Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), September 22, 1835, p. 1

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the british whig and general advertiser for the midland district published semiweekly o r t e r ptn r n k h m 1 r 0 it by e j barker m d l iv kingston l i tlksvi skptembbu 22 1835 xo e thb buitis1i wi1g wiwebkly journal ifovntetl hi chimihti i tmlih r ellin i irif-i- ii imn i ptihlidiod every ttottlur and priilay nlanrt ft lit id- ti in by dr b it kcr j i i 1rorictor btmtncst duor ti tint cmimiriial hitfcl nu ir u british wiims mrattmn sldlling ilt ncrinmmi if ii4in advance or wulitn ihiee iptlhm tlieietaiju nfllns tiri itmntwi rihiom pound jfatnl hi llie oml of llii vtfvf csiiuivq llfpoittstf iubscfiitin rmind for iom than it mtmilij and no rr dwcimiiiniit until all mfftaiagtl art pai ii except ut ami offm publisher tficmcilut i line anil utvlrrtn id rl mcr- arih 7i ttdiubiimmativiii tm liw and ua- fc 4j fiisl umtftfcin fluil iim rt lutataiiiftiil mmjrtim mete line m- ierliiiitteirihfl tfruhlfcrlmu and id per i for every sutkcqijijlil insertion trrtinuiitt without wriitnu direct ion r mrd till iid and ctivdaen i nimbly orjr for dinoiitiautng rcrturmvot to i tit w i ilia produce afnvcry kind received in pivmcnf 1 ft no letters taken in except lion ageulu unless post letter presa prfutifttg uted ivitli neat n c m i jcnaulvifon term in i precedent ty jil upper can idi am work xj uj piij fnr within thiec months after exc ii- if 33 on iaittflft the subscriber inounces to his friend nnd the public that ihtts removed to ihose very extensive premises in building fanner v occtf i flo ut street next to i i by the gmmcrcfat ttanh where he oilers fur a very extensive ami central assortment of british am f0kk1hn aple 8t fancy detv fioods as vii a 111 iollfiviiroreri ac vlmm 100 che tew various mjii 20 hhd r- lined siu 20 mtwrnvado go rcga plug tnlmee 20 loses cuhitdtmti maccobny mill llappee snufltf pjint ami cm oil saltpetre fig luweod starch white andfolored paints am ulitck lead msistnni in jins spvnnaceii candle tallow cniithes epi timrrti wick new article liverpool nnd montreal sqtl fhirenri oil- olive oil in i find piiesi macknrcl uud uitring filuorsie 30 hhil cit4 he urtiifcdy rioh flavor strong prnif olmdi 1 i v s li rtiul irtluv filvih birdeuix llvatidy scliieiluu tieiicva and ilriiibiil lt pinirijii xiuhiica spirit proof i tu 2 vy ciiitadn whukw lfvv jv wo on utiniter caidiflufold madeira upproved vintn- pi liticlihtirn i olivlero goa brand london pttilietdur tencrilyr and the ino htth in nntl srarntl nwcfflmwil if llfcl and ivsjte yixe wtinliy iik attomien ol coumiv mercliaiith uitd ttoern kecem bottled wines eii injiii mutliinii dftwii end lit sjicnv ciauiiiiit oll ltn pout i- h ih piiit iftiid ctoflrtf- gms orselnetlmii liiii 100 2i 10 3 feit stoe prusrecms for piiftltaillnti a copperplate map of the midland district the subscriber propow should sufficient en- cfttiimjreifirnt he given u publish a map af llie midland i n including diw muse nf towiltilpn in the newcastle distiii t on a scale nf 150 chaina la an inch exhibiting all the mail itoadu crov rtdts river rivuletn lkes cburebei mraing uiiiia saw mills wrist mills towns villnirmk a c- ac by lot cnp rial p in wharves stram lloat landi cancminn and tnwnsbip the undersigned being abuul to build a perplate priming press i determined lo v publish varnish and mount the proposed mi hia own township and therefore looks to a cenc rns and enterprising public for pairuintge aud sup port the map will be nearly 3 by 4 feet it will em brace tour ranges of tuwnsltipe from the bay nf qaime bark and will he executed in a giyle equal to the authors map of prince edward ft will hv published on a copper engraving coloured var nished mutinied on roller and detiered to sub scribers al four dollars per copy payable on debv- c p velmore haltnwell september 1s15 dissolution of pjir2wership the copa rtnerehip beretofoie existing between the undersigned has been this day dissolved by mutual consent all business appertaining to the lacs firm of firadt as furayth will be settled by robert forsyth to whom all debts due lite brill are to be paid and whu will nay all existing eniri cements james c ilkadl rum12rt forsyth kindlon august 26 b 1s35 8luii nwhiitttriqy a ivintjfbrsmp i ilr t i pi r r i tcrl ti hrf fin evtsting lielwfetl dw uiubwifntiil li i licii tln day disolvnl by uiuiual rntiveitt al dtfhn due lliw lul piow are hereby lireelcd t h- paid to jaute tiniiui who will llo wilc all h iliiwmda james rilomsov jnlln u1dde1u kinchftn swt ijii hk ii jyynr the sabrrilicr returns in- thanks tollin friend and thr publie ft ir dil- syppor iiimi b4 liio wnuei and jii nit ell have received iliicu rtiwcrnnmenecnihil in huiiies and b8slcovi t rtuaittt thirnt iimi mlntisnds loouttbtue the ttikiu uiiimi in utl it brunches at he old siaiil iutiuarrv kirthhi james thomson kim2m spt 13h isi3- ii hi meetim ue of the cmnmlssydiici and several miller pondu hltvhtiiy uill he pvbljsuisil at toruxto by nix vcron or tii rviciit jcstici an abniairttxtoftuktovauip lv1ysi includjxu tu llihwayautl ahmrn ads e court in rronscs and the new 1 ilwhu op ct wiih oiiudapiropriatv tiimi for tin- tlia lino fonts aei laiier pomi ami interfering nuiil relative lu the iriwnhiis tlli i treatise ou dit i w of landlord ad tenant d litns vf itvui ijfr fonus ol notices io quit leasts ditfralulm ttaf- rnth sec and lllg law aid offire f inirabls with rroe iiimrnciiont fur ie perfurniaucu ulihc du nes of the nflire the iljrrt or this piilimiuti iring within hi renrh of the biiiblest ulratu cheap form a linuiliar w oi lie abo and iiiipnrfaiit braiuhtt uttbt friiw n 1 and i see in i liduors who aitenid r rnvtuna 1 llmluti who ra i ronttol hi fati oneevtrioii last week daiidtlinn p eared nt the cntry whete he iwu- allv hals kolliewhfll the worse for dlu liquid 1ois whkb he litfd enewheic imhibtd hi hat vfiih imiwim viwitd wiih a blooutlnrty tahish tlpnw anil eftltuhi cvfrrd hi ev ttllihl crhamtd liki iiitttid intdvr a jew tilers bin wjiipe- ii i- rieitch ft4re l ihrd with ailffiv spot and tiin niwf always inu lmte puff rnrlvd moiv jirrlv opwariu ait if the dwumi wrath bad turned archer and was nn j ti inr a how to draw no arrow to it head his mnutll had w in opposition to nx na sal proitinuotary and ritvairdy curved dnftuards liki a hnlfinnun baitery dandeliun was decided- iv om oi itc ttm wnliy ai w ii ai beery in shot in ihm ii icviahle mbtir hi which a man feiu disponed to rfividr himself and ifo to buffete a eiiiiipany w avsn lo iliseiss liquor lit ermture men and lliimss laidfliuii scoaltd nt ihem aitil seaed smeiriinjoilily in a emer ahei kicking mr timid hall leirii ziiiihilirrrn out id tle s nie the chhiatton turned niton die r vm disrovertes in ibe mono iiboul ttlljell the par ty weie seepiical had it been ascertained that ilu ininitiarv is eunpiwl tu preen rlieem nn herein puy nuunwd hv ihe philoo diieal the ijoose and tub comer profeaor oltmred andmr loom- is or nit- college have published aonie-ruitlterob- sertuttnih nnthe comer they state that the ptoce where the comet was iirt observed augobt ur diffeirtl mm tlte place indicated by the calculations of pmtucnulnnr about half adegree it will inobahly be vigihle to ihe naked ye about the 25th aslant and thence to the middle of october increase op moronism the editor of the au- bnsra me gnpel banner aaya we have re- renily received an invitntign tosend a sabbath with our brethren in ibis county where we are informed hv a friend the motmonn are making some progres how numerous they are we are not informed our frienri stare that m they have habtised a noiji- her ordained one preacher and there is to be a veat mormon meeting my week from next sab batit vi p iillow buu id ii i or iut the the but fiiidimo firttennty cool hivew rtfiitfrfiliitht iniint li liicti mptfittij ic in tlnir ibroata the iaies tmirur nnoihrtifji etle1ion tirtii up llereily si iniian doushhiw and fcirstitl zuiuult thiiii i u riicd ixtudeliou a trnr slnry i wlitp any i lied he in hent upon linn ill u t only k ip ill iu thai d heliee it but til whip yon all whether yon do or nrk the t la rr sllv the hie n ci urvv h ii i iiiuchiih i mid it in flic newnper rod i tie e re who ihutl in luve it yes i to ill limks f kurjuise whit ad- wee mt n m 300 tnxc w intlow tilaa variimj simven cut und tvroughl nails itiixei icix tin the loods enumerated and all i size ikure 4 black smithing ami farriery thcsubscrihcrhereby gives notice thai the above business will he continued by him in all its various branches at the old stand head of store st ifltely occupied by bindt forsyth where he hopes for a continuance of patronage robert forsyth kingston august 27dh 135 81 m salti of clergy reserves in tin eastern district- r9ininunnf orctnwn lnunaic toronto 3ui auuai iii j xotice islterehy given that the timderiiientioned clergy reserves in theeasiem district will be of fered for oe hv public auction at the court houe in the town l cornwall on friday the 23ft day of october nexr at 10 o- lock a- m at the opet price of 10 currency per acre upon condition of actual settlement the terms of payment wdl he one- tenth of the purchase down and the lemainder in 9 equal annual instilments with interest on each instalment as ir hecomes due tovvnsuirufruuunolgil are requested to tonuito sipr wen tlii on the same ttrmi 13 13f lake ontario 1 335- tiie elegjtf stejmboat oswego prvpfluatj tk pxrft lv vmmtt effirtfzo item fvtffr apt j ca av viil ply on bikc onuriii and the fit kier a fmlttw aw rem vc wu mmw mir on fiul y iviiit 1 i i un- aui ume- smkiiu 1 it irhi t itn iiuuu o weio sa uuhi veiling ki idle i t j sulid p nturnisig ti irni i u l ijy mondav luoriiin z i kir r oar isnpataan had reached hi warcrhio the 3d nf september wftailirs isdi f june the threat uatf iiu rnnpr henive und hi rurhhih itteuipt to pit it into txccutiutl 11 a failure the cumpan iiifietl hi ii in aitlv uiid zuanil eirreyuv revejipeil lint iiijui ie by mttilt dandelion in le fli sbtit imx- mdii of ln flame jtlie dadeliou was misted hs a memnarv pr i hi juiri did not til hen lie ilniotlt ird ai the dur fontil nnsuiih bis fd and mjiutuues i h whtimer missile were wilij j a stiungk mistakt queer adreniums fcccttr em watei injf plaee the fialuonuble worlds become 10 nn wd up and n jumbled into cnnfthiion that it is out ewnrwine thai stranee miiakes are mme- lime made sn long as these things are confined to the appropriation nihat3 coats purses and bmp trne it is neately worth while to coinpaii bur the wnrnffed iil 2nuuhle vhen the scrambling aviem exteitda to wives- porliciilurly to new wives as wc utnlennmitl has recently heeu the eae u saratoga tie atitte of iht eaae waa as follows a newlv mar- riidcotjnle ece sojourning al tine of the principal hotel lu he nrht the lady arope went forth oh her return mlatnuk the door and entered the ehamlierorfl single gendemau who occupied the djn tiintr room tn that which vhe wai in kareh of the ha helor ald mulling as the lady slipped into iiim couch kuipiwu3 very naturally that he wws es- lhrtilly tamiretl that bchm fair damsel had htllen in love with hinti and had taken tins medind of ma- kins him i ier a time iwc willl a man wor mooih a her mind cmatnied mil her tender emotion af- lady ivnid nine in coin fbtndty whiskers her good irouoieijia us lace wa as strange doidit runned into nod she wined b dimiav in loud and i hovrexcr llie hngivpetrn no wieh i ii i a reeh the liaruttn id the dn ami the inuffhtrr re 1st 2 5 6 7 con 14 if m 1 nnpuiations are ptuliariv rivnervlng the notice of the public tied the adwhiiaseitiiclhc wharves and picumcs he im t m putmf d ifw utiim upon wheh hwrfiikulwnvrt laid ih inrougii his fiientls in montreal en ihlu huu tueull as low as dtti mnuhval pruvii adxtnnv mii he made tumii all rmmowoom of 3d 4 5 6 7 3 9 cot i it t it ii no 35 33 7 33 7 9 ii 13 15 17 19 21 23 26 23 30 32 31 36 35 57911 rear 12 nm 14 15 ic l 20 22 21 2330 3231363 township of rikvh lot no 2 16 3 10 2 1g 317 2 19 22 2 25 13 20 anil l pi bro tr clnu leu j i n in ihiie iliiililt pjiiweutrw ilia rvlttt mil rttitm wmw hfs liwistoii nn mnmliv evciiiiis iimi liisrr tiicmliiv luorill oxwfgl ttumlilx ilflflllolil ftukvuv hurlir utmhj vvcuin kiiilsiiiii u o wcdncdiy iimriiiii irrkvn i ouiivhhlirti eiruiutr toncli iirii creek mmmowiii aluxutmrta i ville ilvcllvd hllflllliitffln vwl hn- full ultciiisurii ilu ihljliciii iilactfsi mi llki utiinrln llinl pic mi ii i vlulijt iilid cxkmliliiu ti- the stciiiuluulfl 0wvb0 iil ku- ivhii miihiti as ftmii ee niuai ked til eiri i in iniij i tv hcmen did iuif unci u da it hllll in the 1 u nidi ednta 1 iimm hit- imie beenui hi ireit thai ut lt i w iteh- nnii bad resolution htm rh in milh hear i mil lake aiuletion hy the an ii m let t wau by let pn my cqillifli ac l 1 iiiir cocuaa near u liammer it in xy n t cr ck- plerrinff nfirieks vthlt f alarm he rsiit aad 1 the urf iltdi the whole hotel was instantly in tiit imurdunlrame ihruncui to mti ni i iiluiotiiaied the scene ti acted wiir rexhted toberriehu iuunm 1 1 and eer tnee baud i- in a wl pooh tont dtfhl b itnray my dailini i aot ollttvt ivtit ny pikiu i iut to in ltiitvah fir will ijnd tin route hv iit eheiter pasonser day eveirinifi eveiiiuir pan laving iitwitui hi ihi hnat tm muih hill niiin til moniieal on p im il c ui hue lading pan id the s dav lejln tint v vu wti oiiay rel- my iu or 11 npscr ymir exri 7f caa- mi pi u in tn ui ruudcsctiili- tin a real ere hinfc at me c v td a lellow all cal irmi it can ktmc uiy lisf rthi thiuiuh ii li 14 k 11 iliapn mili ll 1 llw o 3 lgu i ti iii it ill ceil her it4 iii til a ciimronalild iiiinlv aini icil 1 lit lill co fr itiiin tr n small tllc oiit- ii i rid u ir rnnrdi i cump my kliilst ll s 16h isi5 mir i- lir it muutieal ki tni dil h heem ihrhi inrni inliw ivicudw te chnff tttll hi inaiiiliimdiiate thomas mjcm1fr for mate vjj hbttc ittcitou on tokfshayi ihc30li d y ulse tetnhrr nex at 12 oclock at nnnn at thec urt ilnueai ptelm to the htgbrel hiddcr that lieautilul pioperiy known bv die nameol ifevn rftihilchiiil ny nr3l3 acrw- of cxcclsent laiuhnl which u lartfu portion t- cleared ikuatcd in one ofilie flimm ofilw bav nt quinte being the reeune of awwrveltfll m tary purposes and altciward g harvey oil which there is a sixnaduu indian iract ft 12 al il 11 il t ii 2 3 9ili cm townstdpof kbug0n u lot nn30 9th it townsinpor q8xa nr i peter commissioner bhuok robinson ofcnttm ijiiotfo mw i nine font brc m nia fijllnw all cast iron with hee 4p1itlp i can staxe uiy ir riifht thimijh un atl c irrv xmt on id v etnw like u irsu kct hakei ah iuihed why you must be a real ca- iiiliiriitil wii ranied nut to cut in die cc tiirar isimi tiiiich to you but puieturrv ttikiy ym iimt knuckle down diive xo0 lliutt mmieudcr theres no help fur if none in the world rfipiaie viiurell charley fv pm coniuiu shnnira jimmy hrlhltu hit attitude a hu tecapod from tlnmnitp of the uflifer- lletmid heaii isiilh icet well set cuaul wrl in leintiraljle seienc ct learlul to look unii ih til nntt and the ernwl iliicrid uzjcn- le w oulerinif iiiir has te dmrnfit boreti nf her uilh and her husband itateoclmtln ration and erdcxity mure vasdlv to he hnaq nod than deenbd had the lady as mob iim ftie discovered her error ipiteilv walked off ah tfmti time leen w ifimuiniy apertluuu bhktek inland exposure hne played the rery vuiacltiefi riieie tnehig hk cmlitena nod presence of mind hrextiiraliti utittfi wl lvm cuihai raising fluiia lions and never could they have been more avajlap lile than i i the cae alluded to mr tlimn he western renmaut narrowlv es aped a mutdetl and violent etd diuiinr a balbiofl ueiwon wliidi he made on the 2ut ulf at lex iiigton ky- lie bad riaetl to an elevtion bf boot nv nulci wlieu the perilous occurrence ullud d to look place we copy hi own account of it ai iveniyeldil minute after fiv when at an al- ti ude oflwn mw i discovered that the gas had comiphtcly liuiil tlxballnon and that the neck had becjine entangled between the cordtfby w inch i was huapinded preventing the surplus gas trom escap ing a valve cord so that i could not in and eunl i ii l 1 inwy imlcd do t m ctrttempt ltd uim coly lor a moment am n use no uni replied the euaraiaii of llie inijhr himknild iwo litninya guatd with a hjin blow with a lievy nucc yvuveall used up the bail t in i ijmt i oir two dand elimi howct ittthead ril shiickedhe mtiyeyc lit ne atfuut all chatley vo hiw ihiee ir ou would mufce a it hurt i i broiler be mail i fif john iff in the there t an extensive betthoieiw ot rettpec mer thepremich and the vicinity pimc and the bay peruhar to la for grazing un wl ffj editors nf paper ihruo ii nleae tu iumh the abovp w lout the pm ci llil the tlav sh uicd lo perry cio in the neilhhorhood able far- nund with with pisholvery description e ontario it is paittcularlyhuilahle a i within 40 rnilee nf hingeton which u a never hiiliuir ready inmuy uiaiut t- it in in short one ofdmmtttf deirahleand valuable pro perties in the cnunlry the bteatubuaw nuviting the bav pass n distance uf several m round the nnie daily these vobtawe uude ill be sold cither together 01 in separate let to uii purchaser a plan of the property uiny be wnlty appltcauou lo louther muepheiaou esi ol uailowell or to the auctioneer j linton auctioneer kingston august 7th 18 hew groceries just received and tor aah hv lit nhm nbt i his s ores iu front aad smre streets the follow in uouds vi7- 10 chcsrstwanknv tea 4 do yiung hyson 4 do hytm skin 0 hhd blight muscovado sugar 3 do refined sugar 2 do conar brandy 2 do holland gin 1 pun jamaica spirits 1 do old rations rum 2 do motasmcs 2 caks brown pale sherry i a i pmlainiamn vum lias the rpntufiui d firing the ciivles on whui he mil ui foui the evhh ite which i little leano to ilotlht ih- tin rind to a ciitaii fond lot ti make comerih tiv won j uhs aneiie uldevnnie fellow in huitdf nd judv tr je h- l us tin j lit isdniliiaiica y aisiunieiii ui i he ahnolonh iikjm very well and h lieve uv inu utu fcnouff daui hm i want ufou is to b have pret- yonre uulua iu ihe watch inut j if tiii dont believe why tfhkiti tr ibbhis hid 111 mne tu ctnimiue vol i replied dtttldellu ijfam ii li wi totiih wilt contemn avs jim- 1 1 sonii inj n ttrraurnr r piir if fitv each ol onitno ii6i 1ld vii and in u ihiv tie ttav i i 111 mi v in kn ell men lake to ir el vh fte ijollii i f le low wlti duo itini rt tl 11 eiii 2000 gallons canadian whiskey notice this is to caution all persons against buying ol peter althouse or any person than the subscri ber lot no- 13 in the 5th concession of camden east a i am the owner of aaid lot by a ood and tufficieut deed and as any person purchasing under uch circuuwuncee i liable to vlvjjy camdeo sept 10 135 123 leicester kauw the subscriber will export for de at the nexi ktngatou cattle show eeveral young hams raieed from the aiock of a full blooded leicester ram im parted by him from england east loughhoro sept 12 1935 ton prime cimi fwb blls salt water herring do no l mackareb caks wiirrene paste liquid blacking do cut and wrought nails boxes window glass do starch do bloom muscatel raisins do english pipe bags soilshelled alrnund- 40 ream wmppinz paper 20000 russian qmlu 2 000 lbs first quality american chcew james williamson kington september i 1838- 1 6 4 2 20 20 10 10 8 2 more forcrdt permiadern a rtlirli loidtv like a shoulder n ll j nplerati i nr wt4ii uy j nt knofk ii itifi te iie r- djuii tifilje i learu i it nil ad oh rh ho- thats jte olaii qh bad men rehrtoti and inini like walloping ihe rumeu et they know nmre tb in their h- tniug ami make cm hmk on ma ijaiiileltim ail up h t individual catiaeity ii remu of tlti ini lrenllit bribery i as the in uu of ihnw uitioit indivmtmln l whom nature has eoiid the ttrnnr nttnbtitw td hutuanilv na ho cum un- p bis me nt lam- bigeh means r ilirn4iri tniib itwunnl ml siiniiiitit ft nnnirimui by lawliiiwi out hunndt uutideliou hhakna pnrtvntni lii under his lit and the affair i willed i tnt iiium eiihei knoh under or be knocked whirhaccodrn lemuahlhe nmeiulmrli in thin tnij idrv lie iioiieil ofl ipihilv to t e waulihouse fliy ehktt ittlsf ill ann ii ilwr lilo and pitfmita iihlividtttd i hi lh chhoufr made bis apearoe helme his honor in lite montiag and ktmumg ihe mod lieets nfn contrite bearing eca- t light y he limits howeveij drank very ihile walr since feaiiogas he ays thai zumtilacaac jiiy die hull tinirr was rabid and dreadin hophohic iiiv4twfcetfeiw yad i sfleicni or uamk a irivat deal btsatd in praie ofuiir modem necroiiiancers bit ae tlinik ihehah d pendii 16 a circtniistaiicc or two above all their irlrfcit lliw clear vou tonb olv tbu old iiitnr ulatk- nesrtv ltp iiol t rfahl mm ti the rhevaher h u mjhsio rut jui as oum rdmvc a nntlten nirtbhis hiiiineie sfiultl of the hand but irett winner mine mtiesnhwen have a afcfll hi ibiit way thai i- elluom hvyoud belief i nwdltsei i bat when 1 wns nt ispahan the shah who lvuj ta- kert an odd fuucv 10 me invited me formally and isa niatier f s ecial bnom 10 witnvm me decapi- taiiiiti of h ivtenil ax a refusal un my pari might hjhmuv have incurred the dwdeawire tif nes lanciithdat llie eiatttl lltnif to mt he innj derided on si the npxt governor in thai lie once fcnfvd a ml pen a card patrick madhian acknowledges the re ceipt of no 73 of the toronto patriot a newspa per edited and published by mr- thomas dalton and to which he lias not subscribed for three year pssb he in contented to comiuue to receive the ria provided mr dalton in addition to payiuir ihe postage will also reimburse the letter carrier foi delivering it at his tannery kingston sept 18th 1835 1 uvamutis wtio is in ii yuaniu luid he nwcar bllntf iuio giving ilie dunde- lain candidate ten tlinimd majmity in id tllllli live mi tint when the ledi lunate sdimiijer 111 llivl didnt ledievc that ihwutd candidate wtiuld be clecel at all some people believe thai the fim is the poorer nrarvmiientsi and that it iherelnrc should to the lal licit they are rondetely at iue will mt dellon autl it in vtdi tha the h mil fall in his way m he would noii5ho tli m ibe dtlfeienie wiih him it i what aeiiou was hi the ancient main ihe rirst the middle and the isia liehg huusell in a tjreal measure lirt piof he is try urcetm h the good work of prowlytimi litnl hn tptitc iep- uttiltihl a a auuitforwaid ieuoucr and a fineiublc difciectitian misfortune huweer will nomefnues happen ti the most successful the lafrferi nae may in brought io the grindstone and the most scornful doe may he obliged to lunch upon dirty puddiug- aud beheld a id vhsajed dark mumachoed handsome iillow draught ui within hand tied brliind in back- the shh was so uiiieh moved wulttlie looks of his nteieut ihvui ue ihal he proposed to become the iteadman hiuwdf pm tempore mid the honour lltdlltf profmndlv appreciated the culprit was blind- folded the tfhah drew his ahrea mperl crook- i hude blue ekvk itifutel wiih flweis of gold ertfis the ph thus i i with flweis ol tfhah sal re a let lum in- whipped tin k wined off illt 1 immediately busied myself in liberating the valve cord and while in ihe act of doing this the neck and cord were snatched with violence from me the upper portion of the balloon burst wnh a treinend- ouftiioizftf and lend the whole fibrick tell two or three hundnd feet with the velocity of a stone the rapid debceot wa then a little checked aud now the mtm critical moment of my tile was gtllaofi a tnmiient thai repaired crhnness presence of maid and activity for an awful scene pieented it- ttdfl the lower part of the ballooe hy the violent rctfiuuiee of the atmosphere in deceuduig hul dtauieteti htit ihnujh the centre of this imperfect liararllttie i could behold the naked valvq themull ineberi of the net and a great portion of the vdk each side winch formed the resisting surface hung in ribhauds dashiii from side to side and produc ing a noise like the shattered sailnofa ship in a tejv pest this hurriranc noie wanoi produced by the nipid descent ahuie but by the violent 09cituury and rotary motion of the parachute at thie mo ment i was aliutm in a horizontal line with the para chute and then i was dashed through the i air tq a level on the opposite side thus dcscvdringan atpof nearly a semiciicle the radiua of which was about nlty leet and at the same tune i and my car were whirling with sickening velocity while in tbissit nation i succeeded in dashing overboard all my hags of balhist which weighed about eighty t pounds lu four minutes i descended about a mile unl reached the region of dense clouds at this liipe 1 united the upper end of my cable and holfl r in piv haids threw over my anchor and allowed ir to swing at ttefull length of the ropelp0 feeto it was tlnowu at every vibration far above tbtr level of my car on passing beneath the cloud 1 sflw thejownof alliens a little to ibe southwest of mc io five inin- utcbimirc 1 renehed the ground with a pretty aevere shock sustaining no injury worth nieniitnijng thifwlmle balloon or parachute was iiifttauilyfiat on the ground a mass nf ribbons a few dark faces negroes appeared ur a sljort distance fnun me with outstretched hands screaming fiightenedjo death at the bilge machine that came whhliuij ovpr ihcii heads and still more frightened when they sav me spring out of it makshak morttrft the jbllnwrngurographi- tfnnl the k ol the tufe and nbsr long s n ntiw koun ijeienv liiil i draw merely ihe itn neck lake olf the ham eeishui having hken vduv clear thrmiffli dieculpi liltiiauouefuhv and told lie man to open kn eye illmlid oandit ihat m astmdhuieot exceeded all mimink for i had actually seen the blade putt thrfiutro did ibathnri oiv m the shah 111 although th i i ihe least replied them coldness of ihetsteel did make me shnei a lilllt shake vmil lied then coniinued the mk lie did w and what i really never would he be heved without the evidence of my own sense ou may believe it or dot the head dropped off ral sk tch of marshal hortier due dc trevise killed in the streets of paris by thedtschargc ol ihe infernal machine will he found ery jntertftiug it is indeed passing strange that he dhniihl have ffnim through o many battles seiges tontine unhurt nbc shot down ihtefl doe in the streets of it seems that hia family being atbriaeu pt in intended assasination tried to du- tshal from accorriiflnying thfektru paribi it sttm the rumors of miulo ihe m le luiwever ayutg if louis philhpne was firctl t he being a large man would abetter bun from the iialk and o it proved lidouaid adnlphe immi joseph mortier dc trevise who fell a victim toassassinaiiou at the late attempt mi the life of the french king was en gaged during a term of nearty thirty vears in all the va of ibajtaiublk aad ecap va av cyc i

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