Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), March 14, 1845, p. 2

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voume of bonk anl i hat a reserve lund of thfloo such rl heen the result ol ihe mfipioprution of land which in thii colour um f waited yiiihhii he- inv one ieen waited th cnmmitire i tht the irrnuan nnam- of ihe hhm mostly recommenced crown lms hi1 1 ir now educationil mttwhfi mich an appropnatinn v if a measure no niiv of julire but nf nu- policy there ffftiivil lliiuuhoni upper canada 3 fcehn- i mcminx illtmtwhcrtilllp thii theio ind nol been mich an appropriation in ihr inst uiianr lor tin hvne til nf commnn schools ami hie merlin- nnv recommended won 1 1 away with thai fo lnand n mf reconcile the peopv in hi apiuoprralior which had raalt inr uuivermlirs hi ttuej llullhe cjnvtaiiul wmld lhirsioii brini in kit e vhiii in all outstanding snip dutinf the rl year im itfsitvinv ihf remain- ini lau lo pirrtf loioumended in he tenal dr divlop pff hi hnnhle friend ureal credit fin tie paim an i ii which he had bestowed upon thi ltnntih ihe very credit moasnrcs whple fully admitting ihv splendid talrni and eloquence nl bis bon friend the mrmhe fnr quebec he would adie him nol lo wasle irvm upon pelly dijrirtvons hut reserve ihernfnr i in tea ii v irnportani measure before the r inu- f hr wiilil o r i it t woul ppropnatcd for rnurh lariliate the nir of the home dit dunlop folly concurre in the remark of hip honhlc ami learned friend tmm crfihnn am advisr l hnn mcmheis to follow hi exam ple ami condense their remaiks inio a nut- shell even if it were as urge a one a a rckcr- thr motion wa ihrn vriihiravcn heuxe in lni m iter nt tb who mr attorney gitcml smith mnveit liat it tarxpetfi lo mm ml the uw cirloi the boartl of wntkf in impme fftlain lhi irpoi- pnhlie works am in limit the m4f the bnn inilemaii main that the nbjrl of lllil reottitinn wat in mno ami rotinbiaie lb act idalivr to the board lo ioauaywith iba prural iiufliciive ayiilfn of aibrraiion npon umajw nilliiitfd b its opprlin and in ctfile ri lieu lminf a lloaffl of comis-ion- ahlc manner n ivhirli he hat performed ihcen in each fertion ofthe frovincr tohar ami duly in f counter a rare ie of the the li u hn to en fthurs brown in his way ll appre from ikri rrt tint ihout thirty- ihte million nf afto of lnil hal mfti oiv pncfl of nil it w not known what hail hr- tomr of ihe nony thr outj arcnint i ai tout il be rcutvrril of ii wi lko ihe return rnaile hy the slticift nl tho wmrn ditrri it ffwj m am fpwertiiwi i noah til canada conpany im i hi ln i i e naiit during ihe lal few yeaia 3950flo mi he ifetoimiue tipnn all claim invest in tlio ai imnirt trilrral eal ami wem power in f reiee ftvire ol artinn in ibeir resieciiv dr- iar1mcnl i li i flo rd ibis jjiv- m to all a ical ie oorr for njnriea nr e mamu and to limit the lime in wl i h uch aciioiii roum he irouhi to tweltc month ftitlhf r to nttmtftei an roniform mile of lolla i v mi the province ihe max mitm and leaving it to the eerutive tn eitahti sh amllv lherair o that ietiiclinn in impoao errtiin re trictinn uron ihe rantinir of wrfri by th bant ihit rosmv y ihoul inpeclc that lb- wliol amount pii hy it wa not farfhott of 50000 elokej where ii wat ami the echo anwetel tcacrc a laife sinpmuonol it hpii liem inlbe honble j acrnmpanied hy a plain i dunn re kit lreivcr general hm it thai ita prarticahility ihd public utility cri had ill raauerl away one wnb hie ias b jraiixei of before any action vtaa laken winlein vmw ami let ol vcfd k behind- thfrnn the ice ku in fjti wmi onrfiioiltm tli rn made upnn ippliratim rarleatlbt me was tailei flimalc iifhl other lifi of tbc line 45 seriated o he tin mimlct apieciviv quantity ibat wa to iv the little end nf not uc wliililed dmvn not only bad ihe piovinrc loi a mn vrflifh woilm have scne fir iowimu exiittsanahinic ibr pnhlir debt hul it wa imi5lle to lell wlul lud le corne of it u ivt llieao rhc mlano that house wa he ptf hoher tf tne ptov mr ifentation of their inre u oiitif lo too inurire ami s- e iiihui the hole w5 tney onb to fi1 oni wholy gv ks asked if the hill to he intromit ed on uti rrioldtioa mde prnrliiopi tor ihe dctetminittnn of millandtn rorr plaint the attotnev ninrrtai said that it did m gowk in ihe name of many priie wbn hd entm1ei1 the r fppittafca to bit idi vocary thanked the mintnlty b tlna insf jt- mnt ol titttiri wh mr uaooei mld lhat the objects of the hill and ill general imporlanre to the province wetf too well known in requite any rommenl he thntjld tberefoie more the adoption of the fiit clause mr iatontaise asked what was the limi tation of ihe liability of the company mr brooks the mount of the capital md larntalnk i think that th- compa ny corm s under llie ilenmninjimn ol coimon cant- flnhter mi moffatt sai thai the measure before the flotif was one nf jml imporuiicenol only to the commerfiat hul the afnirnllliril iiler- esisoflho counlry when it had been fiil mns ed he hjil ditihttd it practicability hul he had reason smce to alter ins opinion it ws his intention tn move an amendm nt defining the fine and making it 1i connect ibrll with the poituml itaiboaib ai picscnl llie line was undefined and bad been left nn open que tioiii and he believrd that if it remained so il would retard the progress of iht meauie am woijbt prevent capitalists stibscrihin for the stoev ft was thetefnre of tbc realem impor tance ibal ibis vexed aitenlldfl should be put 1yofhl conlmversy the line frmn montreal tn pmtlaod was seventy miles neater than that by i of boton an express had left boston foi mnlrenl about two wek an it iraveue over th railrnait from boston to poilland mt hundred ami four miles in two hours and a half rind accomplish d the dislwe helwcen port land ami mnnireil in ihiilytwn hourorer had imov the proposed ioule therefore ernild not be thtflttffji a veij difleqt couulty and aflbided well fou i ded hope hat ibis rreal unfcnak inir would be ncromplished the line which was laid inwn in ibe amendment be offered wofltd cany ihe a ibtninh ihe ieate1 emefl f t nl of ibis province instead of tiaretsinf a mere correr of t as it would in if taken hireri to roinn tle amendment al- so povied for a line o be formed to connect the fttiftl iawrcicc jtailroad with ai y other which oub he inoiifhi thrcutrh vetmonl mr hrook sail lhat be had noobj ctinn to he memiment public opinion was in favour of a drfinile line ud be yielded to it he wit received and thabru jj fcb- as meciac0 wai co tc i rri t-m- 1 irdr- h be leceiveii as a mam rtcsirc to meet lltm claimi had rm ii there emtl pnlir i piirmeus w public dpnlinents uol be a ilubt lij ihr i r a iimnacnbtt li ommillee rose and reported the tcjo a wavs were ssai ike tin one of chinches of kline am ivimt ibe which eonld du nn woji and the oilier nvcr did anything wio wiihitit whit to ex- cite th pnhftoaj inumntinn of ibe pihlir depirlmnl he cctlnnly would like tn know where this moiey had jronr expcteo ever to ret nx f very aunninf to nn ibjt he lt hil il no ild he ami nn ver a soil of s-ilisfac- lion to kno v what h d heronienf this one item of 3m the rnuntry wnwld no doubt lalte the satisfaction of it cntiranty in ihi nne item ofttftthhuif in iht shape sf a cojnpensa tion for it itrnrmct in rcrl tn the est ll iso appencd irom the inveti2itioii toit the esnns nf cn1ietinn nf ihe prtsnt rev enue irom l4it w i 13 pet cent per annum exclusive of tbe ober rxpfe ol the itepatt- ment and attholh he did not ilnnhl lbt thi wa all qitte rib lot k wa ai hthofam mm yrl that h- wonbl live to se o liitv plan a lpfed tli it utosl in be fiance frruin poismts cill netjih m wbotrj die pum eaiiy thev had lo pay a tramy ami were allnwei bey tnnbl out ll-llik- 1osh w that bniuis e mut cnfes sevpenive formerly in d jvrmiersn- ie revenue wa ri reruin sum lotbe i to snw as morb be v the htise went inio cni niillee nnon mr rottin noliei lo sranl ihe turn of 5000 for eonlinrencies of ihe houe th committee rose and reported the resolu tion which was at onre concuired in the house in committer mr atlorney general smith moved thai il is expedient to imprnve ibe monta1 liar- hour and to consolidate the laws relative thereto to enable ibe commiietn r in lior row a further sum of tg and tn exchange iheprvmhl fehenlnre tnrotber beirfftg a lew- erute of inimical henied that lilt preseni dehl amounted to 620110 pa vtf ipteresl fiom 5j to xq ner cent and ibe revenue arising from the llaibour ua surh tliat hy cnaminfr the commiioners to bonow al a lower tat of interest a stnkinj- fund would be v r j which toii id in a few yir extininh it alloeiber mr avkwlxsaid thai he iupped i i nt ibe penpe now ft 1i rujilfto 0y pu ibe intention of covernmen in canada lor hr eonevived that it would mae a very considerable vin in the eminrv fur alhonh iheie fcrmirt miffm make firtnne build palaee and lic like princes yet tbey would lin snineiliinr lor ihe pfovitvf ami not ask us to pay the expenies nf their nfliee after thv bad swallowed up the whole kef- enn bui un ler exlinl cireumlance not only wa all the ieveinc arisiit torn pih lie lands tfne bill tbo pmvinee wa addfd wiih a debt of 6 oikl ret annum in be paid tn the indian he fonnidefid that it wa hih time ihe aitenlion of ibe people should be called to this fstc of iflvirs and he should therefore mve that 200 copies in freneh and th- me mtfiier in lntish nf ibis report should be prinled for ciicnltinu in upper and lower canada ma bauwijc id fiat o iw as rrlted to pio conduct of himself ami roeaus in ibis reinect while they bem idfice he was prepared to enter upon its defence al any lime me had himself endeavoured fnryears looveithrow the system which bad prnjocvl tbose evis and to place ihe tcnitotial keveime under ibe con trol of those who were responsible lo the people for it application miu mctrjutttntd thai he had met with nn obstacle m the difteieni depatlmenis in which he had prosecuted hi t nqnirie but on the contrary every rli position louciliiale ibem mr atlormy ftinetnl draper ai ihit be freely admiiied that ibe cneral mnasemenl of ibe crown lms depailmeni bad uot been valisfarlnry hut rl milt be remembered that lhee jtreal evil lud occurred lefore the pa me of the art which made the head of thai depailmeni reuouiri lo ihe people he bad before the union mow j lor co mmtlecof en quiry into ihi matet but it was refused hy the parliament of t cnia a mn moainaid thai the money arising from ihe public lamls had been muter ibe conifolof the governor amd had been rqiundvred before tbc union in unpr canada ma moffatt opposed tin- printing of 2000 copies ind moved in an imndmnl hmi 5t0 only should be printed unnn a diiision the amendment wa crried ayes 35 nay 23 ma lauims moved thi when inish use adjourns it adjourn until 3 nork nn satur day the bon enunn m mited ibnt the ii ention of the uo mo wa that ibe hone i sit on sj1urdiv which was now a holi day unless oie mh steps were uken in expedite ht oiimic b the ii ue woiilj probably be in sion lor the next iwo to iciiaranee thepavnieoi of his new loar e hoped i while so much wa done for montreal quebec would not be enlirelv nelrrird the iov- ermnent ha i pinmtsed t smvey of hie si char and nhen llie rrpoit nfil sheud he rereived he khnuld expert that irlion would be liken upon i the people of qiehec 11 noi wntvwi tut would be saiufied with iptvknuj ilsi liiiriiui itm iiitnvjo jjivy had been eniiiely uextecled mr aterney tjenera smith said ibal be govotimenlofly ytiaianleed ihe payment o the inlereal upon these loans he assured the ho fentleman that le inleresti of queber vcotild not he lot jt of the reason of o larfe a itim havin- been expended upon the mmiteaf harhoui lay in ihe fact ibal it had n he created it baviuc heen fom erly in such a stale as to bve been useless lor commercial purposes mr moffatt atd that the harbours of quebec and montreal wcredifterently iiiieo the one was private nd the other pnmic pro perty quebec hid fine wharves wvite those of montreal tevion lo tbr imiinvement were mere hacks of mn the he venue arising from the montieat fhrbotir was so lafte that il promised al no very distant iy to eiincuib ibe debt and lo become a source of profit to the counlry afier some further remarks in whir h an httth membei taiinled mr aylwin in spile of hi stronr inlerat in ihe wrlfareof qi bee with havire when in power dene nolliim fnt il tn whirh ihe hn gentleman answered tat be had not the oppntlunily from ihe impoverished sta of ihe revenue the tesolutinn wai carried leave of absence was gieeo to mr coillel for one week- be in ssion lor mmilhs the motion was oppeed by mk atlftflioji general suiii ami mn roeiso on the ground tht instead ol forwarbn- the lniviiiea of ibe counlry it wout he proerve o dtay by taking fnn mitnleis u- only dav wliii b they now hail lo devote exclusively lo their sever depaitmenl ma avivviv nported ihe motinr and aid that the opposition io il eame wiii a ret v td grce fro miuiifs iiir ihe mf whirh lud orcuned in the pndiicuon of i heir rnl- inres if ihe seio nf the leistatute veie prottacled in ibis irmiibvf it would prevent members ool tiavtorf uf e inrpnilent qe ffrrn drvolin their time am ulens tn ibe w ticeof ibe couhiry havih4 no purlnei lo conduct bis can bustm s in hi ah nne it re casinned bim a nnl sfpihtl lo nol only wis hu practice eniiey inhetr imi br cuj not answer oie om of tweiiy tetleia which be iecivel connected tbrnwil1i mr johntok aaillied ihe lenb of the session in trie inrii sief h nf the member tor yuebrc anrt lb they wonm neither lw any oe else ro onpnsition nt bis fun woik ibeitiselvrs nor mi io k j the boo gen tleman wonf follow hj mr jttlnvstoii rx- amp and ondemt bi reipaiki into i nnt- shetltb kllsillfrs ol ibe itufe would he gl ibrngb in one hlf the lime cot- puthc ajrwwl wib what bad falen from mm member fot quebec mk thmiplil itwasomtiti to triu ue krih nl lb hqm of tiic dav receiving it port of ibe committee of the whole on the rill for the relief ofcnriiian unilamn the bill amended was receivid and orderrd to be en2lne second reading of ihe dill pacliog provin cial diriesof customs tlie bnn inpctou gcnrnal rated thai the lime be ptoposed the n w diitis should tome into miration was the fitb april next for everyihing etcepl sawed timber am lorn her which o ibe tepreentations which have heen mde to him be had been induced topost- p mo i ill the month of jjy mr avbvixsaiit he bad rereived a com mtintcatioii from le city nf tjuebrc pntestin aainsl the new syslem of cash payments hicb would press heavily on the small capi talist he abo expcssed a hope lhat the la- ill ol ihe hnn inspector general would no ttfete with the opinions majesv liovemment on if null dtitic- which he was ao vised was toe case mr morfatt ave notice ibal rn commit- tee he s oum mor to slrike out the additional duu on linir and aso lo rest re lo the list of exemption piovuion requited for the ut of her mat sy hoops the bill wa5 then read a second time o e iefeired to a co mini lee of ihe n bole hnus- on tuesday nei second readinof tli rill in provide for the pavo r i lion clllnilll upper caoada the home weni into committee of tin- whole lo till up the blanks in the clause with lb woids tboprsitd pounds col pkinci took ih opoortunily nf ihank- the other idt nf ihe i louse for ihe ener oity ihey lia shown in nol oppoinf this mea sure and promised thit w benever ihectaimt nl lower canada came up ihet should expe rience iris saine coniivtitiiin al bis bands tbe commimee rot and repoited the hill a amended the house went inlo committee upon the hill tn erue ibe lijjhl of biitisb subjects in vefsefi naiiralinsr ibe inland wveis mr altoinry geneial ssiitrt moved for an aridnss mllei hejeily to urenmpany the hill paying for the rem of that onion of the navigation art which pieveits oiher than na- jeel nr subjecla naturalied hy onmiercd tbe ami ndmenl an rnipiovement in ibe oriil kill and was ready to meet the views ol lhne who deired il lit pimopoljerted in the bill il indefi nite f reminded him of an oath presenheii in a slatnle pased in the tein of chates ii in tbe middle cd which was an r a man tmifl hw bad an elastic ctwsrieitft to swal fowsnrh an oth and this itill was veiy like ll he lo oljcicd lotbe bill a he con sidered that he kiilioai in time of war would bo the means of hiiuxinz in the enemy r oops ll ttiht le said a it would also erve to convey our troops hul it murt he remembered ihttl we weie tbe weaker count iy w should be n ihe position ortlie man in imlia w hn went in find a lier ijui while oinfj tlirii b ibe jirri a deep roar reminded him oal the tie nijfhl find him luhtcr he ihnnieht llierc was no necessity lo make a tail- mad ihrouyh a for- iju country in a foreice poil wbcu it might be made from quebec thonjh our own territory to ihe bay of clutenrs whirh was jul as open as poilland harbou h sp pearerl fiom ihe route thai to nrcomodate ct min parties a very peculiar iojrccoioi bad breo adoped mr- moffatt agreed bat il would hcadvi sshle to cany ihe hue from quebec lo ibe bay of haleins if it were pnrlicahle bill it was mt sur h a line w a for the pres ut be ond all hope- he lhonlil llnie wasliule lofai from th bsliliiy of the people nf miiue there was n kimll ie tim in that stale inwards ibe iibabilants of tbia colony and this m anre il carried mn w nld tend to iiwrease that feel- jem iti m i ei tt t i f w pii the uiilrd slates of america that ibeie woubi ke i llie disposition upon iheir pait tn avnoy the people of ibis province hear hear ma hal e said tlal tbe tine bad heen left undefined in the hill but finding that pnhtir opinion wa in favor of a definite seltlemenl of a drmtim which might lead ins linn ri ffirul- lie he was prepared to submit lo it rather iban lno the rid for be felt ihnl it wa esstn tigl in ilf safety thai the amendment sltmihl he avottcd he was suiprisrd to hear the m-m- nef fr huron talk in the strain he had done such untnge was uubecominf a biiiish iiier vbsi did ie fear the enemy t da dimr noh would adept ttir sayne of a native of the emerald lte who deebred hal he best way lo avoid fonder was to go and meet it du dpkmif i iont cboose in caw railroad iboneb loud laihter as in ihe zigzqgficaiion to quote another such aviug the bpt wy lo eel over a bill is lo o round il tbe present meaiure is of rreal impntance he mihi sy the mol important mcaitte which bail ever been brought before the letcisfatiire and he hoped that no opposition be olfeted in il mn waits opposed iho amendment ife wished thai the line should be left open he considered lhat thtonfh dtummnndville was the bel route ai lhat the teiminus should be at fori si francis ma hart thrmbt there was no need to appirheml h danger fiom watlike operation upon this railway heeaite a boy with an axe ennl ill a quarter of an hour destroy the com municatioii he also thought lhat ibe com pany should be left io their own discretion a in the tne upon which ihey should employ their money he believed thai ihe railroaif if eafiie out would be of the greatest service to ihe interests nf the country i would in house in committee on p orcommittes on the bill to incorpouto nmbrr turbor- tho otnmtk rs nnl epr f mii second edpcf llc for tho twkxlintl f district tin m jk town of k stem the ttwe went aft omrniltco d rt and reported iho brit as wnded second reading uf the b p of lnslorrlsnyinlphctinada cob piiinck said ihe h ftftw rp ra to lppcrl aimda and ihe rncmr which set furtji that tbc lird dny sliuj mcf was eoncur red in by oil the lioi members fiom that part uf thrnvrinec uemi ri t lt t i- i- stnnesiommcntanca vhn eonveyed bis faliug in rttpcct lorluasiabjeel tfcd tum 0 pf there was no statute ml lipcr canada which pre vented pcrons from folo tuir occupations on tbc lyifda day mr hall referred to tlisi of the bill which made it unlawful u attend public mclinps and prmdinfa of mililiiion mp ho had qovfff heard of any such itinj in upper canada and wademuiihblitiwld be struck nut col punter said be buf iolrodoccd it on the tuelhn of ihe bon rmmher for duhum but admitted be had never mini of anything of ibe kind and consented to sltiie it nut mr wllluw ftssitl be t done beckuso he had unrtrlood ibe bill wuit be a ernetal mca 011 ftprlicjlde to botli fttr of ihe province mr said ilitfi m buntiiij- nd hiotin were to be prohibited be lumbl mshing should be oaiso cd pa ic r vcf a nason why it should not that in cerlun prts of tie kiver detroit the tun of tbe white ftdi tnuk plum at particular seasons audit wnuld be a htrdshp to prevent the ftstier men who wore prineirillrvor frenchmen from making thii hrvest at lul inc though ihey bvnld infiine oit the sulbalb day mr sult made omc rnnarka on the in con si fu roi y nf this exception anl id that il furnished unotbrr pmof lo bis miml uf the inexpediency of lrgileiinr on the subject if he fisli were not to be pmlcciea win ihould i fowl be or what greater sill whs ihrre in a limp a tmrc than in drag i ginp for irui 7 he slioulrt therefore vote against ihe bill 1houh in doing he stmuld lay hrnnctf t open to be charged as licas at ibe last election with reekins to desecrate tic sabbath mrltmoelr agreed itnl ihcrc was aa jrcal a drieeraiirn in catching fii on the sabbath at in hooting and trusted the ion member would allow jubmgto te pn liibilcd inhia bitl dr dimrpmcfcilcdn make some remark on llie dill- in dniut so in wished 10 refer to tbc third ridinf f rk tti could ni rccollcvt tbe r 1 1 f red to ilain litis tn tbe i i by tyrir that tbo jn iiileman ir smatl represetited a 1lekid conmttueocy in one of ihe iidiiiof vrk wvscname he could not rccflbet i in ihi he wa very pfnperly called to order by mr aylwin whoemafkon ma occa- aien were tempimte in proper htvt doctor aflirwunumippnteil the racinption of tfe fisbcr men ulueb lie enmidcrrj wa a ncccenily and could iw defeiidtd nn ilrdngieal crounds he i barged mr sinnl wild kinir lo bide a perfect inidittrrent e vf tbe sabbat nnrlrr tin cloak ol ex orssivc piety and drew n imurction between shnot winch wo pciierally amuaerncolaod fi-ti- which wsti nearly lwo act ofmduuy trig koa ml roatm nid thai en same gmund tb rf neeei siiv they rlimdd vaetnpl avfor ioaknr- t wbielt could only ta dotal during a short lime m live year il wos ibe antath man mills wbieh only raw for o hn nme m the year with the harvest wbieb refuned re be plbernl in a alnwi line and with mmy other uunga in bts neh- wutn the sitbkah wna watentttd by pvh ibm- h ar11 i cene if hffiiksn uf tbe wort kind a- ii wa tbo hill wnubl xaon fnun other amuemetita lo mliftff on kfl fhwli be ashamed inmvti hia viinaliincnls il 4 dcfllsr wre jl iuwhl iitutfawitntefirdlrtw wrttl mheeuse which ftiinleilcmd nemy jul irft il j of vtavien volkrand preyio mr ihe noyment of a sum of jcal bra 81 due hiro forrri ai clerk of ihe dirtict conned fnr riebelfcn tb foltuwio jtetilmns were reii rred of oliver odell and ntliet to ibe committee on imedieineaml surecry bill of uabticl marctianj toallsc comnitticc on contineiiciea- of vlavicn vallerand b ihe cotnmiliee on the municipol council imi of atcx mcfxtrd of iho western district tuueil ui tbc com mi i tee nn tbe custom jliil of o hammond lo the ominiueo on thr poet ofrw vannu petition from iesxsorctereyrecrvc njfaintt llie awininenl payed by ittc ciiurcb ociitics of quebec and toroiln mr webster reported a dill to provide for ifco cncouraientcnl of agricultural sicictica in the cvcrnl distnvts in upper canada second rcjd iopia monday on motion of tr solicitor general sherwood the tilting member for middlow was allowed to odd to his list of tvjticssc on the contested dec lion mr menitl presented ibe final report of ihe commiuec nppnimed fn inquire into the method nf disposing of ihe cowo lcrry nnd school lnds referred hi i cotdiniltcc of ihe whole on thursday mr dim top moved lhat 2up copies be printed mr mojtit moved thai 500 bo subttitotcd which wa carried the oeijinil question as amended wns carried mr mdonell f stormnn rrported the bill to extend the pro v ft ions of ibo 13th section of an acl toe ihe disposal of tbe public liods in upper ca mda wiih a mend mem a referred to a commit tee of the whole on monday week mr- ftkson from uie committee on petition of j g mackcniieand others recom milled report ed a bill to establish tbe bound ries nf bits and rfesin the cth 7th 8th 9lb nd lothconcea- aioosof bevrrly scent id reading on wcdncaday mr aytwin presented a report on ihe pen tion of certain dcnl cultem of quebec wiih the dill to regulate tbo culling- and measurement innbe 6cc as amended referred tun c irnmiltcc of the whole nn monriv mr jobin repoied on the petition of tbe mow treal invjrance comrn f montrc1 a bill tn anicnd the act aulhonpnp the rslwtshment of mutual insurance cnmpnnics iu lower canada second rcadinj- on tuesday mr scrclary diily presented a return lo ibe addrrsn fw chpies nf all communvjtiona between the govrromcnt and ihe deputy postmaster gen eral in ip 41 relative to the convcrsnee of ibe mail between vnotrealand rytown tit be printed also h return to the address fw a atatcmcnl of ruon espendeil fntn the public tresoriesof lpfer nnfl lwrr canaila fc public imirovements and tdtieiion ineach couny sinec le3l tlie mendmcfits of the cooncil to tbc bit ti irntrato iih town of nmrnra nd ihe bill lo incorportic ibe niagara and ten mile creek rnod company were ordered fur eon j deration on mun- dr on niniimi if rr c luehot ibr itmitc went inl cnminitiee on ihr icri on petition of rev a crnsetin rind rjliet ivtativt n tlie riislt v office of the ulind of orient and a redulfort wa jreed in ti be rrpoird mmorovr tiie lime ave reeeivio- rawi n private bills woe further eitemled in tutnruy next on molwn of mr attorney fierier 1 smith tbo ifoijae went into committee on the capcbcncy of menrlineihe act erecting ihe bad of worka and for iuiprisio- tnln ihe said works on motion nf mr merrill ibe bill in recutale tbc manner in hnh llie lubbc aecnts shtill t bid before the fjlaturc wa refc rrrdioacom british whig opifer r orbarn dlsor kingston friday march 14 i45 the charonrc gazttfe i fjrowinjf mtghty honest in iuotd n and having lite fear of sud den death before ita eyes like other old sinner ha taken to a fit of piety and irkc the thief at tbc foot of the galluw fmciotlliat a tardy re pentance will carry atraifht in heaven il complain loudly and bitterly lhat tbo corpora lion atvrtongand tedious delay have thought fit to remunerate mr cxaldcrman williamson for certain uw expenses incurred y bim in the execution of hia duly a vkc mayor while cm dcavon to rid the town of a act of graceless va raboods who had long infejlcd it of the pro priclyof mr- wiltijmon conduct on the occa sion referred lo there rt but one opinion which l be late unanimous vote of tbe council verifies and we shall not go over the matter again ex cept in saying lhat tbe m facts a staled by our conscience stricken contemporary arc fftaringly and oulrascously untrue but why was no tbc cn of our friend alarmed before to day t a xcrj few months afro the then mayor of the town dr sampswn incur red some very heavy legal responsibibtic through fro illerjal commitment of even of the town butcher actions were commenced against him which tctions cto compromised by ncrociation and a rum of 25 per butcher wa awarded this together with the cot amounted to npwardo of 00 which 4 assumed by live omwratinr without remark or esenturo il may bcttaid in favor of ihi transaction that die council aulho- riled dr sampson lo proceed sc ihey did but they did not authortie him to proceed illflhj and commit wen lo prboi wtlh illega warrants if therefore an old ond experienced inafristrair like dr sampson acu illegally and ia reteaocj from ihe consequence of hia error becne he was dninrj his beat for ibo town why ehoiild not the aame justice be meted out to mr williamson who had no eapcrienee to plead in ihe exercirt of the fechnicalitrea nf hi dulv the truth is neither one or other rjcnilemnn should be mark to pay nul of hi own pnnc expenaes incurred while aciinrj for live ffenerat xoorl of all and nin we nk why wo not thia honed in- dirniron ibi oulhnrat nf virtuous rare muni festcd before t when mr akew improperly find the eblcr mr kirkpatriek he caught a tar lr and was heavily immenrrd in espenwt nnd da i mifje what did ibe maajitmte in pcwon do on lbirveaion ttiey paid mr askew all bis when the late shritt atittred an e- napo from jail and became perwmatly buhle for upward of five hundred pouuda who pnid he da- imie4t tbo inhnbitant of tbe district for me thin bv ny lmliist1 it ml i the tibrtlt if it ro tn bn hting for any itms elsd hj ptr i if i llie f h ne ah ibesablqlh bjrga rr o i r wavevototh br vi- iifhl ibil ibo nreitaon nihe jfrueanr1 iliil slwotm wa itm- in eiiundand brsthliii m ji d rihjij ut rcaard y ttfnrrwtt he wium consent to inlfr hc wwd ftfi ihmutl in own frefrnj j t fc mr torviim biped l a m nmetebyitielbo mrn er for ob wj true untin srotbirnl fihcr vrca tmnon sunday on the bij fjuierosen ml lb iudav the lle vwi iftlft oiumiftee on iho iii rejri rf tin c mille nit cnnlioretielcb and a rrdot4i w repot l d end uibitetl fir n ad rhvrtlohiv isrejuney of an hdvunee cf xj0lfj 1owriatbr cnlinetetrsof i house on mtiiitn of mr attorm v ionmil simih llie hoiiht tmfit jsjr nmitiiltee si consider tlie pro pviety of improeioe najri mtlatrjinf the timit of the ltmriif moulel t nnilvori ibocmm mimtfim lo tvitrnw a futlbi r sum of mom y a rrftoblion ws enortcdto bo received on mood y the iisiirnnienta mad in enenmitlee veslerdav on the lill fm tbe rrfief tf the christian urlilttini coojfrvji rf a mil real airreprret and avcd i iddilionnl arsment nf omhi1fpenny in the prajhnd levied lo cover uhul amount nnd eome abcr dinhoracments neither mr atkvw nor ii i il sherilt had the am diet rtiim npon the n ehtrne mtrarv i tbo nt ting fiahcrirs wne m ibe habit f itmwiwjl tu hcir ncu 0k mfilti because tbey wuud ibem up on snm1iv mn hot be allncd tut mt 1 ami be bill wi orvred to le erijmiped trie n ii to ainenrf and consolidate the biws re ruttlini ilntiroi eiulnm wa read the eermi tune fidiefcrcrl to ti4lsdv tbr di to poriie for wnimiltefl of tbo wlntk on 9vs the tabbilh nod irnui ibe 1 pttnr man mitlld hr rr denied thai hc o rfcrrrr reirrttco j former atfumeois l m b ll the ntcd fnm kilbn ibe deer for hi firtnty on siim- when tlie fisher me r cnubl do the mine w hi l i aid ihrfl ibe cbr4 0fwiernru i upier canada were ibcuiokt dcdcd thinp nnf n c tff an h an exception over nlbt prtrrfaa thi bill gave ihcnv mn avlwm made a lone spcrcli ainl ihe pmvnxminfilie hill nt x iha ihe aubjeei w enc which ought t be left m rhc human mail nnj peclin which all hviwisj ciaetment muil prove inefrelui1 cou pftixkrcplihlteitriiirtffitieppposirion whirh he hud mei with which be had not ex pected after live opcriminu of the rill whs con five yeais ionbte pfoiihte tbe value of property silujilil there tlut had heen ibe effect of rairoids in ihe uuif cf 5 ae inleed he hd seen come thee par- the extent of montrralnd prop riruletty on at rio e islam which p id cv tirmelv t inleresl on the rapilnl ernharkei tbe competitton of oleer lines thai tbe eslimaies md that the 1 withstand i mtfu jinvsron nrre were vtry miteb tco low tural bom in l- men i session u the rteuy t in i n liemin ie 1 hri lwbeh ksttvfil ihv uj fl or acl of the iniperial parlin- ftom registering litcs in british hij- pmc mr nwin moved an amendment therein wbieh after some dmcuin wa bisl the commiltee roe md imported the hill mr bajnwix again moved hri amemimen tbe bill was or- moral would nol intmitfht in panto before it vr this compmy expressrd bv her anhority lo begin a work for nbiebin n very be subject or dillcr hott lime a iemm wnnhl ho made fnr a srarl as advised was the of money tbe ums in ihe esiinale were nol eal tin eoirerlly n t even were nol rightly cnrrinl of if tbe lnue suclioned thosihomr it onbt in he upon the express innloisaiiin- ibal nn money shmim lie srrstnted by the rnttmttj tn eany it inio el1rl then if lltf patliea ehnse to soeml their own money in peihum rrri9rnfoo they hoitbl tie quite wflrnin loibiso al lcat as fai ai he ns eoneoinerl tbr mvra1 cluses wete then lmfer tid ihe cnmmiflee rne and rcportiil ihe rilf lite hoau adjournrd at halfpast ii mokov march 16 tfie agents nr capl wni 1 1 r and mrs har rl ppeirril at llie bur ond acknowledged their rvwcrru the house allowed ihe aervicc nf ihe dili imi tra f farria aent to lie a sufficient aerviee ala jnnvnx pave notice nf an humble ad- dfes lo his excellency fnr correep ndcuce ac rcfjtive to the ttosaesnnn by the ordnanec ie pariment nfrrrinm land helimmn lo nichols spnrkn or llvtown alan of an humble addec lo jfi excelleoey for communicaiitina with lite itimc cvrrnmenl on tlie subtctof th charier of tlc university of kinds cd1ec nanraa ne firj mv receivinc report of crmmitice if itic wlvole nn aiiirndin ibe net l i ihe roard of woik llie ind finej lo ujrper climriai he moved in amendment to strike out the wmds f r money in one tf the elatiie nnd tn introduce the fijtii a ws desired by the ibune mr paicr matfc some re markv njgoiiijj umi duigit sttould be ex empted froii ihe ucratni ant the rill m hall aikcd whuhcx indians were ex cepted t col paixee wrid thev rere not but n wa hi intrnliutilo make ibcm he trince agreed to llie necessity of cxrrpiii drujpiis tlie rill wii then amerced in accordance v iib these suegestmns and the committee mee tseennd reading of the bill ira amend the lan and trust compiny act of upper cnadu the itouae went into commiltr and rose and reported tbe bill tbo rill to incorporate the inwn of rvloven laasrcado second time- tbo house went into committee upon il roae aid reported ibo bill tbe did ti proernl ibe jcstruelion of wild fou i at certain seasons mil red aaceend lime the i house went inio clninitur urvm il rnseand re porled ii r bill with imc amendment the house went inlii t inmittce im ibe report of tbe ivelccl coninullte on ibv oill sheritt a fee of upper cunada mr attorney general tsera bavins slated to the co iitniiivu the aerwuia indsposuion of ihe speaker il imm diiiev 4 reorled progress nnd naked leivc to mt jjai tli rcmainint order of the dav were ptnl urned al 10 oclock be prvment of eliimi ikc l aisnif ut of thr late rrluifi riul ivisoni in tjav canada and i- npfhvftltte itw rlntre on tavern i jerne n lb it nuecf w i rid tlie e- cnil lime i- i i- iir- ki reimitled jipuhii d- to be received on mnndv lle iine wet into onniminee oa tbc jinnimr and disirihnling uf ibe platiiles and n resebuion wat lflyd lo reelaing it expedient lo recil ihe esiiinr hvci rrgulaiiurr the d slribuiem nf ihe printed law arid aibmitute other provision mr imv prcieoicd n hilt founded thereon se cond icailiit nntncsdiy the house went into eorrmiltoe on hie rill in secure the lights of drittsti vrssefs naviatin- ibe inland walr of tbr pmvinee and tbr tm0f wa reported amended and ordered in be errosed the hrpfie went inio conimitlee on the rill tn ineorpmte a company lo eontmel a rail road from nppestlc mrjitreol to the prnvinee line and the bill wa ireid to with amendments tn he received on mmday lite remaining orders were prs1pnned house adjuncd hirt ne ettintry and yet tbey were reimbursed withnut a0 word of remvitk t ei i by our datth lud eon temporary i and pmtf tirrioih because a jhlifnl fifty rrnnds ia awarded to a ivnrthy itriu ubo sufteiod iwlli in pnrao anl persn for ihe inwn sti ouiciy rt kswbd av ii iicitm itlllwuvi werceinnc loetbcr out upon such aatalj istall upon such pallry hnmhu- we cry let there be no drtinctiou or perwinoo favoriiism if r somnwrn he rrlicvrd irml the eoisecjuenccs nfhisbiutt why should lint mr wiiliamaon iitw to exonerated 1 whv nw indeed t the br inlet bral of the avws the conceited pjmpcrer and defender nf tlie crjivralion the btunilerirtj- townprintcr the jm veil in fibber for tbo office of cfiuneil clcrkhat an eeiually inn and stupid attack on hia muier for ibis act of cflinmo justice in lr wilbimvin a il h i he firrt lime llhal the mce youoj man hafc presumed to question ibe eonduet nf ufa emnlny- er as on the contrary h- bts herrlofore sub inihaivcly attempted t pifrm the dirty work for which he was paid thil of defimdinfr their job whether joorl wl nr iirtirttenl il woum bfji piljft- talc bun oit bis snltrr on hi first short jump out of ictdin slrinjs lo cratify pelty person a t spite at nn individual nho is fjr bey i ii i the reaeh of hi cti i lish attack wonder if tbe cerpnrjtvvr m krmw he ctt walhnut a nurse or if like a favorite cboibtyy they have ffiren him one iwbtiy to enjoy himself montreal correspondefce of the british whig mot march 10 1845 mv i- i- bttl if your late visit haa not had ibo effect of tatiitinj- yoq with montreal and eveylbino ap pcrtiinina ihcrelo i will endeavor to iftdilc you a few lines for ampsement whether my on yourv or your reader i will lcvc you and tbcm to de cide but although i bare pot off wriliop from ay to day in tbo vain hope of being to iril you a bit of news i find myself after p tnvncss of two month as onablo to aatiafy your maw in tbuj respeet as when you left montreal 1 dont know what ort of vrealher vou have in kingston but bene no one can coroplaio lor every variation of climate and every specie of riad are presented in ibe coum of one day so that jomj boot with fur jraunltet and boa indr rubber with macintosh and dread nought pro nellae kid glowo and while bcavcr make lh population appcor aaparadorical tbc weather- i have quite given up attending th provy do- batea at the house and cveo the uoa proapect of a row can hardly draw me thither ihetjfh tbo latter ha the effect of kecpiof np a full attend ance of ladie till the yilly fighu recotckd oc curred the female portion of the todienco wai very mogro indeed but a if to corroborate tni charges made against the oex o trooglf wm pbfied by ihetr attendmco at executionif prize fight ovc iho montreal ladie oock to tb cene where the member arc likely to imiiato their yankee neighbor and miko iho route of assembly ueh anotiier theatre f or rtrw black uarditm and abutc of the sermtc yclept tngre talking of thcalrri bare joat oen a very pretty piece perfumed here ihe jeverat od wefl performed too i have heard that wr jonc will eventually ffive up the olympic in digut al the want of uste and liberality ditplejed by tho joutfrvcrecy here but last nighl the uuffan wa tempting and the night pnila one 1 wa not aiirprised at tbe fuhne of the i ind the performance quile came np lo the expec lition of the aodsettce the plot wotfld take too loop to describe or 1 would endeavor to gire you an idee it il i a trruiijalion from th french ind tbelaninige i beautiful mr jonee per sonated iho jeicer and mr mcyot the prim e v i betrothed contrary to ihe loenj rale if decency drcirum etc- eke fell deeply in lovo with the lrnclite daujhler and wa in conec- lucnce condemned lo death logeiler with fa ther and child she at llw trial maatrot her pea ion for iwttbfi on tbc prinecel eionerale in prince fmm all blime and ifoeewilh br father to the execuiion which wa in be boikd in a caul- ilroo of oil she then and there turn out lo bo ihe cardinal daughter who doomed hr snd who bat her during m fire aho waa saved and l h by tlw jcy wlm again notwilbtleridinf thniojuric he netf tujlnincd rise eurrftior to hie oelurc and when on iho brink of the caul iron torn tbc trirl death by informing tho father o the fact whirh i corritioraled by the haty r- riral nf the prinee with a long o- packet the farce m t tn luly eapurted from enlmd followed and ibe riot t otc were in catei w n b rekoible hh cleotinn here end thnt legislative council ibis lorrjcv gene inilp and a hill introduced r mi eis the frl which wa attain rejected nee of e iroient anddeed lo he enjrnree fie i pj uiamiu of not the rnw in committee upon ibe st law- chance to piiah ibeii rence am province line rjittod kill on motion nt jllr a report waa concurred in ie a first time krceivinj report of cnmmikee nf the whotc pn iho improvement f th j1 r i mnceb tlie report wa received nd a bill introduced end n a lime iterctvinf report of cromtliro of ihe whole on bill nn mn im llie jmymeni nfelaima for loa diiini the utr ri lullitui and iiiveeiuna in ivl r cnmirie the ameimfmeiu were concurred in ol the bill otdered to im engroaeed r i- ivinj repoii nf cotinuii in of i whole on bill i7 si itjrrcnce railroad tbo heporl pnncd and the house eoto routine mu3ines3 iviimt march 7 1815 lhe rill l incoquraie rtfttttd re ohuu ee rsnmeceee pimhtptimm tit merit wa read the thud linio arid incd the rill v proviovthr the enc4urjgemcnt of agricultural socarlic in eer canada waa read ihe third time nnd pasaed the hill io nmemt ami inaobdatc ttic lawa re ialin to ihe cnlleetionif nall debt in upper cewtefai was read ifie third tnc sir diekeon iinered n emcndmenl which wa carried em division and tm bill wai pated the dill to omend ibe rvt incorperiiiinjr the toomioaml lake huron radroad compiny wa read use third lime mr nid tho dill tn incorporate tbc fawn of niagara wa relnrnesl frtm tbo vmcil with amcndmcnia kilfn peitimn wore brnupjht up the mlnwinj- irlitione evor read of f ubriel m i fi remnneranon fitr hi servicra in ukim evidene- ommiioner on ibe conleaietl rkciron ot taylor jiaouirc fwr miehaqiwi twomlilinoa fmen mreober of the church of eticlnnd in hmrne sutne and slnkely and the eonregoiion of christ fhurh montreal for the placing of n unrjkni 4 the clctey kracrves under tbc eoiilruloflboth society of quebec of be woaieru jhitner hoincil praying lhat any duly on slill ami llrevwer miy be ao uvicd as not to mpno lli inlere of the manufacturer a uf spirilnoui liftpiota uf h lll n i- lh of l- mi j j nnilo prnyini llsat im mo aeure elfeelma king rollrge umy be onlesijinrhll thi ule period uf tin ravwii fainsv mitch 7 fifteen present beiidtti tbe speaker scrcril petitions were printed among which waaone from j ptterion and other in the town shp of chme uaeusy carrudic ntc praying fnr a plank rtiad ibmugh the eennl riding uf york between uike huron end ontario hon mr mgill brought up the report of thr select committee on the i neat vent ucbtore relief bill witwit amendment and elated lhat a eome members bad owctiontto tbe bill he would inmc thul the repurt be considered on mondny next agreed to hon mr joitrrr v op the report nf the conimitlee np n the addrees lo the queen on the independence of the rilative council with drift of an addre cook iteration nn monday tbe twn of niagara in corpora lion bill a amended w trad a third time and parsed after ihe clause exempting pereona over 0 year of aje from serving in the board wa struck nut hon mr mooat moved lhal ruch momber a were not present at lire opening of iho e inn be added to the committee of prt camrd krwoavi march 10 1845 after evcral peiitiooa were presented ihe houfjc went into committee on the upper canada lntnt- vent debtor imi and the hon- mn moon from ibe aame reported an aniendmcnt which wa concurred in- third reading lomorrow the following bilfa wore brought up from the assembly rcgulralion of veaacls dill monlreil christian unitarim rill chambly tvllon factory bih upcr canada sm ill debt bill and ajrrieulloraj encou a cement bill second reading tomorrow toronto and lake huron railroad amendment bill and vet quau incorportion difl tliirrl reading on wedenctday ulto amendment to ihe 4iiieritlmcnteof doj tax bitlseeond reading to nforn w the hmse went into contiderutiun of the ad deesa to her penitence of lb i the spec ii i committee which wa finally after i debate rejected mun mr wautea reported unfavorably on the montreal college of medicine incorporation bill- to be eooaidercd lo nymjvmjt lum mr datstau reported amendment co lfe winter road aitiendinent biilc co morrow tet a hrvr to oit iioirjt or ncutrrj poring a debate tfe other rfiy in the slate iv itisralurcof ohio on a proposed amendment of the charter of cincinnati one member for lhal eity cfuretly took uw9mitlmuumah4tki and wtre lhal tie wiu1d lick iaenr ond mrrf lae fift laree mo tint witd fnr if euraasisei f t fancy sir am- irorror if the year iverva or anv other mfooter on our aide llie house biulil make m imur demonauutiun upon utile mrmyon the nubjeet of the indc he iejialativc council reported hy the univkrsitv dlll tfna moajuro waa bnnijht up ojain in iho hoove of aecnbty on tucdiy eveninf- the speech of mr allnrncy generil drapcr mnving the second teadin i aaid v hani been the rnoet maaterly and erteclive argument delivered during ihcscttion the second navlrjlg wa ultimately poatpnncl for a wick on motion of mr roultitri a will be cecn by iho fultowing extmel from the vomrref courier of wednctdny ifottaeo ae4lv list niout tlie upirr canada univeraity bill cme on last night be fore the order of the day a ditouerion aroe on i motion made by mr boulton llml counvcl tbould be heaid at the bar of tbe houe in np port of tbe petition of llie council of king cn1 tege agin the bill introduced by ibe hnn at torney general weet an amendment waa moved by the member for cornwall to the eftect that the lime of 6 day and another by ihe member for hutting that unc month rhould be given to the king college council lo prepare fnt ihe pro duetion of chioecl at the bar buih these amend mem were set owdc by a motion of lite member for leeds that the huseahould return lo ihe order of the day aftotthio wadjocd the house adjourn ed for a quarter of an hour and after ibe adjourn ihe order uf the day wee proceeded with by mr draper proceeding to explain the measure brought in by hiinwlf tvilh tbe cuncurnnce of hit enj league for the settlement of the long vexed que tion uf king college mr draper apceeb will be found in our report of uic proceeding s of par liament in our next iuo in the meantime we can only ay that in the dicusion on uie m linn nf mr boulton mr draper positively staled that by the succcs uf thi bill the miniatry woum stand or fallond that all hie colleague with one exception were in accordance with his own view on ihe subject the honorable gentle man spoke for more than two buua and closed hi speech by moving the second reading of the hill upon ihi a motion we again attempted to be made by mr bonbon that counsel bo beard at ihe bar which the speaker declared waa out of order mr boitltun tlrcn made another motion preceded bra few olsscrvrttion against the bill tbat tlie second reading bo deferred for a wceb which after aomcdicuon wa carried by a large majority we noticed lhat mr roulton left tho house im mediately after putting hia motion and we were aorry to fearn lhal severe indiv posit con brought on by tho fatigue of hie ynirney from toroolu aaa the cuc of h hasty departure itt foatrncatiov at moirravai tiio que ore jrercury aay that tho homo government ia about to ereel exlonivo barvacka upon tbo moun tain nest mtoviab property montreal the barracks will bo forliued and the baltcrir armed with heavy mortsra the tlrat estimate amnunta lo 24fioo tba work will ba commenced esrty in the epnng illi f n fitr fnrl mwelf ne m i l i ititll l the intcuiion of uing my linio piece ufattck m nnivm with ihe combatanla an wel waait made to rtpnsenl oor bygone rows voura truly ed vyviiia ore the letters of our mon- ireal eorreapondejt are like angcla fit an fesv and far between lhal wc gladly publish ihcm entire but tho description of ihr play of th 7rieetr wio be anything but nese to our n4tr il wa played mce or ivrfnt rery ckdilebly the iwineipal character by mr noah and mr hu rijaifap and half a avanwl lira mot abominably during ihe stay of mn dean company in king i1h about three yeaia agn gores for the britid wafa letters i v 1 l to the people of canada ivhoy ensj tmve rveoeeiw sa the tbleetiao mun aiwlnliaa baiijle e uyau rwal gilsantli kverv roil- thih bernl ten wfeni aeenrmed una cent j ueskvrtieeee the vtu ira liad enough of gfct men yiear alcxandcra and your csrari cbafm no more humanity begins lu doubt ihe divinity of eurjrb icmirj lieminn its worship ha aiejnk to the bo- anmeof sickly girls and aueving poet roan and woman now eschew h ertb may bope at last and were these great t ibree mighty butchre tbit pithed their fctlowa mathematically i pshaw m an honest man i the noblest work w cioo the grcal thn really great are hul iha gnod rerli then whose heartaoipnd pour out run over tile and fatten with vise valence the are self self self each a mighty tnactrom nb korbing ll within their circle and tn tbetr howr of peace returning nought but wrtk and deatb obi aoltludirtcm faciunt paccm appellant wev done old taeito if theae are great the e pl iht ra of eabre away tvliti r i f i r- asal tveiof rhiy why then the very ej i tnotid be rronertj bnt ihe world wake it call your no wo boa hed old mnn your governor a civilian jrrwrt eng land honor him nnd in that heretf more but he leave u bi mh bar a lofty name a wije pread pretige but tieithar in tbo practice uf iho homely virtue neither in the ell tie of hi lofty station need our prevent rakrvemr comparison ho leavee oa i writ it andly would it were not so j but go when ho may- ha wilt be followed by tho wcseing of a people wbeen be has saved from the misariea of ciril sear anal bear with him the unsurprinvrng comfort which a pure conscience and unsulhcd honor fcro battel aeer sir char jo i lmuld kkelu ehnk your band but distance forbid and i can onlj give good wubea and rcspecl no to amtbec tlieme wo have fought and we bava cmiqucrel ft was a well stricken field and thoobtinaey of cbn resisuneo wo experienced louche well the mo- menluoua nature of ihe struggle nt in nnr op- niona atone but in that of our opponanl bltwia- nnw lhat w are master let us rtmembor we have wreatted with our burthen to bojuel la ttrav ply a duly amidst uh proreu fcrturi mnel do more be generotw th biulta of party murt ctaje the right hand of fuwrniii extended to tbe fafoald tho voice of th ajao- rily b mpeeiwly hrd th vtiiou tin of government honciforth muat u ay th part h ilvo fthom dcep to frame iu rnuhir wlld the broadest liberalit in conohiat tnetnlti aw4 often frind to mako u in aliohi if praaiwv onco more a united pufjo tho lmpr of ik

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