Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), November 17, 1835, p. 3

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the farmers hank to tho editor of ihi courier r upper cnnodi i gut observing m your paper of yesterday a i mflwunicaiion from k shareholder in which ov queliond are put to me in direct and dia- oact ihape i beg ns directly nnd distinctly to give tfcc answer thereto and this i tin in order that si- icocemaynut be cotittrucicd into any iidmimlou of he malicious iuriiinnttdu obviously imemled question- to the hoik john bllttatay did too or did yon not frwuo ftw day previous to ftf- fixing vour signature to the dtd uf settlement f makeaverull your property real and ptrxonul in trukp vur wife mr- charlotte clnnlev i j j elusley toronto nov 6 1933 editors note the communication signed a i swmrfer containing the interrogatory lo which mrtlinwvhagivin the above decided negative was written and sent m us by a gentleman of long ndmwtreseciablesuiidinfjin ilii city nnd we allowed it to be inserted upon the credit of thai res pectability if the fact insinuated in that communi cation were true the public ought to know it- if un true it would enable the friends of of the farmers bank to expose the falsehood nnd malice of its as sailants who would be prostrited by such expose mr ehnsley gives the negative to the interrogation rfhia assailant if messrs hsigermm and draper illdftihe same to show our disapprobation of the conduct of a sbsrebulderwpwtohlmlwb- i we will immediately give up hi name to mr elms- i lev- t brit whig tjtvgstov wednesday ertwvtt xot 18 1815 a bide through prince edward and part of the midland districts ctnpter til fc saica tftkc catttr tiprrti l b uha itrrtitd he rj prbabtyjwi hmsttj tttplombfy dimppoimted sometime has elapd since the appearance of ll second chapter of my tour through pfiticc ed vard nnd ii is exen now with some difficulty that 1 escape iroiu the turmoil nf bimiiios that huta me on every sidi and seil myself in my emiy chair to wm a few minutes teiciwete wiih ilie reader- ii ill he recollected clui i dtcd my ijisi chapiei fthile on my way fruin iiilumii lu iu the luke ofilw mountain at which place i now resume the mtcq thread uf my nnrramc a pleasant jaunt of an hour brought me to ln well known stone mills wthc hay of quint in miiryjmirjr these nulls we been relinq sidled by mr mcdonald the for mer occupant nnd have been resumed hy the ram paiy that owns them and mcwhnnle the pim- mtamei of adolphustuwit tvhi i we believe part ter now acts as bupcrmicndtuit tjie ferry a4 mmik inn the mily companion i rljnilxtcd np the is iiih siiiulftr rikii nttcnifin nfuny per- y the ascent hut aftr a few mili kepi by mr mcg after seeing tlwl my huri of my jojmfy was well ivd jpostlclimf on tho top uf nliieh curiosity vrell worthy of m son v that wdltin of ihe conn insom pluses in snmewtut tibrnpi ftinutcs toil 1 tutltid myself standing on the margin ofihebke above iii ivitiii he reader an mm nf ibis natural curio sity ifcel that 1 cannot do the mycc byuerjatitt ilm by cojylg largely fnu tin nfit by mr ramsiiy in ms liiiily dewiiptive letters entitled travels in l cstihidu i am the luorfc ready to avail otvftdf nf mi uanrny assis mn since the dtorl time i hud at my disposal did not ndiuii of my fluking stncll paflienbtr exnmiiui lions a would llwvft enadd me in depend nptni ni oa resources in speaking of the like the author says t is situated on the tnp of n lofty ennnence abomrne lumdied and mix iv fuel ahove ihe level of lie rav of cluinle itlu m inner in which it i winded i rather smgmlun in ftlle direction it is miy separated ftom ihe miwr uf ihe uuy below hy eile uf limestone reck about ciglny feet hih and by a precipitous embankment wliicli extended imlf ivsy around ii in evvry uthrr direction it u airted by ridge which uses tn the hfrighl of furty fct above the level uc its tfinfiicui iliis lake is bout live miles in c reumference it sitters ur jeldw lit wwtifd to pnpl ftnv i ffit mhi and a fulling inaclmie an i 1 1 1 lit ti i nd has been cm along btch water is cnveyd to ihe edge of tin- etubnnkiniiii from fthenw it i miduried by a wooden raceway to ihe mils which are bitnatrd eaf the margin of the hay below the original ouitet of the lake u at a frw pares distance from the raceway at this place thctfurjhiis waters ormeilx escaped throiiffh an orifice in the precipice i forme- ij memioiieilt mid anetuiwhtng vvr ihi rocks be low uliimately found their pissnge into the bay various strange and chitradtcton opinions have 1een entertained as lo tile mannei in whch this lake it supplied whh wiiter rohthig as it riies upon the lopof a mouolain uncunnecred tlh any tributary rtreams the biort pfeiiiiliiig opinion wa that it received supplies by a subterraneous pasage rent direction and takcu no immense number ol soundings i found its greatest depth to be only nine tyone feet the bay below i found lo be uigbly- two feel now as the lake ktitout one hundred and my r above the level of the bay it follow that the bottom of the lake is one hundred and fifty one fret higher than that of tho bay tilths then it appears that the lake of th mountain does not derive in supply from liitfc erie that its snurce is to be found in its immediate neighhoihond thai it is nut unfathomable an liit its hottnm is not lower ibitu tlut of ihq bay m qtiinte after some lime spent in examining and viewiiiy thi miigtilar lke i prepared to descend the muun tain tint honever nmil i dwelt with renewed lilfnt sure upon the beautiful scenery which lay spread before the eye from the height of the mountain the piospect is indeed enchanting far beneath m feet lay the bay of clninle hi tranquil and silvery slumbers enriched by the gulden beams of the set ting sun which was just then linking in the west and casting over the scene her mild and lingering rays of departing light on the opposite side of the buy he ihe township of adolphustown and its rich tmil flourishing settlements comfurtahle fjrtn houses and extensive orchards meet the eye and enliven the pleasing prospect to any person possessed ol a poetiral imagination and fond of contemplating the beauties of nature thit delightful spot would a- ford a rich retreat it bad its mystic influence even over me though my fancy has long since been chil led by the engrossing cores of business mid i bu ffered on the hnlbiwtd spot until the shades of even ing obtcured surrounding ol jcrts and adraoninhtrd me of the necessity ol taking mv leave of one of the rdosi romantic places i have seen in canada the to vnship of marybtirg is yet in a rough aitd somewhat unsettled state and my extreme detire to get into the upper and more cultivated parts of the district prevented my improviog this opportunity of funning a more intimate acquaintance with this townshtoi the hasty manner in which i have scrawled this little sketch renders it impossible fur me to pay much attention to either method or at le and i ctiu only compensate the reader for the want of interest of which he may complain iu this number by pro mising to pav more attention to and bestow more labor on thefuture chapters of this ride vc havo boon somowsut dinuted in noticing lh late puliti cal wandering uf the once hul chonicu sc gmttc nu think dial t the ery lcal thej deserve a pix aolicc du ring tiecfcw week past the present editor bus aeco label ing under ikxioniil fiu of liberal fueling and appear to luve fiirgulien thut the chronuu has ever vrufctecd be tho un- cmpromuiii oftfan of tmywti the devoted admirer of ac poiccry tfuit u ceiling it entree m defendinj indiciimi- mtoly evty act ufdi eiiitin adminuustioo quits forget titig all u our brother has been coining grievances and re galing hu readers with frequent repasts quite unlike their gr- iwfrfe om moment we fiod him tiiriag bravely umn- ihe radical the neitgrnpiiig hia aj bjch to thu iaitk ttfh lorie in one number uf iho pipcr he raits at the dininitia tious for tho baneful inftutnet oh i how tlii sound of delay id obtaining the rijul absent to certain parliamentary bills and in the name article ivjs us qoile a lecture ahoul uic snpenor i il mil uwego and in feferrilig to the hum filiu state of things nilh us cnnncetcil as we are with the mntlter count he declares that there ntut he something rotten in the stau of dnmnrk in a ttulmcqucrit paper he o n fondom shot m the magistrates uf the town for neglect ing to inquire iflu matters connected wiih the burning of li- hi h i given vingmoiia tannery 1 again he thunders away at our imtty arid well h1oed jovuriior fur neglecting to answer ccftsio nddreftcs from our mugilrat ttidt luve remained unheeded ai head quarlurn i veiily disolfectivti could no f tttlier go and without mrcliiflg rtf other spottiidstil f disloyally wc may say jini extronat opus thee are indeed quite equal tu the usual xlang oftho mckcnzto and o grady sehooh we have n shadoxvy rerollcction ot an oui fib which u so applicable to out brother of the chronuu that w give it below hoping that he will lake the moral lo heart and cease to blow aof and cold the evident foiling awtfy in point of talent io tlte late conducting of the chronuu is quite bad enough but tbts com- pntiniieof entimont is still worse the satvr and the traveller a fable a sntyr in his rorky den livd distant from the haunti of men though halfa goit he seldom ran to level in the train of pan but led a qmi oberlife willi one fair dryad tor his wife and hl engrossed hv household malfet from lake erie but m r aniani vl n spent some litre in tnsiking examination hiis tu a aatis- fatlory solution nf the question at isuc 4 tleterniintfd to discover vuin whence this aupply xvaa derived i proceeded alillig the east aide of die lake fur about a iniu upon ihr top of theeiai- nence which epalm it ivom ihe uiy of quinte 1 then entered the woods and begun imperceptibly to ascend until 1 foind by aguin coining in sight of the lakp that 1 hid jvnihcd nn elevation o a tout forty feet above ll cllliuuiilg to prnceed at the nme elevation for two r three roitcth 1 descended indie same imperceptible ninnner tu he place from hich i had at first set iltlt in ihe course of ihia ouroey 1 crossed no le ibun live dilterent water courses four of miich were dry at ihe period of my fint vibit but all of inch i have wince secn pouring out very considerable quantities of rtfttcr ihe fifth wa beautiful tueain lluwing into the i ike over uc- ftive ledges of limestone rock underneath the rtdi foliage of the tiers by whidl it overmarched this stream affords the chief supply to the lake od judging from the appearance ol it channel it touit be sometimes upwards of i font deep in the pnngand fall wjrtn the greatest rpinniiuts of water re discharged by it 1 hive dfountlly heard the hoiee which it makes while at a distance of two iles and on the opposite side of the lake as it wtiea over the rocks the whole of dmtt rivulets proceed fron two extensive swmnp- that ffjni hich the largest arises is situated tu ilie south west of the lake and is about three or four miles in cir cumference the depth of the hike next claimed my attention having procured a sufficient length of line i push- to out upon its waters in i small scow for a con- ititraailc distance wc distinctly perceive the bottom nich consists of dissolved or rather corroded lime m loose and light that with little or no exertion one my push the whole length of his oar into it con tinuing to look downwards upon the beautiful white bottom as we sail along we start instinctively upon wming ihat we all at unce lose sight or it and that gaze into a deep dirk frightful bys which is formed by the sudden appearance of a precipitous rate running right across the lake after having sailed over the lake io every difle- ficitied u w and bred young satyrs il haiyenod on a wintry day a traveller had lol lilt way and stiff with cold and drmhd with rain h jiym tha 5iyrrivo t am he erp and mirfsi reccsc inncr ho scv hi horned 1 1 i at dinner he hatt ad uuar tha vutranca imh and blow ing hi aching fingers ho frame apologetic peccho to s landlord with the shaggy breecho bui ere ho could eicocc begin a hoarse rough voice exclaims ottoi d if you can dine without a clfih stronger youre welrotkc to uy broih the atyi to soli ly his wife inquired of tho traverter v v he blowed hi frngeri he replied m please ynnr wife sir 111 inform her i blow my hands to maue them warmor th miiircs of he rocky cottage tour fir tmgucitlhti boiling potiaga wh io gulp down hi me the quicker blow ere he tastes ihe raiding liquor chrprid at this the aatyr again atk hi meaning when the traveller tell him that he uoxcs his broth to coot it at which reply the satyr kwca alt patience and fairly turut hint out wblbt i possess tins vaulted roof aj fiercely ilien haraid hi hoofj no iixjl iu mossy sides shall hold wluchlfoffs ot once both ht and cold tftll mo yasrain ye blosthng lories wno love to toast of all your glories whom cunning state eoipyrics please have you not mettth mouth like ihec mouths which advstiui assertion bold blow sometimes hut a4 koietimes cold when such mad follies txmi die eyr it right to laugh or mu wo qj pray towfl midst thia thifinf elalier why dont you imitate th sasr tiui xaidsihttn is a iranbtinh ihw gflimatl mul i nly jiabto to lhoohidionswiicli rt wt- known nmy be cnurally pitlwl lo uonnon romat t ifo dwell upim the vuotttfy d jiculou fwrnolunhim1mvljriou woikiifg swns anil woatirl back with an undunnln horror n ocutitig with walk- itif autuiiialtfn meowed hy th wilh n moiinn i ales lo b ploinc mil he exeld sccordm- to umrv and loboukrul should be kp hin tho bound of wo bavo ihitf nmnirnl received r w nutt f the mir- r rrutgtabv ihiblmml mnnllly mx peo by bockford oc bayuy and hav lh time id i b urnilfc tho mirnir is dcvh lu gmonl wi q contains rval tuiety orhniioan frnn efl amricsn wtl- ler which cannot lil arbrdlrtt 4 lfmi the roalor the elections a fif wo 1avc tfc them apiieir lo havo been jqjfefo4 l03utf ws wllu guotl tate th mirror contain- sbout ihiri pw f rtmdifig ottt- tr and may be boobd in vtilumc fanc oflu fead er the ww are only fifteen ti0p p m hy mini which is indeed cheap pw xiit v uf vatushle reading aflwdcil wc be proprietors in thvir uudenaktu to t printer of tl bfilisn ws siryou will puttt to menlht l c i the wine lht nil hohridges hntweeu kh llu dae arc down in cuming lo bath yesterday i h ta 8 b llw yurk toad an1 came on the fronl af b mcooins mills 1 had my labor r my pains for i p htf hoating btidgn at psittitlf day dctroj l by the hv s of wdosday isst i hctd ulm lo go round a distant of somo miles and it was night before i got here thi floating bridge is the one tbr which tho huns of assembly ww 40 wl v btf whieh the ugutkdiva council pmahawkd as uie brido will be espensivo to reptirr ami ore nf xo jl1 ix thucounlry people will be deprivvd of tho mean of cooling lo kinsion uniil the ice makes tn lhfi w- what they are to do next year heaven only know john johnsion the man who v rtabhed a fet dsys ago is no dead bol is vxpeeted to rtfw- th wound in one of the small inteatmei juls on halihy appeaiance and al though slill highly dingeiout ha appearance of dump wcll wounds of thu nature generally f ortl great credit is due to messrs steward and dlstfoflb theiiedical gentlemen who have tho poor man in chsr they have been unremit ting in heir aitennon and have at up night nd day with him a good deal of excitement i ertfd wilh teveel to his tecu very with regard to ihi place id but hlile dfiereoco in lu appearance a good deal of bis done here but il is done very quiehy sewral theund bushels of barky have lately been rhippvd from hen toosweo affording an insiance of the shortsighted ues of the putty in the house of assembly who wished to lay a duly on arrwican grain tmpoiled into the provide i cannot omit to mtfujftn that benj f davy ihe tnlcrprimn youns men ham of baih i doing en eteniv tiade paying cash for every kiwi of prodac he sportl two tnrslhoae fr cash the nlhvr forvredit but 1 leave you to which has custom tiih cditor tttfi nirt t li ii ni of liunilrttn wli were soon druwn tf igellicr hi itiicim llifci nncomifion ipenndn afar nmkim hc tour uf the riorki jlacu ihivc or lur hnc- in qui into ilie woodpaikyjinl htd lii khrirfl rnf tit unharnessed nnd taken into a stable together ttllim tbiy fre regaled wtili t trough full of benrik otid vvnbh j hey rfinaiiiiml about two lloun while lie ilesiaiched llw biwillgttn as usual at the unrkct wbtjii thry wef put to the car nnd driven home again multitudes cheering him thu man it sail hts only had these animal under training six month a genllemuu on the spot offered him fifty pounds for the concern o it atoocl but it ku indig- tiaruty refused i rtondtr how any person can eai his hrvukfasi before reading i newpper iid an old borrower f miis ariiele i wonder how any one can ent mi b e iklhm after rcndiug a borrowed paper said liitt n o c cnnickiuinu3 fthfa a person on whom the temperance reformation had produced no effect entered in n state of exhi laration a leinpltiiiice grocery in a neiglilioriiijrtowo mr exclaimed he do you keep anv tiling good to take here ye5 replied thv merchant we have some excellent cold mtter tltc bet tbifpff bi h world to take well i knov repl c no unc tbino lion us ihat the jjacchsinie lite dun w much fur navig davkv cnocki iat the colonel was pre sent hi the splendid w lately given by ien ureen at vubirglon and 1w induced to dance in i quadrille tiro figure vus intricate and ihe colonel cot olhhe trail turning to iii jiartner a laughing funloving girl he apologized for his eror and remarked with characterise drollery nf expretiou that he waaut much etlucattd iu datr cing although he could stand up to the plain uork mighty particuuriut coutititicd he then you mine to put in the bcieutilic licks i uat a jood ccvroilsil a certain runaway couple were recently married fit grerna given and the smith demanded five guineas for ins service to ioi a jktrrm- if i houmrtv th re is whal- l vsn vrhlirl mv not lliigt rhv dxiiei o prove dial imw n tfwn if the nttarion inot frm shskipmns vy dy in what otliti ftutlnif il df 1m roijritl t stlbpottl lillw vthfthai hmtifc nulnrcc with gut r jinn in th nnmiiuttiec what ihuii 1 tt0 that prove lltf flitcncv ilicrr l t fadt3 and eciiaps d in the absence from horn midi bmkir il may be per mitldd to observe it rjuht be hljldj grjuifjin- o hi vanity to situ two provincial rmttompclfl die spectator and belhvilte imtdtigmt solely ik iu tnwlocins him tiihecxvlj mod from tlivircolumo of general d useful inkrnrjticn u several schooners and heir gwwsw rvpnftej to have bcii lost in lio t beaieriduih ji wmjimnhjf 1 si ninny rumors an current that in hseoco of authentic ir- telliseoce it ii deemed best notloruenrion roniored pirueulars xtmr jhn murphy clerk to mr j mailiewon si brew ers mills mr wro- braily lnck master t the amo sutian bis wife and two vlher persons whose names wc bae dul learnt by some unfortunate mitchilkd feh into one of the lotkl on sunday niht and all with tin cpfioo oflhw female and onctnnn were drowned parti ulersen fnday ida very wivked ihijth abornvti atteriit has been matc by one gtatg ctrl w right strachn whom that immaeutte personage cetgcgurnelt- calls m gcntlcuiati of loaj and niojl respectable standing to injure the fanners umhat toronto by orculjtiii filchuod en erniop ihe prcilcnt uf tint instituloui i liisslra han hw hen trfflfj to confess nimsclta vile dwajtvr and su ifte r ul- how isthi mid the bridegroom the gentleman ynii last married anufed bin thai he only gave yuu n ttuiirea w said the miiiih hnt he wiw ul irishman 1 have married him fit tilttoj inrfore he customer you i oty never see again dimfittrs on lake ontario on tuesday morning ihe steam bom cubourg left toronto on her trip dpwuward the weather being then quite moderate ihe reached cohoun on the evening of the same day the weather still continuing the ime she left cohinrg m 10 oclock but had hardly len miles when a heavy gidc from the ttortieast henn tow0w audciimlintted to increase until 3o- ehick the next morning the vind ihen suddenly chnpptd round and blew a perfect hurricane from ihe noith west at 4 oclock haw a schooner on her beam ends about half a mile from the ducks float iny it was supposed in fifteen fathoms water two men cwei clinging to the wreck one of the tiinhhh 4ij m i in hi hmtrl fit rh tip of wlneh hw eitttirhrd a hainlkcrehu i wnch he wicd as a iinal of dkiren ilie stale of the weather how- evrr mwsucblfcm ihe cnbmig couhl render no afkiktancc the sea it this time h washing over iht tlecks of the cnhonrj in every diicction and hivakin mto the ealriit tliroueh ihe deck window tniuin paynier as therefore reluctantly obliged to leave the miforiuiatcfi to their futo the venou ncer from the appearance nf the hull wa suppos ed to heiheontjiriojklnnffingto lawrgo asliorl lime afttwarn w knother schooner bbmit two miles from the ducks aunnll at on her beam end bm cn nppeartfnce of any liint creature wassen ahnnther it was supposed n h pcristex the cobnur fir fivhiidrv suflbivd ihe extremity if the eule ifurins iltnl timelier bows wett ahtiosi rnnstantly bnnied ii he iiiiuntiainnus ten which lamd nrotind hrr and she shipped at intervdls name heavy aeay on an ivhig opposite to kingston where she had to ian i 3 cbhi and l dck p isyt enerp mil h was the violence of the mortt that she roiihl ll pnwlbiy approach the port she theie- ibfij hail io carry ihcm down witli brr lo preott and land thvut i kingaton on her return chon do m tho lfcdjri book or philadelphia uonihly magazine for november conuinin it uual variety o pleains reading and somt neatly deputed 6nravitgs and pnrvaits lias boen rccci ved and requires at our hand ibaj compliment of n furnul ac knowledgincnt wc spent an ymt romblin through il paos and found our attention welt repa j by the amusoaicut afford ed some of ihe original 3f tu i ira well written and the se lections ore full of interest two of the altelchri the rtbuplj and tfie sanrfmaii are lii rvi very ftxcentionabh tlie ftrtner ii duubtlcm tho production of aomo young american riter who ha not yet leaded to correct tho redundancy ofhiaityta and like mom ny of his countrymen ruin hti writing by ridicoloualy atri- ving for effect tha readnr is immeraed m andles viriaty of wnrd while uo mind sirins in tain h become engaged with the narrative there is a unking wao of incident the mot nfwm pl oocurredcea are dwelt upoi al great jngih and amiling facea auburn lock ond apaxkloa yea dacce through the labored page io bounteous profcaioo strket oivloouc i h the devi vou know ihe morkis of vatfordj know1ihal iyeuouuivt know t reepon ded the moi ill looking of hnlon btinn veil but uill i eoy liowdo you know him know inm vy vasfnt i iu ac vatchus tcith hi cvthcr night a good joke a corrtspnident at clmrlcviown infirmr usofnu amumn nuneoce win h took place tn thai town uii tf diurd- a mechanic had been employed by a spurtum w make him mhw decov duties uhirh when rawwia eic placed onthetop of ft three toryhddnig in the rer of mainptreef fin- the purpose ll drying ihe paint- verveiirly lit he innrigi itiii observed ttiem ill rough the fug uid upnmtli hi to be genuine resulted u he tome of the 6 hi dinner he accordiutfl borrowed a mm men ik lodetl very henvily nnd ikiving ianoihl ffend mar by ml the ifrtiuml m urillg donh as escaped on the wing lie went up tjiroueb lh ublc of an adjoining house stud tired mio the wilht of ibeitt- lie was ibunderirnck to linil thsit htllfl of llim moved nnd hd ahout tmide up bis mind haihe had killed tliem all vu dwh thai iliey eousdnd even fliip their wings when tlthid and luany inugv cik- bysiamurs who had collected to wibiem joy the joke in formed him that he had inftdiu ohght mistnke on yesterday a boy siuwling on ihe carolina ridejut below the bridge ut0vred anmethhtg fltiaiiiig down the rfver uer i bank which rxcil- ed his curiosity he aeeurrl the object and ftiutld it to be ttco ihidrct about i or 1 i months uui tied up in a iorgc cloth the trldtl witlt nmrks of vio lence on its buck and thigh and hoili in bitch a state of initiilaiiimi and puinlitiioi that the sexes were not diftuiguuhed attjutta geo courier jrst tin tutno for ulfifth arthur adlington of providence advcrues iu lie journal of thit city i hat he hna invented a irnuhiiie which he calls a spatk catcher and which possesses the sine qua non of tiuch an invention vis the property of de- tnining them ificr they areiaught the most fatal of all dimttftn cnimimption in not confined to the human kpfie in the zoologi- cdl societvs hardens it haliecn discovered in the iicr the tertian ivnsi tbneunet tiic civel cat ihe ichneumon the nvftatl lir the amencon lnhir ihe elk in various monkey the esquimaux dug and in the lunge ofthe pytluii tigers in all ihcie animals saydr clark tie morbid dppeitrancei presented on examination close analogy to those observed in man elogfl in harness a owelty was seen at st albans the utbor day which jrove thai pig me not of such a doltish inicrial a- admit of no improve ment- a man who holds u zvta f near st- al- sana mad hi entry into ib latter plae mounted wo by h largehogs he en- midt the acclotpa- ron the btutisb 7o mr icoitor i should noner have noticed the ertlftcntu of peter dvy j i of iaib published you paper tome time iiue coiiiainiug serious i bept which ir in vtuir puner tome time hmio coma a enrtkm 8iainl ft n wl a himvlf h before ponw4ed of the fallowing athdair wan rnanufacruied with a few others of a r character in 1924 for the epecial purpum of p wilting my appointment a rarevon io a militia re gitneut midland district personally itpprred before me to wit j ow uge ham liq one of bin majesty justices of the peace in and for the mid- und puurlct peter davy of ihe town of ltath and duirict afnresnid yeoman who being duly bworn uiiiketh nnih and 5aiih that george raker of the lown of hath and dixtrict aforesaid mrgeon has fnmi tini since the hte war with the united stairs nf america harbored win johnston who u called a pirate and traitor to his britannic majesty who deserted to the enemy and isiid became their guide in their incursions into thi country during the bite war who u klid to hae robbed his majoty mail during htc war and this deponent further 90yt that said jobiiifitaii informed him sinrc the war ilmt ba ker had harbored him said johnston during his incursions into this province w iih eontribrmd ood in war time after he had deseiled to the euemv signed peter davy sworn before me at bath this isth day of feb 1821 tinned george ham i r there is a counter afll javit of johnston in the pittseseion of the irovcnummit not only denying the admission which davy alleged of my harboring him during the war but declares that i did noi in fact do i think no one will deny hereafter that at least be is entitled to as niuth credit as davy 1 nb- tiiiued the comniision and supposed the matter at an end but lately it has come to the knowledge of davy that i was to rcccivfl land as surgeon of a sloop of war and not having known ur rather sworn to sufficient io effect bis object in 1821 now after a period nf nearly 12 yeai certifies ad wa personally knowing ir thui which he then only heard from another had the mutter contained in this cer tificate come to the knowledge only officii percous ha hud long and best known buth of us i would with out a comment have been willing to abide their opi nion of its vilue but since it inwgoueu ihe public at lafgfl and infeired io be truih because not con iridieicd i im compelled to make such explanation of the tiling an di haa binm ii eiabled to do wiih a hope he ill bcutified iherewhh george 1sarer nov17ih 1833 on a sn i i car dr sred in tow m a brisk vt pout of queesci auk1val6 nov 7 ship cily of vtrlbrd 27th spt watcrford schr gispo packot isdar fiomgtno nov 10- baryta alcaiis isdayshaheix 4nultri nov ii h it k merlin in sept livroooh bark einlavour 3d sept liverpool 7 satllcrs uri nonpareil 20th sept hudson bay sohr- f unrv 38 day haligix nov- 12 schr rowena i8th oft boston btk oitava 6h eefl ltijm tsstrifis ripe axj oajtazi antivkd nov 14 trie atainer ride bowao with baria tradjt intow ciigneeamitronp grar e j biohn j a hir a co h roitrko villi brgi nobtoiduff t mcnirlor a fovttr r frtnr j m groor g ammfoml e ii hint kingston shutrra palamfi w mccormaek rrvce buchanan a co a laurt a co toronto c calvar j kuv- iri r wilier llitmphri a matt carrri am bard cubure d rttv place s warner wilton a h bard cnx bath e iviry eroemown o phtlne frra ktlr s vandiean si gnwinwi d mcnihb parker a co ha milton j afoihttwmin drawr mill 1 parker j 8itb joyivobouj l mckn2ie dtfllavitfu w lvui preaqua tie uj chupma halluwoll woori field port hope w crooks neliion a mcnoil napanav j lawleaa gr lon it orrr conieeoo g il prffnriat dundaa j s wtl- port utpc nov 47 the ateamer bytovrn sl merrwtt with harva iroqwiil and emigrant in low cnniptiee j d brtca 4 c- d pretitiaa j mcleod t mnidr j stiiimn sorgr cho 44lh kei j fraar e j darkrr arntron a gfear e thompaun hill a bn- kidston a chrutia w warif o phclpt st citharinet g hall j w fatwltom b p davy bath ilowrd tfaompam j fvvi mf i i hnpc ke- elliot sevmour j ttevnolda jtsun belloville wood field coburar c- w taytor- newboffs e boaho halloftehi a mcnail napanae sallfp nov 18 the steamer bytovn on he laattriajtobyton the proprietrew of the t c herald requeued to uu her printer to nive ihe proper credit to the matter be pilfeta from the rideau canal ueporta oflhig paper fltommcrcfal rsnaitks ox the mowtiteal markets htdrrftbt nov 10th i83s aihmtiiere his bjen a mutdf demand for both aorta ttince our rcpoit and prices have fluctuated cofitiderablr on moniby ftfg were told ot from 31s gj a 3u 9d and to day 32 ha been paid pearu brought jeitetrlaj 3ja j and thu dny ai high as 41a t c i w j hutne done in flour aiqca saturdm baa been liihitod at our ltquotutionj tvnut a cargo of 13003 buhei foreign recently ir at qucbce from iiull iim bean eold at 9d per 60 w 4 monthn deliverable here another lot of about 7000 bushel foreign bni been paccdthe exaxt price hcu not transpired fqt 600 busheu upper canada red of middling quality ov id- per 60 lb 90 days has been paid tji market is very aparmjly supplied by the lovrar canada farm cr and the quality of what is brought io varies so much thai it is imponible lo make a quotation ilivimfor puck thero ha been aood demaad front the retailor at our quotations butter is dull end so is lard wkst ihia pnouirck willi sugar the grocers appeaj t be pretty vvatl uplied and the deroeand for upper canada haviog lekcocd tlie business dona baa been upon a modante scale w have not heard of any apeculativa purcbajea but ivero sales in quantity attempted to be forced it is probable that a reduction would have tu be submitted to jamaica rum is quiw dull and plenty with leewardi ths market it not overstocked and a fair business his been doqfe salt the wpply uf liverpool cargo if short and ao important advance has taken plac tn this aiticla which b m lew hands che holders demand 9s per minot which pric ha been realised in small quantise aod large lots eould not hebnuffht much if any thin uodr tliat rate bhciia- taifiiauamiismh4hl wtktnttjffhi bills od london whiih cootinue starcc have been nsgoliatcd at 10a 101 mntyal 1 j the piopricirci of the t herald ts requested not t write beggmg letters to the advertisers in the british whig- irish feathers made up in bed bouters and pillow junt receiv cd nnd fir swle bv nov 17 1335 patrick egan cash cash cash the subscriber vill py ready cash for ony quau- nv nf hides cniriid sheep skins flax grass let tallow buticr at his leather store aln leather of every defciiptinn for snle at wholesale re- xwu cheap for cnsh or the above mentioned pro d uce x b p5 per 100 ilia market square nov 17 vm fori paid for hides h 1835 jvst received and for rale at ihe subwriwr storey front store streets a very extensive supply of the follow ing nriicles viz v india and refined sugars liimnvbrla dij green and ljiucktcas irecn and ground cnffvct hnttanria gin fine flavnrd jamaica rum gofkitm brandy white mil red wines bordeaux vinegwj fine ufld pah no 1 north shore herring diftby ditto ni i mackarelj poland starchi liverpool suap fi blue spunih fikit rice raisins and currantt soft shell almonds russian cluilllt fine durham mustard in jars nutmegs cloves and spices warrens blacking liquid and pastry ditto lampblack cut and wrought nails window glass of different sices putty phjgnnd paper tobacco glazed pipes hath urick shoe and scrubbing brushes black lead mticcoboy rappee ond scotch snuffr black lead pencils fine foolscap and letter paper v rapping do salt and saltpetre siileratus brinutono and stilphur ground and root ginger uttmeal and barley icpsoin salts cream of tartar gunpowder and flints whisky best quality american cheese etpiil to englisli tni keepers and cnuuiiy dealers are request ed to call and give tliia establishment a trial james williamson kiityttooi nov ittlii is35 to tailors and shoemakers to be let m wilton townmiip of ernestowp oitposite the post0ice a smull and convtoient shop suitable for either a tailor or sshqcmatr any indukii nm ami sober man may be ceiukiit of haing consunt work iu either trade- applv to s warmer wilton 16th 1835 31 raus rags bags the highest price in cufa paid for rags m thi ollice bririih whig office kindlon july 21 1836

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