the tuwnahip where aid n he t apt llded in iff situated cominipsioiiera my itgree with any person i perform snvutelah r for the in ikmcof nnv m laii r 4 iiihlir road hi neil of iii statute labor f iiutnbtt nf yni not exeecdintj fne and up- due completion if said improvement the per p c kx from all tantie labor forthe ttaeifnred ninni and any person thus agreeing ttejrjiminuud iih ft coininiaahniers the came be b 1 ft aj m uioduved 0 wnin d utlhw ill 1 lie ai me be liable 10 the mine penalty that nersou are wxirfu or neglect u perforin their statute labor isj where any diputtfa arie between the con tfttfi and cummin inner the tame bhall he refer- i to three overaners lffuwfowihipcqithniktfinjiers arc to discharge the t town warden and are to be as corpo orepreent the inhabitant of the township m their behalf this is to continue in jour years- raot asffi bobaffl in with a vengeance ye herd ay the ir ww many decree below xero ivdav th wea- tbcsjeigtua llx kfegjecneur wm many irgreej below z f3fammt aem nw btviuf fallen it itflwnin johmon wimvti msbbed by mcardle si fr m taeilatucfcugvaleiconc the recovery j liiij min jlcpthohi it credit upon maws stewartand elhwotth unnfie fium woutidt in ilm milmtioe are like aogela gjh few ii j fir between ttoar reader are doubllea- impaant to loain what the rpsrtr caruda petriou arc duhg- to which wc reply y are having every i hi in iheir own way they have ro fcdadlfaatjwi1iii kiiil road ad die inhabitant arp told 1 toffee atontrett itcraul to threaten the govern uiunl with join pmpi yankees fofkvtfa we euueive tu be the meanidg of itwyu if tlijr will brint the government to it asase porih ill ii tii one dtirtieulveimifw- tiiatcou ie rf te tvhttti they chotme a lijt wild m and irupuatly a mi if the cure were impracticable a threat t aluitnl f influencing a feeble iictlhurtg and concilia- rj orerj niii we iipctfely riejirecale the wretched tato of vaaaalagu to inch ifa unti- lrili eod united hufll uirn olject lifui rsejjr iqtht lower phlvibf abjsrfed by a french fa o bet va himild be wautitij in our duty did we not aevet- flcoftdtunthe publicatinn ofsuob laaguareai the above ytlt iiid that jak vmcnf iealiout tiled nftjiibltajiiiiy a er at a ilo ro anil intandi vivin up in he spring bawbtflf wtoqibr ifcfln ia an npmiiog foraralicaj lf ia that nh it not ii i uik of bmina bo any bin i wea t pekipu who ueed hie erviiee are fully u ignorant fltftfcpppfi wmuiicl kmwtcooi jwiier tbumtq dattor in riti- rw ttrmt1 pcronnaims ayhe wiui highly do eaatena a uu mfwl dltuwi ftm c major ift- r vr n t iv j mr 1 h i wttt u hftul fir auuu ivf to sir thu t uraoce and now mr i kttli whom nobtdy ever iplofl iwm pino pmiip ocerv in t ttyle grratly jaeriei lemtevet befie wlttuphud- iftorn wtfeawait cbemjerr heje numy a woithy mac hy injodi ione puf it im ernojj leave off the practice mr rutll who for jtonkmiw may be in uireii uf aob oiuai el talent ppitvippu i ignmill pretentuf sfbium raotiotied our radfl anlcul um ukjtfti lit u p- if villm whtm uutttide know in gu mptm i lji r f ivikafliat may probatlv hi deliver- pjaaj ntci condition sinco dim mr inu the dr ftfg keif itiicajloh itfmu ui mate that hv hi- j jiej the ecj li ike aale of whitriuhle lifo and scnnona in die jpttaod w4 pfmce edward ditmu and pmri mfluefi ffteh cufty phan be to intenv and purpose fully equal t -avjf-vji- ae mr pultz a pcrim whomautoe rilfieovi ih public have enjniy aint impuaiiioo and pjif liktuie work why m theui lake il k pitft vshcn ncwjafar or oilier wiiier beatow tli tmiiiiiuti upuo ouwnthy peraoinl ur lhin9 the wrrthn bflguhipi m tuff hoi when the kime witter or i- k- the poblu attrhtniii to inrritortou 4 wtelj it vitim ie tietihtig too ur tu call wlut ht hptj tottihadvtalpintliiib it m new conimorciel eatabliahmenu and thfl high price of evrry tnrvhantablcmrpodity are euro indicalionaofproaperily added to whihi the cry of hard linw u demwr ecaro lv heard another dia ia the projection of a marine rail wy on miaiuagua point the eltf k of whi- h amounting to 4000 ie l ltken noturfl h h toany ci- litioa in the way ofmakinga rail way at the apot lilill very little eicavatmn ii needed and whrn the piara on which the veeeeu are to be hauled out are erealed an sentient do- k will be foimod by them and the almre our town i indebted to henry gimeraleeve exj far tlio project and for uie pain taken to get the etock taken up the etock book at premnt u in uiehandaof g w yarker eq to whom application fir etock vi to be mado the rail way will bo commenced erly in the sgring rrtijn diagonal built barge qutbtc of quebec taild ownod and skippered by mr jppppj george arrived in tha harbot hat evening from off the rocks at ferria point where we believe ehe ha been aground ainco saturday loit ve have not aeeti this farfnned boat anrl what ia more we do not intend to visit her in common with mufti other people we have become diguted with the fulsome and atupid adula- lation ehe has received from the pre in this province and consequently suspect her to be a humbug probablv this pie- judtce excited eninm her hy injndicioua puftine may be unjuit- ly r rented hut in ihtitca thote tire most thlttmo whoh3ve been iufttriimcntdl in raising her meriu beyond what they can poaaibly deserve ai ifii i grerr liae lately remitted iran brock tn live prvmurs in store street fornurly occupied hy rnapaj brennin we havi tsiid tlm- tremiea we itbe principal auf betn fticatly increased in length itw up with jjtem me and upline fr the ault of dry tha i latetv rocutied ly chmiut ia con- lete a croc4jriy and grorory store and the apaciuua find back wsrnhiiitsij are filled with various marketable diiite on fcet ii together the prviutsea ate aft apa n jjmifdioj tr doiojf an mcelecni rtjil trade mx tin town the jtutiwn beiok undrnanle wir 11 uv ftttf a mc meiopbtaa p it is true we have an advertisement of knaitrong sl greer in our coluinna of tuday t v tmeatfy due ho attention of our rcauyrj but aiaqf it ipo well known to be influenced by ue rcenii jurat ion of poiiuii iilliua and penrc howv- iii j uicrcbe iu doubt about that minorum point let repeat call at ote rliup nnd iic for hioiicf e ktre m to pick wwlthe m ntrtal gazette i ci- ii il hthr the xvttiu by extracting fa05i jamaica we are indebted to mr hudson of ihe merclisint news koum for several files of kington pupers to the 5th november inclusive from which we gather the following intelligence great cnnipuiuin ire atill made ofth apprentice ship sysein the jamaica herufd speaking of mr buxtoti the antislavery champion tn parliament calls his movement a plan for working the utter ruin of the colonics in favour of est indian inter- his r m kciii toner vestal cuptured a slaver off ioitite sitinc mmiadt on mi- 6ii of october there ttere 5ih dttven on huurd a collibion ipm taken place heiween the governor ottiibftgl and the aemhly tu the eourne of winch the farmer told thtr hitter that iheirconduri wmnin- durt was cihitolhhiout and ihrtiii j limt cloftthl on the ilnrtl day after itn opeoiou tht dijitictniu of ilte people whli iheirgovrr oon lord sligo dott not iectll to diminish in the least the chronicle say that 59 wm of tlrbles have been ahipped from england fir jamaica and antigun for the une of the emancipated blacks a meeting bus bh held at nsubu bahamas for ihe purpnse of taking uieusures to obtai from the british tfovenunem an iitcieom of their oppar- liomntmit of thecmnpeiiattmii luod the bouwof mwtllbly of jniuaica was called by the governor to meet on the lorh iuat the eleo tjvtuifm fef the htiem prt result tu tire rxhum t ihe mine members who were so unceremoniously liauiiaeduv lod sligo latg rnom mkico the tldinmof the recent movements in texas hno reached the capital as it wna to be expected tktd produced a gieat excite- rftvnfi the tnont energemirmeasiiiea were reported to without a moiftfiit delay and ihre is efry ap pearance that we shall snnn hear olerioudoingn in ihe reollid province a riumtg feeliu of illwilt nod supiciuti atgaiint the amertcaos residett in mexico as aroused end apprebetnioiis were en tertained til injury to their person and property a large number ofcotiimmsiius for privateers he ac counts my five hundred had been receded at vera ciub to he ffnen out as occasion might require the archbishop of mexico und the bishop of pue- hlahad undertaken to furnish the government with a million of dollars to carry on the war jlhis m the most important movement of the whole for the governments notoriously afflicted itn extreme po- verty ltpk in awafttca the following is given by a ralturtore journah b an uctuul couversntiou over heard nt an hotel in new orleans during the preva lence of the cholera how are you today v only po so bar keeper give me a miff jukp do you know ihat our pariiruluf friend j kickd the bucket lasr night you dont say so will you take an antifugmaiic doiii care if i do miss k alao lias ijone by he hoard thch i i waaeuifaued tube mrrted to her iv huts the price of cotton this morning f ii hy tvlirnevcr it comic eih ii ia ilweve ntoouttute what it copies hy nniiuing wjmt in our eye flpppwlk oe talueuf ihe sflivhh a hilz uujuher uf ihe ta r h aii is iur dlimrvaumiu vpnti the prrnt tate of 4bpm0pvh hul atl ctiitaittrl h tib uanttf vinl of in- lpptiaouwelluaof ptaerl ttlutls mahtrwti unjut anij k tou gnxrfu pul whn thij ere how it j b citiiei puhlili the iulief i m write them or f um i iy iijkt fioni whetics ihey are taken 4p mote wirtj in a imtm wwbber the gattiuyt bvaitim wbig ha hitherto hren tine f the iipportere of ef peljttef ajciptcd hy ir dormnant ruler ui lower to tlie abwe aiemion wc offer a flit conlradje ha it during the late repeated nbincei of the editor a rvd y afjffcvusiatu accumulated ipwliog a fieiiou delay in the wh autefihi wmc to bring up arrears and haatsn the litaliooeoifjjg whig it war deemed ad vnuble laufri f the juihlkalion ofthe iloal hlfherl thia woa lb leaarelurtaiice there being no oewa of any kinh w mire tbe readra eepppmf evtiiac lo fujipteiic lat fidaa whig afih proprjctor l havoifcucd ihunv i ih itaeem the very dtxils thenielie haecniiinrd tilaixlableprrjeci oik of these gentry hai been oy ill another lias a bsd fe a thud in plitting jntiil yflms that the deru cant aphl hi workiog thumb and the otsirtwo f4by rjiefmat as t incapame of ifuinp half an for1t ina double allowance ufttine tjie last mpttributaueto iurcuuuy ubcriheo a4 hav w bew uh oud a word te wiw suf- aiaaevj dianrw arer all ihe ftjs made rheaprril rffm the riopyctl readentern kingtnn vantiable jtaaerod st andrew pay fire mill iiiuilhlppal sltle hia counirvmvn then anmher eatyed hi pjb lubacriberi but all in vain dine tgrilivr the moei pt the dinner absi donvn jn depair to rtiml fr the diaappodtitient a taw iiiamii itbecoaimercial iuvitedlhcil riende to a plain re- pjrii iheeveaitig in s ray becoojinjf the aooe of 1 lrr if now on the lapi viz topetup a farewell hcdonald poor hn quiniug the comrovreiel fcal that mr truax built boi which mr tttlxw wt euaotioii iri innjjjvni has ratted to a toedo unattainable by sw jtfi wtkitigaujo on die it a ouaiber for ttl british jtwg to the editor of the reformer you having honored an article of mine abound nig vith ignorance and weak argument tih on edttoiial aiticle equally as lung if not coutaiiiiup aa much ienorauce you will i leaf flatter yourself tint you have silenced me unless 1 reply tu your uhoretl article a tak iudeed for it is mckcniujj to human uatoreto be compelled toaunalireu prodttc- lion of a gentleman who from his profession houd he posseaacd of the hght of tomnohi seune but who il mjxpmne it suitem pary spirit to hide ir and gropes his way in the darkness uf ignorance and misrepresentation ymi admit that the balance of trade is against us here then what an author at leavf tffelt ncquaiet- eil with mtrcnniile transactions as the editor of the uefouner hiysdown as a well established ilriiioi- pie upon this point thatihe nation which is indebted hath tbe disadvantage w commerce and money transactions that the one htch has the ba lance in its favor hath p substituting an i do not peiceive that your remarks that dividuals increase in wealth by the acquisition tn every respect the advun- liiee this prriciple is in fact rtelf evident xmd individuate lor nation it is equally in- of that which exists while nations increase lit wealth by the crtrafitm of that which did not prevjouly exist throws the burden of proof upon my shoulder on ihe contrary it supports my avgui ineut thtt canadian should creou weal lb by umnu- fiktures audit places you under the necessity ofj roving if vou siipptirt your poitionrf that the imports of rnihh manufactotr3 create wealth in the province you can quote the storyof two pauper locked up in priaou who made half a crown each by swap- phije jackets their only capital in like manner if itall iuusi e create wealth roni english manufac- lores fir we only import for aome consumption and all theprofit realized by iudividunlson the ialeof those manufacture tn the consumer is no introduction of wealth into the province it only circulate the mo ney already in the province if we had an export trade to other couutrjen of those manufactures it would be different we miht iheu realise a profit by hums manufactures paiuu through our hai d and ifourexpor trade to the untied siiaipaur elsehee brouglm a balance in our uior equal it or uxeeeil- riitf the balance niiiii u in b itfuod i ehoul i es- miu the cotiimerce if upper cmada in a flounsll- ituf state but fir tlid it escape your notice that welmvc no export trade except f uurown pro- iluctmns tn cm ou with all your o itputfiiy arro g uce and self conceit make more 1 our imports ol tigluh manufacture in regard imroduciuu wcalih into the province with tht bounce against than the paupers wiih their jackets 1 ry y trade and ihi- ie 1 iihl i vuur n nital df common sen io j hf 1 ch of the reformer is a hour as i ha vlil nv wc inaniaui and beheve to mi mxrm of lll laure of trade atratnstue ttu eaueeofhard iiinea provided ihh mtafk- employed i r a ery imnorthiir prov mn e pfcmf demntistrate how it cat be profitably employed and remntiwr we are the t vou crnne to q e d you il ru1 f f your pau- peiv jnrketx iiani your artfomeuta upon thg suhjiki of planes i do not understand nor c fi n pprnn wru doe though i have commlltpy wv learned rnn i will not attempt to reply to v which i canmu comprehend any inoiethun would attempt to hold conversion with the iuuini lr bedbtrfl nor can 1 determine whence we de ht immense npiffnf annuallv inveelsd in the forintionof ihe vorioustit stntments such at eleariug 0 wild laiidie a specimen of the clearnesit hll prupkuity of ihe editor of the ctiburg reformer it never enter ed the head c it ner did m editor wot has it yet it need a liiifr ufvottt m cwoftpl ra tion you can concur io weak ureuitienis then yrnndich ilntutu wealuati old my tea water which she seved ufg her visitors as you serve up your urgtnnents ut your readers having forgotten the tea 1 will do you the juitce how ever to ray that i believe tou did tun forget hut treated your readers to the best you hod but now sir in sober earnest can you look tqvnour pro vince blessed hy nature asir is with v fertile soil almost unparallelled in its advantages for internal novigntion with plenty of nviorcupted water power and say that our exports skoutd not equil our im ports would not a capful in ready cash the surpfusofour industry be oiore beneficial than your ideal capital of english ucaiiiifariuresl will the inauufartuiers in england be less willing to pur- rhne inr ahe shoultl weiot anuuaily constant n tr rearer amount of their goojs than we can pav for did it ner occur to you fiva notwithstanding the overriffos ieal apitah buitfht irto the province and added in our exports rlim we do t p iy our rfebtn to ihe e iilih hwrtpttoi- hwi notitl aniiun5 the hard cami cjm ud hv ihe ivimi vrmerntneiu in payment of troops in the ivoviue added aim to our e ports tint we beftill io debt nod that addi iff the ejrl pivitient oade ty the camida company foe our land rtut the bidame of trade otf a gainst tt then cutoffthehei tcmo sources of wealth in to the province oih our ftqivil increased is it vojr reasouing amounts 31 this atif ihn on for the halauce oftradeia real tspttt the truth of this theorem ti which you are the pm- poer and proceed to your coroilory and exhibit your skill in mathematics jow farmers of upperftanada do youconsidei tie cmspimrmt tmid yuv iy cuipario your gfam substantial ktmespsu ti straw asemanatmfffrooi a eound miio oru cm ked raui 1 medmttic4 doe inanufucturiogr f ir yottr neighbors toficles whicl have hiditrtnbecn utfpurttd i nun the whites attti living within your income innke you hv- hard arid lay hard v i tru- you buvts uo objecijuil to wnrvj g hard productive clssse here i am at a lus i slloalt think thn cletts ntfchstiich and iitaiiufaetuer the editor of the keluiiinr i guess means mer chaors how do you surrender fh rtv per rent oi vuur surplus by encouraitil diiueaiif miiufar- tures instead of dealing in a foreeo or eltleh ar ticle as to eating poiatu it infl h ruhip a home ppun coat is both honorable and cnmforit- ble a sha xpaidfor is productive if moie inn happiness than ahalf finished hftmc or which the osien- owner is hi debt to the atenimitt and mo chanic hut farmers mcchjnicf and productive classes th urituuiema of the iofallilde editor of the reformer amounts to thip cluihe altogether io englibh aninufuctures neitliereonsuiuenorintinu facture canadian boo shoex saddles ns wag- gons hame bum shoes horwe nails or any do- ineslir manulacmire whatever nor do f know tbttt he would ftdiitf0u tiaianulucture vouf wn flur because forootb it drlfnv one of the chief bene m eoglaud derives from this province and telax our bond of connexion iuihiuuch as it diuiini-ii- hqnr trade with enhitid ejighsh manttftctur a ate thecapital ou should emph and hear in tuiud that tbe greater the balance ugnust us the greuiei thecapital are you disposed to listen tu uch augtfesiiitiip i trust not and now mf edin ol the reformer smce you hove chaiged me tth lining a hired contributor to the whip may i not hu- pen you ii oiy turn uf courting the favor of a ca- amnplev evefcn inev m ihull fiw alpi ft itp tent you have duplnud in our reoiaika heiewiih to the amhithni ul pleasiig one inn hi the tfxpeftw uf your adopted outintrv hut vou wil ever find ut his poit avorilik refurmer kingston 27th nov iii p s i observe the edit- of the spectator ha comic out under the tag irf barker and hii lurel ctuiespoiifleol and joined duo quixotic ami hi sq life a kind i a sub to tiancbo i suppnsi i ant not much versed in ihe luwsof cllualn hut pnsume he can be allowed to give to uoztuuiiie and the a their provender faugh a k nott by the eoitoil the cohurg reformer contiiiiiig the remaiks occasioning the abtiveconoiu- uictttiug bus been hut and ahhough the editor hn eiuleavorcd in pmcute another he has been uusu cepsfiil heregreth this milely on occnuut of the promise gueu to pjblish it simuluheuttly with the reply theeuconibeiing olihe v hio with two co lumns of balderdash would in anvthing iiut ugric- able to iheceucrnl indv l it raidtbtrfc cmi ie iand al ii and iiiaiheraatically rtemoifrnte it the manufaeiurera of england kindly to e m ihair wufaciures tor our otffsm f us for the brittsh iftg a public meeting having tneit culled at m n wellera m the vilhige of 0ntiecoii iv e on ihe 11th instant relative to the neesmv of petittoiiusf the deputy 101 muster viieril first post uffia to he eeiahlhdhd in ihe mtid vilhige and cuptnili john ytminrs bring mil d tutl cluir the following ueolntmus were mm4 moved by mr urceze am seconded by mr f marah that from the increasing hntiies of the village of t lorisfcou it is highly necessary it ehuuld have a post office moved by mr stck and seconded by mr jo-h- ua cadinaii that n petiiiou he presented to the deputy pun master getimnli pvaying that wliu he pleaded to direct a post office to be ei in the vil lage of cousecoii moved by mr stock and mtjondcd by mr joshua cadniau that a committee of fmir fe appointed by the chair for the pitqiosci uf fntuiiiff a petition id the deploy pitst muster lleuera llll rjut the mid couiuiittee mlbiliil the fetiijon iforignatoref tm sai- urdv the i ith inst moved hy mr itreeze mid vcnndcd by mr josh ua caduiin that smith vvilkims esq h recomticudl h the petitioners a a mom fit proper person to perform the duties of ph mmer messrt c iarle wilkms w- cadinaii and bracsw being appointed by the ohair as the cam mitlee to draft the petition it pj moved by mr breeze and m by mr t wiikius j fw the coburg tor kbfam obfotictei w big he iequetcd to cm y tit mr r of thia meeting lie triven o cap- fur his able ctvdiirr io ihe chair british linns moved by mr cad man and vecouded by mr stktk that the thank titin john yuniitf to titc junto of tmm msutimm whsq sir i am i iirniit and have bieu in the ofbri gmgmy stulto kingntt market for yeurk th winier i am uhliged to peddle i hi h mam i flotll door to dor selluiif half a bushel of wheat to oiu merchant and a bushel to nnotber o hundred ti rnj to one fuuiily and two hundred fu anoihrr i- hts creditable to your good towul 1 say not yon and the rent of your brother editos are alwnvr cul ling out about the want of a bark country ad ding to appearance you luve mure buck countrv ii iw than the men hanuciii profiuby emohiy else what i culidain of would not happen unless nui mcrcha t are prepared to pay gftpfl fr menhanta- de prudife the reinauiiuir imde kiuitttoil will be driven to belie ille where the needful cm plwu he had 1 eav no tnmc a fakmek dec lit 1835 editoh now our correspondent complain without reason me can find cash or his proluce at many place io this town if in- give himself th miuhic to look for ihtfen need we toeinino mr 4arran who is always ready to puy money win he highest price too for wheit corn hyt tid barley what is the tue ilierefore of gruuibliug in tlii way 1 removal maukkt pkicts ktoatos tueday dte n ld3i beefhv the cwl rhi at the htatl pr lb mutton hy the sheen per lb dn at the ttpl per fh vial froh pork per 100 lb fresh butter per lb ttib do do es per rlox moriaii fltnir per brl canvdn do dn i do do perewt whest whumsl hve dn do- corn do dn batter do do- 1 h do da putatosr do do hay pr tim htmer huidle fire ivuodi pel ord s i fowls couplo 1 j 18 6 97 6 p 3 0 i 0 u 0 0 0 4 ii 5 00 a 00 w 6 a 25 0 0 8 0 9 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 10 0 i a 0 0 26 1 s7 15 0 a 6 o 3 a 4 0 3 0 o n 0 0 0 o d 0 a 0 u i 0 1 s 1 u i 1 s 10 0 55 0 0 9 0 0 9 0 10 0 0 4 a n l 1 3 1 9 80 0 a 0 0 70 0 n o 60 0 a 0 0 pork jr mi do prima me do puma- uextjil surgery ladies mid lientiemrn who v to nvftil themihthor wmr- woods profehsimmilrtir- t dtntitry re retjusted to mil poon us mr w ik liis ep in a very few day in be abvnt til the wt miinuier g minhn h-td- t d r 1fi35 31 roird axv lqdglg or seven respectable votiptr men can ir ix huinudaitd vith hoard nu lndii tur ut u rwprr nabtts fin iy restdmce in the most centril purt n flic iomi applv ut ile unee kmffstmn deent 183v 34 m wixba received direct from tie sherry thesohacriher ins dutl dneks 200 doz sealed blk 200 m r 150 4 superior purt 300 wh india mnderii the sibnve witwn re in crpn ir to dnzeii um cju be highly recommended for futnilv use kinffptin28h n iv john ii ikeer h to the public persons de nf trnisnnti g sm ill sum iintev to their relumes in the old cooniry tfttll dl obv applying i john h greek kiugmtnn nov 28th 1sj5 sale the ptnrfc of t rib y attctlom imitroider on wedi viim trtv will be lesduy 2 d sold wiihnu at veombs mid i reserve the stork of a country store coni4tmii7 of an exrelleut airtntent ol prv 1 nn nod iikogmujbfi vthlhl v ill be frnjud el ftttffll lb mm -t- of ihe trade ano to rtpb cotistjftittiei rt 6 chscs excellent old pthli 8 4i superior sherry b etunmnn iorl g qitiirier csks french poit wine g berrv 12 cheats hyson skin 6 yomikf hvnn 30 boxes ies 79and8x 10 together with an excellent nnd rxtenive anrt- innt of pi itited cmicnes itrnn cnttoo itfijwu sheeting bleached do merinoes 0 1 and 3j 2 ooes hoots and shoes und nodt udupted fnr ih memm vu h will he found veil worth the notice ol hovers the wines and teas can he exnininrd the rla previous m ihe 5iile s vrll us all thv ciundv which vitl be offered the term whirh vill bt ea the it tn k me uftnite- armstrong greer hatixo removed ti the plviobm in tcre sttwtv iidjoiuing messrs john wmkip co hprdr esthlishinent b tr to inform their friends snd the public thai thev are now otenn an extcoei e and oid gnterat asuortmenf n jujiv goods consittimi nf vnrkhite and went uf england cloths and c- shoe res bttltpkitifa peterrhhrh flushing sattnettc a print elnih- 3 mid 6 r merinos moreens and camlet gntvnienv lnnl- won mrrioo sad clunaip liberal ill be made known at itsp ie each davm 10 v k niron 2fiih ivtrt i8js t 0 1 h m a i m h e wihtfc at wm iager respectfully mmnii the i rioter- of th unii d states to piioui they hve been inctiv ijtmlk known as established lettr fondeis that th hovttnow formed a copartnership in snid btl lllftas and from their united skll hud extroive expeti euce they hope io be uble to ttie u- i iim to oil who may liivnr them with ihnr ntdrf the iiiiroducoti of niaelunefy in plareo the te dinii and unhtuhhy prvhr tifnntie tyi tbl hwid a desiderai mi in the eurupeiin torn der hjm by american ingenuity and a heuy expeudiiure ol iiueaud money on the pari of our senior prt er first sitccefully attnmplihed extensive ueenfihe tuachine cast letter has fully tested and elahluheil its miperiofity in every particular over iliue catl b the old process the lr irr foundry bunnes will liercaftr be carried on by the parties before npmed under the inn of white linger ac cu their specimen ex- plete heries fron diammid io sixtvfur the hook nnd new typa being n the hibis a mo lioea pica minm moderate light and ule white and host prim haifer fie co are agents for the le o 4t prmti whbh thev rati fur w olandill lloicry giovai f fld urawera nctfd lnitihs w nod braees hnmhnzetis 4raprsood bombareeus spm loom md gev douiesttc c o d shalloon stripes and turkey ulimivih rlanuf is sergei primed calicoes tihirtiug chtelci irish linen lan dumask and diaper tabl linen french 0d iniitatiun cambric rn de xnplfea persia urceiets and silk seire- fur cap muffs tippets nnd wf with a general nysnrrment of huherdaherv c also tn sutra junaiea spirits hollands gin cognac brandy poit sherry madeira and champaigne inca craekcry hardware jfe a tv o rcp rtfully aoheit ai inspection of theii atotk whieh they feel confident will in quality rd nrir saffrd atisfariion to purchasers khiffatiin 21 dec 1835 34 rooms to let several rooms tu let in cotnfortuble tod reapectable house apply io walter eales fromt rr fw lt ift35 34f board and lodglg tiree or four respectable young men ectnuiodatrd with htard and lodfrin in a aimdl fnvly in the moat central part of the town ap pv nt this rffinc klmfatwi dec 1 185- 31 sale oe crowjf lands notice is hereby given that ho undcrmentiooed crown lnnda in titl newcastle district will be offered for sale bv public auction t tb town of peterborough on moudty ihe 21m dav of december next at 10 ovhich a- m jit tht uptt pric of is currency per acrt nt the tolodijp intel v surveyed atiuatrd to tho bjitswl of bhuhiii lake and in re r of ihelon r of fenenn till be act up in lots of 100 atid 0 orreeteh av islj3vd jpv balsam lake ipponitt- the fifml mil ppwinn of the ohotc tovnshin onainin adoti 1 170 urres av islayd oft osjtb lot no 17 in the first concession of the same containing about i0 acres also tbe front lots reserved from the hoi sale iu the front couressioa oftha trait of land arijoiniotf the ttmimltips of frlltflon and eldmt nonh oflfae ilauun lake the tenn of payment will be one quarter of iho aid the remainder in three with iuieieat upon tech in tdiuent in ir hecnitic tlue further itorttrulun tnav he km aikx macdoxkll eal v offii commissioner of trmrn oui nnrrhaw tnoiey dmn etiial attnuat nttahneiii nwii t isgtidf cjjice 2lst jov ink iy opplvina o eierbtirough or at thia sealed propoin will received a the wetland t aiml office hi st catharine on tuesday ihe latit lav of december at 12 oclock now for finihlnj lie ktllowtllb it fur w he heudul m urb i nine and deepening the canal from ptri cdbiriie on luke enc to he fit irnard ifjtt tthoti 3i0 yards widr coinaiiu ie ultnui ixmlhril the null t he levelled between cp- pltced wltere the engineer a id in leuirih by 3 110 cubic arfls of ml ma uud buck tlitch or v appoint 2nd for ratiit the towing path from dum vide to biud cieelc about 1 i 2 feel or such places ia thi eiozineer will slake nut who h will he ready lor inspection hy ihe 6lt dee die earth io bti u- nner xide of the caotl uud measured ken from ihe is embankment coutaiui anls 3rd for the delivery from 5 tu 7000 cubic 4th o b leneih 5th fill cords ofalne ml lock no 27 172 do do 20 266 do do id 10b do do 16 fr building a stone wate wear at lock with lone mortar ditueontons 60 feet in uysb 4 feet for excavation of locks nos 20 nd 27 po ebieyard the ruh of payiueni will be mude known at iho hnid canal ooiie unit the contraets entered iu io no ihe day the proposals are acceuttd by order of the bo ui tfnrned john clark seivy weuand canal t e isl ca haiitcs 31 the stibscripiioii buokf lot ihe soik of the uuiui hana will he opened on the uish their eutomers it manufacturera prices chaser case comprmtur sticks ink and ever trtirle oed in thi priming buineii kept for wlr and fur ihed hjphoii nonre old jyiftuu n vxehauge for upw ai nine cent per pound fc wh1tba w hattkie new york oct 1 183 9 hxgilitm notccisr h i9ft inn elitcd hamilton niciii itruckville londun amhfniibiir st thwmw hviown toronto i6t un the 2sih iiitimiit at tlie u umlaut hukuig at tlie nffii e of the bank uf v- c do do do da do do do do do do do do do do do do do do cornwall at tbe office of archibald mclean 1reaeotr ton hope dunriae acbter urjiuford su caiharin simcoe do do do do do do do mcphemon co john lifown eq moveifici4p jati cbp q- j a wjlka ew h- mt timber r 0 orawbclcfiph cqian c farje 32