Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), January 6, 1836, p. 2

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hwthcdi tjiut in order o prevent animosity nnd cxciteme it among neighbor to fiiciliiarc despatch anl ti elct a fair nnd impartial election we diem ir expndiec 10 elect out throe commissioners one t tn cltitk one assessor ami one collector by biillnt the names or the candidates voted for to be written or printed en a slip of paper nnd banded to tbc clmmuan nnd by him safely deposited in a box oriailiueitlti place and to bccommtil after the vo ting has ended carriet 4 moved by john percy seconded by wm f empy resolved thai thtfl meeting deems it expedient in order that voters may have time to reflect upon riac persons tbc most capable to fill the most impor tant situations that iioiuiualiods should now be matle without reference to party politics bnt merit only and that nominations be printed in bill or made public in some manner until the township meeting carried the fallowing persons were then nominated as lit candidates for the different situation commission j l- fralick benjamin ham john asselstiue john percy john hes d c smith nathan fellows elijah svriizer able p forward john c clark bowen aylsworth colin mckenzie milton flak steven warner town clerk w j mckay i dean michael ameutme paul shirley jacob ham ebenezer perry collector john he james ilofle frede rick keller john g switzer samuel vroman j 8 clute benjamin ham assessor- john he john asaelatinc michael aaeebtine muhcw claik robert aylsworth eli jah swiizer a mcuonell 5 moved by d c smith seconded by j l fralick resolved that a committee of seven persons be chosen to meet on the 3ut day of dec to form a code of bylaws for the consideration of the freehold ers and householders at the ensuing town meeting when the following gentlemen were chosen viz a p forward fienj ham michael atfselfttlne n fellows benj clnik j i switzer and john as- eclstine carried 6 moved by d c smith seconded by f keller resolved that the secretary furnish a copy ol the proceedings uf the meeting to the respective edi tors of all the journals published in kington and request them to publish the same carried moved by e perry seconded by j l fralick resolved that the chairman leave the chair and that b f davy take the same carried ft moved by j l fralick seconded by n fej low resolvedt that the thanks of this meeting be gi ven to the chairman fur his able conduct in the chair carried mrchael asselstixi chairman eafcxezgii ptiafty secretary ernesiown 24th dec 1831 riul these were the fees untd on live ininutes labor fc8 on two great sohis to he paid to the receiver at 70s xi 0 0 few on 2 do t the secreta ry at 23 id 3 6 3 two oflicc ccrtiliotes 0 10 6 i l province recm p 9 16 s currency avmeut front mr isinck d cameron sccv all the vtoek subscribed in the lotujttltf western and gore districts und paid in would not equal the value of a tingle clergy reserve lot of 200 acres at one pound per acre mr justice macaulay was called to st catharine as on arbitrator along with mr frant powell and tenor twelve other he was detained 13lay and his charges were merit to negociate wiih iliat nf the cniictl states for the trammission of british srondnand merchan dize from the united kingdom w upper ft via new york from hm trniwinved t the meet- ins it is evident that line mercantile intense ol the city is in favor of the measure though on a divist- unbdne called tr the nttcmbew of that body were outnumbered by those ul a contrary opinion the 1st provincial the following verdict muftdkft- on the night between sunday and mondny last a murder under somewhat mysteri ous circumstances was committed in a tavern kept by one hart an irishman intliis village it av sears that the deceased who with others had been rinking the night before wnafmintj on monday raornin lying on the floor of toe bar rnomnpparenu ly in a dying condition thereupon he was carried to bed and shortly after he died a roioners inquest was held on the body and after an unusu ally protracted investigation was returned on wednesday thnt etuiii coleman death was produced by a fracture of his skutl as stated by the phvsicians in their depositions which fracture wan inflicted by john harts during the mfffat of sunday 20th decern her instant tbc only direct cuddies thai came before th jury wnstbatofa ifiml named samu who ale 1 1 in harts haue on the night of the moidcr thi man stares that during the night he heard n distur- laucc in the bar room that he went down klniia in see what was the matter nnd on opening the door saw hart mrilca deceased on the head ailh a tkiirol ongaor a wick there wm no evidence to nffcci il c validity of this witness testimony but an the contrary it i corroborated it ponir manure bv collateral circumstances such be noire and fiiditing having been in the house on the iiiht in quivtjuii nnd other acta which were nroved by mvcmi wit nesses who know nothing ol the fatal occurrence at tilu uim itart ins been comnitted to niagara jail for trial 8ft catharines juumvl four of the prisoners confined in the jail of thin town made their escape on mondnv night last b burning boles through lite door mi ihe north side and forcing the iron bidts hack qrfn fwhose trial took place at oil lust assises fr the murder of stewart was among the parly cornwcm obstr 13 days at xi per day as arbitrator 2nd thtsaue 13 days as advi ser of company in mr 3rd- 13 0 0 bonbons i bseiice at 11 45 10 0 his tavern i bill w trnc n diiys 2 2 g meeting comequemly frtawad of adopting ihc pen non rejected it aulio the petition dirf t meet willi the concur- renctf or the mitjoiitv present today we undereinnd tht it will be presented the provincial legiala- i tore aa the petition of lc merchan s of loronto j all of whom we belitvtf are favorable to the luea- sure hence we expert to see the peiiuon meet wiih jthe inom favorable enumeration from the i rovin- 1 cial parliament in conseqecc of the number and i he respectability of the tmea which ill be affixed to it knowing as the irfgiuw must how direct- ly the interests of the itvince is bound up with the miccess of the mercantile and commercial com- ninnity this hurried nonce of the subject must i suffice till our next tonto courier from ac httlnd onnl conduct of the capitalist and 0 liters of state to- wards the wdtamt cana we may here with great propriety ask the ques tion did the rich cipitaliss opulent hind owner ami principal olliccra of upper canada manifest their anxiety for mental improvement either by giving doiiatiuna or enlwciibing stuck 1 a perusal of hie companys bonks autl papers enables me to reply distinctlythat they did not on the contrary ihcv in general refused loaid the undertaking to i ho extent even of a single dollar colonel talbot col uurwell the canada cmtipany and many other great proprictots took no stock aliho their lands were expected to be greatly enhanced in value nild as ffftthu givcrnment oflkcm they compiled reporis and other doivirnents calculated to induce strangers in other countries to give their innnev inn they gave of uieir own utile or none the lion mr mcdillhad lands in the west but lie took no fltock the powell family took none judge sher wood took none and meosf clark street ha milton grant and thos win dickson shewed a great want of public spirit else they would have fniccceded in carrying the canal to uuecnsion or ivitgara and placing iisfunds in more careful hands jhan they full into mr dunns subscription of 40 shares was much 1ioated of in the public papers hut he speedily gut nd of 30 of uiem io chief justice ridiiion to to qualify hhn lor the direction hi 1896 again jtl mn1ilg37 mrhm mr darrv iluulton came into the icrccijoij he bought nu trtock 10 help the work hut borrowed ten share from mr dunn whicll wirh the jo he had before qualified him for a j whmmrjyvarcybihiiion went out in may lt10 he paid mr dunn his t shares back hgain hichlefthiinrm diuin20 rhalf liii ori ginal subscription in j826 on he 3rd of april mr merjll lent mr john glarko of lis harv- to quality jinn for ibo dimetonjlun j and the same day he was elected 1333 mr chnfc becnwc a icikiomr oliver thelps and vacated hi scat at hie aird and in january 1849 he reconveved to ft lle n0r stock rjin hon d cameron the secretary gnu np- warji of 1000 sterling a year bw nil office for wlieh hi in alnn allowed a depmy lie bjk no ca nal stock whffll one of the cmipanys coutiac- mtb ran offio ihc united slates it was necessary to ft the official seal t prove some debts due by him jego 12 6 besides their private bills the arbitrators drunk brandy and wine within the 13 days sept 8 1s2g to the value of about eighty dollars but ml macau- lay and mr iram powell neither took a share nor gave a donation to the canal chief justice robinson and mr h j ft mil ton had resolved at the ouuet of the work to be liberal as the extracts will shew extracts of a letter from hon j ii dunn to w h merritt esq dated york sluj july 1834 your agent has been able to get donations of 100 each from hie solicitor and attorney gene rals you should send a circultr to his excellency and as he is not willing to be a member of the com pany he may give a donation 1 turned to the leger under the title donations it contained one solitary mime he catholic bishop of quebec for co -in- bad paid bis money as he had proiniscij not so with messrs itubinson and uoulion their hundred pounds each is not to be met with on the canal records and sir peregrine maithmd and sir john colbornes donations to the cainil are not vol promised the crown lawyers however were willing to write reporis and compose splendid though vision ary prospectuses which although they deceived the th british wh kingston wednesda evening jan 6 183g later from europe the packet ahip wtmlhmg ca moore from london has arrived at w ywk bringing lon don papers to he evciiimff of the hilt november the account from frarip contain the positive in formation of ihc america g daffaires hav ing demanded his passpti from the french go vernment and his intcnip tminediately leaving paria on his return to the um siatca il appears mr bartort on awaay the 7th no vember in consequence v frcd instructions from washington transmitted the duke de breglie a formil application for hi pi3sporis on the ground of the nonperformance p tilc p of french 4iovcrninent of the treatf negotiated in pans in 183125000000 frart indemnification for the spoliations committed on american property under the uerlin and mn decrees the pass ports it seems were duly delivered the same even ing uud mr barton bad wnoonced jia intention of quitting iaria on the fthowing monday the french papers continue 9 reat the matter with nuichiudillerence speakiu confidently of a contin uance of the same friendly fccl w has so lung existed between the two fcp they will not believe that that feeling cafl j disturbed by the pal- non-inter- lenrntl now i ir bmilton n ina public did not induce the writers to take much per sonal interest in the work mr josenh wenham iry consideration of a sunl y f the secretory in a letter dated nov h 1s26 says j course act they have no floubi mil be the couse- have given your memoranda to the attorney i quence which may exist h election of ocufriil hiow chief justice robiiifon who with hr van duren as prebidel after which occurrence lltey consider there will b no ou ft obstacle tu mi aiulcame auauiietilw ie diterences eist between the two natioiy- the french funds wcrciot disturbed by the an nouncement of mr bartoija immediate departure a circumstance which iscomidcrcd as a sure sign of the decree of levity with wlicli the french look on the aflliir in london however the news had the effect of causing a deprcssrm in the consol market which had not altogether itccovcretf when the last accounts came away siong naval preparations arc continuing to be made at toulon vessels re pairing and considerable cpantities of artillery arri ving these warlike tokeis have given rise to ru mors in paris of an immediate rupture with the americans and that these flww are intended 10 act against the american teir destination had even been hinted which was tin of the balearic isles in order in case of war to slpt the mediterranean as a place of refuge against h americans the london cpuyier qf 9l thus adverts to the event and the spcculaions coijaequem thereon the american charged a ftirts mi baitun has demanled liis paspoifc and though nq answer has yet btiyi gjvn there is no fjoubt umt he ilj leave paris and thai tho pencil charge d affaires will leave washington seofour contempora- rtes are already spiuniug jut the consequences of this state of things into a nm- intercourse act a good deal of mutual national suffering and finally a re- rouciliati on ilia ucccssp to the presidency of mr van btiieni these t for extended specula tion but no doubt seems v be entertained that the friendly relations between he two countries will be interrupted ereaily tu the mjury uf both admiral de kigny wko dmmaoded the l i- qiiidi ris un lhe7ih of november of dropsy in the chest letters dated toulnn speak m very active pre parations in the inariuine arsciiiil at that place repair were in active progress ujion sucji els as neodtd them and couidtrhhlc quantities of ar tillery were arriving theenoral impression mm to be however that algiers is the destination of ail these mjssijh and it is ly no oieaiu a secret ihat the itmmimir to the french in that quarter is sncji as to cull for very strong reinforcement- tue duke ol wejitngrou has bteti serioimly ill he caught a severe cold at stmthtieldaye and was seized with spasms oi ins rtuhl o apsley hiiusl on ihe2ud on the 24th three or four physicians were constantly in atiemlaice upon hint he kept ilia bed for ihree day but ia now considerably bet ter the viws this nmriniig ijives with a header a long address irom mr alkxander raphael to tbt elrctomuf the county ihcirlow r professed ub jcci of which is to justify die abaiaonment f lix seal in the houc of corwioiih after ihv case had been only partially gone into heforc the election commiltre appointed on tlie petition of messrs bra- en and kavamtgh the facts as we gather theui from the trparlc slatemem against ocomiell ap pear to be these mr raefiael had lung boon de sirous of obtaining a seal in the house ol com mons and in may ust apjjliel to mr ocounell for his aid in procuring ihm- tlm repreniaiiuu of cirlow comity sunn became varanr in ron- kcauenec of ihc sttthltf members being unseated on petition and mr ocuiinell advised mr uaphiel to start for ljurlnw as itiuight be long before he would again meet with aafe a speculation after some demur raphael agreed to become a can- mr bnulton now chief justice boulton has un dertaken lopiepare u report mr dunn appears to have considered that the name of sir p maitland a tower of strength to the directors in these days and chief justice boulton wrote mr merrit in 1335 thai lie had an intention ofnflermglhe company 10000 acreeofht sel kirk tract at ftjo000 and that if they would pay him si0000 in cash ho would take the rest in stock and he hinted to mr l that if iheydid not do so the land would fetch 6 an acre when the canal had been cntihrouh it although mr boultous land was reckoned not worth a shilling an acre previous 10 the opening of the canal he now aafc ti and i believe tlmt his stock subscribed is only 20 shares 50- the law bills will show huw easily he paid it the canada land company purchased an exten sive tract in the london district on lake huron rt almost a nominal price and they own besides much valuable lauded properly the price of which lias been increased by the wetland canal for its advantage they promised to itakc considerable sock in the canal or lend it 0000 i have perused an extensive coirespondeucc between messrs m giilivruv jah eathope bi ml ton dunn and nthete on the subject of the aid promised u he canada company to tluj canal end consider the conduct of its managers to have been as mr dun in nae of his letters happily expresses il extremely habv on thurndav evemuq an extraordinary meeting of the britlsll ii corps was held at kaunt xelm huieu when the following letter from the i ivvrnol in chief to the meinoiial ol the corps was rend s caslltiofst lewis iuebcc gentlkuksi have irecuivml and uid bebre the covernor in chief your memorial dated ttie 23 itift in which on bclitilfnf youivelvea and others i vou piy ihe sanction of his ivxccllcncy to the or- ganiisaltuu uf eight hundred effective men in mon treal under the apltation of the british rifle i clinmaucled the fi on m the battle ufnavarilloi mid recently ktwy tmh 4uhiw mo inters died at pa corpi for the purpose of assisting as for as it may be in your poer to preserve inviolate the connex ion which exists between ureal britain and lmvei canada and to maintain unimpaired the rights and privilege confirmed toyou by the constitution i am desired tu acquaint you in reply that the connexion and the riehts which you mention are not considered by hi excellency to be in danger uid thit if they were their safety would be best provided for by the authority of the government il not by the foruialinu in a time of entire peace of no armed corps at the instance of private iudivjdu- algi suell a measure is calculate not to promote tin good purposes you slate you have in view but oo the enrtrary to endanger the public tranquility uhtch his excellency desires me to assure you he is resolved to maintain against all attemptsi from whatever quarter proccdiug to the full extent of the powers vested in him by taw i have the honor to be gentlemen your most obedient humble servant s walcott cvitjy scrrrjary francis c t arnoldi m u francis hunter kobnt weir jr aaron philip harf robert macfcay esquires it was reaohed that the committee sliuuld pre pare another address to his excellency staling on what grounds it was deemed necessary to establish a rifle corps in montreal and thai in the mean time the organization of ihc corps should proceed as if nttiuuri hart been received from his excellency the next meeting will take place at kaunt7s nel son hotel olltlwrsday of which due notice will be given in the newspapers lon herald we understand thai mr ryan is now editor of die irish advocatr hviaa lltie hearted irishman of no ordinary tnleat and we have no doubt but thit uudtfi his management tlu advocate will continue to prosper we underhand that an answer was received in town yesterday from ltrd ciosford to the imemo- rial which was tranfmiutd to him from the rifle corps committee t purport of rhe reply is that the rights of british subjects are not considered in danger and thit if ihey wtcc thmr blety would be best provided fur by the authority ftlieuoncmr llieilt anil not by the formation uf an armed corps in the time of profound peoo at the instance of pri vate individuals nttruhif toyricr a public meeting m held this day in the town hall agreeably to public advertisement for the pur mr hamilton wut eventually the inonny was given tn ivi mini ii raphael and vigors were returned petition was presented agamst them and a tory rommiitee appointed tn try its meiiw it became oecessarv lo prepare for a defence and raphael was required to pay the second 1000- j hia he re fused alleging ihat li was only bouud to rurmali he additional sum ufter his neat as the let ter of qcuunell guen almve whtta written in raphaels presence and delivered into his hands by oconnell himself proves that he was tn pay the second 1 000 on being nftpwa at length after an angrv note from oconnell this sum wui alao paid it soon became evident that ihe sitting mem bers had nut tho least chance before ihe tory com mittee bet stitt raphael w felled to pjocecd at o- connelf expense this it appears was not the plan of the latter he was not suohn simpleton as uaphael seems to have supposed him so after a little further struggle on tho part of raphael the case was abandoned and the lories were reseated spee tutor a west india house in bristol has advertised foi thirty young men used to agricultural labor mid twenty young wo ncn accustomed to the same pur suits for colonizing one of the healthiest and plea- santest spottt in the island of jamaica eight persons werv drowned in largs bay on monday evening tho glmgo courier gives the following particular of the calamity the hero steamer from want of water and a high well on the beach was unable on her way from millport to touch at the pier and tn cousecpience the passen gers went out on board of a small boat but it had no sooner passed the end of ihe pier than it was struck by a couple of heavy waves which complete ly filled it with water at the same instant twelve individuals were suddenly immersed in the sea the alarm on the shore was indetcribably great but boats were put off with as much despatch as possible to the assistance of the drowuiug men and after very great exertions four perton were evcntuallv saved 1arip the trial of fteschi nod his accomplices begins to attract a larger shine of attention hs the day fited for its commencement approaches il hae beep for some lime the cue of the republican journals to represent the principal uimiual as in a state of mental derangemrnr at one lime we aie told that he in in such a state of elevation as to have fallen desperately in love uiih a lady of high rank the wife of the grand kefereudary of the chamber of peers whom in all probability he never laiw in hia life and most certainly never within the walla ol his pi i son at another he i described as irretrie vably sunk in the lowest depths of despondency the object of all these idle t nitrons is to take off by anticipation the effect of the extraordinary disclo sure which fieschi is expected to make in the course of iix trial if any confidence at least is to bo placed tn the assurances ot those hn hum their o toxin i position have the best means of know ing what has transpired in the course of the prelimi nary investigations the disclosures of fieschi arc all directed towards the implication of the leaders of the most violent section of the hepubhcan party and this accordingly is the motive aligned for the imputation of insanity which has of late assumed so many different forms with regard to the order of procedure it is understood that the report ol count tortalis which will be read on ihc 16th inst will instantly be converted by the court iuto an act of accusation when a reasonable time wl fae grant ed to the piisouero to prepare their defence du ring the interval the cases of the luneville conspi rators in connection with the april insurrection will be proceeded with and it fcsaid that the mili tary members of the chamber of peers who form as you are aware a very considerable portion of the whole number insist on the last penalty of the law being inflicted on the four sergeants of cavalry who belonged to that cciion as indispensable to the maintenance of discipline in the army should such a decree be prouounoed the koyal dene icy will of course bo interposed to slay the execution spain as we expected the accounts of carliat victories brought by he sheffield prove to be almost entire ly apocrypha there were skirmishes o i the 27lt and 29th of october near viuoria in which the ad- vantiige and joas were about equally divided but no change of position took place inconsequence ac counts from madrid however are highly favorable to the cause of the queeu tliey come down to the 3lst of october warlike preparations were proceeding uilh ex traordinary vigor on the 26ih a contract was ktgiied forth clothing of 50000 men by the first ol december and on ihe mi another waa concluded lor 50 00 mn deliverable at tueanic period onefifth of ihe levy of 100000 men would ir wita caleulaietl purchase their exemption by pavmem uf 4qq retflti 40 which puffl would nearly co ver the eosts ot eipupmeut of thcreuiuiniug 80000 volunteer regiments were being raised all over the country letter from uilboa nf the 31st of october an nounce i hut 4h l the preceding day the english divi sion wiih tteu bvttlie at its head mill the division of jaiueguy el iur left that city mid matched by the ltulniaetda road lor vfltorm moved by mr tfaams wjuoii seconded by mr joi coualctj tlit ths report now roml be adopteil upon dicuffion a motion in amendment was made by mr dawc and seconded by mr t smith kujoucdjthat thcktchof the dill now laid bekrre ttwe rneeirng be published in all tlm kinriton papci ami that ftfa meeting be adjouraed till ihuday week tu afford time for ent- idcralion to meet st the uiul place and upon motion of mr john counter and seconded by dr barker l clnnrman do leave tfae chair and that mr mccumffii j the same carried movedp thai the uianks ofihe meeting be votad to oiia for tillable conduct id tbe chair carried wm wilson a maxahan scrrj infernal criticism staa pmrfeataaim tfatanon his throttt svrrounrftd ly lucifer f btittlub am ttiodajj mttmmon and other dci iml ltiatr dtrils courtiers among trh m art to be seen thespiritsof many destiguilt mortttu tht a benci imwtdiauty bfuno the throne art suited dr fautt dean strifttfnd william cachet in judges rubrs at the tur art jlutid coiinthian tom from fa climniilc o m vsalm singing surnfiom the hrald dirty ihdcfrom the spectator and blatkjaek of on whig our dutiful nnd loyal subjwu liail t n more i our imperial court convened to judo lliu urtioii jmi reward the woith of our sulialtern piht om drdijd tliie day our earthly devila annircrnrr 1 to investigate ami criticie their latur d laboni iaourlowa of kingston pur iliat most nolilu plnce is dear tout and merits well our kindest condescension thctl le it known to all assembled here thai in nor royal wiidurn wm appoiut our well beloved fuutu and dm dean and cnbbtt lite rcthlwned omonj mankind as ur associnto judge now tin clerk will read tint new yeurs vermil of each imp and thennm coutirillors will n tlutin oor i up ibtir i i i- and riposte thsir fnults i and after rill impartial ditqutiiuon our justice will iblifoute award of each ijfti ojcvilll intunrm prccrdimico niaiatabi and with corinthiin torn wcb now uogiir ftka nat lsui address of the cnnoicl tnn it rcadtyttit cuth tf the cuttrl vh raostcji your mtjisiy and my lfinls rrf ilic cottatttft a tooeliing this prtklutiiuii llurrn is in my pinita inrt ithu fnipnmen necemary the latilts are uhvinuji that lk tsterest norict could detect tlivtn and thu ldemtii qinluica io n tbat i cannot for ihaibv bring diem forward tv plead foi a miligatiou of your censure nst lalta wmi of ranunaikal accuracy great iucnnioily nf tj it i i hunk fat leading fanll after spurring hit pugasti ttloiit lurion fr innw my lpits llhwpli 1itvlt a it wri m pi ihelnihn ik an intttnee stop ilrtpwby what ihe devil cki have meroy my m ij nhher adrilc whit farce ii thia cli t madam what iit yon intmn that thin vou ilumble or are yuo mad f or drunk i whaidnyou grumble f mount you old tatmm uf b old ling jjuiu ill wntj tu llalieun fur our nuiclus-t- agjiirt and how now rny lady mua why an you fdter aain to death and the dc 1 lu r- me a i t r t shes pnlc madam what put yon in luvuiks stop sho begin again the nknin iu ac and yet sgain sue thai arch irrtitor slop slop any ldy miue you stay ijo luni in erin n you cill livr sblood dont uo know lnttouvfl tulrivel farther l ik poking or by jo from itriiains shores and atill nnrnc noildin pfnpfaelk nnhliu llm deiil will you uf lur4ipc iwvr atop to diiril thcso am a lew speriuirm or the hltatfi glaring crmr r style but wvro i mclioed in be hywrritieal i coqld leave no halfdtizen hnoi nneoiitlemnrd n pfteli rl pieces pfthisde- rription an aocmjft al higli wriing should te a nmvri mil if once fldoptd should lc inainlained ihrooghoql i voudcutn this production cnt itt most poetry i moni or lc riiihlhh imi this piece down- riht rigtnirole haltas mmh umtisrihu anil lud rammar shoum damn an tiruvo lirtcu tu tlieae linmtj npd if yui majety and cnaaril dovlare them taulil bgt dl lamhat t never was hrililt m iv calmly und pah u taenia lite yiiikiiij niono lnukitit iili kilufua wenrn 4ie imvw ko tfmio si doos thu muse i rainniiiiiv iew i fling lion llwibtlitl its mwmtk vatutd him and while ihr joinl tmr in rtnthv- hiotvs oil strikes her wiu harp to orrow wtiljnc smtf thu iniomfol tadenee iih through leaheoi tiees floats in lltitair enddw upon tbabrviso now fir aumitiei uleginl eira t a tbottvand renlm buuinl bv old nrean tjwn thu control ureiifllaild v mutlily kinttt whoc imuaies ringed in loyally lug x array ti bcnjret didute ind oconnell undertook to pny nil hia expenses for a certain stun the terms of ibis con iravt will appear from itw wlowillg letter of ocon- nell- 9 ctarge street ut june my dear sir yon having acceded to the terms proposed to you for the election of ihe county of orlow vis vou are to pay before nominution 1000 ay 1000 and a like aum after being re- turned the first tn be paid absolutely and entirely for being nominated the second to be paid only in the event of your having been returned i hereby undertake to guarantee and save you harmless from any and every other expense whatsoever whether of agent carriage counsel petition against the return or ftf any other description aud i make this guarantee in the fullest nnac of the honorable en- gngcmcnr that you should not possibly be required to pay nne shilling more in any evout or upon any cowjjgency whatrtticver i am my dear sir your very faithful u oconnkll rapluid b town meeting on monday last a most iuidijiiuuu meeting wan lield at the court hiue to make choice of the township ujticer under tho nuw a l ai early as ten oclnch the irish pirty having nnislcrctl thctr forced took pfissesaion uf ibo grand jury itoom and ha tin eatopklrly filled it proceeded to ehonje mr k jaeuon u chmrmjn and then by aielauialiou elected then whole tteket by the lime hey had ncailygnt hrvujrfl the lowfl clcria deputy wr vincent neakd ibtu tho court room and deehutng the meelinj illegal because not opened by him went op stairs to tho large hall and there oreanifcd anothoi meeting or which mr counter wiu appointed chuirmau al this period hr maeaulay the chairman of ibo quarter so- inns arrived and perceiving ihe incongruity of having wo metuiiga wool below and reasoned wiih thn iiii parly and afier utm delay succeeded in peru3ditp litem to disannul what they had dune go above hair and coinntuitcu do no- fl when tlio two meetinga 50i together the utmost uonfu lion prevailed for two hours each parly clamoring loudly for iuteapectivo chairman but at last tliot kirkpatnck esq being proposed his appointment was acquiesced in and the busines of the ineelmg commenced a imimber of nominations were then made and the over fcaera of eoads and pound keepers chosen the meeting thn proceeded to poll tor ihe superior office thcrrkuuof which was tho election ol the satin irish ticket which had been printed in large characters and posted in conspicuous situ ations the following are the namca timothy donoghuo town clerk a- nay no assessor d caffrv colloctor amef bampaon archibald medonnoll and john wowau cuininiwontrsall tho genttomen with tho cxrepfmn of nalivra uf ihe emerald isle onn hejn who over lizard of tin inmates nf realms maik the coitfummatc stupidity iiflhis couplet l even hero dnmnrmcy hath poured from pohomtfl hdi a ihe eiieiiomrd bo ml tho sirkenin mu i think pecuhorly appropriates sho would indeed tuin the tfomitcft of tho vilcl pnelanloi in gruh slrott if tin lidlow had mudied mv tamoiifi enjhh granunarlo would never have pruned tm kdlnwing iratfh ivi- d we ihe uod lit it iwclllv venrs litrfoio bent ncaih llie jtlaui tread tifriito who bore canqucni ami death tlm eilrup palsied nalni and gutliits hosts a shrinking tauld oertrhtlmt the last line has no proper conneiinu withthne proceod log- il is an uup irdonahlir bhunlit hnllt in sense and gram mar i shall low procitd to sided a few qf ihe imst pal- pable errors in syntax dlackeninj thetiiit whi h the autumn shale seornin innm hallowed right mow died to nave surely the autocratltts naiititine m lsicnuokinir sreiiis the gathering ills r the ri11 lntehtuui on hr huiiher trmpis see the iuwjlimc wiih halt climbs nmv could i think that ihen were mero overshtsor lypo- paphlcajoiroff i wuutj willingly pass ihem without remark bill their frentcmy precludes this ehatitahlo upposiiion n4 when ijh t jit finds ftkfl barbarism emanating from thora under ita jtnisdiction it hoold promptly condemn it lejl li- leoco might appaar to wnrtion choctiiae mzy it pleao yoir majesty una is tho most vltbinoul picca of absurdity i have aver brard or rod attend i pray you to those lines tho torch of war in portugal is dark her yourhfu qweon iu wcdlotka fragile bark l4 eoon to fail a dark toroh i indrcd a naveliy perhaps tbn poet meaiw a dark lanli m or it may be an elegant way of rying the until is exiim uiebad which sailom would call dousing the glim bttl i fancy it conveys omo covert allusion to potting nui the tighb when ihc queen married hie metaphors how evararcsoontrp that i cannot speak with certainty as to hia real meaning wedlock fragile talk if quite beyond my i comprehension unhm the queens intended spouse be ofs very dotwate contitotion in whith cnio ho mizhi he consider ed tho weaker vessel which u porhapa 1 om 71 a ltupjunl tsq poatf of ieittiotiing tlio provincial leffwbture t itaj oconnell bad wsne diffrculty hi irocuriii- the next ituntr pravtiig it tucull on tbc llriwi iiovhu- liri xi0k haplmi m 1 ln h d 11 10 hu 4tm wifitor at an adjnurne1 hehing nf ihe inhnhitants nf the town of kington favorabig to the lncirporation of tho town hold at iho court house on wednesday ihc sixth day of january for the purpose of receiving ihcrtpoit of the committee np- himadtodrana petition to the lmvincial ugirlattue and an address t ihe inhulutaiits uf tho town wslliam wilson uq was cidlod in iho chair and mr ma- nahaa appointed secretary john h carlwtigbt esrpiiro gvnrmaii of ho committee presented ihc draft of an aet uflncuipor ifioiwiho ciorcl clan- m of whiidi hu read to tho nwetmy inj eplaiid the iov offll- 1 finmitlf- 11 each f lmtc iihough not very bapp metaphor that 1 iv cx wtt tho chep it s meaniujr so fond o ho noerrnnnpo llirf ruouthbut oui there qui a trope in tho followinr overwhelming line ho mounts ihc wryi dunghill nf tlm nldimc than the rng bird who sees iho wtld wood gleaiaiag1 ivnwcobws n lamploofpmr nnduninixod bihhjrdaah meanwhile tho note offitfokn war is heard kiaurea proud honor may not lout a kurd spoken nfauaht that might that h r slain i borefihv columhui fnvidenl mot fain kecall lh i ic itiii it wiinl thai pi orfraiicii not baul iy dun ihe states iho or latjinf tpnn thai iialtniin honor atj h m l if lh dlj nul m it tlwi uojl di

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