Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), September 15, 1835, p. 1

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the british published semiweekly whir and general advertiser for the midland district 9 yol- iv f ptt m uicor the ulill ism whig j journal cvducmrmeiatflnd rucliafiiuiirn j miblidictl arery tuttiv nnd friday mmnby dr bjifcir proprietor si hit office in kear street aeil door u the crifiinwnril tlokd rw fgf the driti3ii whig a n hdlunoci pcraonuni if paid in advnc or withio thr nwillihuvm llwretanpl ofllw finl nmnhdr 1 10 pound it calta od m the end of ih year tirhmlvia of porta njurcripti received for los trnaix mnathi nnd no pap r dikoniinud until nil trreaitfg no pan up ftiaepi at in option of tho pubhther btr1f5fmfnlt pit lines and under 2 fiftt inter uon nnrf 7jd moq mtpmmri iancrliou ten line sod uo- f j- w gm irmrtjon and km t9ch ioimmiiwi inwtion adoewn lac 4d ptf line fir il gmihaftuml and id per fioe for every tutetqueni iftteriion anvrtimaota wiihoot wrinen direction orcmierlad till fcrbuf and charged accordmk orjers for dt4oniouinj- advortiwmttiuiote in writing fvhoce of every kind received in mmmflt v no lettci taken in except from agent tutlr post odsppctus for pubuhhing a coppeuplrate map of the mtdlasd district the subscriber proposes should sufficient cn- cnumeemenf be given to publish a map of the midland drrurf including one range of townships in the newcastle ohufa on s scale nf 180 ol to an inch rtadt r hunsee kingston u- c tuesday stfptkmbeu 15 1835 by e j barker m d i exhibiting n ih mail rnjdcrn- vers rivuteis lvlcra churches mre saw mill griai mill t iiwm villiiwn letter press prjutsig m eictd ivhfa inlmfte and itojitf civ term iirecedeiuly lew in itpper curuu v ajj work to bo paid fur within three cvnilli aftor a mod neknn aflli 163 the subscpjb ilia it announces to his fiiends nnd the inihlic that lie ha removed to ihoe very extensive premises in front street nexi in ih buildimr formerly occu- pied hy the ctrovjierciut bank where he itfitlfl for hile a very extdvft mid general a somncit of british and romic staple smvcv oky goods an well as f fooviiifi ac lx 100 clhs jvi vitiitko ioits 20 ilhd rtfiiikd sugar 2 tfiwrivadii ffo 50 keg 11 tuimcctt 20 tloxs ciiihii dn mdcctbv ai rhhtc laidv ptai iit ti j cud oil iltjuiiv fi niiiiiuiil plarrlt wiic iiti i- ihnvd llilmvaiid ulnck ltiil muftarh h 1 rt wharves stram rom undirg by lu concenitn end township 7 the undtnttated being about to build n cnn- pcrpuie priming frew ia determined to prim niufth varnish and mount the proposed map in his own i ownship and therefore looks to a cenc- rous aad enterprising public for nairunase and pori the map will be nearly 3 y 4 feeiitj brace four ranges of townshioe from the bale of clergy reserves in the eastern district uoanti up hortn fjfitia rfrc notice in lirreby e nn lltal iw tartmhjiil cltnry rtwrvrs inthc rniern inrf ill he nf- ered for f h publiraucfinn rl cmin honw- in ida timii ofcrwnwnll mi fiid iff ihoffinl cty ut ocioher nexi sit i0o inck a m tip npwi prin nr ik currenrv per ncre upon imllltoii f cful seiilenwiil tlietenn of piivini ill iw rwit tenth of the purrhsse tlon ausl ieiiinder in 9eriim annual f nulfllmetlfs wllm imtalnieni m it beemnpi rii touwdiiip uk ntixoua ls fes s w pntn for an tfet- ion nd jike synpltua urems laborins o mount mw lulla hack wm led and detracted hv every effirt our crii hard- fmverw ihcua bftdndtau nrajrion wttpmntthccnnvctmn ihuluxnry mujtoma in the dhuthut firpdommiirf4eiiiirrfin the tnonntninal toirtm jrivej p flflvwft r uhl tf nt- niihiiim dmii milra off u ud n tav cm uhrte the iih ordirwrilv rwr fnr the urcht but hie nf mir pinwhirf hsnriing ill t th vfl m qtuiwft fin1 hiri wile untl child ffu ofthcvork of death and when ou rod em- of race rour nange ol lownslnps from the bay of qumic bark and ill lie executed in a syle equaf louie author mapofphnw edward h wii he piiblijchcd on a copper engraving coloured var nished mounted on roller and dehered to sub scribers at lour dollars per copy payable on dtlv- halloweli septemb p v elmore 1633 tallua till ies wtk lmli- ifini lserjhhil and mouical oil olive oil iu fihd and 8l v i 30 rid cutf nc ifninilv rirh lie micc iinuf 0irii ii hraiijy ntfva rirl j stitffain in puichnntt itn iicl upper cmmtli whu invm tronp djjmy cw- mu uukt vw- n in j iva iv u xs tt i- i ca lfniuu sin iitid warvt err iolil miuhmki iiimvt il vinia- lni oiixkro cnn urntd titiiilnr tenerirtr id ilia ciiititl iiviiriinl nf ivvvks ttiiruiy tlie buntrv merrliuha iiml intrru ifm jsottled wisk5 et lndii mndtmt rruwii astd ootd sherry gnmlnc oh pirt siktbig cltinputpi jollied brand- 0 u t e r ijitlrrt aiirf dutiful v hsvmt wfi in pint ald ciuurta nioai txcn- ififl mid iita titoii o cftw of sdii uiin gin t o 8 j v i f io3fimistmcih cvokinir hjtnve ju iiffc yiiilit i ili iiiiiiiri iivff sifls liil hid x ronil aitlli lidxh i u x tin tlu icou hiularftllth ik l ins p urrniiily dc8tft l muwc f d iu ndvnittaagt tlie tflrri anl ilmn citiitm hn tlhr gimicrlll plfiw of irfullo i ins upon uhicb hirtockialwnw htil in lmpirflloi3 i public w he il iliu ilirouffh i ihend in mimtreal enublc in ontrral priotx ildtiinrr wil iiv nwiltf npwi i dn fur salt hcrr orfnfmli m tfih lu us imuuticu k mjatoti auati il ommnert o inrnt loltil friend uhnrfa v hi frn thomas mic for sale by public auction on tuesday the 29th day of september not at 13 oclock ai noon at the court house at picton t j the i jl bidder that beautiful property known hv the name of green pujnf 0f3l3 aem nf excellent land of which a large pnriinn iscleared- fiuftled in one of the finest parts of the bay of imute being the residue of a rewr6 irft i i mill- lary purpomevi and afterward granted to sir john htirvcy on wbieh there is a fcnv ctofnff 10 the six nation indian tncu in lite iteqiborhood there uai estensvc wttlemcui of retfprcfiible fr- snoprh the premise and the veciuiiy abfiund with jiinu- aid tho bay with tvh of every description i to j ontario it is i mticiihtrlvsiiitahle lor grazing ondia within 40 niiic of kingston fthicfc u a never failing ready money market if it- ill alnut onc of llmnhm desirable and valuable pro- peni- a in the country ilie aiemhbot mvigolinir he bay pass t ditlauce of several miles round the ntuiko daily these valojble lamu will ie wild either togetlwt inaepanite lots to tuil purchnaetu 1st 2 5 g 7 3j 4 5 g 7 s 9 10 ii 12 coo 1 cun no 33 7 33 79 ii n p 7 t 21 24 25 6 29 3ft 3331 3033 079 ii k vi i 13 14 15101 21 22 si 00 28 30 3233033 township of rinv- li no 2 10 3 10 210 317 2 19 if 11 11 fl ii 4k i hi 22 2 3 2 3 1023 0h 9lii tou nghip of kevfon inn lot no 20 towniupof osnaa no l pbper imsox cotmryivtr cmm mlitdf t btlitora of paribimti piw ii oka in i juri rhc ftlmv im lh h of k a f1n uf rly nr- riir inii bi iea il xjtuittkt ajucmlcrmin iii oj ii nv t the auctiuiw kouthtotpi altftti i or r 1 im j linton autthaar 7ih 833 dissolution uf rliiiwerswp til leo pftrlitcrtdiiplierutufbreexivtituj between the undent i his been this dny dissolved by inutuil ah iniiocopperiiiiiiiug in the uiv lino idt furvth will u settled hv uohei lonsem of itr porsyth to whomull debts die he inn oe to be nhid and who will pay all existing enffaseomin james c itkadi hohbrt fobsyth kington august 26 h 135 sl uvtiee t black smithing and farrier l he stibscrihei hereby gives notice that theaboie business will be continued bv him in all its various branch hi the old siantl head of store st lately occupied by dradt forsyth where he hopes for n continuance of patronage robert forsyth kingston august 27th 155 slin is imiuierale xldvjl 7 of ciovvn lands vvckteitt dmi4et new orocerics c just iteeeived ami for ile bv the subscriber m ui stirein froniattd store sirceta the fuhowiny good ix twankay toft young hyson llyun skin rrlfiht mutecovado 8ugar refined stisar cogiae nanry llulhindh gin xotipb i hereby civen that h nny ho hhfcj ciifritfi d in bis natv preta unler given bv mi- adnrti ivocm sm1- h s utmrih r wil ihtl l an ix- ir himlc damso- ilshn c chuler sick iirplo ah ne coiitn mwn no ruber enmevnnre roie twelve nulea fmher- jo on to holilennauv t the nnritrul udh of immunity dietated our ded ion sniikr finiilied we ereonee more on way the fim tironiilu we drove in fine afvlr fitntai we were congratulating ours prospect nfa good iotd and speedy inres down punk the carriage the nni inn lea on the p3agcin i eiturtce having ceattetl nnd all sign of life diwj- mvi the vinois ventured ctiuiiouply to approach they found but oe surviver a nuaw- whom they itiapied into their own tribe und ho waa vel living when lltearil man waa moottomd thu region talua of the ootderj the firt landing bcloir ouawit in utica in dry aeason at the bead of heauibot ithvijraiioa if i- is probable the illirh hf and miciihhii rauiil should rcnnlnaie at hit pniiili uiawil hecnuie an important placf- at prificni there are but llnee ioue shippinport is to or three miled firrhcr down a tmrpe without tmvii there in bin one imhiw heoneoio the pin firt migofeiviliiimmhathhye pnsed ince bfr t y unicaffo im pleacotly situated i w a rjpfcil ymoi an an niipnftieit in a d cnoik sttur in li tnttii ofit fioto the country wmild he preferred for particular apply at this j- aiiprntlie offiek kinsnton sept qfh 183 nollcls this is rn caution oil penuum nrunm hthinffoi peter alimuto rr any itecmii lltti idr nuhii- her loi no i a io the 5h rniiesmn nfratnifrn rar a i am ihr 0ner of mid l bv bwmi ami suhiriem deed imd a any person piirattiml under such circmuiswticea is liable to en adi n in bfw john kay camden sept 10 133 133 plunged ihvbrjtvet down sunk whip cracked the driverworfr uia ilam-iv- -i-rc- ntrt w rniifjwc deeper voonsimalkrl cries coacmw fncilia dccetsu5 ed revociire c or in other word it is easy to get in bnl m get out is ibe rub vyc dismounted uflhftrneed and pulled out the beastaliitchcd then behind the stage put our shoulders to the wheels but the carriage vw immoveable am iuel attain we strive but till icoliiek frt these itirihiad tnfiiikd more tlianan hour wear ry wet muddied and disheartened our paneohv mipnsrd mine of tlieni to take their places hide thrcnachqud tvit fordiyliawi ww to mount the ioreamd c bck io plattv tliilu a couple of u rr bent ujkrfl nitnther eflort for tliu purpimv we h ntthcued itur rhriiu which cirriel otir hitfwi oh to firntcr ffrouwd we took otf our luggutffl rd nnjied rmr shoulder iih renewed vigur the cr- rtee shook moved w on haid crnund d- hvervd from our slouch or as the imiuoians hove ioafap our cre ttaa not id fl imo another iv mi thin view whenever we reached a marshy syo we nil dismounted nd walked ftlicftd of our eoaeb for the pnrpohe of pkklntr nut a safe iwcfe in this manner we arrived at homcrunns a linb aiicr rybrht having walked hemlv half tbcdblaiice a nnrr otthc av up to our wouta in water front momcrmarrs the prairie was drier and we arrived it ottawa about ten a- m the cholera hud sum ed after hue nfh mrmmided t a roiirul luge conr 2aiuted tl a mvitiff cut iiffhalf n diaei eoined mill o bang o i inn euchati e but h xontbn tlli nitl liluoli tldriipci tt tip- i ua nfr sc i h inrfijitibe- ti iflho diatrtftti been viiictl tio iniv fod hkatro ha been hard and bread mftdc fntn i ont a barl nf whnlmnme otawn yetfitamv in li f iw d tiie m a pioiuuiimi iniii li i uiitinbetlly ir disease wiilmbich ilituhgobitf the principal i mitfht abnnst any whlcu i ithv lametl uilcu leaving lam filed withvul hoilihsr- hiied wheat theie h lour tit lltbi m unetn in ndly kiioi and when 1 rrcinvinded bv ilw riiwm il wunctf ihiv imniedinely evhiimeil and what f a ifeh meat espr- vegndi lice none we intwi eel wlw we have or 4ml llli io a 1 1 rliiin eeot ij tlit nf thel lll w we hiiv leioiv otau pleasemly situated on the left hank laeleelevatiuii above the river he vil- ii of ahuut forty houvei well built and f lore are five or six atores two hotels a eapital hoax has been published in a new york peony paper entitle i the 4 sun and what ia better nil it has obtained general credence in that enlightened city it purports to be extract from a tupplimcnt to the edinburgh journal of sci ence ofwhioh the conductor of that journal saya he has been fortunate enough to obtain an exclusive copy and pnes accounts of great and important dihcnveriein the moon fnade by sir john her- ruell at the cape of tiood hope we have not npice to publish the article os it appears ip tha nlw yuik papery though it m amusing enough bj ivfietioii the lollowiog esiract will give a tolerable good iea of what il im composed and as a preface we eubjuin the rernarks ofit few of the sage cditora in ihz republic ujfin the verity of tlie discovery the alumy duily advertiser thus introduce the article we have read with unspeakable emotiona cf pleasure rind astonishment sn article from tho lajst edinburgh scientific journj containing an account of the recent dicovruof air john ilirchell atibe capeofkood hope from the n y paily afotrthtr s article we believe has appeared for years that will coninnnd so geneial a perusal and publi- cton sir john lias added a slock nf knowledge to ihc present ne thnt will immortalitc bis natac and place il high on the pngc of science from the altnanuu advertiser iksewerics in the moan- we commence trday iimbfifttioi of n inifremin article which is stated u have been copkd hum thu fciuuurgk journal of ieooice here in ty it appcart to carry intrinsic evidence of beiny an tiuthtnlfc docinuvut srurtiooca h0vmttt n attaonomv fttm the sun we at length appruaclied the level openingto tlie science and which nude its first ap a contemporary journal of this ci lake wlieredrt valley narrows to a mile n width picturesque oi ii io f 1 corrci 10 4 i 6 3 2 2 i 1 2 chests do do ilhd a do io tin pun do do cask loiidencc of ihr ivy com ailveriet chicago illinois june 2od 1j5 dear sir the mania ftv apectlatton vhiidi ra- rpd ft itb such violence durins our pnn hither has sii completely subsided that tho land ale have cone oft with but utile excitement thrfr basbeea oecaional enmpetition anion the rpeculatuts fn favorite wctlolt and soon coll wot liomvml 5pecit latnrs atrd actual peltiers when th riahl to impro ved property was contested tltvnr seemed howe vcr m be no dtapntiiiion to ihiim et ntrl thotlith ponbr s d ahnnt without troulje yet it wouti a vgwable in the wh le nmihe ottawa is silusited on llie w f d canal m uo juim he fic mh ttl iewi t cir piinopa nnd wiriwi tuiihi be rni ibe difltciitt di hi u of ti rumauue iai fdruu y4 scenery on both sides leyond the power of a prose devcrip- flmin umc on uie wings- trf poetry ff r nc wna landscape were dark behemoth hcbru of lofty precipices as if claims could he well substuntiated or ufpceulator it may he mali tlterir seeoiet ijecl vellhti jamaica spirits balk in the oflkc orento 3m aittiirt ir1 ticc ij herthv given that un thursday the 29rt iy r qitokr nr will he offered for sule by public auction ai court iioue iti the towit op oaudwich 10 nvluck a- m si trtcl irf land in uiu block prnia the 1th qlhi and the quarter part of the concussions of sirtmj null containing h77 at the upset pice of four riwhiog ttrtd elovett currency acrc r ne s p the reminder in thiee yfw by i al tnij- 15 gf one i with inicrust oi encli instal- ft bccolies due nurchar wipnsiivly bcrqiitd to pay fim iiiilhltuent oo tlicdiy of sale audtndc- thereof hc tract will uv ttflttfal wit up to auc- outhe folluwitiday ut 10 oclock m a plan of the tnid rtld the number of the lots be seen by applying to henry j- jones esq urn or to the survivor leueal toronto ai of which will siuobesent to the editor uf the ant sandwich peter uonlon commiytioncr of crcrn hands old kalian kum mo1nsm9f drown pule sherry 2000 irolhiiis caiiadino whukey 1 ton prime cud fsh 6 blln salt water herring 4 do no 1 markarcl 2 casks warrens paste liquid ulackin do cut and wrought wails ii tt indow qltkst do starch do luoum muscatel buivut do englmi pipe bigs solishelled almond 40 reams wrapplna ftpm 20000 russian uudls 2 000 lbs pht ouality american cheese james williamson kingston september 1 1836 20 20 10 10 8 2 w hone nd to the linn i ntat f watttttit stnncci were land ncciqiud by i ttler was bul up on and finally struck flfblft ppjetilamr and on sat- isfnttory evidence of the nccupuicy it wasciven up to the settler the specnlaior ennentio to lore the advance upon the ffovefnni at nice thi honora ble inatntchtntiou of respect fotctileiv claims one would suppose miglu to itmu oindtly fftncilio- ted their leli but insianes of ifevlifirv t mouibeir own number dmvram to saeii a pit of deppcraiion that thry tletmncd to effect by force what ihy could tint ohtan hy law the o peniiijj of the ailes tin hie lift my produced there- for b scene of excitiztnonl nul confusion wlnvh ad it been cominund woud pobaly iu rwultcd loodshe nnd tenninted lie sales at thlsphcc- foriuiiately the exercise of bnie force was princ pally directed toward miscicmt tnenherof own body once however duc til lot wni oflered occupied by i settler upon lalur ignorant of the el bid the rovern- u an iusiunt be wm seized by thu neck and hut for the umcl interference of a bvmntlfr bridled retmviuinir iv lie in most eve and iionrt vore iwii ho nmtah in tbu vir f eotaitry r ivilees wbirb uilora io iitid nit ecir or section of the state reei lire of ibe proposi tin illinois ilver in ib eeotre most boaihifid itnd hcttllhy rrgton the vitfiltlv of pslwldv water tunlly add nrb to its we iltln wvej at peeot thent wr four or ii fillip a fnilvt w tu ehutch two hotels and about twenty fraint liutrsaj jui e- in render lpruncj apparent 1 he sceneiv vieiidty forcibly reminded me v ihc bruid lieldi of fntnct or the more cultivated meadowy o fiv te rich vml ce of ib pnorie tvluniiiff i- wards he ricr and here and iheie relieved viiih tile lhuiiiot fuliaeft nfpateheaof fine tiioher givt ti thra- wild lands the appearance of ibe bitflitftt tltlv of ciihivaiiott and did not il- atlwltce of hedc m fihse hrin b rv ho rftcokcclioon of pianrr win mlier point to ibe tollenriched aisttrv f tmr nr- dtr eoiimiy we left ottawa fur peoria he mor- eaulrl tfubluitiiy of tins cragtftnod over mmphin in the sky and forces seemed suspended in mid air- on lite eohtrm side there was one utioring crag ctwled with trees whici hung over in a curve like thrcefourihs of a amine arch and brriot of a i u h cimsuo colour itnehvet was most stfuncu ui ii nituds mtticcnitiaintit to the nssneia utatmhgrondvur ithsuib beauty but whilst filing upon tliem in a perspective ufnbont half a ode r weie thrived with ibtonihmeui to perceive tour aucttnttfive flocks of mq wiugrd creatures wlmliy unlike any kind uf birds descend willi a lov ecn tuouon imuii thectfikou the west ro sid and laiiuht ointn ibe plain they were firt noticed by i tr uerchel wn exclaimed nuw gcutlemen i uiv thuiwiw tuirtinflt your proufa which you hae nt- teitlouutlm picltj svtn 1k e hiive mwrtm tbina wotth io koij ul i was confluent that if eer ive found hen n- in hunian hape it would tie in lhi louiiiide uul thai they wiuld be provd hy ilieir in tftt nnf k thcl-li- nifd a inmg uiiei for the firat twenty mile lighted bv a ronstaet ai inte pinv r niw d and ml their mornmir h which a spec ui inent price i led kccovn bd been evide xpected utiiek nds aod at vine ai or the ntluu lesuhsciiber terpeetfully inform m m ac public that lu is now manutaciuring for nle wholesale retail on extensive as- which he will dbpom uf on us ueut of tin ware nunreumiaibltftei e hiisauo ibr sale urge quantity of cuba st bottuttn banff de do utmloil hwdo whips ol till muds do stone ware hcwl qtnlitv 15 i ti kb notice 9j1xe or property by auction will positively take place on thursday toe 2uh iihl if not previously disposed of privately thai mot advaniageous property situated at the corner uf front lohnstohe streets nearly opposite mr counters establishment the cxtremiiet ire 33 feet hy g6 containing sin dwellhigei utto tealiing ai least from eighty to nine ty pounds per annum kso on the same day will be iow fifty aterea of valuahh lnndt eligibly iiuated in the fourth concession n kingston cotitiititflm to pnwlcys mihe tind on mileti ivoni the principdl mart the proprietor h is rouued on llmg ii purposes leaiiit the country le wni taku plneeotl the premises and cum would hue been lougbly fiom theaitaiinn into wlneh i thrown by thi anddei m lutetly remrkel in ft dtbei audible nitil liinm determined tone liitt he hid to wi or de t iilti rftie with the rights or tin nnf mltlri hut he would not permit them t0nli h m wi h impuoity i that if he wasaain t1laeld blmd climim be and the lirsidrop ofubiui iinl in tbtd irenile tnid he i have it ivom unhoriy doam w ilc ntlwaphwf n then f he rperntsttora will ittve juu completely in their jower ibis declnrn- tion opened the eyes of the liters to the true inv lurocttture of the case nnd hi gwiht dlanmhiikr ensncrti musi of the praic land wa- ku nrrivtik i he susmdmat nift swelled by rntsiaii r noble mn am and a wc ai we ee t hurm ieiy ofh in- t iti arm bcaiitifuue kt about fmir mile l- low omftwarm lite lft bunk of the nm romtnen waa iwntf nhicular inmk of lim-uiu- which ncea priormllv cioh ibe liver and ib to in j w mi rim of ibe opposite ihnre- thse blufis have bee womhvihewai of hie waters into wihm rt and ft tbotaiid and rmfwvi while their suinudts ae rrowoefi tt mtlm we observed near the u of tbf tit e ofvtoii nliieh sricxncilv itwwtlte that we could ha iwy p ctut h iron fli rittullf ft i nace uii ol t tvi nine an eeel towanls a small w iiiseli prriitv cer i ii in belli with mmic extiaodiraiy powpf oflocooio- sl en lunge for my limulrrf 0 tfiis lens rji intmdnces ive u a fine half mile iho- and wicouiihl three punier of these crea- i rifovn in ech walking mid non tlu b isc of the iitdy ty were like htl- cs had now diapperred ui rrm jicts our niah hive diiiued bv ruiodu on ihe bonl oj art e ei bitfli pci pen am put men hd it it uiw hy r side il i c0hhlm down advnnc for ten d tiuniu snmnc leketl oojhl an oh sob the wh is is hv matket racck ipnton pi illips si5 mbatlnton avtwnctr veniflieiiiiiiree mber land u offrom mie to ivetvar a few irfaljh is ivntydidhira at bannpp illinois itvi j jc 3jh j3- on the jd ultimo wc h chicajm in wheeled coach cr onawn flic khoh h ko wrt thai the rods were i rtpsvav ha bnoed forth into he prniths dittaul couta hy l dimunl itilniule ol tlnt- aud llirre ski- he bnrn willi distant rpiih in the fur wct we tioktrs imif completely nmoi not been i iiemllcnlar hank continnemjiii nates on the sho e in n hjftjf nnmc nrrwrf rfr- fhujtn letbioiwol dredfiiidfijy i ular oil three sides liver on ihetrutaerne dieadjaecnl ntnse ni blulftby narrow ledar dlflieilu cii ascent i- level pud contain it coined w a in3 a iro th accessible iriue euofli iiin1 one r a no d a in ivre ii h tiiw hict till it feinii- imowiiby the irkaldtt hill i rtm el iic- iht- whh peoinsulai the samuit of the iwk ibout ihree fourlhof an ce soil several feel in deph heu ifvonniztiec trtuiff and ulmnt i ritoret it wn u lihwl ii lb fur their ml ilieir attiiwde in walkme was both creel and iwniiieil lltiiitaff observed them at this distance fortune minute we introduced lens i which bnmglm to the appiueiit proximny of e yards the highest ckar magniinde we possescil until the itori end nf match when we eltveted an improve incin in ibe gns humeri aliout hlfof die hmt party had parsed buyond or ifonviw hot of i i tlie oilier we bed a pefcdy distinct deliberate iew i hey nxerocl lour feet in height were covered exrept oo the lce with short and clnssy copper coined huir and had wines composed of a ihiii ieuiluaui without bir lying 6 nicly upun their bucks from the top of their shoulders to tlie eulvee of ihtirleg the finft jfcl r v liowjti ncl7celoiir was a enght improvement upon that ordw lare urcyig outatigi bein more n- pen rnd uitthigeul v expresinii and having a marh reuicr eswnww i il v brnad le im then- doef trunz and ulmovt iv lite scene of a hnngtity fo iidi ne nil bfttrte tmiieoee ilcn uifj tnw ftur many ivpulca the beciit i u oi beri lu coguno urnuiiy- 8trece1ved and lor sale by the subkri- a lrge aupnly of olutda dupuy o ac itrandy very low kmrttov gm t-i- 1 kimesen ati727 1835 wanted at the office of the british whiff 14 years nuftinesa ma boy from the country etor a lad about 12 or the prfmiitr ice to vpply to the piopri- klnctton stpl 8lbj 35 r ler whieh the exception of a distant rpi-ij- 1 were mitt finr file fhtkir jycot yritt oflaind naiigfltl hut tlu though tiov- eltv may render it iromeitfhy pleasing coveted nit is wiih ihc rudksi crdu uil enamelled with the varying tinwof lite iuiiuow iieterthchs mm produces ihe idea of splendid mile afiei mile thu same succession ol iteous toe a tu hinto thatlmikc slhttce w eniue btenihlrw unli ndc the bowl uf ilw woh w the hiss uf die ad der would be almost a wck fc ik nsopsiwy the ttiinuef niiohand of the illinois huhtus iriven h intperinr nunier driven from ne post t uiiother iln itlinoi i lii tok refnee io thu in mollis of ihi jt4uatl filly crimbaicl lilt mlloi yfh tcsolved to ihtllk of hourji hull pieced iifioi iniiieil ihiir pnt with inv p mined nidur to iti of rxhauiiito lhai to iftr their enemy the triumph or killintf ihein in orempniu them nt the f hirh h im madden eii ihein to iaie the cool tva lianeath ftj but when thevende hi hv lowering vcthi ftorched the mouth imimmj pomiueni though somewhat re ed by a thick beurd upon ihe lower jaw anil by mm tat ut ooypeciel the ti j cti ny i oilj w i ilinl fu more hu mnia mmm bwl symmejry ut body limb nfi litelv superior to the ouang quoutg but for ilieir lortguingei lieute- ibey were ai uiiieh lt thtt linn druitimoud aatddtwouw nkhmrm the parade cruiid as ftoine of the old cockney iioima i the hair no the hed tva o darker color tlun ihat on drt bu iv ctasely cuiled bm appiremly not wol- rnluee it by iinrvniioiu mi ih tirturcdcif tliir ays judge ih heeigetlt iml ihc nam- tb imincible cuurttfr di ktitkc every i to bnttle tltunm rioua semiciirles oxr could in walking 1v auciuptth adihcerc mid defeotw x rnhl w eonu hi fc hail into ihe elected ih trwsn river th ud pud ivy f to ihb eeasc- pprcrve toprcveuiheewwnii jp l mie onlv excepted the ltt narrior defended the eniriitt w v cooid ttr nattrnsi ng irmtti i- ore j io ctb- iai to itant laeatnjjer d tl cnos wicd 00a ui vivor of tli tlviit te eu tt iv it1v ilvr ivi nod rraitarcd in two cu the temple oi fie michmd their feet could only be ftviti as tliey were ltvrnatiy lifted out toi wiim wecoulj fcc of ihcm in so transient a view they appeatud thin nud veiy protuberaut at ibe her vvhilut posting acruu the canvas arid whene yer we aftertfaidd aw them these creaturca were evidently engaged i tonvermldbn their jjesticula- on more particularly he viried action of tlwir imudtf and oms appeared iinpftuiuned ard errj idiatie we hence inferred thai they were rational be lug and although not erhtpof go high an order iotiierj vrhtcti w discovered ihc next tnonih 04 ihe thevc of the jjay of rainbow iha ihey were kpauta of producing orb of an aod rhettoxi vieawe ob ifevuuriblv i 1 x mtfim contrivance mined nf them was ttill more vat on tbdbcrdtroof a utile lake

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