the british whig awflcml irftyitttrtvm ii wham winr rrlntpj jl rulrflibpil swlwifklj k v kfl v til kht1a v a kit t 11 a y bovta1p johmdinken at til r iti1rnkum it n tmitwn pru 1 fetler tllnmj111 mad uvv rt ihe ill rim r rhiwtrfm r- 1liairfi una s srt hl tiillllnll 1 axil- t see im lijumffvu i rftkta w rk ira une m m ufiefrr rt iftrfwrwh awi i le finite tttyig and general advertiser for canada west ihrtlkn j ha h formt vol xiv akvknjiltviis lv hi m i ft belli fllli rvlrj icieloul llrtl t r utit nefe tvrtltunu9fi ffwpttltfmh wlliniue jirlmhr1fh cnjn c4 ulrtohtxr mawe4 oh ilreft0 ilrttwi wub efthe lt oeiirlie nv rt kuli wwejirii ah le feifrmo acce t w nt piij wirrmt-pitf- pnistixu ujrfimiwtlinihe wiyu jfl f eme hm lrmrvhieritr rvfti- jrr crimea lprp v kingston canada tuesday september 23 1845 no 713 eere hy tre tm fin i icyliu ntr her robert mccormick wwks spirits te1s groceries fo princes 8trkct kingston i v j a mcdowalu furrier and hatter the royal mail between toronto will commence their regular downwards rom rowvto ie m0hik sovereign sl icam a a i s speed the plough takenotice cartam scutamil eter moniuy and tin at neon errv of toronto ctm uie trry tinadny fll friday at non princess royal- camaih ctclat4 ewery vrvrfiwafaj u kingston friday next the isth instant upwards r0 mwotom to touokttv mihcs86 royalcrrix coctttflwh every monday and tnuttdou alrrniwj sovnrfign uptauf tfvm ntavia errry tvtiday and friday frfirr city of toronto crt t erry mm4ni flrf saturday etfing at srrrn cktk r subscriber will finl to receive piojnto of i thabovstompf vtaxttw teutlf m coaurf ind prf fopr wmhtf pfnuflllf and monrfav wcdiwway uul frjayon llicir d wnwd ir p at hatter dflifiiv ll4 ji if- taut kisctoj up to order on tt shortest brock fur i made pmnofttf desenptlon bouhland sold pbk wroonam a muniin barrister jutouji x hlclfl ithct ktkcstoif john a macdunald alexander campbell joiin davy attorney at law conveyancer and land aiiknt hafaactj w new goods jamks richardson merchant tmloti begs o inform his friciuls oj ihc oubuc t but he lift just revived iirt of hi spring gonjs aitj u rlaily receiving in txttniivt assort mtnt of broadcloth tweed cas- zmmgftes vktisgs ftc of nil colors and t4ltlie and of iho latest iy9 whicli ho will make up to order oq short notice in the moct lumaulc mniinc fid or rasoiiablo tctms brock street kingston mzy zwu l- s nrcb swl ltism lli nf the ownsct uw boofctd sod th pmpiwtoi m n tlsmlvr rasponut co1ttion wnhtihf toweu m sudumfl ehsrik of ult owwn ibsmof to 1 1 li good bjr i r piin i ll ufdinjiyaisoipliun from itdbilty ilofls psru s roy i lisiropcwlufecs kingnoo in ms john h grcca ar i i 845 montreal and kingston j773 new engrav ixc axt sovi justsrrivcd from m tilt rollow- mi nrc sn i 1f m1 knlah etigivin bj the trcit mir m clisntillf rc goodwood dihy pet lji i soihmi cemihanils smiiicis 2nrrtin jntiti ditimtin hsjie ol psriih vtf sml lm sk- i nvmph j r u uc 14 v rt- liv rmtinurms i in o vi dot i hy mail hhsj steamboats and stages tht public art informed that the following art the arrangements for the sea the commodioo and pail uw prtsttut slwmtn highlander caftaiw stcabxs canada catxaiu lawless gildersleeve cartain bowfijf downwards 1ll ply daily from kingston to coteau du lac45 nsfi frwnmontsl tsin kitifslen twtty moreing it 7 oclock sttirin bo pieoaicl pntnwan any toicii lion whatever at esrabfishmunt ui kingston before llttt o orfotc flrj when and aftrr thai dale lie will continue to purchase ihe follawilm qoafr lies of j rain that i kye rakley buckwheat ij oats o iow ceon ofhvf t the amount of 1 200000 bushels for which the mhmt rates lu cash will be paid on delivery the article of inihao corn will tint be received earlier thsii ho month of january fukowim james morton kingston rrewery an distillety du sutton surgeon dentist qfiti in giou butuingt printt street bbeautipul artiiicial term fat- scitoj on gold itale nr livotk and all thu duties of his prufcinn per firmtl in the moa perfect rnnnner m i ivtlllilm cd to give saiijfacthik ladies intended at their own of resilience if requited a student wanted deal preferred- icinghinu august ctri pinto a medical stu is 15 g3iwtf i2h august vu0- p- 5- plcdged hi if to ksfinj lt season wotice p sylwcrilniff having been appoint- cd atiivr fm the ulo tpf vuvwii from tho well known founds ry of mr b p- cfmioiia will kcei a stock on hand duiing the season of cooking and trittfeje stoves of the latest and inot approved patterns and will execute orders at thf srlrrlct 3ortrn the ring a uailad flt t i kk hi mselt to itia very numerous proved credit country friends the farmer f the midland dis wtia fi lowest markc it to execute price ibrcacb t- tt uainkiipton ry roemir at 7 oclock fctiirinjr at coteau n lac wly th limf rfiinff ifl wldeli awei pm05rrs ace cenveyed lathe casasiii olajceon llankel teae ateep on bard tbt sieamtr chieftaxn sad atnra in montreal the d nominj st 7 oclock up w ardsj prom coteau dulaci the ftoms leare every ercnlne on the arrival tf ihe mail j m p4hefgrt roti mantwil tnd rearh kington tht following afuroooa ia itne for p ientff 10 take the steamei tor aoy port in lake untaiia the bat pa ihioorh tbe self tid lon saolt canal the maxncenl rapidsof ih st lawmaee awrt ilie lkr of the theuand lalinds hy dajltfu ajfadtaf pjienger the mot dco amr mfr and txpedluml turtle bewen xuv ad montreal th koe jilraer c4ll llhe followm- lresnuanhe brockfille haltmi ptm roll odembnh n- y matilda winumbureh and couiwall parkietf anj la erase a well as money paftcbjtl the riskof the owners writs koeked steam boat office commetetal wlurf kindlon 28h april is45 j frirf end county of prince edward during the yeai of is44 1845 and is46 he would pay fbftfw arlicte of rye delivered ailiii establishment 3d currency per bushel ofm lbs weight he would now takethisnppotlunity of reminding hi- i a as ho has ivithfully redeemed bis promise fir the seann of 1341 he is also piepared to do likewise for the pfoaott of is 15 and trust he will be eiju y prepared iaw- knowled theaea of 154g when it comes to hand in a similar manner at tto close of which ne sincerely hopes if to nee the extensive ynnt interest or on merchant ind it to their advantage to call ht i infore they purchase elsewhere hugh ca1dek 1 commercial u harf 7 kingsmn sotfa august is45 s c7- the periodical sales for the fall sejlsojf at the stores or john pattekson oxtauio ill i w will then lwcnimd letween himself uid his avriciltuml fiiends be again ie ne wed fur a term tf much lunger du ration j m st it cist xi x g ti ate place the second week mouth in iho following t itch a is 15 ridlcau canal fr- 1313 ito tamiey iw vyh chase in apti lirelenhire dt je does mux pittniiol jhn keevr o1orc1 mrthen pi fital ol ainlt heiatioii c i t juuans y 1 mfy athcvkom bimu svoan kilirstoi june i0th 1i5 iijli ply on iherinrav cahal between bvto ivm ami k 1kgs1 uk 4 ml ttr rrjn r japan wuiting ink etaili dealers supplied wiihan excolloiit warranted urciclc the itillowinjr raea pints ftveihillins per ilnvm quart novel ahilinji and aivpenoe per ditto the aiheneiim ronk tre 1 kingston april 35th 115 i new and cheav summeif at tiic canadian warehouse pbincsftf strbkt bsskta 1estatjr hftaw- foltd take this opportufjity nf informing thoir friends and the public generally that they have just received and are now opening thcii spring im port at i on s uf staple and fancy dry goods comprising a large and varied stock of iho latest ami mot fashionable mylc fur tins present season 1 heir stock being entirely ieu ami purchased at unusually dmv prices they aro enabled to five gortf bargains to all who rnay fsvot ahem with a call a share of public patronae is rspectfully silicitcd m iti th srasoit as fellows lfav kingston j aid rcerir monday nil a tu thkl albertieaci hwesfcvl7jiu the beaveft every friday atl a l ttie asoee boats ton in eannectlon with between bylaww ami monireal leave bytotvin the aflmn wednetdamql 0aj th e p alright evert frith at 3 w th the ltravek 9 a at a rcntir ijady line ol 5lejmtitfils and 3urs sheriffs sale of lands- n satu move m her the court huums in thu town nf k inpa ton at the hour of 1 oclock botltli the folhwiug laud seized by virtue fan execution issued out nf her majestys court of queeii rvnch and to me di rected luiunly james alexander henderson plaintfr joseph kn1chi defendant wet half of loi uumlftfr twelve in the second citumeatotl of the township tf kiiigatutti l a isnirir 6awn ih ino 7 thursday anil friday tl and 12th nf september no 8- thursday and friday the 0th and 10th of october 0 thursday and friday tins 13th and 14th of november 1th jrday the i5h day of j no lothursday and friday the 1 er near will to sold at k d 1 2lh uf december v hen a laige ami geteral asanrtment of ttw sirgars tfimi ruors fruits spleen tutttccos earthenware antl dry goods will be sold on tin usual liberal terms of credit for particulars sec handbills john patterson kington 7th aouhi i5 63tf thu lo a tjir iviututi m i wnh ulikli luc nvc ut lac th ariaycj t and itii mwat rsnhs u 1iii vt tf day bee lawr id will ytsutj i ilsej to wed- 11 sw tctl nieljy whit ia tk tij win tlm lund t lliinc pit lih ixilli intil and unly itio iur uci a pifc 4jivihc immvc osfllrmal rinft j j iie wlrsvasrirji the uogc win srad the tea came tonh the jjo j a trail and sjiktl upon the ra 1 ik btnncit iritvedi unj the mtizic strain re sofl iiiw limvrftwjrdtv anj uk nuvev racei lfcir tbe ring vlich i ji ili throtifh liun bering tbe lokf throujtt oie lfi amv rtiiheit by the lapni aide a pjunc nd phjrnc and tnaatle pay lsy ixhin on tlic tide he henm hriea u down fac dircd to mow where utc rinf arrired he aieht ao loof th u above dclicvcd liitii fone for ey nor km w thrj iwaj his haughty lore ivtni shrieked and twoonrj mray at tjih jc feae tu 1tht half ctad hut held tha ring abort hts bead- the udj wrptthr iotct imslrd 8lc bail i4 ctcetnrd he would have done it was a foutiah child and luted ai none cbe eoutd h lua it and be a feum hride to dcjtb ihc lorcr said aod ditj the 1 1 y ia a eonvtot bicd and took tut hjj tows and wji till lk th a nrtuful hndo tu her kurnal rpotmc and tbvft uie rinf hit lorer sv tbcy bjfij nilli uer in the r jvc w to coorerr ntet by the subaciibcr bo wtcu date l10 lath n shrfittvs rhtic kinstiiu ith a t is 13 ventbei uvi iofiacons rioml oak libit wines utv trow- ti4 dtoin luej each ptnjiaretl fmm and m ranted to contain tim delivery oflln abuvj t hie subscciboi rvfonis thanks i he civil ami lahitanl in kintnu nd jaoozkw hay rakes nrrv v wt02v bent bandies fac s n- b any quantity advrtliirif eu short notice kinjpten ifth july 1845 ja5 may he febj watt bed of the imuvate boarding house few yiojrit men can he arcom miniated wilh uanl and lmuprfir al mia hiltome in we1tinpu street third huse ahovc the methrnlisi church where si le bo pea la make all comfortahle ma to meet a share uuhlii favor kingston juno i2ib isrx 47tf n b no second pcat kinwsron june 1s43 4s-tf- to journeymen bakers- a steady sobor person who on derstauds his business will meet aritb constant employment by applying either personally or by letter lo fitciriftd owktv coachrnakcr kingston jru cow baker belleville bellevule july 3rd 1345 53tf 4 to let battle of waterloo icst reeeieed fnm london 24 copies of hepiciojioi times of jane 18th fra ropy accoinpanied bv a lare and hrsn- iilul knxraeint of the battle of waterloo hy j gilbert worn the celebrated kaintine by q jones ra priec 2- 6d also- a few cooies of the lohoow pvscm each atheneam book stoe koiton july 251815 notice f subscribe has duly authorized james morto esq or adniia postca to collect all ouisiatidiuj debt due by book or otherwise clai it j i pre receive him for all id aud als jqted to gainst nostmeitl arthur foster kingston may 1846 30 t a two story stone house in wellington street adjoining the st- georges hotel having s moms with fireplaco in each a gaud celiac and attic story capable of being converted into boil kooitfi if required access in tho large yard in rear from queen stree apply to thos askew clarencesi kingston june 20th is45 mll just received at tfir atiienkum book store rirci from loidorjj t 1 large assotlment of ladies ami gtnia rnsawooo oatwtxc casks hohl cotnrts ladttv roscwood woax boxe uuht corners various sixes ani ladies and uaitsv waitiwo dcsks tocetiiir with a aipeh portfolio ot new london kn- graving hy the best m- ii kington july 1st 1845 wantkd immediately ahillb who is qualified to tale charge f 3 ntn of burr stone none need anply bnt a practical man of sober and industriona habits james morton kiopton bieweryaud duniery j 2uh june 1a 50 t for sale piie leasehold prerrisea on x brock street in the town of kings ton now occupied by mr j- oliphamt for terms mr pp iv to james russell jiamdton or jo thos kirkpatkick kingaton 16th june 1845 tf fllb tbluw iu blub w0 fuhmiip at the athenkum book store just receiveo ichii of eoluli writing finer ineladltig 50 reams of fi9 yelbw and hlue wore foouwn kingttonjulyiais 500 lbs cheese from pints celebrated dairy hendry fttacklock kingston 20th june 145 ve y barrels for sale il- -rr- 155 red at the atbeneum htrt siiircru mibtaty in- its vkinity fur the paimnae he ha received alued his communcemeiit in bumncs and imeitu alalo thai he hm rcniyned ida retwery lafirmtm il f l y itenjiimu ftll iim notice the thihehas hits oay tkrn mr charles chalmeks mtu rwtnci hin stilj if i lp trtiness will hencrjonh w earneil no lo the same nrinies umcr the firm of roueut charles chal mers o which kirn acontnaance of ns si favors rs hnmmv titlieited rorekt cl1aimehs b uteat st jn street montreal scpumscr i 1915 300 kingston for sale gallons superior oil hendry blackl0cc lard ssrtt wh has been pitmaii m his lilitljimut foe the lam two yeaia au recommends hi urcesn as being fully cnmietct to pisfl aatiafnetioti lit thom who may favui him with thei tlmirrt tos dudi wellington hiiift kinmon svaeher i819n will ho required at tbe rate of 100 bll weckly james morton kingston biowrynnd umillery lih august i8m s66tf journeyman wanted c j a mt ei a person thorouehly c uatnted with the rvoir i candle jt-it- apply to mr john lhirrt ihhevillc ikdksillc august is is5 66lm n ust arrived from xew york and fur 0 at the camhinc depot k itaat slicet at mr slaveys shop opponite j d brvccs dry go id sture a complete lth august phe rteribcc to inform tho imblic tjacrahy that he has lokeu the tailoiine kstablihtneut lately car ried un by mt rmss uodtl aid hopo by unremitting attention to ensure that suitpitit thlileb his predeccsaor hu been favored wilh uenmamin watson ti3m prrmiieiond thic stork now on hand k4 t j wellintoa buildings acrite havinp been narchtsed on lh best kin5lon september lch5 j terms they sre enabled to ell at ihe most with reference to the ahoee notice th subscriber hr respeelfuhy to inrimaie thai ihev will coniinup thr basinrtsof uoolc sellers stationers kuookblnd- ers as hrrriofoie earcied 00 in the eaa as au nriinent 1 wmk of c jiuplnnc lamps ci ark4 kinln sept 8 1345 jas reid go off wanted young mam wkt mrurhsficte lh crurera iswaeasi apply ai the cltoni- i it gaxf i ujl f ktni- auifi 15 1815 a rnodrmte pners rfcc chalmers minimi seplfinhcr 4 is45 bookbinding the sittiscnbers ha fine ensajred a frst- rale stationery binder who hai been twelve years in one of tbe ml establish- mcnls in eitnbuh iiiry aru enahfei ta txc cole orders jor ledgers journal and etny kind of blrvnjt bodes which w be holed to any pattern and kouoil in the best manner ana st ihe mosl inotteraie nrices r cchalmers montreal seplemfre 4 l for sale mie east half of lot no two in the ninth concession north of the base line wolf island apply to charles stuart kingston 2sih aujustj lss5 6 60l i the kamrton hoi to let ftkmkmrjl or i x i i mmii r hphlsi fitsjl class cimmodinn s november mm will bv sddat hne one of tho mbewio ihe court house in the towu of kings tt pftwineo is offered to rent siikrifps sale of lands fn saturday ore i5lh dajr of hotel v atiienkum drug store just received ami for sale at the aiheneum drug store london piekles aud saocei exlraildaiinthe syrp of sataparlliic lemon syrup stoaehton bitters bird fepper sauce french capers indian soy fine orie oil infltfkt hutk jpan vainisl for harnrss japan ink in pints st quarts reit ln4 rion windsor ana ahavii sop patent greats anc paient bailey lavender water eau de colon eswnee of sweet briar fc essence of y bend essence of sweel pea etu de msictialle qtircn bouquet c jkc rire military shaeinjr soap dre stuff and a general aisorlmeat ct gtnuine droa snl medkiaes cillofn at perrys steel pens pijoufc wtlkst hayasucnieksgun powder in canniiteis k-li- french percussion cap shot of all rdstfti kioetton jut e 20th 181 ton at the hour of 12 oclock hflou the following lands seitej by virtue f an execution issued out ihc djnct court of the midland distiict and directed namely j n j cwfis ptamtift alfred carter thomas hently stephens ubkhlll ease half of lot number towu of kingstmi t a corltett sheriff jf d sheiiffa office august j5 1843 lease or otherwise ot most advantage- out terms luiiuedifcie puttttlioti given v layiicular 3dy on the lrrmiea to me ur al l alhoucum fooh stow kiiigsum july utf 1sw defendants 3po in the removal dr meagher hu remove to his aihflihctaiy shop u maikel boimii sofom kington july his office t corpff iiecily op9ite hlnciv 21 1815 5tf kingston not1ck city rrkwerya f subscriber isfm to iufurm the customers of the t vy rrewty and the public generally that he has be- come the solo proph3uir ofthat woll and favorably known establishment that ho has secured the services of i mr k m- livigstx us urewtr whoae beer has iiivarihy met with the rmtriteil approbation lihc public and that he will he prcpat at an early day to supply those whoin favorhim with theii custom joseph b hall kingston 16ch augi 146 g6 if credit balli one or two gtmruj and serviceable farm homes will be sold on a years credit apply at the aihcuoum kingiuti auuat 5th 1sj5- commcrcial mart by phivate sale 2vt ks cut nails issnrtelslx william waa einsoii26lhjul 1s44 an apprentice wanted n anted rnmed dleff and nvajf wmtawu of the subscriber a resp boy a fee will be required joh harvey kingaton sept 9th sled wheat veuy superior article of fall seed wheal lor sale at tin stmij f john car ruth faus kington august ji lsls favorable opportunity fur t i sale on libeltal terms of credit en years lease of a house shop aitoaied in the flourishing viluio of petcrboro together with the stock in tado of a person reliiiug fiorn business consisting of dry goods otoceries crae4serg liottorsc apply at the aiheneum kingston august isth 185 the king of the netherlands the visiofihe king of the netherlands to kttghnj ha been inatizcd by an act of cnernis kindncisa n the part of her majeaaf the qnecn who has chosen ihc ot caun fur cjnferrio on him the baton of field marshal of the ilfrh army the king is a general in the uriub service having rimn io the rank by regular ptimio- utti- iu riptuiu4hki liinih u iiti special act of khe sovereign and not dc pending nn onioriiy was announced to ihe king in the mosl gratifjing manner by the duke of welhtigtiu at die residence of hit hoy at highness the duuc of cambrdjc tins hern if waterloo iih4 uccsioii toady iliat her majesty hadjuat advaiweu oivo of hor bravest nlliccr in the rank of field maihal the ohjeet uf the allusion was sm underimnl who immediately received ihc geurnd c4ngra tula ions nf thu diatiti- rtuhed ikrsotis asrinbed i he hingoftlic netherlands entered the brituh anuy in ism when prince of orange and served with d3tmciiun on the lataffofllto dukera welhnglou in the fc- nmvular war he was present at the sieges of ciudad kodrigo ami badnjnzthe battles of salannmra vtorio pyrenees and nivelle for which his majesty has re ceived a crosa and two clasps during the principal part uf this period his th jcjty wa extm aide decamp to the duke uf weuingnnvs force at the batile of wa terloo and was shut through the shoulder at the dure of the action having also been present al the preceding engagement it uisihis pnnee to whom george the fmirlh bclnlhed the lamented princess charhittc of wales huthc had pvvvwaly bestowed her affection on the duke of ac cubing now king of the belgian and rciud the wishes of her royal fcther the ouri and the catnnet so deteriitioed was ehe to tved nunc hui the uhjcci of her jove jvol site denoted the paternal roof and lied fium the palace of carlton house hy mghl and proceeded unattended to the roidenic of her mother 1 his elopement incitt produced the inoi astonishing ftoluvnl throughout england as well as ypon the continent of europe gecup the fosafth at length gave way tu the in clination of hi child the ergagement with the 1iinre uf orange was broien otf and the pimtcs was permitted lo wed the man uf rwf choice but her happiness was of trtef duration at ihe end uf a year she died giving birth tu her first child to the profound grief uf the whulu nation the chid peiilicd ul thus ended thr vhorl career of the most accomplished princess of kuropc the darling of the british people and die hope uf ihe nation lvdffi ttaj on poibwrt were the la men tatiunsof allnnk the kupo hiiiaiie- ously with one aceonl tlotlied lbcueivc uilh the hahlimcnls of woe aud mourned utr a srster among ihe ix field marshals of en- laml tliree are foreign potentate viz the king if the belgians the king of hanover and ihc fqiu of the netherlands prince ajiit the uuke of cambridge and ihe llciu of waterloo comprise the rcniaind r well and pruudly served is queen victuri it is not less worthy uf remark that gve of iho most potent 6oeeregn of euruj have repaired to england to pay their re apecta tu the fair and graceful queen that now sways the british sceptre short as her reign has been the prussian and the belgaii monarch have lrod ihe bnbah soil in their pilgrimage to iho shnuc of royal aud queenly virtue the autocrat of may vi ami tr 4 prood tmlra ictria five to ratewhr aoch grateful homsga loeaf m llh qucm peary to giwnse happii ut the millions of her faiutrul subjeeur and long very long may she live lo adorn bet xexand to cmiinue to act those bright wau ampler ufa wife and muthcr which ae tbe ibm precmoi jewels in tfsefenstui mlt stephen of the colonlat office wc have maile today some extract- ns latve to il- gentleman which eaonot tail to be read wilh deep interest by every resfu dent nf die culoniea mr stephen k k we belie iv eenerally known 611 the post of second undersecretary atthe colonial office an appointment which is peflnamrq ihc iiirumlwnt not going out with aay change of milliner ths fact it i proper to bear in mind as it shows by wfcat cir- cumunrc mr stephen baa ao long re mained tn his present position sticb jwrkon lein2 neresarily a oktore pve the lune in a great uvgree to the tcti of hbj departnient the atiarfc made by mr- rucbuct oti mr stephen will not surprise any onsj eorivertnt with colonial mailers for it ha been a mailer of compfaiat we do not say how truly that he exercises on many op- sunns a malign influence on tbe cxloniee unibiuhtedly he was a potent instrument in bringing about negro emancipation acuj although that mighl have been a just and necehwiry measure we have alwayatbougfai t hasty and ilmimcd but the imparaaooaj of the abuhtion jurty would brook noorlar nd the measure was precipitated without reganitoconstecjueocea tbe doiefwacai are now apparent in the opreaaeet smj impoverished condition of tbe west indtm planters mr roebuck and crfhera ajwtoe that mr stephen being under the influence of ihe abolitioniala was impfded to hasteaj the consummation of an event svfeicfi if cautiously and judicioesly hmmm bwb lisive been ehccied without very asaierraf injury lo any party but it must he borne in piinfvhajijjaj talents business habits aptitude f opjclaj duties and the high njural ivdflhofv stephen have always been admjtuad iaac it will be seen from our extracts that hwd ing statesmen of different politics cooeia the same admissinn it tbeo baetrtitr his public duiiesf ha doesm fpotsvlbe ssa culwr bent of his mind v frarn the ence ihat are saidmpi over mm if it be odmiilrd that mr stepa fifw ihe position he holds is iridespensabv b the colon ial office fnd no tpuiajslrivh tercan do without birn it flj hfjrttt that he i in cqcci ic coloavatw himsejraud that tlie pulira of- thai fur the last 6fteen or wenrr yn heen his policy and nottrrtt fifiherrtrtef secretaries tw conclnsjbn eielhg idem ifd the nexl ep s irrw ivlurihur ihe fwiliey of the colonuf ofle iaa btaegj good or bad opinion will wc boa lay y- dffr on ihispointf but osr reawaci are competent to form ihem as ivtm it svitl be recollected 4liaslr franeti head fnrmeriy coemornftjpper canada contended that mr stephen dm not po tfes iho nght frame of mind pc tbe tius- tlon he held mr steplau it appears pax giving evidence befuee a paiaiaueotarvi conimiitee evpreased an opinion that natiw born nwii tu sn wi t ovgree uf loyahy tt the suvereigfi anct aft ttoiirai to great britain the truth of ihifi averment wc rl- movt uoheaitatjng ly deny for ihe simple reason tbat etig land his had a thuuwnd ud ten lhooaaoj pfoosllo die contrary but be itfoorne it was contended by sir franc if head ttiaj a pern efiierialrjing anch minions wik not the right man to be an advise of ai colonial secretary from pur owd ob- aervuiinn f should certny iogsr tbai eiirh opieuns do prevail at the ccjoitial orlice and we luurt ifint we had rnay prtwa of the factdnring and atmsequenet ihe tale ivbellinn in oartada we havo always thought there was want of cnn6jenre in ihe loyalty of tiiaa lcople tf tbe provincea that iht cownid office was to ready tu ymu to groiiedlea compfainhkesperiallyvvhen ioase aginai- ihr profile in awhorrty that theft wv lwoirm conelubion in the downing street eihict ihat the eulonists were repobliraa in feeding and stfotinicnt and iaxiou to throw off their dependent itaaaotar country heme thone who jumefabovrii ihemstlvvs in jhc estimation of their fellow subject not oyer loyal hjvq been ju i while men baacrling loyjilira hiveheess treaujwith col duces and dffteew twhajf could be a stmacr proof of irria fahsr po1w nj than foe the 4unial mmiaterwlis lo the slanders of rr rn rn tenzie against sir john gmsorrie mjf vcmor who had done so ruucbr colony uliosa jin jnd tcnrak w was sil cooslic4iott in njiidw saboaj hira finsii great ii iun a caawaif ac who did o mkii tn at4re0 ihe retfof iiiionnry schemes ofthe a juiri- kenzvt yet sir john coljrau neccrairy lo retgn and kaito vi ment iu consequence otjas whmb lion many aurh tsubm i p ight bat fnilma rated but we leoeilipcnto b aupftw4awt we may be wrong in cmr regard to the colonial pnlitv buvfvravo well alfied that if the hoirre government would i- i from ttielr ninos thetcw- phitl ppe all the rusias louis and his netherlaodic majesty hve luuuwcd in their footsteps long hear that republicamsm iarttfermafhahrf ihe cohinwls ivll iswtlv tlcnce in iheir biyalty exercameiiafa prerogative frcqeolly btil never casrsivrfei and make a proper ditinetfon beiweei those who atck reform mervly ind uhoa who arc bent upon revnlutioir 44 m wotttd be utueh sjmp1ifled aid m rhinery work much raore bysrapftiqjwty wo are fir from denying let wmmm ncn docxul bul we doaoateod thai ttes i4asuongaubsttalum ofhwaltv- arroa- thar psmplij and a firm and abiding deairrale remain attachetf tn knra we will not pursue this subject rftet inday what wc have vvui probably indue others tn ihtnfc the ice uw broken and the good or bad poccy ofme glitthcn ia a air aubiacl foe mscamaaasy a watch was rjtawm in the ph tf thj opera in parfaj the loser complained luud voice am id it ia just mlls ut a few minutes my watch will airdrsr tb sound ia strong and by that means cv s will ascertain where it is tjje hlar terrified at this endeavored to escape luj by his agilalion dicovered bituaelc