Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), September 15, 1835, p. 2

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the v ii to tit large lake- tce running zj a smsll ofihcsccrenturejh on llu suirl9 i wine ww 1s j npi ilffli their wg treat l m rx rc imrly out frig moriihi w is being ruttiienlon iniwdhi cu ess- to oie legs unued deorewngni w died us v was ibf ckihv- sance iiinidc ion bv ttwuw birt by thrdoraa- i rv roh t nil the wj dowi the wings seem uttati then iwy vr they nirweda the ir mornmui rv 1 2 siui uvintkt thhni i rt mud ihtv nut they wefe ishuh mrly m ll iiid nihtmuvrn them licv w bnrd the wlwwne i iherit- rib vewrl a fifitabed wih wrtrt revtyaiw ihi before ilihtr usui mcuiiimv luey v ll oh lttfittitt ill convey at it ihe it 10- fcugtiuiaux ihe nfflp- mr ifru llui iiibl- thev wcic vtork- vine stnmtvtolp iwjumisawh sarau time an on i replying m me a ix i ilijnuid i nrrlcr rn- a ilirve t mi rv 1 12 42po iiil cm vene of itilr ihtf lin of li- miner will in- hcim iiitwnnu i mid i iltr inner iich ought 10 eimblu iliwu 10 blow oui orihe water ikan use among the esquimaux who hiiiiuu he milli lnve bud il human cuunicnnnce oi- difhuicd and besmeared ii j bliihbti ili no one lenture was m cd from ile mher- his face rcstm- tjlcd ij ol a ish brii a hat a pni hnviiboim fiom iih niufiet id 17th of july elates t tn io hint iy imiurti ygl lie bud so bound loihi-llavan- so s3htissw- r ov 10u oiu lmssl on of the veel lkc t b suk rirlmem of cigmevr bo- more oarua n u i cost of liar- irfitevh hvc b boon over icj who have ah meni diswtiic willi wfliciwi require iuh prnject irid mrero 10 crel md murdered i m opo irci ib mizelirfbie bo had been standing i july 30 1 s whb ihe jiu3 to mw hiacounienance altered we n before our readers toe hove horrible event thai took place terdav after hnvmjr pblhfo vcrv vii where 1 the tlrec famil wiug0i nd pqcuou oi ibe prov of tftrr chll ere inst in the dark confine of the canvadi ov ft itud lime to bretltc from our pmauzing as eptfitilto innocent anu ypj b wiiuld but ill the before ion- the inui pcre io yttmrttko homo or mmrbnt and they re doubts tm innocfttit and hsijppy cteaturen noiwitbindin3 nnt of their dhlumoienu would but ill cutnport vi th our tcrresttinl notions of decorum the val ley itself we called the ruby celosean in compli ment to its stupendous southern boundary ihe six tuile sweep of ted precipices two thousand feet hgh hviin far advan- two thousand feet and ihe oighl or bg wjjtog being for a n her liuinid the night of the 14th displayed the moon mean liberation or full but the somewhat iatc of the atmosphere being for several hoars less ftvnrable to a minute inspection than to a general urvev of ber surface they were chiefly devoted io tic laner purpose- but shortly after inidnigii the veil ofmiwasdistpaicd being bttautiftit mid fertile nication groce ihe columns of the kingston pa calcaloiedin thetneelvcs to induce setllcn w locate in the district monthly emes of crowi laudb and clergy reserved wc cncd m the ltnd offices iu kingston bclleximevce believe nnpanev- a map of the district is abuut being published by mr p v elmore nf unllowel nmhor of a map oftiiq puncc buuaril district mr e msip ixon haitis iu an inch cxhibiiiny nil the ers rwuleti likc churches meeting houses saw mills grint mtlls towns villager wharves s c c- by lot concession a w al which the native xprepaedbome surprise mifetiml the sievurd would not accept oi like ihe greal vhat nuuner as the face io 1 diitv keml but then a scale of 150 chaiw loan mail roads cioss koada ki in the oucthlida could not be performed r md therefor turning 10 his wif he mhpaf auom nul wiihom any henaucm smce lha most lndcrly nd mlectioitniely at ihe foeheiid md no cat could hck mm- scam butt wds nd towadiipi hicitt- ii tin divuwi s lucid ss on the former evenings the attention ol jic asuonomer was arrested by the rcmaikabu- out- unraof the spot marked gycho no 18 in hm and in this region they sutnan knowledge which angels might to win blums added trensuics to well desire feovi2701m kingston dieiwclvc l resh nave aid ttcii mir to five gti to 10 per the the case of the soldiers of die 15th reg- who unprisonment for rioting in march street we n- i red in or last was yesterdny brouehi before ilkrawdfflistrftiok abibinrtlilbuounws nauenknce tbtciose of this second examina- llhn arose oni nf tbe circumstance of a letter having been irittetv to flie commanding officer by a er- on mtmed j4iati kendrick which stated that the soldiers wrt vefy illtreated by the constables and beaten very severely by them on taking them ig ftfo the colonel made the mayor ncquuinted wiihlhe leuer which caused the exaiiiation a number of witnesses were produced but it was clear- a shewn hat no more vtulcnce was used by the sonstahles than was absolutely tiecessary to take then to the gaol as it requited 4 or 6 persons to carry someofihcm it w to also clearly proved vlia eenderick had rot the most friendly feelings towards the constables andtlmt he had threatened tn be revenged of some of tlicm the inveion occupied a greet portion of the day and the thie toldici vre brought from the jail and interroga ted hut not a single impropriety was proved against the city constables the details ore not ofany interel colonel horton at length said he wa perftcuy aetisfied as to the proper conduct of the constable ji tit that htvlnff tlelt itlo bermsniry xrjtiy n ucrr cfrc m igs iraiata that the matter might tre investigated thin iiotw being oily done he felt convinced that ihe constables did not overreach their duty and that the decision regarding the prisoners ajutft the mayor and alderman gurneii also spoke in high terms of the very proper conduct of the con- stables in the execution of a most arduous and diffi- culiduty having to deal as they have with men who think they may assault and insult thern nith impunity such conduct the mayor sad would not be tolerated for one moment regarding tkis riot wc cai only nnwsav iliat wj it utti ui te aciiuiy anu promptitnue of the talagisrates ossioated at once by the constables this riot we have no donbt would have only termi nated in the most lamentable manner we have err active and efficient constabulary at present and x hope and trust tht very respectable and wellaf fected citins will be aiding and assisting them in ieixecmioauf tficjt duty- the charges made a- suit riit canetfrk iv tkeietttr of kemlrick to vol horton wert completely disproved toronto the assizes for the district of johnstown closed ot saturday evening laut at which lime the follow- sentences were pronounced rirekingvs thomas bowers forgery mis- ictneaiior fmpjisonnient in the common jailor the district for nine months the king vs mary ann smith petit larceny one months imprisonment in the common jail of the district the king vs silvester duffey misdemeanor beoeivtng stolen goods six months i ment in the common jail of the district the king v thoinasnicholson horse steal tog five years in the penitentiary a man by the nameof hogan who had been com- pited on a charge of petit larceny was discharged on his own recognizance no jxrrsou appearing against hi s timt our breihern of the preeminently distinguished uicninvjtun deserve the cordial support nf iis inhabitant whutsliult we now say for this district new lie improvements on an extensive scale going on in all puns steam boats gliding over the giaw wateis of the interior taken and rivers s koads about being constructed to coimeci the 1 1 out with the back uiwnalhfmi w mdis uristmilh ad oilier machinery eiecung iui offices cetahlithitig and vliuges rahtttlig then hcdds above the prunevai forest one circumduct may serve to show tin- state of improvement which this district w fost bh proaching upwards of twenty miles bokofthhi town nriproved larms often hell ivom pounds per acre and wild land from acie i hopt warder fakhkm bank we congratulate the subscn- of the farnieiv bank in this disinct puttieu on the appointment of our much respected towns- man captain liinsnull io ihercpoitsible uftice ol district agent to this inthutmion a mote judicious and in every way qualified selec tion could not in our opinion have ben made ulw that of appointing captain k as he oppftar a ural favorite wth the people of uict ii efily on friday niornig the st gcmg jttatner called at our wharf but itidjug no one oti the juci head at that moment it being scarcely liijln wr understand captain uai per called out u is the warder now referring no doubt to things long since gone hy we respond to the callthe vyar- der is ii ins post ami we beg to assure captain riarpcr be shall jve find an advocate in u when he hi nrglected at nur puit which we believe was the case on the morning 111 question- e have made enquiry intu the uiauer uiid litid tbttl the hands who head and bis kind invitation he begin to iick his hand a cut or a dog would its tuws after having immer sed thirij io a ditty questiuti arc in linked vlca by hilukflf itied of tepng began at uie hue iftn no benr its jba with greater msidnhy a teoiinri hy deguse thttttce began to tissume natural fifarures and in tlu space of a cpmrter of an hour not a siige ofthc blood and blubber ws to ie se0- the operation was performed in such a masterly manner tbat it vas evident that ihe anod ife wttm atlept in theartof licking and accord n g to some observations which were subsequently made it was ascertained phat it was the method a tlopted by these uncivilwd people in ihe rleaning eirnwn hands whi dmy was performed deepest concern details of the a- at the review yeteiutv passed along the boule vard the point at which the national guards and the troops were drtiwn up his majesty accompanied hy the duke of orleans the duke de nemours the prince de jouiville and a numerous and brilliant siaff was returning along the same lint to the place vendome where the troops were filed off before him at twelve at the moment when he had reach- ed the boulevard du temple a 1 i lie before the tremendous oxpiothuk at iii ben io 6t tins oii- 1 iheotlietx in die cleaning nf their faces whilst tins aiiigiihr scene as anacting leiween meyiak wid his dutiful and obcdfeni epouae a no letnanig- nlir one was lerlonniir lw heir children on the bodies of ihe seals whicn had been just skinned mid on which the blood as an yet pore and dtwt the carcases were lying on thu deck preparatory u being cul up for the dojs he the children at tracted by ilie inviting smell of the blood- squatted themselves down by he animals and with a zest equal to iluti whicn iuo evinced whilst regaling upon a john dy swimming in same piquanfe ihy licked with all their natural greediness the j linn awfti 4- ftiw and no ditf imiw ii 1vh rais trencher cleaner than these human brutea did die bodies of the seals igk account of rots a t british wh ktsgstoy tuesday evemtfg sept 15 1835- tuu ll usually auend the steamboats were at ibent we believe atienditurto omo the light houavrcting on hull island seuce thai nuiineik business at at the nairn f ijire neiai u uial was ultmhrttt aftt iu plji ul hzisceliiairv a juvkmts cojnlr on tucsdiy a boy ramd curtis only ten years of agc tt ehonied with coining inspectors pagan md brown of the m divjghm having received inforuriiion that counter feit shillings and sixpences hid been parsed off in the borough ohmined ft elutf o one of the plticea where they were coined they ihey therefore proceeded toahouae no 3 baileys court pepper- oidcrprtlie irish reside and on several packet ship bay4 arrived at new york lattly bringing english datvn down to the 1st au gust the chief news is theatienptedassasinat of the king of francennd his sous nothing said concerning the prorogation ofthc imperial par liament england- the varims clauses of theliishchurch bill were agreed to in committee of the house of commons on 29th j uw la the course of the de bate another beargarlfin scene took place between mr oconnell a mrsha and a mr finn o- oornell chnrced mr shaw niih stating falsehoods rwiiecting him mr plw a friend of mr ocon- nellj rose it great herf and exclaimed that wnat lr irra had ud wvi fiilee ifoeuw gafc umuy an uproar eranei which was with difficul ty quieted and ihenfffir eulvd iu the folluwing ele gant intetchance ofcooplhuenisbetweeu two of the gtnttcmcit mr iiiw hil rhatvhehon and learned gentle man had alluded to hfcspiritual ferocity his bow- ever was not like the ifirochy of the hnn and learn- ed gentleman for thatexhibited itself in a deaths head and cmsbonesloud cries of oh air ocunnell anl yours in acalfs head a touch it is now clear beyond doubt that even die mm isters themselves have not tin slightest expectation of being able to earn the lrih church bill in its presr nt form this session yt professing the deep est anxiety for the welfare ofthe established churdi and un less ennuniseratinn tor the destitute stte uf he unfortunate kislr clergy they resolutely refuse to adopt the only eauv which accordiitgto the ere ssffsssssssz eessj portion of which had been used for ihe purpose nf imprison- isuf iieen used lor mc purpose making the spurous uumey there was no person in the room but the little hoy who hud evidently been well trniited and no doubt had been pucej ellen in the cxeut ofn piirm iee hy nthtr partita who imagined ihat his youth the consequences in reply i the euro of phillips vs sly brown morris and others fordatrsgesin the destruction of his propert jkauii arcbajam ae ajilfidrtbedefendanta confessed juageinent for qq and are to pay all costs brockvht rttordtr sale or inotan lawdb when our last paper wnt to press we could not obtain the particular of these scje to lay before our readers as no regular jf tere then made below tte briefly give the puiticulars amount of sales of town lots in brantford je5sj4 do do do ftirm lots in the towrtship of brantford and the gore north of dundas st in dumfries 9802 town lots in cayuga 1 1 1 farm lot in the townships of cayuga and dunn 2663 wotlid save him from m w lo mr trail the pri soner sairl that hi lather and lived in the room where he was found and llt thiy stadgcnc out about hall an hour before hs was taken inu custody leaving him lolafte crc ofthc ihingi he was remanded the magistrates directing the enapectora to use every exertion to take the parents of the boy into custody crukltytoa horsr on friday kdwinoaskett a lad in the employ of the proprietor of the sun newspaper was charged by ihe society for thu prevention of cruelty to animals with having spur red and beaten a horse in so cruel a manner as id cause its death defendant it appeared whs em- ihtl o o hi iihrr ff jh fiiwf guiijgtip nihirs uiej observed through the kcyholo the prioncr busij engaged over the firepace the insptciors cner ed the room suddenly d ntn towards the fire oil which was placed a small crucible containing molt metat ftbioi the prisoner attempted to capsize into the fire but was prevented on the bob stood twn moulds rudely constructed with chalk one for iortn- iusth impression ofaahiliing pbj hi aie a our oegista and there wcr some metal sfloorts also found utfpfweew ol the one aud uf aitordiirrdnhirotecnon to the other that they have the power lodo so hy severing the bill into two and leaving rhe principle of appropri ation to be discussed separately upon its own merits no one who has rend the late debate can doubt yet notwithstanding an almost absolute assurance from sir r feel to this effect notwithstanding the all butcenainty of passing that ponton of the bill which relates to the settlement ofthe tithes reve nues aud ineome of the church generally mimsters have thought fit we cannot say to hazard but to destroy all chance of carrying this measure by re fusing to sever the provisions relating to an appro priatiou of the surplus revenues of the irish church it being much moie than problematical it should be recollected whether such surplus will ever have any existence notice was given that the attorneygeneral for u ireland would move lor leave to bring in the iruh which occasion he had pressed corporation reform bill on the 3lsr ir strength and spurred it so um palmerston was called on for information relative to the three british subjects said to have been hoi by order of don carina and ataed in re- ply that a letrer had been received at the admiralty giving information of the fact the object was al- taken up in the house of lords on the 30th theatre des funnmhule reeenihlim irregular platoon firing was heard fir hu ihe fee balls upon 0 marshal morricr duke de trevise fell and red ffiihnut utteiing a word several other officers nd some ofthe national guards ere also killed jnd a considerable number of persons wounded- the falling of some horse among which was that of marshall mnttier and the capering of others ad ded to the tumult which it would be difficult to de scribe during this scene the king whose arm had been crazed by a bullet ami whose horse hd received a wnund in the neck maintained the calmness by which he if distinguished and displayed remarka ble courage hy riding up in the direction of imust feooi w ihe explifrion came after the firsl e- imitinfl had passed ihe cortege continued its route amidst linits ol joy for the preservation of the kings life and threat of vengeance against the as- uasins the bodies o the slain and the pirsons who were wounded were immediately carried to the cafe tore opposite where medical assistance was afford ed to such a were elill alive sinnke was seen io proceed from the third attwy ofthe house jo 50 o the boulevbtd du temple of which thy ground floor and first floor are occupied by a wine dealer named pnrrault keh storv cnnsistj of one cliam- hei ivhidi h lighted hi a aitigie wiuduw in lioni the liotisu is immediately surnmnded and ull ihe persons fotmein h arrested the room in which the machine had been constructed is very small its dimensions being only six aud a half feel hy seven the machine was made with gresi skill of wodd with iron braces and extremely solid two up rights supported two croaa bars of wood placed pa rallel to the window and in these were fimed grooves in which were laid twentyfive gunbnrrelts the front croes bar placed at about a foot from the window won rather lower than that behind o thai the balls might reach ihe body of a man on horse- hack in the middle of the boulevards the charge was so heavy that five out ofthe twentyfive barrel had burst notwithstanding they were very substan tial ant new the assassin was immediately taken into custody about three mouths ago he hired the rooms ofthe second and third stories of m dalle magne the proprietor he gave gave his name as girard a mechanician and appears to be about twentyfour years of bge his room had a window in front and another behind and he had taken the precaution to fasten a rope to the latter to assisi him jinfimfetghis escape oy the bursting of some of tbe barrels al the moment ortneerptosiw i sassin was wounded in ihe forehead the neck aud the lip notwithstanding his wounds he rushed oui ofthe window some polish officers having ran into the inner court and secin girard clipping down the rope one of them exclaimed ah wretch we have you giratd who was at ihe moment oi the height of a wall threw himself over it into an adjoining court and there a police officer appreehended hn he ilaced unon a i would indicaie xhat at lea- two parties were cogoi- 7 io the construction ofthe murderou encine the wbau concealed ins preparation hv persian idind ud did not umnsk his machine lill the mo- he kin was pacing before the limine h j 1 thai he had btit made his calrulahons of precision and that ihe time d for opening the window caused all ihe barrels that were dwell tired at the same moment by means of a train of f gunpowder running to ihe touch holes bach tiarrel contained aimit balls and the charge filled eight inches this had been ascertained by an examination of those that inuwd fire the five thai bursl did so with such force thai the walls of ihe room were much-dnm-ged- a journal o una morning slates lite death of ihe assassin last night hut we have ascertained that this is not the act and ihat it is fully expected he will survive tbe effects of his wounds the queen with the princepee3 w9 al the resi dence of the minister of justice in the place yen- dome to witness the filing off of the troops when generalde rumigny brought her the news of what had taken place on the boulevard du templet it was ai first thought that it would be prudent to con ceal it from her till after the review hut her majes ty could not help seeing from the countenances of all those who approached her that some very setious misfortune had happened and m guizot and the keeper of the seals acquainted her wiih what had occurred as the king had resolved to continue the review and consequently did not make his appeal- titce in the place de vendome for some time efter it was impossible to convince her majesty ihat he and her sons were uninjured and il was impossible to describe the ngonies of mind bhe endured tftr duchess de broglie coming in ihe queen threw her self into her arrm and having found relief in tears became sufficiently calm io listco to the assurances riven her that they were safe aud then she lament ed sincerelv the losses that had been really susiain- ed as many of of ihe wives and daughters of the officers wno were in attendance on the king were in the same saloon and as it was known that several of ihe officers had been mortally woundei a melas- choly scene continued till several aids de camp anv ved with particulars which put an end to the nwss- rv of suspense and nade known the misfortunes which each had sustained on leaving th queen general de rumigny went to the family o murtier to annonnec the great loss they h ed it would be in vain lo describe the affecting in terview it is a singular fact that the marshall family fearing the consequences of heat and fang tdeavouied to induce him no to attend inert- bin the marshal who was remarkable for l stature and alluding lo thai and the reports of in tended attempts du the kites life ifhbm v current for several days said no no most go fori am hill and may perhaps cover the king when martial mortiei was struck m thiers u ao close to him thai he was covered wiih tlte blood of the illustrious victim general pelets wound isau inch and ahalfwtds aud down to the bone speedy bleeding has hsda bcnefirial effect and he is doing well the form and dimensions of the wound show that the barreli of the infernal machine were not only loaded bullets but also with sluzs general rlin had two fingers amputated al the cafe de la gaite two aendarmes named rous and roycr were wounded and bad their horses kil led under them colonel fiaoe who belonged to the fttidarmeiie of the seine received a ball in ihe left uidc bet was able to keep his seal in ihe saddle for some time when he fainted and fell from his horse kc was taken into ihe restaurant of ihe cuiidran rleu after about to hnurs he wrs visited by colond feisilmmel to whom he said you are the first of our friends who has come to me i know i hats not uinrckthan two hours to live but tell me hetliw marshall id ml had 0 vie oui ployed on the 4th inst lo bring ail express ft kpsom races on the animal beyond unmercifully that it fell down on waierloobrid and expired the next day he was convicted in ihe penalty of 51 and costs on the lllth of maya beaoiiful ship named 5 isusrctive or the victorious was launched at conuo national guards shouted fire answered by ihe troops of the line the th legion which had lost some 13 0 7i 0 2 ll of total amount of sales xi 4480 16 11 l2j ai of two convicts two wy down v dchefcoe a umom on their sls r f oh the schooner john ixu d f wc on 8dy evening v tfcd w fiu is schooner bras oi anchor off gos- melffe 21 rv convirs ad lo free sssasfe stantinoplc deef she she ia230 feet in length on ihe benhi their lordships wee eitgoced that day in hearing deck beam 52j feet and is v carry 74 42pouiiders counsel agiiiridnhecorpouons refoirn bill ohe is consciju ii t although n fritrnle eqmil inl the iimuisters ere duleatcd by mr oconnell force to uhnodt bny ihrecdeckur and in a gale of and liiitiail on the 30ji inthclov liuutfc on a no wind would be infinitely stipofiofi because the ti fur a comniittecon kho conduct of general dar decker would then be compelled lo shut in her lowj ling cxgovernir ol new south wales the cr ports and her remaining guua would be too much j ion was made by maurice oconnell deprehed to do inucb good whcrcal he ministers and curried by a mjo he vole being 55 to 47 elevated or deprexed to tin inucb good sthercaf tbe frigate from herankrioheajn and the absence of topweight niil scarcely career over at all nm ly nil constantinople wu collected to ee ihe laurelt and he scene irfumoil auinnted the sultan and all his miniorers were in nuendnee and he foreign- ersomifitinciion had vessel placed at i heir disposal to view the fine sight she went offin high siyle m exactly 32 rmntltea past five aclock turkish times the precioo moincnt appointed by the astronomys as a foriunnte conjuiiction of the mrs and it re quited all the tnuniigemcnt ofher ainerican archii tccis mr- rhodes so ro time it an to be punctual he however succeeded lulininibly the sulian called mr r t him immediately afterwnrdn nnd presented inin with nn nppropiiite decoration in mo oppotd by ity ofeuht brilliants lie woo no delighted ttlilj ihe blnp thiu he uskctl the arcbireot if ho couhl buim two vmselalbeiza lanlano- the lord lieutenant has ordered an in- vetrtigauou into ihe conduct of the police while em ployed i the collection of tithe in ihe pariah of kllorghn kerry for the be v v oindll rwter is to be sent down for this purnme in a late dreadful contest between the gow loletn factions at newcastle county ti one of ench party wan killed ml baron joy sentenced two rir r cmm im tmisi oulhentic inti lligence of 1m l furcc wcrt nuclivenearestdu and ar- a bar- and jpperary wa placed upon n iviodbarrprv ho4 cojiyeyed a prefect of puiice ajid several ivtagistnites went to ihe hnue mid in the aatftwios chamber thy found the remains or tle flfiittrf machine still sinokiiig b tniw bel and j fire lighted a delay of half a se cond perhaps in the explcsion saved the jifc of the king tie cortege advanced in lite following order the king the prince dejoinville the duke of or letms ihe duke dc nemoqn marshal lobiu and mwtimr jtforuerlftfetiie cdrwfte who were wounded were nearly on the same as marshal 31ortier the news ofthe attemptwjia rapidly pto- pafffited through the capital and produced power ful 06083 lion general- de kumipny aiddecamp to tlia king setotfull gallop to inform the queen that ins majesty and tbe princes had escaped the danger fearing that she might be seriously alarmed if she had heard ofthe event from any ore that had not witnessed it in passing along he lines he mentioned to several officers v hat had occurred and soon there was not a soldier that renamed ignorant of it as the troops ofthe line did not extend to rhe boulevard du temple they were ordered to ehift in thai direction that they might be ready to act in case of attempt at disturbance a the moment of filing offbefore the king the u roi which waa the guards ol of its officers and men adddod cries of a bas fcs assassins the king returned ta the tnillencs about five oclock evidently deeply affected by the scene he bad wit nessed uurtnc the whole ofthe afternoon and e- veiling crowds locked out ofcuiosify to the- melan choly spot in ctmtfiequence of which a strong detach ment of municipal guards was stationed there to keep the pence the following are the persons whose liveehave been sacrificed- marsha the duke de trevrse struck in the heart by a ball genertil de ifldtmn de terigny struck on the forehead by a ball captain villaie ntddecamp to marshall mfllaoni lieut uok rieussee of the 3ih legion struck by three hlt ment pfudbomnie ri chard legcr and benetter grtanadiers of the 8th legion a colonel in the army two citizens a woman and child whnsn names wo an unable galtapmiipt messenger of the 30th number ol victims is much more considerable than wa m first believed several penns wounded tverfi mimeniately uken to their own homes mid thercfire were not included in the list before publish ed the number ufkijfed and wounded is said to he thirtyfour including sixteen ho thedimmed late ly or ntliwequenlty perished from their wounds among them was m- lubronstc aged seventy a iikinher nf the legion of honor one of ihe oldest re cover of taxes o iuris i i io wounds are very i rtouk but hopes are entertained hot his lifo may btr saved 0it of eight persns carried lo the hos- pitul t loui our have undergone nmpuiatiou girard has cdufcened hit crime hut maintain thutltfhad no accomplices twn white liauof diffe rent sitefi were however founl n ha ronm which lite king h couudcd- honor 4t hoat n dfli her b ifllia ihf your word of i tirtmw yfflyh icroit the had luck is mine colnielq4e died we regret to state in the course of tlte evening an immense number of persons of ail rank pr sed to the tuillcrics yesterday ewttjng nod it w observed that all the ambassculaaand foreign mini tcrs in paris presented theruaclas at six oclock the ting add queen broke from tl numeruus visitors wfti whom ihe tutueries to learn says the detrevifc j in paris on the2iv3rralftdiijner pas givj at tfjcttiireries at which all tbijambassadors an foreign ministers were present at dinner tkh throughout the evening the king displayed he u most calmness b ftewviifpfessed in affej ting of marshal moj afifcr the rtfview tbefciag jwd visit o gencrd hcycoe whnhad wen carried to the tuillerie af the moment the exptoskm wok place thein had inclined slightly on one side to receive a pet lion t the duke de broglie received a bullet through ihj collar of his coal girard the assssia was employed as a deaicl in second hand articles of ijl ktpds and was mum particularly engaged m denning id repairing ol firearm and is a ey ew skilful workman ht was known aioong bte oornpar io to cntcrtai legitimnfe opinions rtid il was even believed ll he received a pension from the duchess of angowl lemft he is 39 yeitrs of age notwithstand the serious nature of his wounds he is expected recover and ia now able to converge being q tioncri as to his motives for such a crime and ui to declare whether he had any accomplices he fi ly admitted his guilt and said he knew his fate w incvkii hk- u hm as to his motiyes he confines himself to saying that he disliked the 4ingand farther dedal red that tvere he even put to tbe torture he couldl not name his accomplices for in fact and in truthq he had none nevertheless a woman who reside behind the house has deposed tbnt an instant after ihe explosion she saw two reenboth mounded ma king their escape in the room ogirartl two white hats of different mve were found which would ind cue that at least two parties were cognizant to the construction of the laurderous engine upwnrds of two hundred arrests it is stated have already beeu tnade the government has decided thai one funeral shall be formed of all the victim jf yerteidy instead of taking place aepsralety the day fixed was to morrow but it is thought that the necesarv prcpa ration will nm allow tfte melancholy ceremony ta take place before friday the melancholy feeling produced by ihe lamen- 1 table event of yesterday is forcibly expressed by most ofthe shops in the capital being closed this morning omb day later fi om france faiitijer i articular of the attismpt on tm king s lipr fcome further details ere given of the ht tempt upon the life ofthe king girard the a sassin is said to have declared ihat he was iiietiga- ted by the carlisle another man flamed boireou had been arrested and itftaid ta hae confessed his participation in the plot suapirien was directed to him by the fact that he wi visued on the night pr vious at his workshop by two pereons richly dre- ed and ht after thpylea mot heatvi his nn

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