Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), November 3, 1835, p. 4

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lake owt aurasgements for the end of the season the steam boat united states copt j vi clxrs gji up leaves ogdensburgh 8 saturday evening kingston sunday 7 a m- sackets harbor sunday 1 p m oswego sunday 10 p h rochester monday 8 a m toronto 9 the evening and arrives at lewiston on tuesday morning early cominj dawn leaves lewiston tuesday 7 p m rochester wedneedny 8 a h oswego wednesday 6 afternoon sackets harbor wednesday 12 at night m kingston thursday 7 in the morning and arrives at ogdensburgh in the afternoon september 1835 fancy biscuit baking thomas moxey from london returns his giateful acknowledgments lo the inhabitants of kingston for the encouragement he has received since his commencement in the above business and begs leave to inform theia that he keeps constantly fer sale every variety of fancy cakes and biscuits confectionery and other articles in his line of ihe try best quality wholesale and retail christening and bride calces made lo order t m has on hand and is constantly manufac turing ginger beer of superior flavor which lie will sell wholesale and retail at moderate prices muffins every wednesday and saturday evenings store street kingston june 1st 1s35 356m storage and wharfage the subscriber begs leave to inform the public that he has rented the well known storehouses and wharf foriaerly occupied by mr john mnuire ai mw fast of store sweet as iwaliou tiy haw ml their equals in town those who wish to store ijiapcrty oc ioy of it by consignment may rely n the utmost endeavors of ihe subscriber lo give atisfactioo for all orders he may be favored with in the abo line of business pj b for the accommodation of traveller there will be a room fitted up fur the reception of 8ge- barton piulups kingston april 23d 1835 caution this is to caution all persons from making bar gains of sale or otherwise with james schroder in uny name as 1 have at present no connection wilh that young man also raycustomersarerequested to notice of whom they buy the articles i manufac ture as some persona are vending them pretending 4o be sent from rae henry bolte kingston august 10th 18 35 3 the mansion house kingston v c the subscriber continues to occupy this extensive and well known establishment as an hotel for the accomodation of the public the mansion house is pleasantly situated in store street being the principal and most central street in kingston in the business part of the town is convenient to the dif ferent steamboat wharves and no establishment of the kind in the province can surpass it in the ex cellence and comfort of its apartments in regard both to parlors and bed rooms all of which are fur nished in the very best style the hotel has been recently pitted throughout and otherwise impro ved the subscriber having kept a public house for many years has acquired eaporipnee in jhal riipi and he trubts that with unremitting attention to the comfort ofhitffeuests he will continue to merit pub- iic patronage in tfie rear of the mansion house there is a large yaw and extensive stabling and where a livery stable is constantly kept ethe mansion house carriage and porters will always be in readiness to convey passengers aodjuggagfl to end from the different steamboats kingston may 1835 tf carmino 25 oflptflinioner of crown landv office toronto july 23rd 1935 notice is hereby given hat unless francis lerocque or his heirs o make any claim they may have to lot no 13 and the south half of lot no 14 in the 5th con cession of the township op mckeriko iv thk home district within three months from this date the same will be otherwise disposed of 1 peter robinson commissioner of crown lands bay and klvero the fast sailing steam boat kingston 111 tih calder mmmjrt dow 3 wards- will leave ho carrying place on monday and thursday mornings at 3 oclock touch at llic rivcrtrcnt amelias- but gin belleville sopliuuburgh culbertson scanltitt wharf hallowed ajoiphustown frederickdmrgh balli to kingston will leave kingston same jay at 6 p m touch at foirmansgananoquc bfockvtll and anivc at prcscntt in lime far the stage or steam boat lor montreal upwards will leave prccolt every tuesday and friday p m imme diately after the arrival of iho stages or steam bat from be low touch at bruck villa frewh creek aod arrive at kings ton early next tniirning will leave kinjilon every wednes day and saturday morning at 8 oclock touching at the inter mediate places and arrive at thacarryiiiff place same caning in time to meet the staged for cobourg port hope and toron to all packages and luggage at tha risk of the owner unless booked and paid for every attention will bcpaidtoiho comfort of passengers aod the boat is well adapted lo taku freight horses c kingston april 1835 lake ontario 1835 the steam boat america it ci ii capf jofi f tyler will run two trips weekly between rochester and kings ton viasodus oswego and sacketts harbor as follow coming pqwffi leaver rochester mondays and thursdays at r evening sodus do do 11 evening oswdgo tuesday and friday 9 morning sackets harbor do do 5 evening arriving at kingston tuesday and friday evenings 9 oclock going uf leaves kingston srturdays4 afternoon wednesday 7 a m sackt harbor sunday 7 morning do 12 noon 11 oswego du 3 afternoon do 10 availing soriu no 9 evening thursday 5 a m arriving at rochester monday at day light do 9 morning intersecting wilh the great britain at oswego on wednes days and the constitution nt rochester on mondays and thursdays on their upward trips to coboiirp toronto aud niagara also the daily boats at kingston running to ogdens burgh and up the bay of qninte deck passengers going wet car by taking this boat at kingston sackcta harbor or otwfljpi reach buffalo for 2 60 each by way of the canal from rochester children half price lakh intaiut l at the sign of the bear the subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public that he ia now manufacturing and has for eale wholesale retail an extensive as sortment of tin ware which he will dispose of on the most reasonable terms ile has also r sale a larg quantity of cuba st domingo segars do do boston made whips of all kinds 4a stone ware best quality b- phillips mailcei tarekingston sept 4th 1885 w shortly will be published at toronto it the adtboe ot the fr0v5crat justice an abridgement of the townahip laws including the highway and assessment acts the court of requests act end the new township meeting act with original appropriate forms for the use of the commissioners the line fence act and several other popular and interesting matters relative to the townships with a creatise on liie law of landlord and tenant and distress for rem sec 4brmm of notices toquit lease distraining war- tints c and the law and office of constable with free instructions for the jicrformance of the du lies of the office the object of this publication being to place within the reach of the humblest means and in a cheap form a familiar view of the above popular and important branches of the law who advertised the provincial justice are requested to insert this on the aainc term toronto sept 12 1835 the beqjytstejatbojt oswego propttud tic potctrfttl how pwtunrt fugintofq ntvm twer cpt j t- holttaxsf will ply on lake ontario and the st lawrence river as follows leaves ogdcnsbuor on friday evening kingston u 0- saturday morning sacketls harbor saturday noon oswego saturday evening rochester sunday morning toronto u c early monday morning reaching lewiston in time to enable passengers to visit ihe falls and return by uoat the snmeiuy leaves lewiston on monday evening rochester tuesday morning oswego tuesday afternoon sacketts harbor tuesdny evening kingston u c wednesday morning and arrives at ocdensburg same evening touching at french creek monistuwn alexandria and brockville traveller intending to visit the falls of niagara bnflalo or the different places on lake ontario will find riio most pleasant cheap and expeditious route by taking the stenmboats nt oswego and ro chester passengers leaving lewiston in this boat on mon day evening will arrive at montreal on thursday evening passing the most interesting part of the st lawrence river by day light n b the oswego commenced her tripe on ihe 6th april april 1s03 the steak boat sir james kempt wit until further noice prrfnrm hor trips up the hiy of quinto on tuesdays and fridays t and return on wednesday and saturdays will icavo prescott for kingston and tlm liny on monday and thursday evenings aftci the nrrivnl of the uoat from below will leave kingston for prescott on sunday and wfdntsday evciiiitfis passengers for montreal leaving kingston by ihibuut on sunday evening may bo sure of ruckling the montreal lino at prescotl on monday morning as the boat leaves expressly fur jhat purpose at 5 oclock p m kingston june27tli 1835 evans treatise on agriculture a few copies of the above work may be hud at the hardware store o messrs hill st brings or of the subscriber g w yarker kingston aug 21st 1s35 c new groceries just received and for sale by the subscriber at his stores in front and store streets the following goods viz 10 chesis twankav tea 4 do young hyson 4 do hyson skin 6 hhda bright muscovado sugar 3 do refined sugar 2 do cognac brandy 2 do hollands gin 1 pun jamaica spirits 1 do old rations rum 2 do molasses 2 casks brown pale shorr 2000 gallons canadian whiskey i 6 4 2 20 20 10 10 8 2 40 20000 2000 ton prime cod fish bll do caks do boxes do salt water herring no 1 mactarel warrens paste liquid blacking cut and wrought nails window glass stardi ttai sins do bloom muscatel do english pipes bags softshelled almonds reams wrapping paper russian tiuilis lbs first quality american cheese james williamson kingston september 1 1835 william dawe attorney and solicitor in the com is of law and equity in england has opened an oflicc in mr counters brick buildings in brock srrcet king ston herc he draws deeds wills and other hgul writings with accuracy and tliapatch and on mode rate terina londnii boarding schools gloucester house establishment ron ronrc ochtlsxeff spton dutt nrflt jtorcst gate tzssrf cosntjctkd by mr h axjlt the domestic arrangements of this etnuihment are upon the moat liurnl wale every boarder is accommodated with a single bed without any extra charge and a uriel atten tion paid to his torufhrt health and morale the course of ihsiruclion includes englifh elocution the scientific principle anl praclic of arithmetic merchants account btrkllmping mensuration algebra geography ustf of tho glouei utstorv c teems under l2yeirofage above ditto weekly boirdcrs day boardos the laouttrcs each- drawing dancingdf music ptr annum 22 guineas 24 ditto 16 ditto 12 ditto ptr v r r l iuinea 1 ditto 1 ditto respectable refinance will bo given and required the ranatiom arc three weeks at midsummer nnd a fortnight at christniih accoints settled quarterly the quarter to com mence on the day if entrance- a quarters notice is expected previous to iheronoval of a boarder pupils remaining at school doting the vacation arc chatged 4 guineas extra pftr innijtn the french language is taujht by a native of pariu each boarder fctxpoclcd lo bring a silver spoon knife fork and sii towja tho situation boxlrenicly healthy and pleasant with ex tensive grounds t references nay be made to t ii prior eq of que- bee for further particulars apply to the editor of the whig 376m sale of crown lands com mi dinner ofcrown lanili office torooio jiidc i 1su the publh are informed ihat the sales of crow i lnnds tne london disinci will take place as follows v at london for tie county of middlesex wednesday 29th july thursday 27tli august thursday 24th scptimber thursday 29th october at simcoe for he couniv of norfolk friday friday fiiduy sat unlit 21th july 2ist august 18th september 2lih october at blaivmoko for the county of oxford monday 27th july moiday 21th august monday 2lstseptrniber monday 2ll otoher the number of the lois tobconered and furriiei particulars may be knon ly applying to john ft askin esq london orjt this ollire tuter robinsov conffwoner of crown hands 42 sale of ctown hajyds coramiiwrnf ciwn twl- qece nf onin 4lnl joac 1833 the public are wormed that lite sales or crown lands and clergy reserves in the midland district will take place follows via at belleville for the townships of huntingdon madoc hu gerfurd kaladar rawdon richmond and tyeu- dinaea m monday 20th july thursday- jjfh augut monday 21st srpicmber tuesday 20th octocr friday 20th november atnapanee for the townships otsheffieu and camden thursday 23rd july monday 24h august- thursday 24h september friday 23 october monday d november at kjjngston portland pittsburgh hin- ougliborougn 23ih july 29ih august 2ib september 2s october 30th november tho numbers of the lrs to be offered for sale may be known by applying m samuel s- wilhnot esu belleville or at this office 42 for ihe townships q chmbrook bedford and tuesday saturday tyrcrtrw wednesday monday feather dressing olt bkds made tqpal to ifftw the subscribers having procured the necessary ap parauia for dressing and jnfying feathers inform ihe public that their machine is now hi operation tit the bend of store street next door to mr olcotls tatter n all persona desirous of witnessing the operation can have the fullest and toast satisfactory evidence of the value and euicacy of ihe operation and no persons who regards cleanliness and comfort or val ues health will neglect this opportunity of hnvitlff their bcdsdreifpd by this process all filth anl impurities are effectually expelled and the oldest feathers rendered light ami elastic as new ones and more cleanly healthy as the oil v matter sooflen- sivc to the smell aud injurious to the health even in new feathers is entirely removed by this purifying process benjamin r marcus jacobs kingston oct 20th ufe5- 23 ckfttlplpatb 1 bnve lately had the feathers of an old bed taken out aud dressed by the above advertisers and am much pleased with the success of their purifying process the ftatlvrs previous to their renovation were heavy and knotted together they are now almost as elastic as new ones and i bae no hesitation in recommending the advertis ers to the notice of the public editor of the british winn dissolution of partnership the copartnership heretofore existing between the undersigned ha been this day dissolved by mutual consent all debts due the late firm arc hereby directed to be paid to james thomson who will also settle all jut demand james thomson johnu1ddkll kingston sept- lsili 1 835 1 notice the subscriber returns biu thanks to his friends and the public for the support that hid late partner aiidjiinibclfhiive received wince their commencement in business and begsleavi to acquaint them that he intends to continue tin rakilg business in oil irs branches at theold stand inuuarrv sincr james thomson kingston sept 18th jsj5 careys libitartr qv choice lucratiivc o trtlbltt ihi is n rradin no implic a deirt for intnwiiftn and uitiiiii4tmtnrtttryihoiiltfiirc ilw ihe firs1imuah lire iigwd ontltf eeemj ibev s vrtw ofiinion anil m pncocc c have acvmnt in9faxifirf revn v in fine piimphlctrall w n near ly allutjictn wlich havekcvcnill atrflwje orrciidcrsnd riuppon- ew andyn copiow a rcihcc mennsof iiuellccwwl mwly niorc iremincctej in ndoiiion 10 ihe review ofclie tiny iifii instttg no liccs j book luc neonk in inrsfe nomtcr n atl pwofw great re- puh1ccriveihepoviofiorutf lootiicnwicivc and mai iiiryonti ttoto naxtic ollosmnnf ihe pngfvfft of ittaeovery in art nnd secocc- ruttlinncliiilvcahytn nvceriaiu ww ejcprcslurir wiitrt hi not o cayiosroiiryhiein explode riirtpncerrrtmuiccmponunioiiitcratorc rthfivsyfuff owipationswiikli preveni personal dpntmuoo or even mes- uffilolliroricmnl bnnkclleiv mtm nuinycmie in keep people my from ihe fent ofreahn nimi hie enjoyment ofilie covcteil luerary alimeni itutlicaimnrtlie piiblwiirrh or ihe lilrary loolivinie ihce i3jihviur and 10 cnnhu every individual a nlleo nnd wiihooi any pergonal eflorl to oliiain ior hfc own uc ojij lhal of hi uvored fncodrt or cimily valitolile orkeomp1ce on ail the tranche orogbnl mfl popnlar literature and thai in a rorm weliauaptcd 10 uvccomfartor ihe nsmhafs t i thcchrrm orvnrlely aifiraait incompatible with morality mnn lantc will hp held conmanlly in view in coadociingihe lihmry infill ile part- orwhkhlhlrurrenlliternlure of great criuiin all il vairoo-dc- purimrntf ordiography ilimon- traveb novels and poetry shall be freely ptit iinitce conuibaiion wiih nerchnnee oc4iioaaj exceptions it iriinuodcd 10 rive entire the work which shnlt be selected for pub he a- lfon when eirrummnnee aalhorizc ihe measorc recourse will be hml lothelitrmrj fiiore of continental europe and irnnsbmions made from french italian or german a the case maybe whilst the body ofthe work will be a repnni or at time a translation oeniire volume the cover will exhibit itwmiscellaneoiw character or a magazine and consist ofakelchw or men and tilings ami notices ofnovl- lie in literature and the arte throughou the civilized world a julland regular supply ofthe literary monthly anl hewomodnl journal or great britain and ireland in addition 10 home periodical nfiroilar character cannot fail lo provide ample materiuu for this pan of nnr work the rcsourccsand extensive correspondence ofthe publishers are the beat guarantee for the continuance ofthe enterprise in wlikli they are now aboui to embark as well as lor the abuadancenf thenxvterialato give it value in the eyes of the public- aft far as judicious selection nndar- movement arc concerned reader will ilia lwped have reason to be ful ly battened 9 the editor oahe library is not a stranger to them licit has tsorcthan ooec obtuiacd uicir favorable aaflragcslbr uiapast literary elloru terms the work will be published in weekly numbers in siuched coeero i m i latiunine ttctnty imperial octavo pg ft wilh double col urncs makinff ft annually t of more tlmn bo octavo paff e ttuh volume aud at the expiration of every six months subscribers will be furnished with a handsome title page and tawe of contents the whole amoqniof matter furai shed in a single year will r n i o more lhan forty v i- r common fitted english duodecimo i r l h the cost of which will be at least untmt uic prkc of a years subscription to ihe london lineofpackbtvtha turs of iin- liim- f packets bavioginci number of their ships will hereafter d ofttietn from new york and from pc he ut 10th and 20th and from london tmi i7lb and 27lii of sverv monih lirouhout the year n from newyork sent- 1 ship toronto r griawold roaster sept 10 shin ontario jamea kearney master sept 20 ship westminster h ctawpttk mt oet i ship st james wm s sobor irmstm 10 ship montreal c ii champlm 20 ship canada thomas criltun master i ship 10 sliiplianxidal hclnrd master 20sli imiiladklphfa f e morgan r maarer oct oct nov nov nov doc dec 1 ship piuiadjmiiia e e mura p i nuuirnin r l morgan majw 10 situi president guxirgc moore master dec 20 ship samson i cliadwtclc master- from london 7 montreal leave poitsmouth aug 10 17 canada leave portsmouth aug 20 27 new leaves portsmouth sept i 7 hannibal leavts portsmouth sept 10 aug aug aog sept sept lihr ofth fincel mialily a ibr binding a- the type wil the paper upon watch ihe library will be primed will he uued lorhookwrtrk aod of a size admirably adapted be entirely new and of a neut appearance each volume when hnond will fiirnten n handsome as well a valuable miu not cumbrous additanto the libraries of ibosc wbo patronize the work the price of tho library will bcjtc- dollar ptr annvn payable in ad vance acomruiinnof0ocrcent will be allowed loarenls and any agent or postimtpirr fitmishlntj five subfcrlbers and remittia the amount ofiub- scnpuon hhajl be entitled to ihecoaimiaion of 20 percent oracopy of the work for one year i j l i i- wnrknrrey inlhrmation respecting it may be oh- tamed hy nddrcftriu the publishers port paid kinors of newspapers to wlmm the prospect os i forwanlcd will plie insert um above as onen n eonwnieni send a copy oruieir paper coniuimncthe ndveniseiami markal and tntitlc tijcm- elvcitto a tree ex change ibr one year addresa r it cauey t a hart philadelphia philndiipmn inly 17th lhai tiik untlgaians on tita sporliu and dramatic companion jhtiiispurskd wrru a mtjltitudeopdkghaviho mijp horses philosophical and natural plionotncna it i now aix month since ihi publication wna commenced ia pfcila- dolphni oinl nlthnocli ihe p olibv hers have used no cxiraneru means loefrriifnte n kiisvvtode of its uri i yet mich i the satiafiicwi mam- tmiiii hy thai p4riion ofihi public wlmilutve been midc avfliainied with its cii meter anil contetn m im iwt of patron eonjlduiv ensjteray aod rhpidt lo iiiiniii thiv paper is now itiirilmieit retfttlarty every week over i wijr poriion of the vnion at ihr mitnt tiniijiichry ntfitnmcea arc rrecived thai i will eventually bveome one of ihe moi impnlnr among the numeroiis excellent periodical which isnc from ihr 4 ievin press nnexorimns will lteqnml to crtublish its iternianetilrepntation more etrnivcly aidifthe liberal sanction otlhotfo fif whom it i especially dcined hi i warrant i- fntnre iinprovemcntboth ins reirards typo- tjrjiiiiici nestniks and einltclliilnneal will hi materially advanced the different i and farces thai wdl nppeir inihe course of a year ofihemgelvtt will be worth more than tour tunes the amount of xobseriptson the following is a list of those which have already ap- chvjcs ihe firai le a briguidp the hunchback te orp deep sea cheap ilvintr phjikspearrs karly day jicnri quartre uiie correct brcearof bcthnal green lluebaniln and wives man of ten thousand the iadiev iman imitill vow jvsal the golden farmer speculation olympic devils enif lislunan in icslla shakspcare festival the ffnl indian hf rncwl uic governor vktorine the omnilnt the child of nature the kcncntiirt the duel the mstcrs viloerj j termini irish ainbasahnr the srorlin- loielhi hi1m hhaftf k p tfimih j s knowtc j r pmnche f retoldf c a sornerscl 1 morton h p smith j s klluvvic5 thomofl iiocron wttlinm r ilurion mrs henjmitin wtliicr f m rtu-yiiolds- ieni ie st dancc- w t ii t mokridc g lcttfe it planch- si m mrs immxihl w if pwkc mirrymorc j une kenuey tyrone power nee at home and tftfcrmtl nceiilesn consider- aute portion otootmtlions aod uf collected from ihe mosiautheniic soar- ees amon the porlnuh oferlcbralcil winning horses which have been ivirn ire the aiuvficu trottinr ijorsv kllhin ftirkbst ttwlmptftrd raelnchnrw iiurfhbngrr f fivorlie rapine mure mill u and iit foamy vt ijp3r itmidherhhriudtroliinc uorc stfltfulk piiknomivnon iv liveh1ondcd poplar flori ciiatkai maitlatx iv wdl known kmrllsli race florae tthcllhtonk k correct flcttur ufa race courhb qccsirralt hie widtli ofstrvcnrntiimns tire bahal uuklhix aicmhu uio wiuucl utuns uwly uiv la june isj5 amon a variety of other emhetlfrbmenu of subjects of interests which have been piildwtied arc ilus hdlowinc a complete irentise on ridinc wiiftfoirekn iu00tra tiontf for tlie improvement of lndtcb in that umat lcaldiy of all exer dses e plana hon of the automation chess plaver illusiroted by kievkn knguavings the snbjecis which are particularly embraced in ihe vadfmeccm will he rnonr distinctly understood fiom the ibllowmg vnunary of them i the tqltlinil nil mdhvat tonne tied tlsrrewuli outhe structure and character of the horse on the improvement of horned callte rules for novico in shortlne imethoils tir fectlinx and training dos riornphieofcelbrjurt horses wilh uelr portraits ifunin l 1 1 i p fowtinff cve approve- ni- ivom lloyle and ouwi criticism on plays and actors the nnut oojnilar sj to music the artot terddtiaiu rlnxirntcil a vnriity oflt i i to homcmu economy an kpltomc ofimponont pasinr events genilrmen minnsrly review of the fashions tlie vahc mkccm isitrmiivt ontortiutnperial panerofn henntifnl white texture and i puhlhril every saturday i hollars er annum in advance omrrsfnvm ibeod po ie poid will be prompt iv attended in and the paper carefully packed to prevent it from rubbme by mail the morjrrx acting oranlaa volume of obonl30o pwet eoniaiamg the pla farcktf c which nppear in die vaile mtvum ncntly prmted wu hound in elastic coven lor tmruporoiuon s published evcrjfcix week eiihl volumes wil constitute u sett or one cniiaub5cnpnoq the terms for which is tliree dollars payable in advance subscriber to the vndc meeom are entitled in adeduetinnof onethird ao order for lliur eel will ue lhankfully receivedml ihe wrrrk irward- el to any dicelion by tncloin a ten dollar note postage pid a pnmiumeouiila5 of two volumes 500 pages each ofthe novh- irs morwine containing elmldlrenl novels by the mnsi popular lutlmrs will impratstm to ihe aenl who shall procure ihnr r tine to the modern acting uniuta orthe gentlemans vade aleouuif nd remit the amount of one yeais iuhsr riot ion fr each geatlemen wihmi lo hiimti1m foeilh ovcs charms alrlxanhkr no iin place phitalelnhta a specimen copy will be sent to any part of ihe union byaddrcitt the publisher poi pai- ronhealove w rks will ad- j aihcnian uuimings frank- 17piul ailrlriua leaves portsmouth sept 20 scpu 27 president loaves portsmouth oct i ocu 7 samson leaves portsmouih 10 oet 17 toronto leave portsmouth oct 20 oct 7 ontario icnvrt porttmoullt nov 1 nov 7 westminster leaves pnibmooih nov 10 nov 17 st james new leaves portsmouth nnv90 these ships arc ailofthc first class about gh ions burthet and an cotnroarjjej byabln and experienced navigator great care will bo taken that tho beds store c araof thi boat dciiiitirn tha rijrn uf cabin piutsage uutuard iiuidi v 11 a and urjoorv or 120 wichoy fixed at s i jo wines c passcnpcrs paying the last mentioned price tt be supplied by the stuwaid at the printed ratc5 which will hi turniahed on board neither the captain norowncrs ofibei packeu will be responsible fur any letters parcels or packmm sent by lhcmuilftj regular bill of lading arc signed iherefec apply to john oriswold 70 south street new yorkw grinneli mintuhn cn 134 front t doom geo wju7r5 co no 10 colemanct london n h s niilnau run daily from porumonilt where then packets mop trj land mil receive passonjers to the coritiami and to diltercnt prls ul cnbmd iiiforination relative to this lino of packet tbrpi may be obtained hj application at tiuf office american leather store just rcrvittl unci for sile bv the subscriber 600 tfitlrs of suit leaihcrj 200 do tfcmeea tin 100 do uriillu du 300 cnirskiiitf 100 kip skins 20 llomm moftrcco skillet 20 lining mi bindinrj skin 200 itwrrau tfatlt 2i uuxcs siarko cos axe a full supply of lueta itltd boot trees ilvu dollars pei et paid for hides and die highest price in cnli paid for calf sheep skin mark ilace kuigston july 1st ftiia leather the subsc8ider having iwtde irrangemenu with a manufacturer has and will constantly ki an extensive supply of sole leather harness and bridle leather upper lather calf skins laina kips morocco lining bindings c which he will sell wholesale or retail as low as cm be obi ined fnrtums can he suppliti quantities and probably he obtained etn here cash paid for hides and skins tallow and flax seed t 1h barrels salt store opposite ilia market formerly occupied by s r caldwell j john murray kingston mav 2gli 1335 33 rf- the province it a on bctiei dealers and manu limes and wilh any terms than can removai the sursckier has removed his cheaf and fvshionahie hoot shok establishment io the mnrkci square where he will always keep on hand n hircre tissomineni of ihe very best maim facture a ihe following low prices for ready monky oslv ao d i d d do d d s prnntllo and lratlicr iniinp sihn1 lur ijoiilily st tiincy cdloiirs salin do iin lit iill vi11iiii5 slides riiiif tiiiildf fuf cuiinlry wear priimhi liimii 41 olicl sujiciior tjiuliiy fiitcan do fmi- uii liin ftu lou do slow walking sliow do do do genllcmcns jo vorv do 1 isod booi 7 b 9 6 6 6 c 0 7 0 10 0 4 6 5 0 8 0 g i 6 6 8 0 10 0 10 0 76 63 ao 12 6 a lso ami giri a variety of boj very low prices boots and shoes made to order j kingston iiay23h l s boots shoes nt murray 33 store brooms for sale nt the subscribers leather 50 do flat and round corn tlrooms 10 do superior irass cradle sytllcs 200 his salt fresh from the works 50 do mackarel cash paid for hides sheep calf skins william ford market place kingston july mill 1s30- 47 kingston sent 21 183p 15 baos patrick eganwiu llnriis c market square march mo2d v ac liy cubll i for it 183ft itfs duck to printers for some time past we have fell desirous to close the printing business in which we have been active ly engaged since the 1st of june 1833 and would with the present number have felt happy could we say to our readers this is ihe last warder we shall publish if a purchaser should offer we feel dispo sed to sell if not wcshallqoon in good spirits at the same time let not our friends suppose that wc offer our establishment for sale on account of embar rassed circumstances fsir from it our prospects at present an brighter than at any other period since we commenced business we offer for the present only one circumstance whereby any person wishing to purchase may judge of our oljice patronage ihe diflcreuct of all expenses attending the business from the first to ihe conclusion ofthe second volume and all the earnings of ihe office for the same period ave raged aycar in favor ofthe establishment ise which will he found moderate imwi iy be known if b post paid directed to tho editor of he v lrt hope u c pori liiiih- warder office oei 6 133 terms ol pure ruiil nccouiinoc aider i tub office lirii ii kaftfl uausii iiautf iicm price in cash paid for race at this raospectua for publishing a coppe54plate map of tub midlasd district the subscriber proposes should sufficient en couragement be given to publish a map of the midland distiict including one range of townships in the newcastle district on a scale of 150 chain to an inch exhibiting all the mail roads cros roads rivers rivulets lskcs churches meeting houses saw mill grist mills towns village wharves steam uoat landings c c by lof concession and township the undersigned being about to build a cop perpltrte priming press is determined to print publish varnish and mount the proposed map ii bis own township and therefore looks io a cene roue and enterprising public for patronage and sup port the map will be nearly 3 hy 4 foei it will em brace four ranges of townships from the bay o quinte back ami will he executed in a style erpia lo the authors map of prince kdward ft will bi published on a copper engraving coloured var d mounted on rollers and delivered to sut it four dollars per copv payable on delif scribcra cry hallowcll september 1s35 p v elmore tiik ii whiff ojita kinfvion jul 21 175 itkvk notice board of directors of the farmers joir stock banking company hereby rive notice tils upon friday the i5ihdy of october next they wil comment e lisounting notes at the ollire of tbt cumpiiuy in toronio mul thereafter upon nil sut friday continue the same until further w olhiti fin- discount nillm be put i under cover lit tho manager pr etwi lsj5 q nee ni the dav h toroiv irs

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