Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), March 7, 1845, p. 2

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noubirgfibleopoftiheconeliilel revenue beetle it had not rrce tved the rnyal asseni before the union acl psed it wouw po to ibc rffntrolioi of th clditii j hot the expte frroiiioo ol ill cxiflin liabilities up to i he moment the lalw wnl itn operation de- ifotfdvfh n argument tnd aiurtbia d- afterward mr pahhbu proposed in amendment lo refer the hill 1o a special committee for the purprs nf considering lh omendmenl made hy ne toflbtilurt lower canada lo the leih oidhsnce which sliaicd the rami fate ihe others mn lafontaikc llien moved that thr btll minion it was no longer comnclent lo that i it ml no read hut cefrrrod w 1 roirimiilrcor houe lo legale iipon it any consideration i the whole forthwith for ihe purpose of cfttum upon the uc1 most convince hon membns erins the propriety rf extending rltnrovis tons that tha opinion he had at first expressed upon this subject was a correct one and roum not be shaken without destroying the enactment on which it was fmrded when he had sjivenlhis opinion at first it had been with hi time lor rnisidvralion nd he bid olleeil wili confidence hul previous search into ihr mciil of the question had convinced him of the r of rvs tiff hv rflmiiid that ihe hon member foi tcuchoniio had life parld fmin the pmpcr emnse ol argument in alludin to the bill to be lroughl forward upon ibis rtmhilinfi instead of ilehatng upon ihe merilsof lh rrohition hpfoie ihe llus this wa not the proper lime in ilchale upon ihe bill there would be ample opportuni ties given lo discus the prineijde ol ihe bill when it was uu upn the lahlr and came up lor sroi d reading and il was unfair lo do so before that lime he could only trok upon ihe opposition which hid beru oltrrcd to this reso lution afi an attempt lo strangle il i if inf aint har hear thegrnums of oljcunn vveic loo frivolous to allow of any othei conclusion why wa it argued lhal it tvniild do injulcr lo lower canada if we were nol ihe cue t there was not the shavow of a fi umlation for such an aeeiisiiion there tritt no intrntinn o ihe pail of iheyovernment to do iijtttire to any poriinn of ihe piovince thi- -tovrn- menl ioita meau5 knew no imioclons hr- twern one section and ihe other but would do julie to both it hid not ugtslftteri anl t v ih otii leitsute lor any roilion ol lh people to ih detiimrnt f anolher 1 iw r ioulio vrti one in ffive rff1 to an vistin h llaiittp and o that pan of the pnvtfnt ealhr uppr ci- nata a hiih on a divjjion il w lost- adiisin h place on ihe 3id teadint of the hill which a carried lyg to 0 the kill was ihfo paid and suit up lo the legis lative counril for ihcir roncmcne a orfmigc wiiiieceiseil frcin the l council mnmlhetif that llort houotttdc vody would proceed to govmiitrnt lntlfe at hall pasl three nclnrk ij followiij lay to preut ihe aildres on the mhwl of lh fiemh ian enjfe ard trquckin lie otlemtancc ot the leftslaltve assembly on the presentation of the petition of john whitelaw and another of montreal praying fcrthe sctilemnl of their ftettvnifl a contrac lots on the chaisiv cao4l it wa- opposed by tha attobmkv gcxchai who rrfened to ihe length rvf time w hie h iw been allowed to ex pire since the deu wa coutucud the peti lion was tost- the hon mr dnapkr aee notice of hi intention to hri t in a hill tomorrow lo sin end ihechailrof kinn cmiese hear heat j also a bllto enitaw a ifniverftil in uppei ca nada whenever hie same be erected and es tahlihod provrton b rtit w slg rf isbstf fr ttl snib ftfct ol ihjj w uocfotllrt i pylovd wtoipportim tjhtlsa jhtv td inserting extenaiee contracts for lh purchase oflnmher won of uppor canv on the faith of ihe existint rtiniej and who pwon a atj would he aeriooslv injured if the prorotedladff weni if wmfcr claim went into iomeliale operalion ht ibo it- pfttii h briihrtakbcrtiiip4 l retervea ferred to ihe frau committed on the revenue 7 wee t he enntractort tor th commisanai frhd i ilo lot mf tonmfaiia im c urwutnitr tgsm it hl of selmx lll mlensimv jokm lftromc lwt dpnl a uw cnvm- mm tpr uco hooch to mk brvworv being weth had tri ntmditred for the uie of the troop and who by this mcans carried on a lucrative irade at the expense of the revenue hi rusted that in any schedue arfnplri the tommissaiinl wou i he con polled to pay the duty as well the rest of ihe community her her mr drtpin and mr moffatt nade some rcmatlcs the foiner in reference lo what had fallen irom mr baldwin on the vutjetl ol tliftreofial ftuie the utter on ihe necessity of c0fflns to an nndeftlainio with he nioihrr iaufin lvfoi c le hoochrijolchautcaomnacni tubewld and n pmcon l be divide dnvmoouudleuliii ihe proportioo roenuoocj in ih acl dool4 orgwipry and the mller fojfli nlinc ltrav bimioir abed bia wet bo dmo tried in vain lo kiodle fire the tight of glasgow retived him he ttt gercd lo kn uc and felt u if he could ei ool now if the road wu broken for him he tried u for hort dikunce but aunk down from weaknesa hiakind hearted friend kindled a httle fire of bark and dr atieka and he atcpt a abort lime which aity of the portion of her majcatya loyal aob wcta the commooi of new brarjavntk to juy mc trill- meyer m pctiie pnce prince ivrnur tocoo ecotmrfl tiu mutney piipin tliddcll rbmk rpmia ih bnwkvilh fiherrod of ounliy5o alo ajceilrinlhe loolins on which j siewul of bvtown jrf prearirtti he trade of ihe roiiktrv iriilil be ihce cn the vriit viillir4 slx ia he fraile of ihe romtry mihl he j romplflion nf ih- puttie works mil watts said that ihe sefcerve of ihe inspector general did not do justice to ihe atiruiuiiif who were fttlffehff rww low prtces to extent which lion neoihers had no idea of he lead some extiacls ftojn evidence ittkta hefor a commillee which presentfs rtridnrameftat of lhio- and insisted thl il was ihe d in v of ihe uovcrnment to re the preseol isriftof duties o as loenahlr the aimer lo live which at present he rouhl not ro the arirulhirist had nol been eensuhed in ihe draw in- np of the pteienl tarilf hut had keen irft lo sift for then ives he irnnted therofofe ihallhe lneiis or lhal inler5l would tuck toeelher in that house ami not allow lemslves iv h it flueneei lv pottieal een shrwcod icoacsmithnr mittuni watts mr clumt tnlrmlureii a ml to incorporate uideratione the faimei wm fa cri fired to ihe hi- imeictl a hool in qfti diec recognized by iw sanctioned by tie crown te ttialionof lower canada was entirly dihiei t uom lhal of ihe upper iomion nf ihe lrovincr hee there eited nu law anil there hnl been no approrrialinn made lor the payment of me retelhon losses neither hai tse nnoettt ol them hen nscotiin il it bad been o he woud have hern prep red to hve bronchi foi- ward a measure ibis ein which woult hate embraced hoth sections af the province the amount of irssrs in upper canada was re stricted lo a certain sum and the appropria tion was made in accordance the ioveni- ment was doiii n injuslice lo lowei canada by attempting to aseilin the amount of lu oscaivfire it rode appropriation lo men thm there aas nn infonsislency in nch a course on the contrary the iiicoitsittency would he in toini olheiwir it was atauid to expect ministeis to ask thai ilrui e to pee itsell lothe payment nf an tfl4efiirte and un limited ainoufil it wl lor lheo leaons lh1 he tooled upon every rjcikui rllvied on this ocatioo as a d er1c alterrpt n desrr the member for ilemary hail attempted lo deslrny it on ihe plea nl an apnjt atoo lo the imperial pirliajneitt whvre mi the justice olsurh a courv this was ihe very peitod at which uch an apjdicatiti ouut not lo fe made there ws no inteeficin in this ajtpli- cation or meeting lhor- cuims in a jum pitit huliinaan atlempl lo escape fmni an ac knowledged 1rhitfy vftiaiily asiumcd by iho province the house was not lo he blinded by such a shallow device it was too apparent bat theie was no ittlcninn on the oiber side topav uiwe claim but lere wm 1 j them by puuiunort all action torn session to session the resolution before the house was one which ve ertct lo an ex islin- law il did not create lhal law when ever the claim of lwer canada were ascer tained h was prepared to assume the same responsibility it had been denied lhat lite lost of upper cnda ha i been ascertained but that those of lower canada were liqni- dated we fell hack upon ihe fi mi i a lion lhal was the principle lhal he stood ujto the liqui dation was no pari of the princijiv of iho measure lhal was involved in the limitation qy how did the case man t a commas aton had been aripointeil by that most obnox rous body the special counril that council which hon gentlemen opposile wcie so eager lo repniliale and lo exclaim a we will have none of your law for none of l hem re good for anything a commission was isaued by this mosi obnoxious to which wis now invoked as the hats ol icfislation be cause it suited those genilemcn lo blow hni one dajindcohuhenextitsat a shod time when its labors were piemaiurcly brought to a ilos after a partial invesiialion and ihe remainin losses were yet lo he ascertained these were of jreat variety and that alone was a sufficient reason lo prevent minisers recommencing an appropriation pending an investigation still in- cnmplele il wat belter lo suspend alj action anon ihe qustinn for a shoil time he trusted for nol looker than one year until the whole amount of claims could he as ertained- as it had been jusly observed by the ncstibei tor 0 i w ibis resolution oneht to be satislaclory to the members for lower canada as il went to render the eventual clloeut of itl c turns more sure and certain when he had been called upon at ihe commencement of the session he had answered that it was not the intention of the government to make an ap propriation for ihil purpose hecan ihe amount was not ascertained if the amount had been ascertained and irmiled he woum have been prepared to have jone into them this session he concluded hy remarking lhal he considered that all the arguments which had been used in opposition to hi resolution ought lo have hern reervd for the second reading of ihe imj which would he introduced thereupon mft a ylwin ardreeil the home in a pcer h extending over one hour and iwenlv nvinnlc during the delivery of uhh ihe ministeiral benches were almost totally deaeiled the diviion bein taken there appeared lor the motion 43 a ii 30 and a hill was directed to be brought m accordingly winter roatis tn lower cax4im the house wen into coromltlee tipon the hill to renew the slcich ofinaner au a very lenzlhv disensio ihe vrirmtke rrse and reported the hill at amemled ity the ainendmedu te hill apuvstnlh districts of moheal and st fiaen and comes nto operctton on ihe ntst of novciii- ltr 1816 a jjod deal of anry feeling wi f on the occasion anl mi a mmfflfije satil thai if measures of lht kind w tv ftveed upari the rropte nf lovr cunla hf huuld advie ja representatives lowlkolt from ihe ijue in a hnrfy a uccession of moliou in iitfir ihr p- mainio onltia and lo ajnhrn weie thvn tut and severally lol 1 hey w eventually carried the housajflurned at iwo uc mornirtg that ue provisions ol the milai in lhal adpleil ill iiroiporalinn of a like school in moiual he lhrcrue though i it was nni ecewij i put ihe country to the txiwflwflf prnhnsf as hnu mcmbeis could lfei to the copies they have already had thh wasapreed to nod ihe bill ordered to he read a sccontl tii e on thurs day n- xt opt elarifrn dvoiee rill u as introduced f kingston to he read a j rous seau for a week the mover sttd isystem of free irade ah hal he had to buy ill were exactly i was taxed and yel proteciiun wa denied hiff nlhcr dy lot ihe pie aneicansha slnil him out ol his lcl market and forred knu a tshltfd maikct where be ta- in sell al a rniooiis antlice by ml mnci10nah second lime on wetlneday mxi lave of als ncc was gtailci o dr he did not sk a hljtfe lax iul surh as would keep out ihe ie ot the american stock ul ich wa all ihil ihry now sent lo ihe pa nilian market the hon fenlb man spke for a coiderahle lime on this subject with much tnrrjry wdttrf willbns u mr lewhl moved tlc uy be pmpimrd 4 hkh w ticcatiril lira 16 x 36 mr mono rooted t nmm do nnv nd- jonrn whtrlt w t un x cajfct viler the spenkcr mr mcdoneil of nmpj moved lhat ihe re- nuilhli2 ordtrj f ih j pdrfpoticl until uintby and lhal the ronviihlccof the vrfn4a on rcfhnlm and 1 the law nutivo in ruiom dtir bo ihv fi 0l 0 lnc oay wlneh wjs eacicd svif s3- nay 20- the motion- to bdmiq ra t carried on a divnuonof 31 lo 17 the rcwduitmi was then adopted on a diviaion of 41 lo 5u itmp ltimitf4i bcn ihe rcvemcof thotasl cicqtinj ihit llosn donlnp scoll stiildi of wcmfttatlh id powell voted with ihi- vras and mtn mcnitt price and watts with ihe ny mr papueuu licouht i ut f on the taid rcmratvtivccit reading on tuesday the house went ml committee on thr rill foe fuiiher aimndiu tlte relanvc lo winter koiid in lvrj ciinudn end ihe bill waa repott ed nieucd ur gowan moved iuat the said report le re cived this dav u nmli whib was nerativc ye13 naytm yeaier arruatron baldwin hmota rutrms onirs tlie fust order of ihe day hm so aa in commillee oi tin ami ronstdidatinz the law relali- to cilos dmics mr imith of fmnlenac inihe chair the hon inspctor grxrnr ininlrodne in hii resouiions to the house at w atuufton to the improved sule of ihe re venues as shown in the pihhc ircounts which rmisi be a fnhfeii of conxiatulation lo the limine sirkc 1s41 the increase in lle ciifcln i s alone amourled to x24ooc0 ami rnintle pas vearthibram h of le revenue had near toumed itelf in montreal aene the increase had hern upwudc of x6o0lf0 prinripallv jton iho ailtcvs nf tea tobacco and spiiilc tn brandy alnne the inert ase had heen 100 per cent and a ccat revival had alto taken placr in ihe rum trade which atone tme was nearly exiinc he as erhcd ihe nerejsatiis of hfestrth as ie u- jea e to ihe great expeodiinre which hail taken place during ihe year on ibepumii works aninitrtinc to neat lv half a million of money in upper canada we undumoud him in sa lhal the increase on the customs bad rem 5l per cent principally fbownal ihe pml of plii1liahirh and toronto the duty col lected on lea in thai prl f the ilniinee had been x3o and he same for lohacco in respect to ihe former article it would he sien by reference in the printrd lanfl that il wa rltcliisvl trf rwtay we dv folr it frf w tit treat object being lo picvenl smuliny li ficr n loooale ltu a of doodas moiin nf upper uf inertf rnnv ho jill in v lo col bun h elntn hc ireh his intc father copt ab jf andcr shaw wai atesl i rpeiied and ork ill the res on th bn htottihlqp fjr a third ica moved as an amendment ibjt n fered to a select cnrntriittre in ont uusoav march h ectin winter mals being n mn tiuwa be re in be in a the hon gentleman repiescoted lhat in it present shape it was a most imperfect measure after aortic discussion the aoicnd- menl waa pit and toat mn lrontai5i then moved lhal the hill w nol now read hut hiatal fc read this day alii ationlr- wluth on vuion wu vi anotif allfjatpl vas then mde ly hon vjmfc tefti lie kill 0mi l i j v lift i jinr nuti4 ei i 4 wm h wa al rsont carried on to a jeat ex- lenl from he uniifd stalea he had been asked why as the liovernment intend d to in crease the revenue system ilicy did not leave the duty as it wa hut he nhe inspector general felt lhl ihe best way in increase the revenue and prevent smuevling washy levy ing a moderate duty ssntwlltft was an ex pensive process those engaged in it hai to irel a high remuneration for the risk ihoy ran nd the effect of alow rimy would he lo tkc away all inducemenl to enjje in il tie hon gentleman ihen piocc ded lo tke up ihe ttiflcrent hemsof latiff and cnmmenl on ihem but in so low a tore nf voice that what he i was quite unintelti b in tic renoiteis box he cnnchidd by n ovine hat the firsl part ol ihe taiiff referring to the thill lobe levied on live slock and agricnlimat ptoduce should be adopted mn mfcrftitt drew the attention of the house lo the imotance of tie pn sent measure and expressed ins regrei at seeing such a pcoi attendance when a subject of such vasl interest was coming under discission tl e hon gen tleman entered ileepty into the theoiy of utiof contending lhal without a syslcm ol discrimi nating duties the iraie of the province would come hy ihe rhannel of new york instead ot by ihe wav of quebec the operalini of dticlfettulf if lh dnly on a lb of tea wa higher at quebec than new- yirfethelrade would sone way or another di ec itself by the aay of new ynrk railier lhan hy quebec and in that case ihe piofil on h trade went lo en rich the shipping iiaie and ihe merchants of new york nd to inciease ihe mils ol the canals of that stat iustarl t flowing inlo the colteisof the canadian government and people tlie ohjert therefore should re in have thedu ies at quebec lower lhan at new york to lake it oltat quebec and pticc it on the united states this would force trade into ils right channel and give this country ihe benefit of the trade that wa what h meant by rtiscrinvnatine duties the dsnalch of lord sianlev in 1819- showed the desiic of the home govemmepi to gite the wboe benefit or the trade with great ritlain to the province and the original talrntlon of havin disciiminatin duties was no deum to benefit the colonies km such had no been the case till 1812 in enrsequence of ie nitration of thedulitaal home which prices were hih or low ami to foreigners jnsl at ihe momeni when il was j thcintereucf ihe canadian hrpper lo er joy that marke the bon w r slatd his conviction that by a proper representation in rbe home goerrmeni ihe piivilee wouh be accorded to lie province w regulate their own trade mk dalowin expresiei himself favorable ro lhat pnilion of lie tcw pi which went lo miie fixed ittitis on enlain artrlrs wl ich now pay an flrf rcorcm ally and by which means treat frauds had bin sommined on ihe re- 1 venue he howev- r exirreil his convic tion itmt lhal portion which allowed foreign wtieat lo he ground in loiut and taken out for ihe purnrx- of exportation ran foul of one of ihe dflrr utics referred fn in the tlespatchec re ceived freiu ihe llme cnvrnrneni for tlie re gulation of hie iruvinrial icade the insueetor geneat stated that ihil por tion of the schedule had been dropped iia ln- tioduction ws an oversight of ihe cleik and it was not the intention of the government lo lake any step in regard lo that particular sub ject this year it would he shuck out of the schedule altogether mr ftaidwiir expressed himself satisfied so far but referred to the utiea pioposed lo be levied on hquotrz coming from the united slates and the ihny levied on hie same ar- liclea coming from ea whir h he regarded as establishing a system ol differential duties ami in opposition to ihe rapfrm injunctions of ihe home government aaexptessed in its de spatches on tjiii sithjert the hon eijhrnar read eatracla fiom recent despatches received on this subject in oithr to bear out this view ol the qijetior mil cotrilhc lruler ibm lime w old be ivcn tv lbj miucv vhi rmd vntvieo lute routine business fruutr fdtruarvss ims otr pllion w hmtielit up- the u lltnvr phlius were nrad of jeim tair for the rnvesiichn oftbe ejim f hbtllq faihcr fr work en the st ltrvrcice cwnl two prtiliarf of jn morion nod olhers pis tillers and of j fvinemn aniloibch pfeuois i of kintn aeaiel iho bill to impoii a duty on tnstilerrt anrl boweea i 4 f the trust and in conp i cndii fur an act to amend their a pnraiim of unt fhawprayine iliol pnvisj h mv lo chmp him l ehiim lle ranr w ot of j crsmt and others for n rurvcv if iho line in pari ilie 3rd corvcetjni of winehitler tir j cltarten an1 uuraof si jranchvios i me for an amendment of the common school act of c a ivw nnd othere for ihe enmple tion of the pol nnd frnm cornwall to lorirrnml on inolimi nf air srntt nn addrces wa order ed fmtn lhat nt iiiieht helt6tn in innrr to ihe infi hit ot- f firee canada indemnity for the ju1 bh aiieittned tiy ihcm during the he- uhif ns of ih3 and 161 at half nt ibreo ovioeb the itfloh waihd opori his kxedleisey with ra ades eonattr laiic iim iifvn ida rfrvalinn to the peerage nf rirnil firilain and irrlaofl find having relumed ihe speaker reil ibe follow in oiivwcr fivitmn i rrlurn itii mv warmcsl thanks for your iinrl eonst the bor bexhiwed on me by our queen i asertl neit l ifer maicetyv ja- eious fonrtncaa lo ihe malrrnil intcrtsia whch hrtiikeam the welfare of ihe people of this tro viner and lo thcnpprnvstnf my earnest rndcavnra to nmmnto that nbjet thoe rnrfeavnra i assure you shall be unrrtniitinr and i lutmhlv bfipe lht i rhc blcsfinrr the jinii cnnina may le prorieron conlenled and hapnv whereby he moil ansiiti wihofmy heart will he ucconiditdiel mr prince hroufhl in a bill to prevent certain wild fowl and eniprs trom lieinp detroved at un prnnrr seaatn of the year and to prevent the imp- in lf pioc ntn ouuil in tllls plovificc scc olid reading on monday mr mnftatl bmuht in a dill to worwatc the mcebaniea inslitnlc nf montreal second reusing on monday week iaavc of absence watfjranlril to mr ifcuthifltcr for 15 dots cat arcounl of hckncs on fnitttnri or mr laurin the amendments nf tie council to the hill to dctaeh the nanrh of si sylvestre from ihe ciunly of iaulinii re anil lo attach it lo ihe county of doreheste for registry caueboo bew foiitaino leslie price 13 nat messrs a1win beilhhot chnhot chnuveau chrlslie ontride cumninifj daly deulcury dickson drommond dupnn puelop draper ematnrcr grieve guillet hac hatl jip ljiiikc 1jirnr maeonald of cornwall alaedoncll irf glenery macdonald of kingston mitliol meyer- mrffftf mumcy powell pcrio piince riddeh nt inon jousoeeu seymour mictwiod ert bockvilk sntitb of frcmicnac smith of miftiimm stewart of pytowo stewart r piracni wcstrr mftkimnlfpnjii ii tlie rcprni w tlv n received ihe amcndmenia wctc concurred in and ibc bill was ordered to in- cncramed movntv march3 tiirlvscven vr were 1 ught up tticpiltor ihv relief of inwhent drbcon i wan iherehy intended lo erea fund to form a petrujneni endowment for those imprlnl object and when it is furlher bnene in mind that tho members of live church of england inhabiting the stale of new yoek arc at tbia day enabled to erect their chtirchet and atation thetmsonariea io every section of that citenive country by iho id of fiuids provided hy the pious care of a bri iish monarch when that country wan a flntish colony- thai the numerous dutch piputation of the same slate are supplied with pastor from bnpla funds provided a at an early day by the care of the govt rninrnf and that io bold thrvc cases the foundaiirn of the endowment was a ersnt of land iniriirvanl in extent and value al ih lime it waa made compared with the clergy reserves set apart in this colony by his late m- jc1y kinc george the third but which rants bcinc scruputoinly preserved and respected by succecdhur government now yield most munifi cent reaources for the support of religion when your committee air take into consideration that n roman catholic fellow subjects of ijowcr canada are enjoying ol un j the roost ample endowments for their chore aod colleges arinin from eaily grntsof land whiebif alicna led at the value they once bore would havcaf ivdcd but a nominal wbotly inadequate to the want of the pisain hour they foci strongly ihe impolrcy of the provision of the act to which ihcy hive inferred and tbejoliccof the claims set forth by ihe rtcliuonrtu besides it is slated in ihepelilinn of th church society that the petitionej have observed with real rejerct that under ihe system which has been adopted for the sole of ihe clrrev reserves and from tho great deduction made from the proceeds for tho expense of inspection and management tbew share of the rund which has been appropriated bv the le-ia- talure n the religious instruction of the people is hklv loljcin a rjeeat measure ceria trued in charecn which to them apnear unncoeairy n4 lo an freest an extent that 1 1- nrrntehensive that it will jicld jilitc more tb d a nominal provision for iheauportof i heir church to this portion of thepeisttcn your commiltee bavcdevoled a good dealof aiicntion anii appears to them lhat a ver lorpc and tinnecesoary degreo of expense j has wn ircurred in out manner pointed out by the prlilhwrf uy cerlain public returns made by the coenmi- sioner taf crown lands and by the surveyoe ge neral and laid wforc the ixirrslalure in comjili- ancc with an address of the 9th of october ims it appanraibit tic ums wleh arc realised from ibc sttlcsl of ibc reivrvea are in a ereal measure atmk in lite cxjk ne f luinarrcmenl and in defra an adequate tit to bmk hi- heart to have lo be carried on an others back and when after mucb perauaiou laubmiiied heuirtly said now i know lhat it i all over wuh me i tball ucver travel again vnereea rm iuay liov ti ouivrr 1 see rase acaif iosmiirt alurer hcwasevtkdwmr dixons whero he reecitid the brrtand kindest ajtention the severity of the storn rendered t imposaiblo lo obtain the service of eitner miruatcr or medical man andfler ibirt six botjtysssjsj j yyoy 3gj g spiru ii bis msker r tlw present ceurier mcgrefor waa soreot cnacd in the duty with bia brother alexander when this last waa unfortuoately drowned ibsee years since on ibc lake matapcdiae wbile carry ine the ni jl qjjit mrreuru br ltish whig oplfcr pre oro m djccr kingston friday march 7 1845 1ccfi my vv f m for abort time apy further action upor the iprt- cm atau of tho executive goremrnanl tbftt the recent and only partial application of the new principles of colonial gcrrrtnent lo this pro vince sueelher with the apparent cfpowbcm to ulnae principles manifested by a laraxpart of tho house on i be decision of uw crowuiiee of ibe whole house upon the several llamotulions moved upon the subject r const it otioosl govcnimeiit must add to the difficulty of tbrroms a local ad mmistration in which all the great interests or tho province will be fairly lercesented rod upon conslitulional principle satisfactory to all lor which reaons and from a deaire lo pursue a oourae both rnockrate rrspectfol and firm and at the same lime exmriitutiocisj it is cipedicot for tho present to rjosl pone ihe goiog inu uas rjiruw csm- sderatioo uf ihe subject a lens and animated debate enanod at lb close of which the last proposed aracrtdiawot vjae pot and lost by a majority of 20 to 13 tho first amendment waa then lost by a vole of si to 11 the qrieation was aiterwarda taken opoa therori pnal reeotuiion which was carried by a raajority of 13 yeas 22 naye how this distinct and unequivocal eupitsaioq of the opinion of the asavrnbly will be reeeivod by hie cxccllancy remains lo be seen but be certain ly cannot eipocl to maintain his preset peaauoo and there tre cow individoau kitnciently coev nooos to lake seats in tne cabitaet after this de- cisioo of the repneeotativae of the people a college uooer the arnoo nrrns nd enita the amrae privileges as kiwp a colt eje in trda itie full or ilienrjicror inrovent irntors in aiml in h cjk ive 0 in tnjroieil ond in defra wnt roda ea read ihe third time and paied in the encrui elisors of the ind grnminir d the bill for fuitheraireudin tlva ian relating to uie winii r ridr in ixiwcr canada wa read the third lime mr coan i- j that it be referred to ihe st left couiinilt- aw certain petitions r latin to ivinter kd which was n chained yea xrtv fi air lifuniuine nived that it lo read a third rina this rfnv six mims which waa ucaiird yravs3l nydr mr liifintairre tnsivtd that il be re even mired fur the piiiwfe iif 01 serine ihe earvdienryof mmtootidiimnp the wa icffolalin vvhrll r vrbielm itl lnvon lnnda which wai negatived yc sm kavv vi mr 1j an mover that it be referred lo a erhet rnniiiille witli an intrueiiun to enquire iiiloihe pirwty of continuing ibe amenftment uhlk ifllrll wij owfwipm ftr ftue vil whirh wn ncuatived parinicnt yur ronmitlee find that in addition to a de- duehon of firi per overt nnt of nil innoics received by iho dwtnet aecnta and bewdea iht cbaqee or rcrtifkttin a ur niimlierofinioeetora ofcter py recerve hi ba been appointed to tc wid by iho dy al a rate no rprcitlrd in the reiuins the proceed omiteeeuiirre are also ebarfed by an or reroflbe fteromr nu niado in aoaiiet ibvllwitlt wty per ecu of the expnao of ihe crown laioda peprtmenl up n hr liinrnf llmilrrlurn il an refill ilwerranjrtiljiereludbeennnealrj of clerey rnfrin iner he 1st f january ifcoj fsrjllsstrinec ihe union of ihe provinces not ntore lhan atviuixt150hd been reeeired on n ilwfontftahitcxrjinrjoff tliiinonclulf of ilw wrmsf ajn- m rrreiilha been charged nairut it a diaiueerd fr fpfmesl vattwla7awn nie clhileri in laeer canada seem not lohave exeeedvd xi 16 fd vrhile ttro dirjenwemcnls clnrttvl htjiiom the fund are xi3i 19a fti in irthrriiuarf ii nopeamhy ihe mme dcu- rsi jf ment- chit ilieroleflnfrcrvrslindbcrn received hie jul wus 1 lhc lhifd im fln ntl rnunl of pcrvion rates cdinadinpnol wlfj inlbeyoar ih45 the colleelioni amntinted to lel z7 3 beelliek bctimnd hi1ttl nnd uie nhuracment to x5i1h1 olvilte cummins dej for ihe year 3 iho aisfssnat eotleeted srp lo loan the lr uf jnlv rnsaeted at nhont x70i0 nnd uie tiodlet ebarrreal tc3 avm and while so urfe a lnjld of cornwall mac- j sum nhnve-m- nlioncd baa lecn chared afiiot eonufd of ehjndan mac j the fund ftr dirbnrvnienta ihere apjicwnl lo have ronnell mexis soitatt heen ntv a ale of 201 acres etticted wilhin that mumcy ifirie i oci fs imrsnrii rob- vrid ui lb priec of fott bn eyniiur hctwi- pf broekvillr shersrood from ihe informaiion above tatcef il appears io of rtonl iniilieif nitsia iswiuiflf mis vur commiltee tbat lb air ladjeilaiiie mo loeonridir urrcmcdie imiiarkc vcv fir nl iiip y- ya- j rhai il be rrciumnittrd lu eyof c-tirnhn- it pu r i3tf wliwi ma negatived- va rleury ivauhii- dtel 1niblt draper em he hall jwtlp m ffnitd of kingion dot4 of jmoimint pt on drtimmottd vlhitjjer grieve the nnuae of assembly hai been enjajed during the principal part of last week- and the commencement of the present on che upper cs- nada rebellion laanee and the custome duties bill a synopsis of the debate on both these nca sums will be found under the farharneoury head the report of the committee of the whole on the custom dotic waa received on tuesday and the items taken up one by one and disoossed at length the ittull had not transpired by uie way we were led into an error in our last on the article of wheat which we staled would be ad mitted into the province duty free the duly on wheat b at pecsent levied by a spqctej etaactrocnt and with this the now bill does nol interfere on tuesday mr attorney general draper brousht in three bills having for their object tlie establishment and endowment of a crdleje to bo called i j j upper canada college the bips were read a firat lime and ordered for the second read ins on tfoitday week wc hope to receive enpica of lhco important bills in time for tuesdays nsper tho ministry are workins lurd to fct through the rapidly ac cumulating business and were il not jbr uie ob stacles thrown in their way by tho opposition iho requisite measures would soon be tatrflfacloiily dis posed of thr town bill fi worship the myor returned from montce- 1 on wednesday from what wo can hear we gather that lha new corpomtinn hill as amrnded by tlie inhabitants will pass into a law this se- ion if the town member can gel it on the ordera of tbc day in time but the business before the ifwue ia ao heaty and an urgent that we fear the bill may be delayed another rear should it pass it will puss with iho annexation of it no 24 eaoev- lhat of mr cowan wilt weigh 9trj litlss with the ifouso on the contrary il will unite the who opposition in favor of ihe mcatviro which with the help of it cooservtivd friend- mut cneurc its aafcly in ihe letlsr from mr mcdonald which ia given below lie baa rtu1u upn lhat point but we have none when dh barber was in monue- al he spared no painaor time ucram ihe members on that subject in anticipation of what baa taken place ilia lnn purposes were taken into confer a ti hi and rnsc and f ii as the mukel lhe3tii were ajjreed to tlie amendments nf ihe rkincil to ihe hill to amend the act foe r i estabtwli- ment ff saving ranks were tiken rntu eon i i ni the house went intfittoinmitlec on the same and ovoc an amendtucnt wlucli ws ordered to be engmserf mr halt moved that ben ibc ifnuee adjun it dorland adjourncil unlit 3 a clock lo morrow which wa nealivcd yeft 14 nays 3 a bill wasreecivcil from the council lo render permanent ihe ordinance fftcorpentfff the boat nf mnnlml and tjnclcc whih thev hd pd and reenraeri the concurrence of the hone tin ie- to and ihe b was read ihe misl tunc sceiid rcrlm on thurarlay the committee on the election for ihe thrd rrding of york obained leave 10 adjiutn until hlondavj the committee on the oxfrrd eccctiun obtain cd leave to adjourn untd loih march certain rriolurke adopted vcmerday in com mittee of llie vthle were reported and ajced in granting the mlutvinv sums for the encnuraje men of arieidlure fur cacli chinty in inveet canada xi50 pruricl of motitreiv ivi iiriet of three rivers fiitcluding district of slfrncilxoo diuiet f quhice jc500 mr wott brought in a bill founded on the said itcotulions sccimd rcidin- oi wednesday ihc medutctitp made in cnmniitlec of ihe whde on lb bill to ine nd lite isrtf i rial 1117 to in rolvent dcbtnrn wce revrtrd and jricd to and ihe bill was nrilrred lo becngroarcd tho mfiwii ncftilult adoplrd in ornmil leeof the wlholetn wcdncttltv iraattrri n ported niilvdthal it is expedient in make nmvi- siflq tii jf ivinc tbixl lo am tain art ofllic ifeiv titurcof ilierclinndt asnmeridcdby an act n the i li 1 i of ilit puivinec nnd reljtioti lh pivovnt 1 f cimfr- artwihtoitetf ihe bite uibciwi and nvtniniif lc canada amltofpwjirit- the money aruj fomtivcrn licm it loeal f ufps wr applying rtuli jif tn iheicf ny he- ionglo1neahliein fpper canada to ihe payment of the said claims ontil the same be fully mid 31 r fapinriu rmtvid lhat the said itrvdution i he concurred io i mr- mcivmam of cleoary moved in amen-l- tnenl thnt ihe wiile itc rxnunrd tind an aihlicaa i to her mail sty be eumilurrd pnvyiug ller lo re commend i ilr lioncrul parliament to take the aaid ehiiin intn coobidcration willmvicw tonti- jyaueh claim 11 may hn fotuui equitable and jul whieh was neaiivid yens i niiya ii yaus mi m armsliong huulwin mrrlhelnt ileiirnod cauclmn chahot chauvinu cjtralie dcaanhiier tiewill tiinllrt jnlon nenstcv la fonlaiite imntrer iilrrrierc fiunn llomoinc leslie mcdoniildof tvlengnry mcuotuiut slnr innt mrihot mnrin tltce rosrcauscutt small wallawsrl naisv- mcssjn rrooks colville pummin dily delllury dugan huowip dmper re nmtinjrcr fuster gwtm crievc hate i i jc eup jidinetiio mtu a of cornwall me nonnm nf kingstun mchonell of dimda blh onnhl merrill mcyei momlt fapmrau towell iv- trie prince rum robinaon roblin 8evmoiir shrrwood of rrockvijip sherwood of toronto smith of krontcuiic smith of mirqiini wrni worth flewarlof ficocolttlromjiaijot web ser william wiaitsll mr ltoitaiiio rivised in amendment that lh reradiittnn ik nw r committed 0 llir purrme ol quo smith f wrtitw taih ilmmpsun wrrod- tc- ntr oivsera aru rtrwas cauchou chab t christie de koster gowan u coste losptrtaiba rentier lnurrterc lamio unir mrrnlt 5ictl morin powell price small 5tl the fl bowing prlilhn were read foul iviihons from nnibciaof ibc church of england at st andrews s ireland nd invrr- sicwjk of pieeotl webster williams ne rivre io lemp motion and the conjerea ijceinffl gcueevs cnnrch montreal pra vine fr ihe a3nmcei ol a crdoin poiliin of ihe cbry rt scivcs to hi- church nvicirtyt if quebec two pciitionr nf hi uonlrral bsnkcily bank an bnrjuc du p uph and of the prradcnt of ibc jucbec bank ui a rxcal or reduction of the lex an rank circnuiion of mary auco pnjn- utr pension her hus band havint iven killed during the relelion of 11 w eachc ami oihcrs for an act to prevenl unqualified perrons from acting as con icaner of e mevauffbirn and others frr the formi- lion of a tumjttuc nrf fiin st anne lo mon ire- thm the cenfe nf the uland two petit mine from inhabitants of sparta and wesiniftmcr against any alteration of tbc present disftoaatioii of ihe cteffpji reaervcs 0 rev j forlier and other- of ntcotct f ainst the parsnjc of the elementary instruction bill in it prrrnt fotni of si hcnuix nd other praying rcmoncra liim for military rcrvires in laiwer canada during the last war with llc tnilcrl slates nr rjrfbwin peliii ns were referred of w purrntt nod oihcrs and j duncan and others to ibe committee on bttucation of john titt lo ihe commiltee on damages by hc sl iiwrcnco carnal rrc 1 i no prrhtorrmn or ronnevinn whaterviween llie aervicc render ed to ihe fund and the charge which are imposed i upon il ynt he consideration ltcd your committee therefore hec icavo respectfully to suggest in vnur hnnotable hiuec to adopt an aditrm 10 her most craeinu msjretr beseeehini hsr hajetuyjorc- eominend to the impriinl parlisment bi incnd ihcwid act p4scd in the fourth year of her ma jestys rcin sii as to place at the diapoaal of the church of england their shore of tbc said be- rervcn in unprr and lower canada to be coutotl cd and nianacd by th- reflpcei church soeie lies of uie diorapt d tomnin and quebec and lo extend to other denominations entitled in a tfcarc of tbc cwcy reserve fund the some udvair tagca slunihl iluy o dctre au which i rcepcctlully suhmilted henry sherwood caflirman province is esthijicd in new asroraaraiia 1 ill eatclusive powers and rn helens giv anything but setwfaxton to iho people a marnwsnirflar- tcoor propeatcd university bta as pcayad swwj will be seen by tbe fotlowln rurrt savusnav feb 15 mr- rankin by leave presented a pctitioo from the minister and elder of the syrrod uf new fstorivvick hi ojesanoxion with tbe established church of scotia od iq see ion convened whkh was rend selling forts that they had loos dcaired to ace eatabushed in ibis province such an tnstilution a sroutd aflord the meons of impsjtins a sound and libera aucs- tion to all will ji distinclioo who sajg ht skaasss to avail traemaclvea of atach advanlsetsst 1 fur object baa not yet been and ibe pettionora are persuaded ceuirrtbc attained undrr ilci- istins const itution of kings collejr tor ttravtea- son lhat allhoub yontbs ot aft dnhominarrona t- permitted lo atuoy wiuim tbe wails of that lustitution ycl none have a voice in tbe coutwo council or any power to regulate fhe eavtrrsaf study tolcpujsiied but members of tnj fhof of england eonaoquenllv few parrots cctonr- in ti other reliciuusr nv4mmhavnsefueltbem- setre on betiajf nf their aona of admumon into an jnsiiiulion thus governed that tbe sroc- tion and endowment of arparafe lnesirnsksnw sw each denomination would neither be so ecr-oo- mieal or efficient aj tho upboidina of on into which all may bo admitted openeeisd tfawtn that ni urriir thivrnattee amr the eorwtrlerau c j uf the leghdature the psutorers elrselaun all parry views or ttoaticty to tl e charthof etue lnd being schooled only by a ejrnrtto as lb cuefo retidercd more frnnaivaty easeful and therefore prnv for an amendment in the charter ml kmi cnllcec by abolinhiog the naatricliva claua thereof orcercd that the said petition be rvcoivsot and he on the labfe extraoru1nary powers of endu rance died on the kempt rood near risligoqohc on the nth january dovlo mcliftis agd 36 tho mail courier tne deceased had been employer the preceding eighteen moniha in carrying the mail between metis and kiatieuucbc dislanco of97milc which dislance he tecomplihcd rcpitariy twice a week leorinfr ritiimjche on monday rnoming and returning on saturday durin the nigbl havtns ihua to walk on snow shoes in the winter season i95jmileecvery six days carrying a mail bag on hi back frequently weighing from 35 to 40 lbs the pwcrs of endorancc and iron constitution of ibc deceased were the wonder and admiration of both the while anj the red man he seemed proof agatnat fatigue and has been known aflcr a enow stem to creel 1k nidf as it is called thowbok distance lh rough the roads icavclling without real except lo eal for three days and nidirs in succca- aion hiaonly dress in the severest wcolrhr was furtian lrowcrs c waislooal with furtian rfpnilof the sclm commtiee on the the heavy and continued snowrjorm netltion of tho church suciety diocese the momh of january told severely ri him 1 1 tu ii hc wa aframc of tncnnlo anl j 0 aiml aorj sinewy on hi- arrival in me nd j us on tbc lolh jnmmry be was obliged to lav up i for wrc days receiving the kindest care ond alien non fnn mr pjc the ri1matcr findins clergy reserves inrin ih ill film 1it 1 ward lidnf iijkui ul air list in pcrwns pniying to have the control a niaiincmtnlufihe church of england- iliure of the clergy rcaerves tlie commillee to whom waa referred the prli ttnol the lliurch srciety uf ihe diocese of tu- lonio tttttl oilier pet if- slmcsl by many ita sumt penona inernbc f the t nilcd uiureh of emjl mil anil irrlaod ndenl in ihe raid iltoeeic of toioulo ond 00 rocce or quebec praying tobve thecimiliol ov- and the dpmium and mamicemciil of uw rcspeclivc rjiarc of ihe tlerpy roaerves t 1 ca lh proportion of the luiulr atied by piovisiorw of an acl of the imperial purlinincnt passed m the fourth venrtrf hrv m kety s s support f the church of tbud d leave respectfoly u tlul hy tho said a entitled h an act to provilu for the rule of clcfcy rt in the province or canada alm fjisttiihltin of the nmoerds ttwroof lho iinvornment of im prov- inro betnwrrvdlo wilull fy mc clergy kesrva qmler rrfiuhrtt lo be approved hv her mateesv in council v money to be derived fl the sale and leasing ol ihe clergy rracrvr deduction of ccr tain allowance whirl s apceificd m the said act ur iliirctctl to ll dirided into two equal ssirin nun of wlneh i to bc dmnbuied m certain r churches of england and hentrajld and ihu olherr pait to be applied by tho f lovernor or this prt the adrice of hus kxutivo rmmiil the nrr of public woijiip tmd n liim isstrswlsftsi 10 cinsda roni ibt- ravmlilnfr prorisain it rps to m ouumlu1 liwt the pohrj of tbe hi intair somewhat recruited he returned to risti ouche and resnrnc hit trips but be wasevident- ly unequal to the exertion being only able lo walk ma half ihe distance sending on 0 man in hit place on returning from this trip he encoontcr- ecl one of ihe heaviest storms of the winter fie lert iiwcscampon the saturday morning hav ing 42 mile lo wh lo reach ihe first house on tbe kistgouehc hc was accompanied part of this diilmcc by a lumberman but who gave out when within ig miles in the courc of the day they mel a man wlto was trapping marten who had a camp on the md this honest fellow peler clabptw toward cveninrji feeing iho storm in crease and having observed tlie weak state of ihe courier decided in hit mind that he could never get out without aiudttonce and ac ling upon tbia fencrotu impulse he put on his snow shoe and made anrr jnm al dusk hc arrived u a deserted camp 011 the detamaggagan where he loorid the lumberman who ud given out andwho told him ihamttetouner hd left him an hour previous still hoping to get out before morning with his resit- on irraring this ho delayed but an instant to mend one of his tmow boe w be had broken hurry- jog down tlo rnoijoen n a dark lemfcaiunu night bad now set io and ihe norm howled round thi generous fdluw as ho with difficulty ufowed the tmcks now fast fining up vritt anow about 9 oclock be missed the trail and 1 alto kohiog and listening for a whil nelliuugtitho heard a rfigbl ttpfana as with a aiich ibr directed liim imo iho huah where ih round htpnrir iurier lying with ho whead frnbty u 1 u r rr oil montreal march 3d 1845 dcaa siai hav ihe honor to acknowledge the rcecipl of yoor communication of the 26th ult iroivsmiiting a petition of the inhabitant of the town of kingston praying for an amendment of their act of i o corpora linn 1 bad previously joim duced an act founded upon the plan published by theconroon council and have had il set down for a rarcond rending on thursday rru i ahall pre ilon wiih atl due sped hot fear ffti il- jatrnf as of the ioain tht 1 will not be able lo gel it named mto ijw the rnoat deter mined opjrtsition will heofcred lo the introduction of lnt no 24 and it is ycl imnomble lo say bow the majority rill vte 1 have omiltednll mention of a commutation of the district taxes iu the billatthc minister next season will introduce a measure for defraying all tho ci jinnee of ibc admin ial rat irm of justice in upper canada ou of t general revenue and then aa a matter of omirae all district ralca wilt ccs to be paid by the town the lowering ihe qualificstion of vucra to 7 10s would etuvure the loss of ths bill the jowcrnmeol introduced a bill forth rcgistrtion of voters which to the present is to be confined to the towns r matter of experiment and tbc chief reaon for soooorlning it is thst the macbiocry of regrstra tion is already m ml effect in the towns but if the quainra- tion nfa voter al the municipjl election is differ ent fnun lhat at a periiementary rlection the pre sent registration list will be 01 no use 1 analt keep you regultrly infomied of tlie pro ceedings of the legislature on our bill- i am dear sir yoor in haste john a macdonald lv jlh- bso- m d- the newbbdwswicli tboubles- the cxciiemcnt in this province canoed by the very unpopular appointment of mr reade a aoointaw of the lieutenant governor to the lu crative office of provincial secretary slil conti nues and no attempt has yet been made by hia excellency to repair haerror the houve of as sembly is naturally indignant at this sssumption of fuprcme power by lh head of lbo government and the matter lias been discussed at great length and in no very amicable spirit by that body- on the 20lh ult the house having under eonstdera- lion the state of the province mr partelow moved lhat it bo resolved that tbe present executive council from nova scotia- ski tlie difficulties between ird falkland a4 his former councilor which bad lain ra tbeymnc since tha cominvnosmcnt of ih ieeav jaaaasfj of parliament bijrsi ano a flame by lh iotna doctton inbi tha houi of asawbly- pa wir7a llt4jfrsa between the itotcnnt governor and lord sloa- ley concerning tha late difficulty tlisec docu ment place hr excellency ia vry nrknvibla tight and abow that hia whole adiinosily tit 1 besri direcied mep ih- qjairrl against men not measure the principal object being lotraehj ihe hon joaeph howe a liberal fcrrreriy ewor of tho iyer scrti and one of the ssjsjsj dis- unguiahrd statesman on th contineot the nova soolu caicie ay that ibe raster coru itcd of a filler frnm jard fahvund to mr dnew aothorixin him lo offer aentji in cooneil to lni voitcke mcnab and howe in frbenrjbasc thitrmtr teiica mr xtaoef civcinecl to esm irttraieerar to him exrtucj bring aritliefaf leltcts 10 affssssns uniacke mcnab hnnting tonbrennjin tobin and b d smiih esrvftss ihmermlsin july with their answer severally declining a owpaleh fmm tnrd paftlanri tn fsrd stanley dated in august communicating tlw result of the negotiations mirr prcaci ling ihtit jrrit tendering hia own resignation if bis coav ot appnivstd denouncing mr hnwi uiit in this province do not escs the onfidcoce of thi house nor of the country at largo an amendment lo thii motion was moved by mr hilt a supporter of the government or rather of the governor aa follows resolved as ihe opinion of thia houve lhal the above resolution viituntly assume that tho executive council is responsiblo to this house foe ibe acts of the lieutenant governor and is there fore inconsistent with the decision of tbia house in cominiticeof the whole on tbunsday tha 13th instant and ought not ibr tht raoo to bo entor uincd mr fisher then moved as an amendmeot lo tha amendment expunge tho whole thereof a wn aa the original resolution after the words opinion of thii houeennd substitute the fellnwing w tnet tho reeotutinu wbicb passed in iho commiuss of the whole house on th ut of tlw province on the thirteenth day of february inatant approving oftho conduct of the retiring councibeee aoedsin- 1y intmtd tho opinron of the uisa upon th cmpovilionof the executive council that it could not b mistaken by th meraosrs trf that body or the administrator of tho govsrnmsnt that af ter the recent expression of that opinion st will b more consonant to parlismentsrv preccdcal or co lonial prsctieal and more consistsnt with lb djg- duct were for tampooniog him and declaring thsl thr liberal wcro wilting o throw him ovcrtxaed that hr influence in the cnqntry sraa drtintng- that if apointcd to tbe council he wootd bi governor or nova scotia that th lbrnu wert without leader and the government a 1ron a the wlsif babylon thra docoment wavrv ceived with icnsivo leoghter by tho liberal and drew tort h flat contradiction from mrraanv racke dovle huntiixfden and g- s- yoong- in lnrd falkland drfpatch be lelba ih cotoni svcrttary my offer wa ekclined u please huntingb n and mcnab bnt it waa inti mated to mo through mr oodd arnember of tbt govemrnrnt that tbe oppneifion srer rcadj ti agree to lb exclosion of mc joaeph howe aflcr the rtnotng of those raocunaenl sota pro minent mtrnbers of the opposition roae and dr clarvd the staternent to bo wmront scwlaw foonoation mr how vioekeauei bis non doc from the aersoo east npnti it and arnoonc hi intcction of laying tbe vrhole imttcrpcson ally bior lord stanley at an early daj lha hi tawaf might havo u10 mean of 1 odgin airly between lord falkland and joseph howtv mr uniaxke then introduced lejoacovog solution 9 on thsutoflbeproiiic stormy and exciting debate tirurjess the ctracus ion had not been brought to n coeo at iho la advice l av tit 10 ernino orthiehnua it was impoasiota for the gentleman who rctirs from the executive council in december 1b43 to hav retaiiwd therr puee without rbrfoiting tf consdance of their frierio in lh amimblya m o large and intlocntial body throuphout tneaeocrn try without whose support they cetimbv glvej no real atrruglh to tbo govamrncit- rirtd tst when aplth feb tboae gcollcnxn war inyilad to irwmatbsir aeai the terms ottered and tha stjptjhtoav detaelsd justified the rejection of tbe plppu 3 rroototd that ho p aeveral gcntlemertf toenter ih excutivoionc in july laatt wet quite aa objociionabu s bofor loader and tnerasbib lbair irsjaeksxwa equally justified e 4 fteaow that tbo cmmttnmlasas ay is excellency tbo lieutenant goreroor to tbt house uf the correspondence aod datsosi h laling to the cnv of certain at mlbaextoutiv council appenra at vmrianc with ppjnd pooeor- unles with th aaaent of the eslrfjs aterasts therein and if establiahset a a ptassstirtil- wib too to dstroy th condsoce iadarxsasnmo to anj ft tor rwotiation tor th fbnnclkar on go in this provino 5 iceaofoer t th utcanl in gcuns dospateh of an afrtssotnt ay th ovasj tion in the hoose to th emloaitro t mr bkw from th exacutiv cojccij i rnnaaiesl 00 rirebsnston nf th faau altaamatht asuaa had senarouy ofierad to wair 4j1 11 jtiu m to iasll late a atiaiaotosy rrangrrrtrprvf1 aasj pondmgeoncasaxoris we madpoa lpjt afw govsrnriwnt and lb larnsmb ssssra by u fangua and lnor of in dsaae i b parson inflnass sxf mr aawog sad nnd iriawi of lhs oppcariuoa fd ibr pi to ma4 the imtjau laa ml tya govftmml itftwh

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