irrvl nittii hi 10 hunts moth iliid pur- rm htiil you know 3 i called a ijh now ftbrfl lie look it into lit rid die country of ilie gfrnt mn struck hi fmiry and he itftolved to adorn it by it the meaiia mtnlll ins watery power 1 know not ikethcf ihe marine deity had fc or lint but in ci r case his tritfttltt was tor him u most conve hll walking rtnlt oh if yon had but en inm aiding ibrough the then mtfcriuiuftmtf forests jutlnm beside my divin whith was toac- touiu litr ih reniarkatnlity that every mtoflllcm tongues of land hhuuld be about three miles in breadih tlii becomes quite easy if you only al low thi his nautical majesty had only to ly down hi trident and ihe thing was done the lone ttcach the bay of hallowrll with he bays already menhoued include smaller bays creeks 3rd indenture beyond my power of recount ing and their shores are crowned with some of the hh orchards the province eao atfortl oyoli w aware that between the luke of the mountain an the niouutaiifs brow there is little wore than space sufficient for convenient road and often have i stood and often as i stood upon xuh uiiir ilian interesting spot and viewed the gor- jeousand vast expanse before ine chcipietcd with 4niit and crop with woods and wmers so mingled in enia menial ronfusion while the suns rays dancing upon the ten thousand fragments of bright and markling waters the picturesque and richly vane- inted tipsof each particular tongue of land spoke full to my heart and seemed to say lovers of the sublime and beautiful of every clime and of every counirv why do you not bend vour stein hither- ward in concluding these hasty observations it would be unpardonable did i not state that for it itish ftrel- t for suwldli unexceptionable loviliy maiys- bure equals if not exceu any fwi of british north america 1 yuu haic ke i me soddenly to tlo tin ami as suddenly have i done it acitlier imc nor humor fsvorvdme itwaihtte on tuesday evening ort 7ih when 1 returned to ilallowell which place i led for wel lington and the conecon the following morning uefire 1 bid to i a howell a final adieu i cannot avuid observing that although the capital uf a dis trict and in the centre of a wealthy and intelligent population no newspaper has tern published in it fitf more than n year- this i highly disreputable to the townspeople who shood evince more public flphit iian to nee their town without so ruccssaiy an adjunct to b coromefcc- since we bine returned home a mr cecil mortimer has been advertising the prospectus uf a new jnurnal hut whether or not he will be guecenful in lim undertaking i know not tle road briween ilillowell and wellington is extreme v good and passes through a remarkably fertile and well cultivated tract of laud a number of clunkers have settled in the township ofballow- uaihl their habits of patient industry are easily nd every where observable l no part of cnua- in thitlnlnp amd the excellent inns of this prtaw nice of people a lt horns ride brought lilt 10 a small hamlet c l- i hlooiufild having a loss than usual assort- umfafdnhlitilklingis hwmityin this country to cortsittnte n tillitf a mercliaots store is kept fare bv one of the kingston brother mr j tlorkell ta mills huth for grain ami lumber are in i jillliop iinmvdiie iciuiiy there i ulo a goad tavern msi office this humid i bintitifulty iitii- ufedfal the bosmn of a hroad and lovely valley and sad 1 the descriptive gift i could fill several pages tu iiuuttrnxniii ilfl loneliness three manor of tmvttiei hour passed and i was tffa wellington on the shore of lake ontario ten miles frum uallowell the road from bloomficld iiais sdoag lite wesirru yitfe f large inlet or rttttof ttatvr called west lake having several is- jmlsititii it there area great muuy ol thee iitletnttliirg the southern shore ol the peninsula am uhmld myshf describe lllfcm were it not my tahttfime thai jmysing over tile stitie ground so lately tmd lit mr itainsav 1 ftiu obhired either to jjitaktriiaen uiy nwtiidin and language at the risk af being thimlrd with plagiary or mnpellcil to ijpfll brgely ibiili the wriungs uf that gentleman fc latter expedient i have htilierto adopted and n iii occasinu do so oftctt again fo the south hide of the oitrict of prince ed- tard there are a mtuiicr uf small lake wliieii have btbififthy urtiwo lake uturit they are lh lii lkr wet fakr in1141ul ijiy aiisjv hay ami wellev itv thee bays or imp the idea ol a villi or mtmtry a tonall un filling iiroeauh which gradually widena as exriitls oihrdi this wimu chiefly pievailing jfeoa dtis shore are from the siutliweat vhich tai- btfihc and from the imttom of the lake deposit it 4 1 1 mills uf the several havs win i i have a lentioiieilt in banks ranging from fijiy yard to about n i v j breadth jhere is a narrow outlet from chohhese hays by which the wattfst poured into v arc discharged into lake onlann after a orceioii of strong gales from the outhwcst these jilsltif blocked up by sand and gravel whenthe taaien atlbtii continue tu rise until they have obtain od mffirieiit power lo lorce for themselves a new bqaangti the aathlbnikareemstaiuly iucrlaaiitg twfcimdtlh every suecemlvtt voulhweht giile cmili- tptij todiive the r9tld mill fui liter onwards- some afflie hills comprising the hauk arc about a bun- mllftel mgh which arc here and here covered m i eeoing plant called the sand clietty and nan gropes of cedar nod pine trees nothing keaabenore dreary and desolttfe than the nppettr- siaaijmtaautpdt in some placnt bv these satidhills jikei v le sight ofbake ontru o on tlu one side aod ef rfieuavs or lakes on the other and find ourselves amy whre surrounded hv barren hills of hpurt bile sand reflecting back the scorching rays ilftlwcu wc might almost fancy ourselves in ara- tdeena the clumps of trees ineh we occasion- yauiriqg the idea of so many oases and there wiping to incrcasethe illusion in une places wily at east lake these banks are particularly rewjful the groves of trees being much more nu- w and present a variety of views which for effect can no where he surpassed least ternarkablc phenomenon coitucc- jwnb these bays is the tide nsthey are called fhia these us wejl as the inlets of the bay of wj arc subject my aitentiou was first attrac- toihem by observing one day when seated in of the bay hollowelb thaithough the wind wafting upwards the weeds by which its surface darkly covered were aoatitig rapidly down- j 0 pointing out this lingular appearance to y ia whose house i then resided she informed wh had been long observed and added that tnes the water would rite and fall to the height fet ueing deteunioed to convince my- fthe reality oftttese tides and lu accout tor ttaoinesatisfactory manner i devoted several tea close observation of them on a visit lo fton 1 found the alternate riednd fall ol the west lake very observable orcurring in a time which varied fronitwentv minutes to j i threw the branch of a tree iuioihechan w connects this lake with lake ontario and md blewtroiiglv from the southwest i was hear no inrflof ished to obnerve thnt it stood mill right in the tctth oftbe wind while a piece of hark which fell ihtlti he branch crept like u tuinke away nut into iln- lake ontario upou the top of the wave 1 hiv repeatetl the experiment several times fioce and i have always found the same c fleet produced se vcral gentlemen who have spent the greater part of their lives in the neighborhood of wellers hay have assured me that in conveying lumber into it they find the current through the channel o strong that when it sets against them they are under the necessity of casting unchor to prevent their being carried bark into the other lake at napanee as was already mentioned the tides art- paiticularly ob5ervable what i have related concerning west lake welters hay and til napance is equally iii e of all the other artnsof the hay of ciuinie and of lake ontatio the tides which 1 have attempted to describe arc entirely depeudeot upon the winds which come sweeping over the surface of lake ontario and through the long beach along the hay of quiuu every one is familiar with the extraordinary rise which sometimes takes place upon the ahoresof the ocean during the prevalence of certain winds that which occurred at new york sometime ago is fresh l es has tendered him knori may h t in in the public rccollcrtion so long then as ihewindsj ktmtrxtbsvem coni run of busioa 1 maybccoo continue to blow with equal force the waters will imuetu giv m dhinwsi and may wlo tliere continue to rise when however they began to fall iejtciuitly tgcattlicml to moderate their for that instant will the wa tbfmyooivavumihf trail ldik to ilio pouewnttoy llioie wort mly ivi soiapmuir bttomi l brtfodfid between thochutrliaiidgortotrsdhjiillvry those of t nbikm et and capt gilthnlaen ftt tlio prcnt time dm handfome c- dificr nfj b cnrtwr ight lq ry cartwrigbt dr sttinp- ton mr mauaulay kfeniia dupuy and rogers are blandiog evwicncondfthotownadwnay the tatni may bo itid of store find montreal streeu three year ago the lowvn had neither hospital norptaiiled- tiary nowaday it has batik tlilw ycsm ago the cirtilor oftlie wmio pnlered kingalnn in ix eornuarjtivc statu of binary today ho ii ai fat and saucy os the grtcmsi ariwtocrjt initio land let uh tmtt in the rvimi of coinrwon vtntt die decay of kingston t bttlio uottliylinmofclisconmerciil mr james mac l douam doe notiiitenj to withdraw the light of hi counte- i naiico fromourgood towofkinstoo he u about i removing his cctebraled portrait from the dining room of bis j presrntcjtahliihmenr litems ho has uken that esiensive hotel the kimtwto which he will roiovc a oon as the m extensive repairs f the mansion arc perfected lis earric with himto his new imlvl the vstcnsov whes of the mort 4l pirt nftlw lravcllinit eonnnuniiy to whom iho extensve ettenlion he baa paid to their want nod wish or ten which have been forced op by them take a re trograde course en opposition to thin idea it iig been stated thnt the tides appenr when not a ripple agitates the burfuceof the lake this fact doe not on the war in kingston however airmail a refutation to my theory though there may be on observable current of air on one vide of the lake it is evident that one rnaycxist on the other sufficiently strong to propel and elevate it water it iastill further to be remembered that althuufti mr mdonalltkeslimlfety from the com wiincul he cennotlaue sway the fame it has acquired of this the future cupant m dean laorgoodenougir mon treal is fully aware hei consequently preparing lo carry with a montreal tcuch and batter himself perhapenil unwarranublyurit the tftftori hi ifaeconsibrcul will nol perceive die absence oflheir nld host and that iany cliaoe be ooiiced that change will not bv for the front all it pleaes ttf we have long been of opinion tlat king hen a body of water baa been once net in motion too is capable of maintainim i fir r hotel ind wefchl of that i by any cause it does not on the removal cause return at once to a state ol iest but mil con tinue to oscillate for a space of time proportionate ly the force by which it was disturbed wellington is n handsome well built village con taining bout 30 houses and 300 souls it boasts of a post office several taverns and the requisite number of mechanics an enterprising merchant archibald mcfaul iisq does at this place a very extensive trude so early in the season us the time at which i visited it he had already shipped at hie wharf on lake ontario no less a quantity than 11000 bushels of wheat for the montreal market this gentleman altords a practical instance of what can be done in upper canada hy industry aesidui ty and integrity cut a very few years ago he en tered this province like other emigrants poor of course and at ibis moment he passes for one of the ri heat and is certainly one of the most respect able merchants in the district two medical gen tlemen aie established at wellington and are do ing wdl n tolerable sample not of the sickness but the wealth of the surrounding country for it is rare livelihood live lo sec thai opinion verified ct the mnfrro ffavtf aaiti thnt barton ryersoo tu rned he ediloifhip of the christian guardian at the ae of mrw- tecn the newspaper referred to if in the seventh year of it uistrtc ii first editor u apparently a man between thir- lyfive and foty yea of4go the montrud iumld who ca vils 3 ottll atenwa in w ihoulj himselfbe immaculate jytillprtlsldtl mtaimb theaeil american 5iil will put u in passion vf dv president- message to the two chambers tf congress several of our american contempo raries nppe apprehensit that the hostile tone of the mesiige will be such aj to rcudei s war with france inevitable e bavenusuchnpprehmmdae apprehimonsdid wesayt we hae no axlwi tlh american people aro too wise too prudent to on in s war in which whether tbey era victors or conquered 07 niu be the losers their rd mense carrying trad woeld become annihilated hy the innu merable swam of frerh privateers the would iue from brert sndihcr rwrtsoftbe adnotic they miht occwion lly win a naval utile 1twen solitary ships but the it seas would be swept by the superior freruh navy in fact dray eouhl ect nothing and iaiht lose every thing by engaging in a war widi so powerful a ration as that offrance the wiser policy andlhone ihst mn prubablv will be purmie1 it to indeehl that n doctor earn a good iiveiiuooa in r an unhealthy neihhorhood the fisheries here ate bully the frmcb into the payment of uojost debt and assuming some importance but as i intend to de- oie ihe greater part of the next chapter to a detail of the injuries committed by americans on his ma jesty junadhin subjects i shall here conclude a the french king situ on an uneasy thi d i pirtial to tht americans it is more than prohable 1 bullyio- would prove successful at any tale no war wilmke place such is our opinion ictthe annexed circular wa reccitid by satuidays mad for which we had frepat the chroilo call it a pleasure of pitying fourteen pence the krenhmen who ordered the toner to be written did nol bear in mud the name of our pen- odical it is vailed die bhitisu wlijt- iiouse of as3ebly sin you are requested to furnish tiwers at your earliest convenience fiir the utfiririlita nf ih commiitee apputam to enquire intu the peiitut atilo of tilt posmbw tu tbe m lowing clierie- low ollen is vour paper published 1 how many eripfo ofymr ltperdo you foi ward quarterly by mad unci tmii jamury t33l what amount did you pay quarter i vmea the above permd toihwucputv ivstamer tneral ai quebec or to the fust otlice ftr lira privilege ofiransniilling your papers by mail t i m township manual having received i cioy of this useful little book we cannot do the author abetter service than by letting bim speak fur himself the last session of parliament the lejisla turo entered upon a revision of the laws rlninj tu the town sliips ao act was patm the 5th wm iv e 6 which will now very shordy cunie into operation containing many new itruvituoos the most important one of which perhaps is that y which a board of commissioner will be appointed in each township lor the government ofoal affairs winch hav been hitherto under the regulation and control of lle magi- i racy many of the former aft relating to this subject have been entirely repeated as well as various entire clauses of lher act leaving in fact ery little of ihe old law in operation such parts however as still remain in f iree kro scattered through various statutes that it required noordiuzty dereoofdiligeoee and research to define the actual exiloiico or eltect ofthem- this consideration has induced the author to underltke the a lkrivui ollire of imliffinand arranging llic township laws in the ram they arc now presented lo the public in the c- i ecuttoa oftne work he trusts that he has succeeded both in pmpicojtj and style so as lo rendor the subject intelligible to allclasses ilettusu that it will be the moans of convoyin nm h usnful information to rmny who have hitherto wanted it the price oflhe book wd enable the humblest individual to purchase it in ii progress through the pr it has rather ex i i the bounds which the author intended the addition at mailer embrace several very interesting subjects onon which new township meeting act and the liihwayand asscn meat law the reader will find a treafnn on iholaw of land lord and tenant and dutrersfor renl the court of rs- quest and summary punishment aet and a livlof r liees fee reuiitcd by a late act of pirljarenr those who may be called upon to aerve on juries will porrcwe the lw staled which prescribes their duties the landed inter est will also find some r ul innrmniion on matters onnct- ed with iheir depaitment r- nn- boiuidaries fl fences m by poteea shcnffa sales 4 and ihe iiiilrtunatti beblor will also ho apprised of iho piovi sion which die leuinurc has mnde fur him in the snason of misfortune or distress rhe work although calcultnt lo afford information tonli olafaw will in paitivular b cloud a useful nmde to town ship olficers surveyor and die board of commissioners underihe new township act tlic law relative to the office and dul of con table hs been taketi from ihe ablest authorities well as most f ihe mher material parts of the work not expressly taken from tin statutes the author doe not pretend to any originality his merit if any will consist in the collection and arrangement of i mueh uneful inf rmition in a small enmpasv in now submit- urn tomc n tin- the work to the approval of a liberal public he hopes to ea job ron votixo iunrv sm find in their cstimaliotiofijj worth and utility the higbest re montreal brother to he little jon ward thai can be conferred on any author toronto 8ih november is35 your obdiflt servant vvali ivvwt clerk committee totiw piinlei r pioprietor tf liie ilish vi jnj vm which v ujl leave to make ilnfollowing reply kinton uec 7ui 1835 sin i acknowledge the receipt tfa rircubt signed by you and dated nov 24th 1335 fur vhieh i was compelled to pay fouilcon pence uponuia receipt of ihw sum i wjl take into eonstdoia- lion the propriety ofantvvcrillj the pnpuunded queries 1 hkva the liouor to be vour humble servint liwahiioux bakkxh m d wm ro eq house of asmuulily quebec artfin ii ii trthil province has been clhe rrovineid pirnameiil r p it ois ifiift to meet iurme oes- prorogued viiiiiljiii cut lto nor 7 ab e thai the 1owcr pro- natch of public business it h pioi viiol pbtlmcni w be v lhr0u uu befure tlie upper is called tofrerber ir ti n i banffed sioce saturday llthe wvluf has unro more i f tleiiirnni has beroinc tole- we have hud severe frost and tbe ti t a v on ihcruundto renjer ii mtde there i now suflicienlsnu good tr mution nuitririn to uuv learn it is in serious eoi f v m d run a dadv steam pacfct between r i ri v vie oswego line ol packet aem tiom one ol hie iew loth town endeavonntr loetlecr ha been nayinir n few oavs in tni p m j ibanie for the ensuing an engagement ul tbe comroodo should he bo successful action will leave kingston for oswego cv fhe comtnodi re birie racts and scraps tam dtcihuv v n k mtt during which period nothing h ml but the reiterated cries r ay of the town ii yjttal t il ro find ih il wftb rapdly driven in- having wailed fur some iuinute9 i threw in branch covered with busli and war 3tou- cdkcat of kingston hv that is to say tha humble m- c leu auld l t 7 may fare among his fiwa bjllott divtdual who now addresses ihe public have been direeyeara cpmin m v ladi jury will render beenhcardhy 41 times want of bach country dee c let us see whether thett cries railed by idle men have any foundation let us ex mine into the present state ofibe town t and conttast it with what it was three years ago three years ago there were live public wharves in kingston cartwrightt mccuiret mcdonclfa kirbys and the one now occupied by mr scobell there are now lhesa addi tions the rideau wharf counters wharf garralfs whuif the town wharf and several smaller what ves three years agotho names ofseren steamboats were only known in kingtnn harbor last summer nineteen different steamboats were in habits of almost daily eomrnunicniion with the town three years ago two small weekly newspapers were pub lished in kingston at present fuur journals emanate from the town press two of which are semiweakly publication three years ago two auctioneers did ihe whole business of the town messrs moran and scanlan now mesm scan- jan jatkson linton baker and woods divide the auctioneer ry morning early and re- rr a mr a p hail of henry hart who cut so the editors and proprietors many shines in kitstoh tliremeil c i e i iim j iiiw irminetor oftlie ai ntrrjit or ibe bnlish and 1 cemtitr wuhlelproccdni for wrilmgud mbliihimum thici for copjinj hetrfod lurm uow our montieaf broiditf bul ftr ouf part a vrdic- in favor ofa ww thi hem hart a mtaooghl to sin he above was wittcr c cou rirr limcrivvm out of m affiiir b apo iw imn r ond unlmihon ailribulo l u f as well might ha tiiiibuio poneml ftekl tauw b s polk wpocwr who mdivmr roc th windling irtnutctwtm of iho p wuvftw bwwtatxlklntt fir hecl ofwtftlo from all pari of iho u v- furllhrr fln a gnt ins actually anvod in kin bolim mcb cana dian a hav the combatve bumf to dwelopwl to depart for ne voik here llicy bp p afm ammunition a frc pa- to ta j bwbmwfioo iflc- larvinc in iho new national arm rrkiijlonbink now cnfmy ihthft it becomes ihe duly oflhe townspeople not i nt again lo re- i trorad in cki liunillo opinion hin would coiitribut morn to advance th cotowwul hf rf town than i a charter of incorporati n not af vx ffiir like thai 4iade between them and ihey all appear to do well- three yearsago f medical mlemen took charg ofho 00 nor one rfh hhjj health of the town so much ha kington decayed thai nowa day nine galens find employment in physicking it inhabitant three year age the commercial bank did its buinei in an objure building at the end oflho town now a hand aome stono edifice rears iu majestic head in the principal streu three years ego two extensive dry good establishment were only to bo found by ihe ridymony customer those of j w armstrong cv and v wilson nowaday in ad dition to the wholcaole warehouse of mr t maenider meaere j h greer and largo retail mrtliou which ernckvillc coburj and om half dozen villages have been honored hut a charter aiding the inhabitant choose their own dmgbtnltitf to woin should bo committed iho whole internal concerns oflhe ttuwii a the provitial parliament ail soon mcel this hw ha hcen ihrowu out in lime a public nicelng had belter be called to te the sub ject into consideration dpefirokkats orrnr s c st gkobm during the sea son 1s35- thu iptmjir boath ioado j9 trips to and from j d bryceco ha pcnj h u e for the flat hw i upwaidot 21 000 rwrffmoirt ulmlli ecerdcor r he- jynow ihnrter- viiig lecn oneoagnujud wo uujermund -i- ed fr lira year ay i 1 1 mipauy f merclmm m ireseotl and biuckville capu haider itl continuee with thu i- kuh the british wutq mr editor i notice that a canadian refor mer in hie nrldre9tfvoxil to the agriculturists aec has ventured lo rmcrl that i have abandoned iny former itaiiiioii therefore beg through the col- iiiniiu uf lilts whig tonddresh w low ivorda lo hiin in order to show him hia error you pounce upon your conclusions too quickly mr cnundiun refor mer i m o abandoned my puaition the art is i have not seen your support of your own after which i i promised to support mine in mine odtlrcd toytu i merely gave apart of my rca- oiia ontl iltee bearing upon hard times not tipoii the low price of our exports uud high prices of our imports upon this point i have suid noih- mdasjot and previously to doing so allow mc to congratulate vmu upon discovering that 1 nm pns h9wd of somidntfflsand sincerity of heart though you cannot admit that pomwss a sound lieud very mod mr canadian kefurnnr i think i shall lie enabled in convince youthai my head i at least sound enough lo show the correctness of my prsi- lions and perhaps you will at length admit that my head und imftlt are m unison and devoted to cun- stitutioual kefonn and the welfare of iny country men though i hill not for the sake uf keeping up 111 excitcmeni charge the government with the scmcity of cash in my own and neighbors pockets but let us examine and uscertain how far we agree lam for wise and judicious laws to regulate our trade and to arc you and so are method hi and presbyterians fur a new birth ltut do ihey agree 1 and 1 say thai our policy must be changed in order to tee rtam the capability of the province and so do you hut i cannot say that we agree until i know what changes you wish a yet i stand aloof from the oifer ol my fraternal greeting to one who has charged rh with torjism cud witting for lure implying the most base motives fur my conduct i am billing tu believe that you from patriotic mo huts address your countrymen but i must suspect the ieid ihuugli 1 may have clurttv for the heart 1 hope weagres but let me know the fct changes you propose in our legislation before i extend to you the greeting ofa fellow laborer in the same cayje nor shall i then u less you in a more satisfactory manner either prove your charges a- gainst the gnvtrnnjen or admit that you cannot you repel with that kind of disdain winch is calcu lated to pice the people toy charge ofwant of en- tcrprjzeiu the canadian well let trie try lo mp port it in the township uf ernesto is an in- exhausting bed ufclay which in all probability id the very kind requisite making the bail of iunc ware for the making of which the potter uw ijtica transport their clay from the neighborhood of new york the expense ofa trial uf this clay would not be nnr the erection of works 100 has it been tried how many such examples could i bring think yuu among really entcrprizing men would not ihe capability of this clay be tested ftumrvtfii yuuiittttinititiiritlnimpib ubit tilvyv an pif enterprizing and thai iovernuent ties their hands but what legislation has lied their hands in this or hundreds uf other imtaticesl you complain of le gihitivceocuuibranccs upon our trade bul you do not descend to particularize you complain of high prices of our imports let us see with what truth you will not i fiuicy contend thai hritih qhihi facturrs are higher with us than our neighbors or thai west india produce generally mithwiihsiand- iug the superior advantages of ihe americans can be purchased at a better talc iu iew york than montreal french gaoits perhaps may and most kind of india good but can the consumers ol these goods iu canada complain when compared villi the consumers of those goods in enghnul and wiih respect to tea which you appear to con sider a nccaiaurto have we nut a iree trade to china j us well as the americans then why do we nol have tea spices c as cheap as them now sir i shall not follow you and charge the government with every evil and propose no remedy hut i will give my general mew of the legislative en- actmmii in my opinion itecesvary to bring out ihe capabilities of this province and british north america generally were the principles of free trade universal throughout the world i would say m let commerce be as free as air but as other nations protect their trade i wollhj tlie policy tor this colony should oe protect by a heavy duty every article which we can manufacture at present impoitcd from the united states and admit the raw mate rials for those manufactures and every a nee tin expoit which w export in common with ihe united state dutyfree now sir we shall see whether we agree aether a tory wih soundness and sincerity of heart but a weak head for such is the character you tivortne willi charging the people with ofeuterprize which you say ihcy p5sm and in the next or previoua breath for 1 really for- champions wicldetl the sword of argument addocinv with ingenuity mid ability every thing that could tte siid pronndton during this protracted pehod the old gentleman listened wiih all the meeknew and modesty ofa child as if he was adding new infor mation to the stores of his own mind orperhap he was observing with philosophic eye the faculties of ihe youthful mind and how new energies are e- volved by repeated action or perhaps with pttritv tic emotion he was reflecting upon the future desti nies of his country and on ihe rising generation up on whom these future desliiue most devolve nr moat probably with a sentiment of moral and reli gious feeling he was collecting an argument which characteristic uf itself no art would be 4 tu elude and no force to resist at last one of the young men remarking that it was impossible to com bat with long and established prejudices whirled atouud and wiih some familiarity exclaimed well my old gentleman what think you of these thing if said the traveller a streak of vivid hghliting had at thai moment crossed the room iheir amaze ment could nut have been greater than it was with what followed the most eloquent and unanswerable appeal was made for nearly an hour by the old gentleman that i he ever heard or read so perfect was his recollec- 1 linn that every argument urged against ihe chris tian religion was met in the order in which it was advanced humes sophistry on the subject of mi racles was if possible more perfectly answered thm it had already been done by campbell and in the whole lecture there was so much simplicity and energy pathos and sublimity that not another word was uttered an attempt to describe said the traveller would be an attempt to paint the sun htani it was now a mutter of curiosity and inquiry who the old gentle man was the traveller concluded that it was the preacher from whom the pnlptt eloquence was heard but no it was the chief justice of the united states the origin of the term foolscap papes it is whl known thai charles i of england granted numerous monopolies for the support of his govern ment among others was the privilege ofmumtfac- tiiringpnpcr the water mark on the finest sort uf paper was the royal arms uf england the corr- stunptionof this article was great at this trfie targe fortunes were made by those who hod purcha- r sed the exclusive right to make and vend it this among other monopolies u as set aside by the par liament that brought charles to the scaflbtd and by way of showing their contempt fur the king theyor- dpred the royal arms to be taken from paper and a fool with his iap and bells to be substituted this witty done in 1694 and i have seen old manu- crltjt written between that period and ig60 bear ing a distinc water mark a fool wearing the drss he is described as appearing in iihout the ciurtsof british monarch cromwcll when secure in his power changed the water mark by substituting a dragon grasping in his hand arrows of fire and af terwards by putting his own coat of arms iu its place vvffctt- uhtilwsju ilwtfe tpakfrmillwmirvdd the royal arms to uepape enlarged theftizeof the sheet it is now more than an hundred and seventy five veins since the foftls cap and bells were token from paper but still paper of the size which thi rump parhamedt ordered for their jtiirnals bears the name of the water maife then ordered as an in dignity to charles sunday morning aw market phice8 kixarrok tttttday dt sth 1836 p per lb per iv get hich thai they tciti posse as coo when the tituiion is administered acconling to its true spirit and meaning can come czactty into the views ofa canadian reformer who iu the name article aows a different opinion i quote yuur words mr canadian reformer pray do not blow hot and cold in your next jow sir merely because you find uemnelf in a dilemma brought on yourself by your own seekine open a war of criticism and quibble nbout wotd if you choose but remember a hiot to the wim imltirieht to be candid mr caita dim informer much dial you have fflldi 1 approve of much that jou may my i hope 10 agree with but i ih never aid in siippoilitig kefurm by mis represents ion and iu charity to yon i will ron- rede to yuu a uujid heart and am in hope that a blister or iwo on your head may draw oft ihe redundant humours of that useful mionber trusting that ft mav exactly into each others h views am your mott obedient anothisk uekormer kingston decembers 1sj5 bcefhy tliecwl do atttic stall pr lb mutton hy tlie sh do at the stall vval prwh pork per 100 lb- ftofti butter por lb- tub do do esr r dox american flour xr brl canada do do do do perewt wheat per bushel ry do dv corn do do barley do do oats do do putdtocri j0 d hay per ton sir j w per bucijle firo tvoutl pci cord roup fovvu couple pork inesi bb do prune mess isi 9 a v- g 0 3 0 u 0 4 00 25 0 0 8 i 0 7 0 9 0 0 25 7 15 0 3 9 3 0 0 0 9 0 1 0 i u 5s0 0 3 90 0 4 i 3 fiu 0 70 0 ro 0 3 a 376 0 4 do 0 00 97 6 0 9 0 8 0 10 0 0 27 6 16 6 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 s 1 60 0 10 0 1 0 0 0 0 s 0 0 0 notice there was brought into ihe possession of mr jo seph mclean residing on lot no 9 in the fiit concession of tliu townsmpt on tuesday the 1st ins a black make wiih a short switch fail a white spot on the furchend in- i font wliie ii 10 the gambrcl any pevsnn nroving property nml paying ex pence inny have the ubovc ineniiuntd hy applying lo mr mc lean pittsburgh dec 2nd 1s35 36tf montreal slage from kingston to tsroekvitie t1c advcrivrs mail contrnctors for tbis part nf route be leave tu acquaint he travelling coimut nity thai nil the beginning of january they wilr lie orcpntid to convey nil unsaenipin from kingston 10 bfockviile and finni llrocville to kingston in n coin double sleigh at the ordinary stige fare w s fairman jambs thomson kingston pec 8th 1s35- 366ts the itmckviile uecorder will please tocopy this three times and ebarge the advertiser interrftinc anecdote it is not long since a eenlleinan was ravelling in one of the counties of virginia and about tbe close of the day stopped at u public houss lo obtain refreshments tnid spend the night he hiil bveii there but a short time before mi od man alilned from his with the apparent intention f iltin his lellot guest at th sovc house as the old man drove up he observed that both the shafts of his iig were br ken and irii they were held together by withes funned fndi the imrk ofa hickory sapling our traveller observed laf- tber bat be wh plainly clad that n kneebueklrs were biowmed and that so in jke iieglibcoce pervaded his dress uotlceiviiiq him to be one of be honest yeninuury of our bind the courtesies of strhiicers passed bi ihem and tltey entered ihe taveni it v ihiul the xamo lilus thai an ad- 1iui011 of ilrc or four gentlemen was made to iheir number most if not n of them of tbe lepat profes sion as soon as they became conveniently ugcihii- tiiodatcd the conversation was turned by one of the latter upon an eloquent haianzue that hud thai day been displayed at ihe bar it was replied by the tidier ihat he had witnessed the same day a degree of eloquence no doubt equal but that it was from the pulpit sotn thing like a sarcastic rejoinder whs made to the eloquence of the pulpit and an able and warm altercation ensued in which ihe merits of the christian religion became the subject of discus- non frajn six ovlwk until eleven the young notice a central meeting of ihe householders and p eiholders of the township of fredericksburg ill 01 ke place at the inn ol lieoige charters on sa turday the i9ih instant at ihe hour of 10 oclock in the forenoon 10 consult upon the best measures lo be adopted to carry into successful operation the law lately passed by the legislature commonly called ihe township officers la j ns nil are deep ly interested a ccneral attendance is requested predri irkshure dcr 5th 11 notice teinderswill be received from this date uniii ihe lost of ibis monih for building carrving out ami repairing the wharf in the rear of the premises or- copied by a manahan esq and belomring to i markland esq the wharf 10 he extended out in the river wiih three sunken piera close to mr mae nideis wharf for plans and tpecincattous ap ply on the wharf to r o waltkr bales pirrter front street drc sth 1s3j q cah paid for rags three halfpence per lb will be paid cith or conkags and two pence per lb allowed tq ecciuuit at lite tico of ihe britim w kingrwn dec 8th 1s35 bsitttiii wme 1