Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), November 10, 1835, p. 3

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tit at the hog uncle the tame scene present ittteir excepting that ilic site is netirar bvtown the body of water much greater mid the fall nearly 50 feet iii height- were these mill privilege uhich we have so faintly described in the hands of euterprizing imn ft is inconceivable the change that would titke place in the face of the country from kingston to by town we do not presume toay that n tenth part of ihee milts cnitltl be occupied nt prent in prtjia ring lour for market tine mvtntl years must elnpe ere the province would grow grain enough o keep iliem goiif but in their erection we look forward to an immense increase in the lumber trade especial v ivith ivew york a subject we shall speak upon when come to treat upon die trade atid pro pects ol the tanal and we are not far wrong in anticipating the time when the pine forests in the buthurst johnstown and ottawa districts shall he cleared away and their place occupied with corn fields besides there are numberless other objects to which water power could be applied besides grinding hour nr sawing boards it wat stated by lord john russell in th house of commons that the british government would gladly have bestowed the rideau canal upon the pro vince of upper canada hilt that lite province hail refused would refuse he boon this appears to be arrant nonsense and plainly proves that how- ever great and learned his lordship may bir in bri tish state matters he knows little or nothing about canadian affair if such an offer haa been made it has been kept a profound secret in this country fur certain we are that had such a proposition been submitted to our legislating it would greedily and joyfully have been accepted what refuse a boon that cost one million sterling theres oiadtwh in the very idea we hope his majestys ministers are sincere in their inteiiions respecting thi canal and we will guarantee that no obstacles stall be thrown in their wav on this side th atlautic we should be happy to src such a chango effect ed the persons under whose charge the canal is however well they may discharge their military du ties are as ignorant as buck horses of civil or com mercial life and we can afford no greater instance of this than in the table of tolls collected on the gttaal tins table appears to have been compiled by utter idiots supposing it is wanted to ronvey a steam boat and four empty bwrgct from bvtown to king ston ah that is nerewflry is to put a bushel of potatoes or any oilier article paying toll into each veswti i the w hole would go from one end of the canal to the other passing through 47 locks and 1 employing 1 50 mm fur the small charge of jive far- thing however ftrange this miy appear it is ab solutely the fact the whole tolls want an thtei looktn- ot our mfeh again it will te won wflosi m of i or 12 wsow uuraim not uvmlli thai mr biker to iis ezceittncy sir john colbottfttt a t it lieutenant governor of the pruvuee of unprr canada ami major general commanding fia majesty forces in upper and lower canada fft c the mtjgiwratcoftiiemldldojstrict u r scssiou assembled most respectfully beg etvf to bring under yotir excellencys uuuee the afctt- itite necessity hich it isobvnmritu them exists of a sewiaiiual circuit of the judges ofihe untm of kings bench for the purpose of holding court of over and tvrtniner and tfwiervl iuul delivery in each district in consequence of the increase oj populuioii there is an incicase of crime as well as of litigation of private rights and instances simitar to those requiring the late special court of oyer and terminer conceded to this district by your excel- lency are daily occurring in all the districts of the province and unhappily compel the magistrates id urge the matter thusoit your excellencys consider- ation- al though by that special commission the gaol of this district was delivered on the 20h day of the past monih yet the calendar now affords liur in mtflllgm ofcninniitmentfur ielouy ince that lime ol surh mifatriunatg individuals there inav lie individ uals iunoctut of the offences laid to there charge but wlij must remain incftrcerattd until the next annual circuit imless the general wish for a second circuit be in the meantime acceded to herein opera ting injuriously tq the accused and to he pecuniary interests of this pistrict the magistrates therefore most repecfuly entreat your kccllencya early and eiious atten tion to the ubjci and hat your excellency will be pleaded ir you sen fit to recommend it to the consideration of the legislature at its next session court house kingston hiboct 1832 revision and should bear pome proportion to tin services rendered in some vri utfrllhlif tlflnuhttd rftj lk wi at smithy fnlul for example ulii ices warehouses are ilo in other sta tions so rigid nr the orders nf capt bolton that not i single urtichs of produre or merchandise cai hmml or lauded on the lk utthough in difficiilt to find an itfrlortn ibit necessary duty as this h termed military is in realifv torn- lie shipped or landed on the some plars it is extremely other pi tec to canal altw ictioti in tin wy nf merchant and others sluiuld be carefully rrmoed and ever temptation thrown ou to increase isrovtmues foi these and several ciihvr t ino- wcsiould be hipp tu see the can d chmtm masters we have spun citm ulis artice to po great a length ihnt we must defer the c until a future timr ingigtd in raiding toreover the ridt upoi our haids that w consideration ol its tillages vtenrcm premtttsotnnch ways and numk and havt- thuueli prince edard c e cannot prnmise to resume this subject immediately it shull however be tnken up as soon as possible vi e hope the liunied man- pier in which these doutoy antcle are thrown off vill he allowed in mitigation fijr the evident care lessness of matter and stvle facts jkjid scraps 17 tm lndy ofwitsou was not dissected a sentenced by he judge but humanely givc np hy thesiioiifflo his relatives be interred vhhi wwifiibs the chrtmtile talks about he medical jeinlcmrn rripning their ctttim bill i tlicj mnnettdm theslmriff iswdtfrd uicairytho sentence into uirm and pives llic bodies of cupriis to whom he jbotrtet he miit have sent llic rcinainuf wabton to tin hof jiktal qt toronto uftd he beeno pleased t fft ivc rcommntj to the serious dltefilion of nur leader hid v ov rv ft iwwwrirt ia llf rlr nfrral qriavanei t tlt leiur of another iteturttet u loday whig- tulfke f canadian i vernier in the phciator our vvi iter ad van- tafcftrea4nfur his anertioimi anl wq arc htfassllsd hi reader- 6 tr ii not huo hint tittles ulien veamirctheui that bo if now if idha4 cverlwen hweiv praclical oniituiwina1 rcfor- wr hid wo not klutw the irinriies wltiili govern the con ijiftcltth of itic srivtisaitt lihiral pinr ii llu province vtt sik nftltrm an iui tlimi fur ibi t het in ibeir fcfqtr ee jounniu l4tf wleh ait vyretwhtt isfiuilltsa this co l i r- jirc an oxepttotl to ibt rule iu ediur lu jn entihnnu und should uojcr1uid fur play even if he nj jnotpactice it liivfcf wo inkfl pwasufc id insrming out r idcr ibu mr r her conduct to- vjyomon liahcon nude to lw ihe emcliy jf irdi- mr jvirtm and fbidiu- that in ym prepared to fulisiaii f t s his cbiini ajain her lit hiwbandv csiiuc bus consented nltfwro ibt judgment ibcobtxincd airr hint had hv e nn ro or mm in nfttawioj what wss irto binij several penile men were preund tnbaveinn i door todnor in kiomn and lolieil mltn ubfcfijtion ay the debt and rmt one lnn room mrs tboinson htri siie mul rofiitid the money din obtained byiho fate of wrkig trudemais inuu the ole supiorlofo large tmi- as lm has to do this rjctofjtltticcj she may as well do it hat this lady has been subjoin another in l a nee other unfnir meftl km r i s som ncrnn may ikj of opinion jin regard to her cumpetitoi in business tho proprietor lie chronicle fvi many ars has executed a large portion of talionery oflbc pot office in l canada mrs thomson edy of his profit tome lime itpn wrote to mr suyncr nt idscc simtine her poverty find tctdotrttootf and btgging him ake lie uom away from mr mi4foliui and bestow it n her the awswer nfthe i jiuiy tnt master general s short and pidiy lie arqinnnted hei thai mr mactarlane always done tlc vrorfc wth and he saw dooocsowo to net an instance of iwr riiiaeiousionduct to jjck viucenl also come to ur cars but it m posiul vihlo thatratf qerttu- inhntpoliuiway wiwiditivti the lie to the transaction shah frua xctolin- lt olthv be baa himself retailed it i door to door w6 wu lo caution cast country friendsagainst subscrib crcduouily towards ht publication of yankee book province some time lat year some fellom from in lbc side wcrt round die neifhthrhoj of frontenac lenox mjngfi to procure irbcripiion to fos book of mar- they carricl with them a sample copy nod promised the one subscribed foi should be equally pood- when thr was delivered it was und to be vasuy inferior to the pw but having suvscrtued their narttw the country jieople ined themselves buond toukeir at the present tm n informed another fclhiw has left kingston to prnenre m for finneys urinous and wlmams life we t intends to derive the people but we dunk ft hem a lutlc mark unmoved ot say pjtrm to cautmn r s there a man can rear womans tearful cye fiwpatra asseris she has shed four pint pots uhof mrs the wmo fir1 ei posed her hypocrisy how many leva hardbsartodness caused othfcts to hmdl tvthe rorrtiyonrfsaf mim by rf for the brtltsh whig to a canadian reformer sin when any person addresses thvajluulttiralis me- pwn and productive classes of am eounty as you do thosq of upper canada sending foidt through the pie num ber after number with the avowed intention of enlightening idem ir is a leit expert sd that hv n urtfands the subjects up ui which he writer the evasive manner in whuh your last communication to mo is fumed convirr es nie itiat vim under stind but littlisof the real causes of l low pi ices of our ex ports and the high prices of our tmporv fur tsfluttf oilier eauhmay be ftfirjjpiad than tbu rulalionsof uu trade hy the imperial or pro vim ml ooveninenls ih sulc cau ained by you in your number x asa member of mic of the rlafpf you addrest i j ad the pi etutnption to c intiovert some of your pnsihuns ip die vain oxneviation that a writer who siands forth to instruct a rkonk niigllt oviznto trplain to autrtviri dual out no ynur ipso dixit ha gomi forih and unless a compositor maki a ibmdir you arc mum as to explanatiun ynu having nude the u enflsp ieuou amoti youi vaiimis ornaments i shall proceed to tve mime reasons ml ftspvrliarts and allow those who take the trouble to puitts if ivriiiii in jtiitis which iseurrcct allow me tosy in vuu uni liiiiht errant uf old usually defended ihemselvc whin utackal the mottll don qnixoite was tho flower of hi- vatry the modern hnibt of the rueful louutenaiiee posiisin sateoflllfl qualities nf his remote ancestor ks his valor i leir i regret that yiur last renders ihe foregoing nceesuiy i now pioceed lo graver mailers than tubbing a fallen anta gonist i conceive the legitimate object of political iefirm to i e the correction nf acknowledged qvjt in a constitutional manner peaceably and by the exercise of matin mkd argument ond in order to produce a well organized opposition to the measures of those who would oppress tho people and take from them the weight and influence in the government which nur cuusli lotion anticipates rnlhing should ba held up as gnteanccs but what are in nnliiy so and can be substantiated by incon troverlible toslimoiiy the moment that for the sake of rjcc or excitement for par hj purposes t charges aie made by reformers as a body against ihe administration of our government or the party who would keep down the influence of the people in nider to step into or retain power which have not ihe firm foundation pf truth to upon that moment icfunn ii prostrated at the feet ofpu- ttieal bufi s at whuh ttco may play and which im pile a total utaenco of principle and jue valence of individual ambiiinn if such political worftre we may witness sufh ctent loscurfoillbe minds nf all candid men by casting nur eye to the southern iboras of the st lawrence from such a state lord deliver os on ihi side tim above consider lions hnvoinducsi me as an arfvocato lor cnnslitmiouut refuim lo come out against some ofyoor assexti os as imumciated in my first article a i conceived whatever your motives might bo that your language would indieate ynur adhesion to the former class and a desire tu have ynu disavow pin h piinciple and come out from among them and proclaim your adhesion to uie latter class of reformers is one object i had m vitrtt but a greater to onentie ovui ot ilia yeomanry mcehinie and ra- pitalists of this beautiful rrovinee to ibeir own interests- for though i regret il i am compelled to say it as a ptopu u upper canadians are mind to their own interests could i prove so tucc csful an nwufisj as to let atifbliglt itito ilmr eye 1 lihoul j havu honu that a more skilful hand my rector- them to perfect lshm you will admit ilml an individual receiving an picofmmf 500 per atrium hiin hi shi income and living at ihli t k of coo pr annum is in a bad way and that imwevvi n- tjiii ma be lm must eventually md ea h become scarce in his pocket and n wiih an isstlfl t- diial so it if will a nation proline nr people and hvic i the troeeaum of ihe hard time we are experiencing in ci nada thn bahnre of tmde i ajainst us or in nther tvonlf we import a largci amount in goods than iveespoit in produre should yuu require proof of this i refer you lo the rate nf ex change between this country nnd england when merchants pay seven or eight per cent premium on bill of cxi hang it amounts to positive proof tht there are more buyers than srd- leisof cschangc and that eonsequently the balance is against the buyers now sir here is s cause the effect is scnicit of cash and embartassments in trade which must of course artect in a greater or less degree the humblest member of society and having the cause and effret before us and experiencing that that effect is slowly but surely undermining the welfare and natural advantages of our country it behoves us tu seek for and npply a icroedy the same remedy that you would re commend in the individual above alluded lo would recoin- mend to the people of upper canada live within your income hy polfulnx such a course the individual would be come independent and the nation prosperous ittumchmtnt will i alt nlim slacked by indusiiy mid economy it would soon place u in as prosperous circumstanced a any pari of the united states and the existing exits would soon disappear let our farmers the bone muscle and blood of the country cloths their families in domestic manuficturcs exclusively and we retain the amount of ihoac rrtnnuficlures in the country in stead of sending il to england 1et men of capital and mecha nic turn their attention to manufacturing such articles as arc ofncccssarv use in the piovince ond wc retain- in ihe province a large am mnt annually paid to the united state look at the threshing machines out steel axes wooden clock cast ings saddler f boots and shoe gtiikmscodcorn llrnum wheel heads bouks taper whip wooden nutmegs arid horn gun flints c if vtiu p which the industry andenterprizcofthe amerieans furnish us with think you wart the amount of cash or its equivalent which has been ta ken out ofihe province by these article mm in circulalion here would it not make cash plentiful no doubt andwhatlmi- dersour manufacturing every article above mentioned is it rhe fault of the government ihtt it is not done no sir i the fault of the people- as ion- as vec cuniinue to comotme fy- roign manufactures englsh american or french to the ex tent we now do so long wc must have atfrrf fimrs hut let oveiy farmer inauad of allowing his sons an j daughters to run to tlohupjierijr for jpfw ftaws mnd kntek kltth unut ho lind iiuf ttftct parting trih hijicrrffps in debt set i hose sons miring wool flui avc uml those ilduujlhur ipinnn- aod wua- mug ibeir rivd elotlnv ensbsad uc4purohmsip a foreign arliclo let theu disss more jdamly nod ivnruleato a spirit of induslry and economy in their ficnihes iel every individual in soci ety prumote and encourage ur ovwu manufactures und ins nftortlinia itr bmitdfiilpmriiicowvill wear a chtlerent aspect uinuer teould nut find so much jhustiiess in discounting far- mora noiest or would n farmerr m compelled to borrow a ihillar throughout ihe year but wrotdd be what utey ought to be rnjtpatdent of every on bjikrr merelisnt mechanic sttil even government will the ffcrmoi take ortonce l what is implied above t tin thev ira not nnoifi independent f no man can lie truly independetit vcllo is in dtbt and my rriend5 euvcr ii as you will the eonnjlf timarmers are deep ly indvbt 1 speak of thefts f a lody thcrnare many indi viduals i ans happy io say who nomo pursue tu plan laid down above hut they do not complain ntf ard times oh no their lessees rc in their hanu and rrannos and no pressuro of ulsmotuy market hi foreign couiutries no banks holding tip their dimtinis can attecl them ftnd they arc ladpendent in tin tiuesense of the trot i tlibhw ihchiudofyeoinaniy wilh which uppcrcnadi should bepeojphd ond i inm the day is not distant when such a population ct be eilendcd over it surface for ihe system now puntttagd must bn exploded by the experience and good senso of mm pfjtpart pnpuldion the present procure has not been created hy government it i not proiluced by their aru but hy ihc acts of tho people them selves in this no body of men jut controlled them the fault is diffused tbrvout our whole population a wrong view ofihe subject is general ifinsloid of bbiinin- government each person should introduce rcfurrm into his unify the evils complained of would soon duapjhhar then ftrmer media- nics merchsots lawyers and penalemcn of upper canada put your shoulders individually and collectively to the wheel and you need not pray to jove or the government to help your wa gnn ofprujperily out of the slough in which it now sticks by a concert nf action let our impoits be decreased and our ex ports increased and we shall pecdiv perceive the good ef fects and let it be borne in mind that our main efforts j rfecrca ing our import must consist in manuftcturing every artitlc of necessity whicli we now impoi t which can he mauufadurcd in the province here is the remedy fur the evils attendant up on us under the expressire appellation of hard times anniher subject eonnected wiih the prosperity oftheconn- try claims auntion i allude to hanking an idea seems to prevail that a multiplicity of bank wih promote ihe prosperity of the country by eirculatirti dmfr piper lo a greater extent the subject ofapapercuneucyappeato be imperfseily un- dsiptood in opncr canailo nor l the vimiy to believe lht i understand it sulliucnily trace it through all its bear- tugs hitt of this i am certain i a eircutitiiig medium of baiu paper however extensive ii may be cannot mid to the ac tual rcotlth of the province it mt a represtntutite of money not money ilelf as f aa it preinuls enterprise and tvttilatej busiue being rosjfiutd in iu eiiculation to ihis pioviue ft tshenefieijl bulno for ip snp- pota our import exceed our cxk a retain sum ay io ifw iu iwtt and that thai sum ivie amount ov lnc baljmw against tho proviuee and that the ivment ol it balances all de uiaitdajiu llic mcr hanu ofthi province foi imports let flu amount hi pod m tlo patter ilppcr canada banks nnd fhst indiiiduil uierrhanu exiuftfmil rrom their debts is the irinct fie from uvbl hv ibis tnsactinuf br no means ilm jilow niiui ftill he ukeironi the iroviuce in ensh the hank pihr is in be paid uvras ln desof the iudivi duals all our banks then do not tcct the balance of trade except o they ptomole cuterpnzeind aeihlale the transaction of business trmin th pruewce tsmdlicr instance mow can the money loaned in england nptovement of tho st i awieme be paid liy oui haul pp lank psper wiu not he received or if it eoufim i musl bc red cash vr bills of cxchangc unlp7 h od l amount mu4bc drawn from the wweahh of ilie province in some shape or other unless met of capital who have food in england will give us bills of es for our hhnk w- and the inlinary iransartions uf bu t cln kc lbfll p in cireulatiom a far as tanking promotes ihci of a sc quantity df produce facilitates hi purchase jf increases theamutint of our lbc manu tureofaiticks of neiy to ihd s7 sensiheamcmniof our imports l beneficuitbut m furiher the greater meamoo tfom w cr ninountofhank paper can efieiully employed nd in c i tt uited bv the sianljrd orthe order to be bnenru most be ra r t it a r k vjii i from utnei countries actual business done lapital br t i beiin inamutn at u and cmpliyea m banking mist be mtroduees wealth mtu iheeounifv ease m to the actual re which possibly nov never be the- 7 j h ihe sjttetc is in the vault nuiung thesectatoii iu king in 3rdlv he was not seen on that day and tatty being a jew un office an bo sn rile that i would not undertake provided ho could get anything hv it tiiauotus belleville november 9u 1835 sources nf the i ountry but utile banking is an unsafe business to tl public und in the tnited slates nada ban are frequently comu whose eniiimlisdiicouatud paper ihntj but bustle and hnsiue koeping ojloa eau save it nd marlborough 3vrket ortancc ludgr warrants a couple of irish men i tamed coterie nd cunningham carne before mr cliuinhcn the lattr charged by the uiher with imtfiitg btulen a titunber of jiatige lyjjgc war- tmmr cutidell in support of his charge said it as n hiji of one of the orange lodge and had in vjr tue nf nt office a number of wurmnta signed hy- the grnl master which warrants hptl been stulerx pill vflttl room by cunningham it appeared that cundch had tfivd charge of cunningham for th alleged robbery hut the police reltistid lo lock cunningham up- cuuriiiighum iio mis search i in the uratinti house but no- thiiiff m ioutifl on him excepting a curious docu ment which appcait rt be a tirt of orange hodge circular in nnsvier in tit charge cunningham accused coihwi of being thc biircebl rflguc n lontlo und rii mcnlnitation of the circular jojnd dt him fftiid that coirdell came to him n short time hick tia tub him he would pot few shillings in his way me then gave him the circular nnd told htm to go to cnlouel fainnan nnd represent himself tu be a man f i uluti und to ansivet nutations put to him bj the deputy orange serrelar nnd be would re- ceiven suvereirrn this sovereign hti was to bring to condell and then condell promised tu give him 5 out of it- the circular which appealed to be printed form desired if the bearer anvvcrd the ex pectation of the deputy orange tfecreury ittaf a sovereign should be given in hint cariniughnm udded that bring fearful he shuntd he detected i he did ot requested he would not fake the letter imm he told condell luehadgomj to colonel kairnnu with the order and imd been exposed and given in- tnrusrorly from which he contrived to make his es cape aft r contjderalile recrimination between these wortliies air cllhltlbeis said he would postpone the cammo thursday and retain the orange lodg doriiiitems as he wis of opinion ihcy were only used lur purposes of fraud- september -1- tntwiin ais as svovtv in the bar of a public house ii tonenhnm street close to ihftaiimnt the atre is lobe seen the printed playbill of a theatre iu lvw south wales it commences theatre kov- tl svdney this evening will be performed thejw- pulsii iruina of ezchitngtno robbery t or the hia mtntd ring after which the farce of rontst thitw to be followed by cxlnbiions on the tight liops bv the australian wonders to con vwau ttuh vn5 the bill firiher infonim ui thai the following drftiua which have been played with different degree of success in london are in preparation the gamhurs fate the station ttouethc forgery aargate and the erite eideau canal arrived nnv 6 the ncimcr ridcttu duwcn with taro jue in c yljp macnijerj ivtlkrin ojlu jj rtirlte atm e c biiley anntmn- orctr w wibm j- willantton t wibbo tl jarkma kirimtm a f d htnuh hsmihon j luyiwiil st jjiu k rtkn iwhrville j ln fi munrort vv ware luruiiiu j xoutg c t alvnr niicora wni kvlly sils v nlccai sr ciiihcrincic wm crooks not son v mc- kn2ic bith c oistiar murray nov 9 tho steamer bytown robint willi hirres miry lni hi ttv cuiidimrc s tmicoucr armrtmog 7 j williiuwbo atfuwc- arinstron- wilton i lmtya wiunu hill brift vy svmniotc i eaih lj ii omrjl iwkwn j mcuod everillj u ntbln cu m kuaifce j mduod j- i mr a fter srpfeuucthtnjy n q kington w rally 4 vamtem j clult st catherines w itvoo- prem wr j ah crrhy j b bosmr coouwj 1 kejiiuld at sou bulluvilhf w sonnet tru otr green ware co w beaity a efamj c borfuw r s gbapditn ivallcf mii a plait oarouij ncton d minab llumilton a lnvrico s esbavr a- clirutic j chwnhn toronto llowanl i tlurinptoq frl cu lhllowll k placet crooks stoikluiljcr 9 vvllatlic ijiiij nothing of upper ca- iced a great prnportiun of w auh a bank safe no w ik fftfttffterv in thii the amcricun exel and a a by llic united uiitcrpriffti wr activity of ihe po pic the wtfmi irai muf hml a ood effrvt but with ihcia tba f cct ii lv increase thru eftorts anj ueh fhuuld be ihe clfijcl ihmc but m jay muiiic subject jmuld receive the cjomfl at tention and liciutiaj of our financier and itatmtma and tom ioim vfbauh pipit graduated by the bwfolm oonc or antici- ltcd my ider m iy be lauhod lo orn by th inufctttfd but let icv rv iium rvdc t whether uwnt things am not vhhr hv wn iudivijual ejltnivm should not he united tu llitc of bid ncitfhhmr mirl n cuorrfl of a lion ctfcted through our whthe jhdttodp iu mililite iho activity and ontcrpriyo of ihv am tkwm m inervising our rxports diminishing our i- puru and kwpuig our bank papttf afloat uinun ourvlvct re- hcnchiu- out itidivhlttal imtpmiw living whldn l u rwtmrcw nnd ncmimpiii doirwlu matiucicturw a uai- tad and persevering ctptrl of this nature will mtfutq propri- ty and wc ran hy ik6hranccmlri all pohica grievances if our prucccdings are ba d upon principle and no false gric- vanoe chargcj to the aecnunt of government- let uur firmer putnuc the plan above laid down promote and encourage agricultural ouciic excite i spirit ot cmuu- lionamon- our yeomanry in producing artiiki of ncvvmty not now etowq in tho province thereby hpenin- nur imports and ukcitvini our upoitt and ill cry of m tunos will not in future bu heard now sir you have some of my rcuitn fur asserting thut the people arc ilic cause of ilie evils yniihargi to govenunciit and mltlmtigh my ideas may be conveyed in a carcles lovu- y stvtc fr i make no pretentions tu fine or even grammati cal luiuac vii trim i may hr understood hy llic readers of tho wine atd i ihuovc that thoe w ho jude candidly will agree wilh nw and i believe you yourself mut achnowlcdgc that other causes than bad administration of ihe government operate agaiutt u and that yoirrcharmg thene ov il exclusive fu q nur ffovernmont i a piiiion vot tenable but i am going ioo ar you will acknowtode iv nmli thing you de- tlincamvvcrinj qvtsins hein no uviubt avvae that trull exutsiiia ell and luetivitf iw lli bucket by winch it it diawn to the surface another reformer nov 0 ic- ktftf tntn acrompanynj llou of tb writer of sailed- nov 4 thelcamrr mnrgorct with tobacco etc nov 7 the steamer ffiuw wilh salt pork nov u- the steamer bytwu whikcv poilt arc tho propriitrmi ofihe v c lartfubrawoitodtcitnll her printer topic the proper credit to the mailer he pilfer from the ridcau canal reports of tin paper port op quebec- aniuvalf oct 97 bri trial 4th septrmbrr pelfah uri- 1arajron 18th july cromarty 46sltlora sehoonrt vibclili 4th bopt maha et gibralter schooner moot 5h u tohm ilalil oct 28 isrv solway 1 2th scptumber uvorpoul bri prmhioke cferthf itith spt live pool itatk iluhkrm 2sd ausvirt hull h ario 6th oeloher lfalifix j iw- amity 14th svpt aberdeen itsctllcia link remlutioii 29h auguil ftlillbrd hark dihdin 5th september liverpool schooner dnvo lulh u r haltiax schooner gentleman 5rh oelobci halifax bark john raislieck 3d scpteridhir livcrpoh frhe uufl kingston eiitok tho itbov c he ays alluding t ahnmisn ucnruicr not game 1 imd will not llii mim i olu in icalitv dunhill lie h uhc mi for thh bmt9sm rtc emtob i jour friday pitpvr i perceive you be- 1ov upon he cttlm of our luwn pnpt j benjamin the dolefuble office ofhaiismau al the iat rtftim j noi ihink you are fir wioii- in your tumti an lncsc nic in realms for ihikus in the first ptoec so eacr wftsthw iv lo creature ill it he iu been iicaid to i the tiu market iuices ki5cto tueiday not j 0a itos defby tho cwt ilo at tho ill r r fc ulmtodi hy tha tfhoen fm jb do at the tall per lb vial frerti fork per tofrlb frnah bu1tor per lb tub do do i3 perd american flour per brl canada do do do tlo perewt wheat perbuhel ityo rlo do corn do rlo barhry do do oalu do do potatoes do do hay per ton straw per bundle fire wood pei cord ftoap- fowla couplo pork iflesff ub do prime moss do piime p d d 27 0 a 30 0 04 i 0 fi i u a 0 q 01 0 s 01 i 04 00 i 0 0 06a fl 7 07a 0 0 hi 0 7 ml q 0 0 27 fi o c9 6 15 0 a li 3ti 4 0 30 0 ii 0 0 a 0 0 20b 0 u l ii 1 010 a 1 0 40 0 a 45 0 0 ua 0 ii 80a 0 0 04a 0 4k 1 3 1 0 a 85 0 a 0 0 75 0 a 0 0 65 0 a 0 0 it write whir the propriclrcps of ihe v herald ii requested no iwjging leller uic udvtiicrs in brilikb govcrnmnt sale will e sold on thursday next in tlic barrack square teiede lonr 800 unserviceable great coats the sileto ibkti place nt eleven oclock a at hugh scanlan kiigs auctioneer kirifrstop 7h november 1635 0 wanted in n tepectable family i i kingston it on id ami lidriiu for two single gentlemen du- iinrr the winter apply to the edaor kinon nov 10th 1835 29 will lrt in ii linrl avd prices fuvnd as se nf any importing afijc in the trade in fresh importations cormsisc a genfkai anp ronrletc stock op simple fascy dry goods the subscribed beg to inform the public that he hns received by tlic regular traders front great britain a large ivo elegaxt stock of goods iu ilic oliove line which having been carefully e- tedtd bv himself in the bjvghsb markets porcash feels confident itibi every article he of iht low 0 the thecuniidas j il sheer n- ik the lowest price invuiitllv ftppcul in phtiti osurovon each nriicle kmgbton nov loji i83 39w mntuftn slubber shoes just rceeivrd and for suh k pain of indian rubber shoes j murray kingston nov loih 1833 29 cash paitl for siides- fjve dollars per 100 lbs paid for hides and the tiiliest price given fr cs 1 1 sheep skins by j murray kingston nov 10th 1935 29 to saddlers wanted by the subscriber three or four jour neymen siddlers who can have ffoik either by the niece nr montli ao a stead young lad frorn 12 to 1 1 yean of age h haigut kingston nov loih 1s33 29 ponntlcd hogs in the pound kept by the subscriber 2d concession of kingston there nre three large white hogs which havu bcrn iouuded a fortnight todsiv thi in to give notice ihnt unless these hogs are redeemed be fore saturday next they will be told a the pound ludefrav charges 8 anning township of kiiiffsion nov 10 1835 29 notice the wine vaults if tho subscriber are now re plenishing uith blackburns eibt india madeira hi pipe lihdw nitd quarter caslw old p alfoj gei inundtuud tu ort in the wood via new- t mackideb kinjston nor 9 1835 39 rittcoiilj g j vne lo eccnl ivttttoo c5c8i wnultlluiu cicciliiicr him sndlr ht w absent lioui deltotll itii infiunl- hlootf ilian he uliuulil oniltr morning of ilic cowuncrcfal reurrs os tub montreal markfttm utwntfcm niuai i83 amr liavf declined rrtniitcralilj mucc ur laj and ilc ol pvw have been clfcelcd at w to 31s and ifpoarl at 3 fid pqrwl withmit any pmbsihility ufa rnittot redaction in th qii3iiiy in itdto on llic nti ult ivas ifi79 lirlh an 578 do- ivatu tlic comprjtic tfttdmmi will bo fuimd in this diiy auuact friu remains without much alteration 4000 brl fine having btfii nuldaliiogd wbi and 5u9du voune mill n7 3d 90 davs 25j bru sujcrriiie luvc also bucn diipu d of at 30 prr btl 9u day vnvttht only inmsactinn which bu como in our kiiuwbill is n sate of 17011 imshvu uitrlcu white and dani- idc at 54d photwoxs arc not in reai demand ind lniv experienced a partial iitijiihs w uuwqnoitr lour 9aw hcrat 8 dollar t 8j dollar prune do 7 dolurs to 7j diillarn and prime pork at ii dollnimn lldollari fish and fish oils are scarce and ftiill command our for mer quotation ivxsi imua puoriciia quantity of rum ond sunr was bold by i tic lion hfi the 3in nit jimaka 1 a sa bruuht from 4it to 42j per pol mikcnvadosuar in tierces 45 3d to 47 6d and in birreu 45 1 a 45s fid per cwi i k i- slxak ha a tendency t ndvanee prt of the car go tdt favotito liibifn bought tip al 8d per ih iach irwe i ntt muji deumud advices from now york rerhwl bid ty mentiuii an udtaneu lo ij cent premium- montreal utftilj oabsi doctor vva1kbb infinm tlic eiilialiitania of kiiimun and itd vicinity ihut helms cnminvuccd practice in medicine effacfiht nnd minviknv in the iroart lately ofcuniih by mrs ituuerwoith ind uppositc in the liardwmc sfiure of j wiitkins from hi uttgth of practice and thorough fctw- ivffyp of the rarlotts diseases ittcitlnttal to the hitman both and hi intention ti fettle in kiujiion he is induced to oflvf ins krufbttuoiiftl services to the public dr walker has been eminently successful in casts of jmitltctf ery n- ii chargvl for medicine and aitendunce will he moderate jydu tt atkrn will atiend at his surgery from eleven lo one icltk the saturdjy of ech woeu to si ve adt iee iim mcdirin to the poor gratis tbb svbscrlller 13 now receiving puncheons of molttmog macka- rel tin and cut imnils soap and cutidlcs t mrd snnltnnd tobaccu with a variety of season able goods iilteiidiitff purchasers will find his stoik cnibra ciug a gre t aworldl flt of almuat every staple arti cle leipiiird lor n country trade at uncommonly low price and liberal lein t macnider kingston nov 9 135- 29 evening wmtiwg and heading classes mr j e wings is forming winter classed for in fttruocinn in c above branches as not more than iiglii pupils will bc received inn class they will hive nil the benefit ofttiivotc invtradion holts fur ludie from g till c frji genilemen fromttill 9 application may be made at his acadeny next to the iianrnaterian sthool or at his residence point street kingston nov 10th 193 293t the tocktittfehs of the bank of the people at ilwir cm annual meeting held nt the ilanking lions n iln cityi on monday the 2nd day of jn- veiiitvr efimaittf prucerdtd by unllot to elect their ditttcitirtj wlten the following gentlemen 0 clio- cn viz jillx rolfh et jamks lntllbi q dvviu ilbstin e- jamks ulatv john montovihkv jiiumas illtot the hoard met tin vi nhem jidui nulnlt ki president jwom ledbl hrrvey price lloa si s ulowell t d morrison ecv ivkk lyaficlatj iuiin harperi john porl jam ukbvrt diieday the 4th was unanimously i esq cashier instant elected md tltc ii spring bidwell esq and james solicitors kington nov 0 1830 3 m the siotk book will rtuuin open until the 31i of december next and ihe agents of the bank are ivquemed to forwud their lists of stockholders to the cashier of the hunk on or before that day by order ofihe board t h pkice secretary banking 1 1 hj toronto lth xoveinbiti 115

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