juat received a supply nf these useful articles direct from ihc mgngfac raic its lirge port qjjmo foouenp folio lane fort fotw other szes in proportion r- c chalmers montreal 10th w 1815 x3 3 4 0 it lory with every irnpnement and al numerous i peicca considerably reduced from thoe w midland dis- lof last year also ho requisite copying triet end county of prince edaytnt that ink and papcr oil paper and brushes during the years of is44 is45 and 1846 he would pay for llw article of rye delivered at hi establishment 3s currency per bushel of 56 lhs weight he would now take rhi oppmtumly of reminding his frienls that an ho has faithfully redeemed his promise filf the season of is44 he is also prepare to do likewise for the season of is45 and trust he will be equally prepared tone knowledge the seasott of 1341 when it comes to hand in a similar manner at the close of which he sincerely hopes to aec the cxtcntive jint interest which wijithen be finnvd between himselfaod bis agricultural fiinnds be again re- neweti for a term of much longer du ration j m fmie subscriler returns his sincere thanks to usoj civil and military in- fall importations a mhaw importers ofbritisigoods princess stater respectfully acquaint the in habitaniiof kincaton and vicinity iry tlic and their customers generally that first of their fall importations is now at hand arid ready for inspection their assortment of fancy and staple dry goods will be found replete with every do scriptioii of jvtw fresh and fashionable ted frithe fall and winter habitants in kinton and ita vicinity fur the patronn he bo received since goods a his commencemrnt io buiine begs to fttaieum c has resigned hi i addition to a very extensive stock businwtn favor 4l mr- uerijamm vvat receiving of laiu primed ami sou who has iwatfi foreman in his eata- fijjufed orleans cloths merinoes m hliahmont for ihj last two yeats and olaines lama cohurg caahmerc ft wing cloths they would particularly direct attention to their dlock of lo jic atuljctim to favor him with their fully competent those who may support ross dodo wcikhim biffin kingston 5lh sffpt victoria crape cloths as being a siylc of lootf omirely riew a ttd beautifully adapted for lapies pali dresses tpils saweriltrir 1 inform the htkueryjtlankets flannek public gcncriiy- tno1 1c taken tartanmialla flnidftall wool cloakinga tlic tuiloriiig gaiawwinwn lately car- linens coitona iinhamst ried on by mr if umld aid hope i toy lea fal color prinw and cambiics hy utircmiuint mtfsntfcai to cnmire tliut itcavnr cloths broad cio jy uurcmiuin at support uhtel fa voir j with m predecessor has been benjamin avatsox l3m atiienkum drugstoue just received ant for ate at ihe alhcnrum drugstoue london lickir anj fauces eatrait i asinthc syrup of ni i lemon yrop mqu riiieia bird pepper sauce prenrh cftpcr atladian soy fine olive oil oil ik- black j pan vatrtish or harns fc jjpan ink in pints quart keif lnlc jhnaa windsor and oltavin- soaps patent groal am parent barley s i watr eau v cawitf ecttcc of swetl briar essence of ver s lienfl esfmceofseipra eau de uarcballr tj iiii h-niii- fitc kige military shtvln dy stuffs and a rjtnuinr drus am gillotts st perrys sircl pens pigoix w rlaymcrriclesuun powdcrin canniftters eiam and frrnch percussion cap shot of all sizis k i w r i v 30th 145 notice city brewery thie subscriber bes to inform the customera of the cifg eretoerj and tho public generally that he has be come the aole proprielorof that well and favorably known establishment- that he has secured the services of mr jamcs livingston as brewer whose beer haa invariably met with the merited approbation of the public and j that ho will be prepared at on early day to supply those who may favor him with theit custom joseph b hall kingston 16th august 145 gg tf uu1critt9 p1iotoghapi1ic rooms colored miniatures at ata olcorrs aujlojxns raicla wtkkt you can have a beautiful photo graphic likeness taken with all the colors of life as well as being a lvellinnn iw kingston 5tn se i kew wholesale impoktixfl warebouse at the extensive an commodhvt preitiitcs n w simpson ontario stkeet the sutwrihcr ptf the mer- eamilc cowm of cnida ivcrf that their large and xwl lhrtl slock nf gtworlci ivi lqiwra and dry goods will he ppewj ahiuii the 90th inl which lliey pcd uwumdw i sell at montreal price they will also prepared to receive consignments of fcablrjiatc and produce for dsposal at priv or public sate with view to which of the firm will act as an auctioneer oarh fr wheat at their mill in hillier princc edward rlricl and at kington simpox mathewson w swraoifi kian- h mathewson kinpton seplffttwfltb 1s45 just receiecd t the arirrscth bog mmti a lrse xssnrlmenl ot piano foitn music conwsiing oi songs e among which will be found the mowms r the lamentofoae irish emisranr my mother- the captive nigu kfttlj omynch the lifiht of other days love not lo the watch fire a life on the ocean wave damly jun of caroline fleaulifttl venice neer let the heart tor sorrow grieve totelher with an assortment o avorite polkas matches e kingston 9th sefrterohcx 185 ha cassirnures twocds and doeskins cashrnorn filled satin indian and netted shawls muslin nets lace and needle work 0 nods in great variety also an exeullcnt assortment of furs and fur ivimmtoua in martin squirrol bable fitch lynxc c princena street idli sept ism lliirn itor trrmn v it ihe pttvr nf rcjirvm pfthl mcmv tcnihn ilien hsal emshoaieaks if hiving tf hr iitiiofnii1 f rtfiui i1tjviiriit utt inueit lothapi wln pwftmil u hat aw ft rat of itig nm bv rvrnud ly tw umi ul santl tfcc mmimmwiic mulfll of licfc with whhi hnlp cnnriil nwiintl lonra itjiftjt mu hac tin ic- nttril tt hoihh ami vlffir tlia mmj tlitlrfil fnvlti l kvuli lildaift i rtlliun li trim mdfaiulift itn irtturiifi4a haea rsaaila whl hundreds of irsn h lnhtumteo lirr rt fuf earfl uhim culjn4i ami plindffln rfasflfifrir rhvhitc rhciimjlim and oaaay oihrr cmaplaints nnngiuj fom a drftnrvmcni uf llp ccivlitffl urgana anj i- ciraiilaimii hcivr hcori iand a il wr irvio ile rok lif 0iyrar artr iiuiv with rcfitevated cnnvlitutior rlnhy icstrfy m ihv efficacy of tfim joasthau blc nr pai ii ii 4 a ihe ftithiwint cfliricai rccentlv rrrul wm ajilrbd lo our aarnt in aldin tin thepiliani va rmly ftfllftlftd wuh rmmi and hrcuifalicn- had locd vanoum ramvdia willinnt anv b rr6l and iim afflicted ftrc now in vi tad 10 ad whtit he fttya in mferenco io bands sattaoarilla msdisoa ga auun 5 1844 c p ranauii fr dewstr as i have dfird so muh hntnt from rhi oe of stftiu sartapavilla i irel it a duty that i owe to ihe cornmonitt to mike lh fttl in my caae public i wsj afflicted fat pur years wih rnnniff n1 cftcd utccscn my towcv cstitmtttea and aloaorteicd verty from mercurial snrei on fklher parts f my boly from the etct nf bhh pll ami othni mercurials i tried remcify after remedy but ihey alj vaiud nmhinijntil i nblainad a tattle of sanov ssraparilla whir h i found benefitted ftfl wry much i continued ilauie uotil i had i n euxbr boitlea when i was perfect l cured judinf lom my own case i have reason in believe siinuv sar- saparilla is tha very best remedy or sciofota and mercurial tores thnre ii it entirely ersrfi- caiaa the poiaon irom tho avstcm aflcr four years nf nlmnit continual lulfvrin i no w find mvirtf h well msnentircly recovered voura rea pert fully william banks thefilliinaintereaiins cane ia preaeniad and the reader invited to its caiefnl perusal cummeni n fttfiuj evidence ia unnccetsary namvcskt maattf sib mo 31 4 a b l saaos eeemd friendt ai- ihnoji an entire mtaasaai lo ynu i do nut feel a1 libftflf any junker to jrler ihe iiknwliv rnent or a prcil jafeileijnea to you fr your uivatuabut saraaparilto which lift hten lh ateaos undrr a kind fr valence of my inrs- i rehof i am auo arod lo this oc lnoiwlridsmcnr by jtaurtiftf thai by my hum- uft reatiivony hundred of hnrtfrera mirtahte a i hao bn may be induced m try iliia re- inntlj and capcricncn a saiia as oeeoy m as happy asffliim fnf ten yra have been aof freifttf flnr e reofulmanftnniififiua jlrti4 in rny head and durinj iffcsit part of thiatimr my pain and vuflerinfa wprm an wvero that r but for n rallasan on rhe qfht lipiier of nvnnr i should have direrf and amsfe pre- liiiteil dentil iivhf al rliftlrent porirwla during my atcfcneav twenty plaeesfof bono have hirn taken from my hend fatfsjtiiw ways braq n my apbftf levth and the nnure upper jsvf n uf aturt nunc tmpoa npendin nbnnl ais hundred doj aid i had recourse to ynnr maiwapanilta- rjrmhpicic as com confkntrat0 comwundiluiij txtuactoftlaav kaparilla fojt th tccbe of scrofahu chronic rtwium avlwral debility cutaneoaa diavaaea scaly eiujtiotual the akm teller temples on the face mttcaiml and iphiloid diseases btls from impute habtu of the body ukcratonaol the throat pins ftiil t wrilifw of the boaee liver altectiera and all disease biwm frnot an laapare stale at the blood okposure and improdeacef life ekcesive uieot mercury u- thh satsapjtrilla can he depended open by etw one m hcine as coad as any ohe in this couiury or europe peopv cam aeait lha- sclve or tm just a they pirate to oint sar- tapanlh this pure extract is put np in as lrc nr lrr hotitesaany somfotooe dollar at tin unprecedented low price of s 6j vee lulle sam hy conulock fit rws i9tremont row bofidtt utessshg to masking comiih mntcl paln rtractok thujrta1 llraloizsls is ackoowledjjed kv all who have raf ed it in be tht most won- diliil arricle ever known ir e a pels s ii in aties hy frre refract alt pain and prevents mortiltctinn in rveiy ease it will cure any of the following complaint or fay is refuse j scabk stll whrhs krnption chilblains oil sores eryaipeus hioisis chates scrofula vvoundsj snre eye piles cold in wounds tender feet jl cures sore eyes eases cancers frequently rmoffp thfm tvtthoat paw or tcny sjaredil allays ii lath at ion and reiurea swcllines an is a salve none should be without tbt fol- towinx remarsiahle cast was furnished os qaita recently and hundreds of others equally sron- derfu many eeea more so miefit be added but for want of room we tease taeanasil a child a nephew of a friend of mtnestef ped into a vessel of boiline water sdeealdea itslejcup lo the knee wen con rte ips pain extractor from comalocks was applied wtucfc almost instantly jjee relief to i be itltle suf ferer and suonenlirely cured il also a child of my own burned its hand seeetely aad i mrd ihia salva vbtch tavt instaat relief anal cuied it entirely and i for one could not be induced lo be without il i think eeery family should keep it on baad to use in cats of such accidents h adams pastor of trinity outah siugerlies n y sold hy comstock ro no 19 ticovcrat row boston t worms 1 worms worms comstocks veitmituge this remerty for worms one ot tbei it estrctoally from cbildrcd cxtraofdinar5 eor used dicates worms of alt torts adrjlis tltoosandi polish by worms vfitboot cba real cause bein known soma othee reasou i assigned for their sickness until tea lata la cure the true cause what immense responsibility then rests npa the parent who does not know and ihe doclar who does not underlsnri the corrpbissl whicw is restroying those precious flowers of ufa children what should he donet the anseer pain ive this kingston perfect copy of nature pot up in splen did morrocco cases for fifteen shiu lings and also tafctn and fitted into lockers breaches pifts c and per fect satisfaction given or no charge ladies and uontlerren are respect fully invited lo call and cnarrinc speci mens cameras chemicals ice furnished and instruction given in the art q7 operating hours from nine oclock am until 4 pm kingston spl 25 1s45 77tf to coopers w7anted hy the submrihr be tween this date and tho 15th no vember next 1200 new bbls to contain 40 ttallons oach prepared from well- seasoned oak and warranted to contain high wines tho delivery of ihe above will be required at tho rate of 100 bbls weekly james morton kingston itrowry n distillery ifith august isdfi 65tf the lamistqn house hotel to let frnvisucn tn imikmmikii r tt iih commodious fit spa cious hotci hue of the very best in the upper piovi i olterud to rent lease orotherwi- on most ad vantage ousterfd inimiic pusscsston given for particulars a on the premise or at tho auicnej hook store kingston july 261845 notice he subscriber having been appoint- edaiiknt for tho sale bffctotwj from the well known foundatyof mr r p cotton will kco a slock on hand during theseason cooking and single stoves of the latest and most approved patterns and will execute orders at the lowest market price for cash or on ap proved credit country merchants would tlnd it to their advantsge to call before they purchase elsewhero huuh calder jltnl commercial wharf kingstcin 20ih august isi5 g72ra du sutton sukgkon dentist ojjiee ir gtcotcs rviuing prineess street eaut1ful artificial tceth in- ted on gold plate or pivots and all thu duties of his profession per former in the most perfect manner and warranted to give satisfaction ladies attended at their own places of residence if required a student wanted a medical stu dent preferred kingston august gthls15 63 1wif panoramic vietps of lqndo ust received from london and fur sale at the atiisnmjm book stohc s doz panoramic views of london handsomely bound price 2 6d litngson august 29th 18 notice hotel dibit opposite catholic seminary brock- street is now oircii for the reception of persons requiring medical or surgt cal assistance wlbtg ajfdicol qfittfg fft- hauwkll consulting do do dh axtsw n b visiting hour from 0 to 10 lock am kingston sept 13 isis ronrivrinj- rtr sim aftitr ar lor riitf iil aid juitly ecubraiaj sajaapiril a unci withiutiit jnt three months ih nc ii twelv hotifra h with tlrmm beuffrinl npermlion eomnlctty afettd dm dfjjaiassn the hutini p fa sasa fnrward aoj i am ntpitfr approrhirie m a perfect cvre ba mtmrlf aniinua tliatnihtra liborri unrlor similar eamphinu mav haw tilt aiuatuage iif my ttpetianvdf i 4hill hn miat huppy at any hmc tn ointmuntcatf t then or to yini mich firther anrl mtie minute pnmculars n my b desired fkaac accept aasuraitces vftnf rest ililialiwi anj ierj uevjamin h hus3gv naatcckrt mhosl 8u a 0 a d 8ait ibaipmiaal kirnd genjamirt n himev i a pvraiu of parcel rea- pactaliilitr li sutrmem m rcbtion ta the wonderrul eficcu taf yir saraapafui rjiiovi imvaasy beimphcitly relied upon hucaar nroisciasidrrrds very esirnordinaryrtrte anrt core alrihm bl i entitte the fute which will he sore to do gooa it they have no warms and if ihey hive il iiiwe- tlroy ano eradicate ith a ccjlaioty aiast pto- cisiea traty tstnriishioj ueannot harm ihe miiurl ciirj cjh r ri nrjji k rg rriittedl mereury is the bacia ot aaost worm rei ilir ull ihe disease pea this the remedy s sometimes storsehasi so neter use loznjes ia1 rew eeery person will he consiocei on otic trial that il is the moct perfect cars ever ineaote d we call on all gsoj citizens la make ataosra ihc efferfsor this wonderful remedy price is 31 mqu hy coawtack ross no 19 tremor row gvi se rn he the oc favorable opportunity t i it m of fuk 8al6 orv librral cltrjdit ten years lease f a holse shop situated in ihe flourishing villale of peterboro together with the stock in trade of a person retiring from business coosisiingof drygoods groceries crocaery xtuorac apply at the atheneum kingston august 18th 1845 the sampaiitta t lie ranked ss a rear blcsain- io the rnmsn family and we comider it assuih yours with regard wilmm mitciirix caihrtroftaia pacific rank nantncktt for turlhrr parttulara and conclusive denes of ita tjperir valitc iml rkeaev pimhfelf whictt may he nhiaincd traila trepared and pail vhotcaaln and tvtjil br a- d a l sands diuir kabomt sam in ehtialaa by charles tfcatil srtll abobf orufite generally throughout tho united huts trire 1 per bottu an bolllrfl fur 5 iu tho pumic are rplfuly requested remember thai rr sanda ssrnparilb that ha and ia rnsianrlr aehrevina such temirltabjc mtintssf lbs moat ditnrult elasa of dtsoases tn winch the hnman frame is miljuct thereltrr ak fir sand irsaoaotia and lake no other the periodical sales for the fall season at the stores op john patteuson omtahto street umton lvl 1 take place the second week of each month io the following order i no 9 thursday ami fsulay the lstli and 14th of november no 10 thursday and friday thsj lltb and 12th of december when a laige and general assortment of tv sugtlft ivinrst lfuors frttitt spices tobaccos enrlhvnware and dnj gtnrix will le sold on ihc usual liberal terms of credit c for particulars toe handbills john patterson kingston 7th august 1815 63tf itruarkaqle cure of deafness rout tkephtudetphia sprit tf th time mr p n lyman 53 sasmmmffatt wsa cured ofa tott ileafnrss of fifteen vesrs ataod- i hy a tew ouks of dr mcnairs accaaairc jil he had a short lime before returned frosa boston wliere he had spent 7s bad the lofiftil of his eats taken out astd snany cdbev experiment tfied with the faculty but witfc- out success he had alui spent aeer s100 ia ihc ciiy to the farqlly hut he eras left us the same slate urhentby were throoeb ha then iudesnair ihonht he would trr oaa more thing before he gave it ap and ptt egrrd a flask of dr mcniis accoastic oil ami he is cured sold by comstock fioss no 19 kovv i the naples hair dye for some ttnieconn fable reason lor tbe fast oneorlwo years many young people bolh malt and female have bail the misforraas la have their hair torn permanently zry wa hae hecjuenily been applied to for something to turn the hair back to its ruruanil coler which has induced lo to much troabte neyi ea- ense in orler to furnish our customers aad the public p nerally with a near and bja- juoved hair oje one that is nearly ettual and not ihe least irijurioos lo ihe head je for the moderate pure of 3s tad per toutr we hare tuttbpled beyaad our ejpecuuoas this article sn offer to tht public sviih peat ronfidenre wc base bad itthoroohly lestadl lime after lime before we could offer it tef se the price is each that all can afford f ise t and its quality we belies e to be supe rior to a i v ever befear made sold hy cotcsaack k boss no 19 treaceat row iji french burr mill stones or sate by the subscriber tw paik or fbrnch uowr und 10 indies in diarptei 5towts feet apply to richard kingston seot scobell 12 1845- senr 73- 1 m commercial mart for sats mess and prime mess pork wiilliam waul kingston 30th sfpt1815 ware 6t balm of columbia lsdirs and gestfiemer will you be witbooi ihe genuine ohfrnrigc balto of coluaabii for your hair t toe msy depvad aposj it it is the ealy article that is sure to pw- vent baldness and keeps ihc bead fma from dandtuff we have knowa ii ta restora hair oa the bald beads ot persona asreatj years nf age comsiock k ross sstitt pee rsfa- rencelo any thai wib to ihosa that haee bees y bam for years and hasabsdtbtir bair rrsfnred within the last iseo mootba br sure and the ffenuine with the dgnalara sf comsioelc co- on it or get none sold by comstock and ross no 1 tresaont kov boston french depilatory this article used for taking offaoriflosaas haii from tht face sad oeck is sojd at2s tdv per bottle by comstock ro no 1 tremont kow boston soldat the atuaafktrk oaoo sroaxaaidsjc chas hcattis being ihe oaly agents far kinrlton sugar aconaignnieru of 30 hosheadal of luscovauo sugar for sale by j w martin square kiogston market 3ld october 1345