Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), November 3, 1835, p. 1

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the british whig and general advertiser for the midland district published semiweekly vol iv optper ru oncftt d i c o h by e j barker m d the british whig assiiweekly journal devotod to commercial und wi6cuofofc4uon it pauwicj every tuoidty ami friday by dr biiwer 1 ropriwr m nil office in incitdjortoth commercial hotel kingston u c tuesday november 3 1835 frfovrhvbrmsh whig mwim shilling tndmpcnco per annum if paid in advance r within three thiom lh oftholirrt numlwr j nmlonc pound if collected aitta nd of the rear exclusive of postage no iubjciin received for less thtnu mnntlis and no kjr ditcontinued until all atreaiagea tiro pai up except at option ofihe publisher tbbrttfatntentf si line and enjersa gil first inter urn md74d i i p- riu toil hues ind un- drr 3 4d firit inssrtion and 10j each subsequent insertion alof ten lines 4d per lino air the first insertion ami id per list lot every mbsemjent insertion advertiscnents without vrilien directions arc interred till fcrm and chred accordingly orjcrs for discontinuing tdrertisemenutouein witting prodqec of every hind received in payment v nulctlculaken io ttxcciit fiom agents unless post paid letter press printing foeitftedwith neatness and despatch upon terms unprecedently tow jo upper canada i all work to bo paid for wiihin three months oftor exc- i i n kiniton aug- 1835 3 the subscriber announces to hia fitends and the public that hehae removed to those very extensive premises in front street next to the building formerly occu pied hy the commercial hank where lie oilers for wea very sxttinrfvo aud general assortment of british and foreign staple faxcy dry goods a well attlbefoltowtii groceries c viz 100 chests tea vaiious sorts 20 hbde refined sugar 20 muscovado do- 50 kegs plug tobacco 20 doses caendih do mtccoboy and uappce snufls puntand cod oil 6ltpetre fig blue and starch white and colored paints and black lead mustard in jar spermaceti candles tallow candle spermaceti wick new article liverpool and montreal soap jteftwoil olive oil in hhds and pipe uwjcarej and herring- 30 hhd cognac brandy rich flavor strong proof otard dupuy co and other favor- he brands bordeaux brandy schiedam geneva and hamhurg sin punchcnns jamtica spirits proof 1 to uppr canada whisky uuarter calks of old madeira approved vinta- i blackburn oliviero jc ooa brand xerxes slurry london particular tencriflv antl the most exten sive and bcntfi assortment of red and white njnbsi worthy the attention of country merchants and tavern keepers bottled wines eitt india mftriuira brown mid gold sheny genuine ow port shilling chnmpnigne jollics 13 mid porter hitibcrts and dunbars brown stout t ir pints and quarts cwes of schiedam jin s t o v e s 100 2j to 3 feei stoves tonking stoves 200 boxes window has various sizes boxw 1 v i x tin theoojs cntimeriucd ami all liia importations k peculiarly deserving the notice of the public rl ihe id vantage or llic whnrves and premises he fccunies lor iltc general purposes of trade and ihe rrmsupon which his stud is ulwnyti lum in through m friends in moiitrcnl enable him to sell js low as kt montreal prices advances ill be made upon all consignment of produce for sale her or for shipment to hit friends u montreal- the charges will be linuid moderate thomas micxwer khutsmn august 32 1855 7ff advertisement j o h n o it i p h a n t merchant tailor begs leave to inform his friends and the public generally that he has just arrived from quebec wd montreal with as compleie an assortment of poods in his line as m ever oftercd in kings- wo amongst which will he found the following m westofenglancl lslack blue olive invisible green london brown and delhies cloths single wlld black caftsimcrc vesting double milld ubveaad brown cloths double and triple milld t staimeres and l kin do illack peiersham id best quality of pilot cloth c r with trim- inge and every thing iii the business line which ran eupply the trade wiili on reasonable terms r cash five or sis firstrate workmen a suit of clothes furnished in twelve irs n b the latest fashions for hed kingston i3ih october 1833 october just re- 22 hotioe- t or stolen a blue camlet cloak lined scarlet aud padded throughout with flannel information respecting it will be thankfully rc- d and a suitable remuneration be given for its very by applying 10 this office ton oct 20th 1335 23 lkaags removal imes hall respectfully informs his friends 1 public that he has removed from the tavern bid lately occupied by him in johnson street to i tavern situated at the foot of store street and by the late mr fagan h is thankful for the liberal support lie has since his commencement in business and wes his friends that his attention will always be ted to keeping bin house supplied with the vc- best wines liquor mgkton oct 13 115 23if the assignment made to us of the debts o due to the late firm of mulholland twig ia how rc- leased in invor of mr henry mulhollnml to whom all the outstanding dcbia nre tn be paid arthur foster daniel cafkry a cameron kingston 7th oct 1635 notice mr henry hart having violated the article of agreement and copartnership existing between him and me i hereby give notice that ihe co-part- nership is held thereby dissolved and that i e he no longer responsible for anv act be may do in the name of henry hart co of montreal or charles willard co of kingston anil further i hereby notify thecrediiors of the firm of c w co io forward to me their accounts for adjustment as i have determined to resist mr harts attempts to possess himself of the assetshich i hold solely for the benefit of the consignees and creditors the creditors of henry hart co will see the propriety of looking to him for the settlement of the nffiiirs of that linn charles willard kingston 12ih october 1635 214 notic just received and for sale by the subscriber one hundred and sixty bohemian martin caps james linton a u kingston oef loih 1s35 family grociy provision store patrick bgan offers for sale in ji the prcnitossnn the market btiaorc frebn lately occupied by mr soinlau a wll reasf selected assortment of teas groceries spices tobacco stone ware corn brooms and almost every article in the provision st grocery line at extremely low prices having purchased his goods- hiinseli fiu coali ouij in ic montreal and new york market market square oct 20m 1835 23 corn brooms v hiiisks just received mid fur sale by tins subscriber 50 oum dfouns vlttvs patrick egan market square oct 20th is35 s3 to farmers cash paid for produce of every description by patrick egan market square oct 30a 1315 23 ho 27 just received anil for pale fcv the subucribep english mould candles starch blue liver pool soap white ditiv 20 urls north shore fkrring w ith a variety of seasonable dry gondii m1cjvwbr ki ngston oct mgth is 25 thk sew steam boat rfttsh lemons a few boxes just received and far sale bv ihe sub scriber patrick egan market square oct 20th 1835 23 stoke ware flower potsmilk pans churns cream and pickling jars and every description of stone ware for sale by patrick egan market square oct 20th 1835- 23 to housekeepers indigo logwood salt ivre peailash am root sal eratus nutmegs and spices of every kind ground and whole kept for ate bv patrick egan market square oct 20 1805 23 apples a few barrels of genesee pippins for sale bv patrick ecan market square oct s3ftf 1s35 21 tobacco fc snuff for sale bv the subscriber mrs- g b millers lorillards fine cut tobmgoi in l 8 ot papers do moccotjov scotch raiee aud american suufli patrick egan market square oct 83rf 1835 21 farm io jlet o- sett an improved farm comprising 302 acres of good iijui whereof 100 cres arc improved and under cultivation with a good fuuuc lloue harusand outhnustes to be lei or sold the eituuiiuu is nn- deniahle being within five miles of kingston on tin bath roid immediate possession can be given apply to the subscriber charles everitt kingston oct 21th 1335- 232m prize 3iedals it is hereby announced that the natural his tory society of montreal has resolved to oskrfoor medals for the best essays presented during this year medals are offered accordingly 1st for the best essay on th comparative num bers of the ancient and modern aborigine of amuri- ca and on the causes whether moral or physical ol their graduul disappearance 2d for the best essay on the cauaue of the ri ver aud gulf of st lawrence 3d for the fcesl essay on any scientific subject at the discretion olihe writer 4th for the best essay on any subject connected with literature generally the conditions ore 1st the essays shall be presented on or befiiru the 20rh of february is36 2d the essay may he in french or english 3d the names and residences of the author must he concealed io ensure which each esa shall have a motto and shall be accompanied by n sealed note superscribed with the same motto aud containing the name and residence of the author this note shall only be opened in the case of the essav being declnred worthy of a prize otherwise it shall be destroyed 4th the successful essays hall remain the pro perty of the society- 5th the society reserves tu naelf isitt nht to withhold the prize should no one oi the essays on any particular subject appear deserving of it the essav s are w he addressed to a- r- holmes m d corresponding secretary o the socwiva r andrew b armour 13 1835 utardiag murttvrg oct toronto crcvpomunt will wpv ad iwemeni three ii sn cljargfl ie advertiser to let part of a comfortable family residence situated in the most desirable port of the town apply ru lhc bdiws ssomi oct 2ji 1835- m commodokk barrie capi james mkcisaibi will lu remainder of lb season perform her trips un the bay and river as follows will kavc kingston for the hoy on mondays thursdays and return on tuesdays and fridays will leave kingston for pftacou on tuesday and friday evenings and rctuih on wednesday and sunday mornings kingston 36ih oct is35 paosperns of n new yvcclilr ncwumpr io be entitled the ahiioy of upper canada or th jokxal of cokmerce 5p aclucvltcflt of iiteba tvfle alib or ttlucs it is the same with newspapers as with steam boats canal an roil roads as increased facili ties and new accommodations are created an in creased denrmd immediately follows thousands of poisons travel daily who but for steamboat would remain it homn rail roads have convcd millions of human beings and tons of merchat rtie innumerable which if such work had never hen cluuled must have remained siaiionary f he projector o the eric canal m scofted atae a visionary unworthy of attcnlioil- the idea ol cutiiiiar a ditch through hundreds of miles of unin habited forest appeared to many to be ridiculous tlmtconal has however roved a vast source of national wealth and has ached value to the state ol new york beyond all calculation and is become perhaps the greatest thoroughfare in ihe worlds the press has the powtr of contributing more than any tiling else to the promotion of public iltt- tmb subscriber will at all times pay cash for good merchan table mteat it tit mill waterloo and at his store house upon the him john kirhve wharf for any fjuantity of pork and potash i w yakkeft kingston october 23rd 1835 23 gkkuaa pomorfictt quebec iiik october is35 the undermentioned new pnstoflces am coin mismuneil to go into oporadon in upper canada iroifl this day inclusive baasib township of vespra home district jtf- sandtord post master coldwavrh townvllin of tay home district thmuos g anderson post masttr goodrich township of goderich huron tract- edward griffin post master hope township of k iwillinmsbury horue dis trict i d wilton post master motatnutth- townshipnf cornwall eastern dis- trictirftw oizwt p mnsttr oakviub township oftrafhluar gore district ivttu clushutntc post master dis at ioi is and newspaj ers like other public j oinund for thcin us ihcy work begct n incivave are made more interesting mid increasingly useful many persons think ther- nre already too many newspapers in upper cardn it any hero he which are made the vehicle of dander the originu- ttir of falsehood uid misreescntation thcabeitnrs of disaaciiou the promoted of discontent and dis- satifiictionif their cohunra arc polluted by a dis graceful love of dirtraciion displaying a indiciiit fueling which induces or pewits a wanton attack on the character or feeling of indiiduals ard more especially when tllia is done for the purpose of sup- potting a miserable and coriemptibltf tpiril of par ty if there arc any newspjers of this description they arc a bane to any courry and ihe sooner they arc extirpated the better this howftver can only fat done by the increased intelligence and improved tiste of the public and the exigence of such an cl rather than proving that there are already too many newspapers fur nishes un argumeiil in glvtfj of additional ons of a better class and conducted upon higher principles when it is the ardent dcrc of editors of public journals to assist in the extension of our commerce and the improvement of out- ngriculture to disse minate knowledge to promote and support our puhlic improvements to jtcry disunion and to allay uucallvdfor diseontert to become the advo cates of order and union in the cause of the general welfare and above all who an editor makes truth his tnoito and an inflexible adheieucc to its prac tice newspapers conduct upon such principles can rarely be too numerous at least so far as the public are concerned and should they become so die fetttbel to the publisher wt fa the a m 0 other cases where the suppv exceeds the demand willi a dctermiuati ion li e governed so far as he is abh by such views tu editor of the alrion 4ii uppki canada begs wive to introduce hitn- wirto the public the albion of rppeh canada- will in jhft firt instance b publimted 0vry sft- tnrday on a large double ieci of good popor and with new type lis leading articles will br devoted tn the com merce lhc ngriculture oihi ihe public improvement of the colony it will be luetic the ennsunt aim of the editor io introduce ucd t variety of literary and scientific subjects as will u the ramo tinwnmuse and instruct feeling aisuivd that such incidental reading is beyond every tiling ehw adapted by improving the public tate to lead the mmd from the exciting and debavhig irriucucc of party politics the albion will contain the most recent political news from kurope logethft with the most interest ing local intelligence hon u parts of knglaud ire land and scotland a comparative weekly iiemcnt of horoinctrical and thcrinonirtricil obwivation taken on the shores of lake huron at toronto and in lower canndot an abstract will be nivci nf the debates of boih houses of uu- flritwh 11 1 i i inen i a i id a correct ro port of the proceeding ofho ijpplr canada pro vincial parliament a weekly price current of il dtsciipiioiisof farm produce in the city of toimito monthly lists of battkru ts deaths alaniapcs nnval and military pmmuiioiivo l country ailvnries wim he etubiilnd throuhoul the pro vince lbrihcpnrhwti nfolainiiig such local coin tyhinioation a way be mtvicdiingf advcrticmitts will be inserted on the usual names of aulwcriheni w ill be received at the al rion 0f vpth south ba firmer of the market bull- ifincf mr itowscll statioio no 223 king street mr- ditiv stationer king mreer messrs ward si collinm printer new itfckt toronto and at every post olvlce iii he province n 15 the price of tin paper will he four dl- inrs per annum payment in advance hallyearly all letters must be po piid toronto september 15 orillia township of south orilha home trier u i4j post master oao township of orn home district jo povt master mcaskatowiliip of menttoi western districu wm amhridgc port master snutrono townbjp of downie huron tract jjm u dnitey post matter saint gkoicrtowiump of dumfries gore die cf ict f stanton post master but iu tajiruiio jowrhip of wilhainsburg eastern dutiickgrg twt post muster woodstock township of blandferd loudon district- tfwmas s htiortt post master t a staynbr deputy post masta general iuitfojt2lxas7s mr- jksxis can conveniently qcctmhijodattj three more voune tfeiiileuivii as boarders w will be prcpjrnl n lolt 24 may b required nr siun or the comitmij lion madeai his academy h school o at hi rtidmi ocioiwr 26h late gc ihe leunied profe apptleuiion may hp tu the lancastrian ut bliw r- 253ts tu his grace the duke up wel- liinfiton london srpt srt is35 mr lorn l kr llkn sktpcrt the latter is certainly my case i hav bad great ness thrust upon me i am deeply convinced that it is also but in a different mode the case of your grace and in ihe fellowship of this conviction i proceed to settle a short account which stauda un closed between ur you arc reported by all the new papers of the last week i care not in what debate to have said of me these two things first that 1 had been convicted of a misdemeanor and afterward promo ted by the irish government- secondly that i have more power than any individual possessed since the revolution of 1gss ti c first assertion my lonl permit me to tell you is totally unfounded and you ought to have known it to be so the second is a ross exaggeration and you must have known it to be so we may dispose of the flrt in a few words- you have more than once made this charge against me publicly in your place in parliament and i hove of ten in my place in the other house distinctly and emphatically contradicted it tins should have put you upon inquiry into the facts before you ventured to repeat the calumny nay more you had the proof in your hands that your assertion was unfounded because when you first made it in the house of lords it being oven tfjwu vtiiwjatvs ikmvi emflft bft icaror jn jid nf you moved for a return of alt the proceedings gainst iik that return was made that return was primed by the house of loids it waa in your hands jt showed indeed thai there were eleven in- dictiuerts against me several of them charging me with sedition and a conspiracy for seditious purpo ses but every one of them every indictment that charged me with any moral oivcnce abandoned up on the record by the attorney gcner1 no man everhutd another more than lord an glesey hated me he is not as yon my bird know a wise man and i hud hurt ins vanity the greatest offence that could be committed against a vafa and unwise man lie accoidingly bated me cordially and mr ijlackburne his attorney general whom you more congenially continued in office rivalled ilia lordship in animosity yet so totally false were the cluireeein these indictment lhatihey were pub licly and on the record given tip by that attorney general this you had in the printed return there remained one indictment it was for dis- obeying a proclamation yes literally for disobey ing a proclamation without any illegal or improper nicnl bein so much as alleged i insisted that it was no offence to disobey a pro clamation and relying on that plain principle of law i declined to plead to that indictment having first secured these terms that no attempt should be made to proceed to judgment without giving mc the full power to have ihe twelve judges in ireland and litiallv the houc o lords to decide whether or not il was an offence to disobey a proclamation of couivc the matter proceeded no larthcr and thus 1 was not only not convicted but i was not tri ed ntall aud you clearly should have known that your charge against mc was entirely destitute oi fict for the present i imve done wiili this part of the casf fcituply cautioning youuguhisiaiiy other repe tition of this calumny yon shall not repeat it with impuimy as 1 will feel it my duty to expose such injustice to the british people who already under stand you nearly 9a well as i do and your entire career as well as the tone and temper of your mind are quite familiar to tur one word as 10 the promotion you say 1 have re- ceivud whv it atj neither place nor petition of fice nor etnolument it iuu actually more useful to ottnife ihn it afr h ne it rtitly is vrry undgri- hed in you to quarrel with it it is but a patent of precedence costing the public not one penny- mere precedence and that below my standing st the bar of no value at all tomcat present that i have almost entirely abandoned my profession irouhl have had it before the emancipation bill it was on your part and on that of your parly a gross injustice not only to me but to my clients to my numerous clients someofwhoro were orange men and the very great majority ofwhom were pro testants not to have given mc that precedence twenty yearo sooner industry and above all pro vidence had given mo those faculties which placed mcin the first business in my profession for twen tyfive years i had the misery of seeing my juniors in standing and inferiors in the profession one after the other put over my head placed before me and given those opportunities of success which were but of little value to them but would have been of incal culable importance tome how often have ire- turned home from court heartsore and pitying myself for being the victim of the injustice not of the law for the law was silent on the subjectbut of that fell spirit of ascendancy whicfi you still cherish with as envenomed a fidelity as if the penal lawa and test ami corporation acts were still in full force it therefore is very unbecoming of you to reproach any persons with doing me a tardy justice when you and the men wbo thought and acted with you so long and fo shamefully withheld it but injua tree gross palpable injustice is not only the mot to but the daily practice of the party iu ireland to which you are and always have been so strongly devoted your second assertion namely 1 have more power than any individual potmtssed since the revolution ta i fth i till more uoffcriunaje him the first i have no power properly so called i have it is true some influence nay considerable influence i discover occasionally that i possess more influ encc than i could previously trust myself to believe wtfihj yva owgrenai twi pmhcv iif yaps glomes hut then if you have any thing of the statesman a bout you should you not ask ay aod answer these questions that has created this power what con tinues this powerhow is this power to be extin guished 9 to answer these questions it would be necessary to understand the past history and present state of relandand this my lord you do not do i must therefore endeavor to assist you in the first place you will admit that i do not owe ihia influence 10 the advantages of superior birth for whatever my pride of ancient diieftainry may be i am but the son of a private country gentleman nor do i owe this influence to superior fortune for mine is but a small competence and the balance of favor in this respect is bestowed on not by me nor do ovve it to superior talent for mine is but of plain and ordinary dimensions to what then do i owe all what you call power i will tell you my lord duke i owe it all to you and to men like you it is you and men like you who have created that power who continue that power and who if you be not checked and control led will augment increase and accumulate dia power it is in the grievances in the oppression in the wrongs of ireland that the source of my power is tn be found it is to the sufferings to the woes to the rancriee otulir ptfntritaittf itaitmtil dluit my piftvtr tin to be traced yon and men like you have always governed ireland with a wrong view and in a sinister spirit you have encouraged a party and disparaged tho people you have courted and caressed a faction a pale a particular denomination a sect or a per- ftuaston and you have insulted and despised tho nation this has been the course and career of brk tish government in ireland for six hundred years and here are you and your constitutional blood hounds as your gallant friend colonel sibthorp calla them as frevltf as untired as ready to start upon another crusade of oppression intuit devastation and slaughter as if you were now to begin only fot the first time aud that the misgovemment of ireland had in it all the freshness and excitement of novel- ty pii untasted gratification tltese are the causes which naturally account fot the predisposing aymptoms of my influence it ia the insulting misgovtrnmentit is the audacious preference of the bloodstained orange faction to tho catholic population of irelandit is the partial ad ministration ofjustice by partisan magistrates party sheriff prejudiced judges and bigotted factious jurors it is the establishment and insolent triumph of a sinecure church it is the exaction of tithes from an impoverished people to support clergy men whom they never sec and whose spiritual as sistance they are for from requiring it is the still more insulting insolence toward the clergy who serve the people and who are calumniated and vilified under your auspices by every worthless defamcr from the haughty bishop of exeter down to the mi serable knight of kerry these and one thousand other crimes committed toward ireland and the my- riadc of additional evils which they generate arc the originating cause of the popularity and influence which you attribute to mc and which i believe 1 en joy allow me to add that the irish nation know me to be sincere and honest they confide in my mo ral courage aud indefatigable perseverance they know i never will cease to agitate whilst one gric vance remains unredressed they are certain that mv untiring energies arc devoted to the good of my native laud they of course are aware of the infir mities ofiny nature and the paucity of my ability but they collide in that gracious god who in using 0 worthless an instrument as myself and in p

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