Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), July 8, 1845, p. 2

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there are 13000 nndr 5f a year 18000 under lo 00 under km ind 25 timler 50 with respect to tht charities ihftt is radically no jujicial control nuwuoiii tcl r il related only loprtwlt afliis bllt wncutkoicao where wriiiyi idi for hvnrtolcnl orjrt h- 1 pes ifc establish tiihnnal to eon- iit oi three connmmtp perm memly np pointed the limit of iheir jiirisdieiim he would lernmweud in he all chanties iindrf 50 kut thai oinl f detail mijefct kl iwism al a ilirrq4fr stae ii was necessary thai their juiisdiclion should be ol a summary kinl the power which he gave in lire cfl- mitsswr wn in ihe firsl plare to wl for in account from trumee to rforui abuxe in the iru1 and inprrcrnt n sappliration of the fumls anothrr power which be atre them of an administrative il was the power of ppo nttnjf new rt lr ami the power of directing a sale of charity ptnpeut of et- thaning it of yamine leawes ami ill ihe administrative power whirfa wete exercised tmdr the court of chancery- he proposed a bo to ive i he commissioner limited power in reiict oi ell the lifter chatiue in ihe itingdoro that of tailing tor an arcnunl ol their revenue anj expenditure the com missioners woulu merely call for infnm alion on detection of ahisr i hey would pnl in mo lion the machinery of the con of chancery fit present aniher rmvuion relatnl to municipal ch irities when the municipal corporation bill was under consider a i ion it was provided that crwilir hould remain in a certain day un1rr ihc ailmutiattalion ol the corporation and that it pittllanil m out r interfere and tt became the put of the lw chancellor to appoint new infers put hy the piesrnl prarric that if a ry rxienive bwfl and lm lyndhutst instanced several in which ihe cost uneed troin c5urt lo j75u two or three rcfpetume men who whiu have an oppottuniiy of knowlux the partie on ihe apot would be ame in i wo or thiee htir nr at the titmotl a day to appoint or ieii- iht trustees of a charily and to do o willi tmre henefil lo the iilerm of the charily and nnie buifactson to all the pftlhtj tonceie- than ill ihii machinity which is now in o ration and if o exnentwi in otdo to remedy thi he would dropoff ihut the commimoiirr ahoold be inele i with the powr to fill up the vacant place of lrniee hf knrw it woold be fai4 thai thrm oflwc www confer influence a rr n r rhijrj -andelee- 1 ions members ol itlimrnt the ie fore he won i j matte riiiirei independent ol gov rnnefii i hey would hot their olfice duunx tfooil im havnir unicr oath hindin lhcu to the proper rftfbc maore of their iulic at present bltfwi are apjoifteil by mster in chancciy who are ihcftitelvcf appointed bv 1h minslns of the ciown and ihe iceiion o a wtf may be set asiie by the lrd chancellor who i one of ihe minifttw lht fiesi commit oners would be iptomted by te hill mibsequeni vacancies would be rilled p ny itir mmlry tor the lime hcin the conmiionersthere fore would hold ihrir olfice hy ie saue tenurt judges lorl lvnfhuisi ifterwiistl fm that thrse com niimeti would ie ppoined hy the lord chancellor himl iht two 1 them must be brristi ol hih hiiiaiif- he would recornrnvn a a means ol providing func to carry out ihe hill i prrccuxeol ene pei ctnl from the ch nilies ay ttrfitiency be nuile up out c the contolidue kami but that would be a inaltr fvr the ftiw of com mon to settle everl lw ffri without tfmpmilm the motion for the seconj mrijhf tk eeplinn 1st details uha kioiiluin v tle i in d pmciin ttic mtrr5 in chncev of their pfrini iuthi iii 111 cmttlin iji l d ij m4m iiii j t ii pf0vile truteea vfht imhlt now i-xt- lori campbell foresaw polnieat rmficultie in the apitomtmcnt of truster in hoiou all thve peer urftd that the hill should be referred lo i select oiminiilett the ii0r1 ctianerlhr nienled in thai nt mem and the hill a read a avetjl bur th owikltlm to he appointed rua iuf tbe snaiebakd tht squirrpj- on the wlh of may um i wari4i on a iinjll road to the t2h titri o dmiv county iirir the amapahw when i mw a com00 aitcd cox wwnelakfcri tolfceawe oja pine ttee some x or eihi inchrf fro m the fill when i otnppomte the squirrel i km kin move a itltte on the dr r the tree i mile aomc 20 or 30 yaiapsl the rnirrel when tba idea otcuticd to ine that it mihl le charmed hy a snake 1 imtnediately turned back in the direction ol themuiirrluud when i jtot within i steps of ihc tree were tht fquiirel was at ontc i heard a rattlesnake commence tinjin apparently itltuvl the firt ofmrauinil i clapt spurs and 0l lji a few looked htfck and w a fire at qubdba prvm tht qwbtf vitcury jvy what in rvnw to become ue t our workmen of all cjivriihnf arc ruined and honaetev many vchu hoil comnrocel tlir reevlnb1ihmeni after the to rve haee bnp otfoin burnt oul ihir iii t ui h and the atstatancc afttdcd hy 1le chahlablc and irnm pri vale aooerea alike racrilked a targe number of familiea have flj h- i city aid h is very much lo be feared mmi tlsrir biiccaion will be permanent lhey may form nrw ik9 and fresh ruf iemeiila which will cvrntu- allf alienate them from quebec the pariheut point jvi are fillrd with reruec as nltn t h m- j i ward as fur as sillcry tove vre havc moretrver juat herd llsat it itciupoei firette and theacvttul v- adjjeeni to the city arc crftfcdtd within list wall hut frw hmiartseven ofthe hebrt revpccubttity on not emwrfed one cenlltfuan haa3d pcsona in his liouse arsulher j u a ihird 40 in ihc two nreeal the wt ofay houft have been c i 1 and 90000 peraiini rrmtcrttt ivhiarlea fhc lojlowinf are the number of streets nblite rated j ji i iturnl clown up st john street m ivaicuilkin pjh rirsetieii im tt otvkr 113 glaeia m hi 8t icr- mm a st fanroia 10 st euataehc 43 i sr ahqussia h 49 4 sl shmm 17 irarhty 13 sk ste centviccc at jupter 0 ste tart j9 sie tlalre p f3 claire fonuiia l aniueev 13 a rue nitdftile 37 st peter 17 lutoureme 47 richmond 2fl julie 10 st miehel 5 a ii clreratfm 6 t st jtiifllilfl p l si jinie 31 37 st oabricl f diwi 4 oieaq siesnevieve hi 7 c csiuae 9 prolet t uetllictot m 4 calamities latnly suffered aoch roan to bo eitveled by tho corpocaiion under the rtharantee of the iscgi ff and applied under their direction that tbe deinitatioq appointed lo proceed lo montrral thia r h be inaiiueied to by before hja escollpfmiy no only ihc esteni and fearful avtiitaf the calamity that hiiaaeain viailed thiv city ad tho ncesssly which existe tuv jrubtrt aid to an extent far greater titan ordinary circumrian rr warrant but ll m atalo moat rrapeetfullv to mi cfectlencv fhr his eicauency conaidera rion eerttin peineiplea which it appcam lo thta meetior if of raat importance in the apprtcalinn ofanvfonda whatever eontrirmited in charity of any that may r advanced by the pubho authitie for ihe allevrstinj diatrean or the community mmevver tlil aid sliuld be cttn lo uic hrttdrf of real prorv rr r only on loim on payment oflrqjl triterest such loans in all ease lo naves cfaim peiclo all debts or mvtjjap tlial wood en huiminj and shinlc roriv be absolutely pre hihltcd- that loatvv be given u all propcittore trillin to ra biiiidinca of brick or atone viih fivpfs of f al ite of olhcr mcimluarabtc sub stance- that llc mncy necranry for such loan n ficnvide fr ifocir aqbauwoee a rcttotuiion wae he adeanrcd on the eapresa condition of thohlrvtnccd iotj boih hmesof congcm rtquifin tfpontnn enteiinir with aa lilile delay as pruaihte j ihc exeeurive in surreodrr all p ft navy yardec into rnccciry enrtgrments fne pfjjrriflraff the brrnckx etc to ihe preper aothoriticv of the eity vrith an ample supply of frater ttiae hie united slalra the joint rcanlutitin were ioiro- wbtlr area of rlc gmund over which the fire baa dnccdmiu both house of conrr cn tho tame annexation ccfpted by texas frvm fae n k fag ezprt ai5 the pniketon mer dipareed cspreaslv rfomtfmlvemofi irjsvvl at anoityhi hdhm rhnrwuy s p hamj hmn uc rurowin- new- w eop frwo the mk mm i the untresi si mf iwtno conmo dure stdektooartumi aomp- fron reives- tontexisaacrlhc j p of nine day raivitaf cotwunxd ajy w itm jq vtcjinco aanm hci wind w ah ilic exemption of only h hour wrn i wa asaiated by her aads no atlantic atamcr haacvr r marfr an good an hnufly aerare wttls the aie econoine 0 fuel and emaiden tl the circumalanrca it may boeef3rdjnb tinprrcedented pnute ivnewsbfonjht by ihe ivineotun w of the rnoat mlreratm chirclcr b th houaca of ihc ictnn conjrcs liive unanimoualv conarnted to lire term of the n rraolutions of tho united state ibe senate bad rejected he treaty with mexico by oml vote cap vvarjeasnao bad orriccd al wawmr4vv ti xas to arleel nnsta to be occupied by thr united stale troop and an l rkin rattle snake not rrii 13 yt ollitivinj day fsundarj a ijrjo itieeiln ofeitixen vrea held m llkc pai1incnl buthhna ii rvn m previjin sftttkr and fond for ihr nftiti r wcjc ajnj upon major general sn jamca fltfi kindly ajmcd at llw disjl of ihr t itatinn the vplintrr pmof birrack mid 3v cciirji nhich were put itp in rhe t ov fixid be iln mitilary by ocloek in llw evenin and heir ajain lite inexhaustible huoianily of ihc ecoirv and indcednfall clasae whn ij4htlicftorcjjh ihere due ealaoiih a wire ctipycrf there were few ihere who were not faitly worn out from the tail of ihe frftal night und want of lcep yet did they premplly al eeiy litlnke llirrnulvr loibc fiilfitment of the ntf olud hcidhsaoi their prfwrml faiifue in the javrfa hi rclf imprtacil srwrk of charity toward rbcir wrched and rieaolate fellow lownamen sme went to ibe lenivu receive and mnke as comfortable cir- cumatancca would altow ioe who nufhl take refurr tlirre tutw durcinevsy dtccclon lo lend in ahrltcr lhw who knw not where to arek it some devoted litem it e lo ihc dilrihuiinn of rood and water othrr aeain etnhodictl llumrelvt into a patrolo fr the nighl and went alta to acck enpnea and a supoly of watir to be nlccd al point agreed upn none were idle r frb4ut nd r syme epiire were partictitufli iivtiilurub in tlmir rare of llw wnnw- ir frwu the iitomi of snnilr intil fiw through uic lm in tlie m and rtrsi hoar a mile nd a half from the city umi dwiihitlinp an ample hue of jotinna for ihe cetiinv ami fttfttllz mnrniii tn iha mvniu of pof creature whom they found ij j imddkd iogellie timtv fioin despair in atimc ham onlhouiea and c9tn in hie ihtelie hy the way side acrerncd from the itowlm northerly blaal 1ml by tho heda on the fj darf nc whtch skirt ihe lulds and fence the kiiic iva one truly pitwufj iloory ae nnd helplras in funey frail women ihr siek nnd ihc iwrepit hailed in these weak highway and ntdo out ihiildin unable in fly nnhcr from the cenc of danger tlmy ihere sunk down orivhelnicned with despair some idea of the turciwjhit ilicve broken hearted people may be p the red from ihc fan ttmt two children wlo were tken frum a bed of fever expired yesterday in a plthle ln expired fmaii flight and t jluumion in an open p wed shoidd be surveyed and laid out by pro- frtatonal men unirer thepubficauihocitie in such hi s i r the safety of the city and rlic profitable inrrstinrnl of the capwal to he ad- r need in the rehuddinjj of it due regard being had rn lle riitl of propeict- thr lnteinent now pjiven wc hope witi entil ihe nfmpiuthti of the charitably disposed where ever ihi newa may reach we have a i read r received ireely but thia aeeond devastation we arenf opioicm muat aeenre the aaaiatance of all wm have to rive cither largely or in little fvam fa qurftec jlcervry jvt j a recurrence of tho calamity of the 29th may haa ntcriiw created much alarm and anxiety mon the reaidrnraof the city many of whom are 1 rw i to believe ihe second fire to have been either propelled by incindunscn or to have ori inaied from ihc same cauac pi ex of ihia behef rendert imperative upon ihe eity authoriliet to rift ihc riin of ihe en fit era lion of saturday tail to ihe extreme there are unhappily but lominr renann to ba- lilre id it we have incendiaries anvnif u for alas ivf of their presence i noc waninf on tu- dpnt rnnroinc la policeman jo freacr no 3 oroeorded lo fmmiwicre street si rorha i tsoronchfare of ihe yet unbornl portion of the aub- irb and found from inforniaton jiven him hy tho early ireoveric of tlw diabolical attcinpt a num ber of drv chips placed over a comb of lucifer matehe n a iww beneath a wooden lvoute in ihe street we have named with rhesc chipinte charred wood morocatyof inition had been mintr1el and ihewhotehad been set firetn the jnintwaaof the earth pmhahly exiin2uiahed the fire tfii prilieemstn who waa moaf active in his ennuiit waa likewijie mfnnnrrl lhat evara1 similar tempt t inen iarum had been previous i v faincetleuai firedelcelrd and frulralcd there can he but lilile rlonht but that thia torch was phiced durin ihe niht tf momuy when the wind was lrone fnan ihe eart and favorable lo ihc nvirjcttun of lite remainio poriion uf sl kochs although people of ihe present day plsen no eietlfiieein ihegiftof prejdwey the oeilruelioo hf fire of ihe susiub of st juho on the 2euh hml been prclirted by an old lunatic nmo timo pre- viona the lower clatae intimijafcd by tho pre viou cnnflafralion left thcmsrlvca lo- a belief in thia valieinatmn and many even who might be tippned elevated above theae upcratitious infhi ente sliared the grneril alarm prophet in such ease nowarlnyt are either cninmauor ihcae compare of einninau and ahonfd bo dealt with eetdinty i tie ayhit now mentioned iainjnh she il eon firmed maniac tti origin of lle li fire yet remina myalrrv mrteier who called rrpna us this mortiio nf- fiirnm xflcstl porftli rely that im vin had born rsapl bam umov ii into tojin vv 1 thit he hud wl brfitfe ihe day jnd were almoai identical in ihcir tenor tlw reouionspjcd tl4c senate on the idth of june and were sent to ihc home the houe laid them on ihe liltle and paed their own rrs lotion unanhnmjflr anl sent them lo the senate nn the next day in the meant me cnrtndtrjblc jcalnuay arose a to which branch should cbun ihc honor of ihc poicmity of tho revolution and it wa finally ahtlrd thkit the houae ahould take up the reaolirtiona of ihe senate and amend lliein m ihe third section the ifoosej then pissed litem in iheir present form and vent them back to ihc srnaie which body concurred inthc amendmenu the prestdent is pwed lo ffvfj full and imme diate uffect t thsj will of conjreas so fir aa de pends upon i iijt president junes messafie ote we are indchfed to mft beirr foe the follow injj iniercstiav i which w hasten in jive our rctdcra verbolfy wo 1 m from iff 0riaia that ihe propoaiiion for our wdependenco have bern uh- niitled to the senat ttev arc not yet made public but it i uijcnrtood thai ihcy are highly objcciionawo aiio be profnptty rejicied tlxpgorivv 11 r v jiinton june tfi irj45 qtsrixtarai rr tsii wvr au or ftssj itotr hrftwvttrer i am htinpr lu frrvt ynu on ihu intcrcatinj oe- caion la ihe reprc he perpte aam 4mwcdinlhcdi of your hitfh and im pirtant dutiea v f cxtranrdiiiary ewivn of to tf vjatij ny by ihe ex ceulire was nt m svithrll 1lc ist mature delilicraiin and rfi iatnes to the srtt ernia which his oriaenain 0mr dyirnmenl hi thcalfiirs oftet hw ahnosl iwi nviu fawfvwaxan nf w wluch o p throulioui ihr eouivlt ftd lo the ajrne the r r ha d pwasuto io transmit to tho hunorabv cw aerion as thiv may deem puiuhle loc propoaiton which have been niwdioii hc pd vsto lmteoi state to ihia jrovttiinicnl for the roncxatiou of texas and il- incofporalsun aauslioloihat c kindred eonfedtraev lngeth wll ho eorr sponteoee hctwreo ihe i not of iho same th torrcpondrnce a if ror very fulty inio ihe u aentimenia of ihe fovemment tn wsts mneeevay lowar tsji hire sied for peace and cxprosscd a wish in be permitted lo come to ooxar lo ecle bmie a treaty of fncntwi which on ihc part of lh viti ha leen complied with the ireanemenlti n ideal your regular acsion far additional oooipinic nt rajmfrll to hn muatcrert inb service hayo been carries into fotlcrtcct and have ipjsfrjod adeoujte aid very ollicrcnl peotcc lion tnnur frontier the riecipts in- ihe treaaory davc been aunvirnt lo nwel the various cjtpeodi rureiof the government a pecio currency ha bn mliiniained wiihoiit difficuhy and au ihe exchequer bills which were in cireotaijon at tho iicriod of your late adyiurnment have been re deemed and withdrawn from circulation and the aaccutive i happy to eoogrjluate tiic conerc and ihe cotinlry upon a mate of peace happiness and pmtocrily never befoni cxperwnccd by texas and rarely if ever equalled by an a nation it only remain for the execulivo lo c press an assured crmfjilenco in your individual witrtc lo huvtain the bet intcresta of texas and the fervent hope thai he who htima the destinies of men and naivjo in hu hand may crown yror dclibcrjlmin with his richest blcjtmgs anson j0ve3 joint resolutfon givinj llaf convent of the r vilinj eovernuienl tn uic annexation of texlia to the united slate whertasi he snvemmenl of tho united slate hlh peopoved ihc wlowinff term fjuaranlecf and coodllioit on which the people ind lerrilory of the repubtie of texas rmy be creeled into a new slate to be called the stale of texas and admitted a one of the slate uf the american unwn to wit fitctotowtberewjlulroosof ihe united slates congress and whereas by iid term the eonjentofthc existing government of texas is requited there fore see 1 be it rtarttved by ihc senate and house of r li i i of the republic nf texas in congress assembled ilial ihc irovernrnont of texas ttoth consent ihal the people sad tcrri wy of the republic of tens miy be erected into a new jsutc tobe called ihc sutc of texas with a re publican form ol government to be adopted by the people of iid republic hy deputies m con vention aaariuulcd in order ihvt the sinie may be admitted aa one of the sute of the american union and vsid consent is given ts on the torus guarantee and condition l forth m the pre amble lo hi juint nsolutron sec tt it further resulted thai the pre cbtrtjiiuiiafiht resident of the republic of texaa bearing ifatc may 5lh and ihc election of deputies to it in convention at austin no the 4th liar of july nrxt foe live adoption of a cormutioa foe the slate of teiaa had in accordance there with hereby receive the consent of uic existing government of trxia see 3 re it further resolved tjul the pee siil nl f texas is hereby requeued immediately to firnuh the government of the united slates through their aecrcditel minister near th eovem fiiit wuh a eopy of ihai ynnt nrsojution also to fnrniui the cnvenlion to aroenibh al austin on ihe 4th of julv next with a copy of lite ame and il r iiihsll use cttccl from and after its pmne the above is a correofific resnlulionf us they pawed the two hnuxca and which will we sup nose receive the aanction of ihe president hiey pitsed unanimously tod luifllnson frlhe executive lo j v lb wfcrriislinn or erawidrniliiin nf bul llute umw in rrferenee to the pro the evecnlivo tt in wti lion of 1 loicvd in hie fa tmiirminny nt ir llin w it mftltlr t cd measure much vilifactvtn tnobscrv o uouvl wil1 forcibly onvl the atttn oenxattv tlie lerm- urn s wt- an unattciurd cviiion mavor to iltecfttcl thai ahc had leen cwflfivd in bfisshw tlicalmrsofilh ftmily in the middle vtorv if r wiiip itt the building sdyintnr a table at ii p m iihsi lu iitrpjcnily retired in resi in ibe atrv vr nnd white rayin her prsyers pcreeiv- rd i hcht f otajul llie ir of ttie lltnie of a eaodle in ie lower lory whcro ahe liad nt been at all u tho gave the alarm thua stand tier cx pb nation tliefiietofn ijincofincendorieslmvinp visitrd reverjl cilir of the snit of tnpcr canada and f monirem even as we have virl i sufneient with he evidence before n and tiic rage fr plun ovr exhibited at ihe mc fire to awaken ihe mow ijpaihtie to a wnse of danger it behove ua all to beon ihc ftlert and the vdunury pntrvl and paid police cannot be ron vigilant vvc are of a woman qpign tint an adjitional number of paid wstrh yard hopped and looked very venonou than fnutanil1bill or ove feet ion- i memalely dismounted from my animal and look up a litchtwuod limb that lay neai by and sjrc the smite a pretly heavy wo which eaoced him to m joul andtron and at the time 1 struck the snake the squirrel leaped from ihe tree i think about three feet and it seemed tome the sriuirirl leaped higher than far i fave the xnake i second uw and the tcjuirrel leaped aain and so on until i jrjae the snake a third blow whn ihe snike sing weaker and the ioiiwel sreminly gl weaker in ihe same piopoiiinu i then went to the tree thinking to find the snake that had chainied the srjuirrel but it was not there nor oo nearet than rihl steps 1 looked al ihe souinel roum not aeo any amonoihcr faemhere atated by ihc mayor w one relative to llie nutitbcr of peiams who had re ceived food which won sumfjy gq ycsier fietd aiht wc have been tld thai a man also died in aomc wretched comer on sundav night- cod ternpersthe wind to the 4iirn itmh nay me in his infinite wi bwn irtd pjoodnes be tncrcifuf i thupoo il- i of wsndirera vc may mention lhat the golleoien above mentioned were ahly altcd in their distrihntiin of food by mer frechertejr fnlionand rvan yeslerday afktnn 1 nurnerou meeiing al which our leading rnerehaoti mid mheia of eland ing in ihe fifty aittnned txk puer in the ward tobeofllic pa rtument buildings ro pvs resolutions foe the gsidanec of the deputation about to proceed to montreal to wail upon hi excellency to lay before him for his convention our distress this deputation we ought to have mentioned wai darned at the meeting of ihe dav previfio ft cnit of h lordfjip the flihop of montreal mtwigncurpevecjiwdc sidy me the hitnorabjrs g pcrnbcrtcaii i masaue and a w cochrane and ibe memoer for llie city and ciuniy these genlleinen left tail night in the fjueen many plan for the lemporary jreomodation of the sufferers were proposed and distcnwcd trx fitllowing excellent resolution were moved nnrt adopted cicepting the toal two by lit ctefc which tic withdrew oie iiccuog uledfhir hiura njhl at once lo he enrellcd nnd rht the thin- the matter frith it but il appeared lo be tired almost to death pantinand siruglm for breath i returned to the nke anl wiih the same limn i pecked his head aofi- i again returned to the tifuirrel and saw him in about one minute breathe his ust 1 look up the squirrel and the tdnod hid tun out of u lelt uostril down the jwsnd neek and down ihe left fort le- and off it ihe foot i am eeriain thai iheicjiirrcl never hunt by me after partly kiltinje vt snake when 1 hri went lo the squirrel l iuched iis thirh willi the toe of my boot it never moved nor never irieu to gel out of my way i zve it as my opinion tht klliig ihe sn we wa the taue 01 the snuiirel death 1 he snake wis n 1 urcr tn 1 thiilc thin the fftiat ol a lai4 man jamn fite enffines lavwlin he kept rendy for action with cerrain mimher of 6remen alwae in atlendanee in iheir viciniiv tlie aranement of tlw new jtimlrineiitary fire patrelc companies organized in tuesday lust we do not nuitc approve ot he fjve taiilsin n hollois vu ovorewi urrtc srnaii ioa rntxav nriico 1 woaon or crtt ivtxsll poor mikn libtm wa used ill hy some b rya loltlue vutv wlio wnjbl il lei mini sit in a thair when the juceo came to c tl ii mhe pt juitc fierce and ttiuck at lh 1w hut lhrv dli i uu mind tim ami ii ul- kinof jtnn for hm ilsge w4didptt ilim llnl uikuurwal f o tjrre maee ml nhicli lie jid lift and left but jk hurl no ow for n cara whl uu ranl uv sd lrl mike if d way liim gl ni ine in ente for dim one s j tho rfei umc in i the lloy m jwur vral nl sldwirtd lie laid 1 kitiht iowsj thequfi iful it wiiv cry f viiht ho wis not to mwut lli tjiincn ivhi lie wis in a me and as h wodi nh mtbofl ihe lirl inr woum lel let if jirt c jfer i m mih 1raii4 vk iter ton untie mike ii1ih iatri 1 r lias ti- h d ti en yrl hot no f im tin b li f fat ft ia ii- vwll r anil an i ihe t a1l if n n- darltnl bntoht lliiil lotlrbs rtsj lie i iiof in iriii the late fires ffom tht quruc mermry six uscelina which if carrier into etteet it i bdif cd wilt reinfivo from jucbec jreut ani cry tlic rrcislature mut he called lopclhef o 1ltey must enact a law to vest in cenmiaion er or ihc corporation the whole of ihe rround in ihc burnt diatricl at a valuation 3 they must author no the rsiaing and cnaran- toe tlie repayment of a million snore or leas to be borrowed io england which may b ob tained on easy terms 4 tic ftofnniisaoneri or corporarion must re build ihc burnt dilnet hy contract wuh brick or stone and cover tho houses with alate tin tile or shectimn 5 the hnuse wlwn built to be let by ouciion li the highest bidder g list fomter owner of the lot to have the option nf taking the houm bmtt upon it al tho price offered for it uj another the walls of hji 0 to 1uu0 houses should be ruiaed ind covered in befivc ihr winltr tlui ihcy may v jurlly occnjcd and finivhed dnrinr thai peston ilw ireel may be marlo of whatever width the i omrnissionera plea if these suvielion are irtrrpicd tlie writer believe we hatl be restored lo i compirative stilcof preapcrilv with ineroas seeurtiy aatnsi uch swecjnn calomilic fur the fpiurc pt t r by i rn v t o ii tifth mi 0v- qoajtwa b ln rt ifn tn- 11 il i anl fsmwtrr t in y f lit t io f i ui li i r ru mfdi o nnu f vyfi vf 7 ihir tie avni rei ml illy le ii-jv- duy j263 niakinj in all 7 10u person moved by dr cook and seconded be j gibb esq 1 trw thiainertinff appmweo of the genera contmiltce ihe rrliefof ie iftrer in the jt calamitous rve in st koch exientrinf their aid t tlie bulferer in ihe fire of undr uiitnin an dulhnriae then- lkcfcafee to irr rhntar aiiifrrer equally in ihe application of miy fitoiu which baisj been or may be p1iecd at their l titc iroprovenienis now proresinf at the calss- movcd by dr cuuk and kcilj by mr lmis spnnaare uoh as will contribute much u panel lsc crnlnrt reereatimt and amusement of viailorv 2 iliitthairuxiin eonihrinr it llicall m while ttiy will affrd plearro and tirction to rroiiwncrrmhtolakerneauifnr llsoec whorwi an interest in the wclfam of iho ale relief of rheirmtowcitirenslvhivesuirvrcl euliitimeni n all side tho busy note of in iho lle ealunitou visitation and a far a t heard and tho placo nevrr pre human preeainiima can to provido aint the tsiieja uvrehvelv and eheetful apeel than at recurreneo of inch calamity are decideltv oi lrecnt a crctil numlwr r ineelnnicsand laborers opinion ivm temporary sc com nation for the b8 coitiplelin- ure vanou- families hurnl oo and th pcniii lent rebtiddin nnjiroveinetii bidnit fr the ein tlic car- of ihcctty are nbieeato be corwuvred apart ncnlemhejmncr llie plnoeror and painter each and ihil in nrow in rbsc or proper eonaideratim of turn raasiiwi octets njvn the heel nf th ihc utter the corner hiintd be nnruediately enter t prtcediu him j while lire minute sounds of uincdnnd pnwnpt and decide mesaure uken uic sctie saw the plaiw and tbehammcr cher for i rtcetin it j nnd enliven the place moved by lr cook and arcumhd by mr anion tlse many improvements now in prores freer i and m he lmrri eompleted wo inuy mention an1 co 3 that inaamh a a pslkstffal number of ntw ul n u1 a compete in il hihl prnperly ooormcied iswasa wisrih f wol or ft ft moanr h mr pump une jd rtic ntnt bo raied brture ihe winter month t n vt lor other 1l1 fjr oic fill accmnvd4tion of the suhvrera pro p feaiioa il men bo eihvd upm to lornith ft mia and ertimttesnflheekpcnac of minin woodtn lteib or shuitie capaueofacromofutoi fam lie for the next eighteen monlha nh erections ui ht msilo in lias cheapest mnncr crnpitible with health f lv and comfit dun the -ii- monihrind ihil the ennniieo be anihnriard ir ttiey ahstl dcetn il n nn i in the extent they shstl dcetn u noccirv from fund at then ifiafvail to mike such cirfjii firlhwith and r m the moat eonvrnirntand favorn br iwalitie for theni morrd bv ht chrittie seconded by th lion v w coehrano 4reflvd a the ripltiion of thia mceiin that il ia cxjoilicul uul a hrsri of montiy bs oblain od if praelinahle by way rf loon from ii public j m inwnrds thn reconftrur ilnns of llie united st nxia b4veaparcd he tivoralib rtexisa the very lilernl nml rotertaifil bv ihe presornt f- f t srw jaux ji uir pen iritr mfjr lhro lhr prcimi country in rranu h f sdvantae to b- exlenderlinher il r 1 lo the proposed union render iho t much more accentjbl ihauiliey would nterwineliare been r ond the rreal am iciy of the potlc u jc ih cnlely udon ute nijeei of atstwmhw in- cenveniiai of deputic a ptocnbed in the ktrona nfthetsiiled state couzresn irxwtil t kxeeutive to rascic hi prn- eumation o wlfie4 moy uhinvo reeomtnenif- inc anclecisfiri jiar i depotiea to be iselj in thescvrrulentinuatlirouehout the repuhlieon the 111 of the pmt month and to assemble sj eonvtnlion ttlsiily of austin nn iho dth if july nest this nconnncndkition haf met the sanetiun of the ci rnf texas reucrully and lite depulhsin the sweat counties so far a texts from havinbeenocterl upon thi boris rrrtpnaed il i confidently esvcled im eonvrntion wh a srmble at the lime md plaee fixed nphi to this convention ibcqiojtioo of annexation and ihe adoption jf a st ieontitnltoii will protcrly bc- lont and they nil determine the great question of the nalioiinhty u texis a in thentj thai teem ttapsl conducive t ihc interrsl happiness sod prosperity of it e piie whom they will represent it is important ihsibe eoncol of the exiiinf povernuiejit ststusb be jjivcn lo their excrossn the poncr which five leeii delegated to ihcm in order lo comply stus a rcounemenl to that c flee i in the r h iu thcaujeetof annexiuoo piss ed the american oxijnxm for this purpose tin present extrjordinay scvion of ihc congress of ihc republic of texas is been convoked and to its wisdom as a codinlc deparlocnl the exe- we hve account of a more serious disturbance lhat has taken plseo at marstlan- tt appear that sonsc french bakers were ordered by iho civil auirsoritiee to close their shop in compliance rith certain municipal regulation upon this tbc coinmandcrof tho french man of war tho her m then al imaiatlao demanded an indcennity of t i with a thrent thai bo woold bombsrd tho town in case of msqaimoliance- trie next and 1st est information that ha been reed red from mxun ii conuined in a later from tepic dated 2ttb may which aaya thit a cbconcr had just arrived at sn bias from matallan which c ico sho left em iho 22tl and rersarls thai the day fore her sailm tlte commander of the ffcrmoidc i notice lo the forcisn consul and to tho cap tain nf on eoxhah frigalo ihc tlialia then in port that ho wa oboul lo fire upon iho town tlie commander of tho english vessel tied that he would consider the attack as nn act of pirae al the time of the asilinvof th aehoocjer tvoof the aftsir was nut knnven the mcx- ican bear no tose for i- french and a writer in tho sigli aaya il la hif h timo iho mcxicsna aboard show that they did not nchievo uwir indenendenee to become the vile poppet of frenchwn british whig ortfrr pr orbvm dleor kingston tuesday july isms uwniai aatftbanl atxeivxo irses oun sxsr w v toronto with rem r- s ft r c montreal j p dunda now subniu the dcternnoation uic cutoc matter thcaesvice to k r by the contention will be arduous an will i probably encc it or s oonwiterablc pcrydof time and the executive srould repesuftv reernmend lo conres the iroprirty of making suitable appropnaiion for ihe pirif i ol tbc or ir lurse fmoilure l sftwri hose io elvi lvm of u l of st jui- old t jsn and ki 1onaojia srr salrsp d and isamvod plan and oftuch ouytrij ap lo altid lh pjretj praclinabta aechnty saixit tlie rccurnuco of tltu hr whole to be filled up in tho winp of the old ilte1 tint where may bo enjoyed the benefit art luxury of a first role mineral itth within dv and without regard to the italo of lb wcnitfat a pjcious saloon new oilbsrdroom br room nnd an additional biu alley are beins prepared and will bo lluiahed and furnished by the middroof nexi month now ntoo ha been opened by tho pro prielor vh may also add that iho road in ihc vi cinily of uro sfrinijbavo beon much improved i hi fson lot ihouh oo4 lea i iho canada lluuao haa unileriono sundry alteration for iho bvltor mrf aiurrd sotno now and rich furoitnrrs jy all uiia smi frivod and th uhto will soo lhatn esionao is spsrod in endeavonn to rciir tho nliri sstabhitimant in rer riret uttsfactory to ruiiqinoriu friends and mlrona nnd wrihy in aodtatn tho ria1aiisi il haa j ready mined aifr of r spring r vm payment of its meiueraos vvell as the officer it may find i llussftsli ul the executive ia the pleaiure in addition to presenting concrer th preonntsons concerning annexation lo infer tbens that certain conditions preliminary bis treaty of pcaceopon the basiof arxtiniticofiiidhptndenceiirtcxas by mexico were aujncd on therj of the utter st ihe city or mexico on ihc i9m may last and were trans- mirtl0llniovepntonihc22d instant by the baron ahvje rl c mmnticr ptenpnten of humajcsly utcm of uc french at ihil nnirt by llc hantnof capl tuiotl her briunoie mfjcsty char rffe ear this ovcrnmcnl cnconscouenc ifr nininof tbesr presiminariei the cxeeoiive belit to oc hit duly in the rcsofconres known to the people of tex b7 d od proclaim a cessation of aassthg oxico until the amc con nimumcatcu to and acted upon by cnv hc eonveoiinri about to aswoildc a pfct for this purpose w cnenijrntly issuer ihc 4lh instant a copy i which i here with mmmta the p minarics kinffuillioiiatnre l with all the corresponiknce tfg forthwith eiuomunicnled to 0 rvoaviwe senate for ilscon stitiilmmal advice action as m il wi im the aame f theallernalive nexslionor innvpeodrnce will thus th peojt of teiaa and iheir free aovrwifyrv ohiwed ixnce will de leimine the all inn l w jm it hr depend upon yccxeeuiivoioaet will gre innneihatc and ful effccl to u0 ejprewwo of their with lit situation in iw to ihc f aubrct now cotniiiimticaun urs ltitn odyiomineni tnoncof creal micaey and emharraminenl hf nf mneh dirticuly imvc brei preacnte upon for his determination whieli the tit- nd ifrc of liecnmiry depend od nd without w cwiiulim cuido fw hi f oveninnce v bas been obltjcd in easome cjlandaevere rrspoovtbtht tra in clltu luence howevor ho trusu howevor conjrei t will apprnse iho euro lie ha- aif lmiel snsrjl relievo nh h m tlw o horeuflor to bo pinsr olalion lu ihuso que tiotia j lio execulivn i nw o ooounc to con creas w y willi all forewn hirfr witi wl wn hive had iriuisjran fuidtj r rv taintninod- tlw ilannt iritli r on nor torler witl ifi ffsmlai have cjjumutvi i- serve the smstiwilh fd f ans sriuin thn last isrwikm i ut thonntyuiiid nf w -o- tnml whiisdrriaiutgunl aliitudo iate ammmtortant from mexico fom jie ivaib vorl ettmng efftf july 5 the urited states situdron onder com cpi net corialinof tlw fliato ritomac stoop of war fatioouth and brirs fiwrencc and srvners inivrd al ivncscot on the 23d inat in ten days from veraoui jnennist impoiuni iutilhrnce btouhl hy ibe fleet relate a rrioulinn llut hail hnkrn tii inlhcctlyof mexieo and ihe feiarasjafsj o tlw mrxcau covirnment in regard to aimrxa liu the oftierr and eews itt tlie squadron were svcll oie yellow fever was jrivailin to a coil siderahttniai nt al vr fsws tn nrdv war vea hn ii if it wt if m irfo id nni wveiire tti sclswmkr i itsac wis litv only ann ricin vessrl rhere wlwn ijws sxjuadruu sailed and tilth utlier hippng in ri fmiii lie xeiv lirleans i wo cpv the follnwin mtcreiiiiic kiter it will he seen that the writer expects war with mexico vama cau june u 4 an iti- tijsi at another revotiitioi wa ntadc al ihc eilyof texico and on the 6h irol which nl one time had a most rcreius appearance a reirrwnt hoke t1iroujh the urd talioned at hie foecrmnent filice and ta ihc frcsident and seereiarynf foreign retarlon prisoners but ihc fviiiitimimii were imincdistelv afterward put down by tlw cilixcn and soldixr and the above 1 drftineiiohcd pcromrs set al liberty in ihi j afluir a colonel a captiio and aboui tbiriv of the i private belonging lo the inlrontcnrs were kdkd when noics wa onre more aesiored man men in hih aiaiin al mexico arc wsfkcied of havinf a hand in earning thrs new outbreak and it i said that cxeercury turncl bus btcq arrested and iiiipriwjncd vith respect to politics texas i the att absorb ing topic of ihe fay and all eye are turned in iho direction of that country in anxious of lire rtnal odulion of llwr pendmc qvetioo tlie government and people generally are pretly well satisfied that nothing can nnsfpn vent annexation the former area the moment arrive with repcl when it mutt dcciarc war or fall and the latter wail with anxiety the arrival of the time tor ihc government lo lake a mcp which but for them woold have been taken lvn since without ever rehectin on the eeiciueneea the declara tion of hostilities againrt the united stales as one of your celchrafcd editors oays nous vrrrons in ihc mcaowbilci the gdvernrnent is noiselessly mireoini troope from mexico into ihc interior and and although their destination ia said lo be call fumia the knowledge of the fact that in um i ilepartnwcnl the uovcmment lias mi nood nt immediate need of more soldiers than arc then now troufd lead 3c tomiipe that ihe real desiu nation of those at present on the inarch north ward is the frontier of tegaa or that vrcinitf it would be fnltj perfect madness fur a country 1 1 li distracted and without mean to en to war with the united states and for a country that doe not belong to iboin but i still linn iha meas ure will be resorted to in wy mind the matter docs not admit of a doubt il texas is annexed mexico will deelare war foreign mrrchinlsare purchasing up all the cochineal ihsl can he thought and rccnittina it to but ope by every opportunity yours sj tho folio wing partie ufars of the attempted revo lution in mexico tho mere fact wc have noticed before wc also copy from the picayune as well a ottwr mailers of news the mexican finnj adjourned oo lho30tb iay liui an extra session was called for the lvthof june principally il is alleged to regulate the urltf and remodel ihc election liw ttic coiton irrowcrs will rnako a deapcralc chort to have the foreign article included santa anna whose arrival in havana we no ticed some day ao sailed from vera cnra on ilsc 2nd mat in the british steamer medway he ivas not bmuhit into iho city of vera cruz but was embarked omo mile in tho norlli tlw troops ttionti at vera crux were distributed in smjtl bodies lu prevent any rising llie general wlm eseorieil him lo the roside makes s aainin report on tlse meritorious conduct of hisoubsllcrns nnd asauns llio ministry lhal it was na from per sonal alsrm ihil lie tooa h00 men for thai hcrvicc but fur fear the country pcopto would attempt some oulrjjjc ujon ihe pnoirar as had been threatened h apprehended ih il had such a purpnr hern eon fnimmated the enemies of uio covcnmeril would make a handle of il santa anna left a fnrrwclt address lohiscmin trymeo in which ho thro v liimaelf upon their jodgmenl in uvir eooler j r- ii declare thai he always loved ihcm and hid been devoted to their interests lie boast in good set phrase thit hi administration had ntwvya been mild and blooslks the couniry apprfsri to breutha freer and deejicr ainee hi absence canalixo and uisadrc have agreed tn iho amnesty by which they are banished for ten years a proelamation haa wen iasued f nr hominx an election fee iveidcnl on the let of aucott lho canjidausi are lsomcz farei tho same who was for many months an exile in this eity fon almonte snd lien aerrera the present incumbent ottiiswitha firmonix fatm iadve iho most prominrnl ii i difrfctill l arria at ti pohtieaj view of moaican eaudidatao for nffic lnil faria is m favor of ibn fsltat furrn of 4 iovernment wbicji appiars to or gaining saipjawi sjff rapidly sorrcsponnuc of itje brttisl iwpg k hi si excaitc i i june lo i there arc but few point of general intcrcs to comment on iu the events of the past forlnighi llie new mr convention between france and england for the suppression of tho sbve trade bus been signed and tho ratifications exchanged it it arranged thai france h1l keep on the western coast of africa a licet corssisiing balt of ateajnersaod half of sailing vessel the number amounting co nut less thtt 27 mod that the naval force employed by england wilt be of the same character calibre and amount oxcrcissn simultaneously due vip dance on the flag nf their respective natron tho treaty is ro endure for tcnyrnrw 1 do not sen ihe utitity of lhee pre cautionary measures if slave grown etigar is lo be admiltad from all quarters wiihout let or bin drancc a it acerns likely to bo ii mi of veneiuela urar ibe pro ducc of slave labor admiticd under the aulhori ty of ihc order in council of the 2hh ull took place last week at liverpool it consisted of 940 barrels ex cantab from fjynayra and was divided into 20 lots tlw first lot offered were sold at 55 6j perewt doty piid 56 were then ofticd and the price gradually advanced until they reached cos 61 tho whlc wa anu for rexportalirm tn llsc i4c of mn an enrtae- qtsently llsc duly of i per cent will be returned to the importers on friday night in tho house sir r peel in reptv to mr lbouohero said that tlw court of tpsin had nmdo a representation claiming that ujar commrr from the spanish colonic almuhl be admitted into this country on the aamc terns a nujar the produce nf lite iimt favored iialiujta tsil tlril vi nv hil ven a ihe fivcrnmrnu tire sptttatw of tlie t4ih ha an article on the subject the uar duties it siy seem des tined tn be the approlxiiim of tho present minis try jta colonial department ha in general not iwn vrry eredilably eon due led but in lire nisi 1er of the sugar duties alt are impliciied yl nisi officer foreign officer itnird of trade treasury and tho premier himself trie old difuindinn between foreign and colonial tnar wa intelligible but when a new distinction wa introduecd between foreign i roduced by slave labor and by free libor linistr were warned that it would not work the device i already tumbfinj lo peces first ir wa found thai veneiuela had a most favored naiion clause in a treaty with this country nnd wc were obliged to admit ajjar from venexuta then tho united stare had such a clause ond we must admit wjr from louisiana now it psax wo must admit sugar from ihe spanish colonies a elausc has been discovered in ibe treaty wrrscd between sjiain and greal britain at fcnjui in 1713 sceurinj to lire sulnects of cither monarchy tradins to the ltorninlon oi either the same privileges as i hose accorded to iho h dsost favored nition that prevision ha been renewed by subsequent treaties down to the one jjnel l madrid in 1s41 cuba is a pan of tho spanish domuaiuna tho cnbansarcpanih subjccls aqi there fore wo must admit iheir sura r but cuba w the greal centre ol the slave trade braiil alvno rivalling her yet it muat be done did ministers know of all theac toop hole in their restriction and waa tho scheme a mere picco of pleasant treachery designed by tfse jesuitical mr fltaitslone t or were uic board of trade and the c4onial ocbcc who planned these distinclroets realty icnursut of what the foreign ojbcc had been doing with its treaties and too indolent to inquire it looks as if in some thine our department were so many gov eminent without a head but unluckily all rutin one couniry in all rririnrscr of ways in parliament the only leading subject that ba been brousj ht forward was llw annual rriotsoti for a repeal of tbc corn lnwa by mr vilhers ithow- ever excted kja inlercst tiun usual beco dia- cussed and dismissed on iho 10u too dumber on the division being 2o4 aptnat 132 sir ft peeta measure for reculatihr dsnkinr in scotland and ireland rruiro no noser rollers he gives a monopoly and increase tltc issues the scotch complain that sir robert haa taken advantage of their inaoerirce government refuses to take ort the duty on malt for rbc purpose of feeding cattle the ixindoo journal you wdl 6nd chiefly filled with detail and particulars of the rseous ball cuafurnri given by her hastily on friday tha 6lh it is rather hot work dancin jiut now for wc had a prevalence of autliy umu in u ii r n i lime nevertheless almacks the tsnd potish rati and the masquerade at vauxliaq tajdci are all wctl attended mr hurv m p lor edmburbssjire ha accepted the chi item if nnd reds- sir john campcc hart boa bersi gaxcttod to the i it covernoraliip of sl vincent and mr emerson tennent m p for dclfavt goc out aa governor lo ceylon her msyosty haa racinualy recommended a knmnfbrlife of a llsn0ayenr lo sir henry ttinrer for hi important services in china tho dufco of wouinton isolds hi grand on n 1 1 1 ja ij jii at a ij ilou ijiy in com- rnenviration of tho battto of waterloo that gin- rious victory of kritish urma tho iron conalttu lion of tire noble uko is remark qbss ho hoars hi vears like his blushing honor thick ispon him tho maroutsof woatmitioler it i saitt has purchased the cctcbralcd font hill ostate formerly tho properly of mr deokford tins iotd rjihop of 8alishury i about to niarry miaa hamilton one of th maida in waiting on ih queen a omon of may and ieocrnjor i i hiduort of cujumhiaii bonds horo bscn ireeably laki n by sutniran by tho ampoinnononl that meaara darin rmihenj bavsi emssmtod b actus nrjonls in carrying into eauci rjsa anvuws inorils eonchyd rasivrrsrn uvtt trartado wit hs creditor new boikla aro lu t mtivd fur iho granada portion of the old columbuua debt and coraeoucntly tho old bond wdl represent only the ecuador portion or 2ij percent of iho original amount at ihc armuat meeting of the bank of british north arocric iho report gave tho undivided profit a at 311 dee l lv 10 id nd the ocl profit tor the year ifcatsjar drduct- all chares at av499lo 3s 9d tnaking a lout of 70139 13 id- frorn which i to be deducted 2000 the dividend paid last mid summer ind a like amount al last christma leaving lo 3lt pee 1844 a aum of 30439 14 id of undivided profit owing lo ihi fa vorable conoiiin of tho aifaiti of the erapsny it appears thai tho directors declared a dividend payable in july al the rale of 5 per cent the great britain 4earner left blackwallon jvi if j- week for uverpool she had oo board about 25fl prserrgers for the vsrioo outrjort at wfiich she will touch previons to starting for ber final destination new york she wa aecom panted down iho rivvr aa far aa sea reach by ihe ariel tenmer which was ercewdcxl with ladies and irrnlktncn who after giving her truroo rsearty cheers for her tucccssful voyage rriurtjod lo london a dung the divtinguished prsorrages whoso death arc reeorded i rind ihc rumea of msjor general sir j bryant c b major grneral rrlvie c 0 major general it pyxo c b sir ft j trtclrborne bart and tady vavauur widow of the bto licol geoeral vavasour ireland i running in get onettlcd sgain by the renewed girslion for rerml aitd troopo have been ami off io the disturbed districts of lssstasa wh re disorder wa increaeing to an aurmine ci tenu tcrrjnot oiueh foreign newalo adrrrt to the french are incroanng their atcom oavy ac- ccounts from swiiiertand cootidoeof art caraaarja- factorr character in madrid the pcrsrxoiion of ihe public presn by llcguvernmenl emtinues onahatcd snd excite ment wa so great in the capital that the govern ment in i the ircopsrcadv to net in casetnecfs filv j he uljcct of railroad for canada i nocupy- n a casosidcrahlc aharo of pubtio attcqlsoq in tho city circles vourstnjly omega letters from montreal no v moim july s lrs mv dtan v the peopso of tho metropolis were not lit- ilc atari ted on monday morning on use arrival of the quebec boat with tho announcement of another fire in lhat city on the previous saturday more devastating in its career aq6 name serious in its effect than tb greal contragrarion that occurred precisely one month prcvuiusv tire riuos- serof fsmilies burnl out it as impcanbk to statu yet with ceriainly but vwblvk uusuato hcuso lie rnsnldoring in ashes it is rtaicd that al least iwolhirdi of tho eity have been destroyed a deputation from quebec arrived here on wednes day morning and awaited upon the governor ce- nerah to cndeavie in induce his eaeenertey to nrsernblo rhiarnent for iho purpose of afrtrding iminerliaic relief hy a uitulivc grant in thn sufterers i underund thai iheir mission wa utisuecesaf4l his excellency doubtless consi dering ibe expeno of couing the legihtur to- gethrr an insurnunlablc ohjeetion lie will probtibly advance n sum of pwiney out of 1 list public eliel to 0lrv4 temporary relief to those ire in actual ijsjkt there oan be ir ifues wrwi linn the as ijv mi ila inertln ftg wilt i ji pt a ten fa ol t tfie pnkrtrity sliould his kxccllcricy copt u the drta u of iho cal imily i rsrod trot troublo you with a you have already received frail par tieulari rn lb quebec jupcrs which jbrlona uhy escaped the calamity a great many who wero burnt out have come up in ihi city where ihcy will probably remain an cxeunuon or rather two mil line and opposition steamers are d vertisett to jo dnwn tonight ond return to-mor- mw nihl thus giving pxascnvt uic whole day in quebec to vicar lire rnina i am going with thccruwj and shall probably give you some par lieulars from personal observation in my next i am however more auximi to pec tha mecninbla puine of abralian than lb bdirurendiog tl for which the hip i got up there is no political news whatever tne no- inin id n of candidates for ihc representation of three rivers wdt lake place early neat week but the 4y i have not beard mr vigor will have a hard contest and will io all likelihood be nnsucceaaful as heretofore the theatre continue to draw good houses and the company arereully deserving uf their sue ccs loss night the rjerformcioca was nnder tho patronage nf hi excctlancy iho fivcrnor gctsc rah and his lordships name if not lb play drew a good hoove wc have amiserrtents of afl aorta in ewcr-abun- dance concerts imringrrs nd llieatrienls and are threatened with no less than two on- rivalled n circus companies tappy place this mclropolrtt nt lenet stra nger think sobaforo lby vrtit il but most of ihcm find out after a host stay lhat ihcy have bccnmosl ojreriooaly mas uken speaking of concerts reminds me of one which u lo lake place on tuesday next under the msrns diatc patronage of hi excellency tbc governor general mr g x lee scxttiab vocaliwhn ha been very highly spoken of by the united state paper gitoalhe entertainment and a his coontr rnti ajwsya do turn out to help a brithov scot he is certain of a full house he rirrcoccss westward imnwdiatcly alter and wih givu a con cert in kingston in tho boginniog of usa ersstsin week tho english mail arrivod thia morning at dgpt uctoeb and you hae doubtless received your re gular funs the cheering accounts of tba wssw ther al homo caused an imasodiato and heavy change in our market and pmrxrtionataly aret on the part of lioldcr of fvaur for trsjiafaip mcnl ttc market during tho day baa boon un- auady but a decreaso of fid u barrd on my lsst srock s i n r- i as rrrau aa i can eorne to ibo actual auotataan the crops in thia acctioo of tho prtrrinot aro said lo look peomising tho pooplo of tha eaalcrn towoship especially aro unuwally abtod at tba prorcci of a bcarjtcorja hatvast th weather during tho week hubenrt rajny and oold for iho srraaon we havo not had a oingva day of genuine sumsnor weather ysl tbo boat for quebec u just atstrtiig and i auuat ovssf rar stay al lioma your truly bt tut oasorr qosawtorr rusioato com- momsain iho josim cnsvee nfaster- day publicity iagiveriioariatioiirwhlohhbrsn floating in llio nolilioej elrolco at washmflfon a theelteot tlintour aovorornonl sro going to mius aotllerrvenl nt tha orssron iwuav by roing to tho foryninlh dagrssii a iho boundry tuia bskwosss tbo british am aaaahoan prawaaaianis it ia ru rrvired in aiicthor otsartor thai uils prormtrcai la to a lokon inat by mr isuehaaa arid wr ij it will rns n ataam of indigtasllrti ttrrnvtfhal tho masses m this oodiuy xiouurty iu us rsi wost not oftly mtoislsliuig tlstiti bul lb wtwtti risvsr rmtruki

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