Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), September 15, 1835, p. 4

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lake ontario- arrangements for the bud op the sea sox lake ontasio the new steam boat sffijfe london boanhns school gloucester hocjdk establishment fw roo fiwtt elptos 8lat neat jotfrt gate 13p the steamboats w q bsita1w fc xtwxtiip states the cheat britain oft j wotwer gvifl j kp- leaves prescott tuesday evening brockville kinpwil wednesday noo oswego j cobourg thursday morning to mong and arrive al niagara name rooming coming leavea niagara saturday 4 p m- toronto evening porthope sunday morning cobourg owego sunday evening kington monday morning btockville noon a preacott monday afternoon the united states oapl j vax cleve 1 leaves ogdenabonlfniisby evening kingston sunday 7 a m suckets harborsnniivjeja o l6 riir rochester monday 8 a m toronto 9 in the evening and arrives at lewiston on tuesday morning early coming doien leaves lewiston tuewlay 7 p rochester wednesday oswego wvdnesdav leave commodore barrlbj cope jaks ns lahi produd by tn ur prftsnrt eugtmst will in aiimacnon nhlujwstwm bauosw twdifiunui puil- uii iho la d hikw leave- kinilnn moinhv niornlng qi muohay aid tfcw ew vo cotattrg and poll hop tuwjy ano flwaj morn iwu for wttfsua todaj nd fidcy evening dowvwjtlahi imw ktawm wtfmtdsy anil sitnrhav dt n port hond cobourg wvtmdqi wd batftrtay and arrive al wo on thorday wfart j 3iem buat oswego and n sjv bmiffih l imowdiandy fitf portland vd the croiaodum avnmt ore af bert tea button tfh kb omumievbo st h av nuiccnvtw of h establishment are accommodated ccbets libbartt choice i if i- to wm mi rr w wr- ir atnrc a arriie for nmrodtoo bm i ore ogrred i lhc rc0 i tfr mtn ani mw of dw on mm 1ie domestic n ihv mi liberal n1 every b order a inh iw wilhnut anv cha nd a hriot ttt iv i til eoursa of limnttiion ihoj sgs sefeufilig prindili 4o 1 praciic- f aibneur mcha acino bkb m radon algebra oeograpy ljj firfv gtutatti hitorv otc splssr lr mm in 11 rrofr h- r cm d ri w5miify ilhna 11 london mkov fac1 loi of this line in packets having mhh ftft nimbrr of ihrir suips will bereatur despatch ona oftham fiiin new york and from poruoknjifa ihlt 10th ftnd 20th and frotn london on rvr- 7ir 17lh aid 27tb of arery mnnth virouahont the year tiz maater miner chicalton o eveo nsrs- under 12 ytatlflf age abuve difh weekly bojiat uy brjva the lnzinires each- drevring ujiwinp- j0 h mutc r22 guineas 24 dulo- ib iliro- 12 dmo jr a 1 ciuinea 1 ditto 1 ditto 10 keep pcopvr ny froin tv fet of mien g lf w i rhrarv sflsrttfc am flkhlllce and mi 7 jjj r favored nseada mty 10 vie li e0iiof the lmj ff rr the crnofihj urie wlihelieijiw af hkh i from newyork sept 1 ship tok jnto r grannu 9 ut lohip ontario jamod kearnty sept soship westminster h champlin muter or- oct oct ka nwr nov dr dec j ccroniided by ei oflfie most espcrieicid thec lfco an hswot anentbb will be paid to paasengor ao to property regularly shipped aoham al 1835 bav anl river the fjst sailing steam boat arrives at kingston hm caldeb maicr plnca on mondiv and thurdajf will 1cae the orryin rotdingri at 3 ocloliloiieh m the torn i 3wg buiiwmul sophhiirfih culbartaona jtanlffl nmefyf tlieslnseaori a m 6 afternoon 12 it kingston thursday in the mono mveeat ogdenbtirgh in the afternoon seniemherjcns r v fancy biscuit baking- thomas moxey from loin returns his kraieful acknowtedinente to u inlialitatis of kitigtnft for the ciicuufflge ic mitce in commeiieement in tk abve business and beffv lee veto inform them diat be keeps constantly for saleeverv vartiy of fancy twvs and blscvrts confectionery nd oot articles in his line of the very best quality votesale and rrtail cfcrftiteuinff bride cakcc madr fo order t m hoes nwd mid is cotitmilly mamtrc- tnrin otnuwr beer ofsuperivr flavor which iterwlfleell itholesale nod retail at moderate prict het aluflins every wednesday mid suiurday evoii frigs storestrect kingston juncst 1935 35gm the storage ana whavngc uwriher bcz lciv to ilf ii pihm v i and wharf former v ys- fna hy ftlr juhii iiiff the foot sto streei as tu locotinn lliey kh uhtthelrtqtmlnlato tlmse wbi wiehtosture property or dis of it by consignment muyrejy on the uimw of he iuhscrihcr to eic tor i brickville aitoltfmvent precoltiii tean doat for moutrval upwards will te3ve pretctl every tuesday nil friday p m imme jbtcly aller the arrival of the stages or stim boa from be- hw tuchaibrcckville firnh crrk and arrive at kiimts- ton early next mnrninp wih leave ktniton every wcdes- jav and saturday aiptdidgabt 8 oclock tuoohin at the inicr- mediate pbec and arrive at the carrying pfaccami evahlrtjp in time in inoetihesiage for cobourg port hope and torun all packos and luggage at the ruk of die owner unles buoked and paid fur every mtcntiirn will be paid to the crmprtor pasngrr and the boat i well adapted to uhe freight hordes c kitigaton april 1635 lake ontario 183fi the stejm boat rncrtahv referent willbeiven end j rtiw ivkat milsummer end s fttutght ftl iinci on the 1 1 rf nmp a quarter notice is up sw thercmovil of a boarjcr pupil rena iniiig tt s 1 during the 3-ation- re clid 4 girtetm w gr auoum ls freocb lnuge liuf hi by a nauvc of pri eich boarder b aictod to bnog a silver spoon kent ftstama mtfi pi s ooayb roade to t ft prior b of que i novrl dhj poetr r il i locivc efuire im uati vhiriinojncftocjtorcil c iilsrurv etore of toiafuil french liabiia or gcnnttn up ta c ray ftfc naii tt bfneorimrnhrcif- anff ao a us sept ship st james wm s sebor raaner 10 ship mlintrfalrc h coafflptin mailer 30 ship canada thomm britlon bmiwr 1 ship 10 sluphannibal hebwd master 211 ship philadfxphia e morgin fnuttr 1 ship phhadelphia e e mnrgin muur- 10 snip president gewrge moore muter 20 ship samson d clutdwiuk muiar from london 1 montreal leave put umoutri ana 10 17 canada icnve portmonth aug 20 27 leaven portsmouth sepl 7 1iann1pal leave potwmouili sept 0 wmawas into work afb1rts or tl irajn rfji rtxveoverwlll sr lir- n lrwure oodlhe uris ihrooehoul l ovllixnl jfm- rr1rmiprly of the hterhty iwmmy ihytomajsl jw l bitwn lrlao1 la o me pcriiie nn0r cl bee for mm pjrticuhm apply to iha editor of the whig 376m bal13 lp cbows land caamiinarr f crwn livl ofbce 1 tetteicn jane isth t i the ppvtlic ire infttntwtl llwt the sales of crow i loda inrflb london disirict ill take olacc as follows at londova for ihe bounty of middlesex wednesday- 29ti july thnrwlnyi m thursday thursday t sim cub for tbr ciminty of aorfulk 27ili august 2hlt seprrmber 29th october atisfacu- h orders he may be favored y tliep line of business i b for the there will be a baggage lir iccorarnmntion of travellers room fitted up fur the reception of iwnmv phillips kington april 23d 1533 this if caution to motion all persons from ittakns imr- satmotralvwouiertriwirhli james schroder in unfl imve ittpreient no connection with that young im auo my customers nrcrerinfcd to nmee of whom they boy he articles i rmniifac- to be sent from me hejvuy bolte kingston atinst iolh 1835- 3 america cftpt joel r tyler will ran two trip weekly between socheterfffrfttnjp ton via soduj oswego and sacueit harbor as followa couikg dowx leaves rochester mondays and tluirdaye at 5 eriiing m sodua do do ii evemu m oswdjn tuosdny and fiidayf 9 inorning 11 sackcte harbor in s evening arriving at kingston tuesday and friday evenings 9 oclock gdimc ur loaves kinfcirton 9rtorda afirnnnn wcdneedej 7 a- u 4ckef 4 harbor sunday 7 rnnrning do 12 noon owego do 3atlemtinndo 10 evening sodtis ao 9 evening thursday 5 a m arming at rl- i r monday rtjiy light i 9 rnnrnink- lijtfrsecting with the great britain at oewego nil wednea- days and the cntitutnn at rochester on ftlnnday and rhumdaya on thiiir iipwmil if im ti cibonrs toronto i saira awtne daily brataat kingston running to oden- p ll bay ofqiiiut car by liking this boat ft if friday filuuv firliiy stuidav 2ltli inly 21st agwt isih seitimber 2lih october at blandford for county of oxfurd umh1a awawai moiday 24th august munilay 21st september monday 26th october the number of tw lots tobeffcd and fuiifcer particulars may be imhtifw wppry iimitivr 42 mnw ftobiysos commnmcmer of crtncn lanls i sind up the bay rif qnou paicngf r going wtl at kingston iteia tie rbor or 0wca buffalo fir pwwa of the canal from roche li air price children 20th july 20ih august 21stseprember 20th october 30th noveoiber xtakbbi the fast auiso tearpacatef notice any person having clnima against the estate ot the late thomas ashe of loughborough are requested to prent their account for adjustment on or be- fore the 8th september proximo to the subscriber p mad1uan kingston august 8th 1s35 o evening the mansion house kingston v c xulcribercnntinucstoorctipyihia extensive tfle oit iil kinmntiiitihlhiieiiia an hotel fgi ie accui jdarton of rh i ublic the mansion house jjiifly mlwiifl i i store street being die nijctpjii und m cnral sireet in kingston in tlie hiiifuv is convenient to the dif- wrnvrt and no eaiablislrmem n surpass it in the ex- panuieots in regrd st george went harper r tf commandor will until the ui september leav the dtflerent pmti a followa vfvfakmi hw y 1wrtv aid thluklay morning oaweo m tueiday evening cobmirg u wednexday mntninr saturday port hope w u j and arrive at toronto on wednesday arernoon and sun day morn iog bowkwaritt toronto every thursday looming and sunday averting port hope thuradav evening and mwndav morniuy cobourg i t and arrive al kjnaton in time for poasengeis to uke the rivor biti lor mrjnmal paeogorweaviug toronto by the above bnat on sunday and thursday will arrivo ia montreal uo tuody and satur day ovanmgi no luggage or paroels taken charge of unless booked and paid for au freight piyable on ddistrtf ktngtoti j un- 8h 1h3 sale of crotvn ljuvd cemmiaktoner of crown lur office toronto vt jane itos the porlic w infimnwd thai the sales ol 1 vowii land and owgy knervee in die midland district will take ph follow viz at iieuev1lle for thetnwnsltirvof hiniingtlmi madc hun- grrford knladar jbwdun richmond and tyeu- dtnajra monday thursday muudiy tuesday friday atsapanee thursday 28rd july monday 24th august thsrday 24th ptyuiber friday 23rd october monday 23ro inovember at kingston fnr ihe townships of portland pittsburgh hin- cliinhrofk uedftrd aod luuehhnrough tuesday 93th july sntutdtiy bih vgut tuenhlay 29rh lepnber wechieaday 26th qoollur monday 30rh namher the numberanf the lot to ottered for fale may be known by applyiojr to samuel s wihnri cif uellevillr or at tliin i kfiev j a 42 a toll and foitm chi racier enntiot fill lipmtiiv ample pw ffi2isb2l nihr ft rcorchnl eaiearive correponjeoce nrihe f btjenarectre fcritinuanwofxhecntonvnw waiuryaixrioa valor in he eve of o powic as cr as jodtoeuir election satodtm will it l loped rreaato be g- liore than once obulaed thdr cvorabte aoflhts fir ws past literary terms the werkwfll be pebtihod in wv1y number each nemter eoniainlog f nrrrtw tdaw wf u1th dnue eou su -3- che rxprtln ot every six months bsenbrrs ihe larnifhed with hnvlncao lilie piie srd tblc cchmss jii2 mpintofmniierronihethis sfiffeiw f coflplwwein firrfv eerukfl orihccoipinod pm mflsll tawf lxle kir col oj wmi ill he nl lens ftit t utt uncr of yeara uicnrto inthe 2i4rry the psnrr gron which tlte lbravy hfll te printed wn tic rfucrjucrquoitteil lor bookwork ami or a sijc noinirauy a iqw lor bindioz aa tins type win be entirciy netv aw era tici appeanko rac voiutnc when tiound wilt rniisb a haqdvome ua welt ur mmo and not cjiubrou wiionio the llbrartes or ttoee vrbo pt003 ux tbcprcofihculrraombcjcevfarjprrapjvo d vtdce- a cmfnimsn ofd pr eenu will he allowed tn ww aod nny acri or nmniflaufcir oirpmsm five mibtritnmta reinjuing tje amoeat rtb- wriihinnfthjitbeniilkdtolhccwdmwsrtnoriorr or a copy or ihe work for one yr-r- aircinejionhr wwkrrry tathrmsuoo repecunf 1 may icol- lilnrd by adoreta iie imbtwterv pot pm kdjwh af m to svmch the propceio i rorwardfl vmi p4eae lari cte aboe its men u couvetieni eeml ac0py orukcir pajief crtntnininlhe ndvenijcmriu caarked ancumide tlieosclveato lmx ch niie for oc war ahfeaa e l cakey a- hart plladdpwa phhrmpmi jiy ith iftw thb lamps- book tor joiv wits piiblttihecl on ttae plrsjl tnat thisnamber cnmenx n new vol 0 me and cnnttua nneof tbc puie ft f lahlnnsj whicii bits rcwittd ibis workto cetcbtairdj alpsvtte pueliioosofise cleo ihae five nmilsr plntea will be given 1 hi year 43 per annum pavablf in advance evert nomber coaiatas e steri eoravle nr n phie of fotin rti 4nltvmi4km auiitora eaibeuabriteotarledbric tcileettf or viewaor rei0arxbe gallery of portraits ciwlf r ini heai will be pcmurv luehrvsm or dbflas imicd wihrs iniliocnimiry and in iorope alrril haveheen iac0 irtrikin r lefiilmcs nrpulwcr 1 1 line and cunmojlutni sih ibe fun lovvui nn how rrrirfy ftrrprctf vtill hr prjslpd iwohieiich ao lrr irttthe wbolrin cmnblti itrllfy brwi toorr cnltwgv redtfrivlvrl nrtrle5lndde sieljjric jnnter cimpuii ron cne notl loirthe a ibe mileor waahiueioiin hflm vvtiunorbl f hieueennmt w fcanl io iftr aiisum nnmier abk seej rami vfotl ofihr piiruoq hnur illiraterf ly n u broks a h vcw nrpirk puce new vorti kicarwirs ancnzi 1 1 k- battbnmtpryi aljie ae the6ritnuniriortihuoiicdeuta wf bcciiiitijil tn mt noeflor is vparejio rtndcrihi work paruiogni le a ginkv no tf franklin place piiiladelpriti the fiibscrilkr to convince ihoae persona wuhiojr 10 tobnbe or tur ladyv book ml there ts no drcepiiryn tn v work win ibrward any ainnths oumlier a speetraea by sending bln u tctfer post paid irsnyroirocrbsrotim nave extra nambers or volume 10 on band tfiat iheyrutnct ufle ibey wit eonfcr prpettieoar favor en thepebbber hy reuiipm tbem maiediajejy aecororraam with a notoauo dn-u- bcxnt mth whn they arr vn 1 weaetoneariy oait ofvotaine 19 that we wfea 1o proridea suppu iaeaoa newftpapers errtianjnt with the todys book will confer a tvor on oie sibrtor by pvlfta ihe nbove three or fear inneniono j7 philadelphia leaves portsmouth sopt 20 sept 27 president leaves portsmouth oct- t ocl 1 samson leaves portsmouth 10 ort 17 toronto leave portsmouth oct 20 0cl 87 ontario leaves piirtimmiib nov 1 rjv 7 westminster leaves pnitsmouth nov 10 jfvv 17 sti jambs new leave portsmouth n v 20 there fhips are all of the firs class about 600 loos burthen and are commanded bv nolo and experienced navigur clrcai cam will be taken that he bed stores clc art of the best dcci iption tbe price of cabin paassge outward it now fixed at i v v- k incding wines and liquors or 130 withoot vincs c passengers paying tlie last mentioned price c art be supplied bv tiro atewad at the printed rates which will he furnished on board neither the coptains norowncrs of these packet will be responsible for any letters parcels or packac em by utetn ouleas regular bills of ladinc aro signed ahereibt applv to john gr1swold 70 south street new vorfc or grinnrm minturn a cn 134 front at do or to geo wildes co no 19 colcmanat london n b suimhi ats run daily from porumunth where thre nackct iop t- land and receive pa4o r to the coutnont ind to ilijtc tt partppf eiitfiind any nipiromtion ndiiiivo tt thi lne of faiket ships mav uj ntifctlnttd hy apjlaatn at thtf ufficfta hale of chqwi ivfl all oftlw kiici in the prhii ciriv md c mdoi vf bo 1 r 1 1 pa s nil of which arevur the hotel has beet iiul otherwise fiai c y iirt i iued thioul out 11 o ill rformh vtd n subscriber havin kept n public house for riyirors has acquired experience in that line- v wuh ireiiiiui i intention to the rot of hi guesta he will continue to merit pub lic mtronkge j in the rear of the mansion house there is ar- 1 ard p extensive stabling and whet uhle ivconmam l e is e 1 li fc m at tthe mansion house lmtfayflbo in read cr arriarje nnd portrr ca to convey pisria iggig o and forai the steam u at sir james kempt will until i further notire prfimn her trip up the bar c will hm prescott fo kingston and th ba on jfonaayand rhtirtday emninga aftar lh arrival of ilia llou will leave kingston fcr prescott on sunday nq passbniert fr monlre leavin- kin bv hi di p 7 21 t he v lhr wraal lint ihal puronye msiclofll p 3f j kinpiun jnn27ih thk oenixesians ok tm sportlssr and dramatic csmgisuajm v icl0otvc housed pblloaoplitcall and natural phcuomcna lerdemaln see it h nrtw i mornh afar thl puhllcsiton was eoonmepcca in phlta- ttrpaa nml although the pahfc litre hove nscd 00 sdrnni ikbjh tncucnlwten krtnwlenof auch is tie iflricoon jbaih lead hy thm pnriloo rrhc public who have been nude- acattniatd vftk it- rnaiwier aod costers rani m lut or imvons crtntinar coosiuotly anl raptdl 10 1 laeft a tin- paper ip riw dminbuled rreviariy every week overa vi4e aorivort of ftv hatm flt a evanrtivalisc on agriculture a psw cous ufiwtbtve work nuty had bt ihe iiirdwnrc store ofmciwv hill brigge or of the subscriber g w yarkrer kington aug 2uu 1 6 9sile of fjhovm lands contmuorfcr of crmvn lands ofte toror10 july ttth 153d notice 15 hereby given thai ihe t and mov under survey ntj littiiig the townships of ili0 u fnelon kohts of ths balsam lake will be offered lor sale itt pvblic auction wrtmfdi tajf ate luoiuiu tj aucjuai next the ubuoi imiiice designating the nainber of tho lot as well the conditions and place of sole will he ffiven at soon n tin survey b completed 1 american leather slvtubi just received ihi fur sale bv tlivsubpciiburf 500 sides of sole leather sw0 do harness do 100 4o uvidle do 300 calfskin 100 ktp sfctim 20 dozen frill rocco skins i 20 lining mid binding skirw 20 linrrels salt 30 boes starke co axe a full supply of lasts and tipottrees five dollars per ev paid for hide otui the highest price in cali puid foronlf shert skin m t william ford market pjc kinnttm july lat 1833 sale of crolfjt lajws iin i ii r of crown rdi office j toronto mtj 11th 1335 the pnblic are informed that there will hea aieo crown linds by auotlin in ihe own of ibo rotieli in tie aaocaste district on tiie fir tute- jay j saw mi and wtjtpm will nfil-r- warda be lwu a ilie tftioa nlacc mi the nrs tues- hy in the toulw of july august sencidber anl utlobt following lie dlimbera of lie ins to be offefed for sale iprliculan may be known by aiiplriiia umkm pot mlicrtto c r is 5 uk b on iaklu 1j5 r the ptthlicare informed tha ahert will jiv a je f crown fatnftsyamrtioh am w town f tttr- th tin in the rvweni district ihe fiirttnefidiv hi jnne next nnd aijjmnned mkt will atrwbnfsl he hhd tl the nme place on the firat tuesdnv in ihe months of july august september and octo ber fnllowhig sales will also be held in sindwich on the firt tuesday in june next and afttrwarda on the third turvdiy in the m uf july august september tnd octaher fulloing the nnmberm of the lolt to be cffered and fur ther priicalr may be known by applying to hcn- ryj jones eq chthm or9t thisoffice peter robjiso 31 cotrisjrrosrrt of crmon luufs fnn- vafm aeawst no eserijanerjulk spared geeastou warmot it fljror1aeftitejuoh- h fbjz tbt otflrcfll p h4 favrorjw a8 aastim i ff alo 7 sti uotaaiaiotcr of crovn iiort uj fjff is uzkutir give rr unless pmntia lc ram or i make any claim lliev may i fl lie souih balf oflov no ion nf the liive m lot ii in ide5tli con ia heirs no 13 township or ftxflxaaumo n nik lesnnc will w1al homc dissiice e olh hapoaed uf teteu roninsov f atsuffaaa a quim ti eleoaft ste4bb0at oswego prtpttud ly taco feawvav irw pr w eaiaa 60 jor jwv caps j t ho ai will tnnke two trips oh lake oniario ia each wceb m connection with the splendid steamboat commodore barrie leaving oedenahury and ivcerott vr wedoe lay nnd pridny exentn ox 7 oclock for jin otirhtng at the iitirmeiinte ptri- on lhc amwiiun ndcaniideshomjs rssciige leutvjrw muntival hi tuesday tn thureriny mornings roach offdeiw- urgnrprcnttin time to take this boat the fol lowing evening july 1 1835 ilicvfo rgs rags rags th e highest price in cash paid for rags at thia briiialt whig office kington july 21 1836 kingston brewery 4 mhstittery tub suuscrihbks havcfrenlly erected and have notf in full nfhltttinif n ptrnt cotre rec- tifvixo airaatva for the irttmufarture of pure canadian whiskey heisifg the nnly one at iireentihehomecomstrnc- lion in the two province ofciotnerbcitn be stall times suited on the ti6rtet nortce vith the various strength from alcohol to comraun retail proof of quality superior to qty other manufactured iu ui province they luive how on hand and ready for sale fro 15 to 20000 gallons of whitby alw 12 to 15000 gulioivsofsuiierlw 8tjuubb ax d warranted that by tiding proper vueiifjon to it to re- nihin gond throtjffhiiut ih-vseasi- paymknt cash or approved endorsed notes ut 3 month vwimua 3000 bmkcb tf hard woo j charcoal hunt morton kingston llrafwy distillens my is35l s bwaaj orein 1 the lidiev marl 1 ihteri von vvhal the gomca furmcr hriecploijoo olyrapic oevha eattektntn in jndt ahaajrwne frrtjvaj tito earn tftaiae my prlend je gotemor victxiac f- fc the omptmv thcmidofrfettre the kett the odci tue ic6 1 vieincq ikruiirl ttrf a0babot uportiae latethance j sm portion ormr cdrai onrl ud furlhi n alexander atcdonell esq peierlonntgh or ut litis ofllca 31 peter rorinson v i r tioirnea a thoma- hoerofl wotosib btxnon it jrlv ill bcnimla vvebficr f wmsmc planchc i datrce hrrchtaw fi- b poake- w bwiyrocre tbc 111 roin jlrfe river nojne irrt fttroart octuple a caisitkr- bfebawsaz cmess plaveb w gjraar g bknl flliboda ir fcctlir the subsgkiuer having d wiift a manutacwrtr lias aud wrtteooatarisr ken an extensive aupjily of v p harnesaaud bdle leadkv catfsmnv fmiwimowftw m fnin w hieh be wifl sell or retail as lov j can be obiamed m he provfnce oagfen and jjje fdrmrera cu he supplied at all ii an with lin quanmtes d probably on better terms ba s he obtiiiipd elsewhere fl f hide aad w and 07 100 barrel salt kinrdton may s6rh 1835 jv mxmat s3 the sudsch1er waived hi c saafltsi un0t sawaasss 10 the iarket cquare u here he wrtul fci hand a large ataorlnieiii crfs- laatttauu factureatthe following lowprict ilo for ready mowrj 0mr ladie pmoello oil uathwpomp- do sunorqadivaa555 6u art slin jj i 1 t biofrripmoreelesnurd hotsk u hohrtap frin fowlrt fa uoir ponrtiis 34 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