Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), November 13, 1835, p. 1

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the british whig and general advertiser for the midland district 9 published semiweekly opipu r b a omirm nicon by e j barkek m d ol iv the british whift i a bewweekly journal devoted to commercial and mtftttl is for lion is pnmiihd every tuesday mid friday tflownbrdrbhker editor and proprietor ftt hie office in fi- swot noil door 0 commercial hold ftwtfor the british whig seventeen shillings mi3 viipenco per annum if paid in advance or within three minltmrromlhcreteiplofthefirl number and uno pound ifcelheled at ihe end ofth year exclusive ofposlase fr subscription received for less than si months and no pa discominued until all arreaiacs arc pah up except at the option of the publisher attwrusemenli sit lines and irndirs- ci firet inser- lion and 7ij aauliassbmqmtnt jninitinn ten lines slid un der 3 4d firsl insertion and 101 each stiheemienl insertion above ten line 44 per line 6r tltc first insertion and id per liee for every subsemiont insertion advermmenu without written direction aremserled nil forbid and cluueed accordingly orjers for discontinuing advertisement to bo in writing produce of every kind received in payment no letters taken in ewpt from agents unless post ab k1s tobf etf c friday november 13 1835 xo zo just received nnrt foranltf by the subscriber english mould cundlcs storcli i3tue liver pool soap white ditto 20 drift north shore herrings willi a variety of seasonable dry floor ft macjwqer kingston oct 126th 1s35 s letter press pftatfn evcuial with imlmwi and desfatclvifon term tin precede ntly low in upper canada all work lobe paid fur wit 11 n three ninths after exe cution kingston aug- 1933- family grocery cv provision store patrick kuan offers for ae in the prcmisfs in the market square febshj bv xi r scttnutt wll tkasb groceries spires tobacco stone ware com brooms and almost wery article in ihe provision grocery line at extremely low prices having purchased his goods himself for cfcwll olllji in the montreal and new york market market square oct qott 1s35 2 corn brooms a 7isk just received and fr ale by tit- subscriber 50 dozen corn brooms ivhiaka patrick egajv market sguan oct 20i 1635 23 to fartcjbbg cash paid fur produce of every rlrfrription lit patrick euan mnrktt square ocl 20fa 1335 23 i few boxes just received and for rale by he sub- sfber patrick scan market 8qwr oct 20 1335- 23 stone ware lower potsmilk pflim churns cream and hckfik jan and every desrripinn o stone ware ljehy patrick lgan r jlntrf 5fltfl ort20tu ljv 23 to housekeepers igo loyttoorf sah pctrr p sal erntiis nilttbog and ground aod whole kept for salt hv patrick bgan mare sowrt ocr 20a 1s35 rl ahik arra pim of every si a p p b s nw barrels of genesee pippin for mile h i patrick ean ifaief sfwok or 2w 1s5 21 j tobacco snuff wr sile by lir snlcribcr 1 mr r millers loriliarfu fine cut tobacco in 1 2 3 ot papers do mnrcoboy scotch rappee and american s mi ny patrick fgan marxri sguarf of 23rd is35 24 r- 5 to saddlers i mntio bv the sijwcriuer ihreew iburjour- mn suddlers vho can have ork either by the ftt or month aleo a steady yniny bd from 12 fit ti as 1 miion nov loili 1935 i ejaight 39 mbrooiis store 200 oodo miickarel w cash paid for iides sheen calfskins william ford mirket place kingmon july 14th is36- 4 ih subscriber itn receiving puncheons of molasses macka- tin and cm nails soap and candles mus- snuftand tobacco with 8 variety of season- goods lendiog purchasers will find stock embra- i rei assnrim nt of almost every staple arti- required for a country trade at uncommonly low mid liberal terms t macnider kioptoo nov 9 1s35 29 1 freh importations rrisikc a geneaai and comrlete stock of simple 4- fj1cy l r o o o d s subscriber begs to inform the public has received by the regular traders from 20 jto tic j5 oftcrtrnmnnfler k n 3mi gtiobcr 1u to be let for n term ttfjttm with the riglit of rcstiminij the mine if required for the public rer vice the mnll dwelling hoiipc lately oecupierj by i the tvunrd at preseotl or the name will be let by the year feraons willing to enter into an agreement for the wine will be required tn give security for the due fulfilment of the leave who immediate posses sion might be obtained tender will be received at this office addresjerj to the respective officers of the ordnance until the 20th november next 27 fresh jirrleats j 1st landing by the subwriber from the iroquoi nd dolphin itarges now lying at the ottawa com panys wharf so hhds bright muscovado sugar 5 double refined lof da 39 ches8 assorted twankny young hyson nnd boheateas 6 puncheons fine flavored jamaica rum 5 pipes cognac brandy otard dupuy v he it britain a large and elegaxt t stock of goods wjjjbrm which having been carefully se- ty himself in the rf english markets cash teels confident that every article will j lle be in it kind and the prices found as ttattc of any importing ftoute in the trade in canada ult the lowest price invariably appears in fsln on each article 10ih 1s35 am w cos brand g pipes hollands 2 fine old port wine 3 ivt india madeira 6 hhda brown and gold sherry 2 pipes l- p tcnerifltft 30 cluarter caks bordeaux vinegar 6 barrels cod oil 150 boxes liverpool soap 100 poland siarch 3 ton newcid g4l 2l barrels north shore herrings 20 mackarel ll0 boxes digbv herrinps 20 barreu stockholm pitch tnr rosin 150 coils fresh liverpool rone id5 afte4 afkttw from it lb w 3 fh f ith a general assortment of ship chandlery gbokce armstrong kingston oct 31 is35 desired junction the ftarta was u anaemlilc the 16th of october rcnilanpenf6n itoumlx hud been received in london from m memlizibal to meet certain liilu drawn by the bmnwl gnvwiv- meut touching lite payment of which there hrid been some difficulty this had a good effect nn the spanish ftirnft in linrr the appearance of affairs in thai kingdom is more fivorable than it lm been at any time since the beginning of the civil tttyr advice hiri been received fruin greece to ihesih ofseptetnber the disease at athens had much abated hut tvc whole country was suffering much from drought the idom positive assurances arj given that the intentions of austria upon all subjects are eminent ly pacific the death nf don telesfcro du truebay cosio is announced lie was the author of aevcral middliuo novels the best of which usindoval thfiee inasun and of some play he dfd at parit he vras at one time an extensive contibutor to the metropo litan magazine the dublin trades uann have resolved not to hold any political meetings for twelve months in order not to embarrass iheocnnnrll minisiry the king and queen of belgium embarked fot prairntatnorinplayk ilwliwi forallihe i wrrlia snd niijmbtfn nfmyal amlliesiul an iimrr nn- rx petim per diem he la at lenai a hundred aplen j id carriages eneh with fmr horc coachmen fuoimen poatilhona c which are pliceat ihe nholnte command nf the ihmtriou gbortn- tin lierman papers peculaie wiih great confidence on il 2 the subscriber will at all times pay cash for good merchan table wheat at his mill waterloo and at his store house upon the hon john kirbys wharf for any quantity of pork and potash g w yarker kingston october 23rd 1s35 23 for sale at montreal on terms very favorable fourteen baueaux ca pable of carrying 250 barrel of floor all in excel lent order and condition apply if by letter poti pnid to h f esperaice griffin town i tontreau nov 1s33 27gm to be sold colaii on thetth of oct the duke de nemours mrived at ihetuileries on the silt of oct from englanl the infirmary attached ro the millhtnk peuiten tiary was destroyed by fireon the night of the 7th oct at one time sunup fears were entertained that the whole building woild be consumed seve ral portions of it were pilled down to arrest the flame- no lives were lo the prisoners wore assembled in the yards uuler a iirong escort of po lice and military in readhtrasa for removal should ihe building be destroyed rumors were in ctrcuhiton of an intended mar riape between prince adallrt of prussia and one of the grand duchesses of lossia a young ladv of j fourteen auu in consequmce of this marriage it w3 said the kingdom of tbland was he erected into nn indcpciidaut monathy under ihe guaramce of the powers i iy wlicli i was dismembered the young couple to be king nnd queen the ftftor- inous expense i furred bf the russian emp ror in keeping up his military atabtishment in pouud are assigned as his reason or looking favorably on the project there uvrrvliile rum this kingdom the king and queen of htcium were expected at pans hvhic iflili or 12th oi october the english cniwti jurnala inrtst upon ii that the king of kr4m iwartnnd aool with tlie holy alliance hi policy and feeling the french opposition papers are equally positive vt a scrioite disagreement exists i he cabinet between ucsstit thier and gulzet which it required all the tac and management of il t0 pwoi fhn brok ing out into an open rupture the protestantism nrd strong religious fihiigh of the latter and the liberal alias infidel nttments of ihe former are said o iie the ratise disaffection is said k exist very extensively in the army tho plyirin mp ljj l- ot fiwchl have pronounced hin thorchly cured of his wounds morey one of hi sup accomplices had roht- aed nllpiod for tlire dnys and was nttempttl0 to htnrvc hiinirtodeaft- suiridert werecxceudingk tjis y t ia i op tllk usr at pbcscott ilwoslr djock oi tenders will be received at this office from persons deirous of purchasing the same address ed to the respective officers of the moo until the20ih november next of the ordnance king board ijohgirr wanted in a repectible family i i kingston board and lodging for two single gentlemen du- tins the winter- applv to the editor kinfaion nov 10th 1s35 29 notice the wine vaiilta of the suhscrilcr arc now re plenishing with blackburns east india madeira in pipef hhov and quarter cask also genuine old port in the wood foundland e adoption hy the members of the conference ol some measure equivalent to a general disarmnment although in the extent in which uch a desi rable measure may be carried there mnvbe aontf mirriprehemitou yet it it satisfactory to find ns uli accounts appear to testify that the tendencies nl rheec sovereigns who hold the power of nnrl death eo largely in their hioids ore deeidrdlv of r pacific character russia nerhap- hjrmlv mo- er which criomy ihinks llntl i ran iv rhlt by a war though ptirfotpa in irarli h iin turn rctkon to dread a roiivjuiou as any other anvtri il ihis work of peace much to her cmjir fa f u kadi g part hiuta vj- the approaching witoii ut the state general h looked orwaid to with much interest irscetn thai many gave kiibjectaiire pressing upon the attention ot ilie delegates among which are lh lnu com plaints of the agriculturists the question nf ill per- sonal taxes which imve recently given rie to popu lar commotion and the interests on the belgian nor- tionofthe debt upon most ofthew nuitterstlr government is trying to conciliate or olltrinir to compromise the king has given io the agricultu rists increased protection ngftiutt the introduction of foreign corn pudges have been given wtii it if understood will be redeemed during the pesjon a regard the dispute with belgium the court less explicit and perhaps necessarily so for the in teniions of the great powers from whose arbiiratio to much is expected cannot wiul any ccnaimy yii be divined the dutch papers are however confi dent thai the present stte of things wffl not besuf fered to continue the chambers it i thought will require explanations upon the situation oi the fureigns wi ir of the country thoe papers sime thai tiie dutch were still strengthening the fjrtifica lions at mjbtrichfi hut that he regulations regard ing the intercourse of the inhabitants with the cotin- n people bad been a good deal relaxed pirin ai it it vicinity i spoken of i tl ie new tnini- sep- kingston iov 0 1s35 n the wood via pjew- t- macmder 29 ponnacd hos indian rubber shoes just received and for r ile 100 pairs of indian rubber shoes j murray kingston nov 1 0th 1835 29 casji paid for hides- five dollars per 100 lh paid for hides and the liijhest price given for calf sheep skins by j murray kingston nov 10th 1s35 29 frequent admiral do rtgny ter to england 6paix the latest date frotu alwdrld wa the 2hii tetnher ihe news s nut without importune il true a despatch reeivednt the spfctiiili etrtbowy in london antiowict uwrtibe juntua had uhaitt- r and sent in their iiiiiimoi to mr mendtxalmu the mmiry was onmpivm mg- uized general alavft having accepted the prrraemhip and cietwnil atmodvar having been apponned minister of war the cortes were conoked lor the lui of october tbfi count lis navttft vlwi ll mh f remember ed was marcliing on madrid j derablc force had hulled and dhcsioi letters f reeluuaol he and the inn to me why my dear doctor ihe ara iunnilly ifa4 ht yool dm il i not with tlie mas kind of fcur u dis ffttii whirli tucy rrrj inr tfcfir wuh winch they ayarfl ynn i know m iwvia dfltcribel in o1 luy hardly know fhnahci i ht bfiirh tlicrnmakenrjromiy fhnlhftrfflfj iliatnoiinpleone would teem nufbrent to iuau if a in ttiould nallow in trra mire ond run rtirrvtl tho trcct every l im t perron wbatd run out off way n it i plain ifiutiould run tilt ciinatmrh tbeywftald teomo bedaubed andhar in iu fihh mffa hmwtmfmdt 3e of ynu t othifi appw to regard jou whh the fturof tf ihey num have of of devila brandiffititg their ftn clnl l1urkinjb1l rea nump dalraaiofi and in my on oft wbortq witliin therr rearhf corttinit n yoodo the26ib 7ut piirt id to the new mmimry 27th state tiat the town was pwjg w citizens im nienlly expecur nnrt m whom and m mendiiabal th liad pew cy dence the bend qjarters of don i on were at nauchircs near vucuri lk hisarmv llniim the left bank i no engattmeiitapmau tu li lk p the allair of the 1 lib altltouif lllc li uineiouii reports of skirmisher all noilr m tumggerat d eince they do not seem t led to any re- u general ertidied of coeh- estella lhe22d of scot his dw ls reprenented an on ia jutl a a if gcpt a considerable low to don gae- be wtw ptpa larwitb the roups although talent troops th british wh kingston friday evening nov 13 1835 two days later from england by the arrival of the charleston ship napier captain lucas the editor of the commercial ad vertiser have received london papers to the eve ning of the sib october inclusive the last previous having been to the morning of the 7th they con- lain very little intelligence of interest the previous accounts of the good effect pro duced in spain by the change of ministry arc con firmed the madrid gazette of the 28th sept contains the decrees appointing the new ministers m mendizabal being president of the council or premier by another decree all the penal enact ments of count toreno against the juntas are repeal ed- and a general amnesty is declared the junta of corunna has presented an address to the queen regent declaring its intention to dissolve having full confi dence in the new ministry thatofgalliciahaa offi cially announced its dissolution and the others were expected to do the same that of barcelona has an nounced its intention to cooperate with the govern ment against the carlisle- the merchants in ma drid have opened a subscription for raising 3000 mm to act against the carlisu in navarre ol mendiwbal headed the list with 50000 reals- a reinforcement of 10000 men was to be sent imme diately to the army of the north during the night a the 28th don carlos arrived unexpectedly with 111 kept by the subscriber 2d concession o there are three large white hoffs which r pounded a fortnight today this u to tsh m unle ho afe redeemed be- it t ihcy will be sold at ihe pound a 4nnino vuto great alrm of inhabitant w 1mb sblls e5 tav agriculture were i l o fc otcnsiblv on mr ivab mr jrrri isincarsly tnwl tllst my idle jjithnasc im not ittrt yoor fiytng i waot to se you tonilit by tlis iyc if tfit piny wiili bflirtfi you ruusi ovpsci io meet with njlitiers i ic4ve lownon minjsv andlhsrabr giv youa rarie hlanchs tr ftty whai yuu like until my return fait retaliation i ttiiok ro haini quite as ftjvcrely a ffoq icae vourt truly edwakdj barker nov t 1w5 to the most mighiy rnoti pvu nost valorous ntstjiagct litlpfi most scientific most prize- fighting big etm f ote uneountui bigbntijt mghftig itgufator of htngsttn censor of toronto tofcgraaer to the distrut of pnnec edrnrt unptrinttntlfnt tf iht not a wtst jtdix rm t- pcetig surreyor of tlu hid canit and ecrtain iw su pttmt pledge to ills jjjjojj c vcrnm -a- i mtcut ittankjiitafoy me ey of upper canada cs n loom porn ills slujesty cc 4 fa fa fa c mr ttnv dpn doctor i tih you had not mrulc me ibi apoln which pracacltl ih liumbla atlitrrsn to your ilih aliglitinc tint you hhoutd drtftcend o low in order to conciliito llio humble admirer of your oio- potent grniu lit ofted doan my poor iriuli bcuft aud taken tho ncctsory jg off m good grey goiwft quill your roqnwl lutl would be m setreas p jwiilc vra your master piece of roguery eyou well knew it woum be the uret vay to renjrr my wffllli powerlot for liow irri- wjruj it miiit be that you should cttempt io thi nxe vrldi a pop con i and how rijicotouf in you to call it a prjt ui oli 1 if you bad not mde our liumble kuhmi4ionbut no mniier i mul still vlrive to bilk to you a idtu but before i bein allow nn tu remark tpon a term or two tint i may not be more aevcre tlun i intend and firat oftlie rfrfratetorm aud im rmm delicate darivabivee in the old i ountry you know w mean by blaclc-guid- 111 tlllhy or iiccne or smutty talk 1 ihtr when i mrt hrord that mr maerman wa a firsi late man at black- i irm in ioiiri1 u a- atohlid i could not imagine bow a man f lit hiyb landing roum icwcml tu auch kiod uftii- joar or bow ouy cotiri cmjm itilfef tt but vlnn i bccui btrllff iiilorm- i itiat in mi- rourttry ho pfron defa ulted a blacky uarl meant no kucii kind uf man that tt iily mean a man eminent dr scolding faj tckottstilt and rettiit and that the mibject matter of hit trilmp i called blackuar din of blackuardim iddltlfla this lois otnoxiou canadian nente i am to be undcrslooo a usin tbe term now for another term in my bit eommunieaiinn i havt done away with egilirtv iti tu i would peak ntttxttimg wuno that moyt ingenurvs iif atl btvohtcim it tw adan th tm beaii io wt superlative way to bo st in aloikrraf ypfl ban ti itoist to kuihufi 1 at ilii lime beiii a vqjy bum- ble utisumiii modut man wa ouiic ainoitbetl thai iho eomrnuiitty would ttr ctaild bear wilb you but wbeo i saw ibccuoaequcnee that ibroub this same tating you bad both become great men thai is to say adam thorn said doi iui darker n a great mail and dr barker nfal fc tlitm la a great man and so you bith lecame l man 1 pareeived ihe citraurdinary aovanlaeiofa mans being able to prauc himself m i rcr wlion i mff nouvititandin the f v tliok in nature of your boa ting that thr peoplo actually seemed to believe you at toast the opaque poriiun of tbcnij i began to boast loo and you know when you asked m huw could biiast sot i niuiply replied thmwhrn i saw you co boast iu mich a way and thai the people appeal od lo believe rou i thought i would bmitl and hoai too and gq if ihey would noiaho believi mo who a i moil modestly say bavo smca and bemro you were bnj n boen acknowledged tu bo so tar superior to you all but mop i ivar i am mistaken was it not you and george gurnett that lahoed so efivctuully to make each other ureal men 1 so that rtv with sucb iltuirious axamples before me if i rliould toast i uhntl uuly fill in with his fashion a fashion tou at least cannot nrh not to condemn beside yon kimw i uev r llurk i mv any itung until hut done it and fou altnukl iniw cr that when lay ibiog tfm it is no timrr a nutter rf tiibr opi nidn or ratutrjii itf m iter of histoty it is plain tliiit if wlmt a man con do be oowf nnticr of ftitf- tory and if wo it he did tuk plaein rotaoiftws whtra mlnal nieks fam pofjiuign nov 10 lt5 port vga letters and pnpeni to the uf september had been received from liaboo- llieaumveiwy oc ilu- ileatfa of don pctlio was celelfr n theilth wuh great solemnitv the difteirrccs of the queen and the widowed einpressasnuo 0 of the onicraiid her ministry are aid to have wen amicably adj tim ed the cabinet hdv grcea witl to siyu the contract for the queen marrmge wh prince fer dinand of saxe cohjrg tht government was still encaged in cancelling the paptf money lituloav treasury bond c to the offputii of thirteen hun dred thousand pound had ben deatfoyrd the countrv itae tranquil and trade and in a prosperous condition don nneuel had removed to a visit to his sister iho phiieenrbecia it is ur- mised with hostile intrntio- before leaving rome he issued a prutet ajptnat the sales of the forfeited church demaius declaring that he will an- uual them when he regaiiw poeeaeion of hi throne the pales nevertheless werecoing un anively and purchasers displayed no aimcty as t the goodnes uf their title a great spirit ofenterprize seems to have tptiing up among the merchants and capitalists of liboii and opnrtu exceeding even the liberality and ener gy of the government id all objecis lending to hlv uubliccood p ft germany the grand review at knlhtch having tcrrninated the conference at toplits i the general tlirme of continental rumor and sjiecuintloik the lirl intflhgence fmm the plare of meeting hears dan september 25 at which time an almost innumerable multitude of great people from emperors down titane you are acknowledged onallhandi to h th grrut simple excellencies had arrived and ww crowded i blackguard ir all upper caoarfa and this war entofih rd mtihji pre vucc irffclw- tw ct jrsppn whefcl aknowledem that grvat ror rdm little wrtr ueittui fnabbsgs sums iit tabbo mais and i rohim lb b d that wsffi wl ln lllctll were not m bgqav in nirt com iwt it be rsld hwtfiiua au a man to say ran do what br ha- ifen amu brf i j to surr ifascirruiuuilliiwrijrhoud saiy aecthriddu thuc whirh ac never did ami tlnrijtf ay so in a pnev where tbers wts mute hul ibbaivhcad editor i eiamino his jjrs tenatima lbs cae ww olhrrwhe ilnow as to iho tsnn hlackftusfd in ita canadian ibjnr mrnt imceremiurtaslv m sr as most aianinlfill iy tful yoi rfo it so broidiy o eoarsaly nvutrarty that no no eat mm ifr your mssaill h i a- plain to the moat ml- ri f m lai most itwrna the most remote roan in tlia pro riiks uoavr tnda ko yw mean o wells lbs person doe litinielf or hia inosl particular associates therefor the foar llieyrvjtard yru with approaches to liorrorl no ooenba receives your ihrasi whatever tie may aay to the contrary ever knglwytfll expt indeed it irs that ood naturvd rrcanirrt rallodmyanir llowerer lis worda appetita for scandal la su h lluit il keeps you ard i sufipoac willcoaiinuc to keep you in public noiwio spite of the woitdl i will liiivtver gie you nnnihci ujerlanyc1y rroie iliraajvau and it is this perhaps yatc cannot help it frt bavm as i modestly say my abilities now do hasrros dori turn your nil foremost eiks lbs dutch mans home y lien you find out what i intend you will not bs as enrrsa t fvoryoti nre at this reading momsnt- when rwisbiopaiyita chmacttr thecolffrt i lay on are aa fine tho tints ate ao exquisite tii tovcju of my pencil ares delicate or if i seize on the culprit though it be as xritb thaj grip of death oryet if icastiateiimtbouxbofaeyetboule be itmddcned to diarartion at the exbisitiorj of his enem pie lure the otlrr is fsscinafed by iu cobrings or thoogh h- my shriek for ojjory within my deathgrip yet hs feela my hands so inrased in situtn gtotes that he feola half honored or though my castiption vay cut him tothsaeorf aa well e to the bone he sees the unequalled fvcffih of my uneaaualle tasb is such ihat be ia as much tempted to nicmmfftf an enad- nort by his ridiculous position oh my modestybow dost thou embomssmel hence when i get my joint stock subscribed furwhsn i get my press and my liliputiarjacmy of types enlisted ialrat form my columoa with such deltberuto management- hall tango them in auch orders of battle that llieirtiewiaiion as mil as their force hall be irmutiblt i sball coruiouajly obtain subscribers and never loss any 1 1 do not you rcmmbor an instance a few days agol i had given but a fit iv wafiing nf my moonfledged pinions i bad riren but a little sootc the commonplace tontersstionahand on jul looking over my left shoulder io 1 there i saw a set of vabbarrjcnd editor eacmakiog cutth at my istapirrtfita monilc i bui irdceo it felt nut on one nf them ersa its ery tiltte elevation rendered it too high for their cofta aod then- then what why a general cry nf eourgrapal and how shall il be wben i arcrnd into my climutjal r siont when halted nn my popular tbronst wliea rscli ninp amons my stare and comet i sbail see tho cabbage- brad dito rolling their el u nf oyrriny far hencstb my fict yes t yet towjr still i hall see them sod you aoiodr iltc t t anhsg oouig mrc ino mudstrting io wei yourglthy missiles whii h yourfoble hands shall not be lu to hoste higher than your own muddy pates wbijs f fora my exalted tmion shall eonaiima one by omocomet ecceri trie aiand yet snothei hy hurling some star of genius nt hi devoted prevsunlil- types editors and til shall vanish before my ififlusiicc like tbo bassvas fabrie of a vision 1 they say tint honey cures the sting of a has aod thai the juhc of nettles is h eoveirignoit thing on earth to euc the stingaf astthi and y no know a nettle isa sun er my tnoisel of mdet selfdefending piaisc seemed to 5ci you crazy i hope this douw dose will bring you to your elf again i say tqid i cannot i rrcar i do not wish to bo too sever with you and therefore do not wiht to take you op ou thai rtufiiicst of all clumsinssses which appeared in one oflasj weeks papers it was not any thing forcible in your clumsy thing that vexed mc it was because it wanted force ii waj because with a thing possessing neither force nor elagatm vou presumed to meet me iu the editorial field 8uh4y it bwtfc oma seme pnnelridefilthstfntied fni ioto such don qus utie bearing- thai jurntshed you wiui such a rusty blunt and pointless weapon that mounted you on such a miserable rosinantc thai tempted yon tbus to riars thr force of pegasus while fresti from parnarrusl do you not know it is a maxim in pbilntophy that what has once happened nay happen ogainl in bmte shock co charge a rock but charge not me rest afsurcd that without spear in rest or brandished wca pon beforo the force of my pcgnsus both man and mars- roinante and her master as once before would both down isnlv i do not wish to be as savers as you ao kindly iro me privilege i would say nt a laui rould you raise throughout the wliots town yihir iokc was so clumsy if put itsetf down you wretchedly mimic d the great adam thorn to unsully his honor this shot i sent from the gneal gnsat ctm nr kisgitoit robert jetfers kingston nov 12 1635- n i tun ro hard npbitl to orartaks my modesty that i atnnnl of breath lt merasimnd i have yourcor4 pudged before afrcnlleman that you wilt not notice or an swer this yon committed the first assault p s hy dear doctor 1 hepa my superlative ability hnvftnot bun your feelings i ahould bo exlteroely aorry io throw so portly a man such m marvehuns proper roan inti aconaumpiion- what would lbs town do t ifl have given yon any offence jokes apart in any part of thta hasty t mwlnichl production das it oi oblige r- j ut a- i leave your paper o day i cannbt allow yon any privilege of being severe or otherwise by thebyeit wosld be a profitable apcculatton to invest capital in the wmo l au by my beiog joint wnconrroued editr i eould pa 601 addi twrial subscriber for any paper tis would allow roo aa- cent hilary and te proprietor dcrnt profit besides the ifn- nr vmime lint must v run to any pspor which i my rlfli l tmiil woep tho hiihyitu would ctiermiwau the hiwtt k sbuuld steep the world before us ii i there a htgh ihmts tfhichyn are btttsi filled for lhao moat men sheer modety as wall as justice forca this last ssotimetit tt a quarter to 4 oclock a m im josi half atacp tho my powders not wsrted when im videiwsks buc you shall jstit i t u oub nvpectable yoimff imq ca xoiinht u sirtmcc apjili hi thitf oltice kiiiffston nov i3ili 1835 rut rtvpectatpw yomiai ffwn canlia ed wuh toard- at a rcsptfctnhlc family the most central part of the tcan lf for sale at this ortice blank deeds 0yd memorials

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