choice groceries wlyes liquors the subscriber respeerfully solicit the mention of his fiirnr anl the public to in extensive an j varied stock of frorrvit fine win liquors if- tn wlmh lance additions have wrm o frm mm ftf llw 1 f imof the lwl ami ti tti uiijom e1i111 urgli wm thir origin and gw rhtnlam and mejcna cvnsit inij in pari fl sonwito port nnasmvfgtu v4 frfto smith biitey ctvi j do b bums lct mderi d jo laura blrlilg 4mm champagne ami glare very aiipeiir i1ql or 3 hennery 6c slaiiclla best tale ami ciloivl uiunaly du ktiyrwr a mia rcmttrinni qitt- btttt fcm lim ui in cases huftcnl tiiiiktovvii whiskt y jamaica spirit yaroid in wurtulxinlw- lotili imiivi ami scotch aleutian wnliilni uuiimoa wmm in hhh win a latajj atock f fiua 7w drytd fruits pice sugars and gene ral grnceiurs plug and cavendish ami fancy mo kin and chewing tobacco and cigaia in great variety for bilious complaints poini in the jiw ftttpm tfefaim jbvng dica ffaftlijfttyi oosfntfttcns habitual corytnen a me jfeavtfl eft ii r bafken8 laxative pills f tbe numerous diseases t which the human fraror i liable there i scarcely one the symptoms of which arc y a confined tu this monk ditnyowe their origin and continuance the preserving the alimentary canal f roc from obstruction t a point of such primary importance thai trvciy degree ot neglect ia fiiuovpfll hy moic or less of inconvenience nr nufierinjr when habitual coslivenes ptovails the cheerful vigor of health i booo imparaj some- tiinrj by sluw rlrgrcea and el other limes mor rapidly dieasc make their i inroads en the constitution and in numberless instances particularly where i the habits are aedeiuatyor where free living is indulged permanent ill health is the painful result- it must boobvutfh to the nlflat supeifuial tbseiver that best lamp oil vftrimia miali ne sands s 70s th mjil all dlssasts ttat or the ml jaynes expectorant 1hia lovstiiamo medfeiae i darly eflbtpff ftmftric bnl se c r ikihtev becw biriip ah wae save aottssa cwia amm ar jisof crcpr illn uostsvtfl novr sjafl f krmln omfvity eiir ftktiactfma4e if ukafsj be a i i t bcinn ctnnut eti rxiijtm ilrt envy men i j h for cough rcbfiu plcunay haer- lf iw bffcwla mskawr at frr af e ufrflg lirsmart b nnw al- 1 als lihjhfine and no i i ic ring ban uigby he rinss north bhwt ami lake osiiiiiaj of whicl short appi rmt salmon and cihlfiht will m sold low fur cusa iivcd credit all or mcormick printtis strttt kintftndccemwi 17 1s14 n b lash paid ft potash barley pye oats and cuu fall and w i n t drv goods r 7vd retjil tiic warehouse idiuss pnnsi dt- wholesale at manciieste lambtou iu kington j r hutton co btg i intimate to their numerous toft ti ami country customer thai their fttntiatiiu4 uu fab hdve been unusually largo and they have now on hand the tct asnmmeit f staple an fancy ikv uoods they have ever offered to the public with regard to qualities ami prhv they venture to affirm that they wih im4 be orpaed by any hmiao in llie trade- tbey bug to t raw the auontltih f purcbasns to theii immense stuck cnhurg chahsi mer itnoitf plain ami hurrtl jileans fai isiansf paris chubs thibet cashmeres velvets r anil a lare vaiiciy of other new styles of goods suitablu for the season broad bluihs pilots beavers poe- vjji casimeres fancy twetfils vest- it oiuu rnuin iwitjed and katta shirtings flannels uunkets 2i and 64th ticks fee a large assortment of ladies furs at unprecedented low prices ladies prunella boot clolfa and kid do murtocco rrunollai and atin shoes j r hutton ft co have during the past summer made a very extensive addition lo ihclr warelionse furtlie purpose of line a still more extensive trado and shiviug their cui tojneisn large stock uf new and very cheap footla to enumiiare which would bo both tedious i require a great ileal of space they venture to iert that their assortment tor vaiiety quantity quality and low prices is nt to bo surpassed by any kautt in the traile j it r h co respcetfully invite country merchants to call ami examine their wholesale stock which will be found well worthy the attention of buyers tetms libera oders aic carefully and promptly attended to r when the functions of nature luded to are not pri formed with doe ic ulariiy assistance musi be obtained from art apeiieut mediiiurs ihen be come indispensably nrcesaty except where the use of fruiis r a chimp l the mode of living may suffice for re moving the vil and mut bo had re course to uiuil the necessity for auch aid ceases but it is a question of considerable i m- poriance what laiaiivc shall be em ployed t the list of apeiirnt medi cines i numerous but their effects on the ayatcm vary considarabl some ex ert llieir influence chiefly on the exha lant vessels nr on some part of the bow els only whilst the action of others ex tends more r leas to the whole of the intestinal canal the latter classof p riems is evidently the best adapted to obviate the habitual confinvmrnt f the ijoweu as they apply liiat additional xcucment which mtttra then rrqnire- to assist her in the peifoimanco of her accustomed functions it is precisely nn isis latter principle that the pill now nffertd lo the public ate formed i and as llieir activity can te increased of lessened merely by taking a larger or smaller quantity thry nm only furnish an aperirnt medicine pro per for eeneral use in a family but are also well calculated to answer most of the purpose fr which purgative rcme dies are necessary the pill ar nor however teenm mended aj a specific for the core of alldiseaaes such preposterous state ments are worse tbau ridiculous and iiiritfnvc rtij u- 1raail t a pr o mve ur 4h ibrn noiw rcilvul rtiv blwo w v rh tl hhimm rtii ittfir iivpsiwi fc laqta juilsmw irihi ln cr tliri iioarsrs lflwhiierinmiiic amhb hrcm vffipwp up r hcai niu r liiij ivtlr- woo i iirtimnmtrihr sfci- wbm fcsi af hswajang ink lomitftnliur- tc libsaiaii ro hi a cure nktt inuutth paw fiaa i t fit ciwv- lllkhti- ol lofelyelft ft fic jit fripcttofnu4i ttssmva fif aptim two nrtc utt win re iltfckouf artllviw of cmblfro frn fiiin in an h k jjipjps1 mlf a tfsr- hvvtfni if llionno trouull twrt or lsmfewrvsan4iatmi icu -r- ttfitciiiowy ttrtfliibry uiam dh hi rfvcfuotiiijeoi atjiwi or mote jrfr ro fistvlhsk it o worms worms i worms f ill ififrctmi in wliiih etiililrcm si rsfnd nli riiif iiirva m aftn4 vafltmbtehj ciufin ellat ftiv rmfliioivm ot froyi ihr 4jm t liol wrrtt t ofhliinl thiy wwo rtxc htsfpltf l rfubnui boi mhtli- vorttsn m4bhfsnc rjuant ihrnrl rc troitiuos ftuwvw ir other dtofcwi wiw tanasnifen ortaetwrtyio pettier jm intaneim 4n r n larfo mm- ia i tiirotini ivr oohvl boj ftr- normlr l irftil nmnt invalw- nj oetii the ii iiaw vi aua ifl jjynfs loslc vermifuge wkli lpcelf frm pkiomuim tlilwrrnvrut imi iai laukc u ll rfficlmyjcowovs ortitrhri rthyof sfowt ptflilf a4loc stiifo in u ifcvrrlotc vurrjtfifly hrxn uivlmcmlmrrvvftjiiplioa ic an rt pkvm i agtb i not iifiili tltroy wnfinanj invtiwrvf l wlioff jptn hw il ir4tr0iil er fcm htstsi mtjiolrut rlc fnclocrrctt l mil vfiflaflnii ttfaatj llrrniurfll ta fcamawkwtcuaa ot fiso raeat an irtak slood or hapit or n osrih wtkti snpcrior h4 no whkll oj f piimi 1 it ths power ofrhvift pa oty rvm tbetlg ii ibsciwiimnsfhaini htea h intni- mnt r rctciiiog inmj mitcvr tlwai whopotscs il wt aa ammint ul ludtrin can be pftvulatl by the use l ssna iartt- panllal tlw mfifitfunnsia victim tf kannlitary diio wall htvulkft uads rrvtcj tiaw and lifnto italf cork usio ovn rcltcd to health and vifot the srrifaliut piieni cvrrfj wih ulcer lnaihom in liunsir nnl lo ids aalann li veen maje whmc- ttunrtrcjt of persons who tint frnaaej hnpe- lots tif years under tmiaftttiu sl jlandilai disonters throak fl unimtti mid inaoy mlicr complaint tpfhgm from a deraneefnoiit of the secret arsjaai aodho virciltstion have ocen rained aa it were fruj thn rack rft now with rejefira cn ruihy lesli- fy to the rlficscy of u inestbuaah pieiiaiatwn the fiuowirx cenficair rconuv ffttivml ep addrrsud to otr ajei in mdin a tke paiieni was jiermy ibutrd with scoifcla and mercurial sores had irwd vflrintomcdi withnmanv broehi ani lto afllted aie note invited ti read whas be laya in telci m o to bands sariaparilla hamptfi ga aiismi 1041 c p iirrr c hear sir a i hav derived o insidi woral ftaaitfiaiweof and sjirajmritla i ftl r a doty that i owe in lle community lo mjue tlit facts in my ca- pubhe waafflicicd for fuu jear wih nmnmj sorej nj f li an tf luw wtcemnis and usulteij severed ffbi cnercurrl mc oft therpftof mybovfwin ihcrffeei of nine vt ijl tetnek alwr remedy but the h availed ni j enwll ok taioej a pallia uf nr sinapirph winch i naaaj befitm m wj i eofltnul i aa wnil n j wlteii i eras eerftctly enre r tf oar i have rem lawlwve ftamda ssapsnl leihoverv be 4nrs there i fam lire sysiitte conimuil suffvnnx m4 loc you hanks th wlawlaa ltf pcntj and lire reader wivil a its ctrefal vivl- auchcae i uineccry rromtwoto eight times cheaper thai siroaa on awiilat t aauouteo wioj tv an attieh that evcrv family mnst con sider indispensable wlalh powi r and talus and hh tiren old loo hrgh to reach btmi related in ptite sviih ani pour blsjh and hiw anj man beinjr may eroy lit cornrri i aei n shall have tho price ihej ao irotdelishied know its iifonforo classes hainuw a view tiial rich hi faci avcry hu id all who relumed to them if with is uie vvaahgrti v i i ii he pqmlblllqf nfuontradielion that tl rvkti aticald avtav eatchsat snitc nrfiehanj all calernal pains and achee n mauer whcicballbervduc to cflmrurtbyii rr five mrnuu via- life limb or war- e hnircunba falsi if this li applied diilellia vilalt are destroyed by the sccidoni u leiruly inscieal t appaianco ift i altccls enquiie lur cnnevs logical pjin esiiact or salve at coasliieji4cov 21 cotlandi street new yut piks56cenls or fmir lime as dutth h fj ii ten iiiot as muco wr a britannia life assurance company no 1 princes street bank london- empowered by special act of parliament iv vict- cap ix capitalone ili0m sterlin8 thomas grrer qvcucfice office aoekt william hallowell esq mdmkoical rifxml table l equal satas or ffla table il lacaeasiho alttaativa sates or rscsiitim mma rofinr the tai ne hwi hti ly rnv wnfaaii 111 fotsialb rnllir fiedy iliiriatlc ii hfcfiin th we me ardoerto he ocv amsia rr ltinp hi v isstssv iha lii whh werrih pra ir ii it u ijepiil3 iar ym or if is o rn iu fur qfoaltbartj nercuirr j tn el y eradiate s lire purxm fttt four yrjis of alututl t nnw find aiytclf a well afali ibrhcaaiivafh we aure tq0 on ilia rjsponiibihiy or our charscters tbai sjcapaihr fur hutnan mbtltal imliices aihra in pari nil earnest stlitiuin that a iinyt iriat should fa nude n soy aittc- tifn nsnied betowi w not imprudent irtrtnaaucb tn say thai nuthmg like it or a any desiee so effectual ha ever been fsfiofsm fit ynu willplae nhserva i i no soveietjcn remedy for alt cnmpjainis bwi only ijw fr eiiernat application anj will cure ihe lb toinjr burns tfcams fronted part chill- hlalnf chafe or calls chmfft teller pimple blotch felon ujr spraiis firyaipalas stbs cuts 8mia strain eui and tonih ache slumps sure threat rjnruunjs whitlows ipiltt ttingwwm salt rhe4hn rarbeiv itch crhuncte eruption sorn eyes and lids weak tfttht sore lips punciure bilrs and warts fercr toms pain in uach and side tender 1 fet inflsmatnry rheuma lir tic dr1feus aueinfaeeandbrejt faver sore old 8urn siirs pfsekly tlel inflamed sliin broken brislsore nipples roun hac blisined surfices dreeing lor blrslc wbim swelini cnmrtwttsds surecoin central sores smallpox mark though wc havaname numerous affections fmriance ht ithfw ih thai ihey are not lou itfanvi it will be nvcaiary tu know that ihe artielq called cukseiis is ho only one we can irninmend but mui cauton siau samoimi- tdliois lltl w jiate reason lo believe are of no us but injuring wa will present it to tiic poor who hai actual need nfit sod whom yon tablc nr paftmiuais required for the assuraoeo of iq0 fur the whole term of sinfifc life in annual half yearly or quartcily pay daw table or annual premiums required for ihc as surance of x100 for whole term of a single lift the rate being incicased or the sum aa- aujed reduwd at the end of every fifth year ontu ihe twentieth inclusive after which pe riod a fixed annual premium will be payable and a fiicdsum assured daring the remainder of bfo anwal hfsrftj qvferiy jremm table hi itioar tiaati tabic of premiama required for tl asaa ranee of atloo on a single fr for tbo refpectitc terms af one and seven yearv frtfvr veorf ovroarf fise yer 8 11 10 10 nu fa vre i 13 17 2 9 19 m u 5 13 is it 4 10 19 12 10 16 19 ftfiirfa free km 9 6 11 s 1 fi 4 5 1 8 i 6 12 0 19 8 11 3 9 drr lift 4 8 14 9 13 8 9 18 0 19 lyeor prrasr 1 1 1 i 1 1 4511 3 5 7 9 13 comment n i i uassvbihaafai1fill a- huu m dlferihe m kio- icd piivnds a1 ii i avium frel i 4 kuoyllgmeni new books stationery 1he subsciibcrs liavo lately roccivetl m variety of ntio anj interesting baoktin various rltfpaitmoiits of liltm- t tire hin jsomtly bound to which ihcy rospcctfully invite attention tiiey have also mid large additions to their stork of school boofis anil stationtry patllcd larly ftritia rapr account books qutlle sttel pens ink ponfidins leu icr clips wilting desks pencil slates inkstands c c- k which ihrry are enahled to soil at greatly re duced prices from former years ramsay akmuull co kingston ochibur 10th is4- nj been ap of rtli notice the subscribers hav poiuied agents in this section the province rif llie british x american cotio compy arc imw pre pared to supply the trade with wadding of their miuuf4cture of a quajfee supe rior to any eeer before orerj in xhis market at munnoictiirrrs prices c kennedy q piiucess sireet kingsion january 20ih 1s5 new spring goods fphkilmeribfm save received ny ihe m ostiryi vrseu fnn uiwy ftaon pterin an ottawa tun viz loft- rfoaj sir kkhxrd jormson juqtlwf prompt sarah and todum chief uom liverpool ihvn immense sleek af fancy anl staple dky goods which they ate now epemne anoarerjetciminej lo sell at verv low prices h gillespie k co mjaian baluiaxvi l corner of k nl aad prmeeii stietll imie1lh3h notice qveeec fire insurance cqmpjxy the mtfs iberajjenlforluia lastimtao eoriliiue lo lfct winand sxaiwt a w fire al smtatnlc uttf of or i itj preaiium oilce swm4 to the brick bniuiko carof ubtaiioaihl brock uttttlr where apphcatofia will he leceied dmiu j aaryboenof bd4 s tiiuma5 oftfth anl w 3 j lat a only put forth 0r deception but they will prove a valuable kemcdy fr that confined statu of the unvveu which laya the ftiunjailm nf much suroring forthose oceastnnal obstructions to which all are liable and for all those disorders which arist from an overloaded state of the slptnnch and alimentary einul coft- iuchficaai in an mradacncs ivticre cosiivencs prevails in flatulencies rilious attdck the commencement of cholic the early stages of jiiundice end in promoting the expulsion of wurms they require no confinement or chance in the dtet moderate exercise will as aist their operation and experience haa proved lhar as an apericnt t ey aix safe and e1icarious may he taken by adults and children and atao in every stage of pregnancy to children of five years of age and upwards they may be readily given in pulp of apple oranec or jelly and thus disguised ifcev ate much more easy nf exhibition than pw- dcts or other disagreeable medicines nihcctrons for takixc rilb tills- iii case bilious complniutsi foul stomachy c three pills to be taken at bed lime and repeated next night if necessary iuadacht the stomach two pills to be taken at night and one in the morning obstinate casttvtnest three pills to be taken at any time needed aud re pealed every six hours until relief is oh tained the usual dose for ordinary persons is three pills but four pitls may be taken by a person of strong habit of body and two pills my be given to delicate wo men and children pafpared and sqld by dr barker at the athertoam store kingston sold in boxes at 7jd is 3d and 2s ad each or purgative dr d j a yc s s a n a t i v k p i l l s dor liver cconplainls gout jaundice dypetia rhcuinl sm feveis nmava- ness erysipelas ami disrates of the skin imptirly of the plool inflamatiaas melan chotv kklleajjch costivcnei pains in the kratl rrel side hack anc lim li ions affections frmle diseases fc stc fcc and whenerer an alterative metlirinc may ne required thrre ta cafeely io iukac slrltar rtrnnlmarf at iraa raavmii sssl aa af ft net nd ijji be praiveiel wtretlrytttt cfntrvtly iicil n frtimn m fcrl well while a e- tive l hi rftli f rn s iai li wioi rcrrfitlo kh0fmus4eafnm0fciirs hc wfchl hitve ln hmfk by mitel iicef nas a pper vi ibric sijrfe the tve att rreimtaeai iae fun rw v rrri rovof e brhrinf inn fi kw ia ik mia tricoi fttuwso iw ismvi r awj rsit3rfchiiy janivr uihebttiioch in mm ifjrn ivy art aucihmv hahi tfeftuy lsls ike bnl in jawe ihry arnivrt cmumnkf fir i itnv iinrv r all ftimrkf f- timlin- iij i i in i irrni rrad ki4 heafthv rrr- i flrtifeatoinjtliuveraalheprisoiheror 3tawaattf ktiwn 4 nil iitt4 anlintwl tiier tasijissi intkkmirrrr k aattssl lvktt wimmr for i v sa niwal i viranl ftej rtt offe mmwii sstfever j rv uaiih imihpi frtsvbwaaa ihtirc mi vjib1r fof iupi- ofilc a4tn avnhnlirttnit rold inrjly fa tjlachl uio mtialk cuilptum- -mr- iie- ivenihlm neiviyutaram- riiere aiieraue erfefure mjicuc oy be rrtrirrd vf t an aio uc be tw by my af uffw aaimaiab isuevit to try ilu aa apeedy anil happ have titun aurtennft iifilicbonei in my nhrliir my pains that bu iit relian evsatf i sioi1l h terrsj teatli iwelf ny mkknesr israalff utten trurn my liaa my uiioer loeih au lein ihe mn after piolin ah modtcat aiil t ha hraie juiaipinll conncl b ium1e8s riih by a f a ij llh and tos8 want of hntrjiy a of maik1 ikjn or ihe vesela e firrpmtuhi froai ihr bead whnt wrnk r dieiod ihe rfrpkairon i aail jlktf to ibe movin of i hr pore uniinatihrm up at de jtvl fo m jdfrf lnbtfmdtt lacn eafrfij wihe row r he batr aixt tor mtiiorwmrmlluirhavnmnuitktemnaiiritem meawqamvaeeaaaaal dryanj n js rn fafiy tc fijtlvwhjch fniiairi ocfrnr eveataui ly jimil i- ittsml m ri i u if- n itclwmn isr frmi rliy rjrcutom sm alm ii raawlasviheaaatk is preiraifc wblrn win i- tnbhm in inanity and volume umil ihe hair owomei javakrt umft toxic la ihe aoly pepsraiion fjflre pew knr oa itjtii lug thai ha r arwiemsi rldi wkvir c in- done la ui if prooerly a miirntrtmt tn pcrarna tsaaavsv sou ly ad american ua1r dye warranted rf u icily ta rfkrettiia in enatcim hair froi colerta beituutal avbura o wfihovi eioiiftf or irouancihe k pffasirh aft by ur ut jiivbc fiia price sv crats cccrdin froai say mher imflccily jrl bl4flgp imrrnthcr mnjf uc aoddrtpiiliku c1tv stork ctffiifr of ffqg ojii princess streets i 50 jffil j t hyian uvmiss ftrno im by jaynevs hair tonic taynks hair tonic fnrtlmi promotion o ptuty grtttik sad ffaiirjiaa oile hallt thp hait tmiiac hut inj tautifut nkw haih on ichkitiol hnura wao had been b kj frr yerr li amamrflm ihe ri liii uf c dlacnae of the salp-prrk-re- the hmr from mlmt ert or be fofite prctpmirfjy uiav pfrpaintoni by dr l jiyae id 8usas run n the above medicine tor sale by iv palmer market quart kingston fo tiwi ut if h isywrki tia rty any loneer w uf awatiiawrtrfw aipvre v mr iiareaolle relief mflnaail ty re aumme icoiruuft hifnrcti i 1 havsjtaafftf imy be ia rcfr anl aaperiecacura ft mine frr lntcir itder a sbmrfiatiasa anethsi hvali at i during a re1 pari ud uffrriiifs war auterar- j on ihe creat oupoaernr yo deairel aid muili pre al ijiltrri ttervtjs durin pife ftf ivmo lr hce in variiui way bta ov all daai eiitiro pper jw reo- mof fr1 qirii iiupihlr- ut au hjruirvd 1ii ip tut jernure lo yhir j ele- an within tite usl thieu sj awwrh 1 il oh euiiliinl may lav faboniit iintise aim v astfjti f no skisjiai i lsill ii n reat uiliiaiovlatvl m bbniaiiim tf hijspey nairnrckati 5ih uou i8u a b h sjpiva uepetcj frieni lienjiitoo hu frritiiuf parftal re pet lability j in iimeitieot r relariun lo hie sfoa- lirlul ftit iro he oniltcitlvrelii illpawt kara la con- liderad ver araorjirnry oii ami ihe cute tltngathertf such i i eniiilc ilit aipsrillb lo lis lankej as a ztl hasssiaql lo ihu liven m feraily ttd o ooihji mi ismti wiih trurreard wllllim mitchhll- caahierorthd pjcifit baoh nntueket tot luriurrpartaetilaf and euncluovc evidence or iu iiupenor value and ffieary tea pamuhkta which fliay va ohiainttd rali4 pruparj and anil wltmak ami reuil hy a b a ij sands tktuulf 79 fultonsl n y siah in kingsinn he charles heatil bhm tlau hy diuil fencmlly iliouhout the unitoi diatca price 91 p buiile an bouki far ilr the public are repoctfully requcttcij t remember that it w s ihu in and icnaunlty achieving uuh tuinakablj cures of the moa ditficull via uf tbuad to wliuh the liurnts frame t subject iherf ivra aik or sands iasipinlla and take ro ullur city store comer of kinpfftd princess streets by john carruther x carkurhers rxsrsrespcctfully lore ioiv send foil kcntemper h ll mdfial pain estraitlor ah country uarehaili erj requested tn lk il in ihir tuvn on commin aa the prrale heonj 10 mtnkind thai has been diaovred in aledirine th is tlrnna tanae hut you may depend it poivci tvtl flly jmiify il- call on all ihe arnie car pamphlel niulu al verv interesting alsn the namea al all oie clrrytncn in new ytfh ciuma be utro and jet connd af cuunierfvit nnd wurililcia appear under othtr tiiwi see diet il i jire cukuf never touch it comstock lliyaician and cheirii from cutuck cu exaxrlk a person agcdso next birlh day may eccuic xi000 at his death by payment of 83 igsednnually 11 10s jqd hulfycsrlyor 5 is- lodquartehy during ihe whole period oflife eiamrut- a person apd 30 next birth day may secure jciooo at ins death by tbe annua payment of xj 13 4 until the expiration of 6ve years 18 u 8 after 5 yean unlit the expiration ofl 10 years 22 0 10 after 10 years until the expiration of is years 26 3 4 after 15 years until the expiration of 20 years sod 31 i c after 20 years during ihe remainder of life with viia orris oa attkaxstrva of continuing either of the payments ihroolroul tfic whole teim of life and having llie aum as turcd pctiodically dimtnjatied according to uic annexed ckrf reduclrn 512 55 8 603 654 16 10 6 17 e 3 s i ii 9 6 4 t rears premsa 11 9 6 10 8 4 e 1 a h it c 1 3 it 9 9 t 10 t 1 i t eiaairta i a rrjr aed 30 next birth day awy secure 1000 al hie deeevse pri seat w ii r loifaiji lie if mi dlbtfrby tberuay- menlorxls 10 10- 2j a pefvon of the same aje mj c ihe like envs provided ditwita- inlaeunnatyere by lue anaual aay menl of 113 15 l stirf reduction for warorf oilol 0 of any according to the atttmottt flo of table ii age ih pr miatp payi lurovviidvitlie rciitrj 10 do- on a urs 1 10 p le in hrai sve yenrafce rntine4 -ic- i 1- ike nn asrvrce ih be sftcad pie yenn ttn ftcjo kcitoitsvc yrr da ua afttt 5 tear aits ler 10 veer a 7a after 5 ycor aftmt j reaff 74 fta turn cuslomtis yix sircere ihauks in his numerous twaiifcsy uutipnwifer imperial ie by john cakruiheks 10 r pscbaaj js beal frsli crjpi runaaii foey buxeand lib lltitoies and hatf tuzee itaiiina so ilruinii and halt drums fi 10 buiai french lmonn a lew camel coi rants by john carrutiiers r rti dbls 0d oi seal i lit sperm oi ad oil oil uyjuhn carrutheh3 150 js jronmsand whlr in cakkutiicrtf canadian whiskey 1 f bb m mailt louih xfw bm h hikry from la 4d to u g4 pjr hun by tba barrrt b sous cakieuthes oaft avlfl dishy herrina asvyij hmftma isrih dhu lierrirani itmj bbt- whitr nafc 10 ubl- msckerrl a fuw bbja 9alifiitn fmk pine prime met and jiom a toi uf enliah curtd uacoa 100 kex pmier ac by joiincakrvthers 500 ubu flour of vahoua brands 100 bblt ojiroeal 60 bhla i darlsy a uve lrn ih pa indian meal ac by jultn caardther0 i raqqciuaksaflhe choicest brand w bt m tobacco daw ec 40 sbi p irtss til b irk ji ihoaxani chetivots lnh ale innran cakunterh chequered hotel corner of qjarie unj jlrthur streets kingston ihb subscriber begs to inform his fiiendj and the public that ho has fitted up tho above establishment for merly kept by whklply son and lately by h mayo and intends to spate neither trouble nor expense tn making uic place in overy way suitable for the accommodation of those who may favoi him with their patronage the house is situated in tho most business pare of the city and consist of excellent slttig dtssc bedtlooms is well furnished and aitended by per sons deairoua of making travellers as computable as possible exrexaive tsraolixo for the accom modation of traveller porauna cros siug the lea will find thn premises of iho subscriber admirably adapted as the mouse is situated only a few yarda from the exlensivo warehouses of john h grocr esq the baa will at all timea be supplied with the cioiceit wints and liquors lyman phillips icingainn december 1344 ilatkst alt rivals rjetixrmkn3 watarproof zotihyr caali french holland 0lnie new ansae dark and i i u c- i radr mado vosta or up n um ii- il v j ii 1v1 n b o j i i i for sale aj m iloiilrerieaoai lin-i- rjijugf t mh i djolf uvsu nj iticnds encrally for the very llbeial support h has teceiecd from them since he leased he bovc premises he ould now be ta annonncc that he has leased the adjoining jtltmises on king street by which mesas he wilt be able la ea crease ins slock and extet husuiiness and hopes hy liictallentinn itfu la merit a contimjmce of the liberal palion h hilhtito enjoyed the sndkiflwi daily receiving large supplies of cncenies liqvi wises ittaa tosaccos e c from th montreal and new yoik mirketi and ha wft hand almosl every com modity requited p conntrv merchants j cakkutiiers andrrson lteumbntoronlo paste blacking m cakes and tina conid ercd equal to art in ihe wotld for sale wholesale and if ll y j carruthers sole agent for kingston surriuor quality a iiuf price for tub cure of fierofolai ieftrlr rhijematim general dahtliiy c f i- i f smy ivuplititii of the 5kin tattt 1iurial anj sypliilind ikaaami hile fvuin a tnipura liehil of foidy ulorilinna uf ihn thirl and leg tiinvah1 swellinfsuf the bones iritrr at1cthn4 pimples r putute mlho fee and all pi v- ainfmnibm iniptno atite uf ihe imnoil fill anil liniriljfinra in lifr iaritr 0r it mjyiniirv icc t tba ami ppiuuiy f sanaparilla and ils ny tvitiaiico rn iti bvnit fl i the sarpinlin ii ivairanled pnitiively n hadasaaothaf thai can bo mad at w dal urat utlral the price of thosa ro ntuh urlpil and j ton aod in a lre imiiici vix fifty cent pui buiile or five tmterjer dir2cn tfiii ankle has cured scmfida of 30 yenrt iftas m dollar arlmtj had been uied in mam to be hail of the aertu ef cumt04k and co onlv ihrmhom ihe country in now vvrk only al 31 coftlamlisiccr the reason some people are tueufjr enough to believn that wocannitt atlnrd to nuke aa rood an mlkli of iaajrhparllsi extract and ii fur ucvnu per holilo r s per dtaen at alt others that sell for iri double thatmoney the aimule fact ia uii and all will notv be convinced while five hundred rivqari are riiadcreij by others in column or iwo of aeverimcments we do nii pemj five there fur we tnako lite nuhtit nay hullialf as much tor as gwd orhettetanlle ai anv one el the real cost in making ih orttrl t pfwsmy more than oilnfv a we uo rinlhtn bat the ben jrapanlu rool av wa ui hioeboll to one of ihe dujjtr puced bonlo4 niw iti publir know hat we charge cr it and ha virtue are auch a not to require tulf a ncivn- erimmain iu repuiaiiim uiro always fur comlek jt cul saraapa rillaat fifty cenu and have nn otljar sold by cohitoci co 21 cortjandl strsel nv york it sold by ins agaot w palmer chemist and drnni by compatitir the rates of tabic 1 antl 2 it will be seen that according to the alternative plan amnewliat less lhan tco thirds of the whole life premium la m general required in the first instance tbe difference being afterwarde nade up mhcrby agratlual increase of premium during a given or period by a eorrea- gradual reductinn nf the sum assured the option in every case being tho policy hulder of selecting the mode which mny best autt hie ebjeet prindmg given l convenience the necessary furma ami effecting assurances may be lion to overy requisite information as to the anode ef obtained cithei by letnr or perianal apphca- aair thomas gfteek aebnt mtm tarso rates sterlingwith premium of exchtngs 44d klnltt may 3 181 l teas teash teas 111 t 11 k sumrhwr jtapect fulllv notifies ka nilies vtl in the uiii of using hr it teas that he has menl of black aud green feaa imported direct from china nut to be equalled in the prnvince foi strength and flavor an aold fur cash on moderate terms- james williamson n the subscriber having made his arrangements is now able f supply country merchants by the chest or half chest at montreal pnees princess street jan 1s44 to kftrert esq p let occupied by s- comprising a stone cottage of ten apartments well laid out coach house stables garden well arc c leautifully situated hav ing a fine view of tbe lake and within seven minutes walk of the mineral springs a desirable residence fur a genteel family rent moderate giiafflbs hales kingston 23d april 1s4 ro ship owners masters op vg0ibli flfim ftdimviibr ihaiaartihaikliarlimir sale at hia vj v ckmmdurjf store out rio eueet the following very auprior aasortmeut of english canvass j iu t ri 2 do 3 scotch 4 eeflljih 5 do da 7 do i canvaia from no very superior aesort tie bunting of all patent pin ell of 30 ii 20 f 30 rr 5t h 50 m u 3d i also unllea to nq6i 1 wj i ment of 5ail tw cnlori and a variety of blocks bushed and butted and wood which vil be terms hunter ship cktndlor kingston 16th march 1343 aold low and on liberal m t to let 4 t the flourishing and ptcturemu village pusseasion of potlsinouth a neat cottage eon- sapatlments suitable for one or t to emigrants possessed of a small capital rpo rknt a farm of 60 acrea under a state of high cultivation beautifully situated nn the bath road only 3 mitts from kingston with ar without the crop now in the ground given immediately tn jnifi john maria farina the oldest distiller of the eenuine eau de cologne s3 rhine street cologne begs to inform the pub lic that in order lo prevent tbe frequent impositions which ocur from the large quantity of imitation of his eau de r i lr yaar ploor nl and oat meal and pork anr just received a lot of fresh english cured hams and bacon also ohio haaffj wrappers a lew bar rels no 1 notth shore fieningsc all warrant ed tbe best qualil j carruthers best canap cheese from ihe tjanaaoqcrr eonsideted the be in lbe ifoviacc for sale hy nd only carruthers oaa doz latent pails tubs jj chiw c t ganan anno factory frrsale by 1 7 j carruthers sole agent tn kingston notice- the subs imow prepared to nntchaie ffau indian and oat meal rye brief inill cftrn 0m bakwlml biillei fcfu for ft br wfl py he hijlieil l a ii raters pot ash ktrtflks ash coolers kept constantly hwj rot atshks oohlot ljkn irl hans- ooloone which u shipped to the colonies foreign posavasions which imitation is of a most inferior quality and rot lo be compared to his celebrated manufacture he has appointed messrs siaiaioaids ctows 18 corniull lonoon es his special wholesale agents for shipping to the british co lonies who will always have a stock on hand at the following net prices and j m f requests that his friends will give their orders to the above agents which will meet with prompt attention 1- quality eju do cul2n 1 per dozen in ii i short or long do 6 j ainle 4 cd bellies d do 33jin1onreen britjvs in ca- frvm 2o lo 50 dirzon packn tnejudtd j r hutton co i c r icir numerous town m and country customers that they are now receiving their immense spiing stock of british manufactured goodd which rhoy are selling as usual fur vory low prices manchester warehouse lambion buildings princess street june 4th 1341 ial farms foit sake 4 farm of 153 acres in tho vt waofihotownahip af kingston atao a farm of 03 acres partially cleared they are aituotcd in the milo square about miles from town- tho land ia excellent and will bo sdd on moderate torme title indisputable apply ut the subscribers officii nt tlio court mouse c stuart kingston 7lh junr t44 families with a gardcn u required ren moderate apply te john carruthers- kingston i7th may1844 agency and commission business ihe substriher respectrutly tenders hij sincete thanks to his friends and the public centrally tor the very liberal sufpntt in nas received since lie commencod boaineas ii kingston acid begs to acoaarnl ihcin thai in ia now prepared to rocva cnniijcnmantt of an description of properly at his laid stand on th commrial wharf fool of princess sirmt where every effort will bo made to giv laiufac- lion to those who may favor tiiia wnn their aatmoafa prom hii extensive acquaintance with ihe tiade generally he ia confidant that ho caa dis pose or property with as much dispatch anrfie at good advantage as any other in tba lama line of uuiines hugh caldkr comtnereiit wharf kington 2d april 1844 for sale by ii gillespie co gentlemens kondnn mide cambric j shirts wilh linen and lawn boaomt shin fronts linen coltara nawckithapaa wiih a 1are assortment of lawyer and mititory bahka slack and pancy satin scarf black satin du cati and srumelsncck handkerchiefs fionch linen cambric handkerchiefi choire palterna of india and pnngce handhorcliiefit superior buck 4iid patent braces genilomone gloves ofevary description silk cotton and anulo hosiery which wilt be solrl at unpiece lei u j tow prices lirobtn buildinrs corner princeassnd bautstreaia 1 one 1844 crop can be purchased roasosably i ren moderate apply to th t oats t t4h bushels oats wanted by awv uie subscriber iho higheat price will be given w 3 martin corner of king and bruck stretta kingston 87th nov 1s44 c fon bale ov the budescbiilerif j alt cadiz fino and coarao liver- pool in bagaond barrels flour american superfine poniu piimo primo moss 6t meaa iv iion no 1 scotch macphkrson it cbawb itingeton june 2j5tli 1844 apply to the pro- pnetor john harvey saddlery warehouss princess sl kingston kingeton july24 1s44 fltf veterinary shoeing e8tablimuhent on te corner of king street and the place at arms adjoining the premises of afoxws1 strange esq romas paul felefinirry surgeon from ihe kotal vtrxnixart coujeoa lowiok respecifully informs tbe officers of the csnifon j and the inhabitants af aungatao and its vicinity that be haaopentd a hoist shokjko establishaiant sjtoated o abave and from the many years experience m that department bath in england aart tn caaaaw coupled wilh bis knowledft of the anatomy ecoaomy functions ol the horaea foot he is tufty confident he csn give perfect satif- factinnloany person who may employ wat the greater proportion of cases of laammp are prodoccdliy bad shoeing and it wmf bcttba conilantcare of t p to present lazaeoca from sucb causes and to tcliart those that t lame n h all operations incident tolbe horsa will ie scientifically perlormed and all distairs i both horses and cattle atlendadf either town or country and at reasonable charxea kingston august 37th 1844 scafablatti turkish smokingtobacooa yeh above tobaecoia confidently re commended to those who are fond of using tobacco in thcoipe q thba article to be found in ihia or any other country its principal qualttim sum mildness and a moat agreeable frurift- cy as to the quality uf the toacro it ta crjual to the very beat havaoauij much cheaper one quarter paondrfsku being equal to iwfnty five hlvana cv gara sold by james williamson prii kinptossept10 18 superfine f loup of s choice isjajsl oanfaraad api eniaally ar hi f er 4wt by si cjuiu watta kattaesptfnbtilvim