Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), December 1, 1835, p. 2

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lii tafuas rftnatastk andjohx rl v dv ring ip ln iv trtwediioii m ljv lie i k uw to have been carried away with admiration of the mahomed faith and lew rovers cm have fur gotten the enthusiasm with which he exclaimed that the pin wiy to become iinttofial- was to become ihe founder oft new religion the recollection of this remark mil imparl additional interest to the following jni and eloquent paaatfge from the llrilish critic the bluer acorn however notwithstanding hie own admission w which the haughty emper- or would lank down upon pour john wesley us hi victorious competitor for the price of immortal fame were no unfit thrme fur a potfis pen churchman i it not easy to iiwigine any thing more eompre henwivc thati ihepoftfvnr more perfect that the or ganization of the weslayan economy it disci pline and constitution form a stupendous monument of the genius of its author they show hhn to have heen horn to leave an indelible imprest of himself on after feneration in this respect napoleau hnn re h nut worthy to he compared with hitn the name of ivapolean is indeed imperishable kut it ia written on the annals of europe not on her institution higianlic fonscis hereon the ocean mod and the water have closed npnu thitn and have swept away their trace eru as it were ihe toyish architecture of boyhood hie name of john w ealev kwt in the system whih he founded it it written there in character winch arr rcpaudiuf and becoming deeper as that ayhtem spreads he was a mifllny religious legislator the foundation of hi polity are broad and deep and the spirit of internal discord inut become potent indeed before h can re d his eupcrrfructor to pieces british critic tmc bovwmm link the long agitated qurs tioi as to the rcmrkmg of the boundary trie be tween the ohio and michigan territory is at attend the commissioner appointed tn perform this impor tant service have terminated their labors and sub milted their report to the executive the line has been properly marked and that without interruption fmm michigan threats we understand were made hy aumc of the territorial authorities that the commissioner would not be permuted to execute their duties hut they were nut intimidated bv them or shaken in their resolution to carry out the origin al intention of the government of ohio to the new governor of the territory the hon j 6 horner much of the credit of tin peaceable ter mination nftltequeaiiftii u juatly due the nutation of ma gentleman was unpleasant and hazardous he assumed a high repmibilhv when h ennaeu- ed to take upon himself the rimie of executive of that detracted overment that the malignant thnista nf the malicious and the envious would he made to reach hitn he might have anticipated that the eye ofjeahtua rivalry would he turned upon him he might have expected hut that all the riflhta nf the citizen all tlie decencies of society al that br- lonea to the enurtesie n life should he violated in tits person he could little have looked for or ex pected we iiotn ihu he had not long been in the terri tory before he was hurntineffizy hewaaaubseqite ly publicly inaullvd and afterward hie hotel at w hirh he stopped was assailed b th ruiho m bihe wi drs stoned and hia peoi put in jeirdy tin diaepiitahlfcondurt ifrncmuraired h thoe in ih thority there must afad lornr an i idrlihle ilot on the risioe gkalltcw of hmlhplik american paper about twelve year ffo a mugger who lives on coningshy moore s the london rirtild named anthmiy tox find a iumi named abialmui whu enlisted and was pent to he indira for e vend years be curreaonded with hi friend hot after absence oftdv lmasveii yearn he craned to nte nr the letter never cwttie to bind and it wns ihoflgln ha was dead about four vents aince a man was committed to dvimw hiikp f corrmioo and fhen beintwo peramw from cirtinflohy in the pnact jt the time ihny rhalleneed him fur the siid ahraltam cox and told him that if hia parent were a ware of husititatioi they would relieve him irte denied all knowlege of i hem or of anthony cog hut ihev acnt over t coningshy aucl the man th claimed as their nn hy both anthony cox and hi wife on lua being releied they tok him htim and clothed htm he hvril with thrm as their son and ijot married about a mooth si ice however tlie rel ahrahunlox cam hone upon which their adopted son lok hnmelf ulf leninjfa ftti and family and has not ajitcfi been heird o a dreadful artidetl occurred at swrd hori j laat saturday in the am ly of lr jaroh jua ice fcqto jptavtiw with fire arma twn of hi boya our dlt had been out gun iin and immediate be- fo retiimie into ine house one of the eon dihartfed th other remaimna charged a diilfh- ter of mr jnamee aed about 15 yeara namd el aheth waifiittiuff upon the flu r ewiug in r bro ther some two nr three yeara voiimrer iz i hnot vnu he rerilietl that ah did nut farhia tm i rh had heard him dich ire it he pulled the faml trifwrr and indeed the whole charge n her hreaat nnd lunea she linger d u airmiv aft hour and then di d thia ia o ie nf the inn u ab instance rontinnallv necnrrtiib of the ma lue of pointing a weapon of tlm kind toward a hu man heimr but fvilftg on auch atihjecta eeni f- be uscle philadelphia gcnthman vade mc mm lord canterbury renrewto the oontinent wiih an income of only 2000 th retiring pension ofthr nohle viscount aa teaker of ihehmiaeol ommon ia 4000 pfranuaoi one ofllirhit ei anart for his cteditois another is apportioned an an allowance to hia son and two am rentined hy himaclf in an acrraion to ihe hereditary wiadnm of the countv the kins would do well not to it pauperism po to the romhined ijuoraore and want of principle iif th great mhjrrity ofihe lords house mnv he a- rihuted the contempt with whieh it ia viewed by the tbinkiucf part of the rommunitv thomas dalm hfl eunfeapcl lltal the rhnree of bribery against mr vconnmi at the dublin elec tion wits trumped up hetwrrn himself and another felhiwofthe iianie krnev named gteaan who has it appears wisely deramned and who ialmi aava induced him in biinft forward the rhnrff in ques tion dahon standi eonuiiited to prison fur hi groaa prevaricatiims with a fair prospect of a prose cution for perjury and itia determined hv ihe aeents of mr oconnell toapare no labor or expense in tracing this fiu1 conspiracy to irs proper phioree xacnriam is paanirthp man and hia wif named henri condenmed to death at the lat har tre aaaizee for parricide were recently executed in that town it will he remembered that they in one night killed the father mother and brother of the female prisoner their execution took place at nine oclock and they were only informed about two hours before that they were to suffer death that day the iufunnaiion did fhtl appear to cause a great de cree of excited feeling in the priftnners but when the executioner was preparing the female prisoner to quit her cell to proceed to the scaffold she ex claimed oht mypnorhead uh my poor chil dren hnw could i ftve married such a monster aa that the two priaatie hid not seen tacit other aiace their condemnation and his wife could not for give henri for having vcuacd het of n participation in fhe rttorder vfyijy to their being placed in tht vtftiele which wieywj them to the place of epiiai thrir bead j mm a ll- mi waa iieoui g hi- carmt ini cw lipped ft his head uid meiis bin wiii- near him he exclaimed with a deep sigh my oor little wife previitualy to execution they embrareil each other wiih great alteciou and died with much calmness william moslcy on whose testimony hisbruther joseph and jimies ta raids were executed at hore- inmigerlane gaol a short time since for the wer- utth murder is at length on his way to america his appearance is ihm of an unhappy man pallid snrrowfol dejected his body ripidly wasting and his general contour and demeanor from a stout ra ther rnbuar vivacious young etian has been hurried by the atill sin til voice to a lingering altering gair and a dull deserted denture moley llia been furnished with ihe means of sailing to america and a trfle to forward him to ihe interior as he pn fen die capacity of a navigator to the life of ny thnur else having been brought up to it nd knuing ton tiiat the spirit of canal makini i very rift in iimi country beaidea being anxious mo go where no per son could teuze him abuut the murder scotch kcosomy a well known scotch cap- tarn ttttame luerary celebrity once travelled from chatham to london in the stagecoach with m miter nfrcers whom aa usual he favoied with hii w and my urcenn my pursrr my lieuten ants my mids my men my aflip and mvaflr i br vehirle stopped a the village of weill tg on the oilier aide of khtrkheath the trailer uf the litllr tavern praenred himself and opening the door aaul gentlemen it there any thing wanting my re freslunent no replied he gallant captain theres naething a wanting at present but if y- enuld just gte me a glass uf water i would feel vat- ry much obleeged to ye the waiter who was ra ther tall and had a aaucy face of bis own looked credulously at the captain for a moment and th n drawing down the corners nf his mouth with con tempt replied aa he turned carelessly away sliding one hand into hia breeches pocket and pointing with the nthsr to a tub whence the horaea drank u aarvea no mater here except lo horse and asses h come down out n that sawney and help yourself theres the trough a mighty change came over tin rautaiuv lackadaisical quarterdeck face scared could he believe himself he twisted fidgeied drew up hemmed ind finally spoke m folk here arr no that ceevil that they ought to be im just a paid the felliiw a miirh aa if n had hen a n of brrfn- dy ormlther hut ye see he wouldna gie due credit to a gentlemans honor buasiso alive little more than fifty years hae elapaed since a girl in this country just turned fnurteen was condemned to hi burnt alive baling bevru guilty of treason aa an accomplice with he master in eoining 1iecaup at his cimmsuid she hid concealed aottl whitewshed eotltttne behind he stay a pi iced tti readirnss fir her etecutinn and it f nerred in the house of commons hv sir william meredith at ihe titn that mhe girl would have hen huroi nliv op the ameclavt had p not mefl fir r humane hut casual tnt rerence of lod wvv- m nith mere acride t aaed i e nation from th a riime and tnw national disuaev hut no to pid a n thlic feeling in hise da that hr law re ua ed nmltfred ml the ver 17hi til w i b titu- the b- i riff h did nm exfcntc a sneoce nf his x iiil to trscniio rli ugh i iniv rll b i itfinl mi sheriff wa then inhuman enough to adhere tu he letter uf anch a m new eomsh phrahrotocr- a new eiigumd journal giving ati aconni of the passengeia i i the r w coit steamer defroved hv irhrung ha frputly ioiprnvtd on nor en limon newsoaper dt i ery tt sneaking u a ladv oh i tr wih in e wlm lne lueir lord ih- most niui a i moii- refi ed mrs hvuniltunwat ii a tttc f ttitmesttr tolintwdr kei uv it noipiiid a lew ie id almifl inunlred vtrd from ir t wts m flohtiug and a honk iht u ui btt us i roin ihe slmre ai dwelling her cap being at hand the li fries bdv waadrawn from the w titer in presence of the chappy husband brother rind children umrnfctl kichmond nov 14 disaster on ijakb ontario we arc sorry still to have to add fresh usances of the unparalleled fury of the gale of the i ml the schonner willie was hist on the ahoala abe gravelly hay and all hands peiiahedauuther schooner name unknown tftrilftk on iheaemeehoaland went to pieree and her entire crew consigneti to a watery grave the shoalaare strewed olth e of the wrecka and 13 hau have been picked uy the beach the in surance office at osweguestimate that 13 schoon ers have been totally lo during that gale on the lakes ontario and erie that 160 uvea have been lost ui conaequeuce the achoimer ueorge canning capt smith be longing to chippewa ihi fier voyage upwards spruuir mill her mnttam the detips now and had to re urn to ktugstou for repairs and will be there laid up for the winter- vhronktt t briti wh tu crkkepiindenttf depair rater m krauoo hs4 k dsvy bf ottls owo k cftrl iflu iviiorcertiftwrtc in ihe wkfttm ts our opioiod tic wmh be afoooxioos to liimtlvfrmn ruu tiv rtf cms ore bw u itxsoe tmiuw frois mrg 8sk- sod ihe other front oortclvo we hsve wiiir dooms whrlher we ooht u irod oor f lomn to his ttpm- rnjeroeol a hall however ami th fdiier over snd decide on turjrtyoexl a sltsqieipuatlioo from mr dsty relsuvr to the aireisocyinocuodoeomeiaupethspscaued or xtlnherty we fiare injected ukitir no6ee oronimpum ehnmani eniim prtiisg oome talsllm fl snd verspiufig- ir dot iinrline si lefimhemibrtanceoroihers jahonsrlix v z wifhspcruio- ifee lie most not miribute ust cao4esreiuiion to ih mehu of his ttttu wossocesuierwehhveiiewoss seen hoi u ihe desire of atqnjdatf ng him that we iiatc lonr leep csdtmht or l mtc tiris he menunn and nor reosoos for nil nee re n bat ihce he tasinonte rttsthpf bosisoqvosmedtaifsorotoofvwbieiroismx- v- ari snrc licsj iostwee kingston wednbwmy faemsg 2 lb the bamh wtuo is lrqiwtnly h d attli the sty1ii vilitpnraiiina fljfjh tuty ndl rsdi si juitrnil uvure to liifhted with tlisss open jbuilitbki lu ile tt4e etdad prva of ouv indefiendencs wis the whig pnisvi b u tlsvcrinii patriot ct dritsllinjr courier iu rrsdsi rolhl suspect we fad descended tu hs worss lhaa scssiijcor metrmssi tf bttcotatfnjf ih mss tool of the tiwiss they mif hi rm ins im tu bi bssikorlag like tho lata mr thtmni afisr ioms snug plsrs o sb isjany of which haro been pfntlded for ths hunvy undsslinst uf ths powsri that be on tht ctju irsry did lbs wditsuutf vindicator ioflict purl ui ths rnallsl mhjicuia of its dawning applause oor reidora might willi the master wvis hanffd the tytgnlu ee oe ronton oncms ue bid turn traitir to lite cause kinc our miuntif and out fellow ubjeew it it lut eh 1 ti w r wstfte tim br tiotisia ths pahry and futile effurtn either faciton to leen the tnflueute of s newtpaurr thsl bt- loiifts tu nsither p ny esn be ioflusiit ed by ssro and whi u lisvinif ns 3jtj t im view bat uie public conl ii with u uge rjirulition sn object f bsusd to both but the present u csw4i hall btrtuw a lw wordi on lhaf moat dpiciblif well as mtahaittl rux the spectator oilasl thursday it tjt i i at di of ibft jivl- of lls extrtfluv r i ir nl j v flhu pro vim v hay bmu ut stfuia bmiutflu bsrfc inakin ihai l r prist the m -h- ts tir pubtitiiiife lo the srorid hifl opt- ujodi upon the gohrtiaisrit ofthu proviie in wlddi mniij flthimli a food il afsptrioin nophixiiy and sjius alps ols truth urs o arrfly henrid togthir a lo domlre tlf nrtwaij render sns auka liim lay more fo ths sec unt if liir fiveromoi thsu itimhy dissrts thsm leitsts ihe wwu i i i- well known ire earefullv eopied into th ultra radical j ijniuuf lhridajoo thus he mischief inslsad of demseon- lined tn thtf hmiiedwdrs of the rag we srs now noiicia is pretd fntm one eid of the prolines to the oiiier it was t eherk urn svtl thateo souitsd snd obtained ths auutatic of another reformer afisntlstoan of hyh tnd long adion a writnr of nund pitches ufomatiofi to prove tbe fallacy of liit nrnuii siiti o see dut the government wan cjisrged with no njre ecu f miscondu- 1 thsn i actuftlfy coitinui how ably he hsi etcuttd hi taskoqf leaders r fully abls lojudje an ourselr this reotletnna ia oop blnekgtiirdcd bv ihe spt1atgr iv4 it ctpiiiidrit is ifvi of ign- raace sod itypocri- id branded s so hireling end thi ton hy men who protufcjy know his identity end with thai know- isetge ate sfquaintc widi ht past valuable ijrviies in the ratine ofrnttonsl rfcwa it was to display ibis set uf ingrtiido on lbs pvt of the uh tra radical that wa tve eojideteeitdsd to notkre the specta tor or its wrihve peoviwciai th farmer rinpc we have thr aatia flttf irti his wek if atpirniiiciitf to mr rradopp the etab- li hin t nfa bhite nf this vhnhe intnimnn in tohlirp the nirrrnr nnpnhittwl a- the hon 1 roswell chairman psiirick inui eeq canlain huirfly and qc fff- bus well eq r we uiv anntwr iffilv reriahli and fmtlirteni inhjviihil nl ihe tow baa rereiveh mi wf nf ihe iiiaiaeiiihiit v are frnthe tulrl th t itilirtnatibn of the arrennee of thee everil an nttntinenfa wan vfmterrfv ftirwariletl hy he clnir- nin to toronto aiih h it unnti receipt of the pftat- henve acknowledffeinent of rhe pme h rraueh murfuriafea v go imu inunttfliaw octauuu r wtfn himairavp yestrhav ahour fi nrlnek p m as several of the rlwani roat were- rnfer ih n vhilenr hurrvanp emd nl- aooe wh vh ann ifn flnififf serious irirv to tein a mn nf r rraft in ih liav ih tnwai was lriren ahiw i fier liavinp eharnl the hnov at the moih nf tin hrsoilrj ahp ha ot hern vei eotoff ah it is fear- i th it rhi nrrihent will rnitrh imnair lhat ixrelhnr m rerv emnmntliona rotf it i tn he resrretteh hi oneinan a siejmer lot hislifr hy h awet ifflh platik hv th hreee while on pniie from th rritnnnia nn whieh p was a nasfnsfor fn ihr wharf his hndv wa found hi morniir a tforoner foqiieat iraa hld oti if and a verdiet rcturnpd of aendonfnl drowning ttthe transit ih jint now beine towed in to the wharf hv another ftraiti roit toronto courier the ptopu bank ent into operation on mt day lat pimiris ilincks et has heen appointed one of its nffiren correspondent five shares of the montreal tllw hnat stools were diposrd of yeserd iv ntuminff a 3 aeh and nine ah of ih otwrt and iidati company a stork wold hi il each won ijcram siore vesterdav mornitiff we have had nearly a continued fall of snow and the roads ae now euffi- cientlv covered to alaw of fie very general use of our winter vehirle a little more row with lielir thaw to soften r unite te stirfare is ye wanting tn make invelhmsr cinifortahle and at aw all the whippinff hav left our nttrf exrept a fr nf the hartrfs and some ovse srhooner th utah the weather i far from beinffcnd and mieh eem to permit of the steameis plying for a few days looses we cannot well amiripate continuance of the navication hvond the close of the present or the commencement of the next wrek mntt gazette drctreemvg orcuaarnca- an inqneat wa tht dav held hefre thus spfoole enquire coroer on the body of uaawnah rrownley wife of henry mather miller when a verdict of drowned her self whilst in a state of menai deraneement was returned the deceased had heen some time hack in a state of hodilymtff- rilitf accomnaiiih wiihsrreat depression wfapirita fflooinvapprrheniot and ab sence of mind a day or two before the awijl ca tastrophe she had occasional attacks of excrucintic and distracting pains in thehead the evening hofn she went to her lied earlier and worse ihan usual her huband on 70107 10 bed hound up her heart and placed her chid beside her ar her breast tow ards morillg hr woke findimg ahe had left the bed and lwringt the door of ihe outer apartment openrd ran out in search hut not finding her h qfillm time however elapsed rn wtioiunsfrom every person in this town with ths sicepf ton idfi sampson the consequent excitement of the pamic when so ssriou chsrjte wis itleged saias1 eo demtfed a fsvorile wis grt there was alio an snusual sttendsnee bssbtntmi dr sampion wii the first witaese sworn he dspossd that on the 21ft nov in die middle af the day he being si hi hnor is tompan wiih mr t robiion lie taw mr rors jo hy in a state ofdrunkanes bs celled sfer htm and seid it ia ton pouo in 0m dsy mr roger fr yoato be seen in such s slats whereupon mr rugsrs tyrned round and said that liefors was drunk called turn a tcoundrel s coward wanted him t- cunto oal ts gtbl him thrsstened to black hi efeehnok hii 61 in hi face dt committed other inaoleal acta he alao depoied ts having seen mr rogers drunk on various occasions mr ti rnbisnn sipors this person corroborstod the pro secutor iti all the material parts of hia slaleaaent several other witnesses bystanders at ihoaflraj testified lo the violenreof mr rugers conduct but denied ui4 drunkeo neas on being ssked respecting the general conduct of the accused they all and one apoko in the highest terms of him one uf them e mason named antoine on being asked by dr 9 whether he had heard rogers threaten tu black his eyes replied 4t and i would bave done the same had you called afior ote in the aam way y tains heiiry smith swore something against mr rogers but we fuel assured lhat the public care nothing about aasieors- mr rogers asfcm him whether bs himself was sober at ihe lime answer yes wheretrfi s laugh of incredulity shook the court it i somewhat aingular that magistrate continue to receive this young mans depositions sod still rooie siagu- lar that defendants du not object to their legality t kirkpatri k esq upon being called on objected lo the competency of the court to sdmintetcrosibs io enquiring inti the ennduct of one of its own eervants ah the oaths tsken that day he declarsd to be es ira judicial in bis view of the esse he was partially seconded by the chairaao jahn ma caulay em after aome altercation the witness coaaeotsd to be sworn ilsdsposed to having seen mr rogsra one af ternoon many month ago in a alate of intoxication j s caitwriifhii esq testified to ths same transaction mr rners upon being called on for bis defence said that dr simpson had brought fbrwsrd this accusation from mali- ou and vindictive motives he detailed ths particulars uf n transaction four days previous is whirh he had hen insulted hy or sampson in his own erden he appealed tn all ihe nagiuam present as tn his general conduct end caltad ss wit irpenall theboilders then in town messrs horary malcolm andrews mathews crawford fs 1wl hskjt mtmm ttwhosjswfbsarji and ia the amplisst language testified to the sobriety of mr rogers in no wngls inttsace had any of them ser seea mr rogers incapable of attending tobutinsss nothing could be hatideonerthin the manner in whieh the witaessoe gave tiieir terincryv many of whom complained of tbeawvority ot mr rogeie whrn called to measure or surrey their work mr jsme mefther wss called by lbs court he tsid thai on the occasion t which messrs kirk pat risk and cartwright had toference mr roger had ben called to arbitrate and had taken a few classes uf beer he walked home with him mr rogers ia his opinion waa a soherman he would itf lv leke a glas and as for lhat matter all the world knew tho do tor could take a glas ik tho court after a alight adjournment docided that lha chares of insolence tn dr sampwn was proved and rcprimaaded mr itoets upon ths rhares of drunkennese he was scqnittsd the chairmen dirsmd mr rog ra vluo s magiattate stsed improper uncuugifo him tn keep his temper end tn mention the cheuinunre at thv sessions this decision gars u rover alsatiliirtton toaitowded court we raunot dirmis this subject without comolimeating the iirtgistmies upon ths impartiality ihry displayed ia a ease in uhich mi of their most popuir and potential brother magi tram was the prosecutor ths whole affair reminds as of the acred story of hsman and mitrdetfat ths lew some nfimv reader msv safullect 1h1t wlifii at th late lit wasicwii uuagilcnivtfiuit wulnw other for an assault and no eummitm at the hous of th- netross in btrk tftrftst ihe attorney general rontrived hi re tard publii jftetksj and delay fa punishment of such sets by refusing tu bring forward lhs at ihe a rersrring it along with a similar e baetfcrfkr sessions however sanofiog and inconvenient was fir ihe many llilllisieai to oss tht fruits nf their ssiduiuia attetidanre at these aksizsser as a rood deal of important mbfe business rsmsined uowsm- acted at the risinr of the court the sending ef these 1 ausas 10 ths sessions wii nut make a good cround for eotttalvg the at torns gfvfal with neglect of duty what follows corns mnre horns to i im at the october session the witnesses hiving bmftigp tcgetfaei with somedihi ultr ivhen the par lie sfcrievsd rsmetocourl no indictments nm forthom- ingthe atlnrney general having forgottm tn tears tho ne dtcumenrj with the clerk of the peace i the de- ftjodtnii stpeared in court as bound bv their recognican there wer no charge- spaing ihcm and they be ame thus vir- lually souilled by quashing thte indictments ihe attnr ney gmsral has committed a threefold offence he has pre dated several injured individual from obtaining fustic- he his permitted a bad young am to escape the punishment of hi- miwwda aod he has hindered a vnimc gentleman wholly innocent of any participation in the nflsiies for whi- h he was idirtd from bringing forward tfimony in a court ofjufiire to clear his charartsrin ihseyifsof his fellow townsmen we alhidtomr william casady this cnileman who wa with oihrrs indttid r an aaott upon soma soldiers irs sre assured hy iodispuiahle aolhoritr at the tinif nf ihe affrav was srthslir pttrincup br the bedside of a nirk mftfid in a distant part tf ih town sk rould hav heen prov d bv veral ivitnos os this fat he had no opportunity afshavfae and ihus owing l the illegal conrlurl of th auomer gsiounlin ain young smith from punishment he suffers under the odium of bring nijht hiawler it will be no mitiesiion of his offence for ihe attorosr ge- nrral when he sees this article tn send down for trial at the adolphustnwn searions these tndirimmts for in tho first plac the witnesses hare either been tampered with or are now scattered to the four winds nf heaven and in the second place were ihcy in kingston such ii the poverty of thesrat r portion thai thy could not afford the expense of so jong a journey in surh a season of ths year the sending down of the indictments therefor will he but a mockery of justice and he addiog insult to neglect of duty we have not been hasty ia ihi giave errosation nfo hi h n orf as the attraey general wr have suffered moi wwffcs to pass ower under the etptation that nmp rma oi- bs eirose wulm be offenid for his rondti t th1 it h wth i iv rave the alarm i covered with huejt i teinff vet hark before lantern could he procured 9twaimf h formed during the jrt that out ditv will qompsl us a sons tn msinorialire his excellency tho livul on the subjerl iflh g ir llj uvcrio d mp- dr sampson a0 mr roce1s yoeterday st th svtjountsd qu u u r sessions dr simpson brongh flwarrt schargs ofiosolenre drunkeoness and ioca- pacity lo perform his duties as street surveyor sad police of firer against mr rngnre ft should be premised befbre sa- lering iots ihe merits of ibis alsarge that mr rogers by hia eltettio lo his duty ud ffntl 0ood eofsiacty k4 wss fstd- timvnship uffu eko itllu we have taken frum the kronitle nn excellen abridfiemrnt of the new law respecting townsbij officers whirh will come into operation m the fiis monday in january the old ict expird venter- day cuiaeriuiiiily no pound keeper oroher er- strtt acting under lie late law ie legally jiiatlfied t combining 10 act uulil rechou at llif ne5t eiecno ihr act which was pastrd hv our legislature iia last mvsjdn relatinif 10 the holding of town jmp mrtimge- he appointmrnt of towoship uffi reis arc throughout the province ill eo into rf- iett in lanuary next ii hrconte necessary that th public gciura ly iihtiuld br inadr rquahited with in provisions korthe hentfit of our reader as ina httt hate tii this net we subjoin a aunmiary ffldi lenirih renneia n imputtsihle for 11 to ffive it cnt ve thii iinly lay hemre ur readers the more ir n tortaui pruiimim of the hill referring ihom wh irii im jai uiujc innuit hhonnaion to tnc suiuh itwll it ia diec d ihat the freeholders and househol der in every tuwnship idi i bold an anoual ireet- 105 on die first monday iti january at the hour oi ten oclock in the forenoon the township meh ings for thenext year are to be held at the mpw- rive plicei whtre thr v were last before holden and it ihe d m i of the township clerk to publicly ad veritas the same at each meeting the ts0plts shall appoint the place where the next annual meeting shall be held io person hall be allowed to vuu- hnt suuh aaare huuseholders or freeholders atd are of ihe full age of twentyone years anil any ivsuil votiiig witbout being thua qnalified will bi llable to a fine not under live nor over twentyfie shilling all qtictioiiaarc to be decided by a ma jority of voiea ifthe clerk of any tuwnship akutld neglect to notify the people they may notwithstand ing meet ud transact buiuens thehonsebolgersand fnclhtklen at thfir town ship meetings may chooses clerk three cominti- kioueis aaseseor for the tonhbip and any number of peraona to act as overaersof roads and any number of persona to aerve aa poundkeeper fif the township ad they may deem expedient for he year no person hall be compelled toertein any of ibese offie lor ia years m auccevaion newly settled townships in which no town meetings have been held inay hold such meeting ua aooii a they contai 1 tbii ty resident householder or freebolden the people when assembled ac their township meetings may determine at what periods cvftajll de scriptions of horned cattle horses seep fihall be allowed to run at large or be restrained from so doing and also what shall be the fine m forfeiture upon the owner of any animals running st large contrary to such regulations and also to to make mjcfi regulations as may be necessary rela jr t any parts ol road that may be dangerous 10 treller or for suppressing the growth of hk-i- veedsuhin y be detrimental tugund husbandry th biishi and description of lawful fences and such uiher maners connected with the same as may tend to promote the ptace and welfare of their towm- hipa it bhall be the duty of the township clerk to re rord all niiitterk that may he lwfijhy transacted a the annuul townabip meetitigu which record u seiher with ail other recoid pnpers moneys and property belonging tu the township which ma ioimi into his hand by virite ol his office are to be faithfully kept and deliver 10 ins successor duly ap pointed it ia further the duty of the township clerk tu make out two copies of ths proceedings o the township meeting within twenty days nftersatd hireling baa been held the one copy to be poted up in aome public place and the other copy deliver vd 10 tht cleik of the peace for the district the 1 township clerk is awo is awe to be sewd sjww i very person appointed to any office ss above nice of the same within ten days from ihe liroef ihrir ap ointment requiring thni tu take the uf office which oath the said clerk is suiht eo aduiinister the clerk is also to report to ouard of commissioners themes of all pei who may have been appointed to any office notified of the same but neglected or refused to the oath or affirmation of office as ubove it is the duty of every inhabitant to give in toj usur ffirtlie rowpship a list of alt the rat pergonal property in bis or her possession in province and of all thr lands tenements on real estate in his or her possession in thetownt and alao the number of acres of cultivated of ui tivated land which list ntall be taken by the asml sor between the first monday in february and ihj court of general iwiftef 8eidooe of the 0istr hich shall be ll olden ticxt after the first day march in every year the aeainr is to rnakti two copies of the bat aforesaid and present onei the clerk of the peace for the district and put up the other copy for pubbc inspection at place whiie the previous torvnsltip meeting tj held- the as9rm0r hdll slw report tn the coj inistdtmers lor the township ihe names of all iiq persona in the tuuuslup usiinv livnikr vnj 1 false list or have refused or neglected to give itivo to the assessor the list as aforeaatd in onw that such persona may be dealt with according law the afttemor is alo to demand from every il habitant householder or bead nf family a trite u fthe number of persons composing sueh faiotlj ac and any person refusing to give a correct littl he assessor shall be liable to pay the same penal ly as those refusing to give a true 1u of theirraiei- hie property the collector of each tiiwiwhip is required lorjv nand and receive from the inhihitnntt of tlie luifr hips all surh rtftea and ifehine us as iim la jilt and pa able on the assesineni liht and if ant iterotn mmciihiie i inserted otiid jm vballm- elector leluse lopaj lit suiiiot rate for which h ir he atnnu rated tor the splice offouiteen dajl after the itdteeior baa clemanded the aaiue the cot tectih mavt upon linking oath of the aanie befifl me of hlo lld coinuuhmijiieis receive an ex conos ior he nrnount of surh rate of rate and levy tht um bv distctvas and sale of the uod and chiib i of the pim nun m nriflecmu or refusing tn pay th qwmhissiiiiiei oftlle u tl gnmt tlie eit cution and property levied is to he advertised eight days previous to the sde and the overplus mousr returned to the person owning the property it if the duty of the overseers ol highway toso- pchntend and keep io repair ihr mads that may be allotted in thrin 1 tl mij hy he commiasiotirri and such overseer nball on rerriviusuih order hj 2tving three days uotict of the time and place nun mon such ptsoi s nilhin bis division as are liablets ierf rm araiute labor and order them to work upus aid road and may give to any person who iu riot iiin ktalute hihor requiring it a certilitate tn chst tfc lect in order to pre lent he persona being esltej upon to work ncain thesame ear in any other town hjii 10 which he may be remij any prrssq may compound for tiiaititutr lihur by paying u ihr mruir acting for the rimiu in whieh he or she esde on hehire ihe first d y nt may the i oltwosbitii irs and sixpence or every day that lie ir she ia li blc its prrlonn statute labor- the over- h er h to ri c ie said coniniuatioti mouey and pend the mmie upon ihe road c aahesballdrai olfsl aovwible ivety era mi liable to perfsns ratine labor htll ml person or by a sufiiuenf tuv stilutff tindci the di ertton of the overseer work faithfully eight hours for rttch day and ifanv lfinr er refute tr neglect 10 work faithfully it is required of ihe vemecr that he discharge muii laborer aid the peraori hubte lo do said statute lobop will hesuk- irct to thesame forfeiture as if the aairl hthorer lid ot attended the uvoreers are to erpize the tti lute tabor under ih ir control to be rerlounrd ii monys coming into their itmuin lieu of lab o heexjic d d biwern the list la and t hii ol july in ifueii veir exeup wflvt directed y uk cumimsshim aiy iierson hi l or refuse after hawtthecu duly now with team of t p the auin af five shillings lor each day he sbill su loulecl or rt ibse and any person utleetiog 01 refusinff wni duly called up hj to to vie feoc and appraiw dimisres shall fui fti a sum out les th 111 five hi cities nor more than iwrttfy stalling to be reefer- ed hy the bnd if cmnuusi er- it is pro idtd ih 11 any ierson shall wilfully et tberwtse b may negte i itd to attend or ftrtlml a sobainiie tools as directed shall forleit dud pay rj isvy a hat shdll ui gw is si l seiivt lii no lave been eiectcd alocg any water bridn or precipice ir any guide or gnffemwst such pi son so offending shall forliir and pay for everv suck eikea sum not less than fivi hilling nor mem than live pounds and in case any tee shall w cut down in or fall not of enclosed laud in such t i wayaoioobstruci any public roid the owner or occupier oi such enclosure sbolt remove the same f iibni uciitytbar hours after receiving uo of atd obstrscimii under the penalty of ten ahillin nr every ty tlieohstrurtmnsltalicoiiliotic thess penalties nie to be recovered by the ctfmmittmk ers ldfcecier is to provide snfiirieut yards for the safe keeping of surh anttnals as it mav hs his duly to impound and he t nquired to fumnh mtialhibatoiciy be impounded with uecesaary foodl c ifaftei lhesjiaeeoiifiyeigh hours the saidl animals shall not be redeemed by the ownwr its shall cause written notice oftbesame to be a fixed in three public places for fifteen days and if said animals are not redeemed bv the owner be shall l ell iherninr it i however provided that when c horses or oxen are impounded and ihe owners ofl he same not known to ihe ijundkeeur no sals f ahall take place until theexpiiation of three months l it mlhedutyortbe poundkeeper within twenty four hnira after having impuunded an animals tft uiiify three disinieresfed freeholders 10 appraise da mage done by aitd animals and also to jude of the sufficiency or the fence sec and said freeholders or any two of ihem shall within twentyfour hours after notified view and determine whether the fence 1- lawful according tu the resolution of the towa meeting on the subject and if so appraise the da- nsgeadmie incases where animals that are not flowed to run at laige are impounded for having doue damage it may nut be neceasary to view ths state orthe fencea the commissioners are to allot to the overaeers heir respective duistorm of the roads ru all up a vacancies ihat may occur in usesffiresoftbetovxi sbi to rvgulate the prices which the inuiiokeeta trs ore to receive for their seivees and rruiact various other duties iiimiiioned in the act for the benefit of th irrespective r it is prodded itthlmiy nemm that ismitasseiwdl it mure thai 25 and who by reason of age sick lens fee uia not be able to do statute labor may 011 application to the coimiiissionem have bis or her cirrumsiances examined mm and be released hum the peifurmaure ol statute labor any person legally appointed to any township umes and refusing to take the oath of office or hall take any greater fee than is allowed bv this r or any person refusing in give a true liinf hw ur hei rateable property will be kable to a fine sill not itss than one pound nor more than live doujtjsvi fcr etery such neglect or oflenee tj a money armg frtn lbs iqpfl f iul

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