the british whig and general advertiser for the midland district published semiweekly orifkr r k t orftsm d i c 0 r by e j barker m d vol iv kingston u- c tuesday november 17 i835 no 31 the british whig a semiweekly journal turom h cwtairctal ind political inftirm ition i thmidierf rwrv tnsmlay and friday voincby df- enlrfft editor 011j pfotlfwfcir v hi office in leir slnrctnoil door to the commercial hold itou for tlie british whig wvcnt aliilling atltupcace prannura if paid in advance or within threo montlifromareeipt of the fin ruintwr and 0116 pound if collected at ow find of tht year exclusive of pouie noio09ciiptiinrecfied fir les than six mnnth and no pipr discontinued until nil it rai ar p i- except at tlie option of the publisher awfttfnments sit lines nod undr2 6d first inser lion and 7d each subsequent insertion ten line ind un der 3s 4d first insertion and 101 each ubvoqu insertion above tun line 4o per linear the first insertion end id per line tor every subsequent insertion advertismnu without written direction are inserted till firbirl and 1 in accordingly orders fur discontinuing iivertiteroent5tob in writing produce of every kind received in payment no letteu taken in except from agent unless post paid letter press priming e textile 1 with twaine and depsteli term un precedent y low in upper canada all work to be ji iid for within three m nths after exe cution kiofslon i oi just received nntl for sale by the suwcrtber english mnuld candles starch blue liver pool suap white ditto 20 oris north shore herrings with a variety of seasonable dry gnnrk t macjt1der kingston oct 26th 1835- 25 family grocery provision store patiiirk egan offers for rale in i the promises in the market stjuarc lately occupied by mr scanlan a mil selected assort men lofteas groceries teas jw spices tobstcco scone ware corn ivnoms and almas t very article in the provision jroery line at extremely hw pr ro surchased bin goods himself for caml oflu in the innireal and new york market market square oct 20 135 21 coks rruotfs h7jsk just received and for sale by the suhscriber 50 dozen corn brooms whisks patrick egan market square oct 30 1835 23 to farmers cash naid for produce of every desrription by patrick egan market square oct 20a 1833 23 fresh lemons a few boxes juai received and for safe bv the sob briber patrick egan market square orl 20m 135 23 etonk wabe tloweu po tsmilk pans churns cream and pickling jirs and every description of stone ware fornlebv patrick egan market square oct 20a is3 23 to hoitseksefeb6 indigo lomuotl sail metre pearl a ah arm root sul emms jvutmrgs and spices of every wnd ground and whole kepi for mlo bv patrick egan market square oct 20a 1s33 23 apflcs a few barrels of genesee pippins far vnle liv patrick egan market square out qlrd 1335 21 notice oirkc ofordniiner ki i 3 i h october isofl j to be let for a term of years with the right of resuming the same if required for the public ser- vice the sin 11 dwelling houe lately occupied by the guard at prescott or the aame ill be let bv the year persons willing to enter into an agreement for the same will be required to give security for the due fulfilment df the leave when immediate posses sion might be obtained tenders will be received at this office addressee to the respective officers of the ordnance until the 20ih november next 27 fresh arrivals jost binding by the subscriber from the iroquois and dolphin ltarges now lying at the ottawa com- panvs wharf 20 hbds bright muscovado sugar 5 double refified loaf do 30 cheats assorted twankay young ilyson and bohea teas 6 puncheons fine flavored jamaica ruin g pipes cognac brandy otard dupuy gos brand evening writing avd reading clase6 mr jen igs in funning winter clissea for in structioii in the above branch as not more than eight pupils will be received inn clans they will have all the benefit of private instruction hoirs for ladies from 5 till g fur gentlemen from 7 till 9 application may be made at his academy next to the lancasterian school or at hi residence point street kingston nov 10th 1535 293 the stockholders of the bank of the people at their firtt annual meeting held at the banking house in ibis city on monday the 2nd day of no vember instant proceeded by ballot to elect their directors vfaen the following gentlemen were cho sen viz tobacco t snupp for sale bv the subscriber mr g 15 millers lorillards fine cut tobacco in 1 2 8 nz papers do morcobov scotch rappee and american snuff patrick egan marktt square oct 21nl 1s35 21 to saddlers wanthd by the subscriber ibrcc or four jour- daymen suiblvn who can haw work either by the piece uriufltttlti aih u steady young lad from 12 to 11 years of age ii i1aiuht kingston nuv 10th 1s35- 29 si ore brooiis for sale at the subscriber leather 50 dz flat ami round com bromnp 10 do superior irass i cradle svihes 203 bis salt fresh from the work 50 do mackirel v cash paid fur hides sheep culf skins wiuaam fohd market place kington julv i4th is35 47 the subscriber 18 now receiving puncheons of molasses macka- kl tin and cut naild soap and catidles mus rdi snuftand tobacco with a variety of season able good intending purchasers ill find his atock embra cing a general assorttn m of almost every staple ar ticle required fnra couniry trade at tincommonly low prices and liberal lenns t alacnider kingston nov 9 is35- 29 jfresh importation mvfftjsing a oenesaf and complete stock op staple sf favc7 dry goods jfse subscriber begs to inform the public be has received by the regular traders from t britain it lahge and elegast stock of goods the above line which having been carefully se- dby himself in the english markets cash feels confident that every article will c the beat in its kind and the prices found as jt those of any importing house in the trade in gcanadas j h ireer b the lowest price invariably appears in ogures on each article aaion nov 10ih 1835 296ts boarders ee or four respectable voun men can be jnrnodated with board at a respectable family ence ji the most central pfy at this office gon nov 13th 1835 part of the town ktf 6 pipes holland 2 m finn old port wine 3 4i eastlndin madeira 6 hhds brown and gold sherry 2 pipes l p teneriffe 30 quarter i-i-k- bordeaux vinegar 6 barrels cod oil loll boxes liverpool soap 100 poland starch 3 ton new cud fish 20 barrels north shore herrings 20 alaokaret 100 boxes digby herrintrs 20 barrels stockholm puch tar rosin 150 coils f trsli liverpool rope 26 assorted anchors from 44 lb to 3cwl with a general assortment of ship chandlery george armstrong kingston oct 31 1335 hnx m s biowell t iv mortfusoh esq geurgk barclay john ilaaren john dorl james hchvev psice wednesdav the 4th instant 27 for sale at this office kfajvar deeds and memorials- the subscriber will at all times pay cash for good merchan table wheat at hi mill waterloo and at his store house upon the hon john kirbys wharf for any quantity of pork and potash g w yarker kingston october 23td 1s35 23 for sale at montreal on terms very favorable fouj teen batteaux ca pable of carrying 250 barrels of flour all in excel lent order and condition paid to apply if by letter post griffin town montreal nov 1835 276m to be sold the materials of the block house at phescott ontauacc oske 1 kinsurv 3ul ociobrr 1635 j tenders will be received at this office from persons desirous of purchasing the same address ed to the respective officers of the ordnance king ston until the 20th november neacr john rolfn ea jamrs lqslie esq david gisson esq jamrs btaty john motrcomkay thomas elliot the boar met on when john rolph esq was unanimously elected president jatnalessli esq cashier and the hon martall spring bidwell esq and james hervey prire solicitors the stor book will remain open imiil tbe3isi of december next and the agents of the bank are requested to forward their lists of stockholders to the cashier of the bank on or before that day bv order of the board j h price secretary banking house toronto 4th nwembvri 1635- s oars- doctor walker informs the inhabitants of kingston aid its vicinity that he has commenced practice in medicine scrccky and midwifkry in the houm latelv occupied by mrs butterworth and opposite to the hardware store of j watkins co stora street rrom hit- length of practice and thorough know ledge of thr various diseases incidental to the human iodjfi and fix intention to settle in kingston he is induced to offer his professional services to the public 7 walker has been eminently successful in cases of midmfery n ii charges for medicine and attendance will he moderate tt7du vtalkkit will attend at bis surgery from eleven ro on oclock on the saturday of each week to give adtcthiid medicine to the poor gratis kingston nov 10 ii5 292rn ww groceries c just received and for sal by ilie subscriber at in 3ores prontand store sircuis the following board a lodging wanted in a rcspfciable fnmily i i kingston board and lodging for two single gentlemen du- riffi the inter apply to the editor kingston nov 10th 1s35 29 notice the wine vaulm of the subscriber arc now re plenishing with blackburn east india madeira in pipe iiiihm qnnrter caslc alsu genuine old port in the wood via new foundland t macnider kingston nov 9 1835 39 indian rubber shoes just received and for sale 100 pairs of indian rubber shoes j mvrray kingston nov lo 1835- 29 cash paid for hides- five dollars per 100 ihc paid for hides and the highest price given for calf sheep skins by j murray kingston nov 10th 1835 29 prize mkdals it is hereby announced that ihe natural his tory society of montreal has resolved to offer four medals or the best essays presented during this year medals are offered accordingly 1st for the best essay on the comparative num bers of tlie ancient and modern aborigines of ameri ca and on the causes whether moral or physical of their gradual disappearance 2d for the best essay on the catecaa of the ri ver and gulf of st lawrence 3d for the best essay on any scientific subject at the discretion of the writer 4th for the best essay on any subject connected with literature generally the cnnditions are- 1st the essays shall be presented on or before the 20th of february 1836 2d the essay may be in french or english 3d the names and residences of the authors must be concealed to ensure which each essay shall have a motto and shall be accompanied by a sealed note superscribed with the same motto and containing the name and residence of the author this note shall only be open d in the case of the essav being declared worthy of a prize otherwise it shall be destroyed 4th the successful essays shall remain the pro perty of the society 5th the society reserves to itself the right to withhold the priae should no one of the essays on any particular subject appear deserving of it the essavs are m be addressed to a p holmes m d corresponding secretary of the society andrew h armour oct 13 1835 recording stvrttaru gooda 10 4 4 6 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 qheas ao o hhd u du do pun do do b twniikav ten young hyson ilyson skin bright muscovado sugar refined snffar cog is i i5h y holland gin jstiiaicn spiriis old ittiions rum brown pah 2000 gallons canadian whi 1 ton 6 blu 4 do 2 casks 20 do 20 boxes window tilu 10 do starch 10 sherry key prime cod fifth suit woter herring no l mackarel warrens pnste liquid blacking cut and wrought naita do bloom muscatel raifins 8 do eusuu pipe 2 piga softshelled almonds 40 reams wrapping plpw 20000 rusaian uutls 20lh lbs first nualitv chee james williamson kinirston sptemlier i iss- lowb canada house of assembly the house in coinuticee art the draught tfin address n nnsvcrto the speech of his excellency opening of th present iessitin reported the at the following which was concu ed iiif and messengers appointed to wait upon his excellency to know iii pleasure when lie will receive ilie house with its address to his excellency the rifflii honorable archibald earl of jofuro baron worlinghaiu of beccles in the county ofsuflolk urtplain general and governor in chief in and over the provinces ol lower and tipper cwtaria vic admiral of the same and onr of hi majestys most honorable privy council o c c may it pleac your excellency 1 we his majestys faithful and loyal subjects thecommcns of lower canada in provincial par liamrnt assembled humbly thank your excellency for your speech at the opening of the piesent ses sion 2 we congratulate your excellency on his majestys determination to call to the head of the government of ihi province in the person of your excellency a distinguished individual whose halm and former station have independently of his other qualifications rendered him more able to accom lish this important charge we congratulate your xcellency io like manner on your safe arrival a- us 3 ill indeed under m onliiary circumstances thai your excellency has assumed the reins of nd- minisiration the government has not for some inoiij time past sufficiently possessed the confidence of i house and of the people to fulfil the purposes of its institution- in this state vf things u was in conformity to ihe ancient custom of parliament and in the spirit of constitution itsellt as well as for the advantage of his majesty sulvjects and of the go vernment of thin province that thii house adopted constitutional incins for ebtnliiiiff the redress of grievances and abuses wc shi fijc wiih pleasure that his majesty goverumeui has acquired that practical and local knowledge 0 p which is necessary for the discernment of the most appropriate remedies l therefore with feelings of hope that we contem rhe exten8ive powers attribuliimt and circumstances with which your excellency has commenced h fulfilment of vour ntgh mi ton 4 bearing in mind thu distinetion pointed out your excellency with legard io the application of ihe remedies in queiion we are firmly convinced of your excellencys just and liberal intention in the administration of the executive power in those cases where your excellency may he called upon to rtct jninty with the provincial legislature or with this house in paniculnr wehall always be dispo ned to cooperate in every measure which may tend to the welfare of this province with regard to the bills which may require to be passed or sanctioned by the auihoriries of england we have already on mote than one occasion made known our desires and wishes to ilia mujcsiya government wearefirm- ly persuaded that the result of the attention which has lately beeu given io the desires and repeated claims of this house and of the peojde will be an entire conviction of their justice atd thnt they will he granted to their fullest extent 5 we ought not at this moment to fail to de clare most respectfully loyour excellency that the great body of the people of this province without distinction consider the extention of the elective principle and ia apphcaiion to the constitution of the legislative council in particular the repeal ol the acts passed in great britain on matters con- rnintr the internal government of the province and fully within the jurisdiction of the provincial parliament as well as of the privileges conferred by uch act and the full and unrestrained enjoyment on the part of the provincial legislature and of this house of their legislative and constitutional right as being essential io the prosperity welfare and happiness of his majestys faithful canadian sub jecit and aa being necessary to ensure their confi dence in hi government and their future weliare old contentment tinder it and to remove the causes which luve been obstacles hereto and we also most respectfully pray your excellency that in thof future emmnuuicauons to which you have al luded between your excellency and his most gra- iiou majesty or ufa government on the uuhject of the great interests of ihis province your excellency will he pleased not to lose sight of this firm convic tion on tlie pad of the people which we feel in com mon villi them- 6 the desire manifested by your excellency to obtain the gotd will of the canadians of all ranks and classck and the confidence and respect cf the representatives of the people is our warranty of your excellencys intention to do nil in your power for the welfare of the country we ihnnk your ex cellency for your declaration that athe hed of the provincial legislature you will cooperate with us in the redtessof every evil which it may he necessa ry to correct- 7 hi m government must have been long convinced that the circumstances mentioned bv your ekcellfncy as being of a nuture for some rime practically to exclude ilie majority of the inha bitants of this prniice lrun a due participation in the powers and advantages of office rested on an incorrect appreciation nctheirheiiiiiuents the peo ple have defended ihe country in time of war they refused to ncrede to the appeal made to themhy the former british colonies on ihis confident nt the pe riod which preceded the independence of those co- lonjpft they ircoorvfh ihclr ionftdwiee in his mi fentya government in tunes of dillieuhv mid hit deradininistraiioik which trampled on their dear est rights they have by their ueprcsentatives lihured to ensure to all elates of their fellow sub ject without distinction a parncipaiion in all the po litical and natuml advamages of ul country and firmly to establish in this provide the constitution al and parliamentary law of gjeat britain and such other portions of its institutions nn appeared to the people io be salutary and protecting and conso nant to iheir wants it is therefore wiihsatisficrion that we have lizard your excellency disclaim on the pari of hi mntaty and of the british people the motives to which the practice heretofore follow ed has been necessarily attributed we welcome with ii like feeling our exct henrys declaration that your instructions enjoin upon you the utmost impartiality and an entire disregaid of unjust dis tinctions 8 we thank your excellency for the frank and open avowal of the aaluinry principle that in eery country to he acceptable to the great hotly of ihe people is one of the most esaential elements of fit ness for public motion we shall rejoice to hear iltal arrangement have been adopted to lay before ihe competent authorities a more particular account than heretofore of the exercise ol the royal autho rity in the appointments to public office in this pro viticft we perfectly appreciate the motive by which his mtjeety is actuated yet we cannot hut leel some anxiety lest the too frequent appeal to his majesty should in certain cases have an effect cou- traiy to his gracious intentions 9 it will be of the greatest advantage that the emulation of incompatible offices in the same peiwn should be completely remedied your excellency cannot fail to remembei that the particular cases to which you have been pleased to declare that your attention lies been already given were among oth ers provided against by a hill passed by the two houses of the provincial parliament anduhseqnent- iv taken into consideration by his majestys go- crnmcnt this circumstance and the complaints which have uiitormly been made on this subject would have led us to hope that your excellency would have been invested with the powers necessa ry to enable ynur excellency forthwith to carry in- o ellect your determination on the subject of the salutary separation of the principal component parts of the government we should he happy to see established that responsibility on the prt of the executive power in this province to the legislature thereof and w the house in particular which is hap pily established in the united kingdom and im parts strength and security in its institutions wc moreover confidently hope that the arrangements jour excellency has been pleased toinention will be speedily carried into effect- your excellency his also been pleased to declare to us that your views are no confined to these cases and that no union of incompatible or incongruous offices will be willingly acquiesced in by your excellency 10 the intentions announced by your excel lency with regard to the communication to thii bouse by the executive of all despatches accounts papers and information of which in the course of our deliberations we may hae need are of a nature to cull for our particular acknowledgements we du ly appreciate the fears of his majestys govern ment that we may have been exposed to some iucon- enienct arising from this source we expect the neatest advantage from the unreserved assistance which vour excellency has been pleased to promise us with regard particularly lo every thing connect ed with the revenue npd fioanft edd ft bdpe that with your excellencys aid the enquirira which this house will continue and institute will hnve a happy effect on the legislation and on the future welfare of the country we venture to hope that hone enquiries in conjunction with those which this house hat already made will furnish extensive in formation on the statistic of the province and may aid your excellency in collecting the information and forming the opinions which your excellency announced your intention of transmitting to his majestys government 1 1 hy abandoning the too frequent practice of reserving bills for the signification of his majeatya pleasure and that of delaying the communications or the royal pleasure as well with regard to such bills as to the addresoet of this houm the execu tive authorities will concur in consolidating io tba province itself an effective and regular govern ment adapted to provide in the best manner for the wants of its inhabitants thie amelioration of th practice on this subject may also be especially fa vorable to the establishment of colleges and schools fir the advancement or christian knowledge and of sound learning unattended hy those delays which our excellency believes that under a contrary sys tem the greatest zeal or activity in his majestys ser vice would be insufficient to obviate the deep and personal interest which his majesty designs to take m the affairs of tins province have happily suggest ed to him a measure which we cannot but applaud 12 his majestys displeasure announced be forehand by your excellency at any conduct oo the part of the government liable to the imputation of giving to the eughsh an undue preference over the french language j of calling upon the judge for extrajudicial opinions on question which may subsequently come before ihetn for decision or of order and security and we are persuaded that yoor excellency can have no motive for not giving tho fullest effect to hs majesty injunctions on this head 13 with respect to the idea of my undue par tiality to the english language over that which makes part of the laws and institutions guaranteed in the most solemn manner to his majesty canadian sub jects we learn with pleasure that his majesty dis approves and is desirous to pieveut the adoption of any prcice which would deprive either cltssof his subjects of the use of the language with wbjcb early luibits and education have rendered them most familiar we flatter ourselves that the due coniid- ration which your excellency will doubtless bestow with regard to the fitness of the persons who may compose the tribunals and fill the several public of fices will suffice for the future to ensure respect for the nicontestible rights ol all classes of the inhabi tants ol this coutitry h- we shall give our earnest attention to ihe subject of the fees demanded by divers public func tionaries with a view to revise and regulate the same hy the supreme authority of the law his majesty may be usored thit we shall be iruided in this uehtlf by the nature of ihe services to be remunerated the sitate and circumstances of the province and the va nous considerations due to the interests of all por tions of the public weal and to the advancement of the moral cuiidiiiuo and of the industry of the pe ptfn law shall aetgji with ihtfuh fwu eu lency euopermion with this hou5t in ati crqnirv into the practice and proceeding of the superior tri bunals with a view to enure their conformity to ihe law and to render ihemmoie prompt itud method t oil as well as less expensive we hope that the same good understanding will continue to exist be tween your excellency and this house if any hills on this subject shuuld be brought before the lruvju- cial parliament 16on the subject of the clergy reserves w repret that wc have to state to your excellency not withstanding the benevolent intention of his majes tys iuverument of which your excellency is plew- sed to assure us our apprehensions have been jut- lilted hy the disposal of a considerable porliuu of tho hvate lands in the manner which we bad foreseen as we have already expressed our opinion to hie majestys government on this head wc shall enter zealously into the examination ol the whole question with the hope of being able to agree to the views of his moetfye government at the same lime that wo shall respect the right of all parties and maintain the cuum n or individual interests of the inhabitants of this province 17 we thank your excellency for having re cognized the constitutional privileges of this house with regard to its contingent expenses is the declaration of his most gracious majes ty whereby we are led to hope that the legitimate conlroul of the representatives of the people will be exercised over all public monies payable to his ma jesty or to his officers in the province whether aris ing from taxes or from any other canadian source carries with it the admission of an incontestihle and essential principle calculated toensure that efficien cy and responsibility which are so mnch to be de fied in the government and to maintain that con stitutional conlroul which the people have a right to exercise by their representatives overevery branch of the executive government on this head which embraces avast number of matters of detail wa shall receive with respect and will take into our most serious consideration every communication from his majestys government or from your ex cellency which you may be pleased to make to us j and we trust that they will tend to facilitate at an early period the conclusive and satisfactory settle ment of all financial difficulties our labors on this subject will be conducted with the same unceasing diligence which your excellency is pleased to pro mise to bestow on it 19 we shall receive in the same spirit the ac counts necessary to shew the financial state of the province with fuch estimates and explanation aa your excellency may be pleased to lay before ua 20 all matters of this nature are so essentially connected with the interests of our constituents and the peculiar privileges of this houite that we cannot fail to be guided in our determination respecting them by what we believe to be the constitutional pri vileges of this branch of the legislature and for ibe welfare of the province 21 the request made by your excellency in consequence of measures heretofore adopted by the executive power and with regard to which we hae already humbly expressed our opinions to his ma jestys government is so intimately connected with the same rights and privileges that it will be our du ty to take it into consideration with the same views and sentiments 22- we ought however to express to your ex cellency our conviction that the future application of aiysums ofmonejr subject to thecontrouj crfutf houi vitftout theefavvof tit srkiufiitvaa cf