Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), November 3, 1835, p. 3

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wi is evhlcdt preserved aud handed down from mention 10 generation ofihe british and especially of die commercial oil 1 would nk is it possible that thera should kc aiiv dcigt sacrifice your interests when it is i r q all tlic wnrl thai comuercc is one of the j support to the british system of inance ihoi mffti it the wonderful fabric of british power and dominion would crumble into dut and find ttmt 15 penalty the object and pufposo for which at a t cxpeiitt the mighty colonies of icuijiaiui are nfaiiwd evcy quarter of the globe rely upon it that the great uml powerful country from wience v0h have wttiowsd yourselves lutlirse shores ill not ill ire uialidgn the policy which has established the prosperity of her people in every oiher region and uml a government of which con stancy and good both arc the main element of pow er i 1 notfuil 10 sustain in this portion of the em g the spirit of that constitution which has so been held out as a boon to its natives and an indccinemo the seniors who have embarked in it their entepmc their wealth and their hopes of individual happiness lit a declaration put forth by many among you whoiuhabit 1 ilia city have seen the following ob jects enumerated fnsr to obtain for persons of british olid irftll origin and others his majesty subject laboring j 1 j- r the same niivaiion of com mon rights a fair and renutiublo proportion of the representation in tlie prnvinriil assembly secund- lv to obtain ucha form in the system ol judicature and the adininrtroiioii of justice as may adapt hem to the present state of the province thirdly to ob tain such a composition of the executive counci as may impart to it the efficiency and weight which itouglit to possess fourthly to remt any appoint noiof members of the legwaiivc council other- vise than by the crown but subject to such regula tions 3 may etnitre the appointment of fi persons fifthly to ue every ellori eo iiriintuiti tho connexion of this colony with the parent slate and a juat r suhordimtioi to it authority and sixthly to fisuii preserving and inaiitthioing peace and good order throughout the province and esuing the equal rights of his majesty subjects ol all clas ses if die object ore indeed all that are desired by the mwlc commercial intern i irtwi it n ill be sa- hftdftiy 10 those who aim ill iuu to know that there is not one of them which it is not strictly with 10 ike line of duty of the rittjd coniitiisioii to take into consideration to receive respecting them the fullest evidence and infoitnation w huh may he offered and liualiy to submit 10 otir timimu sovc- jeijm and his mttiutcfs their impartial and well- ighed concittsionk jn ihe meanwhile to the canadians both of french and british oritfittf nnd nfevcry class and hwripiiun i wouh yay consider the blessings you might enjoy and il favored situation in which but fjtf vmtwvif 1 oiw yii wumii fill 1 ywirelvet to he placed ihonlikprhf ol iw two inotf ore- tntfmtj insofmankind you hold a vast and beau- tiful country a ferilc 0l 0 heahhy climate and the tiobteat river in the world makes your most re nioteciy spurt fordripauf the wo our revv- ptiei triple the atnmiit of ynnrvxpendilure for the ordinary purposes of government you have 110 di- lectuxmi no public debt no poor who require any other aid ihort ihe nulunil impulses of chanty if yw cxmiiil your views hevond the land in vfckfi yon tlwclli you lml that yum nro joint inhe- xiinrcof the spigiiilid patrimony of ihe british em pire bixh constitute you ill the amplest nnse of tl tenn citizens ol the worh uml gitfi yuu ft home on every ronlincnt ami in ecy tami 01 the globe ttott are two paths open to you by ihe one yon nwy udancetotln enjoyinen of all the advantages vliich lie in pruspiet before yon by ihc otlter 1 will not say nmro ihn thit you will slop short ol dttw and will cnafn yourselves nd those who have no oilier ibject than your prusieiity in dar ker md more diliie ilt ciurnp the bk1t1si1 whig ntiuktutumi v rr in bc y arirf vll lr iv mrr owu ffcjfikllnv nmiiff ltn wiiioii fuftitim i 11 wi t liiifllw eikii9 i ihum wnt ptoew bulk lufcstox ivbdnhsda y kiklxg tho prifonor and uto wouodod mon aro said to lave quarrelled concfrniog a borao race tliii ia the uiird lateot ubting vni a few weoki that has occurred in ihia district stravilwa aubl3tninl anm of uic nnma of simeon spooner roiding in tlio townalup ofpiiubiir ws thii day brought lul m l j 1 ore matuhun and hglditlh chaiged with rape the offence aa iiil to have been coramiltod on tho 25th august on tho person of hit eervonl a girl not ovar 14 yoara old tho daughter of the widow stuart io ihc aome noighlmirlioikl tho crime was diatintlly sworn to bj tlin child and tho rivonor was commitiod to tho custody of tilt high conmiblv aubjoct to the optniwn of the chtiimian of the quarter sejiiona whether bail cculd bo rcceivod n uhtfo woroomocircumtanccs in fjvorof the pitod0tf thcra w iu court anothci young woman who wa ready todoimo to a imil jt jiijli committed by tho prisoner some time ago tho practice of holding to bail in highly criminal ii datter- ous to society since it eoables tho accused to buy up tho evi dence of the accuser fftexxcotior tliil morning wednosday robert wat son waj executed for tho murder of jacob culdwell in front of the couii houje the gallows was eroctcd at the nith eat corner of the building and at ten oclock precisely all the interior arrangement having been perfected the unhappy man walked out from ono of the court uooin windows upon the platform accompanied by thu hangman only aud was imme diately ijuii itito eternity the crowd thai altandtd wa very numerous arid to tho disgrace of u portion of oui fair countrywomen be it recorded that the female specutoi exceeded those of the opposite sex in spite of the rebuke they received from the kingston peope a great many perona from the uy of quiole attended the execution of a mur derer be it but still of a fellow being wo make tbia notice short as our nature delights not in scenes of blood and we axe not will lag to pander to any such vile appetite iu others dbj a tory small portion of our readers the motives bav been miacofttrued that lead us to make public ihe shabby tricks of mrs thomson tho proprietress of the v c croil the i c fa id is 040 of the oliti papers in tins province it is own ad by tho widow ofaman who devoted his whole lite to the public service mid whatever may ue it politic it is entitled to a fair shire of patronage but no more had iu projnic trot confined herself to the settlement of tier husbands hfliiirsj in tlie belt way ahe could or liadshe used the customary means to procure subscribers and adverliseiiieuts for hor newspaper we should have conceived it to be a blot in our escutcheon to have said one word against her or her paper but while we sufter by the menus she lakes to increase her profits nt the expense ol her ncighbui and competitors in business we are bound in justice to ourselves to couie out mrs thomson is he richot person who has anything to do with the press in this part ol tho counuy perhaps in the whole province and yet she has travelled the proviute over tagging for subscription and ad- veriwcrncnlfi gn account of her poverty and widowhood wherever she has succeeded in her application she has kept out a better paper fi a ytar at least perhaps for more situ e tlie nausea treated bv reading the pompous nothings of her loan john mut naturally have a tendeiicy to disgust her rsdeis with kitgsionand its press to us she hasdooe comparative ly but little mischief the chronulc is the greatest suttorer by her raeodtftity and althouli iu gentieinanly proprietor may ft nvrfc4es b ewit ibly firi wdtnrksixkiktsto on friday night lt about ten oclock during or barkers absence jjylownlwo vngabonds iri thejrarh ofpenllemen atlompted t frrce an entrance into his dwelling house doubtless with the intention ofdoingsvino mischief either to the inmates or proptiiy but an iinrncdiate alarm being given they ran off in the cfirttttod of storo sh- who the scoundrels were cannot bo ascertained but on the smonilit a few minutes later mr bfttolboifl rails in front ofhis house in store street were smashed and that gentleman following iho offenders into tho adjoining hoialp found ono of tin tails mt be hands ftf mr uirhard frbe it seen n 1i1m a dinner hnd tbatdav boon giwn by one four inerrhanls ami iheiucsts becomirc merry had r allied fenhjawsidulge in the only rvrctiouof the nrienien of r6 at f des- trujing the property ofiheir neighbor- wo shall nut omil to meutinn thala part ofoneofonc of h ra w3 pltkej up by mr bourne near young llcnr smiths office who we understand made one of the geotfwwv dinner party we moreover learn that the dinner h4 u itl consc- qucncoofacapiaslmviii boon served pona highly respecta ble merchant established up the counrf- we have dhefa pleisuic in laying cforo our readers the fullowing letter handed to itf fir publi copy kingston november 3rd lfi35 dran sitt the unpleasant rumor meeting your tharae- ter whirh some illmining and maliii characters haysj raw ed has at viroliiuilion eaosed me io enquire fully into the rkitttr and i em lad to stem wrycmr wdmt llanly tufaction that lam pwkasj ttfuocuhwfr der oath dis proving those calumnies uod shewing satis fee lor ily itinc iiiomj rumors were without the sllghttvt fuundaliou lam dear vqui obedient servant to mr thomas iiardj kingston a manahan j p nil ily the bye ihe has called oil ck but that proceeding wilt nut pre of original nier arising fiom tlie re- r ii f rliinalelj hipprn that two very in ihe present den h waetwmof t interesting uucuoiqta ou u jay laid belnre the reader a ltlrr ftmffc sir oconnell to the duke of wviimgion and the fjmmtof h fhnili- r f lver canada the tofmer ivo hall dismifti iu utvw word it jmurtrayslhe uofwpp stile of pihiiil aiaii a home and roads a bitter fbuiprthap oful uon tu both peer and piaanl to the fefoxr it riwvw the vciy ucu1ib grouhj himvjf and hi an wttal httflort riid upon by thn illadied rvfoal to tlfcelfwl thurel bill mhi hat lfu i pns ihe only mcauie yet attempted by ibk five peace to ireland and the ihut nav kavu 111 vie 1 pentl if he be not tt diully blind to ike ulterior dvlii u the railieil aud the vertunty thai any linage in the constitution will be to him thai of many task- ejsfurs instead of one thcguvcinoii c1i difltmls a lorgtr nrlce itis foil of ilie promise dfimcosini to ihe lower canadians and ihese coacsssiooi save dq4 have our h unity approval the tmtingmcies aro gmatd no mm in his rational seoseicojlj deny tho rontliiimal righl of the iloue of as- emmy to da sfhat luov pleaded with the piblie m ney they sretlwrtal and daguirdtani 4sftho pnhfic pww ifthey cboateto sounder iu content uchflcssohw limlom regret- rf hd tiwit u no uher reuidy linn a dissolution of the wto ml ihecallirig of another tti governor f ty pto pcrwnndlccoruimitswilhuasiiiglenh4enalion he ceuwuuwo 00 defence for the uikunstitulional refusal of iris weak predecewor the roembcrs of the etentivo cooneit who hold office in- codpatiblo frith cither their dignitv or iliir iudeicrdencc are lo bedismimed ai soon i proper submilulcs im be fiund good sir john caldwrll ins bcn dtjmtsihj fim the kegis- htvf couticih belter in fiture nil olrts itre to be filled typtrsoni chosen irjjierenlly with iwpcct tj patiootj origin no tluraiioft h to ba mido io the trench lw aud iuslitutions liwedcplore vc havu noobietim lanllow the french ttflwunsto enjoj i ftda system with tlrt abominalde wir but we sincerely reret the necessity of oilier briuso subject- hoin suhjeeted to ueh ti odious tyranny a tjosoy tlat rctarde imptovtmout and pmiejile rmirauon lar ifis aelenrv on thp vahlmtraiqem lamtuli the repayment ofurt money ad- licejouiffihc miliuiy client and thecraiit of a permanent ft li dtntids uiamsdvftl juh and rexooable and w vtlqut w be ehoei fully acre hd to should the wbeje prove the caso tlic best hopoi of hi majesty sgg will h frutrnicl k toft emlaiey z the injury he jus done i her man jtdm fioin out b vent us from continuing the couise we have commenced until the whulc province rinftl again with her cruelty and rapacity and then if ihe public ehoosv lo be humbujged any longer thai will be their matter not ours ettfti heuy manner in which ttio second chapter of our bb was wtitteti has occasioned several errors attributa ble equally to ourselves ami the proof reader the effe is of this negligence will beta render us more cautious in future and as we have occasion lo be absent from town all next weclt we must postpone iho third vhnptcr until tucsdiv ibid iut in the meanwhile by next tues jay we hope lo have prepared the result of our observations upm the present state of the rideau canal its ilagcs trade end propeets tcthe american papets arc filled with accounts of the late freshet at ftochesler oswcgo wmerlown and other ptdci cthe accident befallen the 1hmas juwuiy so indutri ously copivd into iic papers eneiuies to the ktdvau canal is u mere liifle she ran upon a snagiu tbe kidcau liver going down to byiown and the pulndi on deck was put on board a barge immldiately she has been afloat some days 33 we are pleased to notice ihe very liberal and whiggish tone of politics assumed by our worthy couteiiv the chronicle a fautfa are die times out of joldt lliat am 1 whig should be writing lory articles and its old opponent be tramgrossing in the opposite extreme 1 d among the bjcs of newspapers accumulated during our late absence from homcts a number of llil bvgguiy rag die inidligmt bdbxiuc intelligencer the jew who conducts that journal being made acquainted with a joke we passed in belleville comparing his nose to a sainagc and has taken occa sion to fill the best part ofhis diminutive sheet with filthy abune of us such language recoils upon its utlcrcr we shall not in rfliffn fvyhmt chief and vrtmbond u hirtmrre ly 1111 i hitu with tbe epithet of jew aud ho knows ihc terms are synonimous we bestow upon him the fulluw- ing piece of mfiomalion tlic whig has as many subscriber in the county of hastings a the county jitpor itudf and all tint the jew or iri sausagenosed gang can do will not decrease ilseircuution 7el1ttlc3i oclock teesday sight vc have just risen from parlkiug of a supper of the finest biy chaleurs oysters that ever entered upper canada the same bcin politely sent us by cajit b esjierance of montreal wesay thejncs be cause they are wc believe the firfl and only lower port oys ters that have ravelled so far as kingston but were it not for l positive merit we should still be inclined to praise them highly as in sober truth they deserve the attention ofullo ler gastonomes such arc tlieieforu referred to an ad crtisc inent un this subject 0a good wat or rauikg thk wind a certain ffwr widow who publishes a newspaper not a hundred miles oui of kingston was lately on a profcsonal lour al dylown and urns accosted 0 merchant of that pltcevay sir are you an admirer of the ladies madain i am an irishman was tho ready answer then sir im sure youll have no objection lo add your name to this lift sait u10 lady thrusting under his nose the subscription list tu her paper oh madam said the gentleman after he had put down his name and returned the paper nail yoj asktd me to subrctihe for six copies 1 could not have routed audi an application eta vnung man by name alexander juhn ely was brought befoic uesiffi manahan yeomans ic nt kingsln on monday lasi charged with bigamy it appeared by ik evidetieo that lie piuomf who is from county lcilrun ire land had been two years in this country and had lately mar ried a daughter of mr- ebentzcr adzir of tho township of kingston and resided at waterloo where he worked as shoeuiaker a short lime nftor marriyc iho happy 1 oude ucre vfollttd by a female whu insisted upon king hw iswful cftfljio orisoner copy in council 17th october 133 the council having taken snto consideration the ueut f fovemort reference ol the 5th eriuani on the question ofv e loyalist rights and imiiiiia claimant respectfully recomnif nd that ihe mjpie liom of his excellency be juloptnl and that tile deed do ifsue in the names of the original iranterv lo all persons who have received location tickets ti u e loyalists or militia chhnants without fur ther delay and it is also nvominunded lhii in future tvitain townships may set apart lor the lo- lalion of this description ofxtson wlionmy be uutlwrbtd to receive free grailw on account t their u e loyalists or militia claims and that ihc deeds shall issue in the names of the grutiteea respect ivety at ihc lime of thf u location these leruhilioti iwidts fiw the purpose ofad- jtlvtine the nwmlion which for the interest uflle prriince it is considered sliouhl not luhsvf remniti unsettled arc not to prevent l e loyaliu or mi- litia cloimann entitled 10 grant of tandi rmmoc lliug in other townships provided that they ttisll to occupy their own locations and to take tip their rcmhiice on the lotsusstgncd them it is further rocfuninnjrii mh 5stw general be instructed to puldivh h orihr tfinedj john bkcsu6 clerk eitcufifc vuutifif it hih ttnic to put a elop 10 the mischief doing hy ihe letterd ufu canadian itcformtt ar had therefore solicited and ohfatned the services of ano ther keforiner c thia hitler discrepancy you and thu doctor can settle between yourselves un der all tllow cireuiuslaneee while you jeinain enve loped in mich etnuds of diiticulijcs ynu will not be surprised i think that i should nejrlect complying willi all our requests at present however i beg to remark that my wawm for charging ihc admi oistration with being the cuuac ufthc low prices of our export and hili prices of our imports arc to he found in short in my io1i1 letter published iu ihe spectator which reasons not assertions are fair game for anotllcv reformer or any ono else who chooses to lake t hang al them yours arc- a canadian reformer bay quintc oct 26 1835 editoks note the niistnke alluded to was an error of the compositor the writer immediate ly made us acquainted wiot hi negligence and pre viotis to our departure up the bay we left at home a wlip of paper making the correction to be in serted in the first paper this was not done and hence the imsuiidcnmanding it is on ill wind that blows nobody good fur had not a canadian re former fancied he picd a hole iu iris opponents coat he never would have come forth with hi nee- die ami tluead to sew it up lie mut lake care he is not sewn un himself he seems lo be of that opinion likewise for he declines the combat now the ground is clear of incumbrances rideau canal arrived oct lth tho steamer mjtvu uoucn sisyfloxverj n r r si ith li george nith witn ijv nifte a frstk e c towr mvnlder h oui nccs barges bwssitj b nosh i alien epe- cliulcu r ihsurs m tow forstrf e 0 niiihy j- slcled a trua cim greet u jaksii j mo wait i piciiti y wilson kinsstsni achristkg uuqruo i buiu w ware sprcuil kay j bcnlty e houglilon i smttli toronto j- r bnsrio plulps st- cktlisridcij i- k ljihon j b tvrtutic co- piierbu d mekorlum poit kaumofii 1 tttlbull e chendlr btllcillc t biker l mcxabb j osbuto uatttjitoo e ivrry co codoiirg j calvvr nio- vv00j and pivm j v bcmwell k uekeoxit laivh grmflwi p- v a kichot whitby iirj llowirl i tloinipri port hope ll wirli o llauew udth lord orl del motive klnmon 3ut uooorr ko to be let fir a term of years with the right of retfuminij the same if required for ihe public ser vice ihe email dwelling houe lately occupied by the tiiiard at lvcseott or ihe same will be let by the year tersons willing to enter into an agreement for the ming will he required to give security fur tbe doe fulfilment of ihe leaee when immediate posses sion mijht he ohtuiued tenders will be received at this office addreteed to the respective officers of the ordnance until the soih november next 27 to be sol if the materials op tmk block mouse at pftescott ordeonccofikr eafsw 31 uctrr i3js j tenders will be received a this office from persons desirous of purchain the nine address ed to the respective officers of the ordnance king moi until ihe20th noiembur nexr wantsd an active and intelligent ltounc enmanied man capable of taking charge of printing office lo whom a fair salary will he given nnd who is expect ed to board and lodge iu the advertiseis house apply if bv letter post paid to the proprietor of the british whig kingston nov 4th 1r35 for sale at mqntrejlh on terms very favorable fourteen batteaux ca pable of carrhig250 flour all in excel lent order and condition apply if by letter post paid to ii- f esperance grfiin town montreal nov 1s35 276ra purchased by the subscriber all kinds of grass sccdsalso woollen rags patrick egan market place kingston nov 3 1335 27 digger a cft it sioul lliaub i l the statncr djrfws rubins wiili btffm tra- ifliin ami a iruvcfcuiieiit hatteau injcn with iikimii present in iftift coaijner j prartr a- ttus i w varkir j villtiouj ii grtcr iv wilson h- rnurke g ariutron j- me lutil armtroi orccr el c binley j i brywc j sraidi d proriftsi i u a bn- j msciitclivtii f at lienor kiiicton g munro adjutant io1i1 iteift j beany v vvr byu bwhewd a o to- rontj ii clwle rfrmfurj w itjinstin j r mccnullv river trout l- ilarker llnllowollp wemi jh field t a- icxandcr k- mvuuiiei olnrir t uiv d mvnabh j ufhome ilnptiltoni ii l djvy o v bib j jtinrkt blnm jccu tvtctboro fvivi 1 5lin notice the onpnrtncrsliip heretofore existing between tut in kingftloiri u c undtr the name and style of cltarlett willard co and in montreal l c un der the name of henry hart co is this day dis solved bv mutual consent henry hart charles willard kingston oct 30 1835 27 t mwjji dmvward nia b i hbdghtm stanzas robert jeffkrs etatihe formerly editor and proprietor j lb lriu edifot tj use ringuink tt trork ta uitiim arttl etrtm ltlrjurji- lutnj 1 the tiiitfh trir v v v a vniir is mr jeller how gaily dicy spcd when dwtor b loft you in vritotn bissieaj vrsing waudbf tviib iuim dirty jack wiili vur jcit wlnlu tlie climus i fiar was no ch ink in your cltem while tlicre wanted mit owe nfyour jj jrlucllcs torice who lilepoitiiu would 6wfl and ttlkbigof vour glories arid you seemed a grcjl man avcoum possibly be never dieuntingord tik dampers from m i am iire like one waked from a dream you look back t the tr that organ of ribald aturk wiut against dixtor barker you opeud ynur treubes and nit tn ihe blush all our tarter and wench m but opinions stride on while tilings itntrer buh m j what of old passed tor ihundcr now wcisb was wind and ythlj irrcal man as can possibly be sunj dimiuislied toiaodest dimension by jr geeso their nature if such eaekle loud in onn pnnfi but juit whittle and nlioo in it funk ihcy absnnd byrun chrilend five cese alter five worthy twu ugovnigiolo shoil proctor ttatuttn knowles but if had poadpeeii i would call them by iciryl aftet mekenzie olirady ljoau lri not ibrfettin one smart little r stf lo bo when itl wings arc well elijit jds l b i protesl tin hilforry to sec y so you that were wittv and brisk m o tint hearr that of old could h quicksilver bound how it riitksl i i am sure it wev 10or lnan 3 pund mr jeprs cheer up youre tplflttwm m fiillov nutwiillanding the sin of bciin souietinics too mhou- tsmgfa youre not the first wji possibly b youre a rlevr old body ther butler from ha weie i forced by some dread joioniacnl band to change head wlial a fate 1 with some wit iu the land iduitlknowbut til w4whbv0uiwim my old gander ldtoukl then be uiocnes nr- alexander but to h0w tny good will hiaimlffff mv h bctlof i inscribe to your name jump r joy this win le ktr being alwayj your servant c in lln the humanist of coninerors te montreal gin montreal oct 3m j235 you 1 1 mh i h- ewwt j k lrthi slt rx i v init lil hiri meatner jtj u mnliun miliuaie lio ipsii in tvw rtisiicc j whibitison hill a driest 1 prvnlw t jlexhkm ijmk u jaikt o jbtii hiron vi win a trua arnhun a tjrv r kintou 1 1 iknrolj iv mtk nu u k imij lbtli w ivwe j imlty ttironb v- croofc s- vitudorur st- fa ljeriw itward a thomvui llnik port llopo j rtcrjtrnliuil ifelkvilwj j miller dutidas j nrewjrd nwrira j tuylur hahuminj j thirkk bluvultiuwt l minabb ibuultoii 6 ail ed orraiyi tucrtrnmei kivmv nov j tlw steamef lite nmv j tliesldftrtrct tfttrgirtt the viiirieikofii c lirr printer ii ch3reaunf l ii the k llerttttl i iqncmed to tell give the kroner vtedit to the matter be pilfers icmi canal reports oflhis oapcr iottt op qtjeeeo oommerditl hank notice is beretl given bat die rooks of sub snitiun for tile new stock in litis institution will be opened ut the diuereut plnris ob mmiioned be- ihw mi tilrvilny the firl day of dtrtmbcrllm t nt mil- limtr nf ten 111 the rjunn uiul closed at thfvcuvluck kuihc rliv- avcortliuo to the jicr no vctkh1 can suljxiihc for more than eighty shares khtgtivtti at the runv toronto office cftlic cuulf ftnthitkttcim- a s w morru co prtcott hiram norton eq lirftotcii messrs f- r lting twatctihi g- c wood e po7ia jfislicesq lflforrell uelhvulvl htitfh henry esl ort93 anrivms- plain eslliqr xi siiftt lietpnok bctej iitfiem tit pmlatlelphia bri herald cili aus alkrltcn bf trade iiwi do lytatpoft oit- 25 ir- atljtun nii aivnist umcriclc birk tiha2o i1i1 rto filmoniu behoonerspleiuliil id sept uatiiax birk 4iiorgi mmvden m antnst liverpool iti i dcvetofl ltli do urciuiocl oct 20 ship toronto lh siptenilnr lmntun ship onfhltur sul atlft drtttol pwm wm glenn 20th sept bermuda ltnkci4umw33tli ug 1 111- hirk wiidinuu hull link lord ouhtifhury september birk nn 3ulh angom newpnrt ittrk euiim w sipicmwr ijvmimlh ii k opro 10th hpti janurn bark wexf rd iiili vptcrtiber wexford buk effort irtscmomher mitfiird nj pvlersburiilt 3d scplemucr ulhlkoj eriz lloiatini 0i icplcnlr uvvfpto ilri thoiims turner lnli spiionber liverpool rrm annindale 11 sfprruihit uundee bri can flrove 7 da s nem t himii nd uiiaiitiiie kfoabelba ltli savptnmtnt gape biinliiie dfve rll oetulm llalifix selioaiwr uidv smith uj days lluliul oct 27 bk cm ler h uust livirpoid bri baltic soili august yarmouth bri zcplirvr 20th aitgtwt hull s r adell fidaa u t ik r prmli nt ilh anonl ipe port ihpct dnvid siriurt es vttntia2 b evan ksq hamutci gore dist 0 fcrrle ss co a7rt2r7ra james lorkliart etq hmtltm j- o- goodhue eq satuhrhlu dougail co amkerstburgh chas berczy eq a mooting ol the siockhomers in thu institution id called fortucsdny tlie 15th day of doccpiber next at ii o clock in the ibiciioim tt the botik to electa director iu the place of the hon c v grant resigned and other purposes by order of the bonrd f a harper cashier prospectus or the leglnning in the litter end of jooemhrr of dccimtert trill he published no l new weekly periodical to in entitled thk tr a v p 1 fkr or prixcfi ulrwabd uxzette as it is now nearly eleven month since any news- popci has hnii published in the distiicr it is pre- ilimra that tllo ttuvjlbft will receive support from pcrmts of very umy who laying aside their pre judices will unite in eslnmisliin a vehicle for the expression of their wants and wishes their feeling foctrrua at kin3tm on il wtli itt by tin vawtumo attl risirou smart mr kolivrt rihcr tu wisv mmj uoutv imrtll oftllii plate pin in ymn lat o yor tub bmmwb whi ro another reformer- iteli a vou hvetukwi ihe liberty tin tlu i nl fttailiue the m ol your lunncr qiteuon hinwud of ihc pretc w used i trust vou will liiir with me if i umdrttvm 10 iitieci 10 hie mtb perh y tmce think or wi ou iliesoili oil nt hrrklnvtllft ly 1i10 rrr mr mr jmr rtrwno wolliml i 3iu mirv frvtotir i3rvn in ttt wliia fiiiiolrcrs of tin l i lttrtui is rcquott- ti1 iitf letters to the actvriisis in tlu british go- pacts and scraps kta piocutwrti a1 gazette iv uj m ftswatto lli act for iunuie tho stock of wmcrckil bank attujwrliiiirnfum the bank ti sonr who not wishing lrt wnowsjfl hrr nut her out hhe hous pw ibis w1t j voinui foe i rnm who held tlc rnsoncr to bl bi un neaeeahle cot v ht prmt tlut tlic iriotir liad occn isal oroof could be irocuroj 0 wbciber ifci prsun 6j ibo miisv v cojijciim a1tl iuccs wlitro die 11cvv j to i u op will be in qui cok j k amuic a roiiilriiiui intending to h n kltnton tkvll ukiu- out fur ilir last six wcu ftuitlblu t hi lfh hsllttt ut tus himily iind hitlttllo unsuccess- ttm f shoeuin hwl limfs k lui h uutuo of andrew jucardk was coouoit ci wiili lav dn ust by ihu 15 th msgistratcs wwirf tea tun 1 y ll n tllc l fitiout with aac dis is not tho de- loifc the ration althotigli it rtw pr msrricd in ircbnj yet srio tho toarriajo atd a rcal douu wrtlc said to have marriod hirn xvas ugalw r tratei wcronblcd to dismiss ueeart afwrvi in prisoner fur uto prtc mum he lad putu tluofaaab inferior dr ijy uvtaglnihsj it t rtfiiks tliiit liavc irtidt his mjiii dratidthroitklirow 10 jo somthiug i 4 tl n iniiiuficiiirt n undo in etttw w v th vth lid- r milium 1 whii vmi now o he nnd ltivinif kkuctllitlg tu thi wih ni riutrgctfond positions other urtglrt think quite ft retjn ami what yive more w fright to the suspicion u that th re are uonie few corroborauitg circttm suiucc4 nttndin i follows there is ill the 1i1i- lereucc in ihe world hetwixt vntr tpiistirjii is pith- lished in the mvij of the 23d septetiihcr md vuuf ulmtanee ns ptihlihed the 2uth otuher jtitd iftcr 111v notice nnd yet ynu allowed nil thai time to ehipc without cofiwltng it affutitf nltliimnjh cmnpositorhreapt to rniik tniytakesby hwmj iiuu- kill word c yet seldom i helieve change i whole entenec agolii from yotirotmi itjmimtiii in your lat vou hud in your former utililmmliigly chnr- od me ftilli uirtlclimg jo ofmfvwoi ntihi lie- enuse vm had iroig sunnichlii thai i uitiuulmii kcformer wrote nn article kiflted t canadian far mer and therefore coufuuiided the two together fro luiiij o ready to voifmnid them itigitlicr wlieii stilled your pufjw ynu frhoiih hie re- tncill llt vou aiisweied the quttftioin of a canadian fwowc kr your edifictnni i wj advise you lo read t in the whig ol thu 2ut au- stml lisi again vj wtt that your lufaorlthvo un been ohtantfd to coinbht y r4ftttioti hut tlmt hay choenrs oysters for iwo days longer a small iptaittiiyof these superior ovtens warranted frwll from the hed will remain for sae in ihe proprietors balteftu at the font ofcbreree street iviiitm xov 4th 1635- frcsk tirrivafs j ust latulin bj the ubcribcr from ihc iroquois and dolphin djiyee now lying tf the oltava cum- panyti wharf so uhtja bright muscovado uar 5 double refined loaf do oj chest assorted iauuay ytiutlg uvson and bulte- tluti g ptiiwltcoiia line fivnted jahuirn hum 5 pipes cognac lsiandy ulttrd dupny cth hiandy 0 tipes holland 2 line old port wine 3 kihi india madeira g illicit llnwu and uold chciry 3 pilhff i- ltenerifc 3u unarni cai isortlvuux viner l ijimms cud oil 101 ttase liverfmiitl soapi 100 puiiml starcbi 3ewt- new cut livhf 30 lrn is nmlh tfhore 20 maeuarel ithi uoxesdihy herrinu 2i uirrrls siuekholm pitch toras resin 15u cou fredi livvrnool roth aod pininn instead of annually sending away se veral hundred pounds for the purchase of other newspapers whose wishes are often opposed to our own its publisher is pledged to no party whatever lilvoiijh devotedly attached to his kins hi4 hut llerinijs vou votuiiuiily enured the kei tid ui ihs wigt lath 151 ic auguet wiiise dr bar- th he ihottehr w 2d s ith a bc km mirrci tt tors lom aforftneiil r1 ion olt si 135 ii hi h3ewt dlmichuiidhrv aumstrong 2i buufttrv ptltl the conmittition of canada he will al ways be ready and willing co expose any known abuse in the government ony departure from the path ol duty in a servant of the crown and being well owavqthflt the present and fit hnr- prosperity of upper canada mainly depend nn its connection willi the bnuh empire it will al ways be hia endeavor lo cherish that conncciion and to frtidtrate the desipn of those who by dis solving 1 would lead itrt to dctructioik the publisher of the tttavklittl is well acqnainv- ed wiih ihe duties and respouihiliites of the office wbieh he isnboot to assume and he is detennirecl 10 devote liia lime aud talents 10 the support of iho king mnf coustiiution the promotion of morality the diffusion of useful knowledge and the improve ment of the distiici in every rwpect and while he will lerlesly expren hhi own opi nion on any political subject he will carefully col lect and publish the facts on both titles of the ques tion that he may enable his redcr to judge fir themselves and by a judicious selection uf com mercial and agricultural information poetry anec dotes and other amusing ami entertaining cxtracu he hopes to make the ivivtblea a welcome guest wherever it may travel the tjlta at1cft will contain twctttyfutii columns of letterpies and will be piiuled with new type on good paper nnd furnished to subscriber in the village and those who take the paper iron the of fice at twelve shillings and six pence per annum if paid iu advance or beldte the end of three month anil fifteen shiilinea per annum if paid at the expi ration of the year if sent by mail four shillings extra must he puid for pomage and papers will be delivered at 0ttitubtj phices within eijht mils of ihe district town for the sum of two shillings and six pence extra for each pubseriber subscription thankfully received by the pub lishur cci mortimer ihmksdkr ami stationer hallowell u c nov 33-

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