Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), December 4, 1835, p. 2

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j v a i riiaiuit tory istv f lrsbal hi okrfolli meihitssfor ilw iwii aitisw bw oflcred uccufditwivi im for the b1 eny n bm rninporaiive uunv hereof the bikwnlftud modem aborigines of ameri ca and on the causes whether morel or physical ot ilwi grminj disminiearence- 2d fnrtiiehesf bmv on ihe cattcaa of the ri ver and gulf of st lawrence 3d for ihe bei essay on any scientific subject nt the discretion of the writer 4th for the bent essay on any subject connected wh literature generally the conditio nre 1st the eay shall be presented on or before the20ih of february 183g- 3d the esjiy may be in french or engl tali 3d the names and residences of the aniluii cnuiitbe concealed to ensure which each essa ball hae a motto nnd dull be accompanied hv i sealed note superscribed with the same motto and containing the name and residence of the author thin note ahall only he opened in the case uf lb estay being declared worthy of a prize otherwisi it shall he destroyed 4th the successful essays shall remain the pro- pen v of the sotiery i 5th the soricty reserves to itself ihe right to withhold the prize should no one ol the essays on anv particular subject appear deserving ot it- the essays are w be addressed to a k holmes m d corresponding pecreiarv the society andrew h armour oct 13 1835 rrcnrins secretory ft a p t vij isjtl- pa gy- biscuit baking thomas moxey from li ion returns i grateful acknowidm to he inhabit kilwmh for th- firtnr iitlll ui hi ha r ince hisownniieemiiii in rti ahrive h-wim- innr leaveto inform ivm thai he keep ro for sale eve rv varinv of fancy cakes and fllsctitb confectionery niitl oilier unicv in b line ery be quality wh dae and iviitl gbriatentn and br ids cake made to order i m ivia na immi and i co ilantly hmiltlfuc- turinar ulnueit debs of ucrijr flavor whirl he will m y limitfttte and retail af iihithtatpprtct hti miiffiisovery wedieday and saturdrw venhuiv i stre struct kinsmu jmitlt ip35 t ti rrir iholll of lb tmk elkjtrr srltfm- boat pmf0d if 7w fmrfwtlw pttmmtt egiusfm hrt t apt j t iio m as vill ply on lake ontario and the sl lawrence uier as follows learesdenaburg on friday evening kingston u c saturday morning sacketl harbor saturday noon oswego saturday evening rochester sunday moruing toronto u c early monday morning keachintrlcwiaton i time to enable passenger- to visit he falli and return by boat the same day leaves lewihtnn on monday evening rochester tuesday morning oswego torsdaj afternoon sackeils harbor tuesday evening kingston u c wednesday iiionmtg and arrives at otfdenhurg aainr evening touching it frenrb creek morrulowu alexandria and urorkulle travellers intending to visit the falls of niagara itnftalo or the different places on lakt ontario alii snd the most pleasanu cheap und expeditinii- nule by taking the steamboats at oawcgo and ro chester pasengern leaving lewiton in this boat on von av eveninir ill arrive m montreal mi tburdt viuiing ptttasns the inrim imeiening part oftlw st lwrence river by da light ft h the oswego commenced her trips on tin april vpril 15 bay and rlvbb the fdst 3a1uhg steam boat 35ai ri storage and whartugc the subscriber hia leav lit mfonn the publit fltai he hfs rented the well known storehouse and wharf formerly ccu by mr john maemre v v fjor j svf stfj a to uicstinn ihey hi wrffrftfirffrt utwtl thte wh alshmjif opetty or diftetf itby consignment mayreh on the utmost endeavors of ihe xuhcriher in rftve atwfarriin for all orders he nay be favored with m tfrebrnt linenf bnsuies if b for the acommodauon of traveller there will tie a room fitted up for the reception of bartow pbiu4p kingston april 23d 1s30 caotiqn this it to caution all persm from making bar gains of sale or otherwise witl james schroder in rfty nnmesrbave at present no connection with fliat yimng man also my customer- arerequeaied thmnire df whom they buy the articles i mauufar- toreasisnme persomare vending them pretending l be sent from me- kinpun aitffuat 10h 19 15 jsiea tub mansion house kingston u c the fiihscriber continue to oeeupy ibis extendi r aiid well knimn esiabbslmient a an hotel fo ttje accotinjaitnri nf ihe ublic v th luapcii house i pleasantly situated id sttlw street beisg ihe priftiitial and moat central street in kingston in ihe drfldnow pari nfrhe town is convenient to ihr dip fercirt fsteanbiiat wharves vid b eabnhnv- of the kind i i the imivince wih surpass ii in ih ex eelteitoe md comfort of its apjrfiueur to ie rl bvihto parbrrx and bed rotlim all of which are fin nfsbed in the very ht stvle- tie ltmelhni utvo rateily hinted ihronglwut 4nd otherwise iiiijiro the subdrriber hanna kept s ptbhc hivmiv fhr many earis iihh aciuircd xpertem in th t lint aud he tr that with ouremitn i tfe ttioo to tilt cgitiibrl ol hi- gtiesls he will continue to merit i u lit patronage fn the rear of the maiion hmiv ther i a itm ykik iu- etctefksive sia and iere a lier stable h constantly kept tffthe vlimnion house caftiage and porters wulalwayabe iti readutess to cjuvev pasegvra and luggage to and from the different sieaiihniix a ca rmijto kinffaton may 1835 5 at tub sign of the dear the subseriier respectfully informs bin friends and the public that be is now manure uriog and has for sale wholesaled retail an extensile m sortmenl of tin ware which he will dispose of on the moat reasonable terms le hasano for sale a larga quantity of cuba st domtuco segun h do huston made whipa of all kinds do stone ware bpt qu ditv b phillips market plate sept 4tf 1835 10 the stockholders of the bank of the people at their first annual meeting held m ihe hankinir unuse in iliin iiiv nn mond the 2nd day of no vember inttnnt proceeded by ballut to elect thrir dirtmin when the following gentlemen were cho- mii vis john roiru ebq jaxks lceauc kq david tibsns esq iambs beatt jobs motoomert tbuha- elliot the bniird met nn wftlnesiiiiv rhsi joint rotnh eq ns umi hov m s bldwetl t d imnreion ehq grunck harhlay john harper johm doel jamka ukrvkt pnick the 4ih hmthml iioiikiv riveifd d i jilllle icr raridoirt jmikm uwslie em cnh hua hfhall spriitv uidacll eq hervey price soliciior the stark 8iok will reinnin open until the 31 or iieao nd ihe atfeunofih- iuuu n rpie to rorw their list- of s mmlli- in chier of ihe bank or hefiv thnt dv uyrd fue riwrd jlankirw hniw trmt r 4fli nmenhr ici5 uaum katidm kai6l lomiow boarding school iiluuce6tek hqcsb establishment kptotr jjuce nrat gnttt gatr enip citxctcd t iff h a u xi t the domestic arrinnonu uf uw eiublishmnt nx upon ihe niml liberalfkarerar border ll mcrumuiodatcd vrilu ft single bed without aiw exirt chance tad a ntncl ntwn- tiiii pid to his comptru horrth and whmtrk the coutmof iiutruntiooinclwlw enxlih elocuton hv scientific principle in i prmitice of arithmetic merchant acoounti bookkwpii miifmniion algebra gfiraphy the gentlemanp vade wwecu tfflms ftr mmwmm urt3erl2yftmofagc- 22 guineua 1s4 dittn above l0 weekly botrder ie diito s 1 dy umrkm 12 duta ftr vsrtr the lanyunrjfl eaeh 1 guinea drawing a oancingd munit 1 ditto 1 ditto rpeoiable reference will he eiven anl required th rwatiuos we tins week midsummer hid a rrtnuhl at chrlswas account mlsflonutety the ftutpr t roro- munce on the diy of efilrni a qnsnsr nonce is wpwied iruvia to the removal af boardrr fipil- nmiinine i shonldurfoi the v4atiorwirechmecd 4 inv rira pr annum the french litiemi i tauaht by a nsiii each boarder ucxpccuidl htw a vu sfkiii knifo fwk and stii tuweu tne wituuon i ektremerj healthy and rdenunt with ex- irmurti gmunda reforoncb may be nude i t ii prior esq orque- for further particular ly to the eoiloi of the whio 376m vv kingston tl li ifstetr ujulvsii will leave the carrying fhwm moadv and thurdav nlrniicrj at 3 oeli k timcli nt ihe river trent amelias- plinth bellevill iphiibtirjli culbertson scjfnlann tvfaarc hdlwtllj arlitphtitoit fredetiekshutarh bh kuirttor will kuve ktogrlmq sameiliiy nl6 p m touch el fiiiiinangviantwia bfekville itkl arrive at preicottin time f t the stages or steftix dat for montreal orwikdi wjulevepfaron every tiishy ami frmar p- m imme- liauly after te ar ival ul tho 3t fr steacn bju from- he- ultj much at brckvile fren h creek aul eime aikinria- iiu matuly mil morning wil leave kinsiton every wwiiaf- lay and sitnnuy morning at 8ovln k muchinp at the inter iiediito places aud arrive utlwcaitytrtc p-aceamee-eninfr- m lime to mtfoltliestagejfurcobourg poxthopeud turvo tti all packages and lugfteatthe ruk of the owner unleip iiked and paid gr evfry attpniiun will be paid to the comfottof pasenpre and the boat i well adiptid to uke jreight horses dec kingtton april id35 lake ontario 1835 the steam moat america capl joel f tv1e wiu run two tripe weekly between kocheelcr and king ton vie sodus uawefto anl 3acketti harbor as foiiova coattnq down leaves rocheilur monday and thuraduya at 5 evening u hilns di do 11 evonitis oswdw tu4tlav and fiidv 9 mornina awlo1 vi iruor tin 00 d ovinng arriving at kingston tuesdny and friday evenings 9 o clock ooiao cp lt6a ktnaston srturttaya4 afternoon wednesdjiy 7 a w sarketa harbor sunday 7 m rniiift do 12 noim oaivego do 34flernmiriflf 10 evening i 8ndt 00 9 eveiiioc thursday 5 a m- aciivnmt kibchettt monday atdvliht du9 nrninf i tut n wiih the great brilam at ostveg nn wednvs hvt ami ihe ciitimnii at roiiieffter m wnday and rhumdays in their upwfl d tiipa tti cohourg toronto auri vuinrf nlso ihe daily boat at kingston running to ogdeiu- biirsh nd tip the bay nf quinte dck pasenersi soing wert car hy taking this boat it kniimnn sakei e harbor or oswfo rearh buffalo for w ita h hy vay of the cm ii frun rnchet oiildreu ha f price the stvm ht sir jfaies kevpt will uolil forlher ftui n inm her trigrs ttp flu bay of i 1 it- nn tiulxj and vuvj nnd return on ruacsnoyi will letvirprescnttfni klngsttn and the bay on mtt4yna thursday iveiins naej the arrival nf the bolts from helnxv ww imv kingston for pre5cott nn smdny and fvrjintsrfoy vrtiiinas- pienirern fin montreal leaving kinftrtn hv ihi bntxt mi sin f i rvnunf inty he sura f nhhttnjr in minirtal line at plmrar of mniiriay mnrnintr a thu bpat leave- sjireaxlr for t it iirt nt5 nvlorfc p- m kingston jnne37lh 18 cash paid for iti ties fjvedouaks ovt ilwhf rtmtar hifli- raid the hiafheat price eiven for calf av shrn skinv by j murray kinntmi nov 10th 1835- 29 of sub commercial bank xot1cb i bereix given ihat the bonks ariiptimii for thi itew stock 11 this i be opened m ihe diltereut placta ns mentioned b- biw on toeflfiav tin firtt day of december nexf lirtiiaitiotl v u the foienn n and cloaed at arcoiditg to the act no more than eighty eltares at the hour of ten three oclock name day pet mm fan auhhrrihe for kingston at the rank ttfrmtot fficc of the bank brokvitte meesr a w mirrie co preattl hiram ixortotu eq rytown mprs g- r lang carntrath i c wiind esq perth- a leslie eo hauotrelldaud smith eaq bdtcvillethn parker eeq cobntirg r henry eeq port hope david smart eeq ihintlau j c evart eaq hamilton gore ditc ferrie co niagara lame lnrkhan kq hmdon j- c snndbue esq s indwith dmtijall co jncrstburgh rerczy efq 1 a meeiiog ol the stnrkholdera in thia inatttution m railed for tuesday the 16th day of december nexrit 1 1 irvlorfc in the trenoim nt the barik to led a dtrecur in rhe place of the hon ct w traill resinmd and oilier purpose by order of the llord f a i1arpeb coihier vviihaa dawk attorney and solicitor in ihe conn- of la tld equity in gnglniid iihh itened an office in mi couineri brick building in brock sireel king con here lie draw- uefdb will ind other legal writing sritlj accuratry nnd dispute and on mode- nitc terms tsjtliz of rmwflbm cni tl itiiri lt olucr twonidqd fsbsi 1b35 j rle public are kifnnnffd that the sales ol frown lands nnd clenyrfr midland district will take placas follow vis at bfilxevillb fr the township- of huntingdon madi hun xrrford kaladar itosm bichmond and tyeu- mtmdsy 20thjuly thursday augut moadav 31st september tuesday 20ih october fudy 3thh november atkapanee for the townships rf shejfield and camden thursday 23 july- moirdsv 240 angnat thursday w senttmber friday d october monthly 23 november at kgstqn for the toiwiiis of portland pitltburgh hin iiinbrook bedford atrd loiigiihorntigit tueilay ih july satitrdirv 29m august tnisdav 29ih september vvndnesaay jgth october- monday 3jtii iovember thp numbers of the lots to be offered for sale nav he known by applying tu samuel s willnwt fsq belleville or at iliw office 42 hemoval jameshall rnpectfull infornw his friends ihe pubke that he has removed from the tavern sciiil iiirlv feu h j by him to johnson strcer in ill t- ri nruated at the font of store street tor keoi hv the late mr fagn j h is thankful for the liberal suinrt he ha fereivewince hi commencement in business and x a v- -lil-lj-llm-ili- 11 ui ji h ii ll i direrted to keening his ltoue supplied with the ve ry tiext wiue lniiij- kingston oct 16 1335 22n tib toronto correspondent will copy tltin ad- i riiiiie three inn- km ch irm the adverir the subs0h1ijer vounces to hi liinkkand rhe puiilic that he han removed to thoretfy estentv pfemiaen in front street next to the building formerly occu ied by the commtrciat bank where be offers for a1e a very extensive and feneral assortment of british and foreign staple fanc1t dry goods a a well m tfco rol 1 t grcflrles ac- vlt 100 cheat tea nitkn sorta hhrftj refiiwd swfwv 20 micnvadbfe 50 keg pitty tobaefo 20 uoxei cavcnduh do vlaccboy and rnppee snufla paint and cud oil saltpetre fu blue an4 starch wboe and colored pasaod black lead mimtnrd in hir spermaceti candle tallow candles speriwreti wick new article liverpool und moiiireia sojip plormn- oil ulie oil in hlidi andpipes mackarel and herring 30 hhd cognac isiwidy rich flavor mrnng proof otard dupuy co and other favor ite lirands bordeaux brandy schiedam geneva and hamburg ttin puncheon jamaica sfmiu prtof i to 2- upper canada whiskw wlks th wood ttomler caike of old madeira approved vinta get blackburn obviero cov brand xerxet sherry london paiticular tenprinv and he mom rxc- aive and fftteftl ttlwoftilietil of rd nri white wines orthv the fttrertmn nl country merchants nod tavern keeper kiht indin madeira brown and gold sherry genuine old port smrkhng champaigns jolliea brand ponfttit tlibbcrfs and durtkar brotcn slout in pinti artd uuart case of schiedam gin stovm 100 2 ro3feei stove cookiof 8tove 200 boxes window glita variou ize shovel col and wrought nail boxer- i c i x tin the good enumerated and all hi importation are perultarly deserving tbe notice of the public md the advantage of the wharve and prensiaes he occupie tor the general pirpoe of trade and the term upon which hie alocki always laid in through bio friend in montreal emble him to ell a low a the montreal price advance will he made upon fill contigpment of produce for sale here bkw shipment to hi friend l ftfoulreol the char will be found moderate thwa8 macnier ok tllfc 8prtin and drtcmailc compauiou itfclif kmh with a uttltitudbof bnohaviwo ilicttldls hordes pbttosopblcal and natural phenomena icgcrdeuiain c it b now six tnoaihi since ihh lumscntlm wn coidftirowrt in pmta mcircuutt a knowlnifh- t iti ncnt jet uch i the uo ptmfr os bfts sks s ik fwic who have bet iniutc acquntl vvu ss w inrn rut thi- rnrcr i ruw itiirihsrf rejal-trt- every wet ess wi1r roruon of ihe fssl a thetaiml htfl iwcivcd thai u wiiirwiiiijiiybrnie oocofite aisipryrjar mosp noeitoiwiltbwrtl l erwwih it penimarirt rtpuulinti more ntsriiaiittv dth b ofttmr fir wlom u eicmj ilcsitwl hill vvarniiiil- flilorv improvrnwolkhul ht- rcpifd rmsakal oeoiiiw cinitriiirihmeiiiwrti if rnitrhlhr vivonct- thf diflcrpl pln fait- ihol will fprtr in the cune f vciir ol tlicrwclvr will be wonh mort ihan i hub tuw tjh- mount of fsotmriplioo the ibilowiftt i flrihofc which hxv ulready paircj chalit the rfl 1- 4 m brynd the hunchback thr deep i7vp sr chrnr li f s i k gvly dm i t ii l it- corrrci hrcfarorbihul green muii n miki wlwk mnoofteri rbotiruiml the bde- min vutell voo wk thcgolfjenfnnmt olympic nrvil rrilhitqtn tn indid shlkcpvire ktmivsu t cuff indian my fricod the oorcmof vfciorine thehnnihu tsc chilrj of n n lure the hrocooire the duel too sirtcra vijocq hernaol irtfh arobaaaabor the sportok ldtellisocr ai home ablr ponirmorntirctiiufrii uvl ccff london like cf packetsthe mi- nil h i4 packet havirvginciw liumtor of their ship will iirar driwrftfl iiftlhhm frm new vrk and fnitn poiumoafci aaa f ut 0ul 3 sfltll 1rt rlmi ilntill iii fjj ittli and 27th wwrtjtf iwititb vrouliui the year vi from mtowt hcjjt it oct out nov nov nov doi dec dec a- aljl- alaje- sent 1 ship touunto r gruwiild maater 111 riliip ontario jawaai kcnrnay maater 20 ship westminster h champlin muim 1 slnu st james wtt s botmir master in ship mijntreal c h champlin m 20 ship canada thomas bntlon mutw 1 ship t 10 shmllannibal hcbanl dwmt- 20ship philadelphia e e morw i ship philadelphia e e- mgo 10 sup president gctifpb mour tiuatar 20 shiu samson d- chdrick naur fttom losdon 7 montreal lv purtrahmth aug 10 17 canada leaven pnrtrnunuth aug 20 j7 nv leave purtamnulh sept i itlfftvtl pirfuliinulh sejrt 10 7 uanmsal artt 17 philadelphia ivj ih mtifbrj r p mltb j s koowle j rllunclke f krynokl- c a somerset t m rtoo r p bstsshhs j s koowle nhomi- holcroft wim in 11 uuttori mr- ni ill bcojonn wcltfw f m fit vtkw plnpehc a llnoce wtmoocrirc m- g istwi j h piaoche h m mutter mrs loch tajj- w i bmrrymorrj jnme kcooej tyrooc power nd nbrotuj occupieaa cotwhlcr- colkcieil cron live utovtautocaiic oar amnnt uir i cce lrjrsli j wtlwioff hofae wiuch have thf ardtwiiwhorrarklmxin fllmmbst the1fnfimr hkudbn qbil thrjfrvohic iucinure aktl ood her ft a 1 by ecllstob boodacrlrferticdtroiiirchorae nuitfoljc phknomgmln thainiebtoftdlpopol4rhof chateau makgaux the welt koftwoeoriiah kac hore fcconreipictuhb f a race ooltwvbi occupyiog ibowjdtb of aevco columus tv nolrd oloodsorae mundig lb wtnoerorihe derby mm jane 183 aorof tarietf of other etn bell iah men tn of auljccia of idlcroau aiweh hare hceq pribjtahos nrothe c4lovinjst a bmume ireaiiae on iiiihng wtih fourekn illutftra tlontf br ihe mpraremeai oflmlieain thai moat heahby of all eser ktoianftuoftoflhe automation chess plavek illuhtrattl by elkveft enubavigs the iubjeel which are pniroliirjy ciihracd in ihe v aueaiecf m will bv more diatineuy uotcniord foni the jlhwtug udoiirj- o uiom tr turf auj aji mmtfra conneetrd therewilh oiheyiraciarean4chanwierof rhe hofac on thr i niprorrmrin of horned cattle kfl far novicea lnsic mcthoda for fesatwn an j trsxtnln dox biof ntpmer ofcelrhrairxl horae with their portrahi hn fiahint t fowltuir a approvej btnca from hoyu- and oihera critlruia on piny anil aciort the nfai popular evrtga hi to mmtie ftfj mrflajh iwtwwwi a vadfofheeireawjpiedlo oomertle econoiay an epitomr of important paatmg evenia milrninv qunrtrw review of lite faahtonfl the vate metuft iairincrj o -arg- imperial paper ora heaniinil white texture and ta piilmmd evrr saiunlny aithree ollara per sinntioiinadviiiice trjerafrom dhrorl potre psii- wil be prompt ly aiteoilod lo and thn ppcr rarefully pickenl i prevent it ml rtfibug hy mtil the mdkrn acting drama a votttttla of almhiltlco pner crntaininff the pita tf faroes 4c witifh nppenr in ihcyinle mermn nrailv onnterl aiirl hoitml itt r unite vr mr ui i- n i lapublinherf eeryaii wek ehi votmnea will conariiiite a mh or oiie yetra sooststrtrltoo tlieienn ftr which i three jollara paynhle m ranun mj t -i- r r the v ir meetifn are entitled to a deduction of oneihn a oriw fiiirsietawill bethatikfhlly reeelvod nod lite wurk fbrwnnt- d trt any 1 i ir by jqcjidi a ten dollrir note pomnrte pam a premium consisting of two volocoe 5w5 pujeaener ofthe novt- iija mi ivimmhii rirliailirrc novfl thr nimr c i r author wllltw reaentcj io ihe aweji who shall procure uorr inreem te moctrru arting drama or ihe unllerjan vude alecunx nl remit ihehmruiktofone year suiicnmion firech grntcnin whsfdsfn kobacritc toeilie of the above w rka willed charlhd alexanokr no 3 athenina buiuines frnk- in li- rhiaijclphia a primmcopytvjilbeaeimoatiy partoflhe uaion by nddreaalnf tlte pulhiab r pnst m m lnittisfptb sept 97 prellent leivea poriammith oel 1 ocl 7 samson lea prttinuth 10j oit 17 toronto loaves ivrmutii wci 20 oct 2t ontario leave- prtmiiulh nov 1 not 7 west5iin3ter leaves pmumoulii nor nov 17 st james new leaves porteniouih n vft thmaliinre all of ili fiii da about bw lonilwtti and ie oiiiiii crf hv able ula exuritiiecd navijiioa g eat cjire will bo inkeii that the und store ac arto belt doctiioii the p1 eofcohiu pwg out ward ii fixed at 140 inchidinr wine and biqaw orl90 vvi vviniia ssbr piftfsngrs mrm tho liil mentioned print bexupulihj thr jstttwrnd at lit printed ritea which will fiirniehnd on bnl neither the rnptain nor owners of packtjla wil io nponjthtfor nnv leuer parcel or pne cont hy thorn unlea riguar uillsof lamff a signed ll apply to john criswoii 71 sooth tnt now ork grinnemi mintukn co 134 front st do geo wildes a o n 19 cohmaiat und n b sutuhih run daily ifiui inrtttmimilh whscs parkttaloto und and receive pasaongtsra to the con anrl to diffir t1l nrtb ftf enfliiid any iiipntntlinn rolativu a this lino of tacket may beobiind hy application at thll offico- am eric jn leather store just renlvid and rorsstleuv the subcnbcr 500 sides of sle lerthcr 200 do llanicw d 100 do undle do 300 ciifskui 100 kijiskiih 20 thizcit mttricco kmi 30 l- i i i skjti 200 ksirwu salt 20 ilrtxt gihrfcv iv ai a full s iipy f i- and boiittrws five ilolltrp per ci d or ijij ind d hishtim imcc in run pud forcntf a sliep skin 1 viil1am fokh marker plae ktnaaton july ljt h oaheyb lxbbar7 choice llieratwe lo aay that tha la a rradlne nre niriea a detlrc for lsairoetlno nrur on rod tbe ieana tr grau that deaire on the fir potfti all are agreed i wine aconl ihw la dfvrraity both oropinlon and ol praatlce we have nrwpaprr inafizinee reviews in fine rmmpnsi fm ire- c near ly rulfutaeete wnlch hvn severally tiielr eluea ofreaifersaiat aupiiorv era anlet crpinua a are there meanaot fih tlrctani etippli inore arestlll needed lnaditwn tothr revlewa oflhe da ml pajtacoos tkea oi booka the people in larce number id all wis of our yreat re- fi v rrave ttir pojsa4ion oftne ijdv llicnwelvce unit rteutil- ueyorttl mere paavinjrauaoa progreaa of dieovery in art and ttcircea- smtmlh lihcenry to iacernria and eapres their wmll ia not ao eay lorrratlfy inem exrrrjmedimonrelrnmthecrnporiumonitern rnrrwgiienccupotiooavr ici prevent peraonul applieiiion or even roea- faajras 10 librariea sm boavjellera oreo many case tokeep people away from the fciim ofreaojiiind the enjoyment fifth coveted literary nrr it it the aim of the pobliahera of rc uhrary motivate tlieae dirficultlea mdm mnlle vr individ tni n amallcoa nnd without any perorjii1 eiton to obtain r hfa oan nse and that of hi fbvarcd friends or family valuable aorka complete on altthe branchea ofnefut itcd populur literature acd thai id a form well adapted to ihe comfort of ihr reoder the charm efrartcty aafar aait larmnpiiutile wvh mora1ltandeod taate will he hejd conatadtly id view in eondoetioir the ithmryiogil tlie pajeaof whtrh tteeorreiri hterature nf great britain in all ii vairouatfe- poitroenterrkstapk miator travela novela and poetry ahull be freely yen arvr rnrnntrjnn with perchance osxaaiooal exceptiona i ia invaded to tjive entire the work which anall be aelrctrd fbr pnbhea 6oa whe clrcstunauttce nuihorize the menore recottre will be had to the literary atoreii of cniinnnl kitropc and irsdslatioq made itoid preoch italian or gerrnanaa the cute maybe whilst the body oftho work wilt be ft reprint or at times a trnntuunn ofenlire volume the cover will exhibit the unacellncoua character of n magazine and en i nf sketr ha of men nrrl thlnar nnd noticer- of novel- tiealnlueralure hndttieanaptliroughut thccivilizrd world a fuuantl rrr c of the ilerry montlily nnd hrudomadnl joernalanf threat bhtainaod ireland to abmitinn to home periodicnla of4milr character cannot ftiltoprovidr ample maicroyla lor this pnrt of our work the reaourcea sod cxtenrwe rorrejpondence nf the publisher ore tlte heat guarantee fttf the continuance ofihe rntirpriae in which if iry are now about loembrk na welt aa for the abundance of ihennilvrimlato pivrlt vmioij in the ec of ihe public a fr aa udcion- eteeiioti undar rtneemen arc cnnrcrnejs rrmlert will it hoped have reason to be fiiu ly iatined a the editor ofihf kitirnry t no n airncr to them lurt hia mnrelhnn oucc 0lihed r i r y k f i- nf kanuv eflorte terrh te work vrffl be published in weekly number in atitched cover eftchtiumnrrcotitflinmc tictnty fataaanu ottaco faame wjdt double col jji d iti the expindinn of every eix montha pubacribta wit he firmiijcij with n luindome title rs hnd table ofcoitcnte tlte whole monni of matter ftirnthed in a ainele vrstf will he equal to more tk an frtf vgtumt iif ihe commnn rxel enlih luihtoimo k h the col of whkh wimlent irjia fiarari tie price of h yenra eurkription to the t the poprr upon which the library will be primed will be ofihefineeiflunlfly uaed lor bookwork anl of n hie admirably udaptrd for bimitnif a- ow ir will be rntirrly irw alh ofi laja lw wrmfs eaen vm- when hound wilt f rriteh a hnrfdomr na well a lllustrt aod not cumbrou- addinmio hie lltfrariea f tloee who natroiiitt ibe work- the price of the library will bejfo duurtptr a payable in ad- a eomniaslofi of 30 tier cent will be nllnwed ionenu- ami any agent or rm r f h k- five r r i l-i- 1 wnd i milunfl the mlikhjilt of rub- hpuon ahnlbeentitltrdtothresjtoinirflronof topcrcvol oraconv of the work for one year annerjmrjiofihe workirey intormation femeejlnff it may beoh- ibrrfd by arfclreajiiita the pnlilialiern pot f 1 kdiiorn oriirwtaprris to whom ihr properiu ta fbrwardetl wm plrar 1nrt ihe rboer often rf eonxcuem send n cony ofthcir paper eowamtaeihe ndmemfnt marked and entitle ueniitlyri to a freer chnc- aronryer adrirraa oaau 0octo8 walker iufunm ihe hihubimnts nf rnmsioii riih itt vicinity h1 he has com imi iced practice in mcoicinc urgekv and miowifkhy in the house lately wcnieh hv mrs biitierwnrih tad opposite u ibfi hardware store of j watkins ae co store street from his length of practice and thorough knoio- udgeofthe various diseases incidental to the human body and his intention to settle j kingston he is induced to oter his professional services to the public dr walker has been eminently succtssfui tn easts of midwifery n lchirges for medicine and attendance will be moderate cc7ik wauckr will aitend at his surgery from eleven to one oclock on the saturday of each week lo give advice and medicine to the poor gratis kingston nov 10 1836 292m leather the subscriber imviiiy mad wmweaa wilh a niiiiulwiuirr iiis ami hi cwtosttuf jg an extensive mipply of soli i s rl t n n a harness and bridle 1 wither unjur i jiiitsicr via stilts il- klna mnrorcn lm nc iliidiiurs c liicli in- ll st 1 1 aim suit or retnil nn lo nan e oblint i in the irovinrc deuttrs htid man fictnrm can be supplied al all limea and with a uaniitii- and probably osi better terms iltan ui ir obtniied elseviit asm piid fr hides and skins tallow ui flax seed cc mw hiii rcu salt siore oiinnxite the markol frrmerly occupied bu r caldwell joilv atrnnj kioff inn m- 2fi b 133 3 fresh importations comparing a gfnkrai asn complrtb btock of hijiilr sr fjicy dry goods thr si scribes begq to inform die mimii iliat ne baa rtceiv d b the regular traders fats great ubita in m a larfif and elegax7 stock of goods it the above line which having been cirelullv sc lected by hillisclfni be ewgush markets for cash feels confident tbat every article i biof the best in it kind and the prices fimh hwnsthise of any implrtiag hme in the trader thecdirtdis j h creed n b the lowest price invariably appears in plain figure mi each article kineimiii nov flb 16i5 2dfti removal the i suiiscrihkr ho removed bis chejp and fasimvablk hhut noe btaftmhmesi to be mnkei square where he will always keep on liand a lunjc insort of the tery but maun- faciurciii ilw iiilloinir low prices for ready moniy omv q 7 5 6 7 e 90 fi 6 6 g 6 0 7 fi 10 0 lsthw prunsllo arf laoitiet pumps do sufrriur quiliiy fiiicy vulouis dn siiltn do do do pine lijriit walltinc shoes do slum nuitnblufbr country wear do prune i i- do nuilid uuolio qualiy do gnc an do do pine l leallicr boota do slint do gftauvntan stonl walking shoes dn vry do do do do piggod n a luo a variety of boyk and girls boots shoee at erv liw prirei boots niii shoes made to order j murray kingston mav25li l 33 4 t 5 0 80 6 0 66 80 mo 10 0 60 76 6 3 so 12 6 the seiv steam boat commodoki bakrie gl j v ii s sinclair will for ihe remainder of the season perform her trips o ih bay and river as follows ill leave kinpstoll fur ihe bay on mondays fc thursflayh and return on tuesdays and fridajs v ill have kingston for ivescon on toedavairl friday evening nnd return on wednesday and sunday morning kimrsiui26ib oct 1835 notice the wine vouls of he subscriber are now re- plenishinff with blackburns baaiindia mndeita in ipes hhds and quarter eaalc also bmluaold poii in the wood vjan- founaapd w t macmuer npwon nov ft j wanted titecigeiit y miner unmarried mao- lle of mking charge of n printing ofhcc co ed to b ii i an aetive and cap whom a fair salary will be given and whoia expeo- ed to boul and lodge in ihe advertisers howe apply if by leuer post pn id co the prourietor of h- britib whig kincntnn nov 4ih ih35 purchases by tub iswusi m333 1 kasn sfclius of evrv dejeriiiwn pa ruig efiak hmjut 9fmf n- m m

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