Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), September 23, 1845, p. 2

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a bard case a loaam eoireipndml of ihe rntioi tra i 1 u eae which ntm htww the polite mssnyritr there whirb involves a oier hjtt snd convey salutary lrstn lo ihnse wo arr too apl io ennfvte iv tbi h iheotberi ore deceivers w amelia jfimapfjtfe4 lolbeeoofl tmi the follow nig circumstances a lingular case cf before one nf ihe pn- e courts last week n which in amnrau i hjarra nlher conspicuously- a rspname bating female namvd amelia jores atrnm panted hy hrr hi made an ap1iriion lo toe p judge under the following cirromfant lot lit advice she mill lhl she wa manied in in enrlishntanin amriiri who aw ilaff left and j t r to r ijnd htnf lllowrl in errh o him and aftei disease rinr his abode a-er- i i ined that he hi another wife while she ww reduced to the c i distress ami had noi the mnh of returning home she taiil that she vs i native of pumoh phis and that shoot two yen as she m mc0 the msn jones wnolell hrr nine nmnih eincc and letrninj ih i he was livine iti london in i bjcod cifcilrruki ihe lit- philadelphia tjlj ciddo to enfiml in trarrh of him ant hy la- boriona intvitry the found nut htf residence ii the ki road she called at hi rroc when io ber tiller astonrslifnrftl the discovered thai he war married to mother peron he told her how be v u situated that he bat lor nrd another mai imouial alliance and thai he va entirely dependent on hia wife property and therefore rould rrndrt no astialanrr to mak mallets worse he de tied hrr tn do her m w m oi worse for the otirnce of irarivn hei in atnerkaaal aficrwar marry tn bothfr in england could not he coiutiued into a charr of bigamy the miiitraie ejresrd nucl commiaerji- lioo for br ait nation uu he ww at iwli tf to rive and remarked lhat aot to hire left americo withvift knowinc thr nu jii n of i r huhanl jf ber accoul wtli iroe id he did nm imn i ho bid been mon abaoiefuhy nrd by her hushittd who hid ug- neated hia offence by hia eil condoct io her owing the law coitfd not reach him the magitlrateadvited here all on the american coruul or aome of the american lhipownrri who would be most likely to git ber a paaaev a tempehance lecture- johh h fapu miikcqnileiemalion wni created intba city eelatdy hy iho ap- lirenfc nf ptteira in diftvrent plarc tbit mr john r amjb thr eelhra1a trm- pefnct letrr hd airmprlv faupprireal imdrr ctrnistne fakfa ivulnrcal le anpte- hendam thtr evil had ivftllii him- mr arrived hr last prirfay mirninc frmi ner haven jnd fopteil at ihr cmio kite after ifinn rht day he hemd himself nl wnt on l i hit lie waa foing in mr hnrnoj nonklyn ilr aiprrf a mm en at v kr m mritainn mrlea in dtavtoiy firtce a oof noi acen srrnor hrtrdjtvm by bit fria here h irrtnh remain at the crolon hoiel nt1 on pjmiiitian every ibiit wa fotiml io lw in ontrr indicating iht he exnced in1ly lteurn he iittemed tn o to alkny unt mothtftji whrnre hawlt0 hr arcoinpanied hy h wife to mcintreal where he linl a trm peapmf rnjrmcmt tlieie wjhf a irpail oihl wrt belie 0 t j withnut iruindtfhnn thl hi nndy had iirvn f i m thr rivrr with m ik ol violence him when hr ira thr rfctffajjlflria old tine b 0 he bad am mamyra hi pfwlet ii im ch4t bie4li hjd nerrt made thl he ahniild be fraffet we alill 1ioir foi lhrhrtbil h bm nen e tinker ull the ravmlmamvat eretrt mud mkiifuiva y jovntqi of commerce upon it he ha with hrtda aaau walfh n ttriatf ldc initial j borne and in the meantime he should grant her relic from the poor box of the cogil ihr funds of which ht terttttd to aay wrte very low but afae with hr child would he alr totuhmt for a few daja upon the amount whih he wi hia to prt the wojian r i r j h j p aitibiflfci and rctiied mr iuch fovno mr gonh wa ftmd at i2ovtok 1odal house in vvakrr irre and we rrrrt to my in i stale ol iu lidiliwhirh rrnderihim aiycl unable to te j j thr rjw mirinty ftory of bis absence he lt now at thr house of his friend mr hiirtitnl at ktrwrictyn where hi wife a cnol inleresiine nrw engund lady arrived yntcr uy t is now aareriaineu that after what hi been alrey rlitrd be returned to the croten htel anj afier temainim i while went out at about hilf pn djai oclock he had of tonne not been io brooklyn as tie at first iuiondrd we fear it will turn out lhat hit it anoher idmniitiioa of the rxceedine weaknrm of human nature in resiilmg temp tation and the extieme uhi imost never- iin power of bad bibiti when oner contracted thete i thtf great fact always left in every case thai truth due ol fall with trust who profrssand mleocat it but ttf is always ilronf however feeble the wrikutssof it- ad vocates itnerally testifyinr to ils intslimihlc mtttra on ahrm covw taj xsur wkatwcr tnc follvwiof letter from mi j hridoiuv a eatlrman wall kaowa o the leirntitsc world i appeari to the tetttr flyni poif a field of wbile oats oen multy cut wet and the wcilber coniiouin the same ws u list car ried and atarkvdt in layers with dry uraw bclweio on takina r j the rick the grain wai found in excellent condition not grouted nor injurrd in the lesi and what haj inaweiad with so prrcjmout a rain as white oata willitant a rarttrf chance wih when or barly when dry maw rat reed is ill coed up othir dry haifa oi ever iliiviftg ajtijrht answer but where u wiu stmrtifor bappen noibing ol the kind it to c had their ia alill a mcihoo of dryine the corn in sheaf in k ji- a and the north of emopc iblfl is done by kilndryine for which a very simple aiethod if deacrirred n brt hmv vol 2 p 506 improvable io this country bv ihe v-uhi- ilitqiionofcoke for ihtir wooai lull but alill liable lo the charge of luef and of a rervon 1a look ftcr the iti ini to the dof of a ttw luawa f j r in and kindling the whole pile in jhe lahofitory we are in thr notice id drying mitamla whtrh rfo not tear iirr1h- ltd of ilijupi liavmjt tfoo lliriciwii for moiatoe lomt of which limr oeiug urvl wacd m manure rrnght be rmpldftrd toi diiin the crn it no othrr eot llwn lhut 1 the rick m mad hollow with the cjaii torned inward a aurttcirnt qanlily r lirsh ocklima placed fffllkia an llawn closed in friam bottom lo toptij covered oer utvtrluu it ealei p air the lime wiu iftfinl rliy tuv air wionn whieh will a rofudlv drw lb moisture horn the com and io continue uotir the com is dry or the hme silunted and as quicklime wilt one tbird ill weight ol wlter and ibos probably dry six or seven tnn of corn or straw for all this water must enme from the corn if the exterml air is well ex r and the lime raited from the soil hy a bed of stones gravel or straw the lime must not of course touch the corn j and therefore room in i r- be left for it lo swell in slicking the intelligent farmer will understand brttrr than i the details of omsifuclion of such i nek 1 need onlv suf gesl lhat it might be best raised paomafels invcitsikxtfis ihillinr per share is a fiat dividend after twenty print investment i wbil i foitumte body of stockholfers mtticam mimtthe hilfyeitly meet- tncol the riited mexican mining aaocia- lion was held lo lay and the resolutions pa- real at the previous mrrtm for altering the iled of seiijeireiit so as lo riiahlc the director to eelaie adividim witliout having so urge i surplus h 00011 were confirmed before jiting tbe rrilulioo declaring 1 dividend of 5 per share a previously nnouneel thr cluinnn mated thai fuilher remitiancei hail hro received amcr ihe last meeting ami that herrfoie the ilirectoji wrre rnahled to declare a dividen1 ol tiii this statement was of rourse heard with great inaction by the pfamietuif and the resolution which embodied it was pajed u v they wtlt so much the more pirated aa thr company has been itutcljnx through dilfieltirs ft up w4 is ol stiycai nut this is the hil dividend hal has leen pind sinie its commrncemenl in tnc stack upon dwarf walls with am opening to throw in the lime u the latter be all slaked befor the corn ts ly il ahotflrf be withdrawn and a second quantity ptjt in the rick mibtbt iieadied lo bear bo wind by sioes acmss the iitsitr when dry mitht be llej in from pait of hie same or olbvr drv com or it might be raised lempotaiily ontbv tr i n where it would dry the belter on a bed of dry stnw a singular case of poisoning hv guano is recorded by mr kidd in the f 1tmti tba sotferer wia i stool healthy farmer resid ing near limerick who having pnrchased aome guano avsled personally in oiling the bap in doing which be inadvertently placed a corner of each bag in his mouth and ihnt inhaled a considerate portion of drr guano doat heioonsurtetedfromsiiriiinglieit in the throat his tongue swelled- his month and iio beeene lore an i to add to the mischief bamorrage aet in and continued ttf sevrrely that when be was fiist seen by dr kidd he was reported to have thrown up nearly four silfntsof blood tie poor fellow was then irfolly eihattsirilhi rniire throat was nf a livid red color much iwohrfl and exitdin blood at every pore hr died about nine ilai s after inhaling the poiftonoos dnsi or kidd n of opinioo thitthe talal resuli was cauted by the presence of ammonia m thr uano the pm ciplewbtch according to liebig tnsures its utility aa minute exrtfftor paiiuaiivtaiv pnixrisoi returns have jnatbrm laid before the hoiho of commons which show that the iveiloy ntjuvr of acts of prlmment printed hy the qaeens punisher in rtl4 in r irn y 4 frofl lui to 1944 amojnled lo llhm and kt ibetout nimwrof sheets filled hy those ac imountri u 5u00o there wre reprinted bout woo acu m folio containing ij sheets betides 9000 acta printed in ociavo eonmtibgof as many at 17000 sbtu the oumcr of acta of parliainut deatribntesl amongit the public in the ptrioj rinin- he- tfvren 1831 and iftvl ainoniiied to ahnil 44 utfo ttsv nomhrr supjdied ondrr the pronnl j amounted to i and the nuwr aupphea io itse public drpartinuiti to wmt fsinirs the lurmadi goittte of the q6ih ultiano givei the fellowtng intclli gnce wi have at uiul a urte supply of pipers fmm the weat indin by the st thowiai iramrr we otaetve that the weather has recently bten more favorable for the planter 4uri the napet of earh 1land speak ntotl rhrerindy ol heprpela of thcroming cmp we hope llinr anticjimtion will be fully realised agricultural aaoiiatioiia have bc emi pieity nrral tboi ol jamjcia bar- uofatflillf rtirfirllri- lloillsr tilr riiosf ssi nont intheirproeeediga the firslor auxj the innivcisary of the emancipation of the stoves m thrse colonies faed off so far as wf canlritolrincjuilly inmost if not ill divine service was performed at the sweial churches and rhapels lktntrrc i i t- bank of this colony his well nigh got rid of iti tli acuities and now pays a dividend of percent the supreme criminal court hd been in ssion and sever il very serious cases have been brought for ward measures were beinetaken to estahlrsh a life insurance company it was reported that the governor ws in possession of a des patch ordering i general system of titil by jury 7wnjawthe governor sir h mleod having applied for leave of absence it wis re fused him hy lord stanley highly rompli menltry oitilresics were presented sir henry sy the councilon the occasion the suhjct a militia taw had been brought forward grcrwkfo the legislature stands adjourned till the i6tb september lo give the lower house umr to innuiri into and ascettun whether and under whit principle best uited to the piesent state of the coony a militia force should be reoiginised the governor at atst objected to this adjournment as be wuhed the suhjecl lobe at once taken up and considered ihe lrgisuture hat passed a bill to constitute hillsborough in lte island ol 1 i i- is i prut of entry and clearance for ves sels lo ind trorn fjreat itritaio and ireland and any olher bnlih ports and posesions and for the putposr of collcciinv sueh duties it ate levied hy the acts oi ibe legislature of thr uund they arealsnocrupied with the con mderalionofh road kill to defray the ex- petiscsol which the sum otavuo was voted ti he raised by asar5mciit on the several piritiiei a tttlwfjj alointtnured to raise yenly sum of sko ht trie panoses ol 1m- ihigration by means nl a tax lo be kied on iusl consumed m the coluny st cvirorw fioin st christopher we guiiet itoihtii but ihe i out i nuance of the feud between ihe arrhlneon and ihe inhabitants aoot lb performance of iublic worship the suhjeri ra wmasly takrn tip in ihe house ol aeiumy which on occiston of in applicitiun ftwm lie archjparon tor his niontbi atipend as cuficiatmg ctslutall ol llie uaol passed a rcnlirtiii to ihu elfect f that the account now referred to the baartc lc paid but the illow- iiro be discontinued for llie future by ano ther resolution the or 500 steiling was granted tf the aneral hospital camiriitier to cwaptaff the buitdmg now in the course of n as house ueueill hospital and poor 3ppiw yotbrriele i ihia cy mid ut the c y ph imt ftvwi tnutm him tki hsaatw aaonmlaj t apmne- h a mwal41 n va actoft fassj majfajam ihrmrtrra uiemrieaw psar wdad k w n in h kt ih ihnam thr i4tm i m i aisa sa it cw jsimna nd vaohl isw- u l hw a- iha fsd its la i a l r lumaves m arifkj hi- t avucio the foundation alone ol a pio- teitaut chuich to i- erecied at sufrir was uir on th- 30ih nit by colonel torrm who hsdbien residin there ilitlulf ci tc appeals to be on the lit treate in this uland notwithstanding it m tiated that ut thrir worst chatactvra ire emigrating io the neighbouring aaanda for it hi ataled tjirte seeos lo be i oeceiuty to hold fur cjimtnalcuuits annmlly james archer vearwood and jom cmne died in cone quence of diinking some highly deleterious tiihatancc in mistake mr gentian wtpff one 1 nlw prison a mr uochanan drank onsc of l liie fame dilution and at ifco same time wnliniit ha having ihe same deadly euyctt tbecleik of the hue of aacmhly brought au itliou ajiual iht lo j h lest fli-si- cent of the teuticil crcat ha1lcoad meeting from r r r ivjiujot to a rrnomlinn ainrd belo of the innrt sevpccuue and infloerilwl inhabitanla of kiojrstifi oddersmrl lo his worship the mayor a i very large inortine wr held at the town hall on frnloy ibe i9ih day ofsrptnnber 1is when- on ii of juno counter f- hia v f the uuyajr tnohsv w kovso es win calltd tnbc chair and hie following gcnlkmen chosen socrctarira alexander campbrll rsq fronciam hilleao mrsamuil rowlands tlie cu4trumn read ibe i l u caltm ihe i i and ii lu sukxl ilvubjeets for which it wia it- id mr asrvjfjber one of the sccreranrs then read the circular nf the uatttlown kail road com niittee the ikpuuiiona fnm wjtertomt and cape vincent wcte invited to the platform and their chairman h m woodrort bq was introduced to the meeting by the mayor il whi tbrrion nuginq of jnhn counter esq- lte m r of kingston seemded by tnnmas a curbctt t high sheriff of tho midund untnoi 1 peaofrro titt ihe railroad from rome tu cpe vinct covncetog thr grand wealcm ril raasd of ibe state of new york with tho foot ol lake ontario will constitute wheo cinpirtcd thr idioriett ont cheapest nutc fnina canada west to ihr alfdtific vrabtatd al thr rrqucuof the thsirman william uowei kn- cd udtcrtoien civil engineer addressed the meeting sfiowtn in n clear and forcible mmner the pci ulur frasib j presented by the nature the country between tap vincent and rnnw in tlie btutti of new york for the ctnttuciin of a rail rad jusiiiyiog the fovr cstiuvato contained in ibe circular of ihe waurtovn cofnmittee- on motion of j a- maedvmald evf m p for iho vtwb of km rrt acc by william ut kiq j p director of uio liank ofilriush north america 2 rfttf 1 nl the inhabitants of knes tuei jmve ocrrsrd with pleasure the atrcnoouaand iticccffo1 rfptfis made by their american neh btrt io conidcte the tine of rlioad coounujiicj- livn ik l i l the atlantic and lake ontario on inoiinn of henry smith jun eq m p for the conniy of kronltnic sceonoed by imac fra nce kq of einesiuwn uto chairman or the district quarter seraionst 3 iferojeeo that in order tliol the inliabi tanls of kingston and upper canada may fmhioi pain m the great advantages io be derived from the completion of a railroad cutn mimical ion fiwii iviton and new yixk to the canadian frontier il ia ntccfcjry that tlie ilnoihoutd be continued from ciipc vincent aeross wolfo island to kinja ion and thence tlnough the most popuams and fertile part of upper canada to the city of toronto on inotion of the huoofabto john mcdonald of gobummmp legislative councillor seconded bj hoaco ycumane esq j p of waterloo too ihip of kinfatoo d krfjumjiovcininf tvrunto with their wnotcd entvrpiiao have determined pa construct a railrcud from toronto tv wiisdaor or port taenia nrarly opposjto dttruit for which road tbey have obtained a charter and the stock u which to the eaicnt of xilt00u ia already ub scribed if io canada and iba remamdrr now taken in the enli market the conwructwn of tlvo wolra ilm kiistoa ami tuaoro rarijaoao will coinjjcle tha line of cantituitica- lion from new york and jjoaum tlimufh ianada ond tlw rich region of lb weal to ikttuit and chicaio on motion ofjubn r forrylh eo aecvnded by john rosa faq ol tidies ilk 5 jaof rf i hut llie mcnibcia fir ihetiwn ni county john a macdanald and flmy smith jun k-ii- s and the members for i lie dif- letcnt counlwa thrvuch wbch the aje ted ruul will paabeirstuested tnobttinul tho neat 6faaai of rarttintenl a cb rter for the rud to br called tiie wolra iiimn kimwros ao toaisio kaitaoao and llal the uunini ol lite said chatter be placasl peculiarly untkr ilw care oi lw ffllofrinr jjenllrmrn nsukly jutm conutvt itsury uddvrakcve jtdin it rivsylh franca a harper and a b ilowkc luirea j f- nvii inn in niilsc waicrtown depu ulkfo then addriaatd ilio irtcetin ponitm rtul in on imprcaaivo and cloocil speech tlw irsvvwi- lyof cotjipktin- ilut pol ol ilio rooto whicii ea tends fruni kingston ut totsinlu ajaj pfuvunf by cvmpariaon willi other room boiti with rekren- to distance andciias of conaifucttoit lli4l the ein teinfdatcd ttwnv krnwi mid terftilo had knod in coniieclivit wiui lje tueontu and ikinat road will futm itifi alwrftr at find cheapest routu or ibf pmm and irailo of tho fat wist tvand frorn ihe adintic fv tivjpto 4 uarfeww hiirena ftm aai nmbil by w j fsirfvid e j k of walk f rraojeeir that a oeiieml cornmiuee to be calkd tho committee of tbo wolfo island kingmon and tofosrto rail toad be combed ol the toivjwinjf ecnijcsncn john gaunter juhn a ilacdanatd v p franc a a harper john r forsylli henry gildcrstreve colin milkr thuo aakcw a it jlawkc jnhn walkina james brown junr alexander cstnpbcft frncis m- hill henry bwlh jour m p william wln william q husda honorable john macaulay honorable john hamilton rouslaa prefius jdsu mowaii jocrvh rrucc and trcicnaa kcj ir k esouirrs and hia worship the mayor of km ton beotamio seymour m p peter uvy vl bcij aleaander uaoipbvll robert baton of nspanre ix f- davy philip ham george ben inn jiuji rose hdntund murncj m p of sclkrvillo a it meyers m p jacob ford ol river trent jolm metric j a kecter of col tnirne grogc s 6onltit andrew jcffty j v tkawrll nl coburg juhn tucker wdjiains m pjaencaimilh david stuart of port hope colonel rcid of la1iaum wiluam b robinson mpof isond 1140 pater perry of whitby hra imiasra and gourde muuro m p m ridmf york eaqtriroa on iwliun of edmund murney eq- of belle ville al pior the cwunty of hastings seconded by i r ii-r- raq of nsponrsx t voren that it be tecoenrnended to uu general cnanintttee tv apint an agent u tbi city of laidon who altoukl be inptrocted to circu blcinlorinauun rcplin the kail road on 4 ukc every means lo inform ihe bntad capttalwit of its impivtancc in otder that tlie stuck may in i lukco up aa mjo as llie charter wtll allow iia ociok put ir ihe market on motion of thomas kirkpatrick esq cul lector of customs seconded by john atidcy esq i j- p i t this ling tender the grateful thanks to ihe ntii lemon of the american tjcputstftns for their aitodance and for th uitefeat tlscy have knt lu the proceeding s of ih 6my on motion or mr counter tbo hon jului mc doarild was callird hi tbo chair and tbo ihankao the mcvlnj on motion ot mr furastii vtud b his wortim the mayor is chairman the fvllohin- rs a brief uuthnc of too spcecho delivered at the meeting jons cotmfia fv in riiinj to ptupote tin first rriofulfon givca general akvlch ol fm lu i villi ihe watartartvfi uclecalioa m txhalf or llir caapc vmcrnland rninc hmtioud from which it appeared thi all with whom lite uekgatjoft cjm- in contact were convtnccduf tba practicability nl its cofittmciion aod lis gttat uithiy aa a hihwh io the weal open at all staaaiaof llw year thc railroad from lapc vmcsnt lo roino was flrat lpnsjited in ijo but owin to commercial difrv icutticaaad petty jcatouaieail waa then ubandan- eiiii was now broujilit furwaid umkr more hap pr auspicca the countiy akn iho hoc had ticjtty increaed in wealiu and propvnty and ihe i whok people wre enthusiastic n ila v- mr tc referred to tbo increase and prosperity of uic j city i bejmfm a o moat ainkin evidencv of the j etcst utility of railroads futiiforly tiiot city lluad oc i opted a cmparativdy inwcmlkant pnsi itcci aitrtfi thn comoierenj ciin of tho rtrawi rata cnn oow alio stood fortb as m vt new york whnso natural advouuccj aero aofar iripcsaas aaaj by what mean had uoa tai ntlained lltii eminence snnpiy by hot grist radrimd cnlerpriae nor waa llo orusvcrily re wiling from ilkao railroads contined to llasloo alone iho vithca and facta uf country thruuih winch the papaed bd increased fourmd eine thesr constractsiin ininiticainl villagoa had bo- cuiiie oaarwuiii iowua mid landa had inorcaaeat tuna ko isoltarb lo kirly pet acre il waa also a giaulymg fael luat ttjjt ilt the cvinuliaftivn if many of llic ltjion putt liadjueti wry eipensive llloy oil paid a pmlit wlncli waa yeoily oifcrosaif tho cnat wiatvtn ruad bviwwn livaln and mtmnycm on ni uiln and tmm jtorltooj m a 5jmim jtia luilo audye4 the stock wssremunetitwe these atlrndid liars of kxilrtud were llw onusc achittrmeat of ihe united eoicrptit of a wmle pe ptr the caiiitslril the farmer the lleatusnh aid the l i all put their hcailuvrsii the wheel tsajrtaav and hrnco their succa mr v bad been rm thsl atcv srinrtcof ib- rihts t ihe sirvtoot of s3vj1ouo had bttttj taken up ditto lu ainele ture by h ehsnirit nj tvibtrrm tlie capi tliua wf new ynrlv md rln had esprchcd their wiumifnesa t an in cooiiroctiiig use rome and cape vtnsjvttl aajal provided lajej aaw thsl those nmst mterreit bpfifi forot vf it and that there was a prubiiiv hial the line woidd be cn iwwii connecting it willi ihe ureal wfssvn kact lit a mr counur had anvtstaaaadoo in my would be accomplished and tjul very snriliy wst dcwc ej nyuacd the dllkah of kins ton fr iik hidni niniser in whirh th lae- ouutson from wifrn sod cape vincent had hren reeetvrd tlie runl rneeiiiijr of ihe ptoplc if two dlfercnl natvuo tndv a pacsssani aifrht and a noble ichirvemnt of elernal improrenwnts and why a ma v rv lh meet tticy bad mterrsib in roifin- hieh rold only bo arj vaneidby the ewdil both and he tipped to see trsr day hen they srootd be united uy so iron 1st l pitp obiesl of their ptsarnt visit waa to tree an aasurance fnten the peupleof kinrslontlrl tlie railmad irwin kinja ion l toruiio wftf u consitucted car ibe fiiennaoflhecapevirxftl and rome rail road could do intle nmre mboui tht aaaomnce hr lud mmi over tfctl imctff ihe cpe vnkcdaiil romero f woek- w m ihewairrluwn lllettthey kmnd the po ple jjriserally cold w ladiffejcnr but ere ihcy niornrd all mrnirr in favor or the en- icrjwiie and well lhc conaioerine the mi- porlanca of tba un ho onprallelfrd aaaattwl tor its cimtf ru le hsnuaome re turns which it sroo ovubiedly pay the atatemeuu put tarth 1l b cwiw lud been doubled by aomn but xh f w amjnt of bustneas for the r waa under t mated in lhat docvmscnl wlneri proved by siotsiia in powvwn of the noc tuc pronao or um j not a yatd of ruck vuon rrqoired on the wbokhnclhouptb c cjoavaiioo tvoslrf not ciceed c to is feci w em bank net la th tn vm j io o frei j there was tic mute to coniiuct the nud and ihe right f ln ifivoii cmuilmidy l on thack to its iminedu tmnincr f w iho pcipto of canaifi ll rail road from tmnr w una mad at knptnnk ibjl craislfaj bo p and british whig optter per orbao disor xixcstxin tobsdat ept 53 idss covjvtuy srvieis aacsivrn since nts tav it s at r c mtmtrral j m kiunarrvick withrrmitlanee and j i ftrihinn u ilh rem to ooaaasroaivaaitv several conmiuiircatkin jsaie been erowded ool today and will appear on friday if jshlr to our subscrlrjers at the commencement uf ihe neat sewn of the ptovinciatparliamembr british whig will be puunjird three times a yvekk via on tuesdays thursdays and saturdays and be socootidood unlit the times will alio of ils briflf published daily a ters fro m ho montreal mi iter mmj in rnuru tntn irnt fnaterial or the capo vincesit t we rlvould have to r and he fell aaaored thai ith market wtlh a puid b nur whole lute irtiown mid kvme rail itvsd wouui be rajarfr f jomi v htflmaf bfl- r desain iba mectin sj jtfrtf hewi assured lhal the ti m wicow ouidrccatvc thai mv k of kingston which fif fs v ciniiuechas alrcaj twn tlse fimi steptn iric matter by rivini uvl jppcition wu be uaash uhc th it ft f l a charter for a railnf nm itf khon cneinectine link if vmccnt andcrcat werkti rtf ho fch slsned that the onersw of hie would besofrknll ilcvwaroucd to 7wu- ond ih h wold ww besend a wm owgedu caniwete fw rommncaioo oetweencarvtncenl coslibouliooo oaa i- i in n foreign rase il onioneai our sc could 00 nrlo tiic tj upcalaiofxljf wtgh wtwreo f vikciii indt r ssck would be mkci u all pr of lb hr nrf lbjl nvsrs tturin few day latwrenroiiu alunv ujnimmcs be mr mcp t whs w ihjt hih only imxki srjr n llsa in it knehmmarkhttijj wn aulcibrd ond utoafrnloj tbo mjt j dun nsd been en bird lo tlsku u fted ol brina mi re r l ll wn ntre bmwn to br af v rtal hi risi tuurcd uiatth hem wosa wneare lher mm uiijiort t w involved in the wcoiamao ui ti uf i wtt idl ifllcul u h llsumi ja el jrfrrwd iho moatine and j 14 co iper esafslaat w h mr maaitalst in obtt u w dihidy mil rcsietl in m d uciua h alnil ihe tomiily rtled usj had rss iloubl lhal rj ths pisutm wetlaa i ai of ua oonur paaa would nijp ly assart in constructing it hov jouv mipisun of gananoe ei preosed hia belief that ttw idvanugca amicipatec from iho proposed railnwd bad been really on- oaafmvtaj and m it waa evlcufated in his epioinci to advance ihe p neral intercuts of the country be would do ajl in in pawr in supjiort of bi jon r fousrvu bah m that as the time of tlie mcetine ws advsatccd he would mkc but n few i4aervutiina itarme n residence m the norui of scotland in lis jcarn a43 aud mi bo had an opportunity ol jnrasaaaj the iicat benc- isis winch tlie fa rmins ofmm unity cvhvod tmn rati itotds tlw facith atfdcsl uvm of send irajt ihew catlte l jiktticled a stivsat or 55 to 3 per eenl on each bead our crreumstjincea were analogous to thesns md ho fek petsuaded that if inmwneiat men p b uwirtol were to lay tlie maitrr fully befrtt the farincra there would be but case npiniun as tn l tmporuncc u tbia rmlroad o4f c tv lflfl trouble show the esanptcor england uiat aroooold be broi within a su rvmsfs nde of new- york we should have titer engtiah capital flo htl kuiftton in one year than in ten years prcemeaily he hoailly reafrwided tn the liftdvh s bwh mr lerwe had olluded to thr friendly feetina 1 prracnt eaiaiine between iha ca mn the amen cans and he prnycat god w brooriy srtuch was so plensiiit mi l j f huicitiavnn m- wotertuwn made amie cieelleot ubserrv avrf ut tin ortancc if the road at ahoricst and elwoprt route frmn tlw alasssuv ie- to lb w ht too at all acasviw i u j but time will not permit ua to wiite or notr m a tui si oo srsewd tr tat adranujrca which ilia ntcrchsni would ia havinf acrcsa to tic brat markers jt bflaw j the year e himkaty kac for h nted ihs incetin rtf hi nl coperanoo tn ivuertly aa well aa l ttiroueh aiitn vise roao auuld 1 the esrualfltf yoofthc rofio irnmstin t kibkraraics bia- tematked ibat if ihe jrineifmlonwlofthcvij ihe irrpuialiun ws usasaba ruatantev iftf 5f from cape vincent to tonmtn tvsaatf 6ull d they astasia be convincnl by v had wtuescd tnsl there waa no u wlt oimidimrnl f hist vostmcsseplcmlsrdl 3w5 ms dsa avnio 1 tie near by the jmeamer of ihe 4lh instanl waa aniiousfy looked for yesterday and thr day previous but up to the lime of my eomnseneinj ihta letter the mail had rn orrived it wdlpm bobly be in before the western mail ia deapatehrd if not i nhaji eodrovor lo tend you the iscws lo nsotrow so m reach you un tuesday aflemoon ittc official rctunia frvm iho county of doe clwster have t lcnlh been publiahcd jtij sho a ctevr nirijorily in tsscheteau favurof j83i votea mr pair ii protcsudal the close of the ped against tlw return but the over whet nje majority of the solicit general probably convinced him that an appeal lo the assembly vrould ony render him ibe more ridiculous and hence his protest has been abandoned the mmiatcrklitiaio ihiacily are in hisb glee at the result of the election and well ihcy may be tlte county of dutchrstcr haa broken through the jrolouaiea of nattnolity ukj thrluom of leaders ond the trammels uf party and it is morally certain lhat its pofilical regener ation will be the precursor of incalcobble clunjea in the representation of the other couttica uf lower l anada aoon aa n opportually orlvfsv a very fitly ft port has been going luc rounda lately to iho effect lhal mr uiurrimomj the member fa- port vcuf ia about lo rrssgn bit aval i know not bow the mury orijtinaled but l carriea irnprobsbilly on ils ydty face mr d ixira to utai rather numerous class io the assembly who alter entering iho pohhcjl arena always live in riprctancy and who acrcr let a chance of pvsj- at rirorrf escape thent tltc silk eowo near at band a acat on iho bench at a distance arc todiwenl terrplaltonnobc nsitrd ms- pect however slight ofaccurine hto on or the oijwr is never ihmwn away die ecnikmin wifl hardly leave iho avembly after ukinsumuch tioulde to ertintoiu stth- iandni bis ultra pinions ire ia a fvofite svith ininy if bulh partir nd sa piobably llie nios pniamainjc uwjc snon- tbo radca iwleh tnc muntreal regaub waa well attended on motdst usl and uw diflerenl racea srerc keenly contnted tin montrealera etc poriieuuily well beaten on their own atouad ihe quebec club coming oil victorious in eisty muoee tlie luttar had clyde built balauf as benutilul a model as ever i cut eyes upon slid cnwa who well undersluou tluir busiiirsa the waa towers stive in one of ihiir boats and bvnkc a rowfoca in annilhrr bad luck ctiinuitr bull m inchnrd to think it uaore tlnir own fault ihati their misfortune you have dotthf less alreoiiy recvivrd the horrid ovtnils if hit niorrw r of mr ultniukr arar irrrt nlje n ihe ottawa river ttic tnon ilmdy rhirjed wiih ibe murdrr hes brri lrujjhl to mrtnlr and lira in gaol nwalinjj hie irat i he rirrumslilia1 4 vid nee i ies rmff a rsuiarra blc amount of money and property pctongin to iho murijercd moo beinj found concealed oo rmdya perm iocs in additm to whicb cjoirrcl respecting suiir land lutd cmbiltcrcd tbr prisoner very misrh ogaintt deceased and caused him to noike oao of threats in ihe pftarnreof srvctul of hia neihbora bnt to which the deceaarrt paid noat tentinn fvior 0roorke 1 knew him vrell and nota ilbrtandiiie hia great atrrwth and well knovn puihslic accomplialimcnta and pracuee more jancroaa hearted iitoffrniivo fellow never breailtf aftrr the many limes he had naked life in fair and manly encounter to be sb onva like a doe bv a cowardly ruffian without ibe cmarroo of striktne a brow in aclfdcsnce i iouccd mrlavcndy hie uelainc canal sras evened on mooday bst anl iho braubarvsus foalowa til speedily but uv prccssa lime i hare bjhj larnrd tlw port ss now veil filler with ahippins ami irssan 4re arriving every hour the rail rsect will bo untiswalty honacrous aod lbs importa of briiiah oooa eery hes vy trtore as a cwiajuvra- blc number of upper canada inecband in lite market and their rcjiesee have already boeo preitj ratedavc trw travelling season ia abwui over a ssjitory taqkcc is lobe bk with accaoioei- tly but be tuoka aa if entirety out of hia element in wir northern rcgrm dunog tba prcacul abac weather the orpwiioo between ihia city and quebec ia still kept up tba rival boats haro overt laid up tor a fete days to undergo rrpairs but both startod ii i mln si the aamo moment io glorioos aisle tbo qireoec waittd in the rtrram until the naarrrsif had passod her and then lot la wed kc a arrival of the steamship britannia eleven dats tatett tttom eurore the cteamidnp ffnraaarw arrived at boston un frirty last at len oclock a m wc copy lira fnotiwingeairacta livm the new york ertnrng tupt t llie general nca ii of little inlrrrst while ihe etisnrnercial intvllicncc ia of iho most cheering kind cotton has improved and the english ersare suted to be much utter tfi n waaci pceted causing increased confidence among man ufaciuraand ihccouniry trade generally in american rmvisions lltcru was a blttcrfecl- inr avitb aalea al higher prices tim cottom mas uct thai creal barometer of public fcclituf habahvwnsyniptoms nf improve imrnl the sle up to the end of the wcci exceed ed itfisw bags a ilily average ot muxitbsn e4lu lo ibe four diys mice nearly 4uulu tutvc been dd and pricea ate scry evidently geltitir up toe state ol trade nvm onust rcapccu aotiiucto- tv tiif demand lot all the jcadmr staiites wnethef augsf cone woulur col ion w so steady as to indicate a bcatihy comumplion and i supplies are luliickul to check any tiofbitsot ad vance tbo wealher which haa fee mc lime btco sbrmy and nhieb it was feared would greatly injore hc growing crops and rctaid ibe lurvcti has suddenly changed for lite better and irierc w a uir prospect of abundance tnc lecent favurabie change of the weather ap pears to have eai rodeo over the whole of the united kingduin and ukic w every peospccl ol a akeioua harsxat in ihe course of uc rnuing week nest ly ihe whole of tin com wdl be baiacd hid ihe crops will not only be abundant but they wdl be itemed in good urder it vts eiiccled the ruiitfi newspapers wcrt occupied with ihe dlsciasscnn or r n between meitou und the unit- est dlatta the influence or the intrlhreneii brought by the cambria steam atop in reisrenoo to that point has al one prrsod poriieuuily oerclopcd a fall of nsorc than one per cent m mviican siock rvcr ac of ilae railroads were like tbr lanewaof ukbuman ihey had become ndfpfiwibjc an uttwim im hc ho0 9 awemnv hieh i ln 4 my we cm he l mlnd lo ui i hitm ihe n mrlr wk iran til i spmkcrcnn io h i 5 in iheplicr iseivil iifinbpn of ihr li one iiiitoml lhal a iff i mim n he upf aawta m ol he 6 uw buw i k wm i ol i naiiutcd people i wrelrhrilur rnsiakcn beta whrnsneakin cfcik conse- queittlyllirr hacks ttd u l0 tepirlera a very convenieu aiwrf eeilamjy to eimutc ihe litter grntlrr hesf what ia saidl and when the gr jrd to re cleared whne ar ur i t1 out in iho lobby and the thinee to sc nimble in ajrasfj lltfutfc k with ahunrredothrrtolka it wont do tfte neonluwbo conltol r here oevrr eiite theiepoiters vr session tor ladies and- 4livc council it any jtler can attend tow hai bis oars he n inot uesides this the metn loon to which llry iv ls th 1 matter sj ike eourtray 1 uch ih t tv fgthe so trhugs a m wndid most teccessi duties thoo h lore tbo rupaihetaeo to wmiw- mastc4aaibmisaa au4 wc know ali ujim n fcrs a rirateitation 4 in u- the press can dowiithnilbl iv fshim h- ka are racoliosr say what you please uf th dsn nf rating iherc w ooinethmgc suit ing in it aid the nil onto counter balancca lire wieli the tavr ili nil at fjl cabin and a i deck tlta trtealro baa beeri open the fast week but lbs compan ia an much reduced a to be onsbsr to draw ny thing tike tokrabic houars sienor uo begma bcttrni was announced for uit evening but it rained mcessanhy and a dozen mount c ilo etc ibuut and i until muii wry sansll bcf without l tba fiats- puricr had to aputayiftc lo of tltc malu gender asteiiiukd the peaiponemsnt of his benrflt nigla the ftrearnt titralieal season may he set down as a perfect fwurr but hia ia urineipally o wntg in the dcsection of stgnom fieo thr weather has been rainy and cold during the whole week ju4 ended making iho third week at eununusl wrl ncaihcf sat ouislaituing crepb will be a cumpbte latturc tur miait vify liltlc lias been duno in fwue during the arcek buyers holdlne nct until ihe arrivlii of the mail and holders iv tnclined lo purl with their bbk on itnd under lart srecks peicea too miuiotinns alnd at la to 3t tr swperfitic and at id to ja rati v fiaat in in1crr ouiliitcs tbcre is nmhmt to rsotico in deed i have nul bn able 1m atceriuin any in tlie market i never knew mad to be ickid tor wtlh more wnawty hajq tltc oiso now doc but tjte advanced sjon and ibr risk of purchasing with out umgavrarenfihesulcoflhr wrathctul iswnc accaruiiu cut uio anikety lite txcacnl week will be a vtining one ml great j in of lloar and grain vnllchsn0 handa u itui iuonils at bat to sa 3d 1 hoard of a amall loi tf very uaaatjur quality bcint dispcil of at g but this a liigfur thn iho curresfvimtmg orici s f flou wjrl justify ahesrc in uileribte diriiiaril l v3 id- 1 tfls bd for ii4s and vi tovta l fnv pearls in t rrihts tbrre ia notjiing ut nutiee na lwc0 ho no shiautnta laving msdo yvuro tuly t ucftrc the ciite of businets however tltc prepon dcrancc of opinion sccmtsl lo be that tho muitean buthnritits would not proceed beyond a paper war it being well known ibat they have no ships man money ut credit to attempt tha recovery of tea at and liiat tbi y arc quite meapublo of prevctiuug sum aaituo by lorcc tltc return of summer neatbor had d jape lied all rufchenttn fl to mc condliton of tin crop h hull aays iho news letter of liverpoou ilsree wilt be rwm suron iukkuitn uf grain ond llnui fmm the united states ani cauada lu ttiti with that o home crvwrh ibsuuful bm ihmk tha jood seeathcr had fimo beyond england and in krnic jleliuut and kmoaaj and tlscro wero gcrsirat ciatmluutina alihcchanfo from what w feared would be a scanty auly for that wbicit gave promote ol abuu dunce ai bsjhj s lliero are agnsof ajifrhensmua that a war between the two aiticitcau repsjbtiea may lead lo a system of privateering on lite wcsicru coast of live all mlie dangerous to imt rikrchant ships tpf asjavf sriiiun saasuuasl hilwr rateui ptctluuns uuiu this cnuh try tu amtrica unka hie dame ia insrkd ucclainig iho insurance irec c cjiiuro ond eeiiure 11e uiidci wtilcra wu ol oiurnr erase to ntsko such demand hen they learn that thtte as no umbamlily wf 4 war between ihe utuud states and miaicv thete 141 been tns stntau from india and tjiittj n the uumlay and t jleuiui 1- l at lailtorc jitwhir stnh imvinr attt mplcd tu best 1 ubulalt tfsdfjl bad been deteakd alter a sanui bssffi omle in which ho i st 3ut0 men lira clwl m evniinucd br rge purtieularfy in scindc hie irsctahty al sakkur wua no great that the bantira were is cfied muliumun klian lisdeiiosmd hi 111 tent mu i nerlormiug 0 hi aaagc tutbo slinno ol ilk ivvtict of tmctvr- keying who had been dckalcd last yrr hud ncetved a nl in lite thmtte eatu us anstaut minted v winch his umtcasavr ktsrion held ibe urmaofa ttesly of smtly commerce haw i- 1 1- r i screed ufii bv ihe lntiti and urstitian neoiaora tou tmigh droll of uns lieoly t h arrived for oto aijnuvul uf ihi eubiiiet vhn itesaaaaa tanstl mja tba fric weather hs jitl u mstcridl itsllsav nee in strengllvsiinr u11 in tin- ui i drsaajlusjl ihe inclariefrtily icabulinga hhunl llm batvetrt lit it wd taken lnd of llsr iuuic imlaj il is hum tint spicdlutota hats ruht frttly un u11- is only a imlual cmre ti u tteuo niw hut hv liatvist w cfwidrid stcuie tlr rrifpa tlit hnvu brrn mil allhnugh im n gmid nsewil bo wislied urr httaf umu waiii 5rved vgkkshh uxwttkjtia absence of that fveriah eacitemeul thai bar been inunilcat during tho last mufitn or ax week lu devpiie y- r- ut ull llua a r tuipca uuon uf tarcign rain vrilt bu rsvsrvary lu nua with4vaof nod inferior ualitkuof tlw preaxiit yra ilio eiertioo mado by iba lo0 of pennsyl vania lo pay the interest of her ckbt bare been very much laoihd as likely iv repeal tibmt am ri can credit 10 kutopc whhh it anaot itc d niedl haa sumcwbal f c the 1 ff els of rrpudn iiuiv tlirro is however a complaint of tin m m racr in which somo nf tlie interest oiuocy is ptd 1 be new ainerkati almiui m england jfcui louia me lane haa ukeo up bu rutdvncc at 3a harfey street csvrndir cjisare lite mtmrg pipcre gic accmmls of ibe opcruteos of urn wu ronton in tiicssta bui nothing definito sb ui bis suecria uc asaumea aa llw boais of nia operations the line of ihe tetea and 1 be town of knhr luta 1 by liar north of lite ihgltertan into the tnuuntaina which bound ibai country to ihe wval there baa been a lemfic whirlwind on iho con tinent ita cfitcta in liollnd were orrtost jb acverhy fell aa in fmncr al kousn huwevtv it eccoia to have eapcucrd ila greoicas vsoknce in umi ciiy three tsiemnve martufaclurtes were dc- struyed hy llw wnirlwind while all fworts wcae at work nut ksa tiwn btl person uf all ac0 pcttsltcsl in the ruins and j26 were tborcby wmmded sttu 0 taaui it maacbjustea a lengtbcrsed pervodofunutuil aniarfy has iwnptly bem sue cccdtd by twui elirerfulocsaandli a katg acason 01 unfavourabk wealltcr whscb had eodi dried ati j wicb ou douu htis injured ihe crupa but lo what client tirno aono can dctenuinc very painful misiviuga h u the sufviy of the liaticsl btia passed into a change uf ihe most dsibloand ucncricial choraclcr ttit osturul utfluenccofute change has been very pcrorpiihlc in every branch of business alarkva which du nngllkbad weather wero much depressed arc now comparattvely fimi and animated hare it us pjcticuiary iho cose where list demand geocrale im become mucli mure active aliendcd with aa impmirnient m the value of many descriptions of both cloth and yarns vilh 1 lusher unprwing tiudeney stockr continue lobe light and the reasonable pftopecta of business si ill encouraging uuwsaomc outward interruption t eaperienccd the cnunlry irado is improving uun no uthcr blanch lite ihechange in tho wealhrr been ntcrc niantfrst if thai harvest bo well sonmed tho autumn busineaa will fotm a iood one as in dependent of other cnusev the gteal ansoonl 0 money circueated ihmugti the medium of the dif firent rsdwaya wtllprinole a conaiucrablo m crease in tbo cunmimptinrj of both food and cjutl tltc faris correaesndcrit of the eossspoan llmea has ihe following paragraph m relcrvnco to lbs al tcrslion of the russian laritt- thai russia as mentioned in ons of your let trraftnsn st petervburgb has increased 50 per cent tbo duly on irnporta is now quit a carta ia i tltc increase however wiu ft i affect england or the rtorutern countries of europe which have trea la with ihe ciar but it will tell heavily on i france erainsl srhtch it is expressly levelard the reason nf ita adoption is no doubt tha increased duty placed by prance in virtue ofa i passed hia scasiosi on certain produeia eeuaing iron 1 rttssia if america has a treaty with roaiia aa no doubt shehaslhuibkiw to franco wiu tcu in ber faivr fn the prrducc utat rusaia has brrrtuforo i received from france she will now partially laba j from the united states while france herself will be compelled 10 apply to them for raoch of what she haa heretofore received from russia a letter from lfobartovm represents the covray in a very flourishing condirinn the eaowrts from sydney during ibe month of april amounted to upwards of 100000 in value in the uttclea of wool nil tsltrjw aod hidea ere lustra of other minor comnodittca notwithstanding distance there ib cvrty appearance of the australian gmup breaming autoes f 1 nvakt wilb rtjaaia for tallow m ihe markrla of england a french surgeon lately removed the cornra fiom the eye of a young female who baaf bepn blind hy small pa and replaced it with lhat of a younp dog rnabard the girl to distinguish be tween day and night a rentaikabte cave coee a refuge of the emrly chtittiaooof afric 1 as appears from inscriptiuos has been discovered orr guefma- the arabs never dared lo enter lest tbey sftouldl bo ssiacd by ts guardian anget a compmy hab been fcesned al oporto with a capital of 400coo mitreis for the purpive of setting up on eilcnaive cotton apinotng esuldishnscni in lhat city this is canceled to tnjiarc the importa lion of clltonysra from england pie emprmr and ernprras of russsa are to ruuta lo italy the i of tba empreas having re m 1 iir- ijr ii that ahc should pass the winter in that country private letters from miurrtina of 28th may kale that in consequence of tbo scarcity of rics at bourbon the government bad cutcf ed premium on the imporlntiori of that aiticje tbo malta ttmrs states thai an ufflcerof tha 2nd royal highlanders is nboot lo reura tnjho csittcr under tle garb of 1 thcreeian or barefoot cd carmelite trrvac or a been oo the west coast uf a frci nil sjr riu cngfeinenl br tlie civic procession at ilunn to receive queen victoria waa headed by the tjuef isiafistrslo ar rayed in hia robes of office and emnking his pps i the kteckaaukingnaeans tor tha sopetfesason ofduetring llw kiig nf swedrn reforest to rrft irllsv from don cartas addressing him aa m loyal brutberr the two youngest sons nf don cartaa bava en lered iho atmy of the king of sardinia 1 1 ia aaid that queen christina rules ber my si dauhtrr tiierahy si rl imu hietc is it i sktd a compkls ftuninc in fulooo fmm amtralia vro have iarelliprace that ian- menta inundaltona hava hapyeoad in hungary jod isave done itnusentc dimage ctrtvaa or a tiaars stavra ttsera lutat moat plain grmeni drlsreerj tbcboau nf rniiah aipsand a urge psmte atarcr a eirrrspifhjeol al st thnnsae lumirftea tba fullowing mterrelmg particular bt tjw boats engaged imiho ajjair wtoragtsj aa the puatiibrt id slnop cominanaw edmortd klaajba tlaj prae is a rsttwrkabjy rusa vessel of abul sso im prdaero tifge ith immasise osile she ia of ml celebrity on the coast ta miss with four jj pnundeia and hd a iad ctew cmninacd chicltj d ftunjiiards amotsntmg in about si 1 1 waa equipped for any villaiitotaa seivwr wh r 1 pitney tltr pimia cvo iha n an inclication of what they wero l capect ob ibcy mrih by npcnuuf n irsem a iteavy ftre of lenand ahnt g rip ami cannirter ir swb a spuiird style ibal afsrf returning iho oumphmcnt by a rolwy of tnuskriry the hrwia oreswred for hard work tlio ut aster boarded no llw poet bow and despite nf ineuirnndubjr nwrtunrca and danger mlbwiil hy n nf hia tsssla crew oclnahy ol irmnieit tu rsiln tho poilns ibey trees tiring tha tun fmm it ha lueeecdeit in gcfting uifough bill his aeraider ws knnrkisl ovi rloard by iha ijiachnrfc lite gllanl filkiw tmwrror nntning tininled was in au inslsnt op iho again lak mjf mil with ihe 1 ter wlw waa ewrnjed inw itiglr rmonnler with ne ut two of tlie rascals llavtag aanes1 the deek fkrt a nmsi iseterniiiwsl band wlttnfbe cuusarid bayemtt didflte rsunain dcrof ihe wnrk urui lrroat finally succeeded in capturing tltr vrsael but ibe psmtea fought dea- psrnlctyand it wsnni nnlusevrn c ivir rmiubsr lay jtad on llw deck ond aevco or eight mora were severely wounded that ibry ran below or yielded 11 lfipulai lii- au- vith rcrcrenea to lite laic religious disturbancca in germany the uetman tnivcrsa usietto on nounces that on uto tbthioalo prockiination waa potted al lovpue informing tho fcopa that iho kng lud oppomied commiaioners to mcmirv into tiic deptorabss evema of the lml who wuutd oti arrive in that city on tbo same y use mumcipul council published a document lotbid- ding under tho sewresl pcnatlnp ull meetings without special peinnssxino liionliea trie jiieetia vai in gorraany is uic suhycel of generul cwuunenl 10 tiro cnglih lronch and herman prcsw iin french ull bear wiinesn tu ihu grco and uttuhly of tueen vievutia anil even her dress winch did noi satisfy the cniica of such tbioga at kumpc ia declared ousui fhtfoci nw the riuiic her colore roar ond hot m u twewr arv ikitod aa proou of suitfemo tuslo wlnwl iho eaaprtfir jr of v qficm uf iruaia u cuniiniisih ua nf goaf rouliwtie jn tvylon iho ouliivalibn 1 iho tea plant had been comnunecsl ond great oipeoutiusii worn en teriauiol uf iho rratstl ul ita capsum nl aceurd uig turihor tifunnsis allltwufih tlw l4a paul will gmw wiljitn ihittrounesond insmlsinu flonrialt ing aiaairnea um teir ia sunt tu bo totally titutu uf llavuur and if r i ustlota ireland the uvuol meeting teark place mi mceidav last but the attendance boih in quality and cojntity was wretched in the ralrcmcaod lbs prvcrcdln were of ur more than artragc dullneaa bjr i ounciivtr reillt preaidrd a letter sma read fran smith ounen rnelnnp his suheciiplin foe the month he remarks opirj the iuisrtanec of tittrniion to ihe registry snd ubscrvra patriots uf ireland lbs de liny nut uf inland alooe but of the rnyrr is sutneel lo your ountisjlaas asks l hat vim con be were noble than that which aspires to accomi ibtkliberatirm u th country which guto qs birth p an acvdrevai lotba prc4rs4anta and rreabyhriana of ulatse hiuii ibem loforget snd bury national diflerenora and to make a tag pufl a stnmg pull aod a tnttl all lo gellsrt fotnld inlandandsrgned brinbn ooo nrll was ldtpted the nml for tbc week srsuj announced tu bo 207 13a td france corrrspondeare 0 far v 7vate paars sept i an rxprdittnn hia blrly larew mado to lrfly mn- 1 bufeaud at the hod of 5000 men and il apjicars io bare been cos f the ntoit fovsansbstut which llw french eaa bowst for immediati ly to ibe uppmtuncc of tba trunpa iho pen ic inado aubmistion abd d ksdcr rctrcatod into tbn interior bulmill is aa far frneri being cothpiercd as bo was year age manlial ilugeaud is itnw on his way 10 france oo tcuvu of absence and smc people sav that ho wio oat return to atgert marsiiof sooit iotertding to re sign und oucau i hem dtincd bi aucoccd hiro in tho ministry ol war sngcaud ia now being snundly drubbed by the oppce itm prrua for rtsvinw ismied a plin for the military eo j ai which suid system of oolonitaifon hia lortg beess ease of hia favorito pmjrcts itat ihi 1 treaty of commcrco between france and new orcnads will be ea changed in a few months tltcrc ia already a provisions treaty between iho two coontrus dating from 140 aod tbo treaty now about to be ratifvqd is for making the provisional treaty definitive franca it sp peirs has every res a to bdiatvc tbsi sho wiu do an extensive trade with new grenada forprrri uus to 1810 her cjporu were only to tha amount nf tuofoo franca wbrrens bineo that libjas iley havo arcrogod ioou0o0 franca par bj num the treaty bclsreen franco sod m one 00 haa at length been reiilkd by the monrish esiicieror and publialied in tho bittlttin des s it laaaa iho j i nails of tbo terrifiry bctsresri algwra and mnmcct and ia rcrmrkablo conlainidg an4 express acknowledgement ei llw pstl of tbc hrrt pctorof muixicco that algieeaasu frsoeb yoa tcsikm shatn mam anguaifh jlioqieenlsihellsj i i hrr iirr ait iwailins ibe viatt of iha due ind ducbrsj de nemouis ntsr tbo ftencb frontier meinu bile tbay are imujiflf them selvra by liking bathanspseiing pumic build ings vlliling ptclttrrsoo a rnc r v id sllrmllnt hull lithla the batbaroua brolalily of whish if ford great plrasura lo thi queen a reduction of paatage has been elttelsd on irllrrr bul hia eoutrivad to tteit mujpiu aa lelisia and cbnrga them by nht nutlhinic sppeaia lu br seltlvd aa in the cn iingt of the qui n but ills thuuglil ibsl aonti imng will hr dime lestiocuag it gllsr tbt vltll f ihe rue ds nemouii

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