through suei fcfbe iustruincnlaliiy some tfodtfus uw eviisor ireland seems to mi- rim ca are not ql- mcludin the over the le that a period of merry after centuries of afflic tion approaches- t bui more than enough of myself aud yet the question remaiitt how is the influence or k yon please to call it so the power i possess to be termi nated i this is a question which if you were a rational statesman you could answer at once my influence my power is to be annihilated by one mode and by one mode alone bt t6inc justice to iheland do what you ttease to tlds complexion von must conic there is no oilier metlmd of obviating irregular influence and power justice to ikfxand coll complete justice to i a bland this is ihe reme dy this is the onlv way to destroy my power you may trv onv othermcthod yon please but you will not you cannot succeed we fear not your swag gering sword we care not for your exaggerated re port of the number of omngemen they together one hundred thousand old and the over young the halt the blind lame suppose them however one hundred thousand fighting men there are six million five hundred thousand catholics there could be and if absolute ly necessary there would be one million of fighting men in the field ay in the fied men a million of men who would be delighted to get leave to tight but this is a subject 1 hate to dwell on 1 mention it merely to show how futile and foolish any reliance on the physical force of tne orangemen must be now more especially that the conspiracy the treasonable conspiracy among so many of the underlings of that body to alter the succession and to supersede the princess victoria ha in spite of the concealment of the official menials exploded and that the most n6ble grand himself has borne his blushing honors and ray whiskers to the meeting of crowned despots at kaltsch no there is but one remedy and that is to do justice io ireland let but this remedy be adopted and there never lived a man more ready to abdicate all power than i am justice to ireland i insist on justice from england and in legislative connection with eogland i am now ready to be satisfied withthat is ipit be speedily and effectually conceded but if you and your colleagues refuse justice to ireland then i full back on the repeal and conjure the irish to insist and if unanimous ihey will not in sist in rain on the restoration of a domestic legis lature bat it is idle to reason with you or with the rash si ignorant men who constitute your parly in the use of lords they hold a council of war at aps- turkish divan than a british assembly they in des pite of reason or common sense proceed at once to destroy every legislative enactment favorable to jreland yours is in plain truth an exceedingly foolish coterie insanity has seized you all- why only look at wbat you have been doing first take the simple facts and see whether the maniacs in bedlam could act as wildly as absurdly as ridiculously as you and yoar majority of lords nave done now do just look at these few facts this year you and your war baitallinu in the house of lords have taken up the irish tithe hill ns it came from the commons- you have it is true rejected ihe appropriation clauses but it is equally irue that you have unanimously adopted so much of that tithe bill as related to the income and pay ment of the clergy of the establishment in ireland wow tet not this be forgotten ntnher words you accepted adopted and even nrged forward ile iiu regulation clauses of that lift now these clauses jttat did this lltfy took up the tithe composition in ireland as the busts of llie pay ment of the proiestant clergy they struck tm 30 jiir cent ftom that composition that is they redu ced the legal income of every protectant clergyman 30 per cent mark that it is quite true that in addition tu ihe 0 per cent left to the proiestant clergyman there were by the same bill to be added 2 15s percent outofihc tcclesiistical temporalities fund making together as an income for each protectant panou l 15s percent on the amount of his tithe composition in come you and your lords actually agreed to reduce the proiestant clergy from every 100 to 72 15 that is a loss of 27 5 upon every iuu of legal income tbthjhpypm andlymirrlbrdb nut mnv litfreeu m titts year but urged on the government to complete iu his true thai you by another piece of folly i mean the rejection of the appropriation clauses rendered it impossible for the government lo comply but let it not he lost sight of that yon and your apsleyhousc cotartcj being a iffifority of the house of lords mi year agreed to the reduction of tithe income in ireland 27 5s per cent that is to 72 15s for every hundred pounds- but what did you and these some lords do last year why you rejected a bill not containing any obnoxioos appropriation clause and giving the pro- testaitt clergy in ireland 77 10 per ctni this be but understood hail fcur the irish protestant clergy could have got 77 10 a percent secured payable at the treasury but that you and your lords prevented it and threw out the hill this year you and your lords ofieivd and pressed tiiat a bill should pass giving bui 72 l3s percent lo that clergy instead of the 77 q which they might have had if you had permitted them last year and after this you fall back on your insist forsooth that the irish proiestant clergy arc not to be robbed why who is robbing them is ft not you and your war battalion lnst year they could have had perfectly secured to them 77 10s per cent you refused and re jected it this year you offered to take 72 15a per cent but at the same time destroyed the bill which was to secure it was there ever folly absurdityshould 1 not add wickedness equal io this what will you take next year why i suppose you will be delighted with getting g0 pci cent as was at one time proposed the purchaser of the sibyline books was vastly wise compared willi he prriy of which you are the leader and manager but what a party it is you do mmigi how j should like to see a catalogue raionct of the whole winchelsea immersed in fanaticism and fatuity lyndhurst buoyant in legal dexterity and c lineal tergiversation newcastle stammering un- lligible arrogance kcnyon blubbering orange rhapsodies the sinecurist ellcnhorough how long is he to have this sinecure talking low loiyism ond the eagacioun devon more of a clerk still than a lord but am weary of the musterroll i only ex claim asl review the entire he these the masters of the british people arc these the absolute and unaccountable arbiters of the destinies of millions what drivelling nonsense to talk of constitutional lights or liberties of freedom of social guarantees of liberty if these and such ns these be the un controllable regulators of all that in near and dear to freeborn souls two hundred men the tnamcra af millions and the millions dnrhtft in mtmi sinv other denomination than that of slave oh shame but for the present 1 forbear this topic and i come back lo the irish pa it of your colleagues those especially who have assailed me they are lew and foolish and first there is londonderry bless the mark the sapient lon donderry described by an uneducated irishman in terms you would call vulgar but which i believe to be very accural as not having understanding enough to herd ffcese upon a common- i verily believe for mv part he would not know how many he ought to bring home in the evening although i w inch is necessary for ippropnal remedies tio- picty and answer for it he would bring home one goose more ban could bo eaten then there is lord limerick the only man upon whose estate it is a familiar thing to have human be ings die of hunger re has a lame income did any boil v ever hear of hi contributing to a charity and yet this aged being is quic vivacious when any mischief is to be done to irelrud next i should enrol lord strangford but for the present i shall spare him iih ibis caution not to assail me agftiftf else i will publish his hereditary honors in the shape of an act of the irish legisla ture he will understand me and pass me unnoti ced i am indeed weary of describing even so short ly those who have made personal attacks upon me 1 come back readily to the influence i possess in ireland which you call power and simply ask how much you and your party in the lords have done this session to continue and consolidate that power i first you have annihilated the irish church re form bill aud wisely insisted thai the irish protestant establishment should be kept up to the most super fluous extent of inutility second you have rejected the irish constabula ry bill which would have effectually converted the irish polled from a partizau into a protective force diminished its expense while it increased its effi ciency and this you did on the very worst prin ciples of partisanship that is because the bill contained an oath prohibitory of orange or other illegal societies for this most insufficient reason ireland is deprived of an economic and most useful measure third you threw out the irish marriage bill aud left the guilty parent to revel in iniquity with impunity while you inflict all the punishment upon the innocent and defenceless children obi vhftt heads and hearts there are among you lories lay and episcopal fourth you rejected the city of dublin police bill and left that city to the protection of a most in efficient aud expensive police the expenditure over 43000 a year the utility below zero bod this was done lest the bigoted aud beggarly corporation of dumnr altuulu i tare any ttf her bliavlitng liunon tarnished- fifth you effectually cushioned the irish corpo ration reform bill and left the hornets to enjoy for one year more the plunder and the venom of their own corruptions you have given ikvin another year of impunity and speculation although you are aware that there are about 13000 coporotora of all sorts and sizes to manage the municipal ftfikir oi cities and tows comprising more than joou0o inha bitants lastly you have rejected the irish registry of voters bill one of the wisest the most impartial the most useful measures to the purpose of economy and justice that ever was brought into parliament it is quite true that if that hill passed into law no more scats in the house of commons would be dis posed of by oaths of lory committees to you a de plorable conserjuonce after all this black cut ttogue of mischief you may complain uf what you cill undue influence and power but as a rational man 1 srrupe not to nek you what prospect there can be of diminishing that in fluence or power while the only hope of ireland i centered in those friends to whom una concedes thai power and who she knows by experience will per severe in ceaseless exertions until they extort from reluctant and selfish bigotry a lullnuaiurc ofjustice or ireland even the leiter i now address lo you is one of the labors of my vocation it demonstrates to the peo ple of england the persevering malice of those who refuse to ireland any relief or redress it makes the wise and the good in this country understand the pertinacious inhpiity which weighs down ireland and weakens every part of the british dominions i conclude with assuring you there is hut one way 10 destroy the power of the agitators in ireland it is to put that country on a perfect equality of rights privihgci nud franchises whh treat britain w iflfti hilfd ii ti mure we never will be cuiilvuc will less from you we expect no aid you have always hated or despised your own rouulry you never call ed yourself mi irishman r hcic is that almut you so ttiigciiiul as never lo have been shared by any oilihf native of the green and lovely i le- there is another feature in your character perhaps more strange still it is this you are the only man who knowledge of the province the discernment of the most i am amongst you therefore not only as your vernor but as the head of a commission upon whit h the task is imposed of inquiring fully and upon the spot into thecomplaiuts which have been made and of offering to the king and to the councils by which ihc throne issurroumlcd the deliberate conclusions ol the commissioners- there are some cases in which the executive power of the governor will of itself be sufficient to apply a remedy in others though hetfiajlrtt act by himself yet with the help of one or boih branches of the provincial legisla ture he may effectually accomplish what is required there vro others in which the laws and institutions of the united kingdom make it impossible for us ithout the enactments or sanction of the nuihorj- england to effect what is asked so that if thry would be bidding on no sk borne in mind whilst i ties n we were to make laws distinction one if these state to you the command i have received from his majesty and the policy t which i shall adhere i am confident that i shall sitisfy all impartial minds of the magnanimity aud wisdom with which his majesty has listened to your complaints and of the resolution which hui beeu taken to redress every grievance under wlfch any class of his ma jestys canadian subject may labor and of my own determination to do all of which i am capa ble in giving effect to tl generous and wise in tentions as governor i will execute with alacrity impar tiality and firmness whrfevcr i am competent to do of myself as head of i provincial legislature i will zealously cooperate its other members in the redress of every evil ey may hud occasion to correct as commissioner 1 pledge myself that a prompt but careful exaltation shall be made of those still weightier matted lch depend upon the highest powersof the entire and that having with the most anxious thoughtd solemn deliberation arrived at our conclusion the commissioners will state them n ith an earnest of purpose calculated to give an additional force to ths authority which they ought todcrhe from having been deemed wor thy of so gntvio a charge in what 1 slliall now proceed to communicate i is not my desngn nor am 1 authorized by his ma jesty to condtcm or to applaud generally the con duct of any ome the abateuunt of dissensions and the conciliation oftrd verso parties are the objects at which i am the gotfd will of the caned ens of all ranks and clases the confidence of the represen tatives of the people the respect of all branches and members o the government are what i ardently desire to earn aud retain and in this 1 hope to suc ceed because 1 am conscious that my intentions de- r v v tfti ira mm it iimui im rear or rrvcrr as i have promised loacti i will now speak of the things of which you have couipluincdj aud of the remedies which j hope to see applied it is aflirincd that the french origin of the major ity of the inhabitants ufifoavr canada has been made a pretext lor excluding them from office nid employment and for returning them in a state of political inferiority i disclaim on the pan of his mujesiy aiuwf hie british people so ungenerous n motive uuwi long ago become a part of the fa mily on ijrili subjects our constitution recogui7es nothing as a nark for disfavor which may denote the estrangemni of their ancestors in a former cen tury it regarls nothing in ihe present generation as demerit se misconduct the ci which first unid this country wiih the british em pire must inesaarily have occasioned for some tune afterwarif on exclusion of its prior inhabitants from offices ol uovernmeimi and the bias thus una voidable recerd may in some degree hive influen ced even to il present day the course of affair neither is it psiblc in the distribution of political offices at any tone or in any circumstances to be guided entirely ky a reference to the numbers of die individuals wio may be comprized in this or in that class bd i can assure you that in this respect my instruction enjoin upon me the utmost imparti ality and an lutire disregard of distinctions derived from difference of origin fitness for the trust is the criterion to w mainly if not entirely i am to look and 1 1 not hesitatcto avow the opinion that in every untry to be acceptable tu the great body of die pml fr ww of the most essential ele ments of filtie public builion so great is ihe solicitude ofllojebiy to take the most effectual security again l l occurrence of any abuse in the distribution ol patronage ural be has command ed the udopirmyfarraiigoiucika designed to ellict- a fur mors ptfticular uccouut than heretofore of ahfmkiitcibuuj this pnity ttfibhfa dnliegtiuit atuhiuilu in lower canada auid he has been fuj iher pleased to direct that all oflics in his gift ol which theeiuo- luinents shall exceed a staled sum shall not be which can be communicated without violation of confidence or a specific detriment to the public ser vice and in particular i am to offer you the ful lest assistance in investigating every thing connec ted which the revenue and with finance there u scarcely any document within the power of the government which it will not always be willing to av before you except those confidential commu nications with the authorities at home or with its own officers here which it is obvious could not be made public in all cases and at all seasons without estremc inconvcnicncc as an earnest of the sincerity of these intentions i have given directions that a copy of the annual return generally known as the blue book should in future be presented to each branch of the legis lature and since correct information on the sta tistics of the province is an object of general impor tance 1 invite your assistance in rendering all tte- tunis nl this nature as accoraigi and as comprehen sive as possible the too frequent reservation of bills for the sig nification of his majestys pleasure and the delay hi communicating lie kings decision upon them is a grievance of which his majestys government are solicitous to prevent the recurrence i shall consider the power of reserving bills as a right to be employed not without much caution nor except on some evident necessity his majestys govern ment also undertake on their part to bestow the most prompt attention on every question of thisna- itlrc which may be brought under their notice and especially that no measure having for its object the institution in the province of any colleges or schools for the advancement of christian know ledge or sound learning shall hearaflcr be unneces sarily dejerred connected with this subjects is the lapse of rime which it is stated has on various occasions occur red in conveying to the legislature his majestys answers to their addresses it is very possible that delays which all would regret may have taken otac some instances perhaps occasioned ikis alt nod gre incss without having once used ii enormia or ennobling sentiment thei c is nothing in your composition yon or tronage of the ll divinior were never accused of bringing forward modest unpatronised merit ihcobjcct of your p were and are your paiasites or worse you a so were never suspected of one generous action again see what your history ns a statesman is one mouth you declare publicly that you should hr mad if yuii were to accept office lhtnext month found you premier again you declared that the old rotten horouzh and nomination system was the perfection of human wisdom yes it is literally true you called ii the perfection of human wisdom and now forsooth you are u follower of thctamworth reformer who only prints for power to cmeud ihe blessing of re form to all the branches ofthestulcl fur the present i have done with you my next 4 epistle shall b tu your reforming col league sir robert peel in reply to the impudent specimen of dajmrop hypocrisy exhibited by him at tamwoith i have the honor to hr my lord duke wiih all the ceremony of courtesy your obedient servant daniel oconnell gostoito came down in stt of the legislature and heiuo provincial parliament of lower canada council chamois october 27 1333 tins day nl one oclock his excellency lord to open the session sealed on the throne the assembly was called up and attending ut the bar hi excellency delivered the following speech gentlemen of the htgixtattrc council qetttletiun of the iiohxc nf jistmhly it is in no ordinary circumstances that i meet you aud consequences of vnst importance depend on the impression you may receive from my word dissensions have almost nrrostcd the course of go vernment the supplies required fur carrying into execution the hivvs by which society is hrltl luge titer have now for a considerable period been withheld the most urgent nud conflicting statemeuis of nu mcrnus grievances bv adverse nuriics ha vebecn borne but accompanied on that the minis- r nf the crown mifht not havo thai pracivnl io the ilirone of his majesty with expressions of an apprehend or iroluuged by circumstances which no activi or zeal in ttvwtirf dduwlvivebviftted but ilts majesty takes so deep aid ifl may use the expression so pergonal an interest in the affairs of this country that his minister have received ihe most unqualified commands to lay before his majesty immediately on its ar rival in england every communication which ei ther branch of the legislature may address to the throne and to see that his majestys answer be conveyed to the province with the utmost pos sible dispatch there have been several complaints of other mat ters suuh as uf the undue preference of the english the french langinge of improperly calling on the judge tbr cxcnrjtiilical opinions on matters which might subsequently come before them for decision of an interference in the elections of the representatives of tile people and of other mutters fin which i should scarcely have thought it iktcs- riiry to mikr any specific observations because i funiisturoyob generally nml without reservation that ntty course of government liable to such iu- nulaliuns would be marked bv the displeasure of his majesty and because i nply upon you giving nw o much of your confidence as not to sujiposc be forehand that i shall subject myself in these res pects to any jusi reproach with respect however to any undue pariiality to theengltsh language it may not be mipcrfluuus omittances j to apprise yon more explicitly that his majesty dis approves ynd is desirous to discourage any prevent the adoption of any practice which would deprive either class ol ii is subjects of the use in their official bcfes of that tongue with which caily habits and education may have rendered them most familiar and that il you should deem it requisite to patsa law for securing boih the english and french inha bitants of his province against any disttdvhliiae arising from an undue preference to either language i should be prepared willingly to assent lo the ittta- sure it has been rrprestmlcd as another gricinnco that exorbitant foes have been charged in some tif the public oflices i have not yet been euflietittlj long in the province to have obtained accurate inturma- lion on this ftnhjccl hut i am willing to concur with you in u revision cf the faes of every office in the province and in the appointment should vlhi think it expedient of a commission of enquiry for that purpose hi mjosty bur no wuu on thesub- jeci but lhat remuucin ion of a i public oiliccis from the highest to the lowest should be so regulat- ed as to provide for the esicieni discharge oftbe public service m object which cunnot cffccluully ut wtifii w iwncm aw sm ki rcv rttiv jii oris employed bytu pujdic i would readily cooperate if ii he dcsiredi with a committee of boih houses or of either hoise in an ordinary expenditnre of the government earnestly request of you to pass such votes as effect the liquidation of these arrears and pn for the maintenance ef the public servants p the enquiry by tho commissioners to which i alluded should you place the government position i am authorise to engage that no pi the surplus proceeds of the crown revenues may accrue beyond the charges to which present peimauently liable shall in the inte the commissioners enquiry be applied to a pose vvithoul your assent as connected with ihc subjectof arrears i further comnvtnde 1 to a 4c of you the repayment to the military chest of the sum advanced under the sanction of his m ijettye government to meet the present exigencies of the public service- this ad vance was exclusively made from british funds fc the purpose of avoiding any undue interference with the revenues under the control of the assembly and with a strong persuasion that it would not pr judice the satisfactory adjustment of anv of the nu tions at issue between hia majestys government and the house of assembly however the mea sure may have been subsequently understood such were the feelings wiih which it was adopted it it obvious that this application does not call on you to grant the smallest amount more than would hare been required if there had been no advance his majesty therefore hopes that an issue marie in re liance on th just and liberal feelings of the house o assembly and designed for mi other purpose than to prevent a highly inconvenient interruption of the general business of ihc province will be cheerfully repaid in the absence of any legal provision f r the pur pose 1 took upon myself iln responsibility of coih tinning theciaraniinc establishment at orosselsle on the same footing as i bund it relying on your liberality to uiikegond an expenditure thus incur red solely for ihc public advantage i am happy to state that the establishment was closed at an ear lier period than usual in consequence of there ha- vtigbeeivfm several wttks pieviouvlj no sick of any description its ilk hospital 1 a rail myself of this opportunity to suggest hi you ihe expediency of inidemnifying the proprietor of the island forir past occupation in the public service and of eoa bling the government to should the chiiinunnrci ill lion be deeiihrd advisable i have to annjfiicu that the suit inmtutcd by the crown against tho lute reaivor vcnerul for th debt due to the prnv imc llns been brought to a ter- minaion uhiih inak tin estate of tho defendant applicable to ihe ntifactiiiu of the demand of the province i may also announce to vnn f pirty against whom ihi jthlginwtt has been litis come to the dehruiinaiioi t relinnuih jrantcdt except under ihe public seal of the pro enquiry not only into certain rules of practice made mice in pursuance ol warrants to be issued fur lhat purpose by uismqjcftty complaint is also u incompatible offices are in sonic casts held by the same peison in whatever degree this grievance may be found lo ex ist his majesty has signified to me his expectation that it should be comi qpletely remedied commeuc- with ihe highest i have formed the opinion that by the courts of law which it ha beeu stated ul addresses to the thrond have exceeded the just authority of judges but also into all the practice and proceedings of the superior tribunals with a view to rendering them more prompt and methodi cal aud less expensive i apprehend however thai ifter such an enquiry it might not be iu the power of the governor alone to apply any effectual remc- i not consistent with the wholesome jdv the concurrence of both branches of the provin cial legislature iu passing an act for that pur p03e the clergy rvsstvea arc among ihc most exten sive of tbe subjects adverted to in the complaints from iw province the whole question with the draft of a hill for the adjustment of ihe claims of nil parties has been already submitted to the de cision of the legislature but was lost apparently by some misapprehension of the intentions of hjs majestys government a3 the best means for re moving this misapprehension i shall cause to be communicated without delay copies of the earl of ripou despatches on this subject and invite you to resume the consideration of the proposals they contain gcntlemm of the house of assembly to both branches ol the legislature i am rised to offer my warrants for the payment contingent expenses i have received the commands ofyour most gra cious sovereign to acquaint you thai his majesty is disposed to place under the comroul of the kepre- setiwoves of the people all public money payable to his majesty or to lus officers id the province whether arising from taxes or from any other ca nadian source but that this cession cannot be made except on conditions which m ist be most maturely weighed and that to arrange such conditions for your consideration is one of the principal objects of the commission wiih which it has phased his majesty to charge myself and my colleagues our enquiries into this subject shall he pursued with unceasing diligence and the result hall be submitted with all practicable speed 10 his separation and independence of thejhmcipal bodies of the government and wiih the dignity ofihcir members that outofihc limited number ofkxeca- tive councillors in tins pioviuce several should hold offices under the legislative council aud house of assembly i desne however that it may be undcratood that no dlssutiidaclion with the conduct of ihe members of ihe uxeeullvc council nor any mark whatever of his majestys displeasure is intended to be conveyed the immediate retire ment of those gentlemen might embarass or inter rupt the proceedings of ihe court of appeals but 1 feel it my duty to import to them the conclusion to which uiyitimd hedcome 1 shall communicate the same opinion to the proper authorities at home audi entertain no doubt that as soon as their places can be supplied according to the forms prescribed by law effect will be given to the wish they have expressed to relinquish their seats my views are not limited to those cases no union of incompatible or incongruous offices will be wil lingly acquiesced in by me liut i wish to be understood as speaking of offices of which ihe duties canuot conveniently or wiih propriety be discharged by the same person in some instances the division of offices is merely nominal and the duties are more conveniently discharged by one person than they could be by two in other instances the saktry of the offices is so small or its duiy so seldom called for thai without a union wiih some other the employment could onlv be made ac ceptable to a competent person by an increase uf employment it is suited as a grievance that the government has at various tunes refused to give the legislature access to accounts unci other documents which were necessary tor ills prosecution ol its eubuines and that ihe lxecunve has not in all caes com municated when requested the despatches which have passed between i colonial department and die hwsl government his alnjcsiys government ear that the assembly have been exposed to some inconvenience tv this aource ii l autho- of the source the vvuehliimuisiructedh fiihuw is a freed ull uiiiicccesiiry rstt fn u la a irccdom uoi i nn iiiiniiiled lowitli- nn lit i rnvlncial jilntur iy majes- overnment and i holden in the ensuing ye liefore you proposals lor a satisfactory and cvnclu lope m a session to be r 1 shall he abu to lav wve arrangement i have dmircd that ihe accounts w sary to shew dw phmiiciul state ol with an estimate for ihc current oui mined to you is hhuii us iiosriiia- a itch ihe all are uvecs- pruvi itl m nation rtpeciimr ihr jllbrd bhnll be err io tli ii wi furn lich i ishti esc neeuutiis show ihe huge i due for sitlnricsto imblle olfievn h aild be suh- vjy expla- imv mivv- obtain possession of it lre of a quarantine 8u at th giei qiuli his scat iu the legifrhtuiru ufthe province and tr abstain and privileges attack exercise of all lights sri iroill he ed to it gzntumcn of the ts contii gcntlemt tif the hume tf iaw hw iii roquetnicyorir attentttm to such lures as ittav have re cntlv expired i meml to ymr more ration of which un ullbctird the system of stiictteri- proctty requisite to be nminminrd in our commer cial intereo nrse with the uuiied state i allude t tie act pasl in the f mi mi year ufthe reign ofhia tresent mhjcwiv ei it hied m act to coiitinuu lor lo useful beg 10 rccom iinmedlutc notice otc theexpi- sent m imited tiu neutioned rt- ay v and itlml led an iitnchd tl cidh uue at the i would the whole qi and the cxti ct to coiitinuu lor rrrtain acts iherem ction of ihe rev if this rtmaftear v h0vif4ul iitland piirh ah0 ivcnmm iid to rsiiiiii o d methods than at pivst 111 exist lo which regret to say appc3tt 10 in thc province ol the comilllssion of which i have spoken to you it will le ihe lirst and mot ursent duty to pre p ire with ddibe nron and the nrtihitft ca and yrt liiads of a hi pr ffivtoff up it yoar cousidcrition v son and i isou discipline ucy ofadoptina sumo innrecflbctinl repressing crime appears to be uil ihc increase it will f re with de lout tie nppropi pftlia hnuwof ascmbiv lltetlcu r and o without dehiy ih the npprcqtiiioi proceeds of the llercdirary ue venue aiu t pr pare it iu siwh a tmi that it in iy bo acceptable to the various uuthniiiiesnhookanciiin i nuv rctjuiff or under whose cinimcc it may dime in what form pfeciscly ihihiinporsnul conrassinn may be fr lintly math it would nuw beouinf race it disrtis hm it wilh ntvsary tliat two puiuts should it secured i t i ilitt thi mmmgimiicnl of the source of thai revenue of which the proceeds ore to be ip pfnpriuitrd by ihe house of asmbl hiuld here nerved to the oiihvrs of the crown whosi accounti will ho open n ik inmnniiin ofthp leifhiiniy o lac fro vi ih j kcontiiy tnit a pruvisum should be made for the support of the executive govern mem and for the salaries of ihe judges by an adequ civil list the mui mires orit it i ngiintid questions rcspcciiuj the ib dail ihe rrffulry of tiile4 and all the complicate cmsideiinions connected liiercwiih ivih also cnrm r anhjeel fur ilio veuw of ilic oonunb- sionirs and thy nm dirceted lo make a complete investigation of iim conllieliiiff claims ofltlc crowo and tlie somiiiuy of it tiulpirc wiiliiu the suigoti ory of montreal what constitution oiidcourm of proceedings woull bu- most ndvantigcous for the execuitve guuncil what system for the general education of the people how thc collection and ap portionment between the two provinces of the du ties of customs levied within the waleralf the st lawrence may he best arranged and what prin ciple ought hereafter to he takei as a guide in gram nig or refusing to companion or aocwtiona an- powers to he exercised or priiicic8 or capacili to be enjoyed within the province are also nu ijons on which tbu commissi nera must report the crown there are still graver nutters which have made the grounds of petition to his majesty lespecimg which the commissioners arc not p eluded from entering into an enquiry bui itwou be gainful to speak here of dissensions between o legislative uodicswhom 1 address or to pitulatethe faults which have been found with constitution of cither body by the other let invite you rather to follow that example of forbe ancc moderation and of mutual respect win notwithstanding their dwvercnccs of opinion heon recently exhibited by the two houses of tk imperial inliament this moment as it seems to inc is a portunity for good 01 fr exil let me entreat you that it may not be lost or thrown away lowej umada is divided by two parties and each of theo appears to lie nested by apprehensions which trust ate exaggerated to the canadians of french origin i would o not fennhot there is any design to disturb inrm ofsocnty under illicit von have so long beta contented mui proajieroue however diftcreut those of her colonists in other parts of the bngland cannol but udttlire the social arrangem by wliidi a kinall nnmhur uf enterprising colo lltive grow pow r and happy ol agricultuists nmuikulle fur the domestic virl roruchecrfhl endurance of labor and privation lertncsa and bravery in war there is t ol tiidfuvoring tu break up a system wl great of wi i may iv it haul rvftrrve litciiis ituit nre now nl lur fli ither illouff suatuine u l olioo nin nud foster ti huud under ao much ul ptiuhitimi wiihoth he exi mur- england will irol jo run rliw ut 1 uimlivultfj lhc cart ii rjcji jfpojd cutiditcii mid oi i ci euld liuus ivi uhose cxauiplf tratrqi