tiir nkihcai nnirimiiik 7- ife kftm f he tuiurt itatyr- 8i li wi nujnrd m inmn aen lrou cahu laird hirnly 1 hinrril iu a prtfuumtj ml tl vhw tu mdmj4a 1l tinwe it n aurli im lnav rjtrt- fi i pwecmail pjmwtiiihiiiifrm aminl ofkn6lrje mi j amatf y ifsfnvirjw mnjidfpjfl liitool f uihlnqi ml mmialrr to thr rijnot inlimiila of gut iyiiiv orvttoftvtwl vlf htm avrmnde a gftalrr fciltiiuul of rvnduvn nnl mufl wirtlt tho mta wv pjfitrti itwii bow u ii that of tru meduii iiooiit llfoiimin ir uoranl ami uiemwinu l- i hii r im idlier em 1 rdoiulion and talent ami relying pjrjy oo the for mmsftrtl in hi pnifctin ihc ultrr dom not iinmeiunitawy outatrin tiff forum pro roaaonat adrrwcrriirnt or why indeed ihf fir mer u even rt rw0n liii a wrilt of ccvcbriiy apeak thc lonr ho ttfi in obtain a lnli mend iuf in iho mimift of acty ha riven ric to repuulian aclsfcijtji and renowr the main- apringa of worldly action anting from a aimihr prineifde hut aboviftt aflftrant ricjiis and main both rcjji tit ifi ant renown iny 10 enjoyed nt ihc emie timr an j yet be widely different the public i nh unfrrnnrnlly anrrrited nt the ivptitl- tiont that it 1id unit created it acvkt- to in- qusrc igto their urim but nl being abfc tn in cover a merit which never did ejtnt it pf dutty admire and pcmmtab plnntom of it rtffl ai- cation at sneif ly lllvj bralowo a rcfiutalinn in n caaeieinu manner rehe will mnrp one by their intriffne nr tan- fated impudmec whh fnnnni claim ihc enmpjritivly hmmmm dinmuiitatinn of pride nad dinii they i kennel ea proclaim their merit to the rirld at tol their imperii pence become a tiibjrrl of dct tin but itiry re r 1 1 the nmertinn of their ipcfif h1 m ffnn w and confidently that ihey end by iwfrnsii themielvca wpn aocicty people frl vrhft whence and fmtn tvlvm ivy hmrd the fl tt terini oulira in which ai lt they tiehl rticir credence and an adrrnttircr whr ilu rrolve to h i v t a rrpulhttnn with pcifccverttnec nntl impiidence teuonj filo to which lei me add the nvorjl etneevrdhyj the following 4d ycl god atore a ci j upnao pn vi ii lwter in coi m i rluorande fjabrie poreyrn j t4 hgro i nn a viait to him with a viw to re rtfth him to hie diagruoo hut with whul oftiei i hwiv tinl fltn luttith puftt nya umt in coneinrno f iholnlpirjlidtlnrimnf tlw lnsnin mun of mm nrrnrifemini auhwii nlly rnlernl jnin htiucrn ihimatill llio rmguijfiuvhy whirh ihr hutfin wmidonitvin of wini ntlowcd elivclr vth iny llc currying lrjli haivo rftrietl t nihrnii i illy rililif tthiclmtfilhcmftftf tlifttrinvrjhugo wiunhnt of ijuenna aye hua ihtucd n t d iio rirt cui i iiti i ji un halt iiiterifnr with imp until the rccmaujhtmiont of jeul brrientca llenrnji mnn r- after jiavin hidllie cm- itiitd nf the nfrivkn ftr ftiiir or fire iliy in vmikal to tho prawam froin without mid re mjnei old ojuzi ihc jliiikr ufarbtf has me nrj him tn tht tl thi ji 11 wu on the breaking nut of lvultoa reolulin in uiim mm try caitain of the pit f a ofnch ia and at in r 1 1 e itiim curiyiu rx mplifiejit4itt of the apoktvonwnf rttme mcvcrt commlimn e4 ill rlvn rt nl the funell lcffiiviuti have at lttt abandoned hie forlorn c ivm f the rivtitauti and taken reiogemi ltifd the krenih miiudrou a dceeee itatvd fifth ult lutcf ibl fmm tlc tut nl- national vcrh trading l fjnin purla a t three dutlaia kc to and fnreifi vea four iltlliracxecplihg lhoe wlioby treaty amplaevd uton lite aaroo fooling it national kv n fucn ttda ahatl pay fur ihc facillh vil iwontyfire 4v4lirr and for thevettiticate an eqital vum fo- rein vcaea whirh jure tto lotful ahall py fty illora theao duca uii bo puitl no half at the hi the tenul andonc rtaff at ikt depart lim- j niimmjl und fnreign vcaacla which do out tcerive catro wllpayonelmlfof ihedutinrpirtioii l h iim- nude their u il j the pklvut wc haro nlrcarly airwa a tho cp tnreof otio artd arc io hutiriir rjvportattnn of the uthjtfqamfjl thclakhtgof thercm aaeverym married vfsilwdiybts oio venrrauo archdraeon pluarl t ht liiialci kiur to mm auinnia i of 1 m faumeitb black 0 mfttiai of ib at ihl auction bale of coiwivt auifijhy on tukrilmy lt april will bn swlil wtihoutony rworvej at tho store r mwsrfi macphbitson citaket flof cuicitco stirctt 43 dute not ingto iron strapped bliickiai irom s lr 14 inchw s jtmii t jjjjlc anj licort llocaasoi1- ej aixtt lg dntihlo atirl single wood pfmj from 5 in 10 inrjiu s3 demi eyca trmi atrappej frtfn 5 ll 44 dctid eyoi not atrrppcd a50iled c cils hemp rope from 2 34 to i iucli c oils tavrtd pope fim 2 j ids to sdoxoq hnmbm mo willi viiiius otbor urltclcs tatej di li nvinrw thomas greer dpswbmarcti 1515 bkwargiii rf wheat of iri l direclnra of y of jval1abtaljal lail ajncnl- krhl ttl rktmnn on the 0 h day 5 the tf iu url ns rf ftlarrh sl5 friiawik hminiom m noerj imi j jnj gulllt ily ratrieil tiui the jniw 4lvrrlirmenl he pinlcd in the vvtiurf j ifo ctiic- vaor n t inlw htiaianl hafldmiuai prth tt h rtitriliutl ffobv atljf norictt if liquet v iriwlliwwlllf secl wheat imrued v m l c bv imto ii nlak ska or udrssa wheat ha hem iyitwiwl y d at- r sj fly oa wkavillv ibefclore do hcieby eaiitmnevriy palmer f wrmll wheal fr r aio tntiotuetinti of the kin- a sudjcct ton hworatulatioava till ltac on godbya hagaz1xe a xi lnvs mook w any l lanee a auto hjd bceti uhcnm omrtoomttft una romllf t ilhcaac aborc ment oriej wouhl run lh alii- mate luni oi ihc wlie tl ul lhw vinre in the aame irtaf 1ji1 il h a wlitil tiwlt in l- catijiuatidmany diufkb in ihc united i isicd bv memwfr- ff o rogci a mome j belut wl c vc kinftt njj sstfli j- pwli wc itlb ftiicatcj fiom ibtf mittrtol lit met mby 5 j n mctwlsrr iccjemry k b all ncvparr rcapoelfully rjueicd i copy the iw fftflia toelher had toucd dint in and lud cheattr ench other 11 nf fbat to arc fareaf o on e traefy aaid the ruttic iur aoa- 7 nta tktt himt thtt ncrer arfrf ro we tmcfli nor o oirmarn ije waa proceeding in thia agreetblc inanrn i when the iojek toojt him to the window nd bade him count ihc paer by after the lupae of i minute or two ha inquired how many hid paued the tiller nf land inftwered gowry or mayhap a hniftav and how many wie trien do you ujiofce were amog thi hunilii j hf aid the other m mavhap of wh returned iik quick a lie ew or tniftr tho may wc aecount for lh ditmtlon 1 itely ihown by aomn vernna to trumpel thor own praiac and far the preemption of an unfelkrid babbler wihi ia in the hbt ol writing to iv asopafor a barrel of riowc and vholacon linually boiaingihai nwia to h aujivretridiki tioti none of ilie civil practitioner are fit to uhi tproeiiifially with him ttuittrt ihc nibjeci io your next number i am sir tt st parntcka ty tn toioro mmihy ut being the anniveraary of idinda lotfkir same the 5l palrieka society of toroeito aoeoilt ljn ed by iho siater soeirtiea rf 1 georjc and si anitrew marched in poceion to si j imcv cfhcdml to attend divine worip llieatrco was performed by the rev orajtctt a m ih society chaplain who delivered no upoo prialo diacnurae in hit tifut ripteaivealriiii ifter whieh a collection wai made in adof ike charitahle fund of tfa society lii prorevini agitit fomicd und precede by the tind of the ftftid regl f kindly pemiilted to attend ky 1a vx maky mrejicd ihruiih the principal i atrect of ihfl city this beinf pnnon wee tlit socie ty yrry properly resolved to p wine the anniver sary dinrter till meaifay nct aa will bt acen by an adycrliaonaiit in ihia jay pipr at i abe fjent meeting of lite jytflv hem at mr mcoi key on tucady eyenmy jiat fie wlowio re wij urdiiimouvlv adapted j linje togdher i th ihankt of thie society lc preacnted to wn a ihitlavf i r and the choir ot st jmtcathcdaf r for their very klid and efficient arryice 00 mml a wtrtzm i lht 17ln imhat hcm eh0 utiimmty of tutelar taint from the cuitry they had been parirh lmy j aofuion ireljnd mencc on lu cut diy of juty next it wilt then be cheaper lhan tho larjc clj of vecly papera uteptatagc of the former liciiiionty 4 cents and that on utf hvmpaf 6centaper rytnth in the luvs 1jook y w ii find the beat arllclegnf priiy and pro0 by tho beat authora of the jm- ni ivvfcnd in addition from ihree to 5vc nmulltf plat ihcltiinp lht oufaeo- lc itht fttfoien the heavy pnatao la on rtrrindlcaf haa been very jrhimental to a greal difuibifioei tiiil t ix ha now leen re rivrd wlil vm auscribcr and teac about to iubcriba will kave l- pay v 4j c a lfi of teas su o ar8 buandiils 10baccos c at tltc cumvecclat mallt be sold hi vvi tortv cootfcfai mrtb 1 3j we have acldom known a tnorc mdanrvdy of fombile tluri ia now in the marine flus piiah the aaflerer to rpicatiitn ia a farmer mnj feirfeiit f t ho had left hoine ifiirinv tbe ijle aevere ffoat to feteh a toai frunt a mill in ihc neighboihood and furl completed the lading nf hit aleigh when donn a momentary murn tn ihc mill the 01 etirfrd im hia homeward return wraathc rrply srcina tlrat thcanimal haitaurlral kcrtoftnla quick pace in pursuit but waaunijc to over- 1 4ke il benmin eer hr itd and eahntcd fimii exertion he putted and aal ihwn to real himlfon thctnomtofa fatiguing accent where lie fell atseep h rife beenrmnjr alarmed at hit protracted f e fc l neel wot and dihcnyeicd bint fal njep whtire he had aatrd himklfto real during md fliifrtber he had become froin and that nyt acvercly ihc ranl of wwu udt liellitt he wllha hnth hi hand from a portion of each i i i i vour ob a rofirhftvn kin tloa match 24 k4 i 1 r j 1 j t tvim rena ctpl- talneli on slunlivi w tirkff and januaiy ay rflbt rvrniine bjfk atrtved et 1itltmihia yeiyrl ow rtgnhr file it f ltr lltth t tho a cdttta mctoulit to ihc hlli umnaiya we karri thai the lvfttta from the llutina renn tnverninent under dat of tho ihh jnu- iiry annnjinrmg th rletmination nf n nimie- tliato and ttrict hwtkadc mnntevideo h id leen inxdnpomic on thrday the sirena railed imt id not tli n bcn immithrd otfieuuy the mlowin jirtwevcr jj a uuc uniljiioi irr me artntnt ctnftj fdcjh io the futst v if ii ttt tie miirtej f kortijn aftirt in tho cmu rraildefbtcharfof ttw ifqtijn n ihc arm line cifiifcifeeatimi brigad uimmn urown the unilcraifrtcdi by order of hi terlhney tho governor and taptjm gtwcfal of lti fta- tiuec hiltfp r i in t yll to nniii yon that in conoouri of the dmim uhieh lvc been raided with naid to the prohilntm cjf the arlielea inctnded in the nutilolhi of the 111 ck- ode nf he pell of mnuvde undei iljte lih mach islt a nli ihr i e jr itiici mjj m tiwsous of um atmc ninth in ihemrnhranda wf their btthtaw1rj6 mfttw teraof i m and of ii sj tbfl km of ihc itt hapaeirttot m tiruo that the rj corn tn ii removed hm 1 v 1- connected ourancicnl ctyriih lle r uieotravcl on iltva eanlin erill be broken thta etiairje wa repotted a ftw day taneirpnuiautliorily ri tc lettera received frort cajti haitln and iv iiv reeeved e nfemwi inhr eem i in c ihjl amon- lla ptloijm wynll m ttn vva sentia lilntnfc n the tm ivhoary vnh oftcfoon capl- don 1 praying lcaaiyr aid 10 enable him to eaillvhj a private fteaairaal coiikinnnicalion hlwen rictou and qlehre go- vrnneni having iiiandnned njr mtil rontre firrrd to mrnre j u unw 0 vnimmd llh m caamine und ttmm llirenpm tiiinb- vet ha trealy brrn i ikr up ity pur city ioun yii ond ile jepri viloit cinietiiplated t one of aitf fici il irhhrtance 10 wtafaj rur fjlivrm enatly in aaenwc and en upo arrmrfemenla which nmv pvide a rctely the eojomanicjion he iwvrn alneier pictiniand triiee bdwaid ul mil invjhl he eonlimtcd with much advance in jh conecnd nnd iinrtocationnbly il nt in terct4 to bavu il oalawehd jiki miuniained e p mnnlli ryie nn nno rf ihc moat baumlan and uacful wotka f the d iv tit arecablo altera iw of what wa a rery nnjnftl i iw toward periediealf pjjcea u in a hrtlt r pouil io miit anlctibc-a- wc five fur times more otifmal matter tllaii any of the weekly pipera frr itfae- tf mvnth gratis original mv4ic ej pntt l a qodkt ruibjjpuia th pfuviocal foatac of id fr ounce ia io beaddvd tt ihc above ij ocnt to canadian sub- acribera bodbxt k afflt flit ittan wtiio omcc kington marchmi 18is h friday 28limrt whbool rerv al vlock 5 mitls mibnjivadu ws 20 i1i1n jo di- 2 iiiliu loaf jo ss package hyartin yfttn hyson and twankay teaa tf l qualitie gittilp r iaatej nrid groimj clrflc cog nac and lwdiruirf wiifltiy pt wine vi negar ktp and colrdlwi cavf mliali am plug tjarr liice wiiijow ca un- jdii porter prcib pait anj a variety of other crwccrie5 wtllum ware a uctivnctr kindlon i9ih mtfhi 18js- notice sitotaacblnb canal rie navigtltle unti ulhlqffiglrcd will lrl fter it may the uudorrigircd ivo notice ilai all pmpoity cni ti tlieir wurhotuus ai kingston or trttatvbciyi pcvions 10 ihat lttlf for liatkamiainu 10 montreal or fjuflioc will nnlpr be receive on thv exprcasa attijiulrjiinn ami undiratnmling hoieihy conviycil uiai it will im at ihc owmri rivk ami snhjct to iho uutlor- iiyntal wrtaouitm for ih fiillow- ing vvcm ot3tnaa vix floult rr itarrcl stif inm iiul bclrjo id ainitvi dol inncruiiujln irurrortttiit mafrilkron rilanb a co iiotlker hexrrwn a co muru w t raxokiwon li porwaiimixfl ot a htfxi utn ie iojs hc jtivks ar co ifllti ma mil im5 so tli whiff kinftoi the niiejt co- tmiirfi i cdouit and iainol jnrunti anil h uawtte ind jonwil a lxpreaa llumallofi on rnptfvied tn livc the above advejirniciu ihne minion cah and aend their utcjutit to th thkee forbaleattihaatileneum imkrican ards sbfds of all kiihls la yciri onmili war rantel will arrive ly lhr lirl vcsrl from lon don an nitnn1 of english garden sfiedsuftlm firtiofltiiy kinplun march it is15- cataraqui bridge nno bo m on contract th tolla of a ihccataraqui bkiduefrom tho lit moy next 10 tho 20tli january ih1g inclusive tender will b raceivetl 01 i10 office of the cataptaqui jiiiici company rj von da v tho 14th aiftil next ot 12 oclock noon from auch petstts aa may oo willing to reot the aatne ftir iho above period tho ront to be clearly stated 10 words at leiiib which rent ia to be paid weekly in the fittft thirtythree week after the said lot may it ii to be understood tliqt such of the a 1 my and navy and oilier military do- oartmenu as are included in tho con tract entered into between the cavern- rnenl and the catnraqui hiidge com paoyuu rxeinot from loll and that mtlilia men when on duty going to or coming from faradeor m inter and uw diroctora and officer of the ctftuhui bridoe company t their aervanta honttt and carriages are also to pass toll free it is further t be undrrato i thai the tll now authotised by law to ii re dticedto oncdialfon sudas ntid lhn uodedoctioti or abatement will bo made or ullowcd under any pretext wbaiaocvir from tho amount of contract entered into the person tendering or hi tmlttj must be present at the opening of the tenders and the name of twoauflieieut sureties are tube inserted who are wil ling fo enter into bonds for the faithful performance of tho contract the tenders to bo addicted to the president of the cauaqin bi idgo com pany tuos glassup 5yfr trtqs celerefvimriigs co caaroqut briilre olfice kingaton 19th march 184o i acard nnhe subscriber in reiirii f sroicti asiracovaeoancr a few jmocna2nd imtin- wrfl drcad rvtmn wsa iri lefor the pwnfta aaialrale to aukicr to irhireof prlly latcmy untin- the invesiiffa- untiil wa discovered ih it abe vau the wi of a hiie tnctcvjnl in kinmn gamaa iid hid dvriihoinr of iht hwuinda work nun ear- wwjanvl f fyrtj with her t lat hi money tl fnuivn iie t thia pltcc whttc they hiivc rcmdijmoi f ihc winter so 1004 ihc atolcn monry lirrl spiexoid lottery of houseuou fuunitlre to he bullta n toesuti libil btt at mil j- ii daleys 110 ibl wharf and storehouse at qlfkkston for sale vk 11 i j icsuld bv audionon iho pie w f tnivtisj an ulncclay itie oih of apt ii iioki at i ovtovk p l vlro wlnali ritjlit litlo and iulereal of oilhcrt mc mieken eq of- in atul to the tt liarf and siocmuiiiso at qocoujton lady icrupird by him ti10 prfliuui arotuo well knwu lit roqtira seiiptiutu mtntid at the iietl of hilvigalloti of ihilco unlaritii wiih a rjil hmd from qiumotftoa io chippewa iid ihciko slcum nyviitiin welkntd canal ptfrtlw tlj unuid ri vcr iiuio vory inienor of the province in tho hand f an enter pi ising owner nn immense fumatling busineaa mitjlil be domfii tliidl cib and iho re- malmlef m inaatnmim wi note uvlv rihi nw premie i inay hv in 10 air mcuicw qwi title kud by apvlyin- v ii ncr at siwiiw i purticulara learned ft lwd01 from bo ainea mart grateftilly retor his thanks to the inhabitants cf kington and iln vicinity for their kind patronage bellowed on him ao many years and takes the preonl opporlunity to inform them lhal he itaa leased e hotel anil tavewx in the msrkci square to 1u thomas perkins whom he bog per mission to recommend as lua surcesur john midcalf idtpton march 11th is5 hut in- st lawrence hotel dirtrthjoppwitc tht stogc qffirt end ncerfy appetite alley hoth clarence street kingston p ii is ilottw which was formerly a branch of the british ametican having been i i by the sul scriber and newly furnishel will be conducted as a fhl rlaaa hotel the rooms aie larrc airy and commodious and neither pain nor expense have been spared in riitino- them up tho table will lo found sup plied with every luxury in eam ami iiu baralocked with tlieheat hitea arid liquors that can bo procured- the exertions will w spaieil by uw httitwri bcrto tender the tit lawteiico hotl vvurlhy ihc atietition of tho tnvelitng ctunrruiiity thomas peuklns j ij- potters will lw in attendance ill thv teauimli 14 fctntajtfiqwawiv to and flwu l hotol- kinatoti march slalj 1815 custom house sale of law tooecro cotee fre frc c in thursday- lht 27h inalant ihe suhacorttra auction iwrn will be 10 j on account of the custom lion without re fer vc- 28 cheats and haf cheat dw skin you- hyson and junnowdvr tea of very lupeiint noijily 3 keg phta tobacco 2 lhnrs cfttt ltd rfth 1 hajr dainad coffer 3 cask lar oil i tseaw wilh iiiih and riiifl2 comptvlc sjic to cornmeiire wilh the gsnrciie at ten oclock ptintlujlly anl ititntiatrly after winch tlir scow will he am where e row besatgceiftxyl mill lnns wharf 1h013as gkbkft auctioneer kingston 18di match 1s15 auction sale of that beautiful crtfl the b igmtuic john dougall on tm if mayriexr at the plofmor tmpooya wharf iumoo ibis rdmirjbli5 vlmij with her riettiiig siu motalu aueboia chuins cable ami mlur appuu iiattce wil bo sold by lublic auction withoul rcerve the subscriber in rhino the attention of oeroti3 toni eded with ibe carry- ig trails in ihia sah kchi it rjuite by private bale at iho cohacftcral mux to c varioua eonainmeuu so 42 10 ft boxoa young hyaott tea half chcata auporlor twankay bbla unbt muacovado sugar bhdu loaf dn hlttu henneaaey a beat cognac brandy 2 pipe port wine 20 caflci ioiidnt porter r m s libs torpviitino 10 do winter strained oil 0 lihhrw kinecd oil 10 mjb vinegar cio imxea 1x0 and 8 10 gas covendmi tlo neil rod tubcc sii nnrl candles itaisin in kes and boxes laultafu liihea l capa cotton wad- tlhij canal plrtrt t u pipe gun- powdvt spnnye cfw vut lsultj leath er catnl 30 irtrreln oatme al 50 keys itulter william ware aitc ffoneer ev agent klogmoiti january slat 1345 trade unnrceary to describe the saitinj properties oroiber carptmlbtttof t ve sel which cilice her launch ha been the admiration of teamen 00 the caua- ihan wafers ural it yit in her prime and well calculated fr iho general iradr of the lakes terms out fourth of iho purchase money catk hi remainder at 4 8 and 12 months i approved endoiacd notef to the satisfaction of the seller sale at is oclock thomas chrkr ailcttonir uinmon march 18 1345 the kil4on iivi j l m chit- iran uoarjitin niaara ooonirio 1 uthjrjnrs juumal ifarriilton vvxjifc wih licjic cojty the above tall the jay of sale nnj acd their c room to the subacriber tt payuitnl t- c- to let ith nomsimi oft the let may the stone house near tho lt toll bar ni prcnl orrnpied by imr a gtoots auo a two story house in the fame vicinity furmerly occupied by cataix daunforo im- mediate pnyewon john midcalf kirgatnn morch 11th 1645 20 31 r fin sale of w union real estate bavinfj received in- st from iho ltarthwjftj n m 1 u rtt1ih v of april titx at the comi will sell by auciuin on ihc promt f if in lht kctoiu al 12 oclnc not pievioualy tiisojed of by pitvatu thomas a cokrr ale on tusnv ihr s9h day il april next nat rough cast cottage with full lot containing 66 x im feet mtwated on hninl ilca trect adjoinins the british vuioyiti methihltakbapc genteel well built renidenre contain- 1115 oun drawing room and parlor 3 bed rooms k if chert arjj srrvnii iwctmfrermiwtvrs ttt4 writ spring f waier ihuiiruam in 1 cs tern canadn conditions at palo sale at twrlvb ichtclt nmiii rfiojnee tt tht rfait stint jrjl l rell t torfrum oil vmn llharltiin lonrrl jlsllxton kingattm mreh 17 110 iln scita will jtaia copy to nifim brtt4i 1iii tintl rniuli tlkll mtrf rennlalmthc vmwrfl inaefl itna m wit1cnoilh rt nlirn hi fnmh io 1 ihy pot 4 1 on g waaetvhautli the broid icjuccr corneheil uu i limit kotihlchraflf rir cin and um n t heat herein tho nm4 ahamefot manner when ic rehntdj wltrn uic jid anl receive whit lie tlcintd n athmtc reward f iniquity uhion a fit of ilojmcitinn av mole a mita1 ijioe nn j w committed the mipitfjtc coniniitcd iltc aedoeer auo hot llkre ia mi jaw to njnoli him i itc cietervcs rrckftt dtm french 4at tiilt and m nnw to nexm jiih- cultica wlikh n vine regret mim jiaikart ih rculiomof perfect iinocrrtandin till ihc frifti u iv covcminciii w heh the arcnttoe mvrrroii auiccrhy dcirea to orrvree ha dctrnnmim iho fiona iho ddtc uf ihc inliitai0 of ihn ntrfci tho prti of mvttteviovo and that of mjhjmail ahould the aritanta iniufuna occupy jt ri- oitau hlkadcd by iho qdron nt ilic af gcnimo cofifcdnritino tliw blockvu bcinr atrtcilr cnfrc mittl ihc ihaiiatf annv urirr the otderv- if v hcncy uaa icat vrrsi nt 4 the oririntal rcmbhc of itie vuiiiy bnid c m nual oribe 4ul ittcci irava iho city nnd llni you adopt forlhot erpoe all thv inraureu thorisedby tin liwa of natiotia ariinl the a- rl who rhwld attcoiot to enter inln jt citre ed pjrtaof m note ridro and maldonado afiwluv nr rrcivrj the notificitron of ihc blockade hy one of the arartmin ecu of war n6 peeoiit 1 tin the mercittni vcaacl which re moy in the port to aail fain thrncc until the sijth kcbroary of the pfcaett y4r after aloch dy hit interdiction will he general and mil include equally tho rtf acta which nlcr and ihjs which leave and tht in untcr to 11a luttihncnt uvrc be no diffiulir mwmatollkwraaaj i uh firtifrj jflj ntm uia bftimatttiimrtti navatcnminderanrt mnntevidro mrmraojay hrtc ami engee euinptnita wvetjl 0 whom were inx thrn tuh a copr of ihia order a aa been ptmpily on tlvc apul the dcainacorc rtcment w ovmo hereby the gtfmrnv wth rjpect to lbs j confined to where it origmaud 1ho profiy in the prcmiar deslrord conaialinj of vtimier and winter cafriaica ir and uoro were totally coniiimcdj wa have not been able to aaccct tin woeihcr the huildinga were inaored ivr the cjuac of the fire qatktc gazette mnrih l sct guvn tlie biilutt barque wilann from ichaboc aroved ut chirkaton on the ljih htati rum ichaw in bjllnl wc ham liy her tint then was but about 8w0 haaa of norm on the oland and that there was about 230 mil of veoih w tiling which had jolicout fvr cifcora moil ol which will hivem leave aa did the vvj in bl itaa thii article ii o i on el n the univrtaol ai mltovr of lifrriculturi und hi trn fntnid in cirpaaa in vjlucof quility any nticr minute 1 cer tiled xy ftar bttwrrn one and hr ooek thi mornin tire cojeh li and viable bctoinc in b trcmain eaqr niltoininajhiiprnpctty si jvw 4 road and fronlinr lachevrnltcre strcvt were doeoveicd to been ore from in cumhulihlc nilutc nf tttc mlerial the whole of the out build iia were rapidly in a mjic and fa 1 wlwx time threatened the dcalroction of iba adjoining hoiila which arc principilly crtistriktd of wod for innately the intervening pptrty wloninjj to mr a- lzeo and occupied hy m- huooot he r of atone and h ivinr dvfoo f r to il ar- rrrted the pmrcaa of ihc fire tim latie r huitdm ihonch tcveral timcaoi nro bttlbe eave fnmi the interoe heal of ilw binning building w4 eiejlency the miniater of h b m and other public afciti and cvntuuvf fteridlv nationa re n 1 in tha city god you many yr ncd felipe arwv the toalowinxb ancatraetof a letter frvm an ohiccr in riftidcnl orbra army d d cjtarro drcembr3l l1l sncc wotiiif yv on tin 2d hnv or tioihin hai ictorfd if comtminjcttc rcntin lh hevy neathrr thil habrcn ejcprriiccd here ainrc ile 25th on lluoj diy amioii ureajfcl irivcol wtli ihc citlt and bri frnn b icn avrea the union lao returned on tti i7iu no hpi havr bee tikcn eirl in n dipltinilic wiy by the admifil in order tn cific tli rufiltmvtil f tllc cnasninciit contracted by the iiivcu gotcrnmrvn tlie braitliin ctiifc dattore mill rennni on buaid awjimj invuuelniu from rio j incirn admiral urown returned off mortcviiko on ihc 1 pliic 1 aiimlminfruche a 0 ij 1 ib do vo 0 0 si 1 yjail v1n7 wanhobr 0 0 4 1 niir miliwmvcardtabwis n 0 it m jinanv sofa 11 0 0 6 1 wahml sideboard m 10 it 1 mrlntnviurtpccidi e tabic to 0 r r i do n 1 i 1 ju jo 0 ti 9 m 1 udtnul o t 9 0 0 10 g rlf orceiari cliira 9 il u h c nitoon do j 0 0 10 0 do dk n n 0 13 1 mhonv work tabic 5 n 1 u 1 d drjlead j 0 0 15 m 1 witnut hnint tabic i 0 0 ig 1 rli work table 4 n it h 1 mahnanv lein do 2 10 0 1 vvajaat do glnia 1 s 0 19 1 6 u 20 1 do du do 1 5 0 si- i lit birakfaal tahlt 1 5 0 1 do do do 1 5 23 x do wak do l ii 0 2 v 1 clurry do du 1 french bftrad 1 5 i 55 1 0 0 ft 1 do do 1 u u a t vjlmjt work table 0 15 0 iw 1 do do do q 15 0 2ir 1 dn do do 0 15 0 3i 1 do wji tl u 0 31 il 1 du tow tablo ll n c z2 1 do do do 0 i 6 render will imtweiwl l oitkc it fbioav- l frm unit ox- oclock desirous f cnleuug imj tot j c2t 0 tlic ubovc liid may b acen at ihe fort warehwoc nf the suhariihrr at to the tfrittiitj f the liotterv tickets twenty of lite suucriur george iipnter kinrfon march 50ib 1s45 ny tunc p lilonscacb to te had ct u you dovt an itkhlower in run over nn tnuraday afternoon bf a broadway uftftibv one of the lwre kievd hnn anp ihc ml upon trim wtih pc1 dilticuhy the poi srtb banif reliftoiohed the ourutl of llh ineafi 1 f llow wa leencd foni hit pciilnifa filvitum and 7 ytztm l ft a ikwtj era p d other bencvdn iwa lu cat bnatj 10 tlil nmall crifl tinu been diailcled from your mrl you arcrambibly heiicr ncquitolnl ilan i am i dfth hc never ceao rninmr rhanj m molevid0 ffocaha ucn diuird by vc que from the command nf ihv fjamaan nd u n- nque mjiliite ortec oore brought to act on the potilic lac tlvouh not villi oil a rcal deal nf saaairftti fnnn a cvruin cili of ihr finmtfy pacccoy obcia aucccor hia dwindled down comrntnlorof tha cvrro fortrta and it i y the aid of dr pnnly lcrrna hn wa placed on alivo and carried lowardr tote wlietna n a mod bitmw atci ihastnvcyaint imdi j 14 simpson alleiv vtiiolrank ifld rctdl wineandsilhir dealers at ihia instant jrarim contuacr tar suiitoyint llcr mrdtyv tiwrpa in- aide if toil heury dioy whoti ivtjir d wilh pure water for one eor r ihe hi may s5 lo the toth aprij lsg the tendon moit rtpreaaihc rate in currency er 100 gatfwlfrjll ligr iird in word a lineih 5 ho kxnculpu in n frm which witl ft given on oppli- cmion jtl ilii usie- uuescopiiihionle ar fiihject to the ajuirovahif the r iorcinnrnsarial otscer vitl be reijiirrjatd the roil si- natiirei vf twn rrwmwalmb peitt5 wiil- iu to clalitt intuit litil tth il lrtn cial for the due nml fiitliful krfnrm aitce nf una cunlracl hiusi ho ijtven in lht tender l pynienl will he n vat thi oilier m lli cvrttfntn nf lht offirer cnrritilaiid 111 at foil henrv that the water has hvon iculty utnj aatiftcluiily sup- plied cnrnrnuftstirtt otucc kiuotoii march uh 1s16 wlii- and ciro i- f n fcerfc brilliant scheme trial amount of prizes 81179178 lit ovurivo op vii rolowin oafo cafrr ttfquwh s3fooo m4jm8 tteo prts ifirt 5w0un divderf tnfr frius 0 si 000 cara a lexanjluialottrrylhyau- ihurity of congress approved by the frcatdcnt of ihe united stales clafts 14foii mu to ho drawn 01 aloxaudtta dc on saturday 4pril 5m 185 undvrthn superintettdenrxof puatiu commih ms appointed for thai purpose- 78 mvin lettcrv 13 draws mbwra grand scheme 1 trard riiaeof 6000 dotlaro ia 8600011 1 4fatkl pnto of j dollara ia smjail 1 ornnd pme of 1400 duluraia 8140 2 rriicaaf the atttrjfeum book stoke drug stork laciiike caxau jotice i herehy pvch ihat ho lachine canal mil be 0f en- ed lr the trade on thursday bo l day of may uvx and that for the putpuac of conalrocling the necessary worfct of rnliirgeaicrilf c lite water will lu drawn oir and rhe canal closed on andfium friday iho 1st iay of au gust uniit monday the lmittey septembeknexr v thomas a begley j sttrtiaty hoard hotam- board of ifttfafj uiammli sih march itrtj i in bankruitcy jneviscc fit cnanaj midikn district j ueorfik hill davtlor a baajrtu cohmcss ttfr bfajfal hv statfoid f kibhparritk krbirpjartgeefisf mm- lnd d strltl coortj heating eate ihe elrveoth itay of minh in the ytar of oar laid oa- t rnisand rishl lumlren and folly nva rrt merlhirif ciedilenon fkidav ht oojjrt house ic noon okbkrr sheriff midlcnd itufrttt shiiit 0fi ktnestoo i2li march 1815 f gklc0ti9 firock stbe i1ake1c9 t klacltox i 1000 5000 3000 i iwl- lifl 0 w0- t 41 050 20 iho 80 50 40 20 53 23 mm jcuiw iooti towi 150uu li0 5d 000 s4hiii 510 f s3sql j330 nco jvro 10j00 isiftju i truo if9ntii hrtao mssjwo 440f0 4i6 tt barkrk respwifutly inlteim tho liiluditoiiuof kintjatiiti nml viciuiiy mat he has erently mitotml in iho ivenmo bcffilrolll the alhrncum priming oftire a book srorbond drug stork for iho nle of iirfru and stmtnathy ofltfoi mlimciata his stuck of hooks ia ot present confined to the cheap publications of lm dav ami ir siditi rtmlw of every de scription hut lib stock vf station- ekv u large and seloctcd with the creatcaicare nnd comprises cveiy quali ty and size of pniitiiit nud writing ptt ners blink book haying and phalli cards quill smcl pens blm and lllack inks c ftf together willi an assort mciil of elegant fioiidoti ln- grftvipgai and caticature prints in con- ncciii with the bonk store ii a rook bindery whrt wutk uf oil kinds is executed m order his stock nf drugs and mencmc eonialoflhe usul articles sold in in apothecarys shop toethr wilh dye stuff and tetfutnery- also iuieitt medicines of genuine preparation- 1 febiuoryslsl 1315- j18t bkck1veu per hidrrniv jxd for sale at tub atukne0m book store i aw rromn a bhcet ahnaiittcj watts hymns colihs spolltntj dokoi kinustoti march ulh 1s11 fuosrbctus ft tkkk k ar v or prr lent piin4 commeuee ine puhli ration of a 0initri nlhly circular news leiterand iviceocurrti fortius trade prnvideij iho merchants of kingston will fir i ly support the attempt to brin the bu linens of ihc town into better nputo the work will be eded hjr a ctmmioi meiehsnt of standing and ixpetiiice kiiism 7ih march ts5 orders for english books roeus for english books received ot ihe atheneum boo store and forwarded per halifax steamer through the agency of mr chmmcis buokselfari montreal kingston teh 28th 185 kinjfton rf05 rauta amouoliaj los two private mvbluxas to lei t lh corner of hintck and ontario t ihc i ireet criberjcoc- pnwmmi to 1i ivrri on lh fust f mtv anjdylnl su htt of uarijtk and onuiw sliru john srraciian kinjcafn marelt llih 181v svdkxuai saloon mr thom s ycnneil rrapect- ftjtly iofcrm to fiiendt itiat he hj niiid ihe svnrsn sais at lb soctii wkit aimnccd ihc ni v maki t hen oesc opphtlte mr milra s tvein where he hotin to he alill lavate with lhrr tiattonsge luscnr fresh ojrkase ififlamim f- wi 1s15 m lm i shop to laet 1jie prick store ia karat swf i ainnin the aieneum a4 lo dr ajidthilliehia aved for hi pprt u ord t onlr tbnj thai followed him iv r mot bfra a medicil ftchnot o chi s lite dead man waa rnlcrinj the lull im a3kael hit cyca prrfcancd henvilr nnd aake1 wko hier werccrtinr hi to lh llnapiid wa mr leptf the w4 weic aere1y ilklfd brfrre i- irao2 from the harrow clrcd the ecrvd aroaad him and took to hi- heele ihwa d-d- mid a hout of loojhter tvhieh ws the lfirkrr kiaatsii a 4lh march 181 1 ureet to let rph tern in ihe villjjc of ivawlo lately in tin ocrupilinn ttf llmrv tirah iy llf jsk itaa dirlintonm to tiios kikkpatrrk kiigilcf rfr 5 1811- 45 li nn mineral springs ie health of ho puldie may he much improve ly a dwirjlrt of ihe celehntted mineral springs whicii nie ngaiii pen and in perfect ordnr for itfti jas bone kingston feb th lsw 130 vtia ilarce ass of principes liialii havna chctnets 4c- of ihe ghiilrsrtt littls tr sale al iho grocery si kin 79178 whole tickets 0 halves rio yuttrlera 5 l great chance by the package system a packsge of tickets in ihe ahove splendid skieme costs 50 but 05 it isschh to draw at lpat 30 we are enahled to send a certifieolenf a pcvao of 26 whole tieketa t mii a cviuhatjf a eka 20 ualfticsicu for uj a crrivlc a packajjje of sgtjvartcfs df for cn acrrtificoteofa package of 90 cighlha djfur 30 qj obeerve that on package of tickets may contain the first four capiul prizes amounting to slllogs for sinlo tickets or packages ad dress your orders post fad enclosing cash drafts or prize tickets charles mcintyke fc co no 18 ifajrsfmr ond 13 broad fffred mm york tjr all communications vtll be held strictly confidential iho drawings will be sent free of expense and prizes paid io specie funds on demand with ihe usual discount just hkeivki it the atiirsern uauk sronr via voiftn ord jortreer a few new and hplesuid en- v graviwussi tir 1 porlsito qcn vicloria and her cuij ttn ifioufi painted hy uniaeer en ftaved hy co5i 2 eiva pihei potiriit of her mjaiy 3 two porliaitsof prime atheil 4 one eorlrilof ux dok of wellington 5 out rjn of sir rohrtl tech 6 sundry spoiling enafinys 7 pomiilof na1eonhy dc u rnrhe for sale on reasonable terms village lots in wil1iamaili nc kmcfwo apply lo mro umtw the prettitaest or la th0s kirkpatr1ck khfm0ft jan llh 1815 imiufl tuss p3sti1it isd hctck8 frjlmenjijfufjlctory pprb subscriher ia prepared lo mano- a farttuc looking glasses of every description lo order also pnatftalt and plcto fftames nf mahogany black walnut roe waftd birds eye maple and gold old frainm regih wm boyle krjfftfo street opposite wn aforsjiii- kinpwn feb28lh 1845 ihe bci vm mcmillan auctioneer k broker respectfully infotmatht matcanli comnotnity thai he attends auctions in town anil fuutiy on rnoderate lerrrs will uaeeland aril nn commission ivtnsten march 11 1845 jo ol lord sianlry j the ra of inc ba4ehr kinton march 14th 1845 bisiror qjyverdojyks trial riuers haye just received i n ofilieriihi rf b t jlst recklvf pen iiiiiuma asd for salb at the athkngum book store oliver boyds sm edinhmjh almanae is 15 dn larjtv ahnanar 1815 btitish alnaeac and companioa aho from montteal sutka heel al- manae walls llyitoi few cpie ondcohinkn trial s ramsay armour fc co kington march ii 135 a imc of lhaj 3uhscrlltjr v j martin icthjulj ist4 cohb silir booka kindlon match ihh 1815 barrels pdtm mess and mesa porv of ihc hel rjtihhsor sale by john strachan ktngaton jsnutry 1845 200 strayed heifer came shout lh ptrnit of lha nhscrt- ber ahoul ail monlhs ajo a small led hvo year heifer thi animal hashrea kepi nd led all winter a in casa the avener does not corse forward to naycr and charrrshc still be sold foithwtth lor th saina i s ank1ng wleiloo kosd march is 1845 st just received ani por sale ficw ibrroleuf firiroo ontaulo salmon trout tluitox white klstt i well proserved arrdiii ffgicrofctrt w hftlarti i corner of market square jl 1 alirplfn 3h lvur 1815 to iet possession given on the rt of my the premises io ao cqm merclalftlart at iho foot rtf princes siett occupied by mr d macdokaid vne of the ct situations fur general business in tuvrj charles hales kinguon 3d apiu 134