the british whig and general advertiser for the midland district 3 h published semiweekly o r i f ft teh tfbell d i r o r by e j barker m d r iv the british whig asewiweekly journal devoted to commercial and fitfcl information u publiilivd evorj- toosdflrmd friday eipui by dr baiker editor sod lropnoior piiofficm zr street nt door to ihs commercial hotel tut- for the british whig ovcalen shillings sad sixpence per annum if paid in advance or within three moniha from ihfl receipt of the firt numbur undone pound ifcohoctedatthe end of the year exclusive of pojtwe neobcription received for loss than six months and no ptpar discontinued untiuii arrraieges ftro paid up except at the option oflho publisher stfrttthremtnts- six linand under 3ft 6d first inr- rios in 1 7 i each subsequent insertion ten line and un- der3e 4d firat insertion and 10l each subsequent insertion bovetan lines 4d per lino for the first insertion and id per lins for every subsequent insertion a iv riismentt without written directions arc inserted till fcrbid aod charged accordingly orders for discontinuing advertisement to be in writing produce of every kind received in payment no lellereukon in except from agents unlos post paid- letter press printing ei4kute4 with natnm and despatch upon terms unprecedently 1otv io upper canada all work lu ul paid fur within three rnntbe after exe cution kincttn an i 35 kingston v c wednesday october 14 1835 no ut the subscriber announces hi in mend anil he public that he has reimm d in ihort very extenivc premise in front street next to ha buildnm formerly oeru- pied by the commercial hanl whfllt lie offers fur sale a very extensive aud ireaoftil ihtfttrlinenl of nnitisii ao foreign staple a fancy dttv goods a well n ike rohouinp urocvrici evc vis 100 clivals ivfli vaiious orts 20 hhds refined sinjar 20 mtimnvndo do go keg pin tuhstcco 20 taxes caveodth di maccnbny and krippue smiuah point mifj cud oil saltpetre ft ulunanj starch whira ami c ilorcd imrnand lilicu lead must irl im jirn spenitateti cum dc tallow oundle sprmaeti w new article liverpool anil morrill whip ipim fill olive oili n huh- tttid tin mitckurel and llrrnnff prospectus for publishing a copperplate map of the midland district the subscriber proposes should nufticient en couragement be given to publish a map of the midland district including one range of townships in the newcastle district on a scale of 150 chains loan inch exhibiting all the mail roads cross rnads rivers rivulets lakes churches meeting houses saw mills grist mills towns villages wharves steam boat landings sec c by lot concession and township the undersigned being about to build a cop perplate printing press is determined to print publish varnish nnd mount the proposed map in his own township and therefore looks to a gene rous and enterprising public for patronage and sup porr the map will be nearly 3 by 4 feet it will em brace four ranges of townships from the bay of quinte back and will be executed in a style equal to ihe authors map of prince edward it will be published on a copper engraving coloured var nished mounted on roller and delivered to sub scribers at lour dollars per copy payable on deliv- p- v elmore hatlowell september 1835 white 4 rlaek smithing and farriery the subscriber hereby gives notice that the above business will be continued by him in all its various branches at the old stand head of store st lately occupied by knidt forsyth when he hopes for a continuance of notice js hereby givfjv that the undermentioned clergy reserves is xrtf township ol seymour in til newcastle strict will lie offered fur sale by public auciion at the ferry house tavern in th township on thurs day the 15th day of october a 10 oclock a m at the upset price of 12s 64 currency per cre and upon condition of actual seh the terms of payment vill be onetenth of the purchase money down an4 the remainder in nine equal annual instalments w interest upon each instalment as it becomes lot no 3 in the 4 concession 17 in the 16 in the 9th 10 in the 121i 19 pef ell robertson lake ovtabio the new 9team boat wil lowi commodore bakrie capl jakies sinclair propelud by uci lou pruwrt engiius for the remainder of the season run as fol up pitronige kiliii all2 roi1ert forsyth i 27h is3 slin kacif ratisii rau6 tfle highest price ii cash pmil fr uaifs it thi- oiliif british viiff office kinffstn inly 21 1835 jeicrstcr hnuit the iihscrbr will expf for ic m ihe nrai knvioi iiil m if ii iltt sliik fa hi i i- i l ii t it hi im parted hj in njfuui eiigland iipi viv 30 ilhiu coac uraiidy nrli llavor prmf otiri dujiuy sz cu ud other hordciiik itrandvt scliiednnii icimva nnd hamburg tiiu stiniiff fiivor r hlkl nn niiuc spirit proof 1 to 2 upper cinodw whisky iivvs jsv ivoom9 qualtcr cfc uf om moirfra rh proved tinea i uli vicro 0 ls cus brand get bluckbum xerxes shwry liottdon paiiicnlar tcnciillv and the most exten sive nnd treiiral mhoriuinii of red lira white vinesi worthy the attention til ctiumrv merchihh and taern keepers bottfel winesi ehsi iiiiiih msirieiiitt hrnwn i fold sherry genuine om pnrt sparkling chnmjwign jftllitrs krnnd porter hibberfs and dunbar s rrmrn stoui in iilkx 11 i in- cases of schiedam oiil s to 100 2 ro 3 feet si fe conkicii stoves 200 boxe window ilfts various pizea shovels cut and vrought naili ijoxef i c i x tin f rfi-v- i 2w rrvmseuliariy unamng ine nonce nl tiie i uuiic nnd the vvhittnge of the wharves and premises he occupies lor the general purposes of trade and the terni upon wjiieh hi stok i always utid in through liis friend in montreal enable him to sell us low as the montreal prices advances i be made upoi nil consignment of produce lb sale here or for shipment to his friends at mnhtteal the charges wilt he found moderate thomas macnldeii kingston august 33 1835 7if sale or clergy reserves in the eastern district com mi 4 on rr fttcfttm lsvv office toronto 3m aogo 1605 j notice is hereby given that the undermentioned clergy reserves in the eastern district will be of fered for gale hv public auction at the court house in the town of cornwall on friday the 23rd day of october next at 10 oclock a m at the upset price of 10 currency per acre upon condition of actual settlement the terms of payment will he one- tenih of the purchase down and the remainder in 9 equal annual instalments with interest on each instalment as it becomes due tgwnsmip of roxbuhoigh 1st 2 5 c 7 8 3d 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 con it i ii m no 33 7 33 coti ii ci c ii ii ii if 14 79 ii 13 15 1719 21 23 25 26 23 30 32 313633 57 911 hear j 12 and 13 14 10 16 1 20 22 24 26 2830 32343633 township of finch lot no- 2 16 3 10 2 16 317 2 19 22 2 3 10 23 2 3 p of keugov 20 41 it 44 14 44 14 14 44 44 44 44 44 it townsh 9th con lou no township 11 9th ntt i peter roihnsov commissivtwr if crown lundr ef editors of paer llirihbfbciut hv fnimote wiupleatt to iosertthg above until the day of sale w u holditctr et iriilhmro srp- 12 ij chaiuikkk bltiuge ordintnct- ottie- byiown e 17 1s35 s sealed tender will be received at ihp above olticr on or befnie the 6th october next nt twelve ovinrk at noon for leasing the chaudiere llriage for one year the rate to be stated in halifax currency and two responsible securities will be required for the due performance of ihe areetnenr 15 titmortly will he publish ed at toitonto t the aothor of the rovcclat ju3tick an anodonratt or tub townhhii lawsl including the highway and aaessment acts the court of requests act and the new township meeting act willi original appropriate forms for the ue of the commissioners the line fence aci and several uiher popular and interesting matters relative to the townships with n treatise on ihe iiw of landlord and tenant and distress for hem c forms of notices loquit leaner diatniining war rants c and the law and office of consiables with free instructions for the performance of the du ties of the office the object of this publication being to place within the reach of the humblest means and in a cheap form a familiar view of the above popular and important branches of the law p who advertised the provincial inslicct uvtetjucsithj to insert ins on the same terms toronto sept 12 1835 dissolution of partnership nie copartnership heretofore existing between the undersigned has been this day dissolved by mutual consent all debts due the laic firm nrr hereby directed to he paid to james thomson who will also settle all just demands james thomson john kiddell kingston sept 18th 1835 14 notice the subscriber returns his thanks to his friends and the public for the support that hia late partner andjhimselfhavc received since their commencement in business and begs leave to acquaint them that he intends to continue the baking business in all iis branches at tbeold stand in tiuarrv street james thomson kingston sept 18th 1835 i l laxb ontaeio the faststaiuno steam packet st george lieut iiabpcr b tv commander will leave kingston for toronto as follows upwards september thursday 21 and tuesday 29 october saturday 3 thursdays tuesday 13 saturday 17 thursday 22 tuesday 27 and saturday 31 november thursday 5 and tuesday 10 touching at osweco cobourgand fort hope wind and weather permitting downwards will leave toronto for kingston september saturday 27 october thursday l monday 5 tlwfdav 15 monday 19 nnd thursday 29 ymttiiir monday 2 s tuitfay 7 touching at port hope and cobourg passengers leaving toronto by the above boat will always meet a boat at kingston which runs in connexion hli the mnntreal line of stages jill freight payable on deliver kiiirrtii 21st 8eptemher 1835 saturday 10 saudu 21 thursday 12 nvus c ic tk1ck e an will pay rash for bug bucj market square march ihe 2d 1835 41 41 it 14 prospectus of a weekly newspaper to bt issued at montreal the frm number to appear an saturday the ytth ottomerl 1635 and to he n titled tke true bftfton and montre al constitutional advocate for ood thk kin a3 t pcofle when we take into consideration the number of newspapers published within this city and through out this and the sister provinces little ground we cnufess appear to bi left for our present underta king yet thf incessant emigration to our shores anfithr increased and iticraing population of mon- tresil and ihe country t h seem in kome degree to warrant the present ehhvi and to call forth the excttinn ofoui humble imliliee to the arduous du ties of lic ftiqtf rfer miimlvea tht wehall mtny of onr brethren in he rftiil he requires to i ifl w aiciiai ivh aii le iic to cftrjtyift exhibttm t the iperyli dirt ion ihvtittne snide wm iw iftff- h i i eh i tttttljilhipi n mi 1 ir snccthh jij or 1 r r jct it we ff el cm- ier the agriculturist ii ni titiutir no it nine to pith rlitlh he ti hi prui hictivt iftfvnil idvorithge und will prove source lse fulness md amueirient in polirios a the tfilu we have selected sufpient ly indicates wtnn contiltuiioimlifttt some travelling and observation have wrought in u the conviction that under the british cnnsijtutiou rliocc irirtiniable incrediems in our happiue oi- nl and religious liberty nre tin where bef se cured and enjoyed than in great britain and er co lonies and under this conviction we nhall irfll- ifllmly endeavor to maintain thek permanency with in hi and the sister provinces but m mikt confession of our political faith we wish to m per fectly understood and pledge our reputation and honor that public ah ones of any and every kin shall have our unqualified reprobation in religion we are episcopalian attached by principle and lubit to the doctrineafrf the establish ed church of england and to the decent propriety of itd rirea we shall zealously yet temperately support and defend its tenets and temporalities whenever they may be availed on the one hand or neglected on the other while however wt as sertthesepointwe desire to remain in pencewithall men we have lived long enough to bear witness to the truth of our saviors declaration that iod rflaketh the sun to rise on the evil and on the good and sendeth his rain on the just and the unjust in using this quotation we do not advocate tukearm- ticsa in the faith in bich we were brought tip but because we sincerely believe it is not given to man to pronounce that his own form of profession bears rttrimlwmflfmihfhftiiihihv wv- tt fore cheerfully grant io oth whaf we claim for ourselves liberty of conscienf nd shall on all oc casions that require its exer uphold the maxim of unity in things nerdful t chaiity in all us indispensably necessary to v ww of uie cim- mutney in which we live as our caiivlum end and jpn will be to present a miscellany thai shall as far possible meet the wishes of all classes of our riders we intend te in ert copious extracts from tie late enghbh irish and scotch newspapers a wilat whatever may be interesting to our naval and military readers and as we shall also form a carefu and extensive sum mary of events that have occtired in the briisi a- merican provinces and in tie united states e presume to hope our publicarn will not1e deemed an unacceptable offering to rl friends of our sub scribers residing in the unite kingdom to our fellowcountrymen raiding in the upper province the events now in rmgfcm in lower ca nada cannot fail io impart a cp and anxious inie- resl it may without fear of contradiction be as serted that the proceedings f the commissioners now in quebec for the adjusvienv of the afliurs ol this province concern the inlabiiunts of that pro vince equally with ourselves we shall therefore endeavor tu make 2ft trur briton a faithful re cord of the proceedings of hi majestys commis sioners and shall spare no twans within our reach to accomplish that object as our publication will be delayed during the summer months at least unol after the arrival of the southern mail its pages ill consequently con- gojvg leave kingston mondays 4 oclock rochester towdays 9 cohotirg and port hope wedmndiys 8 oclork morning 1 oronto wednesdays 5 niagara thursdays 7 for hamilton 44 i 44 44 14 41 afternoon evening nfternoon morning down ys 5 oclock it l evening morning coming leave hamilton thundf toronto fridays 7 port hope and cobourg fridays 8 oclock evening rochester saturday 12 noon for kingston krrir september 14 1s35 bank notice the board of directors of the farmciv joint stock banking company hereby give notice that upon friday the loth day of october next they wili commence discounting notes at the office 01 the company in toronto and thereafter upon all suc ceeding fridays continue the same until further no tice noies offered for discount must he put in ihe dav before under cover to the manager toronto sept 23th 1s35 i8tf sure enough nt thryin to make hand hut we pinned hitn ie wan adcr puttiii ii to l ail minute we een i ifltwisli this pteifork ins hny here here n hit little 1 knew what use i wish i had no more to tell its dear i aimed your worship piatec we found tnv poor boy a dead corpse in the furrow an theres the villyan tht done it the two other witnesses being examined corroherated mall itsrir- cumstances the evidence given by ihe first- laving patiently heard all they bad to say and finding that that they had not detected the man in the very act mr moynehan seemed desirous to dismiss the case it was true he said that they had found the man on the spot ad with the bloody weapon in hit band and widi his handeo the dead body thie and his precipitate flight when seen ond the agreement of the preceding evening were cfrcunwiautn yet they die nut amount to evidence of guilt and he called on the prisoner his explanation the un me m the fur- an the pitchfork lyin a near it an while i as i him to see had he any life an cxaminin the 1 run iirutce lichen the latest intelligence from europe which may j countenance his disordered appearance and tain have arrived by the newyork packets as we intend to appropriate threa columns out of the twentyfour of which our paper will be composed to advertisements we trust the circumstance of our being one day in the week ii advance of most of our contemporaries will iitoun to us the patronage of onr mercantile friends the brief space ol a prospecfu precludes a more extended annunciation or illustration of our views we shall therefore merely add thit our efforts will i all times he directed to effect the maintenance of th civil and reli jiojs rights of our fcllo-countiy- men and to maintain inviolate the great principles f the constitution under which ve have die h v i live the true briton will be printed with new long primer on tofld paper ond in rwemyfour columns subscription in ihe riiv two dollars out of the uiiy if by post three dolhirn pernmnn lobe paid in advance communication atid advertisements reqnetid to be directed trui briton office iril si jrroae siiretoppiu t residence ol circumstantial evidence a murder the public road which passed close by mr moynehan gate was the same by which the judg es- of assize were accustomed to travel on their way to the western towns it happened one evening so goes the tale that one of those personages who was about to open a commission in tralee was nvniken by tiightlall io the neighborhood of tip- h rhtr wrt rri inn vrmibithe dii oi icvcnl tinier and the judge und mr oy wen well icquaiiitcd the former determined to pass the nitfiit t the houe of hiafiiend and rusumu his journey on the following mnrning accordingly he directed hi coachman to drive through the avenue gdte and m received with a ready welcome at the open door mr thoma moynehan notwithstand ing those weaknesses which wehae seen and a cer tain violence of temper which was at times uncon trollable was yet in many things a man of a reflec live and solemn turn of mind much uf his atten tion has been given occasionally to the nature ol hu man ihw aod the extent of it power over human life and liberty it wis is opinion that in most iiw vernmenuioolitile regard as shown to human life and there was one point in particular which moved ins honor this was the ease with which circum- stamjdl evidence was received in british court uf justice on questions of a capital nature such con victions taking into account ihe many occasions on which the innocence of the culprit had subsequently been manifested in time to redeem ins rejiutittion but not to save his life appeared to htm in the hght of eo many formal and deliberate inurde on the present occasion as the judyrand he were bitting quietly together by thefiieside after dinner hecuuld not resist the opportunity ol introducing his favor ite topic he found as he expected his learned guest entirely of the other way of thinking the jddge said that it was true circumstantial evidence might somenmes hv merely spaciou and undoubt edly in buch cases it was wrong to convict but that there were circumstances which were fully as de monstrative of the guilt or innocence of the accused itmhc moat unci ucuiiu k umuity cuuiu oc ii myuthan contented himself with sitiigtht per haps the time might yet ttrrive wheu he would have an opportunity of juruiiiiig hilordhip widi a ca in point on the following duy the jud eoihiuned hi- route and mr movnehiin rewld ilia eunloilwo urcupaions lie till contimitd to icflcrt inuch uj- nn the i jusiice of depriving a fellow creature of life when there was even a possibility of his innocence even if there were cutea 3 he doubted not there might be some in which circumstantial evidence might amount to certainty he was yet convinced tlmt no such strength of testimony was required in the great number of instances in which coiniction had taken place the more he thought upon it the more he became assured of ihe correctness of hi own views and only lmed for an opportunity of convening the judge to his opinion in a fe morningsafterwards he was preparing to take break fat at an early hour when rick lillis entered the parlor to say with a countenance aghast with hor- ror that liittc cnutrynitji without had taken a mur derer and wanted that mr moynehan who was a justice of the peace should commit him to the county gaol mr moynehan seemed deeply airuck nt the intelligence it seemed as if he even felt a nearer interest in the case owing to his recent con troversy with the judge let them wait outside- said he until i have done breakfast and i wil hear them in a short time after he ordered tin men to be summoned into the office where he usu ally took his examination three countryimn en tered conducting a fourth who by his terrified some reddish stains npon his garments was evidently the person accused one of the other held a pitch fork the handle of which was dabbled with blood mr moynehan who knew ihe man perfectly well as one of his own laborers and of the most peace able characters in the country feemed much con cerned at beholding him in such a situation but de termined to give the fullest hearing to all the par ties plase your worship said the eldest of the three accusers ihid an my son ned were at work together yestherday an they had some wards eomin home which nobody then took much notice of but this morning it so happened that i went to work in your honors piatet garden agreeable to orders it was early an i expected to be first up on the ground which i knew to he plaisin to jour honor bat i was overtaken on the road by these two neighbors i so the three of us wjnt oq togethei with onr spades in our hands when we come into he field it was just the duck odawn 4 strong actual for man turned pala and red alternately and trembled as if his doom utf been already fixed he acknowledged the dispute and indeed all the circumstances deposed by ins ac cusers yet he attested heaven that he waa wholly guiltless i went into the field said he 4 my work an i found the corpse before row feeli snude these people come upon me i run becase i was afeerd theyd eay twas i done it an i took the pitchfork with me in my fight mr moyne han who seemed afiecieu itl the strongest manner by the poor fellows anxiety was so far from judg ing him guilty that he peremptorily refused to issue a warrant of committal and used all his influence to dissuade the friend of the deceased from pro ceeding further against the prisoner to this how ever they would by no meats listen they convey ed the accused before another magistrate ww com mitted htm to gaol without hesitation the day of trial came and mr moynehun hap pened to be one ofthe jury the evidence was the same as before the judge his old acquaintance to the whole court except to mr moynehan the testimony seemed conclusive h however would not listen to the thought of a conviction the ar guments of his eleven fellowjurors were vain he would not subscribe to their verdict the foreman made ins report to the judge who reproached mr mo vnehan severely with his obstinarv the latter liowever was nut lo he moved and tlic isuc wot as the rumor gos that the jury were wished and the prisoner set at liberty when the judge had returned to his lodgings he could not avoid reflect ing on the extraordinary character of this man wlo had thus to gratify a favorite theory let a murder er loose upon society and set up his own solitary judgment against the unanimous conviction of a crowded court o deeply did tt prey upon his mind that he sent for mr moynehan in order that ilhey might exchange some quiet conversation upon the subject the latter readily attended on his summon t lord said mr moynehan with a serious air on hearing the cause ofthe judges message il may remember a converaatioo which e had some time since on the subject of substantial evidence perfectly well replied the judge 1 told your lordship then satd mr moynehan that the time might yet arrive when i slioold have an opportunity of making you r convert to my own opinion that time mr m is certainly yet tocorne fori never knew a case so clearly against yotl as that which we have tried today may 1 request to know your reasons for such extraordinary perse verence to give it no harsher name my rea- wns are at your lordships service answered mr moynehan provided that i have your solemn word uf honor not to divulge them dining my own life inw the judge without hesitation gave him the promise he desired 1 admit my lord said mr moynehan that this case had all the strength nfcircuiirftanfial testimony which you considered necessary but 1 could not in conscience convict the prisoner for i am wv5kipt aver of theceafl- i imu judaic rfttlftblliimi t urimiiur je- ii he it happened tin that mortug that i was in li- jivl befe oti ufiuy workmen the detea rd n ih i- 1ij id itxtetolinre and 1 re- uked hmi lot his m4t4ei utdiiffe imn of hot in h aft4wed rne whli more than equal s iituiliitd i l i i cnnvnth of mine 1 sruck aim he leturvrl the ulti 1 held lha pitchfork in my hand and with one blmv more i fellwd him to the earth i fled in terror and in les than one hour alter the prisoner wns brought before me judge whether 1 had not resmon to be constant ir my vei diet of acquittal the judge kept his promise nit fiom that day forward he waa much more lious in receiving circumstantial evidence on a capi tal charge f cau- i in i ms mi maoweei sept 135 to be post paid 011 you heargroaninv 4 hard 1 but i made nothing of it think- in it was the wnd tis not ihe wind says he hut eome one that has a bad hurt an there thtv are llus man to me d ing frays sometl a new cavern h been discovered in that subter ranean wonder kingston cav mitchfhown ire land winch in extent nnd magnificence far aurpas s dny hiheito explored being un english mile in length about three perches in breadth aod varying limn 30 to 40 feet in height hi called the o callaghan cave the hon c ocullaghan eldest of lord lismoie being the first visitor who entered it one hundred members of the tetnperence so ciety in st nicholas parish cork drank tea to gether on tuesday hlflfrt the total number of members in cork is 877 boixbvftoh dinks to ma oconncll mr oconneli hnv itcctsptnd the invitation to dine with the citizens n edmbuigh thedinnerwill itf course take place soon after the close of the session we atiderstand that letters have been received from a number of ihe scntish town intimating that depu tations with rddresses to the honorable tnembet will attend the dinner a ttuethaabeen fought near cork between char les coghlan esq of dublin and peargus ocon- ner eq of fort robert late m- i the latter gentleman did not return hi adversarys fire and ao the affair ended in the new irish constabulary force bill a clauft n introduced by which an officer is to swear that he does not now belong to and will not join any secret political society whatever this is introduced for the purpose of preventing the spread of orangeiso shocx of an earthquake at chichester on monday night between 11 and 12 oclock many of the inhabitants of this city were awakened from their sleep and much alarmed by two shocks of earthquakes it is nearly a twelvemonth since the last of those awful visitations and people began to hope they had entirely ceased there shocks how ever were considered generally to have been less violent than most of those hat occurred laatyear uampnhire advertiser