london boarding school loucester house establishment for young gentiemes hpton uct near itorest ale eistt conducted st mb h ault hx domestic srrangeawnu of this establishment are m um m0ftl liberal scaf very boarder ia accommodated ith a ainglebed without any extra charge and a strict alien- bn paid to hia comforts health and morals tbc eourae of utxuction includes englifb elocution the ieolific principles 01 practice of arithmetic merchants coonnu bugkkaeping muaurauoo algebra gaogtaphy m of the global history c tubms wndet it jtars of sp abor ditto weekiy boarders day boarder the lnguagea each- drawing sl dancing do moeic i 22 guioeaf 34 ditto ib ditto 18 ditto guinea 1 ditto 1 ditto respectable references will be given and required the jcetione three weeks at midsummer and a fortnight at bhriatnim accounts settled quarterly the quart to com- kenee on the day of entrance a quarter a notice is expected roviotieto the removal of a boarder pupila remaining at school during the vacations are chaiged 4 guineas extra per annum the french language is taught by a native nf pan each boarder is expeciod to bring a silver spoon knife fork and sit towels i the situation is extremely healthy and pleasant with ex tensive grounds references may be made to t h prior eq of que- for further particalin apply lo the editor of the w 376m storage and wharfage- the subscriber begs leave to inform the public that he has rented the well known storehouses and wharf formerly occupied by mr john maguire ai ihe foot of store streei as to location they have not their equals in town those who wish to store property or dispose of it by consignment may rely on the utmost endeavors of the auhscriher to give satisfaction for all orders he may be favored with in the above tine of business n- b for the accommodation of travellers there will be a room fitted up for the reception of baggage bartow phillips kingston april 23d 1835 prize medals it is hereby snnounced that the natural his tory society of montreal has revolved to ober four medals for the best essays presented during this year medal sre offered accordingly isl for the best essay on the comparative num bers of the ancient and modern aborigines of ameri ca and on the causes whether moral or physic il ol their gradual disappearance st awthvlasthnwayairine cuucma oftne ki- terand gulf of st lawrence 3d- for the best essay on any scientific subject sctbe discretion of the writer 4lb for the best essay on any subject connected alh literature generally p the conditions are 4s thejessaye shall be presented on or before the 20th of february 1836 3d the essay may be in french or english 3d the names and residences of the authors mustbs concealed to ensure which finch essay hall have a motto and shall be accompanied by n sealed note superscribed with the snme motto and containing the name and residence of ihe author zz u omv 2 2ped in the case of thr being declared worthy of a prize otherwise it shall be destroyed 4th the successful essays shall remain the pro perty of the society 6th the society reserves to itself ihe ruht to withhold the prize should no one ol the essays on any particular subject appear deserving of it the essays are to beaddresbed to a f holmes m d corresponding secretarv of the society andrew h armour oa ia 835i recording secretary sixth tbar of the izmirs book or philadelphia monthly magazine of viltrmurf fio and pertrmu the ladys book wiihe lfssjpnfff traduce and pcrfrct i tew for couoked j fashions ind ihe universal popnlonty which hebonk wej opprarrf every quarter only wii qqprecedcdierfarri onc publiaher eralirtitenri by hit wg experience and ihe wwpj irowded hi- former efforts lo tfgnnl2 hu work imend with ihe otft- ine tolome t introduce ahemmcly every oiici imw i air he sll splendid platks opthb w2ds perblycolokbu the engraving will be corned gffl jse lllmlllh prepared exoreaaly or hot putpone thereby furnishing me pn- tron of the work with corn and tonatam inftriijauon or ihe lucst ua moat approved mvtea tbrlarflet dfeaaeaatheycomc ml thia arruge- mrni wiu wmeriahy advance ihe voloc and beauty ofhia woric ana at- ihooafc uvritl addcooaiderabjy lo the pghjishern h vljl troma witb confldence lo ihe liberality ofa diacercinit public for lwnp re- iioqeratioacorreapondlng with hiaextrtfouaaod wrtlamng edont w keen pa with the rapid projrem ofthe improviinuor ihe age i he flowing la lha order which will boadotmd for the embcliiahmcntw ofxbe lmy book ftr 1833 viz january mirth mav jnly septetober november mpt mgr vinm0fthtprtviunffaskiq wilhlhe jitiie and leeatherioinlwra will ta rumuhed appropriate ly engbavd title paces and a general table ofconierjia for eaeh volume t february apriu june aatort october december ai acil ara- tingi itluitrtuing d variety of xnut tiling tfcaide- every nunbrr will be enrlchei wiiha tiate from the nm trait gallery conuinln the ukeoemeoftwodjatiofnnhed in divlloala in addition to which othtr and mriott frravwg will be rerolariy added wuh two pagea ofpopular music the pmilw hap at present in the bands of an eicrileni artat a aiecl enravlng whkh wilt contain aliketiw of oil theprcacnt reigning qtieenaofeurope which will be given aa ua extra in the january no tomeeithcaeexpenaiveeoagementa it iaabaolutrly neceaary lhai remittance ahould be promptly tuade ai the end oftlio laatalxcuonuia nearly ail hundred named were eraad from oar liat in conaenence of u appearing from ihe bka that each owed iwo year anhacripuon many havennce paid and aome hid previously aelited with ageow those and other gncvioua ineynvcnieneiea a publisher has to enc oontrr which abootd aafaraalhe agent ia concerned be remedied by his ren- dehngan account ofallthe auma thai hehaw received at leaatonce in every fcnx roonlha- sobacfibem beeonie annoyed when ibrir namea are eraaed jordhmqueney and whrolhcy aeiile thep will not again renew ihelr aubseiiption this consequently is a acrioua loaa to the propriclor the ftliowin auggeationa are rcttpecirully lendcred for the eonsiderauoo ofperona whoare ow in arrears- lellhoewho owe two yeara or chat will owe two in december or june neiusend a five dollar uote on account- many refraio from forwarding their does becauae they cannot remit the exact sum this in no occeary if they eoniinue tlelr obacrin- u in only wliea a person ttops the work that a liquidotion of the whoe amount duo brcoinra necessary gallery of portraits- under ihlehead wlllbe published every month likenevse of disiuisaiahed aathoratn ihiaeoontry ajit in europe- sinking recmblnncei ofbalwer broogham hogg cunning ham ac- fce have been riven the ibllnwine are now ready fir pfca odwillhepuhlisbcil two in each number until the whole is completed 3tr tiliti tiem ivc b upply ul front llic pjllott- riseta j fill ii i fresh arrivals jqtjanding by the subscriber from the iroquois 4fjhctolphin barges now lying at the ottawa com- pwy1 wharf u hilda bright muscovado sugar a double refined loaf do 80 cfcests anoried twankay young hyson rrd bohea teas s puncheons fine flsvored jamaica ruin pipes cognac brandy otard dupuy gos brand 6 pipes hollands 3 fine old port wine 3 east india madeira shhds brownend gold sherry 2 pipea i p teneriffe 3u quarter casks bordeaux vinegar 6 barrels cod oil 150 boxes liverpool soap wo poland starch 3 ton new cod fish 90 barrels north shore herrings 30 mackerel 100 boxes digbv herrings 90 barrels stockholm piich tar boain 160 coils fresh liverpool rope 26 a banned anchor from 44 lb to3ct withe general assortment of ship chandlery george armstrong kingston oct 31 1835 27 caution this is to caution all persons from making mr- gains of sale or otherwise with james schroder in my name as 1 have at present no connection with that young man auo my customers are requested to notice of whom they buy the articles i manufac tures as some persons sre vending them pretending to bs sent from me 1iejvry bolte kingston august 10th 1s35 3 the utock holders of the bank of the people at their first annual meeting held t ihe banking house in this city on monday the 2nd day of no vember instant proceeded by ballot to elect their difactora wbeo the following eentleraen were cho- vrzj hon m s bidwkll t d moaarson ksq george barclay john habper john dorx jamks hcrvet prick me board met on wednesday the 4ih instant john bolph esqwss unanimously elected rraaadent james lesslie esq cashier and the marahall spring bidvell esq and james lee scniciiore k book will remain open until the 31st sr next and the agents of the bank are to forward their lists of stockholders to of the bank on or before that day byorder of the board j h price sraxry iff pouse toronto 4m navambtr shelipy lewis moor colerldee rodnrra dlarael suel jane for r tampbol ro oe souihev c fac almllca oflh writing of wmhioaioojrfterton madison monroe adama byron senti anj oilte diatiopiittlied pcrooa iiave alremlr ap peared tboae of napoleon fraukus la faycue tc ac ore ia re- paralion thepoblicalionofviwaof beauttfnl steneo and reroariable puwie edifice will be conhnited aa heremfhrc every number ofihe work eonihina forty eight large octavo papf printed on 6oo white paper the whole neaily ciilched in coere the poaugeforeachoaraberiasccouror any distance under tan roiled- s cents over to convince peraoua wishing to mbacrlbe for ihe ladvh book thm ii ia ecfual in poini of embplliabincnb the merest of lie todienw nnd eene- ral bssstf ol appearance m the descriptions repeaiely given at lfe and the aaiterine noiitee dial have been made ofit by editr id diderent aeeiionporthe union the publisher will forward any monthly number aa a specimen by sending him a letter poet paid the work will in future be published and delivered on the flrt ofench oionth in philadelphia vew york boatoo baltlmnre aud charleatoo in new orleans bout the slh subscriber a mlaalng number will please inform the publisher free of poetajro and a duplicate will be tent ihem tfclhhfsup bt8scrhtlln3rtlars per annum payable in nb- vance poatmnaicr and agents cn have iwocopke forwarded to any direeuoo by advancing five dollars addrea l a oifv philadelphia xt will thos- with whom we exchange pleiee cpv ihe almve od vrruaement end notice thechanjre in ihe manner of embeililiior the work for the eimuink year vath paid for ihtlcs five dollars per ihohit paid for iiidp8bitd the highest price given fur calf sinop pkm hv j murray kiiureton nov 10th 1835 29 to p r b v t e r e white st wft hager respectfully inform the priiiiem of ihr united tftatec io whom hey hnve been individually known as eatublirthetl letter pounders thut they have now formed a eotartnp9htp in id buiner and from their urited t mid exttnsivp experi ence they hope to be ble to rie witiaction to nil who inn y favor them with rhrir niders- the iiitiitduction nl liiaphiiieiy in place of ihe te- lions and uiitliiilthv prnciss iffcatttinu type by hand a lesidcrit nn by the enrnpenn founders wim by american ingenuity nnd h heavy fxpeiiditnra ol tnne and money oil the piimifwir nenior partner fiiat auccekafuuy accomplished extensive use of the machine cast letter has fully ttsitd and established its supeiioiity in every particular over thoe cast by the old process the leter foundry busineaa will hereafter be carried on by the pariies before named under die firm of white hagerco their specimen ex hibit n ronppieprip from dinnmnd to sixtvfnur huea pica the book and new iype being in ihe most moderate light and si e white hager co are agents for ihe sale of smith nnd hust printing press which they can fur nish their customers at manufacturers price chases cases composing sticks ink and every article used in the printing business kept for aale and furnished on short noiicc old type taken in exchange for new at nine cents per pound b white w hagtir new york oct 11835 34 notice sealed proposals will be received at the wellond canal office in st catharines on tuesday ihe loth day of december at 12 oclock noon for finishing the following works i6l for wideniucand deepening the canal from the head of lock at pun colhorno on lake erie in the first guard gate about 390 yards in length by 3 yards wide containing about 5000 cubir yards ol excavation the earth to be leelled between ca nal and back ditch or placed where the engineer may appoint 2nd for raising the towing path from dunn- ville to broad creek about 1 12 feet on such places as the engineer will stake nut which will he reach for inspection by ib- 5ib dec ihe earth lo be ta ken from the inner side of he canal anil measured as embi yards 3rd inknient contain from 5 to 7001 cu for the delivery ic jons rolph ei a jaata lesslik eiq davi gfsmm esq lane ba att joan mondohsat toaua elliot of 45 cordb ofstone ni lock io 27 172 do da 20 266 do do is 10s do ilo 16 4th for building a stone waste wear ai lock no 6 with lime mortar dimensions 60 feet in length by 8 by 4 feet 5ih for excavation of locks noa 20 and 27 per cubic yard the teims of payment will be made known at the wetland canal office and the contracts entered in to on the day the proposals are accepted by order of ihe bord signed john clark stcy wetland canal ojfcc st catharines 23rd november 1835 c ju r and to sale at iie store streets h very nuj article tz east india and te sugars muscovada j green and black tea9i green and groun co hollands gin f fl jamaica rum cognac brandy w aud red wines bordeaux vmega molasses no i north 8oo herrings d dido fine cod fish j mackarel poland starch aid liverpool soap fig blue spanuj fi rice raisins and currants soft shell almong russian duills fine durham mffstard in jars nutmegs cloves an0 spieeay warrens blackii liquid and paste ditto lampblack cut and wrought window glass of different tiee putty plug oid paper obacco glaacd pipes batf b shoe and scrublg brushes black lead moccobov kappafe an scotch snuffs black lead pencjls fine foolscap an letter paper wrapping do- salt saltpetre aid sal eratus brirrsione and sphur ground and root ginger oatmeal nnd barfev epsom sails crin of tartar gunpowder and flint whisky best quafcy america cheese equal to english tavern keepers andcuuntiy dealers are request ed to call and give this establishment a trial james williamson kingston nov i7tu h35 the gentlemans vade juecvjtli ok thtt sporting and dramatic companion mfsasraascs wnm a hultitudd of 8obavx xciudi5c horses pbilosopmcnl and natural pnenomona legerdemain c it 1b naw art month alnee this poblicatton wsl i commenced in phlts- selphiaaiio alihonrh the puliluher have dsfl so loetfeskw aknowledg of its meriia yel ench iathe juiisceuon atwl fs by tfnl pnnon ofihepomic who have been made fiffjw sirjcier and contenw ihnt i list ofpatrons conttouea rowtunlly ooj ii hereafter despstcli hi tid from portsmouth nf numnerofiheir ship ufuwfl from new york uv let 10th and 20th and from london on thu 1 5s 3 viysfibsf e b r ghawold marter pniton coftnlturttrnujtuiiy ran ncreaflf tha paper iow oiaihtwtcd rcgvlahy every week ttvcil lhat it wiluvemoahy become oncofihe jsslss ihe numerou cieelleei piodt whklioe from ihe artabprw noexcriio06wi11bepar wcmjibhth its 9fw9vjeez umbattwi nl fine ihjctri mkhm cfihoee for whom u is cspecmrty bhatl vvarrantils aitureitoprovemeni bolh httsregmrde lypo- nj embeliftirocni wai beaiuicrialty advncti mi farces ihnl will iiuprar in ihe course or n rr ef ihcmaeke wu be worth more ihso fovr units thr omouol the following is a uatofihow which have already ap rraphicblne8loeiu the diflcreni pny ofolisenpiioo eared chartcaihefirtt p rfic brinnd the hanthhkk the oeep deep 8e cbrap ltvirf shakitpearce early day limn qaanre suite comwi buv orbeihni greea lirun n and wive man nf ten tbonaand ttie ladk man lmltell voo what the golden fanner speculation olympic devil engiialinian la india 8hakancre felival the bast indian my friend ihe governor vfrtorinc the omnibuff thtcluldtf natnre th kencnatre thedud the siniera vldocq llemanr iriah ambnabor mlftfimtilbrd r p smlih j 8 knowlea j u planchc k keyoold ca-someraet- t- morton h p smith j s knowlea its lt5 ontaria j kearney mt i ilis westminster h- chsmphn wsr oct 1 ship st james w oct joship montreal c h champk muter oct 20ship canada thorass bntton maaur nov i ship i 10ship hannibal irebard master 20shp philadelphia e e mow m ship philadelphia e mflrgnn msstsrt 10 iii president genrgo moore master 20 ship samson dchsdwkk master y from los don 7 montreal leave torumuuth atij- 10 17 canada leaves portsmouth aug 20 7 t oew leaves portsmouth flppt nov nov dec due dec thorna holcrofl wllliara b bortoa mm lochbald hcdrain webster f m reraolds plonclie danre aug aug aug sii sept sept oct oct oct nov n t 20 lvi wtaumcdcff m- g- lewip j irplbdche- ii mmiwcr mn inehbalj w b peake burrynotca jtirifs krnnty ttom power advertisement the subsckibeu b iewve lo inforta h frieuda aud ihe public in gtncral hint he w in m- lecturing nnd wilt continue to hate on and and tir sule ivh- cisha ul hid mhbluhment north end o warranted equal it hoc even buperioi lo any in market cmilltrv merchants cn he supplied with candle ttnd snap iii exchancc or tall iw or linl and kur- mers wiih snap lor afce daniel cafpry kinwton november 16h 1833 3338 notice the wine vaulm of tlip subscriber nre now re plenishing with blackbumr- esi india madeiin in pipes iii i- nnd rjunrter cnks also genuine old fort in the wood rja new lumidland t macnioer kingston nov 9 1335 29 uemoval james hall respectfully informs his friends the public that be has removed from the tavern sun id binlv ccupied by him in johnson street to the tavern situated at the foot of score street and kept by the la- mr pagan j h is thankful for the liberal support he has rereived since ivia cnnnnencernent in business and assures his fnrnds that his attention will always be directed to kei n bouse supplied with the ve ry best wine liquors kingston oct 16 1s35 22tf the toronto correspondent will copy this ad vertisement ihce times and charge the advertiser sale oe crown lands 1 il- i is liefe luultmic ultucilutfilllwucu crovrii lands in titr newcastle district will be offered or sale by public auction at the town of peterborough on mondav the 21st day of december nest at 10 oclock a- m at tkt upset price of bt currency per acre viz the township lately surveyed situated to the eastward of balsam lake and in rear ol ihe town ship of fenelon will be set up in luis of 100 md 200 acres each j4jv islayd lv balsam lifce opposite the ftrai concession nl the ubotc rosviiblun containing about 1170 atc8 atf island of i osite lot no 17 in the lirt concession oftliettin containing about 20 aciett also the front lots reserved from ihe last sale i the front cohceauion ufihe trucl ol lund adjoining the towuhjps of fenelnn aud eldmi nonh of the ualsain lake vw terms of payment will be one quarter of the 1urchnstt money down and the remaiiifjer in three i al annual instalments with iutereit upon each in- lenlas it becomes due the sporting inielligotsm nt home and riirotd occopica cotmlrier- able portion ofoorcolomnttad ts collected from the mtaiiuicoiic oor tea aiiwn ihe portrait dtocwmed heen rvirn are the amerkantrotilni horbt fcllu thelmporw radwrcnei mkhenger tlia fitiritrcinf1nre arirl and her vi b idaclbrfttrtltroiunc horse nok folk llopfctf whicb have alby bltiphe phknosibnun thv i- 1 1- ir i i r hon vrcli knoo boeiiah kac chateal horfr tout makgaux hfctoxk f a kacb coifrw octupytnj ihe width 7 ii nmbal tcavea purtstnoutli sept 10 17hhilapelphia leaves fnrtsrmmth hept 27 pltksloent leaves portsmouth oct i 7 samson leave fmtimauih i0j 7 toronto leaved portsmcuth oct- 20 270ntakio leaver portsmouth nov 1 7 ves leaves pnitsmoutn aov ift 17 st james new icavcu portsmouth nut 20 tlirso flips aro ail of ihe first claw ahout g0j loftf bqhhnp and are commanded bv able aud experienced navigtloni- gemcaro will bo taken lhailhc bed stores ac areoftlh bed ihworipiion the pric of cabin parage outward no fixed at 140 including wines and ltquoffl or 130 withu wines c pastsengcrs paying thu ll meuliunad prica ran be supplied by the riewata at the prinled rated which wih i furnhd on board neither the captains nor owners otmm packets l be rpponsille for anyjeiters parcels or pbcktg hill by them unless regular apply to ijills of ladmc are signed il icrc c john gr1swold 70 fnuih tired new york r gkinnrll minturn 34 front at oft- oi h geo wildes co no 19 cwlemw- lowinu n b sleambcam run daily ftfwl pnrumoutli where ifcoaw packets flop to land and receive passonger to the conun ind to dilhareoi parts ufenflland any infiirmalian rolativa tnihuhno of pick at ai may uo ubxaiucd hy application at thin office american leather store just rcrttvrd nnd fur sale bt lb subcribcis rorret p1ctu ntxen columns th noird blodduorm mun dig tha winner of ihe derby siavea in afiiug variety of other embeuishmeaot of bjcu of aitreaia frbfrbhawtma publiaheii mtc ihe fiiowm a compete tmde n bipincj wfili vourbrn illustra tionh for ihe improvemeiit of ladies in tbaimoat healthy of all exer eaplanailaaofiha automation che6s playkr llloairalcd by blkvbm inoravings the iuhjfcia which are parilciilarlyetnhracfd in the vade mecum wih be more diatiuclly uolf rsiood from llic l7llovu3s lilinuiary of them i tie turf and n mntirs connected ihrrowhh ooriehirikiorcaad chftrawerof ihe hor onth lmprovcmnl of horned ciuue rulvi for novicr io siomini mrlhftfr for feeding nbl training dogn iliriphiofcelrhrainl horses vhiher poriraiia htifilhg pisrrim fowling ac approved game from hoyle and oihers critfi on pi and acorf a varietyoflticipeadmhedtfi domemic ecoaumy an epitome of important pulsing events conikmrn qnnrirly kevicw ofihe fnsmoas the vade 1ecu1 is printed oolarcr imperial pnpfrofulantiful white texture and in mhtwiod every 3aiurdiy ntthrcn dollars per annum in advance order from abroad ikmnpvaau will teprompt y altinledio ard the paper carefully packed to prevertu item rubbing hy ci- n sittea of sole loatlicr do harness tin dn bridle d cairskinft kij skir dozen imoimcco skin iining lh hindimjr skins 200 harreu at 20 hows siurlto ca axes full aunptv of latts and bool tnc w five dollnrs per cwf psiid for lilidea and tfl highest price in caul paid for calf sheep skiiw william for p market plae kingston jnlv ut 1635 510 200 100 300 100 2i 50 a the modern acting pramal volume coniatding ihe pla h faroes e which of itoui30t papm appear in the v mecum neatiy primed aud bound in clalrc covers far iranaportiiron icpubhbhed every ais week kitlu volumes ii c4natiutca tuar oocycaraatibacrtphon hetcrcna tbrwbichia ihrcodollara poyahle in advance 8gbacriberothe vdcmecqtn are entitled tn a deduction i enethiri an order for four etawjl be thankfully rcceivetlaudifie wwk piruarj ed lo any direction hy inclosing a ten htltir note pohjge pjid a premium eonalung of two volumea 500 pam cacti of the ncvcl lat magaxine containing hhidiolreoi novels hy the nvl popular author will be presented to the a r i who almll procure i ur r mee to ihe modem acting drama or the gcnileman yaoc meeura aiflj rcmi the amount of one year subscription far eieh gentlemen wiahmg to fubcnbe to cither ofihe aiove u rka will hd- dreas charles alexander o 3 athenian building ff-ink- ha place philadelphia a specimen copy will be aent to any partofiie union by addre3in the pubhoher pot pai ilidi i a wbfwi n careys library of choice iiiteratn r e umi toaaylhat thiai5 a recidlneagr implies admire for instruction ant ihe loeansiogrunfy thi leir on ihcfiri prttal allar umalj on ihe rconl tler idiveratty hoth ofoiunion jindoioreiic ive haft ptotftaikit naagnjrine review in 6ne pamphlru nf ill iiefp on neai ly akauhjecto which have mtvavy thrir clne ofredrsaid support era and yei capiiatf aa areihe means of inihlcttoaj atippl t awe mretillierdeda ind itiontotheieviewa ofihe day end pwingnn- ikeaoi books the people m laree oiunhera in alt pandofour tren re njptftrfthtcywkeiiri aoicuee i roi ao n r- ivw the emporium of literature iiuf rnns witch prevent personal application or can met- jjltejl manv causes io keep people lumll i j if dfr ftnd he enjoyment nftso coveiej s sisx lbhnheraof iheuirary in otvmte ihcar leather the ursckiber imyioa iiiiiii ii ui itio an extensive supply of sole l 72 j t h e s harness and bridle leather upper leuthcfi ofttr8kira ptini kip morocco lining slindiujs c which he will ael wholeaalo or bt obtitiiied in the province fu tnrora cttll ho mipplied at all quantities nnd probably be obtained elsuhorr cash pid for hides flax sned c 100 barrel salt store opposite the maiket formerly occupied by r caldwell john murray kington mnv 23h so i retail aa low aa can ueawra in d ni milt- timed and v iili uny on better tems than can and kiu tallow and s ue d allttsion cfche prosra of aieavery id art nnd eoicis jfjm eipiwaibclr wattlfli i rr ei iugrsury ii expeiweriiatucf from the amporjcmofhier pojmlar literature nod thai to a fortn render on nil the branches of ireful nod well artanicd to ihe comfort of ihr- jjot ffiffis m i fa compatible with rdorullrjand 22irsllwlss d viw in conducts- he lw 0 fij v hiipi ihclxmly ofihe work wjjlhr artnnnt npntma i nnodnr nd win ofatceichs of mrn m ntn jsj5 lie- in lieraiorr in1 ihe am ihraachnw tfw cmnaed worlti a f 4irtpl-rih- literary moiiiliu- nod hllomadl ioun fresh importations comprising a okvrltai and compirte tock of sllle a facy dsy a o o d s ilik i licitlbbb bees io inform the public ihul nt as rccciv d by ilie rcsuiar iradera frotn a lahoe axd elegaxt stock of cxoods ii the nbove imr which having been carefully 50- lotud by irimsetrin he english maukbts for cash fecta confident bat every nnicle will be f i bcai in i kind and the an prices found as tote as those of any importing fame in the trade ill i ri r i of a nodnoicefnfnovl- blah fljw j it- iiierry ihmiiniy lir j h1iomalpl journals of irpii bribln and irrland io iicmitioa to ks pettodkau of- nau chau cnm f i io pro mr ample matertau for ihw p of our vor k cjiaraaer riierepoorcesondextenmvecorreopondenccofihepuhluuera areil t guaruntre bruiecowinonotre ofihe enternrlie ia which uwvan aboni loembrw nb well b for he htmdance of the uxi uu o vnliw in the eyes of me pumic a- f as ludicma acleeilnn a now iwr it judicioa lecilon nnrt or nufeneqi are coieemedrearter8 will u j honed havercaaonwbe ul ly aiibfied na ihecd wr ofthe library is not a wronger tn them imt has more than oocc obliued loeir cvow aoflragearbr u oast fis ihecanadia n- c tbo invest price invariably plain fijiurcsoii each article kinivaoii nov loh 1535 jppthia in 2968 further parnculars may b known by applying to alex macoonell esq ivterborough or at this nffire commissioner of crown lands office tin onto 2ut nov 135 c terms the work will be publihed in weekly number in ached eorcr eaehnnmberconmininc triyribrii otlavo vagti with double cou bth nakmg loo eoliuiua annuity ofroore than 5i0 oocet p each r li jp ofvery alx mnmlp sobferibrs will be rnrniahed with a hannseme tule page and -m- ofcontenu the whole amonntofmatterririhedina ftlnrle vear will be equal lo more tkan of tlecommoo eo durfedmow thr mwtttbem lea ufm ihe prce of years suoaeriptlon to ihe jutfi ppffr w he library will be prlotcd will he ofthe finest jaigj w lbffit3 34 to tailors and shoemakers to be let m wilon township of ernetown ojiposite ihe post office a and convenient shop iiuitable for eilher a taihr or shoemaktr any industrious slid sober man may be certain of having constant work in either trade apply to s warner wihon novlgth 1835 31 mverrinq waitino amd tteadlnq olasbfls mr jennings is forming winter classeti for in struction in the above branches- as not more than eight pupils will be received in a class they will have all the benefit of private instruction hotr for ladies from 5 till 6 fif gentlemen fro till 9 application may be made at his academy next to the laucasterian school or at hia residence point street kingston nov 10th 195- 293ta for binding as the iype will be entirely newvond ofa nci aopraronee each votarnc wiicn bound will frmuh a hunrfntn sbv ws as p ks jmi n cumbrous addltonto the ubrsric of ihoae who pdsoqe fhe the price ofthe ubrarj- will bcjlof douariptr vance mjufh ptyablc in ad- acommlmjon bfm percent will he allowed toawnta aid anv nrrni lrwriornewpaperii to wham the nromecins u bwtaul w pbil k a art philelphia william dawjb attorney and solicitor in the courts of law and equity in england has opened an office in mr counters brick buildings in brock streei king ston where he draws deeds wills and other legal writings with accuracy snd dispatch and on mode rate terms kingston sept 31 i6m fj look at this twfcntv per cent chfiafcjl than evee the subscriber has just received in r former extensive assortment of goods a tton to i consignment ol west of england cloths consisting of black blue olive green and mix- lines of the very beat quality and very superior black caanuneres all of which he will j 0 on reasonable icnn for canh or approved endorsed notes at ninety davs john oliphant merchant tailor at the sign op the bear jfv e forma his frimds and the public that he is now manufacuring a sortment of tn ware which he will dispose of on the most reasonable terms hasalso for sale a large quantity of cuba st domingo sears do do boston made whips of all kinds do stone w best qualitv market plate sept 4th 183a removal the subscriber has removed his cheap and fasinonahik boor v snnis estaolishmcnt to the maiket square nhere he will always keep mi hand a large assortment ofthe very b manu facture at ihe following low prices for readv money 0007 ivuncllo anrt leather pumps supet ior quality sc fancy ruloura satin rto do finn light walking shoes stout suitable for cqtiquy wear rritnello boota gulashud superior quality grocan do fino light leatliflr uoois out do golbienv stout walking shoes du vary do do du do ivggod boots also a vftffrty of boys and girls boots shoes at very low prices boots and shoes made to order kingston may 25th l35 33 lailiea do do do do do do do do do 3 g a 4 6 5 0 a 5 0 7 0 a 8 0 5 0 a g 0 5 0 a 6 6 7 0 1 80 8 6 a 11 0 9 0 a 10 0 6 fi a 8 0 6 6 a 7 6 c 0 a 6 3 7 g a 8 0 0 0 a 12 6 the subscriber is now receiving puncheons of molasses macks- rel im and cut nails soap and candles mus tard snuff and tobacco with a variety of season- b phillips 10 an active and wawtbd intelli able goods rinl r find hi8 embra- p 1 le nt of almost every staple ar- p wut ihc 1 c al commonly low pneeb and liberal lerms ki nov 9 i83 t macn for sale at mojvtrbjil ziwm if ri y mrriert mn- three or four first rate coat makers kingston november 17th 1835 whom a fai ed to boa apply of hv try brittah kvvi nury wm he given and who is etppct- vr lodge in the advertiere house iter post paid to the proprietor of v 4th 1r35 on term very favorable fourteen bateaur ea pms fcarrymg 250 barrels of flour sihn c3 lem oroer and condtion apply if by et n j o 32 ji2 by thb subscriber crass seeds of every description mawjw v patrick egan sftmre nev 3d leo 37 iitqr d rubber shoes 111 ived and for s o0 pairs of indian rubber shoes ftngston nov i oth 1835 j murray for 8ale at this office blank deeds 9jvd memorials