the british whig ml sjsnssu snvrtftttmtn fnn kahiha wkbc pakliilinl stmlweekly kvkuy tukhdav x friday d t dwa1d at f r ft sim jovxf marker u d the 4tiibnbum te 11 rvr nim is a d v i prr mar mtifter ovk pounp um ir uo i i h l m inxtru ic arc fnli umulaihrumfe i j lrllasfl to its ii11aa bve mo lisc jdpor hru for harptloams wh mese mum a linmji whhml f sq t bo wl 1 vci rrhacs1 svnsp- umsis relun0 dwuwnt mllsssi sssaesasb wyfissi us jjj3rtiiijlicririh4iriotlierblilwf nr dicicioji t ins bill mi first trro op m wlaw to leave ihe rwpontimlny of proem 4 with or postponing tho pieasurs oo hj e s cl i i n 1 odvtseri lr jihvtfo was prepared te vosf iv th0 second reading but if hr wt joriyi minister wit hej to go f unheal m would vote against them and offer som amendment of hi own h0 slid that inmo of llic ciou j were auch as a chrisjan nor member vol xiv kingston canada tuesday march 25 1845 no 24- genuine tea and coffek warehouse corntrof king and b ft strtiu ntxtdttr co mr caronu i gvzetit oflict markit squirt kingston ioiixt r smiley pr iteb qfimajmlailtdmi bciiylv a fesnw termv n mtitkuiv btawkn coan or ite- hriev cci ej sitmr mats rajan k william j martin espktfully informs ins friends mmfmi t ir innr robert mccormick wims spirits tejs bmcebiesi 4c pbincess street kingston and the kublicthat hehas opened a aige and choice stock of genuine crowriti wines liquors fruiu 4c at tlio above aland where by attention 10 the wanlaof hu customers and being able to sell a good arlicloat tho lowest price he hopes to merit a share of their patronage among his stock will bti found the fallowing articles i cigars general stage office fine door below tic british american ihltl kingston extroj furniihtd of the shortcut mtftefi orf on rtotonauc jsrrmj hamilton prescottakd montreal ie royal mail stage fnr toronto and hixnxtlton will leave t hi office oclock am j a mcdowall f9rrier and hatter shock trmxrti kincston fan mddi up to ordtr on the thorttst nofum fur of t erf dejenptionj bought and sold craig w a tt accountants ontario street gf ntmt r va sliafsatfa c f i dr howard fiunccss strekt birtctf f9ite mr ottitvt bwjing houu kingston barrisurs it attornttp at lan john a macdonald alexander campbell n t llnteil ship chandiibph no 4 hrdy bktfubft onteri hr kingston- wrtmn fatkst chain utlti awpan caoas oakumj tar htch ano aoai naval stores of eiary dccniof boiled linid anil painl kinpon match 28 1843 oil painting david martin from scotland tainter glazier 3 dnort above the scotch chin ch prfn- coastroet iingtttii n- h vvhiiwaaliiii and coloring kinratcm feb lb lia donalu mcmillan respectfully call the itha- titn nf hi frioml in general to ilia inwly r nnd llic pumic fivcu 1 niioi latio from montreal ami now york markets comprising an excellent uioa nmnt of gnocettes vikssvlrits jc of lb best tlevcriniinn viz ti lamaka km imm ifiimha phii lmklla olive oil liwl svh spi4 flour picku a dt ttaawal- wlftm kfcxlftili- oimj llrlmai ii luud giibeil fa i willi a varioly of other articles loo nu merous to mention- kingston no 22j 1314 teas imperial j ftuitpowttaft youftsnd01dhjfon twiiikaf pekoe coriuu coffee green raamaala fvttrfa iirj i sugars dmime refined lo i single dv do rfhed mimcovsdoj su crii puf lo kko oil olive sperm laij ditrphina wies porti sherry h i i i curai jcc c brandy cipnac btinleaux peu gin holhnde scmedem jnaiea 6priu kiim standi wtiirtx ceitehidn do i i- ifinif preheh lkjucoii lmluti poiir lioiiavk ama jo totfaccos i endrh xailmdu hltw hneydcmv lidica teriat tuikiri fnn cul rfrln fine old principe havana raliav cheievtt paeatetee planiaiienf woodvillev ac dee houses to let po rent in colborne street and posesiin given immediately 2 new house6 bih in excellent ot jer and having a firstrale well of water rent moderate apply to the pl prictor at his saddlery and harness warehouse prineea street kingston john harvey kingston 20ih jan 13j5 6tf wheat flour pork potash the subscribers will my the highest market price t cash fr any qnan lily of wtuat flour pork and potasa jelivired at thuir warehouse unlario street the whrat will bo taweti in c the city mills rh t rae rvinjiton january 23d is- t an excellent opportunity 0 be leased tor a term of years until the heir atlaw now an infant comes of ajje a farm of excel lent wild land in tho township of hun gerfurd also a village lot in barrio- field for terms apply i mrs joseph moore barriefield- kingston 9th aug 1341 63f t wises liquors and groceries the subscriber bess jcare lo return hi trunks lo the publie for past favours and mou iespcuully solicits a routiiivancr oflh umeathis old stand corner of ontario and barrack streets john strachan kins jnary 1815 illustrated newspapkks i he subscribers have just received a few copies of tho following po hilar illustrated newspapcra punch or the london chiravari the picroniat tints london illustrated news- ramsay armour co january 10th 1345 for bvibbx 50 bbls po 50 no tiiu llfbmgjilbba bailey i north shore herring thomas greer with a vaiioiy of oihor article in the trade tn numerous to mention innkeepers will find it to their ad vantage to call end eximino heforo pur clnvring elsewhere private familicsi officers m and hotels supplied on the most liberal terms kingston novemhei 19th134 british pbiuomcallitera- tuui for 1845 cientlemen desirous of procu- 5 i j any of tho fallowing publica tions for 1845 will have the goodness to aigiiify their wishes to the subscribers or any of their geuts without delay as it is not their inumtion to continue irr poning a greater number of copies than what are actually subscribed for hitherto the attempt to supply tho colony with british periodical litera ture at as low rates as thoso formerly charged for tho uuited states reprints has been attended with much labor and ox pence but the subscribers are indue ed to continue their exertions calculat ing ihe marii- in which they have ful- filled theit engagements with the public will lead to a great increase in the year sbout to begin edinburgh review qoirteryks pr inn do oo do do do dn 6o do do i r i i i l- v i 2t bnluli kum j and quirierly do bs u ir hgvidw do rmrci5nacotonwl quatlmy kaview 22 i- t- r uvrvvr 22t l m 1 i monthly 30a coltmrtis new monthly mtraaine3ci unilcd service jourmt monthly 3si duhlin university mu iir 1 ilt dlaukwaod edinburgh af4aiina aimivunh mjm l mftnthly ir7a hrc tendon lancet a weekly mcdi cil j- h i 32i wnfm of pathtan- payable hilf yeerly in advanca ramsay armour co december 10h 184 lumbtir sale ny tjie puusca and queen streets trance either way 300000 rt of ltiubbr consisting of j inch inch and a quarter inch and a half and 2 inch also a lot of oak plank from one inch to four 3rtrnn princes 1000 feetof square ftne luniher and di- p1ne scantling of different mensions the whole of the lumbor is ofau- ierior quality and well seasoned and will bo sold low for cash or approved credit benjamin tett kingston may 7 184 36tf cash for r highest price i x flour by r kingston nov flouh d cash paid for scobell 22d jlwft so sain macdetal dihy lleirtnfv nounhora do tbltf codfifb l and mi l duliana do k do m trunff cunanti r 1 f r i- tcirtdred lemon do gttrun sofftd oil fcattor di saere ketchup fisorian anchovies evftnco a viai m accttroni verrtoceth mm nutmap sethni powders ltaaufflea ir ciudy mulifd crfysced sperm candjet lard do tnllivr d windsor soop caiiu do brown do almofld pilberu ginr epnrr 3ltt sulphur vv bitioff vvfltthnv ftftahfc ktio titoe 0lhlrak pipe i r i j sinna- dlacbil4f simrch lilua pettirr siica dec etc sit tred patrnl piik h r i ee toronto t orvey day at halfpast 10 precisely the royal hail stage for prcscott in connection with the motitieal lioe leave this office every jay at halfpast 10 oclock a m precisely and will leave pmcotifor w tmidediatcly after the anival of the montreal stage passengers for toronto or montreal will roach their destination in 36 hours the subscriber take this method of thanking the travelling public for their past patronage and having iared no expense to make the above lines of winter conveyance c most eomforta ble in british north america feels con fident liis exertion will meet with their continued support the sleighs art all avt and dott bo4ud like a carrigt and only requiting a trip to either of the above mentioned places to have their comforts duly appreciated william weller pro rietor all baggage at the iik of the owner 30 lbs allowed to each passenger ait extra lo bo charged at the rate of a pas senger fur every s00 lbs kingston december 13th 1sj4 glasgow wakkuouse wholesale akd retail princess street kingston err waddell coraicct- fully intimate that they huvo a assortment of ladies and gen kernels patent india kukueh over shoes also a well elected slock of prunella boots ad shoe white and block satin slip pera also a choice anirle in fui moffs and boas i fur and cloth caps of vsrious shape with a veiy extensive slock of fancy and staplo dry ionds all of which will be fold off at a small advance in order to make lonin for spiing importation kjticsion january 21st 1sl5 xew cftocerystoit e r sulisciihor respectfully itifums lilt fticndu und the public that ih victoria ijousk he subscrtbel s wtw lo return bis most sincere ihnnks tohia fiitnds and tho public foe liberal sup pirt he has received tice uv commenced business in kingi icspe ho would icspetil iutiolhtj ilia he las removed h saloon to ima ol mr hardys new buildings ofpcwtk mm j h guia witvnr where h will keep constancy und a ficw mjii ivflf ply 0vste8s fruits fsfef tionary c fc his luit ia stork with tho best of liquors winls c- and no at tention will be ipttvdlo accommodalt those who may fa him with a call- jam erf elder kin dec riw l1rf provincial parliamen house of assembl from tfit mwtrtol tuttjt i v tuesday march 181945 thk universh v bill poller let of thr houe uf aacmiilr the were thronged this evening discussion on ihi incltrc which the 41 lock gtvuiesf mi to hcjr the repcctiiig intcrcal urcvjiltrd at camcroni as comifvl ur kingtfcollope appeared at the unr uf the houc and delivered whai is by gtrwnil consent allowed to have i ten a most nd- mimblc jicech tho lton gentleman poke for tliree hours and duiing that time was lisicncd lo will the gicatet nitcntiou wc ennnut prclrnd to follow htm in ihe diflercnt arcurrtcnts he brought forward to had been ntent that govern- he tie ur the oppomt quebec a t a meeting of club jahow lite injumtrcof any interference uilh he club cnhcrl by he charier of kifrfi college frgunient requisition purtoont to rule loltlrodjiy aupiwrittl by a refetenre to the held at paynes hotelon the ifrili opinions nf dumguished lawyen and tie january it pnciicc of the must libera governments w havokrson esqinlht chair cxfanl he went ihhwjh the new bill bmtwt ihe nursery rlaitie hv clue and shewed that so far stakes of 26 cnnency each jtvlo realiringilic facinalingpiclure drawn fotfeit with 50 covrency added by the i hy mr dramr it was more likely to in- club be runforouthc last tvisdaywo ihe billeriam of religious fcelin- of july 143 at tho quelle meeting ind encourage discord and igitttiop he fur rolls and fillies dropped in canada iwll akongly on the fact that in the united petition asking m ilic if thty did to leam would al0 irrterfere wiih thoae other en dnwrnenlsof lower canada whieh had never ye uen inlirfercu with it there ure did tem moil exraordtnarv ft utinistry lo feffi their iricarla lo them by preiim dill meuun in hie wanton manner they were doing the imii emleman referred o the pethinq wjorh harl ln iravtlied from ihc virion uf king college vprimt the prnpojed hill ondmrd lhal after the long urifi r au- ljhrrtica uhieh had been rited by iho learned eounl a ih j lvfu w take up the time of the hotm by uriogfaw fnnvaftl other auilor ire though he might itffer o uw ojiininn of lord lyndhurat i on a vmitnr auoxfion in england and auo ti iliopa of mr df9ier who had asserted that the pnwinrial legislature irtd no inwcr to imcifere ither trilh the charier or endowment nf the university the only rtttobon which linn tneinliera cavm vote ccoint the molion he should proprne nuld lw leeaiie they relieved the aru- ments addressed by th learned eouad at he bar not to he enables but unless tl the object- offther of parliaent cuuld vcu for in fact nox at all accrdrftg to hoy frnars of laughter mr dc addnrifsd ib hotrae t ftie leitgth the purport of hisrernarta was hut whilst h wuiild vnto for prniciijitf in tha aennd reading he cd lo larlher atlion etng taken thieraaioa da dorjlop said he would vote for the scfonil reading nnd woutf tint ay bow ho would vote afterward the hnn gentle msu mde snme remarts with the rhjcet nf allowing thai the endowments tp itva lewer chijjj cnl legos it nod oni totally different rioting to the endowmeitt to kings chegtf and that tyhilst the oruf wit ptihlic property ihe others could not be isjt itfyl with mr macdonaid ofdundafl said thai in voting ffirtlie address to the throm in answer to the speech hnn members bad pledged ihvmselvea lo legislate on this sub ject which was ontf of those referred to m ihe speech yet the now trrestened tn desert minfalgfl fr doing that which tbey hnd hound them to do he stigmatised this defection as at unheard of dcfcctio and said he would aatrifiesi anything father ihitn phe hifrwlf ia the poijrn they had done he would never consent to bfiog minimry into ueh a pas by tho brcnoeat declarations and thn defcrt them siidi an act was shameful was a ftoleisuji and a desertion of principle which mor kcry could satisfy themselves of this and cots ih hz7 7 1 hf how n coiwholim rig to intirfere they j were bound to vote against the sectnjl p io nie the members on reading the hongenileman then moved ii ppn benches had remained fm in 1s4s colts 81 filths 7st to start from mairhmont fence aul go once round about mile nnd a quarter to name and dm td forfeil to be j parties themhvcf and that even then the paid nti or before slat match 1s45 to endowments had never been token awav- states charters granted by the kingtodtc ferent proprietors had never been in to tiered with withnut the sanction of the qmluctnrfciuh torn conditions will k large the secretary ofthf on opplicutiun to w be mtidd known the above ispubhhed by order j fishbfl sc recry pro fern quelnc gflml janu isii for sale wtith positive ohicjs to close con signmenls 75 packages of tea tomfsting nf twankay voting jlysoir tlurt powd r iinjin iiil and souchong so kegs plu tobaccos lss 25 bnxpscaveudiah do egs very upr has just received now york i store in the tl i ruin muni ofltirn for milt eal in ami thai 10 4 10 10 2 4 50 50 100 00 lf boxes ltihev twiit igstdo d do o nurfcct rvovawj ftco deorj the itdlitiviofr any from jioblt pnlmw aay uoods which ate of c aa can bo fuuud lor family me mul lie sold on as reasonable terms as offered for sale it the town tho stock gofmhistt cognac llian dy hollands jin lnoaicrn spirit whiskey madeira ivm sherry nd sweet luscat wines kcfincd loaf and muscovado sujsir miascs and hun ey dew english caudles do cjlareh cask rpehl ojr casks w hifo wine v bids canailit whiskey lo north motrtl he lings no fotntrjn tll rit keep inckm letter bbls flue iinj lkiriino chiorc brautf- am f which tr ilmhmml ur ctsli nr wpfivcil cmm uuetl c aiukht accoi commercial wlwwfi vinstnn ut ltiuniy what was still more conclusive lie hoivcd that even under the independent gnvern- rnonl after the revolution the kings grant had been maintained i the of a j slate lccmaiure and if that was the case he asked how much more was il lo be ex- pected that ihcie rights should be held jarred in the province which still called itself british he contended thai the power which could take away this charter could take away every endowment whiih the crvn had made in this ruun- iry and would leave individual 3 ihe meivy of ihe legislature he showed that although the dtlfercnt seels in this country mifslil wlsli 10 feed on ihe rich endowment of ihe chun h of knghtnd they had ex hihiled a very dilterenl feeling when their own interests were concerned the mc- ihoditrrj in the tmt of lady ueleys rhariiv and he scutch in ihe rac of 1843 tircgar 1 i fluiiv if low i dcp ardren had murk up wir right and bail opposed all kings c mnuily for tl interfere re- and had the fmnfs made to iru h iih ttai jila iwu iour n pio- text for interfering with uvm no inch a high- handed act of legislation had neter lieen atleiupled in repccl to tho des pair lies fnun the karl nf ripen which hail bd laid beftire ihc houm he insiaied that as legiplaliuii had taven pluco njttr pilk sjhctiaei iiihtbiljinunf rrralh- that t i s tijivr hellrvllle lts rutrtvl inttl tft intntin rhii the till yrmjh i ktw utillfl llyson sou- iuclrong imperial twtsi y snuin tuaokay cbong old hyson p and hyson skin tea ladie cavendish tvlltcco aloecabo principe and common cigars liaisius currsuts mmricuibo rittf fftmu and grotind cofteo ground and whole pen per am allspice liy blur starch saie- tatof windsor toilet and common soap 8perm and thivc oil spctm and tallow candle shoe thread and blacking oatmeal kiie and liailey white iebd in kes walnuts filberts brazil nuts almonds lernnna and lemon syrup lime juico stoughton bitters swent oil motard in jarj kegs and ikittles cloves nutmegfcur ry powder cayenno pepper citron pepper sauce tomato and mushroom ketchups capotes capers anchovies pickles macaroni vermicilla haspber- ry syrupj sartiaparilla and ginger pro- serves corn brooms whispt and hand brushes mats patent pail light hand lamps match safes tvtine reels bed cords grain shovels and measures fawcetts tub and barrel covers la dles and wash boards caudle wick table cod fih and 50 barrels no 1 north shore herrings walter mccpxiffe kingston feb- 20lh s- desirable opportunity proprietor of a firsl class long established faumhaiut horrt now crammed to excess j and floated in the very heart of the city of montreal wishes to dispose of tho lease good will and furniture thereof private reasons induce tho proprietor to offer iic notice the mic e auc tion commimon rlmnkns nj bavim ukm iheft- prms ulrfj ocrimird by the ili msflrherttr waieuhst diterili ti y fiimvniijk store tacweallrvi li town and firm m lrhh experieljee aove bftsmtls lie lumrn lomlt lhl he will he at to give uncial sllrtiro he is nrtw prenol lo rrchve im con- sijinmf nt merehani of rvery cnitior lo itlseof filbfrliy auction or private sal ltheral advaaremfn will he niaje on cod conpiene to lum ininllfil hctrnprs ty mmc tlsllly andtort nttention to doflnetj to rrcci iha of jutjlic pation- age ilalesof fumilift and oulwf town wifl l all iimr he attfhwj to j and m he fsa talk m mi fjst and as cheap y ol his ntisittiour i pleas give hirn aea dv inthc weeksnay xr seconded by mr hienvuod of broekville thai the hill be not now read a seennd lime bnl that tin further consideration thereof le postponed till ihe njl session mf inspector general rushkuh staled that he fell uuud 10 vote for the amend- ntent bcratise he desired that ihe lcgida lion on this subject should maius as perfct as rt was rwmtiulc fnr it lo he made and he could not admit that there fhw any urgent neceity fltr the mcaiire being pretfd through ilisst session the hwta ecnilcnian slated that he bad ucn twice before his constituents within thr lasl few munifis and idot their desire wa that ihc rndowment appropriated by the bill should ho apportioned io the dtflcivni churches n ilijl they mihl have the means of edu cation within iheirflwn dulrirt instead of sending iiict rhildrca tn toronlo hi c0dkicm tom lirjo thai the present nteas ure wottld not have that cfteet and there fore he rhmild vote tnlim it havine done o h hofml he aiioiiiii nni inttfrfen willi any of he tufes of ltesmnsihe givefninent or c areiiied of vvialdng in emhairass her majestys government the hon gentleman explained ihe cir- etimtaneert under whteh he had accepted offc and staled lhal rn roncunee f ie cuurm wjiih iim lulegiiu ihuiiijht it necessary ehruld u ptrtied he had on tlie 1 1th install tendered hi reip nation to his kccelleucy c read the letter enn- veying this resgnaiin ami claimed frnm the lionse that they would bclttfvc him sincere in having artcd os he had done hit foclmg was thai th meatins should ylrmd rver that the opinions of ihc country might k oreriaincd atidlht the measure adapted thnuld lc a fiord nne mr solicitor general siienwoii ful- u llicy wefo received lhcr tlttasiofl was done and they cottld not now le tptuted n an nrunment forfuither spoliation besides ihe language of ihmo thspaiches was merely lo tijvi se the college council to i give up ihcir charter and not an ahsidule lowed he mid he fthrmu ihh then enter hizttigof tt as was contemplated in ihe on 3 dieuini m the principle of the bill promt ml he denounced llienieavtm nreopv the lime of ihe hrmse he pohnocm and the pro- agreed uilh his honorable fnend on the and roo vr draper in the neceity nf wnril ofinne measure r eiile llits qoestioit and m l-utn- 1 had ai the jarrillre of many tfwftt fnend for ihocake of religion urn every j hip deiermrned while in the govern- octal pnneiplej i y every patnnt f ment to render all the bjaftm in his feeling in the nanu nf god your puwer to acromplis qoeen yniir country j 1 rail upon ynu to penalty nf lie if it dm of w de noun red spnli ntcm poej loiversiiy as infnlcl eluded by riling ihe rioting vr drainer speech btfofb ril r th1t luminal nriiiri rcject this dill after the speech of the learned gentc man the htium adjourned fr a rw min utes on itt renscmblin mr dpapkr who said he would reserve any rematk he t have to make for a future occasion ti m moved dcroniled by mr attornev genend y life bales willcoaraeiwcst ii ft m bdlasfllp fehrtimy 17u 181 sole the above for sale a moderate sum is asked for the goodwill and the fur niture to be token at a valujtim none but ptincipau will be treated with and card uf anmics fibiained at the office of the riiitimi whic kitts- inn and at the oihce of ihe tokonto hcrald toronto montreal january sglh 1845 for that sale ok to let commodious tui sturv stone house mm occupied by ihe sobsctibur a- ao inn situated on ontario street the building is of the first class covoied with tin calculated either fr an inn and dwelling hthisp- itcn moderate to a rcspectablo tenant- por futlher parliculats apply lo the subscriber nr broekville or to g a dimming esq kingston- roderick mcsween january 9lh ib4 is wel or shop advkrtisemknt bakkofbritinij noittil amcbioa incorporated j ffojm courier nphe cocrt of dlltectors hereby ic mlico that a halfyear ly dividend of twenty mulling per share will become payable tu the pro nietoisof shares ivisieied in the colo- nies on and after the 5th day of march 1 i 45 duii tig the usual imuriof business at the scvctal bftfocti b inks a- an nnunccd by ciicujr to ilia lespoctivc parties the dividend i devhuud in sterling money and will be payaldn at ihc iato of exchange eutieut on the oib day of march ism 10 be fixed by the loral boards no transfer ran he made be twecn the isth febiuaiy und the jth march as the l ioul be closed during that period by ordt rolihe ctunt u 1cu att wood lfittrti malunistoiksr chain cables 58 31 and i iol i ditto 3s in ivillr anchor to tnateh a few cuds eitlifh i n ordae and oakum fiuh and bimit fori ale by itag k watt- kirisi mi jin lfij5- cohilaoe- in extensive onoriment of russia hemp llnpu l io a3 12 inch suitable for matitte and agricultural purposes for sau iiy tlie furmatinn nf in respcel lo ih 3 for solu cilalg 5c watt kintnn 20ih jao- i84 salt 200 land american 200 rto tiefforj and l ba dairy o tahle m k carruthers time lhs moiiim was met by an amende ment from mr boultox who faid that he was i ii at the rxrhw ihe gov ernment intended to pitrsee he had e- pected after the feeling exhibited in the house and in u part nf tin mmiliv iht the muiiiry wrndd nl imve pivsed ihe fcccond reading tliij scioii ily doing ihcy pbircdiheir soippoiier in the awk ward position of vntiog against them tinj f irtinging the cotintrj iwiru itno it old dillicutie but if the government was placed in ilnt predirameit il was its own fault they ought never to have made this a onbinvi question the ministry was sulii rcligiuii opinior of iito who romo it that it was impriblo they nuhl ajree n tiff qticilioe bol they had mid they wojil stand or ihii by il if thrv jd fall it would be their own fault mis main reason for voting against il was that it wast unconstitutional and thai ihe house l no right to pass il he had lecn sent hy a comervitive eoftsulurary in itippuft ihe uduominilirm hut be could do m only in pitch mcttowrc a ho coostdeol eonlitu tinnal and sound this measure was not o and llhotiub he would willingly make any ordinary sacrifice to avoid it yct h wouhl vote against it he was called on judge between parly and principle and had bill am course lo pirrcuf he cx- i rr hi urprise that ttic tioverninent should consider il ncccaty measure when there was no lion from any denomination of religionists asking for il they rould only do this be cauee they wished to strengthen ihftm selves with the counlry as the lust miuthtrr had sought to do when they introduce a nimilar measure if that w a tbr objeri he was satisfied ihey would fail bectft there was no psn of the upper province in which ihe measure was not denounced as unjum and improper and if iherc were no petitions against it there io pressi the n single peti- hisohjeet if the 4iog so w as tn risk his popular- and to make him retire into private still beshutitd not hesitate concur- ing then in the netesstty nf legijation he considered lllolafhia duty to declare in favor uf the prinriple of the bill br voting for ihe sjrond reading he agreed so far with his hun friend hut he could nol ngne with him in tiie necesily of pushing it ihroiigh this session on the contrary he was in favor of postponing il so that it might be amended and meet the views of the people and become a final measure in consideration of ihe opinions cxprorwd he expected ihe government would allow ihe bill to stand over for anuthcr cion ofporibrueat no noj his consiim cnu defied delay and with the under slanjing that the goveninient would not nppiipe the wishes ff so large and inlltin- t a a pirilnin of itit public uo- would vole for ihe second reiijiiv in eae they did ni take that courte he had that day ten dered hi resignation of ihe office of nitci- lor genet d mr- moffatt arodtime had not been jive t ascertain the feelings of the eoun- try and prolttre mat satifaciion which was so desirable it nd which was the ob ject olihe bill unless this was done he ilid not mc the we of legislation nt alb he himself was in fit wt of legislation bill ob jected tothc iimipwiig tisrlfto any pailieirir ineasurv at that time the bill of 1s37 had bum passed with the ohjeetof contentmg the piihe mind hut bad it done sot n imr h ol anyihing lecn advanc ed lo show that the present imm would at present they knew not whul the soniiments ofihelmiterial pari of the people of the country wen ilvwas of opinion that intcad of the bill a onpe resolution pledging ihe hollte t the principle would liavc lecn infinitely urller the hon gonllemau conclude by saying that ihougli he should vote for the motion for the e- rond reading he should reserve his opin ion as to die uvtnsb f t measure he aflerwonu added that though he should voiefor a postponcnifnl he did not eon- itdff thnr a rejection of ihe measure mr macdonalo- r glcnary put a question to the inspector gneml whether his excellency had accepted his reigna- lion i we understood the hon gentleman lo say in reply that he had not yet receiv cd an answer icnt evidently enjoying ui iliscord which roieoed in the ministerial camp mr alwin wm ihe first to break silence f ter slitting that he concurred in what hsaj fallen from the previous speaker ha pro ceeded to taunt ihe administration oi their present awkward lttation thehm ministry had been called m wt were ihcy ever in such a position as the hon centlemen opposite weret a fea leal of obloquy had been thrown on them for their legislation on the subject but tha experience of loday would show tho world that it was not quite such nn easy ihing to please all parlies he said that he ra ia favor of vested riehts bo held that it was in the power of parliament to make such alterations in these charters as might glee ihem a wider character and make tbecq more generally beneficial unfcr thes rjrrtirrlstanees he should vote for tha f roml reading of the bill not because ha nil the details but because he beld himself bound lo support the messures of government when ihey warn rikely to pro duce even a small portion nfgood h however blamed ministers for tboir lelss in not brlnlngthe measure mwim earlier and ironically observed that the change which the difference in parties was to make wv1ilimiirm jt4ilillfsiiti4blho pretj and ihe friends of ihc gnveromftf had represented let tlwm lo4 at ths specimen presented lhal eveninjr andeevv traslihe atmcntaof ihe memer for dun- das with ihosc of the inspector general and then ihey would see lhal all wat not quite o harmonrolis as had been atatod after proccrilint- r 3 lime in ihisstraia he concluded hy observing that he did mr view the matter as a party one at all and ihai having pleded himself lo n particular course lost year he should pursue the same course now mr praper said he wnuld nnt nccot the limn of the loii4e in following thear gomenls which had been advanced eithar within the bar or out of it but he declan- ed that after paying ine greatest attention lloall thai had been advanced againat tha measure he did not feel shaken in ihe view he had taken ns to the right ofthe hoosa to interfere with thsqtieslion the hon gentleman paid a high compliment to tho learned counsel whota speech be aaiii j would have done credit to any member of i the english bar in respect to the amend ntent of the hon gentleman from toronto li- was hound to say that ha looked upoa tt as equivalent lo a motion thtt the bill its read that day six months he should there fore nurrejust the same course towards it taking that view he should persist io the motion for the second reading his roa- sorffordoingsowa lhal the principle must be settled and ihey were as capable tosjr tie it now as they ever would he the i hon gentleman remarked with some seve rity nn an nrgumant advanced by the team ed coufitcl at ihe bar that the kings cou lee couorilhad never accepted or acted tinder fh amended charter il charac terized thisas a suhiorfugt and tampering with legislation he hd never heard mich a doctrine laid down till now and trusted lhal for the sak of the character nf ihe university it would bo disavowed in this rospcf l however the hon gentlemaa appear io have been laloring under a mis apprehension and he afterwards explained to ihc house that he was satisfied wiat thsj matter was merely put forth as an argumpel winch tnight b advanced and was not part of theae submitted by the counsel at kin tolfcl he concluded by saying that ho should he sorry lo have the votes of those aqsinm him whose opposition be had no right to expect hut lie could not frtirvj from the position he took up after tho voe he would be placed in this rhositioc if he found a majority of the frieods of mho goveradlmt supporting th adoption of thsj principle arid yet called on him nottopress the motion it would be for him either to accede to their requestor nslire from office but ho vvnuld never consent to abandon a principle ikc this after having mm taken il up cheers t mr- mopfatt aid ha contldcred this tasjr ta unt lo a declaration lhal the rooaaair would not be pressed ttfyond a seend reading he should hereto vote for il mr said that he was not pi pared lo vole for the second reading of lb bill h had no doubt of ihe nocaaaitysjf legislation but il was one htng to entertain that opinion and another to vote for tbj present bill he should therefor vessi for the amendment of mr boulion