Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), November 17, 1835, p. 4

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fakcy biscuit bakikg- thomas moxeyfl from lnlinj returns his griteful qckitowlediuontfl io ihc iiiltamlants of kingston fur the encouritgeaitmii he has received nncq his comm2icvnwtti lite nbtivc business and begs leave to iufttlu them thai he keeps conslunlv for sale every variety of fancv cakes avd biscuits confectionary nnd other nrtfclra in his line of the very best qnmiiy wholesale and rvmil carjiicnjng and drme cako maite lo order ti m tins nj hand nnd is constantly mnnnfac- iritinf givtier beer of superior flavor which he will dell wholesale and retail at moderate pi ices muffins every wednesday and saturday evening store street kingston june 11 1335 35 6m storage and wharfage the subscriber beg leave to inform lire public that lie hs rented he well known s to relic uses and wharf formerly occupied by mr john maguire at the foot of store street as lo location they have not their equal in town those wh wish to store property or dispose of it by consignment may rely on the utmost endeavors of the subscriber lo give satisfaction for all orders he may be favored with in the above line of business n r for the nrcoinmoriution of travellers there will be a room ficd up for the reception of baggage barton riullips kingston april 234 1835 caution this is to caution all persons from making bar gains of sale or otherwise with james schroder in my name as i have at present no connection with that young man- also my customers are requested to notice of whom they buy the articles 1 manufac ture as some persons arc vending them pretending to be sent from me uejyry bolts kingston august klk 1313 3 the mansion house kingston u c the subscriber continues to occupy this extensive nnd well known establishment as an hotel for the accomodation of the rublic the mansion house is pleasantly situated in store street being the srincipat and most central street in kingston in the ubiness part of the town is convenient to the dif ferent steamboat wharves and no establishment otrfbettsurtl ntrliie abomiuoe can urpruaiiu lhe ex cellence and comfort of its apartments hi regard both to parlors and bed rooms all of which are fur mailed in the very best style the hotel has been recently palmed throughout and otherwise impro ved the subscriber having kept a public house for many years has acquired experience in that line and he trust that with unremitting attention to the comfort of hi guests he will continue to merit pub lie patronage in the rear of the mansion house there is a large yard and extensive stabling and where a livery stable is constantly kept tthe mansion house carriage and porters will alivaysbe in readiness m convey passengers and luggijgeto and from the different steamboats a c arming kingston may 1835- 25 bay and river the fast sailing steam boat kingston will i tm v 4 llltcu caldeb ialcr pqwkwaum vc tha carrying place on monday ond thariday morning ii 3 oclock touch fttthl river trent amclibi- buih bclltftii sophiwburgh culbcrtson t scanlnn wharf hlluwll adolphostown fredenckmhurli bath- co kingston will leave kiogton name day at6 p m touch nt fbumaoftgananimii brockville andmrivcat preicotitt time for the slaem or sttam boat for monlreal upward wilt wo tricon every tuesday and friday p m- imme dialely after the arrival of th slaves or steam boat from be- low much al brcckvilltt french creek aod drive m kinga- ion urir next morning will leave kingston every wednes day ami saturday morning at 8 oclock touching at the inter mediate places and arrive at the carrying place same evening in time u meet the stage for cobourg port hope and toron all pftckagfi and luggage at the risk of the owner unleaa booked oni puid for every attention will be paid to the comfort of passengers and the boat ii well adapted lo lake freight horaea ac kiogflton april 1835- at the sicx op the bear the subscriber respectfully informs his friends widthe public that he is now manufacturing and has for sale wholesale retnil an extensive is- rortment of tin ware which lie will dispose of on ihe most reasonable terms je hasauo for sale a large quantity of cuba s domingo sugar do do boston made whips of all kinds do stone ware heat quality b phillips market place sept ith 1335- 10 8li0rtlv will mb pubusiliiu at toronto by thr author op the pltovwial jl51icf anabnidgeuektoftuetowvsuiplaws including the highway nnd srsmeut acts the court of requests act and the new township meeting act villi original appropriate forms for the use of the commissioners the line fence aci and several uilier popular and interesting matters relative to the townships with n treatise on the i iv of landlord nnd terwirj and dwfrew farrtv s forms of notices to quit leases distraining war rants c and the law and office of constables with free instructions fur the performance of the du ties of the office the object of this publication being to place within the reach of the humblest mentis and in a cheap form o familiar view of the above popultil end important branches of the law r who advertised tin provincial justice are requested to insert this on the same terms toronto sept 12 1835 bank notice the board of directors of the farmer joint stock banking company hereby give notice that upon friday the 15th day of october next they n ill commence discounting notes at the office of the company in toronto and thereafter upon all suc ceeding fridays continue the same until further no tice notes offered for discount must be put in the day before under cover to the manager toronto sept 36th is35 is rags c arc patrick egan will pny cash for r horns sec c market square march the 2d 835 ags duck feather dressing old bfd5 made equal to tw the subscribers having procured the necessary ap paratus for dressing and purifying feathers inform ihe public that their machine i now in operation at the head of store street next door to mr okotps tavern all persona desirous of witnessing thfi opovntion can have the fullest and most satisractory evidence ofthe value and efficacy of ihe operation and no persons who regards cleanliness and comfort or val ues health will neglect this opportunity of having their bed droned by this process ml filth and impurities are effectually expelled and the oldest feathers rendered lightand elastic ns new ones and more cleanly healthy as the oily matter sooffen- sive to the smell and injurious to the health even in new leathers u entirely removed by this purifying process benjamin marcus jacobs kingston oct 20th 19c5 23 certificate- i have lutely hud the feathers of n old bed taken out and dressed by the above advertisers and am much pieced with the success of thflir purifying process the frailirn previous to their renovation were heavy and knotted together they are now almost as euifttc an new ones and i liave no hesitation in recommending the advertis er to the notice of the rublic tiniror of thb rsittsn w lake ontario 1836 the steam boat london bounling school gloucester house establishment for youjuj gtstilmkk hpton illatc near ffowst sate esscp cufluctet t mb h a o l r the domestic orrflngcmnii of this elnbiimonl ore upon the most liberal scale every boarder acroinmooatcd willi s tingle bed without any extra cliaro and a strict atten tion paid to ins comfort health atd umtsm tlc course of iriytniction included enxli5h elofuuoitg iho scipmific principles anl prwrlicfl or aritlimetir slonhtnts accosnts bookkeeping mnsuraliod algebra ceogrnpliy uio of the gjouet liiutvry ac txasas- under 12 years of ago above ditto- wwkly boarders day boarders the lansungc cacb drawing dancing d rfni ptr ajtvam 24 ditto ib ditto 3 ditto ptrwrter i guinea 1 ditto l ditto america cnpl joii f xyfiku will run two trips weekly between rochester and kings ton via sodu9 oswego and sackeua harbor aa feljewa comtlf o down leaves rochester monday and tliurednys at 5 evenings 41 sodus do do 11 evening 41 gswdgo tuesday and fiiday 9 morning m sackcts harbordo do 5eveninp arriving at kingston tuesday and friday evenings 9 oclock ooi50 pp leaves kingston srturdnym aflernoon wednesday 7 a m 11 sackcts harbor sunday 7 morning do is noon oawego do 3 afternoon do 10 evening 41 sudns tie 9 evoningthurtdays a m arriving at rochester monday at day light do 9 morning intersecting wiih the oreat britain at oswego on wednes days and the constitution at rochester on mondays and thursdays on their upward trips to cubourjj toronto aud niajrn auoihedaily boatsat kingston running to ogdens- bursh nnd op the bay of quinte deck passengers going wet car by taking this boat at kington sackets harbor or oswego reach buffalo for v so each by way of the canal from rochestor children halfprice lake ontabio183 respectable references wll be given and required the vacations are three weeks m midsummer and a fortnight at christmai account settlehquarterly the quarter to com mence on the day of entrance a quarters nntice is expected srovioiiato ihe removal of ti boarder pupils rcmamiog at chool during the vacationire chaiged 4 guinea cxin pftr annum the french langmge is taught by a native nfpjri each boarder iseipccicdp bring a silver spoon knife fork and six towels tho situation is extremely healthy and pleasant with ex tensive grounds references may be mate to t- h trior esq of que- for further particulars apty to the editor of the whig the eleoaft steamboat oswego propttudby 7v povtrful lv pwturr ertgitcfbq hotm pevtr apt j t lfo s will ply on lake ontario and the su lawretice river m follows leavesogdensbur on friday evening kingston u- 0- saturday morning sacketls harbor saturday noon oswego saturday evening rochester sunday morning toronto u c early monday morning reaching leuiston in time to enable paasengera tn visit the falls and return by boat the sameday leaves lewiston on monday evening hochester tuesday morning oswego tuesday afternoon sackctia harbor tuesday evening kingston u c wednesday morning j and arrives at ocdentfburg same evening touching at french creek morristown alexandria and broekvilfo travellers intending to visit the falls of niagara cnltalo or the different places on lake ontario will find the most pleasant cheap and expeditious route by taking the fiteamboats at oswego and bo chester passengers leaving lewulon in this boat on mon day evening will arrive at montreal on thursday evening passing the most intetesttng part of the st lawrence river by day light n b the oswego commenced her trips on the 6th april april 1935 the steam boat sir james kempt nnl saturdays will icavo prescott for kingston nnd tho bay on nowtttj and thursday evenings after the arrival of the boau from below will uave kingston for prescott on sunday and htdntsdoy evoninpi pas5n2crs for montreal leaving kindlon by thiiboat on sunday evening may be sure of meeting the montreal line at prccott on monday rnominu as tlie boat leaves iipressy for that purpose at 5 oclock p m k i ni june 27th 16 evans trcntisc on agriculture a few copies of r lie above work may be had at the hardware store of messrs hill brigg or ofthe subscriher g w yarker kingston aug 2ut 1s35- 6 commcvcial bank notice i bereb given that the uooka of sub- scriptiim for the new stock in this institution will he opened at the different places as mentioned be low on tuesday the first dny of december next at the hour of ten m the foiemmti and closed at three clock same day- according to the act no person can euhscriht for more than eighty shares kingston at the bank toronto- office ofthe bank brockvtiuy mesftrs a vv morris co pccott hiram norton esq bytoirn messrs g r lang cornwall g c wood esq perth a leslie esq imhwtttt david smith esq ficticvittcrtuos parker esq- cobaurg r henry esq port hope david smart esq duntla j ij ewartesq hamilton gore dhtc ferrie co- niagara james lockhart esq london j c gondhue esq sandicicit3 dnugall k co- arnhcr3tburgh berczy esq a meeting o the stockholders in this infttitution is railed for tuesday the 15th day of december next at ii oclock in the forenoon nt the bank to electa director in ihc place of die hon c w grant resigned and oilier purposes by order of the board f a harper cashier william dawe attorney ond solicitor in the couits of law and equity in england has opened an office in mr counter brick building in brock street king- ston vhere he drawn deed wille nnd other legal writing with accuracy and dispatch and on mode rate terms kinzstw sept 21 j83 15 37g m sale of c9l0wn laws lobiii lanla oibcc nrto ssnd junr i the public arc ft formed thai the pales o crown lands and clergy reserves in the midlam district will take place as follows via at beixeville for the townships of huntingdon madnc hun gerfard kaladar rao richmond and tyen dinaga monday thursday monday tuesday friday 20th july 20ih august 21ai september 20ih october 20th november oabevs hb flky or choice literature to flaythat itata li reuk rtt tmpti 5 rtenre f r lfianicitn ud the menu to rmiift hni swim on the flit ikjini nil mtl krenni ihrr tedtvetviijr twrti ofninmnn pf nminipm mncnxtrspt ixrtcw in ftw mffipmmtml on w u ohnotale wdivh hove f rvrnlly llrk cw of renrtrr ntd foppon- rm and l f ns arc tiwc means of linrliliiml feupply mm iwemlumfitaii in ndjuoa to the reviews nfihedy paisno- iicrhoiboou itirire roimbcrs in u patteofoor mnr iinlilk f rnvc ic pojsojion oftlie bftftkfl ihcmclvcy nnii dtuii boynnd ticnr pfthiiwuilionribft pmm of discovcry in nrt nnij science- 1 rmttofth littccflfsyto tt5cnnin nrd oxnrctwr wcmip it not h c- loraiify ik in bpin- lie emporium on ifritn re irftaw hm olxupotlonu whieu prevent personal ftppheation or even mrf- mii m ulmrlvtftl bookfrcucrg nreso manycanpeo tokeep pcfipu mvny from ih ki ofruon nn1 tle rnjoymmi nf hie eovetca tucrary fiinirfii it i the rim of ihe pcwphftn or tc litirnry i ooviatc iliesc rtiituliiiandioeniibteivmmndlvwikilmaoi person teflon to obtain r hbown oe urnl unit of lil fiivnreil ftieud or ihmilv valuable wnrkk e ompletr en olt lite branches of useful nnd pnnulir1 iter mure nnd ilmt in u fortn well adapted lo ihe comfort of luc readit tbi cbrtrm ofvrieh nfiir n uk compatible mm morality and soon tate will he beh coflttmtly in view in conduetintj ilie librarytofill lle pnijeofwliivmieciittcni liirniltrrnfgrvat briuitnin nil ii vnirousde- oorttneni ofblarftpvy llfclorytravirtf novrl nod poetry mulh freely pnl itwler cnnuibntlno wiib rrchnnre occamomi jwfpwwi ll wfiitrndnl in qtve entire tltewnrk wltich shall be selected for pobhea- tion wlivu eireiimstanee auliorise the meanre reeonrc will i had lo tbc tticriiry itiorc of oaiinentnl buivme and tranlalioun made from frcncli italian or german as tlie case may be yyhilm iltc body oftlie s ork wilt lie n rrpnnt or at times a translation ofentire volame the cover will exhibit the nifchaneouj charade of a wapaiiieandconsiofiwetcbsofmenond ibfnn nod notice of novl- lr k in literature andllie art- throuhoui the cjvilrzed world a full nod rrrritor op ptr ofthe literary mooilily nnd hcudomadal jnomolsnf great lrimin and ireland inndlmoniohome pcriodtcalaofimilur cliaracter cannot fill lo provide ample material br this port ofonr work the rooanoo and extenatve correspondence of lite pntiliher9 nrethe bet 5r ii u r foruieconiinuonce ofthe enterprise m which they ore now abouttoenibjirk ua wellno jbr iheubiindjinecof tlemolrialsto v w value in ihe eye of ittepoldic a f r as jndktoii t nndar- ranjemen rc concerned rcjidcr will it ia hoped have reason lo be ful- ly iatlsaed s the editor ofthe library is not airimgerto them lint bus morctlma ooceobnineil their favorable aobrojesfor bra past bterary terms tjie work vroi be pouhied in weekly number in eiliated covers eacll number conuiinin tictnty imptriat octato parts wilhdouhle eou umes mkittf uo roame annually of more tlian w0 ortavn pagts tark chimm nnd nt the expiration of every six months subscribed will b- foroished with a handsome tide pajc and table oreonteois the whole amonnt of matter furnished in a aliietevenr wilt beeounl to more lhan fvtty vmt ofthe common affed english duodecimo books thecort or which wilt be nt leas un timt the price of years subscription to ihe libra the puper npon whiclilhc library will be prime will be ofuie finest quality used lor bookwork and of a size admirably ndptcd for binding as the type will be enljrely new nnd ofa neut nppearnncc each volane when bound will flemish a hannvome as well volunbtc nnd nni cumbrous nddiion to the librarteti of those whn pntronize the work the prke ofllie library will bejiee douartpcr auavai payable in nd- vunce a comrausinn of 30 per cent will be allowed to acnt and any neni or ptmastrr nirolhing five snbferibersand remitting ihcainotini of-iili- scririinn nhall b entitled lo the coramiion of 20 per cent or u copy of ihc work ibr one year aipccimen ofinc work nrrry i n ibr mauon respecting it may be ob tained by oddresaiti the publishers post paid kid iiors of newspapers to whom ihe prospectus in forwarded wdl pleoe insert ihe above as ohco as convenient semi a copy of ihelr piiper cjiriialnln the advertisement marked aad entitle tltemfcivcs to a free ei chune ibr one year address b l carey k a hart philadelphia i- i 1 july kih 1- atnapanee for the townships of sheffield and camden 23rd july 24th an out 24wiuepteniber 23rd ociober 23rd november at kingston for the townships of portland pittsburgh hii chinhroiik bedford and loughborouglk thursday monday thursday friday monday london lineofpacketftthe tuis of this line itfndnh huvingincim number of their ship will lierefler defrw ylineiii from new vnrkand from pomoios llie lbt lotb ond 20tl od from londd on i i7h and 27th of evcrv month virouhout ihc tear th- from nbwyork 1 ship toronto b- griswold manor 10 shin ontario umte kearney mnato 20 ship westminster h champlin mu 1 ship st james wm s scbor mater in ship montreal c h cbsmplm mmu 20 ship canada thomas bnilon mmtw jo sliiphannibal hbird matter 30 ship philadelphia e e morgan nfa 1 shin pliiiadefpiha e e morgan tof 10 si ikesident eurgc moore matter sept sepi sept oct out oct nov nuf nov dec dec dc 20sh v aug a02 i tuesday satuiday tuesday wednesday monday 23th jrfly 29t1- august 29h september 28th october- 30th november the numbers of the lots to te offered for sale may be known by applying to simuet s vvillmot esq belleville or at this office 42 vmson d- clnrlwirk master fltom london 7 mflntrkai kavat potuniotllli aw 10 17 canaioa lenven rwteoiouih aug 20 aug 7 new leaves puiuithttll sept 1 scjtl 7 iianmral lrav pwttmouit sept 10 scpu 17 imhladkkimma kmvcs portsmotjlh sopl sa sepi 27 president loavw porlimouthocl i oct 7 samson leaves portwiooul 10 ort 17 tow ixtq loavc porumoulli uob 20 oct k ontario leaves portsimjutb nov 1 not 7 westminster leaves pmtsmoutli nov 10 nov 17 st- james nw leaves portpmoulh nisft these fhipaaro ajioflfic fus claw about 600 ton bunlwn and are commanded by able whj experienced navigttcm geat cant will be taken licit tlo bftd stores ac are of lb licsl dociijiin the pri pasfiac outward h a fixed at 110 incuuhnj wines and liquors or 120 withna wine ai p wsoners paytilg tnc last mentioned price be -m- by tuc mcwnri ii the printed rales which will u furnishwl on hoard nviiiht the captains nor owners of thai pnckeu will he rnponihlc fir any icitersi parcel or pickigw enl by ihcin utucw rcgnlai bijlofl4dlttg aic signed tlerfi apply u john gri8wold 7 fuili mreet new vork giunxeu mintirn ft go vm front st do ofw geo wildfs co n- 19 cokmaoa undoo n b stonmboata ron daily fhim pnrumoutli where tht packets slop to bml ami riwuve passongers to the content- and to l1 r pirt of knlnid a hiatmntvho multvo t tlii lino of packet nhipi may beohtuincd hy application at thin olfico amettlchx leather store vh4bcf removal james hall respcctfutl informs his friends ihe public that he st has removed from the tavern stand lately occupied by him in johnson street to the tavern situated at the foot dl store street and kept hy the late mr fagan j h is ihankful for the libepil support lie has received since his cnmmencemei in business and assures his friends that his atteilion will always he directed to keeping hii house supplied with the ve ry best wines liquors kingston oct 16 1s35 22if the toronto correspondent will copy this ad vertisement three times and charge the advertiser the subscriber nnouvces to his friends d the pufaltc lfll he has removed to those very exnive premists hi front street next to the building formerly occu pied by the commercial dank there he offers for sale a very extensive aud general assortment of british and foreign staple fancy dry gooos a well as ho following ttreric drc u 100 cheats tea various sorts 50 kegs plug tobacco 20 qoes cavendish do maccoboy and rappee suufls paint and cod oil saltpetre fig blue and starelt white and colored paints and buck lead mustard in jars spermaceti candles tallow candle spermaceti wick new article liverpool and montreal sojlp florence oil olive oil in hhda and pipes mackarel and herrings liquors 30 hhd cognac brandy rich flavor strong proof otard dupuy co and other favor ite brands bordeaux brandy schiedam geneva and hamburg gin puncheons jamaica spirits proof 1 to 2 upper canada whisky wmrms iv wood uuarter casks of old madeira approved vinta ges blackburn oliviero cos brand xerxes sherry london particular tenerifle and the most exten sive and general awortment of red and white wines worthy the attention of country merchants and tavern keepers bottled wines ent india madeira brown and gold sheny genuine old port sparkling chnmpnigne jolliers brand porter bibbercs and dubar brown stout in pinta nod quarts cases of schiedam gin s t o v e 100 2 to 3 feet stove cooking stove 200 boxe window glass various izes shovels cut and wrought nails boxe ici xtin the goods enumerated and nil his importations are peculiarly deserving the notice ofthe public and the advantage of the wharves and premises he occupies lor the general purposes of trade and tin- terms upon which his stork i always laid in through his friends in montreal enable him to sell as low as the montreal prices advances will h made upon all consignment of produce for sale here or for shipment to his friend at montreal the charges will be found moderate thomas mjicnlder khiffoft aunst 29 t00 7f the gentlemans ok the hporiinc nnd dramatic companion imtfnsrempd wrra jl nvltitudeorenqraving horses philosophical anil ivainral phenomena jlcgertcmain stc it i omvbix momm since i- i- icjimn was commcnccil in thilrt- riitphm nnd atlhotigh thr putitb iters lirtv und go rxtrancctjv means tneirmlnir a kflowledgc nf m merits yel such a ttte axiiftctioa msnt- fcri uy ttint jvruoci orihe public wtio have been rutic ncquiimnt wilh tiffchnmcirr onjemnrnt ifil its lift or rmifoos cntinnes eotiatnulty slid rnpui irt increiiar tm pnperif nv distributed rrgnlurl every week ovta wide prinionoiiife rnivn a llicnoatsstlfaciory mswamcsiaff rixeive tkiil il ult m r tij ily become otic or iltc mol ppnlnr nmong im nnrnrrou exrltcnt jkrioditnu ivliicli 5ji ftom the aius lcnn f re no exihlfns will he ufarod io emnbnsh its permanent rtititn marc eiieofiivelv ainl ifilte u i nmikiu ofihosc lr vln ii t ricnlly dctincd sasll warrant if fiilure improvement bitll h rrnrxn typo ennincal ncaloe4 mid cmbellhmcnt will ltemileriilly atlvunccd the diflercni phys rod fiirce that will wiipenr inihi cntre or a yenr will be wonli more ihon fovr uihfs on uhoobl orsoberifhion the following is a list oroiose which hove strcudy ap peared just 500 20u 100 300 100 20 20 21hj 2i full f a nivud nnd fur sate liv ihe subscriber sides of sole ifinlhn o harness d do bridle do tfsins kip t5kin dozon mopkco skis ijitiiiifr llir 11 i i- skins liarrcls stolf doxefl siarlfi 5s gos axe siipplv ofiitihth jid hoot trees w dollars per ct paid fov hides jd ihe uiss mitlhri1 rpgmntk j s ritawlc j r pbmebe f renows- c a somerset t- hfirtoq it p smith tlvomas ifoterofl william e burioti mrs incjilmkl henjnmin webster r m reynolds phinchc dc dance w t moikrirlt m c lnrto j rptnnehe h m winer mrs rachttahl i n r iv brrymore- chrlc tuc firs i 4r j l r i i r i 1 the ifunclihmk the oecp deep sea cheap i k slmktfpeare early days henri quartre suite correct cear orbnhnsl green huvbnils ftnd wives man of ten thousand ti lidie man rilthi vouj vvhtf tlie gulden farmer spceiiliiiton olympic lcvils enptithmjin in indii hhnknirc fesiivnl tii ki4lniiii my friend the governor vietnhne the omnibus the child offrslurc thcllcnrnniro the ditel the sifters ndocd jleruuni jirncs kntney lnfih amrkimljor f yiwne power the sporting inteltnjenee nt hnmand nhroad occupies n cnider- ithle poitronorovtrcotiimnf audi collected from ihe mituuthentjc -ottr- ccs among the portraits orcclihmuvl winning horses which have been gvien tre te american troiin hory iwfn ft h ii est the imported buclssllnw we 5noer the aivorite raclnfl ainre a kir t and her ftl at hv kcmtsr bonds eelebralciltroilme horne notirmk phiinolliov the true tdooded popnlirllore chatkav jllarfavx the welt known bftftuttl ikce hore tri oak aeorrenpictchf of a race coiiksi occupying ik width otsavft cointiius tle noted tta hiflwiji iiuti of mihh liilhlthncnw nf mihj- i of itiiefttu whkhhaveteeupahlifthed a complete tresusi on ifii rhhtourefn flxdstra tionsf jbr the improvement ofladies in thsl most healthy of all exer cises expjamtionoritie automation chessplayer illustrated hy eleven cncravings the subjeeis wlitcli ore particularly embraced in the vade mfcum will be mare distinctly turlermoori from the fiiw ing mi mm dry of idem i tte turf and nil matters connected therewiih onthe httqctsfv mul characterof ihe m rr on the improvement of horned cstlle roles ibr novices in shnoiins m i for feeding nnd tr i w doj- nioraphiiiorcelrbraie4j hefcfl with uieir rortraits hit jili fisliine fowling ae- approved nines from hoyle snd others drmebrdi on flay and actors the most papular songs art to resie the artorleicrdemslnntutrater1 a variety of recipes adapted in dome economy an kpitome of important passing everts cenilemcos quarterly review ofihe fashion the vaiie mecurh is printed on triir imperial paper white tcxtorc and is pnhlihed every nstorduy nt three dollars per anmiiti in advance ordrrsfrom abroad po5tc paid will be prompt ly attended to and the paper curefuliy packed to prctent ii from nuiuu by marl hiffhefl nrirc in cash tintl fin call as sbced susn wrixiam ford market tic kingstrtn july 1833 the with a inn hii extensive leather subscriber having niadc nrrangemem titdcturer has and will coirslontty keep soiib of l b a t h e h liursict and bridle leailior upper leather cuir skims vtu kip- moronca lining lliiidiiifz c he will sell vtitcsile o ti ihc lrov air ppl ihulls tfl blv i ico at on retail as low dealers find vis can manu ii liuies and wiih any better terms than can whicl be ubliincd tacturcrs can he quiiiritieit im be obtained elveuhere cash paid for uwi and skins tallow and fjnx gpd t7 loobarrolrtsaiit rror- oipoitc tic ritrkei formerly occupied by r cdldwcll john murra k kinertim mnv26ii 1835- oceupying hore miwpig tic winner of the derby rttkmlll i4ic3ioval the puoscriiter has removed ins chear aild pa1iionarlr lioot sliok kstablisiiment to ihe mmkc square ulicre lie uillnlwaya keej on hntxl u lurffe nssoifucit ofthe very het innnu fact ore nl lativ cl i d do do d d- 1 do pnevs money only c loiiu mtj for ready iniin llo ami lofiulm pimiii r ijnili jc itni y ruloufs mlk pinvlitf d vi do km sluif irilitilln i ml rulwhed mipdior utiafitf tiecnn d rno lulit lentlicir rxots 1- si d do vity at dy jo do ivngcil buoh a variety of bojv and ginv bool very low priceo boots iud shore madu to order 5 hi r 7 0 ti g 7 10 g 0 0 0 a 0 6 o c r 0 fl 0 4 g 5 0 8 0 6 l g 6 8 0 in ii in o fi o r 63 8 ii 12 g s shoes ot kingston may 25 it 133 j- murray 33 the new steam mat ot nhottf 300 paces llev the modern acting praman vftlimr conlaining ihe pla s farces c which nppcor in llievnilc mecum neily riivrd niidbounl in clonc covent for irinibpoftbiion wpvuwwa nrysr- elgin voiamsuilt coiwiiimea ncnor one yeara sbcnplkn iho lef ma for which is luiee hau jrw payit in advance r subscribers lo he vade mecum are eniiikd q a deduction oloclhifd an order for four el will be ihank fully received d llie work ftrward- edinany rlirertion by incloiiira en or not pomim pau a r i i consisting of iwo votonmi 500 mec each of le norel- iara magazine containing eight rtiiti rem nnvcli hy the nsl popolar author will be presented o die altai who 1 i procure four r jtnc in ihe modern aclmg drnmn orihe uenllemana vade mccu nd remrl ihcndiouninrone yearv bihvripiinn for each grotlcmen wishing in mitiacribe to eider ofdie ahove vs will aj- drff charles alexander no 3 allicomn iwingb frank lin rlarc philadelphia a specimen copy will be aeni to any port of ihc fliton by addreaing die publisher post pai comliodokfi bakrie copt 3ame9 sikciair will for ihe remaioder ofthe season perform her trips m the bay and kiver as follows fill leave kingston for the boy on mondays hturadnya and return on tuesdays and fridajs will leave kingston for prescoif on tuesday and friday evenings and return on wednesday and sunday mnrnincs kingston i6h oct 1835 to printers for some time past e have alt desirous lo close the priiiiint business in whio we have been active ly engaged since the 1st cfjune 1833 and would with ihe present number have felt happy could we say to our readers this a the last warder we shall publish if a purchaser should offer we feel disno- sell ifnol wshallgo on in good spirits a sed io the same time let not our friends buppose that we offer our establishment for sale on account of embar- rflssefl circumstances far from it our prospects at present are brighter than al any other period since we commenced business we offer fur the present only une circumstance whereby any person wishing hi purchase may judge of our office patronage the difference of all expenses attending the business from the first to ihe conclusion of ihe second volume and all ihc earnings of ire office for the same period ave raged 5000 a yeir in favor ofthe establishment reims of purchase which will be found moderate and arcomroodaung may be known if by letter post paid direced to ihe editor of the warder port hope u 0 port hope varder office on c 1835 advertisement john ofclphamtt merchant tailor begs leave to inform his friends and the public generally that he has just arrived from quebec and montreal with as complete an assortment of goods in his line as was ever offered in kings- ton amoncst which will be found the following btst wcstof england black blue oliv invisible shjjji london brown nnd delhies cloths single mil d black cassimore vesting double milld olive and brown cloths double and triple milpd tossimeics and buckskin do black petersham and best quality of pilot cloth c c with trim mings and every thing in the business line which pad r lhe r wid rca80a ttrms tor cash five or sis firstrate workmen wanted a suit of clothes furnished in twelve noun n b ceived kingston the latesi fashions for october just re- 13th october 1s35 22 an active and capable of lakii whom a fair salar i kuis kagsii bags ighwt price in cash paid for i rags at th the office briiinh vhig office kingston july 21 i83 is wanted intelligent youns unmarried mair g charge of a printing office to ry will be given and who is expect ed to board an lodge in ihe advertisers house apply if by letter post paid to the proprietor o the british whig kingston nov 4ih ikjfc purchased by the subscriber grass seeds of every description u 0 patrick egan market synarr afo i89ft 971

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