to bill to provide j legal resource to her majestys jct harin claims againsl the eiecuiirc g jft mncati ww fcad the third time an d paed th mvirtrliuns verc rried 3 petitions ilihii ilirmxfi 0 chfh of frig land feidin in tumdvj st matthew gran ville ami lttfhin fur tlii placm ol mion tir rvlrfgi ku ttitdfj the control of ihe omreh ni ioi nl quetae 4 petitnm tutffl ovtiiiti nl csergy rt ems in an si stiiirth lnn irs n om and lnjon the vewliiiraiil mv not be mjdr hut hl the llefree nay of j 5 cnfeman and rtiheis for tin imptovc menl of j wa i wt a swamp m at lid of iuhaolitv nf tenrntiiu loi ihe repeal of jmendmriirj i the ordinate relating lo winter vehicle of l waiter and olseis of st joepi ny cedrrs for an enr tin in ill itanrfaeiiorw be tween ihvth ami the rtrorj oj wmi remt- ing certain hndi which the boat ha obrigctl then m sell ol n spark ami others iiiyiig for ihr restoration lotrspailcsot eeiuinlrfihulakei by the oidnajwc depaitneui lfi the pu poses of the ki l4ii i i u lm mt ipjoojniatcu to the aii ptmncm of ihe ctfmrjiimi of singinn piaying thil the irani nl ttic lnvn hv he extended nut that it tie mici iiiito al a cilvj willi ail- ditionat powers of j of the djibouti district council for autho rity i c colled ine rates in the townsip o glou cester for 1814 of fne master mi wardens of the trinity house ol q ieec pray a thai the clilw he bill relatir in the sai i cor pnratioo which im pose a doume duty on vessels roiiiing within the hmiuoj the montreal hartor may not be adoplidi of itie ilu district council against sr rnrntin the township of willian s from tbt drithtl ti a- riwfi5l anf oiieisj for- rxn to con- 1rue a hriife ocr the kiver dihste the fulhnvmy ictitiu vkqfr rrfttrdl oi jilin klcfl nil titer to the comniltee flilh oki slimit ani of little ah lets of st mr t prayinc in a db- thji hjmih n i m v no heereneit tlct km umi senega qntittaiiii uf he anneri to the district ol got the lotlnwin pflhifu weie rekirrjr of n snaks anl nlheif of the chancre ban hi f up canarf- mr dickion iroin the ci f the pe- liliou of the iujiahiijltu rciilmn the gum rifrrephed a b topieveut pcisoti ruling or driving at a f5t ntteotfl tnutd tirhgef crw thrt riven second relii on mom iy mr crmtie jm fmh tifl nn ihr bill rclatin to the mjiriiie fee fun withome ameuilinents to the bill 1 le cnttmtttei on wcinestby anit the report o he prlmftti the llufe wrnt init cannimttee jni rc- jorteo a resolution which wu agreed to as diioits r itaolf that l expedient to reprnl f much of the ordinance 230 3 ep d pfohiis kniaii ifin acting as ctcrk of ckjci n lower cflrtda 23 ti acting a ltr aies cir cuit and count mr colt itle bioatlll in a if ii founded on the foregoing reioluuon- second reiding this 6 ay wek on moijon of m ii -i- r the report ope tittonof j d mkenzieandoihmftr uetttlj ws refeittrd to a committee ol the whole on llonrfajr mr vftier moved thi the iloue o into committee to consider the expediency of con tinuing mil amending a certain aciji latin in agnculloraj societies in umr cjattht ami to rant a sum of mooey lr thrir encourage ment anj iht attorney gineril having pv en the sanction of the gwtoo- to the matter the hnwse weit into committee iqilmwij to a kesouiion to lie iep rteit tomnrfow a raess4ge t recivd ftom the council tii that they imd wsftl the hill to aholih the olfice of surrevor general and p oeide tor the peiformnce of the jmjr of tliit oincejhy the commionfr of crown land nd auo the hill to jjih the community of ce stjit dt u coirpation uvtt dame of mon treal to aequiic anj hoj additional real or per sonal propr iy ami the hill to incorporate the sherhronkc cotton factory cotnpairj w returned irom the council with amemlmeats on mottfin nf me gumming the entries in the jooinauof last srssion which relate to the petition of the niagara district council icla- niruiialit5iviim iaitrici wvm reaj and referred to a select comtniitee mr stcwactof rytovrn brought in a bill in authorise the awiwmcnt and cnllectmn of tax es in the township ol gloiietc tor 1814 second reading on thursday mr cowan tuoughl in aliill to proeide for thf eollectien of arieais of tjxe in the district of johnstown second reading this day week the house went tnto committee on the bill to incorporate the roman catholic itivliojn of toronto and kingston in their respective dio ceses and the bill was reported amended and oidrred to be engrossed the bill to organize the notarial profession in lower canafo was read the ec- line committed and reported amended deport to be receteed tomorrow the hmm went into eornmillce on the kill to authorise john yule junt to huild atoll bridge over the rien rictirlieir and the bill was reported auxi ded rrporl to be received to- mono w the house went into committee on the bill in re luce certain aanrs no in the civil lsl and to lund fesof ojlice sutitmn salaries therrfor and the committee lepmic progress an obtained leaer to si aain nnjwclneday the hoike went into committee on the bill to revive pt ol a clause in eeiuin act of lower canada relating to the naturalization of alien arid itie bit waslreported amended keport tn be received tomorow the house went iutn commtce on the re port on petition of s qn s ft amresrelative toaclaimot 16616 7 the haunre of their contract on hie chamldy canal and le committee repotted roies and omained leave to sit aain thiit dav inijii the bill to incorporate the quenee british ano canadian school soeiely was teat the econh tinie and commiteil repotted amended aud ordered to be enrosseit- the bill to incorporate hc hitrh school of quebec wa retd tliefsecoti time ant com mitted report t ciiosscd the house went info conimillc on tbfl bill canada on the revenue of ven geo two prliliony of a n rndl rtirj others of toronto several petitionf r ulin j t winter catiijes of the master aid warden nl ilia trinity house qnrhcc o the cnjimittcc on the mon- kealtiinity tloujte hill of hon jas ctookt miih moved thit the petition of john gilchiist for an enquiry into his claim against ihehoarlot wmk he referred to a select com mitlft which was negatived yeas na9ll a rntwajfi twl received from the council staling hint ihey hid passed the llill to iucor- porrttc the qoebcc cbariliiblfl fucwood so- cielv and the hill to amend a ceitaiu act for the ct lamihmcnt and encoiiremeut of savings baftltf w s relumed tiom the council with amendment mr shemnnd of rvockvallt reporteil the bll loresiiatc the fees m sheiiba nd olher r n t oscrrwittt anindinents referred to a committee of the whole nn monday mr phipineau frout the conmulm to draft an addfefl to hr majesty lor hie repeat of that pail of the uuion act winch requires the ittotcedmjt of the lislatuie to le kept in ibf english language only reported the draft of an address which w cnnvuricd in and ordeteit to he communicated to ih council mr slewattof llytown brought in a dill to incorporate bylown scond ieaitng on thursday mr licntte rnghl io a bill to amend an act aid ocltnanee relative in the reiftra ion of titt a and incunri antes umi real pro ng on enl been very much confined to those involved to the euperinlendenoc ot the wofkn previously aanc- i tioncd by ihe lftgialatom lu llc cheeking of ihc rclurrtri and ineowifcinente ananginj ijic pav- incrui c and in teptz f day to doy for the information of his excellency the governor general in council upon the varut matter ml in irfcrencr lo tliia office- f in addition however io llicse it ordinary duties llii lleparlmcnl waa tmm upon to epare auit- nhlc lijjmitigft for the tveeplmin of the mvenil branches of the iisututr for the aceouimoda tion of ili eaccllitiey ihc governor gtoeral tldd for tin vaifit public kartnicnta iho ivijic of j which wasrend red necrtary by the transfer ol ihc feal ol government to lliity hwdiitructionof the cuirt hcnucof tin pi i trict by an incendiarj alo imjol upon ihia ija- 1 partcnenl ttie priraiioh of a buddini for the i iiomiu of the verul court and for ihe nccom- nioditioo of the offiom eonnecud therewith i all these cxlrordiiry eaocnis 1 hivevridcav- nurvd t rcrict asmuchafomibleand tttecvc lal mrmuaitia exvjijcd will be given licrcjjlcr under llic respective bcatla the next sukjccl rcfcrrej lois llic riuta on the canals in which he sufgetfll a eenctdl registry and search for arm when citistdercil necessary as the most effectual meons of iirevcntirtg these ditorlwnre in futtirc- hc lien comes io lite ronjs nml bridges am llier important point hf a fienen hiracter t whuh i feel it nceeaiy to refer ia tin necc- siiv rptovidiiiyliy lfwlplitc knaeirncn cuuujrmrni of a projiori innately dote of loll upon indefatigable and praiseworthy exertion of the contractor to the copewon of these gen tlemen cordially giver although in several inhanrounder very f real dijcooranernlni il is entirely awing that r r fxunt j men tioned has been accopijci the yalur of which w ill he at once e vident when it ia con- sidled that from ichus caiefnly cnlwtcd the ioe jrruuntof sifnjr raft tonnage on the lakvs above the welled canalj may ht taken at oul 26100 tons of which very liltlc over 7t00 tons have ever brf n to navigate the canal bul on the opening of it next ipin flwin to the largcdnnt nnnof the new lock all lhcailitij vetl with 3 or l exception can pra freely through i him latijc nteam propellent alrrady bnlmi whose afltsrejru ton- can tot finid s ariil peily in lower canada stcwd read thursday mr seymour reported favorably on the pe tition of the midland ditrici counri relative lo the asiimentfi in knjtutnn mr morin from ihe committee on jvivate hlb reported ihe full to iiiccrpmae the cham- bly cotton m imiic i i company with amendment rcfered lu a committee of ihe j whole on wednesday m johnston moved that vhen the home arljimirns it stand adjamued vi 1u a m- on mtthy which vas negatived on motion of mr hle ihr amendment rnie ly the council to the slierhiooke cotton factory bill were considered and the same were aerenj to the ameudmenis made in committee of the whole yesterday in the bill lo oigauze the notarial prolcwiou in lower canada weie re ported and agiced lo le engrossed the an edments made in ih- commitiee of the who yslerday on the bill toautnons fr ihe unifirm i he undpca generally wbich have uen conhruetcd at the cost of hie province most of iihic work arc now in use and i have no doubt vh e pnduciive of cu itleraltlc revenue the toll llousca aic erected and it only remains io fix by law ihe schedule j qm vhieh ihe tolls u he collected and tho i aoihirity by vvhtch tly ifcall be enaeed upon romc f ihcm till oe mw brinf levied hut the milter u very deserving of cnider in order uml a eomprdvensivc pnwincial ayslem n- plicate tu atlcsestrtiiy bciofrfccj to uftord dura fw the fivinjj of ihe rate the officer superintend in the se vrril wnrka hive by iny diicciion ien stipadurinjf ilc paalcjartri inascntain the pnbjbc prewnt average of lb travel over them the result of which ia ahewn in the apiiidixlwreonio a- i am of orrnion lhl the rtc bcinjr fixed ibo aceral tiia whellicr on road or bridge should be annuiilv rut l up to public canipctitinn lemc hrinj rrnivcd to ive undi niublr kcorily und to pay ihetf real cf0nehy nu the itew ivcr cme rtils oflice or such local agents he itpy uppoinl for present und propnstfd rate of tdl ab v annus rarff amoun topwald5 of 16011 comnrnce their reulai irips fretlit vewels for whiih they were rsiruciel in ittlitiui lionnl the completiort id he works the advantages and geal inereae of ihe rerenuti to be aafely calculated thciefion rspecialh in iht eaily epis navigation be fore the bttttifo route rt are appar nl besiibs the discourapemrul namely inade quacy of price and ccrulnd increanug loss to vhch i hve allndr u i foniiderlion of which conidei ihe conliactots in several ntancea ae the rmifrnlttm tocreditand praiervr lite energy wi h vrincli ihey hive put thir work out of llt hands i led bounil to ali triil they had lhini1tout to contend wits uiiprecidrriw diflw ultie s immediatru after entering into their eon- tracrs the tariff was irposed by the lfjpsfl tnr which hy adeetinlhe picro provijion especially in thai sectmii ef the province was a source of much unanticipated loss lo thein ifcinj in ihe hoi5e of aembly at the time 1 ro for llnr heiit exempted from its npeunon a was 1 tlieve ttie cae vit most required improvements and tarwhich ap propriations have been made are the gallop rap ds point iroquois do to do o do do it pure put fairens point the low s mul the citeu the cedar the cakedes 0 to and the bill was oideied i yule juili hirer rirhlicu and the hill was to build a bridge over weie reunited and arced oideied tn h hikm report of the board of works this luport which was laid befiire llic hmiw nf assembly jnt wiyk vrrr vn luminnus am emhnicrs every wnrk undor the rontrol uftbe board o tvcll as every improvement that has been niadctluringihe past year with the demand nn ottr c lumnsat ihe ireaent time it would he use- report h in w less to attenpt giving the whon and as there ore many pnris of il our readers would take hut little interest we will content ourxelws with a few ex tracts the statement of ihe monies ex pended on the different public works is perhaps the most important statement shrvrinc the monica expended upon each of the public works from the cranmcncemctil of the work up to the 1st july im wetland canal xsws 14 10 st lirrcnoee vctral rr peeteotl to dkkcnsons landing 13490 10 4 comwlt to the lime of openinf the canal in june 143 57110 4 2 cornwall to repair breaks in tho h n since lite above period 095 16 4 ircauhirnoil ig228i i uehine 45110 ii 3 expenditure on drcdzcouljtc- applicable to llw fregoinj in common a469 16 lavcsl peter 32693 19 fliirlinffion bay canal 83m xx hamilton and dover road 30oi4 16 yv i rc 6i5 tliejsecond amende and oideied to be to be to amend the r tjjslfy law ol uppe and the bill was repotted amended received on monday the house went info committee on the re port of the lecl committee on cuntinenciea and several resolutions were agreed to tn be reported on monday the amendments of the council in ihe rill for relief of cetiain tvligtoti soeiet es wer agreed to and the kill ws retumrd o ihe council mr secretary d1v la en ihe lahle a return to the addiess for a statement r spedim the crown timber cut in maii cnintits in low er canada the rill in incorporate 4 les rweienin prcsohlalesde pi imaciree- cotueition de marie ws lead the second time and refer red to the eonvmitee on private rui the remaining orders wre trwiwiietf fmjtiv february 21 4 pcstion were hrould u th following en rosed bills weie read the third time and passed thr ill to incorporate the quebec rtilih and cnailian schrol sncicly tn ball to iiicoiporate he high school ol quehrc the bill to grant corporate powers to the rami caholic bishops of toronio and bt ncston the tollowins petitions were read or a n burll andoihempuclitoers of the law residing on of the citv of toronto pfayiu that ihe practice ol the courts may he o regulated a to relieve lum fiomthene- cestity of employing partis foi sevices which ihey could ierm that scufcnp lock and dam whitlsa lock and dam crorkt dckund dam fleeta fulw middle fall c w i v falls hujnlma rtpids hani rapidsv remcvidp sundrv iinjdincni in the river pfrt hope and rice lkc rnad lii ii n buckltorn and cnks rtpid apfic blc to the foregoing wnrki pcncratly ttnd ht if- and thtttto windw harbor i hij mr- port dotrt yn point light houac and light twp bilfwell llavhor and road seiigoj rad potislanhv rondrau ifurbor road and lluuse port stanley road expenditure ut outfit c eahtc to tho fcacruing io mon rirce oiljwa hay of 1 hahura road fctjbrd road main nitfth tikonlo road ftriiljrea btjwnn montreal and qiarbecj t vvcatk a road timmnh imduu and srniii roail lamrjoo and it rum ford road loudnri and chatham sandwich and amhfistburg road rivir uichrhcu mth11m 6101 764 ll 319 ssa 7599 1591 185 1 439 13 g671 8 7 9 5 6 14 9 17 1g road rveriing is ligpd npplu lolll 15355 iup1 3121 81 s3 136 1203 1049 ra 2435 10 9 10 g jo 4 13 3388 tstta isfak loevi c6 i37 1 9831 36lft 37r 99 13 16 16 n 19 19 19 ii 18 0 4 n 10 4 ii 6 ii 9 1 0 tea rm thtf silver ami praying just cornpernation he provided tor their gntmoi to be a iruc abstracl of the accoitnla of the bord of works hamilton pre thomas a becly rttq board wvrka m killaly aident board wotkf arrvires of th ratnt the lw sccfyoi lpper canada mv ft amended lire pray n ijat the at incorpo- alvr stating that the report will be i urj to contain detailed information re- apecting exery public wnvk in ihn prov ince mr killaly soya no new work bavinff been ordered by the parliament duinr ihe m beasion the dultcs ol ihia uepanmcnt aave from that period to the pre public worhs ace aimendix letter d i 3 3 4aaa fr the safety and proper protection of those works il appears to mc to be necesswy awrniji nthrr cfwcttncnls that the pi tor of each ttl 1 1 i hid t briund trnitcr a pcnihylo have his t nan and addroa kgiuly painted on llic stdis llierwa as cirennmfances may from lime to time arise rciidehns alteraiiima in thcraics advisable it vttuld i 0m h i tlic act slkhild only name rhc maximum nf the rilm to be levied leaving to hie executive government llw riainj of tho t is under it and ih adoption of such by laws for the manage men f ihe work i jcncrally as maybe found oceery with regard to ilia we of those public works hy pecltn 2 of 4 and 5 vfettfl chapter 28 tho pvrcrsnf all pirctloracornmiawncrbppninlcd hy or u ihc antrwriiy of any of ihe ljw thtn in fnrco for anthoraino tlc caisi ruction ir carry ing on of any of ihe said works were sopcscdcd itd trnsfcnd loihe bmid t works the 4 and a vm lurior chapter 38 enacts ttpat the riard of work iny inahu such ivgaalallwil for the dayof any public work of any kind veil ed in ihc hmri uiutrr t control as ahall not he inconastcut wiilt ihc lar or with the purposes of tich work bit uch rtfulaianria shall imme ran fine untes the power nf imposing such fine hal i ifivcn to the hoard of work ly somo law re- minu ly fr ffr j by the seventeenth uccto o hk same act it is furtli r enacted ihnt am puhllc works which are ilotur shall not hereafter be specially vesled in other person bodies or officers shall be and are bcrchy veiled in the snid ikird of works and placed paadvff ita aoperintcodctee maiiayernent andcorrol raeeptinff nlwayalhat the till re- venue or income derived from any public work shall vc and continue in be received and accounted for by ihe persons appointed or to be amfatcd for that purpsc htil the amount if such tolls and the expense of collecting litem and alt such nlhct information as the board may require troin time lo lintc shall be reported and furnished to it by such pcrsoc on tho rraj dion of the sccreury or chirmjn the powers which it would appear were intend ed to he vested in ihc bund by the twelfth sec tion of the itfa and 5th victoria chapter 38 above quoted for hie making of regulaliensfit the care ful and pmpcr untof the said works arc inopcrm- tiv as there ia no penally attadicd to the disre gard of such regulations and the provision of the seventeenth section of the same act places the board of woiks in this anomalous position that although hy the acta iil quoted all former com mrssioncrs ceased ancf their power generally were transferred to the lwd of works yet as in the care of the wcland and lachirvc canalf iho etdsntioai of the tolls wai vested id the former re spective commissioners hut in the transfer nf their powers to he board of works that portion of ihcm anihorixng the receiving of tolls waa spe cially cxtptrd ibr entire management of these works is n w under the bird of works still fc ihe leal receipt of loll live form of keepina upa distinct lochinc canal board of commissioners is nccetary frmn the foregoing indepertdvnl nf several oilier cogent seasons it will be seen that a gene ral rcvi of the llord of works act shoo id tike 4aee and if the legilature should decide on placing the mainiene of all these works upon it provision should be inado accordingly without loss i if time of tliose roads which have been planked or gra velled a portion lu been cftccicd under the pro visions of the acts william 4 cap 37 und 7 william 4 chapters 78 9 80 81 8c and tho rcmairidir under those if 4 and 5 victoria chapter 2 by the pinner tv receiver ccnerat of the province waa authoriii to raitc hy tho way of loan the amounts voted for the respective distnef the iiiterret on which was to be secured hy the tolh on the rat and paidr churgrahlc againsl the ccncnil icvenikof the province but on the posing of the union act ihlg auilmmy ceasrfl and cneb of the loada si cnmuicoccd was ica anil has since reinaineis in an iinfinislicd state in nvist instance the unfinwvd potlinna were about ihc centre of ihc rods consequently the tieocfita derivahle from the pan that were made and fiom the cxprndituie nlileli jiad tjkeu place weir very much ictrictct and the rvcr4ira mirch tlwt of arlmi they- wouti have bcrn ft the scvefil ftvjrie leca rlnijied thnnhout this waa parti cularly ihc cast with the yonge street mjd ihe nap nice rcid the haitiilton and llnntford nrjd the duudas and w i road and the johns town district road a column nn the ihcnry of road ma king and ihcir rnointrnnnco when cstalilishej follnw fur wliich tvr have no room tltiit slnpcndnus work tlniling the water of trie and ontario nxl attracts the attention of the chairmen wfillawd canal the vaiiolk portion of this inoit important work have been alvsnced with unexampled rapidity during the pal year the exertions ol mr power the principal fngiuceand ol mcsam- lhomaskeefer pat pitlchardand blater hisassisfania have been as untiring as they have been laborious and i regret that the health nf i believe every our on ihe establishment has hn eftecled corns qntnlly to greater of leaa degree at different periods during the season in their joint etforts to gain a point or most vital impoilanee that of having the works throughout in such a slate of forwardness be fore ihc close of the season as would ensure the opening of tho entire of the canal to the trade neat p 1w enlarged afalr bey hava been most eflectually aidsd by ihs those having cnnlrarh under the corrmitsariat nil the house decided otherwise the sad den and groat rie in ihe rate ol wars which upon this woifctook p- thirty jwr cent at least more than unnn rdhers was a srouice pf jrreat invs to those contractors whose piice even at ihe ordinary ware were not aoemiate the consqunre is that several of them be side losinx all the capital of which they were masiersnn commencing the work have been compelled tn borrow largely final the banks and estwlere and will he utterly mined unless iheir case rivet with the favourable consider ation ol thf liilatuss to which i am re- secifnlly of opinion tiry have sirong and suhslanhal claims i am greatly averse la the making nf aftci allowances io coniractcus vyond their contract price upon any pleaof unexpected dithrulties increase of wages such a course in my judgment tens lo dnnve out of competition honorable contractors ushose intentiun waa to exerute the woik for tthe amount of lender- x the same hane ear tn y occur and this is cne in which claims fnn compnsatian may be made and in jttftjcf aarreded to without in fmnjiiis upon those pnttiiples aftei the con tractors had made arrmnxemenla suitable for rosnrinx the eompletioiii of the amount of work ihey had engaged fr twithin ihe term of their resjwelive eoniraeis a wety large increase was made thereto it ha vims been decided with ihe ronsimi of his excellency ihe governor general in council ntpon ihe mernotiab and leprcentatioospf severrat lundsaj extensively enraged in the rorwanvn trade lo add con- shlerably to the dimensmof the locks every imhieemeut was iheietr out to urjfe the conltaclora to complete- the work upon the in creased size within the iamc t j eonlracled lo itntsh iheia m lht pj ihis they have done l not w loss lo themselves the benefits ihc povvi derives therefrom ore first the having hother goi fldoflhs n kemnrpthc ill ti wouh liwneen temed j zh 1 mlhre of many theusands o ik ifes w ml dilapidated state iho nnsibilh i for anether which will ly 1 and the enlargemenl of the lacltrne canal hy means of which the l kapids are avoided the wotks upon each of the foregoing are now in progress and may be expected to be completed nexl jfem th gauoptt rapids these rapids are situated at shout six miles below pie mi is the current in the river is very strong varying ftom six lo len miles per hour- thv4 nwi cair passage vessels eaiiovekome hee kapids as well as those at point lioquois ripitls fiji ond f arrens point in the natnrsi tile of the river but to enable the trade ressrvs enerajly to ascend the li- loppes improvements are m prngreis which conrist of tine guin lock one lock with a lit of tetween seven and eight feet and a uteral cu two miles in length the works ate all un er contract and satisfactory progress generally has been made dining the scann impeded however hy the luibulcnt and o tou spiut of the laborers which has unfortu nately been the case upon all other canasatso pauil iroquois the rpids occur at about twelve mites hetow prescnti to enable the uadc vessels lo ascend them he works in progress are those of a lork and lateral cot the lift of the former abmit six feet and ihe length of ihe latter about three inues tfe pioress made has not been lo the extent it should have been 1iit the entire uroik can be completed next year the quantity of rock lo be excavated is greater than ihe trial fis indicated the raipdt ptel thee obstruction lo the ascent of trade ves sels are ahout nineteen nvlcs below prescolt the improve rfenls here consist of one guard lock one lift lock of ahout eleven and a half feet use and s lateral cut of about four miles in length farrtns point rapidi ate ahont ihiiiylurei miles brlow preseotl british whig jjii r f l fi ircvc c i rr optfrr pt orbam dleor kingston tuesday feby 25 ip4c arrival of the steamship hibernia tvirntvtiiaeff uavs lvra from cusoer the roval mail steam ship tfiberxta arrived at botw on wednesday morning hrinpinj ion don papers to iho evening of the 3rd and liver pool to the dlh instant strangely enough ihc first news we received by this arrival waa published in the montreal pa pcrsof friday ond saturday and reached kings ton in advance of our regular mail br the way of new york the newa waa carried from ftoon lo montreal by express and travelled ihc distance in the short apace of 33 j hous it ia hnwevcroi little importance- tho following sumroarj is from wilmtr smith european timr- parliament opens ihi day and had the packet waited a few hours longer it would have taken out the queens speech the general impression is that ireland will be alluded to in soothinar terms nnd that another modification of the sugar du lies will be announced we have alluded else wnece to the ministerial arrangement and o the resignation of mr gladstone since that para graph was in type ihe wlinghaa increased that the sugar qneioo has driven that gentleman from the cabinet a large sale of venezuelan sugar look place here last week and cearrminded much better prices than were anticipated the qualify too was superior lo eipeelatiod but ihe whole of ihr stock ortered was purchased for trsnrmsainn in the ilc of man where il will he admitted at a shilling duly the absurdity of a little island within sight of the english coam rnjnyinf ihe pririlegc of consuming the most highly taxed ar liclcsql a mere nnminal duty must appear grvrt jn the eves of our transatlantic render 1ml cue torn here reconciles tho ptihhc mind to strange and foolish freaks nf legislation the anticorvilaw league al riiit annual meeting in manchester a few days since gstc a flaming atatement nf their wealth their progress and iheir power this year il seems ihey make no coltretioo they have in hand a balance of 16000 and the fanrv boiaar which is to be the improvement here consist of one lock of hdd in covent garden theatre in may ia eapecu their bring maintained at all al any expense was veir the increased revenue had next year not only from ihe from bat of the of u whole spring bosm int season in of c10t w thrown open iur rfw rm ait me brflf orhich would he saved in re pairs woitd ftearfm rffht lht contract- referred io by this debt such considera te neneni rbt seen obtained 1 trust hi excel- renf lh general and the legislature vrhl be dispj t0 p4rt lne required relief the sleam entrance lock al broad creek which m il ftee an entrance lock to the wei- land andgivid river aavpfuttm mrlt now completed avd the feeder toihe canal enlarged ami deene ihe tiade for ihs next year will he from lakeonurio to the jitnclion and ihenee hy the feedeto lake erie enterinsr the lake by the bioacrcek lock this artangrmrnt is made in orter that the portion of the canal from the j unr inn to lake erieatportcolbo ne may heempud and ihe sever j wo k of the deepening awl enlarging of that portion build ing the kuat jock c eflcctcd wilhnut i1h i luption to iractrade upon thecenpletionandhanvmof thecalra i the new woife of masonry a vilahie next xpring will he ihe lioad creek leek anil 23 locks re- i ween st clheiines and i 1 to open ihc line to the fnls zed vessel the lk l allen- bltl and uicaqueduci over ihe chippewa nnl heinx built las necessary to alter tlte old lock at ahenhnrejtand to repair ihe present nooclen arnedti at the maonry unfinislird can be cnmplelenexl year ihe caue of delay in building ihilock at allenhurrzh has been a i resire io affid an npcrlunity for an apeal to the legisalne by many persons that that lock should he a steamboat lock aronnt many i other advanf t which iher anticipate from it would he irst steamhoafs fiom eiiher lake couhl approait to within aoiil hve miles of each oilier aid that a short line of railroad heiiiir laid idi that distance the rapid transit 01 p4cneii aid a certain class of merchandise would be pily facilitated be extra cost of the enhrcd lock would be about five thousand punds the por made in the earthwork last winter ami i has been very salis faetoiilj anithe sleamexcavaler in operation in the deep admnahly adapted to fa woik ttieijtoition of ihe canal now presents a very orkiinlka ap earanee it is opene to its full iceahh the stops increased and neatly le n dr ihc pjffi cut and u ihe oblainine of the i valor preceding steadily and ile4l anyipp of slides occurring tne vast roportanreof rlikilt- 1 k erre thesummiljjvoppljineedsna comment dependent eft m advantages to the canal nlws aitectns the imeiis ol the idjomiirs connty are r0 occupvin public attention in that quarter- prnmtnent amonp which is the constrtiilionff i waer course lo niagara for hydraulic pifl tue hcnerw derivable frorasnch aeommamt of water as rrxht be taken without injury to the canal sy of a body equivalent to work ten run tfstw would be very peal espe cial i v aa fmft vel al which it would be btnrtl to tfrr town it might be made use of probably ihre over the amoma revenue from this work has continued to s annually hut nnjust es timate of iw x increase ihat may reason ably he e i can he mads until the ad vantages of tv canal complete in all its parts are experienf- this i trust i may be able four feel lift and a lateral rut of about one mile length they have progressed very satisfac lorily lmg sauli rapiik to avoid llivse setious inded hey may more prop be tyled iiihutmounlatde obsta cles tothe lradethc cornwall canal was com menced and to a great extent constructed under the commissioners appo previous to the establishtnenl of the board ol works under the control of the latter it has been completed jreouaarftotf conoi the object ef this canal is in open a com munication fr0m lake saint francis to lake saint louis avoiding all the rapids of the cjteau the cedars and ihe cascades which occur in ihe pswlrsan of the saint lawrence be- ween those lskes the va iouf works have progressed most t i i i with unexampled mpidtty and but for th loss of time consequent upon the riots whirh occurred during the season hit liulr if iny work yrould now remain un done a it if however ihe canal is in a very forward stair and may he ea per led with con fidence in be pfiened to the trade by the latter end of june next u which ihe marl and tiaisfie boats can ply regularly between lake i vanoand lvdr ne tho tal extract wo can make lo day and ihe tnc prvsetssing the rnot local in terest tn ottr rerlersi la nn the longtalkedof iiil io the ottawa as immediately connected with the sujert of the impfnvencol of these portage loas with the view fo cheapen the iranfiort of the supplies required io the lumber trade is that of ed to realize ao000 more they have expended jc2o0 in the purchase of freehold and other property out of which to manufacture county qua hncationa and they bcost that whenever the nx elrcl ion comes south incanhire and we know not bow many other counties will be tbetrs this is saying mucb will it be realised 1 if tbe mill owners can best the wds of the soil al the county rejrwtrationri for tht now seeirw to be the frame they will undoubtedly succeed in tho object of their desires the trnte will be fierce and the longest ihwse will be the victor as to prineipu oa cither aide there is rooc in yidvcd in it the death nf iho earl of st germain ihe father of irni ekiot has caused a aeramblrj rr the post of chief secrriary of ireland ai it is seainet official etiquette for a member of tho flottse of iarda tonbom the office the past week has been spent in syieenlations respecting lord elliots successor il m an office requiring groat tawnt and most of the leading statesmen of the day have held it at the outset of iheir political lives it is also perhaps the most i hankie office under the crown and one exposed lo more than ordinarv iihftojuy sir thomas freemantle hns at length been filed upon bul the etioice ia not considered ni rfc was formerly the corrscrvntiro whip- perin and baa never displaced nor reecivad ere dit for iho possrasinn of talents equal lo uio effi cienl disrhargo of tho duties of iho office to which he is now called a new judge in tbe person nf opening in i direct commuicalion be iween lake ontario and the extensive timber districts on the madawaska pillowawa c respecting the ntililv and the proper line for which so much difference of opinion exists in addition loihe atave memimed object as i understand it lbi communication is proposed tor the opening and tending to the i itlemertt of latjre tracts nf land situated north and northweslof kingston between it and the lake des aleurpelies the louniry immediately in the lear of kingston ihoush broken and very much in tersected by several lakes and barren riders is repoted to contain various patches of gooa land and aftei come thirty or thirtyfive mile it is said to he well suited for settlement thence to the allumeues i can only speak from my own knowledge of the northern sec tion a large portion of which t fine hard wood land the ridge of unproductive corjtiy hackof kingston appears tn me in divid fi to supply ihe whole limber country south oi ihe auumel tes into two but not equal parts the eastern being much the greater and for which the ororkville and preseotl country petlh towns on the rideau and bylown ar in my opinion the natural depots and sources of supply a peciovy v which from its position and water rurnmuiicaiion musi ever be the princi pal channel through which will pavshe great man of the supplies needed along ihe whoe line of the otiawa nd il tributaries but as the lumbering on some of tbe branches of ihe madawaska iv extending a good deal west ward a com mrjni cation connecting the pro ductive north of the bayofquinte wilhitrtbe western section would i believe be of ad- vantage in several respects such a tine should in my opioion start either from the head or fool of des alhmvetles s may on examination be ftujnd most ad visable and the southern end of il may when surveyed u found expedient to run one branch through midoc huntingdon or some of these townships to ihe ray of quinte and another through sheffield sec lo the head of the camdeu roadjwhich intersects the kingston and napanee foad about fourteen miles of west of kingston the foregoing i do not slate with confidence not being at alt acquainted with the country to be explored especially along the sonthfrn portion bui the rnnat irtvportanl change r the retire ment of mr gladetooe fmm the board of trade the announcenieeit of this evrrt in the tint a of tlmrsday caused no fittle ararprise it showed diaeriaiona in the cabinet of a asrious nature but whether tbe dissensions relate lo matters of finance or of faith lo ihe reopening of the nc gotiatiom with braiil or t rnoasures for ihe suppression nf tractarianism in the church- on both of which points mr gladstone is known lo bo committed hare yet lo bo decided mr glndstone is the roost raring young statesman of bis party and it must have pained ihe premier who holds him well lo part with him the re tiring minister neverllieles is destined to play an important part in mr garrw of pofitics in some future minialry if not in the presenl he cannot ho cushioned he is too important in this age of little men tho fijkowing changes were apoketi of in ibo london papers lord ctiatwcnor wr pembertorj lcigb with a peerage vice lord lyndhunal sir frederick thevrger chief jibtire of ibo common pleas vice sir n tyndnll who retires mr fittroy killy attorney general vice sir w follett whre impaired health forbids t he hope of his being able to rreraroe his ofbcial or ptvesaion- al nvciatlon hie m r mr worth solicitor goncml in the place or sir fttarwgcr ckvatod to the bench aa chief of tbe ccmmoo picas tbe renewal of the rwgnrialinn with rroii will prepare err west india readers for what has long been apparent and ujon which vro bavc di lated more than onoc the certainty of the sugar duties undergoing srvfhrr revision in tbe cession which commenccsoo tuesday rurik4nnly witl tbe sugar act of last session be disturbed hot the whfde tarift it is said will undergo a ihomtnfh re vision the new arsion prumisestohc prolific in meoatrrcs of a practical tendency one thing is pros bdrrnblv clear that as nor goveminenl the party tccking lite renewal of the negotthtions with braiil iltcy must have made op their minds toabandoo the distinction which tbey srt up last year between free and slave- grown sugar this says little tor iheir crniostcoey lees for their ree tilude damsti autrttcax iaxo cohtraxv a special meeting of the proprietor was held last week at 2 oclock io the companys office bargeyard buckkesbnry for the purpose of sanctioning uie application of stuck lo tbe amount orx20000 in aid of a raroposed tine of railway from the town of montrcalton the st lawranco lo boston or some other port un the atlantic the line being in purchasing freohofds in north cheshire south ji i io pass through uie eastern township lancashire and wast yorkshiie land mr robinson ihe governor in tho chair tho old greyfriars church at ecfinburgh tn hie chairman having inafw wor da capiat ned the which robertson and rskio preached aztd object of the meeting mr cumming the deputy i whera walter scott auended in his boyish day governor proceeded to read several letter fmm has beco oompletely destroyed by 6ro while uw u companys representative in arrwriea mr i new greyfriars soother church under the tarn gait impressing strongly upon ibo directors if roof has not had a much better fate gait the line would ba the very best thing thsy had supported since they had been incorporated and he would have great pleavurc therefore in moving the resolution that this meeting suhoul to the court of director to subscribe jttojmo m stock to the proposed railway from montreal to yncport on llic atlantic the line to pass thruugh the kaskrn township subject to the stipulations mentioned in ti letter of tlie direetori tu the commissioner in canada mr clark seconovd the rcsofuiion in sn efleciivc speech which was supported by other members and after a few fe mtirks from ihc chairman it was poi and carried unanimously after a vote of thanks to the chair the meeting broke up drarii op lirv maav boor it is with re gret tliat we have to anrmuncc tlc deceaae of lady mary bagol eldest daughter of tho earl and countess of morningion and widow of thtr late right lion sir charles bagol ihe late gov crnor general of canada tins sad bereavement was most unexpected her ladyship hating been only considered shghily unwell within the last few day her illness being aupposed to have arisen from a com on saturday night alarming symptoms displayed themselves and shortly after mo oclock yesierdav morning her ladyship breathed tar last al the family residence in por- c best cr terrace ler complaint having terminated with inflammation the deceased lady who waa as we have above staled the eldest daughter of the earl and countess of mnningtnn waa born stli febiuaiy 17c6and married bud july 1806 pio itiifhl hon sir charles bagof second son of ihc late lord bagot by whom ler lady sliip had a family of len children seven of whum art living lieut coonet bagot and ihc couolcsa of wjnhibea being her eldest son and daughter the death of the duchess of nassau daughter of ihe ecupcror of russia ia announced by tho wiesbaden correspondent of the frmnkfurtur journal in the following terms it is our melancholy duly to announce an event which has plunged ujmcsa the duke and tbe entire country into the deepest sorrow yestarday afternoon tbe 27lb her imperial highness the doches ehxar il archduchess of ir i was delivered of o female chdd stitliom and early the nest morning her impenal highness egpired under a severe attack of spamit of the heart the moruosof sligo died in the fi ty erbh year at tnnbridgc wills last week he is sue cccded in bis title and estates by his son who was bxniu the year is20 on the i3ih ultimo ol port fhot cornwall aged 80 tho eirl of st gmvuins father of fd kl ot chirf secrcrarr of ireland on ttm s3d ult rear admiral samuel jackson c- b aged 72 letters from stullgardt annonce the dtth of prince ua hohsnocr nnd argrnbourg tlic address in il e ifouw of pers in answer lo the speech fnm the thnno will be mvrrd by the hlvajm of camden nn seconded hy isam glenlyon lindvrt tmtifg neratd tfto3 a cetsabtarrtbero u an cjd man now living in thir t urf who has rejebed i groat age of 108 years he is a pensioner avid regularly every uoarterd makes his ap ucarance al thcplaco of paymenlas liale jwartv hi and happy looking as llie y ungtt ho prtiise f om nil appearance to draw upori trss i national resources for sonw linao lo corno he is nuw wearing bis third wife jual ogroofs jearraot eiwtatmrt wr hear that lady ii hst loft bee bo no and fsmily and formed a criminal connection with lieut m wlio is in his 25lh jtr he pcstseaanal pmpartr of it ratoo of about xivw avyoa tz proeecdinga hiivc been commenced against hin and llw damages are hid ar i0000 lady uenrgtrua h connected with eevrrnl nohje hmtlih in enaand her hwmmnd is a stipendiary magistrate of a inidhnd county and was formerly s citain in the army his elder brother is a cniopanioo tlw bath an rjonour oruiferrtd opoe htm fur his services during lha penravolar war captain and ady georgian ii bud ihirtueci children ten oi whom an living poaiiivo infotuialion lias been rcerived tlinl ihr wooht wim bmnrrived at ivberon frorri boklum will rewpjhinij vunsrsriob stmlwbki it breath distinguisfved diprnarisr is hourly expected at tho frnch embassy from psrn all necessary pre- paralions having been made for the dukes recep tion there- the duke dc rrngfia comes io this country n sn important special nidation srosai the french govemmenl tho objees of lis duke mission has refcrvneo to the right of search and tbe slave qiaestioo genemhy and it ta now hofied that a setllcnknt of the longperid- ing diffitenecs on that importirrt anhjeet will shotly take place to the mutual satisfaction of both r j t in is tne pope is said b be dangerously ill hia holiness r the nestor of european aavitcioa being 79yeirs and 4 months old there ere 3761 men and 387 horses at resent engaged on the lancaster and carlisle railway the number of pemona who rmssed between france and england in 11 was 75fi90 of which nomber 40653 were eugjish and 9314 frenchman mr baroo gurney basrrsigtied bw ofsceaono of il e bafotaaof tjte cort of eiehecjuer incim- sccrucdcc of contiuued iuncsav mr piatt q c has ucceocdhira tre queen has been pleased to appoint e h dodd esqi be her majestys solicitor general for tlo provmce of nora sntm sir john barrow baronet retires from ocmi life aflevan hotiourabe service of nearly hslfn century as seomd sceretsry of th aonrirvrty he will rs auccctded by capuin baillie h mdroiv b n t privala scrcretary to lord haddingtoo sjiipping eotcrrd the port nf lyindon with car goes fmni foreign ports in 16456138 ships burlbea jj0673s tons in i8t4 6c52sliips borihen 1356614 tona ineroase in 1844 714 up- bo f en 49 t 76 tons on wdnesdry sttabt sir geo larpent chair man of at lratdon mereastite commiiteeon pslagejrandcd lomr rowland hill trsosnnof x100do pirl of the amount raised towards ihe amicnal letiunoiial the consumption htm wewn of peruvian and af ian goano was 1000 tons tire sloclc on hand at tbe beginning of the present year was 39fw0 swatl loe demand it is opceied will this year caeecd jct000 or 20 1000 tona pricea are rising the city of eicter rvis been so disgraced on ihc sabbathday by ibc mob v and gnosirv ihe rev mr courtenay tor vrearing fjie scar- plico at sl sittwcira that the bishop of that diocese has forbid the paw cat il in tbe pujpir according to a rccctu alatemeotby a member of iho antcorhbiw loague that body ha ci- pended i00wq ortng the last three morjtbsv lo a nnounca the annual report he ihen h of lhft tnprovemenu in the navigallp of ih st lawrence going rn untl rcqtllf si lewrtnc navigation the porlitrft of h kf9 ht lawrence from lika oalifw downwards to mondial ibat ct raiavrve saagov conattacral katiom the following is tho amount of toonsgc owned by the principal european nations and the united slates greal britain as a roaltcf of course leads the van but is eloaely followed by her cuter prising daughter tons of shipping great britain uniled slates france norway and sweden holland prussia twosiciliea aitstria fc turks sardinia denmark spain and portugal each 3047418 15602 58di7 471772 37504 asoy4 si4198 20b551 183000 16700 153j0o 80000 50000 ct fesitji or tjik lagaavth buffalo com mrrcial adveaniser publishes a summary of the maritime disaster an the western lakea in 1844 number of vessels ashore crippled or roar 30 16 of which wars totally tost aniuunlof tona da mafm 5100 wholo smocmt of hat thlqoq attended by a loss of 51 bvsm sbvdute nrcr taiiy of such a railway aa iheir laods at present whelher cultivated or waste were eta nominal valuation and rhc settler were in snob a state of despondency from ihs pressure of several unsuccessful years that where thoy could they were either lmokingof or in ciqraoiyf emigrating to rbo westward in such a state of things the advance of 20000 even if rorieidered as a gift would be their very best policy the house of assembly had done nothing that called for any parlioular remark excepting perhaps tbe grant of ia in aid of iho preliminary expense of the line tne eaticsated expense wen 450000 i oul of this sum 100000 might be obtained from government on the security of tho com panys wild lands in tho province the remaining 300 might bo raisad among the public generally the writer cmcludos by earnestly urging the ex pediency of giving activity and energy to their unds by aopportingi a far as in them lay iho projected railway mr cu hssm added that in re ply the direcbubadsdthoritedmrgnlt lo yield the suns of 20000 conditionally however tbey requiring lha sanction of tbe emcutivebody in canada and of tha general body of proprietors and of lha government at liomo ttfa also adding that unless the penpoacd lino shonld meet the sp probation of mr gait himself bo was in no res pect to pledge trie company a resolution ia ac cordance wrtb tho abovo was moved by mr gould whoobscrvad lhal lb companys affair did not look so clisrnal after alt when as stated by ihm commissioner lb traffic upon the proposed line could bo supposed at a y curly rata of 80000 hatbougbt that making avtvy altowane forth aajbshbhj aapactaliona end represent atonf of mr tocre reason to bcrieso that tho reports of the ctpcrimentsj trial of iho screw praelsrr o roudtho great britain era o salwfactosv lo uas admiralty that all ajeamveaselaio ucrmstnic6d for tbe koysl navy in future wiq be rmpetted on that pnrtcipl instcskd of the unsightly pad taw wheei- tb bonk of england ha given tho firm at ropers ol co vstue foe ibo note stolen froro their rrtmic on tho latter giving a guaranteo to meet thorn if over ihey should ba rmraentad for payment it ia generally bslicvsd that nocw of tho nutx will over make their araacatfiacnvan circulalion aarsatatfc jvtmimj rvahav thii rieva- ceived aaeirren of the praotioal worvxing ofw wonderful invention from th rartprwqw ot uo am union in whose work ex tho srisuinrtaoshi wo understand il i lo appear the rrcucti6ri ccarr mats of two copies of wood cut tbo iu7s and the revelry taken rroni psgvoof vha book of briuah ballad an original drawing ofa cathedral interior by 6 rd and vtso fthcubaa hy min and farholt with a quantity of esak nalory icttsrpecss which were trausxsrrvd b a sino plat by n cant nf ncid m fivn mi riolesrid smb- wilb printed by iejo d of tha tuampco thji invention seppnsa a poamr fvhttotrt atao tw ai the tin might bf mulrinalsd ftua trmflsil of 300000 or even 1000000 ilajllm afi aj lbs paper might ba illoai rautd by flat inasaa wheaa akatches on hnur tiler im rvsota they calsbrau roigfat a in dmuhltsaal uttb the w wemuit admit ibal a ffjg soiao njraa lo lha unllmiud fjiuiipknicmwf baflari ia satw papavs ii jntvlthavntrsja jfaj