the british whio am fljmfut- ntmtwntt run maw wium pimhlitl kumtvfuy- tivkkv tuks1v ptttday udward john dar1c21t- k d at tj1k athknihm r it t t vi iuivu lkh avmm pnal ihse hm oli ntliltrw lil4iiilaf i 11 rr lhmniii mii 101 dltvmhhl miilin nlnvr jmi li- n vr iim itir fctdriimu liinil m wr for rv nliiti nti m lyttilf mn viiiiah tviht iivniiu wwl iloii rtilmliiririhihi iii ihfmt4 l ttjlvfciiill- l iiflenlh wnl- r nuttc toftr yru liift4r4-rfhirtr-rtlvl- imvno tkn i sjtrrntibnil b ftitir lt itimlmm ftlllliiiflif jill it urcm cftiiiu trfnliin vi lmriitlm r wllllr hujm a4rrnirari tftaiwaitvf lf4rftf vt wuuh wmj wmi vw fay mi 1 oft pti slmrv in ih umw pfmrr j nl mi- pn-trtfrrel- prtm- and general advertiser for canada west vol xiv kingston canada friday january 10 1815 no 3 w1jcter fashions thoma sl ittle merchant talor frivccas btdeer kingston p eli most respectfully to intimate ah kcmi aw4 w p f to bb numerous customers and the i public rcneruliyihat lio iiosjust ivcciv- bouert b smilkv p rt i s t e it c a large ond varied assiltmiill of ujictniin lkrriihikksiinnnu wooldyed rroad cloth utlaremip- hi i- bcmmyfc ll imnwo irnn of ihe most approved sl3llo3 blltl oolllm l2 j p bo l i ir ui lvi9kins r aney j wee a and a v unciy of fancy and lanan venting adapted u robert mijcoumitk miepresent season which will he made new of k and london fashion ladies habits regimental and naval uniforms liveries feo fee mado up in a superior style on thu shortest no- i i rrv ill jricc and moat reasonable trims j- a mcinwj j n ttfuurorfivcmcatly workmen furrier jvd ildtter waded lo whom cootlwt ailoyintfui crock strcev klcitin wftssi spirits tns criiritries c pk1xe mtkuiit kingston furj nedf i to order on tt wttt furs of tveif dpsciiptlrtrt bcmjghl j nom wim be iven- tvidgttubi dec 10ih 1544 jayxes exikctoraxt j riaeaf iwiatm-iniimm- pm upujihwl cur- h4imtii eve t iimia ml wiki hnvtvej h fur alanm irtcl- f i l tlntf 1 craig watt accountants ontario strctt 1 k ii o w a rd rnixctss 5tkt i ffy appytiu mr ofcult bearding htmlfj kingston snkastmma ttiv u- aw- ulit tttltii 4 itir fif n fcil4 1 nrii i- a 1 1 r ltihtiid ifiomiiru h i mtv antiin fam orr tfc- mirijut rimafciint ihwn bv mt- i of a1 nif km ylrr mmrfl- h m itll inniv4 i- titr lt wkki itikf ibr krxr wh4v o nj itror iif iu icl rvri fhj i wll i i j i it ftcr 4 iw t milt uc- l luikltti- hriutfiul rvr fimiwi it pitt mlv i vmvwhr ly tit tt4tn frtrl jlrtwiv iwrt arut iiv ilr tra rfnr ttin tare nnciiou iir nlrifj u cwur iarrtn urtn mt ulr to pu imti in ji icotlvly nv- t4tr nr tmiri0 wlccll ii tlrv ii aiath1sox merchant tailor kin street ihe subscriber icopefifuly bees leave to iiifrm itia privdil and cmtanimjfmmnmhllrvmlk genlini tga nocoffei warehouse crpr o kjt orf bi v f jw ht clwntl esf ojct wilijaftlt martin respifcrrcuir inf f an the i ublictf- le n9 penw a bngeandclwce 8mbm crorrrits vines ujhwi fru le at iha above stand v j atteiition to the ivinttof bh cc- p ahlc to sell a vhi b nl sft price be impca to it o of their among hit stock w f following anirlea teas cigars itiiifppwilrr m vimmu ami uu hvaott w- sclcrlcb dotlrh cvilvuf coffee rrcait klmct rnli j jiij sugars i eil viieililm sirk lvt fau i borrisutt 4 attorneys of jc ajmccst stucct k i so i o s john a- macduxam atexanueu caajlaill mil kenneth mackenzie flsrristtfil law stucuv in fhuurcrr i icic clarrcc tritrp kivokto a fiw doors otor inlcitt wafrf if u q- ship cii i ivo j ifardy4 bmttji 0tri 5ul kingston trofttrn r ratckt ciiai cabu and an oioht oaiuw tah ntchi am m04ik naval stores of every ripitan h1fj llneij oil p a 1 t i vj da vii 1 it tin pa1 ntkit il i hit of mot superior uahty which lie ftill ell on the most liberal ternw or makeup io order in the latest ami ntft niprivid faslii4 liable styles on he shortest notice w inter vestikqs of every lc icription h mathison kintston nov s 1341- s93i montrral bis wimcr supply of i iiveivnshflafmsrt uhm m hroao cloths a xd cassimbres irfjjwrfeuaiald w a rntii iff die finest and simncsl fahncs and woltais worms worms n op nil iitm4 1 wuu ejumtat c apihwl fll hilveaim mvnii li vtluitmrh p 1 tmvi i- vtmlitiui w fclafoeint ifi mrfl t frit ffrj uftfatir- ih oau n iitr bfiw immm lt lir irfimtachi f o 4llehrft jt wiitlriiiv tnin oniiirt tiu mli jiif mtjjv ivim v hthi u imiutfitat-thki- t lmxtcl- ml fir uiiy ii- llifft oush tvtiktas itl h fio clti twm mthjyi ir ji uin ve 5fi jjyft 70xic vermifuge v t prwtiy nu imia fo iivi diriirni ain n rrnr lothr i ii rr lti lt v4iriirmlllor a if hi m mfrr vo tn mkj net u fin rnl u i nnrtihfhi jrtjiir ibrrrmo iiwnlr lwniiim m ittlifuittrrm wanted tob the qveuec marker nl quamily ofttaal ndla biare sphimaiaimiar kiivju ua ta white pine tinimer sffii ipifirfc i r l iwaeiifrttmb4iffriiri hvhi jak j imner nw mt nacm rairmi aoicimttitmkfi whit aflil ojr r riha ifftrrorfir floipw m p while ash uam roe ivk- i i w t nci r or which caali will be paid on dc- cf jmi i mm r i uvary ninarn tf for further particular- apply io lawltbawj motei aittcd i i 11 l l i il st critic 01 l- ntitvp l cjii itirt wixes port ltjnn tu hpaicna braxuv ntsjpmci itrjemttl i imi kvs brock simcl gin ilfjlfiaib aciiirjjttt j vii tics piiit iin amrh ivjiuy 4oiiafn do pfrtinmh krtftii ii i umjiiiit h dm p f ijm- u d maodoxald- myxe oflicc at the auction slmo or n- m san a t i v ic pi s j70r uftt caniiiudatj chii uiin1ir t uv ih mh f iimsj- ivk inaraj iuipu mud ju t t tfie skin m al- imparity of tin lieit lftjuiifni mtlm- al ftoh- siehiiplnll cvuvrnr- iih m ilv llt l si birli aaml lwu ihl- hmallr- lions rvtftl drivitltpftlr unit wbeairrr ait alin lite ur terti fihpiri ljv tieimievi taijf cmhuhi 11111 tfaatti ifmiryen frutm im i itiun lit 0lo iiiot ii ktfiup lari itr- hiriliii anlnviii kporuea aliviie wrnn ji lutf rinimr idiapiwtui ilm imlkf ilfn 1 tii j lie riii iim jm sitt sulphur millinery andjress making e crowlev t ii i n c t 6 stklkt klxotftutf ei 91 root 1 j votcmvnlnn ind cdriltt rubgt4lq feh ims ity private xale tf nitml iutct o 07 j iv ixiiry lucr 3 hlnu ua wl salorjlo a hiu ppiin9 sptruji rrulhin and vmio uuh itmalu hair utffrhii 8c c william warrtftfml kint nv- ali ll ts7li m howkkr suno e o v e v v s r as return kd to kitw ami mie lier nuumriileincnl utl pllll 1 1t i r ii- lilrm lilnl llct slillw kipm rl in- 1 m i pt ptr ii r l fl il rfc ivi twr imfl ronaccos ivmi4i4 nlllfotj iiur hnti di ltdlh tuipi riiikiti fitni cai i 1illthtf uh r ifitt ru smntr tlatk hiifk iriprd rayuii fkntof iii4vkif laanh dim jllltl shmfl thrvmli i ulrnt pi 77 kli3pir i wiaatswatii moi aici will he opciiid niiorilay next ihe 9ri ji t 1 ui i t i ktrgs w v i wirkwl in tbeir b kimmirtt nv 9th ism cw- 1 2w l miiue lcfi p v ktsbi a mr hu oo 1 3s3s5s s5srw a rsrlte rkvxhmkiiulx oi f cornf ofjirt sticet autt tftc ptarc dr umaitfia rimt wii i ti at m tirfjoiriiftg tht ptmroj mitxcll y i i a pi i tei m kmnton november i9tl s44 rntlomas paul veterinary surgeon fnm ihe ratal vtkuixamy caixcaai irv inimimrtkrrr duitlsi peiciodicai liter utloi ihi irti imm i- h j m iiii n v i l miom rvfprilully uifonn hie oifi4vt of iiir iumon am ilia lakakhumk if kffmvn 4 joi 1i5 vicinity hut tr haaepraed a lluit iirio krmlk vi rutst minm iw my reau exptieree j tt j nta u u nn ifm niy he found at puftbhaka klcs tix ttrtlu kiflptoft oit20 is11 fr 1fimmcjc nih in eujluul r in cn d lhfs anii l f llalk fc fashion a ble ta 1 1011 no imiicj ihli itaawww of iite anmoiml v r t va4 ur fcjwi f it estjblisuifat ibock stni kingston james richardson becis lfave to iufum his fritdaaud tlic puldic generally tlitt lie hu ta ken the shop firmeily occupied ly mi hilton wheie he ivid cecntu all urijen with neatness and punciunliiy he baa now on iiaod a ltrg autt mem of broadcloths cassi meres and vestings of the hel qualities and mot elaiot patterns whicli he will make up tonnki in the latent mid 101 ap rved rliiuu able styles on inodenitc term and at lh shortest piihle uoriev rtpgttodj augual 0u i8u 63 donalu mcmillan murktt sytttitr affflc v iwmtrd vuf respectulry calbtha atttm- iton of hi friend and die public in 2enera1 lo bin newly arrived luipoi- lattons frmi mnilreal and new vrk markctt comprising an excellent oamt ment of groceries wies spirits of the best jcicripiinn viz tci j untir rnii sutjm liiiln rimr bolllvd oiiu jil 1 m ytup sict kliir picking ihtnii4l wine unlmi dtibire ii ff i hthtjj da biii isajl ate willi a variety of other articles tio nil merousio mention kington xo 2d ism cigars a large asurtment of prlhdph kecaliai lliivana cberoeu cfi of the choicest brands fur sila at ihe grocery store of the subscriber w j martin e iuomv anit rmcuoni o the f fiu hilly ratifnlctii be can give be feci til fadlan to toy ioa who may rtrploy bun rbeiiiior proportion of cdis of unknot need a v ll ittv trrr ic 11 i3m hhl w lli vikruorr wc 1 f rrn iv irrinm h- u ikniny timi hfcpfvvi ifi win ji- niw nan nlcivleiuniim 4r tl nfj latniln crmiil iilir fm 4 hm hi nnl ar hlirnliirliiwhiri fmihllitfhili1 n nmlneetlbv imi shocsnxid il will be tbi siffjtjsss ffi t rv u i i i pl cinunt tire 01 i r to prevent umfns fry jpr ntfv ur r4nify n irmn uchcut5jnj to telierr thoe ii14i are l f ky rttrairtam irtflir irtlll t f r ih itll tt i k tltdl ltttl a 14 li 1 1 i 4t r m n m mt uiuf n it htnf urtmic wi itei 4 are llliiur- p ah opir4lloniirtcilinl to ihe hoi oiwiiuir i ed t cod trine iheii veriiim iultn1ii- ka american hair dvb k to let i ill st geokcits asscmbly eoux y feet long so wide and 11j feel high t- lct fur schuul ririnfl leelure tublic meetings or any uther piirjuie by the niyht week niiintbtor year and immediate puasea- tiva cao he given applv to walter bales paper hanger queen slrett kingston july l9lh 1344 6lf at private sale by the rtakaciitprti comenis of cne cse very snjinor iriah lnirn and oat case iaahaa hosiery t reiy low nr ouiii thomas ureel kbgklm i6tbjuly im4 for sale or to let rfllhe farm lot no 12 on the tj ne tlex desiiou of nrocu- riug nny f tbr fiitlnwlug publica- rloos fir is 15 will bave the j litem ti signify their swlmvsu ihe ubseriliei or any of their ageits willmnt delay aa utaucit their dtvfflnhi u cotiliiiuo in ptirtiiig a greater number of copies than wliat ute actually ibbaeribed for llitherii tho atumpt to aupplv the colony wiih ijrititli ceriodical litera ture at as kw nt as ihe foimcilv rbaried for the uoiied slates tepriot ba been attended faith much labor und expeuce but the scucritieiare indue lat i ic tymhtantrdriiiiiy h unibevtfh umtw q v v o auwina achrillie jim th4 4imrtlv h wilkiiminiuprtrilhrilitlitrlij m0m ulr 4 linjfopir t jir ii jjut fuj futnnri eiminnf lcvno pra ikv 60 cniit lialnla rrmuvktl hy javmys ii a i ii tom pr ann if2 itu di itu bfm umewul al my 7m d tliheoi v i v jiiaaaoi n f aiutterlv kh taynf haiil tomp crib- ptt2tit v 4 vv e 1eezx t v rw ii i iv hi riiiiii cmrfiiv mm j l nnihctiiaiiiijivori wikilvk h i rti 7 mwel i7- l hhkufn in iimj jiimlrtl t- ainivift haffiia miljv jt di song of the seawekd ay c llll cook t i am lorn in chrethif loutr wbere ihe dct hail no jiower to trail and lurti the aoy furn or irimplc dam the fair cafltftvcr i urn bom hnuijm iill cannot bend mv to iu will nunc can delve about my toot ami nurc me fvr my toomu nd fy j jih ira to vprjd and prow in my r m r j bed wtow j i 1 fcfvtk lrtjpf hcjil at the porpotie taiiiltktti oer mc and wn i go now hih now tow willi the ocvn wvrtd mvto rue 1 oin nijh the ijtdy 1i110 white mie trrr in the thn while the touih hki love own up urrjlhr bucci mid pclkccmi imiuu nliint ft frith yeuilr c kufij tn hull keep ray vtocr white the ftulr thronb i he day t4ielh utt her tide and idly ivuuln mc at play lpo the drovry tide slur j miuncb and rhe rtotil with ebsiin and cabe eift ubout bui til match my tendrih nc with her throuu nd hatyifd ji ow ihe red flh breal the t h ii ndc- volley huk and billow boil wiih hiinjp coil like hufe rwwc retted akc the mad vtiitj niar the mm lictl poor and srreaminj kud mid 4tc nid cloud tin- while fcdu oar divio deep and lovnf iigb ruuiid hut nfwe tup titers am t til at lti i uiount the mnii lj l he lilrt rixfheinfpinjr nrtt while tlkneicc and nuifr hun rib dnvn hie fctoul emciree till lie sharp and dimming ci j lcbocih the brimxei fhrklc another peal another dailit topjlimuu erith tnafpip eraih- qnick quick alt um4 i one jnihly freer and gin i pun- arc in he deep haifcl the haoty axe tclow whirh and rn wih mow to mow w i rt ktv t eii likea bulruji oo a fiwf still t lw inc a witt tlie piuc till a wilj ond i i cry tijttumj fcjrful vmrh idru hie nhtp bapj u hie mnt ij gone and m v uith jt i vow jnee ami dih ncin hrndukif ihmuli ih imwlin miin whie the lightning erowctb ronier andlhe thunrlcf tairlclh now i feci a hard hand cttitrh me willi a wildty wutc lun luitd wlio pa he wlio dam w toli me willi 4 fioc o lio0 mid buhl r tii u iiior young und brave bnubnc 0 hi- javninf erjte iien he tnnk lhit he can cun t the scnnecd nt4y atrinjr t do- he dteuui with fieniiid vtc of rttaimj rf and jvifij rope i he dti tie dnea bul odhiw inect and forinhi ehnewrnpod winding iheet whiie 1 iiunle with the wrealh tlf while foam ciirclin in hi teeth and iwiit und tannic iu hi wv aalha mbvntala ratm lift h and the bothy breavera diift him on the tiy and ban rocl ae tn i ototint my ocean fttted rolling on with corlcv b ee who vr ill foiow where i jcuj wlio will ride in uoth a ruscl co i rnh by tifl ami wrecks by viuhin heel tnd parting deek xn lhcftfobomhsijc lni lalnrig now ajkitt iha vm pljuk dajiun vp 1 o the flood ia iiv wiih adltr roam and firece lc my cataract o-nr- and i am ismwn ujmhi llc hhtlioie tjaanftt fttmfe rave on v wji ialfv vll jjy t it fcion und tnfc have jaj away nrw 1 have taken my ioure to ibe tiltoic where yijowf ami cnvr t he ciitjioi dc amber e jenely 1 dw m with ihu ioirenwthd jivlt where utaipctat are thick j the ttnj erb cambcf ik huaifab ne tilil in bb dowowjrj flight on bit ivriilun- fin i g while h wood fun not with torrent rpoet and he up withaikirtm blow wellerim in ml mcdl butt he flyetfa the coral dcipir and walluui aaioittlic niotry walk willi the lenc of a frantic woepcr lie uwu mv oil with u flout idling pan j j m caught on a ehtfcritohiub and ihcic i merrily dangle and twt oer llc brad of ihe rutrpu culi hie ur fiji coinc wiih bla qucochict bht aod a dwar al jura i be k fur be thintth by dy and he ttonctb by nijhi in the durktil and deeeai ca f wind in hi arm- und a wc glide leaoca and rcagihi nfr tj wercituain whr lire d phius hide inlhecaicnia rifd with ia oema ofnll horn fur a king lo ebooe hfe eoirui and cotfter are ruund the wcaihi and wrihi of an ulcm freht in the seafrtrfaanana tfa found tfcfe are peih for midiveur were iagntd for man bul the wave i a one und riht safe bar ard it murmur a dreaded ban i rcyc and mveinid jewtud altccn till ihcruutilu travel br and wiih him i ifaily awun to look at uie torrid ky t iae where iimj bark t aandin atill in ihe utt of a lull red mi while out ohter aeam and over hef beam tlic tricui5 piteb 6ng run oh worre it the groin that breaketb there than ihe bwtt o a ilrownincry tbry have bread in store and fleth to foarv but the water caat arc 3y many a yip iajotn for drink and madly calling for roiu and nme hut braiti are beinniri to ihiok of a nvcmatcsoprod vein naullvu nauttlu let ua bcna for 1 like ftm thit tu loik upon now nbhit the nii bay i am qurctty at pliy now llrf fhui liiltlm around now i lave the rocky mound now itviflly itiat aroundf t here ibeaurge and pelditea rualtc wurrn riuneii i rr my dripping branehe to expire fnr anarued r and mjmh inutr mto tide rreejr the wave cimi not t tear me from ihi birren aol here i lie for many n diy critpvl ilartttlhl n the ray till l willier aliiink ami eraek and m green km luvncllt baek sre l there eomclh aturdy rem but ttev wear no aailor blip no kerchief dcki tiwir lawny nca they fcfn no anvirt and rmunl crew ilark there cmnrlh tnrry alraint v nut muric tht t kniw ll due not thlof nomor ejnlni liienom wiih i iiv vo imt yot ti uy faith ws lticv afc ainxio and ihtu the iiho- na ifull u ioin uf iim ervi lrri t iliv tair iun alha o v i- llii i ami i 4 v co111141- rrnitttjfvlyip a- i pluutlji i nim i4 1 it the above mediae tot ftlf hv lnlh t j y nily n palmik m 1 ti- eiiievuiti beeu and aie 5pefl fttt rmser co uceniurr iub u 4 iiorscs to let thk bubiiciilfar gmiertil fr ihe rfytx urvt l tw e twvrale tovtata oh tho vraicahali be the umaafow eh inline mith fuf we com t ealher ihe of the aea to aaiekm the nin of ihe earth jtil ia it aifwrlh where nu mjn nnwcth ah thic and rirh and rlroiif ani it ncvtth our hind on the dcsnlalo atrand heady for rjkc and tonj so ffatfm and c rry or ofn wc ht4 the nurturing hel of ihe good seaweed rbtt rafi the viaic come tike a farewell oi your boaadbm ami billowy home no luaea will you dive m tlic fallioiilc cell iv kiji in the rpifkhn foam fur bom the tnto j ih jomet ami grciw ttu j ij1i tic eaticr bioid and carefully 1ilwi 011 lic mountain lebe to add to the harvest livard the lind inot be uud the idjer mul feed and the corn r be iklvd by the euod scawecd tin viaic ilh vraic p ic it on to the fire lit it crackle and auwkeiu tb wind and a itnouluvrin heap of itojuurc well keep in ihe ijic il oavtfh bchnid on lo the fuirolv on to the field dul to dvut 1 the cbioi ta wb il tbu pnnee atul jjijnn yield and ihe seaweed giwlll the aaliic- a younj r 11 u m in md toon he etpira tht land mul be bird the lijcr ftiwrf ftcd my rmi curling liiaavmlbv mmuit in the ui uiitcal um with the good cwecd lalci mid lhecaoiwandeajrrycrwa sl1cks descrikllon of th ihl beautiful se j ulvd 1 tt bear it away 1 if xfv vf rfihlwil all ermllyjarmirbetretclielorearh t o i m u t ffvaia ff 5ertu irtd tert sn of the attvcb n tprednie wave iiaa ion over the w f c j n but uuch hi ciiinimiicemetit in bus jeari inre f u ai iwdkshorve nlbake by e ssxfss l h e r t 1 1 t li 1 0x01 rm ik ii imiimnn and 1i10 rutuic in general pcomaalifitl ivei hc f jj it llh earned mcbaejifrnrntwhoi j while slrulliii abiuit tltc nciglibourlirmd p ironnectej willi ll rlhb farm lot no 2 on the kntn and tlo iubfie in general cuk ie whlc e min btk4jdf tlr great caiaraqui d ililflmlltm be itu julty eleemel dwlca uc 0 firairato dider itivit tmvniii rd piliaburk within tbejjltftwthiil be thrin jure 1 viz rliai 0 pott v f me mile ttf tlic vilbuje of raniefield i wuuubrcw kecrow v alt and hop lt t iu nrljoininq tbe firnt ciililllioiog upwarrl- of 00acits 60 of i mliiicd mouse milvctvi wilh t wlitch are in a state of culiivatimu ont would intimate lltit beliaiiiow on tbtflrwt of the lot in inlf fiuhi a a large blmv of ucttal ami litk filled in with brick and pointed rl i itl be can eiuilidenlly offer to feet hy 22 feci also a new flame llwowombupr aa good article barni 53 feet by 39 fcet- w-0- urdoracu bo left with mrs immediate inhativiimi can be civeo atkins fo of at the liiewery ad terms can be known by application jiug the tul g4iu front fiaj leadiuy lo the subscriber at poinr hemy or at l m iuieinmeni hiu the office of the british wug georoe hart kjdgaton december 4th 18 mp ah uaoox kingsion dec i8u1 1844 chmicl au ncws to iatcn on- month rat baktfy kent moderate to p prumr 01 hbwin imi hameii ttwuliottao prtwcrvj k fc r 11x harvey kington 5lh iu 1544 69- tf joji n h- gkeeb kn and the oan child be liold ine fjf far frvin the of the lowjt this aftcfh0p0j wo pacd land- wbat cirlunrl tflitk wuum have called ievcral little deueumrulji of young bjic- bclo0fln 10 a loanling school each del ncri merit having at t head an nfliccr uf the estnbliibmvnt- youth mfto- eence and bcatily have always great allmrlinuscir me i i1k0 youn people i uvhglil in talking to tlivm tliere is a jiirmiantal and tjooytooy about tbeuiand they nro so tull of lite and hop it re vive my drooping ipirit it i- ngrreable recollection- and malm nie feel fr ilie time at ci that i nm young my clf u l ok at those beautiful cvaiiw i jiaid mr- mieli tlieyaecm as happy aablnu joat fcupod ffuffl 8 ro yea said be ood whai a cursed shame it is lo pm cm imo a cage at all lie ruas through the tlburf lot vain ihe endea 0bf 1 am fonc my fair boy i am sjonc ond for oeer tliou wdt cove i full many bright thmet but take bod they elude not yonr ap like the pctiy sea weed now i am mcl in my wide career by tlic kaopib driving faal a btoad and aaillea boat ntha near and a lilhc rope runtfcib juit hnrk that plunge whi eetaeth bre- wiih hn aod purje trad fitthcsea king pierced with ihe jagged upear the cteanng and furnnia whac in the wiit tnrlpetth old lioii mrv plantation had a rap fnr 1h iirtse nrt a great cnoruiooi mum and all tta iititp darktea wan put in there and jpcvxijed witli mealvitlola by rtomcold kftom and ihey were m fit i chicken atid a itttif acrickeu you never ace auch happy utile imp of darkncm liice yob ivaa bnrn and their mother nont off to 1b filil- tu work it taved jdunlr ahd urw and labour and time is rnoner au9 tt xvarnl a bad contrivance well oj3 bunion juo sitirge and aurb aort bt caitle of the audilion iweed nflm iher hctn of thu went a ruann und a i ow- tn aboui nil over england like cotvi that bad lost their calve about the horrid cru elty of these nigger coop now lbeao boardinxchoid for gau here is a hundred thousand timei ivu than tte nier mieric wn mothera semi their children here vauie they are loo lazy to tend em or loo ignornt b teach eiu tlieftimuca or caue they want em out o the way that ihey may go into company ami not to be kept to home by kickiu arjueelin gabblin iriit ami whac do they larn here why itirthii iftlh they had ought to nnd evcrj ihiix that thy had ought nol lo they dont love heir parent cauae hcy haint l- that care and that fundin and protection and that habit tliat brecd lovf fpoti uooi grow in cold ground 1 can tell you it must be sheltered fitttfl ilie froat anj pro teclcj from the storm and watere4 wiih lear and wanned with the hrrt of ihe heart and the soil be kept free from nrodaj and it mui have atippori b leah n and lie tended with care day and night or il pine grow yalkr fade away and ihe ita a lender plant iilove or else 1 dunl know human mtur ihalal well tin parents dont love thcin nother juctmert otn get tftttnt ns lt dxbatritr the same cauttaasnuat make folkalovo their children thai make their rhildreh love ihem- who ovar liked another rtan flowerwiirjen an wed a hi own did you ever see one that did for i aever did i he haint tonded it he haint fratctf- ed il growth he haint aeed the hud untold and blooifc they rrowedup under hit eye and hundthtait attwatd lo tum ond datft cvre plucks cct and then who can teach religion biff a mother j religion is a thing of the affec tions lord partons may preach afti week may make sponsea fur ever bift ihef wunt reach the little heart of a chittk all i got i got from mother for lathe was o almighty impatient if 1 made the lealet mistake in the world itt readin the bible he oed to fall in ami dvrcar fibo fc trouper and that piled allv mtniaet vvai always kind and gentle but he was pld nnd im a gs iuscin so far olf from ftchudv that il listen with awe carvuke and runt away scrcmin wilh ddirt a ooa a i over and forget oh ita an onnaiural thing in tear a poor little gal away from home and from all ube know and ijv and shove her into a house of granger and race ot and leave her oh what a right of little tottta i mua stretch so that they arc never no good arterwards nr else snap vm righi horj off hotvitoiwi bovwn the heait and ireailtlinvn libe yopna pivuiut fdellhv u thai they ctii mvxf jnatf np and ripem why a uail oujhl he nothing but a lump of uuvction as a mother careyi i iiichcn is nothia but a lump of fat not that she has to love jq much but to endufo 10 inueh not thai hc has to bill and coo all day for they plaguy soon ct tred df lint hut that he has to gm op lime and give up i e i i nation a d alter her like and iter her jidikc end do every thin and lear every iliin and all fur affection lie ooil io hiw o that duty is a pleasure for vatrc tare is no lore ihert wilt rleitd duty done rigm you wouldnt heaf of to many runaway matches if it warn t for litem cufscdhnanrinmctriiils i vnow k young chap see on of these atntflrftffottl gal a goin a uollii and impure who hc i and what sh if he hears he hiis a great fmteo and known vfce has greit beauty splendid el ahe ion sbft has been laosil to sland strati and walk straiu like a drill servant she kftowa how to get iiiiu a carriage and show no legs ami to pet out n nne as much onlike a beai and as much like a lady as possible never ufarn fmt bul like a driver head fusl she crn tand in first second or third pa ritioii lo church and hold her book and her elbows graceful very important church leaton thm loo much more than ihe lessons parsons reads- then ahe kaotvj a liille liny prayer book makes a big band look huraceou and a big one makes u look small ond beside she knowa nli about aorile the smile to set with or wal with the sin hi lo talk with tlie smile o surprise the smile acorny and the smile piteous she is a most accomplished gal thataa fact how can it he othertrhe ii ualurf aint he at a female sefsinar where though tins mistress dont know nnthiii die can teach every thin cau il a fiidiionuulo schwd and very ariato iralic and very dear il must begoodit costs so much and you cant get nothio good ciithiiui a gnr d price that a foci well a for ion hunter watches and watcher till he ailracu attention and iha moment aha lnoka at htm hi eye iclls her helnvcsher crcaiion man yoa might a well walk over a desert of gunpowder hid with litocl mmics aud flint hcelich tell that io a gal fur tin first time whoae heart her aclioumialres and her mother had both undo her feel was empty and that all htfr education wrutto write on a papv and nut in its window lodpna to let herd hi a sinto man she is all en a cotiflusturgaiiun in 3 inmutc a lover a real lover loo not a schoolboy but an eletnt yuung man jiiat such a one as she had hecred tell of in novels how ro mantic aint it 1 and yet squire how nate- rnl too fur this poor departed gal lo think like a fool ful and act like a fool after ward ainlitl she knows she wim made to grow alone and that like a vine she ought to have un11iifl to twine round for support nnd when she ee this man the iiltlo tendril of her heart incline right that way at once 11 but thco love never rtns smooth how in the world arc they ever to meet seem ihat ihcre is a great high bricfct wall atween them and she is hot up most of tho timet ah there is the rub you know dear t there i but on sat wav ovelvm of vvoroeid only ojk rtrt