nt sivukraiii urn mm irnr il ii wtft wls- taw uv mmi fc wmwhm 111 lwrthk in i i nifmi v la hi kxittjirm i imj iranlr r- wih rrmi mwinu jniril ll umlii nil iill tl dimtmfl 1 ijivtw wiwh i ris darmu n km h v i1 utitl tl nviajhlinira 041 lli- tutijk ltnl til llr lil mivti tf kw 1 ljim4tfli44iiiilh1lhi lltri rtll 4tllr l4 w hi wfi t inmufc vtrij nl ikiamjlli pm lltrriwcimm in 1v lltil hi im4 il yiiiiiilhi willi hniail mi up immiui-li- tintl drmnin etrunniimii rd hi ealtuiifly miiiiv wi h mitfvil rami in ihefrt linjirfyii w mwhiiw fiirtlirimtitlif wiibthlmintfpjliiiaiw- lycoiiawd iahl i ihc m rait ta ilt awnx nwkjidc- a mat dwmlncd caw of nf i rurtir n oeeurrrd iii liistoivn li tri rvrn inff mr jum if irj our the illol ii1ilitiii1 iftftbur nnl i knotvn n iravine hern ff nnny yrani in irwmt the hit jmtif iwlhtjtr h il un cinl 1 tii rxbktm jy jumpm inli tin ljkr it it niwtsr1 nrvtm oywk ttt nim lnviif fiit -i- iiikmmv lift llm i limn urn tii lililly 1ijhlirf wild cirl in iv w burl whitli rniitlitiri lh binty wu jirovik th nvrflirtjr iwf llr erascetu whata 1wiw w n nun nf vrry iiiloiiuifitc lulita nnj ivjiont iv- hi lion nd llicri cull 1c ih iihim oi it m a lit uf lcimtnjriry im n iliirl intuit of audi it nui of life hr cumihttlcl ijn act vhich im m nt hint llms uwuimy in a nrcmiiluni tnvb jtt miiahv accivknt tvtq nkai jfi iliillv ulntonu ekro ift ml suth tini nenl if t- rid hi th wcttai f iwnpwry htiilji hivinr in vivw llw tinjiolmuy rfamtofcirml immlicr o patiwmi baimufffl iwinjf prrwi ufc next minick lfl ll hff iccamfv nlir pi1lliljwnv1h dimllltlpj ii- ekcrilfnvr ha bcni vkm vm il t arwi lint idtanct ijy w b i aky lj yoiiwli lfny t the oily of i lu- ctiimrtw f imvr ihr extent of titc hitvtnd jujimil ntrpmit t i mjhnilllcj fnf ijlc apvj1 oftlk jmvtncul jiomcnt l uic ict pn voi the pcfiiiiil ruiiljin of the uf1rwcil suburbs i uxcvllvnoy will be pivpnfed ic cottrmfld p pjflinncnt u- nuihrim llic nrpimthm offi lojn in rilan oti the weonly rf iha pw- vincc for the yn of one lianjrol thittomi hhiniln eiirrrner pat fiw willi inli fct in a rxca nmnbt r of years ihenkic o to w hwctl l lc amjrt- i j vi ffnltlms mn f ll within hn hiiitlf of the finm to aid thoin in building thereon lojn on n favocahle lin u nny vi futil pramicljc j witliyl ullimnk lw to the pniwf uf www 1 loaned to bo ecnreil on tlif hind of the nn owfrx rind pcrhpa nude a rivl claim thereon and furuicriecufilr wierc fcruiid to be taken ruhi icon in any inividim und uk kcurity nrtvred by him lo be ppfd by the attomry jcnvml b liwc cjnada and 11 other ncrcvwy prcait- tion l ken to curc the etvndilorc of all itwnin to loaned un the ereciion of building of peciltcd mulenab and ehm-ictcr- for lw pfwciili of wb dwailort hemfter ili bncpeaaj fll fuithef bo prepared to kcotn- intfld to parte anient lutoirfrr on tin fmtin nf tlic city rcry olottiw pwen for the reuldium of the mode f ujiti- within the city limits and hrrtlut priinc alien by noinc nccrdrni thry were both dwnrd an imnicm wim livid on tin ldie on monday hyirc mr llrodie and a verdict of accidental rteatti returned lirey ven iwlji iober ditcrvin nun nid lite latter itaikftliwidn ik tt aortownta whibrt the trinity ytttcb lhirtn wj at atichnr ofl point def montn on the erening of i he itlb june a schooner wabcrvcd about a niife distant the wind lrun from ttio wrilward it wif upin4 l thai hc wa in the act f iiiiyn when pilfl caniid and almft im uwdnlolf inrned keel up ciipl alleyn tmo of ibctnnily ltrd wi reluming with cupt bunk if r of the uninn 1 the mm the aceident hnp penrd but it opcared to be po tudikn tn iu termination that bad they been on boiird no awtm- tanee could hnvo been rendered the unfortunate crew qtffticc tftrtmtf 5 o axonic lim loir ov rue ottawa on monday jail thrfc or fourrafismen were croin the river nearlho nvuth of the walton in wo canocf altachdltjnthcrand loaded with on an chor and l when one of the canoe sfronv i ft diftlanco from abort- the pilot j named jhn ni utked the men i t 1 hey could swim and only one we beheve amongst i he four could do to mr nichouvn urrd the men lo row with all their rnrght but in vain one of thceanoc went down ahnnat immediately and mr nirhobn wan drowned he wan mr mmarleua foremn a worthy man who has left o wife and cljild in munrn lit untimely end the others wore aved by almost a miracle lift of the spring july 5 o fj a about iialf past 10 oviock al fk the wrdtwm of swch- ou mukn eipeoart- biokoout it ui block of ntw tnne s jcj t bmiidtnftiii notfb domemrvct between m hckn lion fo land vafccn and mgih strecl occupied by dr sctl a a lpoti tumaof l dwelling hmwe and bpothcearyah and by mr ierryaaa lookinjf fbaa and pictur more th lire and hoe cojnp0i bcinjj ijtcedilyon ihc it w4cnnfmd lo lie pirtmenl in which it nrii mitcdf but nit uldl conftidrrablc damage waa doe uccited hi biccllency i drmi to reevive undent wo fron ymrn if and ihe orpofaiion and j jrn accrfdiuzy aure ym i any r pro n- ulioot which flint body or vouwlf nmy jkc in re card to them will not fail to receive hi irvl attentive consideration i have the honor to be sir your flwrt obedktil nervnt d daly six i clary- iuclfl anil scraps original aid select t7 tne csoimekcial bvk there wja the tlrvil to piy and no pitch hot at the annual meeting of the stockholder of the comuiereijl hiok on tuesday hat it would ccm that mr itftfpcr ihecasdiier has incurred ihc seriouc dm pumaons of mf wilvm lute hank arni at montreal and ri eonteqnencc ihut gentleman moecd ft airing of re1utions at the meeting all more or ic re heeling upon mr harpere conduct iicahier the discussion upon ihete fcvdvtwfll vm very atormy bill after the moh jalitnt and mon minute invelialuin occunyin- the lime of lh mcetinrr until a late hiur not one n ehacc jjaiit iho cahrcr waa aubt inflated on lire contrary he wa nrnt honoribly nm tttrd and received the cordial conratulhions of h frend we arc fflid in hrrth fir al- irnii w mtlnftl 111 lljpoj iniiht it nmtit libernl or iht iuur tn llna 1 ittutei yi 1 in ht4 nlva4 ititur the must irpnlil af chitnc to the building in which it originated we tfl happy toaay that uieprcmica occupied by mcaara wddclt i i rewivrd no injury g7j a cparofirtv or lrrim i r mirfrttvrty u tint month eofiltim a atory of a hvbniiil tiemg rcrf nearly poiaonod by iho utvfr of hi wife m tuian havmtrert pfnt in lr ek to bcinfaod up wilh a didi of which um fc4tmd imk a pamionatrjy ou jfita m tttwritr mpiiii1 away by the hmwi bin rfi i tfiok lhiad levtfd loinordrrlojiiin h wift ijiii jinl the nfcreaid lover tlil4 lny i viy finm1y ldd and it cijfvil tba hum ruilrii- mnt niiafftunalhy 1u very num incident wirv dtieirivd in ffwt muguztne twi rnontha bieb pie amiy w llwrc enlittud the erring tie we only mention hi circuni atancc tma nmt i xlwlinry cjincidcnce we haveheiirdof wiitr decribtnj the ainie idaa in the very mine uda tlrc wj thai very in- geinr eas of laid william lertfl- and sir wal ter 8tmt but ive arc certainly puxled when the rimrniliinee is kp up throuh an entire 1ny however we do nm pulmd to account ffr lhi myteninjh re ilinhp but imply refer he curious in nimilur frcobi of literature lo the two laic in qonlion rvfftiinfr f thm to bear in mind that iho on in djf mctgatint wa pubfiahct bj rtii at in thin town on ivday kama4c of a ouhfcf- ikjimuillll mr jiff jh uh ini mr- rr of nimi h avmim nw srce amon ihe culjtion al mfminl in pto ia a ffrefil libya p dwert and lycft hod junction arabian snd a foncilion fr the purpose of tupplvmg llnlnni and the nlineul of europe ttnh untl piper tabic have already been prepared riiowinj the daily consumption f thia urfut article in th metropolis ulonc nd it is auv that by the manufacture of tourint piper afoo the coinpnnv will be able lo take advantage of the prcxnl rrc for iraeellinc and put in ihe power of any prr aon of moderate mean lo acour the wlvde of the continent a ample of the amd may be eeo at ihe company temporary fvery temporary ofbcca in tooey stcct pvth vt vtjama dwu anm thenmoainc a nnonn cement put fnrth by iadamc tuniud of waxwork celebrated in that of the hootc if brunswick at one view whieh conat of omc halfdoien dlh looking with a ntare of intense meanin at vacancy we were however a little hart led by the information ilit omonv the new figure would fee found the prince f wab a tcktnfrmtift bythe cxpveac permim of lie majciy madaijic tus4tid facing a foreikr u pcrhpa nm awaro of the atnnent alnte of ihe law with reference lo the crime of eornpimn or inninin ihe death of the heir lo the throne ulhcrwutcj the wnrm not ihua openly advertise l ihc prince of wale taken from lif rxpec ion that be contra doomy bate from the addliion of tho wrds by ihc epfr permiion of lr kbjca4r wt should recommend madame tu- aaud lo remorlcl ihu announcement j speetlity a pwiwe fori ioneaainft which enhah loyilly rcvullf with eons def able vehemcnee wca itt we undettand that there ia tittle ot no foundation forlho rcportalhat have been prevalent in thi cily or a day or lw that ihe ut diaatrf jl quebec has been oqcil toned by ineendiarim mvntieat coitner vi ml i uk i riti rv pomd in imvo the heal 117 lift sunday evening juitt at twihi four men concord in prison broke jail ono nf whom vii toon raptured ihe aame evening the thcra yet remain ai ijke it acein they accom plished their deep laid plot by knocking the turn key down when be bad unlocked and opened the door for the purpose of securing them fur the night having the key and lighted candle in hi hand they lost no time in running lo and crnfaintr the river thi aureate amongst the many others that have occurred show the necessity of having an enclosed and well necured yard aiuund each jail london time july 4 t lraxticm on tho 17th irabtnt a woman of ik name of wright 4 resident of thi town was apprehended ten or twelve n from this ptace on suspicion of being the mother of hie new born child found in the river thames a short time ugo wc ore informed uut when she tvtsukcn into coalndy by n stable mcgcory through whose praisworhy vigilance ahr wm fint nrvivtil md fh tolvobt o t lint she hid givu bnih to iho ehrjd and tlien thrown it intn c water but dvacrtod and mlliercd to iho declaiahuu that it wj not torn allvo- isnrfw v c timet i a sroor rou natvuc- the brauinv ttalulc nf the l greek slave by mr uwer hat excited such universal admiration lint a com panion to it wc undcriund will sbtly be ex hibiw by ibf iame fttfi mdcv ihc tilie of tin american slave it is the fig ire of a nrgi with hi hanrh fjhrnrd with a ch t on the mn- acksof which is cut ow american eagle r um his back iawrapvd tlc national fli on whch the stripes are coiip dispbycd the crouching attitude tfflhe figure is moat wnndcrfu iv depicted but the slaluc in mnst to be admired tor it powerful truth and unatteted impltcity we hare been assured by gentlemen who have hd opprirt unities of judging by frequent visits to the lund of libert lhal they have never seen anything so wonderfully hue to nature punt h 83 trie taisil mahtvcs oconnell and hit brother martyr have nperienced the mnst touch in g proof of t ik aympathy uf tjtcir ciunlrymcii an memento of what the nuntyrs huflwcd wbiul in gaol lljey hv received from varioua jaarls of iretand cvcrvlhing to cat and drink there isno doubt that whilst in prison much of their ruailyr- dom like that of st- lawrence came from a giid- iron puica arrivals in kingston- at duets duit1sii axericin iiotkh j reid chatham j j- ciiw quebec rj istrb awt9ajm xx vkf f0 iniereitl of iho lnntiutiii at heart and iit1hin u after llii btimws una en tied lite elmiee if director tma purv and ihe fi4awht gin ihufctn wero ihclied elected vu t 3lr4ni melvrsn nrrltaus ttnkt mcunm lk irrnlt krhy amiulny ifimiltti and at ehfll the mily nit ration was the mlbstlliiuoa uf mr atchrson fr lr ielil ihe uoq john mecautiiy wagaiunndo picsidcnt qj oirkmi aoaiam iu uaait laij yvslciday iv mlntnh it atvatsnuimoned to atletid utore j kirljitc tuj at the com t hour on the information if dr john smart clurvj wilh an offvnee ugamsl tin camo lawn uuiul killing wuftdcoi y leforc the duy appinnltd hi law vi 15lh july tipt miulllcvoitlj k a wa aupocnaed to give thi neccusaiy tchtiuionv lite gallant caplaiu being llw gentleman presmurd to have accompanied lr mtutosh in his ilv1 ajvjnting expedilua llic charge lh il of killing wondeock waa not aomaincd inasmuch acit depose lo the fact of his uwtsivafi on olurday ut ri oclock tho neve steanwr f jiiebrr belonging lo the replp line and ihe koyal mi1 sfcotam lord sydenham jell the wharf crowded with prtseaci for the pur jjoteuf visiting ihc ruin of iu suburb of juebcc ihe wharves tvrte crowded with apectotoia anx ioqi to sec ihe bots ssartr as a report wa cmreni in town on saturday that the two bual would lest iheir vpcd 011 the occasion n repfirt which wc aro happy to learn was utterly unfounded jioth boats started at the advertised hour the quebec a few minute after ihe synvnlitm but panped her at ihe kichrltcu shortly uftrrwants an accident to some of the machinery obliged her 10 slacken her pace for aomc distance both boaltnrrived al quebec about thctmc lime lhcsvdeuhain fust they left quebec on ihc evening of suoday ot iijtht oclock after attowiog their reaper live pas cnger pjeniy of timo to viil ihc scene of devjs lalion nttitcvl eiow julyk cthullic worth wuld having seen dr mjottuli kill thi being the case dr john stoart withdicw lie information and laid it afreti in the form of hilling wcecofksinpricscssron and the care sjrjaj nphiiitcd to be heard today 1 odiy the parlies oppearcdand rm having pleaded gmhy wjs fined ten altilhng he urged in extenuation of the offence hi ignorance of the law connect ed with this miucr a liarmon order has been irsucd cautioning officers in uarridon against offences against lite fiauic law m voharc in thank mr chalmere of great st james street for enpie of ihc linden firfo m true oflhotih mth and 2ltt ultimo the list accompanied by a splendid wood engraving of the battle of waterloo after jonea celebrated picture in cl ic i ea college tbek specimens nf imimruied newspapen arc strikingly beautiful and 1 woodricfc canno be loo higly proited whether wc refer to the interest ot the subject treated of the taste displayed m ihc designs dluttrating them or the high urtislical taldni shown in their execution tiie number of the 7ih and 1jlli arc devoted to illustrating her hajetty jato sparndid bit cottumt and that of the 2lst ultimo to tin varioua acene and incidents connected with th jlatllcof watcilo6 o tne svattts- mr alfnd patrick lately passed through kingston on his way to tin ujper country having in charge the statute passed at the ht cssson he deposited jn charge of mr nrckalls chtkfif tlio peace a sufficient number of copies for the magistrates and alao left other for the corporator qttecn college the college of ftegkyoh and district ojiccrs the vojumc rs very bulky ot aoicjltcl suciktv ttio annual meeting of ihc old agricultural society and tin formation of iho new society took place on tuesdjy ust- a full detail of ihc proceedings shall appear io our next publication ct fatal exftosio ox a caxso ttt tmm ptsjs0nduin4f ithaca gen boyd of itbac waa inslanily killed by the explosion of an over loaded cannon on the 4lh of july i ithaca ucn h vrastruck down from hi horse another frag inent of tbc cannon taking a different direction struck profrtsor quincy and jolin xix qtlu former of whom was almost instantly killed ami iho latter died in a few hour albany journal tltttie gseatkst pisce or pcatmtuni rven pesrormeo a font ro came off on fri- day in ihc neighborhood of stooinglon conn to which major charaplin performed a mile in iho as tonishing and almost incredible time of four ttiiaurc onrf atueeet tetonds henow challcn estonin any rrtan m ihe united iutcavoac mile for ore thrtiraaod dollars or upwards to come offorer the union or beacon course any time between this and the first of august the challenger con be heard of uf seen at the ameri can hotel ningtnn it is not unlikely but lhat ho will be accommodated- t v htrctd july 6 meniic r k air and mrs todd montreal i mnyer oswego pvwifl fiiirrnwes uioon mr henry mid daughter uttnwn mr iton iicicm air iter t m hdabvllks air and mr llruwi montreal j bnrnnvcs kis bm mr uaubcfra new ynrk and csnad bc- iie mr powel mimtrcal mr crawford urockville a tjwtnpann itivcr trent t jj davics syracuse j ghssarrd k j p lixland immtn feorge jackson new york w ljwsoutnmntg aleiiudcr woodstock t lckliart is lljll and two mies montreal wguon kiogrlon hon- mr oroous jr 1 et flcxxtt oanrn fliero is one general order just now ihroohoit ttte einhicd world and f ris is the order of the day which meins 6o u htad and the ottawa itivcr comet tn for her share through by daylight is a cnnmon phrase in the uniled statt where 4eaimteli is tiiniflctf bui tfl the tuint um mtlicrsn oi j andthc iu of jwovber crane and messrs hoow i i atirt thrir uispateh lane irt connection with the stages from montrea to bjltfwfti and twee ero on mmdny ihe 1st of juty tltit is no yue the ne rerso maybedone easily enough but the up ward route miy not be done quite joamy lioiugh the adv intake lo hr gained is still worlh the trial and reflect credit on iho proprulvra wo atp prvlly clain nf rtnc thrtgtif il ismit don- ar mir it will be nvd wmlher so fneup iie old potiupi4 apltiin iigmhlll lhrc r ahcad in you bith when once culled out w the mark but rswl tw auv hirgcs and we shll i sec hw early ihe visltut miy reach lc spring from montml jnd byiowo from bjn town we aty abt vi oclock and front m011 trail wc think amut i ur 5 tuts will hv an im pkirvi 0141 indvj tu tjnj4 is the order nf the day and th wlin wittt adpl 11 mnl t v ichini id rr ttmafa ferae f coarortal pusijmiit7s am lurursosticsr in the baitisu aiur ad navv foa thk tatr tiiace ytsat from a return jutt isiued on the motion of mr hume it appears thai the number of soldiers bclongio lo regiments of the line and ilepots in england and ireland who have been corporally punished brlwcen january i j 839 l bat three years is 116jof whom 1014 were flogged once j 19 twice 24 three limes g four times and t five in the course of the tame period lti133 have turlered imprisonmeot itflqa once ww twice 831 thrice 514 four times2 eleven times and i twcvle tunes the number of soldier cor r 1 k 1 1 r j 1 in the koyal marine during thr imt onm isool 31 and 861 imprisoned in the royal artillery 2 men have been flagged duhog the same period itiol impribined and i uinsforted for seven years thcnnmbcrof lim iuotapcei6ed n our rvguneols abroad 109 have been flagged once s twice 65 three time liiour tirnes 5 five times and 1 six time 5w1w oupritoncd 23tt twice 8in three limes 306 four iiuscs 131 five times 87 six time 96 seven limes height times 4 nic limes 8 ion lima nnd 5 loven times the corporal punishments in lb ibinl wavr wcrcm 1839 boot 1 in 114 002 n tcti 9q6s h lr 9l74aj i6a 170 mr mogitl motileil rev mr kerr and family maich mr iecalt bytown j if ap pller lyons france mr mrs and m is glass montrae 1 mr i l tnronlu b i bjth f 1 uorth quebec john keiler mon lrj j fofftf 01 vincent mr young ie e tom 1 w mcfarltnc montreal capt kerr tomnto jhn freneli james french liverpool cnlmd d- king si catharines mr coorjcnouzh montreal captain radcliffe ainhrrsl istnnd mn frcebnd and 9 ladies to ronlo n h tepu moalrcil vv it h tiler sackclls harbor leslie smith bath a- nor tlfiiemer toronto j hillyard camcmn du john mscarland do ah bam steers chatham mr james ross belleville e perry coburg j h bur boo a lady prt hope geo euggan m pp a iy toronto w hamilton mcrimachi a gilmour montreal george potter london eng land mr grant picton hon sir allen mc nab hamilton dr samuel wathins otlady new york m u- caw do mr crawford brockvillc mr ritchie hamilton master ritchie do hon mr jualico jones toronto mr milter monro mons lcger montreal c e dunn quebec john a lard hamiton h robertson belleville a proctor brighton j plttt jqftt do w mumey wisconsin mr j anderson brockvilts air burrowe bnmanvillc jarnet bistelf st jihot a auld tcotund at wbekss iambton house hoter thomat darland and lady adolphustovn mrs john t uarland adolphuatown mr paj- mcr gananoque ms palmer ganaroqic win bljsjpi adnphulori g t white new york st canada express geo bf pretcott chat s munaelh now york mis johnwt mill creek j c dunn sackclta harbor h n traccy sackeiu harbor capt- bland belle villc david shaw cobourg charles heath bekfibe d c brown rochester solmon bccby and lady st catharine milej white cohae sew york alex campbell napauce i isaac inersoll bat of quintc herintn johao cn new yofk jolin bakuur byiun mr wilton toronto ii- l bevnir too- j pclr wilkin new york a thompson montreal mr turner gananoque robert fov tonnto thomas g 1 ecr tortnli j robert jarikvm hol land james russri toronloj a m 1 shcnftt glcnjorry ftlr lcadingharn seymour east iv boafjtfl and lady ivmivilte new vrfk rev mr neill seymour east win bja vvu- liamtown mr gihnan toronto a s ifogjrt nd lady indian kerervation miss youn fcilc villo george m mvrrileea jvelrce james men uic ahcnlccn scotland jam wadoell kms fuooll darlfid al ldv tun inoms darlnd ajtd lly saekelti har bor at kctcbcson rivcrtrcnt pndhp rod lira river trent tboma i tiompt adolpbus town james oreilly ikllcville jc luidje waiertown john jvnon montreal c j law rence otwvgo jma waldiffi montreal d lake stone milu jhn uf kiuhttm mr additon napaucc mr taykw camden fra mvean rocheur ctpultl jaeksun toruolo w y chorch ptetn jnrc hiyward fredc- ncktburh own murditt pcton a rolro ness york iv it- hcndrsliot tlwrel catharines f a hiywaid frerieri kburgli mr haywaid and aorvml du with im cowan thorold st calhrine 11 m iriiitknden water town a iv dodc stckitt- hubor misa f chattenden wftuwrwn f cltriru ocketta har bor miss k hmv waierviwn mrs sevinins michigan mis- giilrin watertown misa h urtyton do sog sackclta harbor j 6 penae do im lajwie michigan capl payntcr r a tlinireal j it buibtnk new yek ud canada lptvs el b dpfamn wntef lovre mr kiaiin tir into 3fr sirvii toronto cytgnsllh alu or lp auotkh tjbas wines liu0ksar at the store of ribhard h rae f isitn inrnt cim oilmen will be rsung in rati of rnxts july whn various c prisin a very cotplvtc a sold oil uittiotit tttrre wi sugars murnvaoj hfirw ctej md rasarl teas vmm and old ikann tjp imuvriatjguihiowicr ane souchong iohaccon cavemih plur h miyv naihod coffee fiecn howled and grcre candles spiiii wm wick and t pepper blarlc and gonnd greunt pitnrnlo ground cinder root jinx- hbls biackm in i pinu jaw and quails w i n e s porl inrtuimcr rflks da in cat of 4 drzn skerry and mlcif liquors cfinac brandy btieanx holland gin ichldarri ie sniiiie 0 i ls sperm co ami raw l starch sm tiverpooi figplue paiiil fruits rsuirts currnt c with oiherfitlcwexnech lo arrive sale at 1 oviock p m prsviavly thomas greer auitiontn kindlon 1 ills july isis mch ki mistdn t v r v t uv b 7f rtmtuhiipw oh 77kflwaj ihv llr iirntr if- jtit 4 svii ivrj ine ivuorlt a t ihi 1 mieiiit midland lirirt litkvvaiikv ili wohbiji lire aiayofi siliu kuwidljcayd navy lleiirv stijer jnrj cap pllrion ii commkucl il- mart saturday ih jm1 at j oeluefc old ai liive of aarrsr1 teaa inciirvukjrihomftraiudioiiinl hne on sa win in a ileiiiy oilh jw h- m j din it rirmh ifr urar mcaann 7m lt jnhri a mtliiiahl em lieil whlle8m itrjl irvine fihmt l-l- uein ilarnllicfn mjie kraneis hetil0ltt kr lieut i i w ai sail t km lvrr 11 pir uoilfij coll- oil hriin livetpiy rind stones mud m 3ai kntj h with a v mrly of olht li ul rwutt cil titv s9tm aw lun hlh july jh william iv kk irrwrket p p m p p total ailt treourej alixuiti t- stba cfrfrte cwivasvkvrdii r f in iiankkuptcy pnnvixi 1 ir cakam iir mittnd mstrm t jiiim kinosc to w it j t cvrtrrn bankrupts 5t isoiilikkkil teant a pimi g- lirral laltln rrfttlo htcliltrth rf jiil bnnlr4 lo itcm 01 ihc ruii faiisu kkii utu un motttlylfti tttivfif kh hi 12 ovlork non vnd first dythurmav luh sutj th rthi nrr rvrteni 1 rvr in m i frer for ill ii 3trilthc rk e- llsr limes torrid th cau iti fm 11 tte disuocf frlj twr cln wiift tix stat l mrkpatrk j 1 1 11 h iai b jt ft fithl titvio ti a v t yi li fv4ij 4 i jotice i qthlorottufi sit asirc t 1 ami tliotna cqiiivr i c al l lici v jsreh m liy aimrtint una nf jliu king iahlks jjav fthfoof yi jfimzickjcitwtrxrctiiertfully iiiliirn tho gentry nnd jnlubt ihutn grflisnrsljr of kifiton thn it h lhtir ininnijim l cnminciire on iho sd tiuil iv s iijtjl fir vrt lrliarsa niil tiny lotj lo asiurrj pnronia i jamtlai who may crimmic vrjnnt lsjtistj llicir cure that laaolf unremit- tiiiciniivni will bfl emplnycj to pro- mii urn rnuri and iritrjlkcnal im pnivcntottl of tlicir youthful cargen imtlrurlioil hi reading enijlinh giarn- nini itmenipliy writing and arithme tic i mai 11 urn ornarnciiul needle wiifki rl the uual i ranches ol a nbio kucalioti wit tma ifi fcrate situation rhfeba schni i wcnington straw rox ilm tr mr r m hose kingmoti jonosoih 185 ij lrj8mrin il vilkv herd iiuhs 4lmvi lor lotnat a ijc- tkit isnkhtri- pmti nr thi i a in e present 1 the ono kindlon 6th july 1 free fof ill hoe t 1t aaile healt weighs and coradutdiii the fir tutf club iurae tim msvm rcr ov x added lo a 5heeatfc n 3 f lwate flenllcmen ridets wrihl 6 sioue 10 11 4 yttrr i startc 5 vrns 10 jione 4 lj c yonrtti iovr twu 90lc stent lired hmss allai ccl i p iri 3 y eat is 7 l i 5 a j i d 12 lb three etiliii ihe numey vm adted second day satukday 13 sspt thk oftvainnflr gtrtlrulj ititfs or eitranrcj c2 i0- two mile iuam ftve lei ilu v is anil conditions the 1ft ml as turf chi p s 0 ihe rrritous ri or i enltaiiee 1 5 fr ah horse hint in i ise fla ffrirf tl commeuual mart wjte of groceries cvt nails 4 p0m0rr0w smrity iahjuly oviork jk l- r- v willesod djstrlt v in k heis tnil cui weihrs i wo riddrti sy nliirerson full tetvier iivais uviee iwn 1 weihl the sme st lailivs i irfiso fit mak a rtf added lo a speejhiuhmiol trt shilliay 2 hh drilled 01 4 hfila turpeiiiniej 300 corl iu0 bass uvtrpaal all do bmeasutehj 20 hoxc soap 5 hap black pejpr 10 hrb viner 20 boxes hnneh kaiias 25 boxes honey dail and cavendish tohacen epsom salts wraptfiac rd foleap ppr chrome yellow veoelian red cettre brtnfy in hhis an luvnice superior hyson twenkay and ihe picor ul the tn mjknvjcr tea h lull chth rvf william ware itfclortcct tire namtsok rtatr or xw added to a isveeptaks of ft jr p p for hrrws lon fide tie piontity ofslffioiis in canada west en the 14 ol afljltttt 1515 and ajkwnilh ju lor al i nae th ke ones owned l never tvoi one fgnnd 1 eaefc 0 thr crttiy l eioilr plale matfli or tep lecouim rash w cunjiowjei kinptai hill july 1si3 in uank0 jptcy iuxkupts town of kins canada midjakd dirtttct to wil genllemeii iii tsmri uwcwly at romnkeachdiy livetv piiii tliiiiin w nmtiinx aknie shall lie a siiii to ih uineiiui 4i 3 w itheirhynil ailj t iir any anittiitni with e j 1 m d all enujiirer to in iiac tin tiirt clot inn on tufisuay- hit mil swnubka ktlirafn tbahnitsol uaiidmoek rm the stewitdi dreiait uliieh klinul will he ifudrd hi- ihe ke anl il dilations h h rfeeiicr news linporlnu tfldotufcsmbl fo the nhaminnliof ninnljn aud stirr- u jmt rouuirr tevih were ihtjie surh advarilaet of- ll frrd to the pnkltra as al 1 iirne hi iinrhainff dry couds manchester warehouse imwrm httdjings ptimcst street j r hutt0n it co hafl now re- uv ovj eriejh rtarioui vmu horn iteat bnuirt or tie iheir cxlcnsive torkof sniooxer amiliiusturugh summer 000ds n wednksday iv jl juy the whick ley aif detcrnlned to iell at very j piqhtif roriunryv iviiatf kmsinn tic j lov kii vonsistii of a lare and varied suwriler witlsrll tir prttk auettlh 1 ho sc- j aslmehl u ft9 miawes bausrirje mus- parim ikuitoyu aitpktacacrj wlh li jin orrtidi dream pnnled plain and jtiri anrlifcrs chatty came k als lloied lena 84 and 6 4 blaek and colored fifriiniie fteinrujikiesihiint- r lwitfl jrrs gio de nap and prrnch sdk efi tnd fancy hon net silks english and ri iwnnct and cjj rtandt rutland ltrec4d paattama straw bonicl parasols i i ij varily a comptrle and extenalvc i ornvnt of hosirav haberdashery and small ivetf- j r ii0tton ct would tspecially lc to draw atttnlion to their immense stock of staple goods cofiftuliiig of cottons shidintt lintntnclo caiituoi while and colored lil- molslrirta plain jttid li4med garnhrions fancy checks doeskin cimrr i tfourstiinst of every ilrription west 0 1 i and york shire broad clulht london toajje browser ca tweed aud ctfhmerit polio coatt also p2 cases rndoa and pant hats compris ing silk velvet and iieave- 10 trunks of uodon made ladies pruoelki l 2hoet 15 case 1 room papers conlatninj upwards of 10000 pieces of the newest paltema j it hutton st co lake great pleasure in iafbrraiiajf tfieir custorocr that they have now on hand the cheapest and mosl complete stock oflinodt that they have ever imported and fetl confident of pleasing the most faatidl oik at regards aow pfiti 04 quality pf goodu cm and examine fcryouneleei kingston june 19 1815 t vs5e is well scnnwn f the la tea cvimx ilonnrr inly lor ytsitf ou of eaprrty freaiiin 1rrm bur wlfl w well vnillilha vrcri 01 ft v in the omin ltle tstttsis oof foist jfi awsjipirv de pii main tir wi h ii pinniis r m l 1 c itmmltiv 4t rv mloaed an thomas greer autlmer kiftirn li5 lettkiasioiht 1 iwolpcr july iii isis il hvtyv firmest llmmst tii c uta tf a ia tftiee biotjv l dm jcatf ch petl vvm cl l k aatl narfckllfll iinjamir carrier lewii ihfl john meauiieb t inn dmg ci 0m mission twmd hy urtmm kinhpiiic kqiajl mnl lri cvii- w mtt ihc dy r jiy 1815 first mken cimilwrm sa t0bdav iim jistonq 1a o alousl ol th toil tilth rd lri ihrrc can b 10 p el to tim enr br oidir rightl next at ihe jtrr court house in ft the sai 10 iv 1 1 of jihs al the kinitoiual the hour of 12 oclock t a corbett skriffi m 0 sheriff olfie t kington july 815- saiab of fteal estate wlll be sojjl y pie awum on monday ic i011 da uf j pcxl oil lhalcern ptd fr tract of land anj prcmiios irir in township rf kington and b- composed of ilio renite parlof wxly acres of lnl no 17 in the ft concession of soij township conl3ril acres being the tiece of giotiml riirchased by htmt iip- kirk etwh from s corl- wrightnnj lying llwcen the property of wm wilson di and uial of r s jameson eq comliiions and made known al lime of sale v allan geddes solicitor ft chomas gkker autiionctr kingston may 30 1s5- p0sti0nement the above sale postponed till friday the i t august ne j c hnur ond ulace t greer july i irj5 ialierty vliai j m trior vcrrcgrj rliflani tih j0i5 lfrf clilivt ijaugalvs selling off at cost rjihe su1criber bciiiff jikiiil to ro- linitisli btisiiiras in kingmlrm ore now nltcrine their eitiirc sinck of hardware at cost comimmis in irl- key 1 lies snatlrf bikes fotls iiic slmvels siailes ox trace arid lo ging chitinat cliiaels lammeis augera hatchcl raws files pitting btaro and liitts chopoiitg hand and itciivh axen cockhnm nhfl civ heniy cloe wn doulttin wm ijrlnr jriir i twneyt jntr nihnae afx dflnnellv chits djv0iwo ffser ilrofjp ciirt mir it m i llujhrnf lhelle iuten itirhird iletrn islon andrevi liortihati r 1 v hrelvt mrsc wheeler c m keiii michael 2 wheeler calvin wheeler thomas walton j irnra djrif yeoinanf david olauk j- m july lal18ir ry ltwi bj iotiiihride cnnrn mlllesaa pj 2 millrtfan coiiitlitis medeaaw jhn mmiow wm mme jjines ivimoy joio percey rerj david ocm run is of lot 44 ul concession 25 7h 21 91a 30 9ih scorifjtha tlunmelt gilion siitlird nnnoti sower john iriith caliiefe si0sn kidterl tlirirpion rojiel vreek tiiorge wbealtn john warner jnhn 3 walker john u if o cutlet great vaneiy saddle lurks btitla latchei itrjits hinis scrowa spikes cul nod wrought nails enqlisli and speeds iron gait blister crawley and spring teel to- gcilierwith evety anico in the hard ware liue atso painll oils glilif puny torpontinr glue piicb tar and riin briucj3 lasher kington jul silit 184s- stxth periodical sale this season at the storesop jn0 patterson oktaiufl stpcrt ktxoston plan en fkiday ibtssth will like of july wi uly hut and followiii day when a ijrjje asitment of ijrocerie winrs tv siiarae in store ami daily arriving will he sold of without any rtkvc on accoinmo- dalin terms of credit stir to commence sil eleven oclock a m precutrly in the catalocct vvijl he found important to farme11s dtiht mucovaito mjir ifo dr do 50 hltlv 310 bbb 50 i1m5 cruted 9g i 400 packages ftarted tea various grades farmers wuo are desirous of 2oo mckaes totaeema saving moiuv i purchasing drv 100 uackaijes cobve goods ivouid m well to call at the lfciti njti on winr ipiri ttjhtellqvse charnrv lomlon 1otlei t curc belfast fliuflv 1 200 x corn hroom- where they will inve an opporluniiy of iw rjm patmpaib buying at 10 tn 15 per cent lower lhan in any house iniic tiajr the subcriicr has received his summtit stock per the ilifleront vm- selj coiisiiting a largo and varitml as of evrjtv article in to line 10 cralei fttiel cflffcviyi with a ernra w leant ill of all toh in ihc grocery imc a vahjwe of whets will sc rutnishcj in jce c0hvr jthn pattek50n kinsjtotijjuy 1813 pkesii family teas william j- martin orlccit winu and spltut dealer corntr arn ond ihwk slrtitfy maikct square t kntton err to iitfmni ihtrpuhlic am all jicfvtuin wishing to luvc aoinumc tea at n luw piicc- ttai ho lai 10 clmvc1 a larqo asaoriinent f teas of vnri iiia himu which le h prepnrvil to iell at a low taie of profit lo fruit ihtr times- june 2n1 ipi5 just heceived athexrum dook store wu ajilition to lh ltrg loii folio reccnily 1 alvertiiteil the jollovving choice new en- kfivifwj k port r aic of lvelliijten at wafeiloo ilo rn nsi ami gintntts io ilu quern ni children ro ri nap iron jnlliani hcasrolorcjo su11 vqiren lamonr kiitgtton july 4th i wantk1 bimediatblys 4 miller who is riialifiol to la rharjc r 3 run of burr stones none need apply bul a practical man if sober anil iriduriru3 habits jamk3 morton kingston tcicwcrvatid hislimcry 2ltli june 1s5 50 if to builders enders will be received 00 the 20tb nf july for he undermtintiori ed wmk in building a tannery jrc ailjniuirifj the now stoam mill in green itay barricfiem one frame buildino so feet by 40 one do- 50 feet by 30 one jo 40 feel by 20 and making and sinking 40 tan vats and ahcut lootoirea of stone work for foundations for the frame lftlmltriu 1 i miujetihuk lidrin boiiiung chlnineya ice l il spucifirtiions can be teen at the jtlhtntnm book store tenders tn be adirced to the sub scriber al the st lawrence jijlcl kinyston tenders for stone wnrk to state at pertuizc and the brick work at per 1000 idil in lime and sand including all material robert bourne montreal jutt istlu 1h5 commission agkncy r jl s iner havif made arranjtmenta tn cenonac thr- o tht isle firm of cralu wait a commission agenr for ihe aalp of mtrchanrlize produce tn lhi anaikel uprin the pfmes formerly occupied by thrm aiioinin the grocery efltbliahment of william oimmsn eij ontario sir eel begs lo lender hta sfrvices lo lh commercial ccm- mnnity of the pmvinor ant neighboring slatefj in ihi ahov caparity pledging himself to de- tol hit iif ji attention to ihe interetts of sikh as may favor him rfith conitnmoou or commit any oiher kiail of botioesa to hia gency kinrlonjune26i85 jas watt 1 56m 350 flour barren ard half iforrrli amoi- cu soperfiaei from ohio wheat 130 co do middlings 2ii0 o 1 111 i fmr selccled brands for sde hy jas watt june 30 pitch tar and rosin few liakrelsoreaehjiisi received and lot nil hy jas watt june 30 tollmen ol every article in which aio too nmicroiis to meniion tho sabmiibra would crpecully call 0 031 bl k iioial ni aki the attention of fajmcts to lis im- 1 y store al foli sale rnense stock of t hips victoria tiifcany ic at new factory cottons and broad hctitg j as they will he ftond of a heavy ribiic ami at a iccuced price f ojb puicc so ahatcmnnt e kingston boyd p s a th sul3ciiber is deter mined to do a rfj buritlmt he can afford and will cll al 10 per cent lower than any liise in the trade for merchants who yvo crndil arc obliged to add tho uuovo p centage to cover inlorel and twdobtn- fnrmat know this to ihcir coal and would therefore vroll to call and ex- ying amtno fur them before b else where e k n- bhft nsr pitt ijt csrvutnd stur kington juio v7h 1s45 ajlf 100 bwei raioiinlrs 31 cvisclaietsl julieis 30 il 30 d io ctweanx mraitv do matntlx mfdoc very tior in rjtinl st nnlt tope 55 baaketa cttampitif qoirttarw pints f the kiiuv u anchor viiw u olhci lino is m prncirie cta5 stemtmat 10 0s otd govrmornl jva cnitie- al rmurlcd under the duwback law nc new york i0oki cuttnibasrtied it mm- tfcal price an invoict ftud tea consilin of liysoiijyotinrjhyiionjgttnpowijcrjtwjnkdy sl touchon tea coilcs wrapping taper cavendish totar co tc cc william ware ikictr kingston july ih 1815 a maccaiioy snuff a nefican monliea lloe tceiihd of tlce finality f in kegs jam just leeeived and for isalc hv jai watt kingfon jic 00 1i5 salkimius- pirtixsmoiijfirtnrconmaiilymlnnd and fur ih- at the marnifarrnreis price the superior nnahly ol lhs aititle is well lnown to the tiue jas watt wtrr cement fnr sde hv jas watt plaster mamjue and co0hi4 chalk june 30 onondaga salt oaaabrels loi wuy vv jas watt jniie 30 ladies school ms hbrkman poetters school will rcofcn on ihe28qiof july- king street kingston june 2tbj 1345 s just received at the belfast warehouse a large quantiry of ladiw prunr nella boots and shoes ate r- duccri pi ice e kingston boyd kingston june 27ih 1815 5ltf just received at tufi at1iemcum book store dirrtt fr- in londoa large astorlment of ladies ud ge ifrsewood unsi3io cases bubj 7 ladirs roskwki vvowr boxci llnhl corncrig various iizm i tnd ladies ud uettls wvtino desks fptfffllti with a snpsih portfolio 01 new london en gravings hy the best maalen kington july lit 1845- v comers p i iron for sale by hs klnsatoijuly 2ils15- jam s 53- f cordage m coils while tstred hemp rcrpe fiom l2 threads to 41 inc putlh ircsh and sound foraleby inch vftf jas watt j 31 to printers ut receivetl rt the atflewbjiat dook stokc an assort ment of priming curds pi un ivory surfaced and embooeed clie for caah kintcn juoc s7lh 1345 to journeymen bakers steady sober person who uu- l sftrautltk liis buims will iseet iviih constant employment by applying oither personally or by letter to rtctufto ovtfftj cnacbmakor kingatoa or h connr baker belleville beltevtllo july 3rd 1345 63tf