Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), January 10, 1845, p. 3

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original tforlni hksronslltlk covkknmknt a m w s u s i aif7nr mry lmg nirwn ufa have yi l swatd af lm fin ri tilt- wi rnlcrfuj pflfmi that madr oor tituil 1lnj km iwmtttimeoqimmm mia fllt siltili a mtvl uim tint rnftlicnialil uld h wofkd tfc cliaim so pftrwffi tlie imkn 1hi into the poke readily and llidn loohd round vitll w taafwtflf aii if aj bld niookm iwnid wilhsorliarmiitj an vo sweetly i pocktii were uiwd you might nmr oh i htvo you not heard of he woudrnu mrtifioi kor all ilia dire ill we candunn endure rtaponibsc 0 ft tr m i nni i tr h ftcnlific ww woe hv m mortals hat it mini rail l svorkd tiko charm sr mtonz lwsi tfe dollars did into llw pikc rcadi fvo longer th if yen crontd tvilh his icclli bare ft 1 longer th hyena prowlj with hsj lerili ban flul afiurdjoriii pockets wcrelitd jouconld ivlm store of irood lliifijr our fine councillors wiiovd rcfontibfc government tit hunger so kern f ncgrew f inj no flofc with jiattneh jimlowd like mr only turkey tlt lljcna ws teen curuftll wutkj so well o treg steadily flic dollar tm into mir pke o readily j and alt aoftud so ihck s fat titwl sn fair flicir bellies and pocket vntf lind you eould iwwi hut only to think how trnrly thing happen while ml seind frt wuh no danger uttw an oily fat hinli sqvaretrtcsoree put a chip in without aima llwir leave- a tiling to befall oh i then cure all nk iit aroaf nor steadily flic dull slid not in ilia poke w readily and to blankly the ouncillor round tfcffd did sure and to biankty the councillors round them lid ure hey had ltl half i loavct ond the flhcn roud a a car nimnitioiti lu have boon loaded with hall the nn for tuna to woman lingered in ceol ajjony h vuee uf ml fiour and a hulf when deuth tut an did lu her itiftrrita a tlftrgyrntnand surgeon were both in altendnneo an inym wo h id i the bydy ot lulfpaot ten oclock fmvnu montinfl whui uij ailcnct iniiunrd alitwin thai the 4xplri4in of iho nutul wan tfitirly ac- idantal ft mdict wao returned aeeoedey y thw rijclapchoty occident oct en children of whom thoyouncrat i hut fir month 4id arc deprived of i niulhor earo a roriclyof cohlliclioff rumort iivc boeit in eirculotion relatiic to ih nceidtnt hut wo lio every rraaon lo helieve tht the a sow li a eirrcci vdtcmrnt of ihi unhfy aflliir the dcetfaocd wao interred yctrrddy td i he mineral woa otlondod ly un mrneno coneuurto f peraon afanrrul ottettt jannuy auvkimvlskmknt n j ojirimnrn lyswery snr fonoitittiiirtu u j o iuiu hefore li jl you uill liritt romumcl th lolhiwiuj itfra htpirlfl wuwhl fm and voui hyum ti twnk vlichon wml imctl i r i jwinjf rcaolutioo intnxlucd by mr piokcm tvoro pataed uuanitiwualy by the senate of south cafnlina t unonitnour i tlii senile con iilero the recent movement in the howe of rc- reaenutivea in conreaa in nution tu the tc- ii i of ptttuoni tu abfditli slavery ill any por- liukaf thiaeonfedetaey no calculated inendongct lilt peace of our si me ui a fifil otr4gt up on our fight nnd a decided rteo toward ihr jb- trraionof our inttituiiana and the dilulion of i bio vnvtfl afiofej unanimouy tliat on tltio ubjtct uo admit no leitlalivepowef in conje d uoal ieh lepulation witj be in fact a dimloto of the ftdattl compact ifeoooe- onamnioualy that if therf diould be legiisalioii n tlw lubjccu by cunre hut the gvwfoof of thio state it hcrrrby rtoueaetl lo call the ieeiil tjethe in oriler to dceido tipor i i- mode ond manner in which wo ah all preserve and defend our ancient rihta and jibcriea facts and scraps original ant btutl ct towjewwi scitoolo next tocdy the day appointed by low for the inhabitant of even school duhriet v meet and ehoooe new sebool tmtmttm oefore ihey go out of office the truatewfcr 8l4 bould make their rvpftrt lu the trail twothip school supcrinteodcnl wmv t on thio aubfei k may bo a well tooui that ihe i imuburh viperintcodeol da darker no1 having i yet received the government money of that of the diatrrcf ii unable to make th divono untong the school mftftonl before hio journey to montreal on monly next he will rcideavr to remedy the evil ao much aopoasible with the kind ftil v uf mr wiltiam fevruanj the towu ihip councillor and that of mr george buter to either of whih gentlemen tha trohetfa heporta hid belief be ocnl oj mlti4mtlu acwtoajrr a lid mto ii 11 of mr ifiiiainr nn wan nccidrnlly drwnd a few dy n m ai- cartha lindin hutlioton hay it apkrlta m wii ar nu ii wwaaaaj to th vkintiy of the on whieh lar tiiiprii ventured ilii kriwio very thin mrke lhmuh and aunk t nw nu mure m ihii nifd itfmtttoh fjttrtu t 6- mu ot flan wo undcntiwid lut th ecnive huopowf impefiv tike milla and mochioeryof mr davaa or york on lonkjy pouchon it tonou the grand river were d- iroycd hy fire in the brandy gin and febmil i eariy part of uat week tjie fire orindted in the pail and simple fiitioy from a htove and flpcedily t m iratcd with the adjoining mill no inaurancc wo eltccled we havo not hoard the amount of if k it aumioed by mr l but it inutl u tr t jott s ky p i kumand naica siiiricj iare try and ha4i wllf enerifff aem chillipaaujp j c7 a hoaaf areata tile rockingham vaj rciriotcr o btc cute contain the porli culam of a horrible offiif roitimotimled v the odttec by a of wupjly wuefa bowl pircd in r tn iduh ctm1y in ih wtern pari of virginia in j of thjnat mluminr jv re later ooy me three fttirifiwhj on cheat iveff in ranrioljho verity vd a man ha ilw name of cu n man f i n n u e ment to a geritlemari wife by the name uf wou fold- ihe two ogrwd to run awjy together ond without delay ejteoted their afler on aboence of about eighteen mmitha they rctumej to h the oaine ncilih urlvod in which tiny formerly livt ii where they rtjed together autut eighteen monlh during tflnrh lime they had one child they reocived miny ihv ilo fmm the neighbor and from what mlowedit i more thm fkrtthimc thcte threati were evrrind mlo cxvcutioi one mominp it wao mde knoivn th ji ihr htux oeou- pied by thiiuiiy piir and iuxtt ebim had bn conaumed by fire- on examination of the pcmi- aea ihe bone of be child were found in one ncmf tlto houoe thobme of ilc mother vrre mdh upon the hjfltieh which wai not alto ceiher conoinied by the fire and ihe remain of themanwero found in the middle of the room hi heart being wliric iht and head ccmcd tobiw been oevercd fmn mi body lli nae and were ivmaj by hi fide which indie lud that i hd made ume resiatance coifi chueoute i i nd cataio and fancy goodi a z variety candlea boih commoff 1 pim raw suai loaf and cndloi lemon j 01 chrystar waieacpvicc t ciockecy a brja and iamlsomt stock thay will be found a cheap as ny give him a call amo lh many and fiom ihe fainii wbi bf tken pork ueef butter klurand ucon now il time 10 end ny thyme at printer charge fn every lin j ouphant kindlon jan 10th 1845 j li fraukfurd tin jin icvlo session rhymes uy fuz ko xi foafinfo tu ben obliged li leave iur qtnet little vduja onco more in orjer to proceed to tin bee hive where he will eominoe lo fill the very impottunt office of reporter lo ihe squville tuker and tone jnaj he han pminracd to have hit eye aboul him and in h aa ngu fingered at pnrobje whr thrre an ttif ihtirao ffht ftttt t i hud f i lie oa rvrn jininmil to plifch c any ptiil rnhlitv ihul he may not bn able iiincc on in um iiaml wiy m that if ihe uatml hoa any conijwtmnia on hand v will do wrll tt hand them over lo our rrportcf t inee wlm if ur ha not able tn diddle them oil of him to hin hrmta nlotit will ny for tleni hkv an lionat man and a squiviiian fiu left the fllm m scrap on slyboola dek waaa the foubted rib hia very pmprrly nenl lo mnter fur secnh cfclfawjiif pohrr and tnr office ouicivilfr 7tlijaniiry jj5 fums parbwelt freveu firrucll ye snivjv otawtfoj fmm ihe young ti ihr old and hrcmti from the vrry old nmid with rbi ray ojvi rhil twinkle like tiara in wintry tkie to ny pretty klvint no trifling prue whom bhnkera arc rather mtieih to att yea ovco lic fqujtvitle who cbwa have tnide many a f k ore yell poor fum inut bid a offjfj farewell although 1 part with a heavy hejrt from the tokcr nnd tunaond m hubby i fiiu would go to ihuac fricnjt below who have often gven poor fun a diivc at thcr flocked like uud to llwii fancy hivu for ibero i thall mount my m hoby j j would like tu ice me ihvio llnl to toll the truth 1 doot inucb eirc wboae erony i am to that i faro like a jovial ptcannt ftlluw lve learned how to make a pattablc bow and my nerve arc much trooper now when the covet bcjtn to raite a row 1 join anj help them bellow the judical cnia am no friendoof mint but at ihey oft aak me ot to dine i go cj frly and drink their wmo tit excellent rcere4iion lodoed i hive rowed 11 not decli another kind invitation though rn or pe should ajy dear funa and fjivc ut a ouirtvitte anne- or the lawny member icee cn wliorjl i reilly look fur an etqunnjux or if mnhimirlfor lar two rvity hnkoof the radical chtm should ask me to co and cc them twti though there wwjni be mar fun in a vuu wouidnt cjtcti me refute i j i id jump ol ihe chinec to a imnute rut i really fear that ihe coach will be here before i ni ready fur t iriing onc more adieu ye brhtcved pwi antl when tbit job ut the hive to done wc ofw never tbmk more of umi tt aftbtirai tiicttatcau a new company uf dt vi i v amotcgra atari mto exigence to mthl at thetheairo royl ivy are hitherto unknown fame bul report leltt loud ihines of tlif ir excclle the pieeea lo be played ore the innkeeper daughter a mcto drann and uie farce of th frithman in london a the town ie almighty dull jutt row we move that a rote of lhanko in the shape nnd form of a bum per house te voted to thete ambitiow younj rhctplan carried ero eaaj ut ban durviso there io a little oo much bad or furiiut driving aboit lown jutt no- a few djyxajo a ptr of horat ruining away and killed a child and a very owt time aficrwarj one of the ramc horaet running away again ell broke lii leg a ltd waa himrelf killed almost every dtyor oo aomc hortc runi away and cvw irb elnvf wiuld it not then bo ao well to do a wao done in toronto tome ytara ago that it im pose a fine or half a dudir not to exeeed fi e aliil pnt upon every horao that kiltt a ctju w hive a corporatm and when ihe pnplra nooner iw que h it it it in readily levvd and collected eonacuentiy ihta law if uiado may became cflec- tivr aof oxpeiiot iho frl ice coaaufla t lakct iiitwcpvtody or inform aaint the funou driven that of courj it out of iho quction uuhethe taw and if tho prupoocd fine be loo until luwcr tl arlit com princcat street in grimntown ivai on satur day night last the tcroe of a iragiij occurrence ft apparothit a man named junri jvwer who io employed in tho hundrj of mco ward and hr j- roeeived from hit wife o brother nmrd quiautt a brace of ptttut aa a preoent and on lakiog aaaavaal homo to hit dwelling in primrm street he placed them under tha pdlw of hh bed which wu in the room they generally m cuped ho atvitted in putting tho children to bed and after having done to he took the pittuh from under ihe pillow and oiid to hit wife who waa aeated at umj eoipjnyed in ejuilkog a cap see whit a handavne ftaatnl laifi hid made to mf she cxoutmed oh f jamco take care you dont aboot met he replied that the plou were not charged ond pjl one of them on full cock in pncocluog itijt exploded and tbt wj peneuated lcr lej orcaot rulh pimofo wem round on ex ilt a notk or ltatoutvio two lanark mm a few dayo aatj wcia dtoeuating the politictul itw day over a itoup of ferintook one ked the oilwr whtdo you think of our mumbvr ifc ov lucolher replied hout man he i mute vmiol oiuffogatiiiu what du you mean by iht i j mean thit w ia a crooked body aye asking que- ipiionlp and will nticrgiro a atraihl anaiecr hm aell ct tut miaikrf viie wio- in tome in- stance they looked upon thttal od in oumea devilt m alt aa vy extraordinary rair as an in stance of ihitf i will here re ilo a rnoal absurd story which w told inc by an officer at nankin and which will o for to hjw the ftjr with which re were locked uion by lliiouprriihus rucc alter my friend hid visited ihe poreelain tower ben iomewhat rationed he stepped iuio a hirhert tliop and hy way of emptying hv time he dctlred the bjrlr tosh ivc hi hod jvttgenllf man woetf a wit but which fbellie aakeorcoulneta he nd pbced in hit poefcet lha operation of shavm o ctmmoa in cbin ww opoeddy and quickly ev ented the barber leeminirto bedrlhted with ihe 1 i m k iv ii one nf iho illusiious ttrana preriouly to hit leavto iho shp and while mans attfniin wa called in fcirne other dirvctitn my friend replaced htt wig uon his beid httte thinking of the result of this ttmpe process noaooner however had the barber turned round and obtervd him whom he hid oo liely cleared of every venture of luir hiddcnly covered with a moat loxumnl irrnwh than ttk inz one tleady gae at him lu make sure he wat not decejvedf lie m fall the raxot cleared his count crat a bound and running inidlv thnuh hr crowd which wao speedily elleetrd he eric j jt that lc wat visited by the tlvv no enrreitrs could induce him return unril very funoui had l iho neiehbourhoa paimlde a miracle as thtlwina m htrofiiiiiun quite beyond the fnwm nf a i the cods o demmt in han rudhivl caltfn dar am jrddrfont rmurtfk if cim to let tune sronv stone house now rvcupied by ilic subscriber bii inn silnatetl rm oulirio street the buildinej is of foit sale oil iiat itnmrtt1fhtl jtb i in i is v c llltj first clas covrtj wf calculated either f an inn nr shop ii i dwollinw limine- ren molerate tr a respectable tenant for further rarciculaia apply in the sulcrilier at bmckvillit or to g a cummiitg esij kitintdiii roderick mcsweex january 9th 1s45- ht jotich in hereby given that the allultftl moetiiifi nf the slocitliiilo- ors of tho oatftrnrjui priiln will he humnn on monday hu 27th day f jiinuury ifl46j nt the offin of the cata- ritjui itritfgn company pposito ibe nitirt ii- jul ilnllk t i ocloch f u cot iho purnoao uf electing director for the jihl year according to the isw and tramtactinff other buaineb con nccltkl with tho bridge tho account nf ihe po3t year will be ilfcn and there aub mated for tbo inspec tiun of tho sloe v holders thomas glassup btty c- b cy cataroqut bridge oifice kingston 9th january tsjs j the new member lor uonvcnturc j 1 boothtl her loo arrivrd m town vttrrdas aflr n li niuaanij haraaainf juumey nf thrcu wk fom jos plucc of residence- lie wdl pioeccd at once m lite scat tf pocrnwenl to he present ut use te- t jtiouof huainrva by the legislature mzfttiry january i tlc weatlver ainco the cnimnenecmenl of the new year hat been ainrtlarly iri the li m dy of ihe ycr wa iltisd and wafin with uch jfntlo brieons horc hithtrto ralhvf nshcrod in may uay irian the infanlycir by nighlfall it had aain bejan to tvctm hut an hour or two he ne dayhrealt a otuon of thundc hail tfod rain descended earrjmjort the remains of tlh frool and nw whivfi covered the earth and deluding tlmuadt tike ram conlinucd fatlin pfeilcoutly dumi uie greater part of y estod ay but t hi moritrg brute forth amid a glorious turusme ckar lrjf in and hdtlhy ditpotin all nature 10 cheer fuhtet aud aclirity such h a canadian winter gttit courier xrnuvy 4 j7 fiat- two firto occu red in ihe city since our laf publication ihe one on richmond street in the house of mr james walking bul by the ctfcrtwns of the neihtiourt and the lre do parltncnt the house and furniture were oared hut with partial damage the other fire broke out yctcrday id tho pail factory on church street iidnoing thcridtueoof john dell esq barris itr the wnd blew fresh and but for the extra ordinary exclion of the fire depirtmcnt cunnder- able property mmt bate been detlroyed hut for litnataly the name were corjfinfc lo the pail a lorv which we are sorry to say wao codumed wc undcrataod it woo in the occupation of mom mtlcalfe cheney who recently purcnted it fmm mr- robert james twenfo cofoituf vt fkt t yoat on monday night week ihe sillaicor yoik on the grand hirer in the county of hajdimand suftercd severely frm fire fne nrc bru out about j oclock at nighl in a pad factory in tha rear of dainvo grist and taw mill and rd wlh oueb fury that in a few mmutca the aaw mill griotunll hinle factory and jiad factory were one burning maaa of flame and all were auon reduced to atbea lie inhihi- taint ibr a cadcrable space oruund turned out io ft ndrr a4utance and there being a plentiful aupply of watr llicy tuccecded by the aid of buck eta ylhrrc being no 6re engine in the village in gut i rig ihefie under about 2 oclock of thf mom ulffi a conoidorawo qnanlityof lumber waa also burnt and unfortunately thrcwao no uuurance vtectcd upon the property destroyed janet dtvif it tho greateot auffercr the aaw mill and ritt ill being hit tito pail and thinjlc factory hetaoged io one hiram humphreys the lusvof thr- gntt mill particularly will be jcil as a public loss bat we trust for the take of that extensive i and fertile tetllemcni bordering on tbo grand river thai the loot wilt toun ho tupplwd by the erection of new machinery the direction af the wind during the fire wao vcy favourable mher wise the probability ia that the when vitloge would htve been destroyed jt io ouppoocd that the fire mutt have originated from a olorc pipe which passed through the roof of tho pil factory with j out briog property occured the whnile jyt of i by thi nro boo been estimated at front siolos0og triio to the occond fire which occurred in vork within a short period the house of jamco fear man hating been burnt lately occatiunrd ao hy a otorepipo tbnwt through the roof ft jt a srator saoav tv new yik papea nf toevlay puhlitli a try fmndrd on the revda limit of the pulicf uluce uf a dtcotcrrd conspi racy unwij the buelct of new yrl and virgina to nardoi ihcntiro popjlalixi nf l- t dntily virginia wc pusimi llif slso at lum n xrw york but at the tmia lime have little he- tstiui in characters in the wldo arlair a a wf ttabte scim uf the 3twuf- plant jt carre imjirouabilily n its tcry fjcv ttataovjst of pfwtwta v i t m eninrcd man naoird fictfaj li hm f 241 llouftm at vtt hrhy wokin- in orrs m ihe lower pot ol ihe city turin recivid infr miliitn as lie tat thil an inaurrcetioa nf ilr colnrd ri- iri tn rtfrivd into eftftt ahiut chriatmaa and nw ymr to murder indu rhniinanly the while inn wmnrn and children of iviner anne cunty yirgisu ppjcmtsig kf- folk and iili all th clvrrd a- wir wnud not join llinn and htvin irar retatinns ihre wrote unloa justttfcnfuiv trarc in th t eoumy named cnrprcwn infotmni liim of what he hid imitt lie also inarmed hint that a colvd man mined willi jwsr who hid wen lite corrrspnu dnt in tliik uily of tltj eidond enmiralora nf iuri- rest anne andhid encuuragrd theprocoin lud gone on to virginia in nd in nmturitc th ulot and in varr ii mu rxrulm wlv vrt tlrv if ton arrestctl jnij o fjr- d in prison where he will winvm and until lh m tlavf cjn be fully invrtli jj irl will o mtinue m cautndjr otbrrt had been nf- rtjed bul had iecn domtarfad xi eomrrd pew jde here- who wor nrihbort nd jh iunce f mire hiivinrj hrard of his having given in formation to tlir aulwiw vtf ilr soulh ibat had led to the arrest of wilhs tic i go swore lu be revciel upon hint and thricaed to put him tu lirjt ii thy ni mona that ha olvaulj nut eomc down town to hi wk and if h did thtl he thnum it b slrrl n wnrfc ihrre my more unovf tvai ilicait moroc who i intelligent c lnrd imii went tthe upper 14100 otkcc and pf rrd his tomplatnt aanit u- h s i j i i irjt finney jefty ovv t on and wilfiam wiles all enwd who wr re t rtmd by otjeert ituh lmrcnre mid sltiutf nnd tn day held to nnvx tcjtmnimc hail in s i0 rich hy justice tuyhf ir favst ihe ptace awards 0 morse ami be of gnu i behaviour hereafter arrivals in kingston caution rfmiis is tr caution all persons againar pnrehasin nr fttxcptinij in pny mrnt fotn kotc p hand nl aix twelve eighteen anj twenty four months fiven by the suljenhtsr loaawu p gitmlamtfurtheaum of six pound five shillings each all dtej vpteinbcr 23j 1s4 becauao no vatuo ha been re ceived for soid notts thomas graham township nf kinttnn jan 10 1345 sands saksapanima for tilt kkmotm vip tcganevt ccrc 01 aw htftajttl arltflc from y imflre stafc of tub ari0d or ma01t of thi atatstaf plelturo n earth which snjiertni sit not tpj0t ind nnr wliivh tln initfhi al- mw men th pm4tim nf it it the pnwr frelievinir pain how enniojin rml 4 thn tttnaamm of amrlrtl heert the instru ment f rveiimi th tuhvfh fftfti mictv lo ihnsr arhhsam it what 4 amount of suffer in j ran im pnvanted by h uto nl snda ssrst- nanlhij tim iinamanau lictim of hereditary dtai with atv4tii tnh- ennirarted inawt and tiinela1r eurtuus liava hvn restored tn hcaml and rior tio acrfulnut puienl cnr1 wnh hirers 1 h atofbas t hintplf nnd li uk allrndam ha mi whlc lliinttredi fifpsttona wr htd firnned jwine- let rr year mnlr ctntnit and laiidtdt disnrdrrs chmme hiitti- and many nur eiiidantt- tiringin frt derangement of the satironrtrtm and til hrcolition have been nist n it wre fmin h rork ri jsaaa and now willi rsmmwilej c jfl glvlly testi fy in ihe lliynilhi- t n tt threbe a iwinil einr macdonalds hotel fate stoned wntntoq buildings king sttt toronto the suhcriber announces that he has leased tho above establishment and from liis experience in the line nnd unremitting attention to tins convenience nod cnmfuri of ida patoni ho confident ly hopes tn aumaiu and enhance the re- piitatitm thia hotel has acquired iiij cable will ilmyg be furnished with the luxmies of the aeasou mi hit cellars ttickctl with the choicest wimes and hjqtior for uirardurs nnd large and trnall families helms such eccnmmoda ivtlmu cttitiut fail of atttsorfng satit faction atid he respectfully solicit a con tinuation at the patronage- ao liberally extended tu ins predecessor john macdoxalr toronto lih uecorrberf j si n p excellent stabling and coach houses 11 insea iken into livery for sale or to let folt a term op fpars jplie new marine railway ami ship qvw kingston fp or miw jauks c w january 7ih 1sjs vakl nt porumouih apply to titos dm uaken kingston tmrrttl tn imiiont wm y m lo hail m a in atlarliavii jaj with tvrftfru rts romihos lr pll1ir4r j nta n sajn in rchjrano ti ami itntfl tl a itlmiil irj hncfi invhanl i- rtl li l sarni sjrinihi c p irerraitf hrirt o mni h artpirrlla i far rntmunir in mi i tva afllicicl jr f w anl fitiia1 lem in r m vt tabslj mhfr pun i my ttl and tenia iv mint i i icia11infitlcl in- v m i cnntinul in mini i h i hnula- whn fcilv cirp mv liilltfl ftnfit jasapsi it l notice the subscriber wilt not be responsi- tiblt pr any bargains or dehta con traded in r is name without his personal iirtiuture or written ordcr- thos dissett ptopriclqr al h january 7th t4w notice rphe subscribei respectfully intimates tn his friend and the public generally that he has cornmenced busi ness in tho store formerly occupied by mr john p- mcdonel io king sirmt dinrcty npponite lo the stoics of j w brent gsrg wheic he offers for sale a frsh amoriroent tf groceries tijas winbj fta ci at unusually low pticos for cash angus mcdoxel kingston 4tli oct 1s4 ftttivats leu tr sir i a i bar ryvn ihr n4i r sartav rliity that i ftc m the fids in ntystiatj puhtk hraaa til i a tvilh in run j nt r tri i i i ml t unt a ninnriil anrei m f nviili rrn ilie itrrrtt nf blfsi rmr hhin tgi h hth i irihil rornt iv tflot y 4 ivfiih- nihnj mililt rtlt f vmiu sirttpittlh which iv 11 in ptt nin nr terofiitaanrl mcrcutiil ktee at dilcys bsltisif ubucu uotkl cnatt fuller pnft dofev mr mills tomnlu l fwc tt mttrcfl krv mr harrit ivrlh mr trcmain ciaxtrs j v- tr bellrvllle a tuatsfnrd kindlon thona k ftfray mmtrcjl i ucv robert conncy mentreal c frrtaoojav hrtjckj jalia uouesll brllcvilk mr adaut toronto mr ctnt picton rohcrl clicsloy river trcol atwekkss lamutonhouskhotet s f taylvr ncwrhurgli william shirtv mori ltr i krti mr llaiviysvphiatliurh sir gor jon xaparxe v s fai4it knr tntfcf grorjc r manficld vwm vek i ttairua hvrlar bton wiriara campbell jhn g tlmphclt rttio andrcvr sjsnrt wawtorvn ih inaa l armttrdn 1htwcljihia w snrtinnn kingston james v dorhnd adutphulvwn dr hayvrart and iady frcdrrickjmrh shiblyltath v iitiiun oath t c tutwy percy john haw toronto jthn lktnn sfu nee o wriht njmtk- thonmt lwtanij adolphutlown john iewe kmnhn jamct camon quebec john jones toronto willum hojcnivrorth mamilln postloxement i i t jcncral annual mrrtin of the stock x heldera of the steam boat piuncc edward orti fir fmuy the i7ih january j nnas poatjnmiej until friday the 31 ft mtant at tha samt hour and place thomas greek kingston jattuaty 10u 1844 f n- i rivera nlhc vttv hv lhrrais it aioy rairt iim trnni thi wotmi vfl fft flf almeti ronunml lirtflw nd mytcira w man oninfly itfrvcj- yout rrcctri wlujam hanks tha fcstanriftffi rtmf c fnw atii iho roasta tiww in if ctrril nemal comment on tuh aatltt wttfn nwcxr mtfrh tnsl ljut a r a p 8ayie fiinn l thmifih an niiielrif ilnot frtl al ifflfrty anv innjirr triefrrlho a kuowudmrni f a rail indhllna in voi for ynur invahra htrtsnrt whthittwniht mantin tr a kind prttvinvni my met prrtaho rtjff tmauoitrl m ins arfclsawatslfiswtrl bv rt tl tinf that tv mr lumhle trxriniony hundred ofurtar- nosalllrv i lwt may ik- in dofc1 tn if y thi rxnvdv a cnirhma a cor as aprfly tnil ittppth fr ten vstr a i hiv htin miffrriitf- llttlin lrrfihhh artirclion afth hnnrs in mv hm v hirnus a sreat r wt isfilih lim mv m v ii ut jfltfrimj itaiti rvrr thai bui tif a r- in it iho rat dipnur nf eeenra i tntum hi ulnwl anf naiirh p taird tlemh ihelf a ahtfafwl rivlt ilorinje mv sielciiess twenlv irieem nf lnn hnv hcrn isken fmrn mr hrxn n various srayt iihm all nv unprr inik in j tit lun titmer j rtn fhrinr lh maturttani nf t tite inipnisihl affer etpanolinff nu ti hoildnt dnlhri lr makaj iil i hij itwmaffal ta ynor jntly lrk liritt sttmiiinllt ant ivihin thn ul ihre mojitht the n of llvo htilllst ltf with thn iwnrlinl npcratnn vtilslely arrtlrd rfn dktaiti ihn hihte ft i knng fa waiit ami i am rajrirftv ipro in a psii nvi uw ftvtnr evi0ihv auim tjit others lahrin rrtnlaf tirsninr rnmplnjni mjy havt r atvtma nf mr snrin i thnll ha irnl happv al ant lirnn if tmmnnirate in them or io ron ih imthiti ann nr tatghnai lorncnlir a mnv hiletts plr tcceotauranreiorm rratulijtiimiii 7 lllusthatbd newspapers npiie suirtcribera itavo jut recnived afowcttnic uf the following po pular illurtnuej newtpapcrjj punch m the ioux ciuravaat the pictoniat tlmtti lonoon musrirto xtws rams at armour co january joih 135 fisrtj ilmjammi l iiu3pey namustiit 9hmi ie44 a b a u sasptj fiemls benjimin m ii isry pirmn nf fterfrfu rat- rtrriahihu j hu atata kn trlatmn to iho vron nstl ttetf i rjitid hm may tie inplifiily relied iiaat hueaa uw it efi- mjcrod a ty 4 uiu m the cure altofdhcr is umli t lo ontill tha aivspniilla to h tanheil a a ieroit lilr unlit homan family and ire ovoailer it a ivurt with true r wll mitchcm cajupi ofiho i irific pj nantachac fot forthrr particuli an csiavltuive tfmfoea 1 il tiflcay scopainphlaui lm erali pf ilatalpirraof tttth whth may lai ohr treinrej and alipale t rrtait by soh in kinstmi bv i sh also hy diuj tha unitto tfuif p butlaa lor g ilr the potiftc are rmenitwr ihai n tf and i ctinsiantly arl curat ol lha ml dtrir- which the hiin fr diujss 79 kwlionti hafcles heath it fsitrrally throohoul icsj 91 per bottle j tn cipectftilly requcstro 10 u iisiirih thti ha ivjlhi tvinrh remarkable lit rlssa of disoasta to e is subject thtrefore books from bnclanu chalmers rcstreci fully inli iuui midanimi ie0ilhi4j4 and the iultlic generally thut ho it now prepared tn rcceivu onuults po ali uikikh ami rinfi h h tu bo imnortod uy tlic firat sprtm voaola atto pur lite fullnwing london partns viz punch pictukial 7im13s halaudtkatbu nbvs tub grbat gun and all newxpapera m r and dtllot pertiklicau ii c- ton to statn that ilii terms foi imjinrtiiig htiukaore fixed at a mnderaio mlvaneo mi tliu riterliiioj prtc9 n ulii may be known mi ap plication at hi store no ts oreal st jamca street montreal december 31 1u4 ulta poetteils school mill rcopen on ibr gtli f janutr 4 tnarocqh knowledge of the french utfi heinc so nccery in thia country mus poirtin uavft pailicular atteittion to that branch of education it is constantly spnkun liy lieraelf and pupil and ahe has also engaged a french lady a resident gverneas in addition in a competent etlglitt an- aittant arrlmr sireer kinffstnti dec 31st 1644 s 1 1 ssa victoria house r n subscriber boss leave o return liia iinal aincoie thankatohtt friends and the public for tha very liberal aup nt tho has received inco he commenced j itinos in kingston he would respectfully intimate that he has removed his saloon to nne of mr hardys new ruildings opposite mr j h gitkeiia wharf where he will keep conatanily on hand n fresh supply of oysters pbcits confectiohb fci 4 his har is stocked with the boat of liquors wines c and no at- rcntion will be spared o arcornmodate those who may favor him with a call james elder kingston dec 13 1814 cenerals stage office one door bcio lit driliuraaicmu hul kingston etm fvmim at far shorten rokonto hamilton prescottand montreal he roval mail ssage for torenio ma hamilton will leave tins office every dy it 3 oclock p m precisely tho ryal mail stage for prtscott in connection with the montreal line will loava thi office everyday at 4 oclock p m precisely and will leave prescnitfor kingston immcrliarcly after the arrival of the montreal stage pasfengeis for toronto or flfontrtat will reach their destination in 30 hours the subscriber lakes this method of thanking the travelling public ft their past patronage and having soared no expense tn make tho above lines of winter conveyance the most comforta hie in british north america fcels con fident his exertions will meet with their continued support tt tcik ore ait mm end dau bostd tiki a carriagt and only requiting a trip to either of the above mentioned places to hflvu their comforts duly appreciated william weller pwprittpfi am bagrrage at the risk of th owner 30 lbs allowed tn each passenger- all extra to bo charged at the rate of a pas senger for every 200 lbs kingston december 13lh 1344 fall and tfimteb dry goods w1iolbxjlr jufd retail at thi manchester warehouses 1 lambtun buildings pnoce st kingston j r hutton co reg to inticnate to their numero- town and coantry customers thu their importations this fall havo brxm unusually large and tbey have sow on hand the best assortment of starpla end fancy irv goods tbty bav ever oftered l the public with regard tn qualities and prices they ventun i affirm that they will nnt be surpassed by any house io the trade they beg to craw tho attention f purchasers to ibirif immense stock of cnbufg cloths met linos plain and figured orleans par- itians paris cloths thibet cathroerti velvets e and a large variety of other new styles of fjoodi auiublo fur the season broad bloth pilots beavera yov- skins casaime fancy tweeds vaafc tngt tailors and milliners trimraintje small wares hoatery haberdaabery and an immense stock of bleached aptl grey cottons linen c euglitl at4 french print twilled and hiaui shining flannels blankets 34 ad 64th ticks c a large assortment of ladies fur at unprecedented low prices ladies prunella boots cloth an4 kid do monaco prunplla and satit shoes j ic r hutton co hara durinn tho past summer ipadtr a yefy u 1 1 i i r addition to their warebotiae fui the purpose uf doing a still mora extensive trade and showing their cas miners a large stock of new and very cheap goods to enumerate which would be both tedious and require a great deal of space they renture to assert thai their assortment for variety quantity quality and low prices is not to ba surpassed by any house in the trade j u r h co respaetfully invite country merchants to call and eamttfft their wholesale stock which wffl be found well worthy the attttptso if buyers terms liberal orders c carefully ad promptly attended to stage fare reduced do vnwards from kingston to ganannqne do do m hvockville do do iruscott upwards from kingatoii lo napanee do do ilelleville j as patterson 4taf general stae ollice 5j 129 15 oj 6j od as i2i fid kingsion dec suli 1s4i ill the notice persons having claims against lrtate of iiuf jsimjm late of ernesttown near wiltott deceased are beieby rttqnwted to present them to the onderigiied executoia fir liquida iton and peraont indebted lo the said estate mu requested to cttle the de mands as speedily as possible tho executors will attend on monday and tutuhjfat each week doling the ensuing month for the pm poefsohling tho claim for and against tlicaiiid estate tieoiiuk storms michael amev s executors jamks storms emratiiwn dcc29th 1844 1044 ouiers fott 1100ks from bniand and the conti nent of europe entiemek dcswoita of having bnoks pvrtcl tn their order hy lha spring vfsjels in 1315 ivill vc hanj in their oidtrsat lliair earliest tonvtmoitfc which v ill u trttttmltltljj on the slfl nr each ol the winter tnonilif to one of the siilc libers who will se to the sttm rxuti n of ihe otileis ramsay armour co kinjston die 27th 1841 g notice persons hartal mill dams on th- river napancr without tlnli attached to them are hcy notified that thry will e helil liahle for any ilamsge that may he tutaiej hy par- tics and proeeejed against as the law directs ia inch cases john cameron 1844 kinon 20ih dec for bale bv tug subscriber b8ls- pot barley 60 no 1 north shnrehnins thomas greek t c j i i li ttftji fntfrtiiara parrels sunrrfine and fe flour for sale hy d mcintosh kingston dccetnbet 7 1844 lumjikk apnn sale v tmk touniyiij ivimvvaa and tactiii itivci bo trance either way tekt op iriifiiu cnnsimting of i inch inch and a quaitttt inch nnd a hlf and 2 inch also ft lot of oak plank from one inch to four 1000 feet of pdmftni iine lomhur and pine scantl1n0 ofdiffcrent di- minsiona the whole of the lumber ia rf su- luriiir quality and well seasonedt and will he sold low for cash or approved credit benjamin tett kingston may 7 1314 30tf choice ckocekitis wijfes fr liquors f subscriber respectfully solicits the attention of his friend a ail the public to his extensive and varied slock of rrwerirt fine fflnt lirjnorsj 4c tn which larte additions have been made in tho fall importations selected from some nf ihe most celebrated hmucs in london edinburgh ulas- tjuw hotterdain and maderta consist- ig in part of stihmun best pwt and sherry in woodand bout smith bailey coa do do black burns best maderia do do rarica eiridje a jotter champagne and claret very superior liquors hcnnesy a matteirs best palo and colored brandy do kuypcr ons rotterdam glo hnst scheidam gin in cases isla and cmbleiown whisky jamaica spirits 6 years old in wood ic bottles loudon poior and scotch ale inrjnarts andpint mortons whiskey in bbls with a urjje stock of frtsh ttas uiyed fruits pices sugars and gene ral groceries ihtg and cavendish end fancy rao- kinq and chewing tobaccos und cigs in great variety best lamp oil various ijuatiiic also iochfine and no 1 hcnings btfi4 uigby heri inga north shore and lako lnliio salmon and codfish all of which will be sold low tor ch or short approved credit r atcormicks prlatts stral kingston decemhet 17 1844 n b caihpaid for potash bat ley pyotoata and corn to let the dwelling house west end of ontario street adjoining the cottage ofthe lion 4 h marusnd lately occupied by nor i godard esq enijuiro of ftoncnce uonooito on taiio iijr kingston december 27lh 1si4- chequered hotei- cornr of ontario and jhtkvr sintts kingston- the subscriber begs to infom hw friends and tho public that ha baa fitted up the above establishment for merly kept by wutlrlr son au4 lately by h mayo and iotenda toapaift neither trouble nor oxpenso in malxiog the place in eery way suitable forth accommodntiuii of thoao who may favor him with their patronage tho house i situated in the most business part of ihe city and eoqsjsts trf oxccllent sittinqt djvivc bbjuiqqtul is well furnished aod attended by per h t i i miftwivjhcsatriiraraiti comfotrablc as possible exrcnmive stahliko for tha accom modation of travellcrrj peraena cros siijg the ic will nod thn premiitmof the subscriber admirably adapted aa oft house ia situated only a few yards frxxu the extenfive warehouses of jubn h oreer esq tim bah will at all limaa btr aappllet witb thu choicest wines and liquor lyman phillips kingston dcembcr 1344 store and prirtttts strut city cornsof iffisj 150 by john carruthek j 10 ruxes teas vount uvtan wjnktytaunpowdtr impthalatc 200 to let fhe saloons in tha theatre toyul fur the ensuing yer for which thore hat been a license granted the rent will be required monthly w ad vance apjily at th ware room oflho sub- bcriber montreal street thos 0 butler kingston dec 24th 1844 kofi lat fi ah graptt prunatirt i tvottrartd lib packatt 10 tiotcs and im ktiaiat 60 drum and f t diiiini tit lotroxtt rrvi l4nods a jvxv ctuul cltsait sv john carruther8 o a bblt cod oil sail latltafaaf t aii j r tfti 150 olirn tril hy ju1in carrvthee0 iir tvru sroama aad wkitai bt john caeruther3 canadian whiskey tkfkbbls port lopa hatvlton 4 loofli i i w i-k- vt 1 4d to if t pr aioo lr tba lirrl br john carkuthssrfl 2o0 btftrt diy hirrini 100 tbtn north shora htrrra 100 wbila fatft 10 bill jltektrtd a ftw bbla 3jlmrn peik prirut prioia meat tad 51 a lot of enj f llarnt br john csrrvtbkau 500 t3u flnr or various bitads 100 bblt oalmtal w blu pol btrtty a law hundred botlitls pa indian hvalaa by juhn carrutheps 1 rannclgarsoflhechoicftttitadi i jvvv a f thoatand chermta fio ii i- t i it ih 1luf ctvandith hamf dav ftc 40 j poritr falkirk cv ltith ala sasjaart sriit pint uotde uy john carruthita c cills tha auaaiitia ol taraktr hartrmett coiiirrwtrtand otlin- to bit steak f patti floir ac instruction on the flute pile subscriber cnntcmplatoa eatali x li3hin a flute school the first week in january provided a aoffi- ciont number of pupila can baobutoorj for young gentlemen deetrouaof leanv ingoritnpruving tbemselveain be ait nf playing that pleasing inatninscol apply early for ticket as the nurn- lier will be limiteo george howe poster gddtfi k- bagot srt oat to mr phjppafu ktngaton dec 13thj844 cash for flouil the highest price id cash paid for x flourby r scobell jwast kingston nov 22d 1s44

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